O:- A v. -V"V -i.BMVW-'J V","-"-' -jM-5" I fit? ''.u't-.t.-i i! i ' , - , .- -: -.1 - fM " ! ' i,hSa:'i INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. i-r-x-a.ooir tt. "Jl?li? r.?. . . , , VOL. XII; NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FEBRUARY 20, 1890. ' NO. 47. : ' .... ' - l - - , i i- ! i m .1 in. r , i . ii. , 0 ' '.. r ! Fcr W:i S!:i:;5-Ir.;i'iij!Ilistion Disordered Liver. , COLB UY ATX DRUGGISTS. '; Jrlll 02 Q5H CEWTS ; PER BOX. Irt---e3 only by THOSJJ ETCILia, StHelensaacasWreEnglantf. - ; J?. JP.: ALLEN i ? CO., Sote Agents FOZi 1VTTI STATES, M4 Mr CAIAL ST., HEW TOHK, Hio (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's Pilla a receipt of price M inquirt firsL (Please mention this paper.) Can be bad at B." K,iDiryT,s Drnjr Store. Ner Berne N. O. " ; . i ' . . : . BOARDING-. AND -Special attention siren to Mathematics. Commercial Lair, Book- ke?pin and Penmanship; "': . ;f , r Liperineed teacber in Inatrnmental.llaiic. Tocat ila&Ic prominent feature.'---; Taition. ioeladior Board, Washing; Light, etc., $05.00 to 175.00 per session 01 nra moutna. ' . -T, X7.v& V. A Atlaatie ; ! fttf Mi.CjOO. AJT Motulai . October Oocto E-ar. Sgbzdtxju Gonro Wan.' N 61 fammyjer TVoteJ. ?vN. . - Ax L.. ' StatkwM.- vA r. - Ln. s b ' J so , - OolUbor ;: ' 11 80 a at 4 OS 4 Ormfc. i 19 48 10 4ft 4 33 A 40 v - giwton 10 08 10 IS -00 ' 0 l S.w Brs a - 33 8 50 ? M m . KoriMd City . m M f.-xOaiif , " '6oUl u. SCaXBCLX OOIVQ WK8T S. l. -.- v . . Ho. 8.1 Mixed PWA Pm. Ti-Uu - SO BT-105 V ,7 -7 80'.-1 7 7 8 , 8 118 SO ,8M 8 55 81 10 04 Id St !0 8 1100 1105 11 17 11 41. 18 15 1 00 MixMi Ft. A PaM.Trmi.. C0 p B 8 84 818 "ScaUom. Holdbo La Granf 784 744 F.llias Urak ; Casw.ll - D-.r Cor. CrMk - 7 08 710 848 688 8M BS0 4U 484 884 8 83 10 88 8 41 888 8 88 817 800 - 7 47 717 70S 618 480 400 -i Clark. K.wUra Biwdtl "- Croataa "Newport ' Wlldwood Uaatio -llocbut Citr 848 800 S 87 4 848 888 '3 48 L4 8T 4SI 8 01 818 - 8 28 8ft 4.13 4 48, 4M ,8 01 8 81- 004 88-5 808 788 T87 718 700 8 88 AtlawtKi UoM 8 St p MorhMl Dpo m Tm dm. TBmr lUr MMM r. k?o Tnta kr-A. 9art. Usrlu OBI Winr ii-j7 . v mW wit. ftlehvoM a D . (mi WMi, uotoaoora 1 w b t. Trvt,tfmiM " j-ia r mm4 wits WilBkawli Wkltoa TMiint I Uu M.irU M w pu i .... Trta S M wtt WUllwt an 4 . , . -: ' S? L. Dili, ioat. J. 1. IXTIJ, fra. L E tmiX, Tkt tm u2 naiioiLU DAI1K TjOOBKaUTO 1885. Coital, --' ,.-i.n 1000 Z zrplBJ rrofltj.: -86.700 j as A. EsTur, ': " . Tbo Da-isxa, I L CTTLtS, . CHAS 8. BaTAJ, l --ii'ALL'S, -"Fi M. Boocojra, U. IL EoixBTs. . N.v C. Railroad 18 J I f I I 1 L-. 4 x DAY SCHOOL. SKIHIIEB, Principal. Quasar. r-:7- .: i ; .t I .vnm a ff ATOaCftA5t BRAKK - i HSHBR9SWAG9H G? ' IRACINET.WIS. Atlintio & N. 0. Railroad, . Gcr. FanaHT ajts Pass. Dkp't, ' Nnw Bxbkc, Feb. 4th, 1890. .' . Cheap Excursion Rates , TO THX EAST CAROLINA f isi, Oyster, 61&1 ui Isdnstriil iss'o AT NEW BERNE. PB.24, 25, 26427, 28, and XABC11 1. Ticket, will b. sold oTer this road on thm ail train on Feb. 22 d to 23ih inclu irafood to retarn uniii March 8d in- OJ.Mt. All atation eaii of New Berne lit Mil tickets up to and including Mirrk -1ft. and on tbe Special Train, rte 84. S3. 26, 27. 23, and March 1, good to retarn to March lac icclasire. bi laid special train, viz: Ticket for tb. nmnd trip, incladicjj admUsion to th.Fair. By Mail T1.. Stations. BySpeolT'n. Rata, 83.40 Golds boro Rate. $1 50 8 8V BOstl 1.40 " 8.10 La Graoge " 1.35 L Falling Creek.. " 1.35 1.80 Kinston 14 1.25 1.45 Caswell- ' 1.20 " 1.85 Dover " 1.00 : .05 Core Creek ,k -96 " .75 Tascarora " .75 .85 Clark's...- " .65 " .05 RiTerdale .70 Croatan " .05 HaTslock 1.00 Newport . " 1.15 Wild wood - 1.25 Atlantic " 1.25 Morehead Citj Scbedal. of Special Train for informa tion of tbe pnblio, and not for train SB, as this train will ran by tele (rapio order, and will have no rights OTer regular ached ale trains unleee so or d area by the train dispatcher. BCHKDUXJt: LstTI Goldsboro 8:00 A.M. 830 8 45 " O.-OO " :20 " 9.35 9:49 10:04 - 19:20 ' 10:27 10:45 " Beat's " La Grange V Falling Creek , " Kiaaton . ' M CaawsU Dover " Core Creek-... " Tnsearora " Clark's... Arr. Hew Bern. ... Ratarning, lears N.w Berne. 6:S0 P.M This Ootnpanj will transport articles for exhibit on prepay ent of freight to New Berne, and upon production of etrtifloate from the Secretary of the Fair Association that sach articles have not been sold, for freight charges will b. refund Sd and articles returned free. Or npon production of certificate from the 8scrtarj that such articles are in tended for exhibition, they will be transported free from shipping point, and retnrnsd free as above provided iotv Agent, of this Company will be in structed a. to perishable articles, etc., to use their discretion in giving them free) transportation without certificate from Secretary. These privilege, are not extended to articles intended for advertising purposes. i 8. L.DELL, Gen. Ft. Pasa, Agt. ED ITU RIAL KOTES. The British Parliament has con vened. i The Geutiles, for the first time in its existence have control of Salt Lake City. Ohio Democrats will bare six teen or more representatives in the next Congress. Charles Emory Smith, editor of the Philadelphia Press has been appointed United States Minister to Russia. There will not be enough Re publicans in the next Congress to shout for the good old rnle which Speaker Reed has broken. Sionx City Tribune. Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, eajs that Mr. Cleveland is tbo strongest man In tbe Democratic party, and tHat all of the little booms will wither and die belore 1892. The Senate Committee on Terr i tone have directed Chairman Piatt to favorably report the bill for the admission of Tdabo as a State, and it will be reported to the Senato on Wednesday. We call the attention ot Senators. Rannom and Vance to the New Berne PaWic Building. Get the appropriation. Gentleman, -and let the work begin. A Pnblic Build Ing is badly needed, and our workmen want employment. w Fouaker is politically dead, Mahoue is fatally wounded and Speaker Reed is digging his own political crave. Meanwhile tbe Democratic vote of the country steadily increases Little Rock Gazette. The edge tool companies of tbe United States have combined to control prices. When the repre eentatives of any protected. Indus try combine to control prices. Con gress should let down the protective bars. Cedar Rapids Republican. The Philadelphia Inquirer ex plains that ex-Editor West, of Chicago, does not go to jail in his editorial capacity, bni as a com mon scoandrel. Tbe Inquirer's logic is most convincing, but it can not be denied that the editorial "we" had a very close call. On Wednesday the Senate passed a joint resolution congratulating the people oi tbe United States of Brazil apon tbeir successful adoption of a republican form ot government. The House will probably reach it in time and 'the recognition business be formally concluded. , "As a general rule, it is said to be very difficult matter to gauge tbe speed of fishes. The fast fishes are trim and pointed in shape, with their fins close to their bodies. Tbe dolphin and bonito are thought to be the fastest, and, although tbeir speed is not known, they are fully capable of twenty miles an hour," "Congressman Crisp, of Geor gia, who has been making himself prominent of late, is a son of an English actor of repute. Tbe elder Crisp supported Mrs. Mowatt when she first went on. the stage. He afterwards settled in Georgia and died there.7' This writer frequently saw "The Crisp" Family" on the stage, The present Congressman was a little boy then, but gave evi dence of future greatness. The Post does not believe in any summary shutting on ot debate, when doubtful measnres are under consideration about which men's minds remain to be made up. But talking for the mere sake ot talk in j a question that is settled before tbe talk begins is a waste of time and of the pnblio patience. Washing ton Post. The fight iu Congress without rules has hurt the Republican?; the new rules are likely to still further hurt them, for the people will soon appreciate the effect they have on legislation. Tbe Republicans have succeeded iu their aims and pur poses, but at the expense of some of their political strength. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Australian settlers complain that there is a great increase in destructive insects since the Eng lish sparrows arrived and drove out the native birds. It is found by examination that tbe sparrow is more of a scavenger than an insect eater. Tbe birds will not touch insects if they can get grain. Nature. Some facts have just been made public concerning the disreputable Federal appointments made by tbe President in Indiana which prove beyond a doubt that Harrison was a party to the corrupt and shame ful methods resorted to to carry Indiana. It Is shown that during the campaign in Indiana, shortly before election the Chairmen of the Republican County Committees were notified to come to Indiana polis to meet the candidate for President. Mr. Harrison went be fore them and earnestly pleaded with them to return home and raise money. Before they left the Dennison House tbey were told by others in authority that if they would go home and raise a certain amount oi money they could con tro) the patronage in their respec tive counties. Syracuse Journal. EDITORIAL X0TES. A rooR excase: "I'm broke. We salute the people of Kinston. We understand that they are com ing in mass to tbe Fair. A royal welcome awaits thorn. Ex-Kino Milan of Servia has lost 300,000 ' francs gambliDg at Monaco. It was probably a case in which a pair of knaves beat a king full. We are authorized by tbe man agement to say that ample arrange ments have been made for the ac commadation of all who will attend the Fair. The New York Son calls on the Democratic newspapers to stop abusing Democrats. Mr. Grover OUjveLaod will, no doubt, be pleased to learn whether or not the Sun proposes to fake any of its own very good advice. "WHEN Mr. Cannon catted for the previous question yesterday, with a view to cutting off debate on the Rules, and lound himself deserted by more than a score of his Republican colleagues, he