r v " T i ? i .,. ,; V'Jy It VM rr,,., ft. ..foil-, if i. . mtw - J: .iiBMBtPtMi..r. INDEPENDENT IIST ALL THINGS. x.sox.... ; , . j v " . ' - - - - . - - VOL. XIII. NEW I? ERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. TlEPTiLMBElV Ts!J(T no. 27. ' , ; ' ; ' " ; . . , ' v .V- 71 : 1 6 ;;;:''i?-7yf .? 1. fiaranuooldDe waaiated la the . prinx to throw off tb beTiaflM of .jLJ dnrulaioa of the- M - does it so well, bo -1 5 ; - X 8. a 8. for a number ol . Vean, and consider H the best tonic tad blood remedy that I ever naad. Intact I would aot attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out k. i"E-W.COUDU5, Of Cokman, Fernson Ss Co.. DadeCitj, Fla. Oar book CO Blood and Skin Diseases aaOed free, ' Swtrt Sncmc Cx. Atlanta, Ga. BMff til PRICE eocrs. IT ThE BEST. M fTHE BEST-- KNOWJfRtHEDY.- 4 ii.O.C C'aroa Gnurlm nd SIm a 1 1 S uairSft wltteost Fmfn. Pieteaw Btrici 1 CatalB to erM or poisonous snbtmacs. ! is nuaueil sbaelBtBtv hsrmle G Is prmm erlbxl by knl( roarsiata. PrrS)t. g :j by mTrist. Bwr f Sob (HtDwAnin Chym.Oo.T.t1..t.O.La SALE AriD EXCHANGE I haVa eoBctaaUy on kaad As Pine and r ,Well JBroken Horses Mr bronsht o Ne- Beraa. They 'xa aelcbted - with .car aa4.,from raliabla.' daaJn nly. I bay good roadster, good draft horse, and thoaa avitad for family pttrpoaea aad Iha , aaddfto. - . Alao, la connection withray Livery, I hay a a FIRST-CLASS Carriage ; and ,. Buggy Repository, whore will bo foand a fall cqaipmont of riding yohioloa. Painting, ropairing, etedoaota the very beat workman alip. A trained and experienced Shoer constantly on daty. Will lake pltainre in showing yoa throe gh may depart men! of my bnaineaa. J. W. STEWAET. jonelQdwtf Tfia Convertible Policy ' The ConTertibie Policy iscued by THE MUTUAL BENEFIT L1fe Inraiance Company inclbdea all the liberal feature of the Company, with the addition of a guar anteed Ouh Surrender value, which will bo paid at any time after two years fremaqaa bar been paid, if demanded. ' Every Policy haa endorsed upon it a table snowing in plain figure the op Uoam granted by the company. lt option. Cash surrender value. 9J option.. Amount that may be bor rowed from the company on the pol icy. &J option. Extended ioennnae for full amount of the policy. 4th option. Paid np policy valne. Tbis is the most liberal 'policy yet of fered and ia the safest insarance to be had. Every -dollar paid gets a dollar's worth of Insurance. No loss by lapse. D. T. rARHAWlY, Ac'- Healthy persons ' between fourteen and seventy insured. SAVES AKKOYANCR QIVESE fiCE. AIDS HOUSEKEEPERS. Powdbr. Sery Package Guaranteed to ' Give Satisfaction or jour Qreer will refund tbe money. KAirurAcicsxD by SMITH, HORPEL & GO .uliiwSm - BALTIMORE AGENCY A KvKTOKE FOB A5Y JTAr?! $35,000 IS CASH to'beiven A WAT ia Pramivma of $5,00 to S5 00. Every on baying fif Tasiill e Punch Cixar will Ket a eoapoa im! make a Kueaa of tha namber pensnt a tbe WoLD i3 Faia. to ha hJ al CnicKO in 1893. Coma and Ba -tka plan, get a eoapon, make a suea amok and be hm" W. U PAUIEB, Hiddto atrwt. tUw Bern. N.C ' """"" i FOR iv. p. Dunnus & co., COMMISSIOITMESCHAiyTa . AU Kinds of Grain, Brick and Agricultural Lime. 3ETW BERNE, H. BWl 4W - EDITORIAL XOTES. Dailv London Herald hns sapended. Italy has elJt troops to tbb Sir Us frontier. THE Rpnblicau State Couveu tion of Texas refused to eodorso tbe force bill. IT is reported that genuine Asiatic Cholera is prevailing iu Carroll County, Ohio. KXED has signed the Kiver nd Harbor bill. He had heard of ligutniug from a clear bkj. Palmyra, Wisconsin, reports a fall in temperature within three days of entj-flve degrees. r THE slave trade, under German protection, in Africa, has revived to au ti eut unknown in thirty yeira . . Tub lieiulilieiua having dis - - " - ' . ... posed of the surplus it remains to be seen what they will do with tbe deficit. TiiBRE has been a fusion of Democrats and Liberal Republi cans in Kansas that is distressing Inga'.ls and his gang. J.J. Hill, the great Northern i railroad magnate, has given 1500 I 000 to establish a Catholic theolo-1 gical Seminary at St. Paul, Minn. . Chattanooga reports the sue- Odasfnl casting of steel from South-, era iron, which explodes the motion that it contains too much ! pho parous for this purpose. The late rains did some damage to tbe cotton crop in East North Carolina, bat the weather is good now and there is atill the prospect of the largest cotton crop ever made. Governor Eagle has called a special election to fill the vacancy in the Second Arkansas Congres slonal district, caused by unseat ing Hon. C. R. Breckenridge. lie will be re elected. The London Herald says that short of an actual war between the United States and Great Britain nothing conld be so foolish or so suicidal as a war of tariffs between the two countries. The Speaker appointed tte following conferees on the tariff bill: Messrs. McKinley, Barrows, Bayne, Dingly, Mills, McMillen and Flower. Four Republicans and three Democrats. 'Congressman Lewis is the nearest living relative ol George Washington, and is a living image of those portraits of the Father of his Country which are supposed to give the beat likenesses of him." The Sampson County Demo oratio Convention nominated Marion Butler, editor of the Cau casian for the Senate, and W. K. ipigford and R. B. Bell for the House. Yance was endorsed for re-election. TE Boston Globe fiuds iu speak er Reed's election to the 52d Con gress "poetic jastice in sentencing him to sit for two years and see his gag rules enforced by a Demo cratic speaker against a Rapubli i can minority." J THE present rumbling's of dis nnntAnt that arrt heard on Wall I street, will appear as nothing when! desoriminate against farmers and contrasted with the storm of indig- ! doc8 nothie for then nation that will sweep over ihe ; The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is rural districts when the full attro j of opinion that "when Speaker city of the tariff becomes known , Reed remarked that "all progress to the farmers