31.50 Per Yrar. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copie:, 5 Cents. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FEBRUARY 4, 1892. I K i r ). mm ! ' i -iaG. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. OficM, MJd4W alreat. aaaoaiia BaaAJas ' 4oUtf atwBtmr. sc. v m J. B. CLABK, -DENTIST, -Caa a Crae Waa PoIIoeA Attorney - at - Law, -Nw Deni; N. C. P. H,' PELLETIEEr TTOB5R TjAT " LA W S. CBragan, , ATTOBNEY AH LAW, , ", SEW BZVf C ? C. OO.cm Owr Citisena Baok. GEO. HENDERSON, StaMaWwBitMUA B4rmX Cnnl :lssrax Agent y. ww Torm. lugitMOtaMT I '- era fir I ra C IT--.,- ' ax. r 1 OMlta Hai pa. MRS- J. M. HINES staa. 1. H. BEtES has raoj4 a rhwvdasw Boaidiag Bom U ta dtj ayy lis Bapclaa Cfcam. ni ram htu nmi iism mm W V4 as ta mmm plM J. M. HINES, Agent. isylt wwtf O. Marka' Stow. FREE TO A CU. imwnaf sarvTa a- . 0 Broad ssoa tTASLas, iia a isto wok oauas iid naicui. m mi in In Ti Mr ftnm trvm Us 'PixUJaine ol Choice Groceries & Provisions jyaa4.4) rai. a as low a TNI U)IT tCAX41T AM BIwr- mm rat itdHMt. ' EOT.) asm Wmmn ill SaiilinUiiiHin KaJtroatf. f J. J. T0LS0H. jytwu -LOOK! LIVE! SAVE YOUR UOHEY. r-B-Daaliog With Us! - wa tw:wiiiiwui rm IM mi Wle MM (N ba tav fc a La atty, lata nirA TT a Trial. A ':t "nr vmum tm aoMt x ctvw. .- imaimm il C aw awl H Bwm, mm mm urn f an if ll t'ii"-r Imtvim Coap J f -ja Imotm riMar.flnain r - - -1 Mai fa Imvum Ombb'. - ' WtMaWawawl aaa1 ma aw " WatutMpMUaaaayaMta. D'i aii !(.( tolU. -Wa ara atorta fo rai4 far Caaact aa4 Kcxa ta a. Tar aaaaaalraQr. Chnrchill & Parker, W. faajrex,- St. BaasaaaT. Friii.k 6 Rasbarry, FOUNDERS & UACH1XISTS Vkaw vkaata w. atiyajal V kava atawaa lta4anMamMtka a aaja a awt aaa raranam raiiruHTUu wsuk aw utnis rmXXtVrB a ar aaai ooua Tryaa i Maitaa-vavt altaa ai ua a loa Baarftaiaaaw. wasis stnr tib. .-'t t f.tStZX71 Cailfer. TQ , Rational Bank, oy HEW BEajre. H. 0. LsooatroatATn 199, Capltai, - - $100,000 sarplTii Prwiu. 85.700 DntrcTOta la A Bsrraa. Two Drxa Otaa. a "art J (I H.cxacaji a tax. stuxaw. L Htit. HIS NEIGHBOR L Jh S376. We will plicc :a Sal STEELHiG SILVIR atet 23 1-3 FZ3, CEITT CHZAP2B TEAH CAH BI 20TJ2HT ELSSWHERJ. ". A nrfl crccrtauty to & Tridbg cr Chrhtizas gift HULL THE JEWELEB. SMSmiS WttM EDITORIAL NOTES With divar-ifled crop and Democratic rale North Carolina maat b prvmroQji. TQB Krencii aroblnsbopi p i ' sb , a letter stating that their country . rather lo smooth off the angles of ku Ueootn atbtatie. I haoaaa frailty. Th Clearfield, Pa., miners de-( The California asphaltum de mand higher wages. The dess and ' posits axe said to be the moat a related and the mine will b extensive in the world. ' Ora troop on the Rio Grande ' A call has been wsaed by its chatrnan for a meeting of ttpoblicao State Kxecatire Blue. the corn- A D&sfxbaTB fight oooara near Caajberland Gap, Tena.. between officers aad oatlaws, Oaa on each i J la kUled. Tbk oottoa factory at CheaUr, S CM together wlia 1 50.000 worth ofgiaghaiB, waafbarned Taeaday; lo, 220,000: A DXA0ATI05 of aolored men wait on i ha Praatdeat and urga the piKHOtmeat of W. D. Ccaai, oot- ord, as postmaster at Charleston, 3, C. A Dispatch lrom Chili to tbe Loodoo Times saja that the dispar ity between tbe two nations was tbe cause of Chili' conciliatory erms to the Catted States. A bT. Lou 13 dispatch saye: The Cmted Maaoaio Mataal Beaeroleat society is 1150,000 ia arrears ia tbs payment of death beneflta aad ia all probability will diaaolve. THCBB ia do political sigwiA canoe ia the aeUction af Chicago as ta plaoe (or holdiag the Deno ertic eooreotioo Tbe deetaioo tamed oo the accommodatioos offervd to delegates. Th Cleveland managers are rather too dignified. They seem to be watttog for tbe people to call oo them. Stir your stumps gentle man. It will be time eooagb to aoJd receptions after tbe eleotlon. THa Herald's Moatevidea dis Match says that Admiral Walker, rub bis flight n, the cruiser Chicago, accompanied by the cm is er Atlanta and the en boat Ben- atagtoa sailed for Valparaiso ou the 22ad instant. Brazil is again nnder a dicta tor. Unlimited powsrs were ooofemwl opoa President Pelxotto tbs legislature before it ad Joaraed virtaally coostitating him a dictator dariag the recess, wh i h laaU aatil Hay. The War Department calculates (bat it would require aa army of aoi leas than 100,0o0 men to sub lae Chili. Bsc there is no need ol enlistments jti awhile. Be patient, gentlemen, there is time enoogti to pack yoar knapsacks. Tax Wiltstogtoa Star sayr: The Chilians are all soldiers. A las of tbs Republic which has been ia force for forty years which require all oitissns between tbe ages ol twenty-one aad forty years, to meet aad drill for six hoars everj Saadsy. Fsoic tbe President's message it woald seeai that tbe press of the eooa'ry has been too severe ou ilia later Kgan. The JOUE5AL bas' vieasare In announcing that Mr. Egaa has tbe full eoofldeoce o the Ooverament and all he baa done la endorsed by the President. Tits latest crank repotted dropped suddenly into the Cole man House, in New York, told tbe clerk be wasjast from heaven and all be wanted to be perfectly happy was a millioa dollar. The clerk didn't have that much money to pare and referred him to a pa ll or al an who took charge ot him. Tax country will echo tbe ap plause which greeted Bpeaker Crisps appearance In tbe Houe aad wHl welcome bis resaesptioa ol the dtlieof his position as an as uraace of bis restored health, wale U all the more gratify tag on pUbLo grounds oo aeconnt of the grave qiatiOQS wotce oo ooq frout both branches of Cb ogres. Cakbtk IIOTTMA5, aged eigh Ureo years, or I'Dilhborg, Pa, retired oo Tuesday sveoiog in her usual health 8loce that time br laa no. awkrard. She baa ben aUeping seventy- boars sod all ef ii.rta ol phiicians to aroase bet have b?o in vain. The case ia a icatlar one, and the outcome ol M l a bofftaaa's long sleep is awalt d with annetv. Wb have freqaently referred in' hrae (xlurnna to tbe productive c-: acity oi North Carolina soil under ' ivoablp uodi and with good, i-altore. Here is au illastratioa ber-R--v. AlU-rt IVele, ot Oai' ord c unt, Ler Now Garden, 4ird a canlrd tabeU ol corn a one acre O!" rure he gave pvcial :!fii:ioQ to this acre. orkul it wr.; and fertilized it librallv. llu inn icolar mode of cohiva i.'n we do doc kuow, bat call a'.'.eotioo to ibn reaalt to bow wba: North Carolina aoil can do Tbe soil of Gailford in ; tbe neighborhood of New Gar den ia not above the average of ! that section, but is is fairly good. e coatend that what can be done a one acre can be done on a ban dred or a thooaaad with tbe ssms Industry and Intelligent culture. Wil. Sisf. EDITORIAL OTES IT was kind of the British lionto offer its macb twisted tail as a bit of olive branch. Nsykk belittle any one; seek i ar waiting for the graas to grow in order to renew the Gna cam - pigo. Wttmittaw Rkid Minister to France, and editor of the York Tribune, is pid to resigned. MiHrrTEB Raoax's eon is said to b an ag nt in Chilian contracts for a great sum invested by Fhila delpbiaos. It is said in a boat tbrea weeks j th ailrer bill will come to a rote in tbe House, That ia right.Get through with it and then to business. Col. Hkbjca5dez, a brave Mexican soldier, is to be ah ot to death because he did not capture Gait a. A hard fate if he was not a traitor. Indiana Democrats go for Gray for first choice and after him for Clevefand. The Representatives aay that the Tariff must be tbe las us to win. THE Secretary of State has ar ranged for a conference at Wash ington with tbe British commis aioaers on the Bdhring Sea Con troversy. TBS Democratic convention all be held on toe rongvwC day in the year. Some oi the c&nmaates will possibly discover that it is aUo the coldest day in the jear. BXCRKTART FOSTER telegraphs to Cape Evans of the Yorkrown, now at Callao, to give his men shore leave, which means that the vesael will be there several days. Tax Georgia editor who wax Challenged to fight a duel contri butes this gem to tbe literature of tbe code: ''Tbe business of the year has not been such as to warrant us to proceed farther in the matter, bnt if our adversary will furnish ns with a free pass to the duelling grounds and remunerate ns for tbe time loet we'll tight him; but banged if we'll walk there !" THK Philadelphia Record sayc: Ex-Scoator Edmunds is mentioned aaa possible successor of Justice 8radley, of the Supreme Couru and there is also talk of Secretary Cxacy for the same position. Travy San not be spared at this juncture; hut Edmunds is large euuugh tor tbe empty bench. Russia is said to be again mas aing troops on the German and Austrian frontiers. Russia has been massing troops ou these fron tiers at frequent Intervals for about two hundred years; bat she has been extremely careful not to cross tbem exept as an ally of Germany or Austria. Russia's experience en tbe battle-fields of Earope has not been such at any time as to warrant a trial at arms with te military Powers of tbe Continent. Mb. Rooks Q. Mills is just tlie man whole going to surprise all of these politically wise men who persist In mappingont a coarse at variance with the policy of the Democracy. Mr. Mills" will be fbumd, when be is needed, shoul der to Ihooldex with the other strong men of the party, and with tbe-pullall together" hich the will make, great results will be ac complished. Savannah News, Dem A LKADISO MZDJCAL JeUBNAL of London pronoances tbe "grippe" an infectious di8eaye, ;tnd urges tbe line of treatment which experi ence has approved in such caaec. Great stress is laid upon the need of warm woolen clothing, wbole- . ' il some and easily asaimilateu iooo, avoidance ol exposure, abstinence , , . , . . , , from alcholie drinks, and a general care for Us tone- of the e atem. rbia is a wise regimen on general pfmoipJes, whether it have epecinV value againts "grtppe'' or uot; audi equally aound is tbe alvice ol tbe qneat'on that tbepaWeut huald 'never attempt to 6 b t the diseaer out give op and go to uursiug im-, mediately.' ' It is reported from Muntc'i thtt the naw rxjilonve which ba beeL. adopted for tbe Germ u artillery, makes a shell ot moi muni. ruiii eff. eti veneer. The bst shells used daring the Franco t'rursian war ou ly covered ao nrm, when exploded, of some forty paces, ami it. burf ing seldom injured more than oeven or eight pan-o"'. KxiM-riroi-nt with the new shell go tostiow that it will destrny everything u, Lin an area ol 9X) feet. Some of the fragments will be l.irge euu;b to kill a man, other alanine nn i;b e and calculated to merely excori-t:e the akin, ia an experiment ao enormoas target was riddled with thousanda of bole by tbe bursting of a s asjle shell, l-'nur ehell were sufficient t sink an obsolete iron dad osed as a target at Kiel. It Is said that ooe battery, mnf e wer aorurate, could Lais a who la division. If the a n n l b i - GUBERNATORIAL. PEACE ASSURED. The JOURNAL has im mit- Althoub tbd reply of Chili to the ted itseirto the support of any man United S ate does not cett in n for the offl of Governor. It hbS press terms the demands of this spoken faTorably of the claims of J Government, its animus indicates a Gov. Holt, Auditor Sauderlin, and j willingness to go to the ultima other distinguished gentlemen. In- thule ol the requiremeut. deed it is oar parpose to applaad It cannot be doubted that the the meritorious conduct of public ' United States will meet Chili with men and antagoniie no one whoso the magnanimity characteristic of Democracy is pure, and whose ser- trae greatness and adjast the ti ffi. riceaare characterized by fidelity culty in a way honorable to both ; and ability. 