V4 f 1 1 A THE JOURNAL. MEW BER3E, U - 04 JAN. l. Imll klHUft KImMb. wtU reeefst M take esjw Joauuti Youth's OompwiJ . S.50 ' 8otkni Caltivftftor. t.M '. Demorest's Msgsiins t.00 V ' U BciMUflO Amsrioaa, . 4-00 1 : 8U Nicholas ... 4.00 " Csntury. 5.00 v .. " DetroUIss Press. -. 1.80 v s-- - notUi lair. Bsrisw 5.M . . : 4 i la Wtw York World.-. . -M .. 4 - sftaf..,, - S.S3 . a " , ifctw; Hom aad Fum.-: ' iAr. - Courier JovmsJ t. W . f HtnuiObMmr.. .W ; Bumt'i If tLcmsia 4.M .i-4--' TtuiNol t.00 i.-rOUboerira 90tnac ibm Jovm- JUfc,ad4MlrUc to . fiiwi,!, by nUi application to Um oOm la ssrscsv or by U. taftMBMltreeMato books WwlmgwsaUhsy wttlhsw to ws M to oatiUottMa toamyof tt ikw pbU ' '&osu tfcsr mTsIst. :;CITY'r A2IB VICINITY. i '' KXm ADVXRTI3MM tNTS. r Begum ooxxaok-" f Ka. BczsaS tumoral. Ba InrWiwtnlitntioi. . Mattocks Jfc Ox DtaolatioMu - Hir Bzura Oolukoats Iiranr m. teKr or nAca OmaoTTxz or ' . Okovl JsosioBa:iflUto. TSrps.X ksadl"' . vOottoa kUs mp fstr well at 10 wM lot aUddttac Tb water la th vpoor Neoss is rs- part4 very kw saakls( at boat TicaUoa diffltfalfcT f tk Canaan mraaaxioaa abovt ihr la kiU aoaa aa4 nubac i fefeftac tbaat. v.Tba ctoaaar daopateawaallbaUd by aba crow for waxas da then Batarday. tf'ff y rrK1 B. Hill aaUad iba . vOrosud haabaM brakes aad tba - jadatto bailt for tba xebaildia of , Coagdoa Cav'l ptoaUg, saUi aad dry ' 'Tlri mknUf Uaeaace were iesaad " last weak by tba Slisxar af deeds oas tawhita aoaaia aa4 foar to colored - jcooplaa.-... ..v,-.t . i5ba aflWal eoaat by tba board of aaavasaara give a asajortey of 704 of a ragbaarad TOtars of New Berae for UertaObAV? - .1 WC1T Baptises a Treat Charob, aaar Btaaawail. bad aa Utr- ' aattsg tavtvai bat weak. There were Cr. Waltair Falford, proprietor of ba Osctoa Eoasa. baa jaat waeived a aaad oes aaw regleter for bat boaae, from Xlwarila ft Broagbtoa, Balatftb. z .Ttosala' airrfviar at " Boatoa report , oaistar losbarg' la tba AtlaatJo. Doat tkiak U woald kart if oaa sboald float aad cool off tho dawa aloac oar waatbar IttUa, V . ' Tbto waathar It a kraat deal more ' weaaoaabl thaa tba laxy days wo have ' waaa baviag.: Wa oappoat tba farmers win begia.ta saakr their bogs squeal ' ow, Kaay faraien lost part of their nrbddrtagtha wamaspoU. " Mr.' XT. Tajtor te bavlagr a wharf ' bail at tba flab asarkaa dock, coomeo . Uss bis two atiory baildlag oa tba right head sUe of taa dock with tba market fcoaaa.- Tba oatira apaaa batwaaa tba fartv 3M aad tba JUh aooao oai tba Uh LaialdvUl ba.iU&aka4 twar ! Or. E. JC JUobow if barbae twa aaat M!:Sat-boosaa baCt aa Qasso etraat, aaarly acpoaita to tha pasaaagar depoc That part of taa aiy,aaar tba .depot, irLci aaadT to ba' so gpanaly bailt ap. U rt7liry aaaaxiar, aad Taoaat lota ara irau Maiaa, ' Quito aa taprorasoaat. - atiU. - Baviai; secured tba .railroad lot af bow work tot. tba Feio -- Sew Borma aa -kta aa. iatportaat stop forward, aad many aaoplawmottaad taa Fair ta aeo vLM&aosMMaaibrooffarad thoao Wiafch-t to Buka thair hocaea wUb asC laaviagaal tha otiisailiio aadthooa ' ycaveettd fey siokaasa' o gjatttar aaaaa fro reaching tho poila. th appoaitioa aobariotkMwiUaaaraaehtwabaalbara dslivsriug iis ' dred. Thai Is a atriklag; eOKamaatary aa the, poymJarity af Iba noaarr, aad A . plsaaiag eridaaoa af tba txaaalaifty of , war paopla-u j q : V ; j " Tba Goldsbore - Argaa , says: i?Th4 - . - ' f K A" M W n-t Jf bar ao teexaaoad aador.taa aaw oad - axaoDamt bdmtoistratioa at. Preaideat O Chad wiek, that ft wilt ba gjvam aa ox- baaa ' . cacaol Idatad with, tha raato , ta ' : Orsvaobora, tba ataaaaugara 7 runalaf rtfh throagb toUarabsad OUy .- . lattar. troai rFaaiogo, ,F Boaaatt 7 aaaaty, laforawaa that a daatardly aad ' iabaana aos W oappeaod ta kava booa oeaolaed laHhaaoigWobipd Jlaet saa i t- Ta" io m asiaa1 tiMisi tiT taA aftt : Uata Barraf araeaj foaad dead fa thair -. alalia fowjday ofaad tha diaopvary , erf aalveri! grass la Jbalr Jreddiad laaas so taa eupposujou t naa taeyyara MNow BeraaCoilaglaU Iastitato" is " Ckh ,e-i1ol,2-i 0.lhaLoJcasW n W ihb p apt. l 4Iargo advarUsosaeat af tio azasUaaa aoaaoL' kargo faoalty - to noted Utaavadvartlsaaioat and it fa ' composed of ofgoioaa toechors. -' tT are rAi2ed iokaow thai tafaJnstlraOoei fs beoemllig aaoro poaaler 'as U baooatoa aaoro widely kaown. It is really, . f oodu sobooly aad ro ooaddaatly hope -. that ic w 111 'roeairo 'tba tail support af '. tbiseotiaaaf JfaftbrCaJrotiaa. MiJbssBoloTad7 boaghtlTbbot load of eyatart from a Cedar Islaad saaa : Voaday ttd atar getting posaiosfcai as UsrOTviers bad to bo Btvaaa doee of low bafaca at wa& ready a pay for I tbeta, , Sow as brought before Jaeaieat Xf. GCriaaaa ad atada ta aa? tor thai vaaH aad also the 'oet of the. trUkisiaedja Nw River and her w . . - - - - " 1 Wo ara informed thaa eases of tats kiad; hava-'bspeaad before. , tJuch thlags Llajaraaaw market, aad wo hope taa stfrdsT;aTWrto, to overy ituaryfat laebr ojsanssss;. rt " Taa oaUJagWf or ha ocxolaf Fair r out, front M fristta fftablfabaaat af H.aVaUsawdwr foay.. asoo Usasalug spatial adstiost af tba Wzxxx JocxXAi.' lor, tba Tslr Ar soclaiiom.. Tba saaaagars st eartoJaJy jsiinaaaaoafforttabaaaa btarawr BosidacrsdUabU display af taaroH af this saotJosjaitogssTL eoxaoOiag wiorth bearing,, lea.forMsJ tbay waai to Ulh, - r U : H ? Tpjfll Eod a Saras pari! fa sarsa. sabjurrfLy - iaBTinr::r." fraa t tha! ibvaad. whkjTu tha eausa af tha toTioUt, CiTOilo trial. vT. lie LL HONOR TO NEW BEmiS' THE ELECTION CARRIED ! XTBir Hl'IDRIO JliJOBITY. 10,000 Subscribed to "The East Ca.ro lisa Laid and Railway Company. A Map Irwir tmr lit me. To carry the city election, whereby Mew Berne was to subscribe 50,000 to the capital stock of the East Carolina Lead aad Bailwiy Company, consider abla effort was made by some of our aaost enterprising citizens, those who wsra not only late ret ted directly in thair iadiYldaal welfare, bat in the welfare of the ommunity at large, Thair work was handsomely compen attd yeeterdty when the returns from tba ariooa precinou showed up 700 majority of the registered TOters faror iac subscription. Taa rasaits to be derived from the ooastmotioa of said railroad will prore a grtal boon to New Berae, and sinoe It baa baea so extensiTsly discmssed through the colasnas of the Jocbkal prerioasly, we deem it aoneoeasary to bar farther remarks as to its benefits. We are oaly too glad to know that oar eitiseas are so aoaaimoas in striring to get is. Tba Toting in tbe morning started off rsry spirited, reeaiiiag as follows: mart ward. For Habforiptioa 103 galas 2 Failed to Tota 60 UCOSD WAJtD. I For Subscription 129 0 Agaiast Faliad to vote THIRD WARD 24 For Subecriptioa 126 Against " .. 