3 XT' r $t.50 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS Single Copies 5 Cents. I ! A t VOL. XIV. NEW HKKNK, CRAVEN COUNTY, X. ( MAY 7. 181U. NO. 7. v It 7 for Infants aaataraa MUM kaaa Gsaaaan FJtOFB&SlONA L. DR. G. K. BAGBY. Surgeon Dentist, CJt XitLU Strtc pp. VajAM CkKA, P. H. PLLETIER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ZJO MONEY BROKER. tftimlty la f '! WtU rpnetja ki tW OamiM W -t'Bita4 iiiiMi CMtrt at Nr Bar, u4 twC Uk SOW DR. J. D. CLARK, v NEW BERNE. N. C.: SOrtXScB Chm Stnwt, between lVluck mml Croad. The National Bank - OF NEWBERNE, N. C. CapiUl,. - - $100,000 Surplui Profits, - 86,700 fp ' DIRECTORS. JU.A. Bt', Tmoh. L4Sicu. Omav 8. Drr!. i. II. Hacxocu. " L. Hacviy. GREEN, FOY &TcoT BANKERS, 9 ffitarsi Bukiix ItsiiM. NCW BAN KINO HOUSE. XkMlU SW. M ZW Uiom Haiti All. new ochnc. w.c NEXT I Prof. W. H. SHEPARD ul MsUtaat ia ta toaaarial art 1 Ui (1t joq a MalrCwtfor - - SOCanta. 6lOgO - - - JO ! - - tO eilTaiH33SEH!Bil JH3P. NCW BtRNC N. C JOE K. WILLIS, . -z PROPRIETOR OF El:iJ Korti Caro'iia arble Works NEW BERN E, N. C. JiaStm mud Ammian SI trm crmi ttU Qualities tf Jiilerial. '.' Tra Carta Var Ihr Daa-a and Flowers laraahia af taa ry tawnt rtin. ' Ordava atActtrd and (ivea prompt at atnbdtx, with aaliaacUoo (Qaraatoad. kr. jonesT HEAVY A5D UGirr GROCERIES. UrOiri tit fan a ii inf. 'A Ij ui mm ,: SM wf Jonfcrrj' faa. j-; : Dry Goods & Notions. -.'.' Fall Stwwkaaw Laraa Aaaartmant. Priaaa a a law aa taa Law at. Call av4 Caaaalaw my Stawk. SatlifitlUa Caranta. caii PARAGGH HARMESS MadaefUw fmCST STOCK and U vary BtST WOKatAlSMn. Such a Karnaaa hVffV aannot N bauM for kM than 2S. aaS t rwtalL But wa ara wUtlrt-. .e. In ordar to lntrodu It. to yJ V StU. OWE SET MU Q ''S and Children. CwU i r4 tMistyasI ust. Inrlaat lHanaiss. Irauua, KJIsa Wanna, gfM ny. and 0- WTlf Ti ImjmU iitlrnHna. !" maf ynmra I haw hlww I hi aarav aat issn aiarar osaHasas bBkit Iraratl produasd baaaanVanvl wt F. Paassca, XX, T (XV. ME 3. J. M. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED. Mm. J. M HINE3 hes rrone,l Firt ilo Tiinjj Hoi:o ;n the cm , TI? PiOisjr Dam Eewiii Macbins, J. M. HINES, Agent. A GREAT BARGAIN ! 327 ACRES WILL I KID AT A GREAX SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLAVTATIOS uiu tad 00 .Lb Soalh tiU of the Ncti? nrw, Lhrr tnd t hill miloa from the Cltjr of Mew Beroe, .V. C. One bundrrd a ad twvaly-fiva acrra clavmi. ; Ailunf, r hJ farming I TVia baiaac, two huadnni and two acres, hvaril limhrwd with pine, oak, cj-pcraa, and other kind of timber. It U aiao fin Granny Ind Good dwUanf, outbuilding. nd a fio orchard. It hu a fine FISH FRY fronting hJf mil oo the tx-arh, whTo Lhrw n high bank J of marl that can um b exhaoaww), from which rewU can load with . It is a very beau' if ul and heaJihr lo cation, preaeoUn(t a near icw to th jain Tnseis and the A. A N. C Railroad. For ternu aply to P. TRENWITH, ott. itui Uajrt nw 1C1R. I. c. THE MEW LEVER SAFETY Th PERFECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. 0 CHAIN M. TV OEAHM, VARIABLE STROKE, only two set Of Ravolvlng Baarlngs. Baat Hill Climbing and all around Safaty made. H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE, N. J. ClySs's N. C. FreteM Line. Sttaaen 6. H. Stint, Delajce S Vesper On and aftor February 1st. 1-'M. this line will make rvguUx j SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS I BlTH t. S Baltimore and New Berne 4iTia Baltiatorr fnr Nr rVrne VtI j XK5PAY, 8A TL RI A V. t 6 r n. rt'll Naw Hrrne (nr lt(;mor Tt'F.3- DAY.8ATI RPA V. mi 0 T i. ZsrtaAiU iia Sk!aan. Tiks Isticf. I Th'i ti if (wIt Oir.f'i T '. 01.! .f V' I ' crt 6r Hill m m h n . . : -pp n ' nij t NofTolll r. i r.c ur 'hr.i I r liMlnn. i Vr-i .UfK-v, Pri : dr I ;'. :i I; . mh.I a id 11 ! I I' 1 ti .Voflb, .: V?t. l.k'n ciy wiiimm lor " ;...r-t- 1.1 V S i r. 1-r-i. I nd Hi i f o-i '. o.' ? . FIr n r. I ' At" trt roi:.i- I 9 I.iiM Sc. Baltimor. J . T Mr'iiiii'i. Aj-nt, Norfolk. Va. W P Cljvir a (.0.. Pbi,Je!phiv U Suth ! New Vuck t4 Ea!t. Trmat I.!a,irir , ri rar. K. Fimpaoa, EUu5n, M Coirl whtrf. ! S- H ltekw!l. PnTidoer, R. I Skip Uara Borton. TuIat iad .AtardtTA J(w Yrk flii'T r. A 3 a ' 'i nJ . vm. " PhllA-I.i'pSi.. y n l.n. Vrd;ir- df SaturdtTA " " PriTWQ, afurlifi Tttrwafb btli laiinf c An 1 rmt'. fatr- nt) la all poia: 11 ! a J;f"cit oflwt of ika enmpnlr. nj .V C n 81 II-OB-VY, Afot. Nw Dr., s c THE N E W r Ph: 'p L-i iv 4- : M r. thoun J r r in the a : i n i 'r nf M ; ; v ; ; N J., Iiat t.urn-l vr y ir-t 'i r ' jTmnloi th- rmpl tV JruiU'l. mid ih r : not Ukl : S f rik. A M. Wnv . Cinruinn. n rl---t-4 d-pnnii-nt c:.:- DlDil-r f iht Ohi. grBiifl .-ir.T. A fnua: v n ad4 itiu M th momorv .-f HrtrT H foundr -f th' Ati)iirn S. !. t f r ti. 1 I'"1 venll'H', ' r 1 1 ' ! ' y t i A m Mna::V'--' it. 1' 1 1 'i ' 1 n- h '! fani mi cr.n -. ip-T.i:.'r of i lii'-.u' '. appmr'l mi-! iii- fn- nd : : 1 1 1 1 n. !t i- s-n-ojh t narnt!!y d'-rii: d 1 und.rid - -- ! Th" V'rf.-'.k ith-Tii MAilroad :i I KlitaU'ta :t S i . f.r f-'O'.n"' -Ti:-' bridifr ovrr tli- Il'.id-.ni nr a: V w --rk , will fvr I V) frt (yv.' ln;h mcr mark -Hery Bcfnrin, licv d''lT nt Mobile, i migved; lUbllltir. $7.'. wt-. r5V" r-. .t . in. ; ru "; : ii; -m- n t- H-mi Tr -v. !j t k tllfi an'i v'Ti! i :ij u r"" i the Vilminrt.ti :in-i N-rt iuT:i !la:ir-a-l ' in - Puy Rt, S 1 1 m i : . kjtn -I i ti i ' 'imiiniiLv r aj i rx4vl n ur, -i k 1 1 li I tit 'Sw-'if", N , hy liir rxpii"U "f a ! i ! : vm An'irrcu, a Wfll .n . n tiirni'T. wit- h"' :m-l killl n"r Shr" "(-in. I. a J W-l ! :i u wrMx-trnl th --rim'- I'lr.- ;:i I ha'i:i- tioogm, Trun , Oa;iM-,l :i a ..j'jart'T t a uiillioQ dolUr-. -Jrimr Wh:tt'-:i .h-t mrl Wiilrwi Or. Rkrtt, st li-v.-an. Ark. T'i--ruhA U ft Msurlmi. ('"xii. I'-rSnn I rui- rutr. -Tht VuiTi.-an Vr t'ii c Y-r ,tl Ix-arnr v s twri-('i'i in Mcuii-m S.iiari' Gnin, New ork. a: whirh a huiiiImt of notable M-h tp mi -Mr. J mm iltmhi-', wiirvivinij partjir th iM tirin f I'nw-fr A tniublf. aap ins n . Ia--t r- r- lif'! s; Clivinnati, eighty mK: v-'Hrs. Horal Williim A Strip. r, ft ':tary .t tt 't Louisiana, who wsi ; i i-T-' i "f in bxxifmiit nm- yam iivl - !i i , r-- fnrnfl to Baton R.iakjr nl tirrfii! -n-!. Nirk KIoi-i sa-i ("h.irlr I.. K- cnkpi. fought with pistols, at U.Kiri'-k'. V.i , n:ii Um vM killed and Kli -u:. l.-l -Th St. Louu expmm irsm.on :h- I'. A . :'h Uft Waahinytoa ta thr ifVnvNa rm ::... 