1 : -"- 'v ;i j... A. USTDEPEDEHSTT' IXST ALL THINGS. , B. B. HARFKB, Pfprt.Ur. Li yi ao i j- t-. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOV vol. xm. NO. :3. t -! ; c v How is Your B food? I hjuia maU:rnant breaking out on my teff beJovr the knee, and was cured sound and well with two ami a half bottles of 8. 8. S. Other blood midu iuts iuui fil cd to do me my good. WttLjC. Biatt. Yor'ivCic, S. C. mark: I was troubled from cbildliooil -i'Ji an "SSravated caie of Teller. :m.l tline bottle of S. S. 3 cured mt perma nently. ' Wai lack Man, Aiaiir.ville, I. T. Oar oook on Blc-nl and Sltia Diseases mailed, free 8toi &rDCTFtc Co . Aibnta, CJa. TfiG Converiibla Policy The Convertible Policy issued by THE MUTTTAL BENllFIT It fr IftU' h ?o Company incraitaiTtM lit-erai faiur of the ' 0.npmtiy. is.h tie aijtion cf a ffuar- meeti Ottsh SurreixJiT vCue. whici; wil Ur j;td at i- uu.r two years MMMami bae n nai l . if dorn.niarf 4 ' 'Vss 3 iFijriririr EvrrIVhcv ha endcn.ed utjon it .newspapers bu naosying in i.'ia figures tbe op-' thrown out of the mails for pub tH, Srxted by the company. .lining the names of winners at a ,It optica. Cash surrender t1ug. ... , , . .. , . . . Church fair drawing. 2d ootion. Amonnt that mv be bor- " rowed from the company on tbe pol-; . SAapMaa Exterrdetf tnavrstnoe for fail ) amount of the policy. . 4th opt loo. Pii ap policy value. . . fs- rki. ti.-T i ' tJmlilri: i.r ;,.rl.i a,. .1 I . rT -jii.. .... s j . s.t, . . 1, . '"j jrj t UUIlM"lfflal ami aeaks the serrtamentor rertlt 01 tnrar anoe No lews by lapses. D. T. CAR R A W A V, Axenu Healtky pr-otia between fourteen j suad seventy insured. SAVES ANK0YA!:GE. GJVES PE .VOE. AIDS "HOUSEKEEPERS, j ' TKOLAN Powder. ( Eyey Package iuarinteel to Give Satisfaction or your Q.-ocer will relund the nioroy. . tliASUPCTrBKi bt SMITHr H6RPEL & CO.,. saUdcSin BALTIMORE. - -- Taxes! Taxes! , IwiU viit tbe place b.lD for the parpoae of celteetiDC lax-.s. on toe days stated during the month of Octo ber: Vanceboro, ?To. f Township Star-dayrOc.-llib, lbdO. Futtber V Store, No- 3 ' Towoshir, WdaeaUy, Octcbsr 15 b, Fort Barnwell. No. S :wnship. Jsat- urdT. October 13, 1S90 Morton's Store. No. 5 Tor.ehip. Fri day, October 24, 1890. Havelock. No. Q rovnehip, Saturday, Ootober 25. 1690. Jimei City. No. 1 Townthip, Friday, October 31, 1?90. Jasper. No. Township, Monday, a.tiiir ?n iMOj - Those faiiiat meet me t the above 8 iyf: It is reported that Card. rial named placee-and saMling their Taxes SUDooDi, bv order of the Pope, has will be visited by xnjaelf or Deputy at; ' once wivhtba ezpreM purpose or cot- ! forbidden the bishops of the Ameri lectinir the taiaa de. - ! can hierarchy to give any i fli -ial 1teA.T.wca ni... w.a-t n A nn 1.B SA , " 31at dav of December" - W. B. LANE. Sheriff. N)w Brne,S-pt 25.100 dnf Southern War Songs! 8ootherj War SoUi;s. Cix.-i Fire, Patriotic : aird SsntimnLl. coiUci-.d kad arranged by W. L Fjgau. of A'.a bam a. Numerous illuv.rtioua Price o ea v V..U- l T V.. . i. . . . Co.. PablUbem. 1S90 Thu comprises by a'l odd the most ccmnlete collect. on of s 'UthttD war s 'uih.rn Songs ever biOu.-iht together in one volans; ia f&rt ro slttrmpt en r greats to have been mad . to p, -ent ev; n a limitexf eoinber of te--e sprits i i a mm ner woiiby ol .iheir n.Cf..s liia illus tralloM.' by one T -o York. 'e ra ft talented axtnts. ate i.ii'u-t,:u an i ppir itad - Xaa auLl-r in -i.. iii 1 b e : "Emotional Her-. ,-. ! i,iiti, a ccrrect expoofr. wf .t,I.o feturceot. and these sodss In-er -n pwionate sitcerity of thr-s.u-. i i. .... uie tn-r were written :l -Tfcs -bok is enfl r u bj nt-c : i iiogrniafced fsjaner.i m r Senator) Carlisle o ! '' Kentucky. Hna-.or ' n Sanator Pugh ot At n. F. Crisp of Georgi li ad General Long-.-n- Biys in hta ccniii.eB!- r. volume: "Whether ir - - , . i . Federal or th. C ' will find ia t e - .. - , in .'in - i-i rLlurii , ' titOOll Hon Cm ' : :'i'i .'it pauixto sotiav m and bi a ltr.r . . ' rell of Miori , -only collection of seen that ii comp A ICTOUD of Cou fed or forms a strikic ' This book -;em- p- for Birthday and H -Women and men t ad drees ought to d attractive work. Bath iooms At my shop on JIi.nl . ot water, hot or cola :rM'. jaal dtf J. B. BROWN EDI rlUI VL .NO I KS. il a t''"i0 tire un- day. S.N'nw in Tcnnis.-ee ist Mon- 'day. McKtNi.K .ij the Force 1 will be psssed ttn winter. TlIK Farruira Alli.Uire now has a membership of over to iniiluui". TnEUK was a Urge amltiisis- teroas fire hi ApaUchicol.i, Ela., Monday alLer noon. Secretary Nobi.k has refiwd the application tor the retaking of ( tbe census of New Ymk city. Gov. PattisuN has sworn out ' warrant h for criminal libel against the editor ot the Philadelphia En quirer. A I 1 ei:NK - i kn k u.u. Mili.br has scl.r r.: .i i-irciilar ilirectin I the rigid enforcement of '.he anti HottPry law. -1 Barnum's circus met with a railroul avident in Georgia in which two mm and eigh' horses were kide.l. On Mon.l iy Es President Cleve .nd made an argument before the I". S. S.ipreuu Court. The conn room was crowded. The question of the constitution- i ality of the electrical execution law of New York is "now before the V. S. Sapreme Court. The Mayor of Philadelphia