s. N. C. se?. n. t?i. turn. vt. U TO. . "W.d. Siaa Oat FJ. 4.o- r.tixu. 5Ta a30c. Ta'ksye, tt w thick, 4J&. ft ; ya 5 tiro fl tM . 44: ! lke. E. 340.; Mmmot? 50.80c. -. TIUSXS TOSCBSCEIBERS. ll fire th pastMMi 01 toe JorSAL much pteMurw to o k no !); the irnnpt answers from tUe d!iB4)at liat vbicb was notified la thia spac tor a few week pt IJ or tbe accoants had accQmolated unaware to most of ta svabacribero, and to a nnmbr of iaUao taej bare aetUed in fall and loaie in adranco and a few aT0 paid Op to 1303. Ta majority of thosa who hare not Mtt2d bare written letters that bar) an honest and boaine&a tka tone to them, jini that it ru ootcoorenleat (or them to paj op Jaat now bat that they woald wtUa ai the Tery first opportunity The last named hars oar respect J sit m much as those who paid np and two J earn in advance. AjaJn wa tender oar thanks to these I roaspt reepooaea. CTTZ AND VICINITY. Mr. W. B. 8i4tU. formerly oi ; Tljd ooMty. as un pokJo with Us pcpuUr firm of Kf. Barrisxtoa Baztsr. X wU-ufl stsasa vsefct Uh s epeed f sUte kaola aor has ba par east ,y Uk Oytte CbssmbsIoars to -tr( sswtoa la fort Caroline sss Ta sii4s t th tTJd school as licimiJ to saosi sa iimoi u lo aiBnsUK nasihsr nchsr sad je tordsr sAsraooa Kb Jsaais Bttl ws elsofj to lh posittosv. Us. BeL Etoev aroWtlr U Uses eitiaea si Ckrant wutr. Ut i tie loot U Cswaa CUy Thrdy. Ut. Eeioa wsa sa la4aulos gsatlsmajs aaJ a scrtetly oaaaiitoal eagenber of th Jla cseasac says: Ut. O. W. &, s Urx rmr si Wsyas eoaaty recently soU 333 aalsa gUoa for "i oral pr oa4. ' Last Jferssnbsr a was oiTri t era s tor tfc sssm e4oo. Ey aolilsg is a swstslst a loaa of xtr 8t thoMwa4 4oCrs. W lsa ths Ut. E J. Lair, teUt yoa smaa el Cyrss. Oasto outy, au4 rsoMTfaHC to Sassur awatTk riocti ahot tas first of Bxt saoaua aavhijt ascwr4 sih or tan tSrtwnd aera of ateabls laJ th. m of tt mid to as good as tar U the oswaory. Ta fiirt bis of mw sotto has iel tJ hsr. XI was breaths ta by . Ut. Jho SeoU of Joat oowaly sot J to Xr. J. IV Ltihsja ot Sots. Basa4. TtTa4 wsa saklUbn oa4 shipped ts asv S"sw HagUai sptaaory hy Hi. Laihass. To) additional halss, aJ4 sa4 aw. a'a kvm ia sad sold from so Ti omu. To Dtatmaoa 8a vary aooreriaioiy soys: h) iholooaJ papo tniadr- tisos yosa tostnsss, yoor schools, year ssrchss, yosir aasasrovs aooistiso, sy psthfiso with yoa la aXaUoa aad t joioas ia yoa acospsrity- Ia short, is Is yoos toeol popar thai sssaUoas th thoosaad sad oaa turns ia watch yoa at iassrostod darfac th ysar, aad whiohyoa aos lad lath ociiUi Th smhov of spUdlss la th eUoa ssis of th Sooth lacroasod fraos M7 iU to 3,U0.3 ia U ilma ysaxs f rasa 15S0 is 1391. A fair proportion of ths wsra pat ia Korth Caxoilaa. hot Osvon eoaary, oaa of U ftaast eooa tis la th 8 tat aad oa f th host loeatad aad host adopSad to th eottoa BBaaafsetariac hasiasas ha act got a oouoa S&U ia tt. WCJ ou ools US it ontiona thoaf . A awaisat Is hoiag iasagotatsd to th Staas ootorsd ladasUiaJ sohool loootod ia K Barm. Thsro will h a,, aiming a8. Pfs eharch tonight ia las iatnrsnt to whiea aOJatarsotod ar hsvitad. It Is expeetod that ai th . saoaiias; tonight a snikrftiag oomniHts wCX b - spootarod. aad that af tar thy hsr mad a eaaYaso thsy will sail a smss i assist aaatwsoh for th further soaaUsrsiioa of th atattar. T- N. C. Ei p? rim at SUUon at the - &athsra Cxpositioa. Doriag th arprotchlog Exposition to , h hU lo Ittteiath 'Juriarf the cni-n 0-tohrTt Sorrnljt lha Exporiment Station will b- woil rrproD'.eJ. It will b th t't i!lutritiT4 czhibi; -it ' H th IWUion of lS.' Station eer I prrparcd, cJ i!: circ Tijiiort the best ! pib!o iia ol ta: the Station Is for. j what il U daicg an i w bat it Lii dene for tha farmer oi North Carolina A foil oioxlcal laboratory will be in, operation, show inn Tarloos ana!jt i ar- : toally teifijt cirric 1 on. A bo;anire'. laboratory will be shown a!o The agricoltaral diriiion, tbowicg StlJ teat and isproTed mo'.hods cf faruisx. the bctacical diriaion. the horiicu't jral, the entcmological, tho mtoxoloical all will b fully repie entad la attraotiTe atylee. Xsrfolk, TTilmlayton "Cliarlcston Railroad. Mr. F L Pitmn , l 'hi--( Kciin ?njt (it the Crolinr C.nstruoti in I'ompiny arrived n tbo city yostril-y anj regis tred at iioLel Albert Thi conin.DV which n to S i-.M lb. jSorfjils. Wilaiint.in iil:.1 Clmtlnl. 'railroal start: a mrvcyir,; l'ri) of Iwcitt- Din in .-hi.'n uf it r . L'. H. Vaiice from i'urc yetterday. workia nurthward to meet the Hiiiiilnr art hich .arteii from Ncr.'oik abcu: im ruoi'itlin working south ward which i ia charge of Mr. 8. H. McR, and which has surveyed a preli. mloary lice to about 40 miles this side of Norfolk, lheyaru now camped at Gtieeville. Oate) county. The company also propoeoe to pat additionalpartien in j the fia'd at an early dit-e. Engineers bare also been steadily at HIKING THEIR f'.WS PB0VISI0NS. AHSTKICT OK T.1XABLES Vniuiint Mid 1 I: Hi ll. Th exhibit will tx inatructire and iatareaiing and will doubtloae prove a popular plac far viaitore who desire to bcom more familiar with the work of the Station. work at Chowan and Roanoke rtvere to determine tbe most available points at which to cross the rivers. It is to be borne ia mind that the routes now be iog surveyed are not located lioee, but - j only preliminary ones, to develop the Waaird Off. country snd thus determine after all A postal has been received by Post- question pertaining there to have master Win. E Harks urgently seeking been considered which will bo the tuo.t Information m to whether anything ia j deeirable location for the railroad. known hsr of the writer s father, What understanding we have of the Jsrsmiah Uarr, agd about 85. weijtht iatnt of lh railrnaJ rmmnnnv leada V Plan that Every Farmer liul.l .01 Tre Kinlrn Free Preni tt-lls i n vor gratifying oODdiiion uf uiTa:rn tht in ! boing wor ked ou ; by lh firni' is of that L.