-:-! ' HS7 !!$11KD OBGcH - BITDT l THE WORLD. Read Gareiaii tie from yoar Druggist mi U Gonvineed. .tV,-::--' V f. H M - v J. vi : ttY fa. i - SI' .'.' ' ot.v"-. - tec a Bot ART ddR i 0 p0 Li . .arantec : 1 - VJUUFiY" COMBINATIONS !.Ji:3;-J5 0F CASES. Cataicz : m fSl.. o ta nil r.ppllcant. . . , n a 'SI ON. MASS. ?1 S3 r5V IMiDDaysTestTrial in your cwn no me. - .!t l-rct No cash : 1: ; y i-u s:;tei :.u-:ion Guaranteed. - ; t , on thris p. .in .f5t method n. exs uvea j;-. -nurei t Ir. st; jentt at Lowest Cot. e tv tor all to bey. Wruifcf fe? ' i H VSmab't Information. 1 4.w jimr-j a da i to, : t .J e H a 91 nun As! 1 ::t i ver lU-.-:' ..w r..! c-r fend ycu o.'Te en Original Wins. . bt. Louis, Pr-p: . t. onrt DC KEATS J rA.Q'inr.oas Liv--r'J by Zntin iitii I.jji tor 7 ycar : I'il iol ess, 4i . iiF.APACV.E.I.OM v h Mrv.vni, .It . i;r-:5. I'ASt-r Jf. K. t . u nn., wr.tfs : "I --Tii:inc M. A. Sir'. r lrxi:-inc. I have - hvl to substitute . . - t; " T r vo.ir I cCi r . 't as er tl:e a j ; . L-l J- H. Gnrrs, Editor T'u - " . ' . " i: Tcnn. sat . . t a-c at 'n,rl.uc! . ; - i 1l r uscu ii a! t o t ;t. . kj a c'-rrr.. I wane r.. EYE-GLASSES WEAX EYES, rri I T O H H LL'S lALVE . w. EffectSr BmSr 'of V? : ems' SORE, WEAK, a INFUMED EYES, J.y tie Sigit of th Old. Cires Tear C rocs, 6rnalatIon, Sfy Tnmara, Kt-i Eye, Matted Eyt Lkshes, trar? m nxiiim crxs. .S.-cions when qa1 Ir otber TaBr, .n'. Knaa. Barn. Pile, or br-ror If ,::.nih)n rxisla. MM TCMltUtXB fcy .!! Truit C 3 Oat. CNO FO c ;rLOGUio PRICES ATLAS iNGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IN D. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! raated. . y- :r-u. vortonra, aji-J i : bras dTtso i ft'p aJlthataui rr-. beat cypewnu-r . wordtf pT m... ability of tht- If there t u dress tlie r....ui..'. TIIK JVM? rnrr : ' N'1-, wur a.i tyi'kwrit- rilCCa i'"r tP.r.K. Pirst ci.vw f.-u-1'..tit'S and bnc ot teachc . A :'?-v. v. -tii ;t.i'!it' f. p rttum poat&g?, lU: 1'AlLiSti Mrli (.'.). machine. Fully war vitv l- ?. material, by akUkd il.'- tt.oU limi hare ever i 1 i' j MTantd to do ua. v i.p.-t(Ti of the Tery i." .-jlt i.f writing liO aecorliug to the itioo.oo. :-:. t -:i your town, ad- XSII JIFC. CO., i' art sit. y. r. lhH3r 9AlSJ.SAfETYf"vrr,UP, ADJUSTASLC in evtry bearing AGEINTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE CFWhEEXS SENT CN APPLICATION . ll UMsai B.M W(HI LKV.M (. V Allaau, aa. odkx- liM'j Wbiu-b&Il sr. RUNS EASY. GINS FAST. Clean SEED PERFECTLY. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES or BREAKS THE ROLL. THE CELEBRATED SLOmCSOIivl Ma All LATEST IMPROVEMENTS fcn ilitlnq Bianr Itr wbicl. 1s- .jTor . -Tm ju"cJ. Thim fair ta pcollr to - ii k of t.'n ah1 Is nflvdaoxi no ocbr. Ait j t. l u : OK 'Kf K.IIT e bmit - . eiAtion or fjkllntj ' "7 K.nilAr" B'.awnbot Lino in t Jc?:th. !f ii hr no Afn ner you. . . .HUBBARDVA2.A TecV t 1 The Great Virginia Vegetable Alterative, Blood Purifier and Renovator of the Human System has been nsed Successfully in the following Diseases, as Certificates will Attest : Liver Complaint, Jaundice and Bilious Derangements ; In Mercurial Blood Poison, Scrofulous and Eruptive DiseasesXostiveness, Indigestion, Flatulence, Periodical Sick Headache, and Female Complaints. 3?c 3? ..6 3? Derangement of the Liver. Richmond, Va., July, 1SS5. This is to certify that I have known 1 f the superior qu.ditie of JOHNS TON'S VEGETABLE NOLANDINE fjr the past ten 3 ears, and during that : ::ie, at intervals, have had occasion to v.e it in person and iu my family, and have always found it a sure cure for de rangement of the liver and kidneys, in digestion, headache, &c., and a good tonic. I.. C. DAVIS, 804 north i-'ulii street- Kidney Affections. Robtow's Station, Chester fie 1.; 's Station, 1 3i.r CorNTv, V.v,, ! March 25, 1SS5. J Jfr.y. IV. Johns tot: Dear Sir, Having suffered for year, wkh a chronic atTection of the kidneys, derangement of the liver, and my gene ral system charged with malarial poisons I found no relief