INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies 5 Cents." $1.50 Per Year. no. 2; ;- NEW BKKNK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, APRIL 2, 1891. VOL. XIV. far Infants rnorEsstoxA l. v DR. G. K. BAGBY. Surgeon Dentist, Cj:-, XJJZt Stmt, frtyAM CAwc. ATT O R N E Y-AT- LA W . AND MONEY BROKER. ,,.T., fs, P e-M'k i. . 1 - . . i t n'twtl Stwtmm Crt aft 5w Brm DR.J. D.CLARK, NEW BCRNC. N. C. - ' k XrxT.Z. r oa 8rcH, bwn . . TM. mm.. M-m Mu,uwA If t I f I ,, . . OF NEWBERNE, N. C Capital, - . $100,000 Surplus Profits,' - 86,700 1 ni SECTORS. J i. A. r.ava. TMoav Paattx. ui 3. 8kta9. J. II. Uacsbvm. 1 H UovKsn. " Atxx. Mum. ' ; t VL XIaxtcy. GREEN. FOY.&CO.. BANKERS, Si Soiril laattii tuiitm NEW SAN KINO HOUSt. .,.'.:.: iJk. Vmor bmkm Hami AtbtH. UVU 0tf1C. f.C- NEXT! Prof. VV. H. SHEPARD i oTMn NutMt) i Um law rial art j- t j a " ' r Cut for 30Cit. 30 10 : nTQ1K33;E BUSH SHOP. NEW BCRNC N. C JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRICTOR OF E::L:n Korti CaroM nrblelVorks NEW BERNE. N. C. litjUxm aW Jaamcm JkTarev sa.4 XI Orvlari aoTvcibnl and giTva prooapt '.-U-aUoa, itU aatisfacttoa gxuraabMd. KTRTTol"Esr IILAVT AND LIGHT GROCERIES. UrtZui ui .all ix Saal. . , Sai a 51rmfociurm' Pnm. Dry Qoods & Notions. Faff Staakaarf Lara Aaaortm.nt. Prlaaaastaw aatha Uwtit. CafCAd CiamU. wm j Staak. Sataol Cuarantaaa. - tn n.ikln( Tactaly tia w p r n r n 11 tr ca our rKMijOfl Mavda of trva fij,eaT STOCK and Csaslasi tolsas s iH a laui.j la liHn win Ik. awtta, n tsvas I 111 i w W iiais hi ay r mm tarn f,nMiin we ant aB Oan '""""cmmm lasrie, tk B. ' J BCST WOKMANSMIP. Such a harna.a eannot t bouaht for laaa than tJ at rata it- But w. ar. wining. M ertfar to Introduc. It. StU ONE SIT ONLY fa na) paraon aa a .SK.'aaF my aMmpaa for a ar ar 0 aw MM and Children. Co, ftDt r. puio. a. a. tat nm .a rtk a., Xr Tor City. , CWui, TT Inul truer, Hew T. ! MBS. J. M. HINES' Boarding House reopened. Mm. J. M HINES had rrjt.-urvl a First t Ua, fckwi-ding Horn in the cat, opp te Baptist Church !T.s Iter Dan Uviu laclue, J. M. HINES, Agent. A GREAT BARGAIN! 327 ACRES WILL SB OLD AT A j GKEVT SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLANTATION tu . td oo .the South of the Neiwe rier, three aod-ft-haif mil from th Viiyojcw Berne, c. weouoawi , twenty ctra ciwr-d. I mr " tW af fmrmttma- 7 b balance, two hundred and two ' "Miiijr bnimi na fx no, oi cyprcaa, aod other kmcn of urn dot. U is a It is aio fine u rating ijinJ. Good dwllin)c. outbuildings n.1 a fine orchard. It haa a fine KISHEUY fronting hail mti oa the beach, whore there ar high basts of marl that can nerer bo exhausted, from which ts1j can load with eaae. It ia a Try beautiful and healthy lo cation, presenting a near ticw to the parsing Ttnela and tho A. 4 N. C Railroad. For terms apply to P. TRENWITH, oit. mux, iiw mu . c. Olfl DoiiiioiSt8is!iii) Co T Old rbmimto Slfrmuiip OiiMrvTMy'j Oki mmd t'unrrii Watrt Kuntir, ru Albemarit Jk (1umapnXt Canal. roR Norfatk. B.ltlm.rt, N.w Vera. Phil- atata. Baaton. Pra.ta'.nca mm Waaaiaftaa City. Aii aQ Hit rta. Cart aid West Otatw rrtiPAV, nr.rEuitr r. ?u I lrO aaitl rrther notxr, ii Will mil frwa XofWk. Vt, fn New Rm ,. C-dirTt. m.tia; i!m roa.rciion with lha Mnacn K iw4in nt KniH for Km M. Trantna. a4 all otttrr Laadinf oa lh Jsss3l: 9asaaaa 1 mil r.irr. lit uil frnm NEW rtftrtN'F rfirrei. nl Twim 'now 1 MkM mMriloa 11 b IN. () 1. S. s. ('&' I aitta fat Wf York. B.8.P. Co.'. rifainm far PUlior;C"!nJ !-" Ship, for F hiljdrlph... U. A U T. C" .kip. tor lUloi .avl t prmytmtmxv. 8tnBMT Kiaon, Cap Di ion. will ni) for Klaoot m until t ttniwr StW a-Ontrr .11 mdi ra-. o( p. 9. m, IrrT. will iif . rH lall. eumfnrt nt rooau. l rry nmrtrir tmd tltraiioa wiil b paul Ibrm bjr 1 K. offlnn. t r- B. ROBrlKTS, AjL i Mcoics CcLrirrre Jk Tc, 1 Acrata, Norfolk, .. ' W II iT "VH). V :rw-Pm. w ork CllT ClyfiB's N.J. Frsislt Lise St.aaiin G. H. Stoat, Defli.cs - E1U. j Oa and after February Ut. Iv'l. ih.t I lino will mate rn'iir I SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS Baltimore and New Berne .r.nn IJallioir. f.r N-w rVrnr WEl j XUOAY, 8 A T I" R r V Y . at 4 P XI rm.iof. N.w Pr-n ftr nir!tnor Tt'K DAY,8ATlRPVY.i 0 i' U I nkaa!s aii lklin. Tiki Ittice. Tin. 1. only PiHf'fT U :r out of New Prrtic fnr Hilt myr wul'nf riii i:,ippinf ml? it Noffo'k irnr linj l f" t !.r Riialon. ! ..tetw . PS i a.t. i h 1 . K 1 ' iTion-i a i1 . ! ! 1 1(1 Virth. rH' . S rit f 1 iy c-!,t , c 1 nrrtwvo li : ;r-.;.).y A N . Rji; i rm.i fli - r o 1 i . ' - Fl- r n I ' Arrnti art a. foll.iww- I Rd'tli FCKjTIa, ii -1 jffiiv , naliimor. . A,-"l. Norfolk, Va. rbil.Jclph.a, 13 Jouth Jti w,--.s-. W P Ci A t o. i har r.. -w Y.)rk tad Fallo. Tnoa. , Xor'.h riT.r. Y- ?irnraoo, Po.:on. 5. Crntral wKarf. t. II Iixrk well, PrTtTHinac', K- I. 9ip Wt R.-t.n. Tu-iAy iqJ Saturday. Nw York 'ia:'y. " " Balto, ViJnHt.lri A j5inrdiTi PhilavielpSi. Mn-liyt, V.jn'f-dy- StlurhTi " - P,-T3v1dn?w, H4:upIti ThroOfh btllf !a.l:3f aT1'"". " i rui' intl to aii p5iaia 4i;n 1..Trt. fla of ' b F-TTj pan !. mrAwi 2; .cm. ir nj 1, n. GRAY. Asu:, New D.-af. N C taa.on of what n u r r r n m n ax: 3 : tna varj J. SWT s-r.-- -- .'- Cassessrea ess- Pi 1 S lail BraiUIlM, f ITT 1" graas 111 y Hd miMM A rr hii raw T aaa m 1 llir ' "anr. ' ao4 mmm& mlwr o Hawa o aW sa a) kee iaartsa pccdiaasd bl THE SEWi r.vii 1i t t 1 1:1 n 1 V I M R. T y ! r t ting the v . : . r4 j i acj r.i:!rwl f t $ ; B r rat, a m u U : I. mis t, Tx . for "mp' . t - i - t h 1 r 1 F I n ; -. ; - I . , : . .- : - -Tr.t l rt mc I N I -vi.n. t 1 t : ". i :. n.- htj-ori- II h Si- ! .' ia 1 reUcrt ' fti , " . r -n v-r t rt iou j 1 . sr : n - t; i 'o' i 1 . v r - )H 1 r 1 ': - 1 ! ' U r. A n n i o K . . 