has h.iJ.O iiAa,imariM,m 111 ho decided TOat tio enumeration ot the city's population hhall be made by the municipal authorities. Key. Walter S. Creasy has 'replied to Dr. T. U. Pritchard's l article on Sam Jones, through the columns of the Wilmington Mes senger of October 20. THE Sunday editions Indiana ot two were in It is said that a reaction Las set ia against the tariff, and it now . n Feems that high prices, following the passage of the McKinley bill, . a . .. S proauce a revolution. r CriAi- ia a Unnnhlioin n ffl .'I,.. I V'' J V 1 . . CS J fc V I ' 1 1 V L. U V. ' . . . L . i t ... his nartv fie savs it takes two .s.o n l vu I white men to equal one negro, n.rilnT nr nnnb- onnala f'h.vir. I ham. i From ,, . . , ill the irgiuia and Mary I anil shores comes the empha tic declaration that the natural oyster beds have ben mo:t cruelly and recklessly dispoiled, and that this year the oysters are dead ,n many localities. A reformed gambler has been whiDDed. tarred and leathered in . rv,,., ft-, l f ,; uii vju.y-nnv. xuo iciuiui.uuu "" 1 right, but the subject was unfor tunateAin the selection of the place. ' A registrar has been arrested by a IT. S. Supervisor at Richmond. Va., because he refused to give a copy of his book. Ihis was an attempt t0 intimidate voters ar.d not warranted by law. Mahone is still a liepubhcan, his terrible castigatiou of Langston is driving white men out of that party irAo the Democratic ranks. Mahone and Cameron are doing the country ferviee bv their exposition of It-uubhcan methods, - THE Chicago Inter-Ocean if- marks that the McKinley bill has been a law three weeks and that .1,.., ..... !,,,. i. .1 I,., . uac IUUU.O, ""''"'"I whereto the New Yoi k Star snul- ingly re.-ponds that they have "touched bottom; the bottom of the poor man's pocket." A NEW YOEK special from Pome a v r- n n . r T o 1 F-v tl . a i . I or even approval to I IIC i ' l l nationalist campaign of Messrs. D.llon and O" linen in America. TlIK Clinlotte Chroui.-le 'Fifteen hui.dreii women joined a poli'.u-al ii-so, 1.1:1 woik against T.iaim.tnv. raise mout'i for necessary s.i .-: i: '. ve i i o The., cam paign expenses and try to get all the men to register." Now if Tammany women tullow this ex ample, wh.c a time there will be in N'ew York ! M a K I. an i is tlneaieued with a gicAi m.-l 'i'u:ie m the rumored failure ol the ( 'tios.ipr.ike Hay ovs t-r crop. .iore ojs'ers taken from tlo- Clicsa: ,-,iki a i e PiS th i n ii tin.ti an other body ol water t ne wo! Id, and the o.str,- in , 1 1 s . r r y ijivi-s empn ment to m.tu : . 1 1 1 s i ; , i t - I'.,:-- in M 1 1 1 1 1 ; d . Tl.e .iv er c ill' Il .1 1.1,1 . 1' I " i L, - ' : ,k I ; '. ; - n. , ; 1 1 0 ci'fi ( o ;,- , N oi ,., --.-i--, brr i' w.'-i ' i ! It: -!..:! ' ii . - e.i r. .L'iiN li. I LI. I amsi .n , a negro i: d , '.- : ; . ! ;. - a Ue- -, e.i .r- cm , i . in..t li:-pa- , : . t ;, . . 1 ,,- r le, :,-,!:'- 'be Ii ro. the 1 r ' 1 " v ' ' 1 ' " U" n i '-a-, it : t' g " How r,,.,, i; j, .. ., c . , i , !, : ' e iti t . i s ' a : ii sticli a -I ;, - - i,. o ron t lie negroes i i i i v -. . i , i ,v 'r--:r-- p-t Iv a: -1 '-old!) rej lldla'e his d.i i 'in--' .,t,.i ti : , ' t : N r - : It lias colli e '' x ' . a : r.-" p -s that w hi te ll ids ;i N oi : h t ii , i n i td b v - ell l hell .1 fiom among them are not resp.-ct-:es. Come tt white men and j .in a w nit 0:v at least , pectability man's party and put the appearance of res LaGrange Spectator, r )i I OK 1 Al. NUTIS. Mr EiS'-oi.y has left London to Visr t in- I ii. led Srates. Immkn.sk deposits of nickle liave b.-eii (iien ered '. ii Virginia. Henry M. Stanley and wife have sailed from Liverpool Ne V'H k, The rkanas G.,7-!;o eonriden th 'i ed'C's the ret urn of P.rerkin nd'e to Congress. TlJE Wilson Advance is threat ened with a lioil stm. bnt it don't i scare i i th. i eeiii. 1' keeps, ricui on ti 1 1, if n ,r Jim' t shot. H.lii;iS"N is iiiiiiif home to vote Mi,, r.i.nie H.,ir.M.n and stav the! e be M.umted throughout the ' ii ii : i in 1 M)'. Till. i ;-c .. men of Louisville I'tmiinim have organized a an company lor controlling the leaf tobaciro trade in that region. AN emigrant Listion recently died p .-.-el. el . t w 1 1 hiimlied mi with all tin bo. ml A STHA C It diptli. i i.i, of a kliil. in a Lnii steamer that left with seven hun- went down about s I t orn the coast intn daTd black most malignant Iv at Middleton, Wisconsin ber was , them died wit h which every mem - :n Ued and several of i,,'f L. ve .,r ,rtv iM to ,lon t know uaipaii ib to ut cotton and corn, tobacco w win. .l. .. 1. .. II ..n J. a.. UQi UK t OH It tll UUUC1 UUC . p4rtv aduiini-tration as another. - ,....u uiirj u.,i . , i church. , izing cla.s fr the stuJv ..; Nort"h Carobnawill be self sustain-' cofesf' m-v 'nends, while J ! A vote wa8 taken and Dr. Vb re-,' Word, ani liile t!,,, w.'.-u. ;..