irn. J-.' , ,? f" it INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. fi II1IIPKII, Proprietor. Ter m m $1 OOPo: NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMHKK ! VOL. XIII. NO. :,4. Nature should be assisted in the spring to throw tie heaviness of TAKE jj the sluggish winter circulation or tne blood. Nothing does it so well, so prompt or so safely as Swift's Specific. CT TUB SPRING. I have used 8. S. S. for a number of Tears, and consider it the best tonic and wood remedy that I errr used. In fact i wouia not attempt to enter upon a sprint? or summer in this climate with- T 11 H. W. Coleman, i oicman, rertruaon 10 . Dade Citv, I"U. Our bock On BJocxi find Stin niscases j: "nailed free. 4 ' Swtt SrariTto Ca. Atlanta, Ga. u ' Fo -kl. consump'0 v.-i bm ptmaeUv cured thoi-.usds "6f ensrs prononnetv,! Is- Jx tors lmpe- leas. If rou leive ,.i -eiiumitorv svinp- i'irt"'i'y Breathing. rf. , don t il lnv, lmt uso Pisos cntK koii r NsfM vtion nnmediatflv. Iiv Iriiirici3ta. Jo eeiita. i si,! 1 Tfie Convertible Policy The Convertible Policy Uued by THE MUTUAL BENEFIT t LlfJtU4i aaco Ovoipiny I MWlftdea '.! th iireml features of the 'oip-iDV. rtth th aortuion of a pvtir mttsed C'ti-ti SurTr-itilirr tii'ur, which m ill pHl aa any lime aftrr two y ear ! 'iWiiuiii Imebfm paid, if demanded. :. ry Policy has endorad upon it a. lablvanuirta-r ia tit&fn rlffurea lh nrv .m- jtraoted br th oparjy 1st option. Cash surrender value. 2d otioo. Amount that may be bor- rooted from the eoaipar oa the pol- f, 3d option. Kxtanded inauranca for full mount Of the policy. OPt,dr,PirUrTI3,Ue' . Thw ia IM met liberal pol-T yet of- Twtd and ia the safeet insurance to be fcvai y dollar paid geu a dollar's wKk of Insurance. No I one by lapse. DiT.fARRlWAY, AtBI. Htaadtby persons between fourteen aa-i seventy iosur-jd. J. H. BABIL MANLY tattit tt rmAriTrirr f r- wwuii j. Miaayii4Ujj vx ENGINEERS, Foandrs and Machiciats fj- "t latf4eriTr and Dealer :n X&aBiarrs and L)eler .n t 4 " - IIBUHH lUIl.STS' iWtUll BmUtmirf KaxlOM. Bollri. aw wun.-mKtmw it tit-orr nchi Wtinpnpnd to do Cui,c) cl mil linit artth fmsptneai. in4 1 m &l : .' a a sm, rrmr B rBl ca ot ail Ondc will tM clmtl to clv plana and MUmat. aaaay tt oilpttPnorBnamhlnary. .Voara th atmta forth sale of vh Ajner MU Saw. AJao for 6L A A. Barsamln't oie rataAXnd traaUbl aUo Valvar tv aattalartory taaraatofi frr all work sa, - rrncaawwiy THE BEST rOJOWN REMEDY. CiMrra enorhM and la 1 te DT4 wltht Palm. Prevent Stricture. Contains no aorid or poisonous sabataiiccs, and is guaranteed abaolately harmless. La rertbel bv physteiana and reeomended by arQinrists. Price SI. Sold by draoiixtA. Bro(8ab otittrtM. I Xi..s.n i n forth CAROLiNA-craren coanty. in the 8aprtor court. Borore the oierk. C E. paimat . t xr. of e. H. mil, Dec'd. ifirtb Hiii. EMib"th owen. wm. Bowen. 1 boa. Howrn. Oo toen.Ct Bowen, w.uHin. wio Harriet Hin, came uiu. Mary t . Masoti; monta mimhiti. Liwreocf n'a SSiwTrt fltii0 Llaaie aill. eentlop tv.n. frriuo Miu. Uaev W.-tUil. Aadr iw Hrvaar, and wife I Marw Brrrnat mma V. 8. raiaier. AiH.Ttet I1JIL Tl.nnaa Ma.on.( hrlr. Mmeon, George W.Hlll, mcd Lawrence H'U. rjnrrM Hill, lienrjiiui Jonft. L mo Hi;, vMkXM Hill, and Kerrldo H al. Too wiu iaa notice uti a apeeiai p-o- reedioc entul-d as above baa ben com- menced 'n tbe ?opriiT coart of crD . County. North CarollBa, be: ore the Clerk of nid cnrt. tne parpo-o whtcn ta 10 make latu to pay debia. retrain real c a ate of kdwajaf BU HHL, deed . lasted In (riTtn County Soft n Carolina, and peel- Bed tn toe netltlOB In tDUcaoae in wuicb joa - re intereetea a netrs at law or devta- uwwia Hui. dfe'd. And yoa wilt farther take notice tbt too are re40Mtet to appear at tbe orfic : of th i.erk of the Boner lor Court of Craven ooonty or2-cmxoiiaa on tb nth day oj riovembcr at the Coirt Honae In aald ( aoanir nd tmwu or demur la the petition of toe d aint iff ir the rel ur ttere :i de in nd- ad wtll t'-a tirotr,l "This Hi il Jtyof r: v . ' a ri'k.n ; n:i. i ' rk s: p. i out I OlTll 'TUF.s OK AMI I 1(."A. fAllJiM 10l!4TK! T. IN A D M : RA LTY . MAR5HA1.'- So-rrr- o eniCRi. lii. a 1"I teth 'ri fi'.-d In tt tm trlrl i onrt of ,.b- I nlKtl Stat-- lor ilie l'n trlot of P ni :ico ' n lb" trrt I'l tnci ( .Sortti on ti.- :- of overal'r, A B. U1 br C. K. TI.. ;!.. -Jr.. J-o . proctor, m artivif of jm-- h H.-&a. ir-int th tlMiDr Ci-of'.r. ta -kie. t'a fi icd i p: m :houtlrriiiiinJ mODllK'n II tne ..'-.r .inn a.; or. in- MUil lit tn , i 1 r , , :r rk e, p matml aanf lorriUti" trmv lv .t ' to anew, r tli prmlii' n.l : ' e r o.-.-.d ; rn t.-tnc hmii, that tO iie ruty i!iHnr4 lr ff old aod the pt 1 ' ' j -'il srcnntlo U)l. rVr(nr 1st va -nr", r -,h ' n .l tnnl t on nnffCr 'ro ' '' . . :,. m- !' itd aad Je.: vcrJ. i eJ m.i u e (eDraliT no'o a 1 r'r ' " V iodlec U- t..J r.a . ;:i.ui Inm e: tbareln. and to U. ! owner of -aid nenpatm. n "P" .I.'" rtr o fo- ih aformai.t .-. n r- t - v . f n p - ri. r on h !!Hh eav f ..v-ii.-' '.-''. 1' l ' -r court -lar. ur c; t o-i a- re it - 1 1 A tt t i ..--- mbf f'-rtii tusn anil I tni''' it rt : ho u i i t-e! n 1 tm tSctr ! ....,. ' t t" a'f Pat'd ' ev t ni- y ember . A . I. ! Jv.iM v H. lint f v I ' . M a- l:v U 1 li IT There Is M-r - Soap Brought to ih- : " . any othT i" '': t thia? lWou-e t j . . t AT.. ,V-r mined to fee. p cK-in. an 1 h .ve rv thing abt ut Lht-o. ("ir 1 And riuht hor- !