from treatment of nieih ci.ie until I used Vetrt-t.ihlo Nolandinc. I a.m now free froiu ulwvc complaints, and to Nol.indine am 1 i:ide?tcl for this restoration to health. I honestly recom mend it to ail pcrjo:;j tillering from above diseases. WILLIAM DICKINSON", Supcriatendcnt of Coal Mines. Bilious Derangement. RlCTfONP, V.., May 1SS5. I can cheerfullv reeommend JOHN STON'S VEGETABLE NOLANDINE to any one suffering from Liver or Kid ney complaints and Liliouj derange ment of the system. Its prompt and permanent action in my case affords me fdeasore torccommend it toothers simi arly affect el. CHARLES V. SI.Lnr.N. Hardvvare Merchant, f.H-mcrl v wiLh Sin jrer Sewing Machine Co. A Great Medicine. Noandint;, Cat.ipornia, I'ebruary 1st . dea r good k ind iady : i take my pencil in my hand to writ 0 you a few lines to tell you hov.- we is geteen along, you know how bad of i-.s all was when you gin uses that nolandine well marm my husbon tuck all them botles and got well and etc all you fetch him, you knohe was most dead and you saved hisa life and them too childer you gin them six bottles of nolandine the is big and fat boys all them sores is well, my old man i3 doing smart, he dun got a fine farm and makes a good livin and has good health, nolandine saved his life and them too children too. we calls our home nolandine because it saved my old man life and the childreus life too. we pray for you and good man who made nolandine every tiite a:;d mor:; in and hope gxl will less you both and hope we will meet in hcven. there a:::: none of us willing to lie here v.itl'.or.l nolandine and a heep of peple here never hen! of it afore we told liiem about it. now they like it like we does, and git it by the. doen dear good madam vou has made a well man of him and them too children and god bless you for that, it takes me a week to write so much this is first letter I have writ for nigh on fore year you is only one I would rite too if you clout mean rit us few lines and thank that good man for given us that nolandine were save my old m.m and them too boys who is all well and harty, your devoted friend, SARAH ANN LAROCHE. Malaria. r:-"CK C:n:s p;; k r a n r Ohio Railway O :.::-.ny, Richmond, Va., :.:..7'.i 1, r: 5. J T lived on 1 owr Jr. me-, ' r for ci.ht years in the m.ib.ri.d '.: '.: :. t. My s . -tern was thoroughly ch..rced with ti.ii deadly poison. 1 ch.T.:ted the u..i.v prescribed and domestic remedies--'' -out anv benefit. I was ina'uce.l t JOHNSTON'S VEGETAL!. E NO I..'. DINE. I'.et'ore using two bottler, 1: y liver was aroused from its long torp. r, and am now eniovii: g the best of health. M v wife and children (U rived the same 1 v ::e:its fro::i "Nolandine.'' J. A. WATT. Ihi'lo and Fever. ri.:-:i:r, K Dyspepsia and Catarrh. . !'.. Cr.AY STRKKT, jilCIIilo:..., A., .April 19, loo'j. 1 J. il'. Johitr.!,y , rioprict r j'''.:'?;-:r: During the past twelve months I ha e had frequent opportunities of testing the curative properties of your Vegetable Nolandine in the following diseases, and in not & single case did it fail t accomplish all that you claim fer it : Dyspepsia and other Catarrhal affec tions of the stomach tuul bowels, ca tarrhal affections of the kidneys and bladder, uterine catarrh and irregulari ties, malarial complications and habitual constipation, and as ageucral tonic and alterative I have found it very effica cious. Yours truly, JAS. II. GARLICK, M. 1). . ::: Q'-r.-'N- Co., Va., 1 January 3:, 1 v-7. f was a1":':.:. 1 v. :th clii'.'s and fever dining tb . i.dl f le t e.,r. I C011M !. : t'u i v. '.ii c,-.:::::::.-, bat thev va didn't ' Ti. ay would tin a tlie - !, c til d.r. i. A f: a u 1 : .: ' f abcio of 1 a: dine. 1 1 1 L a. r.liug to dirae ti and b i t. 1 I a i.iil sinee. Am in go. 1 i: an 1 weih as inUvh or more tli ". 1 e . r ! :. b. S. WILSON. B!g',-c1 Poiconinfj. Rtt:: .. ir.j,;r: D-r.r Sir .bra for 1 v ears' sta:. in.ve tried ; !i t recei e , i 'eparr-ti. n Delicate Females. i : Il --T Proad St., RlCHMON-p, Va. . ;. i ! f. 1 it 1 at - t t recommend ycir d....''