:'--i '' . v.- 7 a . : v - . i . '"'"'" " " j rrrr: rrrrrrrrrrr USTDEFETDEISTT IN" ALL THINGS. ' y6L.XIH. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. gf A LU'lTTo. 1890. So7J7 A jr.- - k ft U'JiHO V.T. HCilDO WITH THE BOOH. uu W gav BO ptie, Vt b-Oaght Gao i'TT -everts mil i loaded We kar ervthinr waush Fhioa, ' fivuU mmr prioe To t)owloW. and very many instances lower ' . than Sew York Figures. W promt reliable good, honorable gtanaUo agaiut it American World. fucis; Worth - :TMtlIStKB is , Tjctt''alieiliapest - for Il kisfl of Qvwtf -e Ui bU iteuii du v noiesaie. . .Timt65 largest, most : coiaplefe:l !ai comprehensive Stdck of Dry GcpdSgl.Qn'Qe in this State. "rial 0MAB3i'j J to wloce prioei, and sells only the aait rtIu 4b2 &Wt fgoo& TVat 0,3IttES iaViU Ibe elosest erut'my and comparison of prices '-"slriIakV'iii'tll'o f otlter bet Tka4 0iiAE3T will meet any cot prTiied tie etCfW 3a ia good faith : ad that he de jopetioa . ' Dovn Inock' v Hero-; are; a: few of the many Knock Down rilrmealf ..iet coinpetitors howl and declare it catffeV'dwie;' l)iit remember it is money thiwtomer's pocket 50,000 jtd iearf yard wideDomeetic - 4,000 Cieeklftok(P.K.) 60,000 - Oni'Sanu; fine idreta style, only . ' 5,000; .'jXBej Drew Good, oaly 2,000 , LUea Cr Toweliagt, only " COOffiiw.iiatmlj ,000i v - - ,CCQ.i I Liwt, only. . .-. lOO.OOQp IelTfta, ; BlUWt.V - ' 3,CQ& J5m LfV Wkita Necktie, embroidered ends. 10,COTldielIrt,t.. iAdies Bkttoa Kid Shoe, , And a oiwad;iaiid,one other things space T?iUtt6ali6w t4ti-, xnention. lnl TEADE I will offer special inducements. My stock is much larger than ever before, and all bought for; spot cash and I give the Trade the benefit of my discounts. Therefore I can sell you Goods as cheap as Northern markets. - rrYon will save money of J' . ... -t .. And! give him a Trial. Leader Fin:i f STOCir aiid roadsters. I bars? os hand ar fla Horse Males and Ponies, imported from Norta m4 West ji STervbroOgh U Korth Carolina. New stock constintlj ArririJV CK- andUtxsjniae. eb!9 dw fi-IS.IUf OVtrigtU a Superb Srock of Spring Dry down with the la'est productions. demands for the uoa and we will dealings, and our prices we will Remembering: the most reliable, as House in the city, who imiute hid method and try to prioei madd by any reputable house, and not as a bait to obtain business, Arguments: . . . 5c. per yard .. . 5c. . . . aO. . . . 55. " . . . 5c. " ... 5c. " ... 7c. ...10c. " ... 5c. " ... . Sc. . . . 5o. per pair . . .10c. 5o. . . . . 5c. . . . .75c. and time by calling on Low Prices, m27 HORSES ! BEOAD STREET. Harks, EDITORIAL XOTES. The Republican Tariff Bill is completed. Tho minority ia allowed ten days to offer amendments. A seeious explosion in a mine near Birmingham, Ala., on last Monday killed four and wonnded eight cenyicte. The New York World proposes the patrol of the Atlantic by na- ! tions. The idea was born of the the the j City of Paris Powers unite accident. Let to safeguard ocean. The heaviest gun in the world hasjmt been finished by Krnpp for the Prussian Government. It weighs 130 tons, if 40 feet long and is ti feet diameter in the widest part. It will have a range of 11 miles. It is claimed that wall paper can be made in such a way that the passage of low tension electric car- ) rents will heat it moderately warm ' to the touch and diffuse throughout ! the mum an agreeabla tempera tare. A special to the Star, dated Greenville, March' 31, sajs: "The first passenger train crossed Tar river bridge to Greeuville this evening. At every street crossing on the line of the road were throngs of people who sainted the train with shouts and waving of hand kerchiefs." Wyoming Is to come into the Union under the explicit under standing that it will be a Republi can State. Viewing the curious and improper Constitution pro posed for this latest addition to the American galaxy, one is forced to conclnde that in the eyes of the radical majority in Congress poli tics, like charity, covers a multi tude of sins. Chicago Times. Solomon was wise beyood his times. It is not in reason to sup pose that he bad the modern news paper in his mind when he wrote "There is that scattereth and yet increasetb; and there is that with holdeth more than is meet, bat it tendeth to povertj:" bat the say ing applies to newspaper advertis ing just as surely as if it had been written in these latter days ot the nineteenth century. Durham Globe. Soxe fool or knave told the Greensboro Patriot tnat the Farm ers' Alliance would support Brower for Congress in the Fifth District. Gentlement don't insult