7 GJL V "... a-.- ' j,r i- ' v r 4 -- ' , a 3 X IlSTIDEFElSriDElSrT 1 1ST .AIH things. YOLixn:,: NEW JBERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MARCH 20, 1890. NO. 51. ffflfWfcl mi IftflHSl M II I 1 r - - '! tf -I HI .1' .- i i I.r-. : I : z:: L:rt3 ) COLD 3Y AIX Prei-i ! cul y ly TTT0S.T! ErCHAH, StHeIcris,Lancashire,EnglaniI. . 2SJhALljEN' fc CO., Soto Agents rba L.MA10 STATE, M A; CANAX. ST., NEW YORK, f.'ifif; joitf drngssf does noCkieep ' them) will mail Beecham's I J. oo receipt of price Ht inpdrt JirsL, (Please mention thispaper , : . k W ti Si i ' iii v i? Fr.nn ; stock fliiD roadsters. I hare ob band aa-fine Horae," Male and Ponies, imported irom Torth iind Wfst, fver broaght to North Carolina. New xtoek eoasuutly arririBg. (Jail and examine." febl9 d t flrox : 33otx3lo 3XT- C BOAItDlNGh AND DAY SCHOOL. Special attention -iren to 'Mathematica, Commercial Law, Book keeplaj and Peamanhip -s" Experienced teacher in Iaetromental lloaic. . Tocal 31 a sic prominent feature. Tuition. Including Board, Washing, Ugkt, etc, $65.00 to $15 00 per ciu oi are mon ma. - -i ..-t" YT. T-r-r . ENGINIEBI. Founders and Mschlalti i( XIaanfaetamaal X)aalantsl,' cvszi iD.iiEEmxir ,iwm i ,w mm, Mg oar Mumiy v. win katUJMfMflHtUll r-rr-t ' rt,TnnlJJT.lLa P.TTMfraa tkra to taar tet ? - s Mnu &eb.dIlvrd O- board -i . rvwa. EO anta oar BieiJ" . . : r . KA om 1 2CVir7AXM'V . A VI Y VV "7 , " V I7iJoMiWJia my agent aiKia.ton, fj. a. LANE. Slonwll, K. a - III II li I DinDIsordered Liver. ; DRUGdiSTS.' WORSES BROAD STREET. SKIHNEE, Principal. 1" LAdj eV.Chai s e.. atmt- emui mm - I if" FISHM2STO9R G9 JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OP EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Lbrblo Works, New Berne, N. O. ' Itatlaa aad American Mrble"ndU q.aiHtlirt of natarUl. Order elicited and given prompt attention, with aatlaactioo gnaran- rT- agant. EDITORIAL NOTES. "It is said the new tariff bill advances the doty on beana 40 centa per basbe)." Texas was forty-five jears old last Starday, bat abe doean't look it. Pioneer Preaa. On Monday a resolution waa offered in the Senate for the relief ot the existing agricultural deprea aion. w A petition from Florida haa been presented in the senate asking a dnty of one doliar per box on for eign oranges. The Oyster Bay Pilot nominate Mr. Cleveland for President in 1892. Only a-&v more votes are required. Brooklyn Eagle. "Dr. Channcey Depew was qnite late in catching the grip. Still he made better time on the grip than he did on the Fair." A laege ncmber of Senators were examined Monday beiore the cooiu:icteu investigating the leaks of the executive sessions. Tiie - McKinley administrative bill has stirred up the French. It has also caused some of the Ameri can importers walk Spanish. Washington Post. A notable meeting will take place next Taesday in the City of Mexico, it being the semi-annual convention of the general passenger and ticket agents of North America. Gen. Clinton B. Fisk insist that the Prohibition party ia stronger than ever before, and that it will pnt a candidate in the field far the Presidential canvass of 1892. It matters not what makeshift the Republicans adopt now to pro long their hold on power, they can not long delay the dissolution of their party. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sen atoe Blale predicts disaster to the Republican party in case hia educational bill fails to beeome law. The Senator's predictions are hot calculated to attract Demo cratic support to hia measure. The proposition to turn the Weather Burean over to the tender mercies of the Civil Service Com mission will hardly meet: with popular favox. The weatherts b4 enough as it is. Washiagton Post. G enseal Palxxb, most popular of ruinota DemocratrthkksrtW Democrats will control the next Legislature that is to meet in November.-lie is a candidate for the United States Stmatorship. Wilmington Mesinger. A company has been organized which will build fifteen miles of electric 6treet railway in Augusta, Ga., and capitalists of Kansas City propose investing half a million dollars in suburban property in the same city. Wilmington Star. Thebe should be at least four cotton mills here. There should be folly fifty manufactories attending to the smaller industries. Look at Richmond Va., with its nearly 800 factories. Heed and copy. Wil mington Messenger. Just one short year ago today, Benjamin Harrison became Presi dent of the United States, but it would take ten years for him to crawl back the distance he has fallen in public estimation daring the time he has been in office. Milwaukee Journal. The people of some of the Iowa towns having cleaned oat the Re publicans at r.he late elections are now giving their auction