THE JOURNAL. r. T. HtlCMK. UMM4MIII I isrrouiL sorts Ktl ooI Mocdj m U. 8 Saator fro a Sooth DkoU. KO lctlott jtt ot C. 3 denser from XlllaoU. Situation unchanged. Th-b bill to fit solicitors atip n!te4 maIatj fil4 to p the LegUIstort. Tn EfaSftlicJ AUiac rti tloa ' itd llIiar for high Is little wkilo UseijsrreUe vtU b Ulaf of tU pMl. It kW IT ITT Pjnnbfll and FAliitft Ilea woo die. Dmecrac) ! Friadple taal caa na?er die. Tsa GoTwnaient troop in Chili LmUndtfttUd aad ih iasur 99 U axa adraadac opn lh nptUl. r0TXCTI02l Democrat lave twcomo ao scarce that thej now com'; wader th head oi political It Is be-Mred la London that Jack thw Ilippr,, has been ar- j . -j ih.. . . nnA.. in h rtw iwjniwt'v" i th ippr U la jaU. AOABf we insist that it woo Id b highly improper for the Demo mtAia at the Ilonse to compliment aL lUiher let them enter sa eapaatio protest sgainst Lia mtelaods. Ui self eldit troth that one f U rreaieat seeda of North Caxollaa rorml dtsu-icts la rood toavde; tha fTat waat of oor towns aad citlee ia macadaaixtd streets aa4 pT4 sidewalks. MXHT sneo hare beea saggted , for Railroad Commleooera. n we are aot aaneh niatakea, a muirj of Mt people woold be c'ad for Hx QoTeraof JttU to be plared at thw head of thecommisrioD. IT It reported that Mr. Cleveland aa4 thai la t hie hie wife a peea vita alas. Thej axe bow amply provided for with thia world's (ooda, aad r either of them wieh to ratora to the dtiee that derolre apoa a Preaideat aad his wife. A mrnos waa preeeated in the TJ. 3. 8:e on Mooday faror- " latha parcbaae or eatabliahmeat by tha fortrameat of six trana coatiaeataJ railroad, to be paid for aad operated by the govern wisf aldA Cur loana of aaJOT b? tht foweraaieat oo rral estate at 2 per eeat. per aaaam. fnr i'ew York Triboae informs ae that President IIrrloo w aoi loms to "preserve the record of bia adaUiatralioa tree from stain and cieaa to the red." Now is the time for eoeje iateotive geaios to gala fortaaa aad fame bj prodoe larawhltawsah that will stick and woal rat) off. Tn problea tht ta now troub liaf Eastern Democratie politicians la how to ellmiaaie silver lroa the eaapaijra of Erea If the AIHaa ea shall have ran ita coarse, aa aoaaa vaJaly sappoae, silver will aaaert Itaelf aad Aad la Western aad 8oaihera Deaocrate iu sorest frteada aad abteat champion. IT will b aa excellent thing for the Preaideat aad hia C-binet to 'vial i the Soota alter the ad Joarameat of Coogre-sa. Thej will see tha -wonder fa) result of Demo cratie home rale in promoting peace and proeperitj ia that rectioo daxiag the past ten years. Thej wUl Uara, too, how little need or eaJt there la for a Fores bill. N. V. World. IT U1 be a jear UrfUe the next blea, aad a jear and a hall before taa aext aomiaatiag rosveatioo will meet. Ia this period ofdi eoaaioa aad rt flection baattlj formed views will be recooaidrred, aad by 1S93 Mr. Cleveland' deciaratioa !! dobles be tj- doraed bj hia pattj with abstao tial aatni ally. Baltimore San. fax Charlotte Chronicle say G. 1. Killing, a citixen of Norwich. Veraaoat,wasco'enced to GJ years ' imprisonment for ael!iag lienor to thaDartaoath atadeot. lie ww convicted oa TJ3 ont ci 1,000 in diet Beats sad has entered opoo kla faarfal aeateace lie ia M years of age. Bach laws may with pro priety b called biae laws. Liflo hia doabtlesa sow has the hue oi taa deepest I ad i go. Tu North Carolina Kipriaieut Statloa haa now ready for discrt batioo a haad book of graa caltorr COataiaiag 100 pagw, illastrated bj74 flgnree, of which are fu'l pAja engravings of grsa and etOTera. This work gives a full aceooat of all the best agricultural grsaeee aad clover, aaitable for eoItTioa in thia State. Tab'e yield of different species of grac aad taa relative feeding and man arial Talae of the hays. Cbap4er are devoted to diaciajroa of Im pari Una aad adulterations of graaa aaaday rational seed mitieg. mix tarta rereaw pare sowing. rnn ares' for grnaa iaada, irrigation, insect aaejaiea aad faogns di of graaaea. The last chapter gives' 21 differeat format a for grasa nixtrea saitabie fordiffereat par posea aad for a variety of soil in the8ta:. Thia book will be sent frea totTery farmer ia the State Wk-9 apptlea for it. A limited num w 4 wytH w im w mi mmvt ivi dUtxibatioa oataide of the State, bat for theaa tha Station will make aeharga of 10 ceata per eopj to cover coat of paper aaed. EDITORIAL MMM TnK New lk'rue Fair an :m preciden'ed uccfM. TUB IL lli more Migir refinery turned oat it firnt Mijr Weil- i Dftdjy. OS Wednesday the Senate pilWU lUr V-J' ' 'KUk win, nuvi iii i the II cone there was a long debate l on the ShippiDjf bill, S.!vt r Coin aga, Cleveland .fcc. Govkr5ob Hill hoivckI :o the fre coinage of nlvrr. Thej difference between Hill and Cleve land is about the same that between twedledum and twedlede. , Tni Irish campaign ia about to bs renewed. The Dublin Kxprefs' aajt the coming atrif in I relic d will be of a nature never seen there are ta time of civil war. The smallest city in the world is Seward City, Alaska, ita three inhabitant being respectively Major, chairman cf the board of aldermen and president of tie common council. IJiSMABCK U evidently not wanted in Germany. Let him come to America. Hut, he will not come. lie made the German Knpire, and ; hi devotion to the f.ithei knows no abatement. I TlIK I mocratic