Single Copies 5 Cents. $1.50 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, VOLVXIV. NEW BKRNK, CHAVEZ COUNTY, X. (., JUNE 11, 1801, NO. 12. for Infants f " 1 ! . 'I J. .1 It ... l, . i. - J 1 PROFESSION J L. DR. C. K. BACBY. Surgeon Dentist, : .jiBwasmsB. . c - P. H. PELIETIEE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . AND MONEY BROKER- ' afMl " Y W Billl f I-ii tri mMtelt Mat U Mgatiaiiftf Joa na for aaawt baa . WtUtfnctkm la iW CtJa W Crva. CvtrrM, Joans Oaal. w mmi rmlxm. ' iaT'L 't4 aiaMa Cbaw ai K fttr, aa4 CaarraM Crt thm blmm DR. J. D. CLARK, DBHTIST, - NEW BFRNE. N. C. .. tgrvmem on Otm Sircei, bet vera f o&dc iumJ Croad. H-rw ww. Maci. vcc-wcau. "j I . at I r I inebriation a l bank OF NEWBERNE, N. C. Capital, . $100,000 Surplus Profits, 86,700 ' DIRECTORS. J aj. A. Bar jr. Tcw. I!iia. CU. &. USTAS. J, H. HaCXDUBJI. Q.U. Kotun. Alkx. MiLLta - . . L; UxBrrr. GREEN, FOY St CO., B A NKE RS, 9 a 6auil IitUix Itjiim. NEW BANKING HOUSE. WJJit Sl!. V IW Mow Hotel Alb. NCW BERNE. N. C. ' rNEXT I Prof. W. H. SH EPARD wl aaietatai wiil jrw a H air Cut for kfvava ., . ta ia Um toaaariaJ art SOCtnta, - 20 " to NEW BERNE. N. C JOE K. WILLIS, . . PROPRIETOR OF arblelVorks Ecslsn Kortfi Caroli NEW BERN E, N. litis Mat Awmiax Stark mi c. 2 k CMIm Ta- C rUa'a ami laralaaaw a' ta rj lowrat ra(a CltSars aolicitad ani jirwn prompt at hauoo, with atiifacta fwanuitavd. R.J ON EST - HEAVY AND UG1IT GROCERIES. UrOir ttl Sill 1 li Sitt Swl ftl Jan mft&uarrr " Vicra. Dry Goods & Notions. Tall Stkaaw Larwa Aaaartmadt, . -FHaaa aa law aa ttea Lawaat. Calt aa4 CaaaaUaa any Staak. Salsao Caaraa4. CMwiiiiiiimiiiwiii ,m u caKu, fciiid i. t. ' aa- wa kawv taa t . i "SI "er. nm ay win J HnJii4 hji llTjit ilCsin ! I Mm ' ii aWfcSawaM T Tn makln cwarty tR.. aaaaon of what MMflour PARAC8M HARNESS Md Of IK ptNCST STOCK and tha vary k a BEST WORKMANSHIP. Such a Kamaaa eauvnot bw btit lor laaa than 92S. at rwtail. But ww arw wiln. y. to ertiwr to mtroduca it. to wm MaiWM faaMaBiaaBiMaia"""aiiii I and Children. Bor ajiaParraaTa!rairw. LUo J " ' tk ud Tvr wniil mil I W ted rwr'Xwia,'aiall aJr eosiiaa to MBS. J. M. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED. Mb. J. U HINES hu rop?no.i a Pirtt-t'laaj tVaarUiax H'u in Ihe rit, 0,-f I iL(tiAt Cnurrh. T.5 Picjjtf Dans Jet J! MacHine, Can fc fW a t,1! mm' piarr. J. M. HINES. Agent. . A GREAT B AEQ-AIN ! 327 ACRES WILL Bt SOLD IT k GIttLVT SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLANTATION itu led oo .the South aide of th Suw riTr, thrraj and-a-hall mile from iho Ciljr ot New Bern, N. C. One hundre.1 and tarvotj-Are acre clcatred. G4 fmml, tmttabi for TVwiim?, To6arf I iiiwa, ar aajr tia f farming. Tb balsnc. two hand red and two cr, hntvily ttmbrJ wilh pine, oak, enwhcrkinds of umtr It ia alo fla Oraiinsr Land. Good dwelHiiR, outbui!dinr, nd Boe orchard. It has a fine FISHERY j fronting half mile on the beach, where j ther arw high baoks of marl that can ' tverr b ezhastJ, from which rwIs ' can load with eM. ! . It is a Try beautiful and heAlthy lo cation, prteentiug a near view to the passing vessels an the A. 4 N. C Railroad. For terms apply to P. TRENWITH, ; Op IUt AliJrt ISW BEIIC, I. C. THE NEW LEVER SAFETY Tha PERFECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. 0 CII1I.K '0 OE A.TIW. VARIABLE STROKE, only two sta of Revolving Baarlnja. Bawt Hilt Climbing and ail around Safaty made. L B. SMITH MACHINE CO. 8MITHVILLE, N. J. Glydss N. c. MeM Lise. lmm G. H. Stoat, Defiance & Vesjer On and aftpr February 1st. line will make rryuUr SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS a. t r.i Baltimore and New Berne rt Haiti mor. N-w TUrnm. WED- SKSPAY. "ATI K i A V, ai n P M. ie V IVrn. for Palnmora, TITS- ; t A 1,8 AT I' RO A V. at i V U. lerckuli ni Skipacrt. Tik Itltf. ! TkWnlkroti!; Hi ..'r l'T 1 ot.l nf N'rw IVf. B ' 1 ! f- .,u ' . ipp ri El KoN'k. r. I t.r ti-; liirn . r, I I "fwt . Pi tf. . p. - .rin.l a wi 1 i I ) i.i. "jrth, f'j" . V'-f. V?ak:-( r!o .--miK'tmn ir a 11 -j A A X. C. Ra:!- ruav I '1 r.n: out r pM-me. At"i ara aa follows i Hitaas FomR, (n"l Uanarr, I.i-iri., naltimoro. I Ja. W. fr"inii.-t. AjTt.t, Xorfoik. i X York inJ Tail.!. Traaa. , North rtrar. t- PiiriMijn, Portoa. S3 CVolnil wharf. j. H R.ek.ll PnTidt. EL I I Shipa lrar Pton. TolTa tad Satardaja. 1 dai'T. " P.itO., Wlnir. A .fnrd.Ta. - Phll.1Uki. VJon.ljja, WfJaw daja. Stard.T " PtTldnv. Sal ii H TV Taroafh bill. lading an i ra: pir. astrad to all poia'a at !: d Screnl odSjva o( i ha maipani.. na .V C ftv. i H. GRAY. Ajnt. N.w lr. N C Tm T. ruaa. IX, T lTteAa i.- fafc tu na a4 n ity - VvvTarkCtty THE SEWi Piek V-tir-v. a mi-r-.-i Through th heart aol iii.'i'ii'v ki!'. Rochriale lad , hy Noah r isn h 4.awrts Adam, outrage,! her a-me tin- Kvans and bi. wife .ir-ve inv R.-h la deliberately ilrrwe up. tn thr Unn' h I at in I Lvim stepped (Vum the vMr!i . : ti i tr Adam snd ukd his wit: N thi (h nin whoeatragrd rot1 " ine rcphH ' Y- Fts. Immedlatel rlrr t0 revolvers sml ired right thof. firf of which tk If-ct. onr hlt ITn Ihroagh his hart. K-an.. :th hla wife thrn drttve nrf Cim"ti i;!, t n and t hr wcsp n e;i t : :j pti r: : t M iw MrT r m-rwin ak-! :v j . t!;,i -ndart! a niil far:r. on High I'. x k :r r, fund dad in a m i ! 1 -Mrk 'u h,-r :hr"-t Sn ftnnjlfi Th-- ni .1 nd - :i r i i n h- u I h.- ni. Mam . -: i rf h' r k iii-hi'n. i . nfd rl.n s;it- i:fld v, f r in 'i rd.-r A irnna n namil August, who workwl fur Mim Kntcnon. id aprtni tlct ZoMonk i i Ix-iniT trictl tt Iacmjrtrr. Wi., forth'' rn u r It t' Kl U Mnlj, i nl o rtr -ni' h u n 1 rl itn- h n vo hrcn uiuro--nai Nerlr .vil of iho Kirhisii'l '4n tr proplr who wpri" unt at tin- p.irtv civon h Mi Zjli-ki lit J"U3'irv w hen nhe lfinl to htre fivrn Mi" V I ft I y thr p'i.nit1 Mn1.T, will h witn-w. inrri fit I 'union. 