v ... s , ... in ,pilllwi $!.50 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies 5 Cents. VOL. XIII. NKW HKKNK. CKAVKN COUNTY, N. ( FEBRUARY 2fi. 18iM. NO. 49. 4 V r p - I- II II ' M l, I I ... for Infants . -.vw PROtESSIOy A u ; DR. C. K. BACBY. Surgeon Dentist, Of., XUUii Srtl, vyp. UaytiM OkwxA, P. H. PLLETTEEf ATTO RNEY-AT-LA W. ' AND MONEY BROKER. Will igxanw t Ik QmUpj mi 1b.m, DR. J. D.CLARK, tDElsTTIST, NEW BTRNE, N. C uT( HTr a Crawa SlrTt. U-wra To! in mt DtmJ. . M( a a. .. Man The National Bank OF NEWBERNE, N. C. iscrtT -. CapiUl. - . St 00.000 .'Surplus Pronts. - 86.700 -V DIRECT? .3. .- JJL A. BT. TltOH- I U VI CIA CHAM 9. CTiO. J. H. lladB) '- 0.H. RcS(7a. Aum. Muitit - 1 !!AaY. GREEN. FOY Si CO., BANKERS, m i loirit Baiklat luiiua. ' NIW BANKING- HOUSS. itiJJk S iiX W Uhm Uut AlUrt. - ' a HCWJICWNC. N. C N EXT! I Prof. W. H. SHEPARD "1 aaajaatart aaaarfaao ia tb ta aaurtai art . wUI fma MarCwtfo - - 20 Cants. Sfiamaoo 20 vaa - to ; 81UQ1 133i B1IB.I SHO?. NCW BIRNC, N. C tii OUST. DUi.L .LY. " JjUl 1 CEIBTREB k GO. ENG I NEERS, . ' Founders and Machinists, Mmfkctrc 9md I-ir in - Eina ' Ki laaiiiift' Ssjjlia B.IMara f Cavalaaa, Ballars. Saw - Mill, C4i aV C-aft MmrImi. . W r araparaat la da Caauacia all iimla ' paiialar and Imax Jiaia au.atiaa fim la itpaua aa ail kiaaa. a T atTt aa tlaal ta ia pJaaa and rUmiatra y'a aa Jrlynaa af MarNiavry. Vl m ta arta lar I ha aala si taa A atr laaaSaa. Aba lar O. at A. Barsaia . c.l v arsaat ladaairartaaJa Mxa VaUaa. Wa (Its aarlaaaaiary gaaraataa for all vara aaaa bj ssl JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF ; Eastsrn KorlS Caroliia Marble Works ' . . . NEW BERN E, N. C. , AtAM W Jaairaa Hrb ri U Ovdri jririli od f itto prompt t ImUoq. with tMtMfctkn jpxaraU1 k7 R. JON E S, HEAVY AND UUUT GROCERIES. UrtZui tat fail A ii Silt. Sold ttt XtJtct:r'ri' Prtcr$. "Dry Goods & Notions rlf StMkaiaal Lara Asaartaaant. Prlaa la ta Laws at Gti Hi tmmlm tj Staaa. . -k.v " , CtlftHl C raja taa m4m tovwsfl ttjAbCB vkJkfrvt AflA tU Set OsM I. BfraatJr. Jk T. n.t of Ca1nrlafcaswi I 4 K.ill.IUi.tWl II. TWMVUM and Children. Caale to rsa CbSo, CMtfll Soar lwt Psesiai . Wwsaum. Ja W.W, gtva all i l, Ml yigixw B- Ta aQiii lilniloa. Twr mil Twn I ha K Tort Cttr. CMmit, TT Iiuit ', Vrm Ta HURIPHREYS' VVnEEDUHYSPtailCS Tsr JLsrm, UttU, Ccgi, Sogi, aid rocn.TXT. Ti irt f Astasia aa C krt (vr4 fm. ma ) Firi"'l'''"""t' .A.ipv4.l Ialtto. Milk r. !.! wwlw. Ummm, ItMuiUa f.rlhMi(m. Nacal IM.Uqn. b.bftM. a Uraba. ITwafc B.E.. fca Haavaa, fa.aaiaala. 9.W- 'alka WrlK. Batilrara. tarrria. Hai.rr.a... V.'m'lIn ?VlaMl."Rn It- irii-i tr-in m-ir'' cakla fan, HM aa-rl-m. Huail. t.m ! i f OU aad BOTUcatoc. ?. Jr Tmtmt Car Oil, I M4 Pa llaa.! a tM IVapata nrrtm Ska aa aaa aaaafur aa a..iat a rnca ITMriUTI' MBDICIXB CO-. aa4 iaaai av. Mrar Tart. 2tt SPECIFIC Roj bMa fna. TW aar iiiiiN rmmntj r Ksrrcsi DeMtr, Vital Weabssj, aa4 rmiiiaHii. ti m ar M wmi 4 aar iak aaa lara. M.1 c&a ar r.w.m w nl anMpaal aa af arfca-HrUTV altOKiaK CO. p. Oaa. WUllia m4 Jaka Sta, V. T. A.11 of oar Vtriaar Prraam4iM raa b kd o J. V Jord.a. Drcai, y, w eo,. Broad aa4 MiddU tuaMt, f -J.aUra JT C B,rH CATARRH JREAM BALM fUY THECUSL 4 aat' la aat4 iaa aa. a.a-M. rrwia a aaa is s. Dracrta tat T m-U. rarlai rta. KLT IKVTBUi J0)RUNItENfES5 i. Liquor Habit. MMtmr ts nrzrsrrncrr KlilifES COLDEM SPECIFIC a 1 fta la eonaa. taa, a la ruewa af raoa. anani u. h..al.il.. af aaiiaal aa alf kvai. i aaa iu am a p.i m.. aavcaar ta aall.at la a aillilimiIWM kellltfmt. IT2IKV B FAI1A. Ilpftoia a. aatly l4 U aarfc nilmif taaa ia aaiiaal aaoarrnaj aa lacaa inln.. aaa aava la naflM ra'oraiauaa la Uilli I. al aa-a aaaa lr. T. a. Wad at B- M. Laiffy. 4rofaA, N Bars a, H. C. ijWiwy Boarding House t Reopened. Mm. J. U HINRS htg rvtumrJ u th? citjr ol will rvtpen hrr Ftrt-ClAA B-rdmjc Hou: bout th lt of ( Vtobcr At wim UxUoa,)p-wit Iii'Ust Church T&s PiQicer Dam Sewini Maciiine CJ.mT. H IN ES,' Agent. O. MARKS' STORE. Boot and Shot) Maker. All Stylaa of Boots and Shorn made to order and on Snort rvotlca. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. N. ARPEN, eilTU ST.. ! J,trlli oiica. Eastern Carolina Disp3tc&- f Piawpr and Kmghl I.in Vl.ffn NEW BERNE, F-a-.trro North CaroJina Poi.'a. aad all Coa B" t . o .m of lie rtlMTLVHIl RtlLROtD, Varh. Phltaa.laJkla. Xarfalk, B.l- llaaara aa4 DW.Iaa. Tk. LT Tr.Vaklr U a l.w lra,. Oat af A.. Sail, from New Barna IOniTS, WZOIUBATS. niBATS, AT FIVE P. M., Slopp.n,- ii E.an.ikf l.iji.l rri w,T and twru.injt ia,- i-iii ni-.-. i. .n w 1 1 K Ibt- V.r'olk Sju'.hri u IU I rort.J , ,.,:nv K. R.. s, y.wk ,-hl , v k . .i.t IVan.yi.ama I: I; wnii a rrliMr trtti rrnal.r ..i....ii . ip. -i.ir fciliur for 1"" piw.pt ...! r. , ir,op.iruli.n. irn.i. r n t ,iiAl-ih Hj. 't whu-a p,..t frr.h- I l lu.ia.l oo cur. to iKriWKll (j diininmi IHm t .lljaj, i.,h. .h pp. I via rV.rrn , I rujina Hpi, h ilmi i.,ll., rm Ni Vark br i'.miv. IL IL, Tirr 27. N.irlh (i.Trr. r r..m I'tal l-wl ph Ht PKil,., W n. I rialt.x j IL. I!. Vk M. i.ii.wi j l ri Hilnmofr, l.r l"hil, W 1 1 . m l U!:.i. 1 1'r-j-a N.w...iW. t.. Nrf.. i 'rmi a-'1 M'-rvh.nfi a M nrr. T'.n.- p.Hlj,li.ju I N i-w .rk .in. New I n:auii k it. X1" H : n ' J f!i-n- i .-'-.rr fun by 111 taT ' . H U U J.y ',, i h':hi Tr.- AjTrnt, ; I' K R .r-n-r4i T n'' Vdn-n! i(r. St-" r ii tr P-v.-imj rr'-'tc Sfnt, , r W A K I'. P ';i U,l.-p(i:. ll VL K Y -.- -ht Afc-r;it V. Y. I P . K K. . S -., , I H- H-, -rf.U - OtO IU.M'M:s4)V, aomt, Maala a 7 js BlMaaraa la. MTjlCf?lft?2V - JC: 1 THE NKW. 1 h-- . n .1 1 -- m 1 1 ' no:, ! . ' t I l u c f S'ij M. r- f'I'i 'oi nd ' it i ! h -- . I n 1 1 . i . r T f I i I ! - ; t. . - - I . I'"ii (( 1 1 I l V the M II in- it l. V I ro" ..t U . . pf l n te.1 -i-rial rTTl in : I h' I .At-Tli dr. 1 rt V1IT : or ui-iLtin I ip"iiil'i:. :;h i- N.o-k snd W lihinr.'.i .r ..I.. n.rti..n of t 1 1 .- V I I f 1 . r !f I ; : . : . A I t : i i . 1 hr i I M I ' f . i-l-r. r. ' ! r c n ' A n ' ' u ; ., . -" "', r-1 . t i : r I. f . i r : 1 1 I It n I i 1 Mi I ' . iili'.irii'r .. I f U it.-!. I .. . ii.. A .. r- ! Ii I I l-Hllil Iv'f '' I - pi-!!'fi the lc- r T'T e u . ' -i r lui! ii n.: Iif:h d- . r u Me ' l - : i ' I i c . ; n'i - . i i . . . , ll.-plr-l I , '! i n . - i.l i ' tm.fri of I a ii i r ii.ri cinfkiMDii friiiti t!ie tnw. rm lru'lrn if ,!! iliin.il Irrri hf." in A V Sin.fi hinl wir . .... I irinp tl 1 1 :i I ir k ,i I 'I r I ni; i r -... .- 1 ll K . I ' 1 I.." I I l.r ! . : Kit.i 1 1 . . i a 1 1 ' i . i S . t i. .1 I. ii. .t l i n Ih. -I : I : : I f -r ii. Km... I -Iv . i filfl.t.Tn t-1 . i r i .! KnM A ' o , i n vrnt ni n ' hnnli-n t 1 '; k u, pr--i.'tfiif of fUf l ltjitJ;ipi K it:" a tiJ IYn Kui!r'tJ. dii in Nw urk I lie funrr il f ( 1 1-M r '. hf r Mi ri : r: N w .rk w ij u i iin. , jj .irti,.rit r .s ' .Mi J"'"- -r. ; I. : ' --H .-f thr tt. ' !;- n i n ' . ? - T h r r 11 1 r liiiLinr- i a t fr Ih;! V ii tttaipr wa rn-vl-- Biut ra 11-TaV in Hut'iio Avrv I' .ii. i .1. KrTrr-.n. onvirtj in ( hatfnn. u-a ol t'lo munierof a poi icvn..n, w irntfncl I aantMJ. Nar I'ir;. I :m -itinna fnru, quarrel, Thoum !wt nii'l Wulrl l. s fatba"r-m-! W, Jo'.q rri - Tiif Uil;,l-r,i.-!i of ei-TrtlMirrr V . . 1 rt :1 . Mi'iiri, r.f Riaii)" CwJ thr in on n t T : . r- ! .i 1 1 r :i r ! . V l-rribo in. -t i.-rni 1 from thr AliejfhanT M o-i -i ' : n ii i.ir K 0aft. Tr !