t . - V "r. a. HASPKB, Frlur. INDEPENDENT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 10, 1890. NO. 15. 7: ,' t . til ; - iitk ilia ttfeOjod siidWhs wLca . . f of ri2 is taken; H is pleasant - r ,a freJiing to the tarte, and acta ; - v jX.11t yet promptly on the Kidnera. -."';' A-ivear n.rJ Dowels, cleanses Um iT8 Ki 4eff.cti..r. dispels colds, hed i !.- . ... "brs. "d i'-Trs and earn habitnal .W. : v ifcfMtug to, the'tast,na . m. . . ' rUtle i' tha stomach, prompt in .- , iu. actkrfj ana- irnTf beseoiaI in it . nec;v prepared only uroaa the most Daaltay-apd agreeable tqbetances, L nan.rexMUect oalitle-commend It t;aiVicl fcave'made it the most - pcpuUv. ftxnedy known. : Sywf 'Figg lg for sale In 50c nd $1 tle bVall leading dng gists, 'Avf reliahfo drnggwt who ' may soi have it en, hand wia pro cura -H promptly for any one who T3he to fay "Da not accept any ' substitute 1 --; v;- . - t : CALIFORNIA fit! mUP " Col CfiFAM BALM I 7 . vsrr..i ( , . M hoU m PrMiiia; by vTer Sonet, Catt-' c&at'SeflL Siv ' . MthftBttkttTmaw - -a. - aaiikanMUji naatrrm. rMMU, lata " Slmi MnlitltU, Milk I aae ktbaa. J..""i"aiT, dimi , . It. DoBmi aw Untrn- ixr - naiirtiatr t - j i J an ru-v B . toMkvSncrlMl aoa4 La mt iiuut 1 sc. m. t. f rjLiJm m aa. ' AH of r TsiOTtaary Pmtarations m t hxi of J. V,JHaa. Dwunttt, N. 17. eor. BrtMd and . Kiddle atraeta, Ne.UrvK.O.- ; tmmt J hfc j', I. n ii tit, i " 1 IE fei$r, : t JDE II.VILLIS, r rsoraiCTOat OF lUSTERItKOMli CABQUHA j., ,..-..-.--. . ' ... . NVvV Berne, N". O. fiaJUa aud Americas IfarbU aad all . qaabtiaw of tatari!. - Ordars jaoUoiUd.ead .jroespt atS8tMo, wita tiaaooa g-oaxla- O B. tiWLMM at my acbi as Kiaatoa, tal AUL Ftsus raaralar travallac T L a - in - r .a ai a Til .1 MM Caw. Ttt tin aa.a. 1..T C Trha, sami i 1 n t . liX naiill I i i...23Sf : . - miMBLT JTY 'PROPERTY aa m mVHArmmv ug tfe kalian. I ararrtoaa iaapre Kaai Katattelatfee -U at Vtrm Mar mvn ptkeitt. i - - - - .. uaicic otobc At DwrLLnra m moan wU Hh fcat mi mm ioa wfclaa ' mm vltt J aoid. wtli atJWirtH oa mftlamuu wlla ilwttfiaS al Kkmii aflw , nikroatumk Twat Senaaa SaS Loc am Crtvan strwt A rwa fmdy FMaW WATBOR (TUKT, f ii iiunicalin iti nil . Mul rORTV iCRin CUtAKXD LASD, l MWa wUfclo ! oil aa) f Ua elty. awl. tA mr track raMtBC. A iml barfais, ' . A! . . ajlTSOWSSTMCT,. Mftf ' .1 . t. Aa-J, EDITOR I A I. NOTE TH heated term at Chicago, nni the North West generally, hs end ed. l'BOSPKBOUi seaHons iin.1 good crops! Ivet uj tilea God and go forward! TBBfcJl shook of ear tli(U.ikc were fett at Snta Roa, California on Monday. XLALTLMORK U to l) lighted by eUnitricitj , pyiDg 5 ceuu p r. algBC ftir eacU arc lighc. TBK Allen-BradU-y dihtil!er. at LruiaVilItt Kv-, buinedon MnudAj. LoHt 15,000. It m reported fioui Washington that tb L'renidenL will connoh.l.ito the two North Carolina lutinal tovcuue ditrit'LH Hint itppouit K. A. White 441est4r. ", Ttf.ii Chicago World's Fir in not ' progressing, smootb'.v. Suit li.i beeu brought against the Coujiim.-. lioMrn te prevent their locating the exposition on the lake front. SOUTH Carolinians are culling ni tk little too much. When : maas of so-called Democrats insult Wade Hampton it shows that they have lost their manners as well an their patriotism. THE Aaheville Citizen sa: ' A Citizen reporter made enquiry yes terday into the taking of the cen.-us. According to what was told him moJtttban GO per cent, of those fBteirVi e wed toad not been neeti by 'eHntnerttor." ei02liDeaday ilr. Dickerson, the tiMeeaeor Oi llr. Carlisle, appeared t the bar of the Honse and took fhe bath of Office. lie is a line F specimen of Keotacky' best and fwill worthily wear the mamle of his illasprious predecessor. t' THTS Wilmington Star says: When. Mr. Blaine denounces the Lodge election law as a measure calcnlated to Africanize the Sooth fid Teaefnpon the North,' he hits thnall aqaare upon the bead iio heftj sledge hammer. TffB WaahiBgton Post says: "Mr. George Vanderbilt keeps adding to his. landed estate in Bo. acorn b ooanty, N. 0. Jits last purchase is twenty-eight acres of Land adjonrn lag ni place, Bel tmore, for which he paid $33,000, being nearly $1,200 per acre." "WHAT will we do if the National Election bill passes and becomes a law!" We will continue to be patriots and gentlemen. A lion never moves a hair when a monkey misbehaves. The inherent tlaaperiorfty of onr people Aanifests itself in "all emergencies. ' TsEb .Hendricks monument was availed at Indianapolis Wednes day. An immense crowd, repre senting several Btates was present. Governors Hill, Campbell and Frances and Senator Tnrpie made addresses. Mrs. Hendricks purled the cord that drew the