11., nl thir mplnT?r h.ivr- ncrfl. Thr min-m will fjo to irrk, n1 th ipr:itor w ill comply wilh th r-vnt !sni in rrry psr::oM liir. It ia a rirtory for th-- ininrn. and th--ro u raoh rrjoirinff ovfr th' rult. S Shll, prinnrm! of t puh n- whrl nt ( 'u flpra, wa ht anl ki!!vl br tas ilrivor nfcral Ro1ra- Shull lioaHrl fit thr hut of the mother of Marr Thnmtnn. Roft rIld on Mia Thunton and rrnpfitl hrr i; marry him. She rr f 1 1 1 . and Rradi chok-l her, and went in ar-h of rifle, whirh he prornrwl. at a ncij;htKr' hnuw, but in thr meantime M Thurwlnn enrapel. Shull w.i alone in the honw when Riadr.A rt-turnrd there. Roadea firel at him. th hall iasmii( thronrh Shull'a rwnjy, killing him in(nnt! . R',, eara rwl It i- -t. pp. m-i1 R -nd- thought Sh'i!! h id !Hii.';Ke! M im Thurt .. araint him Kirr in Shu f. idt d :ti 1 irry " r i "hi-aer dtd f;'"'. 'iaivjHC if I t'ramandrr ilrnrr f I. f-T in allowing thr trandin; lug Tnana whiU cnj I t ii i n ,ti t hf Staled tctnur ii.i!.' Xfwpon. - Kuirnr t i:v t. Ixnm hnr tifti -i.p-n i i fi the ruloa hr v 1 lu-k- t f t Nm mm takr th-- p: i handled striking cval nni t Ahtt-jul Harfor ( !fv,h; tmablr u (rari. n th- Vh Counri' in rc?t iirat ion rt i Bardalrr's fiirtlv.lp. ,ranvi!I iirrrlor in th KrTtn- lUink thr had I au oTrniK of an cki'ur i a 1 1 r h-iniil.-r-d. !::. a. '. a.-1 1 1 f 1 1 :i i ty "itv Tr-'AMtr'-r It. Ilnin'. h tc-titird that M-M'k anioiii!;. lad l au or. 1.2 atilrra h ing to 1.2 ) Mm wh. n ih" late .John I. m a waa prraidrrt. onnrilmin Kttiiii; offrn-d a resolution that Prmidrnt Hsrrivm Ix-nski-d to invr-Miral th conduct "f tho Tr-ntiry Io parlrornt in connfction with the Kr"t'Hi' Haok. Willarl P.. Smith nnd Waln-r Pfrffrr. Irhmrn of Ruttrr t 'dl- c0. r'i drowns! lul- I nthini; m the rartal at .Ww nruu.nif.-k X. J. Application w a. mad to th Suprrme (.ourt of ll.ton f r thr disso lution of the National Sn ir: t 'onipi :i ? , s oirpomiioi oranirl in J i-iir-. l-r. fr th man jfii'-tnrf ol msr .it ' -rd;:! to n f -r nmla in thf pir-.ioi "I 'on - lln knisn. The ck of th ronipanT wm imuI, and Hii-k-oian rrtainiid a largr .har in considorRt ion of th t-rrt h wa mippo.d to p.vgwi?wi whirh wa to rield a ervnl rovrnu-. Preparations fr madr to rarrr on t)ti5i:irs. Thru Hirk nun diMf'pard. Hu wrct us nuprMsMl to H lockpl up in th Svuritr Safe IVprwit vaults, and hen th pa run mi t hired by him op'ne-i by order of the court the exr--tod formula wm not found. The corporation then mliaped and ha not aili inpti-i to d.i bui ne unrf Judjr Allen ordrroil the corp..r- atKin di.)lf.. The Hrooklvn Co.iperii.-e V'orks aff.-r.l a low of -I-"1.1 " by fi re. The eompnny u oirneii by th' Sii-ar Trt;st. - P. Biyd. local editor of (), Ti:i; C-ointy Texa Time., ttn found ni'irlere.!. Simon I'.mrh.dd. a lawyer, of I nd i.i nap- 1 was itnd iruily of roK' ery. and lined tVX'' and en ten' e.1 f o tn y rn i ni prison mem . Th place ,,f Kraemrr A t o., maker, ot mu.ieal inrriiiiienta, Ac., adjoinm SteinHv Hail. New York, wa diniil vfiim- l,y fir. A. r Myer, a liin men hant of Platts boric. Vf , with hia two daughter! Kl, a and Roaa, dghtn and fourteen year, w is drownd while trying to n cr-k. Th bodm wer reenrre.i. - Ram Sherinar, a noionoiu now tniei. ma'le a 'larmir ntt.-inpt earap from jail at Iyicn.p-rt. n(j ll( foiled. He hal eonfi-lerate. The at torny rnraJ of North Iakot , ha. rend- re i an opinion declaring th rle(-tin ,,f n ', Kucker. of Grand Korki, a. chairman of ;h, tat World'. Kair boani void. Ru. ker i. a mmbr of th National ("ommiiwion. and tlie attorny general ay. that he cannot h"bi ..rlic on theirtat ooard, beinff uri I y ei.,,fi,-;,, t,,rT rombr of the hoard S.ime.,nc thrc-. u utooe throogh one of the winlm of a a;:;- r Jepr on th wrwtbnund Overland Y'.vr to r 8hlorj, Xeb. Th hit!' child of T Holmea, of rhieagn, i.r.Hv mjnre.1. r. otbr o--npnt of the car were jre.itli ftria-htn1. ioTrno M'ltt. of Smii.i Iak fa. refr.v. '.o rail a aprcial aewion of toe l.--i.' a ; n 1 1 'ake action on the World'. r.iir, un '" it 1 t irt;rantce.l mat i:i.- .tjic ul-i r n o e x pc n .e w h . t r r 1 i i 1 : i i n nd. -tat ti ri.hlnn rhoon.-r I I II rwn -ie.i by the Canadian ilienue f.r 6huii in-ide the Vmher.t. liiehanl I. T tutiT. indi -te.1 i",,r i i'a' i ha. plead"! n ' -'iilt - T h ann u n -c m u ' ici. m -tal !uminu:n ii v.. 1 cutter I. limit at 1' riimlcill, U lh - n. t Jl 1..- V ; n: id ; cm r 1 i K-. l.Cx-. i ." y crnt. r p oi n l I on'eu h A Ilraderii k - -.idnce. hare l.-. u 1 ." ' ni.ii r. n-.- . . v re t Aia! 1 y and two .tn tailing wall I ii I ! a ; i l.jr t.w:i l h 1 r I'ni; : I.ti. .' t; ! i. i i 1 t . ic.f 1 M v; i I u :i : v II il- it Ki ni n u ni la-l lr 1 - I v. M . 1 rori....p.K has .gai-i i of ta.hiori in lin.. ls where the raonT come. Irc ii tHI 1 MORE ABOUT THE SEALS. Correspondnnoe Between Mr. Blaine and Sir Julian Pauneefote. FngUrlil Tart t lk tt I)(lnlt Aniver til! ParUaivteut Acta o ii t lie IN' AK iMtl-Ulue Hook rublile.l. Tht1 I'-in-'loft'rrtMl rorrt'sp-'in'loiiro r- Ir'in to thf Hcl-rinc Sea ronTrovorpy has born nimlo puSiii. an 1 it h"M that ovrninn'iit his all ai r-c 1 .-ti ri"r-' -i:, x t h:in 1 1 : o Hr :' ii ( r- rn ni' ; , t X f -'!! i l . ' i ' .1 ;l " : I ! mifpn-i h-- k 1 1 !mi; ( :!s i:nr : 4jtit inn can bo tTl(Nl by ar! :. AftPr SorrvL-iry Ilaiit takni ill the rroiltMit asMinnl 'lir.ot oon r rl of tii nh j---t, d ii t failtNl t !htaiti any rvply fr"in I, Salul-urv to tho pr'sjil tur ft eh-1 s-as :. The iiuiicHfionR &r? that til Hritili I'ni it'i wut will lmmptimtly ptwyi the poii'lin hili relating to the Behrin Sa an-1 that it " ill f-llowfi 1.7 un I'T 'ari'i i.wi vt's'is p np thr .-Hti hinc: '-f '.''hI". bImi that : he I'nit-1 tat-s will i iiiiiiftt lately '''MT!ilr nnl o t n p I its m er to maintain a rhwie sras"n. I ln - neit sat i m m ill re-quir-1 1 1 1 tinu' nipl pen-i-iiikf thnt it i r-s 1 1 in ;i r -i t!i;it not U-ss than 1 J (Mi M'ftU will he klllcl. Hut ortifiriUnf the Tr-'ftMiry an'i State de partnienr Im'!'c tliat a ith ncenie n ts will h completed in tinie to hlap such a slaughter 'f sal as has h'en 'Iren'le-vl. The r-orrrj.pon'h'nre J ust mftile p U h 1 i i ' inwrr; wilh a tVoni --i'ret;iry Itlain-' to the llritifih Mmij-ter, iaiei Mhv 4, i'' w hi.-h, aAer a n f-tn te m n t h w tlie ahsolute nero..iity for th- taking K'.nie seal hy the lesTs .t t he i.lan 1 t o e ii a h 1 e ! hem t . rna i n t.i ; n the native, us rx-r MuT'eiiunt. t h e-r. ta ry propow. th- lollnuin arranu'-uit-ut httue,n thr tw o i;(ivernnient The ( .over n m. nt il the I ' n ited St a 'e limits tlie num. ht t M'alt to killel ou Uie iMaii'ls for puri4 just d- vcrih.