1 Great care is necessary in the choice of a standard bearer for the ! Democracy of North Carolina in yew : tne Dexi campaign. Ji,rery element hive'f strength must be consulted, ! arery interest conserved and every section placated. Concord, bar mony, resolution, and united action are necessarary to success. In snchacontes' personal partiality mast yield to the higher demands ol tbe moment, and nothing be per mitted to stand in the way ol the - . triumph of the Democracy. Tbe Alliance Is not a political; organization. Tbe members of the . . . I " v " " " " the same footing as other Demo - crats, and the danger that once threated to disrupt the party is past. The State convention will be a convention of tbe Democratic party and its nominees will be supported by the yeomanry that crushed out Republican domination, and es tablished the rule of tbe people in the Old North State. We confess a warm personal partiality for Auditor Sanderlin, bnt we shall be tor tbe nominee of tne parry whoever he may be. "JUSTICE TO THE LOYAL SOUTH." The Washington Post, of the 27th inst., has an article nnder tt e above caption, containing the fol lowing paragraph: "It is evident not only lrom tbe atteranct-s of Southern members of (JougieM and of the Soatheru precis, but from actual proffers of support made to tbe administration m various States, that in the event of war with Cbili. or any oTber power, the Government would be unstained at the South with quite as much loyal enthutu nnca as by any other section of tbe couutry. "Ten days' notice ia all we want," eays Arijc. Gen. Files, oi AikauaHS, "to put 1.000 men of ibf organized State militia and 1.000 volunteers in the field," and the -a me readiness to respond to an c llthatmaj be made for troops l manileeted in all directions wi b m regard to sec ion or politic This tact ot itself should finally ami lorever settle all question thai may yet be entertained at tbe North as to the thoroughly patriot ic attitude of the South toward the Federal Union." This is not tbe first time that the Post has exerted its potential in fluence to allay sectional animosity, and restore the Union in tbe spirit of enlightened patriotism and cor dial brotherhood. Bat, the exhibition of loyalty is nothing new at the South. The moment the South laid down her arms tbe national sentiment re vived, and the broken remnant of the heroic army that held itscolois on the perilous edge of battle until the giant mind of Davis was impo tent to plau and tbe matchless genius of Lee could no longer exe cute, turned from the burial of the flag they loved so well, to salute the Star Spangled Banner, tbe proud ensign of the American public. Never for one moment since war has the South hesitated to her tribute to the Union. Her tient endurance of wrong is Re- the paj pledge ot her fidelity for all time to oorae. The Post conclades its article with these wise and patriotic wordi-: Why, then should there be a day's delay in effacing from tbe tatute-boks all restrictions that have strangely been permuted to linger there whereby the veterans ot tne Southern CoDfederrcy are disabled from holding commission -i . f .1 . IT. kJ.. f in me Army ui cue u uueu oimeji ; The ume for imposing bans of tbi ciiaracier npon ueu who are as true i flg jf h Dever ' (1or,e bliUle gnisrit lias long hince paHd, and lu view of present and luture exigencies-, wtien their ser vices may ie needed the Govern ment owes it to ite own self-respec: and sense of justice to do away with he foolixh discriminations that have so long disfigured the Hta'ute, It could hrrdlv afford to heu their kivcni enlistments lor the rank and tileol the Army from the South tntou will be small, at other times : ra' in comruand of com missioned the crop will be very remunerative, i fli.vrs from the N rth. There are 1 p. ODerh managed it is always n M-me lmir- at which even Soutb eiu uvtriotism might reasonable call a r.alf, and it shouldn't rake ('lugreHs U ng to realize the awb waidue - oi tne situation. lriE Iialeigh correspondent ol the Charlotte Chronicle says: There is naturally much interest in 'fie Republican pnjects for this tear. Tbe committee meets here on tbe 3rd of next mouth. Some of the Republicans say that they favur keeping quiet aDd watching for developments; waiting for what the Third party will do. If the Republicans can do so they will work with the Third party; putting in their pockets their contemp- for tbe Alliance and its measures. In other words, they will do anything in the World to beat the Democrat; knowing that ol themselves they can do nothing in North Carolina, nations. Indeed she shonl I show bather teniacence in peace is more conspicuous than has been her preparation for war. a uu" c .cu .tc... Harrison seat in his late message to Congress too soon, but Chili had long aeiajea ana mere as o rea- sou to expect an immediate change in her attitude. The people a ill not hold him to a Btnct accoaot ior coming to a conclusi .11 to uu-h he was impelled by tbe lessons 01 : .1 I. ,4;-,..., f eiperieuce auu iue motoa Ul patriotism. The war clouds dissipated, let us consider some of the lessons of late 1 No sooner was it known that war j