veil. McKmLEY is making the effort of his Life in favor of the gold bags as against the interest of the people. It is-natural for McKinley to stand by tbe interests of the men wbo furnished $ 135,000 for his election a few years ago, as a new election is coming on and be will want this aid again. Cleveland Plain' Dealer. ' THS conferring of honorary degrees by colleges is a time hon ored custom, meritorious and bene fidal, bnt when a great university conferred LLD. npon Tom lieed North Carolina attend the prima it went very far towards showiDg j ries of bis party and give right that its usefulness was at an end, . direction to the approaching cam- and the doctrine of , the fittest." of "the survival an exploded I horn bug. DIVISION of the Democratic party in the Sooth on financial or ' eco nbmic" issues is not to be thought nd if they exist it is by the toler of for an instant, at present. The aQce of the people and not by vir- tariff, silver, sob treasury, and other j questions are of great importance to all classes of people. Bat greater ! The passage of the Federal elec than all these pnt together, so far tiou bill imposes upon the South as the South is concerned, is the ! control of affairs at borne by the party that represents tbe intelli gence aad the resources of the land. There is no financial question im portant enongh, nor any grievance great enough, to justify at this time any course that will weaken the ' Democracy in this section of the country. Charlotte Chronicle. THS increased attention given ia this State to agricultural fairs, is an evidenoe of progress in agn- culture, and also of a growing pride in it. People who are not prond of their work, will not take much interest in exhibiting it. This growing interest is not confined to tbe white, but is shown also oy the colored people, who annnaly con duct a very creditable fair at Raleigh, The Newbern Journal annooaots that there will be held ia tkat oity August 26th to 29th, a Colored industrial Stock and Fruit Fair, the first held there, the asso ciation having been but recently fQrned. Liberal premiums are offered, and from tbe efforts being made and tbe interest evinced, the i jdieations ere that the fair will be a good one. la this commendable movement tbe colored people sbsald'have not only the moral, but tbe substantial support and encour- agemeat of the white people. Wil mragfoa Star. EnrroniAL otes. CUKATHAM and Hrower both voted for the force bill. Another unavailing conference over the silver bill w.is held Thnrs das morning. President Hahkison hao ap proved the bill admitting Idaho The individual must have self into the Union. reliance iu order to win buccess in When a man's house is on fire any department of life. The it is no time to send to Jones know if ne won't thresh wheat nextj wen It on better f-rms than Smith J has . tf -red P.tt out the tire? j 'H.wi (irovt-r Cleveland. )l M-vent six tleiegare8 to thew:uuu!i 01 iue,ujui. inj mwn :im,.M Dnm-rstie (Convention in'eit t.vent rle were for 1 he h. ines I tml Iu.i'k eS-Prpsl lie r W iiiiiington Me.xseniier. A tiiMiinM sperif-l July d. taya: 'All indie itions point to a deter mined tttoi r led by Mr. Howard Vim cut iu thei;nt isti parliament, t i dis.'i -iininatr agnllist States export, in retaliation lor the McK i n ley t an fl bi il. EhiiiT Democrats weie absent from their pot and failed to vote against the Federal Election bill. ! These men wool 1 tind the rural ; districts better suited to their hatiits than the halls of Con- j grehs. Some men manage to be : fearfully out of place. i L view of the opposition as yet dormant, the Chronicle believes that every county in the State and every part of the State ought to be made double sure and bis friends everywhere ought to see to it that every Democratic candidate is an enthsiastic Vance man. State Chronicle. The passage of the Federal Election Law by the House of Bep- resen.tatives is no surprise to us. It is the last desperate attempt to keep the Repoblican party in power, hot it will not accomplish its object. The finger of Fate has written TtkeV on the wall, and all ocean's waters caDnot wash it out. Never before were there so many candidates for Congress before the nominating Convention Among many reasons for this may be the inability of the present Con gress to deal with great questions of public interest, and the national disposition of every patriot to go t) the rescue of his bleeding country. May we not indalge the hope that the next Congress will be a big improvement on the presem one. The City Board of Greensboro, N. C, have had a lively discussion of the saloon question. After a most spirited