-t t 7,. The (fovcrnmt'iit of the l'nit l States cuar antei1 tlrw no waN hall he killed in th np'n watrrn oj" the Mrhrmwr Sea hy any pcriu on any vt-n-vl wiiline under t he A nierieau liar, t hy any Amenran emen 8:ii)in under any other rlatj. The ( lovernment of irent Hritinn cuaran ter. that n- vh! shall ! kilh d in the open ater of th.e liehnukT S--a 1 y any perton any i vs 1 km i i i n u nd r 1 1 Hr 1 1 i-h fla and that rii l'.ritih uhjct shall entae in kiiim s'!s f..r th- time an-.-d n on any vt-oi I -ailintr undtT any other tl'ii;. Tlive prhihit j'n sha'l eontinue until th-1 lt dny t-t May. I witliin which time the arh. t ra tor hal 1 render final a w ards or nw ard. t Nth om eminent1. To thi note Sir dulinn runrefote replied promptly the next day that he had transmitted the Secretary 's rotmnunieation to I.ord Salis bury, and that he had no doubt the matter would be attended to nt onoe. On May J', nothing more having been heard from Knfland, Artim? Seeretary Adee nent a personal not" to Sir Julian urpnj; the import sure of hu immediate reply. This elicited no re.ponfe, ami on the 2'lth Mr. Adee airain wrote to the minister informing him that the Rush had Iveen orderl to the sealing inlands but that the orwin would f -How her later and would earry appropriate order to her should the matter in ques-tion In? arranged ai onee. To thi Sir Julian replies on the Tth that his (government has len makine nil ha-te poible, but has a yet lee?i unable to make any definite reply to Mr. Hhdne's proposal. A lHue Book PublUhed. LoNrwv, Km A hi ue book just puidisheil give the mfU rent rorrendonre In-tween (Ireat Britain and the I'nited States totiehinc the IUdirinL: Sea an-1 fisheries. The blue look opens with a telegram from Ixrd Salisbury to Sir Julian I'aunrelote, British Minister at V"a.hiiiirton, datel April 17, expressing approval of Secretary Blaine intrvetin that there be a complete ressntion of sal ratrhinc: pending tlie award ot the pro p.v;l hoard ot arbitration. Then follow ral d'1 dispatches from Sir Julian to Lord Salisbury, dated April '22, 'Ji and 27, and May -4, 5 and 10, refcrrini; to the modus vivendi and in for mine Lord Salisbury that Secretary Blaine preferrl that the proposal for a hearing should eome from (ireat Britain. The blue Vxvk also gives Secretary Blaine's dinpateh ot May 4 detailing the proposals and the note of Minister Pauneefote to Secretary Blaine of May 5. In a dispatch to Iird Salis bury of May L0 Minister Bauncefote says that President Harriwn in anxious for a reply to Secretary Blaine's lasl note, and in a dispatch of Mar 2." says that the Priilent is much eon cerneef but cannot detain the cruisers. The blue beok endswitii a cable dipntch from Itrd Salisbury to Minister Paunrefote, dated May 2, saying that a bill had leen in triNluoetl in Parliament to give the (.ueen authority to 1 or bid the killing of seals in Bvhrmg Sea hy Briph t.bjeet;. and declaring that the British (iovcriinuiit could take no further action in the matter until this bill had been passed by Parliament. CBLE SPARKS. Fiitffn thousand carpntra are rm trik In London. James Mi IIenrt the famous financier, uiea in i.o-,'lon. The public .tare service of Taris wa. tirrly aupendi. owing to a strike of en the drivers for a shorter working day. An i;-M' man at I'arlsbad mounted the roof ot hi riMd'-no and tired several shots at policemen, wounding t h ii of them. An ormnam k ha been submitted to the council of the Kiismhh empire forbidding Hebrew, to obrve tln-ir Sabbath by cloing their plac. of bnsinis. Al l. Hebrew, in St. Petersburg who do not reside Miihin the boundarie. designated by the gnTernm :it will be imprisoned and latt'r on aent to the Hebrew quarter of the city. Thf re.-er.t encyclical of the Pope, in which he di uw the iH-ial prob!cm. is eonaiderel in boiue as a dirct development of Cardinal liibl-.ns s thei.rv in regard to the Knighta of Ibor. Habcn H utsru. the Hebrew philanthropist, consul, n. the mesMirea now enfore1 against the H -i.rcw, ln Russia as equivalent to a wholesale expulsion of the raife from that empire. A Pu:i newspaper reports that tieneral Adam l: King, of Haltimore, I'nited States cvm.iil.gcneral in Paris, w ill be recalled by the 1 nitl States government o explain Ins con nection with certain mutter, which the news paper declare. t l ot serious import. ien. King de'!ares tiie rumor to ho unfounded. H KRli t ' v H knsi. v, a member of the Pros .inn iM- t, is the lender of a movement having for its anus the jircwr v a t i on of foreign lan guage and race distinctions in the United Mate, among Catholic, immigrating from Kurope by having separate schools for each nationality, and bishop, and priests who sneak ti tongues ,.f their ivonne. Herr CnhensW has tf.e support ..f a number of cardinals and csi il dignitaries of Hump. He has presented t the l'ope r. memorial setting forth the tmr- p.-eso the ::i. o ein-l w ithout t he k now l.-dg ." :;t. h was couducteii the American hier CON'PF.MN'KD TO DEATH. V (hincr M I t o 1 1 1 t Tctutltv for u n.-r thr . trtliiu. V I re ill e I h . K I' iv- 1 1 t.. till l K: I il. r . I 1 II- I' ll l r ii i i . I ' , " ih lh. k ide 1 Ml. i .1 - t'e '1 Ul h. ! 1 II ' MANY DKUWNED. Miirleanes W reck ltus Nin t"n essels on isn I.Hke. I.ake Ilm r. -I . has ! :n til. lent . rr: t.l f Nov- hurri- N : nt,vn timl e 1 their crews we: vessels ivcr drowneii. w recked, and SOUTHERN ITEMS, wxk lMi;itKTiii miiv roMritrr. fKlIM M tvy .M l;( K. - i ne ritv ot Aii.uiT.a wn. i s!a!-!M'. -it "tiee a orun i ; .1 1 A. ov ii. I ; ill.- ! t ill eo; i I in; .'I tor li-Tgia. - 1 dr Th. : the :i:i I at il uit i . t 111 Lie .1 ot ereell,.;: l.i ti l lm it ilillilred p. are - ; Ko.,!,..! -I. d ft V.i hund.-ed i hu w ill, in J.,v, tii , ; P.ns'.-!. T'lin.. h imj.r.o ciii.'iit. -lo. v .t- d ii f.,r houc. Mrc 1 -e and . b !'...- n mark- II. I ore t dewett, brill u o. li. lm .lit t w ith a r nr. W. V , i , M hi cause ot' ;u w lie's unfaithfulne'S. -Angclo Taylor, aged twenty-tw-o y, I- arm i ile, "a., con i in i tied suicide by sli otl.ig n:ni. ,i 'iir.