(-rii ph i-'vuriuii1 . : . n , m -frrr opr-J a n-i t r r! - i . i ' ,i - a t h iirrrn. ri-jv.x uf t n- Nrt J-r.'' ;.rl . ( Krror aoJ Appeal-, i J.atl ! ncnnl i.iriri ar at work in 1 1 r r ;(m l:.-p ai aunupii wtre madr to buni i,(.a.! hu : i.l : n VI r. Htnry P. (iilpm of .n i a ,t n .ml M, r'tla KS'ill!ar.i of H'-rkrlrr prihjf-. S . ' . -rr ioarrii -t tli iatirr p n.-r M;t--iiX Mcc racken wt hnt nn-l ? t' l i: Krlrrickturi: a by n -, I : m i -How era Baoghrunu a b' -iiit r .m : Ywk, r., to itand trial rn i -1 - r f r.if. Th Houa. aft-r oiu- ..itrnrii v tin rVmocratA, fon'i -lrrJ a li ' 1 rt 1 1 t r r :i n. ol the I'nitcd Siaii1- jU'li'', thr ru-i;.' d.acnaaU th Niciraii.i i mni Ui ! - - Ti body of Pi r irk Kf! rr t .i in m 1 ; n t h JeaoTille Pa 1 nunr In.- Hri-K Ir.n Cotnpanr at H i r-iUr.. i' l.-.n r..r' ne tt ff k i nj rr r m p ! nif ;i I t . I - ;. - If. H K iiik,itiin, Y i- -n h, in-- i app- t Q I cJ lreiff r f ' ! iVni j;.:.!, Iuughkftpir an I K i I: i i Henri Hvr i.l: ln-i.r r.. ;i I-a,l. - - .1 : -ii H i ! i :. A i l it - i m f n. - k i .( ' i r r n . i t V --a:.:i 11 i a. I1T"I1 II . I r !1 1 '' . vl I'r - I 1 K 1 . T(i- I r t:N -. in - l i v liHivloi;,-,! -j .-. 1 h" I ; a- a I ( rti pa 'i pr .'aa.i t ' z -' "..;.n! U!r of I.'tj!ii'ia ri ---. ' s 1 o' thf Wlink Trim, -iv.- '"' ! a rpn r;i r:r. m (-i n r : In.- I . s i 1 : IT I " ' I I.l r,, II li s i, - I m 1 1 -t ,ip- a i j 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 f-r il.- l-ri-ht . : ;t pr-ii,-nt, K ' I'itr'-r i . '! Ittrr. M inn ii 1 fi r.t k wr im'T i 'hi, i . f iirw'f i i 1 1 in ! i i r i n k.' J a 1 1 h irr. (.'n-. I n. I in- I. --an fi- I ri-T . .i- . ( r.ml u a. ,i Hirn. I 1 1 - -np r-- t -l.-t - f pu Ll li-r ! ' i i ! i X I i I roq M i I i 4 i r l- i vii ! ' i t " mv'1 L---ii on trik-- for -vtm! w rk-, I'M i t 1 Jrrtare th "tr:k rt . 1' ifv wi.l r- I urn K w.irk at a S "Ir t'i 1 'vit 'hi h in- I rr in-' n w i ' I tl (i' ' i.n .r Ih-- t r ; k.r 'r.'.-,i in K'Mt'u; 1 1 1 ni .! $-.4 .' 1 aU t h-arU n-1 I " .1 roa.) j u ni p I I i - i ' i. ..yni.-i !.,m-. It t thr r.-a ire I Ur cr ti-A ri'r N oi i i 1 1 iu" rr a ' r i J i : ' i I lull - rMiu T .. .! .; ' l-i!:a-s 1 i . V T ih - M iw Mr rmif- I S i v 1 'ilfllil crr mirri(.l nl 'i. fl "n r v (.j. S-a :u n. . r i ; I p i-lJinJ C'liltT i:i I ' i . i pi . i r r ruu la i n 1 1 1 t Ta , Ks- I It K v. 1 M : f S t ' , I - I Jaoif- II . Kf t.n r!--ci-'i l uitrd Ma--i Senator by thf Souiij ltnioa l-niaiurf Thrrmn artfinpfnl ! rob ( Inrnpo jrw Th lattrr rritt-l. ami tTo t.f th" thieT w-rf cartt:rl-- Th cuiiTri : :.n of th ouri(j fr.p!r' irt ( hritiHn 1 n dfaTor will b hrl-l in M innr:ip;i. - 11 - r Killer, of the KirM Natu iu! K.si.k o r' r r.r.. Tille, In'!., hn bu nrr-itr-i oti a rfuraf of" nuaa pprpr ;s l ; in; 1 -ri'Ht J I'. Rarlon. an ar t . : n - u i ii l k; ii 1 ta Prnf iM,nrf, K. I. Mr hai coninuttcl ui- rid. At tH Ttliar .( I oi; ((laiv in ffSAy Tom Kobiu, a ntori.Mi- nrrx. wa Ivnrii.i - Nrtr VftrnUiri-', IV , ' N . eh 1 is w n hoc ml lai a 1 ; t iMin.it.'I lr 1 l i comin, Marion N irh.. la - ' ;i ' i r S. H am il ton, of Bil'1f Ifri wi!i ir , n- ac it 1 NI iaa Arm Siolf WiliiiikT "nl ).tin Ja.-ob Asior wer marrifU in 1'f.i i l-lj Ii ; l-a.ic Kc-I-T, ft prominrut r : l'nt : t r n n . l' . ii dpad. W ni . MsMfj 1 n 1 of t h W :n. Uirt-r Brf win,; I m pn. n v - f 1' i; ; '. i 3 ph i s. : Jrt&J. Vor tlalii.tj h'i: I I " . r i;--: : . :" Walihtm, Mi , 'i i up r -r :'t'n yeart.- - The fun 'al --t" i n r;i i" . r 1 1-r was aa impoainjf iInioc;ral oc. and Cabinrt attrrulfl. an-l th1 intrrJ with ail thr h ni..rs r ' r ri : 1 1 n t u 'Til w n-. mfon. n i :i s u r r fi: t I n- . ;kt:: ajalt a nomkr ,.t :i ar yft to b? d:npor.J .f ; f ra- The nc h.xr.t-r .' Vaptava Ioag!a.., ; --n p- r 1'. -II- p . . J .t r ' ; ri f v'oji l' ' fart tj at i i j ; i J 1 1 1 if as : r - in p ier iJelphn. has t"r aff::'pt Sarannah wrnt aih..r - :. The a m m o 1 1 : a 'an-; i S a ff o Ik. i , f iplruji t wrkd. 4iP-irfr r h.t'i ia th appralwrt . 'Vu -. ' br a i b d i rt ed b t t . . r , i lag to dra'i 1 I . r thirty inchea dep : , VI i-. ;. I. i. A TOWN sWK'M AW A V. TK K1 ' W .ra 4t m Wral , Mtlmn rirvl ( .o-lli V ewa hs b-f n r . - : a t P.i veride a te. -. t t'.ir ' - - w aa e n i r e i y a . j . f a T v t -It contai ned . on i 1 i i. ' i t h . . . of life ia r-p.-rr.! The rier rear"-' i i . i o'clock. It h-ran tall ? . ha b-n rer-d n g an : nc h u h-' i w r The BaJtimore m I a t. th that got a train u: jn i , ,t Hem pfield dtviaio-. V, , :;.,, plaed on the d rtm tee u i,.. t, te poor wh b t e-t i n t , . , eo will bo terrible. i ; e i --ii t ' an b GFN. SHERMAN HEAD. rpwfful Kndin? of a Gr-at Mil:t irv H'.ull of ( ,., I , , r Trn 1.T. Ago at a 1 lirn f . r lt r.lilr mi llnrrl ...'i'. h-'. 1 1 I i i . i AS M-.m I'.---ii . .! .i .ii ' .'I '-K V. M . ! I... ... .! .-.-. 7 AV.--I 1 ' T 'I ' M n! -. ' t , N . M . . - - .1 i 7 1 . ') r. .1.1 Vs. It.- mim' .' iht r:u:-.- '.i .Vl : ri r:i. i.: ..ri. In ! i r ! i i--. ! '..-l rt u I h i arvre cvM, hi:'i v 'inl ln.t " .- i r , i h y " "t at t It i a-: M-. 1 .:r. ii.-r.- in- n: ei I - r-I tiT p. r fori:) n nr.- : ' i'.-.r .' " ;i I Ii i n. " in iTiiirh n niinil'.T ot irmr i.lti.'-'i ii:i! lu'.-n '"v I.--I. c, :.r.ii-i.t ... ..-i.-re !nr::il . - . - . ! h. :i i 1 1 m i : , I .. i i. s .. r . v. r. I I .- "'-!' a is-t... r. t in.-.-. I.in nn ..i.l i! ro -t !""'' a. ilrVr'"-l. a. j. i ' 1 I' V ii. n. ii . Al l. .us .. iinir-is, i lii. -ii r;i I u i I i v whit In. 1'rr-ni;ili nwrar. hi- i: .i n i if-nrral Sli.-rninn 1 1 i :m I pc irt'- Iu.lv. iirrnin,,ii i.vm.I o tfio nifin h-r .t 1 ii tain , rfpt hi '.Ui oii. Ilt-v. T. . Shermnn, lu : imw ofi ih. r';in ir, linnir varJ Uitind. MfinlifTH o t hi- ami.' listt'iit-1 'Mfriy lor 'niiif iilifi ;i 1 1 ct from hiin, iut noiit1 caint-. ':kv "r iwmt it s me-I to tiie watrhrrfl a ' i the i iu- nitm vh trying t- apeak . llisi v s r p k f li li .-v ( . urt r int. on of thoe Hh.'Ut l.;:u. but his swolb-n tttnjf in was inrapai'lf u( ar I uii !m : .-hi. ' rvitt-rsl Sherman rrHps-d into uricon-scn-u-n" afnuit noon, nu I for the two honri lnfore hia -laih hf rtiiuiiiu'l i:i tint ron1 -:uu. Ieath u rii-m . en " .i ri J - tpir;0 dtir inthat tinie.nti-l no nj.-m tw-r oi in- lunn.v l'it ttie room. 1 iit rt '-re prt-snit tl'.f ' rcn ern.'i vn, Mf. IV 1. lwnnan. h:s d m n jf : 1 1 r, M i u Kuche aipJ I -s I. rir. win 1 i vt' I with him; his inarn 1 In ii 4 hi 0, rs 1 . V . 1 1 1. 1 of I'lftsburar. an-l M m. A M . ThHckarii, ot Kosemonl. ; Senator Jv.lni Sherman, imi. i'homaa Krin, Mr. r'iir.h in I Mr. I'liMokara, 1r. A leiaii-i.-i , ami M:-- Kliiln-'ii Vire, ti (rameil nurr Irom th. New ---k iiospital. ff Of ml Sliennaii d icl ni I, j uvii 1 1 1 ! t-epi n apartment in the rear ot tin- sanrii fbx.r. About hail in hour hrf.i'e iin- t n-nt-riti death, the vthIcIhti .mi.', i n.-.t - ri "f prtach 1 nfr ii iso . u I ; - n i . r( ir fi rtue: s -;an to kjrow t ni.i. itit-n 1 nr Irtts! r.bliu'ss or ept Iow ly up his uriiis .11: d .. t r h bo-i v. A t hi end approached, 1 1 . (i-iifr:ii' lo-ud whicti lui-1 bTU re-tnu "'1 h Inru'c pillnw, a hw ered gradually i . tne iiopr i;.h r.c miht be enabictl to breathe cm, r. AIitioiiL;h he did from iu ffiH-at ion. c;m- 1 by 1 In- in uctM i r .111 bis Uirtfiuil throat ti Imi; lm J ti n kh, IhtTt- vrrre no ui-licit 1 ,.: u!fcrin on h s prtrr. 1 1 ank int- his ei- i nn Ul-i in tw-r it ii carcel v a si.;r.. w 1 1 1 t,t.