nicm'ars oi the N'jrth Carolina delegation iu Con- rrtM met last Thursdv and - reaotvea to are tne election oi Uepresentative of N. C, to the clerkship of the neit iloaje. GE5. lH TLKU .iDi.oar.cfs h:rr. Slf in favjr of the free coic-ige of silver. It ii reported that he fairly c j;ned Mix er in New O; leans, od lome instances negltc'.ed to remove the stamp of former owner. TnK ceusas returns thus farnhow that the negro popoltion of Amer ica initead of increasing with such rapidity ;n to mike negro ruU the inevitable consequeoee ot universal suffiage in llie gulf states, h.i in fact beeu rtU ivelv fjllinjefT. TlIK ceuter of ipulation his movtd West forty eight m:les since the cenm of 1 ). I: is no-.v loca'ed near Greenbnrg. Ind , and la moving slowly towards the .Northwest. There seems to be something of a politics! htorm etnter moring in the same direc t on. Banov DE HlKscn is no: only a great philanthropist but a hliera'. aladed man :r, the strictest sense. Notwithstanding his Jewish des cent he baa odopted two K lglish chlldrea whom ho allows to be broaght up in the Chn.H'.iin fa ;h. Ilia oolj chdd, a soa, dieJ a few jeara ago. Iln recent g'?ts amount to 21,000.000 francs. TDK Sioux Indians who hie been in Washington, on a vi.iit to the great father, rrtorceil hoij-p dusatisfled. Young Man Afraid of. Ilia Horse said to a reporter: -We had some promises, but they are like all other promises of the great father. Wo are not fooled and itc go home with heavy heart?." The German army cost f'Jl,7-i; -203 fcr 1S31. The I'oited Mates Pension army coat $ I09,3o7,j I. Thia rear it will cost nearly $14.0, 000,000. Add the rcgnlsr army's expense, $30,000, fX.0, and for 1'M, the people will be taxed nearly $170,000,000 lor the army or nearly what the great armies of both Germany and France cost Sach ia Radicalism. SI5AT0K Blair's friends are mad at President Harrison because he did'nt appoint the great bore to the vacant. United States Judge ehip in New Hampshire. They say Blair is poor and needs a comforta ble c CI ce. They perhaps think that thia coo. a try shoald be turned into aa elms hoase to take care of all the worn oat snd plajedoutlie publican politicians. A.woTHKK North Carolina rail road is the talk. I is proposed to run it from New Berne to the Wblte Sulphur Springs in Virginia, connecting it with the Chesapeake aad Ohio railroad at tha: famous watering place. If buil: i: will be 160 mile lung aud will pass by the Paaice Springs in theede of Warren, four miles from the village of Littleton on the Raleigh and Gaston railroad. -- Wilmington Mesenger. Wk frr the L-egi-lature is getting terd-r Imted. C evelacd haTio slipped up on silver they are afraid to try to stand fl, m on aaythiag riin:r!D an expenditure of money. O.i ed i.e.i'av tie Hi u-e vcted a tx el 11 rents on properly am! 1.' cents on polls 1 r public schco s, in pla e of 10' and ') e. nts. Thu 'e.!uct,,n ill cripple the public fch ils. I; oold te winliini 'o inert.-,- iheir efflrienry . Co5i;KES.stAS KLKi I Jerry Simpson, of Kins.ii, the Farmer' Alliance, .n o'ie ot the speakers le'ore th, Home Coinage coaimittto KridiV. lie said the rm- rs of :b country de mandril nd w ii! I ins:: oa more money, lie adfoeated free coinage as one oi the measures 1(5 tins ead, and also the sob treasure scheme and the i nance uf iiaw r money aa other methods whereby more money coo n oe puc into c rcuia tioo. THK Philadelphia Times cor. meating upon the defeat f the Force bill, speaks of Senator Gor man as a "leader of leaders " Mr. Gorman is not only eminently U el headed bat cool beaded iu proportion- It is said that when he sees a polat and starts for it at a critical tiae, If he discovered that a colony of yellow jackets had located iu the rear of bia trousers he wouldn't pay then the slightest attention 11 l . - . . - . . , kin u aU ...., ' disposed Of it. llmlBgtOn Star, j P (.ioYLKNi U l'OS I KK, lit Oiiio. it is said has been selected as il.e ' new Seeretirv c. f ;he Tre.wiry. TilK I', -1 ri: te:i .i i ' duve-o ::i faitlilul no' cf I ram ore has ' l'.l'h cf li.s war the i p..n. 'A a-,!i'.:igtcn r r mt'e Ir is !' hi" tin-1 i! . n m V. are to 1 r pe n s i J tn- r . ved eli t; r i i; 1 i i i, of 1 .-1 1 "i r is '.m.imiD.OIh1 to t he nrm v TilK N llrr.'.ng'i n Wi! that ar s a1. : It is 9 1 ' d that Ingal'.s- will h ave t he 1 Senate poorer than when he en tered it. We don't believe i'; but if true it :s the only instance in which he has failed to en mo up to the ard of Ke .:e uiis-n. A p;.-r.vTc:i to -.he .--,v Vctk World from i' s e :: espondeiit a' Bah'.a, lira.!, sas tliat the ree: pro."v 'icaty with that country is not assured ' i t as it is sup posed to be, bu:, on the contrary it is safe to preda-t thit t.-.e will te rejected. Tiif: present condition ofatIai:s iu country and c.'y presents a striking illustration of the fact that the merchant aud the farmer are mutually intere.