must have felt like spiking himself." THE Republican party iu Con necticot, Senator Hawlev's State, is in a bad way. One of tbe most Influential of its leaders declared the other day that 'ouly an act of omnipotence" could savo it from defeat. Chtrleston News & Cou rier. THE debate on the new Lionise rnles will be historical There is a chance for some one to make him self famous we mean, of course, some Democrat. Tbe Republican leaders have already made them selves infamous Kansas City Times. Mu. REED is not much of a Caesar after all. The Democrats demanded a set of rules for the government of the House and the man from Maine bad to yield. Tbe Democratic minority is making a good fight. It has won tbe first knockout. Houston Post. The leading Republican papers of tbe North say there is now as great an exodns of negroes from Kansas as there was to Kansas ten years ago. Tbey are returning South or going to Oklahoma in swarms. Why, Mr. lngaiisT Chattanooga Times. We take off our hat to the Golds boro Argus. Tbe papers of tbe State are very generous, but the Argus has something to say for the New Berne Fair every day. It is pleasant and fortunate to have such a neighbor as Goldsboro and such a champion as tbe Argus. THE only difference between tbe Republican conspiracy to steal the Presidency in 1876 and the Repub lican conspiracy to capture Con gress in 1890 is thit the former was done by trickery and tbe latter is done by violence. St. Louis Post Dispatch. It was our purpose to reproduce in the columns of tbe Journal the many kind notices of our deceased editor, the late Henry S. Nunn, that have appeared in tbe press of tbe State, but we have concluded to keep them as sacred mementoes, illustrative of tbe generous kind ness of the editorial brotherhood. Thb Honse Committee on Elec tions have decided to recommend that the House nnseat Mr. Pendle ton and seat Mr. Atkinson as re presentative from the first West Virginia district. Now is tbe win ter of our discontent, but we look forward to a joyous summer. There is no charm like that of virtue, no beauty like that of good ness, and no grace more bewitching than that of modesty. Beanry of form or coloring is evanescent, but that which is based upon tbe better qualities of the heart, is permanent. Personal beauty may attract the adwlration of the passing hour, but the richer beauty of moral loveli. ness commands the deepest rever ence, and secures the most endur ing affection. Wilson Mirror. Puce says, with truth, that tbe Republican party leaders really aim "at the establishment of a per manent autocracy among them selves, and a virtual nullification of every principle of popular suffrage and equal rights." But the con spirators have already failed, be cause the game was seen and promptly exposed and resented. Harrison, Reed, Quay, Edmunds and the other "bosses" of the Re publican party are at a heavy dis count, and they will be "unloaded" by tbe people in due time. Wil mington Messenger. The foreign commerce of this country last year showed in round figures an increase of 8135,000,000, over the year 1888, an increase of fourteen percent. With this in crease the American shipper found no difficulty in securing all tbe vessels, steamers or sailers, that he needed. Where then appears the necessity for subsidizing ships to supply the American shipper with ships when there are already at bis call as many as he needs T An increase of fourteen per cent, in exports in one year does not indi cate that American commerce is languishing for want of ships to bear oar products to other ports. Wilmington Messenger. DEBATING THU BtJLES. Congress has been In session since the first Monday in Decem ber, and yet no rules for its govern ment have been adopted. For two and a half months the arbitrary will of the Speaker was recognized as tbe parliamentary law of the House of Representatives. This condition of affairs would have continued indefinitely but for tbe resolnte action of the Democrats that has forced the Committee on Rules to report to the House a code for its government. Two reports are now before Con gress : one the majority report, supported by the Republicans, the other the report of the minority advocated by the Democrate Tbe adoption of tbe majority re port will facilitate the transaction of business by removing the checks imposed upon legislation ; the adoption of the minority report will retain those safeguards which, from the foundation of the govern ment, have been regarded as the surest defense of the public treas ury and the greatest abstacle to hasty, inconsiderate and hurtful legislation. The contest over tbe now code opened on Monday. The two par ties euteied upon tbe debate in this relation to each other: Tbe minority is united and the majority is divided. The masterly presenta tion of tbe case signed by Cailisle and Randall, as the minority ot ihe committee on rules, commands nniversal allegiance on tbe Demo cratic side, while the majority ie porr, embodying tbe decision of the caucus to give pension cases preferenee, is not even accepted by the Republican members