THE JOURNAL. SKYT BEESS. H. C, MAB?H VI IKO. CbUcM a Feat 1 AsauB ia said to Be wbUper of langb.'-:v;'-r"-' ' ' The Elalf'lwll was defeated in the Senate last Thursday. ' " . Eurooo would benefit American farmers. probable that v It - now seems 'Trinity College will go to Durham " Ti ;a i-AivtrrnAv thafc " Mahone, of - Virginia, to be Consul-General " at Paris. x'0 Y A destbtjctitk fire occurred at JacksoQnUe,: FIa4 Thursday, morn ing. YLosaSlSoWO. ' . The; Hbase; committee J on the World's Fait has . decided that it " must be held ia 189V. j ' ''ADik?lTCH from Uavkna says that a fire at the central Oonstaueia plantation destroyed three , million . ; acres of sugar cane. .. GK5rI Fbakcis;H. Shite, for fifty 'years auperintendeaC of the 'Virginia military Institute died in Lexington last Friday, ' GsqVeb CuktmHD is growing fatter.r Good." . There'll beless of Che Eepubllcaa party when he sits 1 down on it In 192. Denver News, 'Sesatohs George and. Call . hare declined to eerre longer on the committee oni immigration, of . which Senator Chandler is ".chair- - .nan- ,.... x i - , . y . . - '., i --. , Pbesixeht Harbison bad drawn f 30.000 of bis salary March 4, and on the 13th he purchased two pieces of real estate in Indianapolis for. t21,000. A coloeed pastor of a , Baptist church in, Richmond ton been oust ed by his congregation ' because, it wraj alleged that be voted the iiem ' cratio tickeA:' :y.-; ' . ASt.Petehsbtjbq paper, in an article on Prince Bismarck's retire- meat, declares that' "the solitary . support of the edifice , of European peacs has crumbled." ; J' A3IOSO the prominent men pr - "sent (at Henderson) was . ei-Con- rrejsmsn Simmons who : will dis pense with the ex at the next elec- ; tion". Charlotte Chronicled .''. . - The ew York Sun is now, re gularly.'received at thia office. We : -' no! always approve of what ap - paara in the Sua, but it U a great ' newspaper, and it is conducted with - gi?eat abiIitj..v-.: SnCV-; . x. 'Jeffeeoh did one thing dur injr his Administration that PU v' bee joa-Bea. Harrison 'will never . . dd.: "What was itf 'Jb 1802 - 'Jefferson' removed a man named desire than that John B. Gor.lon should be his successor in tbe Sen ate. THE amonnt paid in pensions by the United States last j ear ex ceeded the aggregate dividends of all tbe railroad ti in tbe country. This vear it will be largely in ex cess, and witb u continuation of the present policy it is only a ques tion of time when tha pensioners will consume all the earnings of everybody el9e. Phil. Times. The new tariff schedule, we do not hesitate about predicting will, if passed, prove a severe dissap pointment. It fails' to afford tbe aesirea reuei to euoer larmer or manufacturer; and not only totally ignores ante-election promises, bat is sadly out of tune with tbe will and -changing opinions of tbe peo ple. 2f. Commercial Bulletin. But in order to enable a syndi caie of mining speculators in Dakota to get rich rapidly and to build up one more ring oi manufacturers in Pennsylvania who "make large fortunes every year when the times are good," the Protectionists in Congress propose to more than double tbe tax on tin plates. Go ahead. There will be elections in yovember. New York World, The Senate has ' appointed a commission, composed, we believe, of members of the Inter-State Com merce Commission, to investigate the causes of the agricultural condi tion of the country, and the part which freight rates play in that matter. The first result, is a sug gestion that corn cannot be profit ably grown id Ohio or to the east of that State News & Observer. The outlook oi the Sjutb is col ored by influences that are inde pendent of Congress. The bright ness of its fnture, or 'present, either, for that matter, cannot be dimmed by. the action of tbe major ity.ra Congress. The South is all right, no matter which party is bn top. ' Furthermore no section can be in entire gloom when Senator Vance lives in it. Charlotte Chron ide. '- Harrison from pfflce.' - " . las ' muulclpal elections ' the country over, have shown a reaction -against the rash experiment of ; . Ilarrisanlsm that well pressages the nigh Democratic tide oC1803. Mi may now be regarded as set tied that Trinity College will go to , Durham and - the. Baptist Female University ( be at - Kaleigh. . The Jocaxxx, wishes the : largest mea . ure of success for both institutions . ' 1 .The German Emperor r haa; ap pointed Prince Eismarjck. Puke Jot . Laneburg, a. Colonel General of the f , Cavalry and a field Marshal General, - 1 He baa also appointed 'Count' Her bert Bismarck Interior Minister, oi ' " " foreign affairs. r . The Philadelphia Times, and ' - oiher influential journals are adro : eating the abolition of the Electoral N6"W,.as a matter of fast, the -v. 6-. with them, in the position tnat the President should - be elected fj direct vote of the i people. ; Pee ss despatches reported Sena- - tor Kansom as being opposed to the Bfair bilL. Re was in favot of the , bill, but was paired with Mr. Casey . who was opposed to the . bill." "We reket to learn that the Senator is now at bis borne quite sick; : ' GETLSXix of the House, ' America expects every man ' to vdo liis duty-to put the Fair bill through without a moment, of farther, nn necessary delay, and' thenge, to work jo earnest to revise and- per fect the tariff.- Boston Journal. ' MisV beEeve tbzt. thd .use of : tobacco La injurious. ' It is said that Alphonso Dandet and Prince, Bis marck have smoked ! more tobacco than any other two men In Europe. Just think what they might have been if they had oUly let tobacco alone! . V - "V " . ixcs all men who can create ' something. In fact, I likemen who are not tied down to the dull earth by ordinary facts.' Stupidity can tell a thing exactly as It is, but it - requires brain to tell it as it ought to nave been,' That is why I like ;. thepressJf :-' j . ( The result of the charter elections - throughout Minnesota last Tuesday Is a straw to bow the ' windblows. Like tbe clfarter elections m - Iowa a few weeks gor. they indicate -the ; tide of popular; sentiment to be clearly in. the direction of Demo cratic principles. St. Panl. - - ' . -Whex the Government controls tbe elections of Representatives, as contemplated by tbe Lodge Federal Election bin, the people may as well give np .participation in ITa--tional politics . altogether. Tbe party in power will attend to the . business through' Federal officials. St. Lonis Post Dispatch. Skxjixoe Joseph " E. Beows announces' definitely that . he will retire from politics at the close; of his present term. ; He declares, his ambition satisfied atfd bis' health unequal to the lnrther demands of pablic service, and. states that be has never had any other idea otup surplut revenue from the internal tax ft is growing faster proportion ately than tke surplus revenue from duiiet collected ' at the Crutom Homes.- 'Tot this reason, and not less' because of the .odious and un natural- character of that form of taxation, ' the 'internal , revenue should be. the principal object of attack, as it was in the measure proposed by Mr. Eandall just two years ago. Ktw YoTk Sun. The extravagant and outrageous river and harbor bill of 1882, which was passed by a republican Con gross over President Arthur's veto was one of the causes of the tre mendous Republican defeat in the Congressional elections of that year The-EepuWicans cannot afford to allow the jobs for squandering the surplus now before Congress to past?, whether presented by -ISepubucanft or Democrats. St. Louis Globe Democrat ' The sooner the government in ve8tigation of this subject is drop ped, the better. If a man prefers cotton-seed oil to hog's hard, or to olive oil, he ought to be allowed to pay hjs money and take his choice. The government is guilty of nsur pation when it undertakes to be come grocer and prescription clerk for the public; and It will be guilty oi a wrong if it undertakes, in the interest of private enterprises, to attack a great American industry and a great American product. Charlotte Chronicle. As a matter of fact the policy of the United Scates is opposed to any foreign commerce whatever. Our protective duties make our manu factured goOds so high that South Americana cannot afford to buy them, for they can procure similar goods In Great Britain at very much lower prices. These South American countries cannot sell, us their products, for our protective tariff shuts them out. We cannot, therefore.' have a- commerce with South? . America a a leas we have reciprocal treaties, and if we have reciprocal treaties with Brazil and the -Argentine Republic why not with France and England T New York World. SBvEBAL cheap books have just been slang 'together with scissors and paste and put on the market as authorized and authentic his tories of Stanley's expedition to relieve Emia Pasha. The fact that the compilers of these books have not