AGRICULTURAL Tcncn or lvnuuar ncL.Tirs . ottjy Til WTOOJ. T Veal - to keep "Wa-j-o wfcaala Is itmxI ocW, according to a Wsat Ylr coTf poodnt, ia to kaep than w;t paiatad, bat by WW taJa will tai eS, srcla21 froea. th falioaa ud -.-? that art) . f.tiff to MOMa ia to matt. Stsc. far-oars as Husk a toM sraosi dual Mai bt cm paiot ia m en! pfrlura to sdvaa u -- oa tisir cracking vhnl. By oil-i-; filDM t&orvug&ty bar tire ITtt loess noagb to tlip a reUnx can bt pat off a loaf tiava 4 aa apptica tMxs of tha? aama kial to tha spoke aal out will ktc siVa wk ia much bt t"f cuodibo. ttM woea they ara left tu ro without aa jrtkiaf . aa is oftaa tb cas. Taa el til lh poesr of tha wooj aa J keep It frosa mktrmkiaj. but ao eoiario. suuta'r ahovhl b aaixax. visa it, for it wiU atot dry aa a gootj ait paiat should. Far any t part I fist my.wagooa paiataii m soaa M thy ad it, tor it Mat&aaloolctttaraa4 ia tb b-.t 1 or ticat ia Cm aod. .vs TWft WVU. F owva ax Boss rr latiaf kan boowo that bar been eoanvf (rouad ara icalUo.t, a tby ara .rsatsU: aa4 aa .food. Tby prrrruiaj th utanij pboapbatea sat - ti for tb stalls to a cartala ex tea.; tbf alaocoataia a prvportioo. of a.irro, Bom, vboa aaarp, also err. jrri, tor Hcatiag Ik food ia tbo g.axarvl. tboa ratWartaf a atrvfea m wU aa poridiaj Ibo aaafsrW for Uko j-r-Klactfa-s, of Y7- For vary email chkk. boo BMal la Wtar, aad tba t :t IS boo mml Uko aaakr it to di KtitI by tk cbicks. 8oaa poraooa boy ti grotiod boa, aift It, noa taa coano "trt for Vaaa aad tba laar part for cbkka Fraab boaoa ar aiach b m ti-ia boaaa tbal ara dry, aa tbay eoa ula a aaia aaaoaat af aMat aad fia tis. Poaaa ara vary cboap, cooaidria Vxmir vatoa, aa tba baaa will ant al a tj Ury aaabty at a .-, bat if frmb boeaa ara brokaa. or pouadad to km tat aa aamily ba raailowad, tba baa Ui 'baaaidrT tbaa ita a traat 41 eoawwaa a btrga qoaatity. Tbay caa ba brutaa aacb aaora radily wbao bat4 la aa araa, fmm U FwmUt. utaaTT TsxFaatvms roa tiructa. I ka racaaUy bad tceaaiua. arr",aa It. Coolay Craaaa, to bats oat arraral friooda wba aay, MI bava abaraod ttea boors' (aaa said ail day aad avaaiag") -aad Ibara la aa aijw a battar; Bobia; b ioaua; tbaaatb aftaa ataadiaf awbila tera ia baxtarmillt at tba bottata. Caa ywa tU ata wbal to da to briag tba but wr JLi X aoaid aot laara tbal tby bad failad to praiioai cava a tba craaaa, I bar aaawarad, Waraa It to aaeaaty or o'aaty-aa difTtaa aad cbora till yoa r bvttar; tbaa root (by aoarioc ia cotd watari aay to autry-flea dVgTaaa aad Aa- ) cbauraioo;: draw tba bttanailk aad , wtab aa nil, 1 baea baaa cbvraiaf f at Mvaaty-Ava, dafiaa aow for aaera I Uaa a avmtb. aad fat to, aood barttaw I a twaoty miaoraav Tba aaa . polat to i guard axit ia cbaraia too aacb bo ( x coouaj yoat vast atop) aa aaoa aa fraaolaa form. Wba a cawa baea jrirea au:k for a bav pariod, oapacianf if, fad dry f odder, tba baMa-i oatcoaaa bord er thaaa a tba earliar atajaa of auniinj. aod aUIaot cobara at aa toar a taaaptra-ta.-a. Tba propar cbazaiaf tataparatara baa baaa. set batwars tba iiauta of tfty i bt aad aixty-twa doarr:: aad t'aJa idea of aa abaoiato rata baa lad to a great deal af troubiav I bava cbaroed Hobacia creaaa to Stay aad Joaa that wxmid aot boar a taaaparatura abowa Cfty-foor da rreoa, aad Jersey rtaaia at tba aaaa tnoo taat required aiaty-two dayraaa. Tae-ty desfreea at boat ara ratiwrai a a owria of taaaporatura to karat tba varied eoodi tiooa af ciaaia raaottiast froca ditfaraaroa la braed, faad aad other iaSaeacas af fectiaiT tba bottrrdata. Nothing but tkmt obaanatioa aad orpariaaca wui er ahlo tba bartarmakt to datarwiaa wbera (etrttt tbna luaita to tba proper tern pi mSm TWA TViSaaa. . aiaoauaa aacos. Tar beat oaality af bacoa, tba proper axat to of flrat toaportaaca. Tf itbea or atriaa af baakat arood, boar 'a gfaaa, oc twiaa, aaa ia tba bock aad of oacb baaa aad aboadder. aad twa ia tba thick ida of eacb aauldSaf. ra. faateoed la tba aieat by wbkb to atatpead it for nook iar. Bafora it ia baaf ap, tba aatira eab aarf aca af tba baiaa aad aboaidan, aad liiMatiaiaa tba aniddiiaara also, ara priakied thickly witb taa biack pap lr, vmAg a barga tia pepper bax to ap p.y it. Soatatbaaa a aaixtara af about evai porta af biack aad red popper to aad. Tba perrpar balpa eery aiacb ta Lk part a road 3aea ta taa taoat. It was tboobt formrty tbat black pepper, ap-pi-d toaaeat bafora traokia; it. would keep tba bajoar baay (ruaaacua skip-pata- frooa being truublaeama. Bat it la tow kaowa tbat tba akippar' akipo juat aa tieaty wbara tba peppar to. Tba at eat to aow baaj apoa abeka or ca books aearkaail Tory ctosa togatbar, witboat actuaHy toocbiag, aaat to ready tM amokiao Tba aaaat boaaa to of course aaa witb aaaartb, brack oa ceaneat floor, w bora tb 1i toe tba amok ia Bade ia a uWprsaaaaa ia tba ceate af tba room, ao aa to b aa far a possible frota the waUa. A few bra roa fa ara laid down, aad a mall tre to atade af euoao dry atoS. Aa it geta wall to batraiag toe Are to aaaotberad witb graaa bicbory, or oak wood, aad a basket af grave cbipa trora tba oak, aa bickary wood pi l to kept oa b 'JT. aad aaad aa roepairad to keep the fire smothered, ao aa to prodoca a great aanoke aad bat Uttla btoae. If the chips ara tea dry Chey ara kept wet witb water. , Care to taken' aot ta allow tba ire to gat bug aad bot. so at to aa daogmr tba aaeat bong eearvet to it. Should taa Ira grew too stioag. aa it socaefiaaaa will, a ktlie water ia throws oa. a bucketful af wbarb to kept always Tba Ira require roosaaat avaraiag to keep ap a good a Maae. Oak and hack or y cbipa or wood impart tba beat color to moat. Sotae woods, ao piae, ailaatua. aaafbeery aad persioasaoa, are eery ob Jert.ioaahle, ba partis a dioagreeabie fla- var to tba bacoa. Cora coba soake a goad saaoka for aaeat. bat tbey sorart be wet before toyrog tbaoi oa tba dre. Cloudy acd daaip day are tba beat for eosoklag Beat. It soeoaa to receiT the freely la sock weather, aad to also baa daager of Sre. The i aeed aot be kept ap eoastantJy. aetoaa Oara ia la a hurry to sell tba meat. Calf a day at a tiaaa o seeeral days a week, for two or three weeks, will r-ire tba bacoa tbat bright, giager bread color wbkb to generally preferred. It should aM aa wnmAm (aa aWrk arilb naaki. It ia good pbva, after tba aaeat U smoked aaariy eooogb, to smoke it occaanoaily for balf a day at a baaa ad through the epsiafc eetil tote ia Xay. It to thought tbat tba smoke does good ia keeping the JJsi alaafas out of tae bouse. Of coarse tba work of aojokiag may ba finished ap ia a week if ooe prefers by k rapes g ap the anvok a all day aod at aigbt aatil bed-tiaae. Some nook a snore, eosae baa, according to their fancy aa to color So doubt the more it is smoked tba better tba bacoa will keep tbroagb summer. Bat it aeed aot. aad ia fact ahoti-1 aot, be made black with eaaoke. It to aeceaeary, before th srookiosr b aatte tbroogb witb, to r aacea tba aaeat tbat to la tba centre yoat ear tba tre to aae side, aad to put the pieces froen tba aidea ia tba center. The aarat directly avar tba smoke colon faster tbaa tbat oa tba aidea, altbougb tba boaaa to kept fall of saaoka constant ly, goaaa farmers do aot care to rtok tba safety at Ibeir aaeat by barieg aa apea Ira aadec it, aad so set op so old store, tiiZutt la foosa at ao aba onl- iivlo, ia ahicli litter cae a pip lets th ajoka tolo tba hoiw. imouldrrin; Sra U tben up cor a cot or cbifw. Hui tharr : lmot x much daa er thU u lb ochei. Tfw Ure- ipa mar bev-one ao hot aa U k( Mr to tba wails of tba bouaw where it eaten, or a bUie may ba carriad wiibra if tbarv i too much fira ia the tnre. There u ooaa risk either way. t it with a poprr y built affiokebou-w tbere i do great Uu3r 'rora the plan wa hare iWnbl The meat is now cunsl, aail if thr directiont hira Nreo obarTed, the fann er ha. a tu(ily of bacoa aa good as the world caa liiiu. The proce may. ia deed, be too ow (or ttm impatient, rvmhios af. Slany may prefrr a "ahorij-r i.:t" fron the laujihter-rra ti the biLiuj pao. u 1 witu their pyro lij(rioii acid nur oi-ut our Tul'.ir mote heaLheautb, aad gr. their tur n ready for eatio in two hoar a.'ter t.i. la!l baa trK' ia. But r 'aey nrcr c.i atvow inch bacoo bT their m -thi caa by oiir,. There ia bit one way t i bava thia drat claaa ba-a :i t Uani, nd that way u. the ooo hernia prtra. ci Hn cured to this manor.- n worth aihtaea aad twenty crota per poin i in any city luarset ta thia country , and from thirty to fifty ceota pn-r pound iu tba markets of LoaJoa or Bucaue Ayre' fVB UD OktLVZX sori-i. Let; weakaen is ofteu caused by to? rapid growth. Bees do not make hooy. bu- gather it frota the flower. A beo hkea to acri'.ch and thouM be giesa the opportunity . The b4e( urn of a jr-o 1 cow odder wail Sited twice a riar. a ir-r Once wcU started it ia coaipa.