of the committee on rules. That Repub lican members will be lashed into an acquiesence in the.decree of tbe caucus is highly probable, but it will be a sullen acquiesence that carries with it none of the spirit of vigorous, rosolute action. The debate was opeBed on the part of the majority by Mr. Cannon who stated that "of tbe forty rules, which governed the last House, twenty-nine were reported without any material change. The changes were such as would enable tbe will of the majority to be ascertained and expressed with accuracy and with the utmost expediency, -con sistent with fair and due dehatn and consideration." Mr. Mills, of Texas, speaking for the minority,said that"the proposed code would reverse legislative action and run back npon the track upon which the government had been running forward for a cen tury. It was founded npon the proposition that the minority had no rights; that the majority was all powerful ; that It spoke by in spiration, and that its action was impregnable. It was founded on the prineiple that the King was divinely appointed and that he could do no wrong. That was not the theory upon which the Fathers had builded this great temple of liberty. "Rules were intended not only to facilitate business, but to protect the minority, and they had always done so since the foundation of the government. Rales werejntended to make this body halt, pause, de liberate, and, in some instances, to go back and touch the sober second thought of the people. It was npon the sober second thought of the people that the government rested. The people might become mad; but that madness would dis appear, and in their sober second thought they would come back and do what they ought to do. The Republicans had said they desired to consider an election case, and that they had the manhood to carry out their desire. They reminded him of the bull which had tbe man hood to get in front of an engine running at sixty miles an bonr, dispute its passage. The bull did not stay there long; bnt a by stander said that while he admired the bull's manhood, he damned his judgment. Laughter, The mi nority had asked for rules, but for rules which, while providing for the proceedure of business, would pre serve and protect the rights of the minority." How long this debate will con tinue cannot be definitely deter mined, but the Republicans will attempt to force a vote at the earliest moment and carry the majority report through by the force of numbers. The duty of the Democrats ot the House is plain. They must insist npon justice to the minority, and if overcome in the last en trenchment of liberty, pay the last tribu-of respect to a departed free Constitution. Wonder if Benjamin Harrison ever thought that the interest he is taking in Illinois politics would be the means of sending Gen. John M. Palmer to the United States Senate in the place of C. B. Farwell. Shonld that be the case he can mark Illinois down as between Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland in 1892 that it would be Grover Cleveland every time. Illinois Herald. It is not what we intend, but i wnat we do. that mages us nseiui. 1 SENSATIONAL, Washington and Boston are not much alike in their physical fea tures, much less are they alike in their social customs and personal characteristics. Washington is a hustler; made so by tho core mingling of all the elements tht meet in a national capital. claims to be the capital of tl epnblic of letters; acity whose bueuity is not to be disturbed by slight and transient causes. Both of these citiss are now entertaining the public with sensa sations. For a time, Fanz, the Aberdeen victim, was the Washington sensa tion, but he is now eclipsed by H. C. Astwood. ex-United Siates Minister to Sau Domiugo. He is a negro, and because of his color, he has received an indignity. "Early Tuesday afternoon the story was current that the Riggs had entertained a colored man, and that in consequence Congressman Thomas SV. Grime1, of Georgia, has paid his bill, secured a receipt and departed for the Sboreham, where he hoped to be in more con geniai company." Washington was at once in a flurry. Mr. Grimes was quiet and orderly; the affair became public through the agency of agitators. Mr. Grimes did right. WashiDgton hotels can't force social equality. The writer knows Thomas V. Giimee, ot Columbus, Georgia. lie is :v gentleman ot culture and a true representative of bis people. lie is not alone. Other Congressmen will follow his example. The Sauth is not to be placed in a false pobuiou by this incident. Political lights are re 8pected4 and defended. Social rights are sacred, and no man shall pollute them. Boston has a sensation in tbe person of Powell Clayton, of Ar kansas. General Clayton is not unknown to the country. Of all who took part in reconstruction outrages not one is more infamous than Powell Clayton. No recapitu lation of his offenses is necessary. Like Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot, his name is a volume in itself. A Boston correspondent of tbe Washington Post says : "The Mystic Valley Club of busi