" 1 t j yJL - - i .nr- - V hi T?HE JOUKNAL. SEW BEHSE. N. C JUSS H, .190. CITY AHD VICINITT. . r. ILaiCH Dii4 apple. --" a D Lox-Jim eeJemiir. E C. D. tin-Chut schednle. '- '. f .. ""'"I .; ": T ' - - ixu u.cr.tria. fca. ilee- : eofttiaae to Ui mat; track. J fv 4. . rt. - V .taaeUer ia Mai Ufli abotat - . kali at U awwk wkrf,irpM-i : cj to is wmfrmtkm fom a Jaly '' : fUv. a Bo . U TrintW KldM rf t 9 tieio of d A tCal pfttlov ear UI ImT run - wUav Um aaail UUat or th A.tUatle Xfett. Qnll w6d froaa QoW- f - m Ij . - Tfcf 8w Daaaoat atio KwcitUw Com aituw U Bati(B, Tdr, aa4 tiMi U. CkMian BoiitA, ol ckaii aaat. T eoarMtioo ia eli to oaW Aigwt M. ,1k- uaiav oor tko N. C BaU n4ai i ! aostioM Too. 4 4;Ait4 wIUia JovfaJ eco4 of toMoesi (r too AmmoUj. Toot - bot too' oAdr4 pmgn oo bor4. - - tko Bum DiUk Coofroo irf Uo H. S. Coorao Booth wttl ooovaao oc Ht Otl. Jooo A. Too oaoaJ m- " ' 4ooa4 raiM ova too raOfoodA may b ootaiood. f tooao Jioairlac to ottoo. . Tfakoto tU Woo aotofooo . , : X Algatot fraaa Qm gj i oil i o Cb 4- ooam to. oor DOjcoMotoo, atr. W. K. GUrkotoaoo oo foUoov: "Too oopro BrfataJt f or oobtlo oollAioc at w fiat boo 4Mt foaoad too oooao, aod . . wiUoooaof to aaooao loMaoAlofalj." Uwo wfaoto kaopop to-toolUMf procTOM,'ao J Ik art klittfa noaoa wky I wo ahooM ,oo, oM oot lot oor j oolkooro , ooiatrip oo U . Waakioctoa alraodr koa o , fa U o f 100,00 pottos foetorr; Ooldaboto.koor.flnl :laa wator worka .'. ooJT'b oow oocaofai prnttlogopo koiuloo aetatap;4i iaetvOO iwrj ' hood - aaaoofaotoriaw, iodootefaa oro - Bprio(loc pv-r'"''," : Tko r OoUakoro Anma of TkuxUtj oaya SA T 'kooiot' porlor oor - ortloJoUy Toor4ay or oawioa x oo Ui' A W. a JL B. 4wlac tko ooaaoiM aoaaboi", .It pUl 'oo I oo orory doy dofoUMU.4-faro,of oUkorata . dloMOkiooo wiB to alwaya to ogoo for tko eoaalort ood rofraakaaoot of Mttir( -Hi A AJIi C B. B. MTMia wkO aaoro aorfcrfanttoo to tko uovaltor soklio tkoa koa ourkad tko ; pyaoaot 4oalfaot aJaitoUtrotioo." V Tko pacolUr dloaaoo wkk wkfak o . aaa woi aiSictod ' ot lko txmntj poo kooa orMUoi aoato olaxaa tm toot aclckkorkood o f oor oaya ogo. Tko ap- poaxaooorf tko anoa lodiootad tkof ko ' kod aoaMtkioii liko loproay. Tko ropon . gotoot tkot It woo loproay.ood oftor ao cosoty pkjaiolao a'xaaoiood Oo oaao tto pttoaotioa of t'ieodtnx tkot aaaa oway waatokoo aai Iko ooxfatjoftko ,oopJo oppoaaad.TkooAk'tko pkyal ofaoa aro oot tor of tko ootoxa of tko ..ooao. Ik tkiok fa fa oo ouraaiad fan of kiood dloaaaH County Convention Colled At a) OMOtfafof too Daaaocrotio Ex ocutrre OboMniUeo of Craveo oooaty, old Saturday at tko offioe of the okalrnuo,8. B Street, tko county eoo Tootsoo wao celled to asermble at tha Mrt kooeo io Hew Berno oo Saturday, July lick, 1890. Too toooekip and votiac preeiooto of too county oro ' ro t)aeatod.tBBoa at'tkeir oooal plocoa SaiardAr.' Jab f. forj too porpoae of oslsoUag dslsgotea feoropresoot them lo too cosuty aoo vootioo 'A tooaerrod Prooaotioo.- vj; -J: Ut. B."J.' Shorty fornily aUvtaaotoof itko otoosiaot Doflaono, ef tko Clyde lfe, koo Juotkooai pro aaalisTowtho poeiUoo of Caputs Of tko lUaoaor &00I.V of tko oaot lio; loittJ.1 oe,ki fal fasnil riotiy oolloaV ky kJ ftUoda fa' oo ox ooUood fallow aod k hard work and ky ioaooo of kfa teeX worth aod ability kae oUadH'c&AodU i.way frosn the bot tom round "so (ko top tHfa frfaads ooo tratalated kioi and know that ia thia .irijiin dloai tsoJ anerit has keea . l 1 1 Jlao .Irfayotatoeo. : - - - Ks B tX'Bodgoa, of Sssltk'e ereek. I,. 1 swt iko sfocwar offloo To sdy a ' box pf Ako does Iriak potetoeo wo have " oeeo Ufa sssoaou-Tkvy weto of the JtiL BeeV verUry. large, soaootk, all ' cafa tiWawod tweaHyHkrao filled a ; pcek" eleoaoro? tbie,11 wifk ' acker ett- deoess.-tof'thO- feco,' Ufa spring, have MVaa is' at Vfat W faak creek seo ataavof oooorr faiepoefal.iy kdapcd to track rniala. WJ hope ktr. UoJgaa will neve roMoiFfalae. potvo-a oo esaMbtiow a4Ca ateat Fwtr."'-' - TaV XKa.o tMW says. B.v L Wj. OsewCord of' rJretoeboro. was - ofaoMd ofcapfaloftko oolleKe and to inocWr ef Bblau);LiuVsture " Aod - olao eefa: THky OolW. today eoafern d tkr irTee of LX.1, apoa too Uoa. jobo 8 atUstoosi. 'oaali.kory,M. U.; ks. ', Uoveroof f Pattfaoov of -, Poojasytraaia, -avod Ocrot,JdOtpkIooo.of Aiabeaaa - - rTk demo of D D. erm Rev. Jeaao ' A. faniffiat; Ber . IT. 8. Creasy ; Bev. i: B.. AloUefceo. - Soot Ootygia coo ; farenoe; Bar. Seatee Atkiao, Bofatoo ' Our Prof. J. 8. Baaaatt wao elected feiacipof of too pfoparatory school to bo eetablishod aft Trinity, to sake the piaoo of tko proas a iootitatioo wbeo that fa resnoved to Dorkaaa " ; " T ?, Yew Tor Truck Xarnat. - 0. S. Palmer, ef New York, eda as Z V lwllowiBar market review : , : Kxw . YOAav Jen 14 JUoa-isu of ' - am eetebfao from iba Sosuk foe too Jr-weaK jcjePQ-, today; aaa oiadawsd - krri md 111 mm to 4b b-wv ro eaiptooftkie week. Bwtiooi. Potatoes oOvanae.r early to iki wook,oo-4a . oaask-4 yib W wo ay ; tfencaV.Ld " f riook sVW op to M: ,W grsdM of prfcrfe ti to . tiHr' eswi i I 1 1 . to S 1 T. 8vriag -baai swvropkry. "N "O wax.'kelf r - . lrrv. M to 7 cur ar avn CStoBdct; ei-$w,feyjlisi , $1 to ' oUaer aadaw fto "So T5' eta Toovn' ; : ,. n W: , ie - ts w tS tS; laarj, MHi,awuia u w va a eesratTOotw-lf tf 'V-l Bv I ewnred ivevaar oWoddl ,ul Vhtrra "sm, oatftaoy aro sVtioVWt ' k rai Bvre w4trrml a raaieof A3 1 eo 40 oar lOO.-' CbYtrUe ' refte? ytarkUaaitvot- ooWovom 5 to H Ksfeoot-rfatvlta C.1 toe-weota ;es?TOr,jaft ;:li..Tr-axtwao . a moral BsomIioQi at tko Mariao Hta ' pUal Borwaa. iafosaaed thaSaeaooad urT ef yUow fevor aae develops 4 oo . too BritfaB roseal Avosi, mw detaiead e tko Ckoofaa - oarootiaa etatton. ' - Bo kae also rcoeived a report from a - apeoial agent seat to. Ifsrido. Yocatas, to iavswtirate itesaaitary eosMfttioo, xkat t waive oooao of yoUew forer have ooeorrod taaro. end there are fears of U pidemio. ' . .dl V .