1 a frrht lrin, al Wiring Station, on the i- tr poiitaa Ilrauch. The bzfx- l ;-tnl -sn of the expreH were wrr'-ke-l anl t.'k Ur-. pi3ttJ eWk. an nrinr anl a brnian -rr killed, and twrral rther iraiumen .irf :rril. It h&j breo dLwf-oTered that the late j ri dmt, John T. Hill, of the Niuth Nati"i-.al Bajik, New York V'it jr. w a (i--:'.i;iltT tor Th' r--eat terriSI-- a-id.-nt th Ike Shor RaiIroH, in 'tluch '. rral I-tal rlrrk Kit their hv-i, Iia" "pre.Ti -'nn-teruatioo amotiK the rUrk. rU"vn of them har in irxt in ttvir rrinat i.ui. -me : hm bj wire. The roagrrirauona ' lub of It. intou will build a ronsTTatJona! h :iv on the ol-i 1 site, at a coat of $-UU, '-.. - -Mr Amriia Brarii eoramitted un-ii. in K. 'rt Sim: h, Arkan-uta, by hanin h'r"I: r::h a Siii.iins' w ire froin a bvle of bay . hr iml h-n ! -'-rii-i by her husband, who wnt to kam-u ' ity. T h cotton -o 1 1 n u 1 la of A rkan rave fcrmi a pxI, with a capita! of t m.i.;'in. nnkl.yrn' I'mon. N v 1. .( XJ i : t n k-", haa lft th AiiK-.'-an l-'l-'ra:: n Ii..r -The M .K: a:; 1 h; . Kulr -a! ctire an iU'J"p--i; i-;;: :;n- - rn treorwiA and Klonda. CoofeiTrate nvinirial 'lay ol.-Tran' wer? ld in Savannah and otht-r t ierf.a tow tu. Youn Iatid V:w, of I'nna Viv.i, "a , while out JriwniTwuh a your. lady, pl.'iy fulJy pin;il a pttol ac Km I'PMt, an i iu killed M r Ju!ia ( av iiibb-n. a ni-rn- br of the a-vy famr!y. ( rinladlp'nia. di at Putna.ni, ' T. . a;v-t u .r.ry -one yo-r The birthday mnn Tsary n (inirrrvl 'irsnt waa conni-ML-oraLed in Pli iladelphia ty a banquet at th l'ni n laifur. - J.wph Midoi'"?, a l'hila l'!phia w --i 'l- ahr, a i . arTtnt'-d on a w srrant charfc'in; him nh p r- jury. - M M-Tniilh, a y-ui.i; iu:in lor- i morly if iialnm-who wa. t have U-n oiarrifd h.rtly, '-omnntto 1 tiunilo in Knx Tiiir. T-iu. 1 1 arr;.v 1 1 1.-, a thrivint; iliarc on til rout from S' at'Ti" ri . N. Y., liitothe j Adirondrk for-?r, was 'ii-ntroy.d by fire. I The N-r York Mate Iwnl of A r bit rut n osvlled th arteniion of th lkTi.i:inire to the infamous. ' .ratm syntein" in ojvaii-iii iq New York ity, by which -r piplo rwn ed ft LU.MT-.bl' pittance for hard laU r. -- Tl-.e body of lrtha hverett, of rbillipburk:, l'a., . was fund at the r'a.-ker House, IkwUon. She blew tun the traU. ne strikers of I he ( ity , Ilailway f ompany, of lVtrvif, har won. Th Supreme oun of Louisiana has de.nd'M the !utt ri' in ti vnr of th r-unpanv. The ilen Haz 1 and Sha mut Lnilroad Com pany w chart'revi at Harri-tbtiri;, Vx. The . . II. an I Imyton IvAilnmd tompany Iihs lewsed the Cincinnati, Oayton and Iront -n roaii for ninet y -nine year inumd wius broken at ILiTcride Lark, New York, for a monument over the remain of Gen. Grant. SLH"ti.-h-s were made by (ren. H'race Porter and I. erain.tn'i'T Lr-M iiian.- - Th Metholist ooferenec of Maine and Vermont voted to itlmit nonKii Curw en St-xldart, a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, suddenly Int-auio injevne in "Lii-'ao and attempteii to kill him self. - K i- Auditor 'bar le L. St ration, of :he Northern IUi troaji, New Hampshire, s aa sentenced at ( uncord ti three years m stale pnson for emb-errlt nuMit. - The Haron de Hirm-h In 1 and I n pr vement ( ompany u a lncnrr-'rarl at Albany. N Y., wiUi a apital of $',' The ild Lell - w s f Va.i!iiiiion cJrbratrd the st-rrnt y-x""nd anni venury of their order. Hy the rapirin of a 'nn'l ii ' j rvlare nr. Waller '. a 1 1 i t i: t!' hr:.rtir, of Camden, N. The u ! M"r.pion U- pu 1 . s h i n c h'Hi-e i a . is a 1 r. . o C J Mi.n Jk o Phi ia b !p!ii; I.. tj",' - :; p-.i' v a fa.t train tr;knik: a br-" Lanapnha. - - At Kort 1 John Vnardan'l her !-ay w hr the n'.. avion of a oo! :i r i . z Pa r's'aMy i . imp y ! w r a 1 a New i" . r a, 1 .i t r n, i,--- w i f. ". nd dea l : n Nl I 'in an .-h1 r .f.TTT- Mr " 1 :i " :. K-n-1, t ::r Pr.i 1 v.: H.arr ir-iii'' ' r: . : ni; h-i;i- :':; : r I 1 r t m v ; m m i i t I y : : :.n I Vt ;n K'- i.jr'' in New '"l ' -: h ti : n vin e w . r ' . was p- r t h cs 1 -tt1 Y a ! V r . rri'h - n. in ft i'i:.i:-. . .rk .hew 'si ' Mary I ..N. :p tin- r!iinr. -Kg ill I 'l- 1 1.1 -! :. ::. i'-- il .( I'm a:.- xi-::-- w :; x siiv .- : .. -i i -. x '-.ro-ih t he (-..- v ! x'- I TMl I'"" K T lil V-eS., ( tiM-l 1 -.-' X .-'-t-r I i- k- oi im X X -oi ,',.r '- -: s. C :'--i.:' i - i ! !n ' - i X : I h .- : in : n i'.Aer s : r ..i.'nin; h-T furl-o , l e -. : in , r- -nt t.s j r-s.. Pr.-M - : H irr;s wa. -nr Ii ot .ti I I. H .-.til IK- St X i n -1 n i N 1 r-i .'ir i-n-. pi ' The .rud mi l.lv rts el t i ansdA. i o. i .e .moo.'.; -.1 1 tlx .1 T'i . th. : n r I -tr. -j : -1 otrin f the : T- .1 M' . l--n at C n : riiAiiA. k y , w j. s. i I f .r - I' aire") ."tat.n .ii(i:,,r '. g i" i- will risil.Tl to A-.-eit r--i:i 01 ei '.-,1' T Itjilr--! 1 t'-nnn.-. "i. GEN. VON MOLTKE DEAD. Tjp Great Garman Warri'ir Finally Lars Down 1 1 is Ltfj. Ill-Art Fullurr tlir ( ...l- A -Urt. ll (if the tount'i Military ( ,irci-r 11 . In it In thr I nlflcA'.lcn lf ( . c i 111 :l 11 y Clvst vun MOLT-vJL A eaS!,. .b--pa i ',i Vi,i l'erl i i.Tin.iny, .rvh: The death ot l-'ield Mnrl;.il Count von Molthe !in.s just 1h'-:i announeed . Count von M -Uke attended th" es?u"o:i of . the Kn-hataj; Hi-d' ath v.-h.i v.-ry suld. n I and the ph deiai;., who w.r.- -u m .ionl mi-n-inn'id that it a lti. .1 f:!i:ir.- of the heart. I" '!i"l :u '.i" P M . puv.i:ii; rw:iv qnirtly and prCiih-v-iv I Tiie n.s ..f liic - 11 ne t p- 1 dea;Ii has causei Cr,,a' -"."Trow :n I'.-tIiu. Ilrllmuth K;ir! M.dik'- w.ls rm ft! Meck lenburg. -tohrr J .. Mis tath'T soon aftTwanl left M --' k i r. 1 u rK' and n-tj u 1 :iu ernt- n HoUtein. MellmM'h and ins broiln r .,-r,. ,-nt to th'- Nlilitary Academy nt Cop u ; i ajfii. m h-Tr :r-r: d '.jdine imd miiuary fru 1 oat Ia:i the tonridntion of his later charae I ter He enter. -1 thr- PrusMrtn Army in lJJ :is ! 'ol,,tiel. His purrnts, in th-1 meantime, had 1 -tt their fort une, and he wn compei led to u 11 dcrtf-t many hardship, yet he nianiurtfl to save enough fro:n his m-det pay to take lcxsons in rm-bvn lrtni?uah:e. afterward so valuable to him. His nbiiii-s on pr-xire! him a plaeo in th- -ii era I start i L- p'-nt four years, 1 v-t."i t- ;:i Turkey nn i Asm Minor, as the representative of the Pruian piviTiinnit, to reprt on the wur N'twen that cimtry and Mehem-t All His let'er- dem-riptive of the country and the ar ntfrnetd Httentiou. After hi.s return he advanced rapidly through the various stn:es to the rank ot' ijeneral stuff. His "on.Ierfiil srratekTi''l p o t-rs w ere of immense s-rvee m tlie war uh Oen mark ' 1 -d 1. Austria 1 and 1 ranee M "O 71 h brinciiv them all to Mi.