-a'.ire: t easy to keep ycoag chicks growio. It to Barer good ecooooiy to fr-el the bens more tbaa they will eat up cleai. A dost bat h la eery eaweatial to t!i' health of the fowls during toe wiot'-r Tbere K aa mich ia koowiar hiw feed poultry to the beat i.l Talij;f at any stock on the farm. If aay of the fowls eooiroencr rirwp iag arouad, look after them a', oner, there ie SMnetbiog wroog. O.ten a warm bare or cellar cj be ase1 to sa edraatage in kptor yo jn poultry growin; in cuM weather. If you caanot a3ord to hare full bred cbicaeoa, purchase at leant a full-blool rooster to croa with your cmaaoa beat. Cut bay or cioerr, apriakle bran or meal over it and thea ca11 witb hot wstea. this makee a (food feeI for pou!- try low xae, if properly managed, lava about aa maay ea aa a turkey, an 1 ai be raised to maturity at alviut ooe ha if the coat. Caleaa wiiliog to pay alteatroa to little tbiajTS. it will be hardly adriaebie f.r oee to go into the rio try buaineaa a a spveiaity. Erery effort ihould K? taken to aire the fowls all lie aunlmat poaubie. Let them out of drs whenever the weather will permit. There is rertaialy ao ecoomy ia corn peitiag poutty to ataad around ia the cold mud all Jay ; better keep thctn aader shelter. Take excellent rare of that dock of sheep now. If you bar been feed in I dry food all the time, tie trouble w-iil sooa coca me ace 1 the fowls are healthy to beria with aad are well fed aod cared for, no arti ficial preparatioaa are aecrwary to oaaia taia good health. At a genera I rule, bras shoulJ aerer be fed so much tbat they will not scratch. Better scatter some of t be graia araoog the Utter aad tot them acriteh for it. It U aot the breed ao much aa the fee 1. aad aot the feed ao much aa the care, but tbe better the breed, the better the feed and the better tbe care, tbe better will ba tbe resalta. Djo'! for;: thtt ple-jtr of aaiill braaiv.n on t!ie grrtunJ near youa trera will be t-atca by rabbits in prefereavce to tbe tree trunk, ttaeariiig tbe truaks witb blood or bl 1 ia J miaire has ths same result. If tbe fowU are coafloed. a irood plan of feeding is to gire a soft feed ia tbe aaoraing, some kind of green food at Bona aad whole grain at eight; oot a bad plaa ia winter eraa if they hare the run of tbe farm. It to impossible to see what benefit old caaee of raspberries aad blackberries are, after the aew ooes Usee attained fall site sad rigor. Tbe younger one mast certainly be strooger f orbs rieg to them -seires tbat which before was shared with tbe others. Cut away tbe old oaea. Oraral, sand or sotae other similar sabttaece to almost as eeteotial to the fowl well-being aa is food, aad if fowls are kept ia coofiaement and not eupplied witb this, ao matter haw much graia JOU aay supply, they will not tbrire or area keep healthy for any leagth of 1 time. A sprained bock will awell coo aider hi sad should be treated without delay, or sparia may ensue. Cold wste'r bandage should be applied until the swelling n reduced, when some actirs llaimeot well ruobed into tbe skin will be useful. Rest is advisable, aod freah cut grass with a bran tnh once a day would be helpful. Tbe Oritia af Hick Heels.- IlreL, tt ie aatd. owe their origin to Psnva, where they were iatrodaced upon saailal, la the shape of blocks of wood fixed underneath, aucb beiair tbe root idea of those deformities to which women owe ao maay of their wore. A bigh.ansteedy heel, it ia an. open secret, injures the tendons, and affects the sptoe a well aa internal ergana, which are uable to ba displaced by tbe throws for ward position entailed. Ia Pertia, tbe first borne of the beet, however, the blocks of wood were used aimplr to "raise the feet from the buraioir sand ot that country aaJ wets shout two inches hiirb." With the Persisa women thews blocks were vastly higher thsn those affected by the mea, their height be ioa; f racn eiarhteea inches totwofxet, thu becomiajr more of the nature of stilts tbaa anything else. Strsnirely enough, maay yeara after, a similar fashion case into rogue la Venice, bit ths motif ia this case was comically different, for by its nveos "jealous husbands thought they would be able to keep their wires at home." The suppcrta of such ihoe-s ia Venice were called "chapineys, " snd to appease the raaity of the ladies, aod also oVtubtleen to Usr the pfll. ware made highly ornate. The height of these chapineys determined the rank of tbe wearer, an extra coating for the pill, "the noblest dames being perjiitted tj ecjr them ooe ball yard or more high. " Oare Slag af the Dsiea ' The erolutioa of fVrrv Wall iasttrsct. ing some attention am.xi pexiple who are familiar witb tbe surface life of New York. Mr. Wall first a: tract e 1 attention through tbe vagaries of what i common ly known aa "a sporting existence." and then built ap a national celebrity ou tbe bei of bis clothes. Me spent two for tunes, but, sfter the second one had gone, his friends grew cold aa i be ha 1 the unpleasant experience common to a heavy financial rrrerae. After his rur nage he became aa ageot for a rhs n pagne house, but from this he made his way into the life insurance bujioes. and he has made a distinct succe of it. He is lieiog at borne, has become s domestic man, snd is methodical in hi business habits Both be sad Mrs Wall gi out socially, and his metamorphosis fmm the kinr of the dudes to a successful but iocse man is apparently complete Mis clothes bare a certain distinction, but they ar ao longer notably in Uruvc of tba Issiia. -Jew J jrk RB7. DR. TALHAGB. The Kminent Brooklyn Divine's Sun day Sermon. -kt eaa. u . 3P The Roman Carbolic C"hun-h htm bn a WI"J pumn i.m mticn :ria upm food work a and uo etioujh upon Luih. I ebarf ProtestantUm with putting nt euoo4fh asrasa upon rood works a cinrifi.-tl with aalratloo. Ctood worki will never save a man. bot if a aian harw not goo 1 work h has no real faith auj no naiue religion. Tfcere are thoaa who d(eoil upon the fact tbat taT are a!! right uii 1, while th-ir conduct Is ronj outwlo. Thmr religion for the moat part is up of La!S tijnrro aaik, floeol talk. Netful talk, jrjirtiial talk. Thr will entertain ymi br th- hn ir la teilinc you bow (rvl Uict ar Tt-.-,-Gome up to uch a nigiier life th: w lni; ao pa.i-oo with oplinarr i nrutum in tu i plain durbargo of thir .tuty Ai iifr n I can tall, Una oon cratt u motly aail an I eery Httie tonnage. Koretopmat itavsail, rbrwtopoiart atuJIflui; aail. niainLorsail. n:.r saatoceail errrTthinr from Brm jib to mirsau apajiker. hut makinr nvi uvful rov aa. Nowibs worU has got t.rp-1 of th's, an 1 IS want a roilrlon that ii ill w irk into all ths Hrramstaocea of l-.ff. V n )t want n u.'w rallgloo. but toe olJ rrlig.. u ai;lirj in ail posaa ble d i rectJon Yonder ia a rirw w:t!i tv; an I rv', baaka, anj it roars a ymiu Nix't a It rolli ou oTtr it niti Iru ltl.- njtli hvc but talk about ftalf all tu war fro:,, .t. source ta toe mountain to the placvhert? it esopCMe Into tbe sea Tbe hank nr- ateep the rattle cannot cooie Jown t. .Irmk. It ooaa not run one fertilising rill int. adoiauux Oeld. It has not one grmt nm, r factory oa either mile. It Uik m ,t weetaer with rbilllng fog- No one . are., when that rierr is born among ths r--., sad ao one car wbeu it die Into the n. Bat yonder is another rirar, and it nun rta banks witb tbe warm tides, and it r-k wtth floral lullaby the water liillea aie-p on its bosom. It tar1te herxla of cattie, and Sock of sheep, an 1 cotsts of birds to coins there aad drink. It ha three grt mills o., one aide and aix cotton facurica on the ether. It Is ths wealth of to buudrrd mUea of lnrartant farm. Tho birds nf beavea chanted when It was hoi-n in tlv anountaius, and the ocvmn hippni w ill pr- ba from toe pea to hail tt as it innifli.iown to the Atlantic cuaat Ths one nr.