of the country. The American vessel ChalleDger was passed at sea last Monday by a steamer and tound to be in a disabled condition. A hurticane had washed twelve of her men overboard and disabled several others. She had only four able bodied men on board. THERE have been more labor strikes, more mercantile failures and more restlessness daring the j present discussion of the tariff than for years past. !en who are in the life struggle cinnot afford to have their burdens increased without giving evidence ot their; discontent. j To the CASaal observer it appers strange that the present Adminis tration has squandered the sur iploa, and, in a season of abundant agricultural production, has ! brought the country to the verge i of a financial sricis; but in all this there is no violation of the law of causa and effect, but an emnhatic declaration of its verity. The Administration has again recognized its obligation to releive the strengency of the money market, and about 23.OO0.00O of the peocles money will be thrown into circulation, but the advanta ges it gives the bond holders will pe gTeat. Is theie no releif ? Not until tbe Democracy is trium phant. The new tariff till, it is cn:eded i.3 the imn-ediate cause of the pres As it lapsed the eat stringency Ran ate it leamres mat gooeis re that eoods re- ce&tly imported and now in the custom houses ot tnis country must pay the new duties if not removed by November 1st. There . are nearly io.u.vW v,ltu nearlv il8.000.0OO wortn ol goods in bond at New York, and Senator was given to the people, about 9 500.000 of these are sub-, a8 j tnink it 8h0uld be, Z. B. jee'to the new duty, and hence yaDCe W0Qld be elected in North the importers have begun to j Carolina by sixty thousand major board money for their withdraw a', j y.Raleigh Chronicle. EDITORIAL 50TES. ' Speaker Eeed is going to j Ohio to help Mr. McKinley. Re-1 ciprocity." THE palace of Alhambra, in Grenada, Sp.iin, wa greatly damaged by fire Tuesday. The Berlin Post says the Ger - man Government never intended to eradicate slavery in her African possession. 1 HE census shows that the pop ulation creased ol Norfolk, Va., has ini over 50 per cent, and of Hampton, Va , oyer 143 per cent. A Zanzibar dispatch reports that the German authorities have anthoized the traffic in Blaves: the Sultan's decree, prohibiting slave trade traftic, does not operate in German territory, and he has tele graphed to Europe for assistance. 1 6 F i rT , t r vt l x a& juvjur ui vet lvit Mtxm been called upon by the Health ! Commission to have a new qensas i taken of the inhabitants of the cit: new census of one ward shown an excess of nearly 30 per cent over the government figures. TUE Wilmington Star says, "Miss Helen Furniss is the Captian of a female military company or gnized at Cheyenne, Wyoming. If there should be any trouble there that would call ont the mili tary, Miss Helen would make it hot for somebody. The New York press and people have shown conclusively that the enumeration of inhabitants of that city was very inaccurate, but they cannot get a new count from Mr. Porter. Mayor Grant, however, promises to have a reliable census taken. "Wonder if the President has read ex Governor Cameron's re marks on the force bill T General Harrison, trying to do in 1890 what General Grant could not do in reconstruction days, is a fine spectacle. Is he, too, a "biger man than Old Grant t" Henry M. Stanley's second lecture in America is to be given at the Academy ol Music in Brook lyn, on the night of Nov. 12. It will be under the direction of the Brooklyn Homoeopathic Hospital Society. Mr. Stanley, it is said, is to receive $3,500. "Tariffs may or may not have contributed to the ruin of Spain; bat it is certainly suggestive, when Great Britain, the wealthiest and most progressive country of Europe; haa the lowest tariffs, and Spain, the poorest and most slug gisb, has the highest." TnE President is represented as being deeply interested in the Lodge Elections bill and is willing to call an extra session of Congress to have it passed. There is noth ing that would assist in the defeat of his party so much as an other serious effort to pass this outrage ous measure. Abe Lincoln owned his farm and split the rails to fence it, as tQe custom in his day; Dut uow one half of the farmers in the county in which he lived are ren- i ters instead of owners of their farms. So much for a tariff that was over the ruins of old institu tions," he ment to 6ay in choicer language that he intended to git there with botb feet, if be had to smash everything in sight. Last Wednesday was a great day for the Democracy of Virginia In the morning Hon. George D. Wise and Ex Governor McCreary of Kentucky, spoke at Hanover Court house to an immense crowd, and at niSht Ex Gov- Fitz- Lee an Hon. Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, apoke at a very large meeting in the city of Richmond. The Elmira Gazette very perti nently asks, "When the McKinley bill with the Aldrich amendment has become a law, the President of the United States will be author ized to suspend the free admission of certain necessaries ol life and impose prescribed duties upon them. Can the Caar of Rassia do more 7 The whole South is endeed man- ifesting an interest in Senator Vance's future which has seldom ben shown for that of any PnDlic man and il ia because he has fear- le8ti and intelligently, from his Place ia the Senate, defended the ulu owiuiy fi sions of her enemies. -North Caro- lint Intelligencer. I Wish to shake hands with you upon the advocacy of the renomi nation of the present, most able and true Senator, Z. B. Vance. In peace and war he has ever been the people's fiiend and advocate. And tuere never was a greater 'rth Carolinian unless, it was juubc " was baptized an American in the Wood of his venerable father. All th nonnlB aro fnr nnr Ze.h afl thev should be. And if the vote for : -7 ft , w. IV T7 SEN ATOR V iNCE. Never wis a public address u:ore ODDortnne than Senator Vance's great