. .. i- ., 1 r? s. m I. HiUPKH, Prprllr. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Terxnn 1.0 VOL. XIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 20 1890. NO. 35. 0 - t - V'r X Hdhvis four Blood? i -leg below tfc knee, and was cured sound - mart-weil wit two and a half bottles of t - 8. 8. &. CHber blood mctiicines bad fail J d to do tne any good. -. - - WttL C Beatt. TorkviEe, S. C. 4 . . '. I w- troaoled from cruiiflvxxl with I ; nTaxl rwof TetMr,od Uuve r '." bU of 3. ti. S. cured -me perma- ly ' WalXACZ Max. ' i v i Macmie, I. T. Oar oook oo Blood and Skin Disease mailed free. , 8wirr Spsctttc , mtJ c-. PRICE -TgOCTS. 4 rr S TKE BEST. A . -5JE5T TS WE. , Ths Convertible Policy ThCoorrtible Policy istued by TSE MUTTTAf, BF.NKFTT -.- fw mm wm mm mm mm mm U w w W W mj W mm 1 j;-fr . i WfaTTiua. atice Company "' include .11 th iiMral fetare. of the CocnpDy. wnh ih. andttion of a puar--t - tmJetd OwA Surrender rti'u. wbicb ' ill b paid at anj time aft,r l.ojctn IjfMniumi have btn paid, if demanded. jf- Poliey baa endorsed opoo it a tablaabowin ia plaia Sarea ibe op Ctoea fraated fcy the company. It opiioa. Cash eorread'er value, tdopiibo. AnoDt tbat may be bor- ,-,roed fronth compioy oo tte pol ..toy."' .W optfoo." Ex leaded iDnranoe for full i umwit w u. policy. U option. Paid up pol ry value. j . Tala to the most liberal policy yet of-: is the rtet innorance to be i Ml. ... Eety dollar pail get. a dollar' worth of liuciraooi No OM by lapao. - D.T.riRRAWll', A(MI. , Healthy praooa bte.;n fourteen ad ecveaty iaoard JVWHH H. CRABTKEE & CC ENGINEER-, founders atJ Mtcbititt " ' y Hajmacrur-T- .- J r,vt -r -.i. .V oifiru is aiGEiiii' j up plies K4H- oll.n. . j ,. . . .. . . . . . it'nd W1U proaapuma. PtrUcuJas aa tmn.Oi: unites crc a nvm a mt aU Usta Wm vVI balad to plaoaaod Mtlouu far an? 4mmm tp4Uo or roacrtlnTy. Va ax tta aanta for lb aala of u a ar mmm Hmw. A-imo tor 3 A A HaivaailA' kcmM latfMtraeUbl Mica Valve. i rrratl wrr VALUABLE CIH PROPERTY Aa acota foe ontn va offer for oa m it aal aeediaaMMlattiiii lrai trie tollow t 4 avrl bad HnproTad Kernl Katata In the tXty of Sfrw Marno: Rai ran IHOS rRONr WAREHOOBZ OMl'RAVlN HTBEKT. Wo. a BRICK XTORK AD PWII.UNO OT HA VfcLN HTRKKT oecnptad by R. O. K. A fall aacr1tloi of thin t1 oab I c pro par ty. loat with iho beat irrmanpon wblctJ laa mi alii ba an Id. 1 1 ba fnrnlahad en apoileattoa to the DDtieratnad at their eBij-e i wmO Froat . ' ALSO TT goaaea and Lot on Craven ttrret rant at Saindy Point. WATSON A STREET. 4mIU Iaa. aaaV&aai Eatata Ata. . TUWBLB TEUCX 11B FtH S1LB About FORTY ACRES CLEARED USD. atiaatad vtiblo two aallea of Ua city, aalt mim far trocfc ratalag. A great baralo . Apply to , - WATSOS 8TRKKT, may If Baal Eat. Acanta. K. R. JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Qail & Ax Snnfi I . ' " rjold at manufacturer 'e prioee. Dry Goods 6 Notions. fall (took and large assortment. Prioea aa low aa the loveet Oall and examine my rtock. Satfaraotioo roaxaateod . 4X0HG THE LIKE OFTHOQHESS. na Taj tkr Patent A'j"'' L-dia' 8aoia ib Ut aa 1 reat loip'cvement lathai line. It reqiir. no hrekiD ia. (a alwayi oomfor -. t .1 r. taio Ua original ibape. U : a marvel of parf action. Sample may be ceen an i oij. rn Irft M my place of bumo I'mn etreet. two door ion h . f t-l-tfr-ph office. N ARPKS. Boot and Sh, M .ker, A(t- Consolidated VHji-i"U jylSdwtf Sh i n i un? . Just Received FROM A FINE LOT OF HORSES AND MULES. Aleo. a floe Ixt of Burjgles.Road Caits & Harress ' of Horn and Western Make, which : rilX be offered Low for Caeb oi on time wit good aeenrttr. cliwtf 5 J. W. STEWART. EDITURIAL NOILS. Governor (.'amimiki-i. ia 6riou.-ly ill. EABTQyl'AKK shocks in England Sitrmlay. of Oh;.'. Lon'gkks.s meets again on Moil dij" the 1st of December. Governor Fowle has i.-srud his thanksgiving proclamation. Cor.. Harry Skinnkr i men tion for SrMkor in State L-gisl:i-tnre. Telegrams from Londou and ; T . -; . . ti.iu pieuii-.v iiiHUBicin iu ir ,'iut . market. THERE is yet a large quantity of cotton in the fields in Craven and snrrounding counties. The IVehidfiit ot Honduras bus been driven from the capital, but will fight to recapture the Govern ment. Mr. Lincoln deuies the report that be intends to resign his posi tion as Miuister to the Court of , St. Jamt-s. Democrats h.ve a majority oi one in the Illinois Legislature.iusur iag t he election ol'a Democratic 1'. S. Senator. In little more than two weeks Congress will be in session again, . with tbe Force bill first in order iu the Senate. Shakes pea re's 'Taming of the Shrew'' was mild and gentle com pared with the taming of Ingalls by ibe Kansas farmers. ' November reports to the Agri-, cultural Department shows a low 1 ield of corn and potatoes and a h.gh yield ol sugar cane. "On in Kansas the Alliance has elected Mr. McKay to be a Judge and Mr. McKay has never read law nor practicd it. Yet he may do well in certain cases." Professor Bergmann of Ber lin has had satisfactory results from inocnlatiDg with Professor Koch's process for consumption. ow, Illinois Democrats, send Joha Palmer to the Senate. Yon have carried the Legislature , and that for. was what yon carried it In the contest between Gen. Lee and Mr. Hume in tbe Kight Vir-' ginia district, the former won a handsome victory. w lie deserved ! to do. Trksidknt Harrison has cou ducted his Administration to please himself, and the people have conducted the Fall elections ' to please themselves." New Yotk ! World. ! Walter Hester, a well known : .... ,, . urummer. snot nimsen in me ceau with a pistol, on Wednesday night, ' oo the train between Greensboro ' Columbus. Ga , w here fifteen thous and Keysville. His father com- pod persons were assembled. T. C. mitted suicide lefre him. Dawson, of Glenville, Ala., was The Rads are mighty mad. The attacked, shot down and killed