- ir" r- r, I k. cp Tansill St Co - C r: th-v are th ourest an i e t- r'. ' '.v ri. t ;e. all good Smnkr sy ir I sr j ol w l'.h tbeni. And doa't y ou the Ct ' be given awav "i: -.n V, u m win money ' Wm I. PAI.VFK AGENCY FOR EPITURIAL NOTES. THE race may be between Cleve land and ltlainr. IIAKRisi' has lost his and 13 oat in the cold. CLEVELAND has s'cut i-nn jc r.t n lalions to (iovcroor R'ljell. The People luivc- reiudi.i ed n.arris,jn and his adaiinit-triit oLi. TuE Treasury Dc-p-irtrntiH lia- .- beguu aKdtti tue purchase ot puver. i TUE Nashville Argonaut nas moved its Qaarters to Rocky Mount. I3ahv McKr.E's soliloqay. "Fare well, a long farevell, to all my greatness." The whipped rooaters of Craven are crowing lustily over the gener al result. Hurrah : Will it bo the two Ca Cleve l.tud and C iiapbell. or the two Pa Pat!i-i ti and Palaicr ' It ha beeu demonalrated that iron can bo made iu the South cheaper than in the iorlh. Mr. Gladstone declinea the nuujiiiaiiou for the Rectorship ot the I'mverMty ot Aberdeen. Rkkd ami McKinley are as elite tuaiiy squelched as it tLey were lUrowncd iu the depths uf the sea. , ... . Lo you want to see tun T U ait until led is ou the door and Crisp in the chair. "Sk n the cat" wont . be a circumstance to it. Tuesday' election brings Rlaine and Allison to the front as cne leftdlug Republican candulatts lor the I'residencv. The coons didn't stick np to Haskell. Haskell ought to nave h.ul more senae than to trust them. Ti.lman's majority i a large one. Ik McKinley is elected, ot which there are serious doubts, he j will soon le a tit picture ot the parot after the monkey was done wilh him. I,. ' , , here now are Republican j principles f Grandfather's hat 'miaho,!. RP,l'a hflllr.hmrl 7 spanked and'8enate, do you suppose Vance and ' , Kansom would eo on his bond T seiib tu ueu. Harrison and Miller went Every Democrat bounced by home to vote. While there they the present Congress has teen had better look after thing?; have J re elected except Venable, of Vir tue blinds dusted and tbe front ginia who declined a renomina yards cleaned up. j tion. So, Craven County didn't roll A law wcnt into effect in Lonisi- DP Democratic majoritv worth a icent, but Craven Democrats are as happy over the general result a ' any body can De. The Republican party of "orth Carolina will be represented in the next Congress by one solitary col ; ored brother, a sort of black and i tan. He is a proper representative ' of the Tag end down this way ot the One ot the beat results of the busted g. o. p. Wilmington Star, j election is the triumph of the State Again we call attention to the; J"ndicial tjcket. Xorth Carolina New Berne Winter Fair. Itcom-jwlH haVe Jlldges who will keep mences Feb. 23rd 1891 and w ill ! their trml,K' PQre continue a week. It is the purpose' "McKinley of Ohio seems to be of the management to make it the ! elected by a small majority." All best of all. We appeal to farmers 1 rigtjt. He will be fed from the in Crayen and surrounding coun- j same spoon that Reed passed ties to do their part in the splendid among Democrats, exposition. Considering the lateness of his North Carolina did splendid- appearance on the field and the ly. Result: Vance returned to the obstacles in bis way, Mr. Mew Senate; two sound Democrats sent borne mad. good race. He ought 10 the House in place of iiwart and Brower: the parity of the j udiceary maintained; county government continued, and justice and equal , riguts secureu to every citizen. IT is announced that F. M. Sim onS and Clement Manly have f,1rrnA,l a mirterabiii f.,r llio urae. .4 . tice of Law in the citv ol Winston, JhiS is a Strong firm It is com posed of lawyers and gentlemen posed Of 1 who rtflect honor upon everv com 1 m ani ty they enter. New Berue suffers an inca Icn la bl e loss in the reHOVal of I-. M. Simmons and Clement Manly . A BEAR got into the corn field, 1 and i t was proposed to pre ve n t him ' from eating the corn. The neigh- bora assembled and were for . . utmuj iuiu imi; uni u goon n.irnr e,l Johnnie said, - as the bear has ;i '.lie te:ir his gotten in Th n.n.'ii l.i'mr and ;-e it d,iD:er, he is entitle d to the corn." The bear is the Kepubli- can, a,,d,oha, is the Bood natnred L' I mut I ni "tlt,tV'V-,iriiii niKM "I. I in Aro t ir h A r-r ,a r, K . W , , 1 K President Cleveland has b-een interviewed on Tue(dn.'! ilfction; t he results of he expreseH himself as delighted, and challenges 'ho r slit ol" any man in the country to njivce more heartily than he over the results; tariff reform was tho great question, and thelKino- cratic party must uh on the battle until t rnm)lete victory is won. The news ot the sale at this porr yes'enlay of Me-srs O'llncn. 1 1 1 : o ti . Mulli van and liar ricgton, th" Irish patiio's, who come to'this country as the repre sentatives of the Irish Parliamen tary party, will be heard with pleasure by the friend- yt" In land everywhere. Tuo attempt of the 15rith (rovernment to prevent tbe-e gentlemen from emb.uking. by arrest int: and arraigning them on idle charges, and their escape to Fran c and thence to the Tinted States, has served to attract unu sual attention to them and their mission, and to awaken a sp-c -enthusiasm over their visit here. New York Star. Clear tut- track for the Sooth. , -..w tor improvement., all over; the Snath iet -theenomv and "We have m , ,, , the 1 eople, is the they are urs. 