- 1 - . i v. u .. - - Single Copies 5 Cents. $1.50 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. NO. 21. VOL. XiV. NKW 1,KKNK, CliAYKN (orNTV, NORTH CAROLINA. SEPTEM VA 1WH. N "1 fllfifilMff'? mm C for Infants : DR. C. K. BAGBY, Surgeon Dentist, CJtc, UmLU Stmt, Pap CWeA, W. DTMcIVER, Attorney-at-Law NT W BERNE, N. C H. L. GIBBS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, - NtW BCRNC. N. C Trr-m H Um CmXi C.n. Cart.. CI rJ. Pv. t .!.. 4 Lo.4t Mutnii M ta 4 Fulwil a4vtf C.R.THOMAS, iOa.. tnm SitvM. teWy iMc IIW CMC. . C - . ! tart !(tk t'tniwL .a P. H. PELLETnJE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AHO MONEY BROKER. Cht:i SM, Juan. MT WMh Prv, 5m Ow m 3m Bvm, m4 The National Bank OF NEWDERNE. N. C. -Capital, . St 00,000 Surplus rroflts, - 86,700 DIXECTOR8l Jv.A. nT4. Tif- I'kJtir. Of. 8. BT. , J. II. !lM-nvm. DR.J. D.CLARK, . NEW OTRNE, N. C! fiTVH&w Os Csatwo Street. beira IVhwk mm! Brood. U.Ut. Coautrm. Aut. . " "' L. Hakvsy. GREEN. FOY &. CO., BANKERS, S a 8stf tf luliix luUnt, ' N I VV BAN KINO HOUSC. VM Sbni. Vk 1W Utom Hotel 40rL WCW BCBWt. W. C. NEXT! Prof. W. H. SHEPARD " rtmt iiaHMli U Ua mrlai an wul gin y a Hatr Cut for - - 30 Canta. fc'vjmooo m 20 bfvav - IO SinoiiniEBisBusior. -, - WCW BtBWL W. C , J. D. JOUOWIV, BARBER SHOP. Satt Ittav aa la taa W a MyU. BaU aw.liaUu4ld .' BHICK BLOCK. MIDDLE ST. "Ka R. JONES, : heavy ad ugiit GROCERIES. UrOnt s4 fall A Ai latf. 't 5eA mt llaxtu rami' Won. Dry Goods & Notions. Tall 8taaaa Lara Aaaarimaat. v rlM ww tk Lwf. Call a4 Caamlwa ar .. , mi.eiftNft,iiiiix,T. anmnmmt r,,1'"CMM IimlL ' aaaaaatBBla) lsaawSaisaraW wc"OMr PARAC8M HARNESS. Ma of tNa Pai5Y STOCK nd tha ry Xjav 3 BtAt WORKMANSHIP, fcnh a harna.a cannot bw boht tor la than a at But wa arw wlUln. -v vj in OTar t lntrtxca It. to v-.C V to om paraor, a a XfVUV. and Children. bra r. fin. K. IX, yTrMr. Www Yaaa. BLR3. J. M. HINES Boarding House REOPENED. Uu J. U HI NO hu rrorwne! First t"tv t-i-JiQ)t Houm iq the citj , ojp le Baptist Church. TiJ Pi33ir Dam Eeiiii lacfcias, J. M. HINES. Agent. A GREAT BARGAIN! , 327 ACRES will am sola at a GREAT SACRIFICE! A VALUABLE PLANTATION aitu ated oo lib Soath ndm of lli" Niu rirr. thrr ami haJf ni (mm irx Cto( Xrw Brm. N. C. On hunJrrd CM fM, mmfii T--i4. TVW H baianrw, two hamirrd atvl tw rr. heavily Umhrrr.1 with in, "k. cyp iniiUbn k irvi ol timber. Il fei aJar) flo (iraunx Ijn-i. Uoori dvcUiog, outhutUlmr, n1 fio orcturL II h a fin USH KRY . fmnUnf half miia on th Ix-su-h. tT Uirn ar high bak of marl thai can Mm b cxhaaatvd. (roco which rtwU can inad witlk Me. It u a Try kulful and bpiIthy cattoa, pnsreUnK a nr icw to pMiD ittrn fi and lh A. A N. C KiiUrrMd. Tor fe-fmi ftpHx 10 P. TRENWITH, C?- Mtll klliTi. IIW IClIt, I. C. THE NEW LEVER SAFETY T PERrECTtON of SIMPLICITY rvd ECONOMY of POWER. VARIABLE STROKE, only two aot. of Revolving B-artnsa. 0at Hill Climbing- and all around &afty mid. UATJLIiOOO'K VZUCJO. H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE, N. J. i CIjflB'sJiJ. FrBigjbt Line. I StMim &. H. Stoat, Defiance 4 Vesper ! On and a(trr February lt, l.M, thi line will make rrguUr SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS altimoreand New Berno ' "jta.laa: Baltimore frr w p.rrn. WED- NUDAY.MTl Kl'.tV, i J P . tarl.f X.w Brn. for Pallirrmr TUES- I DAY.BATL RDW. .i o P u. Iirclu'j aii Siifytrf. Tike letiee. TTi' i t1". oolr PII'.I'iT I- . w.i Xr ; I'rriMP frr Bill. w m lin f r ,t. .1 n Ia -( Pi ti !. It 1. ( ; i. i hi on. I . wl 1 1 l-f Nona. K.' NVri. k'nj cl- rvnnmmn lor all . A N. C- Rail-rua-l ml Rlrrr oit of c m l-rnr. Afta ar. a. Tollowr Ricbc Fowrta, iiu"l f.f?T, 91 Licf i -t . Baltlmora. Ja. W. Mcaic. Afn, Norfolk, Va. W. P. Clr' -. I'Uiie.lelpala. i Soula N York ao4 r,Jl TraM. IJaa.iri.r , Ktnk n.r. T- 'ipa... EoMoo. 5.1 C.atral hrt II Rwk.fll, mTUli. R. I. Pais. irr. BwCnn. TdJi rxl .atard.jt. - - N.w York iUiIt. " " Bltv VWJ r A 8ilnrJTi " " Phlll.!pM. M--.n..r. da djya. Satanl-iTi. " PrTld.x-, S!nrlT. TanMfk bill. g4 rn I ''- car- tntmi la all poi.u tl i; J S -rrnt aflw. ol taa moipaaW WtfA rotd Brmintj of Iu k and Sh'.f IU y. C. I in S. U. GRAY, Ajrot, Nw Bra.. N". 0 At Ch'r nnf nun Wi faullr unH iTfn Mhr irriou-fT burnpt by mn f i pinion M , KJ ta lh ow city wtter tnnnei now hing coMirniH tindr Lke Michcn. A frteght lria on the Kork I!nd roJ n dilehi t (n hnnHrrM anr! Thir l trr t hi eIT- Th coodurtor. William Matthew. u rnnhni in dath u rvicr thf fnifinr, whilp th ffifinr and two witchmpa wrrf, pT hap tatall injure!. The firrroin j impti au1 f'iptii unioj-irrl A Inr;c barn hnl i hofwi and a qnantirj of pram ond by I" rank Rick.T wr -rnnml nrar upMi tion Rn-ia- I-, $:fli). TH nripin rf the cir-! n unknowo John H-":1'. carpenter, of Alam, tia .-'a arrrarri, i hsrg d with brioj imp!i-?trl in thf rxprra mh twry on 1 hp ( rntr i !lAiirod. Parr Unrton, a locooi'itiT" fireman on th" rrt'i, cf)nfpai to hi- prt in th rotrrv, and i-ondunnl th JnrruTra to hi room, wbrrf hit i f c bad ewetl ap in a mttrcaatwn par kaftan of nioner, aoiOQQtinc to $1 .31 1. IjT i Brewatfr, Tfiity-ftTr, of Rlfat, Mr, fat.nl i -hot C hari' A. Hnwfr dnrintr qinrrI, in vf hirh l'cr lr fV h -u rri I i in r h jrton, on? of thr mfn who robbed an f iprvt train nfai Coiiicr Station, da.. ha brrn caught H con Iraai J. - Kt-itit Age riie-I a bill ajrainat the dirt:tor of thn AnnUi n Aia.j hartoga and f Vpowit Company. At I.extngtuu, N'b , a tire dratroyei eight oforra in the pnucipal block, cauin a bs of MV w uh imil! man rin p - Th- Ichmrn "f mke, winch ha jara1 i u- nea in I'rona for orfr a week, cam-? to an end w ben the ttnkem mad an u n-tnd it lonal aurrertder. Nearly all of them ill b taken back. Frank Rerry. a notociou- negro, had a hj(ht with the police at I'na, Hi. The negro km bdly hart, lie cat one of th jwilicemen aeriooaly. The Cherokee Indians are wild with excttemput oer th1 recent order prr mitung thern to graie thpir cartie on the out let. --Hamilton J. Bleleher, a railway con ductor, w farally injured at dimpviile, Pa., by hartag bia lelt lei: craahcJ. He died it York, hia home, ahortlj after he reenrrd hu in.urif. Johri 8'pwart. a 'nrk fr-min in the yard at l imli-n, N f . -n ih- Amriy division of fh rpnnflTni -i I. wn at r 'irk by the t!nt - t :ty ripr. and hai hia head aplit op-n rimijt'r H-ijH Milholland. of I'adorah. Kr , hn rpignl on arrtint of chariT; br-igSt ajint him --Nrr Nirho laaTtllp, Kf . a ap-rial enfin n (hp Ktrh bkhvI. i -holaarille. Irrtn- and FtB 1 1 t t 1 1 le flailrtxad, ran 'kn and -.lile-l Urv Mary Fifhar ln and her two c hiidrpn. K arm era of North Itk-ft ar 'li'ianrin; the action of th at at rallroMiii cnjrtnaiaaionT in placing an rmbtryi on wheat hipmnL by rr'iirma; in ptfta at tha MmnaoU line The dam afdon" li th whrat in North Iakot, by tho frowta vm n ranch act-on nt The volcano at !iivo n Mr the City o M-n. n "tilt artira r'.