to other nuisances. In tb ttwti of Milton, the other day. they (urued out aud slaughtered lour cbojaiad rats. Wilmington Star. The fact that i p'jor old woman, eighty years of age, should be f juna In the very heart of the National Capital, lying sick and helpless, and being gradually eaten ap by rata, ma have no bearing on the Siberian exile qaesrion, but it shows that there are some horrors nearer home that are at least worth think ing about. Washington Post. Of course, what else! Who ex pects the Rads in, the Senate to be more honorable or more just than the Rads in the House, and all know how every abandoned and unrighteous they are! 1 Putting in the Radical Senators not elected from Montana is precisely on a par with Radical ethics and sense of right and jnstioe. It is a set of robbers robbing the people of their representation and robbing them ot their money. Exchange. Yet the majority of the people are not prosperous. The farmers do not thrive. Satisfactory wage in the cities are offset by the high cost of living. A more equitable system of taxation, the abolition of all unnecessary taxes, the utiliza tion by the people for their own benefit of public rights and the denial to individuals of public grants these reforms would re lieve the pressure which has become intolerable on the shoulders of the many and would check the growth of great fortunes in the deft hands of the few. The Astors, the Van derbilts, the Goalds and Rockefal lers have done very well under the present arrangement. Now it is quite time for the people to have ineir inning. umcago News, EDITORIAL NOTES. The latest reports from the Mis sissippi river floods represent that some of the crevasses have been closed aud that there is reasonable hope that no great damage will t e done. State Treasurer Bain reports that 111,000.000 of the old debt of North Carolina has been' founded into new four per cents, leaving only 11,600,000 of the old debt out standing. Wilmington Star. Washington ladies, including the wife of the President, are talk ing of erecting a ttibate to the memory ef Mrs. Lucy Webb Hayes by the establishment of a deacon nesaf home. Mrs. Senator Teller will receive contributions. Ik all the talk of Presidential nominations in 1892 the name of B. Harrison is never mentioned. He and RathJe Hayes will play the 'Two Orphans" when Benny's present nnfertanate engagement expires. Sionx City Tnbane. It is a pity there arn not more Democratic Governor to be inau gurated tbw year, so that tbeie might be more recommeudations for Ballot Reform. Thus' far Gov. Hill, of New York, malks the only break rh the record, and even he is ready to apologize: Dallas News. Iowa, since going Democratic last Fall, seems to have become verv much pleased with that sort ot thing, and at the first opportunity she went Democratic again. The municipal -elections in that State fornix h cold comfort lor the Piesi dent and Col. Quay. Keep it up, Iowa. Savannah News. IK the first year of his Adminis tration President Harrison has made or sanctioned over 34,000 obanges in postmasters for political reasons. This is the same Elder Harrison who said in his letter of acceptance that ''fitness and not party service should be the dis criminating test, and fidelity and efficiency the only sure tenure of office." New York World. THE reports from many sections orNortb Carolina Indicate the area planted in cotton this year will be maob less than last year. There come np reports that more diversi fying of crops will be resorted to, and greater .industry will be mani- festedjy;the whites. , The exodus of the-aegioee will not' hart "much," and It stimulates to greater iudustry and economy. Wilmington Mes senger. It is stated that Loge Harris Secretary of the North Carolina Republican State Executive Com mittee, wrote Postmaster General Wanamaker a red hot letter .a few days ago, in which he declared that if Shaffer was confirmed as post master at Raleigh, the Republicans would not be able to elect a single Congressman in North Carolina. Well, Shaffer has been confirmed. It is hoped Loge may prove to be a prophet. Norfolk Virginian. EMMENSITE and gelbite are the inventions of Dr. Emmens, who thinks that in them our army and navy will find the long-iought smokeless explosive. Emmensite consists of about equal parts of ammonia and nitrate of soda, with picric acid, cresylio acid and "em- mens" acid. It is safe to handle, not liable to accidents, more power ful than dynamite and explodes almost without smoke. Experi ments with it at the Washington navy yard Saturday gave promising results. Baltimore Sun. THE Washington Post speaking of the ex Congressmen lately killed by Mr, Ktncaid, the representative of the Louisville Times says: Wil liam Preston