and don't distrust the honest and worthy members of the Alliance. They are true men and will do right. Such false statements will do harm. The Patriot very properly says that it doesrf't believe the report. Believe j It ! It is a canard of the enemy and no sane man would put cred ence in it. Raleigh Chronicle. One of the severest commentaries on the Harrison administration ia the appointment of the colored woman, S. Drake, postmaster at Rocky Mount, to succeed another colored person who had been re moved for malfeasance in office. An honest government appoints to office the person best suited to fill it. Hence we have in this appoint ment one evidence of the dishonesty of the Administration and an ad mission that there is no intelligence in its party in the Rocky Mount section. The acquittal of Boyle in Raleigh, was a surprise to a good many people, for while the opinion was largely entertained that a ver dict different from that rendered at the first trial would be reached, but few thought that he would get off scott free. These expected that he would go to the penitentiary, to which place it was thought that be was eminently suited. The trials, his demeanor in jail, and his previ ous history as far as known show him to be utterly depraved and a man unlit to be at large. Wil mington Star. To admit Wyoming, while deny ing Statehood to New Mexico, would cap the climax of Republican partisanship in Federal Govern ment. New Mexicans at the last election cast '30,000 male votes, ; while Wyomiog polled only 0,200,' I and the heaviest vote ever deposi- ted in that home of female suffrage was 18,000. The Wyoming election ' on the State issue was confessedly illegally held. But that makes no difference. The Administration party wants two more Republicans ! in the Senate, and does not want ' more Democrats. Hence the pre ference for Wyoming over New Mexico. X. Y. Star. Memphis, March 31. It now seems that all the lowlands below Helena will be overflowed within the next two weeks. A break in the levee of about 50 feet occurred about midnight at Austin. Miss.. and at 7 o'clock this morning it bad widened to 300 feet. There is no possible way to close the gap, and as the levee is on a sandy founda tion for a mile from that point, the break may increase to an unlimited j extent. All the plantations in the 1 vicinity of the break are being rapidly submerged, and tenants are leaving without saving any of : their effects. Rain has been falling t in torrents all night. Congress has been trimming the sails of the Republican ship to catch every breeze , bu t the work has been so bunglingly done that there is danger of the craft's cap sizing. Finding that the war tariff was about to sink her, they formu lated a schedule by which the revenue will be diminished, but they have lightened the ship on but one side, and she careens to the starboard and dips her stern to j the water-line. She may go down to the deep depths of ocean, at any moment. If she keeps afloat she will be regarded as a pirate, with a flag for any port, bat booty only for; her crew. A party trained iu the school of monopoly cannot work in the in erests of the people. The spirit of monopoly is aggressive, and where it halts it is only to recruit its forces and strengthen its position The animus of the Republican party ia shown by the action of the Ways and Means Committee in putting jate on the free list, and donbling the duty on baggirjg so as to prevent Americiu consumers from deriving any benefit from the change. "Thus the greedy de-j mands of the Cotton BdggiDg Trust are to be gratified at the expense of the people." The South is told that the McKinley bill puts adatv on sugar and tobacco, and should be ac cepted as favorable to Southern agriculture; but an inspection of the bill will show that the change is in the interest of capital and not that of production. It is the manu factureraud refiners, who generally reside in the Nprth, and not the producers and consumers, who for the most part live in the South, who are to be benefited. There is a pretense of favoring the farmer in the bill, bnt the measures of pretended relief are sectional and partisan. The duty on wneat, oats, corn ana meat, principally products of the Repub lican West is increased, while the duty on rice a Btaple production of the Democratic Sontb, is di minished. It seems impossible tor the Re publican party to rise to a true conception of the duty of the Government to the great mass ot the people. In articles of prime necessity, in which every man, woman and child in the whole country