-l -carl Pak-r. an o4d ;i'iirn of SL. !!, d:en two ki a ro in nppirent pTer It. A luak bJai bwn found in hu houM whhrh rntaioei orer ft7.'' Jamea Wn ht. who bfl wante-i in SniTille, Han-e-k roMQty, Tna , &r th- ti:nrd"r of J -meph 'wen. ln n arr-tr1 in M ,nfi-M, M l - There n ajyh f n'fmfni in St. Paul Tr h i f - jf 1 1 r;-J. i US'' i ' npr-i:ind-o: of ;;k .St. Paul railway e!.Tal-r. Ha M:ri If raul by pcu iaf :n in w rw-ji T' ' -rn f Ch r -i, V -k . lot : lir Th cn" 'i ! - and r-r-rd- wr-r i XI h, tir d-a-r 7 -I "lai' t !- S-it: -ii p-.rti - f :lie t wj. l-i $J ifl- h'in ir" 1 nire l brr ff h aruf 1 a: Ar k vi i ' 1 1 y , K ml hu j'XaH the mlon on the "'ir-roke-; ' 'u'!et - r:;)T w r. are l in ;reit n a - u t )-- --t':,.;-. i P.. !... r ttn: y Ak 1 1' a - f :-- . t n ' -p ;-- 1 for the pr '-nt i ,j r 1 'vi ri I F , un Im i'i- i: it if th- I i tenor Kpri !i'-ii I r - m-ra' .. : i lei a a in iii . i r r ; r r ( i II 1 1 nn p- r bf h-nef b e and k '. 1 At Vli.a--'j'a. Mi-it . n ha len rIred to bojerxt ( bioee and a l proni eniploring or patron ii .af them. A parry of 6 ft re n mak axl h4r men raidl the ranch of a prnaiper ua Chiner gr dener near the city, complete ly demolwh:ng the cabin, wjih aU H furni tare. They ett on iu ante iq a ftliorkin maaner A o'her wu tarre-1 and feathered, and his cue cut off A third cwaped by awtm ming the riYer Playmate of the Hamil loo children, at I ronton, hare admitted that they locked them in th chet in which they wer am Hhrd. --In a colhaion on the Northern Pa, i 5c, near T a com a, Kngineer Darid Young and Fireman Frank Cooper wera killl. At Ciaa.m. Texaa, the Claw on loralr mill, ttihcr w;th machinery and dry kiln, were burned. The lumber in the yard was aarrtl. Ixiaa $ojj. n th Chrkc Strip t'nited Sta:en Marshal Ed ward Short and a dejipe-rnte train robber. Char Ira Bryant, bad a duel to the death. BoU kept firing till they fell dead.-- At th Pioe Lake plrasnra report, nine mile rant of Lansing, three g'rla went out in a rowhat, which waa opar-t, and before they could rearue-i Ida Sm:th, ad nineteen, dauchtrr of Joseph Smith, Hring near Trowbridge, and Pearl SchooJey, eleven yeara old, daughter of Charles M. S-hrwj'.ey, of Unun-. wrr drovrn ed. Their companion, Kitty Mr-Curdy, at aaTf-d. The familien of all the sir's were ct tending a apirtttialist ca nip-meet i ng a t Hazleti Park. The bodies were recovered. Frank Johnson, acd 6lty yeara, suppo-Md to be from St- Ton committed suicide by ho.t;n2 him aelf through the head at the Rtngham 1 1 t p-1 . Philadeiphu. The tenth annual enr-mnp ment of the Sn-a ot Vetrrars ope net! at M?n neapoli, ith about 10, mcmler- in af teodance -Mrs. Mary Woodrtift. a siMer I the larentor of the Wnondruff parlor car.died at Vineland. N. J , ared eighty-three furt. Ch-ndler Brim., at Montgomery, Ala., tuade an saicnmenr. A wt 7(XV liabilities f. MrinrnrT m tiie money market th cau-. H F. llinthim, wrl 1-k now n lawyer of Portland, re., hi lo fishing nr a cl fl of rvki at the hach, fell into the water, wan carried out to by a huge wave, and drown- ri Knl firs arc doinu ccat damage in Nevada county, t'al - denernl N'r!u Milea m i-pp.-Hi to ern-l id ati n g the state trropa and form tog them into a standard army of iJinimrn, and placi n g thetTi u nder the con -trd of whoevrr may le ."rretary of war. -There was a fa 11 of fifty decree- intemprature in South Pakota. A flow of petroleum w,n diat-overe-t m the Crow Neat. Kx k y Mh.ii tatn. - -Twiroa'rart lab-rer, importni by iaua Spre"kle, the sugar king, to work :n hia r -hnefe. w e r detained at the Immigrai.t Imiin ioirrau m New ork on thnr B rival if 1 m Bremen - The S-nth Carolina Firmer' A'l:.n-e pr"p-e fo form a trti-t t hold ha-. on- l-.y'.f ihe pr ;t cotton crop. The hroiher and 'ii --f K d-rrt S;m. the illicit distiller, r-riie. hun (riTi the l"eritei State maraha: p"e at Biad.-n Spring. A ia, aMer a bloody fight. in whirh one of (he gi;arls and nn'-th-r man wt-re ihot fataHv, Bailev Stras ki'le-1 and .Cm Bailey morts!!-, wound'--!. Kn )nimne Ulv of ir-n r ha been d'aroTered a'rmg ihr ct ide ( Mr Minn roun t y, T'nn . in the Ch. ; h- wee M -un -tain-- - b'fir wrig"n train of bomT are on the rond to fhe Ssc and F(i rea- r t a i inni in anticipation of i President's pr-H-Iamn- lion opn i n g the In 1 1 a n lan U A cf o 'i b burt at PtJ.vi!Ie Pa , flooed jrtions of the town, and people w.-r-- driven tn the ppr for:rw of their houea. dreat damg wna done in the htnineat ion. Kl?i Al.KXADKa, of Servia. and father, si King Milan are gueat of Pr-i i- 4 t Carrot, of FrtDte. at Fontaineblrau DISASTER IN NEW YORK. A Fearful Loss of Life from an Explosion and Fire. SoTftitffn Hnilln KrroTfrnl a inl f I art;' am r o f I'rrtn n Taken Out More or I,- Nrrloujily Injurrd. A mot disastrous and terrible act id nt ti ut currnl m New Yojk. The large fi c-:t ory brii k building No. 7", 7 J and 7 i Pnrk Plaee, b io'ii I olloge PIrtr and ( iraon wieh t re-t, cr.ish'd d" u at 1 ' nVlix' in the atternooii nn I buried many lneith the falling nifina. n tern l'd;e have been reC"ere-l. anil eh v-n who h i r injured hnve U-en rcw'uel. I ho nnn:e.i i;hty-six persona who were upjNd to hae ln in the structure and nro mm misaif.j have been reported at the Chn in In r Si i tet 1 Io-pilnl and the 1 hun h St rre( Police Station. The wrecked building covered the rity lot Nop. 70. 7'2 and 74 Park Plaec, ani was fi e storia high. Brick nails divided into ihrec parts up to the -cvond siorv. Kiwenftdd. of No. 1' Fiwt Fighfy-first strwt, oc- upie-l the first rtor and basement of ,". 