was emanant than tbe .national j spirit was exhibited throughout tbe Union. The da ermination to de - . , , . . . fend the flg and vindicate the national honor, found expression in o . c ,f : . f -.no every state uom aiaine 10 iei and from the Atlantic to the PacifiO Wh.le this does not prove the com plete elimination oi sectionalism, u shows that we are again a united people, proud ot our common conn try and resolved to defend its honor and perpetuate its fame. The rapidity of preparation and the alacrity with which the men of every section of tbe Union volun teered showed the United States to be a military power of the first magnitude. Her standing arm y is relatively small, hut volunteer organizations exist in every com munity that are ready at any mo mt-nt to retpoud to the call of the country. Much has been said of Minister Egan. He has been tbe sut jec: ol severe animadversion, but th President applauds him to tbe echo. "There Cannot be bO much Bmokr j without some fire." It will be hard ! cc convince the public that tbe appointment of Mr. Eg in wai a wite one: His fidelity to hie I Government is mo-t. commendable. J out he is wanting in the, suaviter j in modo no essential to the popular ity of public men. I Menis that Mr. Egau offended the Chile ans more by his personal bearing than by officials acts. We truit that a brighter future is before our sister republic of tbn South. May prosperous winds fi 1 the sails ol her commerce, and pence, plentiousness and prosperity be within her borders. COTTON. It ii gratifymg ttj know that the planters of the couutry see the necessity of reducing the cotton producing area, and so diversifying their crops as to be self sustaining, while contributing to the food and clothing nupply of tbe world. Cotton cannot be relegated to a second class position amoag the wealth producing products of the country. It enters into so mans fabrics and has been so universally distributed amonz th9 nations that the demand for it is impera-; IL C (1UU ninuigu li LU itnt'Di It enters into tbe elegant trojsseau of the fashionable bride, and the scant covering of the un tutored savage: it furnii-bes mate rial for the sails of the world's commerce, and the thread of th--olitary seamstress who stitch In stitch pays for tbe biead of her child Cotton will always be in demand aud when the supply is reduced to the limits of the demand, the crop will alwass be remunerative. The idea of abandoning tha pro - duction of COttOn IS nuwi.e. It IS the sorest money crop that can be raised. Indeed it is about tbe only croo that is always in market, and for which a de.nand always exists. It Seems to us that it is the par-, of wisdom lor our planters to raise their provision supplies and larm animal, and rely on cotton only lor tbe means of procuring whdt can not be raised on the farm Some times the araouut realised on cot- safe crop. FGf SIDEN'T Jeffeon Daris, who was soldier as well as orator, wrirer and statesman, said of the First North Carolina Cavalry wliich was commanded then by tbe late Gen eral Hoiiei t Ransom, that ' it is the best eqnipped, the best drilled, and the beht -diseipln.cd cavalry reg1 , roetit in our army.' Tuis brings to our memoiythe testimony by ac:s to t he superiority ol this spleij d d body of Noith Carolinian". by Gen. Wade U im! to:). By reading the history of "liampton's Legion,-' a S 'U'h Carohria command with which the First North Carolina wns at one time conuected, you will find that Gen. Hampton almost invaria bly put the North Carolinians in the lead when advancing, and had ir covering the rer when retreat- ing. Wil. Messenger. TO TRUCK PRODUCERS. INFORMATION" FROM THE FRUIT AND PRODUCE TRADE ASSO- j ( IATION OF NEW YORK. Uniform Packages Necessary. To Growers and Shippers of Fruit, Truck and Vegetables in the Atlan tic Coast States. We copy tS- following letter as u mailer of icilu.- -isiiou lo tooee inter est d id frui., 4c latiitjs una t:u.-k uua tbiuk it it protecnoa to tbem, and ttie soutier tiio plan la followed tbe better it will be fur moae lnturtated: umg to iqu tnuriuoua increase in truck nd fruit growing tbroutiout tbe Atianuo ooaut ottes. it baa Dcoojie more aiid more apparent each year to ttiB receivers ui me property ttr. that ; Zl "TTaitvdoand me tquainty or mzs in pacftae hae r&a pe)re) d Growera. Tno principal ad- , ""7" :naDdied berrUo daoMedl) bter advan- , tae oocua. emau sutosacea coot aa mucb for iicijiui bi us inn Bia anq . Bii jor much less, proportionately, (oe- ! cue buyera are no ptt juiced amai j ' cat s:z:a rtquire o.ffdrnt prices to correepjnd with the pacSaie, the quality ot ine contenia Dem ins same, ; fourth, we are threatened with adverse ; f;? j For these reasons we do not only , recommend but, Btienuousiy urge the immediate adoption aa far as dobsi i le of tbe roBn(1 h00ped fluur bBrrel J a the standard of meaaure, with the i h-irrel crate tqual in capacity to the , s;andlird barrei; "rouD(jec, measure, aiid . the htlf-Darrel orate and third-barrel Pa,t' Tn retail (root-ra of tbe city buy re tail quantities of Fruit and Vvxt-t&blep. la y nave a strong organiz-uion atd for three y wars have been uutirmtr in their kffort! to induce the Common Council of this City to enact an ordin ance to co:npl triH ealx of Fruit and Vegetables by weight Tne bill by tha utmost exertions of the Conjtmaeiou Mercbao s here was barely detested last Winter and haa recently been in troduced ugain in fo;m as prtstnud belo We have assured tbe Common Coun cil that the inir- duction of a standard ptokage would pice the bupiaws o selling Fruit ar.d Vrgetirbies up-n a mnr' tqitable banis and that it ou d cbit fly uit-et ihe oi jections to the pree tnt )itm upun mch iecail-rs bate Lb ir dprnand-s for Bales by weight. If tbe drover win immediately take xuch at- ps aa are necetssary to aooli-h all irrexnlar pok-t4 and introduce tno-ie of -tand-ird m z aoo-jrding to tht iimi'ncin tiven below, we are confi dent th- bill can be defeated. Our A"ici ition ino ulBa among its nprrntiiH neur v ail th DrinciDal re CrlTrrll 0 Fruit anil Vomblea m thia Cur Com mtiee therefore repre- rraeota ttie tranp We hve rnot c-.r-'u'lv considered tnia bubj'Ct in all its 0 'riDIJS Wereu'lE fjlly that an nrdinanc which t u d cj ope.' th0 s'e of a l Vei?' ble id m-i"i F-uito by wpith AOuid e di:- ru o vour industry iy tp.