'BY in ,1 sublini-- declaration. HAT dill i r T Governor Russell sas thi- t.tnff and Force bill d it. Mesk! rue! The Republicans have.vt r J the handwntiDg on the wall. The south enters the race for intelucual and material eupre- micy. We 'ouch nor hats to the Tariff and F. n- lull. Thanks, veiy many thank- Cann'oN. he bl .tant blear-eyed cur. a.- burnt to ashes in the great n,iti.,, .rt,.n f t; i ,ir loll . I.ANT.sri N i m ii , .lof.ntoa and Mllkr tieieatea leaves Cheatham the only negro e " HOWELL, the originator of the Force lull, w.ih swallowed up in the ' tlfdL e,il I I'l Uii Kr , fr 1 iiiKecoUti district went i.eput) l;ciU . Rllt I hl'le WHS SOtlie Splendid work b Democrats. Democratic majority in the Htu.M- one hundred and thirty- four Noi t,,ik Virginian. "When the people are aroused anA ii,., ,Ki.u,.l- naaaaa tn 1 1 i v .' ( l li. V u . u, t rv am, e w be a revolt and becomes a lievoia tion . Every prorniueut Republican prorniueut who went before the people with the ekcDtiou of Reed and Lodse have tte n defeated. Senator Hearst is said to be dickering lor the New York Star for his od, now proprietor of the San Francisco Flxaminer. The peophW train ran into the Imperial Express last Tuesday and smashed t hings. Twenty thousand barrels ot boodle were lost. SrrrosE Iugalla had to give a bond b!ure he coold sit in tbe liQKom would go on his bond T anQl 'llc Friday requiring the rauroau companies to lurnisn separate cars tor white and colored persons. 1HK sooiiana -ect democratic has entered upon a new volume. 11 13 uuw JU111 jearaoiu. ia aQ excellent Democratic and pro grpssive journal. to have been elected, we congratulate brother Batler, of the Cancasian on his splendid victor. tie will honor Sampson in t tie btuate to which he baa been elected by su large a majority. Ndtiw is the time for Eastern North Carolina to rise in her strength and beauty. The billows have receded and we can now gather pearls on the sea shore. IF Reed had to give a bond as Speaker of the House, would Hen derson and Alexander sign it! Would Breckinridge, Crisp and Mills go ou ic "from personal con siderations T" Very happy over the general result, we uller swcial coneratoia- 1 tions to our friends in Wake and ew Ltanover. Ashe, Daniels, Ho.iitz and K;nri.l)nrv. Peruard and Dully, we salute jou : Pinrvri.-v iivt'-pw icaiucu : while in Europe that Bismarck did hls t to bring on a war between Germain and the United States . J . I. . T', : 1 L ' . at the time of theSamoan troubles. but Ltuperor W" ill i uui overruled btui. The Loti syiilc Courier-Jonrnal remarks that "the false census der e to be booted from one end of the country to t he other,'' and the t.-.-e- w no are responsible for it det-rve : be booted, ditto. I Mm n in 6rir. It i pi opontd to contest Henja- mm 1-" i.iiiklinV will, although he has been dead an Hi- U f ' t nif t I iiikIs hundred years. ; to Boston and , Phil idelphia. These funds now agreate half a million dollars. The he.r- 1 the great man of the laet ceii'uiy iiotv demand that this hat; i.l.-i on Mini be divided among them. W hile the Fair is an East Car- olma msi itution it is not exclusive, M(tIJ V exhibits will come from alar, Wo understand that there will be some very tine horses ou the grounds irom almost every part of the "it" t, Tne great racer l)-m ,t F.c I Hill , form. will he here, and also i.e'reiuhment and Re-1 SECURITY. For many montD8 there has becn general feeling of uneasiness, amounting in some .nstances to serious alarm, bat this la now succeeded by a sense of security . froffl ftnxiety ' and fills oar bosoms with gratitude and iov. d We have . . . i ,i never doubted the patriotism of the people. More than OQCe we have qaoted the word8 0f McDnffee : "The people i the TTnifa1 Rfifna he a larcr anrl almost counties majority are at-! tyr"nDy d oppression cannot live in ' tached to the Constitution. If they j thia free and fair Upd otr"' can be convinced that it is in THE GLORIOUS VICTOGY ! danger they will fly to the rescue j the (ikand results of Tuesday's i and save it." The McKinley tarifT battle. j and the Force till weredanger NEW YORK. , '". im)ui mcmauu came t0 tbe rescue. i The effect of the late election DP0Q lae present congress is, 01 ;f k T ' J , ' ' i its influence unon national destiny and personal liberty will very soon v . , , ra caon in tha m aria rf ri m m .1 r'n I , , , ., , , trade centers and agricultural " "-" ui.i,o vummv,., com- I - . muuities. xue res;orauon 01 tue . , . . i- . 1 j Government to,its by legitimate nhianr lh fho ncnnlc i 1 UVJ ""i'l" u r "i' i I will inspire confidence in the l stability of public institutions and the security of Dcrsonal rights, Capital will shake off its fears, I, , labor rejoice in its rewards, and i HntArnriiiA loan forward tn crander . . ....... 0 ' . . i acnievemoncs. me piuturu tuai., - , spreads oat before as is magnificent t. . t .1 - - rt Annv. XL W i3 IjICab LU 1UUUU O I ICC 1CJJUU- lic ; it is greater to redeem ! With f oKalrlcko r t imnnrialiam ctlioban from her litnba the TJnitfd States moves grandly forward to ber high . destiny. Bat if as American citizeus we , . , , ., . . feel tbe glow of enthusiasm how mast our bosoms thrill with raptnre as we look npon Nortb Carolina Her liberties aepnre; the public administration of her affairs under the direction of her own patriotic sons; ber firesides cbeered by tbe presence ot virtuous women and brave men ; her fields waving with the fruits of arinnltnre ; her mountains the store bouses 01 in calculable riches; her institutions of learning filled with sons and daughters of genlas and "her temples vocal with unrestricted piety." 'THEY WOIfDEBED MUCH, XST STILL THE GBfclT." Wonderful, wonderfnl I In all the history of parties in this coun try, there is nothing so wonderful as the election of Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1800. When news came that Sua sell had carried Massachusetts people wondered much, and still tbe won der grew as all New England, the Middle States and the great West came trooping in battalions to tbe Democratic standard. Is tbe spell of party broken ? Has the G. O. P. gone ont in per petual eclipse f It is wonderful! Memories of Lincoln could not save it. Recollections of Grant and Garfield were of no avail to delay the catastrophe. All that was sublime in purpose and splendid in achievement was swept away with the receding tide ol corruption and infamy hurled back by the people. Reduced to its last analysis, the election is the judgment of tbe people in favor ol lree America. No party can ride booted and sparred over tbe people. They may be flattered and mislead by designing demagogues, they may even consent to be fleeced for the benefit of others, but when the citadel of their liberties is at tacked they come like the storm when navies are stranded, and with thunder peal and earthquake shock, proclaim their power and majesty. How are the mighty fallen ! Reed and McKinley ! But yester- day they might have stood against the world, now lie tbey there and Unon so. noor tn (in them rover ! "none so poor to QO lnfctn rever 1 ence." ' 3o will It always be when usurp- j J j erj challenge freemen to defend - v. . I.UOII IIULO. . ! fAa, Vrllnh Tri a - - - v. a.' v v v. v . i , v wonderful, and still the wonder i grows. . - - ACCORDING to Latham, Alexan- , V- . t , ,. der & Co., lew lork, the cotton crop of last year was 7,JU7,Ji bales, valued at 1373,102,831. The valne of the exports $250,567,334, and home consumption $122,574- 49 They say the crop was over - estimated. The present crop they i ; pat at 7,500,000. Other estimates! ! make it more. They say that those in the South engaged in the cotton ira(ie last year were successful. Wilmington Messenger. In yesterday's notes we said:JXhe LegiBiatura will also be Alliance, The whipped roosters ol Craven j thus insuring the defeat of Senator are crowinglustily over the general ! Moody- result, nurrah." We understand -Michigan Wholly Dmocraiic. ,i. .u-iauu Dbtroit. Mich.. November 6' The that some persons think that shot j whe Demooratio state ticket i. be- was flrd at our candidates. Not j lieved to be elected by from 6,000 to at all. It includes ns all. If there G0 Pi"" .. Th DTar8hft: 1 also a majority in the Legislature by is a Demoorat in Craven who did j about three majority in the 8enate and not wear his spnra last Tuesday we br BOme fi,t8e" in the 0IUS? on Fusi?n r J vote with the Patrons of Industry, who are not aware or it. : ho!(j the balance of power. 1 It is safe to predict, from late returns. i i i --m. , . , i that the State is Demooratio by 10,000 Arrival of Stanly In America. majority. niw xork, november B. llenry M. Stanley, the African explorer, accompa- nieu oy nis wire ana rsmuy, arrivea here in the Teutonio from London this morning. ELECTION NEWS. NO CHANGE SAVE EOR THE BET-TER. It lias Itcfii Nothing Lms ,Thn a Monster Tidal Ware in the North and Vfrst. Not only hava the wealthy and git at manufacturing State of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts elected Democratic XT. " ' i C0DBin and Miohil..n Buch . mighty change and reversing the order of j of thing, has not been equaled for Tears, and it 00 lv COeS to trow that New York. Nov. 5 The Evening World estimates that the Dmocrau will have a ms jority in the next Con gress of between 63 and ST. Tbe Mail and Express ooncedes a Dmocratic I maioritv of "at least 50." ThnEvenina i Sun places the Democratic msprity at 1 hout sa." I Returns up to noon show that the Democriu have olected 67 Assembly - . . . , . T , men m tousme ana tne itccuti loans I l wo districts are still somewhat in 1 a,,VI nri.V, nrKcKilim in .. . U - .V'UW, 1H1 'Hfual,,,, 111 1.1TU1 Ul Llll i Rohiinona- Tri -,,;. . ,.;, joint ballot the DamocraU require 68,1 the Republicans 3, as the Republicans ! have 10 Senators and the Democrats 13. I it looks therefore like a tie on j dot ! ballot. ; New York's dolecation In th S2.1 wi" consist of 20 Democrats and 14 Repnblicans. This just reverses the ' position of the two parties as represent- ed in the 51st Congress, where the Re- rniiKili-ona havn 90 nH tha n&miuiriil. . ' , u F. M. Soott, defeated