Taut bee was thirty nine years old, of tall figure, with a frame sinewy and strong. His ap pearance was that of an intelligent and good natured gentleman, and he had many friends. He studied for the ministry from 1875 to 1878, and for the law from 1873 to 1881, when he drifted into politics, and was elected to the Forty-ninth Con gress from the Tenth Kentncey district. He was re-elected to the Fiftieth Congress, and was one of foremost speakers of the House. He was not a candidate for re- nomination, It is understood that one of the measures recommended by the Pan American Congress is the construc tion of a continental railroad through the respective nations re presented In the Congress, to extend as far or farther south than Rio Janerlo, and to tap the chief cities of the Central and South American countries, a grand trunk with braiohes running to the commercial centres. It is proposed to con s truct it on the plan of the Pacific rail roads, by land grants, subsides, &c, each country through which it runs adopting such measures as it may deem best to aid the work. It is a grand scheme, and as a promoter of commerce between this country ana those, throws the ship subsidy busi ness, with all the subsidy boomers claim for it, clear Into the shade. A scheme of this magnitude will, of coarse, take time, but in these days of engineering achievements, pluck and Immense capital, it will not be many years before it is an accom plished fact Wi.mington Star. CHARLESTON NEWS AND COURIER. The News and Courier is one of the beet papers iu the country, its matter being always instructive and entertaining, and it affords us pleasure to publish its guessing scheme. i it is a nine queer mat iu iiewn and Courier should take; to guess ing, usually it Knows wnat it is talking about, and there is very little room for guessing on the part of its readers Not long ago the New York World offered a prize to, the per son who would come the nearest to guessing the time it wo.d take Nellie Biy to girdle the worid.- The News and Courier is not specially given to imitating the Woild, nevertheless it offers pre miums for the nearest guesses of the correct number of bales of the United States cotton crop of 18S9-'90. Now we will let the News and Courier speak for itself: The News and Courier offers the following premiums for the nearest guesses of the correct number of bales of the United States ottou crop of 1889 -'00 ; THE FIEST PEEMIUM. tons of the Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's Manipulated Gnano. 5 torn if the winning number or guess is reoorded on or before... M'ch Si, 1890 5 tons on or before April 30, 1890 4 tons on or before May 31, 1890 3 tons on or before June 80, 1890 2 tons on or before July 31, 1690 THE SECOND PREMIUM. A copy of the Newt, and Conrier and the Sunday News, free, for one year. THE THIBD PEEMIUM. A copy ot the Weekly NewB and Courier, free, for one year. The Commercial and Financial Chronicle will be the authority for the number of bales ot the United States cotton erop of 1889-90. When its statements of the 18S9'-90 cotton crop is published (sometime in September) the first premium will be given to whoever makes the best or nearest guess on the crop. The second premium will be given to the second nearest or second best guess on the crop. The third and fourth premiums will be given to the third and fourth best or nearest guesses. The guess number, the name (or initials) and the address of the guesser' and the date of record will be published weekly in the Sunday News. i In the event of ties of two or more eiruilar numbers or guesses the one first recorded will receive the first premium. The - second preminr"will -go, to th-est, and the third and fourth -premium in the same order. Guessing opeu to every one. Any one can guess as often as desired. You can guess monthly, weekly, daily or hourly if you choose ! There are only two BULES. All guesses must be made on the ballot printed in the Weekly News and Courier. Cut one out, fill it np and send it to the News and Courier, Charles ton, S. C. Only one guess can be made on one ballot, and each ballot mast be accompanied by 5 cents in stamps or coin. BALLOT EAELY AND OFTEN. Every one registering a guess will get a copy or the Sunday ews acknowledging the ballot. PARTY ABOVE COUNTRY. The high handed and revolu tionary measures of Reed seem to have received the approval of the Repnblicac8,and the unblushing dis regard of States rights by Repub lican Senators, as shown in the admisssion of the Montana Sena tors, is applauded by administra tion organs throughout the country. It is evident that the party in power will hesitate at notbinghat will strengthen its savage warfaie on the States and ihe liberties of the people. The next national contest is narrowing down to the single question : Shall the Republic of Washington last, or shall it give place to the oligarchy of . Reed, Chandler and Harrison f McDnffee, in the midst of a great speech in the Senate said: "The people of the United States by a vast and almost countless majori ty are attached to the Constitu tion. If theycan be convinced that it is in danger they will fly to its rescue and save it." The sober, dispassionate senti ment of the American people is now, and always has been, in favor of Constitutional liberty, and the present conduct of the Republican party is the inevitable prelude to its destruction. 1 There is not much doubt of the passage of the bill to refund the direct land tax to the States which paid it, for the principle reason that a very large proportion of the 17, 000,000 paid out,' of the 120,000,000 levied will go to the Northern States. If the bill should not be . passed, however, tbe next more would be to enforce the collection In those States where it had n ot been paid, which would take abbot $3,000,000 oat of the South. Wilmington Star. An American electrician who happened to visit the Paris patent office clalmfc to have unearthed the fact from -some old records that barbed wire is not an American invention.; He says that the in vention T,ea8 first conceived and patented by a Frenchman, Louis Francis Janin, about five yeara before this first patent was granted I by the Aenerican government. THE NEGLECTED INDUSTRY AGAIN. In yester Jay's paper we called attention to the canning of fruits and vegetables as a loDg neglected industry, and presented facts and figures to tbow that fruits and vegetables can be caDned on the farm3 of North Carolina at little expense and wiih great profit to the producers. The preMi ' is a most propitious period for tl;c .: anguration of this industry. The cold weather has checked vegetation generally, and utterly destroyed eomo of the earliest crops, but there is no reason to ap prehend that the yield of fruits and vegetables of 1890 will be lees than the average yearly production. Preparation should be made to secure it all. Peas, beans, to matoes, etc , that mature too late for the Eastern markets can be canned, and be made to supply the demands of our home markets. If this is the result we may yet have cause to bless the cold north wind with its snow aDd its frosts. A Servant's Deroiion to Mis Master. Kditjr t Journal: The story that oome to ub from Raleigh of a faithful old servant of the family of Uhas. . does, the forger, asking to be allowed to ef rye out bis young master's sentence to hard labor on the public roads, brings to mind the pathetic description in Scott's "Waverley " of the trial of Fergus Mac I ver. who was condemned to death for aiding Charles Edward, the "Pretender," in his attempt to overthrow the Bouse ot Hanover. Wiih Mac Iver was tried an humble clansman, Evan Dhu MaccombiCh, who, when allowed by the jadge to speak, aid : "I was only ganging to say, my lord. that if your excellent honour, and the honourable court, would let Vich Ian Vobr go free just thi once, and let him eae back to France, and no trouble King. George's government again, that ony six o' the very best of bis clan will be willing to ba justified in his stead; and, if you'll just lot me gae down to Glennaquoicb, I'll fetch them up to ye mysel, to behead or hang, and you may begin wi me the very firoC man. " A sort of laugh -was heard in the oourt at the extraordinary nature of the proposal. The judge checked this indecency, and Evan, looking sternly around, said: "If the Saxon gentlemen are laugh ing because a poor roan, such as me, thinks my life, or the life of six of my degree, ia worth that of Vich Ian Vohr, it's like enough they may be vera right; butif.tbey laugh tecause they think I would not keep my word, and come back to redeem him, I can tell them they ken neither the heart of a Hie landman, nor the honour of a gentle man. " There was no farther inclination to laugh among the audiecce, and a dead silence ensued." The affection and devotion of the two bumble followers, so far apart in time tod circumstances, are muchlike... - D. Charity. Editor Journal: Charity makes our homes happy, so that clear atmosphere pervades the surroundings in every in stance. Io this Btateof mind afrltcttons come to us chastened. When properly exercised no imaginary wrongs or vices cross our paths. Charity, "that think eth no evil," does not make us morose, but reminds us of our, frailty, keeps d)wn our pride, and puts us in proper relation with the world. It makes the ties of human brotherhood stronger; while it beheads kings, and destroys principalities. Without it, nature lies despoiled of