- ircra-ed exp-n-- iich it wool"! ncc gi'ttp and the un iVuiiab'e nla - T-.ioh .t -.ojlr cause We b-deve thai cur rco nmenda ion wi.i orntnecd tljem'l-'" to your juitfement. We append the dimensions of the tndrtl prkitees which we deem most desirable, and whieh have given tb e bet reu 1 1 Thev shouid ba closelv follow'' and ihe packae- o c"oh runted mat they may ff rd al' J'he ventilation re?f8fary nod diapUy their cntenta to the best d vnrtrf DIM NS1 NS OF bTANDAHD PACXaGAS. Tee fiuur B .rrei. l'oe dimenaion of a standard Fiour barrel: JJiameter of hend. I7iucbes diameter of bile. 19 3 4 inched; leaKiu of aive, 2 iocuag; lengib between heads, 2fi taones. Ine Barrel Crate. Ihe dicjnsior it the aiandaid barrel crate used chiefly for shipment of Cabbages auu me larger vegw labia aru baaad up.n ine cuoio co alas a of the atanu-.-rc Fiour bair.rl wBaa foaadad full aa le cuat'jmary in the sbiatnaOt of p.-taio- ,uj cauoaLS ia single bead fljur bar rel covered with the oruinaiy burlap ouvtir. There are two forms of barre crate, bom or same capacity, approved and recommenced by the Executive Commute" of the Ftuit and Produce irde Association, to be selected for us according to the nature of ihe coa .ents, thev are as follots: Crate No. 1--Lmgih of slat, outaide measure, 89 incbes; siZf of heads and c-ntre pie:e, 11 by 20 in. hte and 1 inch thick . Ciate No. 2 Leug'h of slat, outside ojeat-ure, 83 icht-i. s z i of heads auu ceoir pii c, 12 cy 20 luetics and 1 incu thick. Iu both cf iheto crates th slat should be 3 b incb thick. 3 inches wide. 4 Blata to the DroaJ side of the crate and 3 alacs to the narrow aide. Note We reoommecd crate Surii oer 1 as tha standard Cratw Nuaiber 2 is rejommenda whn the eiza of the oabbaKe it too large to be propenv packed in the Biund ard or crate Num ber 1. Toe Half barrel Crata.--The dim-en-tiuns of ite half barrel crate are ac as toilowi-: L-gwh of mat, outeioe m-asurs. 23 incati. h'zi of heads hi. d ! center pi.c lib, is inches nd 1 in. a tbiok Ihicltue-a of lat u o ich; the ; w,d:h of 8l.t an J number to tbe eiJO. must bo kovern. d by the oharaoter of tock to ba Bhipptrd; they should be placed f-ir enougn apart to permit I proper vemiUuoi, aud yet oeir enough o ickigo Note, the half only i North Car biirrel crt ii usd j ina aad mates north f it Tne BjJbe! Crain Tne dimension of th-i busbel craw aie as foi.ows: Length of slat, outside; measure, ' 3 iucrin, nz of heads and center pice, 8 1-4 by 10 iach-s and 1 inch thick. ThicknefB ol slits. 1 4 inch: .vidth ot slats and num ber to iho i le to be governed ai discribd e.b v?. Not Vben octagon crates are used the siz of head nd center piaca should be 8 12 by 16 inches the corners cut ff jut enough to accom'o sate on tha bevel a slat 2 inches wide. This will give the Barue capacity an the square crate deacrioed above. (inn rrcscntation. Wo tkn iho following ittjra in re f rem: to Rev Q W. B ittle, lately of Now Berne from the Wi oon Advance: Ojite a large Dirty of Wilson bmi- m t a met in tne Mayor s Grace yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, at which time. i.j au eirad; ana erj .tp..'pri.t'. i jrf r;'..l.oi jno r. orawu. m bt-balf of WiUon bu ines? men, pre stinted Rrv. fl VY, 3Aitle, the popular oa-tor of i he Mis-ionry fljptist church, with a flog Uoa'Jlu birrrded, breach oiia shot tun. as no. evidence of the ove. conddttnee and esteem in which thHv hold him. Mr. Battle was most . . , t I r . nappy aud felicitous in bis reply. The 1 gun wis made to old r and is a most 3 0-autiful and durable ons. 1 . . a f.i We have a speedy and po-ltive curs 'or catarrh, diphthn ia canker mouth ,,t nadohe, mSaiLOH'SCATARRH REMEDY A nasal injector fras with t.Hch bottle TJsa it If f desire health und sweet breath Ptlce 50o. Bold by Mw Berne Drug Ca. ANOTHER NEW BERNE INVENTION. Dr. Basrbj's Cotton Chopper and Culti- rator-Description -One Can be Seen at the Fair. Two or thrfe weelij aio we lo!d of Di. Q K Baoby'u eoica to WBshinaton 'o secure a paieiit for a cotton chopper which he haa inventsd. The patent hag not jut been ie?ueJ, but the in Vt-ntion ia protecieJ by the application. 