speech at. Goldsboro last Saturday. The orator and the oc casion were equal, v ance, tor so many years the idol of this people, ! stood before the masses the elo 1 quent champion of "eqtTal rights to all, gpecial privileges to none.'' ; Same possibly in a thougbt!es. i moment had charged Zb. Vance ! with infidelity to North Carolina. True the great multitude regarded I the intimation of infidelity as pro fanation, but if there was a single oitizen offended Vance was ready to answer him with dignity ur.d respect. Goldsboro furnished the time, plaee and occasion. First, he complimented the people of the State on their ad heranoe to Democratic principles and urged upon then that no con sideration should divert them from their steady support of the Demo- cratic party, which was the con-, eervatism of their peace and safety. The safety and wtlfaieofj tbe South was Identical with the triumph and permanence of Demo- j cratic principles. The Senator then passed to the discussion of tie ; force bill and the tariff as oaly , Yance can discuss them, and then ; addressed himself to the special j needs and demands of the farmers' of the country. Here we shall to some extent epitomize the account of the daily State Chronicle : "The Senator stated that (or years he had called tho attention of the farmers to the fact that every other class was organized ; the business men, the railroads, the great financiers and that it wai the duty of the farmers to organize in order to resist the encroachments of the money kings. He was glad they bad taken his advice, and now according to some he was the first man that some of the members of this great organization would slaughter "That he had never entertained any sentiment or made any speech that was not for the interest of the farmers. That he had looked specially to their interests because they constituted the gieat majority oljhis constituents. 'The Alliance should be careful ty know their friends. Many dead beats and soreheads and disap pointed politicians would endeavor to join tbe Alliance and use it to farther their selfish ends. If a man turns farmer to get office or joins the Alliance for that purpose, watch him. Do not let him oecome a leader or determine tbe policy of the organization. 'Not every one that satth Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom.' "He said that it would gave him pleasure to state that he had been endorsed by nearly every county convention that had been held. And jet be understood that there were some good and true men who believed, or had been tanght to be lieve, that he had. been untrue to the interests ot the farmers. ';"fiYr th information of that naaane mnh wnniri Amlain h is i position with reference to the bill j known as tbe sub treasury bill. j "He stated that he was asked to ! introduce the sub treasury bill, and j consented to do so, stating at the ; n i. a... -I, m.o 11,0 ronnoot time tO tUOSe wno maae tne request j that he eould not promise to 6up nort it. "Ths hill, an nrespntpd to him. ' -- - i 7 i contained a provision that the warehouse keepers should be f elected by the people, which was ' contrary to au express provision of j the Constitution, and he struck that i out and inserted in place of it a prsvision that they should be ap j pointed by the Secretary of the ; Treasury. : "After investigating the bill ' most carefully, and consulting the ablest constitutional lawyers of the Senate, he was convinced that ! the bill was unconstitutional, and , that he could not support it. That he at once wrote his conclusion to Mr. ueauingneia, secretary ui iue ; Olaic xvinauuc lDe said it had always been his desire and purpose to carry out the wishes of his people that he bad always done so, aud that, if this bill was constitutional he, would vote for it whatever effect it might have. 'That the people ot the btate had made him a sentinel upon the. watch tower, whose duty it was to, warn them, and that having! warned them, he should do their1 bidding. The question of the 1 practicability or impracticability of any measure was their business; Its constitutionality was his buti neas. He had sworn to support the Constitution, and if he violated that oath the devil would get him, not them." BIG TOM REED. The frog in the fable swelled until he burst. We trust that no such calamity will befall Big Tom Reed, tor in that eyent the atmosphere about him would be intolerable. As it is, with his corpus in statu quo, he is almost insufferable and disinfectants range high. Should Via nAlanaa tha A 11 (Tn in arnhlAfl Li ---.-,. ...... - would be lost to fragrant memory, Despite the hazard he continues to swell. Instead of signing the river and harbor bill and sending it to the Presideet Speaker Reed keeps it upon his table. Why shouldn't he 1 Do not the rivers and harbors belong to the people, and is he not lord of the people Lie declares that he will not sign the bill until the tariff bill and the contested election cases have been disposed of. Was there ever such impu dence and tyranny Who is to blame bat the party that has made ! section i. not curing as well as was ex him its boss, and gives their backs j pected. The rains caused a late growth to hi) lash like Blares t and -hi is the cause of the trouble. KOtiERS, OF XORTHAMPTON. Wlirtt has become of Rogers, of Northaui jton ! lie was nominated as i he Democratic candidate for ! Cungres in this, tlie second dis tr;et of North Carolina, but we have hoaid nothing of his accep tano-e. Ia lie a candidate, aud if so what i.-i he duing to secure his election f Possibly be has not been oflicially informed of his nomination. At all events, we have not seen his acceptance. It is time an active oaava was inaugurated. Wise, in Virginia, has been upon the stomp for two weeks, and Breckenridge, of Ken tucky, is helping him in his can- vats. "T.lldj'' William8 has Opened ,, .. . 4.. nre ou .nrowei up wi me uiceuo- boro district, and they are haviDg'iii phenomiDal, exteniing throughout it hot and heavy. i Mr. Rogers is said to be a good : speaker. Mr. Simmons and other gentlemen of ability are ready to help him. aud the work should con mence. Public meetings will prove of vast benefit to our party. The Republican record is bad and should be fearlessly exposed. Other work is necessary. Mr. Rogers should visit every precinct in this district aud win votes by pleasing address and courteous intercourse with the people. "Up guards aud at them," was the command of Wellington at Waterloo. LI1TLE UEX.ME HAhKJSO.V. Telegrams from Cresson Springp, Pa., state that the President threatens to call Congress together in extra session should it dare adjouru without passing the force bill, the anti lottery bill, tbe Sut preme Court bill, the labor bill, and several other measures in which he takes seme little interest in the intervals of his various ex cursions. Bennie wants to let it be known that he is alive and kicking. Blaine and lieed have been all the talk for a month or so, and unless he kicks up a racket he will be entirely for gotten. P.ut he need have no such apprehension. The panic in Wall street, and the hundreds of strikes from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, the distress and embarrassment in every agricultural distiict in the Union will not permit him to be forgotten, but will call down curses on his head. Poor Harrison ! Kf.feeing to the canvass now being pressed so vigorously by the Democracy of Virginia, the Rich mond Dispatch says: The Demo crats in this district are having good meetings and fine speakers to address them. The people eageily listen to the discussion of the issues of the day and are more earnest aud united than at any time since 1S70. If all the other districts of the State are in equally good condition the Democratic majority in N ovember will be very great. Oar voters are not only confident, but alert. Mr. Oiieadle, Hepublican of Indiaua made a strong speech in . .! tbe yenable Langstou contested race in wbipli hn tnnt t hp prnnnd ' ' . , that Venable was fairly elected and insisted that the Republican party could not afford to seat Latigston. He said, "The Repub licans, had been fairly beaten, and it was beneath tbe dignity of the Republican party to reverse the figures of an election which had been lost to it by a thousand votes.'' Dick Johnson's circular didn't defeat Cheatham for the nomina tion before the Republican conven tion, but the votes of an outraged people in November, will relegate him to private life. While his party is stealing all the ''boodle" in the Treasury, along with onr liberties, we advise hiin to lay up a few coins for that lainy day whieh will have no end for him. Henderson Tomahawk. It was one of the accidents of a sad occasion that Senator Quay led in the Randall memorial ser vices in the Senate on Saturday. We don't suppose in our genera tion there have been two men who represented such thoroughly oppos ing standards of public life as Randall and Quay. The Wilmington Messenger says: "The platform of Radicalism in 1S92 will be shaped by Reed's recent campaign and success more taxes and heavier burdens." HUE AT LYKCIUJURti. WESTERN CNION OFFICE AND OTHER BOLTINGS BURNED. Lynchhuro, Vs., Sept. 15. A very destructive fire occurred here last night. The tire' was first discovered in the battery room of the Western Union - Bnt. nA n ...iln Iciest 'ii umtc a iiu Dicau aiiuijr i thal nothing was saved belorjgiDg to the office The fiimes quickly spread to M A k -.; n i n ir hi 1 1 1 A n o a onfi half ct Vi block wu8 destroyed. The following firms were burned out: John A. Lee, seed ana iff miners, iui. 11. iaritiu, dry goodo; Lewis & Jennings, whole gale groceries: M Kroft. tobacoo and cigar dealer: F. A Kinckle, boots and shoes; Western Uaion Telegraph office, E Crump, dry goods. The estimated total lo.-s in buildings and stock will amount to 150 000. No estimate of in surance can be made. Blue Ridire Tobacco. Raleigh, Sept 17 Reports received here today are to the effeot that the Inhocr.i rrnn wpat nf tha HlllA Rliffa, AROUND AND A 1501 ! KPS10V. EjilToli Ji'L'KSAl.'-Th-.U4h t i coi -liuuuuD an i fut tin.- Da.-t. ti-n o . Iiave BOtDn line aan pened the p. irild of ihe all coLLjuei iqk f-irmerH vet i.,uca re roaius lor beany j y and ihokKKiving. The hatvewt. iu everv din i-iien. i.-! 'OriDtiij(i iu 9 ib i oi a'jUijdiL.1 luxuiiiw tti.d iitf.fu-ia un pru.iuc nuiia. Tn.-jeiluw c.jiii li-ld ron:i.ex a boucillful leld. ifn- ; oit.n! er. p the iuio n-liiirice uf cur p pie is 'beb'.iriK iLe rrcorii. " f-r j itc now ii proiniecn to he ht?; ui.d he.-.tifSt cotton crop t nude iu L-:u..: co jrjty and l C will i ! nrly w. II Applte m.d ps h rt, tli:ri j -ir. li.ve DeeD a (iii ; are ; Lut urxpin ur.d waier uifclens are abundant, wbil - ilsn l.tlter are l.rne, luscious aud BWit-i a the world ever tasted Low buth hueUli.berii.-n turned out very multitud in' us. Ii is fxiimaied that five hundred and liftv ihf usand quarts of thece borriea were thi.jped j North this Beason by Hint live ami h 'ling ycuoe tueicbar.t. J.t.i h. C h upt urn - miugs, of Tuofeahoe Kinntn Ilia trade mis ana tne aojoininK oountirs. ilie Bales and collciioun u ru nle the salts and collect) ma of ail compel itnru . So much for put-h and energy, hrMiiih and sand. Hard by i tha stan i of jour "lo campaigner," 1,-fwis Grady, who. at this season of the y oar, deala chi 11 in th ever refreshing watermelon. 1-1 1 oonsiders it a "aiall ulTair" to pur chase, for Saturday 'a trade, four or Jive hundred melons, and just an the town clock sounds iho lust note of 1. a little after midnight, whilo it i yet Sunday, he couots up his "nicks" ' 1 dimes by the bushel and hi.'S awav tnerj H.tbbath morn lo church ami there '.h.mk God he is cot as other sinners are. lathe fall and winter h turn hiw ey es to the orange groves of the South and then his fun begins iu dealing out oraDKts to the coons ol lenoir two for a ' nick" and king up sheol with railroad president ami deiot agents. And by the way. at tins tirne, his niece. Miss I.illie K-alhley, from the orange groves of Florida, is payinir him a visit. She is a native of l'loiida. j int ''sweet hixteen," and fair and hincioiis as were those mammoth oranges whn-h the New Berne Fajr of Fehru ry, iHS-j. "hooked" from him to sweeten the Senatorial teeth ol Senators Vance and Ransom. Miss J.iilie expt cu to prolong her Btay in North Carolina till the "Ueaulirul Snow" falls upou the earth a eight seldom witnessed in Florida and which ber eyes never looked upon. Her father Bnd mother, with scarcely anything but a marriage certificate, left this couutry about twenty years ago after being married one evening aDd departing next morning to Florida, where he embarked immediately in orange culture and hue succeeded in raising a flourishing and remunerating grove. He is now, God blens his money miking soul, independent if not rich Our town just now is taking on a net life ana 10 kiuhhib aim 1 1 u r mr. lug. : Thera are many evidences of thrift and j . . ii j n- ,.o l ' improvement all around. The Suuih- eru l ines vnewing uum tompiny is now in full blast, turning out sweet ened stick rosin by the thousand boxes to give tbe j iw-bones of young girls who do not talk, good exercise. Large quantities of it are put up in single pieces in fancy bjxes aud shipped North and elsewhere daily. This in dustry is a 6ourceof good income to the projectors, while it furnishes our romp ing and restless fcirls "something to d -i" and fair remuneration. The "KiQBton Knitting Factory 'is also rapidly approaching cj.npletion I and will iouo turn out shirts, drawers, t hese and other kci. goods in large! quantities and fcupei b finish. This in ' uustry will be conducted on tntxten-i $ive scale. It will add very much every ; way to the town and give us "charaeti r i at home and consideration abroad." j The Ureenviile branch of the Wil- j mington and Weld on Riilioad is nearly ; finished to Kinston. Tbe smoke and j noise of the steam horse can bs se n and heard every day. This will be the; great highway for passsenger trav el and I freight north for this section of coun- ! try. It wiil take all the life out of thct political ' corporation, tho A & N. C. Kailroad, although the powerful I Eclipse Engine" G'ainger '"runs the. machine on that road. An eleeant and commodious depot building is now j in process of construction at the ter- minal point in Kinston. j. ub rains are u ei u gi iig i ii e eartu auu delaying cotton picking, while cotton ; 19 falling out very bail ly and in many ; cases, sprouting and moulding in the cotton boll. The farmers have ad- j vanced rates of picking to sutty cents; town, mid loft in the fort a number of per hundred pounds. This move will ; rifles Tho ir. rives overpowered the take all the wind out of "Pg-Leu" i guards, m-:;: d the guns and attacked Williams' sails and keep the cotton ' the town Thirty-tw;. Spaniards were pickers in North Carolina, as tbe crop killd. S.-vural Spanish men-of-war ia sufficient to give employ mailt till the were st nt from Manilla to quell the dis new year j turbanoe. The American batk Paroy Politics are up to the H9.h degree of . was lost six 'ft ks ago hot ws on Manilla heat I Alliance men, however, are ! and Glailo. Jhe crew was Baved. having it all their way. It is said, that I - - - - just previous to the Democratic con-.Republican Convention in Columbia. gressional con vention in Kinston on the ' t "oi fi m v S O Sept 1 Th- RJ- tbird instaot, political lightning play.ed rubii(.an State Convention re-convened fantastic tricks around the head of "D. ; this a ra. at y Mr. Miller now has R. Walker.' the sage of Monticello. ; control of the convention .and no doubt What kept it from striking his devoted ; hjs man. ex Congressman Small, will head is one of tho mai.y conjectures - be m(idu porulanent chiirman. Tne which puzzh s the disciplt-s of Lord con veutiou is very noisy and works Dundreary ! But the farmers wre not ! 80WlT. to be overwhelme.l. Not even the Aft'er a pn(lrp c,,nt, Ht Miller and "eloquenpe of j our Manly or your j Webster captured tne convention and Stevenson" (and they were grand el - 1 made Geo. W. Murmv, a negro, of fort) could turn the determined and ; 8umter- pf.rman(-nt chairman. Bray outraged farmers from his high resolve j ton-s fru,r.ds have determined to put to raise himself from th i degr;; l.ition , him in ,hp (ioi i aH candidate Coneress ana tnraioom tnrow n arouna nun 03- 1 the politician.! and place himself in an 1 even race in tha struggle for life. Simmons' liver invigorator would nut go down the earnest ard healthy sons of ; toil wno compo ed that convention It is now estimated thut Alli.ince Rogers, of Northampton, on "a fir count and I free election" will crrv Lenoir county , by more than six hundred votes over Harry Plummer 1 beaihiui, the Con- i gressman, who according to Bro John- . bod, puts away ' dead niggprs" in pine boxes and without clothing. Tbis esti- 1 mate, however, is not the mathematical j calculation of our Charlie Knowitall : Dunn or of our "little red head " friend. who runs pious J.ihn Wananinker' small "shebang" on "Scrauh Ar.kle" corner in Kinstan. John Robinson's "greatest show on earth'' will be here early in October. Preparations are going up for the big pictures and posters. . The"woman in man's clothes," Alex Morton, who was sentenced to be nung here on the 17th of October next by Judge Armfi-ld at last term of our Su perior Court, will not "go" at that ! time. Tbe appeal to the Supreme Court will put off the execution, if one should ever occur, to December. In the mean time she keeps quite cheerful and car ries a high head and a "stitT upperl ip. " She positively refuses all prc-ir-rs of ministerial consolation. Her lime in jiil is spent mostly in making muMO on a mouth harp. She plays incfss.tntly and sings rs she plays t The incriminating letter wheh she sent to Giles Parker, the chief witness against her, has been found an i though "tattered and toru" in a thousand pieces, has been sent to the Pinkerton's "for repairs, " and if it can be put to gether, wo shall see the truth ss it is. She denies the version givt-n of it by Parker m his testimony. We mourn recently the lots of one of ! the "old landmarks" of Leuoir county ia the death of Mr. Chauncey Cray, an i old citizen of tbis county and for many 1 years a merchant of Kinston. lie died j on the 9:h instant in Kinston in his 09. h year. The pathway of life is dark, but 1 what he saw he saw straight iiul saw right and so let ub sing "ead kind y. Light, amid the encir cling ((loom. Lead thou me on; n fir om i . :iut .-..re to r -p eU'lOfJIl : Oe'CAfclONAl Kinsion. Sipt. IT, 'J-J, A NUiliH t A KOI.!. I IN HONOR r!I). CilAS .M I;l'-Hr.K ii:-' KAl.KKUl M.KTil) hKAD OF ONE OF THE (iKAX IJ-T HK.V-Kl-'ICENT OliDEl..- IN Tllli WORLD. Oat- :( h.'O II c lt-'t iu-rc I .i i ... . k i. i '. h - Severe -;: i ir.-.i.-i '!..r..-. to rtttend L-..lKe I , U. F. : : d ay T ii.- fu;;o .lenr.iin was l . J l,,'.-V ' '. I!, i.iy- vi... .. I; . . N. i. Htil Carol ina nan il. Husbee has been i Wied Gran;; -Sin; of the Sove reign Crar.ii l. )iii;e 1 O O. F., unani mously. C.iiu i limpt'il, ot Canada ib eiietad Drjuij lirnuii Sire." The ht.r.or e. f.-.-red upon Mr. KusbcH by this election is cu-j of the greatest nu American o;., ;i run wear. The Order. , w iin-h in is r.n .v tl..- ru preme lie.,,1 . ;.-; gr, af -si h.-rielirent orgaui.iiion in nil tli world, .nil it is cons tan. ly grow in,r. : 1 he. total annual revenue of the Older ; in approximaie . . u.wxj. ana ot tins I amount, !-! u.ij.-, :'.,i.iiti.r0ii is expended ' for the n lief of Mi;k un-.l needy mem ! bern: He has. for a lung liioe, Un-.i au active me, liber of 1. O. O. F. aud two years i ko he was elected Deputy Grand Sire j of tho Order at Los Angeles. Cal. Fiom that ofliee he ascends to the ! head of the gieit Order, rtllecting I honor lipjii himself and upon his native Mate Mr. Biirhee w ill return to the city within the ii'.xt two wicks, BL(1 cn Sepr. uiber obib a maftriiiii-enl ovatit n ari l lut.'j'iet will be tendered Rileigh's d istiogui6hed Hon by his friends, tha cifze is and tho members of the Order here. It will b. such a reception as I 'eigh has not tiven a man Hince i.arayeiio paseeu turougn trie town. Scale Chronicle. llll. SI VI K FA IK A 1,;hi;p and Vioioiis Me, tin el' Iho I xeentive Cdinniittee. The executive committee of the State Fair met here yesterday. There was a larger attendance than has been known for sometime, and de termination and enthusiasm were plain ly apparent. A lot of orders were passed with reference to improving tho grounds and getting things in read iness, and every thing was ordered dene with a view to i comfort and attractiveness. ! ; The President, the Secretary and a j j Director were appointed a special com- mittee to look after and arrange a good j schedule of races a schedule that will ! make racing a prominent and attractive i feature of every day of the fir. I Ii. w is resolved that tie? btHt music obtaiaiih d be set-iired, and thii i i, , u.. .. . . , i u i i j r c-.u,, i, i. , . f Cherokee Injisno from Western v,r,i, t. One feature will bi (i gre .t tariff dis cussion by men of note who are familar with and will be able to han ile the Bubj-ct. This will be held on a day specially set apart for a great general gathering of the farmers. It ia proposed to make this a farmers jubilee day. In addition to the f 000 premium lists already sent out, six thousand more are to be jointed and distributed at I Soici;.l i risl rn e i i.-,n s and directions fair bhould be Wpre ,,iv(1n that thr th"rr!i,jh ' y and extensively advertised State ' bronicle. M:vU0i:s roisoN'Ei) Ten out of a I In ml red Lie in a Church. Bekminuiiam, Ai.a.., Sr'pt. 17. A big nrgro revival meeting is being carried on in a church in Dallas county near here and great crowds are in attend ance. Somehow or other nearly a hun dred were poiBoned at the dinner hour today of which ten are already dead. The others are very much scared and the whole congregation is suspicious of some supernatural visitation. The perpetrators cannot be found and the whole affair is shrouded in mystery. A Terrible Massacre. San Fk v.vci -(), Sept. 1. C. I,. Owens, a njereh3at -f Manilla, arrived rjere yi, eterci y on t-ie ettatntr uuenc, He savu a terrible massaore occurred August t in tbe town of Punspe, on the Idaud. Tho s Spani-h soldiers were building a fortress on the side of the j against M, Irr - in th only lpubli 5an 1 district in the State seventh Ihis will j insure the election of a Democrat and the jeturn ot Congres-man Llll ct Ihe Price i.f Mother. of-Pearl Affected. LomoN, Sept. 1 The Chronicle's Vienna correspondent f;. the prospect aririnir from 1 1 1 . - parstt".- of the McKin ley ti.i'ilT bi 1 com bin il with trie fall in gold h is 1'iivrred 'h" price of mother- ofptarl lo p r o.-n L M 1 t hr of pe ai 1 ! The night :- : . - home, E 'a 1 . hou iju'j oi. : i ; aid . tho j my f .. t The '.;:s:a-u -ei'if : rut. mamifociori.js have clos- d t-;i ir facto as to the members of the county ticket ries in order to avi.id working at a his-, j 8nd the Alliance men have the Legisla an l thirty thousand persons are thro n : tive ticket. All white men will support out of rinploymenc. (these candidates. (I'l.linir In lit Itir Li i.M.tlN, Sept IS Ihe Freejte Out. The merchants of lielfast are making every eudavor to place as much linen as possible in the United Slates before the McKinley tariff bill goes into t lT-.'Ct. The White Star line steamer M.jestii which sailed from Liverpool for New lork yesti r day, has one of the largest cargoes of linen ever known to have been shi p d Viany shipper are unabid to secure freijiht space. The River and Harbor liill. W.hinc,t "". September 17. Speaker Reed has at l ist signed tho river and harbor till aud mi ant.uocem.-nt will be mide to th Ilou-e Kin tir;t oppor tunity. 1 lie next step forward wi.lte to secure the signature of the presiding olTieer of tho Senate f.nd the bill will then go to the President for approval. Largest Cut ton Receipts on Record Rai.f.PiII, Sept. IS, Thy cotton le C3ip:a here will be the greatest on rfc ord ia S ptembti". Ti.cre is no doubt ; nearly the whole crop in this section ! will be open by tbe end of the month and the main object will bo si curing enough hands to pick it. Though there i are no complaints of scarcity of labor, yet tntre is not enougn of it to Keep up with a crop so rapiJly openin. A Handsome Donation Cbicaqo, September IS John D. Rockafeller has j ist given ?l,000,0i0 to the new (. hicagO Rsptipt Coiversity ' in addition to the SG00 000 which he contributed previously. i OK' k;n m: V; . ui A I) 1 1 U . to iu o clock i.ic or Aihaailira i,-. iii t tfor;s Diaoe Il burning The i.iiit i.. cftr p-iia:e I . n -t-i i 1 . :i espit j i.-.e i xlavu lei. 1; . it is eti I lire origiuiittd l.i the AlberOi courty ird :ul soon eprtad to me ta'ierics. ureii UMiif t.HSOren donr. liio Janeiuo pt l'; i"i:u citations for tueiKh-r of o -:i l.i : . n i awemblj passed 11 O il Hiy Svd.'.f.v, K. w. S.-m. ;.) --;';; labor le i.ei-he l!i;i-h". 'i, ! . csi. nut t e n i , enn.je. r. hn f (lr, ,,,,-n hnd resoji ,. ;r...r e rxtrt yoe :ie ,-jr- ii. ihe, iitil to D-ii. iiu .i cinfrr-'ucf .. i."li their m;ilt,yt.TH wuhiii nirty -tight hours. Tie government is iun',ribHing all the r lie ammunition poi-nhli- in order to prevent its misuse BekLIX, S -pt IU Vu exploHi .n uc cu.'rel tidy in the M,ivbck -t.ir at Sauic Weundel. Hnenis'i I'mu bv w.nch ttventy-five mimrs were killrd. Other m.'(j in ih,. p. m i;.,. number of wi re ri SClied . vn;i:u: Se;,t , r.iv r- from ihe roH-t eon :i i m th" rc;i in of th i'im of a de. r. e bv the Germans :it liiga ; moyo. authorizing triiflio in slaves. Ttie j de.oree was n'gned by tbe Oilman Com mandant and was posted at Biigarnoyo ana l).irensAmm H at, iluli- ex- pelled from Z.rr.ih.ir have established ihemselves at Bagamoyo ami are doing a thriving bua-.m sa. It is reported that the Sultan has for assieianco telegraphed to. Europe I lie (Creates l ood to Ihe Greatest Number. It has ever Wm acknowledged that thoughtful men attl women derive great benefit from tbe practical expe rience of others. This is certainly true, inasmuch as people of nice tastis, bat tling with a limited income, must pot sees a strong vein of practical common senee, which, in cases of emeraencv. j predominates, tnd Insures a conserva- tism of action iu providing for those of I their own household. It is in such j homes, and among tbis class of people, ! we oisoover that which results in "the j greatest good to the greatest numbr, ' I y z . Dr Humphrey V Mmunl and Fam ' ily Syeeifi s. Chore being no large bank account with which to liquidate a doctor's long bill for w inter's atten 1 I ance, the mother and housekeeper feels iv lutuiuuBiii upon ner to rieeome in h measure and hundreds of times with tho most marvelous success not only I her own physician, but the able adviser of her Bftlicted neighbors. She notes the symptoms of croup, worm fever or measles in her children, the hollow cough, bronchitis or incipient corsumj -tion in the husband or friend, and con sulting her Manual administers the prescribed Specific with remarkable and gratifying success. 'o wonder the unvarying testimony in favor of Hum- i phrey s' SpeciB.-s is, that they aro sim ple, mild and efficacious, S ;e adver tieement Lt'ayette. Ind . Journal. Blaine Carrie (lie Day Willi liecipro rily. Washington, Sept. 10 - Those bel ligerent Republican members who were threatening a few weeks ago to ulterlv demolish the Senate amendments to tl e Tariff bill are now as docile hi lambs, and when sent to the President, will be substantially as it stands today. SpeaL er Reed and those Republican members who agree with him that the recipro city feature of the bill, as proposed by Mr. Blaine and peifected by the S-nate. is a delusion and a snare, have decided to takq their medicine with as much lerace aa possible. A week or two ao ' tne 8Peafeer was making preparations iu organize a ngnt in tne riouse against the reciprocity amendments. Tho situation has changed now, and the Speaker will accept the bill as sent over from the Senate. A canvass of the House has developed the fact that more than three fourths of the liepubli can members are outspoken in favor of reciprocity. Hence it would be useless for Speaker Reed to antagonist i the pet scheme of hn enemy. Mr. Blaiue. M my members of both House pre dict that if the Tariff bill is disposed of within a week, whioh seems likely, ad journment will be had on Saterday, the 27ib mst. Two at One Shot. St Louis. Sept. 12 At Gainesville, Tex., last nighs, a quarrel occurred in a saloon between the bar-keeper, Htnry Vogel, iand thiee or four you ig men from tbe country. One of the lalt r. Lee llashstn, threw a glass ut Yogel. who drew a revolver. B-isham ducked down in froct of the com t ir and John Wilke took sh( Iter beh nd him just ae Vogel fired. Tho ball stru -k B-v nam in the throat l'ut above the collar hone and went entirely through his body, coiling out just at o -e the 1 ft hip, entered the forehead of Wilke. went through, coming c ut tt the back and struck with such force that it s uok in the wall opposite. Both men were killed. Vool was nleas 1 on a 3, (-00 bond . Sow York Census Deehuvd luamirate and Incomplete. Nkw Youk Sept li The ;nitary police this afurnoon completed a cen sus of the Second ward of this ci'y. It shows a total of 1.10G residents of the ward, instead of 922 as reported by tbe census men. This is an excess of near ly 30 per cent, over Porter's figuros The Health Commission, after con sidering this, adopted a resolution setting forth that the evidence pointed clearly to the conclusion that the cen sus of thi3 city, as announoed, is both inaccurate and Incomplete, and calls 1 t .1 r r. r rt nrOr o nam .(.nana to" bu taken of all the inhabit .nts of the cjtT " ' - 1 lie 1,1011 and the l.umh I. ie Duwn Tosrellior. Vei,ton, N. C , September 15, The white Democrats, Republicans and Al liance men have consolidated their fcrces in Halifax coui.ty and have nominated one ticket to be put up Hgiint the negro candidates. The Demoarats and Kepublicins alternate Terrible Fatal Accident Rai.eiuu, N. C . September 18. Com missioner of Agriculture John Robinson today received news of the death of his brother. George I.. Robinson, in Anson t county. The latter was twenty-four f years of age. Yesterday ho was at work at a cotton gin and his arm was ; i caught in the machinery, nearly tear- ing the limb from his body. He bled to death before surgical ail reached : bim. The New Kuowiiolhinirs. L. CnossE, Wia . t ptember 13. A circular sition to is being cucuULrd in oppo - tl-.e Derii' cr.Hi.iC ticket, which pledgf s tbe signers to defer d the public schools and their sysfm of education against any an 1 all inva?'"i of Catho licism r.nd pron oteis of n pirocbial ! school system. Tli" i-h .cord i i. ' Americ i for Americans. '' I.ynt'liiiiir I'sual l'olln.s WaIiSaw Va S p'.omhi-r 1"-. Henry Yeaby (negro;, n ui't-' nmn character, has been lodged in Northumberland cous.ty jail at llesthvilh- for having a few rights since at'.i mpted to commit a brutal assault upon ihe person of a young widow ldy near that place. There was gieat excitement ov r the affair. AOV1CK TO 11 OTII KItS. Mrs VVuslow's Footiuno Svrvp b l-i 1 ri a I u a T a Kn - "i f . . r r) ilrl rcn - . t. t ' . t. i - lei,IJ . 11 ri-Utlfd Lilt U-.il'l, PUIiriiB the trnma. allavs all ,iai,.. ,-im s wind i colio, and is tho bost remndy for Diar rhcea Twenty five ocutB a bottle, jaly ' OrsTK ENJOYS Hoth tho method and results when "vrup ,f Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta i'enily yet promptly on the Kidneys, I.i.it :uh1 Uowels, cleanses the eya !rm cllectually, dinpels colds, head "1( 3 : 1 1 j 1 fevers and cures habitual , i-oi,si ipation. 8yrup of Figs ia the only remedy ot its kind ever pro iliicod, pleasing to tbe taste and ac- eentalilfi fo thfi Kfnmneri Tviwmnt in I i.i i rf . , i ',. u' "n nna l"" 'Ce"Ciai in IU i ""' vt:! prepared only from the most j healthy and agreeable substances, its mmv e.viellt nt oualitlca commend it to all and have made-it the most popular remedy known. ' .'; Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and $1 bottles by all leading .'drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP 6b. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. f LOUISVILLE, KY. HEW YORK, H-V , CatarrH CREAM BALM Cleaned the Maul I'magM, Allays Pain and I n flam matloav Heals tbe Sorrs Restores 111 Sense ot Taste and Small. HAY-fEVER TRY THE CU3E A particle 1 applied Into ea-efc noatrfrUDd. la agreeat.le. Price 50 eeota at Droaclata; hr mall, registered. 60 oU. ELY BROTHCB8. 58 Warren Street. Mew York aprlMwly and Whiskey KabiU cured at borne with out pain. Soot of par. ticnlansent rKKI. VssajatlautauUtt. Offi IB.M.WOOIJJCYJH n ' Allanta,Uu. Office 1W4 Whitehall 8. HUMPHREYS' Ita. UuMFURKys' BpaeiriGS areaoientlfloaUxaiul oarfully prepared prflsorlptloiM 4 osed torsBaair y tiarw In prl vate practice with suooesADd forow thl rty years ued by the people. Evmy Sinai Bps till' ih a special cure for tbe disease named. 1 UHse Speclucs cure without dnuglaa asm liitr or redutMnir tbe sjsiem, ana ans la tae and due.1 the soverelg-a re sediee eftkeWarid. ljht of p&imcipaz. mos. cuasw. 1 KoifM, Ooiurcatlon.'lnflsjaanattoa... .'J '2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. .'J a ( ryini V'allCfOr ieHuingor inrania 1 llliirrbrn, or Chlhlren or Adults a llyHrnierr, Orlplng, BUIoiw C0IU3 i Cholera Morbas, Vomttlug .'2 7 Concha, Cold, BrouchiUs Nearaiis-in. rootbace. FaceaooB. ... I .u O Headaches. Sick Headache. Vertigo .3 19 Mr ripepsis. suiuia nutuni II Snparesnelor Palsfsl Periods. lil Whites, too Profuse Periods .'J.5 I 3 i'roap, Coufrh. PlfBcult Breathtnr ... ,95 II Knit It Ii .n m . FrvRlnAlaa.li-.nintW.na. .'IS 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains.... 16 Fever and A Bee, Chills, Malaria. .. . 17 Plleti, Blind or Weeding 10 Catarrh, Influenza, OoM In the Uead 'JO W hooping Cough, Violent Coughs. ii ftenersl Itebilitv. Physical Weakness r KH...iii..... 5H Nervous ItehilltT ....'lJ 30 1 rinnrr Weakness, Wctttnlt Ped. .4 3-i Diseases rthellca.rt,PalpitaUoalJsi Bold by Draiarisia. or sent postpaid on rseelpt of price. C 1R. UUHTHRXTS JSANuAI I CMTHRET8' MAVUAL. f 144 DtUrSSl richly hound In cloth and sold, mailed free. Cor. William and John Streets, New York. SPEOI FICS. All of tbe a'.o.e medicines ar for ale a the drug stores of F. H. Duffy and It. IV.rry, Middle stret, Na Berno. N. C. Tiixxo Tried AND FIRE TESTED insurance Companies. WILLIAM ITOUVER, Insurance Agent AND NEWBERN, N. C. iETNA Fikk Insurance Com pany, of Hartford, Conn. Has the largest capital, largest assets. Largest surplus, of any American ir Ins Co. Continental Fire Insurancb Company, of New York, Papitil. 81.000 000 Assets. $5,000,000. Has pid over $24,000,000 of losses. Thk Norwich Union Fikk ins. Co., of F.nirland, One of the oldest, one of the strongest, one of the largest r'ire Insurance Com panies in the world. Tiif. Asulo Nkvada Fire Ins. ('., of San Francisco, 'api'al.S2.000,000. i ii k Lancashirk, of Manchester, Englantl, Capital, 310 000,000. Thk Fidelity and Casualty Ins. Co., of New York. Furnishes bonds of suretyship to bank. railroad and telegraph office. Tim: Fidelity and Castjaltt 1n"s. Co., of New York. I Issues Aor id ont Policies covering aooi- dents. Marine Ins. Co., of London, Insures Cotton to and from any port l tho L'nited States or to any port i Europe. Aui.rd'an Steam Boiler 1n. Co., of New York, , 1q: uri-s boilers from explosions. Conm i Tici T Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Hartford, Conn. Tviiial nn. 1 exact justice to all lt policy holders are characteristics ot t hie old, n il h!e company. William H. Oliver, ' Rri'-k build inff. k building. South Front street. , . T?-. JaV ti. i Formerly occupied by Green, Foy Cdv as a bank loa: house. New bern. N. C. au31 d4H

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