- . . ?rir;i,.i?.t i.,;..n.-w ...... M' V L'''ryit--1';'.-' j "M' ''..'3 't--s-'.-... .. - XM-- ..,r?'M is .... ;.. ' ?r ' ;- . .. . Single Copies 5 Cents. NO. 22. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. m:v hi-: KM-:, craykn county, n. c acocst2o. iu. $1.50 Per Year. VOL- XIV. L f 4 -t for Infants and Children .' 't""1. to m a, lSrVa, wU-laa. " ii,TSr iT7 j i TT r r . LiirH, atos fx -- - - ai a aaaaal m4 IW mfmi fmmn 1 ta fjrorissio.vj . DR. C. K. BAGBY. Surgeon Dentist Cfl. UmW Vr-. opf. ftajrfut CW, !. . C. TJ7TDMc IV E R , Attorney -at-Law NfW BERNt N. C. H. L. GIBBS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. NEW OCRNC. ti. C fmtt'l IS Cnrta of ("rm. Crtr C. R.THOMAS, Cr SirrM. ?U7 BatMloc. new caa. . c. Fraiaa l Cuarta' Cr. Ctr . jtMUHlt, UHtfavl Pawikeo 3Ci. taw 9praM Crt f Narta mrviint p. H, pelletieE; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AND MONEY BROKER. ar-A iniHy aalt in araja iaa.'! laaaa aar W tuaa. WUI laraetMi ta laa W Oi'. Carmv J.a Jmmi i a aai r-aaiuao. jaa-CaHad 8ta tart at iWraa. md taia Caart ai taa bUa- . DR. J. D.CLARK, NEW BTRNC. N. C jfirttTu-w oa Crarea SLrrrt. bwero nee vc The National Bank j OF NEWBERNE. N. C. I Capital. - - $100,030 j l; Surplus ProllU. - 86.700 ' DIRECTORS. JaaV A. BT., TlT(i I!HJI CaMA 9- 0TA.i. J. if HtCVO'-aa. U.lK. r.ociir.f tji ilnif L. GREEN. FOY &. CO.. BANKERS, H a Sttml Sutiit lif.itM. NCW BANKING HOUSE. HUM iA kw H jUi A itrt NCW BtRNt, N. C NEXT! Prof. V. H. SHEPARD matut iutita 1a taa bMrtal art til fl r jtn . Hair Cut tor - - 20 Canta. (ttmpoo 20 (rvav . - 10 8iiT01H39CBllB!l NCW 8CRNC. N. C .1. O. DHOWN, Ft A f r- r r 1 n I DM n u L n on Ur. JfaaUr ithni truta Wm( at KjU. Bata MM aua aa4 aaU valar. BRICK BLOCK. MIDDLE ST. K. R. JONES, HfAW and ucirr GROCERIES. UrVhri at. 8 ill A ii Suf. Dry Goods & Notions, Tall Staak t Lir, Atttrlmtnt. Prllti law at INa Lawaat. &atl mn-4 Caamlna ray Siaak. Satlaaolaa Caarantaatf. a aoaclalty tWie . o-n PARAS8N Uda of trta pNCST STOCK and WOKalArXIP. Such a hrni Oainnot b bourit for laaa tnan 925- at rtall- But wa ara allllnj, tot ordr to lntrxJu3 It. to SfLL 0lt ST ONLY to pafW" X 'TTTrrr lata Km Mi Tta Aav. VwTarCIr caava, rr iniii In T. MS3. J. M. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED. M u J. M niNF h. r. ;--:..-.t Fim t un t H .:. ' Tli PiB32fr Dins Sei.Ei Macliin:1, J. M. HINES. Agent. A GREAT BARGAIN! 327 ACRES GREAT SACHIFK'K! A VALUABLE IM. AN I" U N '. i tad oo the S.x.lh : 1 0. N-i.--nter, thn n i ha'.f n : m Cut of Nw rVrnv N ' ' '-. i.un.lrol tad twnljr-6Te aorrs olrd ;ua! fwkV ' r--riv. TJ-i.r Th balance Iw humlrrd and I ' terra, heaTihr tinier! ith in. 'W, crprrJ, and ottu r krid.i U'ntx-T It L tio flae iiriz:" I -a : , I Good dwrllyjit. outJ'u.'diar'. "' One orchard. It hJ rm KISHKKY fronUnjf half mi! on th- t'.v.-h, h.-r thr are high bants A nitri hvtT b pihtasWO, (p rr. al.i' h t.-v.s can load with eo It ts a rterj tx-.i'lf V. .:id h -: ! I h v i.. catun, prawotitiK tv.ir v;i-w to tMr pain wp3 and the A. A N L Rii.'.Twd. for U-rm ; iy t-i P. TRENWITH, 0j. Itttl Al.sii. IEW BEBIE. I. C. THE NEW LEVER SAFETY Ttia PCRrECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. ii:.vn-. 'AFIABLE STROKE, only two of R.volvlrif B.arlnis 3t Hill Climbing arid all arour.j Safaty made. catatoiti; rnr: H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE. N. J. Ws N. C. Freight Lioe. Stniin tt. H. Stent, Dsfi;j:eSeiper On nJ tftr K'bruary lt, l'l i.i SEMI-WEEKLY TFIPS B t.T - I N 3altlmoreand New Berne kjD.V Y . r r I . ' V 1 (I'll. I D A Y . 8 A T V r-.l' O r. . li. D A Y , 8 A T V lerciai'i aid SH.ppers. Tats Ist.c:. T h . : I ' -ml t I i I . : 1 T i 1 . N r ' .. . '. ' I ' 1 f : - I U t n t ..I ' 1 . - f . s 1 !:t : A j- - r r Jl W M - ci.. i A- t. S 'fc. W r H- ' . l'.ph a. .Hif .Nw 1 irk id! rIi v Tr.. I.ln.tPr , J ' 1 rlTtf S. II R.--kf:;. lr.T !L I ! R. -., W !-!-' i-t . : Tim I.! pi. W -i i.t. Uh j.Ti Sit lii " F- ton r lui T. roafh bi I.. 1 i 1 fair m( Ito.Ilpoitiit:. :,'r--'"i( ri Y -j 3. II URAY. Aj-at, Nrw H-ra-. N C aaeori of what HARNESS tna vary i. ' thk s':-:'.v i rv I..- T:m. ' ' V rnf : i ri'". ! r dvKn'.'rT. ronij .irafrM wih ' r - r !: n.- J - t ! : - 1 I -:!.,:. p.-, 1t-i at h ; : -n r 1 1 - i -i. 7J vart M '-i-. 'h ' ':i rr ---r f -r ar ftJi'l a 'Mil. H . I " . C i: ! t:r :r::i--rr;.- .ir.'l r'"-Tn livrr .m p.gr.; llw h'-a!.'- Li 1 r-ili u i r:i j . t--1 ur -m '-'i: .. r--' I " rr Mi i- fc-:.t T-'sin 1 1 p ' tti ' '' i ' 1 1 ' nr; 1 1 tr - 4 T1 - ' - !:,. . -. . 1' ' ! W - l: -r:;r-' a ' :-.-t 1 l ; ' : - t :.-r.! s''-'.' .!. '. fi-- T h f 1 -i ' ' v" ' - ' " ''; i i ' i : ' f 1 y in - 1 '- - --! V CIa UUJ"ilUi 1 ' "'i'J ' :-J 1 A SaaWTT " 1 li.'": i'-! jrral Ki i( -r rw. wMti lrmr'yr'! 'n :hr k-ar--lrn ' v't t 7 fr am 1 I - A VI ii T :i 1 : r. w .- - . ; . - ! 1 r M. . 4 ; , v --'.;.; ! K ' 1 1 -1 :. a. M ...r: '. :v.r ' I ' i ' :r.n t .f -i : H : t ! truk t l : i 1 i ' r ;v . r f : !"ii w-r- tftkft, V -t "t ' ' ' )' i l'. . : 't.;,' :i (".n, iprii'. n 1; . 1 t : r. .- t a ' 1 n :-?';. Hr: -h -( lh- Ir:h N f . i- tsoti V:nrir K XI-;-- Ir Iji:.-t. K wn ''.rr-"! ..!, 1 h;i fi- l.t (U.'"r Th- am -1 im'-: ! th- 1 .r.9.":'.:n '.'- "f T'-iw i-r---. ; u;z ' r ri-i'K; raf i-ii t 't : ri r:t.r-M :h":. und mhfi -.: r i'.- of mtrret l nt ni'"r tha:i ;n ir -n. j . r -in-nutn arni r latino thf . -,. , :m wfr- .-r rtnl by tha? or the j--'i I'-irc a atorm ff lon: I'anI .k-'m b -ir.-iri j '. le ea an irura:n ivmif r w c r " "-i.'i.t 00 th uppr 'Iffk whrn it r n -1 K - .1; -tn praona wtn ktliHl an 1 iwrtvv :ivir.-'i ii...- fi!pl J Jr i ' r-- - i v , kr. 1 . : k a t-r I 1 . t j : 7 ? s . . ; - ma'. ; . . .n . ' ! , r. I k ' ' 'i " r r - . 