' v v INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. 132.00 Per Tr. VOL. VIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AHPIL 24, 1890 NO. 4. MJ (f Ijff w . . . ...... ! mm a rks flOOQIHB WITH THE We gave 0) op'.io , b,u-. b.iuV. QoU. EJ dprtutit i. gnanrats oar prices To be as low. and very many instances lo wer than ew York Figures. W- promise rlibl g:d, honormbltr detlingp, tiJ our prices wc wil gmtnate kgaiaat tk American World. Facts Worth -r' That -'Or1 MARKS is the most reliable, as T7elli as t the Cheapest House in the city, 6r-ftHkiad9f -Good. He mIIi both Retail and Wholesale. :Thatl 0.11 A.RJCS carries the largest, most complete i and comprehensive Stock of Dry Goods- Shoes and Notions in this State. - TbitrTJI MARKS is alwjt ibe first U reduce prior, and sells fnl the . vot ntii&Vt-M4 -nett good. TbatpvJiiRKS iaTitrt the closest scrutiny and compwU-a of prices ai ialfetVUb. tboat f oit:er boi-e who iniifaw his meth.i and iri to ' W4."a0. MARKS will mt any cat prices miij by nuy reputable h u.-, , pnmdeii latii md in good fiU an J tkftt he deioa eoupetion. nock Down Here are a few of the many Knock Down ". ;lTgTrmflntfL Let competitors howl and declare VitcaiiUi'te done, but remember it is money Sinexnstbmer's pocket. i 'j. istHitt 3 tan l. - - ; 1 60,QM flit fcemtjard wid Domettic ijgfcft, J&k- Kwa.ook (P. K.) BOJMQr !(Jkgim, fiae drew 8tjl, only ,5,066 r r JJ Bf Drew Goodj, onlj JOOO' liaea Cnsh Towelingi, only . . . 6,000,, Mit , Hiatmrt Edging, only k u "6,ooo- :6j00O: Indts Lava, only . ; i lOOfiOQ pair LdiM' Hom, only . . 50.000 i,0QQ FiaLadW Wkile Neckties, f t lD,00Qr';Uai liael Coll, at ; -liie BUob Bad Bkoea ftn a " A .tKonsand and WOT "notallow ns to WM&IM TRADE I will offer special inducements. My stock is much larger than ever before, and all bought for spot cash, and I give the Trade the benefit of my discounts. Therefore I can sell you Goods as cheap as Northern markets. ' You will save money and time by calling on M Oieider of itodgiYe him a Trial. . i - - .n i i wi v. u w h ww ' ;; ; fensH brss wagsh e- - ,i .J -r i-"- BOOi atrybt a Supi-rU SocW wf Sprr.' Dry levied down ih tie !a est j.r...i uciciif. lii"0 '1 uismis for thi neai-oD, ai-d will Remembering: and uot a a bait to obtain business, Arguments: 5c. per yard 5c. . " Sc ' " 5c. " 5c. 5c. " To. ,l 10c. " 5o. " Sc. " 5c. per pair 10c. 6c. 5c. . 75c. embroidered ends one other things space mention, arKs, Low Prices, m2" KDITURIAL NOTES. Tun Lvi iburg and DQrham rjai will beeomp'eted to Durham b tht first of July, i President Harrison is receiv ing sad messages from Indiana. There was a woful lack of Republi- cin vottrs ia '-blocks of five" oat there on Tuot-day . Sr. Lou id Post-; for the 6t le in WQ1CU the report is!ciDity ia a8 yet comparatively nn Dispatch. j brought oat. j developed ; but nearly 2,000,000' Steaker Reed wai educated fi r the Congregational ministry, lie would have been a good one to rill a pulpit in a region where cbnrch attendance :8 light, for he could count a full bouse readily. 1'roy tress. Simmons cliuld bo the nominee tor Co:igies in the 1'od district He deserxes it and we believe will!274 pages, every one containing be triomphautly elected. Nashville Arg jnaur. The Gold Leaf is with you there. Simmons is the man. lleudurson Gold Leaf. Speaker Reed reminds us that we are twenty Gve jears from Ap pomattox apple tree; and such re minders are utcos.ary, for the war taxed eitizeu gathers no fruitage from ih it tree of peace, not even a windi.ill. Philadelphia liecord. 11 e.ney M. Stanley is now on his way to Brussels. Emin Pasha is on his way back to the African interior. Thus soon both will be exactly where they started from, aud no one is caring much about it. Wilmington Star. MR. KEED has announced that j he wih adjourn Congress by July 1. I There u no law in this country to restrain a mau from doing what he wills w ith his ow n, and so ilr. Reed will ii:jourc bim.-elf at the time indie red if it should nit his whim so to d.). Louisville Times. The House &bowed an equal dis- niTfh Hi n.iinir a hull rvivincr if. j self 95. 