1 YA -t" car-1 : - 4 : r an c(T i n . one o t I ! , nfd ; i r . r y j ( e 1 1 1 m i ii - 1 1 : c. '1 , t 1 t. t r i s-" : u l, . . n, - ) ; r. An ( paMrnprr K ' ! ' om, neir the trsok fi on hm.JrrJ a . i f t 'Di pt w m - - f Ti a on t ri c I . ta no;i . rimyr. pi c . ri jp i : o Tb .N t J rry ,L l 1 : frnc, n iun it lr-,. f"fQC iiti .1 no( M.p p or p't; rx.if i i i -i 1 . An u n k i o w 1 x - ! i . r li Norta t i r (, .1 pecr. The gr:p. s ctn n- . a ' I r 0 X C 1 1- I l!io Co1: '.ri: can licatr i-r . ior? - it : atior on ; J ft Ro:n(j to muc 1 by pnfu- UBH a 1 J r! 1 p;i t hrri j. 11 rui:nx a liraTT itrath r: ia Pi: ttbu i ' wc n;v Tbaata d ol i!trc, : . . I . " J ird id Sft Uf t 1 j djr.nj - .: r Tito rc m narjf-i X : q.i 1 fr : rl err k i 1 Ic-J in r;'ion 00 tr-e " iu- - pa k c aui hio llaii-roa-J Jamas ri r tliTiio:i Ir. J. 1. u-keraham dirj a( 1 in-i!-. P I I'. KcriheriBgh ra h fr-n rVid m;or nf 8paiit Kai.t -I- r. lwjr I Hro-jLi t t li milmv 1 1 , Pa . a r;r-:r-J : prrintn-lc: t f puUiic acitoo.t in Phiiic puis. c Janoary 1ft vJ acw ia lutrica hart bru Mil. ihrvl m tiie Sou'h, a;nnt SJ7 in I c aana t ru last yrar. Thocii R- Norcroa robba-H th potfo(tir at ire tn v i 1 1, Del . a 1 iraaaxhl -HiAfrS A k rtn, of Ch :c ;o aa iii'l :c.rl by Che jnn-1 j ary for dr fa nl n: a t orei Tfr . r n cn nrt-i ;cn it h the fa 1 ' u r o hn bank oaie aioniit a ,-o. T le commiii e ihr l a t:ornn Ipgislatara appointed to n T(ijr ih chtrft o( bribery, rcportrtJ hat to aaouey wn n Cvl m behalf of ca ud idaU-a io aecor ihnr rlevtioa lo the I'mt d 'ntr 5rajt. Wfatfr tn iha nnil ,t ProTidrncr, R. I t afrurk in opposition I the ar Aaes ayeteoi. It rp rc I th.v one - f tha ran ho rreeoily roblxU tie hrrcport ' SaTiraa tUak. of Kraeport. Pa . of a .rj;r nrn j a m-uy, ni now uudar arrrat a: W liprlm;. W. Va., id the peraoa of J0H0 M'ncy, a aatorioot barjriar aod a: crscker V tarriy t bf iu male for a raiiroii ,n A a ktui to r our, ret the Tc n ;i - ee river w 1 1 ;i r ii Ou!f af Vlenco. A hitury .t Sona. ca - ' whee-I raanulacturera of Pni a telphia, ate financially embarraurd. II U reported that Sena'or r.Jtnundj will rea ifTj bti aeat in the Senaf. The biffffrst toaip maoufiicf uricft concern in fhe worltl hai bee OryaoixrU io Houston, Tex. John I Wt eon end Henry Matthews, two retpetablc ( citaaeaj of Lap-rte. Ind , were thrown into a cattle car, anda.'trr bin rolird veer t h ro w n j aaC la Chicago, during a quarrel, I. eon Ceuaiaki wu tabb-rd and Tony To aiiki hit m tb head by Prank Rnpo'ak i I n 1 -tua w ka, UI, flamuna and U'llhim Ii row ti were aarotanci to thirty ream' irnpnaonmrTt for the as unit r of their brother in-law The fajnblinf dena in Omaha, Neb., are bcinjf eleaaed oat. Charlet Button vn icrrible bMtea by Italian barber a in Chicago, to whom he had alar ad that he bad teiped to itorm the jail in w Orieaoi Got. Mogg, of Texaa retord a bill to accept the to rent lusrar boaoty under the .VicKmley bill. Newton S. Word en, of JL Slejjheu, N. H , committed a icide. P'maocial J i ffica . t ua caused the ct. Albart Horrecker, of Long N and City. L. 1 k I ed hima-lf. P . Iltton and a Ura. 1.uj-!1 were fund dead in a roo ia Det VIoinra. Ia They were aphy xtalad by X- The Phiiade'piua Lieaai-e court bia dec; 1 d n t to hey ony 1 aew app'ications for i co :(. only pnain I apoa the old one for n'Dc. t. Pui' Pro4eataj.t Fpiecops! ( nurrh in New Orleane I waa barned. In l.ynn, V ami '. J O ' U r rn a lock 00 1 lrather worker. afat -ntenred toone ye-ra impriaontnat for ari utly anaaul; in u Ariaeoiaa m-ui: on work, man. Pr. feaer DiTid S. J jr-lan, p'- ient of the In diana Staie I nireraily. has arcrptrd li. preaidcacy of the Iceland t i nf .H L u irrr- of Call Torn ia. C A M ath. -r, of the tie! out t baaukiDf tirrn O A. iiarher A d.. of Prrlr . Wia., waa arrntr-d. chrr-,i n:h l.arinR re eetred depo:ta w hen he knew hi Luk m laaolreof. J --pt. IN wirr, n ho rmlvii!'! aorne pi,) ") o f the hr-. 't i ! ..-. t. v . itlinC.:!'! -V i:.:.- c :a -, i la : r ' Uaj-3r Joha I- Karcuov i : . N. .' il into a bnl'r of -aiu:rg air aad was taaaUly barned. Waiter Eaya, a New Y--rk mirance lr.k(", acci leotally killed by i. .e.oiD.tnfcca'on tnintheihafrmkrof r.ur :v h-- n r- auininj. Tt;e c-i n: trv-r or" Ji n aa'fif iort.whrJ,r-i t,f n::k,T i!r:;i v- ;n Kmio.i, N. :,n ue-i tie :u rn k-"rv- w.'Mt-iM t.-..- ! .-jr, -,r h"T -i: T v Km tu ra; r- a . . '. l- : .1 - . '. rrj li;:e detectet in pty;- - -.v.:. .' the-r ncenta on the of i,ek.-'i 1 1 : rr M rtm, .epon of S'nitor Van--'. ' : ' c rr.uv w .iS drink , broki into t-.- W u ; H-visr '. through a window. U. wU rauh: hy ;h wa'.chman and takm x 1 . ; -tat. m: Ht an exphx:or. ifn m : tup'.tha 1.111k -i : I'raU Oil Works, New Y r, lour men r( r. bdly burned. A. i. ., , n,,t ,ri ,us c ri , hot aud k ; ! '. ed tr-r ..'i; w undrd anrtihrr drt-ci: v, n;iJ . . K : 1 1 .1 ;: iii r VA- i t .i-ii ;;;. n- w -ij'id'-d two p.j!icemrn and .a. w-n;. t njf arrrt i.ear McKejv r Va. ' "..mi, -l AileCM-ny ''.it, Pi, i T i :i S " -)un 1- --Wm. J. ed h-. t . a! s n aT ' .1 y 1 1 : a r a 1 . i n 1 ' f a r 1 r ; . 1 1. ;-e r r! . - ..- or a - i ; "i c :i i J -!: I jjfh .it;- ii.-.l ln Ja a .red e h; .red . 1 ten p .1 r ; r i, u ta ;. i trr, w n. IA a.- n: -ii." t a C' N P 1 d h . 1 v f . i . e x ; . . : t r.! . u i n 1 A. , W - H ruins. I I ti nin-ii-i.'.. rnuiu io wind I U IMi a W ri.lh.(. ' 1.1 . 1 ' ' A ' a ' hi-: . - i p n; . r t . h r : t s w r. ? a p- . o . The Bombardment and Burning of the City of Iquique. Two 4lanclrrr Ktllrd 1 11 tUr ln i 1 1 K.ght llnndrril K.llrtl I 11 r I it K tltr KllHti ou Taiapnra Pi ni p.n . Th- Kng'ivh ir' V Mrspitv :i r 1 1 I ft r:i.u.n Mnrca 1. I'. .-u b--urd :urji,,-d in'ornialio'i, ot which tho lo . lo mi n 4 ii n uiiiiuar,. . lelt Iq-rquc on rYbrunry ''j ubaequi'iil t'i the dirttrei.t ovrnt.i which d to the capture jf that p rt by tho reht- s, mid t.-.e firt tire, wf;ich eouM-d t f it Him; rut tun of pr-prrty vniu-d at j-'J,' " ' 1 It :tppc.ira iha', ihr r''h ifip;urrJ p'rl, (no g ot rr:. 