1 "i p , 1 ; : - ; ; , r v" - 1 -: . 1 : f-' . 1 n: t- r : . T ii i : : 1 . ! : . , '. u n 5 ' ' r . j---,;.- i - inn i' 1 r t" I i f 1 . i i r i t : r- " ' t . t ; .1 ; -i r, 7 . - ( S , r r, . a v '. j r . i.-.r . ... l.v..x,:;.i.j r:wr. 1 n . - : 1 . . 1 . 1 : . . : r ; ! in- ! ' -.- : . : -I :i . 'i' I r . t . ::i T1"- a.-,. . - - 1 .-. ! I" 1 p t. i a K a r 1 1 . 1 r 1 i i . 1 -v : I '1 1 11 1 - -- r. i:iit:isr ." a ' -t : ri i i ' ; ..f-r : : r :i;;a;- - 1 ' :. it . -1 ' , 'a . - r ri n t -1 ; I '-!: '..1 1 r-I t ii''ni 1 am j 1 '-'.-. V - . ' 1 t .t ti''a.i 'i'-'r 'Wi b . " J n I r ; - t 1. v f : , r. r-' - l i : ; i" ' i.'iw, i II'. r- ! : n ' " " . -' " 1 ' ; ' : 11 ; T " H ' " ' ' ? a r--. r--: 1 Ir-'-l i.aN i-'n til--- t"r ..rl n r- H A- N--1. . !Mirr ..f MJ, rvi r. ; -1 4 . K a '1 n 1 N . hfl.v 1 il, . ! ' : ; 1 ! - ! t " ' !,!, ai i . v i I : 1 i v f ' ta i r - i -mii pa n y . - nr. ;-t:v - i ' a tvl frn ;n'l ;; Th- r.t;- I. r ' I'll TIMM-'l '-"-T-. lB 1 Th .r-.p.-'"v n::i'-i i l j ; i in t J , - tat.-n o( M -. . m N.-t-rmk..! ! -ri ) -i I ;.r . " f n i ! 1 - - ' a j h r ! K:i:i:, " 1 I 1 :-'.!, t h h (' i: - n : ti p for --,:.. r- p' k n i a,.- h '" h ' 1 ! i that , , i: M .;it. - mi:. I .' " ' . --a ! -:!: f m - : i i - - i a i c ' ' ' 1 ' 1 f ' I :,! - r ' -v r f " . .f f - .t - . I a i Mi A : .-. :1 1 . 'i 1 1 M a a. , i ; I ' 1 1- 1- ... i i ! t - 1 v a h . v . :a. .. :i ,, t -v ;-' .u !l- I!,-- Ml J - t r " . - -1 ' 1 v : - ! l -. .1 v - v ...-: i - - i'' V - n iaju ' - - :.- .- I i . M , . . - N -I . f - ,.;;-r- -r : "Tv. 1 I' t 'i-;- n A 1 i an . p M'H;r. Ml x p n - k 1 '.tt 1 'ni'"' 1! r-tv...r v -i. ,:.a - : ''Mi I - :-T--. - .v. I i .. I . i ' ; r p r. ' r p i r . " i f - - i t . f t : : r -r ;i - p --1 n ! ' m n m j i :j:n. t Ti.-- r--:n i' ' ;t ; '". : n r ' n r. I :i l ' '. i - 1 T '. hi! ' ; f . : . ' " ' : - f i - :.t, '' 'i. i , t tn.-v 1 -r 1 - - r .--a ! :-n;- rrn-.t -' ; n' l i TAX S J M.U I . V V.- ' ' i 1'a:-- - . 1 il-'-'-r i''in i, "t -.--- - - x. t a. . .r 'a. r ". J 'tr-a.- ' f ' - -"'r! '.'. ''if N t 'vt r "' '. " i ' - . i i 'run , v a i -i: ' ' 1 1 .- k i ' - r- a". 1 v : :r.--- - -p ilir r.t 1 - - i-a 'l' ;:M'a'- " i . . ,. w . ' ' j ' .' i " ' .i p.- ! v i n t s 'i A ;' r - i t t', r, ,'i r. '. ." ' 'i : , a I p ' ' ' a .' (-.:. liar-S (-' i:i " -y - ft A . . 1 - 1 aji.i-sr j - - -r . .-::' - IN-. I i ' ''-: ' r i'"'v i t" a r r t . . .. p r. ihia'h. t ::' r-' r-! 4 r a ! a -i 1 --.; l 11 s i . --v r. t ' r " t : t -" :ik--. : v--r f. - " ... lhr ,r t -.fra r aai.-4- t i -. - " ' m r ' v -1 : n a . u n ! ii'-ar i. ' r a ! : a. I'a w k' n - a ! & i ; I:,..! a -'fi:.- r--r. -.-r :lr ti.f : ' '.m. a pr j I'-- i.t ;-i'-rr-: :a ' i . r : . ' - -..' a 1 i 4 a t A i" '' - 1 a Tr- In: tra t K '"AT. ' . i . ' ' 1 ' ' - A " A : 1 A . A 1 .1 ' 1 A I ' J ' M r t '' t;r v ..'t : M . - 1 A . j h -f J . w :. . - .-1 t vni'i' .:; i''frniff 1 4 4 " ar :'-! l : f x 5aa'ora -t I r S'ata n w . ; n . TRADE OF THfc WEEK. Sj al Rp;vrt t Br.idstr-t 's I n i i r.-t1 i Cilm in LrHrv1:-.! Tr.i 1 t T Of A hi r ( rnl Kf l(irt - t poi f s of Il -It aii'l flour from M.f It ( m.i.I In rrrnvl I il I ', 1 ' v ( lit. I' r-.-. i.t :,..-r. ... I . 1 . i ; 1 1. . t ! - . . r i . .i r: ,i -i r a ha' . . r. : , 1 r l ; , ! I: ::: Kim'., i:.. : - ii:. I: i : .i: h .inrn.i; i I'm-,- M, .- ! .- :: ': - . i ...... v . . ' nrl .it t r I i r .5... ,., ;.)r. f ii.-v I..T- : 1 I .r (. 1 .11 .nt ,.r I .;r ;.- ! r . ; ... .k I,-.: ,., . .,,.. " ' ' 1 '. ' H ; - -v . ' : , r . T . i - : I . . : , f.- -r -' - t. " " I;. V n . r; . - 1 1 ; ri : I ; t ,. I . .1 . , v t - ( 1 :m ii -, 1: 1 . !i a ; , - ! i , 1 'lv,,, S'l.r.. !. I w tf:.iM -ir .ic" ' 'i!.-' in (:.! ..-i A i.L-u-i ; . ;... fir. p. I n 1 : 1 :.. 1 miSU mm.!' .;,:-m I'r hii !i.,.,'.';nt''.. ' ::.: .1. ;;: !. njan st ; .'.. -i I- l-.r- m. 1 ' I m. .. i- -vrs fi 'Ml 1. ....(,!. fr.illl r m r ... ) :i . : : , . r 1 -k V -1 - 1 - - , . . M. t.r5 A.N U I..ASU Aljiif,. im ,.,:.... m- v.. I. A VM'IK M' t'.MII VF IM I 11 k. ,11 w r . I , v ( , R .M M HI Jl 1 1 ' ' ' I T 1; 1 ' .T r ' 1 ,:i ' :. . 1 n N m H i m ns h ic k . M 1 1 1 I F 1 1 ,1 i.-l n ur l.vr.'ii''. lir!(, hi M'im "! .i. p. : .11 1 11 i1,.. r..tilt of " mm N r-..'. 1 in ik :i jl. I mum :m n.k tm; ii: in im 1 1 ' I -i 1!: ! - r"-i rin.T . r I- r; I ' t : m N.-u 1 ' r k . ' . 1 . k'!"I m ii Illl'i "In, '.'ii :-i n r-. th.' i i;Ir h 1 at 1 1 1 11 1 j m n . n v'Mr.,,,M tr.i 1 1 "f i.-n .'r r.'lli.l.-'l iv i:h A p.(...'-.-r Ir'ilh. ; i :i r I i i r ii i p h l n . . . - -rk 1 - J ht.. mis n . r-' k l '. '- -in 1 -i ii'im-b-r ii j'.r I I ' ' K r 1 '. 1 I T.r i l!! ,'.;;';.. .pl.l.-. .,..,r 'i 'm.-Ii-.m r i k.M'iv ... ..vi. r. ft im 1 M i r: i i 1 n . ! v. 1 1 , . : v- : " m . m 'MKi M'. ! r ,r I " : .I . ,- :I-: . .... ' .. I i ' ' ' ' ';.' M ' ' v r 1 .. i :i : p;.- ' . i . i i . 1 1 p".' ' .;t '.. 'i'i mi i . -. n 'i I m.i: ii m ni. r mi- .., t . - Mil r. . : i .'- I'll. i ii " mil !.-l r:ar I. i I r-. p.-' t I i -1 1 - I ; H ; . I ' r r. . , . -. p, m i ft' '!'.-"' I HI'' :n P. .".'..M ''V 'HIM ' , 1 ' .,1 villi; m "I M-Mr .im i: m . r I;. I ' v v : I I V i 'i M' i i .. i i. :,.,( i.y ...111- lllil,'i..li. ;...': ... ! y i m : ii !. s !.. r'ii 1M ft .I.-. ; .-nr. .... n I h-ft-.p. 'tk.- n..d l.t r'l .. i i . m i li.i r I ! : 1 1 i c. i r.-iu i . II 1 Tt 1 I- .(1:1 I .' : . ir I I, i Ml lift H'i'l r'..'.'l , I ! J ft M I ' .Ml r. U M . , r. I M- ' ! II I I "I'll i ,M . " MM". II I ' Ifll.'.' : M 11 ' 1 ' ' I i I V 'l . ... " 1 '' k I i n ! - tr .-M '.!,. w ;i r: in .. t ii-- u l" 1 i il ' r-i 1 1 mi e hf l M : ft nn ! N .r; i - il- r :, K .M i -mm i m l. - i u ii K-. mi ri - ! r I'. ! , I . ": !,.- M ,, . 