-iizhl'Oi hi.O'J . Tint cf i.n.-intj the.r owt f.i.id Mij p.icH u::.i i-vun more ; th...n they i.ed Tiiis Course adhc-re-i to and monty cr-jpd rm-:J .n t!u tur p.us will mai o this section one of tt:e n;ot independent and prceperoun in the world. uio 1 fifs93jt "Mess. X. W. Mewbornc .V 1 o. lu t shipped r,CC'0 busheU ..f c irn frj.ivinj ton this year. O.her tirmi lhave Hhipped enough to swell the amount to 10. WO 1 bushels. This is a big thio wh 11 it ib 2.".0)0 bushela were shipped to tbi , t,.u,m';er Number Value Numtjij.- Property in ( raven Coc.ni (d Vulnat ion f 'din pr. ri. th I..'-1 'pm - V.i !,i '. 1 ... A ; u -. .u. 1 iii ...V.Kl v loft Dtroit la Jons 1!90. lloc whn rnm rlnu tn Vw rUm Thin hln his family have heard nothing frona him. "Th writer says "For love of Ood and humanity make this inquiry pohiio. Information will b thankfully received by his daughter, Catharine Marr. '.4. Piqaeta Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Taraof th saoa.Irria Allen, whit, aad Da UoUow9ll eoL, who mads thssnas M Vsafssssiw acaiastOsa. W. Q. Lewis, ST saw asm aUsmpting to earswr th groands thai had bsa sa- pUotd, nadsr a 1300 bond to hasp th psae. .Thoro was a faHsr to identify i others who thiaatsasJ aad it was not f jad eat who did th shooting at th boat. It is fcopod that thsro will b a fsrthsr distaibac. Th Ooliahoro Dietxict Con res lion of thoTsaag kfsa'S Christina Aasociation mm sawot ah Bolasa oa Sept. 13th, th aad JTi, Am tatarssttng proarramms has ansa arraagsd. Among th sd dxasssa arraagsd for on th ooeaeion Is a est ocal aad laSaUootaal Work CnarsswsUosH ata, by Prof. O. T. Aiaan, - Priacipnl of th JTw Bm CbOrfjil lastltata, At a spsoisl sssoting sf th City C'onaca Tharsdsy aight th frsachis for aa aUctri strsot railway was grant d to Msms. kfnffsU, Bodgfclas, aad CZarb. sf Rw Tot for 80 ysar. Th ears ar to bo maniac from ths foot of afjddl strast ta th 'air ground by ths psaiag day Of th asat rair and they ar intend sd to ran through ths prin cipal to th extreme of ta dry ad sis to th National ccntery. Wotwftbstsadrns; that qh a aamer of dwelling har bsa erected in all part f th city this year ta demand . far additional on still eon U as and th land aocapaay oompoaodof If sr. Waw Dnnn, Oo. N. I and C. Refxi ssia ars stanlag to do eonsidsrsbls to sappty taa sates! ia th snbnrb. They wta atSm 40 ar M of th 197 lota lhr wa by bnJZdJn good tnnint boaaas aa thsan far Mating oat, Ths bowas arQI b plaosd ia rarioas poiau thatxisad. It Imdi NoraeUiliiir. Ths Unportanos and notoriety to which New Bern li being elevated is spreading farther aad wider srsry day. Thsro hss booa scarcely a day within the last few moatha that we hare not recivd le'.tr or card requestiog eamplacopie of th JovsxaL. Il means something. Il mean that th silort of ths boiinsssaisa of New Bern recorded aad seat abroad throagh ths column 0 th Joumal and rarioas other ways srs not go ing anhosdsd aad ths rssnll, though act being proclaimed by any great hul labaloo. Is fast drloping into propor tions that srs eoon to Sawn upon this soot ion as a nsw era. The time ha com when our advantages that have o long been lying dormant are to be util ised. The bail has been started aad now 1st its onward motkn bo increased and new foro added by every man eeying here's a helping hand '. the caae we believe that for the railroad not to run its main line to the city would be a mistake. New Berne ex ports vast quantities of lumber, truck, fish, etc., and lame amounts of goods from tho North come back lu exchange for our product, making freight good both ways, and if the railroad comes here it will get iu fair share of them, and in regard to a thriving place like New Berns that is putting on new life aad starting forward faster than ever before there ie every reason to cater for ita patronage, but at the time time it behoove our people to keep on the alert and leave no stone unturned in seeing to il that the road doe decide to come here if any c fTjrt of their will induce it to ft o so. town from the west. Iare quantities of corn bare been shipped from Fal ling Creek and LOrappe, and still tho 1 people have a Kooddenl uu hand and a big crop to house. There has been do bog cholera in this oounty thi year and most of our far mers have probablyenough meat to last them another year We hoard a gentleman remark upon the change for the better in thia section, and said in going along the roads now there can be eeen a good many stacks of hay something unusual (or this sec lion, in which crab grass grows wild and if properly cured makes the very beet hay. Tbia section is indeed "the garden spot of creation" and all itneed ed'for our people to be proeperous is for them to properly use the natural advan tages which the soil and climate afford." ir.tr ci Dei lis hua complt ti uthiion of the t.ix liHt fcr IS .'ll : ? " i n r . ? u ! i : . i'. ill- between ',' 1 end 50 1 - 1 iV.P iii 'lln between 2 1 und y t-.i( ... tifcje Total ti'y p--.il Detwei n l and J oa r h 01 ae JO of Unn lot.