.e it. a a-, Nolandine."' for a" .' trouble i 1 I y torpid liver, or i '..-tiaat -i : i.e. 1 by i:irphii:e or v '' r i s a d ue pain. Ai a ; ' i - it is loisurpasscd. a l ie heartily welcome iu . ' y w v i ..ii deem best, and I a ; .itmi:: a! 1 y tt i 1 one wiiatitwill en application. ResTeetfullv, Mrs. A. Ii. A NT i ION V. Blood Purifier. Rtciimonp, Va., Oat d er i. : 'I'o t.-hom it i;;av . i:ci v: L'or twelve mouths I v. - r. :' : ' fi ;vr from clir.uie t. ... .. vaiiih time I w.e. in tbo ie. t skilful physician, f.. taa.'.a- remedies, intern d t e.a. ru .', v. cut (ieriving nay la. fit v. aate .a. 1 sidTered night f.tul ''. .v 'a 'die : : tolerable itching, i . a aa. ; j . '. ' b'-.s of sleep, a; ae ... i kidnevs and -a . fearfully derau '-al, .-md ::: : 1 iv v. . f. -vend with la : ur". t .kingthrce -', 1 . at'. -ViiGETAKLlC N i ' been restored to : : gard Noiaudme .... , t;.s f. er, and the :::a-1 ; , I bad T.:y attention called to your "V. d ao preparation, Nolandine," wiik ii ummenced taking as directed. In a f. w days my relations saw an improvement in my complexion. My strength and appetite increased. I be gan to be hopefnl, and I assure you I was not disappointed. In the space of twenty izo; days I p ained sixteen (ib) pounds in weight, and have since come up to my usual weight. I am now en joying the best of health, thankstoyour most powerful "Nolandine." I hive published this for the benefit ' f suffering humanity. I ammostgrate : db. ours, etc., T. W. CHALKLEV, ; ' . 1 1. Chalkley & Co., Leather Def' - ers, Richmond, Va. (led. . ' TIN .-TO' '- :. . I 3. 1 be ..ii ii. ; i 1 . -'. bi . l;i ic c . no i I .an ii..t alon i a . '.' vou lit'.' -; ,e- . .. , . ey,,i.,,.. ,.d . . -n of eial.t il a.ue' which time I .' 1 ia : arati .lis. but I did ii f li i'-il I Ui.c 1 your vdibll I b..ve received immediate : :: : permanent 'cneuts. i Was also suffering Willi ma.larial and ! Id. oo I poisoning. I cm now free from I all such complications, and, am happy I to sav, cin'c . exceptionally good 1 la-aitli. ' ' Yours ':".:! v, j J. V.. DOWDEN, I Proprietor of I'owden's Dental Iduid. Coiisurrjp'iiv i'lp.r.rcx:-. I f . 1 it i: v (1 v t i in a 1. - b a i kv.owti, fT td - 1 a .it of tlf ,c v. may be suiTeriv.g as I b !.::.. 'j lata Dr. Charle s Pel ( ad . on, and ot: pb. '. sieians in the (ity. pronounced lav d iseasc consumptive i i iarrluta-i. and aft-, r three (;0 years of trctmeut, during whiek time I derived no benefit what ever, they said my complaint was in curable. I was rediK cd to a ivae shadow by Ions of appetite, cough (1: ; r'nea, night sweats and sleeplessues a I had not strength to go up and down f tairs without n-. i. tance. Liver Complaint. Offick ok J. W. .Caldwell, 1 Richmond, Va. j i ar Sir, Forthe benefit of persons . ring from Chronic Liver Com a.t, I beg leave to call their atten i to your vegetable preparation, Nolandine.'' I regard itasa "chola ac," combining alsotonic andreno- ' aig properties, and in this respect cling from any medicine I have . r taken. i iie effects of your " Nolandine " in case, has been on the liver and se- tions identical with calomel ; at the e time, entirely free from nauseating 1 debilitating consequences follow- r tlie use of that mineral. very cheerfully recommend your 1 ' i.'olauditie " for 'the diseases enume- !. i on vour circulars, and am convinc 1 i. m personal benefit derived from : s i.e, that it must become a stand ard family medicine. I am not abne in the very high esti mate I place on "Nolandine," and trust it v ill be universally known and be, as it should be, the means of taking the place of mineral preparations for that cb.ssof diseases in which it has prov . ' so successful and already gained such putation. Hoping that "Nolandine'' y reach all persons suffering from bil , as derangement and prostration from : uic diseases, I am very respectfully a is, JOHN V. CAR DWELL. I '--:'. T can con . dir. best alle i Ever iuvigora id it can also be e A -2. - ; td ::nc. liv. r ( i' p'.ai.a, i d . '. o-i a . i .a stinate form of ct.tai.eoiis ii.