7 . ,. , k ' i 1 "' :. K irk . m . I . A . in, I j .., m I'm... V I I i. " I .-. ; ' tm i , r ' ft ti '"ft i ' 1 1 ii M h Ii :.-v ;r m .. Mil1 m fc . i r . a '. I U i . . r u m i M i - . .i .r rv : n ' I 1. pll ft.' :i ' h h fi . M ' . 1 1 ' ' J M Ml p . . K- I r . I M h ,' r': 1 1 .' Kl,..,i '.y A i W'k. T- i .I.-. V ".' ,. ; I 1 ' '" I ' i ' tn : v I ft 1 1. 1 M I v" Nt '...!K i W 1 N I. il M ;...'. . Im i I'.l , ..... V iv. 1 1 i -v U .in. ;,.,! ir . ,. i.-r.' ! .. . ..... p,.,,ii ,. .:r : .., W ft-.M!M j- M. I . I v. il r !' : -, . ,P ,.; i m r- w l. tr.. ' I 1- . I I";, i. ... .;,r. i' l-s- N .1 it I" i . .. , M,;..,U ft'. I i' "' ,' . Km -.vl i. is ,i i. , k-l n.'.ir ' r Ml Hl.'ll', HII i II l M Ml ' I I I) p M s .. i,'.ts ii.'.- Mirt. tliirl.'. t. ri..'i-! Th ' r.'.r .-ni m.'M s., fM.. nr.'Ms hms .1 ... ; ii-'" - r- i"it . rs i! i,,. :i. . . -p.. . :;m .. "i-- -r .. k KATAI. RATFLKSN' AKK BITES. A l...iic I , lM l,,,,,,,,,,.,. I . .iin, I Hi 1 "ilh Hi. SMink.- r....l p H. r. : w ..;-.r-r 1 ;4 " ' I. ..( . j,' . M :. I ' ' ' " . -i .' l.ti; ;r - ' I m: .- 1 mi 1 1 him l:i in f.;.. ii,. iti .1 ... . (, t. ,. ,-r ,, , i ... 1 ,,. -I -!!. i 1 I 1 ' lil" k. 1 M I" 1, ;ir, ! ' i. 1 1 1 : -- - M 'I " ).. I '.; ,. . ;, I .j,.. k.-t '4. : , ... .. ,-. j j.,'1. M -n-l .!-r; I i-.t . V .rk I.-,. : 1 .,f M 1 ' 11 Vi I M ; . - : ;i 1 V ' I I . Hi I v' ii ' ! .'ill.: r 1 ' .',.. I'l'l .-"'M il-- '. 1. j 1 i;, r Til ' I' ' i I "11 if k"l. ' ,r tizs , . , ! i- 1 !.. ... . . fi : M ..- I 1 ' r - : . . -r " ' "' : ; - .'mi; K-.r ' ' .: !.. ! .-n.- i -.i.'iily I: c.-i.-r. '""' 'I M ' 1 ." M ,..,.'. s i'V r;,;, . t ' l k 1 " ft k ...,'. is m . . ' i , ! . - '. r . j j j i . . prr ' . , . : ; ;, u .,, ,m a ...;;. n I !; I' ' v ' -. i .ft. ; ' r p I ' '. M ' ' t . i . 1 'Ills..: t;..' i ,,;:' M ! 1 ,M - Il .'. Is:m- I I ' ..-i.-.-.i ti i , , ; ,m i I, -I I'm' 'ft ' I ' . 1 I , n ' M " n ;. ;: ..... t I M '. , ' - ' ' r : .: . . . . .... .) . m ' ' i m : N i i "i '.s - 1 .;. l- .r ! ;' i I .-. ii. i - : t . . ll v I .':.! .im ... i.,p - . ... -. N J . ,M .i '.. ... , ,,.,1 . ;1 ... ; . ...,r , I MTM ' i - ' . ' ' ; .1 m : '. ''. I'-." . .a i .... i Mr ,;. ','i'i't ft s- :.. I . , , : i- mm ' I ..-.' :t u r t, ''- n: . : -m I . !, ,, , ': Tt,. r. .' ! I :: M t . r - 1 " .i n . '. :.- ' r . ii 'is I CAPSIZED BY A Slii'AI L ' ""r .... l'.-'.pl.- IT..,, ,. . ,., I ,1.. P is . I. ' ' N . , r 1 I I ., ii K , , ' ' . r 1 ! J ; !' : : i i : p.. m I , .. s !:) I .UK mm, .: .. . !,! - 1 ' I I ' 'k- ii n ' . r 1 t.. , , ;'.; p- .J.:.- hvl " '. s, ill i , ' a I '' 1, tin k rr : ir 1 1 1, !i .ev.ir; f.-r Vi.u.u '..-.ar-.i. ri 1 : il.' ;; 'ew s 'i : i , . r t- SOUTHERN ITEMS. K lTKIIITIM. KWS ( I M r I I.F.H I IMPI ftl VV still li( K.S. I i I r t . . i; li'i.Mi ltiun. 'a.. I ' , i - m l I '! I l.irn M-i.,Ti M-.-r-- . mm- i 1 1 ,.; .'!k, 'm.. I'V tallni.' lr,mi " ! '' I M Ml 'il','1' '. ;.. i ..! ..( 1 1 Ml- I tit l Ii.- I.vti.'ii ' mi I. !.'. M.-Mli'iri;. . i..rI Mlslv Iti,.' I U H-.i Us.- t-.r.-il.lll. i" ,i' .'. Y : . ii- i ll-ls l'.. liu.s pIpi'. rn. lis :m smc ,'sImI "pt-riitiiti, tiii'l a I mmt- , j nu t in , ,-iti mplHtl'.ii. If I 'm k. r. "I' Ki.-hm Ya.. f.-ll from i ' . i,.- in i!:ls- ,i l.i.T iv,., -k till"! stls. I I '.j M ' . s ', ! I ! M'l Ml lis.- 1 Ills . 1 ' 'II ' 1 1 . i M -til i i V ! 1 1 1 ! I I , I . 'ircilli:l roinni'K 1 -t . I j '.i.t'ir.', r.-p.-rls n u ui'-r, us in . t - i. mm. r.ii aii'l "ihrr prop'Tty iu thm 'M-i "' l'riM,'''-.s Ami" 'oiiii'y. "t'-.l in jtn :.-'.p,ir ..nn.. pM'ir in. ' . .' t '; tissi m ; it 1 i : . 1 1 I ; I Ml I'V 1 1 ( . 'l-. i ! ! .-ti - r 1 . k us. f m t it nils ,i,,n,'. !,tit as t,, nitt!" 1 m m "n't til.- .r.TitH S.-iim;.' np- .' i us .l.-r t'l-- r."l ti'-t i"il '! i r i ! 1 1 1 1 1 ft I . ' s - i v . p r p H !" ' I .1 I ' : i 1 11 ."' i i I t ,' l ' ' V s;l y ii t'l . , . ,- . ' ' ' m ir. I A MM. ,1 I I : Ml l'l ' t 'l.-f.-M lllf PXtili-ll t i ' r it.- ' s .,( 1 1,.. Kii-lnnoii'l nii'l 1 'li.-sa- ils.' I: "i 1 i 1 1 ti it 'ii s l ..for.' t i.' : ..r. of .. i. ri,.. m ;m Ki -'tm .t, i. I. I' II ir-... f.r .-t 1 1 3 -.-. I a iieiii''.,r iins. .:t ... in- im .. tin hmivill... i a , itt'i.ip' I .mm i I in I .;, m'm'i 'mm r.' I su.iIIm-.v. I I . 11 1. ''MM M' M 1.1M i M I I M I I I H i'; m !'.. !i, t i v., vfir thr.'i' Iar'i' nw . '. ;iii-. tiv, t,.r ii'ti'tn Ull'l "II'' f"r , r.'.l , t, ; . ! r.-M - u : i I I,.-.oinp.lpic I hii I liit.-'i Mp t ,r Hi Kl-MMMo'i-l, 'ft. i,,tL', A 1 1. : it ii u - '"tli. of Smilhft'mrz. M.I . (.as n t ti mi; l.i- poultry n liHlf-foiiii Io n lit1; t..r".' I'mt- I'll'- third is Im.-k of the m;i; u r 1 1 ..ti' . n ti I is u .1 1 . ! t iopo I . I' -r; i !.. ..I' Kiti.' i....r.'. ,'.iiiirv, Yfl., wnft -. ;..!.! MV ..to- "I" th-- ni .t t.-rriri,' hailstorms i r k t, ,i, ii 1 1 1 1 . r . fi. l ls i ! nu' ilc vnst.it cl nn 1 :! "I" " '-ry kin-l !"! ti f ih strov.' I. - 11," -i x I'M-y ir- 'l'l .Iniu'liKr of .faspor l Aui.-k. ..f I ; -n n .'..iintv. W. Vs.. wa shot .m-I k ll' l l.y th.- har-i- oi a revolver 'I'l'.'tt I,.-- l,f,,tiii'i ha-l lu l l' n in her trunk. I-:,. Mli . ii w.-il. j., :!,s Ar-her'i Fork, 'n , "i I l, , is tf..vin- now at the rut.- of 1.' ' 1 nrr.'ls ...r . I ri Ttv wll i thelirst ct' o 1 MM' till! 1,1- 'TM I ' 111 sltM " til" 1 1 1 '.'is Well, ti VH i : i 1 1 1 1 1 s :i ' - lii.. -. ; ms "f i '.: nn tti.-iiHtn. Alii., litve . nt.s. i t . i. a iiittlioti-.l .liar st'-l !m Hit l 'l !'! lis were .isk1 I V t'l" pr..- t,.r -l". ',".', in,! tt- "th-r ." 1 1 is T . , .' .r" 1 , ; m m n ti I u , . . ' . .r,'-1 in 'n -,- i'.i,. mi-i ,ti i!in t,,r ii'imi': fir- to t ... ti ,ii ; Willi t in 1 is v s. in I l-nry l o.i'.ty. ft,- pr,-.to r. iver- sh 't to il-tr h anTtheir I " ' lies 1 1, r o. 11 i nti.i th- ri l-T. M j. r 1 1 en r v I , ,, h r, v, i lely k :n ,m il fl thfi mmi I'l'tii'tst r ,,f the Yirt;iiii: iiiilitHry Insti m . ;i 1 . 