- nt'arcsr his head nay that ti.ey iirar k-,-:n,r hi- escape his lips and llifii i . . r iih.n n luin u te or tw. iMt n-rai St'frnian -leat!i -me : his mM!--.'I fi rt tt .Hf.-ppr'. ,if M,T tront door an I a. b ' It m j.i ..cr." The m m-'Pi hers ; t;i.- tim.iy at once bim:rd ttieai-ol ve in --n.biisr ncrc-Hry tflfrHius b nnouncin i,.nr r I : i r m i n s tleatli. ticu trirnrmm Aer a -ni to l'rcsi I lit Karrivon. ' .(--rr-st-jf Ilt Morton, t h - lb.,. .;if:d I'r.fCtor, 'rctary nr. t r tnry Ilianie, Ii-ti. d. M Srho'i.-I ! and - rrttry Noble, (renerals 1 1 o :i rd t n-l i'-tiin .ice,b'd to the lam i i y 'a re.jut st i t jk-- c!,s.''e of the funeral at r an emeii t s. T-n l . )I " " o'iis ai-l thar I ieneral Siier nian ha I a strong premonition of his death before he ans ::uni inu. A.'out two vteks x'i, a-'c- - rd ; n to ( t 11 ra : ( "ol 1 1, 1 re 11 e nil shermnn Hnd hmisrlt er on their w a v f. -pether to :ne rei,lrrue t e x-.I mJaC'' .'oun K. 1 i ! 1- n. ( ten eral ' ol I .s spok c of t he a pproHch ing anniversary of ( f-neral t ra n t s ui 1 1 ii in April, hereupon (rnrral Suernifl n Midden ly r'iun r k-- I. T sha 1 1 be dead h ii I bu 1 iel by t ha t tiiiit1." (i-'iiiTsl olliji, aitiioiiajti M;rtl'd ly this remark, treUed it tightly nnd retorted in aj'ciilar vein, but (ieueral ShTinan turned a -.erious lace toward hiui and said, someu hat wearily: "Somotims aa lieu I get Home from a 1 en terta i n mnt or ban'j net, epe. ia 1 y on the' wintry nights, 1 teel as it were a very sick man. I auppoM1 that I shall eaten cold s njie i it, ami Mi ill p. to bed never to leave it.'' These were indeed prophet. c orvla. ftorror at ih 1 11 ;t on. A o.,n as tii d e aa ot the death realied Waahintiton PrcMdent II irrison telegraphed to Senator John Sherman as billow-: "I loved and venerated ii"ii ral t'cr:uin. "and would stand very Drartnthriuore Ir ,-pl v attiicted raeniberof his timily in this hour ot brrea vement. It rill Ik as it th-r- w ,-re one dead in every loyal houe-hold 111 the land. I su STRest that trie y Lk 1 -orne through S ivv h 1 n;toii and lie in stutc l'r one day in the rot mid a ot the i 'npitol. ilease ad vise me of any arranjfenienta made." 1'he Tresident aivj issued an eseeutive or der annou uciup the General ileal li 1 o t he country, and ordering the fla? to be floated nt half-maat and pu bl ic busi u at to be suspended in Waahinion and at th" place of interment on the day ot the funeral. To ( 'on;ress 1'resi dent Harrison sent a special nie--sak:e eulogiz ing General Sher.nan as an ideal sohlo-r, an-1 aayiDg that 'be served hia country not lor tame, not out of a mtisc of professional dtitv. but for love of the fl ig and of th- bueheent ci Til institutions of which it w at t he emblem. " ' The message to Centres.; also aid : "t ieneral Sherman was in nnttmiiran imi tator. A profound -t udeut of m 1 1 ; 1 h r v -cience aaid precelent, he drew from them principles and auggeations, and so adapted t heut to novel conditions that his campaigns will continue to be the profitable -t tidy of the in 1 ! ta rv pro fession thoughout the worl-i. Ui- genial na ture made him comrade to ev.-rv s.ildier of ( the great Tnion army. No prest-iM e was so welcome and inp r:nir a: the camp fire or c m mandery as his. 1 i . en re e r was com p let e his honors was full. II- hud received from the government the highest rank known lo our military et bliahment. and from the pi.- l pie unstinted gratitude and bve. No word I of mine can add to hi tame. His death has followed in startling quickness that of the ad miral of the navy, an 1 it is a sad and notable incident that when the department under which he served shall have put on the usual emblems ot mourni ng fou r of the eigh t e ecu 1 live departments will be simultaneously draped in black, and one other has but Unlay removed the crape fr-ni irs wnl.s.'' Proper eulogies were pronounced in brth houses of Congress and Mutable resolutions t.f respect and condolence were parsed. Through out the country the news wa- recei v ed with sorrow and re-pest for th memory of the de ceased. 1 1 MillUrl .arrrr. I " : 1 ii 'i 1 1 -1 1 1 1 i r i -iv li. i r 1 1 ii t ' ,i 'i 1 .-I.i ii n r v . :". Ili I . i! i I. i i j, n-at I ml '.i ii n ' l. M ; i . ' . . i . it - i '...-r :i '. H " n i A i . ; -t ' i ; - I ' : I n-U-p I ii:ir,i . II. Hi :,, I.l t-H ' l- -,r t fi.-n. ,, S h -T Ml u- !r. . 1-1" .1: l:rr-- . I I m:li ' l'. . : i, t ; -i I he r! :ts Sl.-."t !.. r v.-.l , i l Ii . F !-' i i - r ii . I ll i'S - .r M - .... II.- n. t - -. I ;i ! . I. TM M . - -i .. . !-C I., l'..:. tirt r I M : l ai.-l w iien 1: e T'"s : i i . . r p f i ., ,r the rount:i, ; - e . a !.;tnk r ih , Snn Fr w . . ,a te btis;ne.s :(' I ff a r y Pa s. H e i . i j . ' -i . . , . i i - -. i a .V and, th :: s ' ' j - ?-ei . i la-te. he I racf i ("nine kiip Se m i r . r v :n ;-.. b n f T e civ ' '. - :ne , ., : t'.v.. year. He be ; ; ; i e n t -. t the I . u 1 1 s i , i n a State I - c - I M: i:..rv Academy i - r r 1 1 1 1 i i -1 1 ' .nt r to- beg: n n i n g li W:tr. ( , . m ra ! s h " r ui 'i ! w a -i r . e. co m tn : ssion ed '"! n i of a regimen; t nituniry an t com tn a i . i - i a v o! n ii t e. r hr i -ad e n the tat r le of b :!l I'.lhi duly 1. 1 1 lie was -a. on ap. o : n ; el h r ' ca 1 1 . e r- m - n e ra ! ot vol u n f ec rs and hm ened 'o in- r.-mmand ( the Iepnrtment f t r . - i u rn t 1 an d, hut from fome cause he as rem- v.-!. ,n i w is f r s -.:tte months in ' 1 a i u i a 1 1 d of a "aim j : r, -1 1 i: r ' i mi i; e i r St, L-'U i . 11 t pfrt in tlie l'e:;nes;c and Mis sissippi enmp'ign. c Mini audi nr; a division It Shtii'h, A p i : i hand ", i-d, nii'l i n t h e s u I -lecjuen t s ei;e of inrniih. - M ay 1, 1 MiJ, lie as appointed major-general ol volunteers, md wii Ireqiienti"- eoi'itced dut.Q the ?um- : ; I ' . r i i i m -1 ; i nor nnd autumn ofs' mciook Rnaciivt 1 tnrt in the i',!;-l',.iri; campaign and is aiade briLTiober-eucral 111 the? regular ;n in v. ' t e i! e ra I h er rn a it - nccceiJeH r en era i I . 11 t l. en m in an - Ut m! 1 1 ie a r my of the Ten m . - 5ii (ct..:i J "'. l-o.i. Ih' t-tok par) in tip-ration-, nronnd ( n n t t;i nooa ;ii tiie i..t.lt :iii'l inii:ireM h m.,i(i I .mi: . II j! so crga n i ed an army id l'i (n 1 1 men lot i 1 1 - - p " I 1 1 - !1. p i i-i ;,t ! Mi 1 I III 1H 1 I' I' 1 1 Muieli 1 mj i . :c ur- f-ieit (on-ial (iraut as ' -in ni:i ti-ler of the Military piviMoa of Che 1 VI IsSl.sM ppj. . m 1 1: -e 1 I, Mi" t pa rilll ' Ml lillw 1 r 1 1 1 i - -I Mi s.j : rou 1 o j 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Ii M a hnl, ll'- eil'el . d !l tllC invasion ,,! I -1 1, I'Mkint Atlanta 1,1' ti i -t p'-n.i, and !i- iuirn hat einie and .-.'. mbcr I In'ilii m my ' jitelifd I'Htrito. H" ic-eived the apiiuii- -lotl o AM'tlt;M ept- tnher -', i - ami oci u- ! pjed i t us a mi : :Ut v po l nulr V-winix v 1 .", , laib 1 1 a v 1 1 1 tr "'': ' a hi .'j ; t wo- h I h- of h i ! e, . 1 m if r i en era 1 I i nias, to I'pe ! ( nr il H'whI'i Miovetn; nt into T me--' e ah-l i!c 1 .t io v n , ue 1 1 ot A t : uti I a , h i- in a ir li ci I sou ! h a i d j ,r veH, w !1U a loici- o .ixi i men In -, h m a iii 'tiili p.i-siuL' o- nil mt thr- c hun fretl mile- vi;li hi- mm.:. A,;fh..i! anv mi mm tan t act ion (ill he i i : i - i l-'..r! M .A i 1 is--1 r . lnIo w a v :t n na l:( aa . .-; i i i . c:i I I u re 1 alter uri"' action I u, t,, ; .; : na h sur--endet i ni; I -eei m 0-t V I , i . lie c- on no need January l I m.. i i i - , u a -1 . n - i lie - a rd i ua s eini; il'o it six u n-n- :., p .v'-i through Eolith I aroi'i-a. Me S-u-n, a - ba-tirs hi Nortli t an n.;a. Mar li !i ami '" I , l.Mi".; H'Cllp ed i . 1 1 O' : M c , and, liaVUlL' i veil h army a lew . . k s i -j taipt u tad f:a I-ii;li pri 1 I i. mi it.-,-, t, tl.- 1 w tU t ieii. f . I !. ,Ioh list on t in- .. -n ; rem ie; or all t ie onlcdeialr loj ccs in lie lie.d, I m ?r icrins , iTere prononnced i n a-1 n. i 1 ' -! i-v tne Jeoeral T tern men t , hm-1 r t;-' .niman, u i it-r a en et a I hCHiil'- 1 . s I i lo I ; 1 1 r i -. 1 1 e 1 1 1 a i ' i e I n nd -eCel V ed I i 1 1 1 lai . 1 o l s 1 a - i, : r- i , U r A j 'i 1 i ( ifiie ra ! S!u i i.i.i i ha - i ;eei i i:t . 1 a in i -r-viii nil in t !-' 1. a ' I ed Maf ai my i u-t I J, M)4, for In- A I lau t i camp liti, and a fn-r I he ile ot the Aar coiit.i.tied m coalman i o. tlie ui! itary .1 : .- -i .-t t he ) ;-;-si pp, f.w mote Man a yea r. a .1 u ' y J I t i em-ra I I cant ia v i nt: be n i t.-i n ed t ' I c j'c 1 1 ' ra i oi t he 4rmy. den era i m in aa a- .ol v.inced to he leutcnaii ; -gi it- ; a h met aa. - a-si;ne.i to the :oin in arid ni t : : m 1 1 . ' . : .vnii i - r the M is 10 1 j r ; . In March. I'-:' i.iani ima ai; resigned tlie :c nei a! s ii i p i u c -I i-eo, in- m . i, ; r it ; ioti a a I'.isi-tcnt, Mii'riiinii v, a promoted to the va ant rank. In Novnnbn, lv7l. he obtHtned ea ve ot a hse nee ;or a y --a t - 1 1 a e i in 1 Europe iml the l.at. I pon i, s return he made hi, iicadquariers at a -h 1 1. t" , ,,, ,M( toward the "lose of 1 chan en i i he in to St. Lou is. 1 hree years latter m returned again to Wash ington, taking up his i esiileiii-e at No. M7 I'tltecnth street not ; h west. In lT'land 1 0 he was promiiieiitly poen of as a candidate .'nr the pi esidei)c . On tiie NUi ol April, 1 ( ('resident Arthur issuchI the to: low i ii g ot de; .iniiou nci n g t tie rc tirement, uf tn-neral lirini:iu : "(ieneral , W i i i iam 1". Siier inn : , 'ii.Tri 1 ol the army, ha ving t ti is day reamed t tie a ire of si x ty-fou r, is, iu n''cordii nee with Jaw, placed upon the retired lis! uf the army, without reduction in hiicurtent pay and allowance;. The an nouncement ot the s- it.-iih'.- f run i the com mand of toe army ot one who h.i been tor so many years its ibst i ngu ise-1 chief can hut awaken in the mind not only of the army, ' !ut of the people of the I idled talea, niui- ' : 1-d enion-Mi of r-'e i : nnd kcratii.de -regret at the wnhdr;AinI .i.un active military cr vic" ot an olhc.-r a 1 '- h-ny n-.e o: duty lias been a no dr. t"i a ! !-:o r- -nice he lirst entered the army in July, I.M1'. and grafitmlo , freshly u w a k ened h-r toe ser v ices of ineahu i able value jenderrd by him in the war lor the I n'on. v. hi. ii h;s great mi I itai y genius I and daring did so much to e.io. The l'rcsi- dent deems this a hit nu' occasnm to give ex 1 presahm t- the gratitude telt toward vieneral Sherman by his I !o w-e 1 1 . ens and to hope that I'rovi letice may i;rarit him many years ot health and happiness in flic it In i limn the ar li ve tl n t it - oi ins prohs-mn deuenil liet!ii.iu at oiiee retired to private . '. : fe and m- i d t- St . I ,-o: is, here he r- suh d for a hor I n;e. Me 1 1 1 eh f ook U f h 1 ; resi dence in New Voi k a'H, where he has since ! i ved. W ith ;he b'.vii iii'Siir-i iiun 'lie title of ten era 1 ol l he a rin complete disappems from , our military -slem. It lias been heid by three men only. 1: w a, created in lfi'i, by act of '.mgre-- and coati rred upon drant, Sherman ilo-n -ueceetled iiaut as 1 icut enaiu genera 1 . n ud a hen t he ! 1 1 er t ook 1; is sen t as President in March, lso''. ;lu' u-rmcr became . general t t !i- army. ' In l.s4 Siierman was put on the retired ii-t ' with the title which he held to the 1 1 hie of his death. In thrnclive service the utibe, by provision ot law, became acini and the title e x t i net , Sheridan be; ng corn ma tide r of t lie army with the rank of 1 ieti t ena n t -genera I . In 1S-V ju-t btdore Sheridan s tb-al h. tlie rank of licuienant-getuTHl w as abo. i-hed and that of gen era I re v i v ed , with the u nd erM a nd mg thai Sheridan should be made l: 1 1 1 r : 1 and theexpre-s provision that tlie t i t ie sin ti id continue only dur ng hi life. 1 since i hat time tin' head j'. the army has been a major-genera I . Vh.i limn', t-'.i.i. i I. The futieca! of' dm. William Tecum- -h Sherman br;an ni Niw urk, and will b- ' coin pb-t ed ai i t h h s i n r erm e n t in St. bou is. Brief i el i ion s ni i . t , ac.ori I i hl' to the ritual of the Koman Catholic ( hutch, wer? rouducletl at his lute residence. No. 7 West eventy-h rst sfrtl, by the (lev. Tlmum; K Avi ng S her ma ti, son of the dece:i. d ieneral in tiie presem e of the family nod u few ititb mate friend. At the close of tlie services th? . remains were conveyed to Jersey City ami placer! on a rnilroa-l train for transportation to St. Loui. The remains were followcl by ; an immense proressj,n, including the Piesj. j dent, two ex-Presidents, the cabinet, com mittees from Con ;re!s. army o (beers am. numerous m i 1 i t;i ry ortran izt t ions. The wca t het was clea r. T housa nd s of nn I i o, i a I fl a o Hoat e nt half-mast in New York city and Brookiyi and ii u me rou s hu i h i i n gs were el a bora tely draped iu mourning. The courts remained closed. No public business tiiHt was not com- , pelled by law was transacted, the exchange- ' closed at noon, general husmess was brought almost to a standstill, ami all who comd do sc r eased t hei r day oeru pa t ions i o do honor to tht dead soldier. It is announce, that tin- brief burial ser vices of t lie ( n t iiol ic Ci. u rch will be cmid net en nt the crave in St. I oins bv the Uev. I tiotna- j Sherman. i WORK AND WORKERS. f TriK ( "mi vrut ion of ilic liiiii'-l Miiu-rs ol ; Aint-rii.-.i wii. hel.l in ( ui n ni bu, iiniu. I TllKi'nal minors' trikc nt l'n-1 1.-vi 1 Ie, Ills , 1 las emle.l. The oporHtors trrn n I eJ the men a i uoilorni r.tre of i conis per lm-.li.-l. Tiik. strike of noko workers and miners in ! the ( 'on no! Is v i 1 1 e rein-t is now general. All I :he plants have been closed. Over lil.nni men j ire idle. TlIK matters in dispute hetvertn the llii ! nois Steel (' uiip.'iuy. nt I liicHi,M, and the ' tnkiri furnaceineu luive been submitted to j arbitration. I Thk first Hniiunl C. ti i-nt ion of the I'nited I M ine AA'orkers ot A mrriea was he!ij i n 'ol n m bus.Ohio. 'Ihe speeia 1 obji-el o' t he (.'on veil lion whs to make drfintte Hrrniiijeinciit.s for , ihe inauguration ot the eii;lit hour d;iy ou Miiv 1st next. TlIK cont'-ienee of I'.irnn-rs' APianees, trade unions. KmimIs of labor ussemblies and relorm bodies 'enerrillv. called to meet in Baltimore, has b.-en postponed ui.til April, so as to k'ive the variou- orc:nii.ations an op portunity to elect u!ti;.ites and instruct them. Amu T eiep'ovces of the Pittsburi: and AA'est. -rn Kailroa-l ronip?iny nt A 1 lesheny and Ai'ewcai-tle, Pa , have mie on strike on ac count of non-payment uf uai:is. The com pany says the de ay i- due to the reoriraniz.i I ion of the road preparatory to its absorption by the Mainmort.' A t In io. A 1.1. THK m i tiers em pi o.ve.l in t he coal mines along the line of the Louisville, I'vansville and St. Louis Railroad, between Kvansville and Jluntinbur. I nd.. with the exception of one mine at t'han tier Station, have gone out on a strike. The prime cause of the trouble is that it is impossible tor operators who mine their coal by munucl lhor to conipete with machine mining. They w.-re compelled in thr (ace of tins comp.-i iumi to red tice the scale of wages, which resulted ;n a strike. A r A recent meeting of the Trade flt:d La bor Assembly in t'hic.go. resolutions w.-re adopted declaring, that unless the I'lrectors of the AVorltl's hair take immediate action to redeem their implied pledges given in regard to union labor, the Assembly would oppose any further legislation ami recommend all workingmen who have subscribed for stock to decline to pay any further assessments. Representatives of the Assembly will go be fore the AA'orld's Fair I'irectory with the reso lutions anil further ask that eight hours be made a day's work in the construction of the buildings. The Assembly is .said to represent Wr.dOll workmen, and one of the members was given a seat in the World's Fair I'irectory in recognition of the $oW,!00 subscribed by the workingmen to the guarantee fund. Kx-Attof.ney General Garland has built up a large and lucrative practice in the Supreme Court at Washington, which il UOW bis home. MM OF THE WEEK. General Business Shows Moderate But Not Uuifiinn Improvement. irlnc'i Favornhlr On. look Dry tiool In Only Sllyhdv It. K. r Drln.ml Wool Sitles t-iiiull. Special telegrams to .V. ox.-. 'f' show that general trade lias 'impioved moderately though not u ti i f.'i iii ' v. d u ri n c the week. Sales of notions, leather, lumber. r";i! and clothing have been less active. Leadi ng price changes are nn advance in mi,-:!- ot cent per p mud and v. In at x ''out p. r i-ushe'. Live can ie are also si itdit I v higher. ieneral trade is not, on the whole, m excess of that one year ago. Leading d :si r i hutms in sonic of the more important staple lin-'s report suies since .January 1 not equal to those in a like portion Of 1S!KI. The outlook for Spring trade is very gen orally r.-porn-d fa orablc. A satisfactory volume ot business is noted at Cincinnati ft'1'! Kansas City, Memphis and Net- i Ichiis. ( 'on. ser vat ism cunt in ties to be shown a I .m a ha Hnd I'enver. and a decrease in volume of business at t hicitgo is noted. Kindness (a;!ures in the Lnite.1 States t!d week number i, against -7i. last wei k, and '-lathis week last year. The total January 1 to date is J'l.'d, against iM'H) last year. liank clearings al tifly-si.x cities lor 'lie week are f I.iuJU.Vi 1,'J 111, an increase over this week last year ot !'.7 p r cent. New York city's clearings, which constitute .".:. per cent of the jLjraii'i total, are more than thostj for same period last year by 1 1. 1 per .-e it.. while at fifty-five other cities, the gam in ' m per cent. li ross rrti 1 way earni ngs in I i unary a re only moderately, satistaetoi y o.wug to a quiet trade and reduced grain ao 1 o erland Cotton movement, the comparison beieg ueeessirily with January, ljji't1. when earnings were very heavy. The Noithcr.i Racine, and a lew Jl istcrn and Central Western r-a is accounts lor nearly three-quarters of tiie total gain shown. Only one-tilth of the ro Is reported show decreases, as comparod witti one-third in 1'oceinbcr. ihe aggregate gross earnings ol lirroids lor J in. try a.nouut to -.'! l.V;;i.4.,sJ on a total of o'.lus miles, a gain ot il J e-r cent, in earnings ami -I T per cent, iu mi. cage. DUV i.oou-.. W.iOI., AMI OJltAtN. !ry goods are in only slightly betier mantl from jobbers an 1 agents. Cotton an I woollen dress goods are active, and prices ate well held. Print cloths have advanced 1-1, Sc. Urown sheeii ngs favor buyers. The auction sale of 7U,t"J dozen hosiery and gloves re. suited in satisfactory prices for tiie former and unsatisfactory prices h r the latt-r. AA'ool sales and stocks are small, and prices are well held. I'oitm is more active, bttt unchanged in price. AVheat, whicn declined, advnneed on pur chases by millers and exporters, reports of eitreme cold est, and confidence by many in the alleged shortness of the yield last year, east of the liocky Mountains. Not enough rain had fallen in California to the i:ith inst. to insure wheat larmers good yields. A con tinuance of the drought will cause wheat, ? rapes, and other Iruit to sutler materially, '..xports of wheat (and Hour as w heat,) both coasts, this week equal 2.2'(il,t.s4 bushels, of which l,497,!Ki8 bushels were from the Pacilie coast, owing largely to a desire to get rid of as much surplus wheat as possible prior to March 1, when taxes are assessed. Last yeai the week's exports equalled 1,51", 77j bushels, and last week they amounted to 1 , 'ti.i.tii.s bushels. The total shipped .Inly 1, to date, is 62,333,684 bushels. In 1S8:-'J0, b.r a like, perioti, it was tiij.234,418 bushels, in 1 S8S-S! ' it was 5!l,98P.lS blii.hcl?, ami in iSN- S'.-i"s.-5t4 bushels. ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Mr rrTNVVf. sister to .Tani". Russell Lowe!!, is said to be the best linguist in Boston. Ci 'V; r. I'v-sy a y Ci';i of Georgia, probable andidat for Spei'-er, was fn flctor in his youth, and he issai.l to hnve hen a good one. ri;nvisin: T; i ' j' ) t rn Virchow will cele brnte his seventieth birthdavon O-tober 31. The merl ica 1 societ tes offiermany hnve hognn rirepnra'ions already for a proper celebration o f the event. flov RTN". n Tt T '1 '" a nd Council have ap pointed Miss Sn:.orn. of L'.e 'ilia. N. FL. a notiry public. She is th3 first woman np oointed a notary public in the State of New If amps hire. F. II'U'K is'sov SMirtr. the 'tit and suthor. is equallv successful as a civil enei peer. Tie has an orrice iti Io i-n-ifiirn New A'ork nt the top of a so ven-story ibo ild i ntr, anrl niav usually be round there buried to his eyes in papers. L"R P Tknws'iv is contemplating a voyarrft in the f p liter.-menn. Titre his. however, sqys fj't i'ju't ii 'v hen some .lifTieulfy in makine nrraneeme- as Loi-.l Tcntivson in .ist. stronelv on bei-ig protected from his fellow passengers. M i AA" A I.tk n P a K t'R. or I'.oston. whos bequests to chnritshl0 and e 1 u rri t ional t nt i tuti'-ms HpqrH- rpn-li l.nOO.f)oO. is said to have rnrofu'lv studied the merits and needs nf these beiiefie i ries during her life and did not give nt hnphnznrd. M rs. J KitR V SI M psov was with her hnshnnel nt Topekn during the Senatorial ennvnss. She is a modest, atrrceable. anrl sensible liftle womm. who is devoted to her Togo lord nnd is proud of the honors which have been showered upon him. ?. rpkksfnt ti i-: riRAWi.KV, of the Char leston. S. ('.. district is eni-l to look like Perry Belmont, althoir'h he is a trifle taller and has only one arm. H; emptv s'eve is triced up to a button on his eoit. sfter the style of General Hooker, o' M ississipoi. " .7 am lis Lank Alt kv the KentueVry novel ist, is a professorof I nt in ii Bethanv College, jfp lives nt I.evinton nnd lias a house in Cincinnati also, di vid i ne his time between the t wo eit ies. He 1 eirm bis career with a desire to b. come eminent in comparative philology. Mrs Ann a C. Kai l nnd her httshnnd are Inwvers nt Kotn. and have pptitiomed the State Legislature t chanee the law forbidding contracts between msn nnd wife. As the lnw now stands the couple cannot be law partners, and they desire to tackle their clients in com pa n y. Sn: RnilMti' Bt Rt a N" the fnmous traveler, writer, nnd n rch ieo! o:i st. who died recently at Trieste, was mf err of twenty-seven langit. ages. Bivard Taylor cold command nenrly as many, and Theodore Parker rend twenty oi2ht. though he spoke only Fnglish with ease and fluency. AN old friend nf Sir AA'alt.'r Scoft savs that the orieinal of Re' "cca in "luv.mhoe" wns a beautiful youir.' American woman to whom Washington Irvine b.-cHine encasred after the denth of bis wife, and uf whom he wrote a glowing it esc rip: ion to the bare ot A bhotsford. V. K. Y an Hf'.RI!! IT hns developed a. con s derahle amount ot ath'eiic asility qjite lata in life. Until ho vn :!". vears of age he did not go in for at'Te'ies. but last Summer he make a rem arl -nb'e showinir at Newport as a po!n player, despite his w. igbt, which is close to loo pmir.ils. Prtvatk Kiirn. of Troop I. who was killed in the tight at Wounded Ki.ee, was with Custer in the Little H'sr Horn country, nnd for a number of years past he had been the keeper of the horse Coinanchp, the only sur vivor of the Custer massacre. Comanche is now 2'.' years obi. and is the i lol ot the regi ment. Some oilier veteran ol Troop I will be assigned to look tiller him. M r. M. P 1 1 a n i i y. promoi er general of tlie AA'orld'sColumbiai: KxpoMtion. hnsappointed R. F. A. I '"i r, to t h-- posit ion of first assistant in his department Air Dorr is a New Yorker, nnd for thirteen ven r l as been well-known in journalism in th.- List. For the last three months I e has been eoenrcterl with the New York office of the Philadelphia Bond & In vestment Com pnny. He resigned that position to become Mr. Hnndy's assi-tant Sir FnwiN Aitsoi n saw the Kmperor of Japan at the opening of Parliament, where he presented ti very interesting figure. He is tall in comparison with the majority of bis subject, and has strongly marked features. His eyes are dark ami watchful, and he has a slight" beard and inn-tache. 1 1 is manners are at once eracious and import urbably reserved. The Mikado wns dressed in the uniform of an army general, and wore his broad red ribbon of the Order of the Rising Sun. ! Mts Lm v A. 1,'iMi autho r of the strong i and nright novel, "A Squire of Low Pegree, is a Western woman wtuse years are under thirty. She wns born in St. Paul, is ot Swed ish descent, and numbers, ns she kays, among her ancestors 'a changeling, a soldier, a mu sician, nnd a wizard, but no viking." The early years of her life were spent in various country "settlements" Minnesota and Iowa, broken by a year 'a Oregon. CABLE SPARKS. J'Nl'iN dock laborers at London nn1 i.lvci pool are on a strike. Stain is negotiating for a new treaty of rnmmerce with the I'nited States. 1 HE King of l.'gnnda has refused to recog nize the llnglish protectorate over his A fricn n territory. The Sultan of Turkey has approved ti pro ject for providing homes for freed negroes in his country. Till-: McCarthy section of the Irish parli-i-mentnrv parlv is resolved to resist "he claims of Mr. Pameil. The Ki ng of Ser via, who is about fifteen years of nge. is suffering from a dangerous chronic d sease. The family of Meissonrer, the French painter, wiil give to the Louvre two of the artist's pictures. Messrs. Parnell, O'Brien and I'illon have abandoned all hope of re-uniting the Irish parliamentary party. Victor Mace a Paris banker, has disap peared, lea ving debts to the amount of twenty million francs behind him. It is reported that a plot bus been di'. ov ered in Bulgaria to overthrow Prince Ferdin and, the ruler of that nation. The bill to permit a widower to marry his deceased wife's sister passed its second read ing in the British House of Commons. 'FHK dilference bet ween I . lads-tone and Pa r nell is believed to be so great as to be beyond even the chance of compromise or adjust ment. British sympathy has aggravated the hard lot of the Russian Jews and the crueltii s heretofore complai ned of have been redoubled in severity. The new Italian cabinet formed by Mar quis di Riidini was approved by King Hum bert, who administered the oath ot office to the ministers. It is believed that "Jack toe Ripper" is again at work m London, the dea l I. uly of a young woman, horribly gushed, having been found, in a si I eet. The memorial sent by leading citizens of London to the Czar t egarti i ng the treatment of Hebrews in Russia has been returned to Lord Salisbury through the Russian em bassador at London without comment. TlfE correspondent of Ihe AVarsaw Courier who has been traveling through Brazil says lhat emigrants landed in that country by the North German Lloyd Steamship Company ire treated shamefully by the government. AA'i i.i.i M 'Hi:iK.v nnd John Dillon, the Irish members of the British House of Com nous who escaped from Ireland during the progress of their trial in Tipperary, surron 1ered themselves to the Fnulish police nnd will commence at once to serve tiie terms of ill months' imprisonment imposed on them. To THE Question of a Gladstoniau member in the House of I 'otnmous whether Catholics would be eligMi'e to occupy the position of Lord Chancellor of Lnglaud or Yicroy of Ireland, the Attorney - General of Great Britain declined to answer on the ground that eminent lawyers differed on the ques Jon. DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. Two white men were k-lled nt Reidsville Genrgii, by the explosion .f a boiler in Giles'f steam saw mill. One man was killed and another perhaps mortally injured by the tall ot a staging at s new elevator in Richiord. A'ei inotit. Bernard A sti ck knbkki;, living neat San Antonio, Texas, a. killed by falling from his wagon and being pragged by the horse for over a mile. A collision occurred on the AA'nbnsh Road, neir St. Louis. Firem m Rush and Keefer were killed, nnd I'agineer Hoefic and Brake man Hill were severally injured. TlIK Warrior river at Tu-ca loosa. Alabama, is oo leet above low-water mark and rising, The Alabama river has over-flowed its banks and is destroying property below Mont gomery. By the fall of a chimney on a burned school house in Xew Boston, Pa., Maggie Boyle, aged 10 years, was killed. Tilhe Cragg, aged 10 years, as atally and John Youngseriously injured. ANengineinthe yards at Omaha, Nebraska, jumped the track and was overturned. Jacob Jenson, the engineer, was killed, and William Martin and AVilliam Hayes, swiichmen, were terribly injured. A I'A.ssENCiEP, train crashed into a wild-eat engine near Mt. Morris, N. Y. James Powers and Albert Ftiglehart, firemen, were killed, and James Powers, eniti neer, uncle of the fir-t named, uhs lataliy it jureit. Yiuoroi'k eflortsare being made in Macou pin county, Illinois, by vaocination and quar antine, to prevent the spread ot small-pox. There have been two deaths, and there is another case which is thought will end fatally. A I'AssF.NiiKR h-ain on the Burlinrjon, Cedar Rapids and Northern Ilailroad was thrown down nn embankment near Randalia, Iowa, by a broken raii. Nineteen pe' sona were injured, AV. T. llanlon, L. C. Price and Mrs. A. C. Goodrich, prohab y fatally. ' Natckai. gas in a sewer in Indianapolis became ignited and exploded AA'illiam Rock nnd John Christian, who were driving .ilong the street nt the time, were blown many yards snd badly injured. All the windows i,i the immediate vicinity were broken. Mrs M.AttfiARET SnYdkr, "I years of age, sttended a funeral in Lancaster, Pa., and, becoming faint, took a drink of what she thought was wbiskv. It was the undertaker's embalming fluid, however. Hnd the services .if a plnsician were required, lie left her apparently out of danger, but the excitement Consequent upon the affair brought on an utack ot heart disease, which cat sed death in short time. It is estimated that during ( lie past year iamnges aggregating si.V,0h0 has been done to buildings in Ashland, Penna., by the settling of the surface. The ontise is suppose ! to be the removal of the pillirs of coil in the l"unnel Colliery, which runs under the . ou them end of the town, and which mine is said to be nlnlost worked out. The matter will now be officially investigated and , measures adopted to prevent further damage to property- SHOT FOR A BURGLAR. A Man Killed, Willi HU Child III HU Armii ly Ills Brollei--liiL.Ks'i George Hess, of Fulton, AA'. 'a., was mis taken tor a burglar by his brother-in-law, ; named Ball, at Pleasant Yalley, at one o'clock the other morning and shot, dying almost instantly. Mrs. Hess has been in del icate health, and her husband, fearing the Hood, received permission from her physician to take his family lo the residence of hia mother-in-law. at Plea-ant A'alley. The hack containing the party did not arrive '. (lie Ball residence until after mi Inight. and Mr. ; Hes tried to arouse the sleeping family as '. easilv as possible. Willi his litt.e child in his arms, lie went up m the porch and call.d severel times. 1 lie two young men ot lie family saw the form mi tlie porch, and, think ing tnere wa to he a repetition of the attempt to enter, made by burglars some days eg... armed themselves and went to the .h oi When they . poind it Mr. Iless spoke, ln n- -ed out b s hand ami attempted 'o ie . Kzekel. lee vmni;er brother, fired, an-i He s still clasping his child, tell to tlie porch itoor dead. The cni d screamed. ' h. apa i de nil and the boys ran out a mi d iscovereo what they ad done. PAT KELLY'S FATK III. Kotlr lft- iril front tli ,1 c n it 1 1 ) I I nr--('n I lr the Klooil. A ibmtch Irom Ilah-ioi Ph., says: The l.-iiiv ni' aiiiilluT victim oi ihe .Icnn tvs vil le hor- r-r ha-, been r . n d, that of Patrick K e! 1 v. The e X i : or i ii u parly entered the breast ..i inerly worked bv Kelly nnd found the b..d -d'tbe niibiittinafe man nhnut half way up ihe in a n y . He had evidently pone 1 .u n to trie face ot the breast to enter the l: -iiiinvay. when the rapidly rising waterdrove ii.m h;tek. lie probably ihpti made a race for s '' iv i:p the rnnnway, b.it was evertaken b itnry Hood before he was half way 1 ; body was lying with bead toward the l ip if ihe maitway in pretty much the same p -si i it'll as .ial iagher's. It was en ti rely free irom dirt and debris, and was brought to the -nrtace and jjivon in charge of an undertaker. It was in a fair state of preservation. flie water was lowered 13 feet on the pitch o! the slope during the Inst 24 hours. It is of course, impossible as yet to get to the portion ot the mine at the end of the west gangway, where the rter broke through, until much more nf th Water is laken out. THK South Australian wheat return-? show that 12,000,000 bushels were reaped and tbftt 9,000,000 we available for export. SOUTHERN ITEMS. IMKHKWTIN.; SHU'S COMPII-KD KHOM MA.XY Silt Itl'KA A block of gran.te t iken from a qu r:y near Richmond, A'a., .m-astires riix34xl4. -The elei trie Mieet curs are expected to be running iu Lynchburg, A'n., within si jtty days. Six now sub-alliances have been formed in Accoinac county, A a., since the beginning of the year. -A telephone line is tt be established be tween Norfolk and N ' port New s, A'a. .which will cross Hampton llnads, Richmond, A'a., has nn real estate exchange, and npinion seems about evenly divided aa the advi-abililv of starting one. Mr. A". S. Pransford, v. ho lived near Gold Hiil, in Buckingham county, A'a , was killed near l'rauklorl, ky , by a train collision. I he old cotton f.i- tory of A lexaudria, A'a., l a- been leased to th.- American Safety Kn Velnpc Company, which will soon begin work. The Lynchburg, A'a., Council has appro priated i ,(l,i li i tor a new city ball, which will be situated where now stands what is known as r i it-mis' warehouse. -Bishop .1. C. Cranberry, of the Methodist Lpiscopal Church South, recently had amir ees.-ful operation performed by a Richmond surgeon lor an osveous growth in the mouth. The effects of the heavy snow and wind storm which prevailed recent ly are still being l.-lt in Frederick county, Md , by reason of si lack of telephone facilities, both in the city and county. Mr. .lohn Falk, of Frederick, Md., while at work in the hay loft, tell through an opening in the Moor tn the groind below, a distance of twenty feet. lie was badly bruised, but no bones were broken. Mrs. George AW Mullikin of Trappe, Md., owns a remarkable i n I i.s: rious goose that laid scventy.fi ve eggs last year, besides hatching two broods ot goslims, and is tryiug to beat t fie record th is year. Governor Jones, of Alabama, has arranged w ith Ihe Slate commission of agriculture to procure for him trees from all the most notable battb -fields of A'irginia to be transplanted to tiie Capitol groundsill Montgomery. The board of visitors of the Virginia Mili tary Institute, in session at Richmond, A'a, refused toallowtbe ro-establ lahment of secret fraternities in tlie institute, a petition for which was presented and warmly urged. -Lew is Alphonso Rudisill, baggHgemaster on ihe C.G Railroad, a popular young man of ( harloiie, N. C, was killed by fulling Irom tiie step of near and being run over by the train. The accident occurred at "RigSwamp" on t.ic C . C, forty miles from Wilmington. Tiie body of Thomas H. N'cal, an old and respected citiz n of Pittsylvania county, Va., was found last week near Ringgold. No marks ol violence were on his body, Out $500 hioh was known to boon his person was miasing, and the coroner's jury gave a verdict that he was robbed and murdered by tramps. AV. S. Tabler, of F.llicott City, Md., has a book in his possession published by Edgar J. Coalc, of Baltimore, in the year 1811, contain ing sketches of the history of Maryland. It gives the names of tlie different tribes of In dians thut inhabited Maryland in 1608, and snya that the Patapsco river was called lialus river by John Smith. The Danvilleand 10 ist Tennessee Railroad Com a iy, will soon petition the council of Danville, A'a., to order an election to take the sense of the people as to whethertho time tor completing the first fifty miles of tiie road, under the tonus of Danville's sub scription, shall be extended lor a period of twelvemonths from July, 1891. A project is on loot for establishing a big sheep-raising farm iu Botetourt county, Va., near New Castle. The idea is to purchase about lb'iJOO acres of land, slock the place with ;,0U0 sheep and begin sheep-raising with tbe most approved methods. The tract is to be divided up into lots of H.UOti acres, each lo be inclosed with wire fencing and gi veu in charge ot experienced Scotch shepherds. Hiram Baily, a native of Sussex county, Mel., met with a singular death near Quantico' Wicomico county, Md. In order to make a short cut he walked through the woods, at d his feet becoming entangled in a grapevine, he was thrown on his back to the ground, his h. a I into a pool of water. As he could not Iree his feet from tbe vine, he drowned before assistance arri ved. He was eighty years of age. One ol the ewes belonging to J. W.Seemer, of Kaston, Md., had twin lambs, and another owe had o single lamb which died. .He had often tried to make one ewe own the lamb of another mother but had never succeeded. It was important in this case that the lam bless ewe should take one of the twin lambs, and Mr. Thomas Coulby said he could do it. lie took the skin from the dead Iamb and care fully adjusted it over one of the living twins. The other ewe took to the lamb at once, and alter a couple of days the extra hide was re moved. At Forest City, N'. C., eight miles fron, Chnrlotte, AVilliam I? Jones, tbe town mar shal, was shot and instantly killed by John Parris, a blocknder, who was also mortally wounded in tlie arflay. Eighteen ortwenty shots were exchanged. Parris and his brother had been around town selling liquor on the sly. Jones, assisted by a Mr. Harril), at tempted to nrre;t him, when Parris resisted, u-ing a pistol with the above-stated o fleet. A Jones fell Harr 11 tired, hitting Parris in the right shouider. At last accounts Parris was not expected to live. The St. Mary's oil field in West Virginia, which three months ago was a centre of much interest, has been abandoned. The exeite nient was started by the Duncan well, which is now doing barely twenty barrels a day. When it first came in the speculator! want wild. In one instance $1800 bonus and one eighth royalty was paid for an acre of ground. In another case $;)0ii was paid for half an acre. In both cases an expenditure of $4,000 in boring a well brought no results. The prin cipal losers are poor ipeople or persons with mall . sums accumulated. The losses in the field will roach several hundred thousand d dlars. The actual expenditure for drilling eight wells, six of which wore dry, was $50,000, fou r-fifths of w hich didn't bring a dollar back to the investors. C. ENKRAl. SHERMAM use to tell that while traveling in Ireland be was once serenaded bv a local band in Cork. To his surprise and delight the musicians played "Marching Through Georgia." He inquired where they had heard the tune, and was furthersurprised to hear that is wns a very o'd Irish air, the origin of which was lost in the mists of an tiq u ity. .i. m. huown, Fl K!-T CLASS BARBER SHOP. No uly fitted up iu the best of style. Bath rooms wi.h hot and cold water. BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. V; t -r. h -cTii Bicycles. 0Vy&MS V4lUt)i"-6tHTLtKW. : .... ' ' 111 ------ f i ;!r'( SB i r o:vi ENJOYS Both the method and result when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it U pleasant , ind refreshing to the tate, and acta eently yet promptly on the Kidneys, J Liver and Bowels, cleanses the ays- " tern effectually, dispels colds, bead aches aud fevers and cures habitual"'" constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro- ; duced, plensing to the taste and eeptable to tlie etomnch, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most , healthy and agreeable substances, it -many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat , vpular remedy known. feyrup of Figs is for sale In 60 -' and $1 bottles by all leading drug giBta. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hana will pro-", cure it promptly for any one who " wishes to try it. Do not accept any ) substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH rAHCI8CO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. UCW T0KK. OU Doraiojijteislijp Cfl; i Thr Old Dominion Sfnnmhip Company3 $ v Onl ami hmtirile 11 alrr Row, Via J Alttemarlr A- Chempcalce Canal. r I FOR I Norfolk, Baltimore, Nw York, Phil" ;' i adolpMa, Boston Provldono j and Washington City. And all points lorth, Eait aid Wtst On and nuer FRIDAY, DECEMBER JCtb,-4' 1 8!HJ, until further not loo, the Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt. Solvate. ; Will sail from Norfolk, Va, for New Brt, V N. C, direct, making close connection with the .Steamers K inKton and Howard for Kla ston, Trenton, and all oilier landing! OS the 1 Neusc and Trent River-. Returning, will sail from NEW BERNE ' for NORFOLK direct, at Twm.vB Mfaoon) ., making connection with the O. P. 8. LGo.'s ships for New York, B. 8. P. Co.'t steam en for Baltimore; Clyde Line Hhips foriPbiladelphla; ' M. A M. T. Co.'s ships for Bostoa and Providence. V , , Steamer Kinston, Capt Dixon, will (all for . Ki nst on on nrrival of steamer N ewberne. ... AsY-Ordcr all goods care of O. D. 8. S. Co., Passengers w ill .Ind a good table, Oom fort able rooms, a ml e very courteey ana attention -will be paid them bv the officers. , E. it. ROBERTS, Agent' "-""V MRSSRS CUI.PliPI'Plt & TlTRKBR, A gents. Norfolk, Va. VV. H. STANFOltn, Vice-J'rcit. New York City , A GREAT BARGAIN 327 ACRES WILL BR SOLD AT A a GREAT SACRIFICE! . A VALUABLK PLANTATION gitu -ated on Ithe Houtli side of the Neuse ; river, three and-a-half miles from the City of New Berne, N. C. One hundred and twenty-five acres cleared. , Good Land, tuitablr for Trucking, Tobacf I Jlaiiting, or any kind of farming. , The balance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timlered with pine, oak r cypress, and other kinds of timber. " It is also fine Grazing Land. Good dwelling, outbuildings, nd a ' fine orchard. It has a fine FISHERY fronting half mile on tbo beach, where ' there are high banks of marl that can i never be exhausted, from which vessels , can load with ease. ., It ia a very lieauiJful and healthy lo- ,. cation, presenting a near view to the pafising veBseis and the A. & N. C u . Railroad. For terms apply to P. TRENWITH, 0pp. Hotel Albert, IEW BERK, 1. 6. .; . ' The N. C. Freight Line Steamers Geo. H. Stout, Defiance & Elto. . I n anil nfier Februnry 1st, this line will make rrgiilar . SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS BlTHliS Baltimore and New Berne ' Leuvinir Baltimore for New Berne. WED NESDAY, SATl'ltDAV, at 6 F M. raving New Berne lor Baltimore, TTJESs DAY.SATl'RDAY. at 0 V It. Merchants and Shippers. Taks Ittlct. This is ihe only IMItLCT li ie out of New Rome for It. ill 1 moie without change, stopping .nilv ill Norfolk cm ii... i i nr ihen for Boetoa. Menee, I'luiMil. I.bia Ri. limond, and all p. iuts North. Ka: m.i.: AS est. Maklnjr eloae connection tor all I .ntsl.y A. A N. C. Rail road sod River out of New Borne. A (rents are as follows: " Rki.bhn Foster, tien'l Manarer, W Li phi Mt., Baltimore. Jas. AA'. McrARRH'K, Agent, Norfplk.V. AV. IV Clyde A Co , Philadelphia, li South , wharves. Now York and I'.alto. Trans. Line.lPler Norlh river. " E. 8impon, Boston, TA Central wharf, y. 11. Rockwell, Provideuce, R. I. Ships leave Boston. Tuesdays and Saturday. New York daily. " Balto., AVelneWlays it Saturday. " " Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednes days. Saturdays. " " Providence, Saturdays. Throngh bills lading given, and ratet rnar anteed to all points at the different ofBoe Ol the companies. WSTAxmd Rrrakutir of Hulk and Shif fin JV. C. I.vir. 8. H. GRAY, Agent, New Berae, N. Q Perfectly Simple - Simply Pernet IMPROVED WARM AIR FURNACES AND VENUS AID DRY CLOSET APPARATUS or inn BENNETT A FECK Heating and Ventilating Co. The only Manufacturers m this ol giving emlre attention te the WARMING AND VENTILATION ( r Residences, entireties, Schools, Etc. HKnn rm miKTmo matte v ( aUTTI MATES OBBBUrUlXT QfTII ) 245, 247 and 241 W. Kk IL, CkclnnitL tt. j i 'A - v A1