-; ... a r unsuccessfully u.-ing oilier reined ie.-;, I was advise 1 by several physicians to try you: celebrated preparation, "Nolandine." Since thoroughl v 1 fidently recomnu i.. ; rative blood puri.l. r tor I have eve r ui'ed taken witll in". Il efficacy bv deli females. I on..id r it a valuable fanrly medicine, p -e -ingtlie ;c 1 an tag', s ( f " Mercury " athout its injurious c !iei t . and with pleasure olfer lr.y unsolicited testimony in favor of " Nolandine." Very respectfully . MRS. G. W. I'd. --NCISCO, 1 i diuioiid, Va. Torpid Liver. A Vai.uabt.k Mr.nici vi:. Tb; b-n'. ; head the Petersburg ,'V. .. . : ! . the following : "We have rcceical fr. i i ' M Keiley the folb.wii g 1--t .v. :. 1 ia i -gard to the virtue f . du.'-iia d v.iii ii we cheerfully publi.di f r tl.j I (.-iie.lt -f those who may be in i.oal i f iaicli a medicine." NOLAxnrsE. Pome time- ago there was a notice of the above mentioned in the local columns of the YivcV.r, which attracted my attention. After a conference with one of tlie proprietors I procured a 1 ot'.'e c-f "N- be; line," and received so in.a b 1 eiu-'.t J'nm its use that I tried a u re' d cue, mid am now using the third. Having suffered indescribable tort ..: as f.r lii aie th..u f rty years from a torpid livcrf it' n:t!i- I cine has affor'b-d me more- reii. d tli. u anything I lu.ve ever laid. A d.e.-ire to ienent my Id mw-rre.-.tr.rc- i ; sole motive for publishing t !;-. ;. ment. JOHN 1. J : 1 1 1 1 E About two years ago I took your "No "audine": since then my health has veil and ' ; now as good asitever was. Can cat in moderation now food that two years ago I dared not touch. At the same time I was afflicted with adisease, I believe, of the skin; for the last fif teen years it has been a plague to me. It invariably made its appearance in I'ebruary and lasted until April. When I got warm in bed it would commence it' hing. There was no eruption until I v ip'. died to scratch, then a little i , lo t ai large as a pin's head, 1 a; pear, and then my misery u .(d. I have laid many a cold ... : . night without any covering un til I C' uld stand the cold no longer, and then would pull the cover over rue and get snatches of sleep. I have not fait it since takias vour valuable "No- 1 indinc," which was taken for dyspep sia, and I believe that it has cured me of that plague. I write th-s to show you I have been cured by your valua'u'e 'Nolandine," in valuable to me. I owe ou many thanks. I do not writethis i r publication, but if you think it may benefit any of our fellow-men similarly aiilicted, you may use it as you think proper. Very respectfully, TAMES Li EGE, at; the bouse of John H. Tyler & Co. Heals Ulcers. Dear Sir, As a recipient of its heal ing powers, it affords me pleasure to tes tify to the efficacy of your remedy "No iandine." b'r two years I have been aiilicted witl painful ulcers, following the slightest abrasion of the skin, dis abling me from all labor and cxcrcii'c. A single bottle of the "Nolandine ''lias not only healed the ulcers, but removed ail predisposition to them, and I have no longerauy fear of their return. Very truly yours, JTIIOS. B. BOTT. Hanover county, Va. Dyspepsia. I have for the last tweH afflicted, w ith th..t terril ie pepsia: all the remedies, ,rs 1 sease id I ha- taken many, only gave partial relief. Liver Complaint, Diarrhoea and Dyspepsia. My attention was called to your "No landine," by the certificate of Mr. J. L. Egc. I had been suffering for two or three years with the Chronic Liver Com plaint, Diarrhoea and Dyspepsia, with total loss of strength, energy and appe tite, accompanied by sleepfcasttess. A single bottle of your "Nolandine" has restored me to health. To '.'Nolandine" I am indebted for thia restoration. I would also state, in this connection, that during" the several yeara of my sickness I tried many remedies, all