A- . ... INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. vol. xm. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, J UNE 1!), 1890. NO. 12.- t ivP IPRv w (f f .... - I - r &:MA R K S 1 V- llattiiig! V cf'vllattiujriu .-11 -h' Latent Checks and --- .'-i', vt.-..- f, i v f 'f1 "A". "Llrige3,'V7Mchk we are- selling vtry low; and 4lia . Largest Lot of ,'.t n Embroidery 1 " "rrerrollered in the State, at prices far below ! competition; ' - this haHhe?women want V -Here's news (or every brblcen corset ' bones. There's a material that'll neithec " - break nor It)! "up, and it's guaranteed. A year is not too rtVt&aewfaiJo If it does, here's ; y bocno&ey. "withdut I Wotfefott it wont. The material is Kabo. And more.. . It's stitched a3 totted" ana it can't be t -; arytear.-. ,: , 1 ' ..Thef:lCab3 corset is more than a common blessing r-'to the arerage woman. There's no wearing out of corset 5 Tarrrf by the sharp edge bf the' eyelet-, there's nothing to ''nu!;' no eyelet visible - thrtigh a thin dress; never a breaking of a corsetr lace with5 those loop eyelets. 5 ! r- ? We take the nskjins selling the Kabo corset Wo Kbuy and sell under this guarantee : ' U - "If for any reason whatever the corset is unsatisfactory " la t& wearer it may be returned to us, and the money faid "V- ITjZ? ''&s cXerrfully refuhtb&ZDithbut ' question. No matter ' ' k tsUat condition it may be in, provided it hasn't Seen wont 4 over tires weeks; and if the Kabo with which the corset is liTudsver.bYeakSt ws willju cheerfully refund the money T7e. are still selling, T- rr-rp -j 9ct atlfidpt7ofCxI30c Call one Bargains that IT M 1 M..I 1. , mm- MtrLo$ ;lkow Prices. V -c- - i f - ... . 1 lizzn larger finaii eyer . tzi cpocaTaiid, I itrTilJi ofTcrJiTcial inducements. My stock is ii i -if i v- ' 1 " - V " tcnciltsiJf 'Toy uiscounts. Therefore I can sell you Croodsi as uheap as Northern markets. . ; You will save money and time by calling on I ''- - And rilrt iM1 Trial. I; v 'st Trjxcrwf , - V n !! iddfcin i ;Wwllliini -Hdttr- ?TtV VfTSTlt .- jrpIA JLUXM V WMJS AWTK HU lOK BAU BI J. II EOI7iiIlD4-Pollock St, Hew Berne, N.C Q UITH THE BOOM. Matting! Flouncing woman who goes about svitrt in. double-stitched in, top vorked out with any ordin those iiMsili Ratine axxdT see' the Thousand are always offered at 'i,' ' ""SALE TRADE oeiore, ana au oougui give the Trade thejiiepu m2"; 3.6 S5tSH0ES wkc t 1ratX to wp -VKSun Imu' lillM aeeor4ioc o jour nli. ptaHUy U (Olu. Tour o; K7a da oat Uuiscaoms -twimst to JBna that tkat wa da aoi axanrr i?. ar unxLL to htttDnvt H Ito tdrsort manofactuivn la tha r m t wldwak rntum in kii p-i T iiii tii I to mj Btutm or Tcnitorj U rcu wlU Tjw1 St Bo-ton, Mass. laicfitm feLi1 I EDITURIAL NOTE. Cheyenne Indians are on tbe war path id Montana. Raxbigii is 'preparing for tbe ftelphration of th 4th of .Tnl v oa , tnna grand scale. Let all our towns celebrate tbe 1'ourth. V. W. Dickerson, of Grant county, Ky., has been nominated to succeed Mr. Carlisle in Con gress. Two hundred and seven ballots were taken. Tiik best representation of a regular "Kilkenny cit fight" now tetoie the public is presented by i Ingalls and the Kansas farmers. : Ingalls is doiDg most of the cater wauling hut the farmers are making tl e fur Hy. Woman is showing her ability to cope, with man u mental' power. At the June examination at Cam - bridge University, Eogiand, Mi Philliooa Kawcette carried off the bigbet honors, bavrng 400 mark more than Mr. Benoetr, tbe highest iii. lie contestant. I A disastrous cod tlagration ac cooipDied with great Iobs of life, is reported from tbe mining districts of t he Ural uioun taine; more than a ' thou iand buildings were destroyed, I ;unl forty thoasand persona were burned to death. Eighteen thou j sand persons are made homeless. Ok Kev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., the Lljst u Home Journarsays: "H&is all alive, soul and bodj; and he communicates his life to hia liearern. They bear him gladly. He liiia that gift of the power of holding the attention of an audi, ence. The gladdened hearer says to the impulsive speaker, "Go on." Congressman Cheatham baa bAen addressing the Radical canons in favor of Federal control of our elections. Mr. Cheatham Is a colored man who has been fairly dealt oy the people of his distriot. He needs no protection by the Federal Government and the enactment of a Federal election law will add nothing to bis strength in this district. Thk Atlanta Constitution says: "It is thought that Mr. Benjamin Harrison will finally be compelled by the exigencies of the political situation, to write a card endorsing Qnay." Not at all necessarry. Mr. Harrison has written his endorsement on Quay's back, and he passes current in Republican official circles, but he will go to protest when he gets before the people. ' Tiik Chair of History at the North Carolina University was established none too soon. No effort should be spared to teach tbe youth of