-tcd in Laving good roads, aud that both inav be se r.ously cmbarra-fed for wan'" them Iris asserted that ; he point - ment of Lx Governor Jaivis, of Pitt, 11 C. Heddingfield, of Wake, and Gen. li. H. Vance, of Haneombe. on the 11 Oommissiori, is a foregone conclasion. Give us more money. France has more money in circulation per capital than nny other country in the world, and her people as a whole are better situated financial ly than any other people in the world. As we from the northern papers General Sherman d:ed p)-eesed of a fortune estimated at between ?1.0,(H and ?20i),0U0. He bought real estate in growing cities in the West and cleared a g)od deal of money. Altnough a tJterably good liver Gen. Sherman did not spend all of the fid ..lOO silary received by him from the Government for many year, and his savings he invested. THE veterinary dc .v'.a.t nt of the University of Pennsylvania has undertaken to test the value of Koch's tuberculin by experiments upon milch cows. A commission has beeu appointed and will Peek to d.seovi r t he value of the so called Ijmph as an agent for diagnosing tuberculosis in dairy herds and as a remedy in cases where the di.-ease is ciearlv exhibited. Waitta 1 ntoa I teuis. An election is to be held on the lo'h of March, to decide if the town will issne bonds to an amount out to exceed ten thousand dollars, to be donated, or used to purchase terminals and right of way for a railroad from the "junction" to this town. There is a pro! abil ity luii iue majority win ne. .or donation." ! Some weeks ago a colored man 1 was missing from Blount's Creek I and wan supposed to have been j ,1 V . 1 f t i.l muruerea, out. a eoarcn ianea io find the body the two colored men who were under arrest were dis charged for lack of evidence one day last week the body was found iu the race near the mill and the same men were re arrested, and now are awaitirfg an investiga tion. Oa the night of the Pith inst., while the children were making their usual valentine rounds, some boys more rude, than discreet, were throwing stonea at a house occu pied by a colored man, who became irritated, and struck a little son of Mr. W. H. Swindell, wounding him severely, and the boy is now so bad off that the supposed guilty one has lien arrested. Superior Court convened on the ir:h, his Hon. II. K. Bryan presid ing, there are about sixteen jail case? demanding the Court. the attention of HjU C'oantj Penis. The farmers can't move a peg in the way of farming owing to the continuous rains the land is thor oughly sogged and sobbed, and they have nothing to do but play with their fingers and look on. Owing to the stormy and un favorable weather the shad h.-her men have not been able to get all tneir nets down yet those they have set, have dime but poorly so far. The market at the fishery" is 40 cts. for roe and I'd for buck. There are about boats from this township engaged in shad fi-liing. They were all in the oyster business up to the shad fishing season. This is a repetition ot all the years, and as a rule, thev sink what mouev they make at shad fishing. at ch : i) g oy s t ers i n There is an m-ane man bv th name of DaaOar, from New Likt who was put in the aims house ln. , i order ol me t otinrv l om m 1 mo t one rs I nut the keeper of that institution i . -utters him to stroll through the j country, to the great terror of t he j women and children. He is said i ro be harmless but women cannot ; bo satisfied as to the harmlessness of an insane man. It is the duty ot the county authorities to look ; after this matter. 1 The farmers are anxious for corn I to shp up to a notch tint will I justify its shipment. ! Many of our people would attend the New Borne Pair ;f we had a passenger steamboat, who d her wise will not. Mr. T. H. Cox's little child was badly burned by falling on a hot stove. When la-st beard from it wa.s hiving convulsions. W. Tb Kir. I 8tp. irhp- J"'1 . run down. -ar. ; c-. ''in t ierp. ran ; .hlr.k. can'i .!o '. i ?nur l. faction, icd vra wonder w!.i. nil yi-i om should hed the wrmnw". to-j r tklDK th tint :p iclo NerT. Prostration. 1 j:i ne-d ncne tonic and :n E'.pctric Bitters tou wdl t'md the extc: remedy for rratanng your nrrroan ny-letn to itt normal, heaitl.y condition. Sur prisi:. resulu follow Uie us of tliui irreat Strte Tonic and Alterative. Your ppe Ut retumj. gocni digestion is restored. .anaiur luci iuu miiupts res a me neai in v action Try a bottle. Pr.c- . at I Si. Daffy ;dmgtow. i I 111 I.I.M K U !VSM MU1A sk in: i ; :: r v i i ; i mm Fa .'!'.' '. i c. ; : , i 1 ! O.i.-low nines, y;i( .iv t!:e II ll S ' I '. the ( Cell lit V '.'1! in : O I'll I! I 1. v :i - thud l:.: i. i a i:. Co . I - I I :a f c inn L , . . i r . i i 1 1. l.sittttJtion, relat :n: tt on o! j list ices of r h ! MT.n-.d reading, l.e Wdininrcn, Ki rn ( 'aroli n a ra : !: n;i. name. I'.im' 1 e.-.n i ,-.s . tO c'l read K K . 1 w 1 1 . : r.KKN i: Tiie : the W. hi ; ii iii I. uh! i .o ainel. . v K. (. ;i u . r (.1 i:. n. ( :n to l-uy iht. U lil'.v.iv ( 'o. K. ( 'a: olina M r. (j .1 ,ii in spoke in i "eg a i d ' o t he, ;u. d said 'hi' the pr.'po-ed c jii.-o'.'.tiatiriti was new to him. He wanted time to c Mifer w:th his peoji'e. Mr. 15-1 l.u::v ,1 ; i, K. K. Co. h i .1 tek ' n i.h : I. ml In own a c hi: te it the W ( ) ,V K. C. 1 e ' i . ! i s i .oi to t la- il 'a: .1 ina iil-Ii t ( p ii New Ii i lie. and to are lea ,1 , to ,clid.ite and build i from Vi!mi;,gron n;l t hat even hing c'.iarter. .Mr. Cd- ti e road th; a.g to New i ' : i . t . , w ..s right in tht man wanted the (-dicers of t he K. Carolina Co. given notice before its passage. Passed t-tc, rid reading. P. i! to perpetuate :h;- bounds oj the'cai of ni s'.er grounds ol Oasiow c-iuii' , 0c Pa.-.-e i second and third readings. Bill reli'iiig ;'o fishing in the trihu.uies of Neti-e river. Mr. G ill. 'w. iv oiler e 1 a substitute which w a- 1 1 'or m d to the can; m it tee on Fi-h and h'.- hern s. Adj. euro (I. Hi.T'SK. r.ii.T.s inti: 'iu"i l'.y Mr. W.ilston, to make it a m i -denie an r fr any prr-on to fail to pay leiiiaics fcr hoii;e work'. a i.i:n da i; . 1',) cre.i'f the (-Oice of Lumber hi.-pce'nr in ( raveii, .I.u.e-. C ir teret iind ).:.-! iw. Pas.-ed. To pav wi'm-sses sommoncd ;.t coioner's court allows oO cents, the same as witnesses iu magif--trate's courts in c;al cases. Passed. To prohi'i;; the sile of novels and u;erch,r:d se cu trams on Sun day. However, it permits the sale of t he daily paper-. i Mr. M unlock o tiered to amend so as to ap; !y to food and fiuits. Mr. Hopkins said that he be lieved most thoroughly in keeping holy the saohatl : but yesterday, he said he was on the train and 1 there were some little children who were sud'eiing and he bought them , some fruit. He would not have; lo;:e it lor iiimsell, but it was needed :;. ti.e children and he was glad to d it. He thought the matter oi: ht to be fa iv cons; i P-rcd iu its van at- a-pects ! Mr. Skinter offered a substitute ; prohibiting i he running of any train or c;,;;.e o:i any road in this State,- making r a misdemeanor and tor feature of charter for any company to viol te this act. lie ' was foi 1 lying the ax at the root. Mr Perry thought it was wise to agitate th:s jaest:on, and that a christian people should enact laws . to pre. e:. r the i mining of trains on the sabb it h da v. Mr. Wo nl i dend an amendment to include .- ' - .1 ill lei i's. i oe o.i. on motion id .Mr. .lories : w.-.s refeiicd to the .Pi Lci.irv com , m:::ee. lo riijii.'e coin nan ies to ! p 1V 1. 1 expenses of inijaests and burials of persons killed by their trains. Ke om mittt d. To change the name of the town of Davidson College to that of HemstdLand making changes in the chat ter, amended and passed second reading. To protect married women against persccut ions from husbands who do not suppoi' iheir wives, ec. Passed. On motion of Mr. Alt.iandtr, the bill increasing the school tax was made a special order for Tuesday at PJ o'. h ,,". h. A T I -! , ruin i v SIXTH HAY. HILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. Bellamy, bi 1 to en courage the di-covery of phosphate reck in the navigable a reams of the State ; By Mr. Turner, to pro'ect ripa ri in owers of laud. KILLS TASSKI). Bill to incorporate the New Biver Oyster Company after amend ment parsed third reading. Bill to amend the Code in rela tion to master aud servant by adding to the section "croppers and tenauts."' On motion of Mr. Oilman, the bill was recommitted to the com mittee on j udiciary. Bill to prohibit the sale ol cigar ettes to minors. The bill went over at rt quest ol Mr T witty. Bill amend. ng the of the Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina Bailroad Oomnanv. an thorizing i Fast Cio pan v. Alter ti. Went o e r A me--.u Fxcclier; cy ting a reso ts consol.dat ion with the 1 1 n a L i i;d It nl wav Com - u. ii d.-ca-si Ol ' ,ic hid ii a : 1 1 hcin'ir-i"-. je was rt oil ed from 1 1 1 t he Governor, transmit lutiou of the Illinois Leg at Lre concerning the World's Columbian i .xpos;t:oc: also tran smittlng an act oi Congress appor tioniiig the congressional represen cacive ot ttie btates under i ne l 1 1 n census wMcii was referred ,hr committee o;i red is trie ting tne coogre St 'e. il 1! Il districts of the 11 Ol -K. I N I It i dit'i 1- n. 11. a bill to prott c! 1 : 1 1 I P.y Mr. Ii s ii . By Mr. Jones, a !;!! in regard to fishing in Netise Fiver, and a bill to reneal section l.'1 and Pt'.'-.; of the Code. By M r. 1 1 nd-on, a lo 1. to furnish cm vie; s to dig can il iu ('raven county j .-Tha I A I. ' dtl'KK. j The hour lor the special order j having arrived, the House took up the bill to increase the scliool tax! to 10-; cents on property and oO ! cents on t he poll. Mr. Alexander,1 the introducer of the bid. addressed the House in its behalf. He said! this increase would increase the 1 public school fund of the State to a ' little over .r-0.'),(ioo. It was now about tr700.(Mio. He thought the time had arrived to raise the edu cational fund of the State. The people of the State demanded it. The House vote on the bill on its second reading, ayes 08. noes 3 !. NIGHT SESSION. At last night's session the cileL-' d ii was t,k(ii up, and the to! in bills pa..-ed third reading: 1) ene.oui ,i;;e lunt growing. i.r i- f."U() to the To amei. ho il hi'.v c I ! . ! ! loser ,illd i'l-t ill 1 t-ec n:i 1 I . :re in creditor an equal . i-ion cf the utisetrt of deb: the ' i s who convey to a e ' li k n I c red i f oi s . ;ignt e- lor a i t.. I il I i; I V SKVKNTII DAY. iii I.I IN I lidDUCKI). lly .Mi. l;uil, tcr the better jao ct tlie l.vis and piopt rt of eiti.c-iis oi New Derue. i:.. Mr. IJull, a bill to a , 1. ... the city of New JJeine to i ,-iu bonds lor c.t.v i in provt-Uo-:i i .r.:d to U- ii ,-peci.ii MX. i;y Mr. I'. .11, a bill to atLici..' :, . tion; i . h j Code; also a S.l; ;. amend chaptei 17 1, laws 1S5: ;'-ls to red.: iitnber of d: M .:.:: v a: tel., cl ' Co. I'.y M to the ! n hia i a i. ;;dku .Mr. l.ii; i o.i. to i l '.' i da I h e ci :::io of murder, and to dc line the .-ante, was explained by its author, and passed i's second and third re., dings. The bill to repeal chapter 2'.)!). laws of 1857. ami portion ol chap ter 'Ji', laws ot lSS'J, in i,!a';un to the Pis' Carolina Lin 1 and Ua.i wai Compauv v - v. tlle-.i up Iroin 1; Calendar. Mr. Gilmau opped th", b eau.e he thought it a ery great obstacle to a railroad for his people. Mr. Bellamy submitted a substi tute for Mr. Butler's bill, providing for 2 5, 000 iu cash, to be paid by the Hast Carohmi Land and liuh road Company to school fund for the swamp lands in Onslow county. Mr. Lucas opposed a part of the Butler bill; he knew that the char ter granted to the East Carolina l.iad aud Kail way Company was a fair, just and honest contract, made and entered into by the State Board of education aud that c on- pany Mr. Twitty favored the Bellamy substitute, and the standing to the contract of the Legislature vith the railroad company. .Mr. Green, ofHarnctt, thought, that it was not fair to now demand ?2.j,000 in cash when the State had agreed to take first mortgage bonds ot the railroad Company. Mr. Bellamy's substitute was adopted, and the bill passed its second and third readings. Bill to incorporate the Wilming ton, Onslow and East Carolina Railroad Company, and the East van v Passed third reading. STECIAL ORDER. The railroad commission bill beiog tho special order for ll o'clock that bill was taken np. House amendment No. 1 and 2 to section o was taken up an i con curred in. House amendments to section 2o; first to allow witnesses and deposi tions to be heard in regard to kill ing cf live stock; second, that rail roads shall be liable for 3 time the value of stock so killed. The first Uonse amendment to section lh) was concurred in. The second Hones amendment to section L'o was not concurred iu, and a committee ol conference was asked for. House amondincnt to action was concurred in. Blouse amendment to section to wit: The commissioners may vestigate the causes of any 30 ol, in ac cident on a railroad, resulting in the loss of life, and of any accident not so resulting which they may deem to require investigation. Concurred i u . House amendment adding sec tion 1 1! was concurred in. HOUSE. PETITION INTRODUCED. By Mr. Scott, against the pend ing lire insurance Dill. fBy Mr. Phillip', in relation sheep husbandry. HILLS INTRODUCED. By. Mr. Walker, in relation to to hiring out infants. By Mr. Sutton, to cheapen and facilitate the administration of justice. (Provides stenographers for Superior Courts); to define the term "Swamp Laud'', to establish i Board of Pardon?; By Mr Brinson, to repeal section 3,1 1-of the Code; to prohibit the destruction of deer in Pamlico county. By Mr. Mann, to promote and protect the oyster interest of the State. Tho school bill was taken up on i ts third reading. Dr. Woollen moved to fix the tax at 11 cents. Mr. Woollen's amendment ayes "W, noes o 3, and the amendment was adopted. M r. Pritchard asked that a resolu tion introduced by him some three weeks ago might be taken up, in relation to the public printing. Mr. Stancnl moved that the reso lution be made a --pecial order for ll! o'clock Fiiday. Adopted. .Mr. Skinner moved that the bill relating to the A. vh. N. 0. Ktliroad made special order tor Monday at 1 h' o'clock. Ado. led. NIGHT SESSION The House was called to older last night, at S o, clock, by Mr. A. D. Jones. The special order was announced to be the the bill to pay Solicitors innnal salary. The committee reported the bill favorably with amendments that 1,SH0 per annum be stricken out, and ?:.'. 000 insert ed, and that in addition they shall receiye such fees for civil business as the presiding Judge, in his dis cretion, may think proper. Mr. Prichard's amendment to pay Solicitors 100 per week for time actually employed was lost. The vote was then taken on the bill, and it failed to pass by a vote ( f so noes to 1 1 aves. THIRTY E"l(iHT DAY. HILLS AND RESOLUTIONS!. By Mr. Butler, a bill placing the assessing and valuing ol the pro perty ot railroads lor taxation under the railroad commission of North Carolina. SPECIAL ORDER. j The six per cent interest bill j came up at 1 1 o'clock as the special ; '" ';.L rr IUU U1UUUU LU i'J lipuu i ' inuii Drevailed ayes noes 10. And the six per cent interest bill went to the wall. HnrsE OF REPRESENTATIVE. BILLS INTRODUCED. Py Mr. Wood, to establish a new county to be named Alliance. Mr. Murdock, concerning the charges of judges. Mr. Sutton, to supply official 1 te.iOgr;!plit is to the Saj.-rio;-( aiu i .-. of the State. .Mr. Woods, inotioa to reconsider Senate bill 1300, being a bill to cn large: t he jurisdiction of magisti at i s, was adopted. Mr. Kay moved that when t he j House adjourn on Tuesday it shall be to meet on Thursday at .1 o'clock. A substitute to grant leave of absence to all who might desire to attend the New Heme Fair wiii voted down. Tin; resolu tion was adopted: o.'J aye;; noefj. Message from t he Gove i nor an nouncing the death id' Hon. C. K. Thomas, a trn-tee of the I'nivei sity. To establish the county of Rich land, on", of a poition of Heaufoit county. The- bill passed the second reading- Avfs, 4S; nc 41. M.. liall of lialitax nv.;Ved to r consider the vote by which the Hou 5. o agreed f. a;tj -urn over '-Ved n e-a! :-y y : . U .;" ni oveil to lay t h o !.!