000 lo-t by its o wu carelrss- ness and iu passing another com pelliu;; the Di-itrict of Columbia to pay the half of the f 92,000 for a park which the government con trols exclusively. It makes a great deal of difference whose ox is gored. Washington Star. The Democrats will not bring in an opposition tariff bill, and therein they are wise. The opposition's office is to expose the measures of the majority, not to tie themselves to bills of their own. Mr. Carlisle is engaged on a report Intended to show the oppressive and destruc tive character of the MoKinley bill. New York Herald. Thus it goes under the mons trous and absurd system of protec tion as it is now understood, and every one from the poor wood chopper of Maine to the rich builder of American war ships expects the Government to look after his inter ests, to protect him that he may mak a profit and make somebody else pay the profit. Reduced to its essence that's what protection means. Wilmington Star. Our friend Col. John D. Cam eron published a brief card in the Asheville Citizen that the proprie tor and himself do not agree on many subjects, and he, therefore, retires. We regret this, for as we have been glad to say many times, he is the best writer as to style, and the best furnished as to range of information, of any of the members of the State pres9 so far as we are informed. "We hope his able and scholarly pencil will not be long unemployed. Wilmington Mesen ger. The Farmers Alliance has done very mnch, as ia reported in onr exchanges, in some of the Northern Sfates in behalf of the great class that constitute the organization. It is a most powerful one already, and if growing in the Union with tre mendous rapidity. One exchange puts its strength at 4,000,000 voters. f.t may reach those figures here after but we do not think they are so great as yet. In JNorth Caro lina it is indeed a pewer. There are 2,033 sub-alliances in the Stale. This eeason the State Alliance will handle over 10,000 tons of guano manufactured at Durham, without profit, saving a half million dollars, as is reported by onr Raleigh cor respondent, to the farmers. The sale of general supplies aggregate $40,000 a month. This of course affects the business operations of merchants and guano dealers. Wilmington Messenger. Samuel J. Randall died Sun day morning at his home, in Wash ington, l). (J. .Mr. Kandall was a ,-er ,! tree Democra. Whilst he UlUCi . v.. with his party ou the question of revenue, he Levertheless had all the essential principles of Demoo racy, and they povered his public cocjduc. The South never hid a truer friend than Mr. Randall; not because it w.is the South, bat be cause the Force Bill was wrong. His opposition to that hostile mea sure, was a never to-be forgotten blessiDtr to the South. After hit life spent in the service of the na-l tion, he died a poor man. What more need be said in praise of bis integrity! No man in this country knew mOre of the public's business than Mr. Randall, lie was one of the most valaable legislators this nation has ever had in the halls of Congress. His death is truly the nation's loss. Charlotte Chronicle. THE AUDITOR'S REi'ORT. The leportof the Auditor of the ,.r vi,m, Pamiina fnr itip I r , . ... . ns It - creditable in eveiy respect. Credit- able to the State for the facts it presents, to the Auditor for the IIIHII lit'l III N I i i i ni U I ' 1 V- ! are pre: senteu, anu w iub uu uuc uhulci. i i .. . i I I : ............ j Usually the reports ot State j officials are given to the public in j pamphlet ' stance we lorm, one in mis in have a handsome, well ; bound book. This is a great im j provement These reports are al ! wavs valuable and wortbv of ores 1 ervation. Auditor Sndei Iin report covers I important information for the pt-o- pie of the Sta'e. Our review itt uecessarily a very imperfect one, as we confine our- selves to the presentation of a few of the many facts preeuted iu the report. The aggregate value of real and personal property in the State for the year 1887 the last assess ment was $210,035 453. The val uation of the real and personal property of Craveu county was $2,420,282. Of the ninety six counties in the State there are thirty three richer than Craven, and sixty two that are poorer. The county having the largest valuation of real and personal propeity is Wake whoe aggregate is $9,440 G09. The coun ty having the least is Dare, its real and persoual property aggregating $287,477. The total geueral taxes for Cravao county amounted to $5,996 11. The school taxes to $10,730.57, makins tho total coun ty taxes $23,707 28. Thfl ti.r .l number of Dulls iu the , State are 215,121, of these 108,527 are whit aud 60 594 are colored. Craven coumj'a total polr is 2,605 ; whites, 1.226; colored, 1,379. Bat we cannot continue these specifications. If any man is dissatisfied with his residence in North Carolina let him read the Auditor's report, and if he is a patriot a real lover ol the Old North State he will bless God, take courage and renew bis allegiance to this land, "beloved by heaven o'er all the world besides." When the fortunes of war are considered, the ruin of reconstruc tion remembered, and the devasta tions of storms and the intrusions of emigration agents fresh in onr memories, the condition of North Carolina furnishes abundant cause of gratification in the present and hope for the future. We do not mean that there are no burdens here, nor that our fields yield spontaneous harvests of golden grain. We only mean that in this blessed realm there are rich stores for those who have learned to labor and to wait. With a commonwealth that has no blot on its escucheon, a soil whose productions are the most varied and valuable, a climate as solabrious as any on the gtobe; with institutions elevating and ennobling, and a population vir tuous and brave, there is no good reason why North.Carolina may not became first in the sisterhood of States. OCRACOKE ISLET. Partiality to the section in which we live is eminently praiseworthy. From the first day of its publi cation to the present moment the Jotjbnal has labored lor the up building of East Carolina. Cherish ing an ardent attachment for the commonweath, we look upon these broad savannas that stretch away from ourseaeirt shores, with the love that belongs to home and its hallowed associations. With lands so fair and fertile, and waters so broad and produc tive; with beauty smiling on iana and sea, and wealth locked in the bosom of earth and stored in the depths of ocean, why is not pros perity monarch of this eastern realm T One reason,and perhaps the chief, is found in existing hindrances to a prosperous commerce. We are indebted to Hon. F. M. Simmons whose temporary retire- ment from Congress has not abated his devotion to the best Interests of his people for a copy of the report of the Secretary of War, being part of the messages and docu- ments communicated to the two houses of Congress at the begin ning of the nrst session oi me Fifty-First Congress. j worthy son8 of x01 th Carolina, and Id this report, of the Secretary ,of thfl gloriouSj departed, free Con of War, is included a preliminary ! feder axamination ot ucracoke iniet, North Carolina, by Wm. H. Bixby, 1 Captain of Engineers. It is ex haustive of the subject. A few : extracts mint suffice for the present, j Captain Bixby says: "Ocracoke i Inlet id one of the main outlets from the North Carolina sounds : into the ocean, and derives its main imnnrfanci) from that fact." "Ttnr.k Bar. Currituck sound. Albemarle sound, Pamlico sound and Core sound, together from a large inland sea separated from the oeean only by a narrow strip of sand beach of less than two miles in width and of neaily two hundred miles length. "These sounds form au extensive sheet of water larger tbjtn Long island souna, twice as i;irt;e as Delaware Bay. aod about two thirds as large as Chesapeake Bay, : 'and with a shore line very great area. ,.nnha l, .,,1 ; h,.. immu,!i.,ia vi j acres of land on the sounds north and is of rich west ot tbeee