every charm, and ia draped ia an iceberir mantle. It give a 'peculiar charm. It belongs to no sect or section. It was charity thai prompted that patriotic band on t ie Ma; flower to steer ber course to our shores, to inaugurate this grand idea of American freedom free schools, free speech, free papers and free gifts without complaint. Taught as we are by our Divine Master that it is the greatest of all virtues, and we believe it, because we see it bo beau tifully illustrated in human experience as the reciprocal affections in all nature whenever, and wherever exercised. ! BOGCE. THE MISSISSIPPI FLOOD. The Water Still Rising A Disastrous Flood Threatened. New Orleans, La., March 12 The Times-Democrat's Helena, Ark., special says: The river hin crawled up two inches during ths last twenty-four hours and it now marks forty-three feet and rive inches on the guage. Tbe water is now four feet tix inches below high water. The rise during the pres ent week will be gradual. Beginning next week ic will be more rapid, and the highest water will reach here Sun day. New Orleans, March 12 The Pic ayune's Greenville, Miss., special says the river stood here last evening forty seven and a half feet, and rising Re ports from the levees along the Missis sippi side, up to 8 p. m . tay the princi pal levees were etui in food shape, but the btrain against them is increasing every hour. Continuous accompanied by heavy winds prevailed, und some disaster seemed doe ifcn probable before morning. It had been raining very bard since 2 o'clock, and it was still coming down in torrents with no indi cations of any change soon. All railroads in tbe vicinity of Fort Smith are suffering from serious wash out! or lost bridges, and trains are abaadoned temporarily. At Arkansas City, on the Mississippi, water from the fcappmgton nook crevasse has in undated tbe rear part of the town, and lands in the back country are being flo ded. It is not thought, ho 'ever. that any great damage will result from the break, as bayous and interior streams aie capable of carrying the water away rapidly. All tbe available boats of the government fleet have been put into levee service. A report prevailed that the levee at Alsatia, Li , twenty miles Bouth of Lake Providence, had broken, but this has not been verified. Balville, Ark., March 12. White river rose eighteen feet here yesterday, and is now rising a foot an hour. St. Louis, March 12. Flood news from various points along the Missis sippi river and other streams this morn ing is that the White and Black rivers in Arkansas are on the rampage. Both are out of their banks and overflowing the country on each side for miles. Heavy rams have fallen and continue to fall along these streams, and a gene ral inundation is looked for. The Black is a tributary of the White, and the White empties into the Arkansas just above tbe point where the latter pours its flood into the Mississippi. At Fort Smith, on tbe Arkansas, a rise of over eighteen feet took place in twenty-four hours, and at last accounts the swell was proceeding at a rapid rate. This great rise, added to the minor floods pouring out of all the small tributaries, will greatly add to tbe volume of water in tbe Mississippi below the mouth of the Arkansas, and increase tbe peril of the lower country. Beeoham'a 1 vous ills. Pills cure bilious and ner JiORTH CAROLINA NEWS. From the State Papers. Two thousand visitors are at Asht ville juet now. Wilmington Review: The outlook now is for a splendid trade here this I BPrlDK. Uur merchants are not only nopeiui, Dut.connaent. Mount Airy News: We believe the census will show 2,000 inhabitants at Mount Airy. Our town is growing. New families are coming in almost daily. By 1900 we expect to have 5,000 or o.uuu. In Lincoln county, Friday, an eight year old son of finokney Smith fell and nis teetn cut bis tongue. Bleeding be gun and it was impossible to stop it. In a short while the child bled to death. A negro died near Whitakers recent ly of a disease which the physicians pronounced leprosy. The disease ap peared a short while after he slept in a blanket which had been used on a dis eased horse. A report on the Western Insane Asylum at Moreanton was made Satur day. There are 484 patients in the in stitution. These are supported at a per capita expense or 8187.00 per year, Improvements are being made and all necessary repairs are kept up without ciceuiug tan nuruti appropriation. Fayetteville Scottish Chief : Who in vented the first telephone t If this question is asked in any audience in oar land, the answer will be. Edison 1 Yet this is not true, for the first telephone used in the United States was io vented by Dr. James Davis, of Fayetteville. He also invented the first