is interested, the tax is increased rather than diminished. In the cotton goods schedule there is an increase of three cents per pound on thread, yarns, and wraps, and in cotton cloths an increase of from a quarter to three quarters of a cent per yard. Considerable in crease is also made in the wool and and woolen cloths tschedule. In the metal schedule a reduction of about four dollars per ton is made in steel rails, but there is no reduction in axes, hoes, trace chains, or other agricultural imple ments. The whole bill is sectional and monopolistic, and we warn the farmers of the country not to be entrapped by the flimsy pretense that the bill is ia favor of agncul ture. TAMMANY. Jast now there is a great howl over the demoralization of Tamma ny. Well, some very ugly things have been unearthed, and Tamma ny officials are being drawn over the coals as if "frying the fat out of them" could make atonement for their sins and bring relief to the people. What is the attitude of Tammany itself in this matter! Will Tam manv endorse the offenders, or will she "turn the rascals out"' We can onlyjudge by her past. Whatever else may be said 01 Tammany she is the boldest of po litical societies. She may deliberate long, but when she acts it is with dauntless resolution. Recent occurrences have depnvea -aaanf InarWa rf Tammfinv Hall of public confidence and filled the Demowratio party with dis gust. These leaders will fall. They have already fallen. Croker is a voluntary exile and "Mayor Grant, after threatening to drive people out of town, is doing the most of the running." The Pfew lort tar says : 'All this does not impair Tam many as a 'Democratic organiza tion. The voters of that faction would reform it at once if they could; they will help to do it at the next election if the present leaders remain in charge." To change the Democracy of1 -wwvrlr with fVahnnnatv wnnld XlTI A. av rra.ua . w v - w be an outrage. As well assail the honesty of Louisiana because of the default of Burke, or the purity of Christianity because of the apostasy of Boyle. ( During Mr. Cleveland's Admin-1 istration it was not discoverrd that an Assistant Secretary of War was 1 needed. In fact it was not discov ered that the office was in exis-, tence. The Republicans quickly discovered the office, the necessity of filling it and raising the salary j from $3,500 to $4,500. Uncle Sam's army is not very big, but it takes a great many officials to properly look after it. Houston Post. ' SHERIFF'S TAX In default of payment on or before Monday, May 5th, 1890, I shalLv sell the following Real Estate to satisfy the unpaid taxes due for the: year 1889. W. B. LANE, Sheriff. No. 1 Township. Atkinson. J B, 100 acres. Piney Neck Andtraon, E!ias H, 162 acres, Neue River.... do do oi acres. Poplar Branch Allen & Co, Qeo, 300 acrea. Bear Hole Blount, Edward. 43 acres. Folly's Landing . . Bryan. Eugene, 4 acres. Palmetto Brown, Washington, 28 Acres. Piney Neck Cox, Elias, 146 acres, Griudle Urtek Cleve, Ricb'd C, 203 acres. Piney Neck Cleve, Lucy, acres. Dower Land Chapman, Julia, Heirs. 156 acreB, Hill's Neck Campbell, Harvey, 71 seres, Piney Neck DixoD. Jas L. 3 acres. Vanceboro i Dail, Elbert, 1000 acres. Pa metto Lail, ,lUBri m. j uureo, Dinkins, B F. 7C4 acres, Vanceboro Edwards, Elizabeth, 10 acres, Piney Neck Forms, Sarah, 109 acres. Creeping 8 warn p Formes, Chas, 50 acres, Bull Pocoein FormeB. John, 50 acres. Bull Pocotia Garris, Sam'l, Agent. 50 acres, Piney Neck Gatlin, Jacob, 200 acres. Hill's Neck Griffin, Penelope. 250 acrea, Mt. Pleasant Garris, Henry, 300 acres, Peram's Land Gwaltney, I b" B. 156 acres. Gardner's Bridge. .. i Gitlin, Gardner, 50 acres. Dorp Neck I Healh, P A, 20 acres, Cow Pen : Hoell, Wm, 180 acres. Mauls Swamp Hoell, J T W, 96 acres, Mauls Swamp Jones, Redding, Heirs. 220 acres, Street Johnson, Frank, 3 acres, Bay BuBh 4 51 Kirkman, Emelia. 150 acres, MapleJCy press 9 C5 King, Frank M, 146 acres. Grindle Creek 11 47 Kinnon, Richard, Heirs, 150 acres. Waterway Branch, Lancaster, Rachel, 2 acres, Miuls Swamp Loftin, H C, 9i acres. Maple Cypress McRsy, Mary. 217 acres, MauIs Swamp Powers, Sam'l, 50 acres. Mauls Ran Purser, I A and N A, 100 acres. Vanceboro Sammone, W R, 50 acres, Piney Neck Smith, Redding W. 80 acres, Willis Neck Smith, Henry, 20 acres, Piney Neck Sti ly, Elizabeth, 600 acres. Hill's Neck Tripp. Jas H. 28 acres. PiDey Neck Von Eberstein, F H. 180 acres. Vanceboro, Waters. Judith, 10 acres, Pioey Nck Wiyoe, Fanny, 75 acreB, A J T Wayne Willm, Andrew P, 100 acres. Willis Neck Willis. Bryan J, 60 acres, Willis Neck Wiggins, Thompson, C4 acres. Poplar Branch ... Wigains, Jos Jr, 76 acres, Piney Neck Williams, Elizabeth, 150 acres. Palmetto Whitford, A J. 800 acres. Hill's Neck Willis, Sarah, 50 acres, Mt. Pleasant r-'o 2 Township. Gaekius, Bryce, 200 acres, Turkey Neck Pettipher, W D. 300 aoreB, Juniper Purify. Arrington, 675 acres, Hall Swamp Roe, W M, 400 acres, B C Roe, Mary, 50 acres, Morgan Swamp Taton, C E. 160 acres, Guinea West, Aaron C, 148 acres, M and B Creek No. 8 Township. Beaaley, Lafayette, 100 acres, Mulberry Island... Bee ton, Mary, 70 acres. Mosely Creek fecton, Anthony, 6 acres. Mosely Creek Biddle. Alonzo. Heirs. 