- at true value in money i Number of horees Va.uo i'f ' Number of mules Value " of po-.u- of Chttle 1 f hogs .if sheep With UsJ nl had h lot ( rrcivsUiMnebnlJt r 01 our noro wlili h rnlr(ns nilo. p 1 "rally, nnJ fill we Bale, to vou ii.ii t w- , MI, gen you root) , the city, I to Trial. ii run alToTil - Ixm'ifall i cilng tor Value N u m 1 -Value You COP NTY (OM MISSION KHS SESSION. I toother Industry. Nearly s-very day bring forth sota nsw and Important prcgrranive move ment for Nsw Bern. Cspt J. hf Whit w ho ha recent! y sold his milling property at Klaeton has decided to es tablish a barrel and box factory in !fsw Berns. Capt. White is a go ahead buainesa man an 1 wa ar glad to bav hi plant located her. Bis will be the Orst barrl factory in th eily and lbs need for one is shown by the fact that about U.OOQ freight is paid by our trscksrs on barrels assd during ths last mssoo besidss ths purchase money. There wre not lees tbaa 520. OCO worth of barrel used here daring ths season aad all ths monsy might hars bn kept at home and re mained la circulation hers had a good barml factory been running REMARKABLE Fllil RES. Splendid Showing- fr the Truck Farm of Messrs. Hackburn X Wlllett. The Ro:ky Moant Argonaut has issued a splendid 3 column, 13 page industrial issue. It tells not only of Rocky Mount, but particularly of all ths eastern part of ths State, and in a general way of the entire State. It ha some good articles on the fishing and oytriog Industrie and also treats of New &rn trucking interests- The following are the productions and sales from a single farm, that of Meesr. Hack burn & WilJeti, aa shown by the books of the proprietor and furnished in a letter to the Argonaut for publication Bbl. Potatoes " Cabbage Spinach Oar Climsbr, Much has bsoasald aad written about th salubrity of oar climsls and many rridsaens Cited as to Its healthfalasas, bntaon perhaps ax nor striking than tha following from a latter ia ths Daily Stats Chronicle from a correspon dent front Wilke county in which U give a spsndld proof of its furorVr properties ia cases of pulmonary ailments. Jat about a half a mils from the oonrt bouse, 00 th back of ths Yadkin rtrsr. is situated th lumber mill of u. VrnadeSons. Tbisisons of the best plants of its kind, for Its siae, I have yas eeen. It was erected twelve month ago- Mr. Vyne was formerly a " resident of Michigan. lie earns to North Carolina la for his health aad want first to Nsw sterns, snd hs told ms that when he first arrived In New Berns hs had to be lifted oat of a hack into th hotal aad that it wa pre dicted that If hs stst earns oat of that nous again it wonld b aa a corps, f si naoss. WsII that has been nine ysar ago aad Mr. Vyne today is ths aanJiates loosing corps 1 srr saw. Mr. Vyn did not Uars Nsw Boone until 00 m pi 11 y rrstored to hsalthy which happy rssult Is attr ibotabls to hisrssidsnos la Nsw Berns and Its vi cinity. Bis many friends hsrs will be pleased so knowof Mr. Vyas' sntrancs upon all aotira business life and wish so sxosl Isot a gsntlsmaa suocs in his every undertaking. Asnaac th arils that iafssS to world that Whiea soon aa hsrs of sndsn or iag to avoid paying a dbi Is not th least. Th ad f mform la this lios ts ai oaa s Ions aad sons ni ones srs srs ted to bsilsrr that ths q nest ion 1 too seldom sad lightly toasasd apoa by ministers of th gesrpsd. It Is an every day prnetio wUh aasahsrs of psopl. and b rt aid to thsir aaaaas whars It Is wOfuXaad' ta props eott sad Incli naUoa is not shown to atske settlsmsnt Fsr the Exposition. Bar. Edward Bull, who has been get ting spscimsns of ths varieties of wood aad all lha useful and ornamental ass of Craven county obtainabls at this season of ths year for ths Inter State Exposition, turned his collection over to Mr. Wm. Dunn, ths chairman of ths committe In charge of ths Craven oounty exhibit yesterday aad it is all In readiness to be forwarded to Ralsigh. Ths collection of wood is a very superior one. Samples of most of ths mors valuable timber varied a ar of large iis about Ave f est In length and from six to nine Inches In diameter. Mr. Dunns carpenter took them In hand and fixed them up nicely, so thsy show up handsomely, and displsy ths grain and fibre to good advantage. The teas Important and ornamental varieties are moth smaller. Ail bear a nicely printed Label : " North Carolina Woods Craven Cucaty" with the name of th variety plainly written in. There are about a hundred and twenty sample not quite so many varieties. Tbe collection of grasses is not as full as that of the wood. To make a complete collection the work must be begun early aad continued through the season. Many kind have ripened and passed away. A few beautiful varieties of the finest ornamental grs ess hava not ye matured. But ths snore Important one and the most valuabls for market and forage bars been secured and ths collection is an axellal on. A man is in Ralsigh looking after and arranging th Craven county sx bib lis aad Mr. Dunn himself intends to go np nsxt week and hs is anxious to secure without runner aeiey all the exhibits thai are now lu r radicate. Send them right in te him at New Berns and be will attend to the rest, but do not stop guherios: for th Exposition. Get all j oi can and send it In as fast as convenient. Craven county appropri ated 1 3 CO to be expended on the ex hibit and there ourht to be enough sent la to cans ths expenditure of every oent In arranging and displaying Craven's sxhibit. It is an opportunity 9,000 10.000 3.000 3.000 !,000 t.OOO Bunches Boxes Bunches Radish crop Host 4,000 Ubls Citron Tomato crop Milk sales for past I Beans Peas Asparagus melons ' months $36,000 13,500 2.500 -.2.000 1.000 1.C00 .wo too 4 000 1.000 1 000 30 acree Swott Potato.-, no: in. about 8 acres Tobacco SC. 500 3,000 1,500 Total net rccipU S70.0O0 Tbs foregoing statement of (70,000 is ths net receipts as estimated. The acreage is as follows: 115 acres in rotatoee. 51 Cabbage, 20 " Spinach, 15 Beans, 10 Peas, 11 Asparagus, 3 " Radish, 3 Beets, SO Citron, 5 Tomatoes, 300 " " Liay, Field Peas and Corn not yet harvested , which will be used for feeding stock. We here 170 head cattle 66 head Horse snd Mules. 