1.1 1-n t ir npi t'H.k up pOM:i"ii ut ti 1 rii o JnUucv tr-' 1:1 it, mi i held t i.r mst-i v 1 1 i ;i reaviiueva to attack the city. 1 he re be ' r -turned on board, leering only ame filty men in ch.irt;''. Jhe trip 10-in henrd of tins, and marched on the plan- : -ine two hundred t ror g, uiier Colonel Soto. They rt ftf lied the t i n; t y a: abou t s: x uViocL iu them ru m);, a ' . liiere ltd 1 in : t h a tfu :.rd ot an 1 lo; a. r iri ng com m r nreJ , n nd the shore 1 ui I i ade Jed Hie itaipi to promptly open tire. i ho Blanco, KiKjJd.i, iturraid. nud iiu-tscrir ua?d tnetr iirary guna, whiie t m c tranaport' kebt their iu 1 trm I tcuio busily employed. Tremen loua it at rur 1 1011 loliowrd. airi, at 10 A . M . D r e I r k t out in a n t rM te m a re house, whuit et'.inuitnod by the rire brinde. a 11 1 f er 0 ro lr -ke out, nnd tnis lime ihe e alortj 0 the flremen prorcd useless, aji'i the fl tinea apr. ad uutn the whole central prt of lquiqui, uher the bet stroa and bui.d inn wert; aituated, uaa in ruiu. Cp to tiic 10: h, rtheu the Warspite left Iqajque. the rums -re yl tu rn 1 11 . The fight, which resulted in tne fire, was a atern aud biooly trajredy, and it wuuld have been more pro! 01 jca- had it ii"t been for an arrange men: having leen rt a. died ty the ch j:a ol 1 11 two pa rt ia a 11 i 11 drr uliun I lie ppsition leadrrj enajl t p ty t ot-ne nt 1 aj to d tatxi bu l e an t-n ij h .a men, u ho wrr 1 to join the rebcla. Cti'ler thia a r ra tigenicn l the goeernoicni troopa abandoned ilit-ir urn s and aooo diaeraed. rSub' q'lentiy Colonel Soto waa arrratrd and rent on b..ard the Aiiazonns, acr us r'i of hunng d atnbuled o: Jy I,"U moi h a men ami hartng rctaiueti the re maioing fi'.' 1 hose on board tho arpite had alio Iecn informed thut Colonel KoDlen had,'"JUol Hni niHfotia ' t roips on thepampa, and that it uti possible they houM Rtituk lqj fpie, m which port and its vicinity tnc rrTO.ullonists atat-d they had men. They were, however, short of ammunition, but were ex pectin g ome by a steamer by way of MageJIen Mra:tv Iqmque ia in a co:nplcte'y abnormal situa tion, at d nli the inhabitants have taken ref uge on the inland, wtie: e they had pre vn usly been stationed. Piaagiiti has lern abandoned by the popu lace. The intend, nt id Iquiqtio sought rt (110 ou the Warapitr, and iu tcquent ly left 111 the , cable steamer Silv rtown tor vi-paiaiso. The report i ror.firnird of the uht at on , Fraocircoin which Urn. N'ldaran wnskilUl and where the rebels vrrc iJclratcd. I.i the tight at Iq.i Tie, 011 th." nineteenth, ntx.ut ! Ai) peraoua ore k : Jed. Some ot the number loat their ii v e t h.rtmgh their own impru dence. The oftiee ot the daily nrw-pHper Vol de C hut, which aupported the g -vern-iner.t waa ancked and Imrued. The S arapite rire paMuige to aliao t llo persons of dil ferenl nstunalities. The French ateamalitp ViMe de I(vlfar, which rrived at Iquique, reporta tlmt SO , killed and wounded vrere t lie outcome of ine ! tig bu on Tarapaca PuuipQf. Captain honn h. ho-.i, a ho comma nd t he ! rebel ateainer Blanco KncaJadii, issued a pr' clamation to the i 11 habi tauts o. Iquique, in I which thef"l!oT.jgwordiocrtir: I '"The grner-ius h.ood waited on these Tara paca tie Ida w 1 1 ! lead to ( he den t h of the ty ra nt and to our right being regained." The Lima Iiario said on r'ebrunry 25: "The present re vol ut ion in Chili t hr eaten to re?u 1 1 in aerioua i n tenia t ion a I c n fl ic s . Peruvian 1 territory had already bt cii v lulr.ted by ( htlian govern men t I roop, and no t i e lea r n 1 h :. t the government trops with provisions an i munitions have occupied portions insiJe the Argentine limits aod oa the road to Men Jon." I A report reached Panama on March 0 th; t w hen the forces of Valparaia ) ti red on the Blanco Kuca lad a, k i liug several of hr crew, the commanding oflicer aolicited permian 11 from the shore authorises to bui ry them, and that the miner he rectivel wm thai "he might burythemin the ae. " The com in a n ti er of the Blanco Kncalada thereupon reterrtd to 1 he ca; tain of 11 cr Majesty a sb ip Champion and the latter sign : tiran-ly replnd. "Krqnet me to bury them and I shall do so." 1 lie re larst waa accord nly formally made, wh- ic upon tne Britiah roiimamhr had the Cln.irm Jead aeame.i taken ashoreuuu r the pr.. : c t.on of he British fla and bur.ed i.iip miitnry honors 111 the graves he had prepared for them. SERIOUS RAILROAD WRECK. Kanaka! - I " p ait II net m Jnnctlnn, W.a.--Tvo Men Irtl, (Xtirn Bttlly Hurl. A sr r iou i rrt k or ir.'.il o-i t h N -r t h wea'ern r"v1 .1! llaoi ,e Inn t.uu !y w'-, --h or m a n at k 1 i I , t w o i n c- r u C y hurt ina o. wh'ii hainnced.ed . a:.d turee ot hers nifir" nr in. injured. A mail car. bacgaj-car and five frtil t cars were de-t-oyed by 5re. The pecuniary l. s .1 eitimated at $ ,'"". T.'.e co' : : on oce 11 r rp I a ; i n c h t r t -r c--:i a n rt h bou n 1 1 A W . p 1 50 .i i-T l r k 1 n an! s ;, b.;. m I t r -1 k- ir. 1 1 .1 1 u 01 in1 sa ni- l;ne. T"- ii train ron- Sted of 1 cais. :r,i trm uii If: i'l "Ii 1. a m t y . t 00 u id 11 t be cscc k e 1 mi their r t t to a I in w si le l rn ck 1 n s. R.-tn traiTii en me l'-e;hi"r on tli nuin traek a t t ne dep it. ; e a bore r su : t . In the ant- u! tne Ainrriean Y t press Com pa it wsi $1 in 4-nrrncy t " r Northern ban k : r n n leaeo o 1 n '. nisei y hot i id tne 1. -r hc ni " mat when the . fe wa npe:, ed had" fi enrrrroy wai Imin i burned to asrir nn I ;ri- . thcr i.a f part.a'.'y burned. Tne fip'M e-mpany a 1 i . ie about f.on of to- mo'irr, enough hrm saved of :he t-rr t;.i f t 1 'Sure its r"d -'in pt ion . ev rat :n 'jan i t i lars worth o' jewelry was mo. red and ru:: into iMie!;imp. Ine I'nitrd States Fiprc-a 1. o npsny lo '. it a largr amount of money. N o a fvu n i ' '-ipr-'M or mail w ai r,Td. MOBBIN'G CHRISTIAN'S. Word MrrrUf-l of M sfr(on Uiot In rtlim--Mlilomr lr I'ersrt uteil. I" h. earner ' hm I -; - n r w a ! : ." vi i rirnnan n i,' '.ctMirr-'d ;n the d , - riC' a-oun.i 'hu: - King. I'tm.ft. The ( ' ii r 1 -1 ; n h j t e 1 1 s r 1 n ! . I n d ' i e n t c . in 1 h - d 1 r r c -M in y ! ! hem ii s ve ii-e 11 p 1 ;j u d e r d t e v. : :i nA :: - p..-j. s,t- i, ar,, Jn many in-:;w;c-- he; r 1 o m-i !.:) i.e. n trn d.w n r 1 11 n.- i t:.e ijr -.;r.i '.vrr: - - 1 ii - ::i r-ri'.dv i ; ; :n'r I r-v-.p- a-vt t.. f:- -n-.d the -Mif ' a ve . s ; v . j 1 -i: , .. . r,i t1( r an 1 a nu 1 b-r i : h v h. k 1 and w-mr, j.