-ees.-jru ! K-u. At I fie end of the Austrian vnr he u as rewarded with the order of the II hick Facie; in H7'J he was created n count. a:.d in i"7l he a. raifCtl to the r:ink "f field marshal. IL publmhrsl a work on t lie Lrnrieo-1 'niv lan w n r . He w :ls f mm of en-eat mob-Mv and -impl ieit y , reaervel and I'ttle c;ivrn to talk. It is worthy of rwtiee that 1-nth Bi-.niarek'H m other --frim w h ni to- ir.h ritei lus superior talent and Midrke', were not member of the nobihty . but si in pie lei nrh era ' dauifhtra, whom cn i us and w or; h alone had di isf intruiahed. Moltke's irmrennl jrrand fat iir w.ti a man of wealth, a wat Lkewj- his father, at the time of the future tiehl marshal's birth. Von Mohke's sister nnrn-d an Knirli-hinan, John Burt, a widower w:th two 'laughter, who liad setlleil ummi an elate 111 IL'Isf ir. The youn dauchter. tM Mary, read M -Itke's talca of On rut w.th indt-su'ril'a,le pleasure, and wor hipM t he jrrtnnis and tn'ent !.;.. h had crear'il ' th m Mohke f. 11 in loe wj'h ihe bemitif ;1 fir!, and led her to the nlar 1 :he fol!-i:ie ;".:--r, after his j.r.rn.Mi :i to . rank of mi They I;y.-! t. .; io-r a quarter of a e :n ; r v. when. o;i : r : - r.1.1 s e ven 1 ne. 1 " she died, n 't having l.v.-d t see her husband's trreatot irlory. and leaving him ft aa.ddeuel man No children were b.rn of the inn n. In the immediate year follow in it the wedlock, M pr'nil adjutant of Prince Henry Fred erick. William, and "I'iimt Frit " Mohke pw-nt ome months in Pome. Spain. LrsM i, and Fntrlnnd. After M'cerslin'j t the re-ent-y in W7. William app-un'ed M-i'.tkc chief of the P'-neral t'n at M an ; en rl el's snit ion . The p pl.- of pri;s:a did not know at the time that it was Mohke's cniua which w n the Oamh war. but they learned hU vnlue durinc the seven davs' cnnpai.ru in Austria and he return! the real hero of the day. After SadoAa lie went to work to plan the h retc h campaign. He work-tl so masterly that H.Nn be had till the m iw ready in his U rim orhoe. Pare was rot more clear to Moh.k-- tiian were Met, '.-leans, or other towns in France, and he knew them all per-fe-t ! v. F par.al hd iecfs f lowe 1 the i n-va-sjon, and :rand dns were tiio.se which fol lowed 1 lermau ietorn-.s over thi' forces of Lorn. NnH)leon und l i 1 French armies, mid on that day in l; 1 when the KninTir and his laurel-crow n.il - .Idiers re-entered the Hraii'l- : enburiT pat's, at Berlin, with Bisniark and Mohke at his side, the monarch publicly showed his appreciation "f his chief n: start". With the suui of money equal to half a nullum tl.dlars that h irit a- hi share from the war ; d. bt pai 1 by Frunze, he U.uu'ht the estate of KrelHHtt. , The intrinsic nobility and lofty unselrish- t nesf of on Mohke 's nature lias leen likeni unto that which mad.1 Maj. Gen. Geortrc H. i Thoma, of the t'p ted Smies Army, such a irrcnt soldier and a true patriot. Never in a jealous nno cxelusne spirit did he v. bddthe i'rr intrusted t him by his sovereign. 1'anious beyemd e.nparim as a strateL'.st. he , was Almost equally rin:nent as an author, n painter, a iiui"i'-i:c!. and n liuirnisf. He could paint remarkably w el I . play a piano and vi-di n ec lh utly. had wrtttm Micces.sful luniks, an 1 was the only wrreat man "who knew how to hold Ins tongue in eleven lan rmi:;s. ' If he had not ijrow n to le a doughty man of war he , -u!d probably have become a di-tinuislu'd la in of letters. In one thin; only was von Mohke weak; like the late t.en. Gra.nl. he was no talker, lndr-d.thr Fh Id Mai'slial w as kn.wn at Berlin by the name of "The Mlnit;" in the Keichta he w a i-rfM'tly w i 1 1 imr t i ve t he t hancellor his ote but not his voiec, if he cnnhl htdp ir. and very seldom did he do anything to attra ; notice to himself. Generally the old man sa' ( impoAsivrW in his seat, iut lielow that oecu- pieel by tne Chancel!,, r. L w k i n vr fr all the world as if al'sjirbel m some reverie or d ren in fr-.m which fie nev. r intended to awaken. For months he would appeal daily in his plaee. nl.va - b.-i 1, z ne of tin- tirst ! enter the nail, and n. .-r rm; it until the hdv a'l jounitn. anil y.-t be rarely opened hi lips in t ne debate. 1 f any coil, acue sp,ke to him he confined hi.s krrit'tinir t" a edd reeiL-iiition or a formal fhake of the haii't, but rarely alloweit any pen-ori to draw him into a con versafion. He hs'l a ponnw hat j u veil 1 le ai r. 1 ue to t he , tik-'hl fit of his uniform and t his wi. This , w w a. until recent yeans, of a lu'ht ehestnut i - i -r. but later he ad. pt-d one in w hich there ; w a- a 1 1 b- ra 1 m : . t u re ..Sihrr trray . His siH-e.-hos w - re always very short, but 1 w.endr rtully ejeur -dels -t oneiseness. and p-Tfect in style. "- y e eild hardly Iv eajb-d spech -s. f r fhev wer- nsnnlly ni(re Ktnte- menu of fies. and d. ,-;i of anyntreiipt at oratorical displnv or ;(nre. Trie m-Mnent I they were concluded he kouId return To his w.-ni. and at o:ce b;iek into his uvaJ I TAMASESE IS DEAD. Thr Rulrr X horn the erm;n Put I fion tbr sanioit n rhroiie. -H .' re.-, l v.-i i ii X(.-;K,ii--iir- !r '." -.1 ni '1 .'ate rim! . K ;ng I jiiuas. s, is. do H ha-1 I. -ti -:-: ri.g :.- on Hr. gin's i;- as. l tlo k: : r !.. past, x.cl titi.i'ly ( -i 1 -'J' ' - - -.: Is. .,!,.. :Is s.,,. M" mi.-.t ..j -, -oi ;ng ,,. ; w .en le :--! .;. ' i m n g t -i . kiio. : ci l ..f X t..u and Hi'- "llcr s I . ; - - i -i ' r. -i ' i i a "I t" .o r -. n rs n il . 1 :: g K;: g sod r-c rh-r X i- King iani'i s. i is ,1 i t; .. .-a i-i'iiy of X ice King :. '' Oi n:,.i:.i ::. i: i o r' b r l 1 n. rol"- - . : ' :o :!:: : . l: ll 'siail ls. de-'."l (ali' t" 'i i . : i -.sr : i ; - s i l uinn-si. n- King 1 1. is p.-; -ti -i le :i- ! i diiMMg Th- 111 -st troui. hois p.-ri'Ml l-i lie- : 1st, t , , ,f in, ;sr : ,j f 1 1 s deJMse.i r: a I , Xlu.iei ii, l..i . 1 1: g 1 ".:i m rr us I off us a prisoner f M -i- ! in- i . n.iaiis. I n i he tal 1 of 1 t.. ..i. .r. i' i.'ii.is'-s,- was "-.. rfhr iwl' !' the !.-: als ..( i a, ,x:I.s! Mali.;., a. and in aemrd- a :i M ; ii ,'n- s. t-i.-in. nt . I.-eosl nt rn. sn mi ' onf' ience licl'l in I'" rln; in .lime. Iv!1, Ma 1 eto.i im br.'iigiit back lo August .0 thatyesr Hiid diil itLstaiied in his old position as King, laiuss-. meanwhile, had quiet iy acqui'-ced i :i ! i-,- u- or-1, r 0 r h : c gs. WORK AND WORKERS. Tht? Atrlkc m tin- In-IUna Mi-l!