ness men gave a dinner tonight, at which General Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, was the guest of honor. His speech on 'The Southern Ques tion' was the feature of the even ing, and was made doubly interest, ing by the fact that, to Rome ex tent, it was a reply to the speech lately delivered here by the la mented Henry W. Grady." It -could not be otherwise than that the speech of Clayton would be the opposite of the speech of Grady. One was a hellish picture, the other a heavenly vision. It is impossible for Clayton to have thought the thonghts or spoken the words of Grady. Living under the same sunny .skies, tbey weie as tho polls assnnder. One was a gentleman, the other a freebooter. Clayton had no access to the circle in which Grady moved. He could only stand out in the midnight darkness and, looking into illumi nated apartments of culture and refinement, conjecture the thonghts and purposes of the children of light. If it suits the people ofsBoston to accept the testimony of Powell Clayton rather than that of Henry W. Grady, they must be left to that blindness of mind and hardness of heart which is the inevitable pre lude to persona, social and national degeneracy. Thirty-Two Thousand Gone. "Peg Leg" Williams was here today arranRing to carry away more exodus ters. He sent out a train load of two nun dred and thirty last nixht. He reported this morning that he himself had sent twenty-two thousand negroes out of tbe State and that tbe "other boys," 88 be expressed it, had sent out ten thou sand, making a total of thirty-two thousand. A reporter asked him if there was a demand for all this labor, to which he replied that he had never yet put a negro on the train without bavin a home and labor contract pro vided for him. He went on to say that he had de mands for five thousand more negroes now. He is working up this number, and for that purpose went to Halifax county this morning. The exodus fever has struck there, and negroes are con gregating at tbe depots hoping to be taken away. It seems that no accurate record has been kept of tbe number of negroes taken from tbe various counties. This morning Williams appointed and left several agents, both white and colored, to vork Wake county for wnat she would yield in the way of colored labor to be transferred to Mississippi aad other States. A large number of negroes and a D'g pile of luggage at the Union depot in dicate that tbe exodus fever is still prevalent in this immediate auction. Raleigh Call. Afraid of Their Oyster Supply UiYing Out. Annapolis. Feb. 11. A committee of the Canton Oyster Exchange of Balti more was before tbe committee of tbe Legislature today baying tbe care of Chesapeake Bay and its trbutaries. The oystermen favor the passage of a taw which will stop the catching of oysterB for any purpose after April 1st, and which will rf quire all oysters not measuring over twoand one half inches to be culled and thrown overboard on the rocks where caught. Baltimore and the neighboring towns are becom ing alarmed about the possible loss of their oyster crop and trade. IS LIFE WORTH LlVIIf G? Not if you go through the world a dyspep tic. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a posi tive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by R. Berry. New- bern.N. C, NORTH CAROLINA SEWS. From the State Papers. The railroad between Wilmington and Fay etteville has been completed. The last rail was laid on Tuesday. Henderson Tomahawk: The wife of John Young, colored, living on Mr. Whit Swain's place near town, gave birth to one child on the 5th, one on the 6th and another on the 7th. Tbe oldest are living and the youngest is dead. Hilleboro Observer: Mr, Enoch Sykes, of Bingham township brought to town Tuesday a large number of crow's feet, about seventy-five pairs, he said. A few weeksgo be bought some strych nine and soaked corn in it and began to feed the crows with the poisoned corn. The result proved very satisfactory. Mr. 8ykes said be thought he found only about half of the crows that were killed, as he could hear of dead ones lying all over the neighborhood. Goldsboro Argue: Goldsboro has had another fire of considerable importance that might have been promptly extin guished if sufficient water had been available. The foundry building of tbe Wayne Agricultural Works was de stroyedllast night about 7 o'clock, and although the two engines of the fire de partment were early on the scene they could do nothing for lack of water. Tbe fire is supposed to have originated in the wooden roofing, as that is where it was first discovered, probably by sparks from the furnace. The building was insured for SI. 000, but it is thought that tbe loss will exceed that sum by several hundred dollars. The main fcuilding was unharmed, and tbe foundry will be rebuilt at once. The New Berne Fair. . Editor Journal: The American Angler, published in New York, has a very flattering notioe of our fair, and the article is worth copying for the benefit of your readers, and to show what an interest our Fair is awakening in distant circles. Chas. Haliock, the