- " y k - " - r . ..... . ....... " .. OF It had rained during the day snj tkoogh tkraatoning jjit before uiuhl, a Urf a aadianca early assembled at the theatre to hear the cloeiog exercises of Vaaoe lfale and Female Academy. Precisely at 8:30 o'clock the curtain xoee, and right here we wish to express oor oooaueadation of what ii so often a ta regarded on public occaaioca proamptitada. . A sUtook and beaoiiful accompani oiaot froan tha piano presided over by Mfaa Mood kloore kept time for the oloaa aa they marahed in and formed for the opeAing piece that grand and aTr iorpiriai soag, "Ho for Car aMoa." " Io tko debtirj( society there were twelve yoong men who though not as statesmen or brilliant orators, but as school boys, some of whom cover be- j fore appeared in public, acquitted j themselves creditably . The subject i ooder disc anion was, who U the great er, the Warrior, the Statesman or the Poet. J. W. Timberlake was president, H. B. Moore and Frank TUdale deolsim era. end B. H: Helton, C. H. Bryan, S. A. Oaksmith, Z E Harris, J. P. C. DayU, O. W. Gaikill. J. F. Scheelky, W. A. Saddler, and J. W. Moore, jr., speakers. After foil discussion of IkO question it was decided that the poet, those who have immortalized themes! res in Terse, stood pre-eminent. There ia no injustice in saying tbat II sears. Helton, Oaskill. and Harry arjd Jim ml Moore were exceptionally olerer in their roll. Following came recitations by two very little ktiseoa and a little boy. Mies Eveline Bowdenspeke "Papa's Letter. " U,.j . . , ooold scarcely be improved upon. Her mimio of baby talk was nearly per- feet. Some one else expressed it as very, very cote. "Pop" was a comic recitation by W. A.Salter. His style waa suited to the piece and, it produced a groat deal of laughter. Miss Bessie Bodges gave some good advice in "Better than Gold." Her manner was unassuming and earnest. "Is it Bight" was a song prettily reodered by little folks only. Two other recitations by Edward Bowdea "The Soldier Boy" and Miss Nettie Fowler "The Captain a Daugh ter," were well received. A song by class "Who Can IVIl," Was a beautiful piece of music, but lost One ef ita charms by the bass and tenor stead leg too far back on the itne for their parts to be sufficiently distil (visaed. 'Look Before You Leap" waa ppken by Vaster Herbert Lupton; "Jck Flout," by Miss Lola Dickeraoc: "The Little Dreamer." Master Harry Scales; "The Little Angel," Miss r.ianche Scheelky; "Poor Little Joe," Maur H. B. Rhodes. These were all recita tions and attentively listened to by the audienoe. Hies Daisy 8wert gave an in- etruaaectal solo on the piano. Her skUXfBl execution and ease of touch waro vary noticeable. The dialogue "Gretchen," was good for two so small persons as Misses Lala Dick arson and Bessie Hodges. Tko laughable piece of the evening van recited by Mr. C. B. Waters "My Last Coat.'' Tko hearty applause de manded a return which was acknowl edged with o lOw bow and ftcatious flirt of what was once a coat. In a few wall chosen remarks Maeler Fred Whitty told about "A Hun-lrcd Years to Come. " Tha evening was closed witli iLe beautiful song "Gathering Home" by full class. W. O A . C. Railroad Ten Bailee of the Wilmington. OdbIow Old East Choline Railroad hare been completed. anT, aocovding to contract, Wilmington baa delivered to the com pany her first instalment in bonds, amooating to $35,000. The Star further aays: It waa learaed at the office of the company that Mr. Thoa. A. Mclntyre, I fiaaacial agent of the road and tOager of tko oonssruction company building it. baa been informed by tele gram of the delivery of the bonds, and tkot Mr. W. B, Good win, the contractor for laying tko iron, has been instructed to move kfa force to Scott's Hill this moraine, from which point the work ill be pushed vigorously." We are glad to know that the work fa being rapidly pushed forward, and Haw Berno stands rea. y with extended hands to aid in every possible way of getting it here at the earliest moment. The vast territory of fine farming country and timber lands lying east and west of New Berne have too long beeo idle for the want of proper trans portation Another large industry in tko rich county of Onslow that has re mained dwarfed, from no other reason tkaa tko lack of sufficient shipping facilities, is the fish and oyster interest. We waat the railroad here and we waat it just aa soon as it can be gotten. When New Berne is tapped by this cross railroad our annual Fair, which fa wooed to none' ia tha State, will have received another source of retch ing the people in large numbers, be sid-e furnihing them with means of transporting their product of exhibit and let the outside world see ahathis been hidden in one of the finest seci m of North Carolina The Grim Ghouls at the Univo -Bity. "Hellenes." a correspondent of the Raleigh Chr nicle, writes from Chapel Hill a letter under the above heading. The following extracts will be interest ing to our readers because a New Bern boy is prominently mentioned: "There hai been a growing desire among loyal Greeks here to cultivate a spirit of broadness and liberality, to recognize merit, and to rep reseat our Alma Mater in a manner becoming to her reputation and history. These sentiments led to the founding ol the local order of Grim Ghouls. Repre sentative men from the several fraterni ties, prominent in college work , con genial and of social tastes are selected nnd invited to become members. To join the Grim Ghouls is thus eeteemed e high distinction aod a bee ming honor. " Thursday night, Jun 4 h. was the tints chc-en for establishing the Order. "An rip riet-cd surveyor fpread an el--aat banquet m masonic hall, which bad b n appropriately decorated. AT, r i iuir ihf names of the ladies and rMU turn vre-nt. the writer con linu "1 folI iik toat- were auncucced .y ih T..1..1 Uaaii r. M5 Rattle, and t-4-. .ut rt.i.jeded to by the geotla umu i fij-.i : 1 N rih '-rotioa by Mr 8brpard Hr" t Tb- Kralrtuiiiee. by Ur. R LI. S Th. G iuJ GbouU by Mr. St Clair nr r -4 Th UoiveraUT. by Mr J. D Bel lam T 5 r,r L.iir. by Mr R. W. Bing h. - It waa a (-harming occa-ion and will b ptra-anciv i-mecub-red as beginning aa ufaaan iii.io tbat must grow and be popatasr loval Greeks lore lassies, b inqaeta an.l Onaiicl Qill " Every tissue of the body, every bone. mueole and organ, is made stronger and more heal thful by the use of Hood's Saroaparilia. 