1 i m . t. - ti . -1 1! ri t, m it,. M a I , " 1 1 e rule, ii-ts i i!', re i ,i .. . . r- ittta.-k ot p.ir ilysis. - I i;i '. el 1 . m li;!- v ii i , , : 1 1 1 ' Mir n aliout et-; t en e-irs.t n-e. re.,.i .n; w it Ii his fmiiiy. a'-ont .ii- mm ti I, tilt lit I h -n -t of r.lilekstone, Yfi., , , ,tn in 1 1 ' ei .iiim!,1, t, v .li, t i rrj b t nisei t roo'h t he hen. I u it h ii 'h.nl.le-l, irr-le'i s nlcnti. I. tfl- At. Ml- Kirkltm 1. of I n n 1 ii in. N. ... , ii. . , i. p . . ii - .1 l.v her li n is,- ... veni I ire - nil . ii ,. ! ,.. i'ti- - ri p.. is. ne 1 the chill l.y H tlllll lsIeritU' e, ill MM t T'l t ' I lie t'l it. Slie M ,s s-ntenee l to the p-tli'entMll'V before the I ll,'. 'l-.lth II. . -'..ry IV mm i m t let ' stiii t Ky.. of the im' - !.-r ,-! lie I'.r enfl-M 1 t:nil "t 'i'i'll p rs. .:,s l.v , t .i m k - , I t.-r i. in I ah, ,rer. i i Wnvne eoiintv. . 'u . ts pr mi .tine..,! niitrtie by p. rs. e,s a rr; , ti. e i n 1 1 n nt l n "ti. W . Yn . . from N'iiy roiinty. ha,' itn tii killcl U .b.-rt liairnim at ,ss:i itnin li. I ih.. hy.tiihbin- h im t h roil i t he I,- art -.v tt h a st ii l. tt... a n 1 t hr.-iv 1 1;.- bo ly in a itt-'h io n r wh.ere iiie eritneivas ,-oin niitte.l. Alter kiilin.' Ill.'titn. Stin.iis .tahbcl hii . u ti uiteanlx mi tlau .'ht'-r. The if- ill f, ,i , ;i '' ! V , I ie. M til, .11. i s mi p ,1. Tli- . arninu'- "I' the 1 1 1 e li miom,1 ,v I'eters. btu c llailroail f,-r th - tnoiitii .. .1 line. sop ,v,-re s -i i , s,,: ,.x ..uses js . nii'l the earu- ! "t th- Teiei'shur ' K'lti'oiil -.vere 4:.i . expenses ;i..r. The o itp it ,,f ..r- n llo ii i'ritcli. Ya.. i MMlll ilMTellsIM-. H hll'I'MI'll -Ifs h il i 11 !J be-M turti'siie,! lor ttni' "ii ;'. oinetliin like .,!,, ,t ,,rep-r,ll w , 1 now be shjppc'l, i imI hen ih"ii.ts'..r ts 1:1 place the i-itptu Mill he bi ru'-ly lii-r. a- ,1 The I'.i r k , rshur' Mt'l I o-npimy, of I'ark-.r-bnr.'. W. Yn., I, pnreh.ise.l f,rty-two t h, m,s;i 1,-1 teres , ,t .-, ,;i i , 1 r, Ml Mt;,1 IIIIlbtT lanil in M ,T ii , 1 1 e ,11 ti i tor .s.'ni'M. The lan.l i- aim st ;,n 1 1 1 1 i : I. ti T . . i-. t of htir-l wools, and lar ', vein, "t rich ore nnderli" it. Mr. .I'-il M,.berly. living a few miles fr.,m l re.b rn k. M'l., '.viule cno;i in . leunMig the .'.dstr,,iii his trnek patch, had tin cxcitiiu' . :,',, itnter with a larize iMiptierhend snake. The ' e , . 1 1 1 . 1 1 .- i i'sel f ur, .ii n, l Mr. M oberly 's e'. P it lie su. ...1-1 in kilini". it b 'lor- il could tt'- 1 1 1 III- : b, rt H. Iloan. hors. ihi. f. iv as tried in i' . M'.ni-oinery .' .uiity Ya. t ..nrt ano S"i: r u-'l t . a t-rni ot se enteen our in the p. t",t unary. This is til- third til'le . h;lft n senteneel. but a. h- wmis pHr lomd f.r tit. tt'.t .ib'.se he wiil ..tiiy Iniie rive I'eatft n i t., I : term, but this makes it in I'flo. t a . nt. ti -e, a h- i ti "W fifty years old. I . nr. no, W iili. im Me I.tuijrhlin. 'hen m -."M'li "' 'in,', mi, in Martin Ferry. opp,,siie ' i .'!i'i'. V i... ask- his mother I'.r an -.1 r i ;. sm pp r. ti- h- 1, ish 1 to -o p. V heed i 11 tp M e I . i , i 1 1 . i n . It, and wa- 11 "ler seen by llift : i ir i v , - r m- . r-1 :.- in it tit 1 1 hist w eek. n ii-n he i op. a", r trHV'Iini n'most ,,i,-r the w.ri i. Ii. tli.- i.ar t run lie Mas away Me- J.HM'Mllll I '' MMIMlat'-li ,pi!te ; I'TIUII-. EARTHQUAKE STORIES. 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 i 1 1 Title ..f liutUiis From the Hcm.I of Hie (.nlf of ullfc.riiia. ;..p..r's conttune to cine in f-om the ctirth ,juake i-.-t.-i-ti n r tii head of the iu'f of ali-t- t 'iia. IV. ..eopa'u In Hans of the tribe :' i t in- 'h re i. H a thrillini; story. i.iir'i "ii IIim-s.Imv inortiin-; linntlredft of in ic 1 "1,-a ti""s .. i in i ies off bit rsi into a violent .riip,i"ti The mr crew d. user a-i'l many .tiMitrs -i-re sutfocated. At last a violent him;, i, i s'. riii cleared the air. only to .show t'.e 'il.il waves nppr aehiiiL; with fritrhtlul rnptditi. The water arose, swallowing up their cattle, horses, r,iin lieldft anal driving i hem tor their hips t" the t'-p if the Me-as, a hiindr.-d f.ei hu'h nbov the rivfr. I tie earthquake shocks ilten ccan. The t- iirlh ihr. iv rvi ryiitir lioii n, seri.-usly in m i i.' many. The dust darkened the air. 1 ruinlde of the i-arthtptiako, the sha p , i pi. ,.i. mis ,,f the ,1 i-tant lolcHiio, the b. I lowi nn . f i tie rni.-d cattle made unbearable the r,,ar. and the friehtcned I lid 1 i n.s Orok- and tb-d w i id iy up the river. .los- P, re, a lattleinan from I.endo, and five i n - ii ivittie.-sed the scene from the top ol t'ue hill t" nhn-,'i they had escaped. They r. p..rt that the tidal iiavr as lully im) feet hi.-:., and a ...tlo- river of e bluish piirj.le tir- w i.ieh m n. tio i iiif d.oi n into the l olorad.i i,. i r . i i e i . u ! t". This is nn oubiedly from the .liiphnr M..untain which was et on tire by ;m loliiii:- ,,f hiirniii.' mater al thrown out MARKETS. !' I Tt M. i:r.--Flour -City M ill. super..".';1"! 'm '"!"" heat -Southern Fnltz, I'sf.i, I J m i "rn --, tithern White. 77i'i.7'e., Yellow, '-'. 'int..- S'Miiiiernnnd Pennsy iMini.i i 'I.:--. Hi- Maryland and Pennsylvania 7 i. r. Urti . Maryland a'"' I'ennsylvaniti j. - . , i ; - . Siihh Wheat, i.s.t t ti. 1,0.1 k i. J'.. ", i- I .i.i. rn ' rcamery. 17ia h,'.. near-bv t - ip' '.'i l.V. he. -so Kasiern Fan-v I '-Ml.i m.m, p.,. Vcsteril. .sMl.'.'b'. I'-CITS - V.' J ' ' ii 'I'ohae-o, I. cat Interior fl .t 'f,i. 1 . i ' , ....i i . m i 1 1 ; i , , ti , f t.i i(.t.. ... i. Middltn.'