-d ' I'-- "-1 1 Mr- H; M , ;1M i (.K7U:V ;lt, j Mr. I. in, or r.e Anirr.ean 1 ' r - I ;, ::i '.jp, ri s: '-r -i gn 1:. 1 n n -.'. i 1'. 1 ri : ;i. . if I j; w , .... , j . ; , j r ,. , thnr preir : ' in.1 . m n :.k n, , , :i 2 n; r l ( , ,. 1 :or ; ri n " d J c ; , - w .-i r ; t, . ., "y 1:' d. 1 - -1: '..i;"- . -a . ; ; .v.- ; ,.; . . , '-r' (1 :; "'r I : yV 1 ' t r . , - P i. MARKF.l'S. K f. t : i . ; i , ' :$ " t J ' . . y k -' I h 1 ' ' H . SOUTHERN ITEMS. f.MERKSTI CS XEAV5 COM PI I-EO FUOM MAXY SOVIU KS. I. .Clinton, Va.t is to have a belt railroad. -The s'rr'et r.ra in Ilrhtol, Va., are to be pp. pe!h- 1 by oleetr.eii'y. The riminal expenses in Virginia f(,r the last fiscal year were I St'iuntoii. Va.. organized in three days a building assoei it 0:1 vi- h .'took amounting to Pr. Kugenc Ould, of Campbell comity, V.i l ;n k i i led i wen r y -1 wo gr-iy foxes and one red 0'ie this sea (n. Wythe con n ty, Va . er-jovfl the proud dis (t:.ft;oii ol Irro lorn from th ht i"id the snug .ittle a uin of t.'to.n 0 i;i the trea-ury. ie n-n I'nlHk 1 county. Va., had '3, (130 sh-ep; now it ha- 1 1, n and the wool clip this Tear .v 1 ; 1 re ;ch : u I . y " 1 x you nils. ' II. liogan, of Poanoke, Vu., who was 'Cil.ied by the explosion of nn engine on the "I mm ioah Val.ey Kmlroad, died from his ; ' j i r 1 s. 1 if tiiouand mrn nre at work on tlie Warm Spr.n;'s Valley Iroad, i to run Iroui Covington, Va., to th hot Fpiings in H a I u c 0 u n 1 y . Mr. Fanny Pin? tor, living near Trappc, I.oudoun county, a., la- ks but seven months of bfing one hundred years old. is lie is still in excellent health. Peter ( 'ah, an Italian, attempted to commit au cide at Statesville, N. C, a few days ago. He was crazed with liquor and inflicted a bad wound in his abdomen. At Hinton, W. Va., John Clement, aged s;xteen years, boarded an incoming lreight train, and in runningover the cars fell through and was instantly killed. Congressman C. T. O'Ferrall has accepted the invitation of the Ladies' Memorial Asso elation to deliver the addre-s on Memorial Day iu Portsmouth, Va , in May. --Vice-President F.ddy, of the Norfolk and Western Knilroad, tiunks Norfolk, Va., is lestmrd to become the greatest exporting and iianufacturing city south of Baltimore. A freight engine exploded on the Norfolk md Wes'ern a lew miles from Roauake, Va-, killing the fireman. It is supposed that the low water in the boiler caused the explosiou. Mnjor K. L. Tyler, general manager of the Atlanta and West Point K.nilroad, was elect rd president of the Atlanta and Florida Rail road in placeof President Robt. Maddox, re iigned. While Mrr Richard Barber, of Bucking ham county, Va., wa out lor a lew minutes her six-year-oid child was burned to a crisp. The child's clothes took fire while standing on the hearth. The case of A lexander Campbell, of Haiti more, indicted lor the murder of Miss Mamie Joseph, in St. Augustine, lest September, has been set fur trial iu Jacksonville, Fin., nt the May terra of the court. The Norfolk Industrial Development Com pany has opened correspondence with the Am rica i Steel Barge Company with refer ence to the establishment ot a shipyard at some point on the Norfolk harbor. The redisiricting hili, which has been passed by the West Virginia Legislature and signed by the Governor, does not change the con gressional districts or the judicial circuits. The delegate nnd se iatoria.1 districts are changed. Fire at Oxford, N. C, totally destroyed a four-story prizt; house ot Dr. H- C. Herndon, and three tenement houses adjoining. The loss is estimated nt $10,ix.0, partially insured. A quantity ot" tobacco was burned in the prizery. Hugh St. Clair ha$jut died at the horue cf his sou -iu daw at Crrimth, Jack-son county, W, Va., aged one hundred and ten years. He was burn in Scotland March 12, 1781. He was a blacksmith by trade, and smoked and chewed tobacco all his lile The free-holders of Roanoke, Va., voted to bond the city tor $,LM,000, to be expended for piblic improvements. The Norfolk aid Vestern Kiiiroad Company will, in addition t this, spend iA 1 1,'AH1 in improvements to streets and to their pr jpeny in Roanoke. The heroic statue of William C. Wickhnm which is been modeled by K. V. Valentine, the Richmond sculptor, is now completed 111 plaster. It was cast last week, nnd will soon t-e sent to New York to be cast in bronze. Tne statue is iseveii feet high, and is one of the tiuest pieces of art ever made by Mr. Valentine. Savannah's cotton receipts for this season have reached l.tMJ.CKX) bales the largest re-Cr-jpisforoneseisou in t lie history of Savannah hs a cotton port. The Cotton K t change e 1 1 uiates the future receipts before the ciose of a-ason at LV'.'MJ bales. The rcc ipts 1 , -00, '0 ) bales was cc.ebrated by a banquet. n ly Moore, aged twenty-one, and Miss All.e Cox, aged sixteen, were drowned near Kennedy. Ala. A party of pupils of the Ken nedy High School w re out boatiug, and the boat capsized. Moore bri'Uht one j oung lady to shore, but when he returned for Miss Allie the current was too i-tron, and Loth went il jwn together. He could have saved his own hie by swimming out alone. Mr. J.S. Lodd, a brakeman 0:1 the Chesa peake and Ohio, wr.s caught between cars of a moving train 011 that road at Glasgow, Va., nnd k i 1 le J. lie went bet w et n I lie ears to hv-k k 1 1 -r some 1 hing connect.d w 1 th t lie air braki s and was ca u c !i t in some waj. and k 1 1 led. J he c. .;.d uet-T ha i an i i I t,e bt .1 k just as h' w aiKed tti-ni. Pi'bti.'v not kii)Wing tin-, d-eea-ed ui. del took to perform theduty. I lie following ator is told of an Klberton (,.) clerk. He went 1 ul a few niilen in til e L-ouutry to one of t nose "good oid- ti ;nc dance?, " and while there made a lav irable impressi m on one ot tiie young ladies present. During the evening he a-ked her to "give him a fet." When he a-ked Tier to dance wuii him, she : u rned arou : d to her sister and s i d. "il ere, al, hold my tiues ti.l I trot a reel witii tuis te hw from L.bvrt :i wuii 1 .e store-bought o: hs ::.'' Tne ws;t.Mir,il train on th-1 N-ir.'oik t W i-terr: struck Luiuand Lelia Copper :n;' on a trrsCe tit ar ( "oyner's Spimg?