1 and one of iho implements will be on j exhibition at the New Berne Fair. Mejsrs. O. H Watare & Son are now building it. Ttie chopper not only ihina out the cotton but piowo it and id intended to ! do the work of tn hnea ar,A iirJ. plows. The chopper runs on two wheels Extending from eiie to eide at lha rear of the wheels is a metal bar to whioh six hoes placed 2 iuccea apart are at tached. The boos go in the ground a quarter of an inch deep, and baiox run aorots the rows ol cotton, of course out down all exospl the plants that sttod in the 2 inch tpaoes, and a knife boltsd on either eide of each hoe which goes 2i inohes deep, plows at the same operation both Bides of the cotton, and as there are twelve of ih-3 knives it is eay to ste that the work thoy perform is equal to twelve pljwa.and people who are used to fartr.iag operations can easily tell that it would be good work for ten haride to chop out as large an area as the chopper can travel over. One man and one horse ii the force te quired to run each chopper, and when ever the chopper is moving over places where it is not being used one mover meat cf a lever in a ratchet frame will lift the hoes above contact with the ground, and the depth wf work can be regulated by the same means, though tbe depth spoken of is considered the proper one. Dr. Bag by wi.l bivo photographs of the chopper taken, and after implement manufacturers have had their attention attracted to tbem will decide upon arrangements for manufacturing and placing them on the market. DO T0UE PART For the Fair Big; Hogrs - Premiums, etc. An Ooalow county farmer who dropped ia our office to renew his sub soriptijQ for the coming year told us the weight of four hogs which he has jdst kill, d e-ne weighed 200 pounds, another 265, unoiher 293 and the lar gest 533 pounds. Wouldn't that last fellow htvn been a diisy for the Now Burn-- F.irV Taj ch.r.ce ut the pre mium ne mihi hvu tiikon was worth trie, trouol of druiiiiafr bim if he had been kept until then. Besides the regular pr-rsi im of $5 f ir the Uirg Bt hog on eibi'iitun. u weih iiot less than 400 pou: d, thr ii a ep-;cial one of a barrel uf lia fl iur. by Messrs. Roberts Bro ; ai.-o. haif a di z n liberal regular prrrxiiucis for tcorooghbrcd u and it tue owner can 'i get "the -holo hog" to tha Fir let hiai still rc mt:iiber there aregod preiniums for hams. eto. Ev-n if thero serj r.o p-fmiums, the good to be aeomp'i b?d by the Fir would still bj f arthero 1 by the bringing of a 1 lb j good s: j k poaaible, O ir farmiTi gd;aer iufor.-n.irioa from t"0 what ano;her one h o and ioart. ug low he is p.oaiod with it mj rh4t measure of eu'ea attend the r.isi 'g of different va.ittits. fie in turn, ihould be wibinj to contr.bute what he Can to benefit some one else Fair ars to a larsrs a te-nt educational insti tutions and aa saoh individual feels as tatsrsst in snakiax tassa accompliab tbe bighest results to tkat exunt witl the Fair deserve and achieve suooets Moving: Forward. Extensive i-i:erior imroveiiients are in progress at Hotil Aibtri by Me-.eru Walter Bellard and John Ujnelly. freeco painters and p-.prers of New York, who have be. n at wo k there over a weeklung enough fjr tbe beauty of tbe wora tb"y ara doioij to become quite noticeabl . On thi second flior tbs ceiling of ihs ball has j let been finished ia palo gray, the walls in pilu buff, and the. wains coatin is made of btucc j to rcprtscnt embossed leather, tiated in nuroon The dado is dark drab, wi'.h a ecroll work of gold, ana tho fri- zs is cf deep ouff with an arnbescue tcroll cf gold and along tbe etiiirwiy rues a dado consisting of a moruiu gtcry iDe i--teold finished on top with a sin 2.11 border in drab and gold all preentiri h vety elegant appearance. Toe. tjouis aru also rt.-ceiv tii atten tion. Some hive been s!ib:.5'.inpd iu pleasing tints, wi'.h fl te wida fri z b. and others nave been piperud in chirm ing and fashionable d-ea i. A new supply of cirpstiog lui aiso been ordeied and wi'.l bj put djn upon ariival. From thj wiy the pro prietors are fUiiG,; up it teems that they intend their hotel to furnish all that any on need wisa for iu conve nience, couifjit and picture. General Robert Ransom. At a uistlf ot tne Vestry pf Christ CQurob, New Berne, N. C.,heldJauuBry 35 1893, it was ordered that the follow ing preamble and resolutions ba placed upon the records of theVesiry. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in His wiee providence to take (rom ao;oii! us Oeeenl Robert R mom. a devout Cjmmur i:ant ncd vestryman of 'hip parish: Tnerfore be it, ResOifed. that we 0(Mro to place upon record our cttep Bnr.fe of the ir reparable !oi tuetiiuea bv itig body on b. ian deprived of ihe ui.iliKuK inter est, ih wie coulboIs. the z se.lous lab jrB which m-srked hi coDduct as a n;emb?r of tt;U Vestry. Resolved, th-it we rene.uber with ratitude these trails in his character oy "bicb, tbrounh t.it? aracs of Uod. he showed himr If " a good soldier ot i ji kus icrm r ii.n, nuaaii nr, courage ana simplicity uriiro ijis contiiac course. RiFolved. that the memory of his life of service to the Lord in our midst will inci'e us to greater zal in our work for the Mutter and His Chuich. Resolved, that wo exterd to ihe bereaved family of General RCKOm otir J sincere sympathy in tbli their hcur of j sorrow and commend them to s merciful ' God and heavenly Father who doth not I willingly afflict or griere FJis children, i . ... . Resolved, lb at a copy of these rosolu lions bssaat to th family of tbe decern ed and that thsy ba published in the Naw Rkbxb Journal aud iu The Churchman Qbahax Davxs, Secretary, T. M. N. Gsorob, Rsstor. TRUCK BY WEIGHT i A" Ordinance to Compel It to be Sold Thus in w York- Following is tbo text of an ordinance I now under consideration bjr tbejio&ra ( of Alderman of New York, the adop tion of which is nrged by the Retail Orocers' Association, one of the chief arguQienta in its favor being the irreg ularity in the capacity of the packages now in use. An ordinance to regulate the sale of vegetables and fruits within the cor- ! porate limits of the City of New York. I The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonaliy ao ordain as follows: Seotion 1. No person shall sell, offer or expose for Bala any vegetables or f.liita , V. .. - 1 V. . 1. . I .fcn.o iu ubiidib, uR&oia, uuxeH, crates or bags within tbe corporate limits of the Ci'y of New York, except the weight rf tbe contents of such barrel, basket, box, crate or bag shall be aa follows. Sec. 2. Every barrel of spianch shall contain not iees than forty pounds; every barrel of sprouts shall contain not less than fifty pounds; every bushel of potatoes shall contain sixty pounds; every buBhel of turnips, oarrots, pars nips or beets shall oontain fifty pounds; every bushel of sweet potatoes or onions shall oontain fifty fivs pounds; every nusbel of tomatoss shall contain rixty poundf; every bag of string or wax beans shall oontain not lees than forty pounds; every bag of cranberry or lima beans cr green peas shall contain not less than fifty pounds; every barrel of apples and pears shall oontain not les than one hundred and thirtj-five pounds, and every basket of peachep not lees than twenty five pounds Sec 8. And that every barrel, bag, box, basket and crate of vegetables .iiid fruit offered or exposed for sal, or sold within tbe corporate limits of the City of New York, not o.herw he provided for in the previous section, shall be libeled, stamped or marked outside thf aeof in plain letters and numerals of at least one inch in size, with tbe aotual and correct measurement or weight of the corner ta thereof. Sec 4 Strawberries, huckleberries blackberries, raspberry and all small fruits and berries now sold in baskets or boxes, shall be sold only in baskets or boxes containing full quarts, pint and one-ha f pints dry measure, the orate or package containing the berries shall be plainly marked in letwrs at least one inch lang with the aotual number of quarts, pints one-half pints dry measure in said crate or package. Seo. S. Foreign and domestic or anges and lemons are exempt from all tbe provisions of this ordinance. Seo. 6 All foreign and domestic fruits and vegetables sold at public auction, or sold from tbe docks for con sumption outside of this city, are ex empt from the provision of tbis ordi nance Sec. 7, No person shall effer for Bale aoy vegetables or fruits, except fruits and vegetables which are bought by count, in any store or business place in the City of New York or within the corporate limits thereof, except by weight, or if soli in baskets, bsgs, box es, crates or barrels, tbe actual weight or measurement of contents thereof to be marked on each basket, bag, box. crate or barrel, ia letters or numeral of at least one inch in siz. Sec 8. No person shall Bell, effer or pxooje for sale within the oorporate limits of the City of New York any vegetables or fruits in any other way thin provided for in the previous sec tions, except such vegetables and fruits as are now by custom sold by count and not by weight or measure. Sec. 9. Any one violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for eaoh and every offence. Sec 10 Tbe Clerk of the public msrket of the City of New York is here by directed to post in conscicuouJ places in themarketa of this city copice of this ordinance. Sec. 11. All ordinances or part of or dinances inconsistent or conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Seo. 12 This o-dinance to take rfiVct on May 1, 18S3 We trust that the above presentation of facts and suggeetiens will enable Fruit and Vegetable Growers to appre ?iate tbe importance of prompt and concerted action in this matter; ihe im mediate adoption of packages of stan dard sizs as set forth above will oertain ly place the business of shipping and distributing these goods upon a better asd mora aatiafaetorv basil than ever before. For the Fruit and Produce Trade Asso- ! ciation of New York, 1 John Nix . I J. H. Killouoh, Wm. J. Phillips, S. B Downed. Committee. i As etted abeve, a prime reason why the adoption of the a'ove ordinance is urged is on accouot of the many differ ent fcizas and shapes of packages used which has always been objectionable and a eubj ict of annoyance tj commis sion men and produce dealers general ly. The retail men are working to secure the piesing of the above ord i nanoe but it will make a needless increasi of work, expenee and delay, and thj N. Y. Fruit and Produoe Ex change is striving to defeat it and to that end they have recommended oer tain shapes and sizes of crate and barrels as the most desirable and are doing their utmost to secure their im mediate adoption all over the oountry. To accede to the riquest and promptly fall ioto line with tbe movement will be for the bene6t alike of growers, -idlers and consumers Tomorrow we will give in full the recommendations of the N. Y. Ex change as to the dimensions and other matters and the reasons for them. A Lovely Xovelty. Mrs. S J. Dudley's flotrtr house with its select assortment of numerous varieties of select plants is quite charm ing to lovers of the beautiful in nature. Among those now in bloom are tube roses which is quite early in the season for them, but what probably attracts tke meet admiration among this coilec tion, is a two year old O.aheite orange tree, (a dwaif variety) in which Mies Olivia Metts takes considerable pride. It is now three feet in height and hi.- at present ten thoroughly ripe, brightly colored oranges on it A portion .f its yield has already been pullfd aud eaten, but it is designed to let the remainder har.K on th tree until after it is exhibited at the Nt Brne Fair. To Prevent l'otalo lings. Our friend Josr pbus E 1 wards, the , i founder of El ward 'a Mill, t i vcb us a I very important receipt which will be of ' : Denetit to every cn r iisioe DoU'.Ofa. Be says use a gallon of c,ain cop-ras lo ihe load of Irish potnto compost and it will prevfnt tho bugs from eating the leaves. This i-i very valuable informa- tiin nd should be remembered Waehiaton Oaztte. Bl'CKLES'S ianiCA saia k The Best Salve in the world for Cute, raises. Sores T.71rr Suit K), tr j Praises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil'bbiinn, i Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and -osi- . i Tin. -r tiveiy cures fileH, or no pay required. It a guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newbern by F. S Dully, wholasala and retail druggist. ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria." w OIVIS EXJOYS Both the method and results when Symp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, nnrl acts fjntly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers end cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of ita hind ever pro duced, pleasing to llio taste and SW ceptable to the Blomnch, prompt in Its action and truly beneficial ui its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agreeable rulie lances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 504 and $1 bottles by all loading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. 8JM FSANCI8C0. CAL. LOUISVILLE. KT. UZW TOM. H.T. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company, EMI-WEEKLY LINE. . 7t OH Pominivn SUamtMp Conptnv't 014 M TavoriU Water BouU, eta Alb marlt and Chctapeak Canal FOB rfolk, Bltlnor, Blew Tark, ritlla delphla , SiUn, ProvIS , aha1 Washing-tan City. And all point North, East tend Wpt. On and after Tf K- HA , April 2, uatl strtn nirtner nenw, ma - Steamer NEWBEEKE, Capt. tmm, WJl) jail from Nerfolk, Va, for Kew Bern, N. U, direct, every Monday and Tfaaratsy, makiio elope connection with the A. 4 tf. CC E. R-. for ail stations on that road sad with tae Steamers Kdnston and Howard for Kio ten, Trenton, and all other landing on lha Nense Sod Trent River. Retnrains.wiU sail 1 T.0M NEW BEANE. roi NORFOLK d.r." I. nt i m TiiMdayS 41T?iray, tnatlng eenftrrtf wiln fly O. JT. p. fl.Co.'liip' iorN'n Yark, B. H. P-Ce.'s Asmers for Baltimore; Clyde Lino Bhlps far Philadelphia, M. & M. tan and Providence. Co. t snips ior Ilea iteaaer Kineton, Capt Dixon, will sail far Klrnton on srrlrnl ol Utarnrr Newborns. Order all goods cure of O. D. 8. B. Co, Borfolk, Va. Passenpers will Cnd a pnod table, comfort abl rooms, and every courUsy and attention wijl bo paid tbem by the olKrers. Ii. n r.O HERTS. Atsnt MtSSKS. CULTErPF R. 4 TUENEB, Agents, Norfolk, Va. W.H. 8TAKFORD, Vioe-rrtnident New York CSty. Fast tiisseugcr and Freight Line between NEW BERNE, Eastern North Carolina Points, and all Con- Lcctionj of the PENNSYLVANIA IlAILItOAD, INCLUDIKO lew York, Phtladelpbla, Norfolk, Bats 1 1 in o r m(l itoltonu TKe 0!LT Trl-Veklr Line Oat at New Bern. t New and Elegantly Equipped Sleamtr Sails from Naw Bern ' BO ID AYS, WEDNESDAYS, r&IDAYS, AT FIVE P. M.,' Btoppinif at Roanoke Inland each way lormmir clone connection witn tno Norfolk Southern 1 bill road. The Eaxlern PiBpafch I. Ine, eonnlstlnf ot trie Wilmington B. S. Co., Norfolk Bout bora:, R, E-, New York, 1'l.lla. and Norfolk Ii. It, and Pennsylvania It It., form a rellabU and ' JWtrW line, oflerlnK Kinci ior facilities tot ) quick passenger and fri ght transportation. rXo transfer except nt LiiznlK-th Citr, Well point freight w i.l be loaded On oars ta through to destination. XHrcctill foods to be i-hlpped rla Eastaim tTardlina lhipatch dally an tollowu l"roTn 5i'ew York, by l'cnua. Ii. 1L, Plor tf,, North River. From Philadelphia, by Phlla., W. aad DalSs. . K. tL, Dock bL rimiion. From lialtimore, by I'liila., WIL aad BaJto. tL R preaident HL Hlntion. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Houlbern IL TL From Boston, by Merchants A Minors 1 rana-i fiortatiou Co.; New York and New England L R- Rates aa low and time quioker than by any other line. For further information apply to W. H. Jotck, (Oen'l Freight Trafflo AffSOS, P. R. R.) General Trafflo Aeent. 0o. Stkphrks, Divliion 1 relgal lAgent, P. W. (t B. It. It-, I'bilttdelnhla. B. B. COOKE, Gen'I l'relKfit A gout, N. T. P. 4 N. R. R., Norfolk, V a. ti. C. HUDOins, Oencrul Freight Agent N, S. R. R-, Norfolk, V. GEO. HENDERSON. Amur, Newborns. N.OL. ciyis fl. C. MEM IM Steamers 0. H. Stout, Defiance & Vesper On and after February 1st, Ib'.U, this line will make regular SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS errwEEH Baltimore and Now Berno rkitjBf BaUJmbra for New Berna, WJEIV SfeDAYTf ATURDA Y, at fl ? M. LsivraiKetr 8rns for TIaltiroors. TCEsV BiXfM.TUttDAY. at fl P iL BerckanU tnd Shippers, Tiks letlce. This Utepnly DIRECT MneoutefNew Prft for DaUtmore wlibont cbanf e.tiojrtnj only at Norfolk, cocnevtins then ior Boston, Providence PMmdcl p Ida. Xlii!hwond, sad all points North, EMt and Wert. II aklojr eloeo connection tor alJ pinti by A. A h.C. Rail road and River out of Ner lierne. I . - XVBVi foaTEB, 0n'l Manarsr, PO LljrbtHI., Caltlmora, jAJfc Vf UoCamuClt, Airent, Norfolk, Va. ; ' W.r. Clyde & Co., I'biladolphla, li South SWVes, , 1 W(1,r.York Vu- Trana. Ltns.iPUr Fffltn river. Wrn peon, tastOB, J53 Centrsl waart, fchi'ps lefcvt Boston, Tnci. fays'and Saturdaya. v. Vi.,u in h ir rt.,w ii T,.ij..... t i r.ew Yorlt dill Ir. " Balto., W'cdntsaavi A Satordsya. " Philadelphia, Mondayi, Wedaa days, buturda) . " " Proviaenoo, riaturdiya Throngh bills lading given nnJ rate gaar antsed to all points at tde dlflertut ofSaas af Ihs companlet. terAwid Dreagt cf Du'Jt swsf EM) via N. C. lint. S. UlGZa Y. Ac est, tfl Deraa, J(JJ ff A' V i TT-J -

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