agricultural quality, well adapted , to grains, erastcs and vegetables ' "The present commerce is mainly - j limited to that coming down the - ; rn era w Uliu emP' Mi.oi!:ese - , , - ; ,, ; quiie large, is rapiuiy mci oasmg and demanding better facilities fori getting out of these ei.umi-.' Captain Bixby hi re Hibmits tabular statement, howiiig that j the drainage a:ea of l iveis empty- j ing into North Carolina sounds is j 2G.351 square milef, and t Le present commerce $1S, 000,000. Then follows a minute iuquuy into the present condition and pos sible futuie of North Carolina in let8. The advantage of, and the objections to, each of them is de tailed. After a very full discussion ot the subject in all itsbeaiings, i Captain Bixby says : "Under these circumstances, I have no hesitation iu saying that in my opinion Ucracoke Inlet and its southern channel are better adapted than any other for, im provement as a direct ocean outlet of Albemarle end Pamlico sounds, and their present $18,000,000 ot commerce : that this inlet can be improved to from 12 to 15 feet for the use of t-ueh commerce, and also a8 au iuiet to a refugee from liatteras storms, at an expense of Irom $250,000 to $600,000; and that such improvement is worthy of being undertaken bv the general Government.'' Oere is an enterprise that dial- i .u , . v., ;ituj;ea meauuiuvai ui tneo nuau Carolinian. Whatever mav be the opinions of private individuals, the Government of the United States, through its own engineers ap pointed by it to the wprk, declares that Ocracoke Inlet is the best on our coast, and that it can be opened to all the demands ot an ever-expanding commerce at a cost not exceeding $600,000. The work when done will open up a splendid future in which com merce and agriculture will increase, and all their attendant blessings spring up like flowers under a tropical sun. THE LEE MOSCMENT. K. E. Lee Camp, Nr. 1, Con federate Veterans, at the request of the Lee Monument Association, has assumed charge of the exer cises for the unveiling of a monu ment to General liobert E. Lee, at Eichmond, Va. Ttursday, May 29, 1890. The reception committee of Veterans Organiz itious have issued the following circular : Richmond, Va., April 2, 1890. 1. The railroad lines to Richmond will probably agree to grant a rate ot about one cent for each mile travelled, to all visiting organiza tions and individuals. As soon as arranged, definite information will be given. 2. Shelter will be furnished for all visiting organizations. 3. Meals have been arranged for with responsible restaurants, to be famished at twenty-five cents each. 4. Camps or organizations offing tents and camp equipage, desiring to form an encampment, will give notice, that the necessary space may be provided and arrange ments made. It is necessary that notice shall be given to the secretary of this committee, AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, Of your intention to be present j certainly not later tbaa the 15th of May. Give the following information in yoar notice : Date and hoar when yon will arrive here; Dumber of officers and number Ot men lor I whom nnartfirs will be reouired 1 whom quarters will De required. This information IS absolutely ; necessary, so that there may be no ! delav iu auarteriDe von on ar-! riv-a Lt Col A G EVANS Ch'm. ! Capt. Thomas Ellett, Sec'y. 1 It is universally admitted, I wherever truth is venerated, that j the troops of North Carolina con- , tribute! very largely to the fame of Robert E. Lee, aud it is appro- j priate for them to take a con- j epicuous part in the ceremonies attending the unveiling of his ' monument. Veterans Associations are es- ! neciallv invited. and ample arrange-; ; ment:s have .: been made for tneir ' comfortable entertainment in the city of Richmond. The North Carolina State As sociation of Veterans will be well ' represented, and we trust '.hat many of our county associations , -,, . th j the rer80n cf We have received a very cordial invitation to be present and par-j ticioate in the ceremonies, and we expect to be there, in full sympathy with the occasiou and the sacred ;n. hi,.), if. ia indUHnlnhlr associated. 