7ii. a a d'-aler m gold and paint hronz Fii;ht ; u ng w omen w ere emplo (fl in the basetuetit hr-ifrirk W. TnpjM ot No. 1J W -si Seventy-first sirrrt, a delrr m drugs, hrd his l ore on the grmi nd rl -r of No 7 J, ami o'-iipuf the bjwnin hr the storagr ot hi t'M-k. Andrew Pett moh restHiirani wn on 'he groun fliwtr of No 74 rind his kitrhen wit in flie basement. Tlie entrance to the upper part of the building wils nt No. 7n, nnd (In t ii 1 1 re second flwr was oe-upiMl by Kills t M actionahl, printers, v ln-e o trice extended trom No. 7( to 76. Lirhler A Mnnsa, litho crnphers, occupini the upp t pnrt tf tlie nn l .ding, having their offices on t he third rbor. their JiiJiogrnp)nc stones on the fourth fl-H.r a d (lit ir printing pn ses (,u the t.p story. Many th -on- s are given as to tlo- i-nuv of th - disaster. Chief Ri ley , o( the tire depart incut, is ot the opinion thai n Unlt r exploxled. It is also said that sonic rhemieal rxploled in the drug t re. Tne upist plausible theory of all is that the ree n:m i-nus-d by the ahaky eondirion of the tuild:ng Mild the vibra tion of the heavy presaes runtiiug in the litho graphiug and printing establishments on the upper floor, it i generally admitted that there was an explosion of some kind. '1 he bu 1 1 ing was rond em ned t hi rteen years ago. Th-re was practically no mortar l -twecn the brieks, and when looked at after the smoke anil fire had suicided they were a bare as rds. Flame hurst fort h as soon as t he 1-uilding fe.l, but "ere aon gotten under c-Mitr.-l The bMiidinss own"! by a Mr Crnn-, who r-'-ntiy -Mi-ht if, and was .ni l to b insured for $7'"ci. Properly in it wis said to be worth not Iras that M-',"". 1 h" build ing was originally er--ete I by a nisu nani'- 1 Taylor and it vfas known as the Th v -.r Building lr n.id a troniage ,,f alut 1"' feet on Par it Pine R n-l .: tret ui ( i r- en : 1. street. k i k r v tn. i in m - j r r 1 1 ; Nfw VrtKk Vt 1". vi . wlie:, rveral big pib-s .f b'f.ris ha 1 b.--i, r'-m-v - l t nj'.'r-" -m ies w ere br eigh ' ' n a . ' 1 1 tin work men will ivl le able to reuio v t hem for s.-v era 1 hours, as they are urlged ,n with the 1 1 m ler. Th is maket 'j Uxlii- d tsro vr I in the ruin. of hi !i have been r moved and ta k n ! o the morgue. T w i nt y t w o 1m-I ies w err at the morgue n 2 A M . l' o( u h i e h were unnleut :h-- I. EXPLOSION IN' A QUARRY. One Man was K lllect nml fire Ot her Se r 1 o u s I r 1 it j ti ret I . A terrible aecident oe. urrcd a KiHg-t .1:1, N". J . by which on' man h-t hi life and five others were seriously injured. The aertdent M eaustfl by an old blast of dynamise sniong th" roeks ot Slmnd.ey Bro. I 'is r r y A t t - ' ; h ; f a 'l7-n b!a -t-are ge'ierslly s.-t of n Kr.- a h sup. psi that wh-T -' t n '. . r- r- . ' y some dn y ago. o;ie fsilc-l to rtp!le This l Hot not ierl, and a -light jirs-' tort t ! :i ebrg' with trrr.hle effro Ian:el Il.iggrr' -. vi r r v : ng .1 p:i 1 1 f,f ter to a ho- e when h- ex piosp.i t- k pi at e. A "iiarp pteve if rM k pier- d bin brenst o er the h-art. making a largi . ralhe a tubmen, singgered three or fn'ir sfep and ft IJ over in a 1t ug io(:di! on. litra!!v rnvrnl wirh b' ! Tet "1 e rc Inter h w.m dend. A by nni"l "'.ng was stnick by .1 flyin -pie-r ot ro k n ml 'err 1 ! cut in t be luce. An Italian laborer n ns sti nek in tl .. arm and he flih wns torn o 1:1 1 pamtul msnner. . 1ot Dimel heeny was uoun bl in the nrm bv the flying I';kv ilo- jurees p n't rat in g his arm i 1 L e bu 1 Ie -f i e r I a i 1.1 n as w ounde t in the gro;n . , , , ..ifo rs re more or ! seriously hurt, Vhi k H sggert v w as t he futle prxrt oj his aged pureni.-. This isthethml f.i:a! a--u.T!,y thnt has or curred at th' quarry. About t o ago an Italian as killfl by a Inrge Mone falling and crush ing his skull, and a man nni:nd Mrpaughlin was family hint by the wrecking of a carload of stoue. WANTED WIFE AND MONEY. TOO That Ts Tor Murh for Farmer IMielps and Me SUot the Despor.ulo I)f ml. John Phelp. awen'tbv firmer near P;ir boursviile, W Y;i., !) .t and killed Wilii-im II a nee under remarkable ri rcu mst ances. Hance w aa a notorious desperailo, who took part in the Brumfi -Id -Kunym feud, and had the repu at ion of having k il b'd fi ve men. 1 11 oma nnaeeiup.'a bie manner be won Mrs. Phelpe's affect ion, and on August 1 ihe two lopMl. 'I h-y went to Ironton, ) t on 1 lived there n" man and w;ie. rinally I Liner; money gave mi', snd then he orb-re i her to 'eturn to her husband and 'teal m uo-y that ihe k n-w he p nrs.se 1. The woman rr !u! ed, ind Hance ret uruei to lin r bou rs v i I !e with her. Thf couple niareheii I x 1 1 1 v up to Phelps's houa and ealle! him ou', an 1 llatie dc man lasi mney tliat hanid l-iongei to Mr. Phelps. The farmer deelmr.t( nnd Hnnee made a motion to draw his revolv- r. Piieips was too q tick for hiui, however, and drew a bead 011 him snd shot Hance through the ab domen. 1 he desperado turned to run, l ut fell dead at a second bliot Ironi Pheips's pis tol. Mrs P'i"ps. who hsd w a'eh"d the fl f T Mr, drove to the home of her fnther, u r.-spret h 1 e farmer, and fvo hours lattvr m ide a iutile at tempt to romm t suicide. Hauer lia 1 trrr riz- I th- eouimuuity for montlis aii'1 00 one i o:i!d be found to molest h)m. Phelps will not In- arreted, as public opinion apptue. lr art. FIGHT AT A CHURCH, And a HIoo.tr One, T.o--Flve Killed !n n Feud. At Mountain Hi 1 Chureh, a rude place of worship urd bv hot -washing Baptists, in the heart of fl. Hiue Ridge Mountain, twenty, five m!Ir aUove (Jreenville, C-, there was a bloody affray. Die mountain people of that neljrh N-rhi arc generally inooiishiner, nnd two lea dng families Purhsms and Howard - are divided Into h.tlle elans. Richard Howard led a 1 arty of his kinsmen on a raid on the ehurch while the eon greg t ion were assembled Luther loirhani and Richard lr"Mell. n ho ' a d.-aeoi of the rbureS. under took t eri th'-m. .Josh Howard lired on I.ufher H-irhiin. wouudinz him mortallv, but he tben s!i.