100 acres. Bryan. Nathan. 90 acres. Dover Pocosin do do 16 acres, Tracy Swamp Black. Ja9, 25 acrea. Mosely Creek Carroll, A B, 75 acres. Core Creek do do 50 acres, Sand Hill Clarke, W E. 200 acreB, Dover Eubank, D. W, 2 acres, Cove do do 22 acres, Core Creek Humphry, L B, 1 acre, Dover Station Hill, E H, Heirs. 600 aoree, Mosely Creek Kornegay, J E, 7 acres. Dover Station Mumford, Caroline, 33 acres, Barnwell Rbem. Primus, 13 acres, Mosely Creek Rue, N F. 9 acres. Mosely Creek Russell. L K, Heirs, 100 acres, Flat Swamp Rouse. Jas B. 203 acres. Cart Bridge Rouse, Y B, 250 acres, Mosely Creek West, S B, 14 acres, Mosely Creek Wallace, Frank, 37 acres, Mosely Creek .... West, Geo W, 140 acres. Cypress Creek .... White. Willie, 9 acres, Mosolv Creek Wilson, Wm, 32 acres, Gum Pocosin... Wooten.B H. 40 acres. Half Moon Wooten, J C, 1095 acres, Turkey Trap No. 5 Township. Eorden, B F, 1000 acres, Hancock's Creek ... Bee ton, Dan'l M, 10 acres. Clubfoot Creek ... Bryan, W A, 25 acres. Little John Bryan, E T, 25 aores. Little John Blaogo, Jas 100 aores. Clubfoot Creek ...... ... BUngo, Sam"1!. 100 acres. Clubfoot Creek Blango, Wm, 100 acres, Clubfoot Creek Carter, Elijah, 25 acres, Grindle Creek ... . Carter, Isam S, 28 acres, Mitchell's Creek ... Carter, Josephus, 7 acres, Clubfoot Creek ... Carter, Lew is H, 50 acres. Clubfoot Creek ... Carter, Martin, 30 acres. Cherry Point Carter, Rufus L, 37 acres. Clubfoot Creek.... Chad wick, Wm C, 50 acres, Hancock Creek . Dove, Wm, 156 acree, Cahookey Fisher, Jas, 75 acres, Adams Creek Road Fisher. John F, 8 acres. Clubfoot Creek Godette, John C, 25 acres, Adams Creek Road 4 George, John H, 90 acres, Mitchells Creek 5 Jackson, Richard, 90 acres, Adams Creek 4 Jackcoa, Wm, 50 acres. Long Creek 5 Morton, Becj, 50 acres. Clubfoot Creek 2 Morris. Eller, 57 acres. Clubfoot Creek 2 Martin, Jacob, 34 acres. Clubfoot Creek Mitchell. Jessie, 6 acres, Mitchells reek. Martin, Rigdon. 34 acres. Clubfoot Creek Martin, Sam'l. 82 acres, Clubfoot Creek . Nolan, John, jr. 15 acree, Main Road Pate. Jackson, 100 acres. Kings Creek .... Richards Benj. 72 acres, Cahookey Williams. Wm, 95 acres, Adams Creek No. 6 Township. Andrews, Tracy, 50 acres, Sandy Run Bryan, John, acres, Lake Ellis Brinkley, Jo. acres, Hancocks Creek Berry, Geo, 37i acres, Slocumbs Creek Chance, John, 50 acres, Slocumbs Creek Cannady, Moses, 33 acree, Eist Creek Cooper, Doctor, 18 acres, Lake Road Coleman. Henrv, 2j acres, cryce reeK j mn, Edward, 125 acres, Rait Road i Ives, Wm H, 85 acres, Croatan Jackson, Noab, 1750 acres, McGlin Tract Marshall. Geo F, 400 acres, Slocumbs Creek 5 Moore, Mrs Collins, 75 acres, Colman Moore, C J. 40 acres, Colman Creek Marshall, F P, 240 acres. County Road 7 Nelson, Jos, 500 aores, Slocumbs Creek do do 1 2 acre, Lake Road ) 8 Smith, Jacob, 100 acres, Sandy Run 7 Smith, Noah, 70 acres, Rail Road 4 Taylor, D L, 22 acres, Slocumbs Creek 4 William?. Jos, 10 acres, Rail Road 5 Wynn, W Y, 100 acres, Hancocks Creek 6 Wynn, C J, 10 acres, Hancocks Creek 7 WynD, W Y, Agt W K Pate, minor, 900 acres, Han cock Creek 17 No. 7 Townseip,- Brooks, Sam'l, 10 acree, Wade Land Fisher, Abram D, 3 4 acre, Riverdale Station. . Fisher, John S, 1 4 aore, Riverdale Station Gray, S H, Mnfg Co, 5 acres. Gray wood ! Ha6ket, Summerfield, 200 acres, Johnson Hines, J J, 1-4 acre, Riverdale Mallett, C E, 279 acres, Riverdale ! Mallett, Peter, 80 acres, Riverdale Millard, Waehington, 12 acres, Neuse Road Moye, GirrettG, 148 acree. Neuse River and RR ... Tippett. Elizabeth, 240 acres, Mill Branch Thorn. J P. Wm Cohen, Exr, 292 acres. Thorp Land . Waters, Reuben, 11 1 2 acres, Railroad NEW BOODS ! The Line of Goods in our Stock are unsurpassed in beauty and design, quality and finish. Watches, Diamond Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, China Bracelets, Bangle Bracelets, Flexible Silver Purses, Hair Ornaments, Book Marks, Rins, Chains, Lace Pins, Serf Pins, Charms, etc. "Bell