t - - . -V X '-"V : ... ; ' s-r ITSTDETElSrDTiljSrT 1 1ST ALL THINGS. 'Tixxm ttl.QOP VOL. XIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBER 4 is'iu. NO. :17. ' twvasrrj nrtS P0 Pia " 3 -n't) -Vuwdeui parno $ ;- soti:oq oanrt pmjarwi, jo ,taj p.ju v;u.- js w XTHM pooqprnp uiojj porunej; j "pooS Acre atn op oi p jo arnoq jm pqb oh mm rra- nra . ptrno. pamo pro aq: AOjq 3ai lot no vao Srryssaq wTOStrnui b pvti j Itbaprmaner!UvHrtl thoi oanti of tm pronourJ fc doctcxa lir.rvo yoo haV9 prpmoiut.Tv -'irry-totna, rach.M tVLtl; niBVuHv of Brwuliln, Ac, Uon t ile!,-.-, . i ;1- n-e Piscys CURE for rONf f cn.iv tamditly. By lnnjgKst. -i .-ents. Tbs jBsnvsriibf Policy ax I i ssMTT TTMV TT' -i ' Tk CooreTtible Pu.'icy ij?ued by iTHITHTJTUAL "BENEFIT r' 7et.-e ot tte " Cowtpe.-wrtVfcii thu s of s putrr- CtliftJ Cttsh Srrrndtr ra.'ua. which ; wi.l b pnid iUjj i:t- rmojwi . - cxrtoiaui bf7 :li vih'. it demanded. 'Eir PvJiej it: -m J upon it aljority - ui wtirn ia p.iiu r;u:ce ;no Cf- i- WTT ,j r'fy b Ua couip-tny. lt tfbsicgr,. Csn turrender vlue. ti t.ikgi AraoaDt tbat may be bcr- - -. (r.-vito.-s -h? coccpaoT on tbe rol- rr . . Mti. Eitodd ic?at&cc- for full aawast of it)9 po!k7-. 4th opllofl. Paid p poiicy value. JJa-9 t,5e ' 3 ' 't'C1"1 t b .v.- Ery- doliax paij pu ilol.'&r't . tS oInjrtc. Nctiow by lapse. . O lD.T.riaRAWAV, tffni. . . .- Btelihy trOCJ? b:we-n foarteo . K Catarrh rRCiM nil m P -TOY the cusn'" PEVE R " A. fwUI la SppiVd rnto each n.-wml UJ ' la acrvMbi. Prle SO cent Dmarrtata: br . " ranavrd. 0 eta. EL.Y EBorUB8. M Warns BVrl. flw York apviMvly . , Bifil stun.? JO HIT H. CFJLBTXIE5 & CC ENGIXHERfc, . Founders sjid ilachlnieta KaaBfactsren ar i Dflor- TVtJTC c mm if'? BalUtt,! MXLStlJ Bl!r. at f iii K&miB a cvi-afi y xc li.Mt Wtlb pmmylnm , SO rapl of aU kiad We vtD b clad to g-. t a '. -tb anr a as tpvion or r ' W arr' "lrrh .i p laaSt. Alao for U. A A. i -. . - kcwtatf Uxlaau-aetlbl M.ca a. . s We Kfr aaHxetorr iroi-: . - ' EASTERN HOHT'ir'WROLIHA Uarble Vorks, New It"" and Americ qualiUee of material . Orders solicited ar.J attentioa, with satU'-. teed. Q. E. Mn.r.ra U d and ALZX. FlZLDS rrv aJ aU pre nipt . uarsn- K : n toe , K. R. JOKE C3!TOr3:r 2ies - Loriilard 8Jid. Grii & Ax Snufi DiV Goods & N&ticns. L 4 II eioek and btrgt vustai Oall and csaabM toj stock. Berne, Is . C. cv. H2TA EDITORIAL NOTES ASOTDKE edict against t h Jews h?.s bveu i-sued io Kusm,i. The Yorkv ;l!e. S C. 4 Kuqui -i ' ' wis Named eT 3iiLd.:.i mornir-fj the rk of n incendiai y. The prompt disci pr.i-.-r rfCol. Polk that be lavora the elec'ioii ! Mr IijgulN is v-rv gi nti' :-iZ- Fsencii lio-'ility to Grrii any i shown iu Ui refusal to allow tt.o i m pr-rtat ion of Dr. Koch's lymph Several Generals of the Nr them A'tnv have c ingra' ula'p'l General Gordon on hi- election. Good : The Biitiah r.irhimenr mt-t in se-sioi) Tnei,,ij, and th U. S. Congress will meet nex' M n d .v. hr.v Y-". II. HuBiiiTT D. D.. (leading d, em her of the N. C. Cui. I fereuce died at Faetteville last j Saturday. i ; The way that Kei-d and Bi.tine ' eon '. l .. oe to o.- ui'V public att ntion is t T.onh to cm vince Mr Harrison t'..:t 1 e is no' in Appeal a.J ancl:e. Si tar as wo have lt-aiu..t Th tLik-'giving Day was very gener a'ly o'i served throughout the coun try . Thi- is e-pecially true ntthr i Sou h. DaVITT his pulilisbed au app-- ! t- the Irbh people in which h it I'-ri-ll remain.- at the h.-..o o: !'. p i ty tnere cau oe no I)hk- Irel ir.d. i r is said tbac Gt-n. John fl of Kansas, is fo surcvi-ri il Sena'or iDgallr, and that Mr Ir.iy i to have the tt'at of SeUnt. i Hampton. Of the forty four Srates in Mit-i LTuiou bat twelve will have . hi i- (f Kepiblican Rrpresema- tivea in the Hoase in the F:f'y Second Congress- i Czar Reed is up in Maica try , iog to whet bis bu"oher knife u "n I an iceberg, and when he appeals i in Washington feathered and 1 painted he will raise th- hair of the Democrats with his war jell. ' Wilmington Meseuger. Dr. Blaine thinks he has dis overtd a reciprocity lymph w :ch, if properly injected into the prtfeut tariff, will arrest the ravagt-s of : the McKinley bacillus and probably isavo the lite of the Rei m f)i o in party. Post Dispatch. When asked what the lateh elected Congress wouhi do with rhi tf. 1 .1,... iur i..u, -u.. nv C(...Cu. IUl euner au entirely new law win re enacted or the McKinley bill will be taken np piece by modified and amended. piece and v ' : f h r An rr nn) f Vi pn r U t d- r n n rw- s r ' Democratic on National issues tuuu ; on any others. Its vote for Nation al "Democratic nominees in the next , Electoral College ia as well assured aa a preceding overwhelming n j pression of sentiment through th? j ballot box can make it. N. Y j Srar. J When i he dependent pent-ion bill was before CongTess its friend I claimed that not more than 300 000 cases would arisejinder it. It hat beea in force scarcely Ave months i and the claims already filed nam -brr about 540.000. The yearly cost ! of the measure was placd at U'.-.