. , ..in 'i - ". i 1 to fin. red, f'.K'Mi 1 i.ini. Fancy, V I iv Y-'liK Floor Southern (,.od to h"i. . t i n . s , ,, ,mi,4..;'.. W heat No. 1 Whit ''' I '. II;. Stale 7 ('i . 7.V. l iirn -"'.' ..T'l 1 ' ii'.l , 7 o -T 1-. hi Willi', -it" " I ('. I'.utt-r StJItc. I'.' '!. J I e. i 7- - - stal. . 7' i 'ic. .- - I 7.1 1 7 ic. !';i": I'-ft ri.ii Id-'iii Petmsyli a-iia I i to i . f I . ' t -I'. Wh-Ht. I 'en nsy 1 1 a nia an I -o ittiern Ke., :'stt.i, m Kye I'ennsyl iiMH, ''M.i "mm. t orn- s.,,utlrrn -'clinv, 71 't.om I la's I'.: 1 li,'. liutter State, p(fi, I'., i 1 . i N-w v ,,! k Fae;orv, l'",ilnie. 1 fs. -t.,t.. ri- 1 7 s . -. A TT I K. HlIIIM.'ltK lie-f Mf.",. I'.i l ..'".. Sheep -r-1 ' ,' i. 1 7'.. 1 b ,.-s J4. 7.i(a,o. i i. Nkiv YnitK -Kuf$t?.'.r.'i. 7.11. Slteep fl J'.ii. ".. t". Ho- -5.30t''j,t).l.'. fift-i l.iuiKrv Beef o..aY,J3i).m.i, Sheep -l..' '". H og f:. 7Q&5. 7i. EIGURSION DISASTER. Fourteen People Killed by the Drk of a Bare Breaking. Many P,hp Injured in the ollapse--A lleaii storm Mrikes the lluiil atl'l t he I po:- In-, k (.ivrs m. A terrible dis Harbor, I,. I., i 4 children and . about .'ii 1 nu ti, .-, jure,. The steam, r ' Pepubli-' in ',,u oi ad u It. arid a t- r oc -urrtd at t'ohl Spring iilih ii 11 persons S women nen- dost r heir li i es, and men and , 1, i Id reu w .-re in- y.t.ii s-T.-Min. with the i.'ir.'e in I ha in- ..l.o.ir 1 about manv ehii-pen on thervur- Sh Ml of the eiiipiovrcs ,,t T 1 1 f , 1 Me Kaiser, dry h ,d s d . a I ,-r. ,,t' : 7 ' , r.i i,a in a ven i te. I i rook I y 11, K. 1 at ri 1. d at t tie . ,,id Spr in ir,.ive Ii-,ck a bout .' ..'clock, h.tvin- left s-.u h Sixth st rect llr..kiy:,. H; I . ; 1 A. M. About '. .; tlv fist whistles for all to -et aboard w.f, 1,1,, mm by th" st-arcicr, nnd a' i. I- - 1 e r .-. I o, Iy 11 as ready to start. Tin- lar-er portion of tio- eci:rsioiii-ts 11 ere on the barfe, v. lo re I Ic y- ,i n"er people w ere -lancini.'. .1 u-t 1 1- n soi.i h.-iivy clouds covered ilie ky. t h-ti ni im. a s.ptail, th" wind driving everi tiiw.i: i el-re it. Th- boat hands, nniiei patuik: a slew . r.had iet devn th- canvas cur tains, 11 h jeli at e at i ached t,, th - h urrtcane de.-k "t the barge, and tiist-n.. 1 them I c.vu t the port side. This prevented the wind from hi-win-through, and as one sti-ong gust struck the barge it itttcl the star board si ie of the liurri canc deck I'ioir tr , 111 i . fastenin- and suji-p-rts and f-re.-.l -t and the posts and parti tions iu the e. ptrr ,v-r to 1 he port side. As- it pushed o , r tin- , nd of t.ied-'.'k nearest th' dock t" iv'nj, h the bar-- was fastened it drop ped down upon th- hundreds of women and eh ; Id 1 en w an pad c roii did o ver to that side of the barge in nn etl -rt 10 c cape. In h m-ineiit the air was rent with the screams and Hgonitti'.' crn s of the poor vic tims whose Ihms mm re being crushed out and limbs broken. 'J lie ..ceiie was iicrtrt-r-nding in the extreme and th- exc-ip nient caused by the friends and relnt : ves of t hose ui t he barge, who were mi the ste-.m r, ,.n!y added to the pandemonium w hich pr-vail-. d. The ofScers, deck hands a;..l ..thrr men on the steamer lo-t no time 111 r to lling th" barge and doing ail in their p,uo r to re-ene all whom they e, uld from the ivre.'k. Willing hands from tin- grove and neighboring p'aces were also soon nt n "rk . and iu 1 111 in utes the fa 1 !-n d. ,-k u as rn tse.J m: lli-i' 11 1 ly to allow all tin ,sp ii h 1 were alive nu. unmi ur - I to iTjui out and th- f.iure 1 to be ussi.nd tr-tu the ba rge. It had 1,.-. i, h,.pe,I that none ti.ni been kill ed. Illlt I If li 'C'o S- bodies of 1 t V. I-r- SI'.'ll 1'. be iying :i. ar tit.- gunwale. All had had th" iii" ' rushed, i.ii c ot them by being caught bet ween he edge of 1 he la lien deck and the gua rd rai N. Tho e who kit. w no frien Is of theirs was missing hurried mvny to make room for the hutidrfds who -aw a !ri. nd or relative dead or injured. Women and children, and even strong men w opt ptp ously ns tl- i looked up on the dc id "- ,i .M'i'. The i-il.ii -I -It- barge, -,f,-. n-a me could not be as-ertaiit'-d, was al-o kill I. II- was in tli- pilot-house wIimii the wind thr-iv the ueck over. He ivjia tiirown oi'-r and 1-11 I t'.ve. ;, th,. ,-ek and tne boat. Tie- ..vi. tin. led were carefully c rr'ed aboard of the t'rystal Stream, whi h cot; vi-ycl them aroutid the ' yster Pay i illag". a distance of six mi left, where they were attend--! by lbs. Fiill-r. Fi-ye, Statis jok, Snoitu t aud 'Wint ney. The steamer then returned a nd ca fried another load to )i -t.-r It iv, and again a third load. 1 he bodi-.s of the I I dead w ere laid in a row on th- deck of the ill-fat d barge, and were covered over n i h a tarpaulin to await th arrival of a coroner from 11 u hi ingtott . The place 11 here the disas'er ooeurj-d is nt tic iiead of ( old Spring Harbor, not far from I.aiireit-.n, and is a favorite picnic ground. The falling if the deCk of the bar-- and the r-'siilts that followed ar-, i ( i- said, du entirely ;.. the rotten condition of th- supports. Many of the ex ru rionist.s carried Iiome with them I'i ces of the centreposts which show that tin y were perfectly rotten at the core. The bar. e itself, it :- said, is tim-afe in other part i'-u In rs. The sp. ciiil train carrving the iarg-r tmibi-r of the -xeot-sionnis n been ,,i sad i y nian-e, Station. Prooklyn, ah the accident h id pre station was besieged than '. ihsi. n ho 11 use da pleas had arrived at Pushivi.'k ott h..'i". Til" lieu t- "f led its arri vnl. and 1 he l.y a croud of not lesa friends- or r.