by leaders say the Force bill must be three memkrs of his wife's family. pacd. We will see what we will although the McKinley bill tee, bat in any event the people will ba true to themselves and to the liberty bequeathed by Revolu tionary sires. Mr. Ingalls must act with promptness if he is going to drive the Force bill through the Senate. He will have less than 100 dajs of bis Senatorial career remaining to him when Congress re assembles in December. THE content over the Alab.wua Seuatorship is growing warm. Senator Pogh, Thos. U. Watts who was President Davis' Attorney General, and Ii. F. Kolb. Commis sioner of Agriculture, are the can didates. The News and Obseiver says, uVhile Dr. Pritchard is at Shelby at the Baptist Convention, Kev. Dr. Creasy, with whom he had a ; controversy about Sam Jones, will Oil his pulpit. Here is an object lesson for the people.'' We feel authorized to state that Mr. Pattisou, the Democratic stan dard bearer over iu l-nn U .una, may not be quite as handsome as he now is when election is oyer, but he will know a heap more. New York Tribune. Governor Pattison is as handsome as tver, and the Tribune knows 'i heap more." Senator Stooner, of Wiscon sin, will be letired at the end of his first Senatorial ttrm. He is one of the Senators who was terri bly anxious to have tbe Force bill I passed He needed fome'hing 'more powerful thu a force b 11 ip Wisconsin this fall, it appears The sti;MTin ten dent of t he Silver Valle mwn-s, in Davidson eennty, rep Hi.- i.e litoliog e tlie in ln'.-t depor of ilvcr ore ever louiid in the nit h. large vein of carbouate of leml. c.irr nig 7n to Hi oiimcih Ol ,-llv er end ,:i l er Cent, of Irail Io the foil of ore. Till", tariff went off li tU" cocked, th i.' what did if. It storekeepers all uo-r t be coun 1 1 y had not forgot ten tt.eir patriotism in their wild, untamed desire to niiki :(H) per cent on pearl buttons. $'J7 net on a Imttle of champagne, and 25 cents a pnfT un Havana cigar.-, tbey would not havemaiked all their goods up right on the eve of an election and given the horny banded son of toil a fit of nervou prostration Wash. Star. EDITORIAL 0TES. TlIK koyttian cotton crop tnnch heavier than List year. On Tuesday, in New York, mon ey roe to IS!) per cent, on loans. ( 'RAWEonn's majority over l'nrf in tln fifth district. IS 050 ' do not organize and advertise. " -1' Richmond Despatch. The corner stone of Trinity ' if tbe great, progressive city of College was laid at Durham last j Rlcnmond is "too modest and Tnelay with imposing cerimon- timid in making known her advan Iea tages and opportunities to tbe The Shelbv Land Company has L , i parcnaseti u: acres oi lanu ie- tween that town and Cleveland Springs, which it will improve. We vprv mnrh regret to chroni cle the suspension of the Greens ooro Patriot. It ts very newsy and well edited, and was valuable to Greensboro. So Benjamin Harrison wanted ! an extra session and the members of the Cabinet didnT, and thelat- ter had their way. Wonder what Benj imiD Harrison wanted of an extr.4 session T A r.RAZii.iAN squadron is com ing to thi--country for the special purpose of delivering to the Presi dent a medal and letter of thauks from the lirazilian Government for the prompt recognition by him of the new Republic. TriK tlarry in money is attributed to the fact that the great European banks have lately lost about 65, OOO.tKiO ot gold, and they now want to stop any more from leaving Europe, and indeed wish to get ' what little there is in this country. News and Observer. Mr. T. II. Bain, brother of Don ald W. B,4iD, EsqT, state Treasurer, and an t-xperlenoed journalist and i tarmer, ba secured a half interest in the Southern Farmer, published i in Raleixb. Hereafter the jkaperj j will tw conducted under the name i of Bain & Euniss. A Delaware cow did'ut seem , to It 11 well for a month or two, but lived on until killed by a bolt of lightning. Then she was post-mor- temed and two pounds of nails and gia68 found in her stomach, and a ten penny nail had also imbedded itself in her he.irt. Detnot Free Press. In the November number of the North Amernn 'on o-r.v-mpn Mr Kinley. Lodge and Dalzell gave us their opinions on the subject, "What Congress Has Done." It would be interesting if they would now publish their views upon 'What the People Have Done." N. Y. Star. A territile tragedy occurred Tuesday on the Fair grounds of the Chattahoochee Valley Exposition, iaipot - cd duty of five cents a dozen on t-gs and five cents apucv on cabbages, a New Yoik Herald dispatch says that at HolmeNville, on October 2l2d, both eggs and cabbages were thrown by the farmers h: the McKinley pro cesiou. Tue Republican urators are pre d cttng that tLey will elect tbe.r President in I8'J2, after this tidal wave, just as they did Hayes, in '70, niter the tidal wave of '71. But they didn't elect Mr. Hayes in '70. They stole him in, a feat which they will hardly perform in '02. Wilmington Star. The ojster shuckers are now making Elizabeth City the centre of their trade. They lear that native labor on the reserved oyster grounds will not be able to supply the demand of the canneries and shucking factories. Those who have examined our natural beds declare that the supply is inex haustible. Eliztbeth City Econo mist. Tuk LiJiulon Saturday lieview of October 25th, in an article on the value of cavalry in modern war. I fare, devotes a good part of its space to an account of General J. E. li. Stuart's raid around Mc Clellan's army in 1SG2. The writer says that brilliant as have been the feats of other cavalry leaders "nothing, perhaps, has surpassed the leafs of this gallant prop of the Soutu. ' It h an extraordinary election wbieh puts Senators Ingalls, I'.varts. Faiwell, Blair, Spooner ami Pl.ut of Connect cut upon tbe ragged edge of defeat, and may pu n them over It is well for tbe liepti id it'.i n - that their holdover m.'j 1 1 in i he Senate is so large Then c can t.u ' up two n:i.! it t tie iiDiier boaft ai d ;tet- her Mich shaking ear- Irom now. Wash. S:.i. TlIK t ion - 11 ie.sul.-(i id TuesdajV elec iiuest lonabiy make Plumb, ot Kins-, :ie most powerful man on th- Republican .-ule of tbe Sen- ate. He r tiiit lux tis.noei Aten what the reMU- oi me McKinley bill and the For. ill would be in tbe W, !. ami thev will nut deny tbat he told the the truth. There will There will be some fun in the Senate if Hoar lQeir Dliile orKaD ana w,u erisiain Ae8embly of the Kniuhw.of Libor con mid ('.niMti undertike to nasg ' ili while regretting ita assault upon vened la annual session today. Grand . . k . ,. x. '. rV ! t' i Master Workman Powderly preidin?. .hen lo.ce bill National Demo- Senator ance. ' Over 200 delegates were present. Mr. crat. - "Why this firebrand is thrown 1 powderly read his annual addresf. ORGANIZE AND ADVERTISE. Mr. B. F. Johnson, who is one of be comprehended by those who the most valuable citizens Rich- i, tv, , mj: ; , , . , ,,. . , ... know the maddening influence of mond ever had. says Richmond "is i . 6 entirely too modest apd timid in j Phonal ambition. making hnown her advantages and ' rr a ,f. . . . ... . i ,,e Ihk South is so riota in coal that opportanities to the world." I . . , , w 11 Ve think a greater trouble i8;1Cwl11 not be ,0De before the de that we do little else but talk. We 1 mand for it will come from distant li , world" what is to be Skid of cities n . i t i I ( equany as wen tocaieci, mat are iar ( behind her iu wealth, popolation and enterprise T What do we need! Why, just what the Dispatch says Richmond needs. "We do advertise." not organize and xjct us iuio uu.t.u im affairs. Wilmington, New Berne, throw ont your banners. Just as enre as Hull's Cough Syrup is known all over the world, advertising I'Ays. Organization is the imperative an ambitious Republican Congress - demand of i h nitnution. Oonor.tmen already, and will slay many tunities are not wanting when organizations are ready to use them. Newspapers present the best means of general advertising, but when it is desirable to give eclat to a movement and rush con clusions, other means may be used as auxiliaries The World's Fair I will give to .North Carolina a splendid opportunity of extensive I advertising, but the opportunity will pass unimproved unless Bome ' organization has the matter in hand i that will use it judiciously and profitably. But Eastern North Carolina must not rely alone on a State organization. Our towns and cities must have their own immedi ate represettatives. If the advantages, the wealth, and the products of this section were presented to the nations, the solid ground would not hold the multitudes that would rush in to possess the land. We confess that we would like to see this garden of the South filled with our own people who wonld gather ita fruits and bring to light ita hidden treasures, bat if they will not arise to a realization of their splendid opportunities, then throw open the door and let the stranger in, that the .vilder neas may be glad and the solitary places shout for joy. SENATOR VAJiCE. The Senatorial fight in North Carolina seems to be progressing very quietly, and Senator Vance, according to the reoent statements of papers friendly to his interests, has been strong enough to slap the Alliance in the face as be did in his letter, and then by the united howl of his benchmen whip the Order into line aahis supporters. National Economist. This paragraph is unworthy the Economist. It is the organ of the National Alliance, and as such it has influence in North Carolina. Senator Vnnce is very strong, but he "has never used tbat strength against his people. Lie has not "slapped the Alliance in the face" nor "whipped tbe Order into line aa his supporters." There is bar mony in North Carolina. Governor Vance has given the Alliance the assurance of his cordial co opera tion, and Alliance men give to the Senator their support because they have confidence in his wisdom and fidelity. There is no slapping faces; no whipping into line, but the mutual respect and co opera tion of patriots and gentlemen is giving relief to the country. Since the foregoing was written we have seen the following para graph : "The Progressive Farmer had hoped tbat the Senator would so modify bis views on this great measure aa tnat good ana true Alliance men could consistently give him their support, aai ne persists in calling the bill uncon stitutional. In short, Senator Vance cannot and will not support the measure, and yet he claims that 'every candidate for the Legisla ture except three are pledged to blm.' Senator Vance makes the issue ciear c ttance mum qoan, don tkia measure or it must abandon him. What answer will the Al liance of North Carolina make to this proposition T As the official organ of the order in our State, the Progressive Farmer would be base ly recreant and treacherous to its high trust if it faltered in the dis charge of its sacred duty. It can not and will not support any man for Senator who thus places him self in antagonism to a measure which lies to near the heart of this great order. We will not abandon the Sub Treasury plan, but we intend to do all in our power to secure legislation tbat will bring relief to our oppressed people con tamnlatpd iti this hill. So fAr aa this DaDer is concerned, it will not fiie "P m.B measure ior any man." There is not tbe slightest occasion T . for this performance. It was not called for by public necessity, and must have originated in the bone of private gain. Whatever the pur pose, it is most extraordinary. The farmers of North Carolina know that Senator Tance is their friend! i and chamPioa- They love their oruer anu inteou tnaius DeneoceDi influences shall extendtothe whole ! coantryr. Tey are attached to are auacnea to into the Democratic camp can only parts of the United States and from foreign lands. Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia, Weat Virginia, North Carolina and Arkansas have coal deposits the extent of which has not been estimated rxcept in r,nint forma hirh inHita ic vastness. The mineral wealth of j tDe QoQth is as yet only faintly comprehend by the most intelli gent and most indasti ious of those who have studied the snbiect. Its 8torC8 of coi anj irotl aie prasoti. cally known to be inexhaustible, Dut tljeir volume I10 naan can esti j mat. Norfolk Virginian, i Let the Fore bill statesmen rise UP now and demand its adoptiou. 1 Tt Q liQ ioOa ff V,,J Llaln mnr- J more. It can never elect anUiod j except men who oppose it in the: United States. Even in Russia I they are repealling the foolish laws i ol oppression and suppression, which have been passed by despot ic friends of the Czar. Force bills will not work anywhere. Stella and the VT. 0 & X. It Road, Editor Journal : Surveys are being made for the New Berne end ol the W. O. & N. E R and friends of different localities along the route are growing anxious about its final location. This is natural and shows a wide-awake spirit on tbe part of the people. Railroads are great developers of the material welfare of the country through which tbey penetrate, and this is the cause of the deep interest shown by the people living between the terminal points of this new road to be built. Every locality along the way wants the road to favor it, but the location of this road ia not only a matter of great importance to tbe people along its line of way in tbe development of their material resources, but it is far more important to the railroad itself as a matter of business and finance. Every locality along tbe way wants the road to run through or near it, as a matter of dollars and cents to it; but as railroads are expansive affairs, requiring years in some instances to work up. business enough to meet the inter est on its bonds of construction, it is of the utmost importance to this road that its bed be located on pure ly business principles and from a-i unbiased business standpoint. While the people living between the terminal points of this road are holding meetings and offering various inducements to direct its line to this or tbat locality, the main and ultimate question that will operate to finally fix its route will be the present and pros pective business in the way ol freights. A calm business sense view of the matter on the part ot those who are to make or lose by the enterprise cannot fail to see, when all the conditions are care fully weighed, that tbe road from Jacksonville to New Berne via Stella possess in every way im measurable advantages over all other proposed routes. Stella, a thrifty town located on White Oak river eight miles above Swansboro, wonld furnish easy access to ship pers of oysters, game, fish and clams. To leave out the tribu taries of White Oak river, Bogue and Brown sounds with their vast resources already existing and with possibilities incalculable, is to shut the eye against an interest which I cannot believe the projectors of this route will ignore. The game, clam, oyster and fish trade of Bogue and Brown sounds and White Oak river would far exceed in freights to a road within its reach, those of any route beyond its reach, while the immense products ot tbe farm ers of Brown sound, the Swans boro section and a large part of Carteret and lower Jones would swell tbe volume of business to such a located road beyond all com parison with any other route. Then again there are several lumber mills located within a few miles of Stella; one mammoth one at Stella, and others are being talked of, wbfch now cut millions of feet of lumber, a large part of which would find its way to market by rail 11 a road was located within its reach. The White Oak River Co operative Company located at Stella have, it is said, agreed to guaran tee to this road if brought to Stella 950,000 in freights annually. Many other inducements can be shown to exist in favor of this line, and I trust some action will be taken on tbe part of those interested in this location of the road to show to the constructors that in immediate and prospective advantages, no ronte offers so many important financial inducements as this one via Stella. And as the bed would not in the least be lengthened, no extra expense would be incurred by adopting this line. Thus it may be shown that without a single objection why the road should not tap tide water at Stella there are innumerable reasons why it should. ; Then come, friends, ana let ns have a grand convocation at Stella i x uui ouflJ , v . - .tu ,CL uo uu uul t""" maDv unanswerable arguments why Le rQad should take the route above indicated. J. W. SAKDEES. Sanders Store, N. C, Not. 12. Bandits Rob, (jeorgrla Express. Augusta. Oa.. Not. 11. About 9 o'clock this morning n expresi on the Georgia Central Railway was boarded by a band of highwaymen ana twelve thousand dollars taksn from tbe ex press safe. Tha Knlirlilinf l.ahnr ; tjEvVer. Col . No. 11. Tbe General From Clui it 1 Hill. The follow ing coram uc i-atiou fron; fi young Now Bernean was ifr;-iv,-il a lt-w days ago, but the lak of : ; .r.' i. vt i,t ed ita earlier appcararjct : Chapel Uii.i, X.v , 1:'j0 OranJ jubilee celebration ht-re lnt night by Biuenta ov.-r great D vmvrat io victory. Tbtre wa h torculinht ( iu oeeeion comijoed of t-uMeutj au.i vil lagera enormous bui. lires beauuful fireworks. As the preoeioii inovtd alont; the air wan ri-iu by jhnuti ol "Down wi'l: MKinley r..l I'iuro cracy!" ' ilu for Clt-vele.n i ;mi Reform!" "'ll. ill for D-mori.vy ! ' "Three cheers for the six University men, M. C.'b from North Carolinv!"' "Hurrah for Zdb. Van.-e! " " "U-ili f -r Ranom!" The enihuri is! ic ftu.ieii-.fi yelled themselves honr-p. After tii' line of march had been finistn 1 there was ppnakine from the following ntu dents: W. H. Wills, (ire. u-boro: F. H. Batohelor. Haleieh: Plato (Toliinv. Kin- ton; W. W. Divien, Me-kl-ribur; ( .' i . Va.: Sbepard Brynn. Ncmv H-rne: Vn tor 8. Bryant, Pineviilp, N 1 '. Aleaera. Jno II Morehead. I'.otin Busbeu, jr., Geo. Rinjom and W . J. Andrew a ure eiititled to theprai-ie tor ; perfecting the an-ritje:Tin t of ttu c! ebralion. The music foi the o,: aion was furninhed bv a bin t f ih.-- t;u dents, Mr. R ihcoo Naun r.erfor.uiriir tu ; ioconeiderablo part. The V Till lit! D..-1 1 1 V I -H" V I- tip ,'i;e! : fitronji Hurrah for O er i '!, vel nij. the U,,i:e. ; the p.n PreeiJe-t of ; StHte' : t the Alumni of t ho i i v r-;ty. The foilowina appeal has het.u ,Hu. to the University Alumni: Umversity uv North Cm: .i.i.va, Chapel tlill. November. 1MJJ. At the meeting of the Univera; y Alumni Aaeociation. held in (rernrd Hall, Jane 4 ult , the euni of twenty four thousand ax hundred dolUir ($24 600) was subscribed for tt.e er.dj -ment of a "Chair of History'" in the Univerfitv. The 6ubicriptio.eH are: Julian S Carr $() 0-0 Jamea Grant -M'to D. O.Worth l.uCO W. H S. Burgwyn !.0l u E. A. Alderman 1 50 J. 8. Carrie i: C. D. Mclver 1.0 EJ. Chambers Smith 2'u Jno. S. Hill (for clues of VJ 2-'0 F. P. Venable .".00 John Manning i.V Haywood Parker 2i W. H. McDonald 25 Geo. T. Winston JeO Walter L. Steele 500 W A. Guthrie 10J John A Gilmer 00 A. R. Ledoui '.u Rufua Burringer jU Eugene G Uarrell ll'i. Fred. Phillips 500 R B. Red wine 100 Total 2-1 GOO Oil motion of Mr. K. 11. Battle it wa.-i Resolved, i'nat a committee of three alumni, rehident at Chapel Hill, be ap pointed with power to appoint an agent ' or iud committee in the dilTerent con gressional districts, to solicit subscrip ' tions to increase the endowment to thirty thousand dollars. 2". That in full confidence that the Chair of Elistory win be endowed, the President of this Association notify the Board of fruetets that they are re quested to elect a Proftssor of History at their regular maetiu in January. The President has apoiGted the underbigned as the Cooimittee of the Alumni provided for iu the former of tbe above resolutions. It was confidently expected tlitit the alumni not present at tlnd lueeim could be relied on for an amount Mii'iieui to raise the endowmem to thirty tnouaand dollars, tbe sum designated 111 the re.-o lutious of Mr. Battle. Tne ucderstced OOmmittt e, however, ale. cleaily of the opinion that this sum is ineurlicient. and tbat the endowment bbould be at least thirty-five thousand doiiais. an tbe interest rate nil! probiMy fall to six per cent in the scir future. An income of twenty one hund ed dulla. s will tot more ttian nulli.'i to ad m 1 u ister tbe fund and pay th. piotetsor o Siim y. We earnestly invoke the asHitatiee or every University alumnus in c.iuipitun tbe endowment ol e.in Cnair. Ire further sum of t-n m u-nuj four hun dred dollars (S 0 4MU) is n-iuiua When we couriaer th uni- tu ni-i-r ol the alumni, and (he unporiaii- e f m, movement to tbe Uuivei siiy and to the State, we cannot dottut that lu rinu will be quick ly subset 1 1 t d . Kemp P. -iattlk i John Ma.nni.sq. UEOKQE l' WlNsToN. r"om. From lliapel Hill. Editok Journal- ii,e tfn tr.-iti,.,. oi tbe recent gionoua eli-i lu.10 by "h. students of the Univi rsit y and in-eii;-zens of Chapel Hill, a short account oi which you bave already puhlished, w.is a display of entnusiasm ana pitrioiim such as has never been seen here, tx cept, perhaps in 1SS4, whea Cleveland was elected President . It would have doi the Demociats of the black district (which came vers near changing its complexion this time good, if tbey could have wiuiesstd . tbe jubilee bere last night Iu the! University there are nearly two liuu- ' dred young men whose every heart beat is a stroke for Democracy. Would that every one of them, with their strong intellects, their eloquence, their love of government, their patriotism, had been turned loose in the Btrugltnz s conil district for two weeks before the lec tion, that the Esst mi,;ht have been redeemed. The second dist ict has representa tives nt the Univtrsity, though, who will, net many years in the fuiure. wield such an icllaecce for bum, for justice and liberty, that, he hs-mred struggling yet never faltering Demo crats of the East, with your aid. oar district will be called brack from dark ness and set up in the eternal sunlight of Democracy. Among the young epeakcra last night none called forth more applause nor fanned more forcibly the llime of enthusiasm and patriotism in the hearts of the large assemblage than Mr. Shepard Bryan, of New Berne. Ills speech was strong and cut like a t edged sword into tbe black hear: of Republicanism, plutocracy and corrup tion, and wben he predicted that Grovt r Cleveland wculd be elected Preiid-nt of the Uai'ed States in 1S9J. the cro -vd cheered till their throats were s ire Mr. Bryan's voice will be heard in the second district in the future ur.d it will be a power for good . The other speeches ucre ail stirring and patriotic. Mr. Plato Collins, of Kinston. made one of the very heft His eloquence captiva ed the audience. He is one of the most brilliint speakers at the University . The torchlight prncet-si e; ia--d t'.e residence of Prof. Winston und hi? w.:r called upon to speak In a shot pointed speech he expre-'d himself highly pleased wiih the di-piay o patriotism by the young men. He rt -joiced with them The Democratic heart or th.' grtrn.i old University was glad last night- N. Another Prohahle Denial r.itie (;..i,i. CHICAGO, III . November 11 In th official count in the First conrfr-rsi-.n d district today Einu (Demo -rat ! nam - i 222 votes in two wards. Tbirf ratio, if kept up, would elect him over ih present incumbent, ('ocre-trr. ,n A'-.. . Taylor. ApiletOD, the Puhlisher, is Head. New York. Nov 13 Daniel 8. Ao pleton. of the publishing firm of D. Appletcn & Co.. died thi morning at his home in University Place, lie was stricken with apoplexy last Sunday. M.1.1M J til.