1 iris said in Washington that unless Republicans reach a satis- ! fAotorv aereement on the silver' question a proposition wui ce made for unlimited free coinage,' and it will pass both houses of; Congress. .yo. In default of payment on or before Monday, May 5th, 1890, I shall sell the following Real Estate to satisfy the unpaid taxes due for the year 1889. W. B. LANE, Sheriff. No. 1 Township. Aikio gl,. J B. 100 acres, Piney Neck Aodt-tr on , L . . ;i, 162 acres, Neuse do lo acres, PoDlar Alien & Co. G, o ..00 acres. Bear Hole i Bryan, tum-ce, 4? aert:8. Palmetto j Cleve, Kich'd C, 2to acres. Piney Neck . Cleve. Lijov, acres. Dower Land... i Chapinui, Julia. Ueiro. 156 acres. Hill's Qail jlb:.rt iooo acr-d Pa metto Oail,' E-b.-rt'ai. 25 - ; Dmbii., B F, 704 acres, Vanct-boro... a.i ar0?- oetri, iu acr,--e, t-mey Neck . Formes, Chaa. 50 acres. Bull Pocoein Formes. Johrj, 50 acru. Bull Pocosia Gatlin, Jacob. 20J ncrea Uill'a Neck Griffin, Reuel ip"- 230 acres, Mt. Plensuut Garritf, floury, 300 Hcres, Parana's Lnd Gwaltay. I f B. 150 acred, Gardner' Bridge. . Hoell, Wru, 180 Hcren, Mauls Swamp Hoell. J T W, fcfj acres, Maula Swamp Jones. Red dint;. Heirs. 220 acres, Street's jonrjson, trans. J acres, Bay Hubq Kirkma-.i. Emtlia. 150 acrps. MiDlelCvDreBg 9 65 KiDcon, Rii-hud, Heirs. 130 acres, Waterway Branch. 3 80 Lancaster. Kicbt l. 2 acres, Miuls SwamD Loftia, U. (J, 0; acred, Maple Cypress McR-y, Miry, 217 acres, Muls Swamp Powers, Sam'l. 50 acres, Miuls Ron Simmons, V R 50 acres, Piney Neck Smith, ReddiDR W. 90 acres. Willis Neck Sti lj, Elizabeth, fiOO acres, Uill's Neck Tripp. Jas H, 28 acres. Piney Neck Von Eberetein, F H, 180 acres. Vanceboro, .... Waters. Judith, 10 acres, Piney Nsck Wayce, FaDuy, 75 acres, A J T Wayne Land. Willi, Andrew P, 100 acres. Willis Neck Willis, Bryan J, 60 acres, Willis Neck Wigeing. Thompson. 64 acres, Poplar Branch Wil iarrn, Elizabeth, 150 acres Palmetto Whit ford, A J. 800 acres. Hill's Neck Wibi?. Sarah, 50 acre.', Mt. Pleasant No 2 Township. Gaskics, Br) ce, 200 acres, Turkey Neck Pettiphtr, W D. 300 acres, Juniper Purify. Arrini;ton, 075 acres, Hall Swamp Roe, W M 400 acres, BC Talou, (J E. 160 acres. Guinea West, Aatoa C, 148 acres, M and B ('reek No. 3 Township. l'eaeley, Lifayette. 100 acres. Mulberry Boc ton, Anthony. G acres, Mosely Creek Bidrtle, Aloczo, Heirs, 100 acres, iri.rt,, W E, 200 acres, Dover Eubank, D. W, 2 acres, Cove do do 22 acres. Core Creek Humphry, L B, 1 acre, Dover Station Hill, E H, Heirs. 600 acres, Mosely Creek Kornegay, J E, 7 acres. Dover Station Mumford, Caroline, 32 acres, Barnwell Russell. L K, Heirs, 100 acres, Flat Swamp Rouse. Ja9 B, 203 acres, Cart Bridge Rouse, Y B, 250 acres, Mosely Creek West, S B, 14 acres, Mosely Creek West, Geo W, 140 acres, Cyprsss Creek Wilson, Wm, 32 acres, Gum Pocosin Wooun,B H, 40 acres Half Moon No. 5 Township. Borden, B F, 10C0 acres, Hancock's Creek Becton, Dan'l M, 10 acres, Clubfoot Creek Bryan, W A, 25 acres, Little John Brjan, E T, 25 acres. Little John BlaDgo, Jas 100 acres, Clubfoot Creek BUngo, Sam'l. 100 acres. Clubfoot Creek Blango, Wm, 100 acres, Clubfoot Creek Carter, Elijah. 25 acres, Grindle Creek '"arter, Isam S, 28 acres, Mitchell's Creek Carter, Josephus, 7 acres, Clubfoot Creek Carter, Lewis H, 50 acres. Clubfoot Creek Carter, Martin, 30 acrs, Cherry Point Carter, Rufus L, 37 acres, Clubfoot Creek Chad wick, Wm C, 50 acres, Hancock Creek Dove, Wm, 136 acres, Cahookey Fisher, Jas, 75 acres, Adams Creek Road Fisher, John F. 8 acres. Clubfoot Creek Godette, John C, 25 acres, Adams Creek Road George, John H, 80 acres, Mitchells Creek Jackson, Richard, 90 acres, Adams Creek JackEOn, Wm, 50 acres, Long Creek Morton, Benj, 50 acres, Clubfoot Creek Morris, Eller, 57 acres, Clubfoot Creek Martin, Jacob, 34 acres. Clubfoot Creek Mitchell. Jessie, 6 acres, Mitchells Creak Martin, Rigdon, 84 acres. Clubfoot Cresk Martin, Sam'l, 32 acres, Clubfoot Creek Nolan. John, jr. 