of which proved to be entirely worthless ia my case. Your "Nolandine" should be uni versally known. I am convinced, when tried, it will become a standard remedy. Any persons desiring furtker informa tion will have it most cheerfully impart ed by calling upon me. Very truly and gratefully yours, O. P. IIANKINS, Richmond, V- Liver Invigorator. Richmond, Va Dear Sir, I very cheerfully testify i the unequalled efficacy, so far as my ex perience extends, of "Nolandine" as an alterative and liver in vigorator. In my own case it has proven a most effi cient remedy, and yet been free from the injurious effects so often followin'' the use of other medicines. F. H. ALFRIENP. Varicose Veins. To the Nolandine Company; Permit me to add my testimony to the curative properties of Nolandine. Tor many years I have suffered front varicose veins. Twelvemonths ago I struck my leg against a chair, breaking' one of the veins. The wound thus made could not be healed except for a short time then break out afresh. A' times I suffered untold misery from lo cal fever and most insufferable burning sensation. After using two (a) bottlti of your "Vegetable Nolandine" tbt. ulcerated places healed, the swelliaL disappeared, natural sleep was restored, and my nervous system composed. As a vermifuge, Noland ine acted spe cifically on one of my children. As a blood purifier and general tonic, your Nolandine has no equal. Gratefully yours, D. B. PROSSER, at 1 303 Main street, Richmond, Va. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. SIX BOTTLES FOR FEVT DOLLARS. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufacture the COWiP For sale in New Berne by the following Druggists S. Duffy, S. Berry, chmond, Virginia K, N. Duffy, J. Y. Jordan. r.m.i.K r.r.M i I caught a, low, sweet whisper, wli seemed wafted from ubove A message it was from brave Iliwassee to his gentle lady love: "If you love me. Valley, meet me at fragrant Laurel Bower. Where mirthful sprites are wont to sport where loity mountains tower. ' Then came her soft responsive toues : ' I'm hasteuing 011 the way Adown the sIojk? to meet you, and will love you, Love, ilwuy '." So, I hied nio off to witues.s hit the wooing would be like Following their oilvery voices tid the tryting came iu siht. Sunbeams robed the whole swiftly sped the way. 1 pause 3 Ton t',rc 'J 111 . mm m OSGOOD! S. STANDARD j SCALES iktasM. fBllr Ilk. To the lovely ,-h.lded rural sjmt 1." lan guage could portray A fairy, siiuny, sylvnu site, in E.I en beauty crowned. Where peace and rest hold sweet repose iu stilly foies: giouuds. I parted the laurel hedges, 1 eve.dmg the path of sand, Aud reached the spot de.-igr.atcd the shining pebbledVirand . I stood as oue enchanted, listing lliwas- see's pljading tone.-. And the cadence of the un-wers, on i'cn- tle zephyrs borne His radiant splendor dazded mvejeg. when hii- gJliaut form 1 beheld. As ho dashed 'round the curve, like a warrior brave in gilded buckler and shield Then turning I. viewed the slender form of her who his fate would share. ith features so calm aud .-o serene, rellecting heaven there I witnessed, too. the foi.d cnibi.i.-c. and the union that made tlieiu one. Aud watched them journeying down bid .- course iu happy uni-on. What power can rend love s iroidcn clasp. aevcriu trie hearts ia twain ? Or divide tlie mighty water- that rain bounding o'er 'die main'.' . The a bo', e p"c in was wiaten on tlie picture (ue proinoiiotory. whei e the Hiwassee aud alley ricis il ov inl" o.,,-, and which spot Mi.vs iliac i bus ..:; r..p: i t te ly designated Lame! 