writer of the ar ticle, was here last year a few days be fore tbe opening of the Fair, and was eviaentiy well impressed with our people and resources. Mr. Haliock was the founder and first editor of the forest ana stream, ana some years later startea tne American Angler, which he still edits and partly owas These two papers had for many years stood at the head or the sporting lournais or tne country, devoted to bunting and fishing. Chas. Haliock is the son of Girard uaiiocx, the rounder and for many years senior editor -oi the New Yors Journal of Commerce and one of the ablest men of bis day. He was con' temporary with Horace Greeley of the Tribune, hi. J. Hamond of tbe Times. Dana of the Sun, Jas. and Erastus Biooks of the Evening Express, Bryant of the Post and James Bennett of the Herald. Such a galaxy of editors has never been seen in the annals of journalism in this or any ether country, and these men had more to do with the shaping of the destinies of this country than any other body of men. Charles Haliock was a warm sympa thizer with the South during the "late unpleasantness," and if the writer mistakes not was imprisoned at tbe North for his sentiments. G. N. I. A Fearful Tragedy. Colcmbus, Feb. 11. A special to the Register says: A fearful tragedy was en acted in Newberry county Saturday atternoon. James B. M. Clary, a far mer, who lives five miles from here teems to have determined to exter minate his whole family. He first un dertook to kill his daughter, 18 years old, by shooting her with a pistol, bnt was thwarted in the attempt by neighbors who were sent for to protect tbe family. While all were present in tbe room be managed to get hold of a small axe, and before any one could interfere he gave his wife three severe blows on the head whioh mar prove fatal. She was unconscious yesterday. but is thought to be somewhat better now. Sheriff Riser, as soon as be learned of the affair, went out Saturday night and brought Clary here and lodged him in jail yesterday morning. Clary has been drinking heavily for some years and possibly was crazed from drink. Senator Iogalls Receives a Package Washington, Feb. 11. On Saturday last Senator Ingalls' mail contained a small pink-wrapped box four inches long, two inches wide and a little more than an inch thick. On being opened the box was found to contain one of the Union Metalio Cartridge Co.'s "star" cartridges, with the following inscription in black ink, "Election pills for old Cuff Jor for Ingalls, from Jack son, Mies. Como to see us, Old Nut galls." Senator Ingalls was not at all alarmed at the contents of his mail, but both he and his secretary thought it prudent to lay the cartridge carefully away, as there was a possibility that it might be more destructive than an or dinary oartridge. There was a slight fear that tbe powder and shot might have been extracted from the shell and replaced with some powerful explosive. The Senator, however, was of opinion that it was a plain buckshot cartridge, and a reporter subsequently ascertained this to be the fact by prizing open the shell and revealing nine large buck shots and a charge of powder. Even this, it was thought was not a particu larly pleasant present, and the joke may turn out to be a serious one for tbe perpetrator, as it is a violation of tbe postal Jaws to send explosives through the mails. Four Children Drowned in Crossing a Swollen Stream. Corinfh, Miss , February 11. A dis tressing acoident was reported yester day from Yellow Creek, ib Tishomingo county, near Burnsville. Last Friday, during a heavy rain, Jim Seals and his family, emigrants from Alabama, at tempted to oross Yellow Creek in a wagon. The stream was swollen out of its banks and the wagon went down tbe current and capsized, drowning four children aged from two to tea years. The team was also drowned and every thing lost, the parents alone surviving. The children were buried Sunday at a neighboring graveyard. The parents are left penniless and are almost pros trated with grief. INHERITED BLOOD POISON. How many people there are whose distress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of husband and wife to keep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of most convincing proof. James Hill, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "My two sons were afflicted with blood poison, which doctors said was heredi tary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly con trolled and finally cured completely." Mrs. S- M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: "My three poor afflicted chil dren, wbo inherited blood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. R. .Wilson, Glen Alpine Station. N. C, Feb. 13, writes: "Bone and blool poison forced me to have my leg ampu tated, and on tbe stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day and doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B.. and 12 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents. New Berne. N. C. Beeoham's Pills cure bilious and ner vousjillr. NORTH CAROLINA OUR FUTURE! OYSTER GROUND. ! The Old Nrth State