15 acres, Main Road Pate, Jackson, 100 acres, Kings Creek Richards Benj, 72 acres, Cahookey Williams, Wm, 95 acres, Adams Creek No. 6 Township. Andrews, Tracy, 50 acres, Sandy Run 5 53 Cooper, Doctor, IS acree, Lake Road 5 73 Coleman, Henry, 25 acres, Bryce Creek 3 04 Hill, Edward, 125 acres, Rail Road 4 SO Jackson. Noab, 1750 acres, McGlin Tract 13 20 Marshall, Geo F, 400 acres, Slocumbs Creek 5 56 Moore, Mrs Collins, 75 acres, Colman Creek 3 80 Moore, C J, 40 acres, Colman Creek 2 75 Marshall, F P, 240 acres, County Road 7 14 Nelson. Jos, 500 acres, Slccumbs Creek ) do do 1 2 acre, Lake Road ) 8 19 Smith, Jacob, 100 acres, Sandy Run 7 21 Smith, Noab, 70 acres, Kail Road 4 01 William. Jos, 10 acres, Rail Road 5 61 Wynn, W Y, 100 acres, Hancocks Creek 6 63 Wynn, C J, 10 acres, Hancocks Creek 7 28 Wynn, W Y, Agt W K Pate, minor, 900 acres, Han cock Creek 17 80 No. 7 TowNeHIP. Brooke, Sam'l, 10 acres, Wade Land 8 14 Fisher, Abram D, 3 4 acre, Riverdale Station 6 88 Fisher, John S, 1 4 acre, Riverdale Station Hasket, Summerfield, 200 acres, Johnson Point 16 26 Hines, J J, 1 4 acre, Riverdale 5 67 Mallett, C E, 279 acree, Riverdale 82 88 Mallett, Peter, 80 acres, Riverdale 7 89 Millard, Washington, 12 acres, Neuse Road 8 40 Moye, Garrett ms acres, euse Kiver Tippett. JMiziDetn, zio acres, aim nrancn o Thorp, J P, Wm Cohen, Exr, 292 acres. Thorp Land.... 21 83 Water8 Reuben, 11 1-2 acres, Railroad 5 06 No. 8 Township. Allerj. Geo & Co, 5 acres on Pembrooke Road ) do do 320 acres, Batchelors Arthur, Martin, 1 lot Scott Land JOE K. WILLIS, PtfOPRIETOH OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Garble Works, JSTew Berne, 1ST. O. Italian at.d Amcricin Marbleand,all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt i tl0n" wltn Bai'"ra'on 1 O. E. Miller ia my ngent at Kinston, ' and Alex. Fields regular traveling agent. W. P. BUHRUS CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IX All Kinds of Gram, Brick and Agricultural Lime. X JEW BEUNI3, N. niBi'l dw o HERIFF'S TAX AMOUNT tax and c.st 8 8 73 Alexander, Mingo, River ) tsryan, frank, 1 lot Branch f 16 88 Blackledge, Sam, 1 do do 1 Burney, Luke, 1 lot Baker, Alfred, 1 lot Blackman. Martha, Benders, B B, 1 lot 5 56 4 46 23 70 13 72 4 79 Neck 16 12 5 32 24 89 Blank, Cbas H, I do do 1 Bojla, James, 1 Bo wen, Sam'l T, do do Bryan, Asa, I lot Brown, John B, 1 2 35 3 32 5 63 4 84 4 68 9 28 5 02 11 06 broyn, Virgil S. 1 Bogey, Bichard, 76 oenaers, narnet, Blackledge, R B, Bryna, Demsy, 95 Clark, C C jr, 1 lot ChapmaD, M W, 1 9 44 6 91 Ferry 5 90 Carmack, Henry, 4 51 uannaay, uetsey, l . . street and 1 lot 2 11 8 75 5 71 4 63 2 63 8 51 5 56 4 61 6 95 Capehart, Charlotte, Dixon, Christopher, uixon, Kicnara, ziz ao ao do do 80 Eaton, Margaret, 1 Edwards, S A, 1 lot Everidge Joe, 1 lot Edwards, Stephen, 2 40 3 22 6 82 6 14 Foy, LL, 1 lot on Jerkies alley Fenderson, John, 1 lot on Jerkins alley Gaskins. Wm, 1 lot on Spring st Gatlin, Penie, 5 acres on Trent road Green, W H N, Admr, 86 acres on Trent road Gaskins, MC, 25 acres on Pembrooke road Gardner. Mrs Sarah F, 2 lots on Pollock at. . . Hearn, R B, 1 lot on Fleet st Henderson, Lott, 1 lot on Ricnardsons allev . 7 88 6 07 11 Oi 3 22 4 38 5 88 13 78 8 30 3 22 7 05 Harrison, Rosanna 1 lot, Pavie Town Hatch, J R, 1 lot. Queen St., Hayes, David, 1 lot, Crooked st Elaucoqk, Robert. 2 lots. Graves and King sts Hill, Sam'l, 1 lot. Pavie Town Harris, Israel, sr. 1 lot, Bragg's alley J J Powers, 1 lot. George et Hawkins, John H. 110 acres on Neuse road Ives, Henry, 29 acres, Neuse road Ipock, B H, 1 lot, Cvpress st Island 6 62 4 28 5 28 3 89 . , :::::: 8 69 6 19 17 65 Johnson, Joe, 1 lot, Johnson. Simon H, Johnson, John S, 1 7 49 6 52 4 03 8 57 7 08 2 37 Justice. B T, esta e, 120 acre e, Nous road Jones, Henry, 1 lot, Pavie Town Johnson, BS.l lot, Griffith st Joyner, Henry, 1 lot. Cnthbert avenue Jones, Samuel, for Pleasant Riley, 1 lot, Forbes alley. 2 98 3 22 4 93 13 72 4 28 2 28 4 46 5 35 5 22 Jones, Samuel. 1 lot, Joyner, Margaret. 1 Koonce, James. 