contest, rive licenses were granted, and the tax fixed at $500 each. An ordinance was passed requiring all gambling appliances, such as billiards &c, screws, pictures and other obstruc tions to view to be removed from bar rooms. The Democrats in the Congress see the great dangers lurking in the diabolical Force bill ofRadl calism and warn the South against it. They have issued a vigorous protest that will not go unheeded. Brother Democrats' of North Caro lina, it is tbe worst possible time to set up new idols, to go out after strange gods, to introduce tbe wedge of discord to sunder the grand old party upon which de pends all political health and life. Wilmington Messenger. Let every good Democrat in paign. The Democratic party is rbe people's party and every Democrat has a right to be beard in its deliberations. Cliques and rings have no place in the party, tue of any right. The people to tDe ,for" grave responsibilities and impor- tant duties. It is the trumpet blast that calls us to stand by sacred right with undying faith and unflinching resolution. No possible condition of human affairs can justify the exhibition of a craven spirit. Manhood must be the distinguishing characteristic of the South. The nr8t crack9 made in the 8mooth surface of friend. hip are as dangerous as those which oome to the sheeny satin garment of young married love. Freedom of speech and exacting close attention, neg lcet of due forms, liberties beyond tbe license of jast intimacy, all these are cracks to be stopped in the beginning, else the time will come wuen no masonry or tact or ; of affection can repair them. j He is the true hero and Bhe ia , the true woman with whom the impulses oi ninuuess are most, powerful and by whom the call for help is not unheeded; and they are best fitted fer usefulness who do not waste their sympathy in the fruitless pursuit of useless excite ment. Kver.vthing iu nature "grows either healthy or unhealthy; and character is no exception. It is either expanding into new and more lovely forms or it is tonghen- ing and hardening into deformity. It is either ripening into richness and sweetness or shriveling into crabbed bitterhess. OURSELVE. The fault, dear Bratus, ih nut iniur tar. Bat in ourl ve that we are under liogs. Cabius. j Nothiog is manlier than sell- reliance. There is uo manliness 1 without it. In its taking ofF man hood id emasculated. to I mechanic most rely ou the strength of his a-m ; the professional man on the astuteness of his intellect ;, the larmer upon his judgment and ; indostry. All men, in the varied ; j dauntless et-ergy, integrity abjve , suspicion and spotless reputation. Nor is this all Social virtues must be relied ou to secure adn retain liieuds, for without fnends patronage will not be commensu i ate with the wants and necessary expenses incident to the demands uuited:of evur" dav Iife' The'arroeant man is a curse and a failure; the eelf reliant man is a blessing and asaccess. As it is with individuals so it is with manic palities. The city that has no self reliance is destined to become the abode of the owl and the bat. Tbe beautiful handmaid ol commerce will Dot abide within its dust covered and mouldering j walls ; and tbe goddess of wealth j will withdraw her golden sceptie ! and leave it to ruin and desolation. I "Hector's chief reliance must be on . Heetor," is now and forever true, j "Put your own shoulder to the; wheel, and then oall on Hercules.'' A city that is trustful of itself will command faith in others. The location of a plant by a citizen will cause the location of a dozen plants, and capital will flow in like the tides of tbe sea. The greatest enemy to any city is the citizen wbo has no confidence in its future. A period is approaching that will put tbe manhood and self reliance of our people to the severest test. It is probable that the national elections! bill will pass Congress and become the law of the land. The manhood of the South is again to be tested. We have no fear of the result. Long ago her sons learned to Bay with Brutus, Set honor in one eye and death i' the other. And I will look on both indifferently. For let the god so speed me as I love The name of honor more than I fear death. This land is ours. God gave it to us, and we have defended it ! Whatever may have been our faults, no man can say that we have been false to home and native land. It is now too late to reverse the conduct of our lives. With an honorable self reliance, an unfalter ing faith in onr fellowmen and a sublime trnst in God, we will move intrepidly forward in the path of duty let it lead where it may. If anight ot disaster comes, we will walk