is rapidly com I ing to the front as tbe chief oyster ground of the Atlantic coast, and is destined soon to take precedence of TT: . fTM . . .... v irgiuia. mere is no aouDt aoout tnis. Contributory causes in great variety natural, political, economic, and special are tending steadily and constantly to briog about this result; and to these are added the untiring energy and com mercial expedients of that very live Yankee element which already consti tutee so large a proportion of her shore population, and with which the native character so readily assimilates. As long as sixteen years ago tbe old Fair haven oystermen, beaded by George N. Ives, began to migrate from Connecticut to tbe sounds and rivers of North Caro lina, and now there are at Morehead, New Berne. Pollard, and other places, large colonies of Nutmeg Graters (now greater than ever), with largo capital invested in oyster canneries and fiah packing establishments with extensive connections in New York, Boston, and all the eastern markets; and new ones are being constantly added. But tbe influx of nortbern enterprise is not all from Connecticut. There are besides Yankees a good many wide-awake and sagacious Virginians who have already pulled out from the depleted and dis puted Chesapeake, and are adding their valuable knowledge and experience to the common fund a combination of qualities and energies which are surely working out for North Carolina a most enviable financial position soon to com mand fulsome recognition. Virginia may continue to plant oys ters for a generation to come, but un less the interests of her oyster planters are better protected than they have been, and are, the industry must wane and die out. Decadence is inevitable During the World 's Cotton Exposition at New Orleans, in 1834-5. North Caro lina had the best exhibit of fish and fish--ing implements of all tbe States repre sented. Not only her commercial fishes were shown, but all indigenous fishes. ooaat wise and inland. Mounted speci mens were represented, so exquisitely prepared by tne taxidermist that they attracted wide comment. By this ex hibit the fishing resources and capabil ities of North Carolina were illustrated, and their coming importance fore shadowed . Tnere were other seaboard States which made fair presentation of tieir fishery industries at New Orleans, but none however followed up the ad vantage which it gave them, excepting North Carolina. That wide-awake State has wasted no time nor opportu nity. Tbe very next year after New Orleans, the first annual exhibition of tbe "East Carolina Fish, Ojster. Game, and Industrial Association," was insti tuted at New Berne, and now in this month of February, 1800, it holds its third, extending from the 24th of this month to March 1. It will be noticed that the speoific title which designates the objects and purpose of this Association gives the fish and oyster industrtes precedence of all others. The timber interests of the State, its cotton, tobacco, naval stores, minerals, and the rest, are given seoond place, thereby indicating what the peo ple believe to be their "best hold." Without doubt the fisheries of the State only just now beginning to be devel oped are paramount to all others. Last year we visited tbe New Berne Fair in person; we sailed through the broad sounds and visited tbe canneries and fish houses along shore, and we thus ubtained that insight into their growing development which makes us enthusiastic, and without which we oould not feel confident. It would be well worth tbe while of any reader of the Angler to attend this Fair, going to Norfolk, Vs., by the Obi Dominion line of steamers from New York, and thence to New Berne through the canals and sounds. Tbe city itself is beautiful and the Fair grounds modern, with brick buildings and electrio lights. The new building just completed for the exolusive display of oysters, fish and game is admirable. Aquaria and the departments of conch ology will be Bpecial features. Pre miums of five dollars are offered for each of the twelve varieties of native oysters named, and twenty4ive dollars for the best varied collection. A prize of fifty dollars is offered for the best collection of fish, and twenty-five dol lars for tbe second best. Then there are prizes for tbe best displays of scallops and crabs, a prize of five dol lars for the largest sturgeon, and ten dollars each for the best shark and less than five foet long and tbe beet live porpoise and the biggest live alligator over five feet. This exibit will cer tainly be unique enough. But besides this tbe game exhibit in Class A will be remarkable, for it includes bear, wolves, deer, beaver, otter, mink, wild cat, fox. squirrel, rabbits, musk rat, panther cat, coon, opossom, flying squirrel and other wild animals, and three hundred varieties of game and wild fowls, including wild turkeyB. geese, ducks, plover, curlew, rail, beach robin, oyster birds, doves, snipe, woodcock and quail. Liberal premiums are offered for best pairs of all varieties of upland game, and also for best pairs of twenty-two named varieties of