( nave entirely recovered from that 1 ceived something over 100 votes. Fif- had from two to three .e-ni..i:;. a ing under any circumstances. shock yet when 1 first read thoi-eiteen or twenty scattering votes were i tonight there are no: i.ow uu,:,,;! CdXCiUFMAS Pit iU TELLE of wrds, COmiDg in a Solemn resolr. divided among other candidates. Upon ladies or gentlemen in the . i, i.;. ' ' tion from hnnpaf- niiriahr hrmrv. motion Dr. Vass was unanimously ; have not prcmistd by eh -Un-g !. . Maine, a.lfi.its that there are errors "?? ,r0m J,P.e8r' "l,r,8ht h.on-P , eKcted pastor of the church. to give up dancing, to miU- u;, a iu the M, KmiIcn (m!1 and proposes fw rtt?,lberte,y rfnned. de. A committee of Bix of lhe oldest There are p.-obably iUi.v h- in th. .M.KnitN iDa I)rpIose8Hiberately enacted, as their .itidg, members of the church, three ladies . P-urke county ihis nUhi,.. !.,-,e i. to pa.-s . i healing act. A plaster , meat of nvyeelf, I felt for theme- and three gentlemen, was appointed to i eitu clothed and m hn ri.L. rnij b g nioutih to i:.iv.-r that sore will ment as Gen. Lee felt. I notify Dr. Vass of his election. The , the Bible iu h. h .u.i. . ,,v , . . . . nDni mr fi-iunAa t tnnw rmi 1 committee called upon him immediate- promised to r-.-id to Lis ! i -. . . be confine,,, ai in its proportions. Bnt- my fnentls, I know you. 1 meeti and rectived hia ; three week ago a dm en , LAN.iSToN lhe leader of the ?au DeVlT had a momellt .' an . acceptance of the pastorate. 'and father wao a cur,, to Li-.ou.-.-n 1 have had several or anguish, but j it will be several weeks before be will Indeed it sunn a? th--uh (led :, Uepunitean partv in lrgmia anu ftg trnl 8l)aI1 fiaal,y triumph, my 1 be able to take charge, as the oall will i deemed this good man an i -..v. ; Cheatham the head and front of name Will 1)0 Vindicated, and 1 ' have to be prosecuted by the congrega- . from a druokaro V grnvo in r H,. !.,, .,!.,. ,n ivntr in Vorfh hall Tivo acraJn in (ho haarfa . f "On both before the North Carolina his faiih and sympuhy in ij'.t i ,;!, Carolina, onght to make eelf res- pecting white- men in that party , , get up and dust. THE chiefs of the fire depart ....... , , menrs t ail trie towns anu cities or North ('.irolina will assemble in . . .. . iu convention at ureensooro on tue t i. ,i v ,.-r., i.r ti, .liirna.i, 1 - hot November. The railroads . " ; will give special rates to deligates, ; and t he at tendance is expected to ! be large. ikM(J ami 0I.1MKRS' HOMES WV like (.elisions. The soldier who h is s. rved his country in war ; is entitled ; ihe consideration of his Government and should receive u .n i. ot i,, such a petision as will shelter him 1 from the cold winds of adversity. All uatioim attest their apprecia-: tion of soldiers who have laced ,irtiri, n tl.o b)itlef.-ld and malr ' ' provision lor those who, because of the loss of limbs or tho failure of health, are ucable to provide for themselves and thos of their households. Put the American peuiou system is an anomaly. h veryje.tr me pension use grows , larger; everywhere else pension j lists grow less as we recede from i th,- date of the war. The Wilmine-1 I.OU Ol.ll " - ! 1 he p.-nsion ofbje has informed , the I . S r.t-isiiry that it will re- qunc -., 000,000 to pay pensions in i the moiiLii oi November and Dt -: cemOr-r. 1 nat isu t all. it is only au nisi alluiF-nt ot the 100,000,000 inch I uclr bam will be expected . u fsheil out tor the current year, , and tuat isu'c all, either, lor on top I f this will be piled S5i,000,000 or ' b(J,ooo,iFtju more wnen tney Degin i ,.. Oiii.tlianiin.mnc.niiiirthA aepoudeut act. Plow much the tut.il of that will be no son cf Adam can tell, for the number of applicants lias already aouoiea tue numbt-r that the advocates of that mea.-ure said it was probable would ever appear, aud still they are rolling in at the rate ot i, 000 or 1 (100 a dav without any eiins of I , - , abatement Thei e is even no pros- ' every town senaing- a representative to ' , n -iiUhe conference: not only at a time of pect tne pension raius fil.6( wnere the benefits of an exchange end here tor the pension agents i of ideaB wil assert- itself, but in the have still ot her bills in soak, such I safety felt by the community In general as the service bill, the bill to pen-: wherever a communityexists which pos- mod oris iners of war etc, which sesses a fire, chief with interest enough ,,., ' ... ,iHI ..l-i tn'mn th ron h 1 ' n his du tie" BB cbief 10 take ad vantage 1 1' tin- L-1 ni b! : c.i ns . r get control or - lo-x; ( ingress. llow many millions nmie l hese would cost DO The tat ill' is mortal man can te tion but it is i verv i ' ;,;, a big- ones sin .li que-t inn in comparison with wirh ,vli,it this pension question will te in the near future." ... ,, ,i . : .,..,: im, i I,, the ,n-h tn.s pension biw - 11 ess i - . xive.l i n ktlv oppressive. She pas mos' liig.-ly into the pension fan i and iece,-s no benefit from It. Peii-n ins. I ke eVery-fhillg else in lb,- l',,l"i.il Govern ment, is op-pre.-s; e to : he S mi" I i . lo : e -nil rs- homes all over is richt. Old ll III i-ht t, : h c . and have a home : we r hev have t hem in thev must have -1 ul ;!i slioulil be m ' i Pile !. 1 1 - t,.i r..,. : tn- a nt 1 1 n I : and ' ne ll 1,1 n bell I lie k o ! lin; -nil. C lo Co', 1 sini.e t (i m a n k ; i. d . L . : n . - - .1 N. tli ('arolina. iiu' mo.-t com . he gt oiinds I ln most ; in- d t he most s ivory, ia,-!- :iie sff est that eat li t he skies. This is I ihe people, and it is a . w i . l k .... i i Mil alio j otllig is.