The Jeweler." AMOUNT tax and c.st. S 8 78 )' 16 S3 !3 D6 Adamsi M H. 1 Allec Geo & ('o, 5 acres on Pembrooke Road ' do do 820 acree, Batchelors Creek Arthur, Martin, 1 lot Scott Land Alexander, Miugo, 15 12 acres on Neuae Road. . BryaD, Owen, 1 lot on Jacksmith Bryan, Frank, 1 lot in Pavie Town Blackledge, Sim, 1 lot in Pavie Town .......... do do 1 lot on Berne street Burney. Luke, 1 lot on Metoalf street " 5 06 4 46 4 79 11 77 i3 70 13 4 2 5 16 5 tsater, AKred, 1 lot Blackman. Martha, Benders, B B, 1 lot Bishop, Tony, 1 lot Blank, Cuas H, 1 lot do 1 let James, 1 lot do Boyle, 21 89 2 35 3 33 5 63 4 84 3 40 4 68 9 28 6 02 11 06 5 51 5 03 9 44 6 91 5 90 Bowen, do Sam '1 T, 1 Bryan, Browrj, Broyn, Bogey, oenaera, Harriet, l lot on Metcalf street Blackled?e, R B, 740 acres on Trent road. ............. Bryna, Deaisy, 95 acres on Neusn road . . . Clark, C C jr, 1 lot on Craven street Chapman, M W, 1 lot on Pine and Berne eta ..... . . . . . Carmack. Henry, 18 acres on Bachelor Creek Cannady, Betsey, 1 lot in Pavie Town Crawford, V A, for MileB Richardson, 1 lot on George street and 1 lot on Metcalf street Crawford, V A, for Rosa Fisher, 1 lot on Queen street Capehart, Charlotte, 1 lot on Oak st Dixon, Christopher, 1 lot on Forbnn shoe s f erry 80 11 75 71 63 43 63 51 58 50 61 95 40' 22 Dixon, R chard, 212 do do 220 do do 80 i . mr . 11 2 8 4 5 4 6 2 cvenagr, joe, l lot renaerson. jonn, 1 Gaekins Wm, 1 lot Gatlin, Penie, 5 acres Land 3 Green, W H N, Admr, 86 acres on Trent road Gaskins, M C, 25 acres on Pembrooke road Gardner, Mrs Sarah F, 2 lots on Pollock st Guthrie. Mrs 8uaaD, 1 lot on Craven st Hearn, R B, 1 lot on Fleet st . Henderson, Lott, 1 lot on Richardsona alley Hancock, L V, 1 lot on Graves and KinR sts Hines, Wright, for wife and sister, 1 lot 00 Berne at. . . Harrison, Rosanna 1 lot, Pavie Town Hatch, J R, 1 lot. Queen st Hayes, David, 1 lot. Crooked st aocock, Robert. 2 lots, Graves and King sts Hill, Sam'l, 1 lot. Pavie Town Hargett, J M, 320 acres, Trent Road Hymsn, A, 1 lot, Pasteur st ) do do B'agg's alley f Holton, A H, estate of, 1 lot. Craven and Broad sit HaTris, Israel, sr, 1 lot, Bragg's alley J J Powers, 1 lot, George st Hawkins, John H. 1C0 acres on Neuse road Ives, Henry, 29 acrea, Neuse road 6 82 ; 6 14 7 88 6 12; 6 07 11 03 3 22 4 38 i 5 88 13 78 8 30 2 63 3 22 7 05' 6 62 3 34 4 28 28 Ipock, B H, 1 lot. Cypress st 6 Johnson, Joe, 1 lot, Pavie Town 8 ) ) 4 07 4 35 ) ) 8 32 3 80 ) ) 8 69 0 19 17 65 7 49 0 52 5 89 Johnson, Simon H, Johnson, John S, 1 lot. Eden at Justice. B T, esta e, 120 acres, Neuse road Jones, Henry, 1 lot, Pavie Town Johnson. H S, 1 lot, Griffith Bt Joyner. Henry, 1 lot. Cuthbert avenue Jones, Samuel, for Pleasant Riley, 1 lot, Forbes alley Jones, Samuel, 1 lot, Forbes alley Joyner, Margaret. 1 lot. Jerkins land Kconce. James, 180 acres at Rocky Run Lewis, Henry S, 1 lot on Good st Latham, Bristoe. 1 lot on Pine st L;ary, Simon. 150 acres on Bachelor creek Lae & Co, A, 3 acres, Jacksmith Manly, George. 1 lot. New South Front st 6 42 03 57 08 37 56 98 37 Merritt, Ttobs. 60 Bores, Rocky Run Mayo, John, 1 lot, Cedar st Murphy, Hannah, 1 lot. Crooked at Moore, Wm, 1 lot, Jacksmith Mcllwain, Isaiah, 15 acres. New road Mcllwain, Redding, 1 lot. Broad st ) do do do Elm st do do do Scott alley ) Moore, Nancy, 1 lot, Pavie Town Moore, Jacob, 1 lot, Kilmarnock at Mosely, D G, 1 lot. Queen st 3 22 4 93 84 77 13 72 28 23 46 35 22 22 49 40 17 77 42 66 91 92 63 23 35 28 85 10 93 40 45 McLacklan, Alex, for wife. 1 lot. Pollock at do do do 2 lota. Pollock & Berne ate ) Moulton, Mrs Mary D, 1 lot, E Front and Change sts... Newbern Gas Light Company, gas works Nelson, Joseph, 20i acres, Trent road Pearson, Hannah, 1 lot, Pavie Town Phillips, Lucinda, 70 aores, Bachelor creek Patterson, J A, for E J Patterson, lot, Johnston at.... do do for Bessie D Flanner, 1 lot, do Patterson, M & J A, 1 lot, Hotel Albert Palmer, C E, 92 acres, Trent road Randolph, Flora A, 1 lot. Queen st Riggs, Nuncy. 125 acres. Bachelor creek. Roan, John, 1 lot, Qaeen st , Roan, Lizziet, & Sarah Rhem, 1 lot. Broad at Rubs, W N, 1 lot, Rollins. Pleasant. btanly. L K, estate, do do do do do do do do 4 4 12 4 45 2 42 4 33 3 22 4 89 3 80 o 2 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 7 13 53 17 05 96 58 10 73 04 30 69 20 56 80 75 14 19 21 01 23 61 63 28 80 Skinner. Francis, 1 lot, Pavie Town Tucker, L A, 1 lot, Berne st Tooker, H H, 1 lot, East Front st Thomas, John H, 1 lot, Metcalf st Whitford, Julia. 