the South the truth and the whele truth about the history of the South. It is easy for tbe meaning and significance of an event to be distorted through igno rance, superficial information, prejudice or wilful misrepresenta tion. Against all these the South must protect itself Charlotte Chronicle. The Richmond Dispatch in writing of "Advertising Richmond," in part, say?: "Now, how are we to draw capital and population here? There is but one way by offering inducements greater than those of our competitors. Our histoiie renown, our beautiful climate, our vast water power, oar extenssve system of railroads, all these iadeed, amount to much; bat more is needed. We should offer special inducements. In other words push Richmond jast as a thorough merchant pushes his own business." No fair minded man believes in the gag rule in deliberative, rep resentative assemblies. All honest. fair-minded men condemned the gag rule when it was introduced in the 5lt Congress in pursuance of tin' conspiracy by the majority i o deprive the minority of its rights. But every one of these blicaus who so vehemently protested against its application to them when the tariff bill was under consideration, and last Sat urday when the Silver bill was debated if tbe courtesy ot lan guage may bo so strained as to say that a bill forced through with tbe rapidity that it was, was debated supported this gag rule trick for the pnrpote of silenciug and rendering powerless the Demo cratic minority. Wilmington Star. Tuk question of work on Sunday is agitating Europe to a consider able extent. In Germany, Austria, Hungary aud Italy tbe subject has been under legislative considera tion during the past month, and the propriety of some official action is talked of iu France. There is nothiDg iu tbis movement however, to give encouragement to those who desire a stricter religious observance of lh day. The move ment is secular rather than religious. It has arisen from a belief that men and women neep one il.iy m the week for relaxation from toil. The custom of working on Sunday as well as on other days in the week is proving too exacting even for Europeans. The new relorm is for one day of rest and recreation, and tbe Conti nental Sunday, devoted to general amusement will be thereby more j than ever a feature of European i life. New York Star. EDITORIAL NOTES. - Messrs. Mills and Turner succeed Mr. ariisie on House wmmuiees, The crop prospects in North a ; Damlina wpta nvr httBr than at. present. juissiusifi'i na enierea upon an active ana spirited congressional oampaign. In the State of New York the bill exempting newspapermen from jury service has become a law. SENATOR Hoab proposes to amend tbe Constitution so that postmasters will be elected by the people. rr -o - u t j- i u li i the anthem ot the nee. THE French Radicals are harshly ; ... . . ,. , t, . i It is especially appropriate for criticising the action of President; - , J , , r. ., .. n . ,lthe people of Ndrth Carolina to Caroot for pardoning the Duke of ! , ' , r , . , 1 Urteana. THIS statistical returns for June I bow ftn jncrea8ed 1 " w luc LrriinrLiuruL ui a uu i i uuuod in oeuriy every orate. i i . ' n - uuiuiurw uu tun ibrfjuunrrtu State ticket in Alabama are inelig ible because they have not lived long enongh in the State. Thk State Executive Committee has elected Ed. Chambers Smith, Esq., of Raleigh, Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Com mittee. At Carrollton. Kv.. Tuesdav. sixty one ballots were taken for a candidate for Coneress in place of Mr. Carlisle, but no nomination propriate honors to Kooert r.. L.ee. was reached. j From the North have come re- The Gnbernatorial campaign in!Ponse8 eulogistic of that illus ftonth Carolina nnpn,l nr. :l triou8 man, and if, now and then, Greenville last Tuesday; when ' Gen. John Britton, Democratic candidate for Governor made bis first address. Thk Emperor of Germany re- I fused to allow tbe Berliners to j erect a monument to the memory ! of bis father, tbe late Emperor Frederick, saying it was bis busi ness and be would bave it done. An attempt is being made to boom Reed for President on the ground that be is a bigger man than Cleveland, his weight being 50 pounds more than Cleveland. Tbe difficulty in tbe way is the kind of weight Beed carries and where it is located. General Wolseley has re. tired from the service of the British Qaeen. In severing bis connection with tbe active forces, General Wollealey write fhat he will always be at the service of his country in tbe capacity of counselor or warrior. In South Carolina the Republi cans are perhaps, more active than an any other Southern State. The Democrats bave not yet united, but it is confidently believed that at the right time, concert of action will be secured and and tbe success of Democracy assured. The farmers know their busi ness, and tbe Republican who seeks to ride into power on their shoulders will receive a rebuke which he will be likely