2 Single Copies 5 Cents. $1.50 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. NO. 1.5. VOL. XIV. NEW B ERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. ('., JCNE is. 1MU. v for Infants PROFESSION A I DR. C K. BACBY. Surgeon Dentist, CJv. A'niii Srwt, fpp- Owe, P. H. PFJiLFTIERt ATTO RN EY-AT-LAW. AND MONEY BROKER. Iii 1.1 . Jmmnm I Otw... A efcHy Mih la Mf(Uisf will habfiMftlrMk W til tprectic ia iW Cw4n W 0va Cutmt, iM Oat ed rwli . d-tuMrf 1im Chk at 8re n4 - DR. J. D.CLARK, NEW Bf RNE, N. tfirtxrKttMQtmSirat, Mwm iu 9mt-m a. The National Bank OF NEWBERNE. N. C- CapiUI. - . . $100,000 Surplus Profits. - 86,700 DIIECTORI Jul A. Cat. Tmo. t.mxa Ciu. S. J3r. J. II. Hacsmtys. Q.UU Ecasrr Alu. Unxxa , L. 1Iaybt. GREEN. FOY&CO.. BANKER'S, NXW BANKING HOUSI. a, 4ja idiw Hoi i.w ftCW BCftNC. H.JC NEXT! Prof. W. H.SHEPARD ml wuj t a MlrCrtfor SO CwaCs. -auto 61iT31B33i3U3'JlS13r. HVM B CRN C ft. C JOE K. WILLIS, " ' PROPHIETOR Or "1 it tn rn mtdLi Ealiira Knil5 f Caro'iai ... - a i NEW BERNE. N. C. Ium tW (amm Sfarl mnd . QmaJttim mf Memriai. "im Ta. Tara lr fm aa4 f!n taraatlaaaVa I a. 1 to.taa rttmt. OtZm antiritaxi fttd grea proas p at. afatioa, wtLU BaUjfcluQ cxMraatawd. KrR."JO"NE"sr HEAVY A5D UGIIT GROCERIES. UrVhxt til Ian A ix Sut Dry Goods & Notions, Fail Stwakaaw Lara. Aaaartmawt. IMawwaa law a t Uwit Calf a4 tiamla. aay Staaa. 'CJWCsrLlJ.trflLT. 4 trTJHMi M Will ""fcBBJSgS f 7 Li a aaCaaw- r Tn r makkic aowctalty ti aaaaoo what Ok ww can r PARACBH HARNESS. I W Ma W ttva pmcST STOCK arvd th. vary KV J CCST WOXIARSXIr. o a Karrva. fVlkA ciuwtMibMtor twaa than "O I rwCAlL. Brt arw wllllna. k 1 m trwwr to introdw It. V '5 StU. CM T OHLY C7 to rva ianon aa a VWJ . -V a nd Children. Krv Y. j ITBS. J. M. HIKES' j Boarding House ' REOPENED. i Mn. 3. M HIMES hu roj.ne.l m ! fim UiH tj.-ding Kdum in th citv, : op te BfuH Church. Tl: Rmsr Dans Eiiiu lukiie, Cn t Kid ml Uk nw pJaee. J. M. HINES, Agent. A GREAT BARGAIN! 327 ACRES W1U. KU AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! t A VALUABLE FL.VXTATIOX uiu ; atod oa Soath nde of the Nue ' riTr, Lhr nd b!f milfi from th I dtf of New Bn, M. C. One hundred ad lvaty -t acre cWred. ; Tb binc, tvo hnadred and two j acrta, timbered with ritae, oak, j tjtuw, aad 6ihcr kind of Umber. I It is mho So Grating Land. Good dwelling, outbuiMinr, nd 1 Saw orchard. Il h4 a fin. FISHERY fronting half rail on th beach, whra thrv ara hi(d ba-okj of marl that can Miff b czhaaMtd, from which itmml cmn kmi With ajM. It m m rrrj botuilfal itd healthy h calioa. procoting a nr view to th Csuif twelj aod th A. A N. C ilroad. For term! apply to P. TRENWITH, I?, fatal iAart. IXV IHIX. I. C. THE HEW LEVER SAFETY Thw fKlinCCmON Of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. CIIAI5H. NO ORAnm. VARIAILI STKOKC only two Mti of ftvotvtn Bwr1fvc. B. at HU Cllmbtnc n around Sf aty mad.. H. B. SUITH MACHINE CO. 3MITHV1LLE, N. J. Clrds's N. c. Freiifil Lioe. Sl.iasi S. H. Stsal, Ceflait! law On and aiuw February lu, tn Una will make rrguUr SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS ItTW .X Baltimore and New Berne aiC B.ltiaMr St Htm. TTED .MEiUAY. 9ATI RDAY. i r U. artar Saw JWn (or Halllmor., TTr DAY, ATL'RUA Y. al f U. larckaita ill SiipMn. Tata laUcf. TkaHlt M)y Dir.KtT li . .( of Nf. PrnM Bh awjr. vubHl ca.c. Jrtf -nly ml Xcwtxla nm. linr lha ..r Rivtoa. Prnt P'tJrltilA. iLv.inml tj all i iM ViKilt. Ka .ih'. Wn.1. UU'xc rl- rwiftM taw !! p.tnt Kjr A A V. C- RjliI nmyi .t.i Rjr.r oat . Nr I W r a Afrnei ar. aa fa4l'rw Rcvaaa Foana,tm'1 Ua.arar, 1 I Jrl . Rait (mora. Ja. W. Mc'tltci. Af.aA Narfoik. Va. W. P CJr A Ca., PhilaAelpaLa. It 9oatk .aarvML ,n York aa4 Faltiv Traaa. Uo,irW , Cartb ri rar . F. Nam, Boaloa. S3 Cantra wharl A. II iCwkvall. rVaTMlaaaa, R. I. Satpa War Boaann. Tawtaya aai Satnrda j. York daily. " Balbx, WidMa4in A atardar. PhiUaiaAia. MMHiarm. Wal.w 4a T. tCatardara. " PrafWtacr, Paiariira. Toraa(k btlla la.liaf (ira. n l raXM r.f U til pataii il lu d. SVr.nl odlaaa o Ik. mmiIm. tbf Atofi BmJbipt of Hu.k end fditj ma .V. C. I me. &. U- OB. AY, AfaaL .Vaw Bm, N. C THE NEWS. t" I. Ct&iniiAa I. B Turn), i t an alir. . iaTvd th( with ihr liqil-T o- lt Ml r-1 U' ' ihe Lctnrrrtic, K.-uhii- an -.ml I'mi pWi parlin, thr rphiSiimti l tl l n-i.ti-lla Tote of th nti l:qu r nn n mi I rarrv th-- lt. A larg- nr hoi"l at h'v:lak-. i.mr RlmiDffaru, Ala-, w huniri I.-aa sU-nt ti3,00iv Th H-ir of riruk"' Hftrn-.n, f Oitrmjrn, who had plirl tr a (hmihioii mi ooaxiat ! her -in w ho r f rntl . t piaiai ir tht frvi.- i ftrnt f' r f" - i. A t'rtrf Ifl im !o (rr-.d. tit Hi:r.- s . . bfH reprt.. inf : ha: 1. r I; i-' i -.i ; - i :i of Ctxmn to t h graif i ; - t .'it ; :i- i 'r- ' u t - TS ainn ua i - .i -n 1 1 ii ( f n - i: r n-im rrrKm ant A K'tn ( i ;i, h:- h Im- nli;cw in a A tern NtrtK-Tn ju i '; n -t.it---. m'hI a MUJ mrwUr(iij 1 -'j -I -1 ;n I'.ut- fWhV, X I ( m it r ' :! rs i W .hiumi imt htM brm m t-aj br r of th- onlrr ff twnty jrr. Th t(r lYuiiajt U nina hs 1 T loflf, with ni-mt-rhip f r. .i r! f" i re f 1 H" ,'i ; i r , ;t : l . T.1 ! ;l p pr u-r .!' i h. T:.i'i;v Ivp.i-r ::. Nit ti: froi bi)r injarr-1 (t . i ;h: ;n in Nrt lli:cao Th- 1 - r r-j- r-.-l . it VentilKU . h:w-h. r r u: tiia: or Uo4totM fiinn r -Trl-'w ri an.i hm: til! -a(irriT urvW wdtrr 'ir-nt mu-t rui: from dtrin tioti "t . r"p. ami fVn ' tn ! m.. rnai lw-a carriU i!' t r :i hi;i: W IYia. who ruur i- r 'i ii m-Mftlha a(f, In f- u i.trv, i TeiajL, to hanjf on 'ij;ui i ' 1 tmAr niu w a k i!--l Via., bi i iu n in an m?v Jiiak tQ'l H'rnia H.ii'.cj, wrr aaitiu in-x'. at Mnr r I in t L r :t U rrii. .u- i mil- ti r- rn i . I w n Hii -nrirr, hvl a q-iarr-i in :.i- -..'ir. Jellnrk. trurk Biutri; 'n th- rliriat M I! il A pmoti -tick.w h:r h niicrl hi lung ai.-i ktll H him. - Harrrv M'-,Urrn ani hi if, wra. I.aT rmkrr, i'hjarl SIti.t -rvl Bon and KWia Ph"Ip-, ar in jail a; )t..w, II!., awaiting thr rramlt nf thr (jra'i lj'i'v'i;nn:l faUom of thr d-ath of (,.-..r.