- than .40 OCR) 000 and it is uwx evident that the coit w;li f xj ed JO.0OO.0OO aunuily. UNDER Mississippi's low ton AMUitton, which has alreads pont into tfffct, it is calcnlated that the nuauber of white vofers in the .State will be reduced fiom 1 18 (K'O to 107.000 and the negro vote from ' 189 000 to GO 000, by the operations j of. the clauses restricting the ngln . of seffrage to those who cau read any sec'ion of the Constitution, or w Miall be at e to unders'an.1 . the same when it is read to tu-m or give a reasonable : .'i r: i r' .tt r. thereof". The New York Star sa; '-Th? delicate shading of the tami.u p-achbiow va.e is, we are told, to ontdone ia the highly aruciie blending of kindred tints in tLe nt w decora' iocs ot t he Blue Room at the Whue House. This t-.tuti tul i i l : i -1 r ; : o :i of JrLTi-r?ouin siw plicity is to oe executed at tie tridiiig cot ot 312 000 lor thr en tire room. General Jairbua cn-n a o le r malatiag President Aithur tr. ' ufi: g ;!.; Ext-cutiv? m in LiC- order for a Democ:a"c .-tic-ofM r. Drinociatic Piesidfnis .ire ap: to lOQed ''i- Iian. ; ered u old fa-h-MTu,.i?.s aboti spt-n.luijj lubl.c 0..l:? ., ., Ijly ,,r U-fJ." A 11mS KK. Va., dl-..at j . i !'.; Mm. ' ! I a w:.r L'i u i'. . ji-ii.vr. a w 1) ' i" a ll"..- I . : e i ! w ; fn ni !--i - ih. N . ( ' ; nu'ei i!. . ' :. ' hs i t;.) 'Led T a e s ' i idee I Miiel.lai li.- linM;LV?.-lu! m,-.iil;ei uii i hand-i tin- d tii: lr. to i.n m oi i'lr P. '. ' a k c n 'v ! ; l tent. Shr ru '.de ..!. attempt t:i the sjiii Monday. woman and hsd l-t-r: man til Soeneer aont three mmh. first husband, uccrnlmj to her statement, wm Capta.n In-n sou of Norfolk, a seafaring man. A nuv trom her to Spencer indicates thai ijealousy led her to commit the act. EDITORIAL NOTES. DisTRtTTivE floods in Germany HU(1 Belgian). Parnell is hadly tangled. A mHj .iry of the ParoelliteB favor his resignation ot the leadership. Hkports irom the Indian fron ..hicting. Some eay that i s m re disbanding, others re on thf Wjr-Datb. n ! 11.11 sav ; h' 1 uot hssoK kuru nas ieu , " m luoiveiiuumaua iuiuuuicu:U . ucmaDuea oy ine powueai situa- j 0f tha Fair and ttu aci. n f i-r.. nt extortionate J by the people and reform their tiou. I of premiums offered or. r.,c sr : i-mic- lt-iug mail.' for the treat-' methods, or will they be maddened j North Carolina, always patriotic I 'hn was ever offered bf.ru tin ...itients b bis methods. .yek.n-mental arrangements for t he immediate ess m Western Ire - I ; ouj t lit- I allure of the 1 di.N W-l I have kimwu tn.uiy persons o ardebt spirits who nt-vei cumpletly intoxicated 'during ibf whole course of their l). Bn.j. Kuf.k. S ..toriai contest iu Ala iM.t u'! rndt-d. The vote Lu..d.i was Pugh 44; Kolb . lS; Watts 14. In the ' I'.llowrd Pugh received IHr.s 1 LIE "aw . : O . I .i - ; 41; S C .1 hi" J 4 ; U .o S3; Watts 13; Seay 27. L-h.'.ilian warbhips arrived at v V kfn Wednesday and were i -vi.li national honors. . , . f-coned by the York- 'h'kiu, and Fort ! ii .t it;H 1 i. . , i, u.a Lastie imam ti . Iuk UicihuoimI Dispatch, of the 2 Co air.-. LO Us IU mODtaiugOD a w. i . tne de.ith of Henry K. hi, -mi 1 1 in- o t the founders and pr, 1 1- ei ot that paper. He was a ...fciii; "i.ijurtd cit izen and died re(. 1 1 d n all. t IVK ears ago the annual meet-1 lhg ol one -i ih.- Kmyhts of Labor was ... i' . -t important features j in u.e i. -:api.T8. ine barest -:apLTs. i.ne barest mt-D . u i.s nude of the present mreiing. Too many stnk.es and too u.Lch politics did it. TiLE r araiers' Allianco are de te: imt.f-d to make war upon sec tionalism and its advocates win-lev i r Lit v may show their heaus. Iu ibis, at least, the Farm ers' Alii mrt-s deserve the support of ujoiirfaie men of all parties. PliliaUrlj In.t Record. It i . a Krl(us thing to be on tf nghi stoe, to know that one's w .li-.icu (iod, and to walk in ! partis ot i ighteousness, upheld by ; the t.nth ot Christ and the power of Gd. The Lord stands by the 1 meu who are content to stand with hlDi t0UKh (bey 8tand a,one ) The Washington Star exclaims: By the shades of Jackson, will it neve.r end T Muaicipal elections yesterday in Dover, O-, and Provi lence, R. I., indicate further Deiiji'cra'ic gains.'' "Never, no nt-vr-r. hardly ever,7' until Repnbli- cm mioiule becomes impossible. President Haeeisoh's mess age should be very short, recog niziue Pr ividence and expref ting n'atiiud? Simething like this: G i moves in a misterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps on the1 sea and ridea ujH.u the sorm.' "Let us be tbaiiklol that the storm has passed and e are alive." There is an effort in North' Carolina to use the Farmers' Alli ance to deleat the re-election of Senator Vance. North Carolina has no Democrat so experienced in National legislation as Senator Vauee Beside that, he is among the ujost p ipular of the Southern Senators. Chicago Inter-States. We have before na the North Caroliua University Magarine, No. ii. N-w series. Vol. 10. It is a jewel. The first article is by John S. Loi ... LL. D , on "The Chair of Ui-ior t the University," and is ieiu..rkaOl. strong even for this d is. 1 1 guishrd writer. Get the m-iszine; it will richlv repav a careful reading. Se.natou Hamiton's fondnesa for hunting is known of all men. O . ednesday he was accidentally sb"t t his son McDuffee Hamp .on, while ont gunning on his favorite nunting grounds in Wash ington Co. Miss. His injuries ars d -r b eived to be serious. The a. ciurii' happened in the same loea it iu ii ihe Senator a few n ,- (.., go i .-r one of his legs. j (ii.Nt.EAi, Gordon has given the o-"mg to th? press: To the n I m my friends generally Li.im:ir Georgia and other 8 who have so faithfully, so line ! i nd so unselfishly labored t i ri -i. rrioii, ,;nd to my friends in i. I., .-'.atiiie. both in and out o . 1 : Li- . who to heroically ' - "od me in there ce ' : In... and it tne: -ft . he i' i. el.-. : : o i ii contest, and to itu-udu in this State i'h ;; the Union, who by na. 