4 C0XXZ3CXXENT EXERCISES YASCE ACADEMY. Me.day Xlght, Jane 10th. Mr. Manly at Hookerton. From her earliest days New Berne has bad the honor of poaeneiug men of ability, UarniDg and scholarship, and uo (na have been their attainments in oratory. One of the strongest evidences of the fact id their numerous calls to deliver addresses on all the various ubjects Frcm the Clipper, published at Uooktrton, we find the following reference to the address delivered be fore the Scarborough school by our townsman, Clement Manly, Esq : ' Some of you missed it, and you missed the moet able address of the kind ever delivered in Greene county . The feature of the occasion at the close of Mi"8 Scarborough's school was the address ef Clement Manly, Etq , of New Berne. Mr. Manly was introduced in a happy little speech referring to the boyhood days of the speaker, by Dr. Jordan. For an honr Mr. Manly enter tained his hearerB most delightfully. It is mpossiblo for this editor to give even a. synopsis of his address. His peroration, which illustrated the worth of educational work, and the honorable men who had followed it, because of nt wnnbinees, regardless of greater! prices from other sources, in which he referred to Gen. Lee, was one of the most buabtiful and touching things it has ever been our pleasure to listen to. Uii description of the unveiling of that great warrior and educator was exoeed lcgly touching and brought tears to the eyes of many of the admirers of that great and good man. At the close of the addreso Mr. Juo. Q Jackson, of Kinston, presented the speaker with a beautiful bouquet of tlowers. Mr. Jack eon 'a comment upon the speaker and his eloquent address was able and much admired by all. "After the picnia dinner the closing exercises wore continued, and at night came the concert, in all of which the children did moet admirably in spite ef the disadvantages Miss Scarborough has been laboring tinripr for the last month j on account of the health of the school, They reflected great credit upon Miss j Scarborough and Miss Edwards. We have no hesitation in commending this BChool tQ the people beIieTinK tht they Wiii be Bati9fied always with the : progress of tbeir children under these young ladies. Miai Scarborough win have charge of the school again next session. " Sermon by Dr. Hume, D.D., LL.D. The Commencement sermon of the Vance Academy, preached by Rev. Dr Thomas LIurae, of Chapel Hill, in the Baptist Church Tuesday, was one of the most profound and scholarly it has ever been our privilege to listen to. The distinguished speaker selected for his text the 32d verse of the 17th chapter of Luke: "Keaaember Lot's wife," as il lustrating the suceeding verse: "Who soever batl seek to save his life shall logo if. and whosoever shall lose his Hfo eh, .11 preserve it. '' His theme was "Unsanctifled Culture. " The great central truth of the master ly discussion was: the true life is with' in, and that which ministers to it is of supreme importance. Hs showed how God punishes those who neglect this real life, and vindicated by cogent ar gument and happy illustration, the purpoees of God in judgments. Some very appropriate personal les sons were evolved from the character and fate of Lot's wife, and an earnest appeal made for genuine piety, baaed upon repentance toward God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. The effect of such a sermon, so thoughtful, earnest and eloquent, could scarcely fail to be for great good. Its language was chaste and beautiful, but its chief excellence, we think, waa the saying of things needed to be aaid with all the fervor of personal convic tion and all the authority of the truth. Those who were present were moat fortunate, and those who were absent missed such an opportunity as is calcu lated to broaden thought, deepen char acter and brighten life. The people of New Berne have, in the commencement sermoos of this season, been peculiarly fortunate, and It is only to be regretted that their attendance has not evinced the appreciation such services deserve. The Baptist choir gave moat excellent music as, indeed, is the rule with this choir. Seveic Storm Mr. Edward Wadsworth was in town Tuesday and reports a terrible storm at his home Monday afternoon. The wind was very severe, blowing down a chimney to his he use and several large trees in his lawn. Lightning struck the houso of Mr. Albert Wadsworth, rip ping off t-orue of the plaDkf and slightly thckiPii Mre. Wadsworth. The rain was aleo very heavy, but it is hoped thatnofcidt damage was done to the crop-!, as tno coru ana cotton are not high enough tp be seriously affected by the wind. A Miniature Johnstown Disaster. Rocford, June 14. At least half a million dollars worth of property was destroy id in this city and vicinity last night. Never since 1857, when the witteis roee and overwhelmed nearly all the city of Rockford, has such a dis astrous flod visited this seotion as tbat of last evening. For three hours rain fell in torrents and vivid lightning played, and following each flash oame poms of ihunder. The etjrm com menced at 8 o'clock, and in a eurprii mgly short time every street wss a tur bulent rivert Creeks swelled, and in a moment devastating Hoods were sweep ing tlirrtagh Kent and Kerth creek val leys. Ech creek drains an immense area of country, and from every side came contributions to the waters, until the creeks hd biconoe d etructive ttr reuts The bankn of the cieks were poivulm to conlino the mad waters, and they spread over the lo wlands, fill ing collar and creeping up into the Li ret etone of residences, driving occu paot of hu-cs from thtir beds. While tee lire di v artmeiU and police were working in Woodruff's addition it was prctive.i tint people livicg around Kent cicik were in ilities. A boat was lo.ri.d with n p itrol wagon and wt food at li e water's t-dge. On Cedar street tho scene was awful. Men, women and children were out in the ruin, many weeping and wringing their hands, and all excited. It was a miniature Johnstown flood, and some what similar in many respects. Before the people were fully aware of it the water camo rushing down the creek and crept into their homes, driving families out into the darkness and rain. The Mayor's party did some valiant work in taking people from their homes. All tho lower parts of the