to remember and will be left so far behind in the race that he will never be able to find his way again. The North Carolina Democratic Convention will assemble in the Capitol at Raleigh on the 20th of Angnst. We endorse tbe following language of tbe State Chronicle; "The Convention has been called tbe work begun. Let every Dem ocrat Dut his shoulder to the wheel and see to it that every neighborhood is thoroughly aroused t a.1 2 i. - w ii : r w me imporiauue ui iue isnuea ui te campaign." Good news came in to-day from tbe Second District. Mr. C. C. Daniels, of Wilson, said that F. M. aimmon'a nomination ana election mauy resolutions in the interest of were certainties, whereupon Mr. ) workingmen, but it has not done a Charles W. .Raney, an influential j 8jDgie act for their benefit. Year Vance county man, said that noth- by vear jt growa more and more ing would gratify his people more : distinctly the representative of and that they would give Simmons monopolies. ' It is the party of a big vote. He went on to say Q)t)crupulous schemers and specu that many negroes would vote for iat0r8 who would drive their car of Simmons as against Cheatham. jatrgernaut oror the millions of the d i ; u a i';i,iT, f . e-Ku ..ceuucuL , , .,u..u K w Messenger. Thk Colored Tariff Reform Club and Colored Bureau of Information, of Washington, D. C, has issued an address to tbe colored voters of tbe United States which is in part as follows: "We were once needed to assault forts and on the battle fields, now we are needed at tbe ballot box to protect the nigh tariff monopoly, and when we cease to give aid to tbis extraordinary high tariff and tbe thousands of white Republican office holders we will be abandoned again and relegated to a shade of political quietude." Apprehension ia expressed in some quarters as to the effect of the Farmer's Alliance npon the fortunes of tbe Democratic party. Tbe following paragraph from the Atlanta ustivutiuu r 1 I, r ,v, t . T . .sentiments of the Journal:; "The Alliance, while it mav cive ! ! direction to needful legislation, is thorouehlv democratic and it is organ OQtsiders, they will not materially affect the interests of the Pflmnir.ir.ir narfv. nnd if thnre sboatd be temporary divisions ou lines of political policy, and they will last bat ior a moment, and the ultimate end will be peace and perfect anion. mOTine altoeetner oa democratic ! 8116 W1U ti"1 nl uuu uusiie ana cduuuisu, suuu iu uo iui aiucu ok i u m mB iuickcb. oi Hgu. m linea While differpnees of oninion 1 mkr ihin hum Wilmington ' once to w- c- Stronach, Secretary, maintain Democrtio principles. nd lines, vvniie ainerences oi opinion mane unngs num. v nmingron , . . v r , -. .,ftrrpHnnil(i uphold those measures that will secure axe likely to exist between tbe ' Star. ;RAleigh.C.1wl.oV,ll rrespoiKl relief for our agricultural population. . Wl nrifh tha iiAmm tiuOQ pnniam ncr tnfi . - " fi" CELEBKATIOX OF THE a OURTJI OF JITLT. OF JULY. We have observed with pleasure that preparations are being made, 1 in many of the towns and cities of I 1 , approaching fourth of Jnly. : It is a day that shonld be held in remembrance by every American, an(j be celebrated with bonfires j and illuuminations throughout the Union. ; jt j8 the day sacred alike to all J sections of our common country, and on its annual retoru the spirit of liberty should dominate in every iiiran, uu ai. iuiumj.nu lu "w e" IITim'tSlD LUC lUUltll Ul JUII. i.uitu Uaioiiua was one or tne original thirteen fatates. Without her the : t i ! union was not complete; wun uer Htood forth m beautiful propor- tions, the pride and wonder of the world. For a series of years the celebra tion of the fourth of July has been, in a large measure, omitted in the South, because of hindering in fluences in national affairs. For tunately this condition has been changed, and every patriot must be gratified to witness indications of tbe speedy return of concord to tbe j people of these States, Recently the South paid a p - there have been mutteiiogsof did- . .. .1 I. ..... ,...1 ' a,ovai lue- u'4 us,z" lue uc,tt' tt,,tU8C- Let us on the fourth of July rise and salute the Republic. Forgetting the bitterness of sectional strife, or remembering it only to guard against its dangers in tbe future, let us pay tribute to the land of Wash ington and L.-e, and with patriotic devotion celebrate our nation's birth, its greatness and its fame. FRIENli OF TIIE WOBKINBMEX. "Among the resolutions adopted by the Republican State Convention of Alabama on Wednesday, was one to the following effect:. 