-, rive n.i.ev fr.iin Kuan ke, Va., instantly ki.ling h-n.ia.-e I 1 and mj u ring Lu Iu, aged IU. M that she did that evening. The gin u ere waking on the track and toe t rain d'tsf-e-d a - ni ud a !iarp curve and was on heru bef re 'hey cou' 1 escape. Their parents were walk "1; Komc, a roau near th--track and w itnessed ' k- acel lent. John Mooivw, one of the most noted bur g ar- in tne ( Hi'o Valley, nnd who is wanted in a doz-:i ditte.en' p! ices for shooti ig oftie-e-s and blow ne; open sa f-s, was captured in U hee'-ng. W. Va.. by tne police and lodged i fi' :i i.;- rirt v:s.t to that institu-r;-n mi.O' m ide hi t-.-npe. in 1 ?o Moou- y ; wai.;.-d at A sli ta hu la , Oh io, where lie recently shot a policeman, and he also killed a man in UelNimrg in Ii. He served a ;erm in the West Virginia Penitentiary in 1 the early eight ies. I The leae -f ti.e ( 'en.tral railroad of Georgia I ' '"' Pich'-n"; I and West Point Terminal j ' onipany, 1 n : n.- nam-- of the icorgia 1'ac: fic j K.ilwuy, w a- practical ly decided upon at a j uni ting ol the enfral railroad directors held 1 a Savannah, ' 1 1. Th.c Terminal's proposition 1 w is discusci and re'erred to a comr.iittce, '; ich rci re i i.pon !heterni3of the lease. , I 1 e iexs.'rv u ill tak- the road and n.-.Mtnie its ; :: d i'tedness. and guarantee tlie stockholders . permit, on the capita! sto' k, which is $7r iirr.ori, wife of a prominent 1 re''k, X. (.'., narr-jwly cs ! -i.-.'.tn ;i d iy or t w npo. She "in-- !i-hs!i :n h- r garden when -:t hre iron an itrnited pile i an i n-:,i :: t m,c n as en ve!op 'd : in 'i ; - k ' v t i a (.ranch near 1 ''- r, )h i he at.T, rolling : : :i :-'i t h.- d lilies. Her ;-' ' re in- ran to the - ' i i J" M-:tiie. h- was ; i 'ii i.." -i ii1, ;in.l her - "v : -f .1 . r. ( 'jarke. a - ' . n - : i . is-- of n;or -ir - -V n n i id ' and sent her -' --: of inor- ' - " I ' ; i n ' i she to k : - t : - u ph w,4 n !.. :i it "a ai ' ! ; i f" i 1 1 1 : : ' n I i - - " r- v.-, ; i . l,,,t ;t : i ' ' i a ! . i it i hou r. i r h":;: -i i:ia:ns :-'n d a . raki l'KRI-HKD IN THE SN V. r ri lltl. t. I irlf lirr u( rt is 1 r.illl!. ln 1.1 Munljiir-. . . - :" i.i .: Hans. M . r:-. - : : N 1 -nlv.:... STATE OF TRADE, No More Active Distribution of Staples Throughout the Country Yet The Price of AiKliraclte Coal Prol ly Liiircr Next Alontli Strength of Indian t'orilBnsltir.s F.llnrri. Special telegrams to Brmhtrcrt's do not point 10 a more nctive distribution of staples throughout the country thnu prevailed iu the preceding week or in a corresponding period a year ago. Conspicious exceptions fire at San Francisco, as California merchants ami ngriculturi.sts anticipate an exceptionally prosperous season, and at Kansns City, where sales ure said to be larger than last week, or the like week in 1S90, notwithstanding col lections arc ".nly fair." The volume of general business at most other points is g.neraily favorable, moderately active, or fairly satisfactory. Even at Minneapolis, which is enjoying a good trade, unlavorab e weather has caused some orders to be with held. Spring rains and heavy interior road nre beginning to tell on trade at Omaha and St. Loui., and in Louisiana floods and threatened overllowB have temporarilystopped trade at New Orieans. Lumber is in better demand East. Anthra cite coal is no timicr, eliurts at restricted pro duction being a failure. Prices will probably be lower next month. Tlie projected eight hour demand ou May 1 is gaining strength aim ng c al miners, and funds are being raised iu am of the movement. Hog products are firmer and higher iu pric . Sugar inclines lower on the approach of the date when much ot it may be imported Iree of duty. FAILURES AND BANK CLEAIUN'GS. Business failures in the Cnited States this week number 179, against 200 last week, and 2'Xi this week last yeai. The total, Jauuary '.st, to dale, is 3132, agaiust 3167 last year. 15ank clearings at fifty-six cities for the week are d,031,7oy,31S, a decrease Iroui this week last year of 4 per cent. At cities other tuau New York the loss is 2-10 of 1 per cent. Money markets very generally remain easy, and taie rates unchanged. In regions wheru crops are short discounts are extended witn special caution. Net ecruings for January, as a whole, show the heaviest gain since June last year, which is misleading until explained. The gain i ; due altogether to large increase on tho Southern Union and N'ortheru I'avitics. Tne trunk lines show less than 1 uer cent, increase of net over January, lsyo. Total net earn ings ot ln7 roads for January are $13 827,U'j, an incrcass of per cent, over January, lsj0, while gross earnings tor January ?aine I 6 per cent. Th:s follows gains last January i ot respectively 8 per cent, in gross, and 14 per cent, iu net, over January, 1SS9. j Prices of cottoHS are firm, but print cloths are again selling below 3c. Hrovrn and blenched cottons move slowly. Cheap wor- 1 steds sell well. Wool has been quiet i prices unchanged. The outlook lor f t ireign wool is lor lower prices, as offerings at ' Loudon will be heavy. j TUK M ARKET FOR CEREALS. Indian corn has shown surprising strength i advancing 3c on increased home and foreign ' demand, low stocks in and out of farmers' hands, and increased demand for feed, as com - ; pared with two years ag. Wheat, after , opening nighcr on damage crops aoroau and nctive home demand, reactedou freer receipts from farmers and a small decrease in avail able stuck?, hut closed firm and higher on good demand and light actual supply. Stock of w iieat on March 1, in farmers' hands iu the I'nite'.l States aud at leading points in the t inted Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe, added to those afloat for Europe from all source, and to stocks available in the United States and Canada, were 23(J,U2S,000 bushels in 1MH, against 27b,(J4),OO0 bustiels in ltSKI, and L' i ii.Sb I.oiiO bushels March 1, 1SS9. E.')nris ot wheat (and flour as wheat) on both coasts have increased this week, Sau Francisco's shipments being exceptionally heavy. The total is 2,73'i,089 bushels, against 2,090) ij-4 bushels lust week, and 3,097.630 bushes in the third week of March, 1890. From July 1, todate the aggregate (exclusive ly Irom theStatee) isb7,997.32i bushels against 7 1,237,00 j bushels in a like portion of 1S89-90. Indian corn exports equaled 4 5,382 bushels, both coasts, against b2,128 bushels last week. IN THE GRIP OF DEATH. Fir. Thousand Cases of Grip In Pitts. bnrg and Vicinity. A despntch from Pittsburg, Pa., says: From i. street joke the grip has become a generally dangerous disease. The death-rate has in creased to a great extent, and this month will break the record by the alarming increase of 6fty per cent. Closing at noon, 723 deaths have occurred in Pittsburg and Allegheny in twenty-four days of this month. Thirty-eight deaths have been reported within the last twenty-four hours, aud many, no doubt, have not been reported. The direct causes given ou certificates are grip, influenza, pneumonia, typhoid and diphtheria. From the last-named disease one death per day has occurred within the past three weeks at the Home of the Friendless alone. In the two cities there were fifty-one funer als last Sunday, and there was not one-half enough hc;rses to too around. Kespectably-i-.ivcred wagons are used and carriages are daily at a premium. In one large clothing h. use t went - t h tee clerks laid ott with influ c: a, wnicn i daily grow ing more severe, aud now numb rs ot v.ctmis nenriiigtheoOOOruark are in the city and tuburbs. Physicians are overworked, an I tome have as high as forty to sixty ccses ot grip alone. It is sti mated that over 1000 people are si; tier. ng with the grip in the towus along the Fort Wayne l'.oad. At lU-ltcvue and West Bellcvue over two hundred chscs arc reported, suuie ot which are ol a very serious nature. At Emsworth and llaysville there arc over one hundred cases. There are alo many cases in Sewickley, and it is estimated thst iully live hundred people are coctined to their huincs-. Reports from ot her towns show results some what similar, though noue are eo afflicted as this city. A sp rial t-oin Canton. O., says Miss Kate Pclweiier, a handsome young lady of twenty four years, hung herself. She had been suf lenng from a severe attack of the grip, and while delirious from the fever, suicided. A HUMAN BAL00N. Paul Shoneman, Became of on Accident, Hecomes Inflated. At 3 o'clock the other evening Paul Shone- iniin, a middle-aged German laborer, residing j in New Yurk, was eliielly remarkable for his ; thinness, f.,r he weighed but 120 pounds. At il iiVlock, fr on his appearance in Ciooverneur Hospital, one would think he weighed at least o '0 pi'hnds. The strange transformation had had but one paral lei since the opening of the institution. It : caused by an injury. While at work a u u in I er ol' boat lis tell oh Shonenian, brea k . n his ills. in. . t t:.c ribs penetrated his iuoir. IftMt.u the air into the t issues and caus ing the swelling, lie became intlatcd from ! cad t.. lieeU t.i -uch an extent that his family o:d in .t know 1 1 i ru. The only oiher case in the hi tory of the I pitai wa n 't as i-a 1 as this The earlier let , in reeov' red. A REFORMEJ CANNIBAL. A Viurcr ( 1 nrnclrr Crcntci a Panic I u o ! ch in Ii'm . j K v. .Tm iuir.' :iv : ro'"'irmc i ( an n i b.ii ,iii : ii i. nt :vv cf ih I j. Is. ii tN. wi ii is .--I r . :i c 1 n i "U : ; !! t :i ' ! i . .1 T"i ; 11 a i t in? 1 ii 1 ! aii'i fu-:'ii.s '.1 his "I'if, v.siu-'l tin , M'-rri-j Mrri t s-. in Km . s "ti 1 10 - i 111 1. ; t; ;i 1 vc i uKmiip. Mit i'l In; 1 1 rii : i-i r--ri iii-? luiii a fright ik-I ;it t lie sir hi.'i,' :-.ud un'' : (1 ut j-ijt aii'l b-'izn :i t scrvnni. 'I 1 1 f .r. at ci a p 1 uic an-i tne s-j f. I rhi !! i vu i:.- If a 1 u-ii ! r the (!"-rs rtii-i iii-lo-.v. , ji ti.via wore slightly ;iij;uel la tht j 1 ;,r ru ::iiir v-r i pr--;! I ; 11 t ;e c.t y '.hat t!i ; c- - ti; . 1-1 ; i; ,' h.M I'.tl iiip-c 1, ai,'l t Iiat i:i;;;iy .-: liit1 :.;. .r-:i were kiiinJ. 1 Ii is cm-f 1 t nt- ; t 1 " i" si i.''-" 1 hy ii 11 uili c J; ot n.'-tM'-r-. ; u :u r-: ' 1 i t" ie saii-litnl until they iia i t ti u.e.r t-'iiii iiMt. Trie t nor it i-.-s i'p 1 c nipeJIeJ to :ills ill? soiiool for tht day. T ! i f f : n 1 - - . . , r. .1 nn . r ' ::: v . f m : : , ;t r l . 1: ' n , .-. M .1 -; 1 ; ... w ; 1 , ii.p - 1 1. ; in .c'.'i e :.a n z I l :. p 1 r.' 1. 1 v -1 1 r a- f-n in t .e c . . a: u I 'r.- ;i:i iiN'l u--r.i. lu' is nc'ayf.i 1:: k. !.;. n at tii'- pri-uii a cnokin-;- ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Mks. Kate Ciiask's second daughlcr is a lovely girl ol 18, with large hark eyes, brown hair and foreign manners. The tiist language she learned to speak was German, and her accent istill shows traces of its influence. The Sultan lives in constant dread of ns FHSsiTiatiou. He never leave s the grounds of his palace except to go once a week loa neigh boring mosque. Once ayearhepays a visit to Stambom, but his route is never known in advance. The Kaiser's six little sons are subjected loa severe regimen by their father. They sleep in u plain bare room, upon iron cots, with hard mattresses and scant bedcluthing. At 7 o'clock every morning they take a C3id bath, and are then put through vigorous gym nastic exercises. Fred Madison, a gripman on the San Diego (Cal.) cable road, is 23 years old, stands even feet two inches in height, nnd has to remain in a stooping posture while reaching for the breaks, lie is a good-natured, good looking curiosity for tourists, and enjoys their surprised gaze as much as anyone. Madame Hading, the noted French ac tress, lives in a beatifully finished hotel n nr the Plaine Mouceau, in Paris. She is a dilet tante in art and literature and a line library, in which many rare editions may be found. Her house is a rendezvous ot literary