-t nnd ki!Vd Vlnssena Howard. I;ck Howard ws nis. shot, but hadissp. pewred I he H"-x .mis were routed, but the rangr rs t i.n d mpersl n -th-Mit ohi d i , H n g the c nun ni -n service. This Tiiakes (iin men Vi.'e l im this fend in tint n iglrj 'rluvd i:hin ' li r e Tf mi-l one of t be H own rd elan is no ! 1 j 1 1 i n in I er sen tcnoe uf d - at h lor aturd r MOTHER ANH CHILDREN KILLED. A rMin; Tr,iln Knotks Them Mr. , Hong l'roni h 1 ofl Hrt.lge. Near N 1 b ! i" . ! 1 n . K " . a rj "' ia i engine on the pi nni'-nd. N ;e ho a, v 1 ! b Irvine and Jiea' v : lie Ibv.!r"al ran down and killed M r Mnrv K ie ha rd - it and t wo eh 1 i d r-Mi. hr as walking ;ieross the bridge with her t'.H-o- little girl;, aged rigtit, six and four w-r. Sudd n'y an engine eamc upon them. b dre as far -ide as pemihlc, gHthercl the ihildreii bv h-r h ,1.-, Bil l all crouehed down H . low n s ! heT eou !d . The tender, proje.-tmg further than the en gine, fctrink them and knocked the mother and the larger elnblren oil' thf bridge to the 1 p'ks, siiiv ft-rt bt bw. I he babe was lying lis t upon th? tics and ocaped. 1 CABLE SPARKS. T f " T r Ji-t -1 u r ;i 1 In lis, of t land if ud. T h k w i 1 : 1 men' w 1 11 participate in the S oj . " 1 ,; r j t bieago. I'ktki-i 11 m v in abtindnnce have been d ;sco (. r- 1 1 u 1 . . . st r u Bok ha ra. A MAN fell from a hallo n into the Adriatic sea near Macernta, JifCy, Mini v. its drowned. Ha kin Zeidlitz Neukireh, a popular Un dent at Lcip. g, (terniany, sli"! a woman at her lodgings m that city nti i lb n turned the piMol on hun.self. Itolti arc d. ad. I r is reported thnt the Tonga 1 g-m-r:i 1 hang ed by order of the British governni nt lor complicity in the Manipur massacre in India was too ill o siand on the scalV-dd, and that his exeeut iotn-rs were obliged to mt hint upon a stool b. fore ihr drop fell. A I'l.or ii;r ;t near Bot zen, Austria, flooded the lowlands, converting the mountain streams into a torrent, which swept through the village ..t Kojiman, carrying nwny men and cattle and destroying hall the houses. Many persons v. re drowned. Because the Pope favors rb-aer aympathy on the part of the Catholic Chureh with the republic in France the Count of Paris, who resides in Kngland, ia said to be displeased and as a rtsult has stopped the payment of his regular contribution! to the papal treas ury. RrsMA has more than double the number of cavalry possessed by Austria. Russia ran furnish ami muster 7sj squadrons, while Austria-! ungH ry can muster only 'Ml squadrons. Ivtisaia continues to keep a large force ot cavalry and infantry near the Austrian fron tier, os if preparing fr a sudden invasion. At the International Socalist AVorkmen'a Congress in p.i uveN( a New York delegate was vigorously applauded for hin speech on the condition of labor in the t'nited Slates. A Spatmh nnnrchi.-t, who represented fiftv five associations, was refused admission to the congress. AT a meeting of vintners and vineyard owners at Kpcrnay, France, there was near v a right between th' t w oclasses named, the latter accusing the champagne dealers of inventing the report that the disease of phylloxera had attacked the vines in the great champagne district of the country. JOH5 Conway, n steamship fireman, who murdered a boy in Liverpool, was hinged in that city. The fall tore the h'-nd Morn the prisoner's lody, the muscles of the neck alone holding the head to the neck. A priest read from th- son fluid Conway's confession, in which the murderer stated that Im killed the boy to satisfy a morbid curiosity he had fo observe the process, of dying. ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE. Jfimmk K. Jfromf. wn.i but III when '.ie wrrt- "( n the Saj;o and Off." 1.1 umoxe averages aWmt $1'Vk'i paj for evrrv n.'wfipaper or riaguzine anicle he r;t.'8. I'.M.lXAi.n PF. Ciivfn' in New Vork, .unmiwrniinc; the I 'mt h i tn 1 1 s thattheyare ii t ( hi' noaiiH. J'lHN M I'.K.-I.KY, win hns just (lied, wai etion of St. M nliHel's Church in Charleston, S. ('., lor li' Hrly fifty yi ars. Kl'WAKH I.YTT'.N il l WFK Pll-KKNS. tlie j-"iinirpt Foil 1, 1 the L;ri:it nov. lit, has iV-en tlvt-lto Parliament in New South Wales. Mr. Hi Ai'T"NE i now giving Sir John Millai in intr ..rth. ior traits of hims.-lf an 1 liln Kraii'tcli i .'1, wiiwh the artist is rep.a i nt i u u'. K I N ; .i . i: . r ol ( .roT O devotes h i ni-i ; t aeonMio ; . r i :!K'iu v uh hellfiaud lIh-no.. frotn n lii'-h he ootam, exirnor linitry r -M . T .I"ii. ;.Vhittikkis at.-i.viiu' "I ' nrllaii'l'. .a-'!, n Newhuryport. J Ir i in heti.-r heal til tii-i'i at any ume in the paM m. mouth , and i- ' "nstanlly improving. Tk.nnyson celehrated his eighty secoml h rthday annivers ry hy publishing an appeal hr $2ii,(a to Imi hi a home tor boys in nieuiory of "C liinee Gordon." M i--. Lavish Killmork, one of the late !'.-. ideni J'illmore'a relative, relebra'ed b"r ll,nh hirthday a few days ago. She .reideg hi i huriice, near Hulfah., N. Y. '"lis ('ALI)WF.I.I., of Sfiutli I'.end, Ind., " .'i in "l last week, is aaid to have been the .. i'iitMi..r "f tin idea of distributing mail m !h. p. .nia! inr- to tii.ilitate delivery ah.-ig the l.i'ili. .1 i i I'.i -vki.i. I.owki.i. w ns one of ihe fi r i no n. if not the very tirsl. to mate ihe trio- .tnnate of Lincoln. This is a im-i. - . . r t r . y t h ng. Keen and accurate judgni.-r.t ft a i-oiiti'injirary rei'iires knowledge int onlyot huinun nature and eharacter, Imtthe prophetic vision of the future development of Monument and race-hi.-lory. Mils. ( iKIMKni l has had conferred upou h'-r by the tjuceu the Koval I'..d Cro-F, in recognition ot tier devotion to the wounded at Manipur. The decoration, which has a.w Already be. n bestowed on Miss Nightingnle, consists of a crimson croK. elgei with j;old, U'armg the words "Faith, Hope, Charily, and is attached to a dark blue ribbon edged with red. AVll.LtAM MiiRItls, tiie Knglish poet, arMst, and socialist, affects a singularly snabby and unpicturi scjue attire. He may be seen on (ixlord Bireet, in Imdnii, wearing an oil black slouch hat, ami ancient sack-coat, bnpgy irons, rs, and a blue flannel shirt. The nei K tie is usually missing, and sometimes he wears in collar. But his flowing white hair and beard make him an object ol interest lo every pa ser by. M K. Haii.f.y, . f Teia-s, will be the yonnges; man to sit in the next Congress. He is under wears long sweeping contrails, and looks like a before-the-war htatesnifln. He is an oralor, and it is predicted that he will in.'ke his mark in the halls of Legislation at Wash ington. When he took the stump in Texas Inst year, the farmers usetl lo go from town to tow n in their covered w agons and camp out so they might hear Buili-y speak. gain and again. " JI.S.