city were Hooded, and hundreds of people were rendered hornelesi. The speotacle this morning prented a scene of desolation arid ruin. The wreck of the Milwaukee road uresents the worst appearance. For nearly half a mile the track has been lifted bodily aod carried from thirty to fifty leti to the east. Ra-ils under cars are twisted and bent into a circle. All the railway companies suffer heavily, and every bridgs over Kent and Kerth crreeks was swept away. Nmional Electiou Law. Wasiii.vi.tox, June 10. The National Election bill. is frarucd by the House Republican Caucus Committee, and in troduced by Representative Lodge, of Massachusetts, has jast been printed. It makes seventv x printed pages, and is asserted to In? a complete Federal election code, whiuhhas received the informal s-iri'.tiun of a Dumber of Re publican Senator. The title reads: "A ! bill to amend and supplement the elec- j lion laws of the United States, and to provide for a mora efficient enforce- ' mi nt of sii. h Iiwb and for other pur- ; port's ADVICE TO TOOTHERS. Mus Wp flow's Soothing Sirup should alwas be usod for children vcoku.uK.. owmrB hue uuini, dviwub the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, anl is the beet remedy for Diar rhoea. Twenty-five osnts a bottle, jaly COUNTY CONVENTION. Call for the Craven County I'riniuries aod Convention At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Craven county, held ia the city of New Berne on the 14th day of June, 1S90. it wag ordered that a convention of the Democratic party of Craven county be held in the city of New Berne at 12 m . on Satur day. July 13, 1890, for the purpose of nominating county oftioers and electing delegates to the State Judicial and Con gressional Conventions, pursuant to the plan of organization of the Democratic party . And Saturday, July 5. 1890, being fixed by said committee as the day for the meeting of the several townbhip conventions, all Democrats of this county are hereby requested to meet in convention in their respective town ships at the usual place of meeting, unleee otherwise directed by the Demo cratic towDsbip committees, on Satur day, July 5, 1890, for the purpose of selecting delegates from the democratic voters of their respective townships to represent them ia said county conven tion. By order of the committee. 8. E. Street, Chairman. J. Qivns, Sec. Closing Exercises of v akc Forest Commencement. Wake Forest, June 12 The com mencement exercises, which have betn so brilliantly successful, ended today. There was a great audience and the scenes in the cool and spacious campus and in Wingate memorial hall were lively. All the trains were filled with visitors and a large section of the State were well represented. Many dis tinguished preachers, among them Hev. Dr. Pritchard, were present. This was graduating day, and there are twenty-seven graduates. Exquisite musio was furnished by Voelker's Richmond orchestra, and afterwards there was the usual social assemblage in the halls of the Euzelian and Philomathesian societies which al ways ends so charmingly the com mencements. The commencement of '90 has really been quite a remarkable one. Professor Geo. Manly hayiog re signed the chair of Latin, the trustees have elected Rev. George W. Greene to fill the position. The trustees today conferred the degree of A. B. on Miss Eva Bella Simmons, who graduated with high honors two years ago and is the only female graduate. There was a banquet this evening in the gymna sium, at which nearly 200 persons were present. State Auditor Sanderlin pre sided and many speeches were made in response to toasts. Many Lives Lost A Fearful Railroad Wreck. Locisvillk, Ky., June 13 A special dispatch giving an account of a cloud burst aays: Bull creek jumped over its banks yesterday and swept away seve ral buildings aod their occupanU. A stone culvert on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad over Upper Bull creek was washed out into the river about li o'clock last night, while the storm was at its height, and the west bound freight train ran into the washout causing a fearful wreck. The engine and nine oars were piled one upon top of another, and are al moet out of sight in the creek bottom. Engineer C. Roodeaf. fireman If. Hanaker and Brakeman C. Gaston are buried beneath the wreck, and their bodies have not yet been recovered. Conductor W. R. Watts and brakeman W. Love jumped from the hind car and escaped unhurt. The train was made up of thirty-two oars. Nine carloads of shoes and boots for Louisville went down with the wreck. A fast wrecking train on the way to the scene thia morning ran over Frank Scott, a colored employee, and killed him. About n dozen persons living on the banks of Ball oreek are reported drowned. Six bodies have been found. Novel Statement from One of the Census Supervisors. Washington, June 12. A rather sin gular proposition waa made to Super intendent Porter today by Census Su pervise." Ashley, of the 5th Pennsylva nia district. He states tbat the Huns, Poles, and many of the Italians com posing the foreign element in Lacka wanna, Luzerne and Canton counties refuse to give any information to the census enumerators. These people are employed by companies and contrac tors, he says, and are known by num bers, each man wearing his number on bis person and responding to it. As they refuse to aoswer the census questions, the supervisor suggests that the enumerators be instructed to take account of suob employees by their number. Superintendent Porter did not like the ides, and informed the su pervisor that the Census Office would not help to perpetuatela state of things where large numbers of laborers are treated more like beasts of burden than men. and are known only by numbers. He then gave positive instructions that a sufficient number of enumerators and interpreters be employed to procure the information called for hv ill census schedule. Second Judicial District. The Democratic Convention of the Second Judicial District of North Caro lina will assemble in Weldon at the town hall, Julv 23 J, 3 p. m . Dsmocratio Executive Committee, W. C. Bowes, Chm'n. June 12.h, 1S90. Office of Old Dominion Steamship Co. Nkwbeenk, N. C, June 16, 1890. The steamer Newberne will sail from Norfolk for Newberne, via Washing ton, N. C: v Monday June 16ih. Friday " 20th. Wednesday " 25th. Monday " 20th. Returning, will sail from Newberne for Norfolk direct, at 12, m. Wednesday June lSib. Monday " 23d. Friday " 27th. The above is the Old Dominion June Calendar. Please clip and piste in you'r hem-. js;7 E B. Roberts Aent To the Alliance of Craven Counyf. Having qualified as business agent of the Alliance, I hereby give this notice, tbat I will be in New Berne on the 1st and 3d Fridays in each month. Office at Hill Humphrey's store (sign "Big Ike.') Having received several communica tions to visit some of the sub-Alliances of this county, I will visit them at any time, provided they give two week's notice of same. Big Ike has fixed up a very commo dious office in the rear of his store, which the Alliances generally are in vited to useat any time free of all cost. Farmers coming to town can have the use of this office to transact their private business. H. H. Perby, ap22dltw3m County Business Agt. Wkarevtr malaria Exists, The bilious are its certain prey. In in termittent and remittent fever, dumb ague and ague cake, the liver is always seriously affected, and the blood con taminated with bile. One of the chief reasons why Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters is such a sure defense against chills and fever and every form of malarial disease, is, that it does away with lia bility to tbe disease, by reforming ir regularity of the biliary organ in ad vance of the arrival of the season when the disease is prevalent. There is no finer fortifying preparative for those about visiting or emigrating to a local icy where the miasma-taint exists. There is no certain immunity from dis ease in an endemio or epidemic form, to be secured by the use of tbe average tonics and anti spasmodics. But where quinine fails the Bitters succeeds both in preventing and curing. Moreover, it removes every vestige of dyspepsia, and overcomes constipation, rheuma tism, inactivity of the kidneys and bladder, and tranquilizss and strength ens the nervous system. ENTITLKD TO THE BEST. All are entitled to the best that tbeir money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best fam ily remedy. Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For aale in 50c. and 81.00 bottles by all lead-gists. MARRIED. By Rev. It A. Willis, Tuesday, June 17th, Wm Lirch to Miss Sophie Brinn. On Jane 17 P 90 at the New ttreet '. E. Church. Xi-w Heme. N.C . Mr. W K. Suion of thia city, and Miss Kate Crock ut, of Uampden, Virginia, Rev. R A Willie performing the cere mony. The certmony was performed just before the arrivul of the train and the bri le and gioom left on a tour through Virginia. nod Maryland. A larje number of friends were present h. the marriage, who, with the Journal wijh the newly wedded pair rich blc8inga through life At this retidence of Mr. Frank Patter son, in this city, June 11. 1890, Mr. Cbas K. Hell and Miss Bessie D. Flaneur, Rev. T M. N. Guorge performing the ceremony . The marriage took place at 8 o'clock and the couple left on the morning train for Old Point Comfort Virginia, arid will go from there to the mountains of that State to spend the honeymoon. The Journal otTers congratulations,! and joins many other friends in best wishes for them . DIED Ia Kineton, Friday at 10:53, a. m., Leah Garrett Mewborne, infant daugh ter of J. F. Mewbore. Leah was a bright and interesting little child of eleven months of age. who had the misfortune to lose its dear mother only a few months ago. She hns gone to another home. It was the will of Him who doeth all things well. This lovely bud, so younu and fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet a flower Ia Paradise could bloom. OOMMEKC1A.L. DOMESTIC niBKIT. New Berne, N.C, June 11 The fol lowing are today's quotations in this market : WH0LK8XLX PRIOXa. Eggs 10 cents per dozen. Corn 45n50 cents per bushel. Mbal 65c. bolted. Potatoes Bahamas 40a45o. ; yams 5oaGOc. per bushel. Bsxr On foot, 4c. to 5c. Hams Country, llal2c. Lard Country, lOallc. Ohiokeks Grown 40a50c. per pair.; half grown, 20a35c. Pbantjts Sl.00al.25 oer bushel. Oats New crop, 30a37c, including sacks. Fodder New, 60a70c. Hay Crab grass. 35a45. Mass Pobk S12 50. MHOCLDKB MEAT 8al0c. C. R. 'a, F. B's. B.'s and L. O.-0t7c. Fxoub 83.00a6.53. LaKD 6ic. by the tierce. N AILB Basis'l0's,$2 50. 8DOAR Granulated. 7c Cofkek 1 8h20c Chxebe 12iat5. Salt 75afc0c. r.d,. afOLASSEB AND SYKDrB S0a6iV KxBoaxNi 8c. Powdxb ?5.00. Shot Drop, 81.25: buck, 81 50. Hides Dry . 3a5o. ; groon 2o TtLLOW-40. DAT lb. Deer Hides Dry, 15a25c. Wool 12al8c. BaaswAl I8&20c. per lb. Spirits Turpentine Market firm at 4tc. per gallon. Tar 81.30 per pork bbl.; $1.00 per pine bbl. Crude Turpentine Market firm at 83.20 for virgin and yellow dip and S1.1U tor hard. Timber Cypress, 18 in. and over, in demand at 85.00 per M. Bhinoleb West India, dull and ncm inal; 6 inch 82 00a2.25. Budding 6 toon nearts. nn.uo: saps. 11. t0 per M. Staves R O. hhd. dressed, $18al5 oer M. POWDER Absolutely Puro. TMs powder never vartr. A loarvelol p .i lty , BirenUi and wholesoij.ei.ei.. More economical UiRn ih oidliai kinds and cannot he sold In competition wlTL Lliemnl Uicde of low lest, short weight, a, am or plioaphnie xiwdets. Mid only In cans Roy i. Bakimj I'owdkk Co., lira Wall kt. N V. Iuut23 dsu wed frl A w Teachers' Assembly M0REHEAD CITY ! JUNE 20 and 22. The following Special Trains will be run for the accommodation of the citi zens of New Berne, and Stations east thereof, on Friday. June 20th, 1890, and Sunday. June 22d. 1890. Kate Field, the ''brainiest woman in America, and the moet fascinating pub lic speaker," will lecture at the feach- ers Assembly. Morebead City, N. F.iday. June 20th. A delightful sub je:t; "An eveDiugwith Chas. Dickens." Also, Captain frank Cunningham, of Richmond, Vri . "the charmi g South ern "binger, will render a number of hie choicest vocal solos On Sunday 22J there will be services at the Meihodiet and Baptist Churches at MoreheMil City, and also st the As sembly Hall, and in the spacious ball room of the Atlantic Hotel. Fare for round trip when tickets are purchased: From Now Bern, . - SI 00 Leave New Berne, 8:40 a.m. Re turning, leave Morehead, 9:30 p.m. Arrive New Berne, 11:00 p.m. 8. L. DILL, G. P A. Large Lot of Cheap ! 1171 JC. m WHOLESALE GBOOEK, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C Telephone Notice. To the People at and in the Vicinity of Stella, Mayeaville and Pulloksville: I am pleased to inform you that our Telephone Line is in good working order, and that we have reduced the rite to 25 cents that all may take ad vantage of it and save many a trip to New Bfrne. Our terminus at New Berne is at the Western Union Tel. Co.'s office, thereby giying us close connec tions with all parts of the world. WHITE OAK RIVER CORP.. j;123c Stella, Carteret Co., N. C. CASH PAID ton Beeswax. If you have some to sell sUId It to us and we ' will allow i ou 25 Cents per Pound for It In Boslon and NO CHARGE FOR COMMISSION or carttDK. Keferei.ce all through the feoutli If required. W. H. BOWDLEAR & CO., Boston, Miss. USS Office and Warctaouaa marU n3m 30 Central Wharf, Peculiar Many peculiar points make Ilood's Sar saparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation o ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full riir.-itivn vnlim of tho S best known re modi t of the vegetable king Peculiar in its V lom. stren mgth and economy ' Hood's Sar- saparuia is only medl- clne of r which can truly be saiuV "One Hundred Doses One.Ok .Dnllar.'' Medicines In 45 O larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, anddonot iroducc as good results as Hood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits. Hood's Sarsananlla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and lias won for i home Do not be induced to buy other preparation?, but bo sure to y. the rvvuiiar Medicine, Hood's larsaparilla Sold br all drugRiata. ; sii for? f,. Prepared only by C. I. MOOD J. Co.. Apotheeiirn 5, Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar To Make Room. In order to mabo loom fur urjother tremendous largo block cf Good h , which I shall buy in a lew days at 00 j. on the dollar or less, I will blII ut Starvation Prices: One No. 7 Safe, Herrings paten? and Ferrel'a make, coki one hundred and tweoty five dollarB at f ctory; odd No 6 Miller Safe; two handsome office desks and chairs; five very line nickel- plated show cases, and letter copying press; fifteen folding bracket store seats, plush tops, which attach to coun ter and are very convenient for ladies to sit on while tradiDg: one hundred 12 pr. shoe cartoons with holders attached ; five very fine swinging fifteen candle power lamps; one dcz clothing stands ; three very large spool cotton cases. These necessary articles have accumu lated on Big Ike from the fact that he has been buying so maoy stocks out at 50c. on the dollar and Icbs, and they MUST bssold for CASH and room. BIG IKE. SALE AND EXCHANGE I have received another load of As Fine and Well Broken Horses as ever brought to Ne v Berne. They were selected with care and from reliable dealers only. I have good roadsters, good draft horsep, and those suited for family purpoa s and the saddle. Alo, in connection with my Livery, I ba e a FIRST-CLASS Carriage and Buggy Repository, where will be found a full equipment of riding vehicles. Painting, repairing, etc-, done in the very best workman ship. A trained and experienced Shoer constantly on duty. Will take pleasure in thowint; you through any depart ment of my business J. W. STEWART, junelO dwtf It has permanently cured thousands of cases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symp toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, &c, don't dclnv, but use PISO'S CURE for CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. Buckeye MowiDg Machines. Hay liaU.cs, Cira n Cradles, Be hi City IVe;i CuUns, BUCKKV i: COK SHKM.ERS Lawn IIoe.. ( t; t v. if -r , Cott hi Pjw.v Attil a Full I, iim t llifilwAic A fr!culnii :t'. mp'ciiiiits AT and J. c, WHITTY & CO. PAIKTS, OILS, &C.--S1W MILL JDPPLIES Duffy's Gough Mixture. A prompt and efficient re-iiio--: y for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bron chitis, Sore-throata, Diph theria, Catarrh, Etc. I have tried DUl't'i'd COUGH MIX rUKE and take pleasure in recommending it be cause I relieve it will do all that is claimed for It by Mr. Duffy, the proprietor, who Is druggist oflong experience and a gentleman of highest integrity. I do not believe he would ad vertise any tiling tbat was Dot ex ceptionally good. This Kemedy li s certain ly answered the purpose in my cate. It cured a cold, au obstinnte cold I bad, afte I had tried a number of llu1 p-iiic ipal cough reruedb s without Ixriieitt. w. r, HKi n sOn. May Kill, : . R. N- DUFFY, aplodwly Proprietor, DD YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY'.1 $100 to $300 a Month. J f so. vrrl to f r 1 erios on Iv 1 ij o f -l o ry or Li fe of cbrlst. and tafie an agency at on cs t'lie man. Mr. W, C. llnrris. nas sold by hla personal canvass 7.500 copies. He hatt sokl m the past fii'ieeu days, 497 copies ia Coluinhu, Ua. , xperiencp is uot necessary. You can mafce it pay. Wiiteat once and smd 90c. for full outfit, ir elud ing a full c py ol t lie ImoK n lust L'Hnc!iiig. We are the largest subscription book house io the South. Add reus SIII'TIIWESTERN PlllLISHIXG HOUSE. 1W and I'n Sprm-e St. MeiHioa this pftper. Xat.hv!lle, Tenn. mayVii w'2m R. 0. Craven St. LODGE. , New Eerne N. Hayi Hay! Hay! mar21 dlt wlm itself tho title of ' Tho greatest bloo,lXV$t purifier ever discovered.'' fVi Peouliarin i!s"goodname .Cr'X1 home," there, is now S Xrmr of Ilood's Sarsaparilla sold In Lowell, whore H'it is made, than of a 11 Vrtli. r Mood purifiers. leculiar in its phenome- ayial record of sales abroadj sr no other preparation aJ J ever attained such popu larity in so short a time, ami retained its popularity k?9 and confidence amon all classes of people so steadfastly. fry rX 11 mJl.0 OUR LINE OF Sterling Silverware Is the Largest and Most Artistic ever shown in this City. We olfer special drives Tomorrow. BELL THE JEWELER. Williams' Ink And Writing Fluid. BEST IN THE WORLD. The Black 1b the best, color on the market. The Blue Black F. old has no superior. Write for pricts. Manufactured by J. V. WILLI AMS. maj 4 dw.hn New Heme, N.;c. R. J GOODING, i -uccessor to K. II. Meadows A Co ) WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGIST S. K. Cor Pollock and Middle Streets, m:w BEitxr, n v. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Chemicals. MANCKAfTURF.il OF Gooding's Optimus Ointment, Meadows' Liver Pills and Meadows' Worm Killer. Prescription Carefully Compounded. Oilers superior Inducements to the Whole sala and Jobbing Trade of the section of Eastern Carolina tributary to the trade of iN ew Berne, and guarantees to sell goods at prices In oompetlon with the trade In Nor thern oUles. Strict attention to orders by mall. R. J. GOODING, mayl wtf XEW BERNK, N. C. General Merchandise I Everything a Man wants for a Little Money. COME ANE SEE! Sail Making and Repairing Done on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. TAYLOR. GRAND OPENING ! Bell's Jewelry Store, UNDER "HOTEL ALBERT." Eyery reader of the Journal ought to keep time and join the procession to the above named splendidly appointed jewelry tore. where you will And a new stock of Watches, Clocks and Fine Jewelry, at prices that defy compe tition. Having moved to tha above elegantly furnished store, will be pleased to serve all my old patrons and the public gen erally. Repairing a specialty. Our workshops being more spacious and fitted with the latest improved machin ery, we are now able to do all classes of work with neatness and dispatch. "Bell The Jewolor." JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Harble Works, New "Berne, !N O. Italian and American Marble and all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt sttention, with ffitif action guaran teed. O E. Miller ia my asf nt at Kinston, md Alex. Fields regular traveling agent. ROBERTAS 3R0. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. We Btll FLOUR direct from the Mills in Michigan. We have in stock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the Wes Indie. Give U3 a call and see our prices. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front street, NEW BERNE. We job Gail & Ax's and l-oril-ard ' Snuff. Attention, Ladies. Having just received a Sample Lot of the FINEST PARASOLS, at a GREAT REDUCTION, them at will sell New York Cost, POSITIVELY. CALL EARLY. JE M. ff. SULTAK, Agt. ma3 dtf STRAW HITS. A Fine Line of them at Barrington & Baxter's. Alao, i Iars;e lot at New Yoi k cost. of SAMPLE HATS See Our Stock of Neckwear. Full liaf of CLOTHING, SHOKS and DRY GOODS at Barrington & Baxter's. aprl J wtf TO LAD AGENTS & OWNERS County Surveyors, and Others. I'eiaons having mineral or timber lands to sell ar reasonable prices (lor tunnseles or others) would do well to send their names, addresses and full particulars of properties to Allianca Mineral and Timber Lands Agency. MIUBLKSBOKODGH, my27 dwlm Kenluck)'. GREEN, FOY & CO.. Do a General Banking business. New Banking House, Middle Street, fourth door below Hote Albert, feldwly NDW BERNK. N' C. PROFESSIONAL. DB. G- K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Office, Middle utrert, oppofiite Baptist church, dec3 dwtf NEWBERN. N. -Q P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, AM) WON I V tj; Ornvun St., two doors oli I'ir. Suutli of Journal office. A Bpeclalty made lu jiego: i,. i i ,: t.c. loans for nhort tim. Wm praftlce In tbe (Jouuile 01 i'ivh., teret, Jonea, Onslow and Pamlico United Stales Court at Ntv. Supreme Court of tbe Htute feljl dtf CLEM KM T MANLY. O. II. (JL'Iotf Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'e bank. Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. aplG dwtf F, M. SIMMONS. H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl3dwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, MEW BERNE, N. C. Office on Craven street, between I'ollock aod Broad. dw Just Received AT J. II HOWARD'S, New Lot Tennis Shirts, . Windsor Ties, Plaited Bosom .Shirts, laundried and unlaundried. Se our Lord C'humley Collars. New lot Samples in a few days. J. M. FIOWATtD. The Convertible Policy The Convertible Policy iaBued by THE MUTUAL BENEFIT Li!fe I nam auce Company includes all the liberal features of the Company, with tbe addition of a guar anteed Cash Surrender value, which will be paid at any time after two years premiums have been paid, if demanded. Every Policy has endorsed upon it a table showing in plain figures the op tions granted by the company. 1st option. Cash surrender value. 2d option. Amount that may be bor rowed from the company on tL pol ioy. 3d option. Extended insurance for full amount of the policy. 4th option. Paid up policy value. This is tbe most liberal policy yet of fered and is the safest insurance to be bad. Every dollar paid gets a dollar's worth of Insurance. No loss by lapses. D. T. CARKAWAl, Agent. Healthy persons between fourteen and seventy insured. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. H. CITLER, Vice Pre C. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 18C5. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 8G.700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bryan, Thomas Danikls. L. H. Cutler, Chas H. Bryan, O. H. Roberts. K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT G-roceries. Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Sold at manufacturer's pricca Dry Goods & Notions. Fulf stock and large aei-orunnm. Prices aa low as the lowest Call and examine my Htock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sash, Doorsand Blinds Paint?, OiIp, Lead and Varnish, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, And all kinds of Building Materials At Lowest Prlc h. L. H. "CUTLEB, NEW BERNF. N. C. ffABO. 28 UNION SQUARE.MY. sfb,t ST. LOUIS. MO. IJil-gajJlJlA-J OALLASTCX ARENT WANTED J. H. ORABTREI. BASIL MANLY john E. ckabthei; a. cc ENGINEERS, Founders aod Machinists Manufaotarurs and Desler In mim ID ACHl ISTS UPPLILS Builders of KsIbm. Hoilera. Mew Htlls. Bdfrtnit A Ovt-ofT ISaeblaes We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds with promptness, Particular and immediate attention given to re pal. s of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for any description of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for Q. fe A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work done bv us. )y22 d2aw wly WOODWOrVVgXlf AffAetlMEH-) ITdAHEBB. JtrARMERS' LI17E. Steamer Cleopatra ht-as es New Berne every Wednesday and Haturday for 'J'renton at A. 30 o'clock. Returning, will leave Trenton Mondays m id J'tiuia !bj r. at 6 30 o'clock. ' a. K. AKDRtWi, Oen. Kanager, Newbera. N. a. up d u I y, NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE The eteainer TAHOMA. Tbe following schedule la now ia iperation: pj Leave New Borne every .Toesa mnA Friday morning nt 7 o'clock. HetornitiK Wudnreday and Sstufiaj All landings n Neuse and Bay riven taken in both wail. For further information apply to , ; JNO. S. MAN IX, Agent. New Berne. Dee. 5. 1889. EASTERN CAROLINA UiSPATCM The Fast Freight Line ' .anr Bust, Etatai n ikrmUm Point., and Borfolk, BUtseia Philadelphia. Maw Terk. nttm Eta. via Kllsabsth City. H. C ( niu mcncluK Monday, June 10th, THE STEAMER Eaglet and Annie or this una will raa sm regular aotiadnl time, leaving Mew Jtorae vary Hon DAT. wKimisn it ttnd t'ttllJAY attarnoona, at 'WIJB o'clock, for lbllzaretb Ulty and return arrlrlnc - om TUESDAY, THURSDAY and BJLTU&DAY. Tlieae aUamn. tn oonnetloir' wtu tin Atlantic 4N.O.K. It.. Norfolk HonttMOS SL &. New York, Fhila. and Norfolk B. & and the Pennsylvania K. P.., lorm a reliable aae) regular line olierlnK auperlor tssllltiletl fm quiok trani-iortatlon . No transfers vxctpt at KtlaabeUt Ulty.M which point r relght will he oaded on ears to to througli to destination. Direct all goods to be .hipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch daily at lollows . Krora New York, by Penn. tl. B., Hat "North River. from J'hllaUelpbla. bv Fhlla.. W. A. UsvlMa. K. It., Docs St. Station, Krom Baltimore by rhlla., WU. A BaltC, IL K,. President Ht. Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk BontbsraB.lL From Huston, by Merchants A Miners TnuaS noruition Co.; New York and Nw HHT'milf ' Kateaa Jow and time qnlokertnak bvasr other Hue W. H JOYt.'K (Geo, K;t. Traffic Astnt, P. H.R.i. u b ii .i l ratllo Manager. UKO. i-slll ,vl. n- Division t relabt aVemt. '. W. Ah.. ; .. Una. B B. OotJK H , General FrelKbt Agent. M T V. & N. U. ti.., Noifolk.Vs- ' H. C. ui.i DUI oeueral Krelahl Atul . It. It .Nurf-.ilk Yu. . HKI Hi:.VDKRfiON, Agent, Newbspn.JI.0. The It G. Freight Up MEECHAKTS and EEIPPEBS, TAEE NOTO . t $ On ami fw r ctobtr 15. 1868, this llMlfll rcsnme tlielr regular H KMT-WEEKLY TBLP8 BrrwiM Baltimore and New ;Bern LeavlDK a.. NKSl'A V, niore ror New Herns. W EX VATURD Y. at SIX P. M. leaving Ni w R-rne tor Baltimore, TiriCS DAV. SATURDAY, al r-lX P. M. ThlwlM I i,t. only 1)1 Hi.C"l Jlnt oat of ew Uerue (nr Baltimore without change, and sm tbeir return trip from Baltimore eoma alree toNew Berne, slopping only at Nollolk, en nectiug iln-ii for boston, Provtdei.ee, r-bllav lei pi. In, Klcliuiond, and all points Morikv Knn Binl WttAi AUklDg mose connection, torn I ptiiniK i,.. Kivcriirid Rrll out of New Reii. . Aumvt- ,ii follows: RKUiil-.N mi.-.'J kit, oen'l Manager. w Light st., Baltimore. JAb. W. slot AKRlcK, Agt.. Mortolk. Va W P Clyuu ,ti i , Philadelphia, tffcfontb wharves. New York . (;h1u, lians. line, Pier Nortb rlvtr. K. Sampson, Botum, W Centred wharf," S. H. P.ockwell, Providence, K. 1. "hlpH leHve Koston. 'lueedai sand rtatnrdays. ' " Htw York dally. " l.alto., WpUiipixI.) a A Saturdays " )'bHo!elphla, Monukya, Wednes da) 8, baturda a. Pi ovltif now. .hUii-Um). TU rough bll Ik lading rlvt-?i , hi,o iH'fi guar antueo to all point, ui l lnwitfi. . tit i.flets of Uit (idiiipttn 1. AVOID HhEAUlliH. Ill- Kl IU AN SHIP VIA '. ' Hn V. a Kent, ." fit e.N. f . P. BURROS & G0.v COMMISSION 'ME E CHANTS . AND DRaI.ICRS- IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick uuri Agricultural Lime. ii.i rl ,1 i. . - Atlantic A N. C. At. T1MK TAiiLi 19, rud b Kite i ii.OO A il. . Widn.edaj, Me) 28th. 1810 GOINQEaBT. BOHKDULS. OulNQ WkBT. No. 51. Passenger Train. No. bu. At. Lve. Stations. Ar. L, pm 8 30 ' Uoldsboro lltO im 4 06 4 09 La Orange 10 49 1 46 4 35 4 40 Kinstou 10 08 10 18 6 00 6 OS New Berae 8 U7 8 50 7 38 f in Morehead City a re 7 07 Daily. QOINO E.si No. 1. Mixed Ft. $ Pass. Train, am 0 K0 6 57 7 05 7 20 7 30 7 48 7 f,:i 8 11 8 HO 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 04 10 31 10 3G 1 1 00 U 05 11 17 11 41 12 15 3 00 SCHKDU1.K OoiMi Wm. No. S.t Mixed Ft. 6t MLaliono Pass. Tralu. itolosboro 7 HU pm Beet's 6 14 4 34 La Grange 5 54 6 04 Falling Cioel & 24 & SO Kinston 4 20 6 00 Caswell 4 00 4 05 Dover 3 8S 8 40 Core Crebk a 54 8 00 Tuscarora 8 24 8 80 Clark's 2 08 8 18 Newbern 0 28 1 80 3 37 8 42 Uiverdale 8 41 8 46 3 48 3 50 Croataa 8 88 8 88 4 08 4 1- Uavelook 8 00 8 10 4 37 4 42 Newport 7 17 7 84 4 51 4 55 Wildwoodr 7 00 7 06 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 6 47 6 58 5 16 5 21 Morehead City 0 17 0 87 5 23 5 28 Atlantic Hotel 0 05 0 15 .5 31 pm Morehead -Depot mm 0 00 Tuesday. Thursday an Salurd ay . tMonday, Wednesday and Krlday. Tr&ln 60 oonneota with Wilmington m Wei don Train b-nnd North, leaving tioldsbot ll:tU a. m., aud with lUohmondn Caavtlie Train West, leaving Ooldsbora i 0 p. ru. Train 61 connrctn witb Klebmona at Davit Tram, arriTlne al (Jolditbcio i.55 p4n..andw1ln Wilmington and We lion Train rrona tbe North at S:10 p.m Iraln - connects with Wllmlnet n and Weldon "brougrt KrelBht Train. Nortb bo iucl, u uvltiK i.oldBboro al B:50 8. L. Dill, abunrtiad(. l'ROrf NEW YORK CITY. Mb. A. K. Hawkks Dear Sir: Your patent l ye-tclasscn i-ecelved some time since, aud am very much gratltled at tbe wonderful chunks tht baa come over uxy eyeelgbt uincelbuve discarded my old glasses and lu uo w wearing yours. AtRXANIHH AGAR, Spcrotary Statloneis' Board of Trade. All ej oh fitted ut the drug store of F. S. DUFFY .NewberD.N.O. necl9 wly K . SAWYER, Fashionable Tailor, NEW BERNK, N. C, Keeps constantly on band a full line of samples of the very latest styles of Foreign and Domestic Goods. Satisfac tion guaranteed. ' Middle st. , two doors south of Hebn'a Livery Stables. ! 5 1 ) t i " i i r

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