-iigli UK- cl.est MHIi h shotgun. "apt N. S. Harris. prominent law yer o' I.auieu. S. . .. and a gallant 'on:-ilenit--.! her during the late war. died .1' loan disease tin r -. WhiNt a young nun named ,f ims Smith was engaged .11 .tigging 11 well near llaynes vi lie. Rich 111 ond eon my, 'a., it canal in, k i 1 1 lug him invtnntly. Jesse C Iio'..erton, a prominent resident of Hamilton C'-utitv, loin., wa ki.'ie a rail- road train near hi country li. nil.', seven miles troiii I liattanoog a. -The Supreme Curt ot' tl;e t'nited Stat. declared tme, institutional th. Virginia law requiring the inspection of Hour 111:1 11 u fact 11 red outside tn,. State when sold within the State. A party ..f United S.atc surveyors has gone from riorciice. Ala., to Colbert shoals, in the 1'ennesa e ri, r. for the purpose of localing the mi: ot tile prop I . anal around t lie 010a.. Ill the it commissi. me .f the South Carolina phosphate against the r .-isav.' Phosiilinte Mining ( 'oinpany, the ikiisv gaineil a point by a d.-cis a rcniov; ng I a. to the federal court. J. I. Morris the I'rat: Saw Ala. Ascts. reeei vi r w as a the Iverni y N - Win. ( . Rite lloUSe, V. ':., was president be, Mill 11 appoi nt d rec.'i vcr ot ( '.enpanv, at ', rbi na I ''.: liabilities, The P'.iuteioii the. application ot loual Rank of Rirniiiiithain. w a killed near Rab ich ourt by a log rolling on him. He it the l'.ir,iicrs Alliance and 'hniruian .1 ihe dem .cratic executive com mittee ot' RaleiuOi ciiiity. The 1 icorgia ( entral Railroad has deei led not to contest the piivnr nt (" the license tax levied up ui by the Mate of A i ibunia, and lias notiti' d the auditor that K branche 111 Alabama will pay the tax. Th. Hughes Lumber Company and P. W. Hugh, s, ..I Chiiitano.iia. Teiin.. wh" m i i ' an assignment last 1 ece:n her, involving nearly ' " 1 , ' p " ' of liabilities, have made a tiual etth -me it w lh all of the creditor mi the bai of one hiin-in-d cents on tiie dollar and interest and will resume business. T. Ci. Smith and John May had a fii:ht at Stunrt H enry couuty. Ya.. tluring w inch Sun th shot Mays three tunc. in the neck and breast and Mays stabbed Smith with a knife and broke his weapon. Smith's wound is not seri ous, but it is thought -Mays w ill die. Captain '- A. Pen ego, a prominent farmer of Lexington, Ya., committed siiicid" a tt v days since. H" ended iii lite by tiringa sin t gun into hi. breast, dy ing almost iniincdiaii ly trom the w oun I. He w as at one tune eondui -tor on the Raltiiii'.re and ( hio Railroad. Samuel Sii' limg, colored, was hange 1 at Cuthliert, da, tor the murder of Seaborn Bates colored, 111 1. i. Ii,- confessed. Sncl iing killed liahlt Skipper, who was in tlie partv that arrested him tnrce years tiller kill ing Bate?. Mr. nnd Mr-. D ilauy , tii" Virginia bridal pair who were injur d 111 a wreck on the Fenn syliania Railroao .ii, ile 0:1 their honeymoon, and who spent ti ! 111 .111 lis 111 a hospital iu Pittsburg, as the esu h of th.e accident, have institute 1 suit against the railroad cuiiipany for .i','!.." damages. The Co-operative Cream 'ry, rei ently es tablished at Ma nia ni 1 ; Ic, Washington county, Md., is in a liourishing condition and is being run at high speed to supply the demands tor its products. 1'l.c ..'it-put is nearly one thou sand pounds of butter daily, and its quality stands high in the city markets. Fred Carpenter, a tireman on the Kast Ten nessee, Virginia and (leoigia Road, was fata! y shot Irum ambush while driving to his subur ban home, at Kiioxv ille. He is a son of 1. A . Carpent r, a leiding business and insurance man of Knox vi I le, and the shooting has causdd iut use eiciteraent. John Collins, a well-known fruit ami market truck raiser, of Nashville, Teiin., was killed a few days ago. William Graves and his son, Foster Graves, colored, were arrested. It is charged that the murder was committed fur revenge. Mr. Collins employed the boy, who was but fourteen years old, and ha 1 smacked his jaws for leaving the pasture fence dow n. The New ( r eai s grand ji ry made the final report referring to the irreuuir proceedinjts about the court building. The fact is men tioned that the list of tales jurors in the Hen lesy case was delivered to the defense nearly tw enty-four hours belore it was uiv. n to the attorneys for the State. The grand jury was unable tu ascertain w ho was responsible lor this. The Atlanta and Florida Railroad has changed management. Colonel Sage made president, and an entire new board of directors was elected. It is the intention of the new management to extend the line from its present terminus at Foft Valley to some point on the Atlantic coast just where does not seem to ih determined. Near the rear walls of Christ Church build ing, at Prince Fredericktown, Calvert county, .Md., there is a stone slab bearing this inscrip tion. "Here lieth internal the body of Reverend Jonathan Cay, native of Nevvcastlc-0.1-Tyne, Lngland, who died October, 17.37; for years rector of this church." The stone is still in a good state of preservation, except a crack across its upper left hand collier, nnd the lettering is easily legible. The r.xposition to be held at Montgomery, Ala., next fall promises to surpass in attract iveness any exiosiiion ever he.d in that State. The requests tor space already received indi cates a widespread interest on the par: of exhibitors. There is to beau F.ditor' Iay, and Contrresisnian Jere Simpson, of ivansas, and Governor Tillman, of South Carolina, are among those who have accepted invitations to deliver addresses. Mr. A. G. Longwav, arrived at the Cumber land Valley Station, Hagerstown, Md., and told a remarkable tory of his experieuce, which he will ever remember. He was cn a box car of the Clinch Valley branch down in Western Virginia, when the rails spread and he was flung into a deep stream from the height of thirty-five feet. After considerable delay his body was fished up for dead and tiling carelessly on a car door, where he was lelt for nine hours with the water dripping from him. When some train hands came along they found that the body had moved, so they worked with it a while until Mr. Longway spoke to them, imploring their aid, much to their surprise. A backwoods doctor, who combined his profession with that of preacher, farmer and blacksmith, took him in hand, ana he still lives to tell of his wonderful escape. FIVE MEN KILLED. Flcht Others Probably Fatally Injured by A "Mill Hoiler Ki plosion. ter-i i accident, resulting ill the death -. ti 1- ni 01 :ei i t h w 111 u I i :. g of ei gh r .eh-vs, '.; -l.tnger ".