-r l a man who llrw for himself, tho t tiicr ihik l. a man waolirss for others. Do you know bow the site of the ancient arfty of Js ll lem was cbowen? There wrr-i twe brothers who had ad joining farmv The woe brotbar bad a large family, ue oth-r had no family The brother with a large family said. "Toera U my brother with no family; be most be kooely. and I will trr t. . aim eix arvl I will take some of ths i raw from my field In tbe night time and sat them orsr ou bis farm and aay nothing about tt" The other brother aeu'j. "Mr isrutbse has a larjra family, and it tt verr rlif aVwsJtfor bun to snptort them, and I will bat htm akng. and I will take sun of th atpaaraa from my o n farm in ths nigh t time aad sat tnaaa orer oo bia f arm ani sar noth taaj aoowt tt ." Po tbe work of trani-ro want on night after Bight, and night after Bttarbt. but ersrr room log thing warned to be )eat as tber werw. for though sheaves hat hwaas sabtrmeaed from each farm. hea r ha 1 aao bawa adda-d, and the brothers were r passrad aad couid not nnderatand Bnt rnio aiat tba brother bappeoed to meet while transfareuoei, and ths taey met ras ao sacred that it as tasaste of tba air of Jerusa- It tast tradition should prore un it w ill nwrerthaleaa stand as a beaa- tlrml afUajey setting forth ths I-tea that wberaaar a kradly and geoeroua an. I kT ,n -act to performed that ta the spot fit for soaie taaaass of erwnmariiorsUoo . I Bare ofaaa spokao to you abont faith, bat aow I apeak to you aNnit works, f r f akab without works la dead." I think you will a grew with ma in ths statement that the t of this worfat ta mors practi-al We srsnl prsctica! religioo to go Into all marrria ndia It will super-rise, the kabsslrog of goooa. It will not allow a man to say a tains; was made in one factory when ft was saade us soother. It will not a' low tbe saareaeat to my tbat watch u minu fsuaai ad la Owners, 8wttsrland, when tt as meamfatttan-wd ta M ajsacfao-tta It will not allow tae sisei hant to say tbat wine ceun frosa Uadeira wbsa It cam from California, rtraotieal riicu will walk aUmg by ths store aoeirea aad tsar off all the tag that itation. It will not allow to ray that Ie purs coffee when root aod chicory sol other in to into it. It will not allow turn to say tbat ia purs eugar whan there are in it aaad aad ground glass. WVan practical religion gets (ta full swing ta tae world it will go down the street, an 1 it will come to that shoe store ami rip oT she factitious solas of many a fln looking pair of ehoaa. aad show that it is patboar1 aadw K had between ths sound leather. Anl ttuw practical reJigioo will go r.ght Into a sjuoaa y stora, and it will pull. Hit tha plug of ad tae adulterated nrupa, and it will Ju-np aao bau-rei In front of tar it. rj the bark tbat I sold for cinnamon anl brick dust that is sold for carenns pec par, aad it will shake oat the Waea from the tea learea, and i' will .(t frosa tbe flour plaatar of Pari an l bone dut aaad suapetooe. aod it will by ciicmicai asssirsta asparate tha one quart of Ktrige wood water from the few booeat drop, of milk, aad It wfll throw out the lire from tbe brown to jir. i been ao much adulteration of artirees of food that it Is an amssmnt t ma that there is s bealthy man or woman in A mars a. Haarsn only imsi what they put tale tbe spaces, sod into the sugars an i into tbe buttar, and Inti tha apoth-x-ary drugs. But chemical analyui anl tns aucroacope bar made wonderful lorela taosn. The board of bealtb in Mvsn -'hus't ta analysed a great amount of what was '-.-il 1 pure oocTse and found in it not one parties of cocTe. In England there n a law fiat forbsda the putting of alum in bread Tns pubiie authortUea examined fifty-one pt.' agwj of bread and found them all gut ty. Tae bocaaat phyasoian, writing a prexcrip ttoa, does not know but that it may; death Inef ead of health to hi patient, be eaese the a may be oca of the drnr weaic saed by a cheaper article, anl another dru; may be la foil force, snd so the prescription aaay bare juat the opposite effect inteinl-.l OO of wormwood, warranted pure, from Boatoa, was found to havs forty-one pr Cwnt of rwdn and alcohol and chloroform Beamaioaj is ooe of tha moat ra! uable esasal drugs. It at vary rare, rery precious. It ha tbe asp or tb gum of a tree or bush i n Byrta. The root of ths tre is exposed, an me low k mad Into tbe root, and tnen sh--Ils ar pasoad at this Inaaion to cau-h Uie sap or to ram as it exude. It is rwry prsrtooi. thia arammonr. But the peasant mixes it with cheaper material, than it la taken to Aleppo, and the merchant tner mixes it with a cheaper material: then it nomas on to to wboleaa druggist in I-n-doa or Sew York, and ha mixaa it with a cheaper material; thea it oom to the re tall enraggtst, aad he mixes It with a rhea--i and by the time the pr"r 4H-k man i it into bia bottle it is ashee and .-halt sad sand, and some of what has ln ca'.ieil pur erammony after analysis has t n rouad to b no srammony at all Now, prctioal rsligion will yet rectify all thia. It will go to tbows hyoocriticai tirofe anra of rwiirioa who got a "oiruer in oorn sad waat In Ourago aad New York, sen 1 mr pricwa up and up until they were beyond tbe reach of ths roir, keeping theaj bre 1 scuff s ba their own hands, or controlling the.-n Be til, tbe prices ruing up snd up sn 1 up. they wsrs after awhile readr to sell. a:i 1 tbay sold out, making tbecnsWve millionaires ta csi or two rear trying t tlx the ma' tar ap with the Lord by building a church, or s onlraratty. or s hospital deiu ting tbwii 1 rsa with the Idas that the lyvd wojii , ao plaavaad with tb gift He w vil i forget thi twindia. Now, aa such a man m-a ? ant hare any liturgy ia which to aay hn prayer. I will oornpcaw for him ooe whi.-h he pra -t.-oally is making: -i lorit, we. br getting a corner' la cradtuffa. swindle.) the ;wple of tb United Statea out of Irn million .1-1-bara, aad mad suffering all up and down the bsad, and w would like to rompromUe this matter with Thee. Thou know eat it was a scaly Job, but then It was smart. Now, here w oompromiss ft. Tag on per cent of tb profits, snd with that one per cent, you oaa build an asylum for these p mr miserable rmfianiffliii of ths street, snd I rill take a and ever, yacat sad go to Europe, for erer a, my frisnda. If a man hath gotten hi aaSaaa rreartaily, and he build a line of hos pitals and anlversiliea from here to Alaaka, b cannot a too for It. After a while this man who ha bwen getting a ' corner'' in wheat diss, and than Satan geta s "corner" oa him. He goes into a gTeat. long Black Friday. There ia s break" in the market. According to Wall street pariance, he wiM otbsrsout, and now be is himself wiped out. No collaterals on which to make a loan . Eternal defalcation : Out taa pracOcal religion will not onlv rectify all marchand lae. it will a so recufv ail soecbanlam and all toll. A time will corns wbao a man will work a faithfullv by the Job aa be does by the day . You sa v when a thine; is aUghUngly don. "Oh. that w& done by tb JoOT You can tell by the swift nase or alowoea with which a hackman dl if as whether he I hired hv the hour or by the axxsusion. If he I hired bv the excur sion be whips ap tb horses, so as to get around and ret another customer. All styles of work bars to be inspected. Bhi hasperted, horses Inspected, machinery In oseted. Boas to watch the journeyman. Capital oocairir down unexpectedly to watob tba boss. Conductor of s citv car sounding tb punch bell to prore hi honesty aa a ps senna n hands to him a clipped nickel. Ail things must be watched and Inspected. Imperf action in tb wood covered with putty. Garments warranted to last until you pat tbem on the third time. Hhoddy In all kinds of clothing Chromos. Pinchbeck . Diairtnada for a dollar and a half. Book-btndr-y tbat aolda ou until you read the third cbapter. Spavined horses by skillful doss ot Jockeys for several days made to look spry. Wagon tirea poorly pat on. Horses poorly shod. Plastering that crack without aay provocation and falls ' off. Flumbtng that ads to be plumbed. ln 'SSSSISSS uij inenua, ma law or man will never rectify then things. It will be the all per. vadirw Influence of the practical religion of Jee-us Christ that will make the change for the batter. Yea, this practical religion will also go into agriculture, winch proverbially honest, but needs to b- rectified, and it will keep ths farmer from sending to the New York mar ket vaej that is too voting to kill, and hrn the farmer farms on shares it will k.v-p th-i man who doee tbe work from making his half thre fourths, and it will two tho farmer from building his p.s;.s and rail feiv, on his niighlir's prniUos. anl it will nrW- hi.n shelter hia cattl m the wm'r t- rui. anl it keep ttie .1 1 ,: l,.r from working on Sim. day aftarnoon in t he new grounl when no Isvir ae-'s him. An I tin practical religion iil ho vr over the hou . nil 1 ..ver th barn, an 1 over tile I, an 1 v-v t'u or -hapl . ej .t , . ... - Ve,rhis : will erne : lawyer . . , mg mn - in t: c .sriii f p:ca nc nc li.--.o-. .'irn 1 or;. ban I--. li.-.s. ' Ii.' I I Irs I S I KV1 U 111- arn -l ; r t -f. v m .ef-,j I . ll. 1111 I HI- p I: i n f r. u t nr. a : . '1 '1 i . ' v , l.r "111! -. wr e ii l .r r j- r ---.iitrt h 'lb:n; i lo.v -ri 1 .lefensclo :il 1 1 1 . t h . I fee: 111 - r.sp nni f I he u .1 :c hea! t :i, ie fa ; that t'Mnst 0 l fr thev t hi lin : ' r.tlj .l.'llr. s .ife, an I ll--bl itV a. Ill'' '-..llvTI'T. ' a i-n if...M:i h n -re. I t,v nlf w,-n a phvs;,-..-in i h..nwt. and wiien lie he wi'! srtv i, n- t e of d.a no. is w ith i. n i it will make loe-. not uu.1erst.Hn 1 trvnig to c-.vcr up n lerou.- te-hnicaii- la.- tic r -n i tIelt t' t recklos.s ilni; liapfHTis t m store l)- -a u -c t ti a perc 'iitage ci .1 t v The j.l-.-s.-1-ipt hi r-'.:i .i ir.a.n; I' .A n 1 t his j r.i i' 'h 1 r-'. i 'ii vv . , I come to ti-.- s.-h tea. iv:-. tr.u.i: i'.-r :e.; n.-r r. spf".!isi(ni tv in or r aroi - -n v ut!i :'. u-fuln.-vs, miiI f t U'p i:-', an l for honor, an 1 w 1 1 1 k "p iier f roii i i v i ng a si v Is ' x to a -lull nea.l. i , a-l sr g uiui for what he cannot i elp. n-i I li:i ,1'-. i:r -.ement all t!irou,ril aftr vears "f a lif- ti ne. This prarti'-al rt-.igion wiil hI-i co ne t the uewsj.aor men, fn.i it v i 1 ic- p them i r. the gathering "( the nw, an 1 ;t wi.l ii .-1 - fhru Ml setting f rth tne ie-.: ,,i'ir:n of s., -letv, aud it will ke-'p tnern froin p-itt ug ttie sin of tha world in larger tvj. than Hh virtues, a id It mistakes than its achievements. Yes, this r-'hi n. this practical religion, will come au 1 i ir t hnii'l on wuat is calle 1 g.s i six-let V, el'A'el sc;ntv s 1 1 Clefts. f U 1 SO - riot v, so t tiat p . c'l-- w 11 have t heir ex pn 11 turej within the r iinv :i. and they will pi cu ange the ti y . s-rit icnl "nit at h m" for the Ii '-i'st ei c a-ntici ' to t ire 1" or "t.i busv to s.s y..u." and wu, k-'p innocent re Cr'pti ni from i-c :-.::i int. .zi'-at in g onvivi aliti Vea. there is a great "pp-rtuii'ty for mis sionary work in what are called the suctass-s-ful clasps of s.-s-iet y . It is no rare thing no, to see a fashionable woman intoxicat-1 In the tret, or the rail car. or ths reitaii rant The number of tine ladies who drink too much Is in.-reasinfr. Perhaps you may rind her at the re.-eption In most exaltetl company, but she has made too many visits to tbe wine room, and now her eye is glaasy, and after a wile her cheek is unnaturally flushed, an 1 then she falls into fite of ex-ruoia i ng laughter alout nothing, and then she ofTers sick-mug flattens telling some homely man how well he look, and then she is help 1 Into the carriage!, and by the Ume the carriage get to her hooie it takes the hiietaud and oacnman to get her up the stairs. Tho report is. She was taken suddenly ill at a gerrnan. Ah! no. She took too much charapague, and mixed liquors, and got drunk. 1 hat was all. Yea, this practical religion will have t - come in and fix uo ths marriage relation in America. There are member of churches who have too many wive aud too many hus band. S-x-ietv needs to lx expurgated and washed and fum gato 1 anl Christianized. Wshavs missionary societies to reform Eim street, in New Yorx. Bedford street. Phila delphia, and Snoreditch, Ixmd in, and the Brooklyn docks; but there la need of an or ganisation to reform much that Is going on In Beacon tre;t and Madison square and RiUenhous square and West End and Brooklyn Heights and Brooklyn HuL We want thl practical religion not only to take hold of what are called, ths lower claisee, but to tike hold of what are called the higher clashos The trouble is that people have an ides they can do all their religion on Sunday with hymn book and prayer book and liturgy, and some of them sit in church rolling up their eye as though they were ready for translation, when their Rabbath is bounded ou all side by au inconsistent life, and while you are expecting to come out from under their arms the wing, of an angel, there come out iro:n their forehsad ths horns of a beast There nas got to t5 a new departure in religion. I do not say a new religon . Oh no; but ths old brought to new appliances. In our time we have had th'. dasuerreotvp, and the ambrotyp', and the photograph, but it is tha same oia un, ana these arte are only new appliances of the old unlight. Ho this glorious Gospel la just what we want to photograph the image of (iod on one soul, daguerreotype it on another soul. Not a new Gospel, but the old Gospel put to new work. In our time we hare had the teleatrsphic invention, snd the telephonic invention, and the electric, light invention, but they are all the children of old elec tricity, an element that the philosopher have a lng while known much about. So thi electric Gospel needs to flash its light on the eye and ears and souls of men, and became a telephonic medium to make the deaf hear, a telegraphic medium to dart in vitation snd warning to all nations; an eleo tric light to illuminate tbe eastern and west ern he mspheres. Not a new (rospl, but thi old lt-isp" do,n- n ii-w w ,rk. Now you say, -'That i.. a very lxsutifu theory, but is it p.sih!o to take one s relig ion into ail t .: avvs-atious anl l.usine. of life" Yes. an 1 I will give yon a f e .v siei mens. .Me li -al d otors wii t o'; their re ligion in'o evrv lav life !r John An-r-cro.mbie, of ASt '-'ii, t tie gr e ifst Scottish ;.hysician of the dav. his b-vo'g on "Ihseises of t he Mrai n and Spinal Cor 1, " no more won derful than his U. . Tin "Th Philosophy of Moral Keslinjs, " anl often kneeling at t lie t l.side of hi- pat ints to ei nmeii I them t" ; xi in prayer lr. John Brown, of Kd ' mburgh, immortal as an author, dvinz under ths benediction of the aick of Edinburgh, myaeif renaem boring him as he ait in hi tuiy in Eiinburgh talking to me about Christ and his hop? of heaven . And a score of Cnnstian family physicians in Brooklyn Just a gol as they wore Lawyers win earns i their religion Into their profession: The late Ixrd Cairns, the Queen's ad vLser for mAny years, the highest le.-al authority in Llreat Britain Lord Cairna.every summer in his vacation. preach ing as an Evangelist among the poor of his country. John, Julge of the Su- ' prenie Court of the 1'nited States and Presi dent of the American Sunday School Union, feeling more satisfaction in the latter office than in the former. And score-; of Christian lawyer a eminent In the church of God as they are eminent at the bar. Merchaut who toik their religion into everyday life: Arthur Tappan. derided in his day becausj he established that system by which w c iuis to tin 1 out the commer cial standing of busiaess men, starting that entire system, derided for it then, himself, as I knew him well, in moral character Al. M hi lay mornings inviting to a room in the top of hLs storehouse the clerks of hi estab lishment, asking them abjmt their worldly interests and toeir spiritual interests, thsn giving out a hymn, leading in prayer, giv ing them a few words of good aivioe, asking the n what church thev a'ten lei on the Sab latb, what the text wa. whether they had any especial troubles o tneir own. Arthur Tappan. I never heard his eulogy pn-uoun-tvl. I pronoui'-e it now And other merchants just as go i i William E. Dodge, in the iron business; Moses H. Grinnell. in the shippiug business; Teter Coooer, in the glue businesi. Scores of men just as good as they were. Farmers who take their religion into their occupation: Why, this minute their hora? ani wagons stand around all the meeting houses in Am-iricv. They began this day by a prayer to (iod, an 1 whu they get home at noon, after they hava put their horses up, will offer prayer to Go! at the table, seeking a nlessing. an i this suaim r there will lie in their flai ls not one dishonest had of rye, not one dishonest ear of isirn. not one ills- i holiest apple Worshiping li to-iav away up among the Bjrk-h re fdills,or away down amil tne lag-ons of Florida, or away out amid the mm-s of Col ora io, or along the lanks of the Tassaic anl the Ilaritan. where I knsw then better iss-ause I went to school with them Mechanic who t.ik .their religion into their occupations: James Brlndlev, the fa mous millwright; Nathaniel Bowditch, the famous ship chandler; Elihu Burritt, the fa mous blacksmith, and hunirels and thou san.i of strong arms whih have made tne hammer, and the saw, anl the adxe, and the drill, and the ax sound in the grand march of our national industries. Ciive your heart to God and then fill vour life with g.xl works. Consecrate to rlim your store, your shop, your banking house, your factory and your home. They say uo one will hear it. God will hear it. That is enough. You hardly know of any one else than Wellington a connected with the vic tory at Waterlixi; but he did not do the hard fighting. The hard fighting was done by the Somerset cavalry, and the Rvland regiments, and Kampt's infantry, and the Scots Grays and the Ilf Guar Is. Who cares, if onlv the day wni won In the latter p,art of thelast century a girl in England became a kitchen maid in a farm houss. Hhs had many styles of work, and much hard work. Tune rolled on, and she niarnad the eon of a weaver of Halifax. Tnsy were industrious; they saved money enough after a while to build them a home. On the morning of the day when they were to enter that home the young wife rose at 4 o'clock, entered the front door yard, knelt' down, consecrated the place to God. and there male this solemn vow: "O Ixird, if Thou will bins me In this place, the poor shall have a share of it " Time rolled on and a fortune rolled in. Children grew up around them, and they all became affluent ; one. a member of parliament. In a public place declared that his success came from that prayer of his mother in the door yard. All of them were affluent. Four thousand hands in their factories. They built dwell ing bouses for laborers at cheap rents, and when they were invalid and could uot pay they had tbe houses for nothing. One of these sons came to this coustr, ad mired our parka, went back, bought land. they endowed an orphanage, they endowed two almshouses. All England has heard of the generosity and the good works of the Crossleys. Moral Consecrate to Ood your small means and your humble surroundings, and you will hare larger means snd grander rurro rinding. "Godliness is profitable unto all things, baring promise of ths life tbat now is and of that which la to come." Have faith in God by all means, but remember that faith without works is dead." HOl'SKHOI.I .M VTTKI1S. HINT-; Tf onions ,-ir t 1 ! ii : 1 1 IT . or !. iT ti:c "lit r -i !! ;:i v i - -i . u o ! i i o 1 1 . . -. ' v is: cii ir- I i : ' t ,c ; to n oi ;ii ii- or W 1 Ci Wr C, J 1 . i v. !. i -ii t o r . :i -H". 'J. N!oN i I. 'i '.Hi' 'I, tilK'.' ( A Co nr I, i - in'... .i -;'..jn u n i'.lt. A li.-r he ,1 r .;-,'. u ; i. i ' t . i A o 1 1 . kins of 11 lull h . iin-c lotnsll iv ' t-'t KhV i -rwni'.' i i. , id. m:i'i: j.. :i Vt r 11 .1 r . ci tl It- I 1 1 r i r , , , o.l ')",' t be -h- r lane int.. I iii r II'J.Iim: t. i . e.-h I I :C ,. 4:l.!;r:lti- I u 1 1 ii i on I lirioht .is new. It rlc. i hit of I ii i n 1 1 :i i , lei- ointriic.t iiii.i t li.-it is in f i-stii 1 n ill 1 "t'llK ' Iv , )!' ill V , if I 11 1 c. i u ; t i : :;i n . n : i'K i nn coi n . i;k i. To iniiivo an t-xcilit lit co'o . i i , ; 1 1 .s while wax ami spermaceti, of i:irh olic ounce: almond oil. three minces: i-!Ur: ro-e. as iiiie h as y(.;i p ease. Dissolve tl.c wa ami spermaceti in the almoin! o;l i.y in i- in of heat, au-1 iviien ;i little loo', pour the mixture into a lare nior t ir or li.nvl previous!-,- and ron-;ai;iiri-' about on.- cn- ,,; wcivin warer. Stir l.risklv until the eieam is well divided; ;1. Id the otto of rose, and sud denly pour tlie rtiiole into a ve-se con tuiriiii ,' aoout two trillions of roid water. Separate the erei'ii by -st mi uinrj through n.uslin; shake out a-; inu. h water as pos- and nut a av -- ''- ,-. in siuili I -1 r s. Dc F:-.liKI-VTiiN ' X. 'liiiiig is better r -m.:. for ,iii api', tizer than a nice, flesh, roid sail I"' two nice, fresh cold salads unless it But to make up a delirious entity everytiiiuj; must lie peritenon. Tile salad plants iniet lie clean and dry, the oil direct from I. urea, and the vineir the pun st that can be brought forth from clean ap ples and n new press. If one is a bit uainty, rather critical, almost exartinir. and (eels the need of a stotnai-li tickler, a Russian salad is thai thinir par excellence to a -e.iniplish this end. Mix for this to, lie dish e.jual quan tities of chopped beet-toot, boiled, and celery , add a dish of scraped horseradish and then xmr over not a niaycmi iise this time lint a mixture of oil. vit.e'ar, pepper and sal t .V Swedish s ila i is more complicated and is a irood t hiarr to eat w hen you have alrea-iv cut an appitite 1 a big-dish of somethi nir This is t he Chop up ne irlv the wav to oet it up. am .pi.intities of c i'.d potatoes ami l.oilc Connie of teis'Kiotis of Ii -ets, pu: a tile witt-r in which the lie. ts were lioilei, aud two jiickle 1 herrings minced, a ra .v appie, a pickled ni' iimner and an utii hi. Cover the whole business wirh sweet crea.ti, and when you feci just like eat:nr. pit -:i in in i hope fcr the bed. V. .- M ' ' 1 . At thi- NI IMIIlKli IN SF.KVLN sca-on, writes Mrs. I'.it ker in the f :, ri -r is a vet y acceptable addil ii iier-tnli!e. and as it may 1' varit t v unite a nun.!", r of i '. in c ai oni n to the din : served wiiii isiies niav be ptepiired Iron it. tiaked Macaroni Boil half a pound of macaroni in salt ntid water, with two blades of mace and half a sliced onion; c ok teuder, drain of! the water and add a spoouful of butter, half a pint of sweet milk, a teispoonfiil of mustard, one pint ol canned tomatoes, one beaten coo-, pepper and salt, mix well together, pu! iu a baking di-sh, sprinkle the top with orated cheese, and set in the stove until brown; serve with slices of cheese. Boiled Macaroni Boil two otiiwes of macaroni in a little salt water, drain; put one ounce of butter in a saucepan, mix witii oue tablespoonful of flour, moiteu with four tablespoonfuls of beef stock, one uill of cream, a little salt and pepptr, let heat, put in the macaroni, let boil, and .serve while hot. Scolloped Macaroni After boiling a pound of macaroni tender, lay it alter nately in a dish with grated cheese and crackers, sprinkle with pepper, salt anil bits of butter, spread the top with cheese, and bake in a quiet oven until brown. Plain Macaroni Pour a pint of boil ing water over live ounces of macaroni, let stand one hour, dra:u off, put in a kettle; cover with boiling milk; cook tender; drain; pour over a teacup of cream, add a tabk-spootiful of butter, with pepper and salt, grate cheese over the top. Steamed Macaroni Parboil half a pound of macaroni till tender, strain otl the water. Take the yolks of rive eggs, the whites of two, half a pint of cream, a teaaup each of chopped veal and h'an ham, with three tublespooufuis of grated cheese, season with salt and pepper, and set over the fire, mix in the macaroni, put in a buttered pudding dish and steam one hour. Macaroni With Tomato Sauce Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter in a sauce pan, put in one chopped onion, oue stalk of celery and a small bunch of parsley, let simmer slowly. When the onion is brown, put iu a ijuart of canned tomatoes and h-t cook one hour: strain into another saucepan, an 1 boil until thick. Season with salt, pepper and butter. Parboil half a pound of mac aroni in salt water, drain, place a layer in the bottom of a buttered dish, cover with the tomato sauce, then another laser of macaroni, until the dish is full. Cover the top with sauce. Set in the oven ten minutes and serve. Italian Macaroni Put two pounds of beef and two chopped onions ia a cov ered kettle, set on the back of the stove, let simmer, add a .piart of tomatoes, let cook gently for three hours, season with salt and pepper. Boil six ounces of macaroni twenty miuutes, put in a deep dish, rover with the ste .v, grate cheese over the top, set in the ovea aud brown. A Peregrinating Bank. New Zealand has a bank on wheels. On certain days of the week a clerk from uie of the Piilmerston banks travels up ind dowu the railway line from Palmers ton to Otaki, transacting the ordinary business of the bank en route. Laden with a satchel containing his supply of ; ash. and provided with a teller's usual precaution against danger of robbery, : ne makes the carriage his headquarters, and there receives visits from customers ' it the way stations, changing checks or skiug deposits as occasioj may require. ! .V if l or. Ditp tlclt. ; The Thoughtful Uusiianil. Mrs. Squabbler Oar little boy is a month old to-day, and we haven't got s name for him yet. 1 do wish you'd gel your brains together and think up 8 name. i Mr. Squabbler Well, I think Ned would be the best. "And prav, why do you say Xed ?" "Because you'd take such t'erencia! , pleasure ia raising Lim." EXCITEMENT IX HOCHESTER. Tba Cemmotlos Caused ay ths Statement of a I hreiclan. An unusual article from the Rochester" ?. Y., Drmocrai and Chronicle, was re cently republished in thin paper and was a subjoct of much comment. That the ar ticle caused even more commot ion in Roch ester, tho following from the same paper shows; Ir. J. B. Henion, who is well known nod only in Rochsstor but iu n arly every part of America, sent an extsnd. 4 article to this fiaper a few days since, which was duly pub ished. detailing his remarkable erperlenc and rescue from what seemed to be acartain dsath. It would ba impossible to enumerate ; the personal enquiries which havs been made at our office aa to the validity of the article, but tbay have been so nuaieroua that fur ther in vestigation of the sj -eject was deemed necessary. With this end in view a representative of this paper called on Dr. Henion. at his resi dence, when the fol owins interview oc curred: "f bai ni ti !-? of yours, Doctor, has created quite a whirlwind. Are the state ments about tho "crrin!e condition you were in and the way - u rescued such as you can sustain?" "Everyone of 1'1-n anl many additional nnas, I wis t ' .:rV hi low by neglecting the first an 1 in -. s i .1" ,-r.i n: -ens. 1 did n it think ( w.s 1- :-i I bid frequent headaches; f -i: t.r--'1 ni ..'; t-h ;m;; could at no'-hm-; on-. oa-,- , ,-, ls ravouous the i -"it; felt dnil pains a n I my j-t naeh was out 'order, but I d; 1 n c th ni it meant any ' hinq; fcerioi; i. Tiie niecii "al profess-:,-,:! lias toen treating 'nnptotns instr-ai of ,ii-.e.i33 for years, and " is hih tiineit e-'ase-l. 'i'lii symntoms I r ivo juat mentioned, or otiv unusual action ..- irritation of the wat-r c'-.annels indicate tns approaih of kid i v dis-'a.-o more than a c-u-li annouucosvth e i.ninjj of consumption. Ve do not treat t'n coujb, bat fa-y to help the luniks. Vo sl.otil 1 not waste our timo trying to relieve tha he. finches, pains about t ne body or other sv.nptoms. but go directly t the kidneys, Cue source, of most of thesa a i meats." "This, then, Is what you mesnr when you s a wi that more than on-half th deaths ' hl.-h occur arise from Bi : -;ht.'s disease, is h Ucctor4" "Precisely. Thousands of diseases are tor taring people to-dar, which in reality are Height's disease in some of its many forms, it is a Hydra-heaied monster, and tbe slight est symptoms should strike terror to every ( ne who has them. I can look back and re nli hundred;: of which phy-ieiaos de clared at the time were caused by paralysis fqxiplexy, heart disease, pneumonia, malarial fever and other common complaints which 1 b e now were caused by Briglit's disease." "And did all these cases have simple symp toms at first?" ' Every oue of them, and might have been cured as I was by the timeiy use of the same remedy. I am getting ray eyes thoroughly opened in this matter and think I am help ing others to see the facts and thuir possible danger also." Mr. Warner, who was visited at his estab rr.ent on X. St. Paul street, spoi.e very ear ..estly: "It is true that Bright's disease had in rrsased wonderfully, and we find, by reliable statistic, that from '70 to 'SO its growth was ever '250 percent. Ixioic at the prominent ir.en it has carried off. nnd is taking off every ear, for while many are dying apparently ' f paralysis and apoplexy, they are really v.etims of kidney disorder, which cause heart disease, paralysis, apoplexy, etc. Nearly every week the papers record ths r'.eath of some prominent man from this scourge. Recently, however, the increase has been checked, and I attribute this to ths general use of my remedy." 'Do vou think many p.?nplo are afflicted with it today who do not realizs it, Mr. Warner?" "A prominent professor in a New Orleans medical college was lecturing before his class n the subject of Bl ight's disease. He had various fluids under microscopic analysis, ind was showing the students what the in dications of this terrible malady were. 'And now, gentlemen,' h said, 'as we bave seen (he unhealthy indications, I will show you bow it appears in a state of perfect hea 1th,' and he submitted his own fluid to the usual tst. Ashe watched the results his counts- ance sii ddeniy ch.nged-h.s color and com- both left h.m, anl in a tremb hng mand voice he said: "Gentlemen, I havs made a painful discovery: I have Bright's disease of the kidneys;' and in less than a year he was deed. The slightest indications of any kid ney difficulty shoul i ba enough to strike terror to any one." You know of Dr. Henion's case'' "Yes, I have both read nnd heard of it." "it is very wonderful is it not? ' "No more so than a great many others that have come to my notice as having been cured by the same means." "You believe then that Bright's disease itn be cured." "I know it can. I know it from my own ni the experience of thousands of promi nent persons who were given up to die by both their physicians nnd friends." "You speak of your own experience, what v.r.sit'-" "A fearful one. I had felt languid and rnfirted for business fn-years. But I did not know what ailed ire. When, however, I found it was kidney difhculty 1 thought there , was little hope and so did the doctors. I have ! I'nee learned that one f the physicians of this city pointed rue cut to a gentleman on the street one day. saying: 'theve goes a man w ho will lu dead within a year.' I believe Ins words would have proved true if I had not fortunately used the remedy now known as Warner's Safe Cure." 'Did vou make a chemical analysis of th case of Mr. H. H. Warner some three years ao. Doctor? was asked Dr. S. A. Lattimore, ; one o? the analysts of the Stato Board of Health." "Yes, sir." "What did this analysis show you?" "A seuous disease cf thd kidneys." ! "Did you think Jlr. Warner could recover'-" ! "No, sir, I did not fiiin'.v it possible." "Do you know anything about the remedy . which cured him''' "I have chemically analyzed it and And it pure and harmless." The standing of Dr. Henion. Mr. Warner and Dr. Lattimore in the community is be- 1 yond question, an 1 the statements they make cannot .or a moment m douoted. Dr. Huian's experience shows that Brizhf s dis ease of the kidneys is one of the most de ceptive and dacT'ius of all diseases, that it is erfeeiiuily common, but that it. can ba v u."3 1 it talon in '-ie.:---. Tha Forjretru! Employee. A successful business man says thera were two things which ha learned when he was eighteen which were afterward of great use to him, namely: "Never to lose anything, and never to forget anything." An old lawyer sent him with an im portaut paper with certain instructions what to do with it. "But," inquired the young man. "suppose I lose it, what shall 1 do then V "You must not lose it." "I don't mean to," said the young nan, "but suprose I should happen to?" "But I say you must not happen to; 1 I shall make no provision for such an i occurence; you must not lose it!" i This put a now train of thought into the young man's mind, and he found that if he was determiued to do a thing he could do it. He made sucb a provision agaiust every contingency that he never lost anything. He fonnd this equally true about forgetting. If i certain matter of importance was ta be remembered, he pinned it down in Ins mind, fastened it there and made il (day. He usea to say : "AYhen a man tells me he forgot to do something, tell him he might as well have said: ' do not care enough about your business to take the trouble to think about it ; again.'" j I once had an intelligent young man in my employ who deemed it sufficient i excuse lor neglecting any important I ta-k to snv : "I forgot it." I told him ! that would not answer. If he was suffi iently interested, he would be careful to remember. It was because he did not care enough that he forgot it. I drilled him with this truth. He worked for me three years, and during the last of the three lie was utterly changed in this respect. He did not forget a thing. His forgetting, he found, was. a lazv, care'.e habit of the mind, which he cured. -. ( m fri. an (jrocer. Whkn jmgilists arc about to fight j they sigrj articles of agreement. Pecu- j liar, isn t it ? COVERNOR OF MARYLAND IT EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. IS j .Innapolis. .Trf . Jnn. 6, "SO. " hove often i:serf ST. OIL, and find it , a good J.inimenl.'' ELIHU E. JACiCSON, fyi? gov. ofrvid. rjps-r j I prercribe and fnny asv dorse Big ti as th. only specific tortbsosrtaicnrs ot this disease. U.Ii.LNGRAHAlf.V. r Anutsraasa, If. I, xt-e b.T. sold Bhr a fos menv yeara. aad It bag given tha beat of sails fa-'tion. . Chioa. 111. JpKjrOKxmit 3 Siri tO t DATS. 'tj jgrMMU! t R9 BTtMlTbTtb. llrus Qisalol 3a. BoldJbeSfldQh AQEO INDIANS. Remarkable Long-sTlcy of tbs Native of Southern California. The early inhabitants of Southern Califronia, according to the statement of Mr. H. H. Bancroft and other reports, were found to be living in Spartan, con ditions as to temuerance and training and in a highly moral condition, in con sequence of which they had uDoommoi physical endurance and contempt for luxury. This training iu abstinence and hardship, with temperance in diet, combined with the cimate to produce the longevity to be found here. Con trary to the customs of most other tribes of Indians, writes Charles Dudley War ner, their aged were the care of the com munity. Dr. W. A. Winder, of San Diego, is quoted as saying that in a visit to El Cajoa valley about thirty years ago he was taken to a house in which the aged persons were cared for. There were half a dozen who had reached an extreme age. Some were unable to move, their bony frame being seeming y anchylosed. They were old, wrinkled, and blear eyed ; their gkin was hanging in leathery folds about theii withered limbs; some had hair as white as snow and had seen about seven score of years; others, still able to crawl, but so old as to be unable to stand, went slowly about on their hands and knees, their limbi being at tenuated and withered. The organs of special sense had in many nearly lost all activity some generations back. Some had lost the use of their limbi for more than a decade or generation ; but the organs Of life and the ' great sympa- thorio Bti uoni. no thiir Bn iimntin j functions, not recognizing the fact, and surprisingly indifferent to it, that the ! rest of the body had ceasod to be of any use a generation or more in the past. Dr. Palmer has a photograph of a squaw whom he estimated to be 126 years old. When he visited her he saw her put six watermelons in a blanket, tie it up and carry it on her back for two miles. He is familiar with Indian customs and history, and a careful cross-examination convinced him that her information of old customs was not obtained by tradi tion. She was conversant with tribal ' habits she had seen practiced, such as ' the cremation of the dead, which the mission fathers had compe'led the In dians to relinquish. She had seen the Indians punished by the fathers with floggings for persisting ia the practice of cremation. At the mission of San Thomas, in T , O 1- n r ! ' o I i f O T- .1 1 o ia u f . 1! liirnv an In. , , . . - uia.ii umiD Bun "iiunicu, age w 1 computed at 140 years. Althone-h blind : nnri noWl n-i. '.fill ,.. .wi j w'" uaacavu. J v arc uliia cvs- pi ' u ca ij vs. xa cat' j sroes down to the beach and along the I beds of the creeks in search of drift- ! wood, making it his daily task to gather ! and carry to camp a fagot of woud. He Didn't Walt. Tramp What can you give me to eat this morning ? ola of '. pie OI cnops Ladv How would a cou an it, -rnn? Trunin (trrnwino Kolrl I Tnat rbo. iramp (growing OOlcU Just tlie umg; law K tnem over. Lady They belong to the dog. Wait a minute and he'll put them into you, . . . - L double a tuck. Wnonns minus la gncn a retrrinfl' i fellow, isn't he? Sharpe Yes, I hare ! know h,m to retire from seven differ- known him to retire from seven differ ent hotels ia one summer, because they wanted him to pay his bill. Women are not gamblers, but they like to match dresses. Pittsburgh Dispatch. Keep Your Blood Pure. A small quantity of prevention is worth many pounds of cure. If your blood is in good condition the liability to any disease is much reduced and the ability to resist its wasting influence is tenfold greater. Look then to your blood, by taking Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) every few months. It is harmless in its effects to the most delicate infant, yet it cleanses the blood of all poisons and builds up the general health. t (Q Q O cured m sound and well of contagious Blood Poison. As w a 0.'B(Xm as j discovered I was afflicted with the disease I commenced taking Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) and in a few weeks I was perma nently cured." Georoe Stbwart, Shelby, Ohio. Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases mailed free. Th Swift Specific Co . Atlanta. Ga. This Picture, Panel size, mailed for 4 cents. J. F. SMITH & CO., Makers of "Bile Beans," 255 4. 257 Greenwich St, N. Y. City. -ELY'S CREAM BALM--Cleanse.taie Nal Fassasies, Allays l'ain tne Korea, mwots savei Gives Relief at once rml info the Kottrilt. JsOc'Sro grists or by mail ELY Your health is a citadel. The winter's storms are the ii i coming enemy. You know that this enemy will sit down for five long months outside this citadel, and do its' best to break in and destroy. Is this citadel garrisoned and provisioned? The garrison is your constitution. Is it vigorous or depleted ? How long can it fight without help ? Have you made provision for the garrison by fur nishing a supply of SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda ? It restores the flagging energies, in creases the resisting powers against disease ; cures Con sumption, Scrofula, General Debility, and all A namic and Wasting Diseases especially in Childreti), keeps coughs and colds out, and so enables the constitution to hold the fort of health. Palatable as Milk. k SPECIAL. Scott'a Emulsion is non-secret, and is prescribed by the Medical Pro fession all over the world, because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such a manner as to jrreatly increase their remedial value. CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure anrl get the genuine. Prepared only by Suott & Bowne, Manufacturing Chemists, New Voi It. Bold by all Drnggdats. EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE Under the Kaaagement of Edwin Jonea, of 463 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn, N. T. Entire " trip only: $310. Everything first-class; all expenses. 7 weeks' trip. Inman Line steamer "City of New ; York," July 8th, 181. England, Prance, Bwltaerland, wermaar, roe name ana Belgium. Sena ror itinerary. FREE 12 foil length portrait beantifu) aeereeae. All different. Send stamp for postage. Hay Co., Box 1MB, San Francisco, Cal. WIliYAWiWTOTl0 "xt heantlral sm, -attn l1!VUllllilt1po& enoach to cover Mt sq. Ins. tOa.; best, 35c. Lssuani' Sil Mux, Little Perry, N. J. LllU S ..ijdiiw.l i'Uu 0 Chearjest. Relief is Immediate. A cure la certain. Kc Cold in the Head It has no equal. It is sn Ointment, of which a nostrils. Pi ice, 50c. 8ld by drueeists or sent by aaanwi. !" Drusrl.t for OUcAwMr . SSSleiwItk Bin. HUM l fl JL"'7'"'8. emousH, Red Cross Diamond Bkaud A V !&JFs gZ.r'S3l2mi ?StZ?VlL&2l ' ! ? u pill, ta tuubosnt bom, pink Ax easy way to splft a sheet of paper is to soak it thoroughly, and spread It out on a pane of glass. With careful handling the upper half can then ba peeled off. The lower will stick to tha glass until it becomes dry. Tiie I.adira Dellg-hfas. The pleasant effect and ths perfect safety with which ladles may use ths liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all oonditlona make it their favorite remedy. It k pleasin to the eye and to the taste, rentl. yet effectual In actingon tha kidneys, liyer and bowels- The survival of the fittest Is ths doctrine thfit always wins in a ilorfl'iht. Fralt and Treet Plat far Tre l1astra Tnis entire book Is ably written and gave trusty infoi mat .on for everyone growing- trait of any sort or kind. 8rnt free by Stark Broa.. Louisiana. M . Unitize Judd Farmer. Instepd ot 1 j- ne Io iippcfls- the d:tor Spi arm P k. '-i- on adding fuel to the flame. Brown's Iron Bitters rn-si Dyspepsia Ma laria. Bil outness an I i.renera! Debility. llva ht renjjt h, uidos liijdstiia, tones tha nervea Clea e appe Me. I n- nisi tonic for ur 31c: hers, weak women and children. "Actions" pHk touler than jililm. in .g wiir.i. t'lana dun. words; Ever Mm - IS'.i ih T- Imv liw-i women ( firf fmh i;- u w i c.aini tan there Is no -oa"' ha t :is ccio i, ,,r a- -cn oinleal js Ilob-bin- siuj ctrie. Th jie miul be some truth in their c airn. Try it, see how much. Vour grocer li-ts ll. Thes'Hte hospiTals make noprnris on fi-r tie care et li-di that are found n S'llle. j A msn whn prl(r,iren medicine for 40 j years ought to know alt from suitor; read ! l11' uo 8 Toi.F.ixi. ).. .Ian. 10. 1887. Messrs. F. . I. Cheney Co. (ienl lemen: 1 have been In the irent-ra.1 oracUce of n edlcins for most 40 j ear., and woiild s- that in all j my practice and experience have never seen a preparation that 1 could prescribe with aa much confidence of sw-ctssas I can Hall'sCa larrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have pre scribed It a (treat many times and its effec la wonderful, ami would say In c onclnalon that 1 havert to find a case of atarrh that it wi nld not cure. If they wou.d Uike it accord ing to direction-. V"iir. tnilv. 1.. 1. ti'oiist ( n. M. D., Office, 21 . .summit St We will -rive f (XI for any case of Catarrh inai laniioi oe riire.1 wnn Kail's Catax.h Cure. Taken In ernallv. F. J. Crknkt &. Co.. Fro v. Toledo. X t7 Sold by DruKKlfcla. 