- jeiil !( r ii hu i o 1 i i I .it ii. n A iitoiii . i',--mi -Ij.ii ; i . r .f If we turn i;u-i: t 11 vo. u Liouf.r-. v. iif , I'.e . i ..i - :" X e -v 1 1 ritfiiirtifd i'y tin i ; Itllll lii-ir l. Ii Let; t i,-i-aI'o.i; ion . nibract lire Hiid for- un". i 1. 1 -lory of i (ir w iil o ; n tiit ft! tli.- mo.-t ii IM- ' ;i I tit, their virtue e, vt P.h ec .reo! v :ui ' I with fill the I i-k the principii s w hich woui.l either i-uet the Hnii-h n!u(;kIeH -o tihii;. riv. it-il upon iheni 01 involve Iheni in irrel riiv;ible ruin. In the very iron', r.infc or pir li heroi r.infe of nil' characters o.M IlitVi im! i-in iye.i by threalH and tne -.'I-.' I n of ii larKe fleet of veffels nti.ieii io foreign e immerce and the h of any I he n l" ;.i. merchant in n't inning to i'ir-i eont.'-ct. -id illiotl to i 1. 1 ji iti :. pert v . bv the li t , , i oi in f 1 1 ; I Closri of the l-Vriht St ne v ili'y John the 1 the .i !!ntie v. h i-' i ' r e. n hiui ti .1 tee V - ll. tion i i u , . r , I; i .! I . in Ne -. 11,-rn o rai Ni;h irnel ol i,-. i - to - nab!e in-- ii i'f it ik e,l o I .: ,r of ' wii lee v f.uher o I (iv,- y i i for m.v S im ,ici -nilr . '- 1 i V S---.nl, . L) li.n ii 1 .'I li - f i i ! -. lie 1 i n o j i 1 eeu 1 1 L y t" t lie en rned eiei k eotiri, J tiii'-i our S L h j i i y the : eio. e le i!u -.Vllr - !l . I tirt lie iiiiii' iit John A Ur. Trioiu-i-I wirti Junes. :-.u.'j , t ii t 'ink. Her j a,,! r .ird ,.:i..li. Ailfe.J .- eX- : J jlia Ill e' WH ."..I, f p .p-r- " J JtlO l--Mr, i, : Sianl;. . ! a c d e r b : A St.ir.i the l,,e the U ill j ,oe I. e. "1 -e;e Lei:, tii : .- t i e io fir in ted. there. A u- Hi an , t.i.c ' t-T i -: Iii.V ! .1 . ,11 yvr, Stut.dt hih ... : ci-ied ch..r .-. s and i'.- iin-fs, ti.i t h. :-. t i r; : . j . i i.. S i: uti :s; w.iy ;.:-a J.-'h:i Ji i. ; tis n ;i'o . Samuel St.in.y. a-. Statity, of Mirj j;ia-l Between tt;e u.-.-Stanly .tn.i hi- 41 Stanly, m.ru 10. 1 eliitted. Idath. n- o r; i de- 1 f.ir o'i 1 0: J i m i li. tlilt !.- ill 11, :.i vi .oit hu-h-in1 t '.e t it!,, r of 1? Iji'j tiler th- K v. ih t e - V, r'sht ill U-'l too a h : ( n 1 u r y 1 1 a d -v. se-. el il.; one of the neari-cr hnss c.-mcr-ct-at the illus trious narae of the Stuaiys of the past willi Ine .S.bniys of the p.-et en i geiicra tion. lits moi;;vi- vs ioe daKhter of Samuc-1 vV.ikt::-- hie :'r:t..tr lirst marry ing the (i-itihter of J... Harvey, the rnolhui of his otiie tv. ict il .. , : 1 5 1 1 - y W.iiiiij bright in -.:.- i:: purvivipe ti-!, , instructed j i . She di. d. 0 .1 i tbe care of r. :-u . came his ctr;-, u:i.; number of yt .;h. r After due p: ep ,r Princeton College, -i.-t.r- . i .i." arc lriDili- :i , ir.di, . f Mia ' e o , .,- ,i.y aill ; t , ,-,e of the - l',i:tL.f ully h r i.-iirriage. , -i ro 1. iuf .Ut tO e :.. ; time, he : . r a: : -u r v 1 ved , a : ii ".-: iier. .lie-1, Samuel entered wheri? hu Kfsduated. as likewise did his ft before, and returtive iier many years halite about the beginning of the late iv ly j er:ed ti.. :: the Th-oiiiiir. Rjlii:;. w ti . Colonel, fell i : : iy i on one of t'.ie bioo :y lit-; Througii all the trial.;, p tion-. tx;: TaT-ee.! In- 'I whl -h S:..-ioly - ample pro f of I-, s s r e- 11 tl 1 Htl a '. ed ('-. t! ! .1 '. 1 i .1 mi n i.'u;?k't in also including the Sr'.r1, ii j he v. as e,-:pl'ir d a!: i i .', Deonvare with, aao-.l not les- gailant i-n:i f so! , i-r. Capt . fc'd . , ' 1 i .' leu". Sarn Sinu y. a-i -gre;r. roolne-n e-i 1 r il'- anstous topnay of Capt. .'-fier wards as e--iin iiis men ds of Viiginia. :! : 'r -iud pri va le c -rom-md to 1 -h- 1 he cave i J:ei ity and 1 s present f (i.-isequence. ' ii,:ht. In it in '"'..r tnce to daiie.er and ni'l iter fiinpiicity of : :: i him un -i ! r;t 1 . 1 'e was -1 1. .is dariu & c a i I'.i' t er, w , l . -a m u u 1 1 ly pipa : nr in t o hs 1 1 1 1 1 i i b a ate I til ii ad .1 til, U ,'il of --.'l hi i-rei- -riiai te-iinin ii ri .i m intelli-t'io,-e ranking an-: c ni n.a a ) i a g hun. th-r.-th.f f-.rviee a soldar wti-) was not in , performed j every duty with greater alacrity and tx.ctitule. His extraordinary phjsi ea. e i. i u i .mi e were often, by l is own ele ie-. put to the -evert srt"st It h h in truly Haifl solihrsare -stun e.ed .e eo,-;i ing to t h.-ir itn mediate u i Us I. -t tip ir x-iti .ns b wanteti, !i I ilii iir sure !,s iviiiimu-! atten to. he ilit-ge-' p i- t 'any are too 1 1 i n :.' I -, r. rg'i'.t 'ii I i pea, -" they a--- e - . : oblivion. Hat in p. Sitae. : -tally proved himself, . ih.p- . :--... r !.y s-is cw of benevo-he--, ihir, !v io. lieeas of diringin r. -i i til.-y t --resented Iih patri a sr. in a it atision at New i-.tit.-, saving, simply to r. take it. I can work. Yon it More than mj-Btilf." So e-h mnr than he pospeeeed :rts o'" life M-ouid hove been . ' . : iat -i" P. 1! a re her. " take ii ni , be r, i ei i U w w i t "a iiiii of t ri-' c- :n f a so gerierous nearer relati He line era the iield nnti even where there wa n-hip. ; 'jerarde c; i ; !e- sitrren it Kept him io 1-rof thsCou- fedc ra;e .arms : tio it f South, he in v. r n 'an to his n at - v to wn T S mi Staeiv utos-t ie'isi. '-teemed liitn hi-t Tie him in his ne'.v i.i-..;e j. his weakn s-t". and r-s-. gen- ro-itv and :n- la-'i ur.flinchr'r.t; :.ui:.igu a if m . v. ir g k in dred , I , we be ' i" vt ie--o who knew it,! y loved and v ii 1 bury with n. '. a m leapt all r I. old dear his f t i- ndship. his ,d true patriot D. 'll.e St '. ti t IXiill of I anva--( a ( '-. I. v ai'f( The S:a c in nt and Si ate vote. r,ix of Nir l'ti" b -the S.-.-re: er;il and tv Seriate la 1. These in ,-, d-.v bv C. e ho-rd e IjI j-.kt e li'e ill io ;-t i etll'.'L-i . i e.,risi-t-, eers. to ras of the hv r-u the f f ernor , V of St ,t -. Attoraey-Cea--j loeit,')! r- elect of the State iii'hei.e--.u by the Governor, b't- wsie e. ptiai n d v'-ii-l itor J '.) I-.'ait i are Mr. A . O. Hrno Si : t-:i ,t, -r e ! ve- from W 1 6 e county Sc'U -t The . V W ilscr State in i lav ' n i-onti ' v . -'. r. ! -.;-.'. ising cf t ii e t i oMv ia the ha'l i f . - - S ' e Ciin,n iele L-o r at M ,t 10--II. M S. Serpent I ,l. lay niht t enty i'ti".' Fminere. Two jr.v -t. 'V..n men were three -Pci'-r.l. at on the rocks during a t iie SpaT'.ieii Least. A ; t'.ie i at t'ae time, It i" obtain a-sist3LCe a- i tl.e v--ssel rrmainf d w : s - . i tuilc-s ii, hun : red droT- n i The S-: J.-ii- : ti 1 f'rotii ! ir- her pie..'es s ", t-ow-rt,. w a v ' It! : -,ii- t.r.'.il k n to w I i h ,-ii-ht d rf elef -. a-h Mill C I'air Nov i,. 1 V JO. -a t,.day tet-t oil e years, re. fiidoue pouring u train. . .lays. et,ed to vv a - fine v. round exht'ji K i'i-n tiuo e r . is ! l - : l -to the ov i Thu--i uti-1 and p-ver ii t ti -.-tre ui rr. Ul. a ,- e r 1J --ileiirt, M P i i . i h K al all -. ri e n m-n t j.r..f-, l- f ti ll id- t it it .Ni w Yni k - ! in j "liirki I. Nr.'A' nKi. Nov. li. The money marfeet thin riioining i-j nituli stronger and there i-t on i-nprovi'ment in all Blocks. Sam ih 1 V. l:k 11E.VVV I All. I ki:. i.i 4 it; i.rn o i-;u TIIlulKI N MILLION. V , Xjv. i 1 To.jiiy N !'. Y.-i:i. N. V ii!l:on eirelert were Heri.e v.-1 -tt: reira ly.eJ Ly the isnnoutjci mei t thit the Urge btuiki') li in of Wei ney & '('.,; on Broa.i -vay . h .! f iio -i foi i vvn and a ' half rni;:io j s -i ; The Wail Minet ktn-t iv. ie hti.j u!i the mortur.g iook ing into (,.. r. u.. of r.eie-i .t.,j hn-mesH in the Kxchane i somewhat chilled. j The fi.ilure of the lare i-iik import- ; ini firm of Waiker, Hun - '", rnmc imuiwdiatelv after, and it it thought ! others will epeed ily follo v a-, the put I ronage of the bank wm very exteneive. lhe liabilities of the.filb tirm are ewti mated at 500.000 Just after 2:15 p m the failur.. of Decker, Howell fc I o . of 4 1 Uroid xay u bh annoimee.f on th- Stoel; Kxeh ir.e I'hey rtia.le n a inrrsenr to Willi un NeUon t roioweii Tne f i r til whm ore of I he Inr'-t-t on I Io' en. .1 ,ll ; It is el irriHfe.l thtl' 'he :. j. ..f Deeker &.. Hie Rin-.it t--i: iohIio- h j . i o.i t ne a-HHx xt pr.--.-!.i salt pnep iirKeiy i xreed that. Film The fuiiure of David Ke-t, ,ie in 1 li'do Hiiiemie-ea elinne. tie -t . MIRTH ( AUOI.IN VS Vli I.I) I.oiii-hina Leads all (lie I lorid.i the I.tit,.- Vv'.i GT i. Th ". N,.v. re-iir.-t for N iveiuln-r ij t'l-'1':. of A ti r i.-ti ! tu r.- , mt- oi , I. hi p r sicre. i ' Mutes, t. :l n ii eon ii j r no' 11 o t tl ..' i.lf .'iH v ' Iel.l. u iiii e,,i 1 1 i , 1 ,i on I y o ' t.rrorri. rimke.-i ii,, lieer.ot- ;ie.i pounds of it nt per acre. 1 is . -tuei.te i ti I . 1 . ar,- ho, ,0 -: Virjtir, ia l.Js p N v.t : h 1 ai oi ina Is 2 S-Jtuh Carolini IT"), (i-fortriii riorid 1 10. Ai d.anv. 1 1!""), M itsi -isippt 200. 1. u i -i in 1 l:;? . Tex s 105. A r kan tei J-5. 'i' ni.i-'-.-i- li'i. A Triiin Ii 11 r i il in the Mud Sai.km Oih , Nov l:; The Over He I jei.ie tr.ntj. -outh uouud 1 .-t t.u1,. . went thro : li th- no th etd of a !onf: trestle over Lake Sa-i-li, ar.ut five u:iies from Sileui. e trestle must have given away a- s -o-j us the 1 utin struck ic, and tne tr,-ni p.n I trestle 1,1, went d wn together. The engine was overturned and haif nuried in trie mud. and folio in this were tne tender, mail, baggage and express oar, tbe pranking car and t- u rist aleepjr. Ail were broken to pieces Kai;ineor Me Fadden. Firer:iri McN.jal and an un known p.nn w, re krh-,1. ?'-ariy all of the 100 pers ji.s on th- rrai j were more or less injured, t-ome q me i-erimi-ly. It is prabrtijlu that neattis wiu run up to ten, aa tunny of the injirei an- badly hurt. The briJge is about dOO feet Im.ir ani from nineteen to twenty ftet hin. Hanks in a Tiht I'late. Ne-.v Yokk. Nov. 11 Rumors of trouble amoag the banking institutions were current all day. but no one paid much heed to them, tninbi-g that they were the utual emanations of the bear minds. After the, close, however, it j was learned that three binks which : were members of the New York clear- : ing house association were unable to! settle the claims of other banks agaiatt j them. There was a balance against! bank of North America of 51,400 000., which it was unable to ieit!o O.hi-r , banks are in straits, thought to Le due to the failures today. ausonod in Fort ex - ihnt rind 'c 'il "e Counted (fill. N-'V Btrn ard Ce I.l'MBl A, S. C. , November i0 Con M.at i. We ie- j gressmau Thomas L. Miller colored re Idir. poeseesed publican from the seventh dis-triot. wl-o was seated iu place of Elliott, democrat just bifore the adjournment, i f con gress, and who received u mnj r i t y of the votes cast at the recent electh-n . will be counted out bv the c inra-Hin; board. Tne ciuse of Miller's Ions of his ssat io congress is that he failed to have his tickets printed upon the paper and in the form and sizj prescribed by the otate law regulating elections. llie South Iriikida Leg-is'ature Demo- eratie. ( Ciil'iiil. 111., Nv. i:l A special; from Pierre. S I)., sas M l i m iny i eouuties the election on in aobers of tlie Legislature ha been hi . -lose lh.it the official canvass has been r'.e,'"ssary to determine who was eleote i (.Corrected : returns have been reia-ivt-d fr an about all the counties in doubt, and it is he- . vond question that the Legislature is ; lost in both branches to the H pubhehnp. The House will probably give fou -majority for the Democratic Inde ptndent Fusioni.-ts, while the Sjnate will havrt not less than three, giving them Sfven majority on joint ballot to elect a United States Senator Wiloiinitton ilar: The L'vi-I i'iin of Florida will he a one-Hidt.t i e-titution Not a single Repubiiean has h. en elect ed to it, nor a married one either. While I '. itia t'iiay ir. li-hini; for imp in he might take time to Mu ly up on the a little, and inquire what haa become of tho Kepnhlioan party d iwn there. A Great Bargain ! 827 .ox-os WILL DE SOLD AT A GEE AT SACRIFICE! A VALCAIU.K PLANTATION hiu att d on the South Hide of tbe Neune livtr. three and a )mlf ruilen from the City of New Kerne, N. '. One hundred and twentj-tlve acres c'eaied ;'( ! N I , SliTAltiih' 1 OK Till'i'KIO, Tobacco Hairing, or un tin! of farm ing. The balance, two haa-ir.,! . acrc-H. htaviiy timbered wi'h ! 1 w oak. :: or. -', and other kireN of timbiT. It ii also fine Grazing Land. (ii-id dwtlling. nut bu 1 1 d in m . and n tine orchard. It has a tin- FISHERY front ng half a mil- on the beach, ivhere there are hijih har.-k-i of marl that can never bo exIiMisttd, from which vessel? cm load wild ea'e. It i-i a very beautiful anil healthy lo cation, presenting a nenr view to the passing veRsele rind the A a N ' Rail road . For terms app' v to P. TKENWITH, Optro. it.. H ) Albeit. oe30 d wtf New H-rne. N. C j ltscir.(,l ..' I-. ,!:,' waa ontpuin. Itook "f r'o'-tirehir- -n,; rill T. , !. M.V.-ool.I.KV. M l). itlixntii, 41,i. unite; oj WLanimii hi. There Is Probably More So;:p Brought to the to-vn .,f Ni-w !', rn- than anv other town in ;!,- St t Why i a thi-'f ii."' nine ;i,e p-''.;.. nr" deter mined to ketp I'li'iti. and h ive every :hinr. about them pure ?in-i .;-ai-i t And ritrht In re i the rm n I keep TariHiil & Co. V Cigart-: t i are the puree t and sweet st Cigars to n;e. ho all i good urankers say, and are pi- a-ed with t h . m . And don't you f.irset, the 2a 000 to tie eivea a.va on i-iit.-H "oll nmr on ,,oc i PMMvn i . v ' - j .11 , J .UiJIIjU ' AGENCY iwmm FOR 5TS r 0sTI ENJOYS TJ-'ifli (ho method mid results when "rup of l'is jq taken; it is jileasant ami if fre.-liin to 1 1 10 taste, and acta irenilv y, t jirompily en tlie Xidneys, l.iver : 1 1 : 1 liewt Is, rli'anseg the sya teni edicfurtlly, lispel3 coldB, head tiehes f, vers jt?;t! cures habitual con.-ii.-ation. Syrup .f Figs ia the only remedy of its kiud ever pro duced, pleasing to tlie taste and ac ceptable to (lie stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in iU effects, jin pared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualilies ConimeDd it to all Mid have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fitrs is, for sale in 50c Mid 81 bottles'by all leading drug-i.-te. .Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro eiirc it promptly for any one who i-hes to try it. Do not accept any .-uliftitutc. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S4V At.CISCO. CAl. LOUISVILLE. hV. NEW YORK, AI. Y A R'LL LINE OF Heating and Cooking Stoves L. H. Gutter & Go', Humphreys' Dit. HuHTiiaeYB' Specifics are scien tlfloall j uad carefully pTP(a.rpl prescriptions ; used fornumy 3 t-ars in i-rlvaic practice withBurmEui.aUifl foroer thirty yt-arH used liy tbe people. Every sliiRle Bp i i iic 1s a Ni''-i:il cure for the disease named. I hr-ic SpeciUcH cure without dmKntnK, pnifr in ir or reduciiiK the Bynhm, and are In fact and dt-rd tlit'Hovcrelgu remedies ol'tfa eWorld. LIST V PltlSCU'AL, NU8. CfRKH. TUCKS. 1 h vvvm, C 'iH-estlon. Inilanimatlon . lZ WorniH, Worm Kuver, Worm folic . , 3 C'ryinff C'olic, or Teething of" Infanl , 4 Difirrneav of Children or Aduita 5 OyNpntrryi Griping, Bilious Ckllc. - , U Cholera Irl orbu s, VonilUng , 7 ( outhn, lirouchltlB. , N NeDriiliifa, TtKUhache, Fareache . , O Jleailacheg; Sick Headache, Verthjo , 10 Iypepiia, Bilious Htomach 1 I huppremed or Painfal Perloda. , J'Z Whfiee, too Profuse J'erlods , 1 .'I ( roup. Cough, Difficult Breathing .. . 14 Knit Rheum, Erysipelas, Kniptlona. , 15 K he ii mall win. Rheumatic Pains J 6 I ever and A gur, Chiils, JUaiaiia 1 7 Pile, Blind or Bleeding , 19 n I nrrta, Influeuea, Cold tn the Head . 'O W hoopinR ('nngh. Violent Oonghs. , 2 A General lehllli y.i hyulcal WeaknoM , Z7 Kidney Disease 2S Nervous lebillty 1. HO I rlnarv Wenkueu. WettlnaBed. , S Z Diseases ol the 1 1 eu rt , l al i-llatlon 1 . - Sold bv rrueg1swt. or sent iMMtnald on receipt of price. Dr. HuirPHriE vh Maki-ai (144 paces) richly lound In cloth and gold, mailed free. rrrjMpnREYS' medicine oo- Cor. William and John Streets, WtwTork. SPECIFICS. All of the above medicinei are for ale at the drug Htorea of F. 8. Duffy and R. H-.rry, Middle street, Nw Brne. N. C E K. WILLIS, RorniKTOii of EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA iarbie Works, Bonu1, INT. C. Italian ni. l Amrric in Marble and all qualities of material . ra.a., i:.,:.,i uiutiiB no.u lieu o.io gi vfti prompt guaran- tten tion . with BQt n-f action teed . O K MlI.l.F.R ia my agent l Kintoo. and Alex FlELnsi regular traveling agent. ELY-- CatarrH CREAM BALM t lenntiti tltc Noinl Paaiiaea. Allays I a I ii and I u i A III 111 1 1 o ei , Ileal the Son a. Hntorri ilia Snue of Taate and Smell, wi r. . r mm t.uh K01Ai.,.,-Ji HAV-FEVER T U Y THE CUaC A particle le applied inu oach noatrll nd Is ni;rfr-fitl. l iiro cents at IriTf rlata; try iiiHi1. nvieU'ied. b0 rt. KLY BKOTHJtHB, 5S Warren Street. New Yrk aprlftdwly TYLER DESKS-200 New Styles. i TYLER ROYAL TTPE WKITEK CABnrTB, TA (CADI 8A BLES', CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, o. , at RaduMa Umm and Special Discount. Cataloftc for 1890 bow raady. 130 pagi . illustrated. Book fra ; Poataya 10a, TYLER BANK COUNTERS. rB-1u.lled for StyK Qaallty u. Prttt Tflaitrato ta Mm A prrliK't wc-li of Arti I uO pagr. Bok Tr pMtt Ik 4a TYLEK DESK CO., ST. LOT18, MO., VXJ '', ' ... it. irajaatrigaagiiSt

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