130 head Hogs. Saw Mill and Fertilizer Factory on the farm, make our own Fertilizer, use about 350 tons. Yours truly. Hack burn & Willett. Factories. Ws give three North Carolina items from the Tradesman : Ths Graham Cotton Mills hava been incorporated at Qraham, N. I '.. with a oapital stock of f 50,000, to erect a cot ton mill. R. M. Oatee. Charlotte. N. C. has added 23 knitting maohinee to the Myrton Hosiery Mills, making a total of 63 machines. Mr. Oatee thinks the hosisry business is about to enter a new and better era. Ths Conover Manufacturing Com pany, or (Jooorer, has soia its machin ery to a newly incorporated company, with 120.000 capital, known as the Conover Lumber and Wheel Manufac turing Company. Buildings are being erected for its use, snd it is intended to make doors, sashes and building finish stock in general, and also to engage in tbs construction of a patent buggy whel. Why is It that Nsw Berne has not got manu factories in these Iinee ? There is capital enough here for the purpose; there i abundance of material ; labor osn ba easily procured and tbe city's shipping facilities are good. Such enterprises pay the owners, the opera tires, and the inhabitants general ly of the places in which they are located. That they pay the owners is shown by the frequency with which plants srs enlarged (as in the oase of ths knitting mill above) and by the establishment of new ones in places where a start has been made. Thst thsy are as far as the operatiree is con cerned needs no demonstration. It is apparent on tha f ace of the statement to every one. That at least indirectly par all ths citizens in their neighborhood is not S3 ofter thought of but is neverthe less as true. Tbey furnish the farmer and land owner a home market for bis cotton, wool and valuable lumber and they increase the home demand for bis fruit snd food products by better en abling their employee to purchs.se what they wish. The merchant is af fected in tbe same way and through the prosperity of tbo merchant and farmer the benefit extend to their employees The ow ners of city property are like wise benefitted. It is enhanced in value by the increase of population which follows in ths wake of such industries, by the increased demand for houses to rent, by the increased ability of tbe tenants to make prompt payments, and greater nam be 1 who are able to invest In such property. As we said tbe bene fits extend to all classes. Establish a number of factories equipped with the very best latest im proved machinery. They need not be large to oommenc-e with ; add to them as the demands for their products make It neceesary and New Berno will justly deservs and bear the Dame of a most progressive city. If you have sick Or nervous headache, tike Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They will dense the stomach, restore healthy action to tbe digestive organs, remove Licenses and Petitions (ir.inted Public Koad Ordered Opened Clermont Bridge Sheriff's Accounts. The Board convened at tho court house at 11 o'clock, a. m , on Monday September 7th, 1 S3 1 . Present, Commissioners, E. W, Small wood, Dan'l Line, J. A. Meadows and Wm. Cleve. Ordered, That A. Ooldburg & Bro., peddlers be grantod a license to peddle with one horse on his paying the addi tional tax to the Sheriff, he having already been granted license to peddle on foot. A petition having been read from township No. 3, asking for a levy of S150 for the year 1 SO 1 to repair fence around said stock law district in said township, it if Ordered, That the petition be granted and the levy be made. A letter from Gen. Robt. Renaom, U. S. engineer at New Berne enclosing oircular lettle from Capt. W. II. Bixby, captain of engineers, U. S A. was received and ordered to be filed. The report of the freeholders to es tablish a public road from Dixon's mill to Piney Neck road pursuant to the former order of this board made at its April meeting, 1S91, being submitted to this board, it is Ordered, That tbe said report be con firmed and the said public road is hereby established in accordance with the said petition and report. It is further ordered that the board of super visors of said township shall appoint overseer and bands to wore saia roaa and that a copy of this order be trans mitted to the said board supervisors by the clerk of this board. The board took a recees to Thureday next at 10 o'clock. Thursday, September 10, 101. Tho board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, Commissioners Jas. A. Bryan, chairman, E. W. Smallwood, Daniel Lane and Wm. Cleve. Ordered, That the county attorney take such steps as may be neceesary to secure the return to tbe county of the tax lists now in the hands of the ex sheriffs. Ordered, That the clerk notify W. F. Foy that in order to have the reduction which he asks for, made in the valua tion of his lands, it will be neoessary for him to produce the certificate of the registrar of Jonoe county that tbe num ber of acres upon which said reduction is claimed is listed in said Jones county, also the valuation at which listed. Ordered, That the taxes charged to Fanny Burney for 1890 on lot Me teal f street, bo remitted, the same having been listed and tax paid by Emiline Tucker. Ordered, That a voucher for 4. 