-K I), (in A NT, the youngest son of ien i (irani, who has recently been living quietly , in ( alili.rnia on a large fruit ranch and larm, . has been giv n control, wit h a large contingent ; int. re-i, in a group of silver mines in Mexico from w hich over f 1,ikki,ihki has been taken in tney. ars. Yo.ing (iranl's withdrawal from ; inin.ng and other seciilatious convinced some j ot his friends that there was go.xl business timber in his composition, and they tittered ! linn this opportunity to re-enter the business ' orld tm a sol id basis. i ROBBED THE EXPRESS. ' Three BoIl Men Make a Big Haul on a lieorjfia Train. The express car in charge of J. T. Byne was held bv three masked men and robbed just . , st of Collins Station, (la. Conductor Heed snys he stopped at Collins to b t oil" a pusserigrr, nnd when the train pulled out lie snw no one get on, but his en- ; gineer -nw three men standing on the side of the road nnd they got on the front of the ex- I press ear. Just as the train left the station Mr. Hvne, (he messenger, snys one of them entered the ear w ilh his pistol drawn, followed j bv the other two. w ho ordered him to unlock ' his safe, which In did at the point of three I miirderons-hxiking pistols. j Th.- men were of medium size, and wore as : nmsks portions of Mnek hats. They also wore j huge black aprons. Immediately after going , through the ear they rang the bell, and when ; the iniin was nearly at a standstill they jump- ; .-.! and ran off through an nM field. Condu.'tor Heed, who was making his way , lo ihe smoking-car, where he supposed a row ! was in progress, saw one of the men running, and sns he expected (he fugitive had cut s. me on- and was making his escape. Messenger Hvne says he does not know the minuet stolen, but he says the men overlooked some verv large paekaiies. It was rumored theainni.'nt "ns .10.X0, though the exprfss ..flieia ! only acknowledge to about $2,500. It , is believed that I In passenger who got off at Collins was a confederate. AN INSANE MOTHER'S ACT. Sslie Drowns Iter Itiibe and Itralns Her liny Willi a llatcliel. Mrs. I'.ainhott s,.r th- wjf.. of one of the m ,r prosp, tons icsj. bows ,.f Helv na, W . a., iliinn-,' a In ot' ten pern rv inanity, h n ' 1 while IV r husband lira 1 tin old. r members of the t-wniv w.-ie nbs.-nl nt lh ;r barn, thresnin.' i lain. lo.-k le r iwo v..ii!.:T ehlhlren, a babe ol I J in.. i. lbs nnd a boy thre- years of Hg" o ihe spring Inns.-. ICtc she il e 1 i I w ra t c I v lrown.il C.e I nl.y in tin spri g. holding it iiti-b r wa;.r. as she says, unii! it was dead, and then mom) led to do t In s.i me w it h the other child. Ilv some mean" the liitle fellow escaped and . ran 'back to tin house, only to meet death in a : more horrible manlier. The mother returned to the house and brained the boy with a hatchet. A T F I; I; l I I. r.i in--o'-m -l : I t.d la napol is, 1 ud . . resulted m ihe 'ha h : two prisons, l-'reil. King, nnd 1 I yer . v. ih wading n I'o:,'iie's ' run. when In -is ea ugnt by the current and j drowned, and ' l i v. r la kid. another boy. w as j fucked into a sewer and wa:- seen no nini. STATE OF TRADE, Gradual Improverrioiit in the Condi tion of General Trade. Crops are In l.ii'il Co o i! i t i on --Ii a i t road Cvi u i 11 cs slum- op o'rv I a o nib I y --liig Wlieat llxports. Spe.-inl telegrams f.i ic.i7-re.--C, indicate a gradunl impro-enient in the condition of g nernl trade, particularly nt th" West, over Ihe moderate gn im show n for the past few weeks. Warm, dry w-" ulier has h' lp d the Indian corn crop, and rice, sugar, and even cotton crops nr.' in good condition. Receipts of wheat nt Northwestern markets as well ns at New tirleans are reported block ad i n ' ra 1 1 m a v ya rds. Tobacco is in nnder.t'e sale, and petroleum is lower. Hog prodm isare firm on light i e eeiptsof hogs, and wheat flour is .Ma7.'.o liigher per barrel, will, fair export inquiry. 'al fornia fruit is very low. but wheat is ae ive there, with Kuropean export freight rates very high. linsiness failures in the Tinted States num ber I si, against 21. 'I last week, and 1'jO this wei k last year. Tin total January 1 to dab; is 772n, against tititit last yar. J u lie net rai I w ay earnings are among the be-i of the year and compare especially favor ably with the preceding month's showing. I In tendency toward an increase is 7nore pro nounced than for some months. 'Jains by groups are many and heavy. HANK CI.EARIXtfS FOR WEEK. Rank clearings al fifiy-eight ci'ies for the w eek amount to sl ,! vo.'i.K.,.' t,njl a decrease from the like week lasr year of I'M per cent. At tifly-seven cities ' New York's total excluded! a decrease ot' l.fi per cent, is shown. I)e ereases weir: nt New York, $!', '::, i'; nt II iston, 1 1, t si i,o i; at I'hiladelphia. $:;,l-" -. and at Chicago, s'i,2 IH.'hki, as conipared w ith the week a year ago. Speculation in railway shares isneii-eand liigher, and continues to respond lo the in fluence of good crops and tiie pi'i sped i ve ex ports. The excited market for wheat and rye caused by the prohibition of the export of the latter cereal from Kunsia, continued for sever al days, and h is been succeeded hy a nervous unsettled feeling and naturally by reactions. Whentshowsa net gain of Ik on the week, alihougi ia."c lower than the highest point touched on the boom. Corn is up 5c and cats are 2c higher. Tin jump of rye prices cheeked trading, and quotations show a nomi nal decline of a 2c si nee A ugust 11. Ilia EXPORTS 0K CEREAL. The firmness of cereal markets rests on the extraordinary exports, and thus far is but liltle influenced by the outlook for increasing receipts nt the West. Our London corres pondent this week increases his Kuropean n.