na tive ducks, and for swans, loons, wild turkeys, and fifteen varieties of fur bearing animals. It is ex-pected that ex-President Cleveland will attend. American (N. Y.) Angler. , A FEW NEWS ITEMS. A - general strike is threatened throughout the coal mines of Alabama, involving thousands of miners, and causing fifteen or twenty blast furnaces to shut down. The young Duke of Orleans has been sentenced by tbe tribunal of the Seine to two years' imprisonment for violation of the law exiling from the country all pretenders to the French throne. A fire occurred early Wednesday morning in the Catholic Orphan Asylum on Fifth Avenue, New York. There were four hundred and fifteen orphan boys in the institution, all of whom, through tbe excellent management of the Sisters, were safely gotten out of the building. The damage was about 810,000. In the Senate. Wednesday, a resolu tion was adopted formally recognizing the Republic of the United States of Brazil, and a resolution was offered re questing the President to invite the King of the Hawaiian Islands to send delegates to the Pan-AmerioaBjCongrts now in session in Washington. The session of the House was 'almost wholly consumed in the discussion of the pro posed code of rules. prof, hast cuts his throat. Louisville, Ky February 12. This morning Prof. Louis Hast went into Birk's cutlery shop on Third street, and asked for a razor. One was sold to him, and he asked tbe clerk to sharpen it. While Birk was going to the back part of the shop to hone tbe instrument. Hast took another razor off the counter and cut bis throat from ear to ear. He bled to death in a few minutes. Hast was the most prominent musician in' this State. Mental aberration, due to long illness, was the cause of the sui cide. MERIT WIJVS. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that tell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price If satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For eale by R. N. Duffy, whole sale and retail druggist. Price per dozen bottles, $8.00. jac221y o:vi3 enjoys Both the method and .results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tajate, and acta gently yet promptly" cfh the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nuJ cures habitual constipation,. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tlin taste and ac ceptable to the btoniru-h, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ii ' many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs 13 for sale in 50c r and $1 bottles by all leading drug- ' gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANCISOO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. KCiV YORK. N.Y. ELYM Catarrh CREAM BALM Cleanse the Ntwl Fiuigti. Allay Fain and Inflammation, Heal the Sorts. Restore (lie Sense of Taste 'HAYFEVEW and Smell. USX HAy-FEVER TRY THE CURE A particle 1 applied ?inv each nostrU'svnd Is agreeable. Prino 50 cents nt DrtigelitK hv mall, registered. 60 cU. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street. New-York lanlMwly ,77T?aGO. 28 UNION SC1UARE,NY Hnugt ST.LOUIS.MO. 4,-aiJ.iajjj.i OA.LLAS.TEX. AGENT WANTED. Your Attention, Please! We have a nice line of Feed Cutters, Cider-Milla, Apple Peelers, Mowers, Mowing Scythes, Fruit Jars, etc., for the summer trade. Our stock of Paints, etc., is full and complete. Oile, We are agent for the Cele brated "ZEB. VANCE"-COOK STOVE, and invite you to call and examine it bfor buying a stove. Respectfully, WHITTY GATES. jj 24 wtf Salesmen to canvass for the salo t f .Nursery Stock! Steady employ me u t guaruntttd. (;OOD PATi for succ ssf' 1 men. Aoply at once stating age. Sleuth n this papr. llakma Knrs?iy Co., Hwitsville, Ala. decll worn Lumber is Jldvasicing. Saw Mills. Steam Engines, SHINGLE MILLS,'1IAT PRESSES, &c. If you want a Flrt-fcln SAW-MILL, send for Catalogue to A. B. FARl'HAK CO.. (Ld..l decla w'-lq Yuik, a. AGENCY F-On WWW If I can't sell out one way, I must try another way, and for thin reason I have got in more Koods. Tobacco, Cigars and Fruit, Apples. Grapes, Figs, Cran berries, Lemons. Oranges. A fresh lot of Tobacco and Cigars (good); a fine lot of Durham Smoking Tobacco. Cut Plug, and granulated at live cents for two oz., etc.. etc. WM.L4PALMER. nl3tf Middle St.. New Berne. NO ADVERTISING E0D0E, The balance of cur Witttr Stock of Clothing and Underwear we will close out At Cost, for the Next Thirty Days. to make room for our iSprir.r; (looile. Barrington & Baxter. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED At J. n. HOlVftRO'S ! Fast Black H. Dose, 2 V. British H. Hose. Mourning Binds for sti ;nd Ctc; Dair. Bachelor Buttons. Rubber Coats and Boots fit low pric s. Three Linen Collars for 2."c. White Silk, Black Silk an.l P.'ijue 4 in hands. Black Dude Row b. White Shirts. unUumii it d, made of N. Y. Mills Munlin. at 'V. ' Low pricfB on Cloihinir to cloeo out Winter Stock jant 19 dw .J M. HOWARD. . 1 r !! nr . ' f f At-.il.),. , l-.t. .1. 2A t. .aw m (gj W00DWORK'gt5)(f AffAeIMEHfSg; 553 1 1 J r it i - . V-'-f - . ' V --f 1 ''".V'.' .(.4 fin 't ff '",- ' T "!,;' " '. JS""'" ...... . . v