00 be issued to Macon Bryan for benefit Bryan Laughingbouie, pauper. The board took a recess to 10 o'clock next day. Friday, Sept., 11, 1891. Tbe board met at 10 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. Present, Commission ers, E. W. Smallwood, Wm. Cleve, Dan'l Lane and James A. Bryan, chairman. Ordered, on motion, That a commit tee consisting of Jas. A.bryan, J.A. Meadows and E. W. Smallwood are hereby appointed a committee to confer with T. L. Winfleld as to the most advisable plan of fixing Clermont bridge and that they be empowered to make a written contract with him, if in their judgment said contract appears to be to the interest of Craven county, and to submit the same to the board for notification or rejection at ita next meeting. Ordered, That the property listed to W. H. Miller, for 1S90, be reduced in value from 81000 to 8100 on account of error. Ordered, TbatL E. Cleve be released from the payment of tax on 8250 per sonal property, listed on tax list 1890. the same being an error. Ordered, That J. L Bradshaw's pro perty in No. 7 township be placed upon delinquent lit. Ordered, That Louis Konigeburg be granted license to peddle on foot upon the psymeot of proper tax to the sheritT Usual bills allowed. The board after a partial examination of SheritT Lane's accounts took a recces until September 23d. :;'4i 114 Aggregate value railroad track (50 miles) rolling stock, sharps I capital stock eto ! Value of shares bank stock I Sru Township OuTt-u i: City White polls Colored " Total " Number acres land Valuo of land with improve ments thereon Number of horats Valuo " " Number of mules Value " " cattle hogs . shoep. ?2 CM 2.005 $20 S25 83.2C0 9,000 S525 SiO-l J23.538 821 elO 2.0-Vi J:2.G37 si rrery aiorIobllrlioa desk Is fellow j to bring th oounty s resources bsiors the world that ought to be fully ud. Home Patrotiairc It is the duty of every man to stand by homo Enterprises, tha mechanics, the merchants, the milliners and all classes of manufacturers. The Iiileigli Mirror fully expresses our views when it fpeak "It we desire home enterprises to prosper we should give them our sup port. It is not fair nor right to send orders elsewhre for those things which oan do seoorea nere as cneap and as goodifnot better than we can buy in for eign markets. When an itinerant advertising scheme omes along to strike you for advertise ment, say to him plainly no. Tell him you are a stocxnoiaer in every news paper in Raleigh to the extent of your good will and patronage. Stick to home enterprises ie the proper way to do; by this masDt you keep your money at home with a fair showing in getting some of it back again. This will 1 build op a city or town more rapidly than any other means, for it shows that all have confidence in one another and j that each has an interest in the other I welfare and prosperity." 1 055 300 700 OK Number Value Number Value Number Value " farming utenoils. Value tools of mechanics household and kitchen furniture provisions lire arms " libraries Money on hand Solvent credits Shares in incorporated com- pnies, eto., All other personal property... . aggregate value real and per sonal property (white) Aggregate value real and per sonal property (colored)... Total aggregate value real and personal property Total in all of Craven County. White polls between 21 and 50 years of age 1 Colored polls between 21 and 50 years of age Total polls between 21 and 50 yca of age A -res of lsnd Value of land estimated at us true value in money Value of town Iota estimated at the true value in money SI Numbc-r of borer" Valuo ' " 807 Number of mulce Value " " 831 Number of Jack? and Jennies 2 Value $325 Number of goat? G-44 Value " " S40S Total number of cattle 0.834 Valuo of cattle 550.G57 Number of hogs 15,320 Value " " 818,602 Number of sheep 2.267 Valuo of sheep ' $2,045 " ,l farming utensils 825,207 " tco'.s of machanics 83,431 " household and kitchen furniture 889.720 " provisions 823.538 " fire arms 83.337 " libraries 85, 76- " Scientific instruments 654 Money cn hand 865,528 Solvent credit 8150.324 Shares in incorporated com- pinies, joint stock associa tion, railroad telegraph and cunal companies 880,593 All other personal property . . . $285,104 Real and personal property (white) 82,678,782 Real and personal property (colored) 8364,574 Net amount of income 81.620 Total valuo real and personal property : 83,043 356 Aggregato railroad property... 316.013 bank stock 114 o00 Total valua'.icn in 1891 83 503 86a " 1890 2.665,003 Increase of valuation from 1890 tolS91 8838,866 which is an increase of about 31 J per cent. Amount of Taxes to be Collected Tins Year. State tax 8 8,703.18 School " 9.351.60 General county tax 9,268.20 County special tax for bonded debt 15,70, 41 County special tax for float ing debt 0,443. 10 Fence tax, 1st, 2d, and 3d town ships 67200 S50.276 11 The above includes poll tax which ie 82.45 each. The rate of taxation ip 81.26? on tho 8100 valuation. ...... ., - ' " t vrr-vr.- v iillV. Mill! '-:!ei's i lie I 'rill rt 1 1. ,1 i,f : . . V ' 1 , r ..!... I 't'-rm'K "-',.. i; -::'': MslM save , most r-j;. .... i:, .1 o:ll.;crs .-f i Au.. :i Viltj. PllSj auJ t,. ,L u . i,l o,- .irtnoions. it not j -'" ' - : " vn.ca-fiut l;nK P'J3 iilV6 US 0, ' i Outlet, it-vi.a uMJu.ihem m. ; ior. "axrwablv BV sV (9 (tt- ' t'iV ii's uP uiVi'''' '' " ,(: i .w.;,... ill. tid uud protection of the ' "a'T'O!."'-.? .1 " i- iii'lt j-stiii-.i rot only Svi k f.aVB aTni R It-., ... ,,.t "' "'" ' isi o.-al i.ui.t ol iamlico county. I i by s-oi us .tfo V j , by t!..; a-.aan:ng of SyVA I i Ui.u.Ht l-.i.c. - , , , rn 14 125 reicr i.. the reittauee aau asuuit mads : lne '"rdfi t)c-i'-. A porfon may sg S i i'rr.,u.tc ' u"u 7y i upou Hea. V. G. Lewis, State Eutinet-r csrent qooc r cp.-K-t ;vii. AAllIRi Fa s-i;rti.g your ( : ; . . s .... . . to u 5." g-0 . ihil i'icliorics., and hid ias'stanta tt Lt !l 'P:-Ct-a tha latter an-i it does WJt Sf S. K jg i ' ''V j;, F, ,,-(;-,,:; "m aoUcmei,- Lt Saturday. not onio h ii "oxrooablv disappoint- aT W rtav Bn fi I ( v i r ?27 i 1: "f 3Lie to employ ail tho ed." ils,-u:y wrot.-: "I wrs die- Ahsr.hjtr.l-j oTT.T, UllllTCU? ' ' .xAQT. llpoft-.i,. of your ( (. :e to protect these ! sj'PO'oc u. , v .-y s.vre.bly." o0 Utciy r'UfC, j , . ..urn. r2 034 -v.ine nit' uib ui itie perior- c,p tl,, (.f t - . r i ' 1 1 oimMcihw duller, ,.nd I now write (..iii JNG V.iuXUW UikeU d Ui' -t'Z .'.'r.ngth I Hait7 tO L'-SG s ,: i to urge i-nt v.iu ba :u!iient in that .., ... . . "Kl" J. j.' lv ""'' y r;-.-j, ect. Y . j c,n accompany ihe.-.i i're j. : .;t ' - r.i i lie i. posi i ieu (. rmnid -- ' ' ' ' jb Y -i? . 8. "'t V arj mgaKb.i in thoir v-ork l'-r 1 Its- Biir Miotv. TJ?1tfc- a id may aieo appoint end .ic.ail for , . iiavVVWi. pleasure, or matting a ft$2C-i-:H --rtviw liyr.g trip t-: u. exposition Kroundt- "'" j Hfi-ii ? '" ' "" ."nVK yocterday ia company with Dr. G. W. I tfeY 1.SN Ulacknail, who is heart and bouI in tbt p ' 'St '!'-.V7 undertakine;, and who is greatly iDter- kweh , Lf fitm' 'tk-i ested in its Buocr-a. I MiWivi hl Oa the way we : i iwed uvtr a sup-rb JWW 8N I h X V j , ' '.i Tl road. Superv-rticr M -Msckin has for r .--a ( ' . ''f'f-tv -- ume .. .. :.c.. or -ork- H SfcafisJ Ssg ' -MaV " fQh . aore. . ..n-.-r -.mi.-s m thce, which Nj gssaisT" . awamva .-'?-,Wv in jccat.d -n ti,c,.,itxp..31,,UUbu.id- f m9w : 11 '- ....k:-uui i-Ai-uiy aM ' , W" raging ii. ihw fou;i.trn section f '.,- le,-s ..Ik ; . , ,i. .; . i heard from ffl O dgS ! ' 1 -'; : -x yen that i mornlni: -in r.-.-M. - ;,-rgt. volume of $ S aZ " 1 y" 1:1 - .;. cone-pi.- d r- ' ar. - ",: out of O II - wnrla Allth. bwo,r-,Mh,gro.-,!ahare Tfj S5t j .V . . , ' X,;.' Vm'.'S been joineo togcitner by connecting Mf ST "bdks" : oirov ri:K.ss.s winni mm. , , Eemil&m Om9 IHupiI liiaUK II,,- i.,hi Hil.ilnototy (lUldlfor Ea vr Klnnlr.K r.itlnn ever uod In this ronntrr. i saaanaj, ,yi -.irrV inn nno or iniiini. Ma LJ . ijbjjjjjjI pj chlru- . l.. ,.. -.. I .-.: ' . . In,..'., r with a rTl BflB 'oinplc-u. b'...i k of )Ii,uur,, .n1 r..r prions ill SaSSjK BsSa i I c.in.- unl i mmlnt lliclr lock. Tbey IMS laaaaal Kunrunlee lo iIi'Bkp j i n. m atraa ,i. . wnn i v a CO.. I I SasBW B Cor. South l rent Hiiil iiniven Hta. sswjjjf At it.vor.ii.:.-. n. .. eii,t eaaHBns l P.i.ii.vi, . f.r. 1 :n -i mmSm mm nn.- ..f a. . N. -e.se Ki .. t . . ( reett. T'i i ; .i.-r 1 Just Arrived : b :k e ih-i;, f-.r p(.in!- i-M ie Tip. Mem u ' ' I . ... f!d r I it pr k i.fi " " farmiDg utencilt" " tools of Mechanics ' household and kitchen furniture " provisions " tiie arms " libraries "soientitio instruments Money on hand Solvent credits Shares in incorporated j inc stock &c , companies All other personal property. ... Aggregate value real and per sonal property (white) Sl.eOG Ablegate value real and per sonal property (colored) -213 lotai aggregate valuo real and i Syclurk oi personal property 81 820,062 able vet. r Net amount of income 81.620 i diseno l,n,i. - 85 11 81 410 8765 8151 85 330 001 843. 090 SH6 931 874 94 1 8230,713 their assistance uuch number of depu ties a; may ba necessary for their pro tection, and in cas.l of any furthr-.-rebistacce or violation sou uvy call out the power of thf- county, to (;ueli it aad arrest the off -r dura. The t nerf. lie exerciee of thtMo pow ers will, it is h'"iVved, mike it unnec essary for -.I;. Fxecutive to resort t "mploynunt .-; t; nii'it ry f.-i c-- --f t:. State. Your i Spinal tleninu-iiis in Frederick County FltKDl-Rl. K M i , Sept. 9 -Or. S J oi; 5i.(. ragintj i. ; county. rrHdenca con fUrg-oo. M.a : pillal Iiieniui i-j the c on iiitrn section f The farmers i,r- b. rjmi 37 74 111 30 839 8204 472 74 85 043 98 87 890 473 83,209 1,109 Si, 254 60 805 83 911 t'67.i much air.fiiiJd and far an fipideaii Tl.c Record Broken A -rah: London, Sept. 8 The steamer City of New York of the Ioman line arrived at Queenstown at two o'clock this after noon, having cross td the Atlantic in Ave davrt, 23 hours and 50 minutes, beating the beat previous re ord. Her daily runs wer 440, 436, 501 400. 462 and 452 miles, The Million Italmaeeda Seized. London, Sept. 9. The counsel on be half of the Cbillian Junta has applied to the high court for an order restraining tho owners and officers of the steamer Moseello from parting possession with tho Chillian silver, with which she is reported to arrive at Southamton this 1 wcetr. except by depositing the same in i thy P,ank of England. The Junta also 1 npphea for an order restraining the ; Plito bank, which made advances against tho Bilver in question, from in doraing bills relating thereto. The judao allowed notice to be served for next cdnesday. Ia the meantime temporary restraining ordeie were grant er! . structures in such a wy that they form a continuous building 1 3r0 feet in lengtb. At the lofr end has been oon tructed -i lari:e w r-r on o for machin ery and bngiet- o.r ring.-, waggons, etc. Exhibitn am now corning in rapidly and the greater portion of space in the building b8 already been allotted. The entire buildintr will be decorated from on? end to the other and all the rough and unsightly places obscured. Many of the exhibits are arriving and being put in place. A glance at what is being done shows that the exposition is going to be a tremendous ail'air Niws & Observer. Truck Farm For Sale, K.ilb v i.a!i ( Hold f. Montgomery, A:a . Sept. 0. The opinion of Ju-Jgo Rando'y today ia the Lan.Ivolb ooctOL-t ovor the office of State cetaniueicner of agriculture wast) tbe t-lTect that the act of tho laat legis lature niiikir-; :c c:ii;a electire bsc-mo opcrativo itnmedlat-.Iy, and that the goverr.or hr.d no rihs appoint a suc cessor Koib, whoda trm by limitation expired September 1- This decides rothing a? to Koib'.- t'vjht to ho'.d over. The cise h.u b.-n appsalcd to tho su preme COlllt. in. Ml; ,iVt ; v.