-uied of the ni', ol . :i it tut- approvi Ur on people: it iml ends in iron beu l n in i-o : i a e l iihs. The nun e business a man has ro tin the more he is able to a.-complish, f r he learns to econo- mize his time. (JORDON ON' TSir. SU MP (Ttrni' IIIOBtrmte Willi a War Jtciuliilx Sm r Ii The Governor began by saying that he felt as if he were coming home to his kindred. lu the ad- joining county his eyes first opened for to the balmy skies which a benig nant Gjd still bends above us. love this ieonle.'' said he. "and I - kuow that thev have loved me. J - know, too, that when the light of trutii shall fall upon the record t hey will love mo still. '' j Applause He then replied to tne Alliance resolution as tollows : ..H'l. T 1 .1. .t . ..,.. ,( nen x read mat MatemeiiL"i my ore threD, made in all the solem nity or a resolution 'tnac tno aalil l,,hn I! iF.lnn i, iw l.m.rur worthv of trint ' I foreihlv re m-ndetl ot my last interview on the i . . . uauieneiu wun one or rne grandest men who baa anoeared iu all the tide of timo. A I roiln hunk from Appomattox Court noose, after , . . , - uaving met the conquering gene rais, oy me 81U6 01 tj-enerar .L,ee, ue said to me. With his heart Swelling and breaking, 'I wish general, that I bad fallen in one of the List fettles.' ' " u by, geueral said I. conn trv men JJeoause my will misjudge me." 'Tlow P' said I. "They will imagine that with eight or ten thousand veterans i onght still to have continued the "Dgtlt Sllll to nave COUtinuen tne , warfare j,, tj,p mountains with a .niii in iii. ,.r ,;,.oi r.r- ,1.0 : LnnfpHprotA Mn , endearored to turn HIS thoughts Oil other lines, but Gen. Lee's heart was broken at the very f e, r-n i. ; ; i MlAnrh. Af Kll f.. tnf k ilimuulu. IUC NUBJI Ullll IUHI LI5 .m ;;.. these my brethren." JAppIinse. -Vl"n nuution. ' A Tariff War ' i t,-,-tx- r oc "1 r i ' JNDO, Uct. -5. The JiOmlon Standard, iu a loDg leader on the subiect. declares that the. French 'fiiritToiJ tha f,.L'inlOI- Kill h.i-u j plunged the civilueu world into r , . , , , ...... inovir.ahlrt war and nrpHinU that tbe eQtire C0Dtinent will retaliate annnor np lator in i say ih sill I convince the high protectionists of the gravity of their errors. The Oldest Methodist Church, EW York, Oot. L'7. The old John street Methodist Episcopal church, the oldest Methodist Epis- copal church in America, celebrated . K ' , . its 124th anniversary vesterday. Rv B P naVmond. 1). D.. LL. I)., president ot Wesleyan univer- sity, preached a most eloquent sermon at the moruing service. At j aftarnnn 0.i,0 IJ U'aFnuF 1 the afternoon service Hon. Warner! Miler and ex Postmaster General James delivered addresses. The Boss Snake Story. A colored maa in the lower sec tion of the county found a large snake in his chicken house several weeks Qg0 Upon examination he found that the intruder had made a breakfast of a petting of eggs he had placed under one of his hens a ew days before. Jle killed the, .l,t A Ka nrrrra in dae time hatche(li btlt to hi8 gtlr. pri9e iD8tead of chickens twelve htte 8nakes was the r05nit of tne inCnbation. The most startling pnrt ct the whole thing is that the ltUe snakes were covered with feathors ami had eills and combs ciosey resembling those of the orrjiuary barnyard0 fowl. Chester, g c Bulletin. Meetinsf of Chiefs. We notice that the railroads through out tbe State bave signified their wil lingness to give a free pass to one chief of fire department from every town in the state to attend a meeting of chiefs to be held in Greensboro on Nov. 12th. The object of such a meeting can easily be seen to be of immense benefit not only to the men themselves, but it will be felt throughout the 8tate and by V c.aj vppMnuu.i; vj ucvvi- nvijuoiui , him9Blf wi,h hi, duties and prep-ire i htonse f for the hour when h mu.-t shrink from no duty, but be ready for any emergency ; be capable of not only meetiD8 ic but to successfully overcome '( when met. We would respectfully suggest tht every Journal of the State i insert a notice with reference to the ' above, and from time to time refer to 1 the matter and insist on the attendance , of the prop(r perg(jn frQm jt8 t0WD I Brothers, you cannot be too particular about this matter it means dollars and cents in addition to an easy acid secure feeling when you lay down at night Greemsboro Patriot. Vance at Mielby. Shelby. N. 0. Oct. 3). Nearlv two tho-eaDd people were in town today at hear Senator ance, who spoke in the v.ou. i uoudd ou 01 me c.iiu- P8,8n- I or over two hours the audience lis- tened attentively to the famous speaker. At the close many remarked that it was the nnea ?pccLii in 'y D4a ever heard. Hn appeal to the AlHacce was Muurii'. inn cALueuiu;i ui nit flicrviD- ley monstrosity was masterful. Before tha speaking there was a mouciea democratic parage, nearly live hundred taking part. otfuawr auua iuil touay tor nutner fordton. where ho speaks tomorrow. Earthquake In San Franclsro. San Francisco, Oct 29. The weather ia nnn.ii.llD w a r m U...1 . . U a J "mm IU1UUKL1UUI Lilt gute. An earthauake shock was felt at San Jose this morning but no dam age ff ac uuuo. Lt. Gov. Steaduian a Large Purchaser. AsRKvrr.r.v n c. n-t ftn ! r in.,. Governor Chas. M. Stedman has pur- Blair, chief police of this city, com- Milwaukee Oct. On. -!: ' i chased the Oakland Inn property for menced a unique libel suit against the the northern pnrt ti thi- .