1 lot. Good Bt Watkins, J L, 1 lot. Queen st Warren, John, jr, 2 lots, New South Front at Wadaworth, Dennis, 1 lot, Pollook and Queen sts.. Winis, Caessr, 1 lot, Courtst No. 9 Township. Avery, A W, 300 acres on Neuse road Davis, W C, 12 acres. Horse branch Davis. George. 250 acres. Bachelor creek French, L H, 28 acree. Plank landing French. L J, 20 acres. Plank landing Ferrand. J B. 100 acres, Neuse road Green, J C, 250 acres. Clear Spring Green. George, jr, 750 acres. 8tony Branch Creek... 3 2 3 14 6 38 8 47 174 74 16 26 5 67 32 38 7 89 8 40 19 13 9 69 21 88 Point 5 00 ' If Is the Dying Truth! BIG IKE has bought the entire stock of W. B. Flanner the dollar. at 40c. on SALE! AMOUNT TAX AND COST. 4 40 No. 8 Township. lot in Pavie Town . . :::: 6 27 2 75 6 22 2 63 11 83 :: 6 10 on Cedar street 1 lot on Gardner's alley on Crooked street on George street 6 88 4 96 5 80 5 80 36 76 17 22 on Pollock atreet V on Qaeen and Berne street . . ) on New South Frnnt .tnut lot on Pollock ntrt do 1 lot on Crooked street j Asa, I lot on New South Front street . . . . . . . John B, 1 lot on Middle street Virgil S, 1 lot on Eden street .................. Bichard, 76 acres on Bachelor r.rny 13 08 4 68 11 17 10 12 6 99 4 38 8 72 3 22 16 59 6 07 2 17 2 63 12 56 3 22 3 22 4 63 acres. Deep Gully . . . acrea on Nense road acres do do 23 72 xaioD, margarec, i jot on ueorge st 7 89 Ed wards, S A, 1 lot on Rountree st 5 23 Ed wards, Julia K, 1 lot on Edenst 2 22 n j in .favie Town 5 04 cowards, otepnen. iv acres on rembrook road 8 00 Foy, L L, 1 lot on Jerkins alley . . 3 go lot on Jerkins alley 4 68 on Sarins st ta on Trent road 2 63 7 44 6 38 25 68 9 05 4 08 4 06 8 08 4 96 8 23 6 88 i 68 33 72 5 62 9 89 6 43 87 05 3 80 4 84 4 5u 3 80 21 22 1 lot, Berae at 4 06 10 59 T 89 6 03 7 56 3 32 3 22 3 22 3 32 6 72 5 60 4 38 4 03 72 05 6 27 7 21 5 85 4 33 4 88 3 75 10 93 3 63 4 38 6 96 24 15 23 46 - 60 38 . 6 14 . 4 96 . 4 54 . 9 93 . 19 54 .139 71 . 7 85 . 6 55 .. 5 20 . 8 87 3 53 Jacksmith 8 1 lot, Forbes alley 6 14 14 500 acres. Bachelor creek 1 lot, Jerkins land j do Pollock and Craven sta - do Middle st ) do Goodst J 149 62 Smith. Wm and Laura, heirs, 1 lot. Pine at., 4 96 Simmons. Abram, 1 lot, Jones and Pollook sta 8 85 Shute, M M, 73 acree. Deep Gully 9 24 Sanders. Mrs E E. 1 lot. Broad st 14 01 Staton, Martha, 1 lot, Pavie Town 2 63 Sutton, Henry, 33 acres, Deep Gully 2 22 Sheperd. John W, 1 lot, Pavie Town 4 93 Smith, W B. 1 lot, Queen st 5 38 81ade, Andre 1 lot. Tin Cup alley. 5 80 Stanly, Edwird, 1 lot, Jacksmith.; 5 38 Stanly, J P, for wife, 1 lot, Pavie Town 2 85 2 63 3 80 9 71 7 85 3 52 22 47 12 40 5 85 6 10 11 23 4 86 5 62 2 72 4 51 6 83 11 63 20 3fc Hill, G W, 20 acres, Terkey Quarter 5 14 Hill, G F, 250 acres. Neuse road 10 70 Ivey, T J, 98 acres, Neuse road 9 30 Lassiter, Chas, 88 acres, Bachelor creek 3 80 May, E F, 150 acres, Jasper 16 21 May, E F, agent, for Mrs L White, 50 acres, Jasper 3 18 Mitchell, W M, H acres. Miry branch 2 28 Moore, C E, agent for Martin Jones, 69 acres, railroad, 8 51 Merritt. Cicero. 165 acres, Beaver Dam 7 41 Mosely W H. 70 acres, Turkey Quarter 7 99 Rivers, James, agt for Emeline Rivers, 40 acrea, Jasper, 2 99 Sugg, John, 80 acres. Great branch 4 63 Wetherington, L T. 48 acres. Bachelor creek 5 03 Wetherington, O H P, agent for Mrs N C Smith. 700 acres. Bachelor creek 10 22 WiLiamB. M J, 75 acres, Tuscarora 4 03 J. A. BRYAN, Pm. t, H. CUTLER, Yiee Pre G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BEBNE, N. C. INCORPOBATEO 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Beyan, L. H. Cutlb, George Allen, G. H. Thomas Daniels, Chas. 8. Bbtan, F. M. Simmons, Robkbti. Senatorship Eli. on Journal: We ar gUd see jour townsman. Hon. F. M Sun Bins, bo prominently huoUcn of for Congress I hope thwie will Le no fOLl ; play in that; an 1 that the Governor , will be more charitable than to arcuno him with manipulations in thin in stance. The lime will soon be at hand when the Democrats of the 9th Sena torial district, comprising the counties I of Onslow, Jones and Carteret, will be called upon to nominate a candidate. 1 The people of Carteret aek the nomina tion of a candidate to whom they would give their most cordial support, and whose character, publio and private, is without stain. A man of recognized j ability, by energy and close application to business be has risen to such positions l in life in different vocations that few men of his age ever reach in these now isolated parts of North Carolina. His knowledge and Buccess as a farmer all who know him must concede. Sober, icduatrious, and equalized iu all hit? faculties, and devoted to duty, he has never yet held a position the dutijs of which he did not perform with ability, i He has been chairman of the boarJ of i county commissioners of Onslow, and i chairman of the Democratic county j committee, and his management in I these instances has been successful. : Now aa a body politic in convention assembled, we think it nothinar more i than right that the entire district should have a voice in naming the man. We refer to E. W. Ward, of Onslow county, as the man on whom Carteret cm centre. Wild Goose Sanders' Store, March 28, 169). Bad, Worse, Worst The Postmaster- ship at Kockj Mount. Rocky Mount, N. C , March 31 Syl via Drake, the colored podtmaoier who baa just been appointed to succeed weess Armstrong, the coltred embez zler at this place, is to have two other colored persons as her assistants. One will.be her daughter, the other her son. 8ylvia's appointment was secured through the efforts of W. Lee Person, who was a delegate from North Carolina to the National convention .that nomi nated Harrison, and who now has a po sition in the treasury department at Washington in consequence thereof. Both Person and Cheatham worked for her although other oolored appli cants were told that they would pet it. It seems to be a family matter entirely, as Cbeatbam is connected with and Person is the nephew of Sylvia. There is no doubt about Sylvia's ap pointment, as your correspondent in terviewed the new appointee and saw the papers and the telegrams that passed be; ween her. Congressman Cheatham and Person. Sylvia says she will be aure to give her bond and promises not to do like Armstrong. She is about sixty years old, a bright mulatto and nas a large family. The citizens are great) v incensed at the repeated outrages Wanamaker is ioflioting upon them. When you oon aider the thieving Armstrong, the watoh stealer Toorn, who carried the mails from this place to Kiliquick and now the appointment of still another darkey, who goes in with her whole family and under the protest of the good citizens of this town, is it not enough to stimulate overy true Dm crat to denounce the disgrace heaped upon them 'i State Chronicle. Judge JfcRae Denounces the "Roughs" Who Applauded When Boyle Was Acquitted. State Chronicle. Wake Superior Court met yesterday morning, Qig Honor, Judge McRae, presiding. Just before proceeding to business. Judge McRae referred to the demonstra tion made in the court room on Satur day night at the conclusion of the Boyle trial in no equivocal terms. Among Other things he said that he did not want any one to think that he would let auoh a demonstratibn as occurred Satur day night, when Boy le was acquitted, pass unnoticed : that he had inquired cf ihe officers of the law this morning, but they seemed to have been noticing the Cracks in the floor or other objects and could giye him no information as to who the ring leaders were; th the demonstration started out near the door. He wanted to do the colored people the juttioe to say, they took no part in it, as the demonstration com menced they left; and he was satisfied they were ashamed of it. He was satis fied furthermore, that those who dii engage in It, were a set of "roughs" and that no respectable person took part in it. He also said if the officers of the law bad been the ring leaders of thia disgraceful affair, and could bring them before him to be dealt with, he oould not make fifteen cents out of the whole crowd by fines; that be had noth ing to say as to the justice or injustice of the verdict of the jury ; that it might be right or it might be wrong. One thing is certain a fair girl has been ruined ana a lecherous scamp has been turned loose; that he was satisfied that the good people af Rikigh were shamed of the demonstration and took no part in it. He felt it his duty to notice this affair and to say th'a much in behalf of the good people cf Raleigh. Decreasing the Public Debt. Washington, D C. April 1. Tht monthly public debt statement issued from the Treasury Department today, shows a decrease of the debt during the past month amounting to $11,889,857, and for the firet nine months of the current fiscal year, of $53,488,949. The net surplus in the Treasury is $83,615,833, or about 150,000 less than a month ago. Government receipts from all sources during March past aggregat ed $34,778,180 or three and three quarter millions more than in March 1889. Custom receipts during the past month amounted to $20,800,765, or a million and three quarters more than in March a year ago; while internal reve nue receipts were $11,241,856, or a mil lion and a quarter greater than in March, 1889. Receipts from all sources for the first three quarters of the current year ag gregated $295,000,000, and this teeme to point to a revenue by the ctose of the fiscal year fully up to Secretary Win dom's estimate of $385,000,000 submit ted in his annual report last December. Four News Items. In consequence of the diseovery of a conspiracy among the students, several of the Russian Universities have been closed. While Bix boys ot R H. Byckeville and K. P. Womack, ranging in age from 11 to 19 years, were playing in a Band cave, Tuesday, near Vernon, Tex., the bank caved in on them end all were killed. An explosion occurred Monday in a mine shaft at Nanticoke Pa . by which five men were killed and seven serious ly burned. The treasurer of Pulaski county, Va , and president of a bank, was brutally murdered near his home Tuesday morn ing. Two white men, suspected of the crime, have been arreBted. and it is thought they will be lynched. Bejle to Enter a Monastery. Raleigh, N. C , April 2 Father Charles, pastor of the Catholic Church here, authorizes the statement tonight that he believes that ex priest Boyle has gone to Scotland for the purpose of entering a Trappist monastery there. He says he advised Boyle to go there and be thinks that he has done eo, The tzar and Bismarck. London. April 1. The Czar and Prince Bismarck have exchanged friendly letters. The latter expressed himsalf that in his opinion recent events would not affect the peaceful re latione existing between the two empires. lis,.- , - T, J v 1 -e Bo when asant I fifta npys, i, , Liv. .' to::) , nch'.v :,, i , c..i;. : . only , . (hit '. j ccj.ta: it act:- 1 . :i.: ' in: : - , to r.'ii :. : I - the sys-icad- .is. : lsn'ilual is the ever pro- :i! ac- iij't in in its c r:oet i it .ost yr :;, . f ant ? !. :;, gi-f. Illii v j: ' !:.. euro j . , Wi '.. , : , yy sulisli'ii; .. Imtr (!r ..rz'i-l will no v : ccpf r ho ; ho :!7 CALIFORNIA FIG LOUISVILL! . r- vpr;p 1 1. It 15. CAUTION Take tic. thaax Tirileae AV. 1.. l'oiiKlai,' namo and iric iirr stantDe,! on the bottom. If tin- ilertlfr -nnnol supply ion, semi direct to factory, rncloKiug advertised price. FOR NTLEN1EN. -li. :r:itl Creed- Fine Cnlf, moor W:u' IJi-M i l.i. r Ills Kl SHOE. s'l.no ! . N I I N : 1 1 A N 1 - !.(() II IMlsliW'KIi I I T SflOK. s:t.r roi h i. am) r. !:: i-.i:v snoii. SS.5H i: i i. i u.i i:hi I'miok. 4i.vl . s.; o i; k i ; ! i vs mioi:3 $3 CI . r :i: : issi - j-. l'.cr.t rutins : t-.-M it Kent ' XT. I.. I tyj vo':;5i?cpNK cTTicf Cili. UNiQH SQUAKt NY. ANfR,-- rXLLASTCX. T WAN UBS FiM 8' ei tmm VETERIKARY specifics G:::::, Cattb- Ghocp, Tr, E; Fcr POULT KY. coo rc A. A. M,i n. r CC.-llr. i). !.--iiti :i t menf of A I mn 1m 1 1 1 t, unri rM'iii r ree. ' f " , 1 u::.-,''-(imiH, I nMr.ninir. t'on, ir.l rittiti.i, T i i 1 Ic l- eve:-. iiiin, I.n sin ik's, it iM-iinu t iNia. I'lnpcr. Niisnl l.ViM'liil I ir. i (tr 4'i nltt-. nr-rns. V..K CotiU F.I'.-.Ci.h;' I'" ;-vcs. Pnriimnulu. ( - i ; ic. Hi 1 1 yii f It (..(..-- l i ..-."a i r ' .- vf. I f ,,r or : M tfpw. IB. II. --I ri'iiiry ;.'itl Kidney l i hcilci. 1 . 1 .-- Jiru j! i v j- ' 3 : ...-n m'k. 1lni'ii(', J.K.lli-..-:..,. ... :..;). Stable Cn-c. v;:i :-; .. (' ., v.,- llht Wlt-ll I v ! -. 87. Off Price, Mi-. ,. - .. - .0 Sold by I:r;. i-or - - : Trfi ,-i I ar.yv.hcra and in any ....i.-ii'.y t;i r ..! l o: 1 ri-c. Humphrovs' K?.i). Ci.,109 FuKnn St.. N. Y. ETJIIPHBEYS' EOrEOPATHIC SPECIFIC Kc. E? il remedy for Weakness. Nervous Debility, vita and Prostration. fr ni . vcr-ft.-rk or oJhor C!lUBf. $1 por vinl, or .1 v;l r-.iid hiru-c. t?J j.o'.vder. for tftt. ISOLD Y IIiroiI i K. T8i lit p'.-ti.fii-l on receipt of Jrico. lluot.li.-tjt, 2Uc.;:c Lo. 5 1UJ uUuu bw, A. I. Alltjof n;:r V. terinarv Proparationa can be had cf J V. Jur-in, Druggist, N. W, cor. !'ro:id und Middle etreets, fewbe rn . N ( '. OR AT TllL; blON OK T11K LITTLE INDIAN, Middle t-trit t. near the- rc-rr.er of South Front, von nn find the eliou-est figure, of TANSU.IS PUNCH, tue lin"..t 5 cent cicar ia America, and oilier L'r.mds of the tet make and pureft t-tock. Tobiei-o of all kinds. I'm,'. Cut. or Corn Si!!: Tobacco, ( i: i: i-: : .- i 1 ilon't sell paper cigarettes), N.-imker 'e Articles of ;il I I: indfl Also, a'-iii?. Fruit. N i.- Water, etc., ttc. 1 eell everything I Imo if I can. Wm. I. PALMKli. Lumber Lumber ') tu i i d . or :ir Arc- n ( .(!!! do. ' . price . Wi i ; ul'.i . cir"-M c? :.. j n: F. s l :',. -itii . int. hz-nt. New Bern,-. in irldwly W. La DOUGLAS $3 SHOE c. !lr:n v I.:n'C(. C.r: - r- ?i Lite ' ":- v -ZT; SHZ H8 :''- , I' i, 1 t. !. : 4 M