people. Hsxry Laboucheee praises very highly the late Mr. liradlaugh, of whom he remarks: "Often and often, the Conservatives have, iu a friendly way, said to me: 'What a much better man your colleague is than you are.' " And to this he made the truly Laboucherean addition: "And I entirely agreed with them." Coi st Tolstoi is now slowly finishing a new book called "Life." lie allows hime f to write but two hours daily, giving the rest of the time to physical toil. Every morning he rises at 5, and altera hasty breakfast ol tea and home-made brend and cheese, i.e sweeps away the snow from his garden, and then settles down with his fellow colonists to make boots. Mrs. Salter, a nervous-looking and timid little woman, who bosses a big husband, looks after six children, aud dues her own house work, is the mayor of Argonia, Kansas, ami when any of the aldermen get to be sassy or obstructive she just walks up Io them, asks if they ' consider themselves gentlemen," and threatens to tell their wives about their carry ings on. She'd like to see them attempt to override one of her vetoes. Dr. WiiSON, who served in the navy with Admiral Farragut, but was forced by con sumption to leave the service and this coun try, found health by out-door life in South Atrica. He now owns half of one of the islands in the Comoro group, oil the coast ol Atrica, and has a large sugar plantation 900 feet above the level of the sea. Dr. Wilson is a bachelor, and the only other white person on the island is an Englishman, who is also a sugar planter. Secrktaky Noble lias appointed Mrs, Alice Stocking, daughter ol the late Justice Miller, return clerk iu the disbursing offl.-c of the Interior Department, the family being in need of some such means of support. A movement was started by the bar during the winter to raise a private fund lor Mrs. Miller, but for some reason it fell through. The Western circuit, where Justice Miller pie sided, was expected to take the initiatory, and its failure to do this made it impossible to secure contributions in other s;tioiis of the country. BLIZZARD IN KANSAS. Great Drifts of Snoiv Blockade the Rail road Trains. Despatches from Kansas state that the worst snow slorm of the season is raging in that State. The trains Irom the West are all late, that is, those that got in nt all, and their crews all have woeful talrs to tell of the weather. The country from Eastern Kansas to Denver has disappeare J under an imraens: fall of snow. At Junction City snow is five inches deep, at Hayes City twelve inchos, nnd in Colorado there is a foot and a-hnlf of it. A biting wind storm is whirling the snow into great drifts, and railroad tracks everywhere have disappeared Irom sight. A despatch from Atchison says that the Central Branch Division of the Missouri Pa critic is not moving a wheel on account of the snow blockade. Several trains have been caught between stations, among them the pay train aud a passenger train. The company manages to providecrews and passengers with food but with difficulty. A snow-plow was started out, but as fast as it cleared a paihway snow drifted in behind it, and the attempt was abandoned, leaving the plow engine to "die" in the drift. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order and on Short notice. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. N. ARPEN, CHAYEH ST., opposite Journal Office. HUMPHREYS' Ds HunPHaEvs' Specifics are scientifically and carefullT prepared prescriptions ; used for many years m private practice with success,and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe cific ia a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics euro without dragging, purg ing or reducing the system, and aro In fact and deed the so vcreicn remedleaof the Wrlu. rr ow T-T.IXOTT1I. KOS- CCRES. PBICES. 1 ti 7 if 11 12 II 13 i 20 24 27 B Fevers, Congestion. Inflammation. .. .T2t Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic . .g3 Cryins- Colic, or Teething of InfanU .3 Diarrhea, or Children or Adulte 25 Dysentery. Griping. Bilious Colic 23 Cholera M o r b n a, Vomiting 23 Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis 23 Xenrala-la, Toothache. Faceache 23 Headaches, SlckHeadache, Vertigo .23 Dyspepsia, Bilious stomach....... .23 Suppressed or Falnfal Periods- .23 Whites, too Profuse Periods. . . ...... .23 Cronp, Cough, Difficult Breathing 23 Irialt Uhenm, Erysipelas. Eruptions. .3 Rheumatism, Hheumatlc Pains 3 t i 4 rhll s. Malaria .30 Piles, Blind or Bleeding Catarrh, Influenza, Cold ln the Head Whoopina Conch, v'ole,,a-CoSh; General Debility .PnyslcalWeaJcness Kidney Disease .'gx Nervous Dchillty . . . .... v;1'? Urinary Weakness, Wetting Ls-d. .50 i: T .l.nUat.PnlnltAtion l.OO 1I1ICKBIBWI .,.- -T . Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Dn Humphreys' Junoal, (144 pages) richly bound ln cloth and gold, mailed free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE 00 Cor. William and John Streets, Haw yor. SPECIFICS. All of the above medicines are for ala at the drug stores of F. 8. Duffy nd R. Berry, Middle street, New Berne. N. C. THE BEST LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST MEDICINE KNOWN CONSIDERING QUALITY AND SIZE OF DOSE. IT WILL ALSO CTJ-E.B BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, ASD CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. R. BERRY, New Berne, N. C 0RUNKENtfESS Liquor Habit. aAU7W WOffW 7h's? SBlTOME ClfS D'HMrfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can b? vp n i n coffee, tea. or in articles of food, without .lid knowlrdpre of patient If necessary; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate dnn ker or an nlcoholic wreck. IT NEV ER FA T Ls. t pperntf so quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no incon Tenience, and soon his complete reformation il effected. 