phonograph. This matter was fully ventilated some years ago in the Fayetteville Gazette. The original models are yet in the possession of Dr. Davis' daughter. Dr. Davis was a native of Philadelphia, but resided in North Csrolina for a long period prior to his death. Goldsboro Argus: There was exult ant, thrilling happiness among the con gregation of St. Paul's M. E church in this city at the Sunday morning servic. There has been a debt of $1,900 har ing over the church ever since its coiu- ptetion, and on Sunday the pastor, Rev. B. R. Hall, after preaching a most elo quent, earnest and stirring sermon, made an appeal to the members of h i charge to pay off this debt and free the bouse of God from the encumbranoes cf the world. Although there was not a full attendance of the oongregation yet the canvass that followed resulted in raising nearly 82,300 more than was necessary. So much for the Christian charity that pervades the congregation of St. Paul's and the earnest, effective ministry of its faithful and popular pastor. Raleigh News and Observer: We learn that Chas. E. Cross is quite sick witn tne "grippe" at tbe old Govern ment barracks near the eastern city limits, where the workhouse hands are quartered. His condition is quite se rious. There waa much talk on the streets yesterday about the old colored man who offered to serve out the term of Charles E. Cross at the work house. An old family servant of Cross has ar rived hers and went to see his young master Sunday at the work bouse. He said that if an arrangement could be made to that effect, he would serve out the seven years' sentence in his stead. Of course it is impossible that suoh an arrangement could be made, as there is no such law in existence n this State. Durant's Island, in Dare county. belonging to the State Public School Fund, has 7ust been aold by the State Board of Education to Hon. John E. Rej burn, Congressman from the fourth district of Pennsylvania, who is the successor of Congressman Eel ley, and one of tbe wealthiest men in Pennsyl vania. The island was purchased at the rate of $100 per aore, as was pro posed by the Board of Education at its meeting on Tuesday, the terms having been agreed to by Congressman Rey burn through his agent. Mr. R. M. Evans, who has been here several days negotiating for the purchase of the property, he having paid a recent visit to tbe island. Tbe grounds .abound in all kinds of wild game, English snipe, quail, bear, and various wild animals. Toe "fishing grounds afforded are unsur passed and .are equal to any along Al bemarle Sound. There also abound on the island myriads of wild geese, wild' duck and swans. Congressman Rey burn's object in purchasing the island is to establish there handsome winter quarters for himself and friends which they will occupy while on hunting ex peditions on the island. He will apply to the Legislature for a charter similar to those granted to the sporting clubs on Currituck Sound. Congressman Reyburn has already purchased a hand some steam yacht in anticipation of es tablishing his club house on Durant's island. It is built and equipped to ac commodate eleven persons and draws only three feet of water. It will be used as a pleasure yacht for fishing and gunning. A meeting of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy will be held in this city on Tuesday, March 18th; for the examination of applicants for license to practice pharmacy. Par ticulars may be had of tbe secretary of the board, Mr. William Simpson. Ral eigh, N. C. After an Absence ol Nearly Thirty Years. Oshkosh, Wis., March 10 Fritz Ja bush walked into the house of his rsla ivee in this city yesterday afternoon, after an absence of nearly thirty years. The story he told was a most romantio one, for he had long been mourned as dead. In 1862 Mr. Jabusch enlisted to the army and went to the front. His relatives heard from him regularly until in the summer of 1863, when his letters ceased after a battle in which bis regiment had been engaged. His parents, of course, supposed him dead. He now states that be was left for dead on the battlefield, was found by rebel troops, placed in a hospital, and when be recovered was imprisoned at Libby prison. Here he remained over a year until exchanged, and be found himself on the Atlantic coast without money and hundreds of miles from home. He shipped on board a mer chantman for the East Indies as a corn- man seaman, and has followed tbe sea ever since. He has acquired a com petency, and decided to settle down in his old home. INHBRITED blood poison. How many people there are whose distress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of husband and wife to keep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co Atlanta, for book of most convincing proof. James Hill. Atlanta, Ga., writes "Mr two sons were afflioted with blood poison, which dootors said was heredi tary. They both broke out in sores and eruDtions which B. B. B. promptly con trolled and finally oured completely." Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: "My three poor affiieted chil dren, who inherited blood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of a. B. ts It is a Godsend." J. R. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station, N. C, Feb. 13, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg ampu tated, and On tbe stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day and doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B.. and 12 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." - R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents. New Berne, N. C. For a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. Death of Ex-Congressman Taulbec. ; Those wlo have kept up with the Washington news have seen accounts of the shooting of W. P. Taulbee. a representative from the tenth Kentucky district in the 49 and 50th Congress, by j Charles E Kincaid, the Washington ! correspondent of the Louisville Timos, 1 in the House wing of the Capitol, on tbe afternoon of February 23. Since the shooting Taulbee has been in a critical condition, and on Tuesday i mording died. A brief recital of the ! causes which led to the tragedy is as j follows: About two years ago, while Taulbee was a member of Congress, Kincaid telegraphed to bis paper re-1 ports which were damaging to the ! character of Taulbee' The reports, I however, appeared in Washington i papers before tby were sent to tne Louisville Times. Since the reports appeared in the Times, there has been serious antagonism between Taulbee and Kincaid. Kincaid bad avoided Taulbee, hut casually they met on the day of the shooting. The stories of the shooting differ in one important particular. Kincaid and Taulbee had had an encounter some time prior to tbe shooting in the corridor adjoining tbe ball of tbe House of Representatives on the east. It was said juet after the shooting took place that Kincaid bad armed himself after bis first encounter with Taulbee, and seeing him go down the stairs that led to the basement, bad tun aiter him. called to him, and. as he turned, shot him in the face. Kincaid claims that he armed himself in fear oi danger from a further- encounter with Taulbee; that Taulbee bad warned him to arm himself, and that Taulbee in sulted and attacked him on tbeir sec ond encounter, rendering in his opin ion resort to the pistol a necessitv. The theory of self-defence will be set up bv Kincaid s lawyer. As soon as the news of Taulbee 'a death reached police head quarters, an officer was sent to Kin caid's room. He was awakened, and after be had dressed, was taken to the police station, where he now is. A Woman in White Walks for a Mile in Her Sleep. New York.' March 10. Policeman John Stuart, of the Thirteenth street squad, saw an apparition this morning. An hour before daybreak he saw stand ing at tbe ladies' entrance to the Fifth Avenue Hotel tbe ta-il figure of a woman attired in a white night-gown, with ruffles, and a wrapper thrown loosely over it. Tbe woman had on hat and shoes, and carried in one hand a riding trip, just as the omoer swung bis club. The policeman spoke: "What are you doiog bere r1 and touched her shoulder. At the voice and touch the woman gave a sudden start and woke np. Then with a shriek she dropped at the polioeman's feet. Seeing herself suddenly revealed in the role of a sleep walker had almost undone her. When she recovered enough to walk the policeman took her down to Captain Keilly's station house, where she was fitted out with a dress and proper clothing to keep her warm. She was benumbed with cold. To the tergeaat she said that she was May Case, an opera singer, and lived at 21 Great Jones street. The last she re membered was going to bed and to sleep in her own room. In the early morning hours she had arisen, put on her hat and shoes, and gone up Broadway probably all the way to Madison Square, without know ing what she was doing and without meeting on her whole route a polioe man to wake her up. Her route lay through two precincts, the Fifteenth and Nineteenth, and she went over the posts of at least a dozen or fifteen pat rolmen, whom she failed to encounter, unless, indeed, she frightened them from her path. The sergeant sent her home I Terrible Suffering Rescue of Two Seamen. Gloucester, Mass., March 9. Th schooner Blanobe, which has arrived from the Grand Banks, had on board Edward Fogary and Wm. Wilson, mem bers of the crew of the schooner Nellie G. Thurston, who were picked