-.:i 1 rnaii bu lipi-n !n :: ". r Tily :i, ri:i.' ' i- The journey in -n t ul"r in ttar.i. :it went on Ktrikc t.r .in ;i i . .1:11 of 10 p.T in their ivti, lail- ! .Skvkrai, hi i'a., quitti'il bed 'pente in Pittshurir, !U5 where the rk on 'tone ma,son'-, are l'c!;.-d it. SEYte th'-usaii'! c-al m 1 u.-r are c .t pect- d t , strike af del li a. Kentucky, unless some a r r ce ment in regard to the spring sea 1 e of wae, js reacliesl. TH2 conductors and drivers of the Prtr :t Consolidat'-d Street Railw- iv, in petroit, ilic-ii-can, went on strike. They hooted and jeered the men who took their places. I T was announce 1 at Chia ', that 31 M more men were d.'opped from tiic ay rolls of the Burlington Company last week, etlectiii'-; in additional saving' of J. )iivm) a inontii. ABOi'T 1) ribbon wcjvers in Frank Sc I-i-an'ssilk mill, at Paterson, New. Jersey, struck UkfalitM a re luetion of 7-3 cents per cut. They say it is th'- third cut anujun-'e-l ia tw Wet V Thrk;-. huii'lred c,,d heavers employed on thedookfl at Clevelaiid.Ohio, have struck for an inerea-se of wngcs. They have received L cents per ton this season, and want Li, which they were paid hist year. Sami'KI. G'tMi'Kas, President of the Nation al Federation of Labor, haa written to the Trades Assembly of Chicago, asking financial assistance from industrial orifanizationsof that city in case of a miners' strike. Thk F.drrar Thomson Steel Works of Car negie A 'o., nt lttsburc;, which have been closed for ten weeks, has resumed, trivinir em ployvient to about L."H1 men. The resumption, it is said, will be only for a short time. Thk labirrers encased in radini Jacks m Park, Chicairo, in preparation for the World's Fair, went on strikr for an advance, in wau'es. They had been receiving $!,"', and demanded $d.7. ier day. About 'I11" men, out of the '.') em)loycd, went out. S m K m onrhs airo the employes of the various express companies were subjected to a reduc tion of ten per cent, in their pay. An order has. been issued by the American Express Company notifying many of its employes that their salaries will bo raised ten per cent. Vl.l.iT Kl.U'TT A G.. one of the laruevt dwe manufacturing lirms in Haver hill. Massachusetts, has diseharifed all em pi vis and eh.sl the factory. This action s siuw to !m -lue partly to ia:r trouiues ana partly t" the ir.-neral coii'litioii of business. TllK Reliance Colliery, at Mt. Gunnel, Pa., nfrer a hm Mispi'nsi.ui, has resumed work, ui vim; cmploymeTit to JXH' hands. Mid Valley largely iucre.ase-i it,s force of workmen, and it is announced that a.. General resumption of work will take place this week at the collieries which have been awaiting the action of the Idiikrh Valley Railroad Company in the Inter-State commerce deeision. A Ptsr T it from Cincinnati says the dis content M the Kentucky L nion employes, who hae. it i sjiiil, Ik-i'ii unable to iret their jay for soni" time, ha.s culminated in a serious act of destruction. It iH learned that unpaid employes of the road and mountaineers in Breathitt county, who have never been paid for their timber, w recked the entire road in Breathitt county for a distance of 2 miles. Bridges were burned and culverts destroyed. The road will be crippbdfor weeks, and th-5 eo.st of repairing the damage will amount to fullv ixJ.tKX1. CHATTANOOGA AFIRE. A.t a Ouart perty r of Iillion of I'ro-Dc-itroyi-il. The noojti surani The A Co re was a ti-rri tile T' lin. Tlif his uver i'. ''',. 1 fir'. eoni:n''li.-eil eonriaeniti'in at fhatta is fully j. J 1. 1 H x .; in- et . M. in t unipli. il s lurniture ta nry "ii King street. The fire siion got fM'Yun'i the ititml of the tire Ue- partineut ami rapidly tisk in -M-erything in the near ni-iifhliorhoiwi. It was 7 A. M. before the ilaM.i- were under eontrul, and the tield of trTt r iii-t i' m -"vred aeri-i. Til'- hiss is aixiut OA fol ' o . f'lirrntur'' fa'-torv, loss iws: 1 "nniphell it .i."i)o, nisuranee .ih.mt $.','"; ' Ij- I.illv tvro-stirv hriek, j:st completed, not occupied, loss ,-Io.in.: Teak's warehouse, 1 1 is.-. j-Io.ikni, insurance $bi, the Fast Tennessee. Virginia and (icorgin Railroad Coinpanv 's freiaht depot, complete hs on building, about JoJJ.M, contents es timated at $2-3,1 . There were alo aUnit 7.3 freight cars de-troyr-f, about .30 of them being filled with miscellaneous freight. The loss on the destruc tion of the.se cars will not fall short offTo-.m."1. making a total loss to the railroad company of about l.'3,i)ii. The amount of insurance is not known. There were several small build ings desiroyed, which may aggregate .JUM"1' in loss. By heroic effort- the new Mountain ( ity Flouring Mill, just completed at a cost of mm. was saved. The Morrison Lumber 1 iuupauv incurred only a small loss on account of the destruction of -..,mc lumber in the yard. A large quantity of lumber in the vicinity of the Fast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia depot was destroyed. The rire raged furiously for four hours. .-Several cur-Joadsof combustibles were burned, among others a car-lord of fireworks, creating a great panic among the crowd witnessing and working about the fire. The three fire engines of the fire department were of little use, owing to the great held covered. While this fire was raging in its greatest fury another broke out on I'tst Montgomery avenue, near the (irand View Hotel, and a two-story brick and eight frame cottages were destroyed, involving a loss of about 4-'Jl,ie fully covered by in surance. The fire department sent a few ec Mons of" hose tothis fire, and volunteers manned the hose lines and finally got the fire under control. MR. BLAIR REJECTED. China Does not Consider Him 'Pe rsona tirHtft" ms rt Minister. The Chinese Government has notified the Government of the I'niteil States, through the I icpart incut of State, of its unwillingness to receive Hon. Henry M. Blair as our minister T'I hill!) . This js all the information that could be ' laiii'sl at Washington. Secretary Blaine w oild let talk upon tin- subject, and the i hiiicse Minister sent down word to callers that be had retired and hi. interpreter was not in the house. Mr. Blair's son expressed surprise when informed of the action of the Chinese Government. It was, he said, the first that anv of the family had heard of it. His father he felt sure, was not aware of the sit nation. It is well underst'Mid here that the objection to Mr. Blair is based upon his utterances con cerning the Chinese question, and that the re publication of extracts from his speeches pro duced a-deep impression upon The minds of prominent Chinese officials, w hich finally re sulted in the notification received by the Iie partment of State this evening. The objection of the Chinese Government to Mr. Blair caused no excitement in XA'ash inglon, as this Government recognizes the right of a foreign power to express its un w illingness to receive a minister who i not entirely acceptable. A DUEL IN A CAFE. One CamMer Shot Dead b Another, Who is Himself AVounded. A tciTibh tnitr-'dy occurred at Marshall's afe in Ibunak.