- t: table which did not : e va ! i o Ie i econsid-; r olirion t iile and Jh t 1 ) Code teres nd ection 1810, (.!' i hi relation to husband's iu wife's land. It exempt; under judgment again.-: IU iu from salt : he 'husband, land held in curtesy where there is a minor child f t h wife living with the father. Mr. kiuner moved to postpo,,, until Saturday next. Carried. Bid to empower the commissiu'i eis (A Carteret county to 1-vy -p. rial tax, referred to lit: :!;' c inmittee. SK.VATE, THIRTY-NINTH DAY. I! ILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. Gilman, bill to incorporate the town of Jacksonville, in Onslow county; Mr. Freeman, bill to elect tniiipca wpi crhpra w tlir tipoidf. Mr. Green of Wake, bill to make more equal the price paid for weighing cotton: Mr Bellamy, bill to amend an act to compare person al representatives to plead the Statute of Limitation; Speight, bill to provide for the collection, ar- j-augement and display of the pre ducts of the State of North Carolina ; at the World's Columbia Exposi tion of 1S93 and to make in ; appropriation therefor: , CALENDAR. : Bill amending chapter 80, laws j 1SS5, relating to the charter of the Davis School at La Grange, passed third reading. S. B. Goo, for the - better protectiot of the lives and properly oi tne citizens oi .w, Borne. Bill authorizing the city ol New Berne to levy a special tax and to issue bounds passed second reading. SPECIAL ORDER. The hour for the apecial order having arrived, the bill to estabiisn a Geoligical Survey of North Caro lina was taken up and the bill pass ed its several raedings by a large majority. SUB-TREASURY BILL PASSED. The bill incorporating the Raleigh Cotton Spinning and Ware house Company, known as the Sub Treasury bill, which grants loans on deposits of cotton and which iFsaes certificates of deposit which are neoO'.iable, passed third read ing. BILLS PASSED THIRD READING. Amending the Code relating to warrents in attachments. IIOVSE OF BEPKESESTATIVK'i. Speaker Doughton called the House to order at 10 o,c!ock, B-.-v. Dr. Nash led in prayers. PETITION. Changing the name ol Toisnot to that of Elm city: Mr. Brinson, for improving oyster dredging in Bam lico county: Mr Bond, from Craven and other counties asking that limited dredging for oysters lie allowed, Mr. Long, of Columbus, to allow incorporated compa.iies to receive subscription to capital stock in amounts ol less than jT: BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. Bryan, of Wane, to amend the Code in regard to auctioneers. Mr. Heed, to provide for election of tax collectors in the various coun ties. Mr. Kay, to authorise sheriffs and treasurers to execute deeds: There was a resolution by Mr. Wiley providing that after the 24' b inst. no bills should be introduced. McG ill offered a resolution to the effect that the Committee on Sen atorial apportionment also to appof- tion the represenatives ol the House on the basis of the census of 1890. Bill to provide in cases of morgage foreelosures that sufficient provis ion for thirty days shall be left by the sheriff. Passed Bill to make a new county out of portions o Surry, Wilkes ane Yad kin was tabled on motion of Mr. Denny, of Surry. ATK. FORTIETH DAY. CALENDAR. Section 1, article 10 of Mr. Party's bill to amend the Constitu tion so that a man may waive his homestead was taken up. On motion of Mir. Paine the vote by which the Bill, appripriating -lo,-000 yearly to the A. & M. College passed was reconsidered. When the motion was carried the bill was read. Mr. Turner took the floor aud said he was in favor of increasing the public school fund. ( a motion of Mr. Ajcock the b.ll was mode a special order for Monday night to S o'clock. The folowing bill passed third reading: To require Secreta ry of State to keep and present to the Legislature all information and statistics in regard to insurance companies doing business in the State Mr. Bellmy moved to amend that it shall not apply to any benevolent or fraternal associa tions He said that he had no doubt there were 100,000. Policies in these companies and secret brotherhoods, and this bill is a covert attack against thtse com panies. They do not make any proffc, and put insurance within the reach of the poor. It ha3 been attempted to rush sach a bill through sevgral States. Mr Bellsmy's amendmend was adopted. Mr. King moved to re-commit the bill. Cairied. Mr. Gilman moved to re consider and put the bill npon its passage. Carried. The bill passed its several readings. HOUSE. The chair. Petations were in troduced as follows: By My. Beck, to require the Governor to publish a, ju petition8 fer pardons f convicts By Mr. Doughton, against the sale of liquor near any churey or shool in the State. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. Philips, to amend section 3G72, in regare to disturbing re ligioug congregations. By Mr Holman, act to raise the revenue. This is the revenue bill, and was made special order for Tuesday, at : 12 o'clock. Scien Springs Item-. Jilvi-ry thm ,iiiou; . Ui qnn;. Ii. il. villiage and watering pliica g;;es. t-mooihly along now. Tiie Springs llotel is closed at present to visi tors, but will ba opentil again in the summer by oil" old proprietor, Mr. W. R. Simmons, who is well known r.a the public as a good feeder. V'e had a wedding near this place ;i few duys ago. The con tracting parties were Miss Fannie Puce, dauyhii-r of Mr. Va, Price, ami Mr. Engem- H ead. of Golds- ro. The occasion was a pleasant one i'li'i the c ,ke was splendid, for we were foCunate enough to be theie anil i-ainple it, and 1 consider myself a judge of good eating. We are to ha- e a B.iptist church li; an e at an can , dnie, Mr. lryan 1 the nMsfi- niembers of tiie Sp, - i d' ;'e have donated i -ad p ii'L oi the lumber ha.