-iatiies ni' those wh., .,.i,l gone aw-ay on the excursion in the morning. l-.v-ryone was asking those 11 hn left the train whether those near nnd (Par to them had escaped. Others, mostly men. looking for wives and children, were crying as tt.ey asked tor their loved ones, whom they had heard were killed or injure 1. MURDER AND ROBBERY. The I)esleraIo (irahft Fifteen lJniiilre.l Dolhirs mill K-iruppil. One of the boldest robberies and murders ever perpetrated in this sect ion of the C'ltiil"." ocen rred at Co hi tubus 1 1 rove, ( li io, a to u n of about -iMni people 1 ' J miles north of ('oluui. bus. Cashi r T .1. Map e had ji st opened the I.vchanje Hank, of which his father is pr. -priet-r. and 1 .i-I out about .sin".! mar the cashier's iiind nr. About s."..i a man appear ed in tic door with a revolver in each hand, lie immediately began shooting. Cashier Maple was strm-k twice, once in the arm and once in the r i L'l: t side. As he fe 1 1 p t ie flo- r an ld farmer, Wiilinm 'aiidciiiark, ag'd 'in, entered the door, naillig come to get hi' ni.Miey lor soin- l ogs he had just .,,1,1. Tht robber turii-d and shot iiim through and tlir .u-li. The 1. hi man fell dead in his tracks. A third n an sat in the lobby of the bank paraliz -il with fear, lie was not molested. The desperado then grabbed .fl.V": in green backs, shove,! them in the pockets of his sack coat, and darted out the door, shouting: "I'm a sec' -nd . I ess- .lames. " tuite a crowd had been attracted by the sounds of the shots, bnf there was a scattering n hen the v. ild-eyed murderer appeared on the street, having agun in either ha. d, and shootingindiscriminately One ot the bystanders. IIenry Iiuek, failed to get nut of the way fast enough, and 11 as struck ilow 11 bi- a bullet h-om the rapidly speaking revolvers. Th- fellow ran to the outskirts of the town ate! disappeared into a big corn Geld. A posse was ij'iickiv organized and started in pursuit. Another posse started from West Cairo, ami at this time Sheriff O'Neill and ' iitef of Police Apiasare organizing an armed band to ass-.! in the search. It ts thought the -..unds ot Maph- and Puck are not necessarily :atni. Ys. nil-mark. v ho was killed, 1111s a p: I'Sperou. la rnier in Fnion 'nu nsliip. Htf leave a huge family. A big reward is ..tier ea for the euptur- ,,f the villai MURDERED BY MORMONS. AW hole 1'iiiiiily I'nl Out of tleAVni While Asleep for TTli-il A n t i - l ( r 11 111 11 ie IV i- l-'or a t; UMib-r of years ih-re has been li ving on ti lati h. six mil-s iim st of St. t - org-, Ftah. a man nam d Hi-hard P. 11. He-vis ...her and t ;: 1 usi ri-'is, and an u ticoin prom 's: o g ami-Morui in man. IP- paid 1 tti lc at; en' i-n to lohties, except to go ngularlv to til- p'dls and vote against ev 'ry M irtuou interest. 1 1 e had a 11 he and two .-n .. Many t hr.ats have! , 11 made against lull by 'h - Morm u-.s, but as he an I his sons were known to l-e ib ad slcis with the rifle, th I'Pposiiion was confined to the threats. Tm ice attacks .i.-re made on Hell when he 11 as out at night. Ion I.oih linns the us. a hints .. ver Worsted. 1 1 1 ti,,. -i'.tli . I' August. .I0I111 l.icha 1 of St. i 1 ,.rg-. l a i ti'isiii,'-. with H-ll and rod out t . tos i,i:i,-h t- him. When lie got then- I e t .1111. 1 th pl.t'-.- tlTip.ir-ll'l.v d-.ert-i. 11- 1 1 1 , 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 family hud gone a way t-m pornrtty. an I was ji.; al 1 10 leave n h.-u lit . at Put i. mi w as a; t a. ted by a i.ors n hinm v-tigiit:,- stat,!-. 11- . in th re and frond I.- aiMiuii u arly t- ad tor w aul of too I and watr. Ii,;. ,':iic,"l inm r exiiiitn- th !i,c,s". -m 1 n 1 11 ling t tie do-rs looked he nt ti rn--1 to t" .1 II 11 I M 1 M'po. e 1 pi CIS as h' - found till'lll. j",s-e at onee sfirteM ,,!!! to tile (,;U'e HII'S t. r. . ' .1 d or " 11 I h-y t..u 1: I 1 n- n ii-le taiuili : ad tn i.. ,1. Fa. mi lia l I" en nitl'dered, aii'lloew ,:-,i had rvi'i.'iii iy I, -mi doii- -,1'iii- Itie I etilu. U.-r- llsle-J,. for lio'l- ill-! stru.-itl-.1. P. II and hi. if- both hud the i 10- a. is erus while the box s had th-i' th outs , ut iron, ear I ear, eiideiifi d ins w,',i ,.:,,- ..a.ii ,,t a kule". Not a in ngwas 11- t U1-, ' I ill I il 'IC . illl'l t ll'M'e IVls li". 1 -1,1- 1 1 1 '!! ',-r'" -.oofs ..( th" deed. xrtN-Ril. Hi.OTII now has a large numbev, ot tiie London poor at work on his "Home farm." nt Hadleigh, Ks.ex, and, as soon as ttei'oni nioda i i.ms a re ready, the number wiil be increased. The scheme is wt.tchexl with t good deal cl interest. CABLE SPARKS. M. To , t ' T . I lie I'n : 1 eh minister a' Wash 111-ton. has h-i n aj,j)oii;t-.l l'r, yli niiuispr I" spa tn. I'-KRI.I.v ill annex allot th- n-ar -t su' urbati toivns. thereby i ne r-n-i n g the p.,pul-i ti'oil of' tlf ( My bi- .'O'l O'il. 1 ,(' I'tiN "H'T' Ut! I has conferred thell-d"l of the 1 .art er upon the Prince of Nnpb s. 1 1, tear appun ut to the throu- ,,f Italy . d'hc seeretnry of the I .ernian iiuj'eria! ienio oflie.. savs ( iermany will be r.-pi es.-n' I at iiie ' hiago World's Fair iu a worthy manner. A i rn 1 km V of six million, of doltirs has s,, far been found in the peter', pence fund by tlv commission ot' ca id i tta 1 win. ar- mak ing th- ii' vest igatiops. TllK building at Hat'nenoi.-, ( i. rm.any, in n hich the stop s ol 1 he garrison at that place were k-pt. was .truck by lightning and e,.n sum'... I with its contents, causing a loss ,.f "'.""!'. Pp.i nci: ( ; ccira.r, of ( ire. e-. is in dis-raee in St. Pet, r-l ur-f..r staiing. in a publi-h-d ee.