candidate for Mayor, on the Fusion ticket, speakirgi of the election today, attributed his de j feat to the anti-McKinley feeling,! which he said was stronger in thin citv i " j Among telegrams sent Governor Hill, j ihe ?n gaye him pecjai satls- i faction, is th following; j ' Luja, Ohio-'Congratulations. Ohio j electa 14 Democratic Congressmen, a gain of 9. McKinley and Foster are boin defeated ' "Calvin a Brjch;." Connecticut Democratic State Com- mittee, wired: "Three Democratic Congressmen eleased. The State ticket is elected by one nudred majority. The Senate is Demooratio; tbe House is Republican. Majority on j lint ballot 18 Republican." T. B Riley. Chairman of tbe West Virginia State Committee, telegraphed: "Democrats elect four Congressmen, a majority of the Legislature, and carry the'State by from ,000 to BOQft. " OHIQ. Columbus, Nov. 5, Acoording to re turns go far as received at 6 o'clock this evening the Oh:o Congressmen elected are seven Republicans and four teen Democrats. Cleveland, O., Ifcir. 5. A late dis patch from McKinley 's district says: Late returns increase McKinley 'a gains and 8ho w an approximate majority of 140 in the district. WISCON8IN. Milwackik, November 5. Chairman Payne, of the Republican State Cen tral committee at this hour, 11 a.m., gives the State and legislature to the Democrats, and says that Wisconsin will stapd six democrats to three Re publicans. MINNE30TA. Sn. Paul, Not, 5. By yesterday's election Gov. Merriam'a 24,000 of two years ago has been reduced bo greatly that there was apparent reason for the Democratic claim that he had been de feated. Such, however, does not prove to be the case, for he ia re-elected, but by a greatly reduced plurality. One and possibly two officials chosen from tbe State tickets ate Democrats. MICHIGAN. Detroit, Nov. 5. Michigan's Demo cratic gain is five, and probably more. On Governor, Winana, Democrat, has snowed under Turner, Republican, and bis plurality is now estimated at 11,000 VIRGINIA. Richmond, Nov. 5. -Further returns from the election in this State yet ter day leave no doubt that ten Democratic Congressmen are elected. The Demo cratic gains were 11,613; the Republi cans gain 1,306. DLEAW ARE. Wilmington, Nov. 5 Complete re turns from the whole State give Rey nolds, dem., for Governor, 445 major ity, and Causey, dem,, for oongrass 514 majority. NEBRASKA. Omaha, Nov. 5. Returns are still meagre, but indicate the probable elec tion of Boyd, dem., for governor by a small plurality. KANSAS. Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 5, -The R publican candidate for Governor is beaten and six or seven of tbe Repub lican Congressional candidates are de feated. Tbe legiilature stands 15 Far mers. Alliancemen and Democrats against SO Republicans, which may defeat Senator Ingalla. Indiana. Indi inatolis, Ind., Nov. 6. Half the gfaow 8avera(,e Democratic gain of 20 to the township. This will make the 8tate Democratic by about 20,000. The Democrats elect 11 out of 13 Congress- men. Tbe legislature will be Demo- crytio on joint ballot by A3. Mr. Bynum, who has just been re- elected to Congress by a majority of 4.500 in this distnet, announces himself as a candidate for the speakership of the next House of Representatiyos. Widely Different Estimaes. New York, November 6. The morn ing papers' estimate of tne complexion of the next House vary constaeraDiy. The Times estimates the majority of the Democrats at 151; the Herald makes it " h World u the 8un 154 the Tribune 60. New York, November 6. Unless offioial returns make further changes in the list, the Assembly will stand 63 Democrats to 60 Republicans, and the n.mivriti will have a maioritv on ioint , Danot in the Legislature. Minnesota. Minneapolis), November 6. The bal ance of power in the Legislature will probably be held by the Alliance. Minneapolis. Nov 6 Litest returns frem South Dakot show that tbe re sult is an Alliance victory and that Loucks has been elected uovernor. West Tlrginia. WhksLINQ, W. Vs.. Nov. 6. Tbe ' Republicans concede a solid Democratic Congressional delegation. I SUMMARY UY S! A 1 I s One Hundred and Tliirfv crutic Majority in th, oil r Pel, li. Hdii-c New York Nov. 0 Return. r. up to mi.ini! t woul.l iai i-j-ito i Democrats l,u.ea ujbj rit of o-. in the Coure-H. l'iir-ni uu-na! have been maj iu maav S ii-h y representatioa from aii of li.e- :S; would 8-em at thift time iu alj u follows : AlaDama 8 democrats Arkansas 5 democrHia California 2 democrati. 1 repi.i ana. Colorado 1 riublican. Coonecticui ,. 'emo. r.'.lJ 1 ri . : oan. Delaware 1 diiiucrat. Florida -2 deaiocratn. Georgia 10 democrat. Idaho I republicnn Illinois 12 democrats. H rr;u;.l:p Indiana 10 df-mocrfiiT. o r. Iowa 0 democrat b repu 'pLl Ij 1 1 ' ' I IT I Ii: Kansas - 1 democrat, o Alii ii:;-. . 1 re Publican. xiBiiiucKy a ueiu jjrut.-". - r publi cans. Louisiana 0 li.'iiocr-ita. aine 4 reputjiiiMim Maryland 6 democrats ,. Massachusetts 7 Jetn u licans. I MinD06ota 1 zr,,8 , . f XT , . , , , . . ., 0 r ijiim' r it - It a."","";,u deiuocra s. 7 d. mocr-:.-: v-uo- ' M i SS i tin I 1 1 f 1 1 i Mmouii - U docrns ' ' I Montana 1 democrat, Nebraska - 2 democrats, Nevada 1 repuoli -aii. New Hampshire-; U-e. ouolican, pu - ew Jersej -o df ei..ef:it New Yoik 2: dem cratn , 1D I North Carolina -9 democr-. put 1 ' Publican Worth JJ ISOti 1 r( Du DJ load whio 14 democrats. renu ; Uregon-1 republican lennsylvania 10 democrat lublicaas. . Rhode Island 1 democrat, tion in second district i-tl. C O . 1 '1 ,- . oouin Carolina i ut inof rau South Dakota 2 republican lennessee democrat, u cans. Texas 11 domoorau. Vermont S republican Virginia 10 ilemocrau. Washinaton 1 republican. West Virginia 4 dem;'cr:i:. Wisconsin 7 democr.its. 2 rt-pui li- cans. Wjomine 1 republican. Total" 2,10 Democrats. 5. AH.inr-e uii Republic. pa. iiemccratic mi j r:tv over Ropublioanp, YM Official Vote of Craven Cutty. The following is the total cfrijisl vote of Craven county as deterrictd by the returning board : Stpite, Perry t, !?.-; Pull 3 L. Puil'a majority 820 House, HardibOn 1 ,r,30: I ha; man 2,136: Chatraan's majority S00. Treasurer, Danielj 1 15-5; Mj;tly 3,166; Moeely as majority 777 Register of Deeds. Bid die 1 1 : Green 2,179; Green e majority iit. Clerk Court, Watson 1 3 12; Carpenter ' 2,193; Carpenter'a majority Sill Sheriff, Lane 1,420: Williams 2,n:!;, Williams' majority C33. Suiveyor, Marshall 1 Li7t5; Lovick 2,131; Lovick's msjority J?05. Coroner, Hughes 1,371 OJen 2.13?: Oden's majority 78T. Congressman, Mewborne 1 ;i70; Cheat ham 3,158; Cheatham's majority 7??. Solicitor, Grizzard 1 3j.: White 2 17V White's msjoritj 323. From Ohio. Cleveland, Nov. c. Wi.h c i-I -iai returns from all except Starke county and unofHoial returns from that, War wick 's majority over McKin ley i 220. At tho Unlversily The Intt r-Socit ty Debate. Chapel Hn.l Nov. 2. lnOO. Editor Journal: Ihe 1'hilai.thrrpic Society of the Uaiveraity of North Carolina has many mniibers miioiin ih. men of tbe east who fi.-st in pub lic, profeeeional nLd t i ,ife. They are loyal, and I know the w ill receive with great pleasure tbt- nee. i;f aoy fresh victory tiiat tue oio Pci ' may add to her loa li,t of spniM achievernenta. On Saturday eveDir,& Noven b. r 1. the second semi annual public lutt-r 8ociety debate c.nie off iu me bail ot the Dialectic Socmty. It Ta aa ucoa sion of great ink -test to the entire mem bership of both Bool. .ies. and also to tut people of the village. A iare auuienc bad assembled when, at S o"eicck, the house was called to order b Mr J M Morehearl,of m the chair Mr. F. C. Mebane, of Weoiworih, wae secretary, and Meeers. Wtn. Bingham. Of Mebaneville, and W. P., Uuthrie, ot Durham, acted as marshals The query was, "Should there be aa E i ucation-.l or Property Q -lalihcattou for F: au chisel"' Tbe debaters were: Meesrs. F. P. Eller, of Berlin, and G. H Crowell, of Asheboro, reureeen t '.n the "Di" Society, in the aflirma' i vr. and Messrs. G W. Connor, of Wilson, ami W. H. Wille, of Greensboro, reprebeut lag the "Phi" Society, in the negative. The debaters had studied the question thoroughly, and the epeecheB b-eathi-d with argument an j fore;, an J kept the audience intereeted to a degree th it a; timea amounted to enthut-i in;;. Win ii Mr. ElUr jumped ii,t tie- b-iiancei-with tbe opening cpvech lir liore tne affirmative bide of the teal. ? away down with his weighty argument. Mr, Connor came in with a capital epeeen. and as he placed it on the negative mile it pressed down so heavily that the bil anoee swayed up aod down, and pome thought that they would finally re.-uni-.-their equil:brium. some that the r.ega tive Bide would outweigh th" other Mr. Crowell. displaying; renjut table oratorical power, carce on ar. bor--down with force oa the affirmative and Mr. Wills filed his argument upmi the negative. Then cams t:.e re j ari ders, sharp replies, arguments uttaoted and overthrown, and still the ttca'. were unbalanced, when Mr. Wilis, tie last speaker in the negative. gath- rt 1 up all his arguments, and bur e l L.'.ero. with great force, upon the n- at of the scales, bore nailed it. Tho committer appointed ;. r' the decision was com ose.i ot 1 if Alexander, Prof. Williams nod U . Ur Q0U8hee The decision, in favor r the negative, was ree?i-ed p.h -r- . applause. The "Phi" rej dees, ami ij pi--i; 1 her victors. Conuor ar.u Wills, p. in. the "Di" loves nor.e the !esherr..:: and her Crowell, who w, re by r means eastlr corqusrei N Hi Is a Candidate far peak-T. CHICAOO. III., Nov 7 - The A :s . elated Prss ia in receipt of the folio -v-ing dispatch from Roger O. Millp.. in reply to an inquiry aa to s hihi-r he would be a candidate for the' Speaker ship of the next House of K -pre. cut t tires: "Corsicana, Texas To Willi oi: Henry Smith, Chicago: To your t--!e gram of yesterday, I answer I sball be a candidate for the Speakership of the House of Representatives of tho Fifiv- j second Congress. Mil. I.: Trai. imI !, of ').; 111 i e-i 'II li ri; '.r,r. 1 1 -i v - II' 'V o for a uiia i j -i ir. lu.iii i 11 -i plat di-tani-.. of II, n ; cr jwli irn uniier ti o.j.'i -pri.i'l i .'ntc rn an l placoii ini'.H f( tiiat thi-v Win n t l.e engine tu',1 i u i i .s it i'jruneil t i'l I.. .1 the lou: lie- Ir. ; ro!:e 1 ,.,3e from the tender "nil jn (if Ly feet on the ti8 and turne i l .r.'nrm I ii.'juiy. yon; pimped an.l j'lmped hd.'I i ,i"hn Hoyd -ived a severe -t a. i,l ti f his hv a;l and had lit. Ti,. tender his t ! I in - t!i mail f li I - - i 1 1 at t h r 1 1 w I n u r thuty feet tic!:. There rlc -s in the iliti v injured. t i ',; . received ri;ht l.v. The ' .rs u ere com - s i.i.kt r, hicn i.:' rs. was tiiriifd ear wai b a i i 1 v ps u ! Ih. np ,.,J,; P-ints .' i,f tri ! T. i 'rll i: - hair t liirn , '.