- 1'r jtrr, f JHrrwtir, who w a f-"i a Ir.t i I :i in a u on r hr oirntnjf of Mar t. '. I.uoy Pfx-r ha maie a full rtnfrapiau. i rupl i a'. in tnr Th- Ipw brnhrra ani Sinrrr. 1 1 is imf J tv v-i ttuit PiTkaaM-r a muniTfl f.r rU"n'r. hr wa. ripr-;ing ti h r vrnri a i n f "-.,' n hu fkrtu oo ih- 'la ou whi- h thr a.uMiuit to.k piar. Orlokl R. n. AS-rrronii, of r;-i!tn, AU., waa aniatakfn f-r a hur'ar y fcia -n-Or. Bakrr, who h . -.rvl in' t!r ktrid htm '('iTfin A t av,-.hi psnu flarlwy, la Birmingham. Ala . waa dania.r'M $3k0Q0 by fir Hot Spring. Sniih Ik-tn, waa Tint, by a hra j ram an i htt! ( rm. which did a (frrat amoant of dania- Nrnr AhAfpaibarf, Kf., Mn. B K RavrN --oft ta rVom hftme br thrr nrT'--. ho tol i hr that hrr hnaharvi waa 1 t in c ty ihc r a-i aii Whfn oot of rear h of tiolp. hc w. iu rmrsi. (nr of thr n.-gfT w .ui .-aptur-'!. Unaat of thr mtnrra of Polk rour.ty. Iowa, hnvr rrtnmrd to work. Many of thr atM-k rn.-r who wrrr drirrn ff the "iur-kre Strip by th jOTrrnmrnt har rrturno-l tli.!r h'rH ; '-hrlr fWtnrr prvat m r Tutc arr t-.Trn:y In? ihooiauJ hraI of rartlr no- cnun: n litr rbtd'irn land. -Aparhr Indian, m id ditKin to killing Atrhurn ;u S'tinr.4 Li! w.fk alrrd upon four men. kiliin.: ,m Italian p- 1 1 r A band of right Indiana fiA coup -f ''porroa. killing on" of VI'T;. a:i rmralry or in puru;t J I i A::'pi-n. eawthirr of th" i -xj. .i ; i t-i a, I . -t '..in pan 7 at Tnaha, S-'b, h t i---n rr.-tl .n tl) rharife of .-r'MVe.in-- . 1 ti-r.bir . 'a crlrbrated iti rarm -ru! '-y. lh- siin.vrrurT of (he day thr Kedrrmi army :nd its firt t tack on that nf jr. I: - Ain-rian Srl Tradr Aaxu;io i i in :i i i:i'-i:inat:. and wiJI (akr action p'r .-n: t fra u i u !'-nt irapoartation and mn!: al ( .1 CalTtn T. Bfhv, rhairiiuii of t!"- M--:n -Tiiii' N'atinoal 'm3iiftrr i n i: r f 1 m; ti rit roa t etiti n i n N - i r . ' i m - h'. Uiaaaah vii coiiT,-t I i ; . w ' .-k of ra order io tlr 6 rat dre for k : I ;i: r -i o a rd U'irtn in i I t:i 1 - . i l--n rot VI. UcOonk te, form r ; y a - - k -epr : l" ,r A. T. Stewart A ' o j N. ..r. n a h-ld for trial on thr -h pu.i c .r'!.!- Irartadra on r 1 1 t i A t ; ; u a. . uf lbarr N Jrtsa iu tiir Nrt.it rr i.ln un asuallj wrii Jinn H !, . , f i'in-.io nmattrr wor k ni n a t !- a. .n:i ;j i . h bwe roll t ; ti of ctl'-r': n S. 'iijo n r.i of Jijurpn r aa.i . ! l'-;m, fi a Ual f ('U'-i,:i-- :.to t.i- r (w-nlr ui. Kurt (a n ai e i t, uo o nLi.-ei v :n.ii r.imr) St.- kton it ip-tr-i an i h a-t ir rente i. - K.. ; rrr y. pr tin : n'fu dry f-U laterrhant, if h a y ei tr vi i i - Tm . Uaa made an aaauinrurui rntmjiw ho wre rfu-i iimfUifT; id rn St Jam Hr man. a farm er' tiMi. in H tr-r!'j. I r. .uini : t a uAmel iatrHr on t hr !-y an 1 trir;i p.-. j Iurit3t a tnat in f hat;ano"ifv Trmi., CoJour, W. J. t hfU and li B. Caar, lawyrr, raoar to blow, and rr rarh n.nri V1' br J ad if- - Nrar Witrrnilr, Waah Jarvb Voo Breuan ht an 1 kilil hs two brvKbera, Joha an 1 II-nrr. ftr a quarrri ariAnna fmm a djvwn of "to-k. Thr munirr rr rted ou borrba"k . bn t aa t hr h -rr rr tamed, it m thought he h At bevi k i '. I . r mttii i t L- 1 aoxridr. Thr mmr V l'p't: . a. : 1 . r i h VI h.rn wriUra a lav.trr to t.i- Pr to laTealite th At! '!. Vreaaury IVpsnm n( ::h Kryatoa Nationil it ink th nrw nty h.-M in I, p.V-,M ;: p-witKQ wi;h inip"-i i . r.- ,,- !li.'l.-r : ' i. Ha.krii. ma i n tn . -i r--r o : , -li - l n B"Wtoo , b AJ mil ii) a i ; t . i i , . S. ?amar?a, of Martin, Teia. mad ft drrd o'f-ut to Krar.krl; Iiabiiitlrw, $57,l-0: a-aw-ta, n-M r-t k no ! cotton nd monrT t n n 'e:;.- t .ir f ii '-t r. Sam u ! will ak "or a:i P.-. .nor ;n u- r f n i : - i '. . m i -:i fo-X. w h i,-it ; n'-! ! - a Tlie plan i ' -it :i A tin n f i- n. ' Ii!n;h ard N fo ""tins link ..f I . I rn - i ti . I i i Ir.at rad of rn- nn, : w;il r--ani tt- Im-- -f . Umk'f-i ! minjc"; t 'i ,Sotr shof- s:,.! a ppr : -v i tr -for mi- '-',!:- ip- - I' I hi- ( n - I .M!JlTllH I i a n . V.. : ;-ri I r.i:.- ;i- ' A "1 f ' s".rST ' i - M .., t lh.,, r n. n C.j. -rMtn; -front 51 a ; i i.- j r ( S T 1 1 - i I' Mr. : ! ih- Tl !.-- . ' 1 ' . j . 1 " -"n . ; , '. i w'rr p -i . "t 1 j ! . hr p .!.!; xi pin fi i i . I ! ' SIR JOHN MAGDONALD. Canada's Great Premier Dies at His Home, EarnsclilTe, in Ottawa. t'ltronir loui Pnrlnf ills I aia t Hottrn ftkeirh of Hla Notable Political ( irrrr --He ttaa a 'at.T of Scotland. Aim JOHM A. atACDOWALO. S:r Tohn Murdonald is no morr The r. tinpn lahri itatrniRn who ha iutdikd the poht i.-al deotiiiit-- of ( 'mi ad a for nearly half a century pard peaceful It a way at 1 1 o P. M., urrr.L'ndrl bv the rnlirr houwhold. Idj Macdoii-vld. lm Ure up ao bravcl dnrinj th1 fnt.il illiit'.sa. n m-ht protratci w ith fjrirf. Although tii-' phri-inn declared thai Sir John could not n irvivp until morning, thry liad not made allowance for h marvelous vitality. H- hail lc.t mrriouni M) hour and had taken no nourishment since, mv "mill quantities 'if ohanipaanc, which a-re adnunitrrxl with difticulty. Thr protmer, alck unto death, kept up the unequal "trukjlr until after 10 n'cbx'k. At 1" P M. a complete cnllapae set in. In thr ueorr"iinc: fpw min utrn the premier I breathing Ix-ame morr Mid morr laborrd, ani only th align t-eat rluttrr of the heart indicatr-i lifr's prrfarnct!. At I" 1" the premier .rave a few loufr and heavy rrapiratiou:, and ' hout a struggle or thr -!iffhtrt evidence of a't pjjrxj away. An undertaker ram promptly notifird to pre parr thr body for interment. Thr funeral ia likely to take rda.ee on Tueaday, and will Ih' of a state ctiaracter. On that dn.) the lwiy will likely he removed to thr Senate rhanilcr and lie in state for f'Mir or five hoar. The intertnent will fuh--erjTirntly t.ike pl:t - nt Kington, vnt., where the premier firt uid his father are buried. Ilia Political Career. Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Priinier of thr dominion of t anada, waa a nativeof Glaa ptiw, Scotland. He ws.a Iwrn January 11, H 1 5. When he wa ti ve yearn of ae his father, Hu;h Maetionald, rmirraUtl to Canada, aett linj;; at Klnjraton. Sir John entered upon liia public career in when he firat reprewnted KmaTtton in the House of Assembly. He sat for that contituene until the union in lT. and then he was elv' ti to the Hoaae of ( onimoni from the aame place. In 1ST? he wa defated, bnt in 1-V57 lie wu re-elected by Nith Kincstoa and C'Arleton. In the forma tion of the Canadian Confederacy he took an actiTe part, and on July 1, 1S)7, when the new constitution went into effect, be waj appointed to the office of Privy Councillor, Attorney General and Minister of Justice. I,atrr hr wa kni(rhtel b the Queen in the 'X'It of the Bath civil;, and preientd with Vh grsnd crrasa of the order. Sir John's ministry resigned in 1 S73 on ac count of the Canadian Pacific charade, and during thr ministry of Alexander Mackenzie, who iuoceedrd him, Sir John wm leader nf the opposition. In Septrmber, 17. when the Liberal party was def'-atrd on account of its non protectire p--hcy. Sir John wn again made Prime Minis ter, an 1 hr h.ts held the orhoe ercr since. The recent vi -t.r;cs of thr lonerTati vea in con nection with the I mted States reciprocit t q u rat ion n rre rhirfly due to the riperirnceci an 1 astute leadership of the Premier. After thr a-tUrinrnt of the Alabama claims with thr Cm ted Stairs, Sir John, who was a mrrub-r of the British joint high commission, was highly honored by being called to the Priry Council of Great Britain, an honor sel dom --onfrrred upon a colonial statesmaai. He was married in 1S6T to Susan .gnea, daughter of Thomas J. Bernard, a ni ruber of the t'.evn's Privy Council, at Jamaica- Hiswife lurrivr hirn GREAT FLOODS IN TEXAS. Thr K.il KlrrrU on a HI Trar Ilninnc Hour. I v.p.. trh.-. frin vrra! p..int ..n thr m-r. in Tr m, i ridirati- thai thnl strrnm i. "n th- rami;(-. At ( ,anirvilie jt is slvorr hr hik'h w.iirr mrk. au-1 iriOrinnii"n rnnim Ir'.m alxvr tin. plmrr that thr riv a. vrry rpM nuii tin.-ipo'tr.l, aixi iiiriit jwoplr lrr l r-ap.il witli th.-ir lir.ii. All (-01111111111108-li i; with thr Irviinn T.-rnt.irv hn lrrii rut ft. and it v 1 1 1 lK- aimr timr "..f..rr thr (iam f ' ," rr pairrH. Unwncrn fr.nu Bnr linc .utr that thr ru rr i runmiu' wihl m that .--irn, ami (Ir.trurticni to prnfwrty ami 1 .1111- In .- north .f I).rw, on tho Missouri, Knna ati'l Trim Ilajloiy. I T ll.nrri. a k ma 11. l,t four hundrml hr, of , Httlr and fifty-fivr linrx. Thr .lain cr rlonr in thr territory ran only lr mrmlMil as all romni n n irat ion la cut off. A d.ipa!rh from Brjrhrr aaya that thr Uil rnrr. whirh riirn thret- milr north of there, i hiuiirr than for jean. A olumr of natrr trn frrt hi-h ranir ru.hin? (iorn thr vallrv. U-annc trrm, lirnnh. houaa'topa. ilea. I anima'la an.l rlrl.n. of all kiii'l.v and in thirty minutes thr hole allrv wa onr at sheet of watrr. 1 rop. , .1 a k :iMl n.-ar the ri er arr all under u .-r aii I ni'id. and jr.-w damairr will result. I'urMi,- th. heavy rain at I hi 1 hro( he. Tel., t pov. s ,,f W. p. I.iniisay and two !rn:rr. ho .-rr ramped near thr bridge ntlha; pUr.-, wrrr drowned. CHEWED UP BY A BULL-DOG. A Utile Hoy Bitten Katally and a Woman Hrrlon.lj Injured. IV Appleton. onr of the brat known hom.eopnthii- d.-tor of (Irnnd Rspi.ls, Mich., liw. 1:1 an rlrtrant reMdenre and hna a n'clil-r onr W W . Hart, who j. a devoted a in-.-.rrr of il..;- and nwne-i a prire hull-terrier aid htier of pups. Thr doc family altrarted t i; a (tent ion o f the d'-tor little 4 vear-old son and hr ktartivl to play with thrm. Shortly afrr iir hrnrd lo rrram and was seen on the srr::n 1 h.!e the hull terrier and pups wr.-r atf.'-lijne him from all sides. f r. V. S H:irt rnshrd to thr resrur and she was ko.i-lsr-i down and Htta.-ked 1 h.- u-n-sm. of thr two drew a rrowd. who r! ro , 1 1,,-.'otr otT and rrseurd t he rhild and w.Mtnn Thr little f. ilow w. fearfully hit-r.-n :i!.iiit thr hend.firr. Hrtn. and ehest, crrat lf,-k ot rt. sh Iwin; t .-11 ..tl iii pie.es, anil rh.- wu-mi. wis ..No - rrrly hitten alnut the hri 1 " hrrast ami nrni'. Iiir t..nnds o( Ivoth wrrr rn ntrri 7J1 and thr r:-t'.r.- 1 r. m I i v ot i,,L- isille.1 I lie ,y pr o o. i : v .1 ,r of I- i won nd. n-id if he does not u , I I-. r ! h . .r r l o h i. . leaf h Jhr woman 'Irr.o-.r 'o.t hrr fa,-e w ill .r friehtfullv w h-.t mi ie the do attark . tri. v hid al wHv. he.-n fond of THREE MEN BURNED. A ni.s.troi,. Kllro.,l Wreck near 1'a.rson. Kn. as. I h- n- t i .TsTroitswrr. k that r.rro.-. nr'rrd !; 'Hr Xl K A T K II. t -ok p!.-r Iwtwrrn s.ini'. ei'l rr:nk Kni Ihr. r men w. re hurtir,) toarri.pand s 1 1 r.-1 . ..me of them n i thnueht. fnmiiv. 1 k ' r Mir. were totally d . n 1 o 1 1 h II , ar 1 t -r w r- k t'-k fir.- a ti I , an were -,rm -I 1 hr t . t. t.-;.t train, were orden-d to pas at 1 rink ' 'to- of thrm nrri.sl at the stiition ali-a I of the other, and tl tis-ineer efine a train oi the .e trnek siipp.ui it n, the tram he h.id -T-l. rs to iw. and di ! not stop (or order. ' "I" t'o ti hiirn.-d to d.-ath was a head hrak.-m.ti. and the oth.-rtwo are unknown. Th.- hrskrmatt rould only re idrntlt3r. hv the bndlris -t a switrh key on his Nsiv. CABLE SPARKS. Til F Spanish lian's in Buenos .Ayies 1ki cloaed iu d.Kira, aui llic Lutflfeh Banks 111 that city are attecte.1. Thirty-six bulldinoa iu Vienna were sirUch bf lixhtniug, and two children Were killed and timny persons injured. A te'I AI.iT lllaIliteto lias been issued at Berlin railim; upon six-ialibts t.irou-h,iL't the cou:itr to meet and protest h-'iuikI the eov ernincnt s di e. sum not to re luce the Jutn-s of grain. IN one of the poor quartersof Kentish Town a luburb of Iudun, the head ot the iamily killed iii wite and child by cutting thrUr throais and tlieii killed biniicif in the same inau tie r. iNFI.t'KN.v in severe form has broken out anions tne .i .iuesties at Balmoral, Queen Vic toria summer residence iu the Highlands of Scotland, and the Queen is afraid she mjy contract it. JITh e i e isunts in the distri.s ot Snni.ira snd ftimbiFaa, l;ust.iat reoently revolted uuius! the authorities, and the upriMni; was only suppressed alter a number ol de.sp. rato eon Hicts in w hicn uiucli blood was heu. TUK lower bouse of the Prussian Diet adopted a bill restoring to the ( atholie clergy men the stipends lurinerly allowed them ny the (foveruiuent,which were uitndrawu under the operations ot the kulturkampf. TllK ( atholio Archbishop o Cst. 1, Ireland is authoi ii,. i o the Mateiueut that many members oi tue Iristi parliam -utary party are deairious ot settling the trouble existing lu the nationalist rauKs hy a union ol tne laciiuus under the leadership of Mr. John Dillon. SIR WiliiHiu Oor don-( 'uniuiiug's sdit fur lander against those who accused bun of cheating at cards in a gam cot h.ei-tir jt, in w Inch the I'rince ot Wales was a player. v.i placed on trial in Loudon, an i ilre.v an immense (fathering ol aristocratic notabil.ties ol both aexea. MR. Ai.FXANKF.k Peurose ( lordon-f'iiiu-minfrs, of Jr reedoin district, iicur Sykesvillc, Carroll county, Md., says his liroih. r, Sir William (jorllon-Cunimiug, inherited a uvr vous atfection wnich renders it impossible tor him to control his hands, and that tun infirm ity may have led to the charges ot healing at Tranby Lrott. TllK bill prohibiting the c;-hingof seals in Behring sea passed its second reading in tho House ol ( ominous without oppos.tion. Tho British government has ass nteti to the pro posal of the l uited States that 7, Vhi seals be taken to compensate the .North American Company for its obligation ns lessees to sup port the three hundred nativesof the i'ribylotl Islands. ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Mrs. Henry Ward Bekchfr is looking, much improved by her trip Westward. PlKRKE LOTTI is the first member of the French Academy who has gone in under a non de plume. MR. (JlaP.iTONE is obliged to stay at Hawarden for another fortnight, his recent ill -nesa having left traces in his lungs of a had cough. Lady Hari oi rt, the historian Motley's daughter, is one of the cleverest women in London society. She is very handsome, and ha more than a local celebrity because of her wit. Kx-Governor John P. St John, of Kan sas, though he has doubt it-.v looked l.i a mir ror thousands of times, nevertheless says of the recent Cincinnati reform convention: "It is the biggest failure I ever saw." SamteL Noble, founder of Anniston, Ala. is being "done'1 in granite, to perpetuate his memory in that city. The statue represents him standing beside a pile of pig-iron stacked up impressively like corJwood. THE Prince of Wait s has an income of a million dollars that the IirfTish public pays for the support of himself and his family. The Queen, in addition, gives him an nnmial al lowance of about a quarter ol that amount. John Lot ikin Macadam, the inventcr of the road that bears bis nam", labored for years to perfect his ideas, and. although the English Parliament voted him is',l,,", it hardly covered his outlay. "His monument is the roads of Kngland. " Mr. Blaine's name was used in a compli mentary way In Cincinnati last Sunday by the Kev. J . P. Fulton, of Quebec in nn address delivered iu a Baptist church; where upon many members ot the congregation clapped their hands, in spite of the time and place. Lev. Sam Junes, after preaching two hours and fifteen minutes in Chattanooga one warm night recently, asked permission of his con gregation to ta-ke off his coat, which was read ily granted. The noted evangelist then finished h.s discourse iu his shirt sleeves. Lady- M ac donaM), the wife of the Can adian Premier, is a remarkable woman. She is tall, with abundant white hair, and a face that is stamped with energy and determination. She is a cleaver talker, an oniniverousrender, and the possessor of extraordinary social graces. She is frequently in attendance at the sittings of Parliament. Rev. W. P. Brown of Missouri, is a mem ber of the Whitnier branch of the Mormon Church, which repudiates not only polyganiv, but the prophetic mission of Joseph Smith. He lias figured that the second cotni ng of Christ will tw tins Summer, has sold his property, and is going to Jeruailem, ti be uihmi the grouinl ready for the great even' THE young K ing of Spain, who has just ompleted his 0-th year, is beginning to ride on ponies. His activity, willful disposition, and inquisitive curioaity make him a sharp con trast tohis more tranquil-minded sisters. In two years His Majesty will have a sept-rat" household, and already he has shaken orl the attendance of his Asturian nurse, showing a preference for male attendants. Christine Nilkson entertained at dinner, not long ago, the two divas. Patti and Albani, and the three queens of song were attired in the sumptions simplicity of the Valois or Tudor period. They hummed a few snatch s of songs together, as they did long ago, befor 1 titles troubled them, and were charmingly sweet to each other, but they did not appear together in public. Ill K( M 11 1ST. who recently died at Kob binston. Mr., is said to have been the original clock-maker of "Sam Slick." He wus selling chH'ks in Nova Scotia, when he came under the notice of the author. He never felt proud of the notoriety which the book gave him, and resented allusions to i'. His age nt the tim of 1 is death was nearly f ) years. A number of h:s witoden clocks are still in existence. Mrs. Charles (i. Ames, of Boston, one of the two women recently appointed by Gover nor Russell as factory inspectors, has made a study of organized charity for years. She worked in the hospitals during the war, an 1 after her marriage to the present pastor of the Church of the Disciples, in Boston, was made president of the Children's Aid Society. Liv ing then in Philadelphia she was occupied in much charitable work and reform in Pennsyl vania. TAKEN FROM JAIL AND HUNG. Mob Overpowers the .Jailer unit l. tie lies a Supposed Murderer. A despatch from Wicklilfe. Kv.. s:iv: Kvan F. Shelby, eh.arg-sl nub the murder of Mrs. S:tllie Moore, "'as taken from the jail by a mob of pm unknou u men and hung. The j liler resisted and was roughly handled. Shelby fought desperately, and badly hurt several of the nt !. H w as practically .lea 1 before they c,,! hjM, nMt The mob said they had previously hung Mart Shelby, un h r iudjctm 'tit as an aeces- MARKETS. BAVTIMOre- Flour City Mills, super. $3.KJ (5,3. 9o. Wheat Southern Fultz. $ 1 .ooni. l.i J. I orn Southern White. h.V.l.hoJe., Yellow, tv t rsV. i ' its Southern nnd Pennsylvania ;,ru.o.V. Kyc -Maryland and Pennsylvania 'J-i.tlM -. May. Maryland and Pennsylvania 1 .'." Straw Wheat, f.i.if-.i 't.txi. Butt, r - K.'is-ern Creamery, 1 s.': BV.. near l y reo.ipt lb'!, I.e. ( 'heese F'lstern I'ancy ( ream. P'l't I' i- . Western. '.i.!'ie. K.ggs - H 'i. I.e. Tobacco. I.eaf Interior, .?l.iird l..i.G I t'oininon, $.i.i''i,".o, Middlintr. o.i if-i. s.l i, (r! i.. tine rtsl, s5'.'-1"'!' ' 1 -'b1. Fancy, tl.'.o.i ' l . o. i '. t -,v Y''Kk I'l' -it r Southern Good to t i extra. I. ''-"' si." . he-it No. 1 Winte ,-.,, i.,rii. Hvc -st ite .soioi,- Corn -s o-ith. rn "Yellow. fVi.-.l.'. tilts White. State t 'j'a i '-. Butfr Stat.. J"o JTc. I'lliry tate, r'tb-C Fggs l.'.L'. if. I'.l II A I'Ki.i'in A Flour - I'ennsyh ania I ".ice . r-) .'J-"'M. I W henf. I'cnns I a nia and Sontlieru Kei. i-l.i'si'iE 1 .""'C Rye - Pennsyl i::na, ."e. i. t '..rn Souf iiern ".-llow. titj f.l...e. I afs 'L'.'ir. Butter -Slate, ll'hj iv. Ch'-ese New York laitory, pKluic. I'.ggs State, 17fn.le. " ' A T i l l'. It I Tl M' UF Beef- -ST.. .".' i h i.oO. Sheep $... "... Hogs -? I. "f('l. ."". N f v Y"RK - He,-!" -jr." i'-ls.iii. sheep J-l tool. 1.7.".. Hogs -4..')'if(l-"i..'A. I' vst Li iilkty--Beef--fo.mf.i.'v.ljO. Sheep--f 4-J Hogs -ft. sure?, i.iv. TRADE'S INDICATOR. Genera! Business Declining Rather than Expanding in Volume. C x port s of Y h eat land Flour as Vlieat) Continue Relatively Free -Hank Clearings--1 1 its! n ess Fnilifres; Sj.tt i :i I tele-rants to Hr-idMrcrt't shcfvv tpiite cone asi vdv ili.it general business now is, on the whole de: lining rather than expand ing in volume. May hauls clearings, totals point unmistak ably to a widespread subsidence of activity in general trade and speculation throughout the country. In May, ls:ni, bunk clearings reached high water m irk. Chicago shows the only gain Inst mouth, as compared with May, 1890 worth mentioning. Total May clearings at 57 cities were s I. -i i. H. s '.. a decrease of 19. 7 per cent. New York city's clearings fell oTT -- per cent., while at fifty-six other cities the decrease was 1 p t cent. Each month of lsl'l finds bank clearings falling farther be hind the like record la-it year. Total clearings at fifty-six ci'i -s for five mouths aggregated $'-"2,775,2i'isi is i a d-crease of more than 9 per cent. To this exhibit must be added generally quiet raw wo il markets (except Cincinnati), f.ittb' doing in leather and hides, the trade waiting to see wh it will happen to rubber prices, the demand for coal moderate, prices n'-avy, i.nd further production I which thus f ir has not been restricted 1 or lered as to the an thracite output for J une, continued depression in the iron and steel industries despite re ported expressions from some centers of "fair ly .satisfactory demand, " elc; nothing like the voluin: of lumber in oving customary at this sea.son: di-oiith i i the Lower Mississippi Valley, which not o:,ly resti-iew general trade, but at the niom-'nt seriously threatens growing crops. ; o n s i : v.v. t i v e BCYlNto. In brief, buying in most lines continues very eiiuservativi , and in sonic portions of the West here is a disposition to restrict credits until money is easier. The usual Sum mer dullness is showing itself at several cen ters. Wheat and corn and crop reports are generally favorable. Raw and refined sugars are 4 cent lower on decreased demand. There is less doing in dry groods nt wholesale and trade is only fair for th 1 seasifil. Business failures in the L'nited States ltdui W against 4 last we-k, nnd 17.1 this week last year. The total January 1 to date is against CU'J !at year. While stock speculation maintains a strong undertone on the crop prospects, the shtck market is extremely dull. The financial out look, the policy of the Treasury regarding the maturing 4J per cent, bonds, gold shipments, rumors of foreign financial troublesaud K.urd pean selling ol stocks, all tend to discourage, speculative activity. RELATIVELY FREE EXTORTS OF WHEAT. Exports of wheat ,aud flour as wheat) con tinue relatively free, aggregating 2,697,464 busheli this week as compared with a little smaller quantity in the like week of 1 -90 and three-fifths as much in a like week in 1889 and in 1S-S8. For three weeks past exports have averaged about '2,.53,uO0 bushels in each week, against 2, 12J, 000 bushels weekly on the average in a like portion of 1890, 1,514,000 bushels in 1889 and 1,451,000 bushels weekly in a corresponding period of 1888. For 49 weeks of the cereal year exports ot'wheat(and flour as wheat ) from ttie L'nited Staies ex clusively have amounted to 92,427,420 bushels indicating that about BJO.OOO.UOU bushels are to be exported in this cereal year, against 104 585,000 bushels iu 1889-90, and 85,831,000 bushels in 1SX8-89. It is pointed out by Bm1strrrt's that using official data to arrive at wheat reserves July 1, 1899, and crop of 189o, consumption, exports and seed in 1890 91, there w ill remain only 8,000,0 10 bushels of wheat, visible and invisible, on July 1, 1891, or probably :i I,oijo,ijii0 bushels less than, as a matter of fact, now promises to be left over on the first proximo. DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. The Harro v-gite Inn, at Harrowgate, Ten nessee, was burned a few days ago. Lo, $50,000. Martin Fi.ynn, Road Master of the F.1 Paso Division of the Santa Te Road, was run over and killed near Anthony, New Mexico. While driving across the railroad track at Homestead, New Y'ork, Patrick Gallagher was struck and killed by a train. William McDonald was drowned in Chicago by his horse going through the open draw of the bridge at Halstead street. An excursion train of seven cars was de railed and capsized near Tipton, Iowa. A number of persons were injured, but none fatally, The steamship Brazilian, ftorn London to Montreal, is quarantined at Grasse Isle with three cases ot small-pox on board. The patients are recovering. Two sections of a frl-"e;ht train on the Texas Pacific Railroad collided near Aledo, Texas. Conductor Johnson and Engineer Kohloff were fatally injured. Jesse C. Robertson, a prominent citizen of Hamilton county, Tennessee, was killed by h railroad train near his country home, a few miles from Chattanooga. The farm house of Valentine Beck, near Beaver City, Nebraska, was burned, nnd his two children, a girl of ti and a by of 2 years, perished in the flames. A. E. Myer, a leading merchant of PJatts burg, Missouri, with his two daughters, Ella and Rose, aged 18 and 14 years, were drowned w hile trying to ford a creek. There was a heavy hail and rain sform to the North of Kansas City, Missouri, doing great damage to the growing grain. A num ber of bridges were washed away. A FREK.HT train on the Alabama Mineral Road was wrecked by an open switch near Birmingham. W. M. Harrington, Frank Ell weed and Johu T. Hammond, train hands, were kill. FOCR men Henry Taylor, William Cough lin, J. Richardsor. and John Mulholland were instsntly killed by the premature ex plosion of 75 pounds of dynamite in a mine tunnel near Silver Plume, Colorado. The body of Prentice Mulford, editor of the "White Cross Library, " was found in a floating boat in Shccpshead Bay creek, Long Island, nnd hassince been indentified. When found Mulford had been dead for several days. Willard R. Smith, of Hnllsville, New Y'ork, and Walter Pfefler, of Williamstovvn, New Jej-sey, freshmen of Rutgers College, were drowned while bathing in the canal at New Brunswick. It is thought that Pfe.Ter tried to save Smith, who could not s vim. The drowning was not discovered until half an hour alter it accurrcd. SHOT FRCM AMBUSH. A Mi-..issii Constable Foully Mur dered near Canton. I h-re occurred II miles south 'if ( anton ab ut 9 .. . lock one of the foulest assassina tions known in the tuiiiuSs of crime, Constable H- F. lb'cd being the li' tiin nf the fiendish deed. Jim Harris. Jr., and Archie Green had a difficulty in winch the form, r shot tin latter in tne .g wjth ;1 shot -nn. Harris made affidavit against i.recn b fore Justice Gallo way . eharuing him with an attempt upon his I la rris j i te. I'poii liii . st igation th.. (Mcs shovvclthat Harris :! in s -It-defense ,( was d -charged. Gi-.-eii. a 1 1 1 1 o u g 1 1 shot by Harris, was i.oun I ov. r lor hts appearance before the ' irciiit ( ourt. and was pmccd jn etlstodvof ( oust 1 1.1,. Rood, who .. ,k him in a Imggy aud pp..- hd home, infending p. keep hii'u 'here over n ght and bring him to ('anion to lodge him iii jui I. The distance is four miles, and when w limn a 'jiutiti-r of a mile of Reeds r. s lie',,-, Red got i. hi t" ..pen a pasture gate, l aving th.- wounded prisoner in the buggy. 'A !i:e siiutimg th, gut,, he was shot bv nu as-i.ssju cone, .lie I in a briar tlii.-k.-i Pi v'ards Intuit nine s ,;es ,..n,.ri;lL. ,js bo, y under 1 he ri-in si Ider. i-iiisjiig ni st ins, ant death. .Inn Harris, ,-., iho nuher of the man with v.ii'.in Archie i.rv. -ii had the difficulty, was iieai-'i to su ear v engeance against the latter ai d I- ! c.v I. r arrest. Eight additional parlies ar- suspected and were arrested. David Rl.AT.orK, of Decatur, 111., writes: "I claim to be the only living son of a Revolu tionary soldier. My father, John Blalock. en listed as a private iu the Revolutionary War, and was mustered ov' as a lieutenant, serving seven years. If there is any other son of a Revolutionary soldier living I would be pleased to have him address me." SOUTHERN ITEMS. SOMK INTERESTING NEWS fOMPILKI) FROM MANY SOl'RCKS. Isaac Felts has been arrested nt Edford, Va., for the alleged murder of Wui. Hagans in Missouri. E. B. Chambers, of Harper's Ferry, W. Va.. has a calf that was born with but one eye and no sign of a tail. - --Ex-State Mine Inspector Henry Cunning hnm was mn over bv a train at Tunnelton, W. Vn., and killed: The contract for a new acadenfy of rrtrtsic In Roanoke, Va., will be given out in a few days-. The building will cost 875,000. A skeleton, supposed to be thnt of nn In dian, was found iu an erect position in an cx-cavati-.n near Charlotte, N. C. The five-ycnr-o!d daughter of Frank Hugen necidetitly set fire to her clothes in Piedmont, W. Va., and was burned to death. A Pittsburg syndicate has purchased for 5o,iki the Cook farm of 119 acres on the., smith side of tho Roanoke river, near the city . stf iUiauoKe, Va. A son of Dr. Lewis, of Raleigh oOvfrfty, W. Va., was killetl in a wreck on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, lie was returning from school at Alderson. --The sales of leaf tobacco in Danville for eight months of the present tobacco year amount to 29, 400,1.10 pounds, just double those ior the corresponding period of 189J. Thomas Jones, living near Marydel, Md.. has n week-old chicken with four distinct ana well-formed legs and toes. It seems as healthy as any of the normally developed chicks. During the past two weeks 22,000 pounds of wool have been shipped from the vicinity cf Centreville, Md., for which the farmers have received 23 cents per pound, aggregating $.5,(s .0. A sou of Barker Creasy, of Bedford county, Va., was thrown from a horse nnd killed. Mr. Creasy hadjinotber son accidentally shot last Christmas and died from the effects a short time afterward. The Westham Granite Company, of Man chester, Va., has been awnrded the contract for furnishing 450,000 Belgian blocks to the government, to be used for street paving in Washington. Mrs. Mary Ann Graham, of Pulaski county, Va., who returned from a lunatic asylum about six weeks ago, killed her three-year-old son. When found the child was lying on his hands and face, with a cord around his neck, and dead. The trustees of the University nf North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, have elected Prof. George T. Wiuston, president. He has filled the chair of Latin of that institution for a number of years. The people of Faifinrmt, W. Va., have voted in favor of buring the state's interest in the Normal School building there, and thus receive an appropriation tot build a fine new structure for a normal sehocl. By a large majority the citizens of Bridge port, W. Va., voted to issue bonds foT .e25,iio0 for the purpose cf improving their water supply; Martin's Ferry offered to supply them with water if they would put in their own pipe system, and charge them the same as their own citizens. Representatives of Kentucky jeans manu factories which operate 3,200 looms in Nash ville, Evansville and other Southern cities met at Louisville, Ky., and determined to run only two-thirds time for the next fifteen weeks. This will reduce the output 50,000 pieces, valued at $60,000. The unsatisfactory condition ot the trade is given its a reason. Peyton G. Bowman, a native of Shenandoah county, 'a., died recently at Sumnierton, S. C. For many years he was a prominent min ister of the South Carolina Conference Metho dist Episcopal Church South, but left that organization in 1871 and united himself with the Second Adventist Church. At a recent marriage in Charlottesville, Va., two carriages containing four children each, as witnesses of the ceremony, drove up to the parsonage where the nuptial rite was per formed. They were the little "rosebuds" of the contracting parties four apiece. Governor FTeming, of West Virginia. Has received from Judge MeClaugherty, of the McDowell Circuit Court, a certified copy of the grand jury's report concerning the alleged ill-treatment of Hungarian laborers on the Norfolk and Western Railroad extension. After thorough in vestigation they report that no persons of foreign or native birth have been subjected to cruel treatment as laborers or otherwise on said railroad extension. Lew Atwell and Winfield Atwell, aged twelve and nine years, sous of W. T. Atwell, a farmer of Kent county, Md., living near Locust Grov-e, were playing with a revolver under a tree when the weapon was accidentally discharged by Lew, the ball going through Wintield's head, killing him instantly. The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times has nn account of the discovery of a petrified human body by Prof. N. S. Shaler, Harvard College, nnd President W. T. Morrison, of Boston University, in Falling Spring Cave, Sequache Valley, Tenn. The body is perfect. Many curious weapons of copper were at its feet, and Saler and Morrison says the discovery is undoubtedly evidence of the existence of a prehistoric race. The census office gave out the tobacco sta tistics of Kentucky. The total number of planters in the State during the census year was 61, (HI; the total area devoted tn tobacco, 274 587 acres; total product, 221,880,303 pounds, and value of the crop to the producer, estim ated on basis of actual sales, $13,355,297. W. M. West and his cousin, H. T. West, started from Kershaw for their home in Tim rod, S. C, and while on the way began quarrel ing. W. S. Tolbert and a negro who came along in a wagon interfered. Tolbert struck II. T. West with his fist and then took out his pistol and beat West in the face and on the head with the butt of his firearm cutting eight gashes, and just as West was falling, shot him in the head below the left ear. West tlied almost immediately. Tolbert is still at large. Miss Mollie Ashcroft, of Covington, Ky., returned to her home after an absence of sev eral days, and found her mother chained to the floor and unable to move a limb. She was covered with blood and almost unconscious. Her head had been beaten, face bruised, and in her struggles the chains had cut into her flesh. It was learned that the horrible bru talities had been the work of Mrs. Ashcroft's husband, who quarrelled with her about money. The woman had been four days with out food or attention when found, and will probably die. James Dougherty, aged 35, and Wm. Tor rence, aged 55, of Asheville, N. C, had been spending the night in drinking, and at mid night secured a horse which once belonged to Dougherty's dead brother. Both men mounted the animal and began galloping across the bridge for amusement. The younger brother, Robert Dougherty, seeing their ill-treatment of the animal, became greatly incensed, and told a friend near by that be would soon put a stop to it. Picking up a heavy club, he started after the men, who were at the centre of the bridge when he overtook them. Robert without a word of warning, walked up behina the men on horseback and dealt Torrence a terrible blow on the back of his head. As the blow didn't knock him ofl. the enraged man struck him again, and Torrence fell from the animal dead. The murderer then turned his attention to his brother James, who was riding in the saddle. James turned to speak to Robert, and the latter, with one blow of his cudgel, felled him to the floor of the bridge. Robert coolly walked away, nnd telling his friends of what he had do ie, went home, bid bis parents gwd-bye and left. Officers are fearching for him, but he is still at large. HYDROPHOBIA'S WORK A Kansas Family Succumbs to a Disease Contracted Nine Years Ago. The fourth of the Vandevcr family at At chison, Kim., has been taken with hydropho bia, anil his death is momentarily expected. d'h" eases are the most remarkable ever heard of in the West. There are six brothers and une sister in the liimily, and 1 here is i on sidcrable apprehension lest more of them should be stricken. Dr. King says that there is no doubt that the dist ase was transmitted to the boys when they skinned the affected ealt nine years ago. Thomas Yandever is resting easy. The con dition of his mind has entirely changed. He is now quite convinced that he will live. When Dr. King called on him he was engaged in writing a letter of consolation tohis father. Jacob Yandever, the 15-year-old boy, has not ,aki n a particle of nourishment since he vv as attacked by rabies four days ago. The peculiarity of the strange disease in centreing nt the intiM-les of the throat completely pre vents him from swallow ing. The sight of any thing nourishing or anything that suggests swallowing throws him into the most horrible convulsions. Chancellor von Capnva announced in the Prussian Diet that the ministry had dt cided against any reduction in the corn duties. Mr. and Mrs. Clkvelasd both like East man Johnson's portrait of the es-President, .which has just been hung in the White House. ... JQmUNKENlfeSS Liquor Habit. MAun woxw m&tSMinrojrCVX DHAl)fE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It ran boiven In coTpc, ta, cr in articles of food, without la& knowledge of patient If necessary It is absolutrlv harrnlens nnd will efTert a perma nent and r-plv cur. wht-thr the patient in a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. ITNKV ER FA I L. It '.pernios r quietly and with such certainty that tlio patient undergoes no lncoo Tenlenee, and soon his complete reformation la effected. 43 page book free. To be bad of R. N. Duffy, druggist. New Berne, N. 0. jyl5 dwy LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST MEDICINE KNOWN CONSIDERING QUALITY AND SIZE OF DOSE. IT -WII.!. ALSO CXJK.E BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, ! ADB CUaO&KJ CONSTIPATION. i R. B E R R Y, ! New Berne, - N. C. : v itr 7 NJ.'iray I URHASVl CONSOLIDATED THE Land and Improvement Go. DURHAM, N. C. J.S.CARR, A.B.ANDREWS, R.H.WRIGHT, President. Vlce - A MOST LIBERAL and REMARKABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. The "Consolidated" Controls 285 of Land Immediately adjoining Th- fampu of Trinity College, which haa bean surveyed into LOTS 50 BY 140 lEET. The Lots are well located and are situated opon Streets 60 Feet Wide with a Rear Alley of 20 Feet. The locotiOD Is admirable for Stores, RcnUtirnnU and Dwelling, reraoni danlrlnf to " buy or bolld," in order to educate their boy, can do do better than buy one or more of these lota. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLIDATED TO OFFER, for the preavat aalr. 800 OF THESE LOTS, and to trnnrnntee that when t.b 800 Lots are sold, to erect npon aome (mttnble portion rf the property, sufficiently fur removed from the residential portion, one modernly-bullt, wc!l-eiulppd 4 otton Kclorv, to cost IIM),000. and tomipply the Cotton Factory with a CASH WORKING CAPITAL of 25,000, making totul outlr.y for COTTON FACTORY, $125,000 One Ivnlttlne Mill for the manufacture of Hortrrr, CiidwwMir, c.. to cot 030,000, und to supply the Knittlne Mill with a CASH WORKING CAPITAL of $45,0O0, making total outlay for KNITTING MILL, $75,000 A GIlAftO TOTAL OF 200.000 IN IMPROVEMENTS 9 mT 0 in the line of Iadartrlal EatorprlMi upon the property. r TO EVERY of H00 of this magnificent property, the "CONSOLIDATED" will- ( FIVE SHARES, PAR VALCE 85 PER SHARE, -n , 1 full pn Id and non-assessable In the ( '.ton Factory, and lPQ$6nt ' THREE SHARKS, PAR VALUE PER KHARE, full paid und non assessable in the Knitting Mill, Making a recurn to each Purchaser of $400 of the Property, of $200, well invested in Good Industrial Enterprises. For everv dollar invented In Vest End Town Irft. adjoining the Trinity College property, the purchaser realizes o0 per cent- in First-Clas, Industrial Enterprise, which will enhance the value of bis Investment. The "CONSOLIDATED" confidently believed that the above Is the most liberal and at the same lime the most leeitlmate ofTcr that has come before the public. In faot the offer is ho liberal that, we do not. hesitate to say that In our opinion, the opportunity will be promptly taken advant-aeo of by those who have been waiting for the HKHT, or persons desirinc to eoure flrst'Class educational advantages for their Hoys, on the moat advantageous terms. Maps shoeing the property nnd Prb'e List of the lots cheerfully furnished on application to R. H. WRIGHT, Secretary, DURHAM, N. C. REMEMBER that every purchase of fwn carries eight shares of Stock In two well Equlppod Industrial Enterprises par value of J200. POINTER. In buying a lot you are also making an Investment, tho Dlvldendi upon which will most likely aid materially to educate your boys. A HINT. The building of two large Industries upon the Property, and the completion of Trinity College ought largely to enhance the value of the lots. A sriifJESTION. Now is the time to purchase. The lots may all be gone ifyou wait, and you will nils. the opportunity of buying from first hands. Hi - . WE ARE IN THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS OUR MOTTO. BEST MATERIAL AND WINS. SMALL AND LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. BRID GE WATER CARRIAGE CO. ROAITOEZE, "V-A-- Boot and Shoo Maker. All Styles of Hoots ami Slue mads i to order and on Short notice. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. N. ARPEN, CEAYEI ST., opposite Journal Office nVERILL paint! W OUTWEARS ALL OTHERS m m Then Isn't It the rx-nt and moot eeon.nnt cal ? If Mr. Blow bu.vs an unmtr ni le and baa to paint four t lines In n trW j m1L and you buy the "Avrrlil" und ih(iI hut once, do you not aa A'r1il I'm In ha a beentlfij lustre; It improve tltap wwnw 9.n olrvr tft vto r-f your builtlln"- it ftnn boon UxtrA by time, tor It's been In uha yara. Sample card of fMhloiiftblf tlou and poltlve proof or Um niiramiir.yoi A.vriu rtira to any nnnrMHi. SEELEY BKOTHKR8, SS Bufllni; Hltj., New York. bold by L. H. rrTLEH, New-Be?ne, N. Oa -I. II- UUOWN, FIMT CLASH BARBER SHOP. Nsatly fitted up in the beat of it1. BU room, with hot and cold water. BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Prealdent, 8c and TraMorar. Acres PURCHASER SIM 73 SO Perfectly Simple - Simply Perjact THE IMPROVED WARM AIR FURNACES AND 7SHTILATXHB MD M CLOSET APPARATUS 0 or tpk BENNETT & FECK Heating and Ventilating Co. The only Maniiiac-turor in thlwTity giving enure a(-t"iiU'ti . Umi WARMING AND VENTILATION or Residences, . Ctonrcbes, Schools, Etc. f roRniwrojrF:Nrii foi,irrnrr ) - KRMi FH rillNTF.I' MATT K II f ESTIMATZH OHECHFI UA O I V KM 245, 247 and 249 W.V.h St., Cincinnati, 0. ONE OF OUR CATA LOGUES fULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE.