THE JOURNAL. m, k. Ritru. c. t. nucoct Xrw BXSXZ. IT. 0. KAY tt. IW1 f aw4 el Vw . EOlTOJtlXL XOTIS. GUJHTOaB U wrioalj tick baraed to !Uh la forwt firs ItvPeBntTl- Tin 1:MQ GoTromo Ls order! its coua) l Ntw Orlai to nUra to Iulj. Tax Cmoirrrz, bow trTtUinj U Ji?aa, iu mtUck4 ft kw dj voaadd. IT lu ba reported Utt the GurUttoa Vu OftrUkeo U Itt aai soak her, bat the report hM sot ba coa firmed. FOSTT XIOHT ItO'lM the lnro ujtam oa BUckweil' Ii Uad. Sw York, art rhnlnj a Uiu vafcb tbey will aooo ptodtw. Tax ntabtn of the er of tbe Eobert aa'd Mmnle aad Pilot Dill hara lx la dieted for laUtlnf .1 t t. m 4 V la hear? boa da. OS tta 11th, UimuU dJ, the Boldiara Uoma fcraHj teo- dartd to U SUU aad wj ofifUl It ruwWed 'br GOT. Boil. Tte SSU lif'MV'fftTM ortr u. Eutrom Iloirnx, ol Ua AU aa ta CotIUtioM g ta4 U M opicJoa is.) un'a'n bath onfV true etatf a- m.n is thMl7aitad SiaUa. - Of eoaraa IIot11 txeepu kinaelf. Soim -of ti" per trot Mr. Tjomaa XeUoa P'ft to vrita tba seeded SoaUera UXory." WiJ mlagtoa Maaaear. - Doctor Eljftbaxj eooU do Itmach better. . SUITOI QOIXIA N eald to eharlab tb'blit U Saetor 2IoPberaoa.'"of'5eir Jfer. tO exrr the DaeaoeratM aoaiLaaUan Cor rrreldeat awj from ClertUad aad DUL SurxToa St as foe d will beg in tie naaafietare of cbsapfa oa ala bi( CLforaU froa. Ha haa broght a Fxeacbjaaa oyer from Loaa to taxa eharga. of tha exptt- , IxeaU ; : ',i Gxx. Bobmt' UAsscnrVfint wLra vu aimed illanif, aad It U eoajeetarwl tat the ahlp nobett1 aad Mlaalew bo bW bj the U. a. GoTerameor was oaaied. for thea. , : TaB Xerada LegbUtora baving refused to approprlaU money for tha trartliag eipeaaea ef the dia- Crict Jadgea, oae or them mi booxat a bkjele oo wWca to make bia me; a:erial circuit. - CTn fareat nrea io Miohigaa era fearfiO. Aay to of tbe eiz eooaUea almoat ejatjtclj baroed over are aa Urge aa Rb-jde Ilod. 8ieraf TilUgea hare breo wiped ff the fce of the earth." ' IT ta aaid tbat ao elosa aa the phjelsal reaeaablaaee beteeen tbe lata D. 3. Tajlor aaJ bia oacie, Zacaarj Taylor, that the eUtae armooatlaf the ex Preaideat'a moasmeatla Keatackj wm model ' d after the aephev. Tax Katlooal Ualoo Contention, aaaemb!d to focta a new political rrty,U bow la aeaeloa'atpnUa aatl. Dspita the fct tbat i: etjkd a eooTaa 'H apparent tht the gatheriecvUl be aotblag more tbaa a big maaa meetiag. DlX HAUL, the AUaU detec tlra, who baa bee a detaiaed at Ueaderaoa la eompaay with Mr. Jenkloe oa a charge of falae proae catioa broaght by CoL Burg wjb, U oat la a card la riadleaUoa of Eargwja. He aata be was deceived byjaakiae. TUX TJ. S. craiaer Chile:oo eaild Siiordaj Ij paraUof .he ChClaa ateaaer .iuta. Tbe Ui bad beea aeiaed for the viol At ion ol aatrallty lwa aad a U. S. mr. ahal pot ia charge of b-r, but the eaada her eeca. taking the oar abal off with bar. - Ta U. 8. Sureoie Court de cldea that tbe Weetera Uaio TelegTib Company aad the Pali, maa Car Qimpaay moat pay taxea It would be a rery poor law that won! J exempt the richeet eorpora tioaa ia tbe coaairy from taxation. IT aeeme ptobabU that a ear 1 kAitU win b Can tat hr tbe U. S. vr abip Cbarleatoa aad tie CbiUaa laa argent - warablp Erar alda. The amaralda baa been eat to protect tbe luu, tbe faiatlra ateamer the CharWatoo ta ordered to eaptore. A RiTITl of Borneo atoU hammoek:v belonging to aa EaglUb aalaaksaerr. maid bia chief Mateaeed him to eat tbe plander or ioe hi. bead. He waa girea eeen daja ta which to tkkel bU palate with the oatfit. aad aooooipliahed tbe feat. ' lie la bow -heap honest " MlT la not irom Germany only that the ma!tora and meade eaata are ehfpped to this eoantry at tbe peblie expeoae; i: La alao from Anatrla aad from Italy, and aa Ajnericaa ageit io Lirerpool baa dLaoOTtred that Britiab pan pera, are till aent here at tbe cxpesae of the benerclint aocietiea. Itlehightlmo tbat this oefarioiu buiaeas were brought to aa end." Tax Ia)t repcrta made by tbe Btita Agist, lit. Tab. H. Basbce, bow aa additional amonnt of f 37,000 to ba refunded aader the direct tax protisioa, making the total amoast 1404,000. 11a baa ajiei for thia amoaat aad tbe r.i!!r u cow pending. Of thia tirf :reci!aborr paid IIJIC, T t:i 111,432, M fgomrry Hew Haoorrr 12979, l',Z.'r Wake C8,8C XDITOKUL NOTT. bai appropriatexl 000 for an exhibit at the Woild F-lr. 1'ALMKU girfa d . t o that he oot a pjuJi "o lr i'resulent or Vi.-e Preid.-ut. THE Deuiocril of Kentucky , hate noairrI J.ii-i Young Urowu Ur (Jooriuir. U'uaT'8 the use of u e mliuji mivjiooAt ir io CI:: -3 T IU" lk.:i G-.Sctie reOr to u " vrlirt u.s American i.rt Kditok Di.ii prelio tut I Le hoervlllooaie whrn only one flag ahait loat from the Arctic to d; - taotaoalhern seas, and that Rhil be the Stare and Stripe. Me doe-tn'l name nj particular date for thia tracaformatinn 8o his prophecy can bcarcely fail. MtTICIPlL tlectioDd ia Indtna taat week abow doidel D?moorj tla gaina oer to eirs ago. Perhapa Mr. ll.rnsQ hid better atoj at borne oa hia wj to Vah Ingtoo, noleaa be prefers to wait a few months when his eUy will not be limited by official datles. PiTB mllltoa dollar for Itaii 's exhibit ; tbe World" a Pair and uoe million for Mexico'. L::t!e Ct R:c n to bare, like her Urger ocigbbo.a, aepecUl baildmg or ber own. It really looks as if the kingd,) a of Europe would eel pee tb American republics at Chicago. THB Sst(o-t VirgiuUn nayt: 'Dr. Ltcia U. Thompson, of Green- tiI1, ft. C., oo of ibo brlgb-cfct Cr-.utr9 io the rectsntc!.ws at the Women'a Medical College, has aailed for Europe, where she will partoe her atadiee ta the principal horp4ta( el Germioy, Eugland and Prance. 70 Wednesday the PalmeUo 3-te'a cpttl cerebrated tbe cet teaaUlofthe first legisialare. The erent of the day was Wade lis mp Im'i "aptend d hiatorJcT'oration tj a hiaterioal people." The grand old man waa at bU best, aad South Caroliaa, baring irgaiacd her aeaaee, paid merited honors to ber moat distinguished son. A. rsoxi5E5T of3oer waa asked how.Ioog it wonld take to recap lire the Itata. Qe replied that be cool.d only answer by rtcil ing the Alabama cue, where tbe reaiel of that aame con tinned for iwojears to commit the meet andaeioas raids upon American commerce h,lc par sued by at least twenty naval rease la. MB. CLXVEL15D is oar rhoice for Preeident. and e Ulnv,' the farming interests of the coaa'.ry would be twrfeotlv sale in his hands. Alliancemen, whether they desire tbe tlection of Mr. Cleveland or oot, could d nothing more cer tain toaeinre Ms election th in tbe potting of a third p-irty io tho firl J. It wonld be almost sore to throw the election into tbe fiouse of lie praseBtatlres where tbe vote by bUtea would atand Democrats 30 Republicans 12 aad Alliance '2. BASIC CITY. a., was one car old on the -7th instant. Twelve months aeo the crossing of tbe Chesapeake and Ohio aod Norfolk and Weetera railroads was known aa Waynesboro Jacetion, its bus: orse bonsca coosistlag of a hotel, depot, and eating bouse. Today it ia a nourishing basiness town of orrr 3.000 inhabitants, and the Baaio City Adrance jast pub liahed a large and handsomely illustrated anoirerssry edition of 40,000 copies. THB lolloeine extract irocn a reeeet epeecb of Mr. Cltvtland at BolTaro, N T., deserves wide circc- latioa aad careful perasa': '-I teiiere the most threatening figure which today stands in tbe way of the safriy ol oar Government and 'he bappineaa of oar people is reck las and wicked extravagance in oar pablic exr-eoditures. It is the most fatal of u! I the deadly brood born of governmental jierversion. It bidea bne:h tt. wing the be tmyul of pople'ri trust, and holds owerl-s 1 1 its fcinating clooe tbe people' will and con science. It brMxenij exhibits today a Billion Dollar Congress. Hut lately a large enrplus remained in tbe peopsVa pnbite treasury after meeting all expenditures then by no meana economical. Thia condi tioa waa presented totheAmeri can people aa poeitire proof that tbeir -tardea of taxation was un just because nnceceesarj; and 3 et while tbe popular proteet tiil heard, tbe harpy of Public Kxtrava gance devours tbe surplus and impudently calls upon ita stagger ing victims to bring still Urger suppliee within the reach of itn insatiate appetite. A few ho; yeari ago a pension roll amounnc; to fifty three millions of dollars waa willingly maintained by ear patriotic citizens. Today TubHc Extravagance decrees tbat three times that sum sb-ill bx drawn from the people, npon the pretext that ita expenditure represents tbe popular iove of the soldier. Not many years ago a river and b irbor bill appropriating eleven millions of dollars gave rise to a load popu lax protest Now, public extrava gance commands an appropriation of twenty two millions for the same purposes and tbe people are silent. Today millions are paid for bare-1 faced aobeidy, and this ia approved , or condoned at the behest of Public Extravagance and thus a new marauder ia torned loose, which, in ' company with lie viciooa tariff ( partner, bears pil tired benefit to the households of favored selfish: interests. We seed not prolong! tbe details. Torn where we will sta the advance of this devouring and deatrnctira creatare.'1 EDITORIAL NOTES j THE loss by forest fires in Michi gan is estimated at 2,000,000. TriE i;.;uois legislature appro priate 1 r 1 CH),UiiO Tor the- World's l-'air. SEMTi'U I'Kl KKU wauis il thousaud n;:llicns ad'le.l to :hc c.rculat'.t'ii. Thk DemiHT.: : tion of Kentucky is at l,m:8vi!!c. The Italian ct. leom s allege.; t :i 1 S: .ite ( 'on von 11(1 id M'ssion ,t New Or- ; conspiracy w,h formed tv Italians there to kill the major and other citizens 1 aad that he prevented it. Key. TiK'S. V. CiAVI.ok, Chan cellor of the I'niversity of the South, at Sewanee Tenn., has been elected btshop of Georgia by the diocesau convention v( the Trotos taut church. AnVEPixc, to Dr. W". H. Ilobvrts, Amer:cj!i 5:.r latto il Sec retary of the rres terian Alliance, the Presbj. teri..n nnd re formed denom.nations throughout tie worhi have l'O.Joj 000 adherents. Til E British and Foreign Kible Svciety has been (stablihhtd eighty-.-even ears. During its lorg period of existence it issued 1 1' i, i.ii0,0' U cop'es of scrip ture writirg". transla'til into "2'JO tongues. TfJE ;s.snea from the Hible hoti.-e in ew York C:ty during ti.e month cl March ere 1 l'i :'.u7 vol ames. The total ifsae from tie Bible house during the ear endirg March 3lst, not including these issued in foreign laBds weie 1,812. 021. IiL'DiM again comes to the front, with hat in hand, find polite ly remarks that the New OrleaiiB J lynching affair is purely a legal question, and not one of national i dignity, lie waa rather slow in arriving at this conclusion, jut ia J unquestionably correct. I The campaign tour is over and tbo President bas returned to Washington. Iiaving been met with Wild demonstrations through out the country he was allowed to enter the presidential mansion as quietly as an ordinary citizen re tarns to his own bouso after the libors of the day. Perhaps Harri son is not as big a man in the National Capitol as he is in the rnral districts of the We st. Ox Thursday night A. P. Gor man, Marj land's senior representa tive ia the Senate of the I'nited States, was presented, in the city of Pallimbre, with a splendid silver service, in honor of hia efforts in the defeat of the Force bill. A very large company was present. Tae Senator, in his reception speech, said that all the Democrats and eight Republicans participated in the glory of the achievement, and ha warned liis hearers and the oantry "that the issue made by the Force bill lias not ce.ised to exist." The Washington Post concludes aa article on the Christian outlook with this paragraph: "From this it is not unreasonable to suppose that while the more rigid forms of or thodoxy may continue to suffer severe shocks the Christian religion will never lose its dominance. It may grow closer to tbe simple philosophy which Christ taught; it may grow to a wider sympathy with the world's great teachers: it may broaden as plodding science shall open to view the larger truth, but the religion itself will sur vive." "Qoteesog Holt states that he will not occupy the executive mansion until mid-August. Mrs. Uolt will be away until that time. The Governor entertains most charmingly at his beautiful home in Alamance, and will no doubt make the mansion a most agree able place. The state ought to make an appropriation of.",000 for properly furnishing the man sion. It is zow only partia ly furnished. Perhaps the next legis lature will have enough state pride to do the correct thing in this respect."' The colored Baptist of Virginia are now in session at Charlottes