- t he carpenters -,0 I re V ul to see i !l f.ld Gf t roe ts ice to W II. Skinne Vats ce Acad X. C. o-; onr in i i:-.-; a ch r i i . i n I : UitJ ami. j;e lOf iks wed. aim ( mtj ,o be in tiio oese ol sidi ins. .ind L ;-. in gh;d to .'e iru that; he has i li'ci; ; .hiiig school in your city. IP Till ';:i e to New Berr.e with nii-i n pupils from cur com- aiur.ny wuen he returns. Pie has, oil be.-t ? isht-.- for i success and onr i .'ii!." legu-r is that we haven't such a : a an' midst. We need a d 'h.c- il (rv pmcll. n'.d I il.C .-. i! I esing -:. well htic. if; ike .Mr. k-KIimer pes- rgy and brains conld do ihe fact of the Davis School i ii i nig I'-l't L iGrange which is only ! "even m lies from ns, and tlie advan- j tage the school would have of our springs for hea ! th. I think gives' this p. '-'- pre eminence as an ; opening for a good school. I hope I some good teacher will come aud inspect the situation. A good , school would be an advantage to the Springs school. and the Springs to the Citizen. Jacksonville Items. Jacksonville ia still on the boom. Herrings is plentiful here now. Fifteen new dwellings are being built here. I be new hotel is rearing comple tion. Mr. Bichard Iamb of New Voik j is in town, j Town lots are being laid oil con stantly. The maniages seems to be more numerous around lu re this winter than ever before. Farmers in this vicinity are be ginning to plant their truck, most of which is Irish potatoes. The loDg felt want of the people in this vicinity, au ice house, is being now erect rt in our little town. The W. O. & E. C. R. K. ia com pleted to this place, and the cars rua on time, we hops it will not be long before it reaches that Tari diaecal town which wo call New Berne. Jacksonville has applied to the Legislature lor an amended charter which we hope will be granted. II granted our town will be about three times as large as it now is, or at least the area of .teres will be. A Washington special says: A well informed politician told me last week that Senator Matt Ran som bad more to do with the pres ent status of tho Force bill than any other one person. It will be remembered that Senator Ransom was a member of the committee to arrange for some compromise in this particular. I had previously given Arthur P. Gorman credit for being the moving spirit in this important matter, but my infor mant referred to above, is a gentleman who is ia a position to know these things, and is also very cautious and prudent about making statements of any kind. Moreover he is not recognized as an especial friend to oar distinguished senior Senator. "The Ra publican Senators and Representatives in Washington act on the assumption that there is no bottom to the Treasury of the L'nited States." They have reached the bottom of the Treasury, but theyare on the way to a place that is bottomless. BUCKLES'S ARSICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cut?, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Pores, Tetter, Cuapped Hands, Uhublains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required . It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. I rice id cents per box. lorsa'.e in Newbern by r. B. Duffy, wholesale acd retail druegist. YVindoni's Successor. Washington D. C, February 21 The President sent to the Senate to dav the following nominations: Charles Poster, of Ohio, to be Sec ritary of the Treasury; Martin A. Kuapp, of New Zork, to be an Inter State Commerce Comissioner, Charles C. Cole, of the District ol Columbia, to ba Atuorney for the Pnited States for the District of Columbia. Newfoundland Mud Willi England. gr. Johf's, N. F., Feb. 13. The New foundland legislature has adopted a resolution denouncing the action of the British government in refusing the sanction to treaty for reciprocity ne gotiated bjtween Newfoundland and the United S-.atcs. For Sale, Tvo Twin Reversible Engines 12x30 new cylinders; balance in gocd order. James Redmond, Sec. & Treas. N. & T. R. S. B. Co sep26 tf Very .Mysteriously Disappeared. And where he has gone no one can tell. The question ws often asked yesterday. Have you seen him today? Qh9 answer was no. One merchant remarked lo another that he sw him board the western bound train about S'j o'clock. Just as I expected, si.i the brother merchant, I thought It wa get ting time for him to buy some bankrupt sto -k out at 10c , 50;. or (JTJc. on tho dollar, and I will bet my whole siock of goods that the rext time you hear from him he will turn up in Kaleigh or some other large town with a stock bought at 50c. on the dollar. Old you notice the little pamphlet (lately issued by He East Cai olina i isn, uyster. Game and Induslrial Association? I was at tracted by a peculiar announcement on page in which refers to some fellow whom they choose to identity as "Big Ike." What does it all mean? Who is he, and what Is bis name? There seems to be a lot of eolld truths In what tbeysay about him, but at the same time the article wa avidently written in a spirit of malice. Who was the merchant that wrote the article? Any time you can get any light on the subject, pleate let me know and I will very mu.-b appre ciate it. Good morning, Jones, Ripper Jack Arrested. London, Feb. 14. Jack the Ripper has been found, and was this morning taken by Scotland yard police force from a Spanish vessel lying in port. i I ION - ! 1 iKiOISiO. . I s.",ii'l- .0 i- Ml . Ol.l .-dill.' ::t el' d. the I I;.- r ' i e - t . Ill fine! I' -; 1 1 -: lh :. ' ci i lion sti-.n.. r . ' has h-: . - X. V.. -hill. ! . : Children Cry for PLia:- ton i i'J. Jc-n:-:sr nelu.iy tto heavy an.' of ..pto . fety atni.i s f c. hinds. I v te o, I . .-e-l, " hich . ... , f Tbis momiiit. th e floo. . a- - j ri. "tariiictr th in,.!', . n H'icn:it When Baby -.var s.; When she was a CI. When ho became ' '.iMoria. 'ast . .ria clill-.K I- When she bad CliiUren, she- gave tli-.-ia Castoi ia 1,000 BAXtK r s Genuine Early t Eose POTATOES, FOR SE K r These Potatoes were prown by reli- owto ivnciP, U( tklt, .UIO ii Ifl L Il ' n purity of their stock, and may bo relied ordera early. E. IT. & J. A. MP AI'i OW 3 CO. ianlS dwtf Bishop's Camphsrine For the Complexion. For Chapped Hand, Faro anil or Kniihiicssnf llie Mill). 1.1 jl). This is an exquisite 1 ri !, t ti the cuie and prevention of ( 1. Th t rongnsBin: roranvesM M.i io the OOMI'LitXION I-eme i 'ii i i . k and talr. Thousands ( f !!. i ios l in ve ut--. c above result. Vld you I e in., number ? Price 253 perhottitf. For sale bv J. V. Join 'A v ,1, . GOODING, ilrupgliit, ami :0 ali pal drug stores. I. C. HIS!!')!', Hi dccGdwlm W;oili;u . t-e .f: u-'-'vt li .1. r l 1 1 , 1 ! ); i l on, 1 1. C $180 HEMiO ! I have the large Bt block of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware and Clocks, In Eastern North Cmo'Ii.k ';:;. .. y .v.- ,i- were bought lor SPOT -Ai- -ml wllllx sold lower than Uipy (on b.- Ie,nght frnn, any other houss lu Noi t h ' urdiiim. ns I i-m-pioy more woiktnen limn e : 1 tl;n other watchmakers in t:ie oliv -.-!. i.liif.l. I cn do your work promply fee! v 'i!i .It-npni.-ti Come and tee tha lari;. --t jte.-., mi..1 lowed prices at SAM. K EATON'S, Opposll-s Bnjitis! 1 hur.-Ii, Mldd'- p rb2iii. tr. L 4 PKOSPKKOl-I s m:w bcsisi-ss io.k i -.1 INCRKAsK or r.Ksl.llV I 000; IlKATH CLAIM- V .', Otlll. LAN. ,. : i i'io.i i .'. Then- i.-, a r. . .; . beginning oi lie- - : Mutual Le-serve I .-.. the cheif amoug tie :i- ., lions, has fan-el (hirci-.- : year. A hile the '. i Up cimpany is 11. ; . fol'.owiiijr (i'ir--s i i . i.i ap 'mi i - i j . - 1 .nn Wtf I e f(tv II p V. ,: ! . i . i - i suratn-e : t ae :o:e -i i -. 3a.00ll.0OO; de I ; e. . : year exceeded '- amount cf deal li e: d-i.- about ilil.lMiO,OOll; ) .:, , exceeds sj.suo.o.i.. ; : ; plus t'er lSiiO t,i- . increase ot' ii "' r.oic SI .") Illlll Oilll; ; ! : :;. ' insur.n.c : ': . . year of i ' ');- . . prosperous "ii" !--( very i csin . ;,t new year .-. . : . ht fo: . d a a MANUFACTURERS 0 LUMBER Send tis a list of ine, Ish Or IP XjiStZOOLlo e& Boll, ONE BROADWAY, - - - NEW YORK, j and we will teil you what dimensions to cut, I ; and quote you net cash prices for same. i.Pi'm ! LIVERY and SALE STABLES. GO O OJ O US CO ci CD O be O s -M-v FIFTY HE VD YOUNG WESTERN rine drivers draft and farm Horses. Also, large lot Busbies (top and open'). Horse Blankets constantly on hand at l.'ock We make our Livery a specialty. Single or Every thing we sell is d as repn ! Livery superintended l.y K DENMARK. Call and More Stock Just Which will be sold vciy low for Cash or Negotiable Paper. Also, a verv large supply of P.uggies, Pond P.irts, Parm Cartu, Harness, Blankets, Robes, Whips, etc., constantly on hand in my Carriage and Buggy Repository. Repairing, Painting, Etc., Done in the Neatest and Best Workmanship. A Trained and r xperienced Sheer Constantly on Duty. EYERTHISG STRICTLY OUA.KANTEED as BErBBIBSMD oclU dwtf .eed Oats 1 !: I , i' 1 O- .i Ri 0 I'.ii.-i Proof. I-' i -.:- i i J a m I-; o;)W8. j . I:'.'- 1 '.i I ' hi. .i: I'eiDt M il l. Uc-'j Ica in Hosiery! F:r G li? AT durabili ty, ease, comfort and COMMON SENSE, wear TOADU 1IAEK Ih(3v feet and with TENDER F E T , CORNS, Itf- hail i iioiu a:- a bless ing. 0 v d i ii a r y hose are made with pointed TOES and cramp the feet. WAUKENHOSE are shaped line the natural foot and do not. If you have not already examined their merits, do so, by buying a mm m Sample paiT at "BARGAIN STORE." j t n 1 6 d w 1 y FINE JEWELRY! K' i i .-i i i : i y 1 n v 1 1 1- InRpr'clhn f oxp n r) . t ;t Lil :i ritl o t uh y ill ur Lnl lab me ol . onr t-iok f 1- I N r, .IKWKLKY ! Cfjual lo thHtoiHiiy In tho Mil in nl 4 worthy of 1 lie n t t.fii t ion of Bin hi, Mxr aiul ronnniiMuti h 8 of pnrrli ftHfi h A visit (linn nil !ncur any uhllHtlon to 1 .i riiiisc. BELL THE JEWELER. "mil '.'km BAT. .Inst ii r i i T, om . 1 i;!v rn'iv .'ol 'tt ', lilel Willi l,il Iren'a Hull, l i b t ult we will A BALL AiW BAT. J. M. HOWARD. B TIC your Stock on hand and Poplar,; write to L L tn CD oa M O CO O o HOUSES AND MI LI-.S I'.ST KLCEl VEI. It. a 1 Carts, Hanuso, Whips, liolxw an 1 B.t: in Iiiits. con Lie turr.-onts cm. 1 e l ad t all 1 ourx. nte.l. See Us. Arrived, E! E? i of CO CD i i X3

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