180 Mayo, John, 1 lot. Murphy, Hannah, 1 Moore, Wm, 1 lot, 5 22 Moll wain, Isaiah, 15 4 49 2 40 4 17 4 77 4 42 4 65 2 91 3 92 2 63 2 23 4 35 5 28 4 85 5 10 2 98 3 40 4 45 4 12 4 45 2 42 4 33 8 22 4 89 3 80 Mcllwain, Redding, do do do do Moore, Nancy, 1 lot, Moore, Jacob, 1 lot, Mosely, D G, 1 lot, McLicklan, Alex, for do do Moulton, Mrs Mary Newbern Gas Light Nelson, Joseph, 20 1 Pearson, Hannah, 1 Phillips, Lucinda, 70 Patterson, J A, for E do do for Patterson, M & J A, Palmer, C E, 92 acres, Trent road Riggs, Nncy, 125 acres. Bachelor oreek Rubs, W N, 1 lot, Jacksmitb Rollins, Pleasant, 1 Stanly, E R, estate, do do do do do Pollock and Craven sts do do do Middle st do do do Good st Simmons. Abram, 1 lot, Jones and Pollock sts.... SbHte, M M, 73 acres. Deep Gully Staton, Martha, 1 lot, Pavie Town Sutton, Henry, 33 acres, Deep Gully Sheperd. John W, 1 8 47 ana k it 19 id May, E F, agent, for Mrs L White, 50 acres, Jasper Mitchell, W M, H acres. Miry branch Moselv W H, 70 acres, Turkey Quarter Rivers, James, agt Sugg, John, 30 acres. Creek ) ; Wetberington, L T, 48 acres, Bachelor oreek 6 27 j Williams, M J, 75 acres, Tu6carora J. H. OBABTKXX. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES A I MACHMSTS' SUPPLIES Bwlldars of Engine Bollars, Saw Mills, Edging dk Cnt-ofT machines, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds wiw promptness, PartlouUr and Immediate attention given j to repaln of all kinds We will be clad to give plans and estimates for any desoi lptlon or machinery. We are the agents for the sale or the Amer ican Saw. Also for G. 4 A. BargamlD's oeln ftratsd Indestructible Mica Valves. We give satisfactory guarantee lorallwors lone bv us. Iy22 d2aw wly K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. SALE! AMOUNV No. 8 Township. tax ans cost 15 12 acres on Neuso Road in Pavie Town lot in Pavie Town t lot on Beine street on Metcalf street on Cedar street 1 lot on Gardner's alley on Crooked street lot on Pollock street let on Queen and Berne street lot on New South Front'streel. . 1 lot on Pollock streets.' 1 lot on Crooked street on New South Front street lot on Middle street lot on Eden street acres on Bachelor creek l lot on Metcalf street 740 acres on Trent road ...... acres on Neuse road on Craven street '. 1 lot on Pine and fWn 18 acres on Bachelor Creek lot in Pavie Town un.uuguD, iioton Ueorife on Metoalf street. . 1 lot on Oik st 1 lot on Forbes allov acres, Deep Gully acres on Neuse road acres do do lot on George et on Rountree st in Pavie Town 10 acres on Pembiook rriKri 2 Hancock, L W, 1 lot on Graves and Ktng ets 8 08 Hines, Wright, for wife and sUtf r, 1 lot on Berne et ... 4 96 Pavie Town 1 lot, Berne st lot. Eden st r orbes alley. lot. Jerkins land 3 22 acres at Rjcky Run 6 72 Latham, Bristoe. 1 lot on Pine st 4 3U Leary, Simon, 150 acres on Baohelor creek 4 03 Lee & Co, A, 3 acres, Jacksmitb 72 05 Manly, George. 1 lot. New South Front st 6 27 Merritt, Thos, 60 sores. Rocky Run 7 21 Cedar st 5 fc5 lot. Crooked at.... Jacksmitb acres. New road. 1 lot, Broad st do Elm st do Scott alley Pavie Town Kilmarnock st Queen st wife, 1 lot, Pollock st i do 2 lots. Pollock & Berne sts f 24 15 22 46 60 33 6 14 4 96 4 54 9 93 19 54 139 71 7 85 5 21 8 10 6 14 D, 1 lot, E Front and Change sts... Company, gas works acres, Trent road lot, Pavie Town acres, Bachelor creek J Patterson, k lot, Johnston st ... Bessie D Planner, t lot, do 1 lot, Hotel Albert lot, Forbes alley 500 acres. Bachelor creek 1 1 lot, Jerkins land I J 149 62 .. 8 95 . . 9 24 ... 2 63 ... 2 22 ... 