- Loiuviana 1 l!l Atfocioii'- : --. S 0 Li , rpocinl ;U - tile I Deed. A Picaj-uns siys: News ia tcdt'.y of a most hideous ;t-?d on th' person of a tchool fear.her near s3hoo! vraa two mik-H Indy'd homo or.d tbe after school was dis In a ioaeiy The . W. C. R. R. The Elizabeth City News speaks thus tn reara to ineiMortoic, umiugvou and Charleston railroad : "Now is our opportunity. Now is the time we need the co-operation oi every man in Elizabeth City. We do not know that the Norfolk, VV nmington and Charleston R. R. will ever be built, but certainty tbe first steps are being taken in tht direction. A corps of engineers is now at work surveying the route, ana they nave tnus tar reacneu what is known as tho "angle in me canal, some 10 miles north of Isoutn Mills, at which point the7 intend to nonetrate tbe Dismal Swamp, thus giv ing Elizabeth City the go by. We believe this is only diplomatic manoeu ver, but it maybe genuine. It would increase the distance so very little to come to South Mill, and extend a branch to Elizabeth City, that we be lieve if the beat men of our community will come together and consider this matter, and take the proper steps, it can bo secured. With the increased freights from South Mills and Elizabeth City, wo believe not very much would be required of our citizins to bring the road to this place. At any rate there could be no harm done, by appointing a oommittee to confer with the builders, and obtain tbeir terms." Elizabeth City has the good wishes of New Berne in her efforts to obtain this road. It is hoped that she will be suc cessful and that from there tbe road will come on to New Berne. The in creased freight which would be obtained from the two cities would be quite an item for the road. DIED. At the residence of her son-in-law, McRobert Crawford, in Winston. N. C , September 10th, Mrs. Elizi B. Dudley, formerly of New Berne, in tho eighty -first year of her age. ShrcVi?r received hero outrage commi yourjg LvJy Arcp.Jia. Th? froi tho j un oth:i afternoon missed she etarted to walk. place she was set upon by a burly negro who dragged her into the wood near by and tied hor to a irca where ehe was kept for two days. A searching party found her there on the evening of the socond day, when she told them her story with a request to hido near by as the nero would soon return. This :hcy did, and in a short while the negro made his appearance and was captured, tie was fea-fully tortured, being skinned alivo ! r-i 'Uerally cut to pieces. His body wa buzzards to d ;-; Tin: s r a ; M as die Kail ' ti. WAriii;-(;ro.N . i. A special to ih--O., says : Wiilia: ner'a i iry at i- . near Statr-Rvill1. i jurymen Carlton Lord Salisbury on (lie Kastern Oiieslion. London, Sept. 8. 1 letter to a cor respondent, Lord 6nl'jt.irv. refering to the priviledgea whic-a trie Porte is sup poped to havo grimed Russia by permitting veFR; lm f her volunteer flet to pass the Ditrd ::.eiliB. says: "Russia possesses no right to tha passage of the Dardanelles or Bosphoruus which are not posce-uecl bp the other powers also." y.f: Lelitnd Stanford's Donation Albany, N. Y., Sept. 9 Mrs. Leland Stanford haa donated proportv valued at 8100,000, to tha benefit of the Society for tho lieiief of Orphan aci Destitute Children in this city. "n ( hoiera Spri adliiy. i akis, Sept. 9. !I . Preuat annoanced it . tuo Academy of Medicine last even ;ng that ths choiera (nidemie, which arose in tue ea-.t, nounaar Aleppo. He hinku the great danger in Europe lies in the Tersian ijl'. lie bs.-'.isves that the imniijraticii of dff.tauto Russian Jews, ssve-n tli:.ii and oi whom have ijor.e to Aleppo, wiil iccre-asn the vi ecce of the epidemic. 9g Kentucky and tesf Virginia i't in tho woods for the Of. iLLi: WRECK. d 1! a-:;, i- . ' ., o..-1'.e.J.'jer iO .',r. . roiii :'ni.- -.:b . N :i -t, on- of the- coro ecent railr. n! -vrc-.-V V , is dentiunced by Stephany and Lam- frecht for tno afertion that he riisee n ed" from tho report of th jury p. 3 ''no being final as to anything.'" The di.Jrut is over the fieuiin o." the jury, which states that a rail bad bi er; misplaced before the wreck, the thrte last-named jurymen insisting that suob was the cai-e. There seems to be an at tempt on The pair of some one to ni.-tke it appear that this rail wan mi:!plocd after the wrecking of the train. It is a theory, however, which find:? little favor in the minds of the public. The more the case is examined into' the more clearly is it shown that some scoundrel out of pure revenge for hav ing been put off a preceding frieghc. THE LAW EVADED. Lr.rsro I": Areas of Oyster ('rounds taken , Also Oyster Beds in Direct VioI.1lie.11 of Law. Mr Ekitok: Wo remember an arti cle published ia the Journal during the last term of cur Legislature relating to tbe law governing the entries to oyster grounds. The writer of that article advi3ed tbe Legislature to bo amend tho lass thst no individual nor company could bold moro than ten acres of oyster grounds. Today we hear of thousands of acres being laid cfT to individuals and that on the very best natural beds cf the State. We also hear of some of our citizens heretofora paaceabie and law ibiding taking the law into thoir own hands aud forbiddiDg by force of arms the survey of said natural beda to be turned over to individuals to the detri ment of the public. We have been told that ths Supreme court decides that the Wineiow raport 3hf.il bu liaal as to the position of natural bed?, notwithstanding that it can Lo. proven in scores of caeea that natural beds ex:t w hich are not men-, tioned in said report. It seems that in handing down its decision the Supreme court le.c-t sight of the fact that the maker of that report after possessing himself of tbe information ho baa at the Government, was himself one of tho first to take advantage of tha report, infringe upon the rights and get him self in a broil with the people. The writer haa heard an indi'. idual a&y that ho ht.e entries on five squire miies of grounds that ara literally covered wuh oysters, that he cotKi i-r-those beds almost innxhaustiolo -:-nd vet theso beds are not laid down on Lieut. Winslow'a charts Consequently if we arc rightly informed ai to the Supremo court decision these are mi )iaUiral bedw. It is well known that the State of North Carolina never intended to sell her oysters upon the grounds as they grow but to sell tronmla n;i. leiei uitcr.