0 - r' ' a? i--- INDEPENDENT 1 1ST ALL THINGS, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JANUARY 23. 1890. NO. A 4 ). r ... if. 9 , PP I r 1 v - Cancer of the Nose. 1 Wt a ton ppn4 m mr Mr. and nptdly. A my (ttlxr bad caoer, "mad mr kaaband dM of it, I beoama aiann a oaanifd ay pajaloUn. UU treat . aaadi4 MflMd,al (ha Mr (raw Uitst od woTaalaaTerTwyuUUbdeorJa l. "M C rota it afiect. I wu arviaded to taka A.S, 8 aixl a few bottle cure ma. Taoa vaa altar all U dootoc-a aad other aadioiaaa ha4jaid. bat had bo . ratara o( tba aaaoer. -.-. HSS. V.T. uinv - . t . Woadbaxy.UaU Coamty.Taua ,JVaeCaoaT aulled ftraa. - . ... j.- a i . T if inn rii a . . ' Lcsbor is Advancing. SaTT Mills,- Steam Engines, 8&IXSLE XtXLS,BlT F11ESSZS, fte. . If 7 vm yirat-Claaa AW-BIXUL, .. t . s aaad for CataJocmo to ;..v - A. B. VAK4TTHAR. CO- (ltl..) dri2m . VK. ra. 12Y7 BIGLAHD ORGAN BEST IN THE WOI5LD- arret r:af Warranted by Written Cuaranteei - for Fnre -Tears. ..THE LEADER rAXimr- musical comsixaticss - .r de$15 cfCases. Catalo aaaillad fra to ctt cpp'.'.otnta. WDM ttt auMUr ACTwKS.'.a auUMami SOCTCN. K.SS. WtoM anal n M Waaaral tiiaaia, Jtacaaft, akad aaci ya mrm aaia ialiafai iUtm Qawsaad. WliaJa; m a'tkatalt ftraltoBBy. LUOOKM at BATES, T PUo's' Cora fcc Oob -.Aonptio b b the bast - ; Cough Heclnev; ' If yoa hri m. Covrb . wiLiioa imn ( to ' yoa Mad. But if yea ao ' rlae this aajrr Baut o MUatr tbe ailjrha Ooaait. may. tiaimi . aariotaB Traitor, aad Mrtnl bo-' -ua BrLi bo raqulrad. . ; Ptoo1 Saasady jbb Catank kt laa n i f oau, uhbb ia,iu vaaaaam. , Sold By dracsMa ar ant by mmO. IB... b i altlaa, Warw, ra. u T L axaa roe ova CATatoom atus emsime vcr;;3, . Tho Original VHna. ;'' .kJLtiaaoMUmlhtaaibU - 'itoiB tba V. a. CM T V..ttim, rWr A-aSiataMBBa Laf. ?faaa, Wd By XaUia tasaV - md lwnmo, BiuovsaBaa. , vrsBBBataicx HuawaiMT a TrSaMaT?aaWr.T: lUuBkl yw3aaald.kC "ZaUia'a atatf- tor yaar Mtdil ciaa. kak aWl wai tha 1 Va I . j. n. snrnuw xat I tcaadi MaaiBWa,Taaa. aayai a mmi tm rfiml ! Wadieiaa, aad am aaad aaliaf a. ItMrkabkaa ckanaw Iwucm kaoav Liw Banlaaw aad ca ir. ijiHii. INTERNATIONAL nPEvniTEni ".. a. aarfc-tly giat tana JnmtMm. . natad. ItadatowwyBaBtBaacwtatayaViaarf voriata, aad wtta taa beat tooti that bare ttw bxeaeavMadlartha parpoae. Warraatfd todo aii that aaa be raaaaaabty exaactcd of tba very M typewriter etaa. Cataiia U vrUinr vn worda r ianfa or mora dOsaniiBg to tho Bttauty OC too nn- Trite - lra Is ib ailia yar town, ad- the aannf actorer, - - pTwvrwaafHt Trrrmtrr , ,. t. Lva i-aC Wrat amWrtaaaad 1 "1 r i t,". ScaadaiBand rBfAMC iMBrBaBBStS - , .at Lama) Out Waaaka EDITOEIAL X0TE8. flnTEVHnn Pjmp-rt.t t.. of Ohio inanearated last Monday. HON. E. K. Wilson hs been re- elected U. 8. Senator from Mary land. The King of Portugal ia said to be rcorrinj? from his late serious illness. , A LIVRLT tinif in t-xpected nyer ' j thr iroKo new rnlert (" tbe i Lord Habington, of England, vtiuba heo crion.Nly ill with con ! gestiOD ot Ue loogs, t ln-trT. A PROPOSITION ill bt ab mittrd ia Congress to impose a tax on all iooomei exceeding $7,000. Ok last Saturday the tower of tbe Monarch Distillery, Peoria, 111., waa struck by lightning, and a $165,000 lire resolted. ON Tuesday Hon. Calvin S. Brlce was elected U. S. Senator from Ohio. The vote was Brice 76, Foster 68, scattering 2. Texas is hard to beat. On last Sunday Mrs. L. E. Page, of Ingvr- soli, gave birth to four girl babies. A real splendid quartet. Music! It is believed in Washington that tbe Senate Committe will re port favorably on the bill admitting Idaho and Wyoming into tbe Union. AKOTHSS heavy snow in the North and Northwest last Tuesda) . A real fall grown blizzard swept over Minnesota, Dakota, Montana and Northern Iowa. A GXOB0IA man bas applied for a patent on a process of manufac turing a fibre from the pea vine, suitable for making cotton bagging, etc. Ha says he's got it down fine. WHX2f the grippe filled Senator Iagalls with Mpins" it discovered the best use to which he could be converted. A sort of perambulat ing pin emshion. Wilmington Star. Tex Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has been compelled to refuse freight for the Seaboard daring the past few days owing to the preva lence of la grippe among its freight erews. JtJDGB McConnell has granted tbe application of Kunz for a new trial, bat denied the motion as to tbe other defendants Couehlm Burke and O'SulIlvan, charged with tbe murder of Dr. Cronin. FlQHTnco has occurred in Brazil between a portion of the army, bich strongly favors the Monarch3 and a company of artillery tf the Provisional Government; the Mon archists resisted arrest, and about one hundred ot them are reported to have been killed. AT Elkaner, la., a twelve-year- old boy, named Wesley Elkins, has been sentenced to an imprison ment for life, at hard labor, lor the murder of his father atid step mother. He is probably the young est life criminal ever sentenced. It is too early to anticipate what 93 will bring forth, but 1 must say tho feeling in favor of ex-President Cleveland is very strong, and If it continues to increase, nothing can prevent his renom in ation. If any thing, I believe Mr. Cleveland is more popular with tbe masses to- dar than he was in '84. Er Secre tary Whitney. SXKATOB, Butlxk is this week todress the Senate on bis propo dtion4o7eno4ienegroes from the Booth under the supervision of the Quartermaster General, and Senator Ingalls is to reply. We &o not jtnow the details of Sen a tor Boilers msasare, but we do not,' sympathize with any such movement. New & Observer. THX Republican organs have in sisted that tbe Republican losses of 1SS9 were due simply to the "re action which always follows a presidential election. This philoso phy does not, however, diminish the Democratic joy at the downfall of Foraker; and tbe Harrison ad ministration will go down in his tory as the administration of mag nificent reactions. -Charlotte Chron icle. TBX exodus of the negroes is al ready affecting people other than the farmers. Tbe negroes have al ways bee improvident and spend money with a free hand when they have it. 'They are tbe test cus tomers of small dealers and corner groceries. Their departure means heavy loss to this class of dealers and the closing up of many. Our correspondent at Wilson tells of many vacant stores in that attrac tive town situated in a fertile sec tion. Tbe bad crops and the eio due are doing the work. WilmiDg ton Messenger. DUBINO the last presidential campaign Colonel Brice was the Chairman of the National Demo cratic Committee, and displayed a ! great deal of political sagacity. I The Democrauc defeat was not due ! to any lack of loyalty or energy or ; capacity on his part. His time and money were given to the party without stint. It mast be gratify ing to him that tbe Ohio Demo erata have taken the first oppor tunity to reward him for his emi- ! nent services to his party. We expect great things from Colonel Brice in the United States Senate. Charleston News & Courier. 1 Tue Lee moanment in Richmond I will (e unveiled on the 25th of! ' 1 , A SLIGHT earthquake 8 hock was ieit at uoiamoia, a. u., ea Des day night. The Press of this State is always courteous. We gratefully acknow ledge many ki&d notices of onr coming Fir. .Many tarin heneueianes con tmu to appear before the vVaya and Means Committee protesting agaiust tbe reduction ot tbe tariff. 11 kv Dr. Douglas, President O' "iu- We-!eyii MrthoiiiRt College, p.nuis Moutre-il, Canada, many shades bUefcer than Sodom. On Tuesday Mr. Harris introduc ed a bill in the U. S. Senate author izing the Postmaster-General to extend the free-delivery system to all places having 1,000 population Mb. Bingham, of Pa., has in troduced a bill in the House "for marking the lines of battle and the position of the troops of the Army of Northern Virginia at Gettys burg, Pa." "The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company has decided that all ltd baggage-mastbrs and brake- men must have shaven faces." This is to prevent them from bearding tbe lion in his den. If the Republicans should crowd any oDe of tbe proposed Federal election laws through Congress, and increase, or even refuse to reduce, the War tariff, "Waterloo" would Drove a term entirely weak and un satisfactory as descriptive of the Republican defeat in the next Con gressional elections. Arkansas Ga zette, Birmingham, Ala., is a hustling town and has a right to do seme pretty tall bragging on her own ac count. During the past year 1,500 baildings were erected there, which cost $2,500,000. She has now 24 iron furnaces with a capacity of 3,000,000 tons of pig iron per day. Five of these were built last year. Wilmington Star. The Washington Star remarks that "North 3arolina hasn't any monument." Well that's pretty near true. She bas not any worth talking about. North Carolina is not conspicuous lor raising monu ments but when it comes to raising men and women of the first quality she can hold her own with any of the sisters. Wilmington Star. The Journal will be glad to greet representatives of the press at the approaching Fair. Please remember, brethren, that the great Exposition will open on Monday Feb. 24, and continue through Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. All visitors are promised the best at tentions oi the good people of this hospitable city. Tbe star of Bethlehem will again be visible in tbie year, being its seventh appearance since the birth of Christ. It comes ODce in 315 years and is of wondrous brilliance for the space of three weeks; then it wanes and disappears after seven teen months. It will be a sixth star added to the five fixed stars in the constellation Oassiopea while it remains in sight, Ex. The proposition to settle in the Upper Congo Country a colony of negroes from the United States meets with much favor there. It is thought this would greatly facili tate the peaceful introduction of the ideo8 and methods of ' industry and commerce of civilized countries. King Leopold and all the Belgian merchants concerned in African trade favor the scTierae. N. Y. World. Some alarm exists in New York lest typhus' fever, one of the most fatal and malignant of all diseases, should have been scattered through tbe land by the passengers of a German emigrant ship which reach ed port December 5. A few deaths occorred before and after arrival, but the passengers meanwhile scat tered over the country. Inquiry after them is now made, so as to put communities on their guard, but it looks now like locking the strble door after the horse has escaped. Asheville Citizen, The Secretary of State recently referred to the Secretary of the Treasury a communication from Mr. P. G. Martinez, of Philadel phia, inquiring whether any duty would be imposed on lighting bags to be brought from Cuba with the expectation of doing business with them. Assistant Secretary Tiche- nor has informed Mr. Martinez that the dutiable character of any par ticular article is always determined in the first place by the Collector of Customs at the port where it ar rives, after due inspection of the importation. He said further that while the dutiable character of in sects does not appear to have been considered by tbe Department, the provision in the Tariff act prescrib ing a duty of 20 per cent, ad valorem on live animals has at various times been held to be applicoble to bees, birds and live fish respectively. It is said that tbe lightning bugs are intended as ornaments for ladies dresses. The Cuban bug is par ticularly large and luminous. New York World. CHIVALRY. We are no apologist of rowdyism. It is despicable. Bat chivalry is admirable. It gains women's smile and man's applause. The South has long been known as the lana oi cnivairy. n mere are those who employ the word as a reproach, there are thousands who clasp it to their bosoms and eDsbrine it in their hearts. .. . . m l i T . I Chivalry is characteristic i h Southern geutlman, but it is not confined to this Southland. Wherevur among men there is a heart loyal to the trinity of S"iith- era virtues me uonor oi man, iue purity of woman, and the sanctity of religion there chivalry has its home ! Certain Northern papers are pleased to nse the term "Southern Chivalry" derisively, as if the hap pening of a qunrrel in New York or in the arctic zone, between scions of Southern blood, could take from this fair land its God-vouched heri tage of princely graces and manly virtues. While chivalry is characteristic of the South, rowdyism is confined to no locality. The trail of the serpent is seen alike in brake an fen, and among fragrant shrubs and blooming flowers. Tbe New York papers are now chuckling over "an affair" which had its origin in the "Southern Club." One of them sajs: "A couple of Southern gentlemen, one from long Virginia and the other from ancient Kentucky descent, quarrelled in the Southern Club over a trivial matter the other afternoon. They had the decency to get out of the cluo nouse im mediately on passing the lie, but they were imbecile enough to fight on a public street in New York city as soon as they reached it." And this "affair" is heralded abroad as a disgraceful thing, illustrative of Southern chivalry ! Perhaps these men are chivalric gentlemen, otherwise they might have fought in the club room, or like ill-bred curs, have pocketed in sults tbey dared not resent. But this ao it may be, there are a thou sand instances of brutal rowdyism in New York to ona like that which now gives notoriety to the Southern Club; and this is paraded because the parties are men of Southern blood. Tbe hideous crime pepetrated at Barnwell is declared to be the off spring of Southern chivalry, when, in truth, tbere is as little affinity between them, as there is between the burning lava of Vesuvius and the flower gardens of Italy. EXIT TUE SURPLUS DUTY OF THE DEMOCRACY. Immediately after the inaugura tion of the present Administration the Journal prophesied tbe Bpeedy elimination of the surplus from the perplexing problems of the day. Very soon after the meeting of the fifty-first Congress it become evi dent that tbe advocates ot protec tion would see to it that the de mand fer a bigh tariff should not be embarrassed by the- presence of an unusual surplus in the treas ury, and now comes the Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, with recommendations which, if carried oat, will make the national treasury as empty as a beggar's purse. They approve, in general terms, the bill introduced by Mr. Hale, authorizing tbe President to have constructed eight battle ships of from 7,500 to 10,000 tons each ; two armored coast defense vessels; three gunboats of Troin 800 to 1,200 tons each, and five first class torpede beats. Tbe Messenger's Washington special further says : "The Policy Board, in their re port to the Senate, will recommend tbe construction of 102 vessels oi different types aad sizes. These will be built, according to the plan of the Board, ia fourteen years, and will cost, together with their maintenance during the lourteen years, 2u,uiH),uuu. xnev say tne maintenance of a neet of vessels, such as they propose, would be only one quarter that of keeping up the same number of old style vessels. a a a "One of these vessels is to be of 7,600 tons and her design pre sents some remarkable features, whiob may be more clearly under stood from the statement of the results they are expected to give ; namely, a speed of between twenty-one and twenty-three knots an hour ; ability to cruise 16,000 miles on one coal supply; guns equal to anything afloat and a battery so arranged as to enable fire of the entire armament to be concentrated upon any point." All this is magnificent ! It fore tells America's supremacy on the Beas, and the triumph of her flag in every clime. But it marks a furth er departure from the principles on which the Government was founded and a continuation of the burdens I i0Dg an(i wasting illness. In many that rest so heavily on our people. households there are persons who seem , . , .. . .. r I to be fading out of life slowly. There Our fathers felt that it wasiarji9 a general debility that indicates a hotter to have a noor Government lack of vital foroe. The blood seems to and a rich people than it was to have a rich Government and a poor people. Tired of the splen dors of monarchy, they sought to establish a Government representa tive of national independence and personal liberty, under whose pro tecting segis the arts and sciences would flourish, commerce expand, labor have its leg iti mute rew.irds atKi happiness aliide in the homes 0f tbe people. It was to protect alike the cottage and the palace, Equal rights and privileges was to j be the birth right of every citizen. The Democratic party sprang into being as tlie champion of the people. No court of arms is em blMZ ied od its bauner. All through the j ears of its eventful life it has 8Chk1 with ;lrijming sword by the ark of the Constitution. a;..l it Ctnuot now be talse to its bigh and sacred mission. Tbe people musr, shall nod will be defended. Jealous of the national honor and ever re uiy to maintain if, ita first and highest obligation is to the people of these States. Domestic thralldom is no less detested than foreign oppression. The tariff must be reduced, and all the trooping battalions that follow in its train be banished from tbe land. This is the first duty of tbe Democracy. Give us prestige among the nations, but first restore unto us the prosperity of our homes. Let our reapers go to the field with exultant song, and the music of the anvil, the saw and the hammer keep time to the joyous pulsatkm of happy hearts. Then will our land yield her increase, and onr desolate places he as the garden of the Lord. How to Cook a Husband. A good many husbands are spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about it as il their husbands were bladders, and blow them np. Others keep them constantly in hot water: others let them freeze. Some keep them in a stew. Others toast them. Some keep them in a pickle all their lives. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be tender and good, managed in tbis way; but tbey are really delicious when properly treated. In selecting your husband you should not be guided by the silvery appearance, as in buying mackerel; nor by the golden tint, as if you wanted salmon, select him your self. Do not go to the market for bim, as the best are always brought to your door. It is far better to have none uu less you will patiently learn how to cook him. A preserving kettle of the liuest porcelain is tbe best; but if you have nothing but an earthen pan, it will do. See that the linen in which yon wrap him is nicely washed and mended, with the required number of buttons and strings nicely sewed ou. Tie him in the kettle with a strong, silk, comfortable cord; or the doty string is likely to give way (husbands are apt to fly out of the kettle and be bnrned and crusty ou tbe edges, since, like crabs and lobsters, you have to cook them alive). Make a clear, steady fire, and practice neatness and cheerfulness. Set him as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputters and fizzes do not be anxious; some husbands do this till tbey are quite done. Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call kisses, but no pepper or vinegar on any ac count. A little epice improves them, but it must be used with judgment. Do not stick any sharp instru ment into him to see if he is be coming tender. Stir him genth; watch the while, lest he lie too flat and close to tbe kettle, and so be come useless. You cannot fail to know when he is done. If thus treated, you will find him very digestible, agreeing nicely with you and the children, and he will keep as long as you want, un less yon become careless, and set bim in too cold a place. Selected. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING! Not if you go through the world a dygpep tio. Acker s Dyspepsia Tablets are a posi tive Bare far the wecat fonfisof Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and ConBWpaWon. Guaranteed and sold by B. Berry.yNew bern.N. C. Let Him Stay Lost. "What did you want f,T queried the Bergeant at the police head quarters recently as a colored woman came in. "Heard from my ole man yet!" she asked. "Let's see ! Who was he !" "Named Haygood, an' he run'd off las' summer. "Ok, I remember. No, we haven't heard anything of him yet." "Thanks." "You are very anxious, I pre sume !" "Yes, sab, I was afraid you had j tent t0 put Be bj) an(j be a ser found him." ! Vant of the lowest these are fruits "And you don't want him found !"j 0f orJiv one root fruits that none "Not 'zactly right away, sab. I may counterfeit. Ware, was dun mar'd agin two days ago. j Better let him look his own self up." "Whew !'' "Business is business, sah. body kin dun fool aroun' in No dis yere, world an' mase money, jisd keep quiet and let de ole man stay losted." Detroit Free Press. The rose of the June time Are O! so fair to see. But fairer than these flowers are Is the rose that blooms for me On the cheeks once palp and hollow. And God be thanked, I say. That the rose of health and happiness Blooms out again today. mat IB wnt UJ&ur uinu icuia une saying when he sees some member of hia familv raatnrai tn hxalth aftr a be blood onlv in color. There is often a dry, hard cough. Niht brings no; refreshing sleep. The cheek Rrows thin j and pale. What shall be done to ward! off disease which is making slow rut sure efforts to secure another victimV Let me tell you: Get Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medioal Disoovery, and nij&t tne enemy with it. There is nothing like it to build up a waekened system, and restore lost vitality. It is a most won derful tonic, nutritive and altarative, or blood-purifier. I.I.A HIi;(ilXMi-. I Yi.ujmay build yu an c'eg.iur. mansion j Ami fencp if an iind with goM, I Set it all with il'iinv-rids ai.d mbi'S; You may k", p mit tin- wind and cold, j "ion may bai.ish finm it ad intruders, i Have music nu levity there; 1 nil i'.v;v stmt iMif llisci'i-d and nvy I nut yeu eaum t ut nut ( 'are. Yen m;i) Iriii.i :i a !. iv c :ia;;e. i on may -, a!! ,jtc. Urnw me-i ; i; !,-t;,-i.s ah n:t it, Let in only mil.- .. and lsirhi: ou may keep out the env and malice That wi inkle the. laces wo wear. You may keep Love iufide, and Content ment Hut you cannot keep out Care. ion may ';n with the voice of an an Y'ou may dance with a fairy's feet. iou may lauch till your laughter maVes music For every one that you meet; You may daune till your ftet seem twink ling:, Till the roses fade in your hair, i ou may dance till the world dies of envy But you cannot dance away Care. You may smile in the face of women Who envy your very life, As you hide from their eyes all the bur dens, The weariness, heart aches and strife; You may live so the poor will adore you, Live a life that the woild calls fair; You may let love be conquered by Duty Hut you cannot live without Care. Demorest's Magazine. Every woman in America ought to read the article "Women of Siam" in Demorest's Family Mag azine for February, to know how happy her lot really is. The for cible contrast between our progres sive civilization and that of the far East has seldom been so strikingly presented to our notice as in this readable article, illustrated in part by drawings made by a native Siamese artist, which compare curiously enough with the fine ex amples of our modern illustrative art in this same number. The other beautiful illustrations (nearly two hundred) include an exquisite full pge gravure on heavy plate paper, entitled "How Long!", portraits ol the venerable Dom Pedro, deposed emperor of. Brazil, and his family, and as if these were not sufficient attractions for any publication, the past is made to yield us its treas ures, and the time "When Grand mamma Was Young" is portrayed for us in charming pictures and descriptions. From grandmamma to baby, who will be delighted with the funny "Japanese Paper Frog," no member of the family has been sligh'ed in compiling tbn num ber. , Demores'.'s is justly celebrated as a "Family" Magazine, and this issue is l'aily up to its reputation. Its useful departments are replete with information, as usual: a Sup plementof beautiful fancy-costumes enriches the Fashion Department, a thrilling temperance poem, by the author of "Curfew Must Not Ring To-Night," will appeal to every mother's heart, and a full quota of delightful stories, etc., render tbis February number an unusually attractive one. But one of the most attractive features of this remarkable Family Magazine is its price, onl $2 00 per year. Pub lished by W. Jennings Demorest. 15 East 14th St., New York. Health Hints. Don't shake a hornet's nest to see if any of the family are at home. Dou't try to take the right of way from au express train at a rail road crossing. Don't go near a draft. If a draft comes towards you, run away. A sight draft is the most dangerous. Don't blow in the gun your grandiather earned in the war ot 1812. It is more dangerous now than it was then. Don't hold a wasp by the other end while you thaw it out in frout of the ?tove to see if itis alive. It generally is. Don't try to persuade a bull dog to give up a yard of which be is in possession. Possession in a bull dog is ten points of the law. Don't go to bed with your boots otf. This is one of the most un healthy practices that a man, es pecially a married man, can be ad dicted to. It is dail&life that tests us the manner ot men we are. It is not our prayers, it is not our profes sion, but it is the tone of daily intercourse and conduct that de cides how we stand. The little homely graces; the cheerful, every day amenities; the Christ spirit uttering itself not so much in con scious act as in unconscious influence; not so much in deeds as in that subtle aroma which, with out name, exudes from the saintly soul, to equals and inferiors; to agreeable and disagreeable; to rich, poor, ignorant; to young, to old: bearing burdens, accepting crosses, seeking no great thing to do, con THEIR BUSINESS BOOMING. Probably co one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at li. X. Duffy s drug store as their giving away to their customers of 60 many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all tbrr.at and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. For sale by R. N. Duffy, Wholesalo and Retail Druggist. Wholesale price, $8 per dozen. A Considerate Uirl. . CoraI really must be careful r c "uu si.i., "'JJ an encoui agement, for I do not want to hurt his feelings. Edith lie has not pronosed, has he ? Cora No. but he has been ask ing me it i tnougnt i could keep nouse on ?iu a weeK. pimples ov the face rvnnte n imnure state of the blood and ar- looked upon by many with suspicion , AckeT'a mtod Elixir will remove all im puritieP and leave the complexion smooth and clear, mere is noiiung tnat will so thoroughly bui.d up the constitution, pu rify and etrengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by R. Berry, New barn, N. C. N0KTH CAROLINA NEWS. From the State Papers. Winston Daily : Orders for the street ar material will be placed aasoonaa the specification are completed. It U nio -e than probable that street cars will be running to the Salem square br the time of the commencement of Jane. Won't this be nice. Beaufort Seaside: We congratulate the citizens of New Berne for their unanimous sanction of subscribing 850 Oi O toward the completion of tbis rod. which will undoubtedly prove a lire at benefit to her financial interests The Journal should receive the highest commendation for its assiduous work i i obtaining this subscription. RileighCall: Mr. Wesley Whitaker this morning laid upon the Call's desk some asparagus oyer six inches long and some radishes large enough for table use, all grown in his open garden under tbe genial influence of this remarkable weather. He stated that collards which were put up for winter use, are running to seed. Wilmington Star: The sleep-inspiring i peanut is gaining in the appeciation of tne puDitc, and within tbe past week or two prices bave advanced nearly fifty per cent. ReceiDts so far have ha on about 30,000 bushels, against 35,000 at tne same period last season, and the entire crop for this section, dealers are of the opinion, will not exceed 60,000 bushels, against the ayerage crop of 00,01)0. A correspondent, writing from Hat- teras, n. u., to tne Kaleigh Chronicle, says, uy iters are being carried away from the natural beds near Hatteraa in Pamlico sound at the rate of from three to lour thousand bushels a week. The oyster laws enacted by the late Legisla ture are a dead letter, and the Virginia oyster men are having a picnic at the expense oi tne oyster interest of North Carolina, is there no remedvi"' Wilmington Star: The oresent calcu lation of the authorities of the Cape Fear and Yadkia Valley Railway is mi me nrst train will De ran through from Mount Airy to Wilmington on the 15th of February, and the schedule time, it is estimated, will be about ten nours. The distance is 248 miles. This will be the dawning of a new era for Wilmington, in a commercial toint of view, and the Star would renew its suggestion that some steps be soon taken for a proper celebration of the event. Wilson Advance: It is with pleasure that we send greeting to our sister to bacco marketing towns and notify them of the pleasant fact that our people are going to establish a market here. Last Monday night an informal meeting waa aem ia ins omoe or a. B. Deans, JEsq., to consider the advisability of taking steps to make Wilson one of the tobacco markets of the State. It waa decided to build a tobacco warehouse for the sale of leaf tobacto, and at once the gentlemen present easily made up about $2,000 worth of stock. It is proposed to raise $10,000. The New Berne Fair will be opened on the 21th of February by Gov. Fowle. We hope the good people of that town may meet with un limited success this year. Charlotte News: One of the features of the coming 20th of May celebration in Charlotte will be the nresence of all the fire companies belonging to the. 0a. TT- a ... . oiate j tremen s Association tnat was organized in Raleigh last year. Seven teen companies belong to this associa tion and they will ail be here oa the 20th of Hay. In addition to these, ar rangements are being made to secure the attendance of a number of oom panies from South Carolina, so aa to have a series of inter-State races, in ad dition to the annual convention of the North Carolina Association. It will be the greatest gathering of firemen eyer known in this State, perhaps tha great est, ever held in tha Southern States, The firemen and their visiting friends will make a regiment of a full one thousand people. Another feature of tbe 20th will be a grand reunion of ex Confederate soldiers. Stay In North Carolina. Editor Journal. Please allow me a small space is your most interesting paper, to say to my friends, and farm ers in general, that they need not leave Old North Carolina, for there is plenty of good land here. I left New Berne in the year 1886 from the service of Mr. J. A. Meadowa and went to Morgan's Swamp, Dr. F. Duffy's place, and in the above year my wife and I, with scarcely a pound of meat or a bushel of corn to start on, with hoe and ax in hand, went to work moving logs and diging up the ground, and we made in 1886 seventy-five barrels of oom besides sweet potatoes and other things. In 1887 the Doctor let me have a male and I worked on halves, and made 100 bar rels of corn, 160 dollars worth of cotton, plenty of sweet potatoes, 600 pounds of neat and chickens by the. dozen. In 188S I bought me a mule for 125 dollars and paid for him, and made 80 barrels of corn, 7000 pounds of cotton, 800 pounds of meat besides other supplies. In 1889 I made 105 barrels of corn, 140 dollars worth of cotton. 70 bushels of sweet potatoes, 1000 pounds of meat, with other things. t Allow me to say that these results were not obtained by idleness; and any one doubting tbe above statements may ask any reliable man of township No. 2. or Dr. F. Duffy. So take courage, boys, and try again, as there is plenty of land, and don't give the old State a bad name. Your fellsw servant. Thos. L. Moore. EPOCH. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of an individual. 8nch a remarkable event is treasuied in the mem ory and the agency whereby the gooa health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration Jo health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any dis ease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and $1 at R. N. Duffy's "Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. Wholesale price, $8. per dozen. A Logical Boy. Teacher What rewards were given to the victor in the ancient games, Sammy! Sammy A little boy was set up ou his head. Teacher A little boj! Where did you get that notion! Sammyj-Why, you told us, yes terday, that a chaplet was put on his head; and if a ducklet is a little duck, and a booklet a little book, aint a chaplet a little chap say ! Managing Editor (in the office of the New York- Solar System) Didn't you empty the waste baskets this morning, Jimmy ! Office-boy Naw ! Managing Editor Why not ! Office-boy 'Cause I heard de business manager say der wnz goin' ter be eight more pages in der Sunday paper. Boston Times. CAUTION TO MOTHERS Every mother is cautioned against giv ng ker child laudanum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for stimu lants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Sootb-jr is specially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no opium or morphine. Sold by R. Berry, Newbem, N. C. LATEST 5EWS. Called from the Press Dispatches PERISHING IN THK SNOW. Cheyenne, Wyo., Jan. 14. Twelve I to eighteen inches of snow have fallen in the western end of the Territory. The snow has crusted, and, with the freezing of the water, cattle, sheep and horses are perishing all over the range. An owner yesterday received word j from bis ranch in that section that scarcely au animal that could not be fed would survive. Horses haye worn their hoofs to t ie quick trying to beat through the crust ed snow. Cattle and sheep are help less; game has been driven from tbe mountains, and antelope have been ' killed within the city limits of Evans- ton while the stock has drifted to the railway. Saturday and Sunday were intensely cold, and two men were frozen to death. A THAIN WITH A TAIL LIKE A METEOR. St. Locis, Mo., Jan. 14 While a cotton-laden train was running from Perry & Harrison's station, on tbe Houston and Texas Central railroad, in Texas, yesterday, the cotton took fire and the train rushed into the latter station with a long and furious stream of flame following it. The depot caught fire, and it and several cars and about two hundred bales of cotton were con sumed. CARNIVAL WEEK AT AUOCSTA. AUGUSTA, Ga., Jan. 14 Carnival week opened in Augusta today with the turning over of the keys of the city by the Mayor to King Cotton. Tonight the Trades' Display Association turned out with about 200 floats, tbe precession occupying two hours in passing a given point. Tbe city is crowded with visi tors. FRENCHMEN TO COMPLETE THE PANAMA CANAL. Paris, Jan. 14 The Paix says that tha president of the French commission sent out to investigate the affairs of the LPanama Canal Company on the Isthmus in a speech at Aspinwall said that the canal would be completed. WALKER BLAINE DEAD, Washington. D. 0.. Jan. 16. Walker Blaine, eldest son of the Seoretarv of State, died last night at 8:20 o clock at his father's residence, on Lafayette Square, after a brief illness of pneu monia, without even premonition to those who had watched at hie bedside. He can be recorded as a vietim of the prevailing epidemic, the la grippe, for, although the physician says that pneu monia was tha direct cause of death, tbe one follows upon the other to such fatal ends in so many cases that they may be accounted together parts of one disease. Walker Blaine was thirty-five years of age and unmarried. He was born in Augusta, Me., May 8, 1855, and graduated at Tale College and Colum bia law school. ELECTION OP OFFICERS BY THE GRAND LODGE OF MASONS. Raleigh, January 15. The Grand Lodge of Masons devoted today to the transaction of business of the Order, mainly in regard to jurisprudence. To night tbe annual election of officers was held. AU the old officers were re elected aa follows: Samuel H. Smith, of Winston, Grand Master; H. A. Gudger, Deputy Grand Master; John W. Cotton. Senior Grand Warden; Francis M. Moye, Junior Grand War dan; W. E. Anderson, Grand Treas urer; D. W. Bain, Grand Seoretary. Tha Grand Lodge will adjourn tomor row. DAMAGES AGAINST THE H. A D. R. R. Danville, Jan. 16. The somewhat celebrated case of Pioketsimer against the Richmond & Danville Railroad was decided here today in favor of the plaintiff, giving him $13,000 damages for injuries received while on a train. He was traveling on a freight train with a load of cattle and fell from a box ear, receiving serious in juries. The caee had been pending for six years and this waa the second trial. In the former trial the plaintiff got a verdict for $10,000. The case went to the Supreme Court and a new trial was granted . This time he gets tbe old verdict with five years' interest added. THE LA GRIPPE. Chicago. Jan. 16, Reports received at tbe Health Office yesterday were not of an enoouraging nature, 11 of 87 death certificates baying the words "Influenza" on the line after the cause of death. The number of victims of "grip" was the same as that reported Tuesday, but the increase of deaths from other diseases was something alarming it being larger by 178 than on the previous day. New York, Jan. 16. Health officers were right when they announced their belief a week ago yesterday, that the epidemio of influenza -had reached its height. On that day the mortality in this city reached 250. Today,, after fall ing off steadily during the week, the re cord stands exactly one-half. Of these 23 are due to pneumonia; to bronchitis. 12; oonsumption, 18; influenza without complications, 11; influenza complicat ed with other diseases, chiefly pneu monia, 18. condensed notes. A great flood prevails in the Little Wabash river, in Illinois. Hundred of people have been compelled to aban don their homes, and the farmers have suffered severely. It is expected thai the waters will rise still higher, in which event great suffering would re sult. Four young negro girls, of the Karoo tribe, from Sierra Leone, arrived at New Tork on Thursday on their way to Nashville, Tenn., where they are to re ceive an education to fit them for mis sionary work in their native land. HE WALKED HOME. One Negro who Couldn't Be Made to Stay in Arkansas. Yesterday afternoon a negro, foot sore and limping from lameness, arrived in Charlotte by the Air Line Road, having walked every foot of the way from At lanta. He was making his way back to his old home at Wilson, N. C. He gave his name as George Newton, and said that he left this State nine months ago for Arkansas. A group of gravel train hands were interviewing him when a News reporter came up. George was telling tbem a tale of woe. One third of the negroes who went out tbere with him, he said, are dead. The great trouble is to get drinkiDg water. He stood it as long as he could, and then, failing to make money enough to get him passage home, he boldly struck out on foot. He left Arkansas on tbe 30th of last November. He got several lifts on freight trains between there and Atlanta, but he had walked the entire distance from Atlanta to Charlotte. 'It Is easy enough to get out there," be said, "but getting back home is a dif ferent matter. You oan't get any emi grant agents to pay your fare back this way, but you have to piy regular first olass rates. Hundreds of negroes would come back today, if they could raise the money." George says there is great dissatisfaction among the ne groes who have emigrated weBt, but they are there and cannot help them selves. The railroad hands here gave George, a good supper and sent him on his way refreshed. Charlotte News. PEOPLE EVERYWHERE Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic a od relieves at once. We ofler you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. Sold by R. Berry, New Berne, N. C. For a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. ONEJ BJVJOYS , Both u mcllnl :UJ t h ; e T,. . . , ,,,,cu k-vp '.'r '' takni ; it is peasant j an'l l'drc-lut:;,' to the t:tc, :uxl acta fently yt t n : ; iver find tti,, ' tem cfiL: !;;:! Ik, . aches and fl v : ; constijinl .ti . only rc nil : duced, J. !:: ':; ' , ceptalile ( 1 1 its action ai .1 : . . e fleets, pvt pari 1 . heallhy find :.; i , many excellent in to all mid liavn popular reiiK'dy 1: Syrup of ( ;i K S-lllDCVH. s llif1 eys Is, Lead ' h:ilitiml ,'1 '!!!'( f J-'ijrs is the iinl ov r pro-(.n-(c and ac ' li. prompt in ( nciicia! in its from the most sulistiuic s. i , ' I ,i. s commend it made it the most r.nwn. -s i? for falo in HOc and $1 bottle; ly all leading drug gists. Any j-cli'aMo druist who may imt have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept nny substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CD. SAV FRArtCISCO, CCL. LOUISVILLE, AT. tr. i'ir- , i- 1862. KJ THE JEWELER HAS A FINE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry SOLID SILVEE AND PLATED WAKE. SPECTAI I.ES. I keep a larger stock of Spectacle than any other store in North Carolina I take particular pairm to fit tbem to tha eyes of parties needing tbem. Having worked steadily at thn bench for over thirty years, I believe I can do as good work a any watchmaker in the State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptist Church. fel2 dwtf ESSENTIAL OILS, Sasnafras. Pennyrnjal Winter Oreen, J'pfanimit. &c. Bought for Net Cash on receipt and appro val, without charge lor Oommlsar-m, Brokerage, etc , by I)OD(lE cV; Ol.COTT, 86 Sc 88 William fit.. New Tork. Your Attention, Please! We have a nice line of Feed Cutters, Cider-Mills, Apple Peelers, Mowers, Mowing Soythes, Fruit Jars, etc., for the summer trade. Our stock of Paints, etc., is full and complete. Oils, We are agent for the Cele brated "ZEB. VANCE" COOK STOVE, and invite you to call and examine it before buying a stove. Respectfully, W KITTY & GATES. jy24 wtf Salesmen XT-A. 3NJ TT JEJ ID to canvass for iho sale f .Nursery stock! Stenrly eiul niei. t (;UHiiiiit k! UOOD PAY for bu.v ssf J men. A . i i y at onca stating BK. Mt -ii t : ti tfiU t up-1 Alabama,' KcrsRiy !;'! 1 w:;,i !'c, Hnnbville, ELY'-" CREAM BA! CatarrH Cleanse ( 1: Naaitl I'aKKoci Allays Pain r.n Id flam inn 1 toil Tfeals the Sor h Restores f lie Sense or Tmlc 1 1 Li T fLILM ill ... and Smell. HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURL A particle is rpjiII -1 is agreeable. Prl-- vi ti To rnch pom rl 1. -h poMrluaiid Irnvrtrlf-t"; hy i.ls l mail, rek-iatered. " c!h. 58 Warren Street. New V 1. hHiiTH KR8, rk I a nl 3wly -I'u.rft, An . -V F. S. Duffy, Berne. N. C. drugeiBt, agent. New inn v 1 d wly NO MORE EYE-GLASSES WEAK EYES. MORE ' Eye-Salve A Certain. Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-SIghtedness, & flesfor ing tho Sight of the Old. Cum Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eye lashea, ACT rKODtCIIG qUICK RELIEF 1SD rERSASEHT CCER. Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such as Ulcers. Fever Serea. Tumors, Salt Rbeuav Barns. Plle-B.or wherever inflammation exists, M i BA.JL, Fejnay be used te advantage. Sola'37 aril Draasista a 25 Cents. FOR MEN ONLY! DftCITIVfC For LOST or TAILINe BtAWHOODj A rUel lilt General and NERVOUS DEBILTTYi nTTp "7 Weakness of Body and Hind: Boasts J U XdXi of Errors or Eioesses in Old or Y oaa. Bob.t, Soblf HASHOOn foil. Rer. How 1. 'T 3trfirtlion B.B testify from 47 St.l.v T.rrMort., and lorels ' Von write them. Hook, fuH.xilnUoii, ! proorti llo tpeatoa) ft-. r h .iver C r . lis l.LJuINU i. CO, AT frisk 1,0 .SPIS A r...:-l.,w:.V;.,!..' 0 ' 4 i . ,. ssai-- -.T it'-