-.'. ir-'d ii; .1. I. .I..r liu' v . v mil. ij. ,1 1 1 . 01 1 ri ' 1 . -e a . t ro . 3 1 l 1 oiil.iv, .. j I lo- nii'ii wej-i- at work iier th- i-nuin' n-'mi j ".'.'1. the h..j!i-r burst, and they wp- eau-jhi 1 in a -di-ov. r of missile- and ealdin r, h. vt-ral ot ih. ni h iitL buried our of Mvdit in ihe ruin. The uninjun-d empl-i vet-. hurried to the r.vcii.-, medical nil .vi i m in -d ia t ! y i in mruied. :i ti i c , r yt h i 1 1 dou- to plh-vo lh- luj'i ri v nf t hce r.-i ken mu i j v. Th- k- I I ar.-: Willi un S -. t". I.iu rene-' Hmw.. W :.;:;;m .laillCv. . IH Mtl' tt. e-r, or;,. -rs Met-- fvcu-'il alive. l.:jt then l!:Oi;-,e. ;,re v., SM io;v t h :l f all iinv die-1. Tin I 'MM"-.- ni" th.- pluv j, ,;, . wli'eh et.mpletelv j r k- d the : ; 1 1 1 1 1 m ; I' i i n ;. ha-- ;:ot ,- i- tin- j tey He. rt:Min d. DEATH ON THE WAY TO A PARTY X oiiiic i.irl .lumps from a ,i ria- ind j I Instantly Kille-1. j J l Rcsie Penney, a lopfe l . hii-i "1 -u- preme I o' I It J 11 s io.-i 1 oet Plllliey of Madison. ! '.Vi... was instantly killed by j u in p: n g tr-.m a arna'e attache 1 to a runaway team. file '.idle. Mi (-.vans of I'.itt-i ill.-, an 1 Mi Uaxt.-r. of Lam -ater. who w. i" a!o in the -a rr ia tre. j umped . Miss Kvans i quite seri-uisly injured, but M is. Baxter cs-ap-d injurv. Miss l'limcv was a student of ihe State 1 'ni vcrily. and -.''i rears old. Miss I'inney wn a graduated ot Ijike Forest, 111., Seminary. She lost h"r pirent iuth- Chicago fire and afterward was adopted by Judge Pinney. She was on her w ay to attend n party w iicn the accident occurred. STATE OF TRADE 'o EvHjnca of a General Demand f:r Staph Ivhiv'-nndis?. i I'l o-jiei t fo:- lii " lii-it ( . op -( nil inn I. veil ioiI in I.o i-iiii VIolley ilt A'' i tii" I.-iliiis; "I u-ket. ; r. : !i . , 1 :. of a p ly gen.-ral k. i,i.g ..:'t:i. d lid i'..r staple lllerchan . .-.: .: ti l. jraiii t.. ;. .-'-. e'..- imlj. a ratio r !. tt. 1 inquiry for pig iron, and a Ic V I., ti C 1 . 1 -: lit o!l" Westell', center. !:.: itupr 1 :it. . ;pi.- I w ith th" pro d starliu-' uj.'.l twer,ty-thr- iron furnaces p.. ill . I, !. iii'.ngo and Mahoning Valleys, and r better w ii..!e.ili demand for staple ! a- 1'. si. ui and New York, constitute 11 tin ici visible of an impr.. 1 -ineiit ral tiicl.' over previously existing II I I noout a ' ill gem ' eoll'lli lol.S. Anthracite coal is wi aker, and all the eom- p-inies app a r to b i .la ting the agreement to ' r strict ihe output. Manufacturers are not . buying new clip woo freely at Boton, and deaiiii.s at St. Louis and Philadelphia tire ; restricted. Lumber generally i dull. Hides arc lower in price and vi vakcr, as is leather, an ellect ot late failures. I.Aki,i: WHEAT CROPS. ' Rains have greatly helped the wheat crop Wi st and Northwest an-1 Nebraska and Kansas prospects are for exceptionally heavy yields. I In Louisiana, however, growing cotton and sugar cane have been unfavorably affected by I the prolonged drouth. Unseasonable weather at Cincinnati, Omaha and other points have ri strict,.. 1 general trade. The first new Cali fornia wheat rea'-hed San Francisco this week. Corn shipments thence to Central America are heavy, as are exports of wheat from that port for the season of the year. The gn at coke strike is practically ended and oihki furnace men return to work, ill ami , west ot' Pittsburg. Iowa coal miners are out and the New York liousesmiths, strike is still on; but the number of new strikes is in significant. Business failures in the United States number ''o4 against 2 i last week, and lo this week last year. The total January 1 I to date is oofi 1, against 17u7 last year. Leading money markets throughout the ' country have loaned with more caution dur- ing the week. Remittances fr the interior to New York have been very large, which aid in maintaining the New York bank reserves in the lace of the gold shipments. The street, ind.-ed, believed that the movement had come to an end. It KAY Y HANK (LEAKING?. 1 Railroad show a disposition to maintain ' rates, and managers are hopeful as to the ellect j of the crop situation. In May, lSOO, bank I cb-arings were the heaviest ever reported I This year the total official bank clearings for ! May at New York, Boston, Chicago and ! Philadelphia, aggregate only .,lMiti,'1..:,3 14, a , decline of Hri per cent, from May, 1 ;i(i. The only city of the tour showing a gain is Chicago, , which increased o per cent. At the other i cities named the decline was nearly 3u per ; cent. F.xports of wheat (and flour as wheat i from both coasts (including Montreal) maintain j previous proportions, amounting to L',.S U-?, bushels. Pacific Coast exports have declined : rapidly, as is usual at this season. Last year the total exports were 2...KI,ii0 bushels, and one year ago, for the week they were l,b!'l!,ii. ' bushels. From July 1 to (late, exports of I wheat (ami flour as wheat ) from the United i States alone are equal to f . ,010 12S bushels. against '--, 12'-', V.V bushels in a like share of lSSf-00. ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Ex-President Hates within the last few years has grown old very perceptibly. His hair and beard are almost white. John D. Rockefeller has sent -word to the Ohio oil fields that hereafter the Standard pumps must remain idle during the Sabbath. F.I. l.E.v Terry describes stage fright as a feeling something like this: "Asif a centipede with iced feet were running about the roots of your hair." The Quern of .Denmark is an expsrt dress maker and a good pastry cook. Her daugh ters also are all clever needlewomen, and so is the Czarina of Russia. ICx-Ministkr John A. Kasson thinks that no statesman has exercised so strong a personal influence over alien monarchs and cabinets as has Bismarck. J. E. BoYP, the ousted Governor of Ne braska, looks like a clergyman with his black frock coat, low-cut vest and white tie. His checks are ruddy with health. Do.M Pedro, who has returned to his resi dence at Versailles after a sojourn of several months nt Cannes, is going to England about the middle of June for two months. Bikrstadt will paint for the World's Fair a picture of Watling's Island, which many geographers believe to be the one on which Columbus first lended after crossing the At lantic. Sir Morei.i. Mackenzie, the distinguished British physician, is a slender and active man of forty-three. He began life as a clerk in a store, but before he was thirty he had become an authority on diseases of the throat. The Countess de Meremberg, who was recently married to a member of the Imperial House of Russia, has negro blood in her veins. She is a daughter of the poet Pushkin, who was a descendant of a negro favorite of Peter the Great. C'ONGRESSM N-El.ECT STEWART, of Illinois, is the George Francis Train of his town, Au rora, in one respect. Whenever a circus comes along near there he charters a special train and takes a lot of children to the show at his own expense. Mrs. General Ctster has never dropped her widow's weeds. She gowns herself plainly in lustreless black, relieved by a white collar and deep white cuffs. Her face must have been exceedingly pretty before grief destroyed its freshness. Miss Paddock, the daughter of Maggie Mitchell, looks very much like her mother, but is so different from her that she has hardly crossed the threshold of a dressing room or seen the glare of the footlights, except faintly and from far away. Colonel J. C. Bcndy. the Spiritualist editor, tells the women of Chicago that as a class they are the worst enemies that woman suffrage has. They are swayed too easily by emotion and misled by sentiment, and to ad vance the cause should cultivate courage and backbone. Miss Louise Imogen Gciney, the poet and essayist, who has been appointed city poet for the memorial exercises to be held in Bos ton next month in honor of General Sherman, will he remembered as the poet of the Grant Memorial given in Boston in 1885. Miss Guincy's father enlisted as a private in a Massachusetts regiment and by his bravery rose to the rank of brigadier-general. Sarah Bernhardt does not seem to have a correct idea as to the resources of Australia. She has shipped to that country for her use while touring there, eitrhty-one eases of cham pagne, two kegs of brandy, and a package of whisky. It is not stated whether the package of whisky is a demijohn or a barrel, but it is an even chance that it is the latter. Persons who have visited Australia could have in formed Sarah that il has been many y. ars since there bus been a liquor famine in that country. MARKETS. Baltimore Flour City Mills, super, $3. 75 fa..vS."). Wheat Southern Fultz. 1.11(3(1. 12. Corn Southern White, 72fa73e., Yellow, 7-toi.7oV. Oats Southern and Pennsylvania ,7'.i.".;'e. Rye Maryland and Pennsylvania ..;', 1 7c. Hav. Marvland and Pennsylvania iln.'(m'a.l Lim. Straw Wheat, $.8.00(0,9.00. Butter Eastern Creamery, lStVilDc, near-by receipt l.-teil-tc. Cheese Eastern Fancy Cream. "'Sut.loc., Western. 8 fa,'.' jo. Eggs Id i t. 1 7c. Tobacco, Leaf 1 ntcrior.$l.iX(51.50jGood Common. 1.0i.j.5.o0. Middling, $d.00(u8.00. Good to line red, .'.'.Wia,ll.l0. Fancy, $12.00 f.T,lS..K'l. Nt'.w York Flour Southern Good to ehoi tra. f 4.2.".(a,.i..-1.i. Wheat No. 1 White l.i:.i'al.l4. Rye State osftiii'ic- Corn Southern Yellow, 71('a,72c. Oats White, State AJloi-.W. Butter State, 2227c. Cheese State, 7rt.pc. Fggs lo16c. Philadelphia Flour Pennsylvania I'ancv, st.-Jo'a.Lo". Wheat, Pennsvl vania and Suithern Red, .-?'4o.Ll0'. Rye Pennsyl vania, io .i "i7c. Corn Southern Yellow, 67 'i. oTic ats 00a.6Oic. Butter State, 19 Jo,-. CI:, est New Y'ork Factory, 1010ic. Kgg: State, 170,l7Jc. CATTLE. P. a i.ti more Beef $.3. 7.i(a,h. 25. Sheep :i.ot'(., 5.23. Hogs-44.00reU..3'.i. New York Beef $7.oO8.00. Sheep is".'" '('.i.o.OO. 1 logs i.30.5.40. East Liberty Beef f(3.O06.50. Sheep 5. 25(ai5.50. lings $4.905.00. WORK AND WORKERS. The miners at Clinton, Indiana, have ae cepted the price oiT-reJ by the operators, 70 cents per ton. THE bituminous coal operators at Terre Haute, Indiana, have notified the striking miners that they will grant last year's prices I'orminlng. The grievances of the engineers and fire men on the Queen and Crescent Railroad have been adjusted. The settlement is satisfactory to both sides. The Secretary of the Treasury has made a reduction of$eti00 in the annual expenses of the Appraisers' Office in Philadelphia by the dismissal of six of the force, including two' ex amine rs. A DESPATCH from Oskaloosa says that the Icwa miners have decided to stand by the action of their State officers. It is expected that a demand will be made for eight hours and pay every two weeks. TnE miners' strike in Illinois is practicnlly at an end. The men at Spring Valley, Streator Braidwood and Wilmington have resumed work. The men have all signed contracts which in no way differ from those of last year. The Phillips Coal Company, at Diamond, Iowa, has imported fifty negroes to take the places of the strikers. Other operators say that if the strike continues another month, there will be at least 3000 negroes imported to dig coal. Members of the Cigar Manufacturers' Union, in Chicago, have decided to keep their factories closed until August. If by that time no better terms are offered by the union a committee will be S2tit toother cities to get workmen. The Switchmen's Union has withdrawn from the Supreme Council of the Federated Railway Employes. This action is owing to the refusal of the trainmen to uphold the switchmen in their trouble with the North western R.oad. The officials of the United Mine W'orkera have declared a strike against the Cabot Coal Company, of Washington, Indiana, because of the refusal of the operators to submit differ ences to a board of arbitration. The strike in volves 1000 men. The Contract Labor Bureau in New Y'ork is investigating the case of five Englishmen who are supposed to have come under contract to work on W. W. Durand's yacht Utawana. The men are H. Bazzo T. Bazzo, V. H. Robinson, I. Collins and Thomas Elbers. Mr. Durand will be summoned to New Y'ork and examined. The Boston branch of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen has declined the invitation of the Boston Central Labor Union to partici pate in the mass meeting to be held under the auapices of the later organization in Franklin ParK, July 4th. The Park Commissioners declined to allow the Park to be used for that purpose, but a number of labor organizations propose to meet there in defiance of the au thorities. Assistant Secretary Nettleton has ordered the release of twelve Italians, who were de tained at New Y'ork, on suspicion of having violated the Alien Contract Labor law. They formed part of a gang of men on their way to Chicago to work for the Consumers Gas Com pany. The Department held that the evidence adduced that they came under contract ex pressed or implied was insufficient. The diSerence between the firm of March, Brown back & Co., stove manufacture in Linfield, Pa., who employ severs! hundred hands, and tne moulders were amicably ad justed. The matter was submitted to arbitra tors, -who adjusted prices according to the Bcale paid in Reading, which proved satisfac tory t: all parties. The works will resume operations at once. The carpenters' strike in Newark, New Jersey, was declared off by the District Coun cil of Journeymen Carpenters. The men struck for a working day of eight hours, and about 500 carpenters went out. The bosses refused to make any compromise, and within the last ten days. many of the men returned to work, thus virtually breaking the strike. The journeymen announce that they have only postponed their fight for the present. The bosses refuse to talce any of their old employes back. DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. A wreck, occurred on the Southern Pacific Railroad near Borden, Texas. Charles Carter was killed and several others were injured. George T. Robertson, Chief Clerk of the Maryland House of Correction, was struck and killed by a train at a crossing near Baltimore. THE lumber yards of the Kentucky River Lumber Company at Bratyville, Kentucky, were destroyed by fire. Loss $60,000; in surance $48,000. Two passenger trains on the Cincinnati Southern Road collided at Melville, Tenn. ngineer Charles Chapin and Fireman Robert Clark were killed. A DESPATCH from Toronto, Ontario, says that William Stilt, William Gilmour and Charles Lockwood were drowned in Rideau Lake by the upsetting of a canoe. Nathan Barger, a prominent citizen of Peekskill, New York, was killed w hile trying to control his runaway team, he was pulled over the dashboard and under the feet of the horses. A fire in the house of Felix Lawler at Minneapolis, resulted in the death of Etta Lawler, a girl of 6. and Joba Francis Lawler, aged 1 month, who were burned to death. Mrs. Felix Lawler was very seriously burned. THE limited express train on the Pennsyl vania Railroad dashed into a carriage, at Latrobe, Penn., about 8 o'clock tne other night. Miss Mollie McNally, aged 17, and Richard 1'ox were killed, while Miss Bertha McCreery was badly injured. The steamer Hudson, trom New Orleans for New Y'ork, with 96 passengers and a cargo of general merchandise, went ashore at Body 's Island. The crew remained on the vessel, but the passengers were landed by the life saving crew. 1 nere was a heavy fog when the vessel went ashore. She is not believed to be in a dangerous position. THE British bark Virgilia went ashore near Poyners Hill Life Saving Station, on Curri tuck Beach. She was bound in ballast from New Y'ork to Savannah, Ga., to load lumber. Her crew consisted of ten men, and the cap tain's wife was also ou board. They were all saved by the surf boat from the station. The vessel caught fire and will be a total loss. According to the bulletin of the New Y'crk State Board of Health lor April, now in pre paration, there were 13,875 deaths in New i'ork State in that month. This is the greatest number ever recorded, January of last year, when the grip prevailed, showing the largest number of deaths for a month up to that time. Then the total was 12,375. BIG STORMS IN THE WEST. Cyclone! in the I)akotas--Electrical Disturbances. A despatch from Chicago says: Over half (he United States was simultaneously soused in water and. the edge of the great spot of wet was made ragged with a cyclone. The con dition of the telegraph wires north, south, east and west from this city showed a state of affairs seldom, if ever equaled. Soa king rains were in iprogress, accompanied with driving winds to New York on the one side, to New Orleans on the other, stretching beyond St. Paul and Minneapolis to the north, and in the West for an indefinite distance. Milwaukee reported tiie worst electrical disturbance on record, making telegraph and telephone communication impossible, except at brief intervals. Further northwest, in the I'akotas, many towns wore cut off, and the tact that a cyclone had ravaged the country about Watertown raised the question if there had not been serious loss of life and property in thp district temporarily isolated. Watkrti'WN. S. P. A small, dark funnel shaped cloud suddenly appeared in the south, at half-past three in the afternoon, and soon developed into a hurricane, h appeared close to tlie ground, and in its whirling motion people saw that it was (be dreaded cyclone, and the roar which accompanied it was like a huge fire snapping and cracking in its onward course everything that came in its path. Six barns wore demolished. The path of the storm was only about one hundred feet wide, and not a single house within the city limits was in its way. Horses were lifted from the irround, hurled into tiie air and sent sprawling to the earth. Wagons were taken up bodily and hurled to atoms. Five miles northeast of here two bouses and three barns were: literally carried away. The debris from the storm ns it left this city spread along its line for nearly a mile. Three people vi ere killed at Hazel, sixteen miles southwest id' here, and the storm is said to have been very severe in that vicinity. No other fatalities have been yet heard of. KKoKt K, Iowa. There was a phenomenal siorni lu re. Lightning struck the Holy Cross Episcopal Church, cutting jt in two. Mrr. Edward Keith, recently from Chicago and prominent in social circles, received a terrible electric shock. At first it was thought she wus dead, but hopes are entertained of her rtcoverv, ' plUNKENtfESS Liquor Habit D? HA! He 5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It ran bo lven in coffee, tea. or in articles of food, without -tie knowledge of patient If ncsrr it ia absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and auee'dy cure, whether the patient U a moderatedrlnkeroran alcoholic wreck. ITSEV ER, FAILS. 1 1 operates so quietly and wltb anch certainty that the patient undergoes no Incon venience, and soon bin complete reformation la effected. 48 page book free. To be bad of B N. Dully, druggirt, New Berne H.C. jylSdwr 'as THE BEST LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. ens A PEST HEDICINE KHOWH CONSIDERING QUALITY AND 8IZE OF DOSE. IT "WILL AliSO OTH.B1 BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEP8IA, AND CHBOKKJ OOMSTtPATIOK. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. C. TjlURHA THE Land and Improvement Co. DURHAM, N. C. J.S.CARR, A.B.ANDREWS, R.H.WRIGHT, Vloe-Preatdont. A MOST LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The "Consolidated" Controls 285 ACRES of Land Immediately adjoining The Csmssi ot Trlmlty Callage, which haa beea surveyed Into LOTS 50 BY 140 FEET. The Lota are well located and are altos. ted cpoa Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. The location Is admirable for Stores, Restaurants and Dwelling. Pereoae Aeairtiif be " buy or build," ln order to educate their boys can do no better than buy one or more of these lota. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF TUB COHSOldTDATBD TO OFFER, for the areeeat ealr 800 OF THESE LOTS, and to guarantee that when the 800 Lots are sold, to erect noon some enltable portion tt the property, sufficiently far removed from well-equipped Cotton Factory, to cost lOO.OOO, and to supply tne Uotton rectory With a CASH WORKING CAPITAl. of f,OO0, COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 One Knitting Mill for the mannlactnre of Hoeiery, Vadnwier, 4c, to cost M,0w0s and to supply the Knitting Mill with a CASH WORKlHQ CAFTTAI. ( of 35,000, making total outlay for KNITTING MILL, $75,000 A GUARD TOTAL OF 200,000 IN IMPROVEMENTS w W "w WW ww tn the line of IadastrUl Batararlsas upon the viouai ty. TO EVERY of $400 of this magnificent property, the "CONSOLIDATED" will ( FIVE SHARES, PAR VALUE 198 PER SHARE, - fUM ft , full paid and non-assessable ln the fv.ton Factory, and irBSGM ' THREE SHARES, PAR VALUE PER SHARE, wTS ) full paid and non-assessable ln the Knitting Mill, Making a return to each Purchaser of $400 of tho Property, of $200, well invested in Good Industrial Enterprises. For every dollar Invested ln West End Town Lota, adjoining the Trinity OolleM property, the purchaser realizes 60 per cent. In FlrstrClaaa Industrial Enterprise, which will enhance the value of his Investment. The "CONSOLIDATED" confidently believes that the above Is tha moat liberal aad at the same time the most legitimate offer that has come before the public Ia fact the offer Is so liberal that we do not hesitate to say that ln our opinion, the opportunity will be promptly taken advantage of by those who have been waiting for the BEST, or persons desiring to ecure flrstclass educational advantage, for their Boys, on tha moat advantageous terms. - . Maps showing the property and Price List of Ue lots cheerfully furnish ad o application to R. H. WRIGHT, Seorwtary, DURHAM, N. C REMEMBER that every purchase of 4O0 carries eight shares of Stock In two well Equipped Industrial Enterprises par value of f200. a. POINTER. In buying a lot you are also making an Investment, the Dividends upon which will most likely aid materially to educate your boys. A HINT. The building of two large Industries upon the Property, and the completion of Trinity College ought largely to enhance the value of the lots. A SUGGESTION. Now Is the time to purchase. The lots may all be gone If you wait, and you will mlM the opportunity of buylug from first hands. to ft 245, WE ARE IN THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS OUR MOTTO. BEST MATERIAL AND WINS. . SMALL AND LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK 18 THE WORK TO BUY. BRID GEW ATJER CARRIAGE CO. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Stylas of Boota and SHjee mad to order and on Short notloe). REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. N. ARPEN, CEAYEI 8T.)pilU Itinal CUev ' nVERILL PAINT? H OUTWEARS ALL OTHERS TImo Isn't It th bast mad moat aaoaiaiil. aal If Kr. alow burs aa tuttrmtm anieis aa4 baa to abates fw-ai la a brief rartod, aaA 7m bay tha "ArtU" aad pain bat anas, do 70a not save 7 f Arena Pabu) kaa baantifol laai M taaprovaa tas av aaraaaa aad tniiiaasss tna Taloa of Joor boiMlaaa. It has baas lasfMl l Maui, far tt'f bean 1a aaa M I ears. Sampla eard a! raabtoaabU Nats anl poattlv proof of toe atnrsMlltjr of att-UI Faint to aay add rasa. SEKLXY BROTHKIta, t BurUss Mia, Maar Turk. aoU b7 L. H. CCTXKK, MewBerae If. O. J. B. J3itOW3Vf Timn-aLAM BARBER SHOP. Neatly fitted ap la the best of style. Batt) room, with hot and oold water. BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. M CONSOLIDATED Bae'7 ai the residential portion, one modarnly-bullfl making total ouUr.y for PURCHASER Perfectly Simple - Simply Perfect THE IMPROVED WARM AIR FURXACES AMD APPARATUS or TH. BENNETT & PECK Heating and Ventilating Co. The only Manufacturer In this dty grrlag entire attention to the WARMING AND VENTILATION or Residences, Churches, Schools, Etc. OORR KROlfT) BMW IB f01ICTTXD 8 END FTH PRIrVTKD MATTKK 247 md 24S W. Hi St., Cincinnati, 0. ONE OF OUR CATA LOGUES FULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE. I

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