up in a dory. They went adrift February 27th, while attending trawls during a thick fog. The weather continued th ick for five days. Their feet, hands and tongue also became swollen, and they lay in the dory and prayed for death to re lieve their sufferings. . They had three raw fish in the dory which they tried to eat but were made sick. They became delirieus and bad about made up tbeir minds to jump overboard and end their sufferings when the Blanche rescued them- L.BIHON HOT DROPS. For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat ana bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, taKe Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per boi- le. Prepared by H. Mozley, M.D., At- anta, Ga. n ovldwly LESION BiaXIR Its Wonderful Kffeet on tbe Liver, gtomaeb, asowels. Kldneya and Blood Dr. Mozley 's Lemon Elixir iaa pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion. Headache, Malaria, Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimples, fain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta. Ga. FLOUR-CORN. I have a small lot of this REMARK ABLE CORN for sale at W. R. BAR- RINGTON'S in New Berne, and aleo at W. H. SAWYER'S in Bavboro. It tnakes as good and as palatable flour as ordinary wheat, and will on rich land make a larger yield than common corn, as it succors abundantly and they bear well. One grain to the hill. It yields more fodder than the common corn. If it doesn't do what is said of it, tbe pur chase money will be refunded, if put on good land. It will be on exhibition at the New Berne Fair. ;JAS. M. PATRICK, feldwtf Institute, N. C. ROBERTAS BRO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots aad Shoes. We sell FLOUR direct from the Mills in Michigan. We have in stock a big Bupply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the West Indies. Give us a call and see our prices. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front street, NEW BERNE. mW We job Grail &J Axand Loril lard's Snuff. CIV? -''--f; Boih vrsuiis Y;hen u is pleasant I' and .and acts gently y. I . Liver iy.'. J, tern eflechiaii- i!i0 Kidneys, a:. --, s the sys s coids, head- ' aches and fever's r.:.d cures habitual--?. T ; ' of Figs ia the y . kind ever pro- C011Ktiint;:!!. only rcTry '. duced, !er.- tr.ste and ac ceptable to . prompt in ' its action sr,d :: hcnoScial in its . effects, pre parr d ;;ly from the most healthy and afr.T::' Bubetancoa, it. many excellent .r.r'I-s commend it to all and havo jiu-.do it the most popular remedy I: nova;. Syrup of Fi-? h for sale in 50o and $1 bottles l;y -11 leading drug gists. Any rr li:d,lo 'druggist vho may not have it .n Land wiU pro cure it promptly f.r anyone v.ho . wishes to try it. JJo not accept any substitute. 1 io CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP LOUISVILLE. KY. CatarrH CREAM BALM CIfnnfi the NBlMkl PUIBSAgei?. Allay Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Son s. Restores the Sense of Taste? rite and Smell, HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURE A particle Is applied ,';r.to. each nostrll'and Is agreeahlrt. Price 50 ctoln t Prngetetii; by mall, registered. tK) eta. ELY BROTHKR8, 68 Warren street. New YorS lanlSdwly ."Received Today: 10,000 More of Those Celebrated 'Old Virginia Cheroots Take Ho Other, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIUDLT, STlilET, .W P.ERNE. . J. A. BRYAN, Fres. I,. I!. (T'TLEu, Vice Prei G. II EGBERTS, Cashier. ' HE sMTiBMi, BflflK. OF NEW BaSNE, N. 0. Capital, Surplus Frcfl , - 100,000 eo.700 Jas A. Bhy L. H. CUT!. !:, Geokge Ai.i.r--1.-. G. I!. jMAS DAMEL8, s S ItUVAK, "I b'UIMOXS, iHE vW,':'r3a THE 2;- DWG 0(0" A1 1 ACtlMEU lb t&J t?aG0. 28 UNION SQUARE.NY sHfi,-s st.louis.mo. raUBi'v-vre CUIASTEX. F. S. DufTy. Berne. N. C. drugRist, rifseht, Nei mavl dwly Yqiir Attention, Pieasel We havo a nict line of FoeJ Cuttera, Cider-HI ills, Apple Peelers, Mowers, Mowing Scythes. Fruit J.im. Hp., for the euir:rr.er trade. Our etock of Paints. O.!-," etc., is full and co iii'k-tF. Wo are agent for the Cele brate ZEB. VANCE" COOK STOVE, and invito you to c all ond examine it before buying a stove. ReBpoctfully, WH1TTY 6 GfiTES. WANTED tr canvass for the m!e nf Nursery Stockl 8tBiy eiiJi'l:wneDt (juftrantecil. liOOD PA V "for bum nsf. 1 men. Apply H I onoo staliu!,' aao. iili iiUon thin paper. Alabimi Kursory Co, Euntsville, Ala. Sas-af R-1'. J' n'-y v -ym.1. Winter -'.:), j iii-mint, &C. Bought f -r .':is5i. on irt e.pt nod appro val, vs-USi-Mii-chM -- l"r ConUulRCton, JUoKcr;-.).''', etc., by ?oim!; & OLCOTT. I KG A: William pi., New York, v a 'i 'is wma '. trxi-.'.r.-.,. : . m I U3M ----- L k wo AGENT WANTED. j CORES r'-Jz- X - K K. jj2i wtf Salesmen ,'iiM 1 . MS iwtf 1. "M523?I,,CS F3" "1 A3 04