4 93 lot, Pavie Town. Smith, W B, 1 lot. Queen et 5 38 Slade, Andrew, 1 lot. Tin Cup alley 5 80 Stanly, J P, for wife, 1 lot, Pavie Town 2 35 Skinner, Francis, 1 lot, Pavie Town 2 63 Tucker, L A, 1 lot, Berne st 3 80 Thomas, John H, 1 lot, Metcalf st 7 85 Whitford, Julia, 1 lot. Good st. 3 52 Watkins, J L, 1 lot. Queen st 22 47 Warren. John. jr. 2 lots. New South Front st 12 40 Wadswortb, Dennis, 1 lot. Pollock and Queen sts 5 85 Winie, Caesar, 1 lot, Courtst 6 10 No. 92TOWKSHIP. Avery, A W, 300 acres on Neuse road 11 23 Davis, W C, 12 acres, Horse branch 4 86 Davis, George, 250 acres. Bachelor creek 5 62 French, L H, 28 acres. Plank landing 2 72 Ferrand. J B, 100 acres, Neuse road 6 83 Green, J C, 250 acres. Clear Spring 11 63 Green, George, jr, 750 acres. Stony Branch 20 3t Hill, G W, 20 acres, Terkey Quarter 5 14 Hill, G F, 250 acres, Neuse road 10 70 Lassiter, Chas, 88 acres. Bachelor creek 3 80 Mav. E F. 150 acres. JasDer 16 21 3 18 2 23 7 99 2 93 4 63 5 03 4 03 for Emeline Rivers, 40 acres, Jasper, Great branch It Is the Dying Truth! BIG IKE has bought the entire stock of W. B. Flanner at 40c. on Vi gi f nl 1 Q T Our HANDSOME NEW S1LVEKWAEE. "Boll The Jeweler." and Wnlskey Hablto cured at nome with out pain. Book of par ticulars sect r nil.. B.M.WOOLLEY.M. D. Salesme WARTED'AT OHCK To sell our ooos by sample to wholesale and retail trade. We are the largest maun, factnrers In our line. L'beral salary paid. Permanent position. Money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For terms address CENTENNIAL JTIFO. CO,, apiedwlm Chicago. 111. ill - is. t lan la, bin. utnee Vy Wnltenall Ht. If ! 2 C.'l j 11 93 -.r - 6 10. p.- ' ' - ' " , - 6 38 ff0i" ' ' ' Vi vrhen :.. 4 96 j vnij' : ; rapaat - ; 5 80 i and iw ..:1 f. J so 70 f ' ;':,,fT8' . i )" tf',- f head- ' ( i 13 08 : i..;!,itual V . 4 C-J-Con-::;..-:. k the ' ' - .11 17 on!-.- r - I in 19' .i -' . ' ' .l,r- - - I 4 38 i .. r' " ' ! '!;ipt in" . ' H Vi,ltl '::' : ' I-' -'A ia it , 3 22 effect, r.v, ' mort -lA 6 59 healthv ati,i r r ' '; -os if TZ fi 07 ry,n.. -i .. . . - , - 1 & 1 ' I t1 oil i i ' . , .v I I 2 63' liio most , 1 I 12 56 fVr::p ' ' ' V , V b 50c - 3 22 and gl 1 . . r i " , ,rue. ' I 3 22 gists. A,y ... -,U v.-ho J j '"J . v. ill pro- I I I I curG f '"",' . : . . tv.o who ' " -j S 23 72 Wishes lo !:;- ' . , ...(.:- rny I lf4 CALIFCf . V ; oo lomm-; . :2!1 W:--- 4 9S ; .i v tin 4 84 3 80 2oGts. v,. 6 21 '"' 3 22 s ; t. New , 4 96 Berne. N. t-'. cwly ..: ' CAUTION .irttw.& K bottom. If tlio dealer cannot supply yoOi t ' 7 56 send direct to faitory, enrobing advcrtlsea ' "A w 3 22 rico- rt 3 22 v ' ' 4 38 m&JzA7f 2 75 .''v'. III kl Urf' KmmFk , . fcO CEJST FOR 4?2 J Itl W CrNTLEMEN. Fine Calf. TTcnvv I.nr l i:iki nrul Creed moor Vt t.rirol. Itept in Ih-' uot-M. :i:i:ne liin S.1.00 (iFM'l N 1 ' I! 'f--i U III NIIOK. V4.00 H VMI-'-tM I : U ! T MIOK. S3.SO VOI.IC!: Wil I M.MI !:!.' SHOE. gsa.r.o kxti: v ..'. a- i:; All :.;-!- .'; i .. siioi;, !!. S1IOK8. .'. 1. .l.T. FOR LADIES. . : ..lit by BcRt M:it.'!. W. L. Dimi'.; ST. LOUIE. K'.J cisci VETER15.V 7 Tcr Eortcs, Cr.- A 500 Tncc Tin' ii a i; (l i f crr.F.s Yv t. A . A . Spi it u 1 ll.K.--nai!.-. I. '.. .:! I . !.--fS OI I : E. K.-ou:. . ! F. K.--J oiii . ! i . 1. 1. Erin- i J.K.Ii i t-tab!p Cr-.-, x Triro, sl-.i, Sold by Drs. andinany ru;,:-...o nil : .11. Humphreys' ff.o. In nsa30 vout.s. I '.r c :: ," i yrr.iejjr for Weakness, r . t)ir csnfr-s. 1 ' ,,..r. 1"T Si. 1 ' ' . 1 1 I AC;pt of iv., -N. 1. '. , i:.T.rti-'.us Dru. -izitit, !o H ' ' 1 IB, Nervous D3b:iiijf, End Proptrv'i'-3. lr- 1: . -.i e;l per via!, or j i i!- t ' t 60LDI1Y 1)::'- : ' ' ' IriCO. iUrLr. . - Alli'of 1 . can bo hu-.l ' .' N. W. cor. Pic . ; fcvi b( tn. N . ' '. AT THE hiu:, (v ' LITTLE niDIAH Middlo etr. t. n'rr tho ;'. Front, vou Can lini thi c ot TAN SILL'S ITNCil. cent cigar in A mnrica. i- r of the bet ntiiki niid ; : Tobacco cf r.ll kin 1". Corn SilL- TV.'i-.oo '. ( i: sell p-iper cit;;ire: 1 1 t-' I Arlicltb of all kun' i A'tiO, ' '-Ti.i i?H, 1 'r:. : etc. . tc I f 1! i i ' ! au '''" m i i i r tif South r.i- -st t ii;arB. trio liner t 5 ! -iii ,;! 1-n.nda ':-'( ( , or - (I ilon't s .loker's ; i ' ' Watf r. .- : i. v.- if I l'Al.M Kit. Lumber ! Lumber ! i Arp you (:: i needing 1 I do, wrilo to t n prices lower i . wbero. All i: i nl ways (.m 1 drcRfed. '' . j ceiling. r.Dii '' : ( ;. I j it; 1 i i . r nrp you It' you :.: your :v olse : i;.:erial .!..! or ' w!inK, 1JSON, vc, N. C. t&j W0CL i- n C A L . " - . i.sia ( ' .. : : . " ! , Y. Ski n nr ." ." & H 1 c

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