-ount, that th- Czar's s,,n behaved iu a cowardly manner when he was attacked sonic nine ago iu Japan by a native policeman. SiA I.KAI. thousand farm laborers, small land owners and others engaged in agricul tural occupaiioiis in the country surrounditig Flisa bet-rad. Hm ia, marched into that town, attacked the shops and dwellings of the He brews, and after killing a number of the lat ter, looted the buildings. It is believed that there is a feeling niiioiig the cardinals that, in order to liberate the Pope from his present political position in Italy nnd to provoke a final solution of the question bet'.v-cn the Italian government and .he Yatioan, the next conclave for the election of a successor to L-o N 1 1 1 must be held a w ay from iiome. lit l-i Italian government has begun retrench ing at tho foot by deciding to dismiss H, nii'l ivorkingmen from the government dock-yards this month. The decision has aroused wide spread discontent among the workmen, and the large number to be thus throw 11 on their resources are said to be ripe for mischief. A hand of lifteen men, armed with rifles and revolvers, attacked the sentries who 11 ere on duty outside the barracks in Harceloua, Spaiti, with a -iew of overpowering them. For a short t ime a regular battle was fought and a number of men on both sides wer xvotindeb Finally the attacking party was surrounded and captured. The chances are they will all be shot. It was first claimed that the men were prompted to the deed by stock speculators who wanted to bring nboul a de cline in the prices of securities, but it is now ptaled 1 lint the mox-enient was purely a revdu tionary one in favor of a repul.lic. WORK AND WORKERS. Thf Alb-rl niltie, at ' .I'limet, Michigan, uns hei-n shut tlown on ing to luck of ivat-r. Till-: strike at the bualrj and 1 ircat s !t- ing Furn i-es at Uliui'ih.i .N-brask.i, is sijll m progress. 1 III-: Maryland Steei I'ompanyat Sparr xv's Point, -Maryland, has Is-jati the making of Bessemer steel. TllK Para l.ubl.er Shoe Conipmiy's works, i a South FramingliMin, M as , w h ich' hn ve been shutd-.in lor two nc-nihs, resumed op. -rations. Arat mass. meet ing oriuincrs at Plains. mar Wilk-sbarie, Pa., resolutions were a-l-ipted requesting the employes p, oonip y with the Tivo-wn ks Pav law, and cumin: 1 tees were ap pointed to wait on them. Should the opera tors reluse th- ri quest the Factory Inspector will he asked to prosecute them. S. H. Si:YKi:r.T,t Hit'i.. proprietors of the large .oiling mill at Seylert 's Station, n-ar lb adiug. Pa. .alter :.,i idleness 0) ),,ur n ths, resumed with non-union men. The inill-m-ploys .:. hands, 'resident Wei ho, of the Amalgamated Association, visited the mill nnd advised the association members 10 stand ti r m . Till-: trouble between the Salem 'Wire Com pany in Findiay, Ohio, nnd its employes has K-ati adjusted. It is understood that tiie man agers r-luse ' to sign the scale prepar-.i lo the Amalgamated Association, but presettied one of their ow n. According to this scale the men are required to put in more hours, but are paid better wages. The mill will resume w ith ii.aO employes. Til K Fight-hour law pa.'scd by the last l.egi.-laiure of Nebraska took ellect on Satur day morning. One of its first elleeis was u lock-out of job primers in Omaha. The em ployers refused to grant eight hours, and when the men went to work, as usual, they were told that their sen ices were no longer needed. 0,1 ly one shop in the city has com plied with the law. Til l: American f.lticose Company, which has tai-torn s at Buffalo, N. Y.. and " ih-r eiti-s, j-.nd agoieies in the more prominent cities, has announced a general reduction ot 10 per cut. in salaries and v.ages. 'The cut is made necessaiy by I'm high price of corn, ex cessive competition since the breaking up of the glucose combination last fail and the cheap ness of .'.tignr. The cut eflcets about ."itm em ployes in llullalo. Till: N tional Textile Workers Association, at Fall Hiver. Massachusetts, adopted a plat form declaring uir the lessening of hours ol labor to that extent that the immense army of unemployed laborer!, can find work ; urging the adoption of means to protect employ, s from aecidc' t in factories, mines, etc.; de manding the Tion-.-rs ployinent of children un der I- years in factories; favoring flic settle, mentot all grievances by arbitration, and protesting against "driving" the help in mills and the mtiicds employed by niaii u lact tirers to --, a ! tii- weavers' tines bills. A TABERNACLE DEMOLISHED. Fauir at an Iowa Cainp-meeti tig--A Ter rible Storm. A -ifepatch from Leon, Iowa, says: A t-t" nado swept over this portion of iVentnr rotint v. causing great damage. In this town t!i tn"Ms find yard' were Jittered with fallen treos, nnd in many instances the roads were ahs dntcly impawn Mo. The pei :v 1 1"iise and si-h- -d-house were unrooted, and iwu hnusrs in thf1 southern part of the town were completely demolished. Ken-'ps, id? walks and on! - houses were lifted up and enrried away hy th" ind. The falling trees wrecked tin.- ttletrraph, tele phone nnd electric light "ires, and the town was in darknes. Altit halt the citizen, wt-re attending a camrt-iuecting at Pavis City, ten miles distant. The eamp-meeting was inn grove on the hanks of (rrand Hiver. Fully Sjhhi p.-ople were in attendance. The storm struck the erove udd'nly, and in a moment all wasdark as night. Huge forest tree; swayed and fell crashiiiL' to the earth, and hroken hranches were hurl etl hy th wind through the crowded Hssemhlage with terrific fc.rce. Tiie tabernacle was crushed under the weight of two giant oaks, anil all the seats and stands demolished. Several cott-tges were also damaged, some lin ing unroofed and others heine crush d hy fallen trees. Invpite of the suddenness and force of theg;.Ie, however, no one wns killed and only a few slightly bruised by (lying dehri. It is feared that when rep';-:, an- received from the country districts they v !! bring news of loss of lib-. Such new a; lias !) n receives! is to the r fleer that the danmge to ci'-p i heflvy. 