43 page bo uic free. To be bad of R N. Duffy, druggist. New Berne, N C. jylSdwy Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual, constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy, of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most' healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made' it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in BOo and ti. bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVIUE. Kr. HEW YORK. M.t. THE D URHAM Land and Improvement Go. DURHAM, N. Q. : V J.S.CARR, A. B.ANDREWS, R. H.WRIGHT, President. VlotPialdeiiti BcT Had Tttmmanr. A MOST LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The " Consolidated" Controls 285 A' of Land Immediately adjoining Tbe Campus or Trinity College, Which baa been surveyed Into ., ' LOTS 50 BY 140 P,EET.',;--": The Lots are well located and are situated npoa . -' ,'. Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. The location is admirable for Stores, Restaurants and DweUlnira, Persona deal ring to " buy or build," ln order to educate their boys can do BO better ' than buy one or more of these lots. , r . .'' , ' -. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLIDATED TO OFFER, for the yreaeat ealy. ' 800 OF THESE LOTS--:v and to guarantee that when the 800 Lota are sold, to ereot upon some anlteble portion tf the property, sufficiently far removed from the residential portlon,one mxlernly-iul!t, well-equipped Cotton Factory, to cost 100,0OO, and to supply the Cotton Factory WILn a CASH WORKIUO CAPITAI, of $35,000, making total outlay for - a.. COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 One Knitting Mill for the manufacture of Hosiery, I7dei-ia e teoe , 90,90, and to supply the Knittlns Mill with a CASH WORKING CAFITAI. . of a-43,000, making KNITTING MILL, A GIIAISD 200,000 IN mM I W W W in the TO EVERY PURCHASE!;, of IMOO of this magnificent property, the "CONSOLIDATED" will ' ' 4 ' n ( FIVE SHARES, PAR VALEE S35 PER, BHAJtB r , full paid and non-assessable in the f-ton Factory, and, , tFGSCPl ' THKEE WHARES, PAR VALUE W3 lER8HAtfE, V T8 I full paid and non-assessable in the Knitting rfin.f fr-;? t I :v - Making a return to each Purchaser of $4-00 of tho Property, of $200, well invested In Good Industrial Enterprises. For evorv donar invested In West Knd Town Lots, adjoining the Mnlty tJolleaW " property, the purchaser realizes nO per rent. In First-Class Industrial Enterprises, Whloh will enhance tlie value of his investment. -jjo. The ( 'ONSOI.I DATED " confidently believes that the above ls the moat liberal and .; ' at the same time the most, legitimate offer that has come before the public. In fact the t . offer ls so liberal thntweiio not hesitate to say that In our opinion, the opportunity will . ,. he promptly taken advantace of by those who have been waiting for the BEST, or persons desiring to secure first-clasn educatlouul advantages for their Boys, on the moat advantageous terms. . t 'V :,. Maps showing the property nnd Price List Of the lots cheerfully furnished oa " application to R. H. WRIGHT, Secretary, DURHAM, N. C ' REMEMBER jT. (hat every purchase of $400 carries eight shares of Htock in two well Equipped Industrial ; , .. . Enterprises par nine of fJOO. APO!'TEH. In bnvliiL-ii l'it you are also making an Investment, the Dividends upon which will most likely aid materially to educate your boys. i A HINT. The I iu ill ine of tv o larec I ndnstrles upon the Property, and the completion of Trinity College ought largely to enhance the value of Ihe lots. A si ;: emtio. Now is the time to purchase. 7 he lots may all be gone If you wall, and you will miss the opportunity of buying from first hands. j f 245, Eastern Carolina Dispatclt.- Fast Paserjjt;r and Freight XJa betweea N E W B E R N E, Eastern North Carolina Points, and all Cos nectiooa of tti .. . v rKlfFf SVLVABrlA RAILROAD, ' IVOLVDUia -- f r " " New York, Philadelphia, Worfolk, aWl tlmora an Boatota, -.. ' ' -. Ta. OJLT Tri-WwU Uai Oat f Haw Bans a. , The New and Elegantly Equipped SUamtr Sails from NtwBtrnt DOIDATS, WEDNESDAYS,; FBIDATS, j AT FIVeVp. M., 1 Stopping at Boanokd Island each way and forming close connection with tha I Morlblk Southern lUllroad. - . - v ! The Eastern Dispatch Line, consisting- at the Wilmington 8. 8. CoNprfoIk Southern It. R., NewVc-FtiiTaanTNoTToTs jkuULiiusylWrnia K. R, form a roliable ni "regulnr line, ofterinr superior fiusiliiies for cjuick pasaenaraiid freight transportation. No transfer except at liaabeta City, "at which point freight will bo loadad oa ear to g. through to destination. .. I Direct all gooda to be shipped via Eastern ! Oirolina Dispatch daily as tollowa; - - From New York, by Penna. B. B Tier 27. I North River. V ' From Philadelphia, tT Phlla- W. and Balto. IL 15 Dock Bt Station. , .- - From lialtimoro, by Phila.(-WU. and Balto. It. R..Preskleiit8t.ta0on. : .. - T- Kl r..l 1. l. r .iL. lj .1 . v, , From llostoo, by Morehanta A M iners Trans. portstion Co.; New York and New Eneland kit. - .-.v,"': - Rates aa low and time quicker than by any other line. .:, . .-.. ... - For further information apply to .. -W. H. JOYCK, (Oen'l Freight Trafllo Agent P. R. R.) General Traffie Agent . . Geo. Stsforns, Division Freight A rent . P. W. & B. R. It, Philadelphia. . -B. B. COOKE, Oen'l Freight Agent N. Y. P. A N. R. Norfolk, Va. - , II. C He do lira. General Freight Agent N. S. R. R., Norfolk, Va. - GEO. HENDERSON, Aokht, . - Newberne. N. C J. B. BHQWN, FIRST OLAJS " V BARBER SHOP. NeaUy fitted ap in the beat of style. Bath rooms with hot and cold water. t , BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE CT. CONSOLIDATED total outlay for TOTAL OF -s IMPROVEMENTS line of lad aitrUl EaUrsrlses upon the property. -v $75,000 Perfectly Simple - Simply Perfect - THE IMPROVED WARM AIR FURNACES AND MM JUT APPARATUS or TUB BENNETT ft FECK Heating and Ventilating: Co. Th only Mftnufaoturrri In this city glvli-uj entire atteution to tba WARMING AND VENTILATION or Residences, Churches, Schools, Etc riRR FRPOKTJ CTOB IIOIJClTrO it FKSn FR FRINTKD HATTCll 1CMT1 HATES CflK-CRTUIXT OIT-W 247 and 249 W. 5th St., Cinclnwtl, 8. ft .;r; V4 ... . ..... . v, s ...... :.

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