-, o 8103, OOJ. He has leased it to New York Memphis Avalanche yesterday in which the effsct that a heavy sr. -.v .-n. parties, ll will goon be opened as a 1 he demands 10.000 of the Memphis progress all through theo-ir.hi-hotel. paper's money because it called him a of counties. A he ivy -t nw ia Ewart has eiitned the Alliance de- Renublican and stvled him a "nlumed . ported from P.ac'.a.n . 1' r a.. mands. CAl.Ltl) TO A PASTORATE. Dr. Yiiss Hcetfd I'astor of the First l'resbjttrlun ( hnrch. Savannah fin. The Sav innah (fa ; Daily News gives an account of Dr. Vts" call to tbe pas torate of the First Pi esbjterian Church of that city, congregation We, in common with his and the ctizets of the community generally, will be eorry to loee him. but if he feels ihit the provi- dboce of CijJ diricts him to another field of labor, wo must acquitse in the , . . .. decision. The following is a portion of the art.cle from the News: D . L C. Vass, of New Berne. N. C, a elected pasior of tbe f'irdi Punby teriau Church of SavaDnah at a m- et of the congregation held afttr the reKular service yesteraay morning. Dr. Yaes came over from New fierne - die day previous and filled the pulpit . . -i K r. . ...u TrLtiUaV IUU1UIL.K uf irji. CHL I I f church. ' Ui3 eutject Uii8 Bnfting," and the text Cebrews n , 1 : 'Therefore . we ousht to civethe men: earLtet heed to the things which we have Wrd leet at w eh.ouW t.them ,!!, . iviu'r iue regular eervicfc vi con- cluded Dr VsfS retired, aod lhc. meet. , ing was called to order for ti.d election 1 of a pastor by the Rev. R. Q. Way, of the Anderson Street church, it btirv ntceasary according te the church rules, that a minister of tbe aoje presbytery shall moderate all congregational meet ings for the election of paetors. Mr Way was tbe only available ministtr. and after hold ing service in the Ander son Street church he came to the First chuich and opened the met tn fC moderator. The committee which wao appoi i!u-d to biiddIv the nulDit dunne the Kimimr 1 and to recommend candidates available for the Dastora.o made its rcnoit. which was received and adopted. The report ; l0 lhe ministers who had given the ' church the bsnefit of thoir services during the summer and submitted the n AmPfl f) I RArPTR lAftf-l.TICF irillNlPrB A th dencmiuation for tbe aotion of the preuuyiery ana toe preBoytery oi i Savannah. i Dr. Vass is a man well fitted to fill by others, if a,ked. i. u the position of pastor to the church by ! the epp"cial mipsion of lir . Fi f which he has been chosen. Ho ia a every intelligent man whoh, man not only of eredition. but of great;would say. "To reacn :,:e; pr. observation, which he exhibits io his ' Oospel to tbe r a: n! ; sermons. Oe is about middle age. of : warm, genial temperament and a ' ' thorough student of human nature in all its afpects, which enables him to ' oreach from knowledge and not from , theory. He is a Virginian by birth, and studied at the- Union Theological '. Seminary at Hampden Sidney, Va , and ; was a student there when the war be i gan. He promptly enlisted in Scone- wall Sackson's brigade and was with . he brigade as chaplain throughout the whole war. He was frequently left in tbe ranks of the enemy with Southern ( prisoners, and in company with other j Confederate chaplains was carried I North with the prisoners and attended them in prison . ; Since the war he has served faithfully ! as a pastor of his ,1 jnomination at dif- ; ferent places. , He oomes here from Now Barne, where he hag been twenty five year9. He was sent as a delezate to the pan . Presbyterian congress in Paris several ; Preahleri,n Mno.E in P-rifl BRVPrftl peara a? and has since traveled ex-1 tensively in Europe. He is the author of several theological works of standard i merit His elder Bon is now at Davidson Col- ! lege, N. C. " WHY EMiL.VNI) REJOICES. I America Keeps Herself Out or All Oi her Markets A Strong1 Point on'I'rotection. I.om-., Oct. i9. Gladstone arrived at Dundee today, and waa presented with the freedom of the city. Ia ac cepting the hicor, Glaietona made an addre&s in which he referred to tbe commi-rc- of tbe city, which it was said was threatened by the adoption of the new tariff bill by the American Congress, lie would not, bowtver. he said, bring a railing accusation agaiast the people of the United States. Protection, although it might inflict incidental collateral blows on other countries, did far greater mischief to the people of the country which adopted such a policy. Gladstone ihen proceeded to contrast tbe decrease in tariff in England with the increase in tariff in the United States, and baid he found comfort for England in the fact that it was not true that any tariff adopted by any country on earth, could interfere seri - ously with the prosperity of Great Britain. The first t fleet of the McKin - ley bill woul 1 be to raise the standard of prices in the United States. This ; meant diminished power of esporla- tation. I This agai.-. meant that while we were j damnified " in one of our twenty j markets, we derived benefit in theother ; nineteen from the diminished power of the merchants of the United S-ates to compete with British morchints in liUj UUC Ul lllCIll. IUIO UClUg UUC LU tllC ' aomen aiion of orices in the United States and incrcLn d rrctraints under which merchants of th Litter country have io work. II j advised the mnu- facturers to alio w America to find out for herself the evil effects that will fol- 1 i0w the adoption of high tariff. A 1)1 EL TO THE DEATH. Between two Young1 North Carolinians 1. . I ...... 1,A W ... I ' j 1 LilARLOTrE, In, u., Oct. no. Lemuel Allen, a young man of prominence in Ansonville, this State, accompanied Miss Grace Greene lo a dance near that place Ian night, and while the affair n-no OF if, 1, inliaa, Til 1 ill J T" FT l Fl Mr, s 1 ri j,..f ivr;a .i na AJlen out of the room The young men 1 present knew that unfriendly relations . exi8ted between the two. and several of the crowd followed them. Aa they neared the place where the two young myn ha,-i s0nid. they heard them talking in a loud tone. They rushed of, thum tin r. hv i in timtf thev reachcd tbe epoi, Tjson had his knife nt and was Literal v chonDioe Allen, Their trid in vain to aenaratH the r,valj, but they seemed bent on killing each other. Allen reached for his pis tol.and with a steady aim, pulled the - trigger. The ball took effect in Tyson temple Tyson fell to the ground dead, Allen made no attempt to escape, Dut 1 went to the officers and gave himself up. say ing that it was in self defence, and hi love for thft TOIintf Woman de- " " ' J ' manded that he should put Tyson out - of the way. Doesn't Like to he Called a Ropub- Lean surmi m t -w n .F on TKn rt knight in office. ' .i usi ice i . a ! ;. l i i-i. : i - ! . I; l;h".s! Mo. . Two 'c-. i. - ftg.j il. ri i . from l.ii j ij . . (. - . . .i tel Wctk I. : - L . ' i. n i, ..; meetinH ut Mr.- ta r. :-;., or on'- w bo st i-v:.a ... . : 'ht -"f'1 v- i' ' ,ijOMU;)l tiUv t,.J;l 'r. c . ! and blei-stu l i-! v-. il.. I'lrr.i! forty yearuyour cyrjefOi.n- t.: n ll"'e 10 time heard a niiai . ; l;,. .prominent no nliitd an i v th,,f u,.. ... ,A . . vub li a r , i u 1 l Li Oil!: States, inclUi D lL.1,-1 ii that Mr i Lisdalo and Rev. i; deliberate opinion i etrunu'Olal ir, r;a tux good a an.;;. y. v. ho hear him f rum , d itions m in..- t ii . worker he has fcv. r i. ' l-ij-. ,. v. ...... .. iho young Pe,; ; . menirr ...r Pre abj ten..n ( i.ur- ' you"K Meihojuu ; b.. it. t r. , v 4 1 - - : ; ac-.ual or tacit loduv ulajo.it t w i) Lue f ,ur uei.i.iui IT. b ,.i y tel l have puDhcly pi.au r -o b. 1 to ul.-c.UDlUl ..: amusements. For eight di) a aj; J ihr ouiko c-un . , r , y. : c-. n i u. e '. x borhooo in It. hive fuj'.i i I and list, lied to tbe ,;r ; ,1 ( has b -i ii cxp.-ui: Je.i w i.l; y, .v OC-volod liii. Lori.-:..:i : oto. many of who;o ii : .. proached a i.:un en til.. have been v, oikic Christ in their horn the streeld, and i i the njettiei; ' Ni meet upon the str-.t o! i hi .. i wh'to and black, w.re c Jn.lv , ratiouiill considering -he . ii'.,!.-! . BHlVrtU'JI Ul 11. V - I .-..ti..-. Tonight the youog pen:,V u.-.' i . r h , .;'). -l! f 1- l.lo;;.-. "rii iu petuiu luo -.-n temperance, w ho have i , en to re, laim drunk ;r,i. not b underetoo.i that i tlaeiio; the more n.te i i-i if socie' y 1 have i fver lie-i-n .1 in r. who b8 more c i;ue -,o ; .1;. l Hi. audience. The tran-ni -a f; mir i to tears uu ler his s ay is a w,.rk f a moment Had he ctLtivatui tii-- habii of provoking laughte r by haj.pv hits ut the follies of the dir. he w u!dhve been the equal of Sim Jones even m th direction. This mm, v.-n ; .-.mi.h in tbe schools wah li:i i-lT-.i : r 1 nrt . r. has been eo baptized by ,;.,a'- npui: that be is now oi.e of the most jv... i, t influences for good ever f, i : in t Ii - S: te Naturally juick in the ck-.j ii-i, ion .f knowledge, emiowtd with ar- uni.. memory and ready v. it. I. -.v.-.n tr.'i' energy and n wil: that 0 'id t e sub dued by nothing shoit of Di in" nn he has made him-eh" in ;hr y, n,,., of the niost accura'o BibV f -;n the State, as he wa, t 'turf ;-r. i 1 il.e best judges best illd2S ot hllttltu i . found. He trusts to th,-w. : come the devil and imv - nt. repentance, and G -; i, s I. ,r o ! and given him wonderful p.A.r move the hearts of men. - Mark the predietin li Wi:;,. Fife lives five years, he il ri Moody, and that without 1hi h , n :i g doors of a sen iatry. (.LOUt. 1 he rresidoiil oi' 1 h, the jhd'o Atlvnta. ().-c 2 cei vt-d f roin 1 en Slates thai in th t h e r e 3 a ' a o r I ' 1 1 i , letter purporting t- i ingston,-, I'ri-idoi.'-. - Alliance, to J ;hn Li i o j 0f the No Yoik S: .;; j which the Gdorgi .n it, the Lodge Force h.i;. S 1 j ja the Democratic rior:, in--ior ; in the Fifth di:ro : A I telegram was eho a r. t" ! ro ! graphed to Senator t 'i i ; - - Hon. J. G Carii.-l. . O v .-r:;-' The letter of Jorn Livir.gs-.ot. ; have read as being fii;;,d bj an i-famcus and outrjg.-ous 1 and as hu jIi I isk you t ) d-n i i ' L. F I ivino , - The lc-ttt r rt ferred toil b,ir , trious.'y circulated through l o ; . . . Seiiilto: Shelby. N. B. Vance air:' ing from Liro the d( pot by Vance C. Oc ,a l.et.- -loti.n. abou' h hi-,, f tba-ii in Mi, t. 20 - O who escorii d loud "hurrahs short sp i c ti , i tion . ;i n J i,r. n i C ' ti.e I to 1 : what hoarse. I i Noininaled Al'n r U.iL 1 ; , in LL;. i Willi mtj:;t P-i Republican Ccagresr-ioi 1 of the sixteent ai.-tnc: five weeks, early il s t. ed in nominating . Lockhaven. Cliuton oent lamberunn. f! gressional coiife;o ., morning, imtasli ,t- . the Kepuhiican CO: f I nated Mortmer F. r.l1 countv, whowa , jn iss2. j tl r ic 1 Vliio While ! lot of Mtiri'liine. tllit'lic New FiiiLAOi.l.i'litA F. Ll. LeiJer. v.ho t..,K V; . 'i morpnine uct je.- a: to have died . was l u: ; His brother, who ; funeral, c itna tod ,v a- his broth, r s b ,d v . v nen tne corn i , fcund thit the supp been in a stupor an the casket H:s fa - , the glass in the colli i l:d , , Express Charges on Advance tit K.ib is Chicm; , O.-c 30 1 Oi Oiimiii;:;;" : tbe Express Comparo t- p: Oiott d to revise ibe freight tri!T. h ,s iio;e , s ; I work, and a circular nas t e , . : t . t notifying shippers of mtre.Vi;. i-v ovor.a of tin. .il,-:.,;, i. ,.1 I .1, - r: .a.uuw. i v v. new schedule takes elTec- ..men;, , 1st, and is based on an a cents per 100 p...unjs Io-.a . and eastern cities Heavy Siumv SKtrn;. 1 i re Wauaam. ;. t...t nui;y .: L;. : v.-or , f .J. lurity v. ihe . --iiAh ."id! r- .w -.1. L " i ' orti.i. ' i! -I. W,. iv i- n -rf r r: . L i.iy -- Moore: i Miss . . - that . i - in 1 ;r; --r,l. 1 - lu t - ,r,l : : r i - - :o :' one ,-o c ti p idb- ' -"v n X e w An I n.i.n . 1 . .:rs o--tona, P - r -::'i;f. ! r !!',.; Tvnc-i -; i; r'oaant ; t:t . aii'l acts - , o I : i i . . v-. i t!.o ' t :.. 1: 'A- 1 - ii;d :n;a'v ' i '. i : l 1:1 i its c f J ;--lrM "-i-i" t. kw p. p.-. . c -. it 'fiiTM .. . w t-: : U . -. l. " ;,:;;:a n: il s . w", . " " " f, IC- ' S3 - - -rt . . . , it m;.- (- Si w ( - ! i . ? -.!: : f r . I ri , . . I i ! .1 ii -lie ... '.! ,i . I. . ., i u u li . ' . .r j , J . .' . ; i . : ; . N a r:: ! i ii . .... . H ' lulu , li si ). ;,. , ii -in'fi ii . i : '. ' ' l.l IMTI ( ,! .: I-.I is; 1 i ( ; .. l-r ' . . i : . ! S 1 1 c. I'll i, ! ti I',-:. I,::; ; I ; ! I i' r.: .1 .. ,, . !'!!-. : t ":i rrh. 1 :. v tux-ri.M ; ... ;.-r il li. ( ;.in,-y !;-. ' 1 :-iii,"i ri- V. '' . I . I torr-p of i-'. S. I intfy ' id J ;o i '! t . I" j:.- - v.. .-. -i. . . - : L.vo. t-uit..-lii--. J u' i ( J ' . 1 u c t- '. O -r. Lvt. l!lt) am lo L'2 10 20 0 4 5 'J O'j i . . J 1 n L.l 0 -17 . :. , V. .. 1 ' -), -j .i L .-: . I t. & - ... Train. 7 l Ml; '. :4 o:!l .. ". 1 0 04 0 L'! ; 0 30 i I'O 6 ill 4 no 4 00 2 01 ti CO 2 24 2 30 2 02 2 12 lfl t 3li 9 41 'J 4'i 'J 2S o I,; 5' ' o o ( ; s 1 7 -7 4 (!U 4 O'j 4 Vyy i sU ' i. . I, ;!-. La (lrai.j.0 Ki-M f.. OLi No. Misc. Van.;. a !.:', ti 7 20 7 4S S 11 S .-;0 'J I') 10 11 00 11 17 U 1 j 3 o7 ?, 4S 4 ( S 4 o7 4 " ; i r'l . r; Train-. o :;o 7 0 "i 7 7 'to 8 80 S f).J 1) 0 3 :u ;jj 11 oo 11 41 o 0'J 3 42 J j 0 4 12 4 4 -' Ucld-b..." Hesit La i: . . v Falling Creel Kins:,,'! Can v i-jll I'ovtr - Oi e Creel. Tuscarora Clark 'e lie a boi ii Riverdalo ( troatar. H-.velooL New"ior: Wil. I v.-.-eo Ml .! M -. , ; .! Ii,:.- r: ;r - . tif."-o vj: :: ii j ra ii b' 'in.', o: . . H. ; , a,j.i :-::h K i'.xi W ' -si, leaving . rriii-. c 'i;.i,," rl i -.'..:, m vi-. at vin'.d :; ' .!-.:'. ;i . or and Vei Jci rt o .t p.n,. ? "V ; vV, -a.V : i . 1 ' -:.- - 1 f. ::,.'.v t j;..'. ' n :.! t ' vvi. : ,. : '- :.:i t V . T,. - II r. '. :l . ' V i I 1 I '; r, : 'i. -. I'- 'in : - k 1 i ' w . ,' i 'r- A U I. iw.ii' I .' - . V I ,;,.. I 1 I I ., 1 , Li ' i, li ... I ii.-., '.V H,!! . !. !' , Mar tii loytint a:i ' I-.-. Lcni-i ' o l :i, ions l-.o . . '--.I.:.' ! . !i. .. 11 Olo't 11. ;. I. .' , If- M O" M .il., I i . 1 V. I . . i I 1 i ' i '.i i :u i ! ; ' : . i.e. rj ,.,-ti .1 s ; , j. 11 i-. : i 1 - - Vii M .1 I ,k,' I.. '.1 ', ! ' -.d.nii . ut.t. d ni, It : h in. n I 'Ol tin- .-1. ' i i i ''our; . Noiti; r,;.. . ... '.' '.' ' -a: 1 '.::. I '' l e-p t . , to., i. " HSM-o. t" l 'i y '' - - i-. i t a ni .i : '.. ii:.:.,- a. :- .-. . , ' .r.n: v i ' :,. I., t : , : ' - tv rti- r- tfx' ji " fiTi''V--' " ' ' ''''" bo' e meiiicinPF r.io for PROFESSIONAL. 1? . G- K. BAGBY, 3F2GEG2i DENTIST. lie etret i. opposite Baptist NHWBERN. N. 0. P. ii. PSLLETIER, - 'i - . . i: V AT LAW, AM .'ION K V liltOltEll. '.'rftviri ,st.,' two door South of Journal oiHc. A si o, :i,.iy ma.le in uegotlBtlnx small .'...ih fur bi.rl ;i:n.- in-Hctti-f- In Uih fi'. Hum rf Dfafaf. llr. t. ' '. U inns, i .r.s.ow ami i'aitillco. i'Ii'-J wta!i-fl ,'ourt hi ew Hrnf and t' in. ..: ;:. : u-. fbi d ks : O. U. QUIOH ly s Guion, V A T LAW, -ii, P'oy & Co. M:. idle street. Now Berne, ?J. C. : Firacf.eo in ihu courts ot (Jraroii I '. : t. I I,.. r I'uM.et,. i.. the Supreme t.'.;-' niiii in the Fed erml -'I- aplfldwtf SiiTinious & Gibbs, ATTOHNKYb AT LAW. V, ili ( i nclice Hi i ho counting of Crve, .t.i.if. 0,i,!i,iv, ( arte rut, Pamlico. I r II . kd.i in the Federal il ("!IIV-1. I "L.N A !. , I1!," -l'ih. nrxt door i12dwtf J. I). Clark, DENTTST, m:vv hkrie, n. c. '.rui, liolween Pollock itw iVotice- i n " 'Ai.ii.iN. Superior Court a.iy .., . i: ,-u. i tu-rk' Offllee. ' 1 1 ' v' ' -. I ' ' I l.Hve lliln dftj Unutd l t'erii .! i-iui.i.B .o.Imt H foiaom, C'harlM ' Ii! hii. S C. llarol ion, Jr., and li I r mrci ! s t. liPii cnrpoiatlon for the I''" ' 1 ' ' n ei: ni tl.e terms pre- ' i: - 1 1 . i i; ut A (.' M nt. Hied and ""IO.; ; ;, s , i 1 , ;!',,-,-. '1 l,r .UljblULCe of i As;,-, in, nt ik iIihi giild jiHitlea dtlre to ' ' : '' lir;ii ii under the name ' ii.,- HiitiiB'iri nu in tier rorapnnj ; the 1' l: :, L. nlii ! Il'id I'iie r of bllHlut'Bs ahall , M- ,, w ' ,-i iu. , -, aven ouunty. Jiorth ( aro ; its i. iifei!.. b -im1 I le thai ot nui. tt" in I.j, t,u, -nt: mid hi Illnc lumber, bny :i 4 ui.,1 .,-li.;. toi.Oer iuudB. anywhere In It soil? uf Nor Hi Curnl tin, buying, holdlns K.-i:.i:g i-klate in tlieHlateof Mortb ( "hi ell nu, Di 1 1,1 in i, h nd (irH tin x wood work -ii : I ... ; ich. e te. 1 .; d'iriitlou of Hie fori nrt tion f bt.ll be : iiii t i-rb. I he imiount of Hie capital slock ). all be e ii,;i;,i:e,l J' oiiKiu.d Hollars, divided ml,' one thounaiicl ni.an-fl ol the par value of mi, hi:n:lr ,1 dollars escli. 1 lie fitocklioidtiR of this eor'poratton a hall n! he Individually liable for Ita debt!. W i I ih'kk my lmn! and ofticial aeftl at oflloe in cw lii i m . this jet h .lay of October, UWP. K. W. OA KPKNTER, ,.,'-- d flerfii Hup. Court. BiAii. ot Moltii C Aiioi.iNA, I Superior County ol Craven. ) Court. (I.,', ' 1 uy A Coit)auy vs. M on-s Patltraon a; il wile Mary A. Patterson, and otbera. ComuilssioiJer's bale. 1'iui.uiH to a ju-JKtneut of the Superior Court ot I'riven eonntj, rendered at tsprlng 'i'erui. Is. ,1, iu the above entitled action, un der v h !ch haul judgment I was appoihted a , om lo osiotier to Hell lhe land described In t li e fom pla'ii t riled In said action, and here loader ,1, scribed, 1 will sell at Public Auc tion, for cub. ot Ibe Court House door In I he city of New lierue, on Monday lhe Tuer.ly-f, urth day or royemler. 1890, at Twelve o'eiork, M., the follow lpg dscribed l, 'i.l estate, to v it; A tract of land lying In Hie oity of J'ev- Heme, Worth Carolina, o& 1 he oust side ol Middle street, between Polio,-' and South Front streets, bounded as loilou c liciiiuiili.K feci 6 inches from the ,-oiii.roI Mouth Front and Middle streets, ouihu east side of Bld Middle street, and running north wltn Middle siren S3 feet iu, 'ii -s to 1 1 ii Eli. k' line. 1 lien east ward ly With lliiiilii.b lirif Jli feet ii lnchfa to lot No 5. Uu ii roi. t h v.'i, rd! v wll li lot ISo. .Vi, H'Z feet six oicl.,.. w -n wt'l ward lylM i fret f, Inches to M nt.: st '. ! t . : i , i.i-Kiiii.li'K K'li.ir lot now known 1 0'in, llii-M lot. Th ; s ; '. 'ol.:- -j-j , vei '. M. HI MMONH, i'. ' Com to isslon.-r. Notice. 1 1. ,1,-d, Kmrtis Moore and '...i' iViiiiro.. - have duly qualified aa i '.,t i,:,.iK c.l tlu Hint' of James C I'Tl'oli.-tf . dpriHcd, and hetetiy Rive notice that tiu-v upline all i.itruijs liavlng clalina ajii'.tiH. tt.o ep'.ate o I the raid James 0, i riii in H to pi'.-HJio them lo said Kxecu t ii In.v ail luliliouiii lorjinjmeni, on or p tue :7ih daj of Ktpi , ltd. or elae I il he ji'i'.'idrd in ti.-r of reeoveiy. in ,1 t tc- I'Hiile moat pay miis 1 i uw 1 1-: i o- A l.MKItIA Mt.oi-K. Fxecntor. i. l 11 OAl'.. i l.l N A, 1 Huperler i ,,'.: t Court, t.-dpon s r.i l.a H.rliarCBOn. , ,.. l'!.;,l m . a,-; on hH8 lie.n In . , d i . .a r, 1 1 1 1 1 , ,l i- k a ho vi ; that .-: s.,'1.,- ,s In, a oivotco on the :...:,,-.'; n r ,1 on mtp fefjulred I-a. I l.rin. A.l 1 Mlo, oi aald . -- :.' rouit I'.oioc In New il'i; yi.iHlnv afn i lt.- lslMoo . r. : ' ii n,i a i.hwcr or ,' emur I i, cm t , i rt in said act,on. , f i, -toner. A. II. lh!. K. W . CAKPfciNTKK, I; ni;p. t ! .Craven County. Nort It Carolina. N otice. it; ", ;1 at Pubaj Sale, on tbe 5th i.l L.crrnbor, lttlO, the Personal r-y ,f John N Whitford, dee'd, r, ndi rc.-r of the deceased, in , niitp, N. C . coneietinK of four 1 1 t'-'. two mutes, five oxen, v h, a,i of oll.er caitle, bogs, bags, l.r :: . hold acdhitcheu furniture, t:.r,-. Iowa, corn fodder, nv:.:--.- i orlements, etc., etc., for st(, v. i,j commence at an early Kl). WHITFORD, Idntd Admtniatrator. d a v Pr ; Jon mid w ;i-.d ! ( th. hour TT! . l.ovcls cf tbe :' ";!;cr Sett, '' tlie 1 , i' ; io- No, il).'' peerless .. ; crs, nil f.,r $.',.00, -. :.: icliii'c, but it is ' ; o . , -i acliii'vements A . R volution. Waverley Novels. i , ii--. i '.i ...-l-. 1 iv Sir Walter .,- .' ; : 1 1 iIf. in 0 volumes. 0 . ' I.ii.;.: I : a : l' oim, cl.. pl itx; S3. 1 i-t , t i !' I 11 u-t rut ions. ... -, I T' M hot. i ; , - ! - .: 1 .aiiiiniTuio, r, , ; . i, I',, I-. i-oOi.l, 1 ', -. ..!..: the Peak. . ! -. I: . liov. if., " 'i'l M'Tl.-ility. . i .. . i II I,.- M.iiiasti'i' , ; .. I I'." ri'llt.-. I i., L.iiLn. Duarr. - avert, . , ... ii hi- "!joiii.'rii!z, I K - !. III. i h.inli...'. i !.:- ' II..'. Kny Edition " of ' ' - V:ivepev Novels is '. . i l. Ltical with the " Pp- :; 1 , : ! ii : i r n Ktliti'di f the author published by :-.!. L i: at SlOA0 for the set, '' j :.; -. I b. inu only u little ', , ' ;:i ci jhi ;uid a little . i . i ;, , 'lall! v. but both i i : . - ! ia bo .-ceil at the .,."!.. I -.-.per,' d ;i soecinien :..!.' .11 li.ol i'o, will be SCIlt ;d f " :. 1 .us.. :

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