'The Republican party is a true friend ol tbe workingmen everywhere, and the Republican party of Alabama, composed mainly of farmers and skilled mechanics and workingmen, expresses its profonnd sympathy with these classes of wealth-producing people, and pledges itself to aid them in every way to better their condition,' to encoarage tillers of the soil to own tbe land they cultivate, to promote home getting free from the burdeus of debts, to help emancipate the toiling masses Irom tbe imputation that honest toil is degrading, to give honor and dignity to labor, aud to the labor ing man his rightful share in shap ing tbe laws under which be toils and lives, and finally to secure for the most favored citizens equality of citizenship throughout our vast republic We favor that just and protective government policy which gives protection alike to American industry of all kinds, and Aineriean labor of all classes and affords tp our farmers a remunerative borne market for all their products."' All this is superlative impudence. In its early days tbe Republican party took from the toiling millions of this country a magnificent do main and gave it to the Pacific Railroad Company. Iu doing this it violated inalienable rights of citizens to pander to the cupidity of a soulless corporation. The only Democratic Administra j tion with which the nation has been i blessed, since 1800,restored millions i ... , of aCres of this land to the public domain, thus returning it to tbe people for homes in a land of golden harvests and delicious fruits. The Republican party has passed i .... , p00r arid the hard-working, witbout a qUam 0f mercy or pity in their j impervious breasts." ! Workingmen everywhere aic realizing the trnth and are shaking Republican shackles from tbem like dew drops from a lion's mane. . ti.o Snnti. fnf thooeUratinn nf th0'...... , . , .. , , The present protective tariff, a ; way. "uuaieu uy v,ui. uan, uc baton Rougb. JuDe li. W. a. Cran lirimat otfsr.rinff and nroner 1 too large for immediate purposes, , dal,t chairman of lhe Democratic State representative of the Republican - o f o - x - party, is a ponderous machine that grinds tie bones of the poor and. transmits them iato gold to Gil tbe .. . . , ' COIierS Ol tUe IlCn. ; There is a workingmau'd party, inorable for its past history and honorable magnificent in its present aspect, to which workingmen of every de partment of industry are rallying with buoyant hope and firm resolve. That party is tbe great Democratic ( party of the American Uniou. ; t : HAT tUlS COUIltrv WUUiH lSSiij""-J VV""V ' ' ..a j committee of ladies of not less than or eevei1 ,eet luKeu on lDeifiP in wrv winntrv town in the ! Protective tariff wall, free raw raw macerlala aDa 'ree coinage, men South Carolina has time candidates lor Governoi : Bratton, 1 El,rle and Tillman All political indices in the West point to tne ovennrow oi me ' liepnblican party. ization ana ! M , v jt w,u be sent to any address one ear A KALE OF WARRIORS. ; Since the unveiling of the Lee statue at Richmond some historical I incidents leLttive to (lie life of t bis ' disHntmiNhe i r:.Mii.r-i -m.i his an ; O " - - " " " - . uetu woug.uoeioie ;lue public that were little known, As will be seMj from the following taken fiom the New York Sun, the military genius and n-non of Ihe Lee family dates back into the cen tunes : "The Lee monument ceremonies I at Richmond have called out many j interesting facts relating to Ihe j Gen' f.T Chai lottesville, who was Ijee'hmih tary secretary, ami who during the blindness which has wt'llicted him since tbe war, has written and pub- Hsbed a life of bis illustrious chief, tbe remote hs well as immediate ancestors oi Robert E Le were men of military fame The tounder of the famih , in this account, was Ijauncelot Ijee, ot ijonnnn, iu France, who crossed to England with VVtlliaiu the Conqueror, dis- tinguished himself at Hastings, and acquired au estate in Essex. Lionel Lee, for his services under Richard Ceur de Lion at the siege of Acre, was rewarded by being made Earl of Litchnld. The im mediate louuder of the Virginia family was Richard Lee, who came to America in 1041 as Colonial Secretary under Sir William Berke ley. But however interesting these statements may be on their genealogical side, Robert Edward 1 Lee does not derive lustre from Launcelot and Lionel, but rather brings them into prominence agaiu after tbe lapse of centuries." Proclamation. Whereas, Tbe North Carolina Farmers Alliance did, at its last regular meeting on tbe 13th day of August, 1889, in the city of Fayette vi lie, set forth the followiug resolu tions as the demands ot the Al liance, to-wit : Resolved, With full confidence in the correctness of our position upon the question, we again demand of the General Assembly of North Carolina tbe enactment of a railroad commission law, with full powers to the commissioners to regulate freight and passenger rates upon a just and ieasonable basis, and with further power to investigate and take reasonable action with respect to damages or injuries to persons or property. Resolved, That the North Caro lina Farmers' State Alliance hereby enters its earnest protest against the policy of giving away the labor of our convicts, and demands of onr Legislature the enactment of such i 1 . i . . laws as win nereauer prevent mis : outrage ou tbe rights of the tax.;8houId the room be eitber t00 dark payers of our State. ; or too light Resolved, That we demand such j You don't know all atout poultry changes in onr laws as will reduce: bv any means. After you are in it the costs in litigation in minor vuc.rB -ni n,i.,b vn nan causes, and as mi, ill .-nl.irge the i jurisdiction of run j us! ices of the peace. Kesolvcd, Thiil we demand that laws shall be enacted to prohibit our public officials from receiving j or usiug free i ases or tickets on1 our railroads. Whereas, The same having been submitted to aud ratified by the requisite majority of tbe Sabordi nate Alliance, now, therefore, I Elias Carr, by the authority vested ; hn me as President of the North Carolina farmers' State Alliaace!if they are t0 give an tne miik hereby proclaim them officially the j pos8ible it will be necessary to demands of said Alliance. , 8uppjy tnem wit an the food they Given under our hand and seal wjU Gonsame. tnis, tne 4tu uay oi June, a. u., 1890. Elias Cabr, Pres. N. C. F. S. A. B. C. liEDDINGFIELD. Sec'y N". C. F. S. A. SOLDIERS' HOME ! To the (joufederate Vet. run's As-ocia j tion in ihe Counties of X. ('. Comrades : We desire to call attention to the provisions of our constitution directing that the annual electioos for officers shall take place on the fourth day of ; f July in each year. e earnestly: hope that there will be a large at- tendance of veterans at the conr ;j house (unless some other place of assembling shall be designated) in onnti UAH f - nl 1 Q , l 1 , ! , w 1 on that. day, ana me regular orgauizauon continued and strengthened. If tha meeting shall have been ar ranged for another d;iy, or shall not be held on the fourth of July, it is not material, provided the veterans shall surely be called together at some time. A The ecutivo eomniitN a have de- I termined to wait no longer for ado quate subscriptions, but boldly to assume the responsibility of open-1 ing a Soldiers' Home for the care of such of our needy, deserving coin- raues as retjuiie iu ui;(iuiyiii-u charity. At present it ia probable' that the hotel building at Ridge j i-.j u n,.i, ,11 i, -and we may begin in a smaller way at Illeigh, or some accessible locality. For the support oi thus Home, we throw ourselves upon the abounding charity Of the people Of ,..,,, ,l;r,o o r, ,1 mr. unnuil particularly to the members of the Confederate Veterans' Asaociation Xllrliu aiuuufl) auu no " I ' I' v ' to see that a proper interest is en kindled in every town and town- 0all a special session of the legislature Ship in the State. for that purpose. The lottery amend We especially invoke the aid of ment was introdu-ed in the House cn the women of Xortu Carolina, fore- I Monday and yesterday was referred to , .. , 3 a special committee without opposition, most in every work oi love and kindness, and we ask that the Veterans' Associations of each and : nMrw pnnnf .ftnB1ihit a entral r. , m, r. ., , I State. The names ot the members j ot tlm committee, particularly me methods Ot raising minis ior uie support of the Home. J. S. CARH, President. W. (J. ST RON A. Oil, Sec'v. ' , There j8 UQ bptter way of em)ly. i jng the mind of evil than by filling it with good. i A Cure for Dinhtherla 1 Medical science has long sought 'r a sovereign remedy for the sconre of childhood, diphtheria, 5 er the co!ored people of Louisiana, nu pernaps ocuer locaiines in tne south, have for years known and used a cure which is remarkable for its simplicity. It is nothing more orless than the juce of the pineapple. "The Remedy is not mine," said a gentleman when interviewed; "it has been used by negroes in the swamps down outn lor years Oae of my children was down with diphtheria, and was in a critical condition. An old colored man ho heard of the case asked if we had tried pineapple juce. We tried it, and the child erot well. I 1 have known it tried in hundreds of -cases. I have told my friends 1 about it whenever I heard of a case, ; and never knew it to fail. Yon et a riPe pineapple, squeeze out the juice, and let the patient swal- i low lt;- Ihe juice is of so corrosive a nature that it will cut outdiphthe ria mucus, and if you will take the fruit before it is ripe and give the ijuice to a person whose throat is ; we'l it makes the mucus membranes I ofn'8 throat sore. Among those wno nave tried the cure on my recommendation I may mention Francis J. Lennett, the Beard of Trade man, whose children were all down with diphtheria i nd were cured by this remedy." Mr. Kennett confirmed this state ment. Chicago Tribune. Cut Feed. Put your tools in readiness. Make the best of a bad bargain. Seed your grain lands now as ; early as possible. j Light Rrahmas seem to be the i most fashionable of the Asiatic breeds. I Agriculture is the most independ ent of all callings known among men. The mending of kid gloves shows far less, if done with cotton thread than if done with silk. A good team on a farm is worth nearly doable that of a poor one, as it is a great economy in time. No farmer should allow his eggs to accumulate, but should hurry tbem to market while they are fresh. Every farmer's fence should be in good repair at this date, and be should be ready to commence farming. To remove rust from steel rub with kerosene and soak for a day, polishing with emery dust and kero sene. The man who does not provide a dry bed for his horse at night, good does not deserve a bed of any kind to sleep upon. The light in sleeping-rooms should never fM directiv on the eTe8 nor master it in ten more. There are more quarrels smooth ed over by just shutting your mouth, and holding it shut, than by all the wisdom iu the world. Iron and polished steel, when not in use, may be kept from rusting by wiping with a cloth on which a lii tie kerosene lias been poured. Kerosene poured on red flannel and bound on tbe throat will great- lv ease a sore throat. It will alo , nfa ailf np ,iiilaina nAnj nWiI ara onfu A9tril anri The seed time is near at hand, i and it must be borne in mind that those only who eow tbe seeds can have the pleasure of reaping the golden grain. Currant cutting may be selected now and put in some cool place and covered with dirt and they will be ( in nice shape for planting about ' May 1st. ! The farmer who will not grow a j nice garden and provide an abun : dance of vegetable lor his table deserves to have nothing better than bread and bacon for his daily Horges sired by the 8ame horse and ont of dltterent dani9 are not hall brothers in bor8e parlance, Tuo term ia on, a.)oIie(1 to animals i by different horses out of the same ,fthe rule iu stock feeding were to see how much cau be profitably fed to each animal not how little will carry it though the winter there would be less complaint among farmers or depression in business. Do not remove the mulching from your strawbenies or currants ariH crnnaphArrv hnahpH nntil th flrst of May Kince iu principal office ig t0 keep the p.intr) and lmshes back so that thev will not j bloom (luti, all dailger of a heavy fref2e jd paMt. ' , Tn Setli ThP ,nt.,rv o..PSiiin. J central committee, last night wrote a letter to State Senator r oBttr, leader ot tDe anti lottery 'ac'ton n th legisla- thel'otteI quuon and avoiding dis- pensions within the party that the State central committee order primary elec- linni Ikrnnoknnt tha StAtfl X t. which p,.- , white people only theubiis'sio'n oT win ue aiiuweu 10 ajority voting favor t.hA Intt.AfV amftnil. mentB to the people, tbe Governor is to Fur the Campaigu. Iu many ways the comiDR campaign will be the most interesting one that the voters of North Carolina have seen in many years. It will be an educa iiouai campaiga, sua eoooomio quel- ; tions wil, Hh4t,,B, rii,RnMAH. Tho state Chronicle, published at Raleigh for tbe low price of SI 25 Send money by registered letter, money order or postal note. Address . .t,THB Statu Ciirowclb. maySivdtf Raleigh, N. C. Never borrow more than you can pay back, and never lend more 1 than you can borrow. Public Koart and Public Sentiment. Eutok Journal: I wish nil ibe careltua road overtteern, and eupervisoro of Craven (Jouoiy bad beard, aiid would beed wbat Prey id em Oro well said about roads iu bis address "'he Programme of Progress" delivered at New Berne last week. There need to be a etrouKer public 8' ncirueoi agaiuet ihe careless way our, roads are kept. If public seuumerii would refuse to tolerate such roads as tbe public generally bave to travel on, . tbe remedy is at nand, and tlw Uw 1 would be enforced. ' Very few road overseers work their roads one tbi d of the time the law ; allows them to keep their roads in I ord More liaie is Iobi on many of our roads, by tbe travelling public, by tbb roads Doing in bad coodition, tnau it would tke to put tbem in good condi tion. We lose by tho slow rate of travel.-or if we try to go fast, by broken Hpriuno etc. w kUo losM by being unable tu carry full load a without damage tu earns, and aouie love part of their pros pects of walking tbe streets of that "Better Country ' on account of the mud aud other impediments, often tu countered on our public roads. Mr. Editor 1 suppose you are too closely confined at your office, to cei muce of our couuty roads, especially duung tbe lively month of Decern be but i guess some of the Doctors could testify to the truthfulness of my state ment whin I say that there are bridges on public i o.id s wuhiu ten miles ol New Heme, that have chronic ailment at least eight months iu the year. 8 juit even raaue ot twisliug fence rails oi pine poieo. wun cracks large euougl, for a horse's foot to go through Tnere are also many chronic holes, some of them a foot deep 10 summer, and perhaps two iu winter. If tbe road masters would make the I middle of their road ways the itiyhist instead of tbe lowest part, as mauy art uow, they might avoid ail thee hole on the plain principle of gravitation; water does not now up hill, neither will it stand- on a properly constructed road bed, till the whole pluce is flooded. Good roads are a great financial ad vantage, bad ones are a serious hind ranoe ' to success. Uood roads are a treat social advantage, we vimt more and learn more when we cm travel with ee and rapidity. Good roads are great educational facilities I have known children hindered several days from our very short school terms for want of a porei ble foot-way across a branch. And last bat not least, good roads art very helpful in obtaining moral aod spiiitual strength. Many stay away from church. Sun day schools, and other means of mora) advancement, on account of bad road who would attend them and perbps grow better if the road muster had dona his lull duty in making the road good. Whoever wants better roads, let him assist in awaking a batter public senti ment in thnt direction and we shad bave them. Lecturer. June 11. 1390. The Canals of theSUte Discussed The Law Bearing on Them. At a meeting of the Board of Internal Improvements held yesterday the ques tion of tbe New Berne and Beaufort Canal Company and of the AlhmDarlt and Chesapeake C trial Company wai brought up. representatives of these com pari iee were present by invitation, who statedJ that they had complied with the term of tbe contract (La we 1883, Chapter 1C5) and that if tDrni w-i anything the which they weru n quii'i d to il l llity were ready ai.J Milling to pi iFurm it rhe doard then resolved : That the Attorney (K ni-ral b.- it-quest-ed not to briDK xny kuU until further investigation i made by the ounrd. and that YV. G. Liwis, buinei r of the Board of EJuculion, be directed forth with to make an examina i )a of the conditiou of the e;iid New (lurne and Beaufort Canal aid rrport the i ame to the hoard. He is instructed to cause proper soundings and met Buremeots to be made, showiug the lent i and width Of the said canal and the depth of water therein and whether ti e same is or has been at any time since Jonuary 1, 18,-5, open for narvigation, and such othtr facts as may be material to the board in the determination of the matter. It will be remembered that Acts of 1883 chapter 165 the Uoveri or and Counsel were authorized to transfer tcrthe New Berne and Beaufort Caual Company the State V stock (.mounting te twenty rive hundroi shares in ihe Albemarle and Chesapntik ('anal Com pany, provided that before the transfer and delivery of the siccb the New ISerne and Beaufort Canal Company should enter into a oontracc that the canal should be open for navigation by Jan 1st, 1885. Rsleigh Chronicle. Church Dedication. Grand dedication of A. M. Zion church at Jumping Run, the old camp ground, took place Sunday. Juno the 8th, 1890. Several ministers were cordially in vited, but far reasons best known to themselves, all failed to be prtB-jnt. Rev. A Mclret, of Virginia Conference, being present, preached the dedicatory eermon to a large and appreciative audience that had assembled to witness the cremonies. The fee-will offerings were presented by all Drestnt, which reach the aggregate amount of 44 an1 over. The choir of Pleasant Hill, Mr. 8 W. Hane leader, rendered tine music on the occasion. The visiting friends from the vaiious churches bave our thanks for their liberal donation. And all, both white and colored, that assisted us, have our thanks for the same. Thn pastor. Rev. H. Bell, together with the- building committee, were highly applauded for the economical marmgement of puch a fine and corrfmodious building, etc. By One That Was 1'i:i sent Census Takers' Troubles. ! Washington, June 12 Some dajs ! ago Superintendent Porter received 'copies of the printtd circular, signed Citizen, whityi has been dmtributea in Asheville, N. O . calling upon the people to resist the intrusion upon their private affairs contemplated by the census schedule The people are further advised to refuse to answer census questions. Porter paid no at tention to the anonymous lircu'.sr, which be supposed was merely the pro duction of tome crank, until a lette was received from Supervisor nrd wick, dated June 9,h, in whieh he i states that his enumerators in Aehevillu are having some trouble hy the people evading them. tie states that they often send a servant to the door saying "There is no one here who cun give in the census." ; The super visor asks for instructions j Porter today wrote letters to Senator Vance and Represeutstivo Ewart, call ing their attention to the condition of i affairs iu Afheville. as reported ly the ' supervisor He aks that they use their influence with the peoole of Asheville i to induce ihem to tsfee a different vi w I of this matter. Facts VVoilli liiinulli;. In all diseases of the nasal mucous membrane the remedy ued mu&t be i non irritatine The medical profusion has been slow to learn thi-. Notbintr i satisfactory can be accomplished with douches, snuffs, powders or pyrineef beoxuse they are all irritntirig ; do not thorouehly reach the fcffert d surfar ee 1 and nhould be sb-tridoned as worpe thsn failures. A multituto of pers.ns who ' had for years borne all the. worry urn! pain thnt catarrh can ii tlict testify to 1 radical cures wrtu,ht by Kly's Cream ' Balm maj 4 2 orvis ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it Is pleasant and refreshing to the tanle,-and gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds,- iieaS aches and fevers and cures hebftttid constipation, yrup of Figs. js'ibe only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tire stomachy pwnmtQ its action and truly beneficial in its cflccts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable eubetancefcji many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. ii Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any Bulistitiiti'. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CX Pl FRANCISCO, cel. lOUISVlLLC KY. VODK. ft,. CATArtttH ' CREAM BALM 'lraue the Naaal Pagra. lllayi I'alii and iDflammiillnu, Htuli the Kor Htilorm ilir Stnae or Tal and Smell, TRY I II K i U!il. i WrtVER HAV-FEVER A part icle l h iji Uul lulu i-arli nostril MWi Ihk e, n' i- l i i.-r Mi renin Hi Dregnlats tT iri,ol r.., im o H) ctN. Kl y HktyjnKW, vvirii str.Ti. '' w York .prlfldwly CAUTION Tak no W. I.. Ion nam ai bottom. If the dealer cannot aunDly-jromf tend direct to f actor j, enclosing adTrflSi price are Hlmpra 9 price. W. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMKIU Finn Calf, Heavy Ijtced Grain n4 J(IMS moor Waterproof. ' i i; Rest, in the world. Exarhlne bM . 5.00 GEN1I1N1! HAND-SKWKD HOVl 4.00 HANI)-SKWEI WE1.T 8HOb7 rOUCK AND FAKMER8' BHOIL 02.5O KXTltA VAM'K MLT SHOB; 't WOBRINdMKN'S SBIOKB. , :.0 and 1.7ft BOTH' SCHOOL 8MOU, $3 & $2 SHOES 'iLSSK. 1.75 NHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Beitt Style. Best rilllS W. L. Doucl.'i". Brockton, Mu. Sold by All uiiuH- iu ( onfrreus, uulloa muo LA Cor IVllnck and Middle Sta. uiur.'i dl Jul; 1 HUMPHREYS! YETERIBARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, ogs, Eogt, . - AND POULTBT. 500 rage Book on Treatment ef Animals and Chart feeui JTree , . x crnr.s i Frvcra. Conamtlons. Inflammatlaa. A. A. i Spinal nieiiiuvltls, Milk fevers ; It. II. MlruiuH, I.ameneaK, Bheammtlank ('.( .--Dislcuiper, Naiol lllioir(m, .1 ll.ll.-.lliilxir :i iiln. Worms. K. K.Coimlin, Urn ve, I'nennaalSH v . F.F. Colic or 4irlpc, Ilellrnche, ;.;. HnT-rlnu:r, lleaierrhms-M, II. II. l'riDiiry and K Idney-Dtasasee 1. 1. Eruptive Dieacs, Maift, J.K. DiHeBNos or Digestion. Stable Case, with specifics. Msnnsl, Witch Haicl Oil and Mcdleator, tT.tf) Price, SUigle BotUe (over SO doaeaj, ... Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anrwhars and in anr quantity on Receipt ol Prioa. . Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton SU, I. T. HT72XFZXB&YJ1 SPECIFIC No, Q la use 30 ;eara. Tbooalrmeocasral Mmsdjsla- J Nervous Debility, vital Weakness,- and Prostration, from ,,ver-work or othav aanssa. and Prostration, from t,vr-work or othav aansaa. 1 per l, or a vials and large vial ponds-, tarn ti SoLDBY DHtffJOIKTS, nreent postpaid an rsosiptof Allljof our Veterinary Preparatioo can bo hail of J. V. Jordan, DraggUt, N. W. cor. Hmad and Middle- strretsV Newbtru. N. (J. TO VVEM nEri; Bnfforinu from the effdets of yonthfnl wtors. decay, w ustinR weakness, lost manhood, 6to 1 aria send a valuable treatise (sealed) oontai tiros' parllculara tor bouie cure, FREE ot eharga. A. splendid medical work : should Da read by wsarr rtutn who ia nervous aod debiUtaSed.y Addia 4 Prof. F. C FOWLER, noodlia, Coast, FOB MM OU! DfllTIVC Tor LOST or rATLTiro HAJTHOfP; ft rUOl IliC General and NERVOOS UXBU-BTY; piTTTJ "CI Weakness of Body and Jtiad; Xfrssta Kj J Xbfl of Errors or Excesses ia OMarTsuac lhn.l. N. bl BAMMKIII tsllj Ki-alnrrs. How U Kassrssa4 IrrovtS'-w KAS.l MlsriclJl-sw wnr,n m ranraw. bl I li.tcl iinruillitir iiiisi, iki- vi nsT neaia ar lr.lirj Irurn 4; Sll , Trrrtlrie, sS I' II I lajl OSSI llllS. on an rltr Hi Iiub. rulliilaiatlR, sa si sssasaj IRIE MIDICAt .. Sir MIDICAt liFlaUiaUIa AGENCY FOR Things are moving, timet are feet or ratln r improving. Our truckers ara pushing forward their little product f the lnii.l and prion will be booming, and nil the time we would remiad - than. am) tbe rnblic generally, that PALMKR'S Ciar and Tobacco Btor they can find the iikst Cigar, Tobaooo, Cuidus. Koda Wniers, or as good a iinv , for C s Also, tin- MAUIO POCKET LAMP, th- cu'eKt. lutle tiling you ever asW, r . r i "."ie I nmei and see it. r,- -. m L. PALMER, 1 Mi.i.l! street. New Kerne, N.C Lumber! Lumber! Are ou goine to build, orre yora ii, . din.; lumber of any kind)" If JO do. nrite to me. an I can make JOW pnres lower than you can buy eie win re. All kinds of buiidinR material alw.iyH nri hand, either rough"" 'tar dri-need. Flooring, weather-boardinc, ceiling, rcouldinK, etc. (1. W. KICHARDBON. janl2dGm CoTe, N. Os WW B M Jak tr, , ! ? i ; i i I . t