'lower.' Appreciation CeTore l'rai-i'. There are persons in this world aud the pity is there are not more of thein who cure less lor praise than lor iippreci.it ion . They have an ideal after which they are striving, but which they consciously fall short of as every out' who has a loity meai is sureo ii . u tien that ideal is recogni.ed by another, and they are praised or commended for eonjetbirig in its direction, they are grateful not for the praise, bat for appreciation. An element of sympathy enters into that re CSgmtioD, and they feel that they have something m common with the observer who admires what they admire aud r praises what they think is most worthy ot praise. lie who knows that power is inborn, that he is weak because he has looked lor good oat of hirnselt and elsewhere, and, so perceiving, throws hitusell unhesitatingly on his thought, instantly rights him self, stands in the erect position, commands his limbs, works mira cles, just us a 111,111 who stands on his feet is stronger than a man who stands on Ins head. Mirriage is never alaikire, bat a business partnership or a hasty contract between two people of opposite seies is apt to grow irk some. Milwaukee Jonrnal. Embarrassing. Children sometimes tell the truth at the most inopportune moments, much to the discomfort of their elders), writes a correspondent, who relates that a lady of her acquain tance, whose home was charmingly managed, had two roguish, irre pressible boys. One afternoon this lady had company. She was particularly anxious to produce a favorable impression and took great pains for thia purpose. She prepared an elaborate supper. The guests and family were , gathered aboat the tea table, when one of the boys surprised his moth er by exclaiming during a lull in the conversation, "Tell yon what, ma, we don't have such a supper 's this very often, do we T" There waa a momentary pause: the hostess blushed, and then said with a langh: "No, Johnnie, this is a company supper." The reply and the laugh prevented any feel ing of awkwardness. Alter supper the eompany retired to the parlor, where the lamps i were lighted, and here that artless boy fired another shot at his moth ' er's weak armor. "Oh, ma!" he cried, "you've , borrowed Aunt Sally's new lamps, ain't you V If annoyed, the mother did not betray it; but making a smiling grimace to her guests, she said: 'It's no use trying to shine in bor rowed plumes with my boys." A Voudoo That Failed. Ia 1SS1 a criminal trial occurred in Sumter country, S. C, in which the defendant was a colored man by the name of Johnson, who had killed another named Davis, the fbrrrier having in his possession a ebarm which had been given to him by an aged negro Darned Orange ' Isaacs, a voudoo conjurer, who assured him that it would protect him from all danger as a result of his crime. The object of the mur der was to enable the criminal to marry the widow of the mnrtlered man. the charm given him by the conjurer was composed of beeswax, luxes' hair, a little sand from the shoe of the person who was to be killed and a drake's foot, the whole being sewed up in a small cotton bag, which he was to wear over his beirt next to his skin. This, it was claimed, would obtain for him the love of the woman whom he desired. In addition to this he was to get a charmed bullet which be was to put iu his gun and fire at Davis. The negro thus protected shot rival, buried him and proceeded to tike possession of the widow, who, a it appeared, was no wise reluc tint. The body was found and various circumstances traced the crime to JohnstOD, who was put ou 1 trial. The jury comprised nine whites and three blacks, and a va.-t throng of negroes surrounded the court house while the trial was going on. Curiously enough, two of the men composing the jarj- were taken violently ill and others had to be substituted for them, .lohnston was found guilty, and was sen tenced to be hanged. Three hours allr the sentence the sheriff ot A gii 1 who has g. the county, whose business it not have it plaited. was to hang him a robust man in the prime of health dropped dead. The murderer was, how ever, excuted. Columbia liegis ter. Stephen Allen's Pocket Piece. Among the victims of the Henry Clay disaster, over twenty years ago, was Stephen Allen, Ksq., an aged man of the purest character, formerly mayor ot New York. In his pocketbook was fouud a printed slip, apparently cut from a news paper, of which the following is a copy: Keep good company or none. Never be idle It' your hands cannot be usefully employed, attend to the cultivation of your mind. Always speak the truth. .Make few promises. Live up to your engagements. Keep your own secrets, if vou have anj-. WheD you ipeak to a person, look, him in the lace. Good company and good conver sation are the very smews of vir tue. Good character is above all things el.