'eriprs, tir public demon- m h i . i-Mgnilied their grti- ii.it the retok of the recent I -ish to return tbroaeb -ish to retnrn tbroogh pres my heartfelt r- t 11 : l,k-. .1 to givt- assurance of tn th ii (.ii ..i. e'i- aiii.recirttiou. The me- i t ui-ikuiji my grateful ... iieii,eut seoiiis appro- tieriti-f these testimonial these testimonial tendons bo spontaneool inieroun. John B. Gordon, I. near Ailauta. Not. K i k ii -'i, "'JO. CONGRESS. Congress met last Monday, Many are carious to know what it will do. A great change has come over the country since the adjourn- ment. The leading measures of. the Republican majority have been - : condemned, and a Congress elected that is overwhelmingly Demo- i oratio. What then will the closing ! BeHinn nf thfl Slat ConffrPSS dO f i ., . . by defeat and go to the extreme !,imlt of nsnrpation and tyranny 1 1 88 to the answer to the enquiry, j x:puoiican memix;ra mruion. i n are not agreed as to the course to be pnrsaed. Some theie are who believe that the warning will be heeded and an effort made to Conciliate the people, bat the weight of opinion seems to be that "ouward" will be the watchword, and no halt will be made in the mad rush toward centralization and empire. If tLis latter conclusion is the oorrect one, the Force bill will pass. It will be the only hope of retain ing power. Tie the hands of the South and she will be impotent in 1890. The Foroa bill disposed of, and then come np the Apportion t bU, This bill promises to be the bupreme iniqaityof the ages. Taking the Porter census as a basis, it Is proposed to redistriot the whole Union in the interest of the Republican party. All pat gerrymandering ia to be surpassed, even as the Mosaic deluge tar j passes an April shower, and then, I when the day of election comes, the Force bill is to be applied to the Southern States, and the triumph of Republic tnlsm nshered in amut savage yells ana oaiDaric orgies. If thin is the design, it Is but a madman's dream. If Reed, Mc Kinley, Harrison, go farther they will bare their necks for the slaughter. The vote on the 4th of November voiced the sentiments of America, and woe to the man who disregards it. Let the Repab lican party go on in the path that is marked oat for it, and that once great party will become as the dnst of the balances. The Force bill and the Appropria tion bill having been disposed of, what then will receive the attention of Congress! Pensions, pensions, pensions ! and afterwards will come the skirmishing preliminary to the great battle of 1892 ; and here is where the danger lies. Let them pass their Force bill and their Ap portionment bill, aod, if the Demo crats make no blunders in the present Congress, the country will be redeemed in 1892. No Demcxat can afford to lay aside his manhood in the present Congresf, bat there should be no vain boasting; no threats of vin dictive retribution. A resolute purpose to proceed with the legiti mate business of the country and to maintain the liberties and rights of the people will fortify the Demo cratio position and render it im pregnable. THE SOUTH IX 10NUBESS There is no question that the leadership of the Democratic party in Congress is in its Southern mem bers. In the Senate Gorman, oi Maryland; Carlisle, of Kentucky; Daniel, ol Virginia; Vance, of North Carolina ; Morgan, of Ala bama, and Coke, ot Texas, stand in the front rank of statesmen. In the House, Crisp, of Georgia ; Breckenridge, of Kentucky ; Hen derson, of North Carolina; Mills, of Texas, and Breckenridge, of Ar kansas, are the peers of the fore most in all that constitute the true representatives of a virtuous and gallant people. On the score of capacity Soathern Democrats are entitled to leadership in Cou gress. But there Is each a thing as ex pediency. We are not of those who believe that Southern men should perpetually wear the badge of the conquered. They and their fathers have exemplified the highest manhood and are entitled to the respect and confidence of mankind. 'All things are lawful, but all things are not expedient." While we shall always insist upon equal rights, in oar judgment the time has come when Southern members of Congress should display a com mendable modesty and moderation, and in every way possible cheer and strengthen the men of the West who have recently brought their States into the Democratic i column. Now a majority of tne Deuio cratic members of CougregM are from the Sontb, bat when the next Congress assembles a majority of them will oe from the North and tne et A Democratic Speaker ! from a district north of Mason aod i Dixon's line would so very far t i j towards remoTiujr sectionalism from j natioaal politics, and wonld near ral i t it in the great presidential con test of 1892. 1 test Of 1892. ... . irisp, Mills, ana tfrecfceuriUfce j are worthy of tbe highest honors I and woold adorn tbe Speaker's i chair, bat they would be equally , useful upou the floor ol the House, and they are patriotic enough to be ; satisfied with the honors conferred upon them by their respective States. The South, in the remaining sesion of the present Congress and all through the 52d Congress, will have a splendid opportunity f,,r displaying the high qualities of nnnrarra unrl mntaratinn an 1 1 . - - and conservative, will do her part ; iu seenrinr the political alliance of j iDg ,,eace, security and happiness lo lDe wnoie U nion. , : j OI cw;'.D Bmuop J .hn W. Beck with, ooe of the I prominent divines of the EpioopaI Church, whose dioce e covered the en tire 3Late of Oeorgia, died suddenly at : his home in Atlanta last Sunday, at the I age of sixty year. Bidbop Btckwith was noted for his powerful sermons and impressive pulpit oratory ; he had a grand voice and ex traordinary elocutionary powers, which by carefal training bad been brought to a rare degr e of perfection. Be was the son of Dr. John Deck with, who moved from Poughkeepsie, New York, to New Berne, and lived here for maoj jeara, marrying while here Miss Margaret SianJy, daughter o Mr. John Wright Stanly. Thus it will be seen that be is descended from one of the most illustrious families of the State, being a grandson of the distinguished gentleman just alluded to, and a nephew of the renowned Hon. John Stanly. He bad deolared bis Intention of revisiting New Berne at the time of our next annual Fair, and but for his death he would doubtless have done so. The only living relatives he has left in this city are bis cousinv, Mrs. C. C Clark and Mrs. E. F. Dillingham and tbeir children. Some time after his marriage Dr. B.-ekwith moved to Rileigh and Buhop B-ckwito was born there, Febiuary 9, lSSl, and tired there during his boy hood Q)i, being well remsmbertd by the older inhabitants of that city. We are indebted to the Raleigh News una O 'strver for the following addi tional fcts: "Hu graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, in 1852, and was ordained priest in 1855. liiH first work was in North Carol il. a. "He taught school at "Waahiagton, and be was etutioiied at WndesDoro. He however wa called to Aoiie Arun del county, Maryland, where be re mained until the outbreak of "the war, wbeu ho eot to Mississippi, and thence to ue.uopom, Alabama. At the close of Cfae war he was called to the rector ship oi Trinity Church, New Orleans, od while tbore was elected Bishop of Georgia., and was conseorated in St. John's Church Savannah, in April, 1868 Buhop Beck with was early in hie life noted as a reader. He read with a fine voice and splendid enun ciation. As he grew older, his mind broadened and he took a high stand for the soundness of hi views and the elo quence of hia discourse. He travelled raucn at the Nort in the interest of his diooeae, and wherever he preached the ohorchea were filled with persons eager to hear the divine eo famous tor his elo quence and elegant diotion and man ners. He was a great worker and he did a great work for bis ohurch in Georgia Qe was a man of fine person, with a massive forehead, piercing eye and flowing beard. He waa at More head Last summer, and on his way home he stoppei a few hours atRslalgh. "He suffered from an abaoess in his face that made his appearance about a month ago. aod which required a surgi cal operation to be performed last week. This was successfully performed and be was apparently better and no danger was apprehended from that. But on Saturday he was stricken with paral ysis, from which he never rallie i, and died on Sunday. " A TEX-YEAR-OLD QUEEN. LITTLE WILHKLMINX 8UOCKEDS TO THE THBONK Or THE M ETH KBL A.N DS . Thb HaOL'E, November 37. Qaeen Reftent Fmma h as issued m proclama tion declaring; Prinos Wiihelmina Qusen of the Netherlands. The Queen KegeDt says: "May her throne find aid support in tbe fidelity and devotion of ber people. I accept the regency during ber minority, confiding in God and praying tbat my task shall be ful filled aa to assure tbe welfare of the country and the consolidation of the Kingdom." Tne area of tbe Kingdom of Holland is 12,648 square miles, just 430 square miles more than Maryland, and the population about 4,500,000. Suffrage is Kvn to all male oitissas fewenty- tbree years of age wbo pay ten guilders (soout $4) in taxes on real estate or a personal tax of a similar amount. The States General, as national legislation is called, consists of a chamber of fifty members, elected by tbe provincial btates for nine years, one-third retiring every tbree years, and a second cham ber of 140 deputies, elected directly by tbe people (or four years. In case there is no legal heir tbe King oan ap point bis successor, with the consent of a specially eleoted Legislature, and if be dies without an heir being nomi nated the States General, consisting of twice tbe usual number of members, eleots a king by a joint vote of both chambers LATE FOREIGN HEWS. THE DISTEK88 IN IKKLAND PROF, KOCH WILL PRKVBNT BXCK&8IT1 CHAKOBS. DUBLIif. Nor. 28. The people of Ssriaeiord, County Mayo, are greatly disappointed over the refusal of tbe grano jury to guarantee even one penny to assist la Carrying out Balfour's plan io buiid a railroad from Colooney to Clare-Morria. Crowds of people throughout tbe dis tressed district are demanding work from priests and poor law guardians. It is admitted by tbe authorities that within tbree weeks many people in Swineford district will be without food of any kind Delegates have started for London to urge upon the govern- ment th necessity of taking steps for tb.- alleviation of the distress , bEHLlN Nov. 26 Prof. Koch has taken cti n to prevent extorionate icnarg.s Deinn maueior lUBnouviucuvu. paiieiw o? nm ratanuu. I hou,e, and ROt his gun and erj. ren Dublin Nov. 26 Tbe Express says AnrJrpwB to iavo .which the Ur.r re that tnea-uree adopted by the govern-. fu9eJ lo do and neii(l curfc,i Cr.x "I.e. ment to relieve the'distress in the west- j then (ihot at Andrf.ws but mis? d. Al -ern part of Ireland, truing from thedr(jwg conUnued t. ctire x. ' h failure of the potato crop will be put ghot ftt bitn- titling him tbU ti.i.. si;i into operation before Christmas. 'Andrews went down ia U.v r. .-: Ii"-' . 7. " '., ,, ! lowing murier Another Failure. ! Xhe above facts, v. e aret'-e1. e . i ,. ;v t DCLCTd. Mmn.. Nov. 26. Rell Sc. fct an investigation before J.i?t:.; ? lia:.: E voter, private bnkers, suspsoned to - day Liabilities 715 000, mati $1,200 I 000 Tbe banks officers were on me Tbe bank's officers were on the , honns of Forestall Bros., big St. faul . 0 who faied , short time ago, and this led to distrust that weak ened the credit of the bank and made it impossible to secure ready cash to meet accruing obligations. Gst Rea-Jy f.r the iair Not a wot-k pasira do v. iil.i t!., Fairground race track t r'.v l.rcul.t into use by those oLic' f.ft hjtmr harini friend ly coutci s f i'fH i -l ar. i prasticing for the race-, t, m.,- jT during the Fair Y.-sttrd.-iy rncrclfg the track was occupied bj 11 - r . J. W. Stewart, W. C. Wilhtt cnl ;. N. Ive, aod Borae irs'en stir- tri .1 f speed and skillful handii2 A ! -: ct were witneExi.- v thr-'.c pr.j- r. mcmoer mere w e r., Fair lD ttie State. They prctic'nfor- . wenh r ' winnna? nn M il. treft h .r, :- . j flfty.two pound pjmpk in l h l i j ci- ing to take good csro A uii J - .-. :.; . . Mre. S F. Scanly j -vt j u ; -a beuuliful Japanese p - it iuirnov. ; i by Dr. W. J. MjtHfcrJ. of V;;r,; r Onslow county, that mrsiurc? !l v quarters of a foot in circumfe.---;; -. The tree ia said to b- hi oJ with ia:i equal to this (specimen, aui sr. mo I larger. Dr. M.intfjrt cnhc b .- n'l means to pick out a tami tr of t:i .-e persimxons and put tr.e :: c.:.f..i';. away for the Fair. Are cur farmers and o;hi i : they can ia the way of ruvira; ix .it; . for Ihb Fair? How often, ft., a vi3 ;oi is making his inspection of what U at u Fair, do we hear the fctitemeat made. "Why. I could have e.howa eonifcthit; mat would have burpas?ed what tl.ey have got in a certain line."' Reader, baa that evr been th-3 css wi;hou'r If so we hope for better thing3 from you next time. Think of thy Fair ri.;ht now; keep it in mind and get tOi.;etr:er every thing ou can th't will r.elp to make it interesting Exhibit something at the Fair, even ii you cannot show much. I: will be ; credit to yo i to take thit ouch interest, and will be of bentfii to the Fair and will help that raich to bring this sec tion into notice. Oompi.'teijt jailgca tire giving us the credit of b&ir tl.o beet Fair in the State, aad k-t u- ,14 -.in fuliy susUia that reputation Greater preparations ate L.tir; n.de for the comiog Fair trijn ffji mUo fjr any of its predecessors, the railroads have given us better rates th.in over before onlv one cent mili and the Fair is to be extensively advertised. The managers have authorized the issuing of a special illustrated edition of tbe Weekly Journal of five thou sand c-pies. and (is thousand ehosvy display circulars of three niz s. ech one handsomely illustrate! and printed in teu different colors have beei. or del ed from Cincinnati and v.illba ustJ in every town iu the State. Th eV.3 for store wiodowa ia 15x40 inches, find the ones for publio resorts hotels, poet offices, etj. measures 83x69. which is the largest that could be procured. The premium list is in tho hands ot" the printers and will bo ready in ab ,;ut ten days. We may safely couut on a trc-mea-dous throng of visitors, and let us bend every energy to show them something worthy of tbe Athens of North Carolina. Carteret County Items- Carteret is a great one fr rai.iae hCe horses and ponies. Curtis Taylor sold a fine res re posy last week to Mr. G. W. Smith of Ons low for 5150. Mr. Furny Taylor has j a. t finihr J hi3 new dwelling near his father, on tbe sound, and it is a model house. Br. J. W. Sanders leads in fine Logs we believe. He pens bis boss the jtor round, starts them on melotis in tbe summer and never lets them get poor. Mr. B. F. Taylor haa pome of thalarg est short leaf pine timber in the county we reckon ; some of there logs meaenr. 4 ft. iu diameter, 40 ft. from the butt. Mrs. M. Frescctt i scd mcther cf the wife of our esteemed county man and successful farmer Mr. J. M. Thomaa ; died last week at the advanced age of 80 yrs. She was a good woman. Billy Ball has a mare and colt that ho says be thinks of carrying to tho Xtw Berne Fair. They are both very tine stock, the mare makes a mile on dirt road inside of three minutes with heavy buggy. The colt is the prettiest animal we have seen in the county. Our people are getting interested in the railroad business. Tbe citizens, will meet at Stella on iha4 .h inct. en masse to show why the railroad should go by Stella instead of another route, we understand that Capt. Terry will guarantee 850,000 worth of freight per. year to the road provided it will tap that place. Two deaths in Oaslow last week Mr. W. I. Giilet a highly esteemed young man on New river, died with consumption aged about 23 yrs : he leaves a young wife and one child. The other death was an old colored man named Holiday Sanderp, a former tlive of the late Col. J. N. Senders and prob ably the oldest man in the county, and perhaps in the state, he was known to have been 107 years old and might have been some older. We have had a terrible fire the past week in our community, in which sev eral thousand dollars in property were oonaumed. The principal sufferers were. Messrs. Alex Dennis, Shepard Bell, Jaa. Picket. Cicero Parker, and Jno. Taylor. Others suffered, losses not.known. Mr. Bell lost his statles ana barn, Eli Sdndera and S. J. Sacde s like to have lost their dwelling houses It was very dry and the flames leaped up wards like lightning seemingly to the height of several hundred feet, catchine a distance of a half mile away. Turpen tine ani turpentine trees were the prin ciple losses. Shootinir Scrape In Jones County. Early M'-nday morning Mr. Cha3. Andrews went into the yard of Mr. James Cox, in the upper edge of Jones county, near Bonus post-office, while Mr. Cox was cu ting wood. A dispute arose and Ai dr iws called Cox a d lie. Cox ordereo A ldrewa out of his yard Andrews attacked Cox and got the axe from the latter and tri.jd to cut him with it. but Cox dodged the bl-w. An drews father was present ar.il got i. o I of his son and pushed 'him ou' ot the i yard While in th? public ro. d ti...j. i Andrews acsin cursed ii an 1 dr-.- . 0iirt roun(1 Bt him fjoxwen' in t i - ! iiton Monday evenici: at Locus. Both parties were coun-1 over t. ... '" i .rm 0f court in eum-i c-f -GO ra. i term of COUrt m rann Onlv a few b rd t-h drews and he -ea not KinBton Free Prei-s. ll-'v Children Cry for Pitcher's Cascoria. All V . I "lie. ii l!irli;;i::. N. ( , j. a ii:nij (.in and i I .11 cd in !tic!ini')ihl. J V t. . N.JVcIlilKT -J.--Jdt.JLll i..f Durh.ii:i. N. I'., was ;;- L 1. l:crt- : . i . . t .n -i t t; r . . l ; v . il w.d till' l-hil- Cijl ' i S .tur.i.-iv icfc . 1, f:i 1 : ... i 1 . a : , 'a ho wo r l .i i:i ivliif li et b :. pi . . e-i a ti ; -r ti..- i i 1 I v : iiciiini-t . ; ,n rent i ir p Mond-iv and i -r. ii-t:,t ,' Jkitel as irn. 1. ...( "' l.i!h i,f them. ny t': it th'-y hivf tie 11 .v, 1: adn.it that he h.-n de virinc of the gill. I: wan at. ii t- iv. t.'i.-y left Dur ' '.? p-- II'.- !' riilv h-arr.ed a n .-1 a .id her hi .. e ::e M t r;U! hi- f trn.ly .- .:f 1 h" runs j e-l T;:e p.;r rc..i:i the a ! 1 at: .i v i f e. . Lowe; i.; con nialt -r. Los e i pp"i;d ir.g the r .-tr.-,. er thi . r; 1 i i hou-'e An o flicer .0 :-.c;e t r r . j '.v . ( eiit. iinia! 1. 1; ur 1 i" V a -hi 11 iri 011 s I n in al ion. t'- 1 c-.u-L-i.. .'. Cclebra '. 1:. ciursi i 0:1 is to ri:y r.v .';.-trt'tie V. I'i.'j:; v. Cil . v v Vur il.; Ne ; ' - ) 1 i.-uifl way. a v. ;- . r.-tary t e. iehr.iii.jn, ttion respecting ..nrt.-s under the ' i:; th- rrj e.f the ' iro: i.-,r. : timothy J h:,r-Lcii, and :.!ar.t of the- w :' -' .;e can 1 ar..I the pr.'Ss r-.i.'a'i -:i to thif M-. 11. of th s:..! portr C..;ti- a . 1 ; .1 -, 1 ! -1 c ;' : i : u i foiIo-A iii-r fr-jin N Blu. J,;h I' e-.! ! fu i':: d w o .' 1 ."..if ; - -. ... in it out h .ia,: r,-j :r . ; : 1 ru. r, -; io ' D. t .1 Na'iil t!i';ie lhli Alii. L'l. .u -uatam : f.,r the !;. y r nr ;ry of the : u t; t a i n h .' .. r ar.a if a a ex 1 v. o;th cf !. a- been 1 ulHnetit y i ,'icct :,. O'.vrjf.r : lire, has .. and last n-nced in rin - li-iv:' iiirt ce.-,; , pa.'otd a ulde.-t i .il l are f!i::i-t ji.iii of u fur ha-, heavy f.ul th. Til 1 I! '. .1 Pi.-.- pel ienctd . n tinirer 1! foil r - ;-. quantity h. on the lire.j. ;. who can f- v. availed hue. night th.-r-. tb its wor!:. I I.,.-! in 'IT! iiie t Ol!. At Sauth e.-.-. in I. D. ::C eix men Sr J- a:.. X. I; , , Hy tai . iaoriKi, .S'.i--. ;., ar;t c-. 1 injured mid oxpiuJ ral others that thty 't re' r j seriously ia- r.ot expected to live, r.-otu u-hat e n t-cl learned the boilerH wtro jw ar.d water was turned on wiia t!u" -ul; il ;t the boilers ex plodej. Urje boii. r tr.t through the , end of the mill to Lny. a distant or e.. ouo ,eei. -Lie oiaer tanueu on l ;'.- :w'",J w.,......,,. v..- w uL i into me ouiiuiiiK a lew moments oeiore the expiot-ion to die himself, climbing on top of the hoil.-.-i. He was carried w i:!i the boiler that wen I into the bay and as t-'-rn to piee ..-. Th mill was hi-:., .1. A V( i y Poor Miovtiii. .i.. e July 19. h tho eutkio from the I'i.i - ti Stales TresHury has been ?17 J O'jO O'.-O, or h'O t-tij (AO :a excess of thi rec- ipr.-i. Of thu umnzinff excess v-Vi 0 .o: 0 v. et t for pt cpions and 0; :. . -i.'O iu u.:5v r.--ten for the pur-ch-i of silver. Thr. -rl'Jj GOO, CIO went to Wail street in the purchase of bonds to ease the icsatiahle market. The trea.-ury is reduced to rmall change vvi.h, ut appreciably improving the iirari :iai eituition. 'i htf curj.his is gone and tuits are heavier. All because t .'. r,-r :-s. at it-; l-it s'hei.ia, wa-t domi cat .1 hy srre; dy private intereets. li.ii; :u "..re Sjti. Ji. ('. A. UwA hougs. . v. c likCiien c-f -.:.creti music fur e-!. compo-tii ana arranged by Dr. J 1 lor V. ; ;.;-p.-opr ef ii;vh htr. l)i ned especially t. t A. .U-.etif.y. It contains I i :.Ieetiorj3 for male voice i r ri . supplemented with a ce:ti'rihte t-1 . meu t it y dpartuaet, pre pari J expressly lor men's voices. A car. fal i xarriiuatien of this new book williliD-v that it 15 excellently written and of moderate nifiiju'ty. Mailed p'jH-tpsi i fer 2 cents. Tin: S. I'-itAiXAhoV .ctO- Co . 1 1 " i'c i -T Waoarh Ave . (Jhicijo. It!. V.iioiv or the ('oiiiiue.it. ibirtio Severe frosts w falls tire reported Fili 1 h e ivy sr.o ? throughout Kurnp has fallen t) ;i c i ; Vi;;.vn.v, ICoveu. railway 1 1 n - s in A Ku-.i i have been c s-,i--piil oper.-.li .;. fal.s of tsaow. Li rai is the snow :i oi s.r. -rai niciifs. r . .(. s.r." rai mcnes o!;ia .-.:i"V Southern j t n irtiallv ji.' oi r.eavj The Fiiyt-l!; viil Cot ion Seed Cil Mills Burned. I "AYi-.TTLviLLi:. N. C. Nov. 23. Tbe Faj etteville cotton seed oil mills were i burned tonight at 7 o'clock. Tho main building, with the tnachinery and hd immecsi lot of cake, were totally de stroyed. The lods is about $12,000 to 13.000. with about C-7.500 insurance. Auoiti'.t' Mt'tliotlNt l'rcat !i. r I'itses Away. ". N'. C. C5. Uev. J. W. ii ci "i t i n'elock this after- LlTTl.LT. Hp-. in -r.ii t.oon 11-: fcr his -: e a loeai mi; ii; 1 u i w,.; Er.ii'vn '-.na estetmea y ami usefulness. Ho was r of the Methodist church :. i.d vanced in years. I lie Sjii ;r. HAl.KIi.il Jp.c. b.--. ti "tilo" S". ii in IialeiL'li. C , November 21 Dr. purcti-.ser or tr.e iCaleign street car Kyetera, arrive t today from Chicago, lie has decided lo use tbe Spraceie-iiiO'.or system and to operate t. n ti. :!i a cf track, giving cars four minims' head way on business streets. ,'ovel A ii ii o; v f m t.- ie- iill II -.. : oi: ;!i ': e'oni . irm.ir ...r.ie Sou ,ii r. re ni. nl j of ;.t xt t ii 'ri The ; rank n v . n i r an th--r. l ; a : 1 "t t ii; 11. !' tv I-1 e ; the Ihe , at-, -.1 X' i ei. ii:i'..n i-. air. ' :: i: fa v. d enjoy its weekly vi-it. Superior Cur: ('ourt convened We i rj. s i,.y m -rriiri,-vVoif.-.'i.;. :i h. Tin- .' res'jn;ed . but i-ndi-d o ll).-' j.'.rt of the plaintilT flit.-; iu n :i .n . -u.t Olh. r c ;' - u;. a f..'l , .-. h . J . V. M i r.i.iiiinj u"i "i ; h i 3 ll-jou : (!"! guilty: j ij-,-.- ..t pcndi .i vii i'.yiiiMit of o t 8 Co.'. ;t.l. i.i-r in i u u, a KJ'i.ll'ii s lionu ; u ih j J"1 ir.-.f-iit i h I J.le e ihI . ) -ii.ii d en piymei.t of e'-t. (',-.. .r. Du ll. . a. and guilty; fined fi rp .1 ol 1 h rn an .ds K. P. ..irr : 1 (' ! I . I. .vi: ! f. i-. :.- 1". P. III, pi. n. -a i and e,i.!h J lh t 1 v uh 1 vey 1. 11 1 1 i-.tr. : i,. . w i.h r.,t. ' v) ra i ) 1 r Arson N ;i Nerthc-.-te 1 1 i c'Oi : i u 1 : 1 Uir.i S guilty. I II. Sa ith. lh r jm y teridrre by defendant. J n e- ai f in- :Un-A 1. 1 pen U-'. 011 payment of cee-t. Tho i. Va-.l hr.d S; p'tu dUi! to as i -t an olii '.-!- ia i.-.-ik: nut guilty . J . f riri. kin t .vn ,. . . -. SUD.TlltS .."ltlj p ARioa Starky S A. Kuher. iv re., t.t ' !. -.re. Lj l 1 1 . . i i : f naiice; n..l pros Ju.'ias Viilia:.i. thro x the ch.y. Cane in the ha of III jarv up to koi r.g to pri s. Court c iCiTea!'d i'tiurpd iy ire-:' and transacted burin-ar.utha. the day. tven if it -. a Tft-ir.k-giv The fir: t c-'.'i Julius Whli;r, been kr pt ail oas. Jj.-r. aft juror c ..'a-j ,. . guilty v,;b hi 1. Statr- vs. il ; nrl pro.-.. State vs Vi ' tiii; -. 0-.1 It U ; hi." . 11 to 1 : :i; f r. t r h .1; . '. 1 . Wi. trl L.: guilty : tea aays ia tne county j.i:. Ste v.j. ,J II Mixh.li wr.a atttaifi. ta e inuii j ad gment uspe a State vs Tho-i. (Jr.-ea gailty; judm -u: !,u.pii Stata vs. E.iii.ii::' '. 1 j idgrne.-H ell .?) 1 1 j i . State vj Ecoarjal C.-.i r p; uiyciBi-r.!: I . , 1 V arceny y. larc.uy: fcur rnor.tht) in courty jail. J. 11. ilitehei:. 1 aal r.; guilty: one year ia th ; p tii et.it: ;,!v.Bd8 y O. J Dad i y , ap jo.il ; d ir-.-u;ssed Martha Uarjauiis, larcany: commi ioners ratted h.-ave to hire out. Case of S. S Fisher va. Wm. Cullman: I judgment iu favor of defendant. j After aj proving reports, t-igning I judgments, etc., Friday marnioK. court ! adjourned for the term. ' In case of 1. Ll. Srni'.h, there wad no , suspension of judgment It was a nole contendere and defendant discharged j on paj ment of cost. LEMON' iiLIXIl'.' A Pleasant Lemon 1i for bi)ijUone68 and constipation, t ke Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, tako Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For 6leeplessneos and nei vousness, ak e Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will cot fail you in any of the above diseases, all of w hich arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by lr. II. M.-zlky, At Ianta, Ga. j 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by j drugzists. I Prominent minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and conetipation, I bavn been cured by Dr. Mozley 's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rkv. C. C. Davis. Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 23 Tatcall st. Atlanta, Ga. What Goes if 1 The question i3 asked daily by people living in toivnacd country what does 1 all this mean that I see in all the news papers and on hand bills of to many merchants eloping cut their neck at ! -10c, 50.;. aud 67ie. on the ti.iiar of' New Voik coct. Now ns I I . e had considerable exp;-tit r.ce in thi: line of businibs. I think I can explain it to, those who do not understand in a way ' tbat they wiil be benefited. Now ia a few words, and as short aa possible) Thprfi is a man in town whon nama is ! . r : , , , , . ' Eig Ike. who n alwavs on tne lookout 1 for some merchant who can't pay his ! bills, and gives him from -10c. to EOr. ! and 6?io. on the dollar, that is, on a hundred dollars' worth of goods the highest Big Ike pays is 07jc. on the dolUr, and on a thousand 673 00, and the stock he has just received from Kinston cct four thousand dollars in New York THIS AUGUST, 1890, and only coet Big Ike two thousand and seven hundred dollars. Now I think evprv well-reculated man. womsn and child will understand this explanation and at once see the advantage that Big Ike has over every merchant in Eastern North Carolina. Now, my friends, this id not the only i advantage that Big Ilio has over the! other merchants in buying: he has a great ad vantage in saying he isthe only I man in North Caioliua that can say NO, ' hence the credit system is 1; i 1 led . and not one dollar's worth co- out of his! store until paid for. The al.-'ive plainly shows why Big Ike cn ktTurd to give for the next 30 dmss 23 present w ith ! every one dollar's worth of cr.ois h.'ld. Newbern. N. C. . N.av. 14 1-00. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. 1H;. .'-." uri'4 (.niiiirliira imd Gleet in 1 to ."i I ri , without rain. ; Prevents Ftrieture. ( ontiiitis no nc-riil or fio; s. m.r. -- ul.t;im ch. an-l cuarautei'd n I ol n ! '1 V liarmle--'. I .V t ! i V - !" 1 .1 ti ll n-i i 1 .v .! --ti:-: i t l'ri-e 1 . ' :-L' -t-t. Ill lire ol Suli-!-. t I,.--.. ( , . 1 1.' A." I a bit : IT IS THE BEST. fcr 33 f ... EASIEST TO USE. F E? 'i & THE CHEAPEST. Is 33 ti OINTU ENJOYS Roth tho method and results when -vnip of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refrephiiirr to the taste, and acts ' n ! b" yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver .-in.l J 5weU, cleausea the 8y l' in r.'Ieetnnlly, disjiels colds, fiead ;i( hes and fevers aud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the iily remedy of its kind ever pro dnced, jijeasing to tlie taste and ac ceptal.le to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effect, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most i opular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 6O0 nnd 61 bottles by all leading drug-L-i.-ia. .Any reliable druggist who may riot have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wi.-hcs to try it. Do not accept any . ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S4V FRANCISCO, C.AL. LOUKVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. H.r U SVi PH R EYS ' 1)11. Hl MrHKEVS' MPKI IFI.TB OXC SCleDtltlcallr Uld e.-iref ullj- iireparwl prtwcrtplloua ; used for many vc-irn In private prnci Ire with sncoeu.and for ow thirty )'rs used by thi- pwple. Every B Ingle Sd. eillo Ih a npflnl cure for tho dlxeue named. 'I Ih-sh SHM-itic cure without drugging, parv I11K or reducing the system, and arein fact and ikiil the sovi-roitf n reiiicdien of the World. LIl.T "r ncIN.-lPAL NOS. CVRKS. IHUCES. j i'i'vitm, ei.iigestion. luaaiitmauon. .. 2 AVorinw, Worm Kever. Worm Colic a rjing ( ollr, or Toethlng of Infanta Diarrhea, of Children or Adulto 5 Oynenlery. Griping, BUlous Colic... . O i'nolera morbus, Vomiting 7 Coughfl, Cold, Bronchlthi c- ... ..... lUUUlKUQ.EIWIIIUie.... ?V ! II eadaeli ps. Hi. k Headache. Vertigo ,53 10 DyNpcpsia, Billons Ktomarh ,3J Ji rMippreBned or l-alnful Periods- . 'l Whiles, too I'n.fiiw Periods .. . 13 ( roup. Cough. Difficult Breathing ... . 11 Jnlt lthculn, EryBieUtfi, Eruptlona. , 15 Kheumatlnm, Kbeumatlo Palna . 11, j- r.er ana a bu e, emus, 17 r-lles. llttnd or Hleedlniy . 1 Catarrh, Influenza, C.lil In the Head . '0 Whooping 'ough, Violent Cougha. , 1 general Kehllity. Physical Weakueaa . '7 Kidney Plse-ane ttH Nervous Jlebility 1, 30 1 rlnn r W en k n... Wet.tlnn. Rnl. . 3 i Oiscascs oi I lie 11 cart, 1'alplLaUon 1 .0 Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of r.rtc. I)b. HeMPHBETS' Manuil, (144 pages) riolily boutui In cloth and gold, mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE OO, Cor. William and John Streets, New Xork. SPECIFICS. All of the above medicioea are for 8:le at the drug stores of F. 8. Do fly and R. Berry, Middle street, New Barne. N. C. W GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Stacy Adams & Co.'s Shoes. Jas. Means' Shoes. The Diamond Shirt, all sizes. For Ihe next 30 days we will sell a good 75o. unlauodried shirt for 60c., siz ; 14 to 16i. Full dress Pique and Saline Bosom Shirts for SI. 25, worth 2 00 Stein, Bloch & Co.'s Tailor Made Clothing. A full line of Samples from Rogers, Peet & Co. A fit guaranteed. A new lot of Flat Top Canvass Cov ered Trunks, Valises and Shawl Straps. Carpets. Oil Cloth and Rugs. J. fl oc25 d wtf VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY f Ag ageI),,B for owners we offer for easy and accommodatlnn t inin the BSilS OD easy and aocommouaunK M-rmn iue ioiiuw Iiik (1 escribed Improved Heal Ksutle In th City or Nc t liern: No. 1. rHE IKON FRONT W ARKHOUB ON UKAVf.N HIRE KT. No. 6. B KICK nTOHK AND DWKLUHQ ON eKAVKN HTKKKT occupied by R. O. K. LodBe. A full doscrlptlop of this valuable proper ty, tOKevber with the best terms upon wbloto tne same will be sold, wlli be furnished on application to the undersigned at their offle t nHouth Front street. - A I.HO- Two IlO'.nes aud IxilBon Craven street A Farm at Sandy Point. W A THO N 4 RTKKKT, decb dwtf lus and Heal Kstale Agta. V AID ABLE TRUCK LAND FOR SALE About FORTY ACRKH CLEARED LAND, situated within two miles of ths city, sulV ble for truck raising. A great bargain. Apply to WATSON BTRKET, may 16 Heal fcsu Agents. FINE CLOTHING, Fine Hats, Fine Underwear, Fine Silk Umbrellas, Fine Shoes, In fact the Finest and Bi st (Selected Stoak we ever carried. Our prices are the lowest. Call and bo convinced. Barringtcn & Baxter. Agents for Zeigler Bros.Shoes .ALONG THE UM OF PROGRESS. Tuo T.ii hr Patent Adjustable Lad lea' ShoeU the lt stand best improvement in th.it hue. It requires no breaking in is i.i"-n comfortable, and retain, its v i. iti.-.l thnpe. It is a marvel of pertec ion. S - n.pi. - inr.y be seen and ordera left at my place of business on Craven sir. it. t ) doors south of telegraph otii, -. N. ARPEN, Boot and Shoe Maker, Act Consolidated Adjustable j-,-18 dwtf Shoe Company. Kfr lSlHBSMBI.WWIDISSinsllisliiiiM I, ...I., .1 I .

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