-t import estimate for wlnnt for 1S!1-I'2 from 2si,ki-i,iich-i to :-!2ii,smi,iki(i bushels, print ica I ly eliminating Russia from the estimate. Kxports of wheat from the I'nited Slates exclusively) this week, aggregate over o,7bb li i bushels, againt . 147,KI bushels last week, and 4,U3'i,""0 bushels the week before. I'niied States ports and Montr -al in the week a year ago only exported o.4Sl,s I bushels (if wiieat and flour as wheat), and lexelnsiveof Montreal i only 2,7b3 0(i(i bushels in the week of 1-ssfi, and 2,'fo,i,""i bushels in 1SSS, M li tre 1 and I'nil'il States ports this week ex ported nearly ." i.isi'i ! . u -h . s as against o, 4fi inn bushels in the iike week a year ago. I'..r seven weeks en ling August 2 ',the total wheat I nnd flour j exported from the United Slates was nearly 2",000,il'KI bushels, about liMHxi.iKKi bushels more than a like period in IS; I, more than 12,i"0,ixiiibushes in excrss as compred with ls.so, and fully lU.lKW.oO.) bushels con rasted with 1S8. DISASTERS AND CASUALTIES. Hrs. l.TMi, a tailor, whs drowned at Knox vide. Trim., w hile bathing in tLe Tennessee. Liver. Mft-fiAEL Maiio.t, a farmer, nine miles from Slayton, Minn., wan struck by lightning and killed, as was also one of his horses. Thomas Pice, nged 16 years, fell into a pool ot molton sla.' at the Kmsly Furnaces, at Birmingham, Ala., and was roaiited to death. At Atlnlla. Ala., three children named Armitage, a boy and two girls, were washing in a creek, when they were swept away by the, swift current nnd drowned. LtoiiTNiNt; struck the house, of AVallace Williams, in Screve i county, (ia., and a son of Mr. Williams was killed, another fatally Injured and a third badly hurt. A foer-yea r-old child at Kden, Mani toba, was killed by the accidental explosion of a rifle cartridge in the hands of David Gar diner, who was in the room below. An engine on the Georgia Pacific P.ailroad, at Anniston, Ala., became derailed nnd turned over. Charles Wymer, the engineeer, was caught beneath it and killed instantly. Fire man Ridden had his leg broken, and Conduc tor Loften was also injured. A despatch from Newton, N. J., says that William P. F.llet, of Branchville, Sussex connty, was bitten by a rattlesnake a few days ago, and, to all appearances, died. He re vived however, just ns a "post mortem" ex amination was about to be made of his body. While bathing in the Red P.iver at Grand Forks, North Dakota, the Rev. William T. Currie, Rector of St. Paul's K; iseopal Church, Grand Rapids, Miss Ruth Currie, his daugh ter, aged 1,'i, and Mrs. Dora Yankirk, aged 18, were all drowned. Two persons have died and twenty-four are ill, several critically, nt Milwaukee, Wis., from drinking water from a well beyond the reach of the municipal water supply. It is supposed the water from a neighboring marsh has contaminated that in the well. A despatch from Vicksburg, Miss., says that a local freight train on the valley route was wrecked at Cleveland Station by running over a bull. The engine and fifteen cars were derailed and three white men killed two t-amps, w ho w ere stealing a ride, and a brake man. By the destruction of the Union Pacific Railway station at Carbon, Wyoming, and in which the agent lost his life, the company loses $o,000 on the building, several thousand on freight and express goods, besides a large amount of cash in the safe. The steamer City of Washington, which arrived at New York from Mexican porls, re ports that in August, when she left Yera Cruz, the hospitals were filled with yeliow fever patients, and it was a common sight to see a string of funerals half a mile long, stretching from the gates ot the city to the cemetery CHOLERA ON SHIPBOARD. Terrible Ravages of the lisoase Among Chinese Coolies. Advices from Singapore, China, stale that the steamer Namchow sailed from thnt port with SOo Chinese coolies for tlie Penang market. The officers were Chinese with the exception of half-a-dozen Kuropenns While at sea cholera I roke out among the Chinese. The sick crowded in the cabins, where :x Pn sbylerian nnnisier and one Jndy passenger hnd taken reluge. After ihe icrrible hurri cane (lie cholera continued to spread, and deaths became more numerous. At first the victim was cast into the sea with a bar of pig iron in I he s ick . Soon, how ever, ihe dead w ere mostly throw n overbourd without ei renmny. The death-ioil grew alarming, and no I !-s ihan 0 bodies were thrown into the sea. The supercargo had supreme control, and insisted upon heaving overboard all effects of tho dend. Under threats tlie captain, upon arrival at Singapore, reported only six deaths to the barb, r master- -1 l.rre from influenza and t hree Iron! "want of opium and general tlebi litv. " Many pnsseng is landed, and, no quarantine being ill clarrd. proceeded to Penang with the rest ol iln int'ecied cargo and crew. I u lour days nine cases of cholera developed in Mngapoi e. all iraeed to the sc nmer Num criow. i i.i the steamer's oyagc hack from 1'enang. a ter Inn ing 2H0 eo lies there, the first l.nropenn victim, I lie third engineer, an f. g. isii mi: ii, stieeiiinbed to the terrible jsense. V hen the Nsmehow arrived nt Singapore, tin health oflieer was on the look rut i u d sent tin essrl into quarantine. Inn the vess,. js released the captain and mperc.n go wi ' I be arrested and placed on trial in si ngnpore. GEORc.e: Washington's ii ares: 1 in ' f. i n i is Mrs. Fannie Washington Fineh. .u W n-li-ington, D. C, a great-grniidnieee ni tin- 1-ether of His Country. She is a tall. j siic woman, nnd in features resembles the po t tuts ot her distinguished relatCe. She is he 1 youngest and only survivor of twelve clni- , drcu. i SOUTHERN ITEMS. SOMK INTr.HllNTING NKWS COM PI l-ED I'ltiltl MAM' Sill H( IIS. - Lynchburg, Va.. is Hooded wilh counterfeit silver dollars and half dollars. A girl of thirteen m d a bov of fifteen were married in Wayne county, W. Ya. -Mrs. Margaret I'ugh, of P.... -k bridge county, Yn.. died, aged one hundred and two years. - Henry Bagger., the oldest man in Mil Hon county, W Yu., died, aged ninety-eight vi.irs. - Marie dansburv, of Fnirmount, W. i a., wns kille d in a mine while al work by a lab of coal. - Camps of Confederate veterans hn ve been erganied at Berrvvill", Ya., and Marti s hurg, W. Ya. --G. W. Pendleton has purchased the Augusta White Sulphur Springs, in Augusta county, Ya., for .! 