0 Failed to vote - 80 FOURTH WARD For Subscription 190 Aagaiast " 0 Failed to vote 41 ' McCarthy's psxcinct. For. Subscription 275 Agulaet 1 Failed to vote 101 IT. PHILXJT8 PRXCIKCT For Sabecription v 255 Against 0 ailed to vote 121 It was gensrally oonceded that the election woald be carried, but even the most aaaguiao were surprised at so eomplete a victory. At four precincts aot a single vote was cast against the movement, aad ia the other two only threo were cast against it. Total for eubacrlption . 1.073 against subscription. Failed to vote Majority for su baori ption . . . 876 699 They Xsan Business. Tbe following telegram, received on Thursday, signally sustains the pesi tiaa assumed by the Journal that the gautlamoa interested in the proposed railroad moan business: ."Nnw Yoxx, Jan. 9, 3 59 p m. C. X. Fot Tslegram just received . Have already telegraphed congratula ting yoa. "Data of commencement of work at New Berae depends on when oar en gin oar flnishee important work now en gaged ia. Hope to start surveys within twa weeks. Orading woald follow Tory oooa. : "Thoo. A. McIntthk." Tba Golds bo ro Argus of Saturday Stysi 'Tbo Atlantic passenger train whoa it arrived in the city yesterdsy on sob ed ale time as it olwoys does, raa on , down to tbo stopping place of Iba athor trains, in front of the Railroad TJaion Tieket Office, for the first time fiaoo tba arrangement for its thus using tba W et W.. aiding was made. Tha j Oid Mullet" looked all right stand ing passengers and , in the way of baavy oarge of . expr oytora stoM and it was about as good looking a most of the trains, too. Prosperity to tba 'Mallet.' It deserves so saocaod aad especial It doee it de sorra wall of Goldsboro. " Tba roaaaina of Mr. H. 8. Albertson, who died on Tbaraday tho 9tb, inat., wore taken to La Orange Saturday for tatanaoat. His death was aa u usually Ho was seemingly a strong, young man, in fbe full vigor of life. At tbo fire on Christmas day ho Worked very hard and osr exert d blmoorf aad also got wet. From that time bo began to decline, and only a few days intervened between that and tha grate. Tho Now Berne 8 F.E of which be was a member. hie remain to tbe depot, and iro belf was tolled, for be was a valuable member of the New Berne fire department. Tbo battle is fought, the victory ia wtm, and now we trust that our brightest hopes may be realized. Tho Journal labored earnestly for the suc- aasti of tho Onslow Road, though it w ad iaoro than our duty. The kind words tbni. 'Z 'x bas to v about us in this laaajeare appreciated, bat we will in fort l thie correspondent that his role uBa)ail Now Berne Progress ?" was no aailaportaot part. While there were varioao branches and avenues that gaye fore e to tho movement, we do not hesi tate to aay, with many others, that the saa ia artery was oar townsman. Mr C E. Foy. Tha WUmingVn Messenger of Tuei day say i: "The schooner Nellie May wttcb oleared from here las: week for Jacksonville. Ootlow county. ws cap- master and eraw narrowly ecapd with their live. Tha. aohoooer carried u ;ro shipped by Msserr. Hall & Pears!: ana tbe Will a ing too, Onilow : tut Oarollna Bsihoad. A portion of the cargo was saved bat it is supposed that a greater portion was lost. The schooner went to pieces." Mr. Geo. N. Ives, the owner of the vsesel, has gone down to look after the wreck. JCr. L, J. Moore returned from Wash ington, Beaufort county, last week and informs as of the burning of Mr. George Kagter's large saw mill and dry hfla, together with a large lot of lumber, get Wed seed ay morning. The loss is sst) mated at $25,000, with no insurance. For tbs first time in tbe remembrance at tbr oldest ia habitants tbe trees on oar streets are blooming in January A gentleman said yesterday that he bad joaagfigs oa tho fig tress in his yard. i Electric Lights. The contract has been made with the New Brrn Electric Light and Power Company to furnish light for the city, Mr. E. T. Lynch, the rspreeentatire of the Company, informs us that the lights will be furnished by about the C2 1 of February, in time for the Fair. Swallowed Concentrated Lye. We learned yesterday of a tad death ac Arapahoe, Pamlico county. The little two-year. old child of Mr. J. B. Bennett swallowed gome oonoentrated lye on last Friday and died from the , lye was being used. An open box of the lye was left on the floor. The child roc to it, and, taking a handful, swal lowed it. An awful death followed. Proposilj for a New Cutter. From the Baltimore American of January 11th we find the following relative to a new cutter to be stationed at New Berne: I Washington. Jan. 10. The Treasury I Department has called for proposals for ' the construction of a steam propeller for ' the rerenue Berrice of the following dimensiont: Length over all, 188 feet I and 6 inches; length over load line, 120 I feet and 8 inohee; breadth of beam. 86 j feet and 2i inches; depth ol' bold, 9 feet and 2i inches; draught, 5 v'eet and dis placement 247. The vessel is to be stationed at New Berne, N. C, and the coet is limited to 875.000. Moore Brady Coming. We received a letter by Monday's mail from Messrs. Moore & Brady, from which we extract the following, which needs no explanation: "Oar Mr. Cosk- lsy will be with yoa in a few days to prepare the factory to commence opera tions. So yon will please through your columns notify the oyeetermen that no time may be lost. Will be ready to receive oysters in ten days from this date." Mr. J. F. Taylor also received infor mation from Messrs. Moore & Brady aa above. Mr. Taylor will give any farther information upon inquiry at bis store, A Strious Accident Mr. Z Hollowell, while regulating the guide to the saw at Mr. Warren Ellis' mill, Wsdncsdsy, received a very painful wound. The wrench with which be was regulating the guide being caught in the machinery, his hand was suddenly palled upon the saw, and in a second the first two fin gers of tbe left hand were cut off com pletely at the upper knuckles, the thumb almost severed end the third finger gashed Mr. Hollowell went immediately te the office of the Drs Duffy and bad the wound dressed. The wound is of course very painful and serious loss to the left hand. The thumb may bo saved. Alliance Speaking. Capt- Wm. A. Darden will address the public in the interest of the Farmers' Alliance at the following places, viz: Riverdale, January 18th. Core Creek. January 31st. , Lane's Chapel (Alliance No. 1070), January 23d. Vanceboro, January 23th. At each place there will be an ad dress commencing at 11 o'clock at tho oloee of which there will be a lecture for the benefit of the members of the Alliance only . "Come one, come all." Oar agent, Mr. L. E.Duffy, will at tend tbe appointments of Mr. Darden in the interest of the Journal, and wo ask that such as are indebted to the Journal, and possibly oan do so, to meet him at the above placet and make settlement. We have been very lenient with some of our subscribers and wo fel that they should make an effort to settle their indebtedness. The Exodus a "Ticklish" Business for Congressman Cheatham. The following is taken from tbe Washington Pest: Columbia, S. O., Jan. 10 Congress man H. P. Cheatham, the colored Repre sentative of the second district of North Carolina, is reported , to have left his sea in Congress snd come down to mump his district against emigration tie haa become alarmed at the con tinued exodus of the negroes from bis district- A prominent colored preacbor of Charlotte will preach on emigration next Sunday. He will strongly advise the negro to go away if he sees no plan of bettering his condition here. The emigrant agents are in clover. Fhey are addressing the negroee all about tbe country, and their description of the "promised land" receives great attention. Hundreds of negroes are passing through Charlotte and this place almost daily. It is said that CheUham haa already lost several thousand votes in bis dis trict, and that it would now go Demo cratic by 1,500 plurality. A Cure for La Grippe We copy from an exchange what purports to be a cure for the above mentioned malady. We do not know of the reliability af the remedy, but only give it as we find it : "Mr. W. H. Erwin writes to tbe New York World and gives the following as an infallible recipe for tbe cure of la grippe. "I wish to make a 'New Tear present to all sufferers from la grippe' in tbe shape of a prescription which coat me dear some two years ago ia Florida when suffering from an aggra vated attack of 'break bone' fever. I had occasion to use it a few days ago for la grippe. It worked like a obarm, removing all soreness about tbe body and lungs in less than eight hours. You cannot recommend its use' too strongly. It is as follows: Twenty grains quinine, dissolved ; ono tea cup sea salt in a quart of hot water. Bathe the body thoroughly and allow to dry without rubbing. Five minutes after bathe agin (sponge) and rub briskly witt) coarse towel Take Inwardly tbe ooctapta of one bottle oitrate magnesia. Go t6 bed immediately, surround the lower limbs and abdomen with bottles of hot water and you will get up in tbe morning without la grippe." A Bold Rascal. Friday evening, just at dust, as Mr. Charles Slover was on his way home from his store, his attention was attracted as he was passing Col. J. D- Whitford's residence by a light in tbs yard. He stopped, and looking over the fence, saw a man standing near an outhouse wKich stands almost against the fence which separates Col. Whitford's lot from that of Mr. E. K Bryan. The fence was on fire. Mr. Slover thought that tho man was Col. Whitford. but it teemed thai be was trying to sot fife to the house. In another moment the fiend taw Mr. Slover unci ran. The fence began to burn rapidly acd Messrs. Will. Bryan and Chas. Hollieler hurried out and extinguished the flames. It was one of the most daring and devilish acts per petrated in our city in a long time. There is no conjecture as to who tha rascal wad. The damage to the fence as slight, but if the fire bad not been discovered so soon the result might have been serious, as the bouse almost touched the fence and the wood was very dry . Maki. no 41 ist a Ki. If you have mado jp your mind to buy Hood 's Sarsapa rilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a pecu liar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its pt-ouliar combination, proportion and preparation, curative power supe rior to any other article of the kind be fore tbe people. For all affections aria ing from impure blood or low state of the system it is unequalled. Be lure to get Hood's. 5 NEW BERNE WILL PROGRESS! The inquiry appearing in your col umns for many days has been an swered. The magnificent vote of ap proval of the proposition to subscribe fifty thousand dollars to th capital stock of the Eiit Carolina Railway, id a clarion tongufd affirmative, the glad sound of which is not confined to this immediate vicinity, but will reverberate through the land, trumpet like, that New Berne has returned upon a march of progress that will kn)w no halt until it assumes the proud commercial position it is certain to attain. Alreidy the press of the land ba announoed to its million of readers this progressive step, and other people seeking a point for investment will have their attention turned this way. Tbe writer in closing bis series of articles desires to thank the Journal, not only for the courtesies shown himself but also for the exoel'.ent editorial work performed m well as opportunities afforded friends of the measure to advance the cause. The Journal s part in the triumph should not be overlooked or forgotten. In conclusion, we desire to suy that it was totally foreign to the intention of the friends of the railroad measure to aaV or do anything that would offend any one, or run counter in any way to individual or other interests. We have honestly striven for what we deemed tbo beet interests of all, and that tbe efforts of the friends of the measure were appreciated is grandly shown in the practically unanimous vote the pioposition received. We have started on the road to progress, let no halt be called until we"get there." Z Pleasant Prospect. Under the above heading the Ashe ville Citizen takes occasion to speak of our Winter Fair in most favorable terms. We return thanks and extend a hearty invitation to the good people of progressive Asbeville to visit us during our exposition, which com mences February 24th and continuee one week. The Citizen speaks as fol lows: "Tbs New Berne Journal informs us that tbe next annual exposition of the North Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association will be held in their fair grounds in New Berne on the 24th of February. Wo are gratified to call attention to an oxhibit so general in its aims, so varied in its topics. There is to be learned tbo wonderful variety and ex cellence of tbe fish on tbe North Caro. line coast, unequaled anywheie; for there ia represented the fish life of the warm gulf stream as it washes the Florida coast, and the inhabitants of the oold waters of tho New Found land banks, and the chilly shores of New England; the red snapper, the grouper, tho pompano of the one, and the cod, the halibut, tbe maokerel of the other not to speak of the innumerable varie ties common in their season to the whole coast, the shad, herring, mullet blue fish, tbe pozpoUw, the sword fish, and not infrequently the whale. To these water prod nets are added the oys ter, tho clam, tbe orob, tbe conch, tbe shrimp, and also tbe turtle, of tbe fresh and the salt water Then oomes the infinite variety of water fowl which make their borne on our ooast, the swan, goose, brant, duck in all variety, gull, gannett, curlew, marsb hen, snipe, plover, pelican, and sometimes a beauti ful foreign intruder like tbe spoon bill and tbe flamingo; and also tbe lordly bald eagle and tbe swift, swooping fish hawk. And the land will furnish the quota of game, deer, panther, wild oat, bear, and also its semi-wild, mischiev ous demure bank pony. The exhibition will be in fact an epi tome of the water and land resources of Eastern North Carolina, a musem so large and well' arranged as to furnish instruction as well as amusement. Visi tors to this State, in search of full in formation, will leave their object half oompleted if they neglect this annual opportunity. New Berne is reached from Asbeviile by ore continuous line of railroad in a twenty hours run if tbe run be taken. " The S. H Gray Manufacturing Com pany. Seven weeks ago, Thursday, the large wooden-plate factory of the S. H. Gray Maoufacturing Company was piled into a mass of ruins by tbe terrific wind which passed over this seotioa of country on that day. The building was completely demolished and much of the machinery badly damaged. Broken timbers, shingles, plank, and broken and twisted maobinery formed n huge pile of rubbisb. Out of this chaotic condition of things, in little mere than six weeks' time, the bouse has been re built and the machinery replaced. Oj last Wsdneeday operations were re sumed. A Journal representative went over to the faotory yesterday auu his own eyes assured bim of the fact that Capt. Gray and Superintendent Young have not been idle since the disaster on tbe 21st of November last but with indomitable energy and by hard work they bare in this short time rebuilt tbe faotory. Of course thing ara not in perfect working order yet. Muoh of tbe machinery, though not com pletely ruined, had to be repaired, ana on this account it was difficult to get everything in smooth running order. There is some work to be done on the building yet, but in about two weeks. Capt. Gray asys, tbo factory will be in full running order. The same oumber of operatives will be employed aa be fore. Tho building covers the same ground as before, but ouly about a third of it is two stories, tbe rest being ono story. We are glad to see the factory running again. It gives em ployment to quite a number of people aad is of course a great benefit to tbe community. Kinston Items. Mr. J. W. Grainger's stables were burned on Friday afternoon. A negro boy was burning brush at tbe stable door and from this tbe stables took fire. Messrs. E. C. Barrett and James Cox. two of our young men, left last week for Waco, Texas, where they expect to engage in business. We wish them much success. Mr. A. Mitchell, while riding through his farm Saturday, was thrown from hts road-cart and was dragged a Bhort distance, but be succeed sd in regaining possession of the lines and stopped tho horse: tbe cart was overturned by run ning over a plow. Oneof Mr. Mitchell's arms was hurt but we are glad to lesrn that no serious damage was done Opposing the Cigarette Trnst. Raleigh, n. C, Jan. 9. The Far mete' Alliance is justly proud of its de feat of the jute bagging trust; and it today begun an active campaign against the bright cutter trust on cigarette tobacco. Delegates from twenty live counties of Virginia and North Caro lina, which grew bright tobacco met this morning at Oxford, N. C, to at tend what was officially called by the Alliance an anti-cigarette trust con vention. The convention is a itron bod v. Capuin Williamson, of Caswell county, N. C, was chosen chairman. The con vention at once took up the subject of tbe trust and agreed to receive repre sentations of all great cigarette manu facturers in the country. Then ap peared representatives of Duke & Sons, Allen & Ginter and Kinney & Goodwin, who made statements to the convention. A committee was appointed to consider these statements and report. Intense interest is manifested by every tobacco grower is this fight against the hated trust. This interest is felt by all whether Alliance men or not. Beecham's Pills OUre bilious and nnr. nm ilia. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. From the State Papers. j Tee Farmers' Alliance haa begun an active campaign against the bright cut ters' trust on cigarette tobacco. Goldsboro Argus: The confirmation of Mr. John R. Smith as postmaster of our city is reported from Congress, and the intelligence gives much pleasure to his wide circle of friends. Webster Herald : The commissioners of Buncombe county have ordered an election to be held April 6th. to vote S200 000 bonds to the A. A. & B.. and S2U0,000 to the A. A. & K. railroads. J. Claude Parrieh (white), 42 years of age, was hanged in the jail yard at Raleigh just- after 1:15 o'clock Friday evening. His crime was that of out raging his own daughter, about 13 years of age. H. P. Cheatham, the colored Con gressman from the Second district, ad dressed several hundred colored people at Halifax a few days ago, urging them not to leave that section to go away to Kansas and other places. Snow Hill Baptist: The teachers of this county are to have the advantage of a Teachers Institute, which will open here on the 20th, and continue ooe week, and is intended for the white teachers. Prof. Alderman, of Golds boro. will conduct the Institute. Oxford Orphan's Friend : F. Ulrich, H. Humphrey, S. H. Soott, F. Holland, Churchill and Green, and the Busy Bees of New Berne, contributed a large and most delightful assortment of use ful articles during tbe holidays. Dear, thoughtful friends, we tbank you. Goldsboro