75c Fer mary w as i he ni.tii :a B c. lust month of the y sr Malaria cured and eradicated from th system by Biowu's Iron Bitter, w.iich ea the blood, tone the nerves, aids diges 1 ill h ait.i. givmn new en rgy and strong h. tion. Act- like a eli ino on person In general The best hosiery goods are mads in Englaad aud r ranee. .' .Money invosltiil 111 cuotoe cm uundred dot- f Kansas City wdl iar Duua in; lots in suDurOaor Kansas Ulty pay fro- five h nnd roa toone thousand for cent, the no--, fe- years undar our plan. rasa ami so per uooio vuiioiii intersat ooa- trolsadealrablelot. Canicular on application. j. a. Baueriem v Co.. ivansa. itv. Mo. fits sapped frej by in Kf.ns's oastT BKVg RasTOKiCR. No lit after first day' us. Marvelous curs. ivjitis j aj i j trial otds tree. Dr. Kline, mi Vrch St.. lJhila., r1. LeeWa's Chinese Headache Care. Harm- llnt iklTrtTyi'&A Adeler&Co...itt.' NV'yaiidot(esC,,Mo , Guaranteed five year eiht per cent. First Mortgage on Kansas City property. Interest jiayable every six months; principal aud inter- iiavable every six months: nnnoiual ; est col luctod when due and remitted without ; expense to lender. For sale by J. U. Bauerlein j & Co., tiansaa uuy. .no. v rite ror particular ' Timber. Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranohei !u Missouri, Kansas. Texas and Arkansas, Kroner lit miH at-tlH Tt' laal- i In K as nasakst i Mr r Mr " rdwJi.lhT'niV. i.i Any person Beiidln'r a their name an I at- dress will receive information that will leal fedingTan sarl" ul-dln- '"J' ct7- Ma- Okiiihoi:' on receipt iiiiii.le Book and Map sent any where ot,. I'ylerA Co.. Kansas City, Mo. A carat i. it Hiiy onririi ForaDi ordered Liver iry B er. ham's Pil s. Tl.e Corean a'phali-t s phonetic. CURfci biliousness. Sick Headache, Malaria. BILE BEAMS. ama JBnatnmNvtian, sseauw rCarsnC man pmp,, mnm for Cold In Head. It it Quickly Abeorbed. BROS., 58 Warren St, N. Y.I imitmi BAGGY KNEES POBITIVEI.T ItkMBDIBDV. rrly t'mut Htrwtchr. Artontvd hy tad?nt at Harvard. Amhcrnt. and othar Col!e(ff?, alao, br pnrMionn ami buatntra mam ararj whare. If aot for sal in r'i' town and Ma. to aV. J. UKKELY. 716 Wnh (cton ftlrft. monet mcnicKirs. Par Wo. a 100-pag book, azpaaleaaa of a practical poultry rainr dnrtna a years, it toacbaa Sow ta S.teci and cur. disease; t feed for egg and for fattening; whiah fowl co art for breeding, c, ao. Address BOOK fl& UUISS, 184 Leonard St., N. T. City. TlfftU 1 StOSnr Siaaaranrany rmMknlalU lAwURlAkriv iirrii.iT ma twsstt atlwlrt Tt as. TACOal 1STKSTBSS t C., T.C0BA, . .... . -..Mi, iyidiost to Uj small particle Is applied to tl 5 lrueeists or sent nv man. E. T. H7Kltikk. Warren, Pa. NUINC. Tlu..l.I.a 1. . . ajfv S IH.mJ trmd Iu sted u cwu aiuSS W w, . 4... JMnie, imimmm J .. .. V "WHAT AN ASS All I!" The ass thought himself as fine look ing as his neighbor, the horse, until he, one day, saw himself in the looking glass, when he said "What an ass am II Are there not scores of people who cannot see themselves as others see them? They have had MckxI, pim ples, blotches eruptions, nnd other kin dred disfigurements. AH these annoy ing things could be entirely eradicated, and the skin restored to '-Illy white ness, " if that world-famed remedy. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, were given fair trial. It cures all humors, from the ordi nary blotch, pimple or erupiion to the worst scrofula, or the mt Inveterate blood-taints, no matter what their na ture, or whether they be inherited or acquired. The "Oolde'n Medical Dis covery " is the only blood - purifier guaranteed to do just what It Is reo om mended to, or money refunded. TT . . O - T-h . n . . A - yv KjthLttf d 1'ira r.nnAni iu ti'icil. AS SOCIATION, Proprietors, No. 663 llaia Street. Piiffnlo. N. Y. "August Flower" For Dyspepsia. A. Bellanger, Propr. , Stove Foun dry, Montapny, Quebec, writes: "I have used August Flower for Dys pepsia. It gave me great relief. I . recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a . ... , , 3 1 j vxi guajai iciucu) . : to j - . 1 y. -I rAl. Bergeron, Lreneral Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes : "I have used August Flower with the . . ... r t-v 'it best possible results lor Dyspepsia." C A. Bamilgton, litlgtneer and General Smith, Sydney. Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a Complete CUre in my Case. It Ct' j . ,, llite a miracle. Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss., writes: I ' T .. - A t-i ,u-. . . yyu. nugusi iuaiuS best remedy in the World for Dv- I - ... I pepsu. I was almost dead wita 1 that disease, but used several bottles . . ' . of Aueitst Flower, and now COD . aider myself a well man. I sincerely ' ' , ... . f r ' recommend, this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over." d G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, . Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. $.0soi I roa Uoirs 2.nn SH55 1-75 W. L DOUGLAS 03 SHOE oufRltt. ftC.tfV iieaals HaasVaewe. aa leTaat aaa 9 Mfllah dress 8boe wtatrh ouromeada Her If. S .0e Ha4-ral Welt. A ae oatf aaoa asv " equalled for Kyle and durability. S. .10 Uaadyear Writ I tb suvadarst Htm at a popular prtee. . Is it) Palicea' rbe Ii aapaeJally ailapaail f for railroad men. faraacs, eto. AU ssad Is Oansress, Huston and Ian. ). tar Ladlea. la tae only haad-ae was Rtas otd at tan papular prto. ' Dalaetb far Ladles, ta s new if parttu aad promkna to becnni. very pnjmlar. 9.s ethaefar Ladles, and .TA fer Ml sUll retain taetr exoeUene for style. ea All aood warranted and stamped with nam aa bottom. It advertised local aeni cannot uprrv ?, sand direct to factory endoslas; sdvsrtlsMl pries 0 s postal for order blank. ' W. I. OOUVLAS, Brrbts, . VANTCII bae dealer I everr rlty anal taw mat aoenslrd ta take eznlu.lve avener, all asenia adverilsed I lacal paper, tsead far lltastratrd eatalase. DR. SCHENCK'S QEAWEED 0 TONIC Is a Positive Cars for DYSPEPSIA And all IMsnrdersnfth Wirest Ive Oraans 1 tlkrwis a corrob"rllre, or strenanen. ing al edlcins, and may bs ' take srilh frt benefit In all rmMof llebllltv. For Sal by all DrosTtl Price,! I l per lrttlfc Ir. IVhenrk 'a Nee Hook on Ltinas iaerand Stomach mslled fr. adaraas. Or. J. M SCHF.NCK A 90H. Phlladalphla. -VASELINE- aat ONK-DOM.AR HI I.I mm m by mm Ewtfl dlvf r, frrvs? o ail ohanr. to ta pur la Vmt d BtatsM, all ot lite follow liif tkrUoUty., 7 Pok : Osssst tWO-Oll BO bOftl of Pliraj VaalnaV . . fataV Oa rwtv-ou'Tf bottle of VafaflliM lNmvr1, 11 Om Jar ot XM-ns Cold C.rtm. It One t: k of Vaaell Cam. x-r lor. - - IO Om Cak of Vaafl na ffmp, umwent . - It b (ateor viMiine Noap. xffiiiHttiy avnta,fa iwo-ounoe butt a uf Wtilir Vaaiiua, t AIM V for pottOff Wtampm mnv in(jU nrfteit at ths prim asssaWBssSfi. On rVO ai!Tll It fV nf VB MaVflVf to OOOf tit rVtMB Etrutpffiat any VaaUn r prnftarottm thrrfritm 9 lanrtlfd with ow nn mr. brcnume yon wiU oar irrrorttwan imitation trhirh ho tUttt or no fYi) A. B.C. OF AGRICULTURE A new book free renin. In tbe lninjerl nray, how crop. trow, what plant f.xl the.v ft Iron, i Mhe AT, Ralnand Soil. -The .v 10 ln,,,n,vel.mlunrl maka lars erp of fJraln, ear rlnblea. 'r-lta, 1. 1 , i , 'nrt Tsksrr.- Him renlllrere ar. ml7r" when tT "Then, f.r profit, m.llert fre. on receipt of three two-cent stamps lo pT pol. W. S. POWELL A. CO., Cbemtrml FertUlaer Msnulkrlortrt, BALTIMORI, MO. ROOFBNC ITSBT MAN HIM OWN HOOF Kit Two aad Tare. Ply Roofing, miltahlr (Willi rkpn ttia olkiir .slmiil u"l twice a a ur- Ftre, Wind and Water Proiif liel.le for all climate, and can he a,pliri ii any imnrlpuv. ( atalofil wnn samples " ' ' he. thine Paper. Paints, r... sent pies r HooniiK. i.iuiu uw ll -t,uwi It wnx rv toi- to warrs in. JOHN A RSI ITAI-K, Hlrbmond, Vs. PROP. LOISETTE'S NEW MEMORY BOOKS. CrHMnn e two recent Memorr Sr.lrm. Ready Sbont April 1st. Pell Ttle. of ( onl.-nl. f..rwarded nlv to UK who send st.niped rtlrei-ied envelope Also Proap-ctu. POST FHlft : of il.e Ix.lsettlM Art f Never Forgettlnj. 11rs Prof. LOISETTE, XI. Kirih Are., New Tork. CRA7CR AXLE I II ri A- la 11 GREASE VMBT WORLD blanks traa. snscra a. auwrsa. lui, IIAUr riTTtDY. Uook-keenlna. aualness I Ml) ME NiBoukliL Aj-ttliinetlo. Hnort-hana. 1 1 tboroogkl7 taoghl by MAIL. Olroulor ft, nsst'i t .lie... 437 Mala Bu. HaSaia, , t . B N U H Your HEADACHE ? Nerroutl BROMO-SELTZER 6UAMNTEE0 CURI Ten ll'v 1 M. T a Afs .111 I . l ' a rsosasV alma. boi ajiuiSa PENSIONSSS asawaannMaaaaaM. or. .mi r .in.ii mrw w titled islilt mo. r..iowh vo. rot .our mmss , sa-M. a, r