-e. Your character cannot be essent ially injured, except by your own acts. If anyone t-peuks evil of'yuu, let your life be such th.it no one will believe him. Drink no kind of intoxication liquor. Kver live (misfortune Txeepted) wit bin ,v our income. When yon let ire to bid. think what you h t c bicn doing during the day. Make no ha-do iii be, noli, it j ou would prosper. Small and steady gains give competency with tranquility of ' mind. Never play at any game of chance. Avoid temptation, through fear you may not w it hstand it. linn money before you spend it. Never run into debt unless vou ec plainly a way to get out again. ! Never borrow, if you can possible avoid it. Do not m in y until ton are able to support a wife. Never speak evil ofauvone. He just before you arc generous. Keep yourself innocent il you would be happy. Save when ou arc young to spend when you aie old. Head over the above maxims at least once a week. If You Want to be Loved. Don't find fault. Don't contradict people, even if ! you're sure you are right. j Don't be inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't underrate anything be cause you dou't possess it. Don't believe that everybody else in the world is happier than yon. 4 Don't believe all the evil yon hear. Don't repeat gossip, even ii it does interest a crowd. Don't go untidy ou the plea that everybody knows you. Don't be rude to your inferiors or superiors. Don't express a positive opinion, unless you perfectly understand what you are talking about. Don'c get in the habit of vulgari zing life by making light ot the sentiment ot it. Dou't jeer at anybody's religious belief. Dou't try to be anything else but a gentleman and that means a man who has consideration for the whole world and whole life is governed by the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as vou would bo done by' Ignorance Costs. IntelligeDce Ptfys. NEW BERNE COLLEGIATE DNSTDTUTE, NEW BERNE, N. C GO a Ph o 8 EH CI Ph GO l'ir-t Class. Some persons seem foolishly to imagine that wealth entitles them to privileges not accorded to the general public, and exempts them Ironi obligations and rules to which others are expected to con form. The New York Ledger reports iii iii'-ni' lit which occurred on one of our oieon steamers, and which conveys a wholesome lesson to all purse pTOud ignorers ot the rights ot the majority. A family of unlimited wealth ban secured the best accouimoda tious the steamer afforded. The gentleman and his wile kept them selves secluded the most of the tune, but the children were allowed to run wild over the steamer until they became such intolerable nuis- j ances that the captain was spoken to, and he gave the youngsters a severe reprimand. This roused the indignation of the mother, who remarked to the captain that, as she paid first class fare, she thought she was entitled to first class privileges. "Madam."' said the captain, "first class fare means tirst class conduct." There was no further protest. 0 03 H 0 01 h I have kept up with the work of Prof. Adams in this city, lc is genuine and thorough. It is education in earnest. With a splendid building, first class teachers and a judicious course of study, his schf ol is a success. The deportment of his students is the outcome of good government. Bright, orderly and contented, they have learned to apply themselves both as a duty and a pleasure. Learning and Progress are the watch-words of the New Berne Collegiate In stitute, and it is an ornament to Eastern North Carolina. JOHN S. LONG, President of the Board of Trustees of the New Berne Academy. New Bekne, N. C., Feb. 11th, 1890 The advent of Prof. G. T. Adams to this city marks a new era in the history of its educational interests. Under a contract with the Trustees of the New Berne Academy this gentleman took charge of their school property in September last, for the purpose of conduct ing a High School; and what was at first regarded by many as a doubtful experiment has in a few short months proved a phenomenal success. New Berne Collegiate Institute, under the management of Prof. Adams and a corps of able assistants is rapidly taking rank with the most tlouri8ing schools of the State. Parantsand guardians, desiring for their children and wards a thorough preparation for college, could not do better than send them to this institution. W. M. WATSON, Sec'y and Treas. Board Trustees New Berne Academy. o cn 0 ho o o b B a o a o 53 ?2 a 09 CD CO M o O 03 03 CD bo $ a a) CO P P 00 13 Ph p. CD a P CD JIis.s M. L. Allen (Peace Institute), Modern Langaagee, History and Geography, Miss Aurora Mace (Cooper's Institute), Painting and Drawing. Cot tonseed oil is the best salad oil in the world and it should be put upon the maiket on its merits, bearing its own name, and its ex cellence for .ill cu! nary purposes be persistently set forth until it re ceivus popular approval and enters into a- buttcr Record If our religion is not soul-satisfying in the present, what reason have we for supposing that it will be soul-saving in the judgment. A.IS B., (Trinity College), Ancient Languages and Natural Sciences. Geo. Y. Neal, A.M. (Univ. N. C), Mathematics. S. C. Braoaw, (Univ. N. C), English Literature, Reading, Spelling and Thysical Guitar. J. :. Patrick Tutor in Int. Department. MUSIC, ELOCUTION AND CALISTHENICS FREE. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES FOR STUDENTS DESIRING TO BECOME TEACHERS. A well-equipped Gymnasium, Library, Reading Room and Literary Society. Speciallnducements to poor Boy and Girls, All inquiries will be answered by personal letter. Address ZSliss MAEY Tj. ALLEN, Secretary. OXJS. T. ADAMS, Principal; Mrs. A. B. Ferebee, Primary Department. VOCAL tin : ol' Ver- ! it u consumption as d. M i nil fact urers' It is the old man, as a iuie, who gives the advice to the young man. And it is the old man, too, who gives the money to the confidence man. --Puck. I SlOMl Now 1 lolj ae; s( j ou a ,-r r; ! Light. peoj i a i hum' a re 1 1 a never satisfied, i "I can't go that fur," said fa .- arc get ting; trapper wheu informed there was too: n g men are ;v skunk m his trap live miks t to in ,-dio; tcr. q The dog with the appetite for trousers is liable at any time to go on a tear. Washington Post. 'bit n Lair need ROBERTS & BRO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. We sell FLOUR direct fiom the Milis in Michigan. We have in stock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the Wes Indies. Give us a call and see our prices. ( ROBERTS & BRO., South Fsont street, NEW BERNE. aF We job Gail & Ax's and Loril ard's Snuff. J. H. OEi BTEKE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists , Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AD KACHMSTS' SUPPLIES j Builders of Engine. Boiler. hwBUli, Edging fc Cut-off Michinn ! We are prepared to do Oaetlngs of all kinds I with promptness, Particular and Immediate attention given to re pal s of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for anv desci iption of machinery . We are the agents for the sale of the Anrer loan Saw. Also for G. & A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona by us, y22 d2aw wly K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sash.Doorsand Blinds Paints, Oils,' Lead and Varnish, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, And all kind! of Building : Materials At Lowest Price. L. H. CUTLEB, NEW BERNE, N. C. "A ;-V uuli).:alit a ii,iiiMM.('. P .... '-'- ., . . ' ,' 1

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