through it with all the stars of honor shining with un dimmed splendor in our Southern ! kies. A HOOD BEGIX5IXG. The old saying, "a good begin ning makes a bad ending," is all j wrong. "Train up a child in the ways he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from them," are words of inspiration. But when we wrote the caption of this article, we were thinking of this year's political campaign. The judicial convention lately in session at Smithfield made a good beginning of tbe campaign. It was representative in the person of their chosen delegates and the convention ooold not be otherwise than representative of the patriotic aDd virtuous citizens of tbe dis trict. The best spirit was mani fested and perfect decorum marked the proceedings. The nominations were eminently appropriate. It is no reflection upon Mr. Allen to say that the nomination of . Spier Wbitakei accorded with the fitness of things and reflected the will of the Pe- uiouracy oi tne district, lie wa8!men in society is the woman who an appointee oi tne Governor, and i his nomination by a convention is at. nna or, . tu antinn n,a rs i u i uu i conduct of the Judge. j Learned in the law, sound of ! judgment and possessed of the highest integrity, a man of per sonal and moral courage. Soier Whitaker will bear himself gal-j lantly in the contest and reflect! honor on the bench. This writer feels a personal grati fication in the nomination of Mr. Pon as the candidate of the con- vention. for the office of Solicitor. His father was our classmate and hig mother one Q thQ 5righteet Jewela of our Alabama home. A thousand sacred memories cluster around tbem, and it would be an j OQtraee tne nobiefit pmnfions if I ... " I rejoice in the elevaf.on OI a BOa wlJO combines the excel- lencies of such a father and such a mother. Mr. Pou has demonstrated his fitnoHo frr tha o;n - - vuv va-I v v uuu n ill wear his robe with grace and dignity. We trnst that the example set at Smithfield will be followed. Then will North Carolina be blessed with a wise and impartial judiciary. Sound in the faith and acceptable to the people. In Momorlam i'oi.i.. iksvii.le, June 30, 1890. At a meeting helil by the citizens of J'ollolovillf to offer resolutions of lespect to the deceased, aud con- dolence to the bereaved family of L. W. Harget, jr., who has been in onr midst for a tew mouths in the capacity of teacher, and who was recently drowned iu a storm while od his way from attendance at the Teachers' Assembly to Swansboro, Dr. C. J. Mattocks was called to j the chair and Mr. Charles Whitty appointed secretary, Jr ,j JfflloE"8a andSr Tbo? j (.e a i.()iuiiltee was appointed 10 draft resolutions and offer letters -"""'ru,D Mr. Harget tud adieu on Satur day in Pulloksville to his affection ate mother, brother and sisters and to his many Irieuds, to visit the Teaehe lorehead ( Uy. Tlo-ie he met the most learned in the Suite and made a tine impi essiou ;i nd man, friends. ! uniform custom. The duo allo-JV Leaving Mo:ehe:'d iu a sail boat in j ance vanes with the individual; company with .Messrs. Ward and i age, csnstitut ion; sex, fatigue, Fulcher to leturu home by the waj exercise, each has its share of lo ot Swansboro ou Tuesday, and j lluence. Young persons and hard while sniliiig down the sound a workers nat urally need and should cclone struck the boat which was have more sleep th in those who capsized and all were drowned, i neither grow nor lalur. W omen Quiet and retiring iu his dispo-lhave, by common consent, beeu j stiou, those who kuew him best j assigned a longer period of rest j loved him most. This friendship j than men. and this ai rangemeut, j though not demonstrative, was! in the eveut of their 1I01112 hard1 sincere and abiding; his was the very soul of honor; he was iudeed "One of nature's uoble young men." To his tried friends he was confiding and trustful to a degree that spurned dissimulation and hated hypocrisy ; his gentility was proverbial, and no one who ever knew him failed to recoguize the . . . . fact that he was in the highest sense a young Christian gentlemen. This is no idle eulog'. A heavy cloud hangs over us ; we feel bereft. And amid the tear clouds which surrouud t his pall, we lay tenderly, j lovingly, hopefully this wreath of immortels upon our iriend and brother's bier. May tbe God in whom our brother trusted, who made his life so beautiful, and who today makes the memory of him so precious unto ns, comfort and sustain the crushed father and ' mother in their old sen. and ns his ' eororades and friends. Dear broth er rest in peace, and may a happy reunion await ns in our Father's home. The report of the committee was adopted as follows: Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to take from 09 our esteemed and cherished young friend, L. W. Harget, jr., be it Resolved 1, That while we bow with humble submission to the will of Ilim who doeth all things well, we mourn the death of our esteemed yonng friend as a great calamity to his family and to the entire com munity ; and are moved by the deep and earnest feelings of sorrow, altogether unspeakable and beyond the power of expression in any adequate form of words. 2. That the profound sympathy of each citizen of Polloksville is hereby tendered to his bereaved parents in their great and sad affliction, and we pray God to strengthen and support them in their great sorrow. , 3. That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the breaved family, also to the New Berne Jouenal for publication. On motion the meeting ad journed. A. II. White, k J. B. Bender, Com. D. S. Bakbus, S C J. Mattocks, Ch'm. Chaklks WniTTY, Sec'y. Tho. W. Strange Itecommeuded. We see from the Wilmington Messenger of the 17th of June that Air, Thos. W. Strange has gone up from his count?. New Hanover. endorsed thoroughly and recom-1 Successful Listeners, mended highly for Judge of this j Next in value to a facile tongue the sixth judicial district. We ' is an untiring pair of ears. Indeed, have the pleasure of knowing Mr. ! it is more thau probable that hu Strange personally and profess to mauity has derived more, solid know somewhat concerning his at- benefit from is. ears thau from the tainments, acquirements, etc. fie ! is both a gentleman and a scholar. A man of fine literary attainments and an able, high toned, well equipped law'yer. An honor to his profession, if elected he would grace with honor and dignity the Superior Court bench of North Carolina. He would without doubt be an honor to the judiciary of North Carolina. We take pleasure in recommending to the people of this judicial district so worthy and honorable a man. Respectfully, . Jones County Democrat. Trenton, N. C, June '28, 1890. The Happy Woman. Oae of the most successful wo men in society is the woman who absolutely knows nothing that is, i iQ the ordinary acceptance of the I 'term but whose nature is so nicel v i adapted to the needs and require-j meuts of this life thaT; she makes no blunders, andhurts the tender feeling of no one. It is a matter for us to reflect upon, and it should incite us to help our children to cultivate that spirit of kindliness which would just as readily speak well of people as ill, if not to prefer to do so. We might teach our daughters that to listen patiently to the praise of others will not de tract in the least from their charms. Those happy women who I will be all right. No mighty talker church. are capable of honest and hearty ever quarreled with a taciturn; Grumble, as too many people do, admiration for persons of their own listener versed in the art of inartic ' about the amount of money re sex are and always have been ad- ulate assent. I quired to maintain churches, it is mired and loved, though without One word of caution to the the best invested money in the accomplishments or eraces save ' natient listener. Disbelieve one-i country. There are scores of hnng- this one of inborn charity and j good-will. Exchange. Some look npon successes and ; failures as lucky accidents or . aml-.11B miBf.hn. and wonder wnat the next turn of fortune's; wheel is to bring them. Others profit by both, and, by studying i their cause and the laws, whieh i govern them, become wiser and more able to insure a permanent and steady success in the future. "What is prosperity doing for us V "Well" I'll tell you," said Chollie's father. "My prosperity is helping me to get rid of the surplus." The Herniation of Sleep. ; lusoiuni.. is rightly regarded as j one of the marks ot overwrought j or worried iurous system, and, conversely, we may take it that1 ( sleep lasting for a reasonable period j ; say, from six to nine hours in the j case ot adults is a (air test of nervous competence, Various ac j cidently causes ma. temporarily ; interft ra with sleep in the health; j but still, says a medical contempt) rarv, Iheiule Ik Ids jrood. and a j normal brain reveals its conditiou by obeiheiic in this daily rtiy l h mic variati.i.. Cnstoin can " do much to coutiiict oi e's natural term of sleep, a fact of which we are constantly reminded iu these days ot high pressure; but the process H tOO em ployed. artifjri.il iu freely- Laborious days ith scanty intervals of rest go far to s cure all the needful conditions i l insomnia. In ullott ing hours of im)jsnible to adopt a sleep it is v maxim or work, "is in strict accord with their generally lighter physical construe tiou and recurrent infirmities. Absolute rule there is none, and it is of little moment to fix an exact, average allowance provided the: recurrence of sleep be regular, and its amount clticient for a persons s i needs, so that fatigue does not! I . n I result iu such nerve prostration aud irritable as render healthy rest impossible. - - "Ou Lack of Conscience as a Means ,, ot Success. j. nc ioiiowing closes an editorial in the July Century with the above title: "The fact is that there is altogether too much reverence for rascals, aud for mscally methods, on the part of tolerably decent people. Rascality is picturesque, doubt less, and in fiction it has even Us moral uses; but in real lite it should have no toleration; and it is, as a matter ol fact, seldom accompanied by the ability that it brags. "Oue proof that the smart rogue is not so smart as he thinks, and as others think, is that he so often comes to grief. He arrives at his success through his knowledge of the evil in meii; he comes to grief through his ignorance of the good . in men. He thinks he knows. 'human nature ' but he only half ; knows it. Therefore he is constantly, iu danger of making a fatal mistake. For instance, his excuse to himself for lying and trickery is that lying and trickery are indulged in by others even by some men who make a load boast of virtue before the world. A little more or less of lying and trickery seems to make no differ ence, the assumes, especially so long as there is no public display of lies and tricks, for he under stands that there must always be a certain outware propriety iu order to insure even the inferior kind of success he is aiming at. But, hav ing no usable conscience to guide him, he underrates the sensitive- i npHa rf rlhr rnnspionnns anf especially the sensitiveness of that j vague sentime' t called 'puoiic 1 opiuton,' and he makes a miscal ! culation, which, if it does not land I him in the penitentiary, at least makes him of uo use to his respect able allies, therefore, of no use to his semicriminal associates-; there fore, a surprised, miserable, aud vindictive failure." "unruly member.'' By good listen ers we mean people whocau submit to be bored to an unlimited extent I without interrupting the borer, or responding in any other way than by "nods and becks and wreathed i Smiles.'' ! "Open your mouth aud shut your ; eyes, aud see what Heaven will send you," says the old maxim; but "shut your mouth and open your ears" would be much more sensible advice. What does a man learn by talking? Nothing. Oa the other hand, through the convenient doors on either side of the temple of thought, valuable information is continually "dropping iu." Even the windows in lrout, the eyes, are not more useful thau these doors. Therefore. keep them always aiar Sleep with one ear open, as well as one eve. If vou are in the employ of a loquacious of a loquacious man of wealth, match your listening pow ers against his volubility, though ; it be as perpetual as the rush of a j torrent. Your endurance may have its exceeding great reward. Don't suppose that he will consider i you stupid if you make no verbal reply. Punctuate his discourse i discreetly with nods and shakes ol j the bead, laugh where the laugh , comes in. aud sigh where there is j an opening for pathos, and you ; half of what you hear, aud don't place implicit laith iu the other balf until you have submitterjt to ; all tbe analytical test by which the various adulterations ot trutn are detected. Pure facts are rarer than black swans. Among all the virtues, humility is pre eminent. It is the safest, has oeeu a cnange in tne aomiuis beciuse it is always an anchor; and ' tiou since Ananias' time hasn't that man may be truly said to live : there, Mamma T" the most contended in his calling . who strives to live within the com- A Good Man is the best friend, nass of it anu tnerefore 1S urst to 06 chosen, p ' , longest to be retained, and indeed Georee Bancroft, the venor- never tobe parted with, unless he able historian, is ill and it is feared , ceases to be t hat for which he was be will not recover. chosen. rns VASABONDS. 'I11N" I. TROWBTUDGK. iu; two tramps, Kogfr and I lingers inv ihi"-. ii'iiii- line, scamp ! lump fur the t:Iil lfllKlll lllill.l jour : "ci- the table; look cat !or the lamp ! The ru0'uf is gi-owiut; a little old: Tivc- joars we'u- tramped ifirougli wind and weatlier, And slept out duois when nights wert uolil. And ut- and drank and starved together. learned what comfi.rt is, I tell A bed on the tloor, a bit of rosin, A tire, to warm our thumbs (poor fellow) j l ne paw lie holds up frozen ). there beenj Plenty of catgut for my liddlc l outdoor business is bad fur snines), Then a lew nice buckwheats hot from the j-'riddle, Aud Hoei and I set up for king ! No. thank yi;, Iever driuk; Koer and I are exceedingly moral, Aren't v,e, Uger ! See him wink ! Well, something hot then we won't 1 quarrel. ! He's thirsty, toe see him nod his head What a pity, sir, that dogs can't talk ! He understands every word that's said, And he knows good milk from water and chalk. The truth is, sir. now I reflect, I've been so sadly given to grog, i wonaer i ve not lost the respect ( Here's to you, sir!) even of my dog. Hut he sticks by me, through thick and thin And this old coat, with its empty pockets Aud rags that smell of tobacco anil gin, He'll follow while he has ees in his sockets. There isn't an-ither creature living Would do it, and prove, through eveiy ci isaster, " fond, so fmth&al and so forgiving .lot,"clia miserable, thankless master ,L cll.'.-IflO Mm 1.;. 1 . : I No, sir!--see him was his tail and I'rin t , - B- by Oeorge 1 it makes my old eyes watei i That is, there's something in his grin I That chokes a feLlow but no matter. .,, , . V e II have some music, if you are willing I Aad K(er (hemj wh.lt. a paguea : cougn is, sir :i Shall march a little. Start, you villain ! Stand straight ! 'Boutface ! Salute your officer! Put up that paw! Press! Take your rille! Some dogs have arms, you see! Now hold your Cap while the gentleman gives a trifle To aid a poor old patriot soldier ! March ! Halt! Now show how the rebel shakes Wlien he stands up to hear his sen tence. Now tell us how many drams it taks To honor a jolly sew acquaintance. Five yelps that's five: he's mighty kuowing ! The night's before us, fill the glasses! Quick, sir! I'm ill my brain is gome! Some brandy thank you there! it passes ! why not reform? That's easily said: Hut I've gone through such wretched treatment, Sometimes forgetting the taste of bread. And scarcely remembering what meat meant, That my poor stomach's past reform; And there are times when mad with thinking, I'd sell out heaveu for something warm To prop a horrible inward sinking. Is t here a way to forget to think? At your age, sir, home, fortune, friends, A dear girl's love but 1 took to drink The same old story; you lyiow how it ends. If you could have seen these classic need'nt laugh, sir; they were not then Such a burning libel on God's creatures. I was oue of your handsome men! If you had seen her, so fair and young, Whose head was so happy on this breast ' If you could have heard the songs I sung SVhec the wine went rouud, you would- That TtZll be sn-aying From door to door, with fiddle and dog, Ragged and penniless, and playing To you to-uight for a glass o' grog ! She's married since a par.'Oa's w:fe, 'Twas better for her that we should part Better the soberest, prosiest life, Thau a blasted home and a broken heart. I have seen heiV Onco; I was weak and spent On the dusty road; a carriage stopped; But little she dreamed, a? on she went, Wlio kissed the coin that her fingers dropped. You've set me talking, sir; I'm sorry; It makes me wild to think of the change ! What do you care for a beggar's story? , J1 musntf You find it strange? I nau a mouier so urouu oi mi 'Twas well she died before Do you know If the happy spirits iu heaven ran see The ruin and wielchedness' here below? Another glass, and strong, to deaden This pain; then Roger and I will start I wonder, has he such a lumpish, leaden, Aching thing in place of a heart? He is sad sometimes, and would weep if lie could, No doubt remembering things that were A virtuous kennel, with plenty of food, Aud himself a sober, respectable cur. I'm better now; that glass was warming. You rascal ! Limber your lazy feet. We must be fiddling and performing For supper and bed, or starve in the street. Not a very gay life to lead, you ihink? But soon we shall go where lodgings are free, And the sleepers noed neither victuals nor drink. The sooner the better for Roger and nie. : -rrr. ; Longer Ragged. Some one asked the editor of the London Punch why ragged people never go to church, and replied, "Because when people go to church they soon cease to be ragged." There is a world of truth in that explanation, The hungry , creatures tbat have to be fed and clothed by the hand of charity rarely belong to any ry and ragged men who would soon be able to leed and ciotne tnem- selves it they were orougnc unoer Gospel influences. - - Precious boy "Mamma, was Ananias killed for telling just one lie!" Mamma: "He was, my son." Boy, thoughtfully: "There &V1. H. Vi Kama Mas just ic'llirieil with and o el' h it. t1 New P.. Spring NOVELTIES I V UREsa GOODS, NOTIONS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SflOKS of ovrry de-1 ri:i ivn at '.hi In READY-MADE CLOTHING frm 20 to 25 j.er .vnt., a - 1 !,..v. i ow figures and will nil II, em acenr ,T, , i Vvonl Satm-faced Dress Hiitt at least I0 or P.' an where i !.- -. FI.mii.1 Coat an I ' t f-.j Jo. Seersucker ('oat aiel st tor 7 Boys SuitH from $1 up. 'I' UK FINKST FlUt CiclSJI Our stork comprises so many NEW would be a Lard matter t.. enumerate We Solicit 21 Feeling confident that we will i, your patrouage. REMEMBER '. the prices of our than similar good? nan o jmr.-li:. it ol. - VANCE ACADEMY: rsow Ecrne, INT- O,1 BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Special attention given to Mathematics, Commercipl Law, Book keeping and Penmanship. Experienced teacher in Instrumental Mosie. Vocal Music a prominent feature. Tuition, including Board, Washing, Lights, etc., $fif..00jto $75.00 per Bession of five months. W. R. Jan21 dwtf - Competition in tlie Life of Trade," nnil If ynu h.Trc not wsn oar latoct Improved gooda 70a i-Mtnot inuitilQc how llrely trade Is, or how hnrfl onr compotitors have tn work to kppp within flight of us. Ask your retailer for the James Mean' j:tsiinf, ,,r th1 Jamm Means' $ I Shoo according toyournooda. J08itively-none geauuie unless having our oain ami prii-o stamr.-il plainly on tbo soles. Your retailer will supply you with, shoes so stamped if you inI&t upon bis doing bo; If yon do not lnslgt, floma retailers will coax you into buying inferior ehocs upon Ti irrf rriTTr uiviJLsX ,xuirPto 33 SH0E untnLtLLtuj in (TVlrmit-nniMrn I LI- UI1C-VJ UrtLLLU ... n itv in uunnoiui i 5- AN D ERFECTIOM of. FIT. ff? X FX FAS' Such has been the recent progreAfl in our branch of industry thai we are now abletOaUBrm that the James Means' $4 Shoe la In every respect equal to the stun which only a few yoars ago were re tailed at eight or ten dollars. If you will try on a pair you will he convinced that we do not axafiireMUA. Ours are the original $3 and $4 Sboea, and those who imitate our system of business are unable to compete with us iu quality of factory products. Iu our lines vc arc Iho largest manufacturers In tno United States. Shoes from onr celebrated factory nrr no Id by widr-ownkf retailors In all parfa . of the country. Wo will place them easily v ithiu your roach la any Slate or Turrltory If yru win invest one cent in a postal card and write to uh. JAMES MEANS & CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. FULL LINES Ol' THE ABOV"E SHOES I'Olt SALE 11V J. M. HOWARD, Pollock HACIME,WIS. t.' f lies Log, LumberYard & GuTRUCrxS SPRING FISH TO IVEA HEM Buffering from the effecU of youthful errors, eai'y decay, wasting weakness, loetmanhood. cte., I will Bend a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for homo c ure. F R EE of chart-o. A splendid medical work ; should lie rea,d by every man who ia nervous and debilitated.; Address, Prof. F. C FOrTLEK, Hoodus,' 'oiiu. foren only! BACITIVC For LOST or FAIXING MANHOOD; ftrUdllllC General and NERVOUS DEBILITY; i"TTT3 Weakness of Body and Mind: Effects of Errors or Exresspsin Old or "Veune. lohail. Noble HHnHOOII fiillr U(..r.d. Ilia in KiiJiul-i' ii.-.I lrenittliHT!iK,IINllKVkl,01'H IKIiK A l' li I IHIlil. Tilut.lr anftllUig HONK Tlth.4 I H KNT- . .m III . in n ilny. .n (..tlrr frm 41 Stale.. Tfrrhoi-le.. .nil Fori leii I nin.li i. K .daied) free. ou n write them. booL, full r itliinutlon. unil i.nitii. m . H. V. Hllrd amiresi tHIt MtDlliAL bU. bull ALU. I 1 UTTn-Ml- rr Agf tlji ih Stock Of ier Goods are now dispbiying all th - t is. a; . .-I 1 y I' r .c. itiv sa e you at least i, , !, . . -) : i at il e 'most, remarkably in- tanee, A Fine All- - i ie ;i . . I' ii .';..'(), which would rost JOB - . 0o. VI-1.I ( i ( )( 1 1 ).S i r all in detail lit HAT Ml IfVe. KPE:iALTIJ$S;$ha Sumn p. Exsrainuikn d Our Stack, ,t to your int. r. st to cive uh n ahare cf . . , .'..o.l- are and must ho as low or lower . u !,. . . SKINNER. Principal. & S4SH0ES which they make a larger profit. wf Trn fir rtrr' I iunLo nLiiixo S 4 SHOE rAwwrvr ..fail . r3' TO ' " ATI C Cf THE MOST St. 17cw Berne, N. C WrtOONSf LL X I rLtx. PAT E N 1 Ladies Chaise. PrATLNT CMAIStDRAKt BR2S WAG9N G5- RACINE,WIS. J. . HI! VAN', Pres. L, II. C1TLER, Vite Pre r,. I! RliCEUTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. iNi'OKPOKATKD 18G5. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 86,700 niUKCTORS. J.S A Hl'.VAN, l. n. ci n. tn, W. H. Tiiomab Daniels, Ciias. S. BBTUr, UoBKUM. : J.- .i 111 -r'' Vi"'' V I . 1 i w i '.' i