-! fll ik'ii.i- -r i t i n " v ori hiri ' only nils i tie .-h f;-t ef-.'iirm i ;ir- j.ii.'p 111: i li '.')a:n r - ; -e.( j ;l: 1 ti..- r- :!; ii- ii. h .- 1 .1' . r'l! irt repair s h'-n th to w! HI i 'i fil i t s ; , 1 u - i: ! tram l.ii. I...: V a 1 N ltd;;, di;:,.. and ; ii 'a,: . p e.l rieen ,:.i p re in wild js i.t,.rj ' ; Jy miry i . - bt-i;v -. f;i 1- ram .' i-o-i-t 1 1 '' -'- a r ''it ;i ysi-li iii'i .'i n ' i th 1' ,le;nan. v ;: 11VH. !' :-' fnuri'l-r.. 1 it nffh.-r. .)r.., i-:e-.i. .ii en V' !. : 1 r-r s '. r i j . d la a, . . i ..oniiv bn'i;ri.-r of -.'iturfrs of II : : , U.'" .i n--', p.t 'lay 1 Wi !i4ln llar ft tv ;it 'au'ti tv. li'ivo d i s a p i;.ort,d at : -iij-.-l the Ccm-it:-' I-.-irpr-r-t - : : .- t-h i ill ...'..-h. It is an i ; u i'i per. :M".n-, t-rt. Vv'. ! i r : . i," 0' o p-tnv ! t ' f T : ' bur I!:.'.-.. said li.i'V' c ml'l a'l ! iht-V lli- p. '.' Co. r.; : 1 1 ish tliey '.t : -e v - t i ' ri in ( ii iii.i . i i a n-. . ; ; 3 1 , N . v. dent h.-s rc:".irr-d whioh p:act- ia n.m milU for the mar.: While the work i:i' about ti:1! rni!! t.n whit li cr.t lr ly i r ings The 1 ;ss ,.f i : ;' hurilri"i ; , r !,.- i cau , li: 3 f :: pin-: A ternbie aco:-Taipln-Fu, at ho "'.eminent "im ;.,-.vJer. -. r,. (...jj ployed -K:n ocuu rred .t-i ih- Uui !d- : liiik-o. 'ilie Uelawaro All Ui Wii.MiNcnxiN. I.).-i , Nov. returt.r. frc-a tii v. '., R- nr.ld . !Vnit.-r;i:. f..r ( riit. LOtr.plcte it-j eies S- 1 lov.-r-ior. ! V 1 ,i:i crit. for majority and i:u ,- ConreS-i ,"M l:.,. j , . .i us; it iNi l.NXiTI. Nov. th. ifclurnrt t-o fr i -l 'ii i di-lejraticii - i D. ro orjts aoti m'vo:. UJltlJi to i ;' fourtren LHJKr. r.t. A ft 1 as n ii t 2.ini J-'...i bill iii'.m s-- y.i,., l.i'itiiin I-llixir F..r ind igiel : .r. .' ' '. I.'-roi'U Khxir. t or i-i'-k i.;i i : : L,- ri'.i !. II, i x i r l-,.r ,1 - . . . ,. : I. -a. i. : , , , F ir i' - ol 1. . I I . .-..'. V I :t .in ii I 4 '. 1 1 11 , .&e ni i, 1. , lake ..:-:e-rt, take : V.'HIaneHH, i . . i i i y , take 1 .; i i , take . .-n u: any h n il ai il r, --ioiaanh. : : z:.i:v, At S.'.,l by Pr.-p. Lt:t , ( i Pt-oiiiiiifiit lliiii.ler AVrlt-s. Ai'ui- i Iron, in;: ; k tdn-v s ''titi i i y ami - in i: s of great eulferinB with ttreat nervous uisres. dis'rdpred st ; i '.; t ion , 1 nave been z.ey f l.e ui -u Elixir, 11 man. . C. C. I a vis. Or. I'hure:; S m:h. vl Tatoail st. Ailaura. (it 7 Q"YA CE. SAVES r. -it AI! i 'J u l it, ''l vl w : , oil lei. b ivi 1 1. ;-. il ! '. U,i CREAfv I ,-. e Nsi'i i ' All!!)' Siiilsie " oo :w. , , , rr, si-:u ps-. 1 1 ins'. 9 trv th:; .-L-;iLH-AV-FEVER A par: a - s :: ".,, i . -.-"ill ario :s H T'c-.C :-- : : ,- . : ' . his: by 'l!Hl r :---. !.i a r-f . : I 'THKitSJ ,i '' H. . ;: :.. ', ,. ', - l. C'ilvrly Kxhttti , x M 1 c Ifi)., Do a Gi -cral JUnrtir. I'U&iness. N:.v ;Ia;:k;mi ilorsK, " ' . ' . . ........ : i , . ' . . II,.,. I3AGBY, Jui i it) I OH i " l-l I ( N i Oiii :l.U.-( Ire Mi.J. t. (.;a -He Hain is vV!.i;-N P. H. P.FLLETIER, M V 'V ) It N f , A r i. a v Ki:it. South .f ora veil two doori' Ji.urLia. olliee A Bparihli . :i, ;. ikl- "ih tor mi i i ,. u- Wlil piiictti-e :n :(. ., : . . . tT.-l , J I 1. -(-.'! ; . II W -t- ' r I 't, It..., Huprtem-t ,7i,r' , ft,,',. - 1. f- , Ktl, f. Ill 'lit CLEMENT MA M.y . O . II (1 UIOM MO-M ? :t fir A r T : s ; ; i Oltiee 2 i !I -.r ,r bank. .Mi.;,,. -;- . , Will 1 r ll'.ll'l i : , s and adjoining eon:,!, Court ol th.- : -.1.1,1.. -. , CourtH. F. M. SIMM: .;-;v:, Simmoas A V, ' r.-en. 1- uv 'o. V v n.-rn.'. n. c. i'i ti r i -i ,,f ( 'mvi-D '' . in thi- Sut'ieme '' ' Mi ti!' i i 'irral ;,iH; otf ;i. ;.. (.inns. Sc Gibbs, ATTORNEYS Will pr:.oiiiv i,-, the ,:i AT LAW. ii ii t - - -r ui Craven, Jonos. Onslow. 1 Lenoir a i i 1 i V;!-. ,-, Co u r ; h . Oflice on ('r;iv, i, below Ji.a KA 1. , ari'Ti t. Pamlico. !..: i;i the K.'derrt! i v.-1 f Dr. J, B. Clark, D KM 1ST. it:w rf.i-.v!-:. . c. r-tr, ,-t, !'.! -(.. t'..,;.,,. and 1; il w tn,', i i n i-', ('i Heatiag and Cooking Stoves AT L. H. Ouilsr & Oo. f I; EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA rf ih ens d mmm worts, j Italian and American Marble and all , qualitien of material. i Orders solicited and given prompt i attention, with patitf action guaran- j teed . ! O. K. J: I l.LT'R is icy nont at Kinston, i and Ai.i:x, FlK'.,l:-s) r gu! ar traveling agent 1 Taxes ! Taxes ! I will visit the places below, for the! purpose of cuilucting Taxes, on the I days stated during the month of Octo ber: Yaiiceboro. No. 1 Townebip, Satur day. Oct. 1 l!h. 1MI0, Fulcher's Store, No. 2 Township. ! Wednesday, October la:h. l'HO. Fort Barnwell. No. 1 own sr. : p. oat- unlay, October IS. yu. Morton "s Store, No. a Tu . ia v. October. 21. 100. llavclnck. No. (iTownshi; t Ictober 2 a. li'j'i. Jroes Citv. No. Town- October :n , 1 -t'O. J tsjier. No. 9 T'iWi.-n:; ' ) tobet 20. I'-. i'l. Tin f.tilin;: to nf -t :i:i ; ;. fatur.lay. hip. 1'r i'iay . i. Monday. it tie- ii'oove t i,- i r Taxes r 1 leputv at -. f V'.i- tiameil places ar.-l -t-tiline; tv i:i I . v ,-,rt i 1. v t-i y ; f e v. i : h t i. l-tll Ti.- iiic t :: ' "C.i x - ' av of 1). LA Nr. .: i-'j.i. ..-ritr. (i wtf FHREYS' RiHARYSFECIFIGS AT? D rOiJLTIi.Y. ."500 rner Tte.cik i' i :: I :in tii nf Aiiima N nt:d I ha ri :: i: 1 CT tiE? i Vcrer. i caicc: ":": A . A . ' Spinal ,M e ii i t : - i I . -, H. it. l rn r.". l.a lam, -- , i .1 I . ,i trirr; n l i ;i n I; lie: ciatls: .C.--lH-tc::iiei-. :i .:ii Hi-. !::;r .!. ISot!. or (Ou!".. W .::!-. V.. K.-- ouebi, I'loi'i, ''t: ii icon ' K. K. Colic or tiriiic"-. II !lio-he 4 yf i sc-nrri n t'e . 1 1 rtnu r rli -i et II . ll. lriniiry n l:;l Kidney ,-c-a I. l...Krupi i ve lf c-io,:--. J . K. Diseanes ol tfi-cs; Sitipl-' Ii .ttie over ra '. . ". Stable Cne, with si "' , t'-rih.,ry ('',:' oO , . M Jnr Vett'i-iuory t'uri Oil, : illy-t'. .03 1.00 Sold by Druccists; or Frr: T-vI rrTT,-j,r and in any qaanuiv on i:,. ( ca t I r.. c HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO , Corner William ai:J John Sis.. Ni Ynrk HTJaiPHEEYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPEGlFiO Ng.i In use 30 j-ff-rs. Tho m'v Fnr,ofcf'il rc-u llWgJ&rWiM$m if! per vial, or 5 vials ar. ai I- '- :l' iy O'..t'-.i-T. it:...i I"-:: f ; ri li'JMPHRI.YS- MF.DICIN Cor. Wi.iiaxi: iai J! C'l , All of cur Veterir.rtry Vt- parationp can he had of J. V. .1 r ' I ru uist. W liroa i hi -' : reets. Sewbtrn.N. C. For bracing up the nerves, purifying the hlooi and curing sick headache and dyspepsia, there is nothing iijual to ' Hood 's Sarsaparilla o J) Jl x :r laSa Children's Suits, with an Extra Pair of Pants and m Cap, all for $5.00. Fall and Winter Underwear. Neckwear. Hata. Stacy 'Vdams cV Co. 'a Shoe. Leather Coats for Outdoor Wear. J. M. HOWARD'S. ocG5 d wtf a Tried AND IE TESTED insurance Companies. WILLIAM H OLIVER, Insurance Agent AND Adjuster, NEWBERN, N. C. -Kr.VA I"h;k I.NSLItANCE COM- I'anv. of Hartford, Conn. Has the Jarget-t rapital 1 argest assets, Lartfst (-urpluH, of 8nv Amerioan Fir In. C(i. .Continental Fike Insuranch Comi'anv, of Now York, Capital. SI. 000 (100. Assets. 85, 000,000, Has paid oyer S2-1.UG0.C00 of losses. jTifK Niiiiuicii Union Firkins. Co., of England, One of the oldest, one of the strongest. one of tho lament Fire Ineurance Com- paniee in the world. liii: A.Mn.o Kevaiia Fire Ins Co., of San Francisco, ''apkai, 2,000,000. 1 he Lancashire, of Manchester, England, Capital, 10. 000,000. 1 HE I'lIiEI.ITY AM) CasCALTY Ins. Co., of New Vorlc. FurnishPB ben ds of Puretvuhio to bank. railroad and telegraph cfHce. I'l'iiE Fidelity and Casualty 4Ins. Co., of New York. IdsueH Accident Policies oovering aco. dents. M.i: ink Ins. (',,., ,,f London, Iiirure.s ottou to r.nri from any port in 'lie United Sint- -r to any port in Europe. , m i-i khan Steam Hoieer Ins. Co.. of Now oik, In uriH boilers from explosions. CoNNECTici T Mutual Lifb Ins. Co., of Hartford, Conn. Li pi il and i-mrt justice to all its policy boi lers are characteristics of this old, reliable company. William H. Oliver, Brick building. South Front street. Formerly occupied by Green, Foy & Orx as a banking house. N.-wb; ni, N. C. au31 d4wlt Sale cf Valuable Real Estate. pun-nancs r.f a JtiJuinent of the 8np- 1 n i i or i " in ol I raven county, rendered at spline Term, l.sui, 1 will nell at eublte A no. tioii.i ir caHli.ul Ilie Court House door In trie iiy of New Herne, on Monday, tha I went y 0 airt Ii il.iv of November, laWI, at 1 welvc o i iock, M , the following deaorlbd t cut est:, I ,-. si t oil tc-ii i a I lie ecu ii ly f Craven, stKte or Nurili i arc'liDa. to wit: situate- c.ji Hrice's I'reek itnil Hoylln s atn p. eoTis'.Ht : iik of two parcels, contalD :n -ol no nt cii.c 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 s .4 1 1 1 1 two hundred :tn ix i -1 1 v acres, heniK the miuie land " In. 1 1 w i k e: "i vi-vi- 1 to H. f Jones by Wm. -s. Cut", mid wife, by ileeil dated ilie 10tn bi of .1 ii ii ii i r . lTii. fticl rcearded In tha Hi-. ' i:ei i- ..f Peed- for Bald county, ' ." .. : : . t ... .'ii n ii,i ;7. and conveyed by - 1. I ot s a :nl ifc t ii KnfiiH K. liravea and ' t ti it c. i ,r,iv,-k i,y ,eed dftleii tbe day of . A.l. I sT'I. mid recoided in the aaro ia k t""o in.,' I, v Wm. Untile and Ji f-- 1 o Hi: Tin H I i rfl: ri Iiv ileed In led lb ' . I . ' i' i-i - ,f i to: ii i . 1 ' ; 7 i . i. nil m corded : :i t :, Kiitne 1 : ,,, t. fi ,i li ,h ', i an ,1 Met. II I, I H B st, 'iiiinlwiioiifr. Notice. I c, i i-a llat Publio Hale, on tbe 5th d'iy of December. 1S90, the Personal 'roper:;, of John N Whilford, deo'd, at tbe residence of the deceased, in Jones county , N. C. . consisting ot four head h ;rs's, two mules, five Oxen, :' my betel of other cattle, hogs, bags, and household and kitchen furniture, wagoriH, cart, plowi, corn fodder, ar.f farming implements, etc., etc., for cell Ssl" will com inMir.n at an early L air MI). W HITFORD, c tf; - re; ; Administrator. Largest Stock of GE0C2EIES on hand, Sold at Northern Prices. Agency for Horsford Bread Preparation. Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co. lloLESALK GROOBB, VJI'IU.E STRFET, NEW BERNK. H. t ! aaaBsaaaaaaaaTl iaa n i4?j't s??.!4- 5 ' X'Zf v. it I .

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