ville. The report of the State Mission Board 6hows that a great deal of work and much good bas been accomplished by that board during tbe past year. Dr. A.E Dickinson, editor of the Religions Herald, appeared on the floor and congratulated the convention on the progress the colored brethren are making, but he told them they wonld get on much faster if they would avail themselves of the help he and others are ready to extend to them. It is a favorable sign of rhe times when so largo a body of colored men assemble to advance the interest of the church and pro ceed to business uninfluenced by political parties or race prejudices. There is very little of general interest in the politics of the coun try. New York and Ohio, always important factors in politics, never at any time wholly escape public attention. Just now the Empire' State is excited over a report that Governor Hill is seeking the Dem- j ocratic nomination so tbat he may , run for a third terra. This is most '. extraordinary. He is now censured ; for holding the gubernatorial ofiice ! alter having been elected a United States Senator. It is evident that be fs looking to the Presidency, and if he is again elected Governor of New York the object of his am bition will probably be gained. Obio is agitated overthe approach ing struggle of Campbell and McKinley. If Campbell is re elect-! ed Governor be too will loom np as a Presidential candidate. ' iitAiit' or SOIIT. v Tl i '1 i uic It I Nortli: Committed in a rn Ftat-. A dispatch from Indian. ;n the 2".!i u!t. li as following: The suburb of Hough v ill,) In long been terrorized by a gang of tough. K.uiy this morning u mob of a hundred citizens broke iato the ! and took John Abbott, color bo r y , a i) 1 t m : i I. ai rested lor highway rob- leeu a rope around ui.-1 r.cck .verged him to thu woods a est of ton. Alter bcinc strung up. cooler counsel prevailed, and he was tied to a tree and given ."' 1 las Iu on the biro back, after vtli cli be was taken back to i til after ecnfes.-ig his guilt. Tiio citizen s then orderid all worthless uegroes to leave town. A'' .:t 4 o'clock this morning a score ol ne groes li' Ui Buchktown drove to Hoiih .lie te n lea-e the negroes in j il, hut they were meet by c i 1 1 . n s w In pUPMl.l It 1 1 ; hem to ur o i t' V.'in- return r.ndo: clic.-ter.s." t! Kif in i ii u 1 " 'r t U -: n -s- Far'ning always was. :s. and always w::l he the best bu-iness u-ider the v.;:i, when tiie right mat', uiiv'.er fav or ..':! circumstance?, eir. baiks in it. 1 ' is not a business i in v. L : i h oi. e can bccuinc '"sudden ly and iolentIy stricken"' with super abundant wealth, but it :s one in tthich liberty in its fullest sense, and I'liity in its fullest amplitu.ii'. ::..: "be fully reahzeu ar:d e i.j. d . If there were no . tirieiless lawyers, no seedy doctors, n poverty 1 idenea mechanics and laborers then one might be d.Mvurage.l w;:h the fact that there aie many exceedingly poor farmers, who iail tomake the two ends of the jear mcf. Hat the "pmr we have always" with us, and this class cm never, by any I sv.-tem of laws, political or social, ' !e entirely done away with at least, during this life. We m3y, however, reduce their number and Ameliorate, to some extent, the CJndition of the remainder. This good work, however, must be done lu- the farmers themselves, and ; they seem recently to have "caught on" to this fact. Let them not ', turn it loos.1. Parca and It inch. kloust hold Hints. An effectual remedy for slimy and greasy drai.i pipes is copperas dissolved and left to work gradually through tbe pipe To clean marble, mix whiting with common soap till thick as paste. Spread it on the marble and Iaave it lor a couple of days. When the paste is cleaned eff the stains will also bo removnd. If soot be dropped upon the car pet, throw upon it an equal quanity of salt, iiiid sweep all up together. There will be scarcely a traco of soot left. To remove cil stains from felt, make some Fuller's earth into a thick paste. lay it on thickly, allow it todry, and then brush it with a bards brush. To clean windows satisfactorily try the following: Dust tbe glass, both in and oat side, with a brush c.dled a painter's "duster," wash with a sponge and water contain ing a little ammonia, rinse and dry with soft old linen cloth, polish with a dry, clean chamois leather. The bright and clean effect will be astonishingly permanent. Co'. Polk's Xtcessity for a Third Tarlj. Atlanta May 10. The Presi dent, Polk of the Farmers' Alliance says bis organization fn strongly in favor of the free coinage of sil ver, and no candidate who is not in sympathy with the alliance on this questiod can hoy for its sup port next year. Hence be is op posed to the nomination of Grover Cleveland for the preddency by the democrats. The nomination of Mr. Cleveland on a platform either ignoring or straddling the money question will he is sure, make a third party a necessity. Till; IZVltEWlTfll'i III ItT, More Serious Tha i Admitted Ills As-ailant a Niliitift, London, , May 10. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Chronicle ways that It is report ed that the Czarewitch is more seriously wounded than if admitted by the authorities. The correspon dent adds that the assailant of the Czarewitch is a Nihilist who escap eil from Saehalien, an island off the east coast of Asia blonging to Kassia, and who succeeded in en tering the Jananece police service ita. inn (i :i-iil at osvO leans, Kcca led, Washington, Mav 11th, 1S91 The Italian Consul in the city ol New Orleans, it is understood, has been recalled by bis government and the duties of Consul at that city will be discharged by a Consnl at some other point. A Ifa'M'in iu Yicii'ia London, May !). V. Pey, the new Turkish ambassador at Yienna has had his harem brought to that city. It includes five women, sup posed to be his wives, together with a numerous array of female and other servants. Just before leaving Constantinople for bis post X:a Pey was presented as a mark of esteem with cad-off wife of tbe Sultan. AN Ol II onest Poe.ori. All honet, concientous phyticiann who nve B U. li. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial, frankly admit ia superio riiy over all other blood medicines. Dr. V. J Adair, Kockuisrt. Oa.. writes: ' I regard B. B. B. as one cf the best blood medicines." Dr. A IJ. Rjscoe, Ndshvi'le. Tton., writej: All reports cf B. B. B. art favorable, and i;p epeejy action is won derful. " Dr. J. Y. Rhodes, Cr-.wfordville, Oa., writes: "I confess B. B. B. is the best and quickest msdicino for rheuma lijm I have ever tried. " Dr. S. J. Farmer, Crawfordsville. (Ja . riles: "I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a fine tonij alterative. Ite use cured an excrescence of the neck a'ter other rrmed:ei tfTcctod no per ceptible good Dr. C II UoDtcon' ry. Jacksonville, Ala., writes: "My mother insisted on my getting B. B. B for her rheuma tism, as her case stubbornly relisted the usual remediis. She experienced immediate relief an I her improvement has bjen truly wonderful." Dr. Ct. W. Eirlc, P.ckens, 8. C. writes: "I reccommend li. B. B. to a man v, ho had suffered for years with a malignant ulcer on his leg, that teemed to resist all other treatment. After using four or rite bottles the ulcer be gan to hral and leg is now sound and well " For sale ia New Berne by F. S. DufT.r . No. ice to Truck Shippers. Special truck train No. 208 wiil bo annulled after Saturday. Msy 9th, 1891, until otherwise ordered. Truck ship ment commencing: Monday, May 11, may take the mail and freight train until 204 is resumed. S L Dill, Supt. The (irandJcry Keplj to Consul Cones i Strictures. I Nkw Orleans., May 12 The I giaud jury early this evening made 1 a upei-inl report regarding tha com munication received from Consul, Corre a few days ago. It is ai fid lows. To Sig. Cotte, CodsuI of Italy. b:r: Your communication of the dch instant has been pla'ced before j the grand jury. We find its tenor' not consistent with the ofiicial dig nit y of this body. The grand jury is, therefore, constrained to return! the documeut without further com ment, ltepect fully, William H. Cu.u ee, Foreman The reports of the com mi tte oi fifty in reply to that portion ot the ! Italian consul's letter to the graud jury n Heeling upon the action of the committee which was conipl ed by an executive committee will be submitted to a meeting of a full committee to morrow night and the report then adopted will be preseut e i to the Mayor and City Council. A C lotted Jl stdliC, In 1 lie Direct Tax. Washington. I). C-, Ma in Todav the comine' of direct tax lists for thetstatu of North Carolina was completed. Armand De Ilos sett, who has been here in charge ofthewoih. found and proved a veiy serious error in thj estimates of treasury clerks. According to their statemt lit the amount due the state of North Carolina was .'')!)),-4,3-'. According to Capt. De Itos sett,s corrected statement the amount is 1U1 01 1. The chief clerk in the .V,h audi tors i flice is forced to admit the correctness of Capt. Ie Kossett's figures and when Hie wo;k is com pleted, before the end of the we k it is probable the whole atie-nut ; daj will be refunded to i he s-n.te. ITALY S I AsT Kl SOilT. Tlia .New Orleans Ati'air to lie Ca'ledto (li.- Attention cl , Other Powers, i Romk, May S The Itilie sayt-: i The Italian government is abc ut to i address a circular to the Earcpean ! powers submitting the conduct o! I the United States Government in the New Orleans affair to their judgment. Italy will thus be the j initiator of an international agree ment to compel the United States to find means to guarantee the protection ot foreign subjects. Rome, May S. The Italian press is indignant at the report of the New Orlean grand jury. The Popolo Romano says that it will be impossible hereafter for any civiliz ed country to make treaty with the United States based upon re ciprocal protection of the lives of citizens of either country. Oae thousand and two hundred emigrants left Naples for New lork to day on board the steamer Victoria, and 200 others by Iialian vessels, Tho ( lice'.-: Forger Heard iVoin A lin The Last Ch ck Call cd lor $7.0. The check forger is spreading consternation among the Florida banks. Up to date, so far as is known, he bas got $2,030 of their good and lawful currency, and the end, so far as any one knows, is not yet. The News of last Thurs day told of bow bogus checks were received here The checks were made out on the blank check paper of the Mer chants and Earmtrs Bank of Char lotte. One called for and the other called lor 0o0. The bogus character of these checks was de tected the moment they were re ceived here. It was thought that the festive forger had done pretty well to get 1,58J out of the Jacksonville bank atone pull, and while sypathizing with tho Jacksonville in&titution, the Charlotte bankers had hoped that would be the end of it. These hopes, however, were vain, for among the checks received at the Merchants and Farmers Bank this morning was another of the nicely filled bank checks, with Mr. Hol land's name in red ink, and punch ed and written figures calling for 750. It was also drawn in favor of T. C. Kellogg and waa signed, by N- Wittkowsky It bad been cashed by the bank of St. Augus tine, sent to Jacksonville, thence to Nashville, and from there to Knoxville. Asheville eot it next. and sent it toChailotle. Charlotte sends it back over the same route with regrets. Charlotte News. Oli. The Pension. A statement prepared at the Pension Office shows that during the month of April last there were issued 31,545 pension certificates of all classes, tbe first payments on which aggregated 3, 874,815. Of the total number of certificates issued, $11,107 were under the general law, and 20,378 under the act ol June 27, 1S90. Ex. The; Sail Francisco at Chili. Washington, D. C, .May 12. Tbe Navy Department this alter noon received a dispatch annonnc ing the arival of tbe United States hhip S.m Francireo at Iquiqni, Chili. No news bus b.en received from the Cliailestou. For Over Fifty Vims. Hlt3. WlNSLOW'S SOOTHIKO SYRUP h((8 been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ie the bet remedy for DiarrtOM. Twenty five centy a bottle. Sold by all drug gists tbrougnout the world. Dr. Cake.-, the Poisoner Ccm ni'.tted YVithouw Bail. Richmond, Va., May 11, A spacial to the Times, from Abing don, says: "Dr. Baker, charged with poisoning his wife, was today refused bail and remanded to jail to await trial at the regular term of the court. The Lad;cs Petijrhted. Tha pleasant effect and the perfect eafety with which ladies may use the liquid laxative. Syrup of rigs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in act inic on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Miss Winnie Davis, uDaugber cf the Confederacy," is to unveil the Jefferson Davis monument, erected by theL-idies' Confedetate Monu ment Association, of Mississippi, June 3rd. United States Senator Wathall, who was a major general in the confederate service, is to de liver the address. Ex Bl'CKLE.g ARNICA SALVE Tbe Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Brumes Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newbern by F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. DIED FROM THE S YSliiNO. Women oi.tUe Masked Mob Held for Murder. A Fight Is Look ed For. Chattanooga. Tenn., May 13. Wolfs Creek is a little hamlet nestling in the midst of tbe Frog Mountains on the border of. North Carolina and Tennessee. Its popu lation is made up of mountaineers of more than average intelligence, who aie all more or less Interested in illicity whiskey. 'Old man" Bell has for many years been the patriarch of this community. Bell's wile died March 18. He seemed crazed with grief then, but though be bas passed his allotted threescore years and ten, three weeks later he led to the alter Mary Williams, a handsome moun tain lass ot seventeen Summers. His family protested, bis daughters raged, his sous iumed, but "old man" Bell asserted his right to do 3s lie pleased List Tuesdav a few women in duced Mary to go with ihem into the woods in search of strawberiies. When half a mile from her bouse Mary found herFelf surrounded by sixtv masked women and a fesv men, A committee disrobed her and, while her screams awoke only the echoes from the surround ing rocks, tied trer to a tree. Then the stepdaughters, the old man's three girls, administered, alter naterly, 100 lashes. Before the last w as given Mary bad fainted away and the blood wa.i :1 jTving freely from ber mangled llesh. When she was carried home, 'Oid Man" Bell became furious. Among tho men present at tbe whipping was John Billew, who gave Bell tbe names of tbe women, and the old man awore out a war rant for their arrest, but before the trial at the Justice's office bis young wife died, shrieking with agony. The mountiineera approve of tbe wb;ppingand determined to make an example of Ballew. After fill ing up on "moonshine" whiskey forty of them went to Ballew's house. He heard the drunken mob before it reached his cabin and was prepared to receive it with bis j Winchester. ! John Bell, fell dead from Bal j low's first shot. Bill Bell, Hiram j Martin and John Johnson W6re mortally wounded, and several were wounded before the crowed retreated. The Beli faction and their ftjm pathizers to the number of several hundred have sworn to revenge the death of John Bell, and have left tbeir Btills and fields and, armed with rifles and liberally supplied with liquor, have taken possession of the region about Wolf's Creek. Ballew, Old Bell and their sympa thizers are back in the mountains, also armed, and a conflict between tbe two factions is inevitable. The Sheriff is organizing a posse and exnects to start tonight for wolf's Creek. The women who were said by Ballew to have taken part in the whipping were ordered committed to j ail, but the constable was warn ed not to attempt to tako any of them in charge under penalty of death. Bell declares tbat tbe murders of hia young bride shall pay the penal ty of their crime, even though bis daughters go to the scaffold, and ho vows that, if necssarv. bo will take tho law into his own hands. He expressed no regrets at the killing of his 6on John bj Ballew, saying that it was the pro vidence of God tbat be should die for his miserable conduct. Bell for fifty vears has been an acti ce member of the Hard Shell Bantist Church. He is a man oi wealth and influence, and local preacher. His infatuation for Marv Williams is said to have hastened his first wife's death. It is now reported bv the people op oosinff him that she did not die a natural death but that he and Mary Williams conspired to poison ber Condition of the Czar's Son. St. Peteesbueg, May 11. Tbe Governmenfj is in receipt of advices from the Czarowitch which an nounce that the imperial patient is making satisfactory progress to ward complete recovery from the effects of tho wound which bo re cently received. The Mikado and the various members of the imper ial Japanese family, as well as the great state dignitaries, have been solicitous in their attendance oo tbe Czarowitch and it announced that they will accompany him to Kobe on tho bay of Hiogo. where he will board a Russian war vessel ana de part for V'ladivostock, American Tmct Soc tty. The annual meeting of the Amer icanTract Society was held Wed nesday in New York. Justice Strong of the United States Su preme Court , presided, and Eev. Thomas Armitage, acting as sec retary of the meeting. The reports showed that during the past year $35,000. had been raised for mis sionary work. There has been 151 colporteurs at work, and 13,888,713 visitshare been made: 15,5G0,245 volumes distiibutcd. Tbe total amount of money received by the socetv is slol.U10. wline tne expenditures have been ?121,702. Pig-con Mountain Pie ced Chattanooga, Tenn., May 1G. The tunnel throught Pigeon Mountain on the Chattanooga Southern railway was completed today. The tnanel is 1,000 feet long and will enable trains to run over the new line from Chattanooga to Gadsden, a distance ot ninety miles, by June 1st. This will give a new railroad to Anniston. Mont gomery, and the Gulf. Tbe Blue and Grey In 185)2. A reunion of the veterans of tlie National and Confederate armies in the late war has been arranged to take place at Chicago while the World's Fair is held in that city. No exhibit of American attainment will be so interesting to students of political history as the cordial meet ing of those who foaght against each other in the rebellion. Most or all of the old bitterness has pas sed away, and the leaders and sol diers can meet with no unpleasant thoughts, and offer to the world a spectacle such as it has seldom seen, ofvictors and vanquished uni ting in celebrating the life and growth of civilization in their com mon country. Ex When Baby was sick, re gave her Castoria. TVhen she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mi3s, she clung to Castoria. When Bhe had Children, she gave them Castoria. WOMAN. Jot 1 2 FRAZEE CAPPX-EMEN What fit ia the haart with purest joy? What life'u dark hours beguile, And all cur griefs and groans alley i "I'm wcnv.u'ti tinker smile. What eilm3 the riving felon's fears? What BOOvlica hU heirt's quick beat, And llioda his acul with hopeful tears? ' Ti3 woo: i:i 'e acoer.ts eweet. Wbii, tho' perchance ehe sometimes c" i : S ine h c-a r : i Yet, g-:r.-; tl-. i - ith eorro -n fill ; s re or gems that were, A wrrus ;i "j pu reat utill. The j;'j3i t( d .Sijiknij; of the Itsta. WasiiingT'-iin-, May li. There was no news of the Itata or the Chaileston at the Navy Depart ment this morning. No credence is given to the report that the Charleston has sunk the Itata. In the ir,-r place, it is said that news of such an event could only be re ceived through the arrival of the Charleston at some port connected with the telegraph lines, which has not so far occurred. City of .Mexico, via Galveston, May 14. The Government denies that any Chilean ship touched at a Mexican port up to a late hour last night, or tbat any conflict took place near San Bias, as rumored and published by the Anglo Ameri. ca n. A delated telegram from Acapu loo steles i hat the Esmeralda j had let!, that port after having! songbt several favors, which were related. Tbe Esmeralda is well armed and equipped. She received telegrams from tbe United States and then went to meet the Itata. Tho Anglo- American prints a special from San Bias, on the Paci fic coast, stating that a coastwise schooner w bid; arrived there yes" tcrday reports having sighted two unknown vessels about 2 o.clock this afcernooD, and another about darksome distance off tbat port, both going south, end steaming fast. Tbe captain of the Echconer was unable to make out their names, owing to the distance. There is a general belief in San Bias that the vessels sighted were the Itata first and tho Charleston second, chasing her. If this is the case the Char leston is between lour and five hours behind. There were still persistent rumors in circulation in this city today that the United States cruiser Charleston had overtaken the Chilian vessel Itata on the high seas, and a naval engagement had bean fought, in which latter vessel was worsted, and blown ouf of the water. Whether Bhe explode 1 her macazines or was sunk by the cruiser Charleston is not stated. The rumors fail to slate where the engagement was fought. Inquiries at the War Department failed to bear out the street reports, though some maintain that they have in side information to that effect. The Esmeralda, which has gone in defense of the Itata is a splendid war Bhip. probably the best in tbe Chilian navy. It is very swift and well armed. The Charleston ia alao a splendid boat and armed with improved guns. Her crew is well trained and under what is known to bo a fighting commander. S COT C 1 1 I li I a 31 K ' 31 il KT iidciits it Wallace ii'jd JJruoe in Council. LorrsviLLE, Lt.' May li. The annual congress of tho Scotch- Irish Soc!ey, descendants of Wal lace and Bruce, was inaugurated at Lteiuerkranz Hall this morning promptly at 10:30. Over 2,000 delegates from all sections of the United States took part in the pro ceeding. Mr. Robert Bonner, of the jt w iork Ledger, presided Governor Buckner delivered an address, welcoming tho visitors to Kentucky. Mr. Bonner responded in behalf of the visiting delegates. Ihe special feature ot the morn ing session was , ex-Assistant Postmaster General Stephenson's address on '-The Scotch-Irish of Beach and Bar." The Goshen band, celebrated for its rendition of Scotch and lush music, interspersed the proceedings with choice and tuneful melodies, The congress will be in session four days, adjourning Sunday. TO HE "MVS THBEMPEKOK, Loiidan Slakes a Biff Appropi ia tioii Tovaid Ente taining the Ivaiscr. London, May li. At the meet, ing ol the Corporation Council to, day the question of the reception to be tendered by the Corporation to the Emperor of Germany, on his approaching visit to England, was again discussed. Councillor Mor ton objected to any appropriation being made. While his motion to that effect was being debated, the doors were closed and the public excluded. When the doors were reopened it was announced that 3.000 had been appropriated for the reception expenses and 500 for street decorations. The qneen was also iavited to bo tbe guest of the citv on the occasion. lie Wrote to the Lonslana I ul tsry and Was Fined $2 First Conviction. Chaelestown, W. Va., May 13. In the United States District Court to dav Warren M. Frame, of Raleigh countv. was convicted ol violating the lottery law by sending a letter through the United States mails to the Louisiana Lottery and was fined twetnv-five dollars and costs by Judge Jackson. This is the first conviction for the offence known to have been made in the united States. The arrest was made at the instance of C. W, Fisher, post office inspector. Burke is in The Frostle- s Belt. Col C. Houk, president of the Burke county Farmers ,'Alliance, says that the frost of last week did very little damage ia this county. A considerable area in this county is in the "frostiess belt,,' were frosts are unknown, and we are glad to know that in that section and sll over the county there will be a magnificent crop of grapes, pears, apples and peacnes yet. Frost and Snow in England. London, May 18. Sharp frosts and storms of sleet and snow were experienced throughout the king dom last night, and much injury done to fruit crops. The snow rapid ly melts in the valleys, but remains on the hilltops in curious contrast with the bright vegetation. In London tonight tho weather is warmer and rain is falling. J. STEWART has a large supply Buggies, Randolph make, on mayl5dwtf of band. THE K.) THE LIFE-WORK OF AN EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, IS AN INSTRUMENT FOR THE Cure of Disease Without Medicine HASEO on new theories of thp Ofluw and euro deals with the electrlenl ami tio conditions of the body and the f?aK-s surrounding it In the atmosphere, controlling these coudulous ntwllL It is not electricity. DISEASE la simply Impaired vltnlitv. Thn Electropolse constantly adds to the vitality and only assists nature, in nnlnre's wny, io throw of! the trouble. Nothing is easier of proof than that, with this treatment, cures are made which by all other known means ai e impossible. ACUTE CANES of all kinds are cured In hours by Its random use. One-tenth the Intelligence and perseverance de voted to ordinary meth'Kls of medication works miracles In all CHRONIC CASKS. This is an inexhauxtiblc home treatment. For testimonials from people YOl KNOW and all further information, call on or address ELECTRO POISE, 1425 N. Y. AVE.. WASHINGTON. D C. H. L. GIBBS, attorney at Law, Craven Ht , next to Journal ffl.e. NEW llEltNK, N. i'. Practice In the Courts of r.v?n, Carteret, Hyde, Pamlico, Jones Ocblow, and Lenoir counties, aad in the Sop;em' and Federal courts. addwtf An Unparaiieigd Offer! 1 or ih: ty tin we will seil SOLID GOLD RIDING EOW FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH FIRST 'QUALITY I.ENirES AT $2.50 Per Pair! Will TEE JEWELER TAKES THE PLACE OF KAINIT. ' S SALT fou Fertilizing Purposes. 9.50 Ton F. 0. E. APPLY EARLY. E. K. BISHOr. MAJ. PALMER'S Tobacco and Cigar Store la now located in ihe South Store of HOTEL ALBERT, cn Middlo Street, and he is prepared to furnish Dslicious Soda Waters from his exoolent Apparatus-Fountaini. All know what he kef p3 in hie Store, bo when in want como and get u. You pays your money and takes your choice. W. L. PALMER. New Btrne. N. C. 8Dt23 Jtf Furniture ! Furniture ! Furniture Ooe of the Largest Stocks In Eastern North Carolina. Complete in Every Departm't Also, we now hnvo iho Agency for the celebrated "WHKKI.KK A VV1L.HON nnd STANDARD HEWING MACHINES. They are the latest Improved I.lpht Knnning arid are unsurpassed by any machine ever placed In this msrRec, JOHN SUTEB. apl2Jwtf The Celebrated WOOD MOWERS, RAKES and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS at L. H. CUTLER & CO. NEW BERNE, N. C. SEND FOK CATALOGUE. Just Received Zeb Vance Corn SLollers, Cox Cotton Planters, Spangler Guano Sowers, Iron Agrici turai uuitivators, Iron ana Wood Harrows, Centennial and Eeystone Planters, Cotton and Turn Plows of every description Castings, &c and Agricultural Implements, and a full line of Harrows always on hand. Call and seo us, or send for prices. J. C. Whitty & Co.. Cor. Craven and South Front St , o.'29 wtf New Berne, N. C. SALE, EXCHAKGE AKD LIVERY. E3. S. Street Has now Jon hand a large lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Also, a fine lot of Buggies, Road Carts and Harness, all of which will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Don't fail to come and 6. e 1 im before making a trade. Feeding fp-ciHy. r,o27 iwtf 100 Kegs Jails For Pea, Bean and Cabbage Q&xes, FOR SALE CHEAP. WHOLESALE GROCEK, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. O. Jnst received, a line lino o and Children, Silk, Lisle Ladies and Balbriggan Hosiery Ladies Girdles, Shopping Bags, Jerseyp, Fine Shawls and Scarfs. Ladies and Children's Shirt-waists. Fans, Fine Silk Gloves and Mitts. For the Gentlemen we have a fine assortment of Supsenders, Under wear, Scarfs, Hosiery and Silk Handkerchiefs. The above are all samples and will be pold at New lork Cost. Barrin'ton & Baxter ONE FORTY HORSE ENGINE AND BOILER 1 A GREAT BARGAIN for cash. Apply to . ..,.. JAMBS H.HUNTKB, . tebmt i ,. JiMTelock, N. C (TRADE IR TAX SALE. T ,TK OF NotTH CAROLINA, ( t hltifl' 1'HAVF.N COl'MV I llllct, New lien c. Mat 1st, 1801. Not iiv Is Iiei eby eiven t list. J hnv levied on i lie iji.ds ol Hie f filowlrtK usuieil p rsooa, wlio l:nv. been fMunjed hn i ullt qaebt the Severn! tow tit li ' . f It n cli county for tlm .', H II il pi i,H" I loselllhs ; rue. tri .,r.l i n-; toUw ul l r (u I 11H1 June 1 ' , I ll'ls I e i now on ll ;ler k ti'. 1 to v. hi. .', li., n( i2 o n k. n ilc'ar; Mid X u:ni e fully tl h r.l.i tl I 1 tlx lev and recorded In 1 n i!)c of til he Mipeilor (ur'ir f i'l counif, r ierei:te Is hett hy im tl , vw w)t : N 1 TOWN I 1 i;to. Jio: Li : -. I: .loll f. M 1 1 I Vane Rdil. n Jooon. j; Htreci'H r EllBS N I'O- I.- lilt I to W K Wi.-it'-io-l NecS Jn-Jlth W'nl' n i Fanny aj ' , Sai-ih Sn.Ue.-H, I'alinetio M W Auilf u n. river r;o. I I ii.d, i l-:- 0 1 &V0 8 IS if 60 17 I nil e. ' :iCt eg r ."i A!-res 1 ii ;:--:i' Mai al, 'JjO tl. r ti y !. I'll cy N k i. 'i i.r j List. acroa Is nd, . '. 'n-fc jai ti. Nc me tlT t en 8 17 15 ii :i i'j'A'NHiiu DITI.'lNtjr PINT I 1ST. R. V. I'.r.lliil fl p. 1 : ' ;i ' '1 N 1,1 I John ! Conner, hells f. 1' u ' I I ,ni . , Ii ivf r Kt it 1 P.'icr i hever. h ' rs t f. C : ,-r-t lun '.I ilfc t y rreel: NO r, Ti i A NS1I IP. IiEI.'S-.fENT I 1ST. ir- lend. KRntly hun W. 11 J'.c! ! tier. 1 ' i- K I., i ' . i n y ; i r , t 3' ( 1 , A l .fn laiicl. l.-j El I '. '! II i t-.'ock t'Ki. .'til acre laud, K.o- li uo 10 77 c 11 m u h cret-K Giern Cox , IK acre Is ml. Like Hond Wm Siulari lor Win i num. & i crea li,nrt, ilifkfr b rr.'ek John 1 1: v k id , u in 1 1 v 1 ii (! l':i: f i t. t.:rel III V'1,'1 nil -' 1'.' HIT.'H ,.l : 171 1 1 28 1 11.111 N 1 1 p; i int : , 1 n : 1 .' f r . Hob. tl i!'.".vr i.i 1 mii.I ' i.r ,, :,i,:il 7.'7 H jbt 1 1 .- u.i u , 0'H u r,'B im.,) 6 i I NO. 7 TOWN8IUP. - -T' bTcr.rNQTJICNT MKT. Jiia':if. :.:t0 iutis lanJ. Rill 17 US 3. ti. O.-uy Manufacturing Company iif-rea ol land. Uray woou" HUT Cli NO. H TOWNSHIP. IZMKO.rjICNT LIST. 1 liHh Ali'r'dcv. 1 lot in Farmv'llo , tljJ llfirs cl .1. Ii tinnri.l lot. Junction of " (.iiiten aa 1 i'i!iock Hl. h 77 1 i.s3y iin ki'r, 1 lei mi orwoo.l street 0 41 Larkin l-lroa-Jdus, 'i acrtb land Bach elor creek 2 211 Mary Hanks. 1 lot. oa ("cd ir street 4 W John H. Urown, 1 !oi on Middlo MTeet 11 US H. IS. Hlucliledye 710 m rt land, Trnt road Aaron llloun,, holrs ef, i! lou In i'avle lown 4 J Itosa VS'. Ctitlib-rl, 1 lot woet aide of Craven street, 1991 Charlotte Care-hart, 1 lo! Oak street 4 it llflt 1 i.T-.ia. ...... ti Mrs. M. 1. Deney, 1 lot 1,11 I'oilor.X atreet If M Daniel I laiiRherty, .0(1 nrr a land llach elor'a creek, 2 acrt s land Nrnie road, 4U acres lnil Wouth Hide, road 14 67 Electric Eight Dd I'oti-r to , by K. P. Williams, 1 lot. on honih r 1 oulatreet 11J 7J M. e;. (jasKius, i ar s land rt nibrote read 1061 Mrs. Harah r . Ga-flner, 1 lot on north side Pollock st, 1 lot on north aid Pollock 41, 1 lot on touia tide I'ollwc sire et lah Gatklns. 1 lot In Pavlotown Klz'e Harvey, 1 lot In .It 1 kins land 4I4 IH joon 11. nawkiriH, 1 ij ncros laud on' leuie road JIB Sarah Johnbon, I lot oa 1- cut is a 'ley or land Wemlell Jones. 1 lot In l'avlr n 641 4 2M II ft 4 Xs John B. Johnson, 1 lot on K ni it reel Mary Ann Joj utr. I lot. Jerk Ina Land I). N. Kllburn. 1 lotou Iiroad stmet Betsey Kennedy, 1 lot, I'avieUiwu Oarolme locker, I lot. Pavletown 17 1.7S 1 hog. Merritt, 00 ten a land". Hocky Run HI VI Wm Moore, 1 lot on Jaekamllh re ad l W. O. Murdock, 1 lot on Grlfll h sheet WW Kit7 Motrla, 1 lot on Cedar strevl j t !fl Julia Neal, H8 aerea land, Nensa road . Henry Hianly, 1 lot on Berne street 7 W Edward Stanlv. 1 lot on Jaoksmllh r ad 7bl J . Hrnlth, set, I lot. Pavletown 4 HI mon H. Htatoc . l.r ao.rrn laikH NnnM r'A K91 Henry Hnttoo, Sil acres Ian ' , Deep (iully 4 2 J.U Hlade, i acres land. Trent road 6 4 N. M. handerllu, 12 cres lnnd. Neuse 1 'J Sod Haltle Khepaid, 1 lot ltr,irK" aiy 8 4 Jennie 8mllwootl, : lottomer f.nd anil Pollock sis H Frances Hklnner, 1 lot 1'nvl l in S IB Lewis Tay lor, 1 lot o 1 1 . prt-ss street 4 UU H. P Williams, -l lots on Mouth Front and Craven trei-'s 03 74 Virgil Wnltflold, l.'i Ecr.H UnJ. N.uaa rod 3 17 Edward Wl! lie, 1 lot on Good street 61 Isaac Warters. 1 lotou Call ttioel 71 Rupplomenlnl List. s Hoien "e Handolph, 1 lot ou lineon at 6 all rmiK 1 i,nne. neirs fi, 1 101, .HFen Sfc I M Mike Mumfoid, 1 lot on Afh street 6 V& NO. !) TOWNHHI P. IIKliINutTNT I.I.ST. t S w Isler, ir,O0 sores lnnd 448V: John OlernoDB. hol s or. 1 10 acres lai d I4U Abel Jones Chas. Pool atd olhuta f50 acrrs land , If SI Noah llandly. 21 acres la-'d UH7 JammS. While, heir of.fhJ ac a land 3 17 WM. B. EANE, I hinin of Craven Uountr. A I. A K ! M,. (in lJ ihI WHI, ftaad WlMft, .iil.-r;i wotk Iwd liWiwIy! U.-iw t ri. rn I km IliMMUaMl Mvlltvfj liltf.W ) rv. rr thfV llvtvl WrtUallfaia Uta . TfBrin (liir the i(uti.n No motif r f.. riDi.k.vm- ni.tit hl b ri.u t-mn mm IImI amoaat. e already Imipht and provided with onitloiaaaM Imrft uu.nh. r, w ti nr moklnrf orrr ISOOff ar -. ti .WV.1af rut on workrr um rh ffUlrfotwawmaiv and KOI. I l. !'..ll rni-ulan FIC fc:K. AddifMaltM. rj Iduffy's CROUP SY11UP. r ., . .... v. iw-ipo ui ilk uue nr. vv alter uwij. DIRECTIONS : w ' I'ow if - r rtii :j two or three yean old, one eftnpooi.::n:; lor a child three month old; ten m o; t-; for a rhlirl clz monttui old.twesly ilrnjiB; lor one twelve nionlb old. Dearly half a teAfipr"uful repcntlrg tbeae dnM frequently ii i.tcosiary until rellel la pro cured. Thin Is to 'Pfin Unit I ha e ncd DntTT'a (iBorr M'W'i- In mv lorxilly lor OTer six month Rar d J bellevo lt to beanioat (XOaW lem remedy lor croup wli h children, etpe. ; dally abh prevrntlve. Our ODn(rat vbtld hadassvere altne.k of croup aboot a Tear ago, lnsocrjch ilmt e felt aoxlotM neot" lis lecovcry, but wa Btincssfuliy treated Br cur i-hyBlclan, hut tHlnklng It probab'e other Httacks tnUht follow we frquentlf hud no marked symptoma of croup alnee, and I believe H In due to lb AM of (he Cr'up Hy rup, nnd we now keep a bottle of Is v at our bouso ol ail timet, and I cheerfully recommend il loatl. K. H. BamnvM. Also vory ellectual In relieving oougha and co ilu. Pbrpamd ikd sou) ur li. N. lUITFlfr. Kn JUern, H- d. Wholes-tie Aonta- McKeaaon a KobMna. ItlKoltu Htreet; Wm. IL HChlefflla dv Oo! 170 William Street. New 'ork Olty. COUGH rilXTUHE, A Prompt and Efficient Itemed? To Oougli3, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Soro Throat, Diphtheria, Catanli, EtQ. One of tli 9 Kd.l ellV . lu tl rerne-II, I hare ever knou-n lor h c.'iil, or ni l is lrK'i Cot'OH Mix rniK It i Ivledln run-n.m-bl nation ol valuable mi dl -1 nri: ai reatlua at o:iee the progifba of a co:J and ixtit Inning to soothe and heaL ' Unlike all other oouah mcdlclneB there la no nareotlo or any other unpleasant ellect experienced In taking lt, I am more than pleased to be able to rvnom. mend to my frlenda here and tne publlo at large every where mrh a safe, pleasant and eiTt-ctual cure for one of the most prevalent complaints to which kuinnn liekh la heir. THOMAS UATEJS. II. N. Dl'FPV. Propilctor. Mr. U. N. Dufly has called upon me In may something for (ita .'nu(;n MKinrivB. now be 1 ni. advertised. I he leant 1 cn y la that lt In a n-rtiln euro for I'oi.lw. Kont TliaoiT and iiot p. 1 reeosrulie the. mixture aa be ing Identical with a preac-rlntlon 1 have used In my family wllti unfalllnir ucce written by one ol Ihe rnont dlallnKnlaned phyHelans ot -North Carolina. 1 am ppoaed to pateut noMt r umn, hot cheerfullv recom. mend thlaon t)c,unl of Ita facleutltlo tr)gin( and the happy ravults obtained Irom ll In repeated triula lu my family. r" T" inns, j, k. wir.Lta. II. PS, DI'KFV, Proprietor. I have I r!ed I u-1 FY's 'orr;n MlxTuRt and nko pleasure In rc coin mending it berauae b jileve It will do all that I claimed for it i y ,ir. uoiiy, me proprietor, wtio la a drug gist of long experience and a cent ltman of hluliesl lntt nny. 1 do not believe tie would advertise any Ihmg that waa not exception ally good. Tli la lemedy ba certainly an swered thepui poie In my case. It oared a cold, an obstinate ro 1 1 had, after 1 had tried a number of the principal cough rem edies wltnodt benefit. W. o. Urinhom. R. N. DUFFY, TroprUtor. Dear Fib-H ailorc'a me giral pleaaareto testily to ihe merit of jour Coruii Mix ture. 1 have used it In my family foraoma time and have found It the hi at of remedleg for Coughs and Co:ds. Youralrulv. F. WinBUOW. It, M. V V FF V, Proprietor. Mayor's Orricw. New Kerne. Jan. H, 18BU 1 have nied Lvi ky'h Cot oti Miiruai in a severe nnd prolraolrd cold with great bene- fit, and with pluaauro commend lt to the public. O. A. Battlb. II. N. DI'FFY, Proprietor. This Is lo eerilfy I ustd one bottle of Duffy's Col on in i i i r k In the oaasoflbe "Orlppe," and ll rlleeied n cure, oan ehaer fully recommind it to any one au0ilng with eevei e cougha or colila. J. A. Pattbxsoh. New Berne, IN. C. Jan. iW, 1891. , lie enre and call for R. N. DUFFY'S COUGH MIXTXJBE, Corner Pollock and Middle eireeta. Wholesale Agents McEeaaoa Robbing, 91 Fulton Bfeet; Wm. H. Schlefflty. o .tat 710 William Street. Hew YorkOl - O . Children. Cry for Pitcher's CastorfaT S3000 own lofc yryw-'j!'.;''jiiwJWW"

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