1,ikki. A movement is on foot to erect a monument lo Stonewall Jackson, to mark his luithphne, nt Clarksburg, W. Ya. At Abington, Yn., Dr. J. A. Baker, convicted of the murder of his wile, wns sentenced to be hung November 27. Knima Tyler, a white woman at Buenn. Yistn, Ya., made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide by taking morphine. At Point Pleasant, W. Ya., Mrs. Mathcry, a widow, and M. P. Taylor, a shoemaker, were run over by a freight train and killed. The insurance on property destroy-d by the fi e at Jacksonville, Fla., amounts to .o'i,nm. The burned di-trict w ill be rebuilt speedily. A large meeting in favor of the removal of the county seat of Botetourte county, V., from Fineastle to Buchanan was held in the latter place. There is no doctors on Holland Island, Md., nnd it cost.s (! to get a doctor to that place from Deal's Island, the nearest point from which one can be obtained. -The Virginia Farmers' Alliance adopted Ihe Oca la platform, including the sub-trensury scheme and ndjourned to meet at the call of the executive committee. Fphrnim Millins, a merchant of Krvinton, Dickinson county, Ya., had $ 1,200 in cash and F2O0 in merchandise stolen from his slore. There is no clue to the robbers. The Virginia Fanners' Alliance passed a resolution in favor of the payment of State taxes in money, nnd expressing an apprecia tion of the importance of the settlement of the debt. Three children of John Armitage, of F.to wnh county, Ala., were drowned, Willie, aged nine, while bathing ventured beyond his depth. The sisters, aged ten ami fifteen, hearing his cries went to his rescue. That part of P.achman's Valley lying south of Pipe Creek, in Carroll county, Md., has been suffering from the ravages ol grass hoppers, the oats and cloveisced fields having been rendered worlhless, and the insects are now attacking cornfields nnd gardens. The Southern Lumber Company, a corpora tion storked atid.U,000, and worth'about J'Hi,. "0 ', with two large mills in South Georgia, nnd owning about 2,. "uO acres of timber land in that section of the State, is now in t he hands of a receiver, with liabilities estimated at .-sliV"1- Second Lieutenant F. De W. Ramsay, of the Nint l Infantry, is detailed as professor of militiry srienee and tactics at the West Virginia Cniversily, and First Lieutenant Kdw. S. Avis is transferred from the Twenty fifth Infantry to the Kighteenth Infantry Company F. The Ohio and Virginia Railway Company was incorporated at Charleston, W. Va. It is proposed to run the road from Point Pleasant to Hamlin, .through Lincoln, Boone and Ixigun counties, thence to the state line, nud by w ay of New Castle to Lynchburg, Va. The principle office is to be k'-pt at Churlestow u. The capital stock is to be ",j00,0oo. Thomn9 Ryan, John Iinrrett and Charles Howard, of Jerlers .n county, W. Ya., were brought before United Slates Commissioner A. C. Nabenbousch, nt Martinsbui-g, charged wiih being implicated in the robbery of the Charlestown postoltice last March, and given a hearing. They were all dismissed for Vick of evidence. Near Rural Retreat, Capt. F.dward Gallo way, a Norfolk and Western conductor, was shot and seriously wounded by a tramp, the bail taking e fleet in his side. On the same road, near Abingdon, ( apt. Ivlward Stanley, a former conductor, was cut nnd seriously wounded by Graham White, a well-known young man of Abingdon. A desperate riot took pi ee near Shinndon, W. Ya. A party of disorderly young men were visiting at the house of a woman mini' d Nui les. Anoi her party afterward approached, and a fight began between them. Kight men engaged, and shots and stones were freely used. Benjamin Stouf, a promising farmer, was almost instantly killed. Manly Champ was fatally wounded and two others seriously hurt. Robert Warner, of Hagerstown, Md., ex hibited a great curiosity in the shape of a king crab. It is of a chestnut brown color, with a hooded shell covering its whole body, the front being very solid capable of withstand ing a hard blow. The shell measures 1 4 inches ncross, and 12 inches from front lo rear, with a tail 10 inches in leng' h, consist ing of a solid bone. There is a joint in the shell, about the c ntrc of the body, to allow it to double up. The inferior of the shell is a hniry mass, with ten legs arnied with for midable claws or p ncers, and close to the body is a n twork of strongspines, which hold ihe animal's prey while being devoured. Kighteen months ago news came to Norfolk, Yn., that Walter F. Hughes, of Huntersville, had jumped from one of the Old Dominion etenmers in the Hampton Roads, and thnt his body had come ashore nt Newport News and was there buried on the shore. After wait ing a long time his widow, Mary S. Hughes, married a gentleman named Jackson. Two w eeks ngo the supposed drowned man return ed to his home. His wife would have nothing to do with him, and has entered a suit in the Circuit Court of Norfolk county for a divorce on the ground of abandonment. -A shocking murder occurred nt Buchanan, Va., the other night. C. Mosea, of the firm of C. Roasaz'-a it Co., contractors for the Hone work on the new bridges nt Buchanan, left the works in company with Victorio Oin peste, to get shaved. After getting shaved the Inner purchased some dry goods, and about nine o'clock the two men started lo return. When near the hotel they were confronted by two negroes withdrawn pistols, whodetnaiulrd llnir money. Omnes-to miniedintIv gave up w hat money he had, -?22. oO, together with the bundle of goods, but Mosea fought bis assail ants until he wns shot twice, once in the ab domen nnd once in the left side just below the rib. His assailants then rifled his pockets of fortv-odd dollars nnd his watch nnd chain and made their csenpe. Mosea lived only a few hours. KILLED BY A BEE STING. A Little Homy lire Causes Hie Iealh of a Strong Man. William carried tin and North II. Danlcy, a young man who iiinil between the Willinin.