- h-ould grow provided they were planted upo.i mo same. We are av. '.ec, that lawyers at the bar sometime -to small thin in th. matter of technicalities but we -'n.'jpht that the bee- o hr.d some r.'sard t' . r te intent as wcii a.: thj lef -.r o. - :- isv scrofulous hunior in the blood, u'corr.. catarrh, and consumption, Ayer's Sasapariiia The most economical, safe, speedy, and effective oi Diood-pum; 5:ig Cured Others i ( ? TTMOSI;!VLriS ut Fall :xk hs.? ai'-', FluOet t-e- find thai have alio .ie beaucies; .ifj.-i Feather- Clothing ru,;r ?ep the vtr carri-'d. t debl. We 1 "As C 5 . ri ES. Ziegler's and Grossett's Men's Fits Sh-i?; v.-ii;e:i we havr, need only to bo mesiier. t;i. A full line of 'Z.fgkr'f: iiaoh?5 Sho.iS Does y.,u. ii.v, :; vi rt..i; V S.-e ours before buying ',- 1 nie..- hA'.L find BAT FRI-.E wi.r. vv l -u t Barrinffton'& Baxter. FREE TO ALL. Aiijoin1ii my p's o. i -usim as, :: l'.road street, l have now GOOD ST A ILeg, AM A SI1KU FOR IIOIES AM) VEIIICLKS, to aeroraniixla t e i.iy patrons fiom te till Line ol Choice Groceries & Provisions jiur . S AS LOW AS liL'ALI'iY AS HIGH ala-ays on hand, ninl rHK LOWKsT ami A TliK IIKUIKST. (ioods guaranteed Ei. rej'.rc bc-i: ted orniopey refunded. I'a!! and sst oi-.r prlrr ; 1 eiore 1 iylnrr elr.p vi19re. Ortlovs rrompily filled and ghipptd. No trouble 111 mat l:'.ie. li, trie luturfi licitc.l teed. 'or:Klrnmeiit-S . and Highest I 'mi! liet itry t'rodliec so 1 1 ices guurau J. s roust sts - e! , near Haih , T0LS0N. ad. iules orses LUHBEi: in I li h below Nrw w lu-ri.o un d yards rrora llrlre's ulity o. ah, 'ruin of I I't I ,! , Dot lie.- I ruck S III If. omll. CVLVIN SMITH, hi' ! .Is :. ,N. C. c v.. About HO M. f. ft, n:ii':ihl, and out-bi; ildiriKP, at S-l p- r ( DN'C: ' ) S. .. '.'I. : .. i f r f. i.riog M f.M-t. V SON. it,.', N. o. Has .Just Arrive wiin 1 wo Car Loads of Youn KENTUCKY and WEST VA, HORSES AHD MULES Prom :) to ; Years Old. EXTKA FINE DRIVERS, Draft and Saddle Horse?, Which Will Ho Sold Cheap. Also Nice Variety of Carriages, Baggies, Carts, Harness, Whips, Lap-Robes, Dusters etc.. etc. OUR MOTTO IS Quick Sales Small Profits. Call and see us before you buy; it will be to your ad van t ago to do so. M. HABN & GO. 1'. W. LKWEY. A . li. I'OWLLL. DEWEY & POWELL, Life, Fire and Mmim INSURANCE. A N K OVFICE IN Farmers and Merchanis i NEW BERNE, N. O. VVII.l. KF (JLAl) TO SKKYK Y V . sep 1 1 v To My Patrons and the Public Generally. Having; removed my place of business to South Front Street, Three doors East of the Gaston lloase. where I will be pleased to serve my patrons as heretofore. I shall keep constantly on band A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES of the very beet Foreign AM) Domestic Ooods. R. SAWYER, seplltf Fashionablo Tailor. WE MEAN YOU. Stop and look at our line ofsOI'YKMH SPOONS. Ask for I'aul K. W!itn FOl'STAl PB.iVS, fresh lot Juht arrived. Iforgettosay Ihavejus! n'rtlvod ij frt M: lot of those ROLLED ;OLO CHAIVN, warranted for six yea. Vf r c n written guamnteo with each rlmln. Ply STOCK IS WAY I Is. ri.r. I'IJCIi..S A R VI WAY IOYV IV. C.mo. !n m-d me. SAM. K. EATON, COTTON OTXS. YGOtl "SQTTG GifJS B. IV. W i'i'l nnri--- .-5 i r.iiij .t , Genera N K, N. C. Seed Eye, Seed Whca? , Seed Oatc, White and Ked Clover, Blue C-w.z-s and Timothy Seed, Hay and Feed, Bagging r. -p A uli v4. GEAG. .ties. v. t ; I t r.L, SKKl) COT The sul-.-ef ib r i:i i ; aud fin r.eed cctt rti ut r.i'.i A . II . I) ej Vp. .i.-.v .-L. N. (J. onT 1 to 1 uy ;! ice . OBON. Stover, DEALERS IN Stoves, General Bordware, Sash, Faints, Glas Lime, Harnecs, Doors, Klinds, Varnish, Putt aud Oils, ; and Plaster, j iiair M Agents for DEV0I5 & cjUbrr :'eady '.' . . Iii eh GO'S ar SiriCi: -gOCdS. Middle Ht.,, c,-.p. may 2t! d wtf sin- i;i'ptlH t'luir I. BUGGIES, CARRIAGlv A'KTS, REDUCTION in Old Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Shot Powder and cave net nn pv C- rv r. - wi' L i. - VAN E CGLLECN f l -l'l" ho. WHOLESALE GKOUL'K, MIDDLE -STREET, NEW KERNE. N. C. I Headachss, biliousnese, and liver ; troubles are promptly cured bv the use affete matter (the presence of which of Ayer's Cathartic Fills. Equilly safe depreeeee the nerves and brain), aod f jr younK or old. thus give relief . I. . Children JJry'Jor PitcherY Castorii ' ChildrenCry for Pitcher's JDastoria? At the Jesideuco of hor grand parentu, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Scott, little Ida. only daughter of F. L. and Lorena Lteath. on Sept. 12th, 1891, aged 11 months and 19 day 4. IV 11- .mix IV. :! n Autre '. A ttaietc t rrepsred t th? Pen.-.icr. Ofiice abowf that 'iuiin: the month ot 1 August last i'4 47b pension certificates I of all classes: v, 1 re i8ued. the firnt pv ' menta f f which Heereeated S2.714 4s ; " or an avprRire of S110 SI to teli p..: - Bald heads are too miry w hen they Bioner. War'i . Po -t. mav he coverea witn a iuxun?nv Kiowth of hair by using the beet of ail restorers, Hall Hair Renewcr. S. W. WILLIS, n w. p.. V 1 - 1 w fe f.lo iTUTE, . c. ' "ys. Ht. i.'Hi'b- . N,-w t upl. I u w , l-Klllp. and ;:,, io. I. l llll'O iit ti 1 . 1. siimu N . tes. -a: it Tjrz nnd Mules kepti Clieese. !5 RfV!Fjf .5 -n '? ?r Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, :ewaet- Middle St. New Berne, N.0. Iul3dwtf 7 V 1 s Bos.. k' r.'rlv..i.v.."...i '-,... I - I . r t)1. , v f, , 1.IN K Ill l.T r.; Wwn: 1'uij..mjLli-i;. BELTGNC. , flow tho Cheapest. IVLDUCED PRICE LI8T ilt ( f r ' .Vi'.i-tn,enmysint i, im .irri-.l hp Tiuik irpnksw lK! lUMi -., Nto-i.a-S '. ixy bt, Mf YoiUL 6 r