'or n hns been heat en to a rt h, .tacks blown awny and fences demolished. CIRCUS TENT COLLAPSES. A J-'urions Storm in AYisconsi 11 -Two Hoys Killed. At four o'clock the other afternoon a storm cloud, w hi'h came up from the west, broke over hecquamagon bay, at Ashland, Wis., with disasterotis results. Hain fell in torrents, accompanied by wind blowing at a tremendous velocity. The Swedish Baptist Church was lifted four feet from its foundation an i torn around, and numerous small buildings tn ist.-d about. ' ut at the bay Iron! In1lfa-d07.cn little yaehls w ere moor.d. They all broke tinny from their fastenings and "were 11 reeke 1 upon the shore. The xvorst eflcets of th-storm were experi enced at Washburn, "n the opposite side of the bav. A small circus was Living an exhi bition when the storm struck the tent, audit collapsed. In the panic which ensued two small boys were crushed to death and a num ber of oilier seriously injured. , The postofhec building, a frame strtic lure on Main street, in which were halt a dozen per sons, collapsed ami caught the inmates in what seemed to be a death-trap, but by the fortunate lodgment ot timbers they a '.1 escaped without injury, except two women, one of whom suf fered'a broken leg and the other a contusion of the head. Half a do?en other buildings were damaged. The ro-f of tiie elevator xi as lifted up and lshed upon the bay, exposing the stock of wheat to the rain. Miss Fi.or.K.v-i.T. '. Soi'LK, a rer-iii gradu ate ol Wellesley ('ollog. , has received the tip. poiutmenl of teacher or Creek in the high o hool and supervisor of music i" 'ie common schools of Mankato, Minn Furniture! Furniture! FURNITURE! ONE OF IH : LAHGhST ST 0S 'i ETE 1:1 Every Dcparlmi! A '. ,. V c I - I I'M e the 1 -cIM-V f .r Ih- l e. ,-l.rrt 1 W 11 1 , t 1 1 V. : : ,n a;.d si i M. m SKI'. I I,. M !! ; m : - 1 : 1 y ire It" lall :" pr,,v 0 I 1.1,1 ilm.i iiM-iiii'l are 1110:1-p..-, by any noi' l, : ne , 1 1 1 it- i d in ihi- m iriv 1 JOHN SUTER. Boot and SIiob Maker. All Styles of Boots and SIikis made to order and on Short notice. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY N. Arpen, CRAYEH ST., opposite Journal C3ic3 CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST HEDK'IKK liJTOWJI CONSIDERING QUALITY AND &IZF. OF DOSE. IT "WILL ALSO CUKE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, AJiD CHltONIO CONSTIPATION. R. BERRY, New Borne, N. C. "WANT A c We h.ive wagons, bunnies, surreys. Hich Rrad ; as lipht, Stront;, durable, stylish, as beautifully finished as modernized manufacture can produce. Built on honor by men of hfe experience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our specialty. We want to know you. Write us. Costs you nothititf. May lead to business by and by. Send for our catalogue. It is free to every reader of this paper. Bin hamton Wagon Co., Binijhamton, N. Y. "BUILT FOR BUSINESS." $65 OUR SILVER QUEEN $65 19 It possible a first-class Buggy with Silver-plated Dash Rail, Saat Rail, Handles, Hub Bands, and Shaft Tips, for above price? i : 5: z h l ei I S W' O; a! o Q 0i c 0 2 Ql i 5 b it a i Z Dl w' 5 O O fl u.i CJ Write for our New 80 pag-e Catalogue of all kinds of Vehicles. Address SOUTHERN CINCINNATI, - VAUGHN PATENT SPRING VEHICLES. FIIIHT-CLAPS I TV EVERY IIKHIM7CT. LIGHTEST, STRONGEST EASIEST BIDING VEHICLE ON EARTH. BUGGIES ROAD WAGONS, PHAETONS, AND SURREYS On this Wonderful SPRING . 's' y j yjr ? BABCOCK & VIELE CARRIAGE COMPANY Sole Proprielors and fTn'ffl or Ctitalo'jur ..... WE ARE IN THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS OUR MOTTO. BEST MATERIAL AND WINS. SMALL AND LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. BRIDGEWATER CARRIAGE CO. BOANOEZE, "VA NEW BERNE COLLEGIATE INSTITITR h Edncational In&titation for EASTEBI ROBTH CAE0LII1 MALE AND FEMALE. I ST A ill IS II KI) 1889. Eight Distinct Departments. '-". ' , I iitiTmi'lm'r, Aciulemic, Col' 'l.V, AH, Mrixtr, Jnduxtrinl ami wi.si,e.ss. I F.N KXl'KIU l.NCKD AM) COM 1'KTKNT TKACHKIW. Wtr-i! a ml 1 itjit i fimrnf'i! Muc Prominent I''mtnrrfif under the direction ol ft male pro-Icsxfn-, with efficient ftftniaLantJt. special 4u rite of u it ruction for tbote desiring to be'oine Teachers. Expenses very moderaic. Hoard from $$.00 to ifllU'O per month -tiiriliticH good. special ijiduremcnts to indigent students. Fall Term Opens Sept. 7j 1891.' For further infirmafion or (of catalogue, : i p p I y to G. T. ADAMS, A. B., (Trinity College), I'HINCIPAL, I ilylldwtf .NhW 1IKRNB, N. C. GEO. HENDERSON. (Surcrxitir lo lUili'rln & I IrniUrton.) iieneral lung Agent, Representing Insurance C'oinpunj of North AinericM, nl Philadelphia. Home Ir siimnce ( umpiinT, of New York. Queen Insurance ( ompanj, of England. llnrllord l-'ire Inuuraiice Coiuimuit, of Hartford. Nortli ( 'nnd inn Home Iniiirnnee Compaojr, of Raleigh. j GrceuM itch Insuranc Company, of New York. l'hnnix Insurance CompanT, of II rook 1 ril. United I' mlerwriters 1 in lira lice Company, of Atlanta. Ilohtun Marine Insurance Oimpany, ot of)""-, J uiy2 a wtf WAGON? BUGGY CO. OHIO, U.S.A. AND Manufacturers, l.V A SSI 1 1. IK, J11ASA. Prrjectly Simple - Simply Perfect IMPROVED WARM AIR FURNACES iKD mm m m closet APPARATUS or TBI BENNETT A PECK Heating and Ventilating Co. The only Mriif.ctiircr In thin city ffl.uiR eDtlre nttentfon to U WARMING AND VENTILATION or Residences, Cbnrclics. Schools, Etc. X HFVI. -i r fHINTICn BATTKR EATIalATKfl CllttRniXT OIVIN 245, 247 end 249 W. Mh St., Clnoinh.tl, 0. ONE OF OUR CATA LOGUES FULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE. ' As ' f '

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