a particle of information that the public has not seen in the news papers does nor deter them from making the most fraud alent pre tensions. One book, wbich pur ports to be not only the story of Stanley's, expedition, but also a history of African 'exploration, is a particularly barefaced attempt to swindle the pablic. In a circular describing jts. contents the compiler crowds in more liec to tbe equare inch than are often seen in print. New York Sun. The Government of the United States as we have sometimes before said, must give its attention tothe deplorable condition of our agricul ture, There is nothing about wbich we sit down to write- that so humi liates and disheartens us as tbe lack of our agricultural prosperity. There always appears to be a hand before us pointing to Ireland when we contemplate American agricul ture. Yet this is the grandest agricultural country in the world. Onr farmers have built our cities and railroads unl uk''raph lines and palaces and colleges, and made the America c: today the proud. lien, poweriui nation tnat ic is And the AGRICULTURAL TR0SPESITY. Our is an agricultural people, land the success of agriculture is at tbe base of 'business prosperity in all its departments. Of all men farmers are most de pendent upon the legitimate results of their labor. In every other pur suit speculation has a wider range, and ingenuity a broader field. On every hand we hear of agricultural depression. Not one farmer in a hundred talks of agricultural pros perity. It is useless to speak of an evil without suggesting a remedy. We are lnlly aware that what we shall say has often been better said, bat Bince today is the repetition of yesterday, and tomorrow will be but another revolution of the wheels of Time, what was true yesterday is true today, and will be true tomorrow. Agriculture is suffering from partisan legislation in the CoDgress of the United States. The present laws discriminate against the far mer in many ways, most manifestly in placing too high a tariff upon the implements he uses and the clothes he wears. The demonetization of silver is injurious to agricultural prosperity in that it withdraws from the channels of trade a large amount of capital that is legitimately the property of the people. In many of tbe vocations of life commercial paper is made, to answer the de mands of business, but with tbe farmer spot cash is an absolute essential. That farmers should be restless under this condition of affairs is most natural, but we beg leave to submit that it is unfair to condemn both political parties and assert that agricultural redemption re quires alike tbe overthrow oi tbe Republican and the Democratic party. It is the unfaltering determina tion, as it has been the constant effort, of the , Democratic party to remove the burdens that oppress the farmers and hinder agricultural prosperity; but not for one hour since tbe war has the .Democratic party had possession of the Govern ment. It is now, and always has been, the party of the people, and nothing can drive it from the great principles of justice and equity, without which Liberty and Union are glittering delusions that "keep the word of promise to the ear, and break it to onr hope." Passing over questions that are involved in party politics, we ven ture to assert that tbe agricultural prosperity of Narth Carolina is largely dependent upon ' the aban donment of the custom of culti vating lands in large tracts, and the adoption of the plan of divid ing them into small farms, every acre of irhich is kept in perfect order and brought np to the highest production. The poorest people, those who have the least ready money and rribon whom the.' cares of life' fall iVith the most crashing weight, are the large land owners, who have no other resources than their lands and are dependent upon hired labor for its cultivation. ''Is it not then the part of wisdom for the large land owners to recognize the fact that the cultivation of large areas of land under the present system of labor almost invariably entails loss T That to retain it idle and uncultivated, brings annually a debt in the shape of taxes with Scarcely ever any compensatory return in the enhancement of its value, and that the only escape from the horns of the dilemma is to sub-divide the large tracts into courage t li at makes misfortune the steppiog stone to greatness. What tbough the Federal Gtnernment is organized to defeat her net ished hopes and eonstiuct barrier iu the way of her progress? Thank God ehe is not indebted to bederal patronage for her treaties. They are the gift of tie Omnipotent, and are loeked i i th,- fastnesses of her mountains, and iu the bioms of her plains. With sablime faith in God and man let the South move forward, rendering unto Casar the things that are C;esar's and unto God the things that are God's. Then will the earth ield her fruit with glad ness. The merry song of the sower will greet th-) morning, and the glad shout of the heard in the evening be a goodly land, and all the people will be blessed ! A Lady's Reasons for not Dancing. Dancing would lead me into crowded rooms and late hours, which are injurious to health and usefulness. Dancing will lead me into very close conract with pernicious com panj; and evil communications corrupt good manners. Dancing would require me to use and permit freedom with the other sex, of which 1 should be ashamed, and which I believe to be wroDg. My parents and friends would be anxious about me if I were out late, keeping company with they knew not whom. Ministers and good people gen erally disapprove of dancing, and 1 think it is not safe to set myself up against them. If a thing be even looked upon as doubtful I wish to be on the safe side. Dancing has a bad name, and I reaper will ue : mean wi sum v Luiugs lui are pure Oars will au" oej, auu ui kouu lepun. uancing is generally accompa nied with drinking, and I see drinking produces most of the evils of the present time. 1 am told that drinking is a very great temptation and snare to AN ILL-ADVISED IXODL'S. The Washington Post is a Ue-j publican paper of acknowledged young men, and I do not wish to ahilitv unrl minii;i! f.iiri.ess. The , , . . t,. . j i t.- I them astrav have anything to do with leading dus" is taken from its issue of last Saturday "Bishop Lvman, of North Caro lina, in a recent interview resents with considerable warmth the im putation which has been put upon the people of his State that the exodus of the colored people from North Caroliua is due to the hos tility or persecution on the part of the whites. He says that the movement West originated wholly with tho railroad agents, and he cites an instance where one agent had beeu tbe lneaus of sending fully 30,000 negroes out of the State, on whom ho received a com mission of a dollar a head, 'Of course the agents have no further interest in the matter than the commissions they make, and the colored people who find them selves damped out upon tbe cold charities of the world in Kansas or elsewhere have no remedy for the imposition practiced upon them, and are in most cases una' le to pay their way back again. "We" cannot see that there is any remedy for this s6teai of extor tion and deception, excepting as the negroes come to realize it by experience and themselves call a halt to this blind sort of emigration. The State, not beiDg unwilling to part with the colored people, es pecially the poorer classes, can hardly be expected to take action in the matter ; but, so far as can be learned, the white citizens are not encouraging the railroad ecalpers in their nefarious business, ana as a rule the two races get along quite peaceably together. ''The change to new scenes and associations is no doubt of advan tage to the uegroes who have the means of support, or opportunities presented, of which they can make profitable use, but the course pur sued by the railroads in persuading the indigent and ignorant to leave their homes, under false induce ments of prosperity and abundance of employment at the other end of the line, is a species of inhumanity for which there ought to be some check." Dancing unfits the mind for se- smaller ones, containing from one to two hundred acres, and sell them off to industrious and enterprising men, on long credit, if pecessary Thns, and thus only, in onr judge, ment, will the agricultural con dition of North Carolina be im proved, and the material prosperity of the people generally be promoted." C0TJRAUE. There is no higher quality than courage. Among all nations and at all times it has ranked with tbe noblest virtues. Physical courage is an essential element of fame ; moral courage lays hold upon im mortality. In no period of the world's his tory has there been a more impera tive demand for courage than there is at present. Leaving the wide field that covers the civilized world, we come o speak of America in general, and the Southern States especially. Is there need of more courage in America, this boasted "land of the free and home of tbe brave T" Not of the courage of the battlefield, for no other people are more glori ous in the ranks of war than the people of these States; but in the higher qualities of moral courage, calm resolve and resolute action in behalf of what is right and in de fiance of what is wrong. Tbe good of the present, no less than the prosperity of the future, demands consecration to truth, justice and right in every Bphere of being and department of activity. Oppressive tariffs, unjust discrimi nations, grinding monopolies, or whatever else binds the limbs, fetters the minds, debases morals or locks the wheels of progress must be opposed with dauntless courage. We do not mean robbery of the rich, or the confiscation of their wealth, but we do meau equality of citizenship and tbe re wards of labor as the inalienable right of every American. But does the South need more rious reflection and prayer, and I mean to do nothing to estrange me from mv God and Saviour. Joh-BilIings' rhilosophy. The man who wears out iz like a noble coin he iz alwns worth the face, ann, kfeps, bright to the hist. Yu may make a mistake iu a man' kapacity, bntyu kantin hiz vanitj. Nature never haff finishes a job, nor underlet a kontract. Take all the dangers out ov this world and it would be a coward's paradise. There ain't ennything that will kompletely kure laziness.but i have known a sekond wife to hurry it snm. A good ntured man hazgot one ov that kind ov souls that will gro ennything that iz planted in it, good, bad, or indifferent. Human happiness iz such an eazy, simple thing that thoze who hav the most ov it kno it the least. There! are men in this world whom flattery makes stronger, because it makes them more kare ul; but sutch men are skarse. The only safe way for most peo ple tew git along in this world is tew watch others, and dojist as they do. Human happiness iz like Joseph s coat a thing of many colors. I kant tell which iz the wuss off, the man who is all hed and no heart, or the one who iz all heart and no hed. Hope iz no flatterer she cheats everybody alike, but after all, iz the best friend we have got. Every boddy seems ter dispize a hippokrit-God, man, and the devil. An idle man iz always a bi'.zy one he spends all his time hunting for nothing to do There are but phew people in this world who make more trouble than a bizzy phool. Knowledge is power, no doubt, bat it iz not always virtew. Thare are sum people who only edukate their vices. N. Y. Weekly. THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. Tbe Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley edition of the Wilmington Messen ger is before us ' We have seen tbe war horse snnffiog the battle ; wo have seen a fall-rigged ship with every sail unfurled ; we have stood on the mountain peaks and seen the wide expanse of smiling landscapes ; we looked on woman in her matchless beauty, and felt the thrill of her angelio presence, but we have never been able to describe any of these and so this morning we look upon the Messenger and admire, but we cannot descjibe it. In appropriate ness of design, in beauty of execu tion, and in artistic excellence it stands unrivaled. Some there are who may suppose that we, of smaller craft, would be filled witb envy in the presence of this superb exhibition of journalis tic enterprise, but we all have a part in the triumph of the Mes senger. She is onrs. Ours to lead us to higher thooghts and nobler actions; ours to adorn and elevate society; ours to defend and honor the State we love so well. Trium phant Messenger, all hail ! The House Committee on Alcho lie Liquor Traffic will report favor ably on the bill creating a commis sion to investigate tbe question In all its bearings and report to Con gress. It provides that, the com mission shall consist of five persons, to be appointed by the President, and to receive a salary of 82.000 a year ea'h, with per diem expenses. There has long been a call for the constitution of such a commission, but the practical benefits to accrue from its investigat'O'js cannot be very clearly defined. Washington Post. LK.TIOS HOT DROPS, For coughB and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and larycgaitj, take Lemon Hot Drop. For coBspmpiioo tnd catsii, Uke LemVm Ho$D?opb. ' ? For all throat and lung disunsfa. tuke Lemon Hoc Drops. An elegant and rniiiMu preparation. Sold by druggists. 23 cecW ptr bot le. Prepared by H. Mczlej, M.D . At anta. Qa. uovldwly 4 &tep in the Right Direction. Export and Finance, March 15. 1890 One of the most serious difficul ties which has heretofore con fronted American manufacturers and merchants in their efforts to secure a Bhare of the trade of Spanish America has been the fact th u the people of the southern half of the continent really did not know what we had to sell. The American drummer is practically an unknown quantity south of the City of Mexico, whilst on the other hand, all the centres of trade in Mexico, Central and South America literally swarm with commercial travelers sent out by German, Eng lish and French business houses. Every trader in Spanish America knows what he can hnr f, nr. English, German or French con cern, and if he has any idea at all of the magnificent products of the factories and mills of this country, it is a very hazy and indefinite one. To remedy this state of things is one of the most important and essential needs of onr growing commerce in the countries nf th south of us. A step in the right direction and oue that will without doubt lead to a commendable increase in our I commercial dealings with Spanish) America, has just been taken hv the American Export and Trading uwpttu, at xo. o fowling Green, New Yoik. The managers of this company have decided to establish in the City of Mexico and Buenos Ayres branch agencies with large and well conducted public ware houses attached, where American' goods can be seen and sold by sample. The agencies will be un der the charge of men thoroughly conversant with the needs of the bpanish American trade and peo ple, and this exhibition of the pro dace and manufactured goods of this country will be among the most important incentives to closer commercial and trade relations. Other branches of the Export and Trading Company will soon be established at all the important centres of trade in Mexico, Central and South America, so that manu lacturers and merchants who have hitheito been obliged to refrain from all attempts at seeking a market for their goods in the southern portion of the continent will thus have an onnortnnirv to make known to the people there the goods and merchandise which they desire to place upon those markets. In connection with this new un dertaking, and an important addi tion to it, the Company propose to 6end out through these countries a number of energetic, intelligent and pushing commercial travelers, wno win seek trade and a market ior the goods which mav be con signed to the warehouses of the various agencies of the Company in Spanish America. They will be men thoroughly conversant; with the needs of those nations, ac quainted with the language and customs of the people and in com mercial sympathy with them. Tho whole project ia a magnifi cent one apdwill commend itself not Ifhe merchants and maasTTJlof this country, but Vfr'-Sr and merchants of SpV. " rica, to whom it will be tZTQ'Jl great a benefit as to thet W'rfcial interests of the fJuiWrofates. WINGS. kev. hex: r r rt ' like but I i et'.s speech, bevotnl the s;it down to .Mill I read of "wiugs thought 'Twas but a figure of lli: A splendid fancy, but reach Of real life, so pooily was I taught. And so 1 toiled up evc;y rugd stoi Beneath a load of overwcihinii care: With resting-places only here aud tlieie. Were, spent anl weary, I weep. The way was upwaiJ. Ihmv knew , But it was Laid, and su at times; Yet now and then T In. at.' t chime., And in the haze its w.iW cam An angel pass, d iTa; ihtv i toil With harp all . oppressed ; "Is 11) is the royal rest" That Jesus ive. - . moil '- this I anil louh : heavenly iiiU view. who saw me ad with heart lie aid ; "the ,11 huuh-ii. i ai e, and BOOKS! JBO0K&! STANDARD WORKS! How to Get Them Below Cost. ings and is the life of pathway of far 'Exchange thy vi il.ts for thou shalt know How bright and blessed trust. How smooth the t!:in'.r,g thejust- Tbe heaven'v suhinhs s'r below." So then I came to Jesus with my cares, The weights my foolish heart had borne too loag. That bent my spirit and half cheeked my song;" And like a bird escaped from fowler's snares, iad wings; that Faith and l est, my sorrows I found I too Love Would make my toil sweet; And now, my weights all left at Jesus' feet, My heart was free to ran;:.) the heights above. Having completed arrangements witb one of tbe largest Publishing Houses in New York, we are now enabled to furnish Standard and Popular Books at prices that are Low as the Lowest. The steady drift of the Republi can party in its management toward the centralization of power furnishes another explanation of the rapid increase of Democratic strength. It is necessary only lor Democrats to be true to themselves, to stand firmly by Democratic doctrines and usages, and to continue pressing forward. Tbe country is already Democratic on the popular vote, and victory is certain in tiie near future. Little Hoc' Gazjtte. LI2MO ELIXIR' Its Wonderful KfTec t on the Liver. Stomach, uoweli. Kidneys and Blood Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir ia a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Iodiges tion. Headache, Malaria, Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of Bearc, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Moztey, M.D , Atlanta. On. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the 6es Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the markefi at reduced price. For particulars send; for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Maohine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 arid 457 West 26th St., N, Y. City. Ethel (to paterfamilas, who has just said grace) "S'cuse me. papa ; is it gram'ical to say Amen ?" A Presbyterian church in Mel bourne has' introduced some inno vations into its services, which, although happily blending patriot ism and piety, would startle the sober minded Scotchman at home. The choir, composed of gentlemen wearing the Highland kilt and girls attired in the costume of the Lady ot the L3ke, sing their hymns of praise to the music of tbe bag pipes. Tho ingenious person who contrived these effects has his re ward in greatly enlarged congregations. MEMORY Hind mndartat cored. Books learned in one re&diiur. Testimonials from ell Q I Cd parte ot the globe. Prospectus post Ew- as e fou, sen on application to rnii, Ea V-ESJ A. Lolaette, 337 Fata Are. New York. He that is hibituated to decep tions and artificialities in trifles will try in vain to be true in mat ters of importance; for truth is a thing of babit raiher than of will. You cannot in any given case by any sudden and single fffort will to b-f tfiit, if the habit of jour life has In i u m-nicere. K. Y. liobeit-son. W V..! L, , ,n . r . h A-i.i :- fn. KEDDINU Co., ;1 Lrua-w-i courage t xtot military courage., 3 I. i ..I ..u .i . who have made the WJ uwwmib on urn co. ajfea ieor. Wes- aueais ner superlative coj The Easter number of the Xtw York Ledger is rendered especially attractive by an uncommonly beau tiful cover printed in colors. The central design is a picture of Easter morning in the couutry. the road to church, with a border of Easter lilies. This number contains the first chapters of a nevr story by Amelia E. Barr, entitled, "The Household of McNeil," which opens well, and bids fair to rival ' Jan Vedder's Wife," so far the best known ot Mrs. Barr's romances. Experiments' recently made in France with a view to discovering the vitality of trichina; show that even when exposed to a tempera ture of 20 to 25 below Z3rotor about two hdnrs the nttie animals become as lively as ever on a r; turn to normal temperature. Clarke's Extract at Flax Consli Cure. It is a sure cure for Whooping Cough. It stops the whoop, and permits the child to catch its breath. It is entirely harmless. Good for any cough of child hood or old age. It heals the bronchi and lungs, and stops tho cough. For winter or bronchial cough this syrup is the best ever discovered Only one size. Urge bottle. Prica 51 00 at F. S Duffy's druir store. Clarke's Flax Soap makes the skin smooth, soft and white. Price 25c All medical authorities agree that catarrh is no more nor less than an in flammation of the lining membrane of lha nasal air passages. Nasal catarrh and all catarrhal affections of the head are not diseases of the blood, and it is a serious mistake to treat them as such. No conscientious physician ever at tempts to do so. It is held by eminent medical men that sooner or later a spe cific will be found for every disease from which humanity suffers. The facts justify us in assuming that for catarrh at least a positive cure already exists in Ely's Cream Balm- Rejected (Jems. It is a matter of history that some ot tho finest poetry ever written has had a narrow escape from the "limbo of things lost on earth." One of tho greatest poets that ever lived came within an ace of being the ''mute, inglorious Milton,'' for his almost divine epic found little favor with the book sellers of his day, aud was finally sold for about the sum which a first class poet ol the present day would expect for a poem of forty or fifty lines. Iu that day, as in ours, every leading publishing hoase "kept a critic," ou whose fiat the fate of an author's manuscript depended; and then, as now, the "readers" of such establishments sometimes made terrible mistakes. It is our deliberate opinion that had the "Paradise Lost" been sub mitted to certain regularly em ployed critics of the present time, instead of to the Grub street gen tlemen of the seventeenth century, it would have been pronopneed, as of yore, a "dull and tedious produc tion." Byron, as we all know, was mereile86ly snubbed by the literary Jupiter of the Edinburgh Review; and the Kev. Charles Wolfe's exquisite "Ode on the Burial ol Sir John Moore" was so scornfully rejected by a leading periodical of tbe time that tbe author, in send ing it to a provincial Irish news papertimidly withheld his name, lest he should be cauterized bv the press. But tbe public, a better critic than any cynic in "foolscap uniform turned up with ink," unexpectedly fraDked him for lm mortality. There is an enormous amount of hnmbng in modern criticism quite as much ;is in the criticism of days gone by. Thu fact is, that the ability to dcoide intelligently wnetner a wort win succeed or fail, is not an art but a gift, and very few possess it. Mere book men know very little about the tastes of tbe community. If you want an "opinion as is an opinion' on what you have written, go to a man who understands buman na ture, ana though he may never have seen the inside of a college he will be apt to tell you truly now toe woria will receive your oflenng. Is Your Library Complete? If not, visit the Journal office and examine onr collection and learn terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is ou band, as yon will find mentioned in the list below. We handle tbem in two edition, th "Red Line" and the "Franklin." ed Line Edition : Your choice from this edition on payment of $5.25 for qm jetxf V ' subscription to The Dailt JOTJBNAX, or 11.75 for THB WEEKLY. JOURNAL If sent by mail, 10 cents extra will be required : Jean Ingelow, Life is not so short but that there is alway8time enough lor courtesy. A. CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the form of Soothing Syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is surprising when jhey can relieve the child 'of its pecul'ar troubles by using Acker's Baby Soother It contains no Opium orMo.phine. Sold by B. Berry, New Berne, N. C. Bryant, Burns, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Bunyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorite Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's I Iliad, Keble. Kiogsloy, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of tbe, AfTeeturnff, Scottj Scottish Humoroui Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. Irish Humorous Poems, The above are full gilt and h&ndeomely embellished book in all rjspects. A beautiful Franklin Edition : ci oth binding, gilt back, aud moat of them good, large, leaf print, T ohoice given by payin $1.50 for one year's subscription to TH1 WjCIKLY Journal, or $5.00 for The Daily Journal. 10 oenti extra jtf mV. by mail. Governess "What do we call the class composed of Dukes, Earls and Morguises !" Pupil "The No-ability Class." Enthusiasm is the genius of sin cerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it. There are some things a dwarf oan't do, but ,he can catch just as big a cold as a giant. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. 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You'll find lQer just below at the broom S3 lAlST lTd PShJo D rM 7 NI&JS mm mem V CVV-tt k'l 4VI III 1 1 I I wnVf v v i i rvvj mil 'SIM'HFJIDVH "" . -t : - , r . j- OMICE JOURNAL Wew Berne, Cvl. C. VANCE AC A DEfyW; JSTgtst Berne, N. C, Ma L ' . fit d r - . .ii-oW. awMpaiB. -rt Aim i m. i BOARDING AND DAY SOHiQOt.; Special attention given to Mathematics. Commercial Lav. Book keeping and Penmanship. -.- 't nJ , tt,xpenencea teacner in lnstrnmental Music vocal Music a prominent feature Tuition, including Board. Washing session oi uve monies. Jan2I dwtf cai muaic ........ ' k,5 g,Llgbt,tc;,$65i)Q;to.75.C0pet . I.'' TIT D aVTtTTTTTD . TSiIwm1 i v Is -7 c - r. : k '' ' , sv.f !