-. Y;i. Nick 1 lood. son of Major dohn H Fw.d. a prominent tohaeco nist of l. in li'oir.:. and harle I.. who came from :ihiiu'ion on lYbru.-.ry last eii irakred in .a dud with pistols. Boss f, !1. pierced by several bullets, and died in a few minutes without speaking. K1om1 was sliot in the mouth and breast, but will prohahlv recover. Both men were L"imhlers, and tlx' sin was thf result ot' a quarrel at a enrd alroUts; u,rk HC". Some d:iys ;ie;o were pr t ilted ll om sllMitlle' e.leh tttll- placed under U'leis to ket p rhe jiea-'e. otlllg table they r and Ross tia-l S ! J in his pockets. Ido. d is u daiitreroiis ch:i ra-ter. A b inontii- ;i-j;o he -tabbed Mart!!i "M --jini. I.ynchburi: taib.r. nearly to de;irh. mi d mii.; iuentl aim killed a man iianc! I'.iviie, KoanoK" , ith a billiard cue, THE" ROOF FELL I nT A rarli of Yoani; Proplp ( l uslif-tl Oien House. The .... r i Ii ,i;s,. - TpiV. .7l .; ut ot her aft err. n. w Ii i le a pari;. . y . c . oi n g pe. I'i were rehearsing an amafi About 2o persons w , re hurii The dead are: Xliss Annie man, Ga., and Mi-s Fannie child of Judge B. W. Starke ur perform m 1 in th-- ruins. Foster, .it K;. Lou Starke, oi . of Trov. 1 he seriously mjiireii an Burnett, lately of Bairibridire. Eula 1'owniukr. Others were Mi Mll'.'Sfie ,d Miss .lit Il"t I , ai hurt. seriously. The accident resulttd from the the roof, which was intended to portinsr, but wa fsulty in e.-instru preadini: of I'C self.sup- tiou. THREE MEN KILLED And Thre3 More Injur 1 by an Acci dent Oa th) B. & 0. All Kxprr: the M.Mi -. Ti'n i ti K 11 .1 -o jki i i t J 11 1 1 : liii.il IIocli. Into a Frei irli t On :n !l Few I 1 1 es illo. Mil. Th'- 1 ;:i.-i:::iati rTjr.K "1 th': Dahiinnrc a:iltiii.i I'.ailroa'l. '..; h .-it ' ;i m 1 i ll Ptatiou Kiiliirr! to. i-t '..'! ' o'.-l.n-k f. M.. ran into n I'ti-iirht train n' i ri nir --finuii. ;;ho'u one mil-' alio-. .- I ii rinai.i'i.vn. nr. !ho ttr'-poiian Bran-'h. Th.- k i 1 1 i wit.-: Knstm-man eunis Kllk-i.tt, ot th.- i-xpr-.. Firoinan J. II. Murphy, of the iVcight train. r.'Stal ( hrk Hunl. tf, Va.-hiiit..n. Tin; injured ivitp: liiiLrincman Ili-nry Crnfl', of tin" fr.'i'ht trian. Firt-iiian N . (. Milli-r, of -tal ( I. ok Milton PoiiiM'-k, of pa--''nvrT vt-rt- hurt. Baltiniori'. N The . -n-ourvo iitur of R,-kvill.-, ton at 3.ii) P baggage oar. uf tin- ii' i i'l oit "as at a sharp W aring Stalimi, eight miles wi-Mt M1. Tin- epr-s left Washing. . M ., a:oi was m. l ie up of engine, P"-Ual ear, two 'lay passenger eoarhes and tvv Pullman ears. The freight inking water on the was running at a The sharp curve train was :'t a niairltill main irai-k- Tin- raf.-o--pcpil ot' to ia:i,- ;Ui liniir iinl thi- freight train ii'.Oii siiiht until the ex i istiitiee of it. Klliott pi f.-.s as M'ltiiin a sh'irt saw the treiglit tram on his traek us soon ns iie rounded the curve, and ut once reversed his engine an 1 applied the air brake. The ; momentum of the train was too great to be -.-hecked in such a short distance, and n ! moment later his train crashed into the freight I without its sp.-'-d being perceptibly cheeked, i At the place ot'eolli.-ion there was a smaller curve, which prevented the two engines from meeting squarely, and the blow was a .side one. As the enginescame together the crash could have been heard a long distance. The passen ger engine reeled to the right and fell on the i -ide ot the track, while the freight engine was j thrown over on the left side. Following the the shock the baggage and postal oars lett the : track, and a ncno'iit latter the two cars were 1 in flames, having caught lire I'roni the engines, I and not long afterward were completely- de 1 stroyed, as were aK two treight cars, one loaded with hay and th other w ith lime. 1 The pass, ngers went to work to assist in ! searching for the killed and injured. uper i intendent Thomas Fitzgerald, who was on the I express ordered a wrecking crew from Rock j ville, and began to clear the track, while an i extra engine was attached to the passenger ' "nadies and all of the passengers were sent back to Washington an I thence West via the Main J.inc. The work of ex r ricaiing the wounded was ! made difficult by the heat from the burning , cars. TircMiau Miller was found lying I against an embankment alongside the traek, ; badly cut and burnt on the head and with several bones brok n. He was taken to the Providence Hospital in Washington. Postal Clerk Peacock was discovered beneath the broken timbers ot' the postal ear, and was rescued ju-t in time to prevent hia being burnt , to death. Ills head was severely cut and ue was injured internally. Kngineer Grott' was found serious! y hu. ; near his engine. Postal , Clerk Burd.-ne was also pulled out of the de bris ot' the postal car. He had probably been killed instantly. i ll" bodies of Kngineman Klliott and Fireman Murphy were buried beneath the wreck, so that they could not be ' -ecu, and for a long time the heat from the fire j made search for them impossi ble. Only two ; mail bags and three or four pieces of baggage I were saved, while ne arly all the express mat ter, including two safes containing money, are ! said to have ij.-.-n lost. The heat was so in i tense thai tin- iron axles of the cars and the iron of the en gi lies glowed white hot. and with ! the primitive means at hand righting the ! ttames had to he abandoned. The tire depart ment at Washington was appealed to, the As- sistant edict' Bell an i s-'vcral fireman, with a supply of !e.e. were sent to the assistance of i the w rc'-kers . Tiie bodies of Murphy and Flliott have undoubtedly Keen consumed. DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. , W. W. Sini.KR was fatally scalded and Jacob Went .seriously injured by a boiler ex plosion near Lima, oiiio, Mk.s. Myrtle Swim, aged 20 years, and j Georee Hardy, aged 11, were drowned while j boatinrg in an acqueduct near Indianapolis. I Two children of C. W. Fuller, a boy and a girl, were killed at Merrill, Wisconsin, by a i pile of planks it) a lumber yard falling upju ! them. I V. W. Ox KN If A M and S. C. Campbell, mem j berg of the Leander Rowing Club, were i drowned at Hamilton, Ontario, by the upset- ting of their boat. Two residences were desiroyed and half a I dozen others damaged by a tornado, in Pitts burg. Texas. Mrs. Powell was fatally and her j daughter, Mrs. Burns, severely hurt. Two passenger trains on the Ohio and Mis : sissippi Road collided at ijOOgootee, Indiana. The pa-ssongcrs were badly shaken up and a ' tramp who was stealing a ride was killed. ! By' a premature explosion in one of the i shafts of the Argentine mine, near Aspen, - Colorado, three miners, named Reed, Kennedy . and Mahoney, were killed and two others were j dangerously injured. j Di king r fire in Boston, the roof of the j burning building fell without warning and ! imprisoned about L'o men. After some diffi culty they were all rescued. Nearly all were j hurt, but none fatally. i Owing to the high water in the Lower St. Lawrence, many villages along its banks are ; flooded, in some cases houses being submerged. At Montreal the water has subsided, and the wharves are now clear. .Tn.I.X ToTII. six years old, and motherless, i died at a hospital in Cleveland. )hio, from the ! effects of starvation. "Her father left her tu ' seek employment, and she was dying when tli6 attention of the authorities was called to her." ! Wmi.E standing on the platform above the huge rollers which crush the coal at the mine I of the Kingston Coal Company, Wilkeslr'rre, , Pa., Charles Kvans, aged 52 years, fell into the machine and was drawn between the roil j era. lie was mangled beyond description. I As Kk.vn'K V. Kmkrsox was driving u . Last Lebanon. New Hampshire, with his w ife and child, his horse plunged over a bank into 1 Mascoma river. Mr. Fmorson succeeded in fetting out and saving the child, but Mrs. , hnersou was ilrow-ned. The horse swam i ashore. ! Terrihlk destitution is reported at Tickle ' Cove, Newfoundland, ten or twelve families j there having reached the point of actual . starvation. Father eiich, aided by some of the residents, has temporarily relieved the sufferintr. but Government aid will be needed to avert siarvati-n. ! Fot'R fireman, named Murphy, F.nright, 1 Jioyle and Marks, were seriously injured by I falling from a detective ladder in Chicago a few days ago. At another lire Captain John Manning and Hriver James Murname were injured, perhaps fatally, by being dashed to the ground by the breaking of an axle. Another death has occurred from the poi son placed in the food at the wedding feast at 1 Limton, Kentucky. V. B. Snooks, father of the groom, died at his home in Eminence. Of the others the following are not considered out of danger: In Louisville, Mrs. IJ. J-'. Guthrie. Gcorg'- Beacham, the colored driver: at Anchorage. William Terry: at St. Matthew's, Mrs. S. S. Hire; at I irrnsby, Mrs. fins Hardin; at Linden. L. L. Horsey, jr. There are more than fo doctors engaged on the many cases, in one capai ity or another, and they have at least three distinct ilcM-i.-s as to how the poisoning occurred. MARKETS. B I.TMI'iKE -ft .3. 7.3. Wheat Flour Citv Mill, extra. S-3..50 -Southern i'ultz, i.U0( Mo. White, s.'M s.le., Yellow, Southern and Pennsylvania -Maryland and Pennsylvania -Maryland and Pennsylvania Straw Wheat, .... fa i'.oo. ( 'rcaniery.2.sfi(.2:'c., ncar-by Ch. st Fasrcrn Faticy . Western. Sf. '4... Fggs is ( ' r r i - KIT I rn Mfu s2c. I ats 620. O.'ic. Rye 9.3 tu :'.'. Hav. $ll.'..(7i 12.00." Butter-- F.astcrn receipt 21' 2"'C Cream. 12' I te. (iUtc.T Oommo Good to i.aeco.l.eaf . .fj.no'n.3 tine rtsi, o -1 nt--rior,l if.j 1 o ) I i. Mid'l .ire !.l l.o, :. -t-o.1 i "o s.i i, i-'anev, .jli.UO (o,i:cn. New Y"i:k -Fl choice extra, s.i.23'" f l.lf'f.J ! .2. Rye Southern Yellow, State 02;''io:;.-. Cheese -Suite, 7'o : Pun AI'I.I PHI Fancy. .f4.2" i.4.o". Southern Red, .1 vania, .3ofi ,37c. I fu.N'ic. ( tats o.'if.i i ;-tOc. Cheese--New ur -southern Good to 3.s.3. Wheat -No. 1 White Mat" ".s'j one- I -,,,-., 2' i.s.;c. . ats - White, Butter State. 2'i'o 27e. !-. Fggs 1.301 IOc. Flour Pennsylvania Wheat. Pennsylvania and 2! fo-1 .22. Rye Pennsyl rn Southern Yellow, so te. Butter -State, I'Ofoi York Fact lof,luJc. Kggs State Hf'M.ie. CATTI.K. B.t I.TIMORK Beef "..'J'ii.".7o. Sheep $j.lN.fn.ii..")ll. Hoirs jii.oOfa i.i Hi. Ni:v York Beef $.j.iifVj..i.O0. Sheep $6.50di !'.', i. Hogs 1.5 K't-.i.-So. East Liberty Beef ?4.40(a 4.70. Sheep M.0o2 "'--r'- IIogs-$.5.4nfi ..... SOUTHERN ITEMS. SOMK INTIJItKSTING NKXVS compiijcd KKO.U MANY SOt'HC'R. Kanawha county. W. Vs., w ill build a new court-house to cost r7.3,iKi. -Rev. Sam .l ines will conduct a ten days' re vival meeting ai Staunton, X'a. The new bridge across the Kanawha river at CharleMi ii. W. .., has been opened for travel. Otev Littl". a sriliou hand on the Virginia Midland Railroad, vr: stru'-k and killed by a freight train. There is he a social reunion of the cx Confedcrate Soldiers Of IV-rWeleT county, Mar tiiLsburg, X'a.. May l'i. Joseph S. Nutter got too close to n circular saw, in Philippi, W. Va., and received in juries that caused his death. At Petersburg, X'a., Randall Watson, con victed of the murder of Joe Robinson, was sentenced to le- hung July 1". At Balcony Falls. X'a., M)ie Brown, aged eighteen .vears. was run over by a train on the Chesapeake and ihio Railroad and killed. Nelson Gray, a desperado, awaiting trial for arson and burglary at Vcrsailes, Ky.. was shot through the head and killed by Jailor Hall w hile attempting to escape. Silas W. Morris, aged 21 years, died at Goldsboro, N. ('., from hydrophobia. He had been bitten by a little rice dog about three months ago. He died in terrible agony. Iu Franklin county, Va. a few days ago. Gen. Starkey struck Shields Bowels on tiie head wfth a shovel, from the effects of which he died Sunday. Starkey made his escape. - D. P. Vanineter, of Hardy county, XV. "a., one ot'ihe new assessors, appointed by Gover nor Fleinniiug, resigned, because he thinks there is too much work anil not enough pay. Allen Lillinan, of Brownstown Pennsylva nia and Frank Kingery, of W heeling, W. V a., had a quarrel at the Windsor Hotel. Wheeling, fighting with a steel used fer sharpening knives, and Lillman was killed. Mr. William Miller, of Pulaski county, Va.. is ninety-six years old. He was born iu 17!lo, and hence has lived under the administration of every President of the 1'nited States. He bids fair to round out a century. The contract for the construction of the water works at Berry ville, Clarke county, Va.. has been let t a Philadelphia firm. The cost is estimated at js3o.o.l., and the works will be constructed on the gravitv svstem. At ' base City, X'a.. Frank Goodo attempted to take his pistol from a drawer, when the weapon accidently discharged, the hall crash ing through the skull of hi.s aunt, Miss Rosa Couch, killing her almost instantly. Unless twenty miles of the Virginia and Carolina Railroad is built by June the charter will le forfeited. This road was chartered to run from Ridgeway. N.C.to Petersburg, Va., and alout twenty miles of the road was gradisl years ago. A Knox ville i Ti'iui.) special says: "The niuch-talkeal-of strike among the miners of the coal district of the Knoxville (Tenti.) section has been settled. The men signed a contract for one year at the same terms as now in force. This affects 7,oOU men." Bristol, Va., is undergoingasmall-poxscare. A laborer who had been working at Big Stone Gap and other points in that section arrived there last week and was found to be ill with the disease. He and those with whom he had been sleeping were immediately quarantined. Dr. John R. Pipes, a Wheeling, W. Va., physician, and Taylor Foreman, superintend ent of the infirmary there, have been arrested for grave-robbing. Several graves opened were found to be cmptv, and the two men named are charged with the crimes. John Smith, a veteran of the war of 1812, died in Culpeper county, Va., some dayssince, aged one hundred years and nine months. He is survived by seven hildren, thirty-eight grandchildren and eighty-two great-grandchildren. Near Oeala, I"la., a few nights ago, an en gine struck a cow, which got tangled up in the cow-catcher, and before the train could be stopped she. was dragged 300 yards. "When extricated she walked off and soon began to bite grass as if nothing had happened." A proof of Washington's Farewell Address, which is particularly valuable lccause of the corrections written on it by the first President himself, has been presented by Mr. George W. Childs to the Mount Vernon Association, and in a few days it will be placed among the other treasures at Washington's old Virginia home. The A. P. Hill Monument Association was chartered in Richmond, Va., by Judge Wei ford. The object of the organization is to build a monument to the General at the inter section of the Hermitage road and Laburnham avenue, near the city, to which place the remains will be moved. Joseph A. Martin, a shearman at the upper Riverside forge, near Wheeling, W. X'a., was caught in a belt and thrown twelve feet from a ladder to the ground, and instantly killed. The belt slipped the pulley, and Martin climed up to put it on. One of his temples was mashed in, and Iris neck seemed to be brokt n. --Lee Jce.kina shot and almost instantly killed Washington Ramsay at Lexington, Ky.( the other evening. The men quarreled during the day, and Ramsey went home, and was standing in his gate w hen Jenkins came along, and without warning fired five shots from Ins revolver into Ramsay. Jenkiua escaped. A curious find has been made by Mr. Pres ton Graves on the farm of Mr. Granville Raines, near Charlottesvslle, Va. The find consisted of a genuine copper brick, weighing titty-two pounds, wrapped in an oilcloth, the whole iu an old satchel, w hich crumbled to pieces on being touched. It is thought that it was placed in the satchel during the war. Lucy l0ng, one of Gen. I!. L. Lee's riding horses, the one presented him by ,1. Iv B. Stuart, died a few days ago. She received all the honors of a decent burial on the farm, three miles from Lexington, X'a., where she ha.s been kept at the expense of the State. She was thirty-two years old. Two burglars entered the house of Mrs. Termans, an aged lady residing half a mile from Martinshurg, W. Va., and demanded her money. She refused to give it to them. They then attacked her, beat her into insensibility and ransacked the house, but found only $2. They then washed the blood from the victim's face and expressed regret that they had hurt her so badly for so little profit. The New Orleans grand jury hits returned indictments for attempted jury bribing against l'erna.nd Armand, counsel for Charles Bartor now one of the eight prisoners w ho escaped the massacre, and Charlos Granger, who is "aid lo be au employee of the Louisiana Loi iery Company. Both men were arrested and released on bail. Burglars entered the sto.e of W. H. Lashley and Son, at Mebanesville, Alamance county, I N. C the other night and drilled a hole into the diwr of the safe and blew it open w ith ! powder and dynamite. They got aw ay w ith ! all the cash and check-; and valuable pajH'rs in the safe, the anion it of which is not stated. I It is supposed thev escaped from Mebanesville i on the freight train which passed there shortly after two o'clock, bound for Raleigh. Near Foster F'alls, in Southwestern Virginia, last week, a numlx-r of colored tramps as saulted and severely beat Samuel Brow n, an inoffensive white man. Brown swore out a warrant and went with officer Stone to arrest his assailants, when a desperate fight ensued, during which Joe Bains, one of the negroes, shot Brown three times. Though desperately wounded, Brown returned the fire, killing Bains instant Iy. Brow n then staggered a few feet, fell and died in a few minutes. REBELLION IN CHILL The Monitor Hnascar AVas Bonn Up at t'alclera Balinaceda's 1" ears. Advices received in Paris from Chili, via Buenos Ayres, state that during the battle at Caldera five torpedoes were discharged at the Chilian insurgents' war vessels, sinking the monitor Iluascar. as well as the Blanco Kncal ada. The dispatch adds that President Bal maceda's fleet, after administering this severe lesson to the insurgents, return to X'alparaiso without ha ving sustained any damage. The warship Florence, which, up to ihe present, has been loyal to President Bal maccda, has now gone over to the insur gents. President Baimaceda is in dread of being poisoned. To such an extent does this feel ing prey upon his mind tiiat he will not partake of any food which has not been pre pared by his own mother. The latter conse quently, prepares all the President's meals. The Congress yarty in Chili, telegraphs lhar the loss of their warships will not im pede their military operations, and that their iir my continues its march southward. SEVEN MEN KILLED. Results of an Explosion In the Iron Works at AVitkowitz. A dispatch from Witkowitz, a village of Bohemia, says that the manager and six men employed in the iron works belonjp'nc to the Rothschilds at that place, have been killed hy an explosion. Xine other employees were seriously injured. PRUNKENrfESS Liquor Habit. am me ow txex? sbvtom cum cmitfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It cud tr??rJ ven In coTee, tea, r.r in articles of food, without viie knowledge of patient If necesaary ; It Is absolutely harmless ami will effect a perma nent and speprly cure, whether the patient Is a moderate rl rin ker or an alcohol ic wreck. IT NEV K R FA I LS. Jtopcrfitpn so quietly and with auch certainly that the jmttent undergoes no incon venience, and soon ln complete reformation la tffected. 48 page book free. To be bad of R N. Iuffj, druggint. N-w Berne, N C. dwy THE BEST LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. cheapest Medicine khowm considering quality and size of d0s. IT -WILL ALSO CTJILTZ BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, AMD CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. C iTIURHAM THE Land and Improvement Co. DURHAM, N.C. J.S.CARR, Prestdeat. A.B.ANDREWS, Vice-President. A MOST LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The " Consolidated" Controls 285 of Land Immediately adjoining Thr Campus of Trinity Collcfr, which haa boan surveyed Into LOTS 50 BY 140 P"EET. The Lots are well located and are altuated upon Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. The location Is admirable for Stores, Restaurant and Pwelllnirs. Persona deal line t " buy or build." In order to educate their boya can do no better than buy one or more of these lots. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLIDATED TO OFFER, for the trafjt aalr. 800 OF THESE LOTS, and to iruarantee that when the 800 Lots are sold, to erect upon some suitable portion rt the property, sufficiently far removed from the residential portion, one modernljr-ballt, well-equinped Cotton Fnctorv. to cost $100,000, and to supply the Cotton Factory with a CASH vi'OKKOG CAPITAL of $M,O00, making total outlry for COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 One Knitting Mill for the manufacture of Hoalrrr, Cndrrwtar, Ac., to cost $90,000, and to supply the Knitting Mill with a CASH WORKISO CAPITAL of $-i5, OOO, making total outlay for KNITTING MILL, $75,000 A OUArtd TOTAL OP $200,000 IN IMPROVEMENTS Jr W0 V I W W W in the line of Industrial EsUrprlsea upon th prvpartr. TO EVERY PURCHASER of 400 of this magnificent property, the ' CONSOLIDATED " will FIVE SHAni'-H, PAR VALI K 823 PER KHAR P., - - $193 , I full j. aid and non-assessable In the ( '.ton Factory, and iPBSGlt ' THR KK SHARES. PAR VALIE tJUS PER SHARK, - - $TS t full paid and non assessable In the Knitting Mill, Making a recurn to each Purchaser of $4-00 of the Property, of $200, well invested in Good Industrial Enterprises. For every dollar Invested In XVcst Knd Town iAJts, ndjolnlng th Trinity Collaa; property, the piirehnser reiillzes fiO per cent. In Flrst-Clasa Industrial Enterprises, which will enhance the value of his Investment. The "CONSOLIDATED " confidently believes that the shove Is the roost llheral and at the same time the most leirltiniate offer Uihi has come before the public. In fact th offer Is so liberal that we ilo not hesitate to say thul In our opinion, the opportonlty will be promptly taken advantage of by those who have been waiting for the HK8T, or persons desiring to tr.cule flrst-eiass educalionul advantages for tholr Uoya, ou the moat advantajreous t?rnis. Maps shoviii" the property- and Trice l ist of the lots cheerfully nirnlihed on uppiieution to R. H. WRIGHT, Socr.tary, DURHAM, N. C. REMEMBER Unit every purchase of J-wm carries olcht shares of Stock In two well Kqutpped Industrial Enterprises par nh:e of S-tiU. POINTER. In buylne a lot you are also making nn Investment, the Dividends upon which will most likely aid materially to edueute your boys. A HIST. The building of two lai L-e Industries upon the Property, and Ihe completion of Trinity College ought largely to enhance the value of the lots. A SI GCFSTIOI. Now is the time to purchase. 7 he lots may all bo gone if ou wall, and you will miss the opportunity of buying from first hands. P ":; ' " $ WE ARE IN THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS OUR MOTTO. BEST MATERIAL AND WINS. SMALL AND LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. BRIDGEWATJER CARRIAGE CO. HOA.NOKIE, "V".. Boot and Shoo Maker. All Styles of Boots and Sfij mad to order and on Short notlo. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. N. ARPEN, CBAYEI ST., eppoilte Jwitl OSlct. nVERILL PAiriTi H OUTWEARS ALL OTHERS, i Then Un't it the boat and mort tvnanfnV If Mr. Blow buyi an UfM4 rftrt n'l h to palo t four tlmaa In brluf Mrtuli aotl you buy the "Avffrlll" and paint ' stv W orwr, (n Ton not nave 7r ? Avert! rac.t M hmm a bAi.tlfu! lustra; lb hnprxrrea tUr a a- T . hnprovc tfe J- poaranc and inrrMitfi tb Tme hfl wrur ahie tit ynur m I h (IMI lot junto ear.l nt laar . V ay a4dratii. buiirilnon. It hu ttd lt'fl bcB In iia JS ream. fimn fMhlonablr tint nrt jMwfUTt) i riiirahtlltr of Arril! Ptlit to ut HFKI.ET BKOTHERH ID I4arll Blip. if otb- rouiu I L. II. ( I TLIE. NewIlera, V.O .1. II. HKOWN. BARBER SHOP. Noally fitted up in the bett of atria. Balk rooms wiib hot and oold water. BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. R.H.WRIGHT, Bc and TrMgirar. A ORES ". Perjertly Simple - Simply Perfect IMPROVED W1RM AIR FURKACES VEHTILATOTG i DE? CLOSET APPARATUS i'F THK BENNETT A FECK Heating and Ventilating Co. The only Manufacturers in this city giving enure atl-ution to the WARM INC AND VENTILATION Residences, Clinrcks. Schools, Etc. I ronnRRrovnrrfnc m.irrrT:n j.;. - i s:i fh i-iiivrri hattfh ESTIMATES CHEKRPT' U.T OIVKJC AT 245, 247 and 249 W. Kb St., Cmcinuti, 0. I t V 'f;,-.. ONE OF OUR CATA LOGUES FULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE. . . - l V awjji jsi toss naswunsy , .s"t i , "j - vA"-"- iv't sv'1 .-- tl'fi t I "