Argus: The Neuse Lumber Company of this city are constructing a commodious plant on tne river near old Waynesboro, which will be equipped with all the latest improved machinery for kiln-drying, planing, turning and preparing lumber of all kinds for mar ket. Thus does Goldsboro go forward. Goldsboro Argus: The truck farmers of this vicinity say they will begin operations in dead earnest bright and early tomorrow morning for planting a full, varied and increased crop of truck. Superior Court for this coun ty convenes tomorrow week, on on day January 20th. It will have a large oriminal docket. La Grange Spectator: Big crops on a few acres. This is the only successful way to farm. Fanners, have you thought about this? If you have not, sit down, take your pencil and paper, make your figures, and see for yourself if this is not the true policy. Our farm ers nave got to come to this, and t e Booner they realize this fact the better it will be for them. Charlotte Chronicle: That is a good showing made in theChronicle today of the building that has been done in tbe city during the year. New houses and plenty of them, are sure signs of a city's prosperity; for new houses are not built for fun, but are built only when there is need of them. In a word, Charlotte is spreading, and Cbailotte today is a much greater city than the Charlotte of January 11th, 1889. Goldsboro Argus: Quite a distressing accident befell Mr. John Faucette. one of tbe employes of the Goldsboro Lum ber Company, at their mills in this city yesterday morning. He was operating a Urge planer whn by some inadver tence his foot came in contact with the machine and was cut off. Prompt sur gical aid was rendered by Dr. Jas Spicer and the unfortunate man is do ing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Wilmington Star: The Y. M.C. A. gymnasium apparatus arrived by the rw York steamer yesterday morning and most of it bas been placed in poei tion. Tbe grading of the Wilming ton, Onslow and East Carolina railroad haa been completed within twelve miles of Jacksonville. Some of the iron fir the road is here, but track-laying will not be commenced until the entire road bed is ready for the cross ties and rails. Dealers in peanuts report that tbe orop is about one-third less than that of last year, but tbe quality is very good. Baltimore Manufacturers' Record : The great bteel enterprise at Greensboro, N C. has been a surprise to many people in the North who would not be lieve that there was any steel-making iron in tbe South. Even such a promi nent manufacturer as Mr. Carnegie said in a speech a few days ago that be un derstood there was a little Bessemer iron that bad been discovered in the South. He did not seem willing to ac knowledge that the supply was inex haustible, in spite of the fact that bis own firm had tried to buy certain Bess emer ore properties in the South. Tbe Manufacturers' Record has always claimed that tbe deposits of fine Beese emer ores in North Carolina were too vast and too extensive for the world to comprehend or believe. Winston Daily: We were informed today by a large tobacoo manufacturer of Winston that negotiations were pend ing between a wealthy Hew York syn dicate and several of our tobacco man uf-cturers for the purchase of their plants. It Bee ma that they have offeree to buy five ot the largest factories id Winston, for which they agreed to pay full value for buildings, machinery, etc, and then pay eaoh one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars for the brands, name of tbe firms, etc , provided these parties enter into a con tract to never again engage in the to bacco manufacturing business. This trade, if consummated, would neces tarily cause to be invested in our town three millions of dollars and would be the biugeet deal of tbe kind made in our Stats. Raleigh News and Observer: Sheriffs re now coming in lively and settling their county taxes with the S:ate Treas urer ilie location committee of the Baptist Female University will meet in Durham next Tuesday week, and see the grounds the citizens offer them tnere And on Wednesday, the day following, the committee will probably visit Greensboro The Supreme Court will not reconvene regularly after tbe holidays till February 1. Tbe court will, however, file some opinions about the l&th of this month. It is understood that an opinion on tbe Boyle case will be filed at that time. There is said to be four thousand negroes at Wilson. N. C, waiting for an opportunity to go somewhere Sheriff Briggs, who fur nished us this information, says they are stuck in every place possible for tbem to occupy, and with no visible means of sustenance. Asheville Citizen: The crushed rock pavement which has been placed on some of the city sidewalks coet about seventy-five oents a square yard. Dr. Eugene Gritsom reached here yester day by tbe 2 o'clock p. m. train from Knoxville, and was warmly received oy many friends, notably among thoee of the Masonio fraternity, in which he bolds high rank and consideration. He will leave today at 2 p.m. for Raleigh. Dr Grissom has been on a visit to St. Louis, where he has been offered high and lucrative position in an institution of high character in which the treat ment of various ailments is a specialty; and it is probable he will accept the offer. An erroneous statement comes from Washington that he had been an applicant for the control of St. Eliza beth, the National Insane Asylum, This is an error, bia absence from Raleigh being connected solely with the St. Louis proposition. WilminRtOn Messenger: The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway will be formally opened for business from this city sixty-two miles to Parbers burg on Monday, the 20ch inst. , and the schedule for tbe running of the traios has been arranged. Up to yesterday the track had been laid to Antreville or a little beyond, which places the track layers within ten miles of Fayetteville. Raleigh correspondence: Mr. W. G. Upchurch, president of the State Agri cultural Society, who is a leading Wake farmer, eaid today that the farmers here will get on better this year. There will be little (rouble, if any, about labor. The farmers will have to buy what they need and not what they want to buy. They will make a crop at less expense than usual. He lookufor better times next fall. That is the outlook. GRATIFYING TO ALL. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of the cleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as tbe most excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of he qual ities on which its suooess is based and 1 r abundantly frr&tifwinir to the Call ' m ? t: a s- Trim i. iv nvnin i ,i iniiiKii . LATEST .NEWS. Called from llio Press Dispatches The death rate of Boston was unpre cedented during the past week, owing to the prevalence of inliueDza. The stables of Macy Brothers, in Ver sailes, Ky.. were burned Saturday morning, together with thirty-five horkes. One of the horses was the cele brated Bell Boy, valued at over S100,000. The Governor of Montana has refused certificates of election to the men chosen by the Republicans of the Legis lature as U. S. Senators, because of tbe fact that he had already given certifi cates to the men elected by the Demo crats. A battle cf two hours' duration oc curred Saturday, near Annapolis, be tween a police boat and an oyster dredging vessel, in which both cannon and rifles were used. The pirate was chased several milos and finally cap tured. A mau and bis wife and two daugh ters, in Dearborn, Michigan, by mistake took strychnine instead of quinine, for influenza. One of the children has di id and there is no hope for the father, while the mother and second child have a bare chance to pull through Large deiet ;ms of distinguished men, represent!. . New York and Chi cago, were before the Senate (jaadro Centennial committee Saturday, urging their respective claims for the location of the World's Fair to be held in 1892. Hon. Chauncey M. Depew made a strong speech in favor of New York, and was loucly cheered by his New York sup porters. He was followed by Mr. Bourke CochraD, also in favor of New York, and in the afternoon Chicago's claims were presented by Mayor Creiger and Mr. T. J Jeffrey, who made strong speeches in favor of their city. RESTRICTIONS on UNIVERSAL suffrage. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 11. Senator Williamson offered a bill in the 8enate yesterday to amend tho charter of this city. It proposes to restrict the right to vote for mayor and other officers to thoee who can read and write or who own $300 worth of taxable property The bill will probably pass. INKY INSULTS TO BE WIPED OUT IN BLOOD. Austin, lex., Jan. Yi Ihe issuance of land patents to the Houston and Texas Central against the protest of Attorney General Hogg has led to a sharp correspondence between him and Land Commissioner Hall. Both have declared tbe official correspondence ciosea and a duel is expected. CHARLESTON'S NEW CATHEDRAL. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 12. The ceremony of the laying of the corner stone of the new Catholic cathedral took place here today in the presence of an immense crowd. Cardinal Gibbons, assisted by Bishop Moore, of St. Augus tine, Abbott Haide, of North Carolina, Uisnop Northrop, or Charleston, and quite a number of visiting clergymen, conducted the services. ABOUT TO BUY A TOWN. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 12. It is re ported that English capitalists will in vest $5,000,000 in Gadsden, Ala., and a later dispatch from Gadeden says that negotiations are pending and that the trade may be closed today. HEAVT FALL OF SNOW IN IOWA. Des Moines, Iowa. Jan. 12. Six inches of snow has fallen here since morning. The wind ia blowing hard and the snow badly and is still falling. A TERRIFIC CYCLONE. St. Louis, Jan. 12. About 4 ;30 this afternoon a cyclone struck the south eastern section of the city aad swept on through to the northern limits, making a path way nearly a quarter of a mile wide and leaving death and desolation in its track. There was scarcely any warning of the approaching storm, owing to the fact that the sky had been overcast for several hours before the. full force of the wind was felt, and ft was all over in an incredibly brief period of time, those residing in and near tbe path of the cyclone scarcely realizing wbathad happened until ic was all over. Several lives were lost here. Reports from the surrounding country are delayed by the telegraph service beiog crippled by tbe storm. The lojses on property are roughly estimated at $100, 0C0, but will likely prove more. St. Louis, Jan. 13. Dispatches from different portions of Kansas report a blizzard in that State. At Wichita, ten inches of snow fell, and for a hundred miles west the storm raged with fury, and tbe whole country is covered with snow to the depth of a foot or more. Railroad trains are stuck at several places and traffic is practically suspend ed. Intense suffering is reported in the destitute districts in several of the west ern counties. There are forty or more cars of provisions in the town of Liberal, en route to the sufferers, but that is 50 to 70 miles away from the starving peo ple, and nobody is willing to take the chances of freezing by hauling freight in wagons. Tbe temperature is not very low yet but the mercury is falling and severe cold is apprehended. AIRO, III , Jn 13 The tornado about midnight struck the east side of Clinton. Ky.. demolishing fifty-five bouses and killing eleven people and wounding fifty-three. Assistance was sent from here last night. Dispatches from Chicago, from Cin' cinnati. and from Syracuse, Oswego, Utica and Rochester, N. Y., report ter rific wind storms at those places, caus ing the loss of several lives and great damage to property. Hire Your Sons a Chance. Every youth looks forward to a bright future in which self acquired wealth figures as a most prominent feature. Success is not acquired without effort, and effort is useless, unless intelligently directed. To be a business man, one must be trained to business methods. This is just what the great Business College of Messrs. Sadler's, Bryant & Stratton, Baltimore, Md., is doipg for thousands of our youths. It fs the best in the country. Send for circulars, Terms moderate. Beecham's Pills act like weak stomach. magic on a DIED. In this city, Sunday January 12ih, at 4i o'clock, a. nn , Francis Myrtle, daughter of Joseph and Sallie Barker, age two years, two months and eighteen days. In this city on January 9ib. 1390, of heart trouble, Henry Selby Albertson in the ;2ci year of his ape. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vaneg. A marvelof p .rlty , (strength and who esomeuese. More ecunora'cal ibac ths ordinary kinds, and cannot Oe sold In competition wi' h the mul titude of low test, snort weight, alum or phiBphate powders. fsold ouly in cans. ItoYAl. Baking Fowpkk Co., 10 Wall ft. N Y , une23dsu wed fri Aw Lumber ! Lumber ! Are you going to build, or are you needing lumber of any kind? If you do, write to me, as I can make your prices lower than you can buy else where All kinds of building material always on band, either rough or dressed. Flooring, weather-boarding, ceiling, moulding, etc. G. W. RICHARDSON, janl2dw6m Cove, N. C. Lumber is Advancing. Saw Mills, Steam Engines, SHINGLE MILLS, HAY PRESSES, &c. If you want a Ftrat-Clasa SAW-IILL, send for Catalogue to A. B. FARQ.CHAR CO.. (Ltd..) decli) w2m York, Pa. J .ROYAL 1131) I COMMERCIAL. COTTON. New York, Jan. 14 Futures opened barely steady. Sales of 14,100 bales. January, 10 34 July, 10 68 February, 10 38 August, 10.73 March 10.46 Sept. 10.32 April, 10.63 October. 10. 0 May, 10 58 Nov. June, 10 63 Dec'r, New Berne market steady. Sales of 38 bales at 9.25 to 10. domestic in am.sl.kt. New Berne, N. C, Jaa. 15. The fol lowing are today's quotations in this market : wholebalr prion. Seed Cotton $3.20a3.26. Rick Rough, 60a65c. Cotton Seed 912.00a 13. 00 per ton. Eggs 10 to 11 oents.'per dozen. Corn 45a50 cents per bushel. Mbal 65c. bolted. Potatoes Bahamas 30a35o. : yams 4Qa50c. per bushel. Onions $1.00 per bush. Baa On foot, 4o.to 5c. HAMSCountry, llal2c. Lard Country, lOallc. OmoxRjrs Grows 40a50o. per pair half grown, 20a35c. Pkanuts 75c.a$1.00 per bushel. Oats New crop. 30a87c. includinar BACKS. Fodder New. 60a70e. . Hay Crab grass,. 85a45. Mass Pork New $10 50. Shoulder Meat SalOo. C. R.'s, F. B's. B.'s and L. 0.-6ia7c. Floub $3.00a6.50. Laan 7e. by the tieroe. Nails Basis 10 's, $2.60. Sugar Granulated , 71o. Coffee 1 8a20o. Cheese I2ial5. Salt 80a85o. per saok. MOLABSRS AND STRUTS MatSo. Kerosenb 8ie. Powder $5.00. Shot Drop, $1.40; buck, $1.65. Hides Dry, 3a5o. ; green 2o. Tallow 4c. per lb. Deer Hides Dry, 15a25c. Wool 12al8c. Beeswax 18a20o. per lb. Spirits Turpentine Market firm at 41 to. per gallon. 1AR 1.50 per bbl. of 280 lbs. Crude Turpentine Market firm at S2.20 for virgin and yellow dip and $1.20 for hard. Staves R. O. hhd per M. dressed, $12al5 Timber Cypress, 18 in. and in demand at $5.00 per M. OTer, Shingles West India, dull and ncm inal; 6 inch 82 00a2.25. Building 6 inoh hearts. $2.00; saps, fl. 50 nor M. Mammoth Bronze Turkeys, $5.00 PER TRIO. W. L. KENNEDY, j4dlwwlm Falling Creek, N. C. Dissolution ofOo-Partnership Grifton, N. C, Jan. 7, 1890. The co-partnership hereto: ore exist ing under the style of A. G. Coward & Co. did on Dec. 27. 1889. dissolve b mutual consent, A. G. Coward and Joel fatrick drawing out. and J. L. Tno.kar assuming tne responsibility of settling uudiuwb ui saia urm. A. G. Coward, Joel Patrick, J. L. Tucker. Patrick & Tucker. Grifton. N. c. aid on tne zvth day of Dec.. 1889. Aim. solve co-partnership by mutual consent. joei i-acricK arawing out and J. L, lucKer assuming the responsibility to souie up tne Dusiness. Joel Patrick, J. L. Tucker. Jan. 7, 1890. The business will be continnnd At th old stand, where I will be pleased to bob an tne tormer patrons. j3 awat j. L. TUCKER. Removal. Oa or about JANUARY 15th, I will remove my Entire Stock of Goods to the large and commodious brick store adjoining Bell's Jewelry Store, where I will be pleased to wait on toy patrons and the public generally. janll dwtf Wm. SULTAN. "La Grippe !" Have You Got the Grippe?" J. F. TAYLOR, THE GEOCEE, has the grip on a stock of tbe Best uoods, Uroceries, Meat. Lard, Cbsess, Butter, Flour, Coffee. Sugar. Tobacco, etc, ever brought to this market. He has a grip on these goods, but he will Let Tnem Go Quick! at Very Low Prices. Go to see him Call at once at J. F. TAYLOR'S, Wholesale end Retail Grocer, Middle Street. P. S. Our prices are LOW. Your Attention, Pleaso! We have a nice line of Feed Cutters, Cider-Mills, Apple Peelers, Mowers, Mowing Scythes, Fruit Jars, etc., for' the summer trade. Our stock of Paints, Oils, etc., is full and complete. We are agent for tbe Cele brated "ZEB. VANCE" COOK STOVE, and invite you to call ' and examine it before buying a stove. Respectfully, VHITTY & GATES. jy24 wtf Salesmen WANTBD to canvass for the sale of Nursery 8toek! Steady employment guaranteed. GOOD PAY for succ'isfiil men. Apply at ones stating age. Mention this paper. Alabama Knrswy Co., Hnntsville, Ik decll Wo in New Registration, On Monday, January 13th, 1890, the Registration Books of Big Ike the Clothier will be opened at his Auction and Clothing Room for the purpose of registering every man's name who is in favor of Newborn bonding herself to the amount of $50,000 to be given to fire Northern copitalists who will invest $40,000 each, and who will employ from one to two hundred men, women snd children each. Big Ike is happy now, and let us keep the ball rolling. MULES! MULES! HORSES! HORSES! A Car Load of Fine Mules and Horses just received at my stables. They were selected with GREAT CARE, snd are admirably suited for FARM and DRIVE purposes. Call and be shown through tbe stables. J, V. STEWART. ml n A Fine Florida Tonic ! Mr. Foster S. Chapman, one of the landmarks of the Georgia drug trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes: "I can hardly select a single case of the many whom I have sold Guinn's Pioneer Blood Renewer. but what have been satisfied; and I find it the best remedy for skin diseases I have ever sold, and a Fine Flohida Tonic Foster S. Chapman, Orlando, Fla. For sale by R. N. DUFFY. New Berne. N. C. SAMUEL JACKSON Is at hla OLD STAND on South Front Street. It will pay any Horse Owner to call Jand see him at once for Trimming & Shoeing Horses as he Is tbe only one In tbe city that Guar antees Satisfaction, to fit the Shoe to the foot, not the foot f the Shoe. Also guarantees no corns and bruises on tbe foot. Hespectfally yours, Jan8dly SAMUEL JACKSON. See the Best Line of Silver Jewelry In the State. Hair Ornaments. Bronze Bracelets, Lace Pins, Purses, Combs, Eings, Etc. No Trouble to Show Goods. "Boll The Jeweler" DB. G- K. BAGBY, SURGE0U DENTIST. Offioe, Middle street. oDDosite Rantint churoh, dec3 dwtf NEWBERN, N. C. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of J. A. Mattocks & Co. is this day dlssolyed by mutual consent. J. A. Mattocks will assume all liabilities of the late firm and receipt for all ac counts due the same. All persors in- ueuwu wj tne urm are earnestly re quested to make immediate settle ments. Stella, N. C, Deo. 30. 1889. J. A. MATTOCKS. jlOdwlm N. M. HARGET. GBEEK, FOY & CO. Do s General Banking business. ; New Banking House, Middle Street, fourth door below Hotel Albert, feldwly KW BERNE. N' C. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As agents or owners we offer for sale on easy sua accommodating terms the follow lug d esorlbed Improved Real Estate in the Np. 1. WHARF PROPERTY AT UNION POINT ; includes the piece of land known as -xn.jBiBia.riL," and the wharf or roadway leading thereto from East Front street. Also, water space now being filled in. The location is the best in the city for all manu factoring purposes, while the largest oiaft visiting onr waters have ample depth of wnr wi iwqiui ana unloading at the wnrc. No. 2. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS AX rs. NO. 4. THJC IRON FRONT WAR 05 GRAVEN HTREET. HOUSE No. 6. BRICK HTORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN HTREET occupied by R. O. K. ixxige. A fall description of this valnahle tr, together with the beat terms upon whloh the same will ba aold. will ba fnmiatiiui on application to tbe nnderaigned at their office iniwuui front street. WATSON A STREET, deofdwtf Ins. and Real Estate Agta yiHABLE TRUCK L1ND FOR SALE AbOtSt FORTY AORITB nT,lCR1Cn T.iTin. situated within two miles of the city, snlt- m iot trues: raising. A great Dargain, Apply to WATSON A STREET, mayls Real Est, Agents. J. 1. BRYiH, Pro. L. B. CUTLER, Vice Pres 6. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bbyan, Thomas Daniels, L. H. Cutlsb, Chas. 8. Bbyan, Oeorqe Allen, F. M. Simmons, O. H. Roberts. HEADQUARTERS FOB Breech-Loading Gun?, Brass and Paver Shells, Powder and Shot,? AT L. H. CUTLER'S, NEW BERNE, N. C. RICHES. If-you desire them no nse foollneawav time on things that don't div: but send $1.00 at enoe ror magnificent outfit of our Great New Stanley Book jf book and terms not satisfactory we wUtsfuDd your money. No risk. No oipItarVBseded. Both lad la and gentlemen employed. Don't lose time in writing, --step in wnlie toe waters are troubled." Days are worth dollars Adrrrert B. F. JOHNSON & CO.. 1009 Main St. Richmond, Va Janl dwim Yon Can Save Money By buying your Alabastine, Ready Mixed Paints, etc., from WHITTY & GATES. Wa have the celebrated "Packers" Ice Cream Freezers be sure and see them before buying any other. We have a full stock of everything in the Hardware and Builders line, and invite your attention to the ame. WHITrY & GATES. Agents for the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Ready Mixed Painta. and dealers in Lime, Cement and Piaster. Lot of VERY FINE BUTTER To hand. Also, Buckwheat. Roast Coffee and Pure Lard. IF. XTlieli, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. m at Cr 63 39 to CO C3 2. m 3 2 td t lid a o i i S3 o Q fed 55 CO an o ct m THE S3.00 J'"1 Works of Charles Dickons, handsomely printed and finely bound, and with over 1 .'10 illustrations, (lou.btei.tss seems fabulous to many, but it is one of the. recent happy products of Alden's Lit erary Revolution. he "Boz" Dickens. ntrkena. The Vorlcs of Charl llckn. "Boz "Edition In six vols., Rinall Hwtt, wood types, ' with numerous 1 llntratloiifi, well priuteti on tmtt paper, clotH, $3.00 List of Vols. i:;o Illustration. L Dombpy find Son, Old Cuiioslfy Shop. Bard Times. 2. David CoppprfrPld, Christ man Stories, Tale of Two Cities, Uncommercial Traveler. 3. Nicholas Kickloby, Martin Chuszlewlt, Amerlcau Notes. 4. Mutual Frlenrl. l.lttl. borrlt. Ueprlntod. Erlwln Drood. .V T'lokvrlelr Pfipera. ItfiniAby KurlK, Sketches by Box. fi. OllvprTwInt. tireat Kxpctatlonfl, Htak Honsr. Hcturea from Ixaly . This "Box edition of I)ick: from the same ens is printed plates as Appleton's Popular Library ivhtion of tins same author, their published jirice, bei no; 10.00 a used is a trifl little cheaper both are frood. The books ir The paper lighter and a quality, but be seen at the .' ra specimen will be sent cents. . office o! Vol 111 M( postpaid 1 NORTH CAKOMNA.I Superior Court. Craven County. I ! cujuher i:lh, 18K9. Isaac H. Smith, Hialntlll, ) vs. J 'Notice Lydla A. Bmith, I'cft-i.dar.i . ) To Lydla A. SmlUi: lake notue, llittt nn anion haa been commenced in 1h" k:i d court, enLltled aa above, fortbe pnrDoae of niruining a dlvoroe from the bonds ol m-iinmotiy between the plalntilf and drMeiidiutt , arni vou are re quired .to apper.r ml the luiri lionse In INewbern on the Id .Moi.i'.av i!ore tbe 1st Monday In March. A I). I.vm. and answer or demur to the cjmpHimt In this action. K. W OAKlJKN I KK. Clerk Sup. Court of (raven county. decH jw North Carolina. o;-.'.: rA(c.y ' r-fr J Tne Kr! Secret of thr r.npar -JIcT-d mcrca 'of Tim l iti'"Aso Daily .i.vs may lie found in frt'O di:,!.n ii:Jtin ' r t'n:n: ,'. rishes, Which more than r.nytliin Kc have con tributed to lis remarkable ijrtAvth. TlE-ST: is a Daily P.ifvr for 'isv Perplt. Therwoplt' of (lie biryWrst appreciate keen ly the necessity of an inti ili.yi:t Knowledge .. of the v.cilj's iai!y doii'4".. Let they are too Imsv to waste valuable tr.it.- in searching tbrou;;'". a cumbrous" blntik. t i.'uoct " news paper for the. real news of r.jt, literature, icicr.ee, r b-jion, politics, and thethcusand-and-on? tMnps which make up modern civ ii7.ation. T hey want news all the news lot tliev d'Ui't want it concealed in an over powering tuassof the trivial and inconsequential.-- It is because The Ciikwco Daily Nf.ws h "a wheat and 110 chuff" that its circulation is over " a mi'.' .- a weet.' Second: Il is nn Independent, Tntth-telling yre. Sifer. The people demnr.d a fair, im partial, independent ncw.sp.ap.T,yhkh givea ell the v.e-vs, find pives it free from the taint of partisan bias. SVith no mere political run. l-ition to gratify, no " ax to grind," the im partial, independent newspaper may truly be " guide, philosopher and fnend " to honest men of every shade of political faith ; and this is why The Chicago Daily News has to day a circulation of over "a million a-weck." The Chicago Daily News now adds to these two comprehensive elements of popu larity, a third, in its unparalleled reduction of price to ONE CENT A DAY. ? is iiwavs large enough, never too AwyW. T he Chicago Daily News is forale by nil newsdealers at One Cent per copy, or wiil lc mailed, postage paid, for $3.00 pe year, or .?y cents per month. The fanner and mechanic can now afford, as well as the merchant and professional man, to have his metropolitan daily. Addreas VICTOR F. LAWSON, Publisher " The Daily News," Chicago .v --i - -m - r i j -

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