-pnrt Brnnch Railroad Station (width- village of 1 i vol i Pn., met with n s ngular nnd sudden death. Danlcy was at his work ns usual, when an ordinary honey bee buzzed around his head. When he attempted to ward it oil' the bee j lighted on one of bis fingers and stung him. Danlry complain-d of excruciating pain, and bis hand nt once coinm need swelling rnpidly nnd in a few minutes his whole system wns all'ecied. Ten minutesnlter being siung he fell into a comatose condition and befor- aid could be summoned he was dead, only 1.. minutes having elapsed Ironi the li un ite was stung. The physicians who were called were mystified, but expressed the belief that the bee's stinger had entered a nerve or blood vessel nnd that the poison wns quickly carried to the vilal organs, causing almost instant paralysis. Danlcy was a strong man of vigorous constitution. CHILI'S REVOLUTION. The C ong' -os io na lists Waiting llulmaceda Vacates. The congressionalists are indisposed to con tinue amive hostilities until after the issue of September 18, when the Presidential chair will be vacated by Balmaccda. Then a defin ite decision will be reached us to the future course to be adopted. Meanwhile a desultory sort of warfare has been conducted just to keep up appearances. Against the expected arrival of the Fr razuriz an J Pinto from Furope the Cengress ionalist junta have removed their headquar ter') from Iqiiique to Copiapo, so as to be out of reach of tiie big guns, more th u a dozen miles up a very defensible river. 't here is some movement ot troops going on, but mostly of a mobilizing nature. Only one battle of imv soriousnrss has been fought lately, that of Vallenar. The Pa! macedists claim that hey won the fight, wilh only a loss of t men, against the Cougressiou alisU' lots of over 100. NEW BERNE COLLEGIATE lNSTITl TK. An Etaaiioiial MMm for EASTERN HOUTH CAEOLISA. MALE AND FEMALE. LM Alii 1SPI EI) l.SSU. Eibt Distinct Departments. (nl. 'i', In!' i .''o i, . I . .(..'', (01-Ifjfih-, A,l. M" f, lmh'.-li ml lUI't lill.UIH -S. TEN EXl'KKII'.NCKH AND COM I'l l I KM 1 i ; achki;.-. I'.,-.. ,u, ,' ,..' i. in, .!'.. .- '-. mill--I I', ,if h r, ., under toe direeiion of a male pm- fessel, with cflil'lent llsillllltB. Sp rial ( otirsi' of In.lrurtiou fur those desiring to heroine Tcaclirrs. FxprltsrH e. lil'i'b I air. lloird from to t In. I 11 per Ml. "Ill h laeilitles good. Special inducements lo inihgi-nl students. Fail Term Opons Sept. 7 1891. For further information or lor catalogue, applv to G. T. ADAMS, A. B., f Trin 1 1 College), PRI NCI PA L, julylldwif Nl.w Bkkne, N. c. GEO. HENDERSON. (v,v-)w;r I') Il ih rtx ct I Ic ml, rrnu.) wim Apt, Represent i ng I nu ra nee Coin pa ny of North Americn, of Philadelphia. Home Insurance t 'ornpnnv, of New Yoi k. Oneen J nsu ranee ( i.uq.a n y, of l .ngla ml. Hnrtf. rd l ire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Nor; h arolina Home Insurance Company, of Raleigh. Greenwilch Insurance Cotnpnnv, ol New York. I'hienix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. United I'ndcrw-rilcrs Iuur. nice Company, of Atlanta. Boston Murine Insurance Company, of Boston. ju.y2dwtf 'as THE BEST LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST HEMCINE KSOWJI CONSIDERING QUALITY AND SIZE OF DOSE. IT WILL ALSO CXT'R'E BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, AJID CHSONIO CONBTUATIO. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. C. 1 "WANT A WAGON?" We have wagons, butrpies, surreys. Hich grada; as light. Strong, durable, stylish, as beautifully finished ai modernized manufacture can produce. Built on honor by men of life experience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our specialty. We want to know you. Write us. Costs you nothing. May lead to business by and by. Send for our catalogue. It is frae to every reader of this paper. Bing bamton Wagon Co., Binghamton, N. Y. "BUILT FOR BUSINESS." $65 OUR SILVER QUEEN $65 Is It possible a first-class Buggy with Silver-plated Dash Rail, Boat Rail, Handles, Hub Bands, and Shaft Tips, for above prloe? or D O D Z s s o (X u. H ol O! O z UJ, D Write for our New 80 page Catalogue of all kinds of Vehlolas. Address SOUTHERN BUGGY CO. CINCINNATI, - OHIO, U.S.A. VAUGHN PATENQPBINGVEHICLES. FIR8T-CLA88 !" EVERY nEHIF.CT. LIGHTEST, STRONGEST AND EASIEST RIDING VEHICLE ON EARTH. BUGGIES, ROAD WAGONS, PHAETONS, AND SURREYS On tbis Wonderful SPEING. vf V 7' , A V -BABCOCK & VIELE CARRIAGE COMPANY Sole Proprietors and Write for Catalngnr . Sf'-nfitm thi rprr. WE ARE IN THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS OUR MOTTO. BEST MATERIAL AND WINS. SMALL AND LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. BEID GE WATER CARRIAGE CO. JOE K. WILLIS,' PROPRIETOR OF tableworks M Carolina Eastern NEW BERNE, N. C. ,v Italian and Amcrintn Miirble and all . Quulitir qj hhUrrvxl. ""(.rra Colt Vn for Plant and Flow! lurnished a' the very low rst rf. , "V. Orders Rolicitetl nml given prompt ftU , trillion, with Hat infncl ion guaranteed, , ' Furniture! Furniture! FURNITURE! ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS . ' In K -uln-n Xtrrlh Carolina. : COMPLETE in Erery Department. have ttm Ajrcncy for lh Cel ebrated WliKKi li:,V WiMwtKNOvt 8TABDABD Sku'Imi Mai minks. Thry a r the ) twrt im. proven i.igiu i, nulling nun nro ..w.w 1 by any machine ever placed in tni market - ' JOHN SUTER. Boot and Shoe Maker.V I AH Styles of Boots and SH mftdaf ' to order and on Short notloa. ' ' " REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. v - I N. ARPEN, I CEAYEI ST., Appoilt hintl Office ' - j . I L. S. WOOD, . ; I i;,i i,,hi IS eir. inlli Cm. Allril J. fj. fiK.il.l i: IX-- ' j General Hardware zed Cutlery. ! Harness, Saddles, '" "-1 '" I Bri-ilea and Whips,"-, I FARMING IMPLEMENTS. V Pj'Ioct Strict, next to Hitioml Bank, "j NEW B'iNE, N. C. ' o o H m a 2 i 2J I I o 1 s I I ?s P X W HI 2 o 2 z Manufacturers, EV A A',S VI f.1,1'-, IX1HAXA. ONE OF OUR CATA LOGUES FULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE. .r. X .-: