.1 ... , ; v J, - - ' . . r: INDEPENDENT IN ALE THINGS. S1.50 Per Year. Cents. NEW BERNE, CKAVEN COUNTY. X. C MARCH ill VOL. XIV. (I 9 mm 1 O ' Lit G. K. BAGBY, BURGEON DENTIST. oaUkJdU . aaaoaiaa Baplau 4eJw MEWBEB5. 5. C- : UK. J. D. CLABK, DE5TT3T, OAaa Or-o tn. bat""" r Attorney - at - Law, N C. GEO. HENDERSON, paif to luMru Jt fl n Parana v. . r-iaigaia. . . (MMMtMIU - of - maaat aaarM Coaipa r W-aa-a . rM raaaaaaaa ramaaar. BroaatTa. (Nat- Caawtiaa laaaraa-aCaaaaaar. . J. M. HIKES' CcirtlSgf Hciasa Ripened. rnnnaiiTimTiii iichi J. M; HIKES, Agent. FUEETO ALL. k.i4tw T I raBLaM. iio a ajiko roa taa a vmauctvara. . all Line of Choice : roceries & Provisions n).vu4.t4 WMt tl Low an ioir u4 ca-LiiT aa atoa m ic; ar. Ja J. TOLSOH. : TTLzz llZLij Cccsrs. ixa Bar SU1L lai Mar U Stay. 7rc25i".'&. nasbsrir. :::::in3 & luchuisti .st.'utarw ui latotiMi a Ka t iaaaTW ! raawa.XUJ i e'Nr OwrtBC Mariaa Eata, . w 1... . a, ,. ,'.:; Sjii i4t af all BtaMla a aVart aiaaiaa Success la busiaesB U knowing when to r.3Ti:3ltara! Urns! W hAT a FULL ttocat of gtxxl dry lim. Setvd ia your n Wfor I PlflTTS! PloTfSl t m t 4 at W har a good assortment that " most be sold. Farmers and Mer chant, w saved you money In '91, andl will la ttt. DAISY FL0TO ! and a ' Daisy it is. Guaranteed to gtv satlsfactiCQ ! I from 10c. to kv. i per tbv ! - TRACE CHAINS ;, al 33c. per pair. Handled Shove's ij ml t&e. per pat r. - Call ta see na. V. P. Bnrrns & Co. 'cot of. Hid die street lz22 Ufa Insurance . . C0MPAHY OF.isE'VV vo UK DESIRABLE FORM or IU Sew Dwtrtb u-.; :-. 4llit Liberal ev.-r c y any Iaanranco r. :-:.ir ; , Aaeeta, Ivc. i : . : - . . 159,507.138.68 ndowmeota and I -vi S paid Lxat w 1 t369,887.51. Averse Daily Pay ::: $61, 1,647.92. ilaO. ... 4 tat V amnnaiw warn mW tin w ia f um I to rwaar. t- riiMw CWawtry ri" u. a a.Ma Mwaa run in UHuaMmMIM.MU Baumaa. C. A. DATTLE, At J .uri-.al ' 'I KDITOBUL 0T. The ip-rea.'. free co.iuiD battle ha.a began Iu C-oogresa The su.-e has c n Armed L Ferkina a po-tts-a er at Green vi.l, '. c. R.MTi m moaie-.uni.v etdl to turn .u n,;, upside down in 1'aragTjay. AT th reqaeat ct i:mpror Vi..;am. Capnvi wili remain at the head of the German Cabinet. The tak.c of the S:a:e cun oi tb fcta'.e of c York ba. ben caanite l ad hoi a population 1 THK Nw York Tiai' London (orrerH?aden : say that Kmperor Wi.l.aiii. ui Germany, will in all rodabm'y ArL.er'.i-a ;h: iimsirr RKriiiiKMTar; v trkvoi, of Ne llaaipbire, u ji j i.fcu.. wbu be . I be lloow tia". fre wool Bieaot tower pric or j twtlr good. ! (E Hill's SoutQrm trip w.il pnjbit).) ; . en i'.Leu bioi in a few placA, and it will orrtaioly hurt Dim m many. Buffalo tV. V,.) Cojrtr, Dera MB J. Grorrr Clervtand friend report coal the is now perfectly veil, but pater laaa aba ael to be. Li'.tl Una t a t-eau'.y, bealtby, hearty, bappr and witb big vlolat eye. Tax Ajr cu tar 1 Department of lb t'aitod 8 : gires tbe correct rMoa for low cottoa when it ay it ia cuieJ by oTarprcxlnctioo. In 1 two years it ay, 2 l).0OO bale ta ; excaaa of what n needed bare j bra prodacrd- Yixi need look DO farther. AT a newtiag of the auxkholdera otha Standard Oil Troat hld in N'aw Tot k, March 20 , it waa de cided by a two thirds vote to ter oiioata the Trat, cd ibat all . W I J W . . V. -T- A I P"r"'J lDr "" ""P'jUon are Frank Osborne of Char toekaof the eorporatwB, be aold lotlf Pl4a B. Means of by the trnatcri at , n:e aale. Cabarras, Ed. Chambers Smith of Tai election of Hon. Wllhaoi K. , Raleigh, and C. L, Pettigrew of MorrlaoB a. Chairman of the Inter , piy moa-h. Ad are very promi tt Commerce Commiaaion ia at Dent poliUciana, having stroug ooae m trtbj to a far afghted and ' following in their own sections. ctear aeaoea eeoaooaias ana a gnarantea that the poNic interests will be guarded faithfully. Mb. BxsirtcT haa written to Governor Flower, calling upon him to come oat flat footed tor Cleve land. Tha Governor ia a delegate at Urge to the Chicago National Deavocratio Convention. He told the Governor that New York bcai aeae men are a In oat aoJidly oppoead to Hill. Qovernor Flower ha replied to the letter, bat the oorreepoodence haa no: been given i to me public jet. TUB Texaa Senate haa tabled the Hoaae reeolatioa Instructing the Texaa Repreaencativee and Sena tori to vote for the free coinage of ailver. A aabetitnte declaring tariff reform to be the paramount iaane waa yaaterday paaaed, then reoon idered, and the whole bnsinees pat to Ieep. The action, on the whole, nay b taken aa a strong axpreaaion of the Sec ate favoiiog - tariff reform and MilU. i Th Sc. Loaia Globe Democrat, Rep., commenting apon Republican jtaikofbeiog able to carry several ' Southern State, naya the liepabli ean atand no more chance of beating tbe Democratic party in i the Soalh than they woald of beat iog it In bade. The it. I). tiems to b ignorant of th fie: that the Democrat never notn;cate any , ticket in tbe la'.ter place, for go , tcaay Republican party manaera ' nav gone there and got it so com i pletely orgac:rd that there would n't be any aa-e la trying it, ba". atill it realliee what a j the Rfpabl! jia will have when they under take to carry veral Southern Statee W;l. Star. Tills b.'l pn ling :n CongreM ta reaov in rea.r;ctlon to '.he ap pota'.oj-a". o( f i Confederate aol dter- to ".lie regilar a-rr. .- w.'l bj taken ap th week riy ;te Hoae Jadiciary t'otn ta i :te, t be ch ;rm an of wi.ca, J j I ( 'a'. t'.mia , bu ei prd :ht cocfT.lent opinion that H w.V. rep.-r'.ed favorably. Tbe fa.-', '.-a', prom. nent ex l"a.oa con-, ntnji-ri are it. o; '.he wa.-meat a.lTCca'e of tbe men.-e : t-"a'. one of many grat.fyisg tolf :s :ha'. '.be (aVn of loaahaai have at las'. t - r . i '. Mil..' r: 'r v X?. rr- ;ned :. . b wor'. i 'ha', viin i j n a.'.-, h !: H : : : . x o-. y to .il. ; h' : g-vi-l w : 1 1 h .' ' a'-l -it 1 !'.-. i--. li t .rt.s s.l :a ( 1 e v e -1 res: N - ..".-! a : lea:. i p k t rt .4 I. H.l. cans ii a irT-nl. N - w he . h n x. : rc:. w t n'.:al . 11 1 TO K I A I. NOTKS A SEVKKK snow storm is raging m the Nortbwewt. R. AOview. I'hiladelph. V distinguished phys.clan. ia dead, Hex. R. i, Mil' ba 1 en elected l'uited S" ate Sen ator by t he Tex a I.egislat ure. TnE Qew8 from w -- Kton '3 that L. L. Polk will be tbe Third Irty candidate for the Preei- dency . Thk Snpreme ('oart of Wiscon sin bw declarrdthe redi-trict'.Dfr bill ol the !.! L-f. l-lkture un cvnalitaliOQal. TDE Rqmi ans at Labau are verv nrhn.ia-nr in their reoention of th- nffi.r- an,! rrew of the In hnHr of (ireek clertrv l;.ii.i. A . r . 1 1 '..! e-e, .i::I ',es.eil i:. I 1 . d it. i . r,,. v;.. ,.-nt-i.-v-c r....:t t. l, Secretarv U harton'a note of the ...... sen in.: , was received ua: Jaonaav and wM the subject of a lengthy is),,,., Th ni.nr. nf tbe reply are kept secret, but it is aderstood that ,t ia very anat.a- . . . factory to this Governmen'. Postmasi EK General Wanama ker baa received a 100 Confederate aoca m a letter fjom the Italian PoatnjiMter General, which that offleial. anoarantlv not knowiDi . ., . that the civil war was over desired to b caabed. The note ha been -ra tamed. Fibs broke oat in tbe folding room of the Hoaae of Kepresenta tivea Tuesday evening and belore it waa extinguished probably 10,000 rolamea of vaitjable reports i were deatroyesl. Mo damage was inflicted to the bailding, tbe loss i being confined almost eutirely to ; document. IT ia reported that Captain K. j Ii. Peeblea has announced his can didacy for tbe Democratic nomi. nation for Attorney General. Other candidates for tbe nomiua THE State Chronicle of March 22d say-: la the Progressive Parmer of today appears the fol lowing official notioe, aigned by Mr. Marion Butler, President of the ; State Farmers' Alliance: "j de aire to have a conference with one trae repreaentative Allianoeman or more from each coanty in the State. At yonr next coanty meetings elect j one man to be in Raleigh Tuesday, May the 17th, to met in conference with me. Eelect your best and lraetlt member and empower him o actoponhis beat judgement for ' -ootnern skies rose irom aiviaeti yon ia a representative capacity on J conncils that threatened to splic any matter that may come ap forith IemocrAtic party into hostile the good of the organizition and the cause of reform." TnB Raleigh correspondent ol tha Wilmington Messenger says: Political talk here is lively in tbe extreme. It is heard on all sides at all hoars and from everybody. Yoar correspondent is daily given all aorta ot information, and the only question which arises is what to print and what not to print. Last night the Interesting b t of information that the Progressive Farmer had been notified that it coa'd not be the organ of the Third party and the Alliance was given me by a very reputable gentleman, who said be had it from the be.st authority. It was thai given as a tatement, for what ;: is worth. It is quite clear that there ruint be some way of ascertaining who are the real, old fashioned Democrats and who are not. that feeling growi hourly. Ktebt now and then some one polls a lot of people to ascertain tbeir preferences in ragard to the presidency, and the result invaria t'.y adows that Cleveland has a very strong bold on the voters This 1 tbe case in North Carolina a well as elsewhere. Kab.d po'iti cians may seek to create the im preasion that tbe musses have turned away from Mr Cleveland, ba. the w.ah appears to father :o the thought. The great taniT leader ;s still strongly entrenched :n the confidence of the people. And we are glad it is so. Ha: iu v-.ew of the situation in New York, it is qu:'e possible th.at men: of tha arty may taking either " 1 e v e 1 a r.. 1 tr.e r. -mnee News .x the r.tir.s -ha- 1' M v a:.-! V r T V da..y ; -n r n . -v aa -. n; ' c i : t than I i. a circulat ion. of i ; Tn da. tvj :-e on -'. : y ex; a. 1 e r '.:::-. 1 ' r f . r : : r '. " ' ' . , 1 p.-e'e 1 N m in ran ' 4. y Car 1 . n .4 or ., : y t ro r ri n k : . I. 41 f. oil I I I i r t n a s 1 the ' a' e w a n 4.- never : ; n; e n ' or. :r. ',n AM) THE UMTEI) STATES. It has been the enrrent belief in this country, for some weeks, that the Bering Sea muddle woald soon be cleared. and cordial rela tions between England and tbe I'mre.l States restored. There is, therefore a painful disappoin'- meut in Lord Salisbury's delay in giving assent to a continuation of the modu rirrndi. It is now known that his Lord- ship has sent an answer to the late note of President Harri-oi.. but it has not been given to the public. It remains a profound state cret locked up in the breasts of less than half a d.-zea Government officials. - Besules the Pxesulent. Attorney General Miller. Gen Foster, and .1.. !-... 1 ..... ,r, .ii'" kii.-sii .u,i:i5;n uu uv set nis CO'J- - . to have been cotjc:. int of tl tents ol his lordships note as ia.e as lJar s: ,t.,r,hc nicrhr 1 t id nrnh .)! j -" w w-.. t-. 'that the President sent Saliibary's n o : e t o t h e Se n a te on las I T uesd ay , but pluming that the President is not indifferent to the lessons of uTtifrmri-n if is not Rnnnnsed that 1 eipt riecce, it is not supposea mat. the primier s note was accompanied by a message similar to that Mr. u , CQr,f ti,. Hiini., in to ' emainta oricinal posi- tion that Bhnng m an open sea 1 ti r wKt.K nr rirtrprnmiinf par have exclusive jurisdiction, and that aooner or later, this Govern ment mast recede from its position in that point; bnt American rights and interests may be involved in the oontnoversy, and these tbe Govern ment mnst protect. Some writers, notably Gen., UoyntoD, are indulging in gloomy fore-bodings. He describes in fact a new sort of a battle of Dork - ing," in which the American Navy EN(iL.iM) is exterminated and the United Ujy. S- 1 I' Lord aalisbnry s States hermetically sealed by a ; tritllmg anl insults contjuue the nromt.r and uTec'ive bhekade 0f!President will find the American onr norf. i our pons. , Nothing of this sort need be ap prehejded The people of both countries are opposed to' war. They know nothing of the sub t let ies of diplomacy, but they have too much common sense to fight upon tbe hundredth part of a needles iwint. Thev will not permit their Governments to rush wildly into a vortex af rain in the hope of saving , few seal skins and half a dcztn barrels of whale oil. Govern ments 1 may not know it, but most people ' believe that a seal or a whale be longs to the man who catches It. THE SILVER LIMN;. We trust that we fee the dawn of a better day. The cloud that has daikeil OOr, factions; but we see gleaminjjs of the silver liniDg to the cloud. It is well known that the Alliance is largely composed of original Democrats men who were pil- lowed on the Constitution and I rocked in the cradle of Democracy. line wrongs against whuh they 'complain are those ag.tin.-t which the Democratic party has waged i ceaseless war ever since the foun j dation of the Gevernment. The differences that have existed be tween the Order ami the Party, relate to measures and not to principles. Tne Sub reasurv has bet-u tin- rock on wimh we have split. Al liance men have considered it the ark of the covenant, while those of us who do not belong to the order regard it a.i a Grecian horse. We are now told that the sab treasury is to be adaudoued. A Washington d. patch save: '-The Alliance Democrats of the House are preparing a bill which they be l.eve, when perfected, can be adop ted Into a law, and which they will give the ti n a n c ; a 1 relief the presen t cond 1 1 ion of the country need, the full d e '. a: 1 f tlnj plan have not been decided upon, hut the general plan for ;.-MiinK' the currency to the States is on H e same principle as the na'ional banking law. The general outlines of the plan have bten submitted to some of the best posted and most successful financiers of this country as well as the men of legal ability, and from all opinions to a large ex ten', favorable have bten received. The general plan it is agreed is good, but those who are uio.t 1:1 terrsted are h i ug -' -me d.tVi -tilty in arr.ii:g:::g the details. How eer. t.'.ey are ads.-, i g with men hoe ab:l;' as tina.ciers cannot :-e o--.e-:.o::ed. and pr.; '.r.il ir.ea iiri'i w . . . c. :i. ::'. o : : . 1 r he All acvp: I r, . can ei it, hut in:: N K Third Carol . : t.rst el a d 'Tere:: . the tell re- no o . ' ii pleas .rd ' - ilk i . , part i k kiS n-: :o e i . e v e iv-.ll do mill'! -ides bury mag vuoi. . fo ,;...t Noi le .4 Cho'dren Cry for Pitcher's Castor!j KX.LIMI AM) THE I'M IE I) STATES. The complications be: reeu t his country and Kriglatit.1 continue. Indeed the gravity of the situation is each as to demmid the most fle- i Whether the matted at i.-one hlv been skilfully managed on the part of this Government :t is not now W0It" to consider. The present condition or affairs as in- separately linked with the iuture is what nw concerns us. The Piesident has not, in txprl f8 ( terms, presented In-, uitrratnm, ! bur- he Sall;ibar vt-'y i l.nly ; " Moaus ivenai .s not ! continued, the United States will 'at once assume the res; onMble Ol "FfJiui ueurmit i ho Piesulent w:i; cot be for an coris, ,iu. i, , : rt.-p . lL I,. J. 1 '.-1 V i i iO A'. hatever m y be thi puijios-j oi t h t I'residenr, Engii-.hmen coiis rue his language as a threat. The London Telegraph says: We can only hope tnat President llamas threat of miltary coercion is lnae- , . j "u"-lt,J r"- '.i ; wel1 t0 remember iu dealiu; witli American bravado of this decrit - ', t:ou t hat elections afford au ex- CU8e Ior pailiation of language which, in quieter times would De considered oqtrageoos. We are glad to Bee the Paciflo sqaadrou going northward. History has ... .... ..l .uw i. ti n ctj a jiiurr'i luat iud ciHicfll mode of securing peace is to show promptitude in prepaiiug for de. fense." The Washington I'ost is now re garded as au organ of the Admin- j oration, ana us declarations may j t0 same extent, be regarded as au 1 interpretation of the President's ! word--. That paper, of last Thur - people, with a solemn sense of hat . war means, now demanding that for his arbitration there be snbstl- tuted the arbitration of the sword. To the discredit of dilaton Congresses, we are not hilly ready for war on the sea. Bat we are far' better prepared for that than for national dishonor. Let v national dishonor. Let war come if it must come, if it mu?t iu up holding our rights, at any cost to coast or lake cities wl11 be temporary. These injuries Thereafter the ne lC treatJ" of l)(-"ce between these L'uited States and Great Jiri.'iat; will provide for the final with drawal of the English fl ig from this North American continent." S'.UI, we do not believe that there will be war, but, if President Harrison attempts to drive English fisherman out ot Hehrinc Ren war r is inevitable. "A very few weeks hei.ee there will be many poachers fly ing the English Hag in Bering Sea. There will also be an Ameiican fleet charged wit li seizing t he.-e sealers. anj lt jfl cextaiu thev will be seized. It thus rests solely with England to say whether her fleet in these waters will allow these vessels living t he Hngli.-h flag, and which if the modus v:vei,d: be relu-id by Lord Salis'oriry, wdl be th.ic b Kuglish permi.-ion. to Le sel.:e without re.-,t:.ce. ConsIfL-ricg Kngl.t!.;'.'.- t o:i'h prepar .; :. for war ag :(..-; the Cti.tc : rita'e.-. and cur lack :.' prepur.i: ion, is there anything estraviig it.: cr whimsical or fanciful in 'he sup ' si ion t'n.' .in armed eoi.tl.o- L-. tWeell Vrssels of the Clli'ei! St. lie - a, III d go the war sh: En-I ike place in Heimg -e, SEV.ITOK MII.I.M The election of Senator Mills to the Senate of the l'uited States must be gratify n:g to Democrats in all parts of the I'niun. Eew men of this day have more im pressed themselves upon the coun try thin the di.-tingiii.-hed Senator from Texas. The Deu-.ocr.,s of the Senate have been gieatly re eiili.rced re cently. F.r.-t came Cuu.ie, then 1 ! ill. and now ;li.- triumverate is to tie csuiplett-il by the entrance of Mills. Mr. Mills will not leave the House until after he has voted on the silver bill and spoken on the t iriiT. (U K I'Ol.K V. The readers of the Chronicle have Lt-en apprised that with this number it would pass under new ownership and editorial control. In pontics, ti;.- Chronicle w-.ii ;-e thoroughly 1 ' -u,. cr.it : It w:l. aim to preserve the integrity democratic priiicipU-s. and, n . asr-ai led . d . red 1 or l udin-c' ly , to mi e t t he a--- i . 1 it. ' the bi t Thc.-e the p:.-s tne c . . . he St it u hi--n n a I oii-t i eiitra. S he: 1 not r it-r.l . g. . erl. Ihe d t.ei. lire Let .v ; .ot 1 - III . in ten-. it ot . their will iu-,nio:-: in regard or tho c ur.-.- 1 1 ui ii n a . .:e,l Des ever th .i :,it e is ; n vo, vi i rr-t-rs at .on ul o; put. lie iiieaiiire-. pu lo ic tn en : n con nec n w i ; n u; e a s ii I e i . The Ciroiiile no c! aim to l n fai 1 , bi i : :y , candor shall be tti ilefeliie pr. I. but i ag i : i, any i m pu t ,r ; on of no as its lairiie-s will b i ; i con serva' ism . A r u :i. e ii , i,..: pi 'ill lie It- means 1, and it- i-... i: .1 ir.l h r batioti. St.Cc Chror, r.il c .ward . nal eon v !0M WASHI(iTO CITV. ' 'i JJ.Tiie Orators and Those of Nalioual tapital Compared Oniiiiar A ,n arance of Some (inat Yicu. r, t; . D C. Mirch 17th, ls&2 I. A h ni-,r ia;-. n:i ju to t&lk p. irifl j fiith (fortvr to.iay, but after a few hastv worus with the Ho S Alex- haatr 1 ioarniiii f.-cm him tora coorjeoted lherrvwi:h. I concluded WOll!d b h . .r .o. f -j r rtr ' z rei or-, i dc. ,Vti. ... a;o bt 1 I. :fct.r to see ani -, fc.ve ti e . yiLicn .tin. I: i- l...r ; t S'. i ... f ' : ' I.. .1. . I; w.? .:o oca hf e L U.qa -S.j .t;biy to -i .1 ,'1 .' :. . ht t-i-lc v.J ti. I H : i. f. r tf w.sd lv -r-: I, Br j an i.f i 'd'-t i. t u .0 n U li L ( .Ki.: a: ti. i '. '..I:) I . : .i i... u !kr,.;-., b.r N . ' i : k - I. LJ U 1 i k - i :i - '. ilr A' . r ;. : : dt'lvrr In th i t. f i i . V . lit u-: X. .1; t WU 1 .Ia a ' ; it. r in .u ti.e , "t :ai cr f-.i c: iff ! .-ci;:; ii't t: wi.i t:.e u; ' u .. y .: pff :.., i. 1i.1l; I have t -'-a .; .:r.d ;.rj a: i, L3 ta crstoricc.! '.-.""r beea reached eiuce n C -rvrsfa in bi lUioncj cf ivri.-'.fu'. f.;.d f-jrc-i-ful do- iv. ry W3 i a , t f :l.-q:ic.--;e s i. I : t: ' ; C to tir:; -.!;. ' ' ,.xi ...u..u .u. -o ,-.u vi j.!. ij,,. evidently c-r r-.,ily prfp.reu white ih.t of CiHik arj u e-fteujporaneoua eiiju." Yt-ur CorrLb -ondenc could make oe.th to tbt or it utver w-jgld biv,, drepp.d flow the orat -r's tongue. i n vu;. Not uuui; him both Slinlv and L ..).-. -i m f :. . r, cn.--.ir (no uld;: to wr't.::a j: p-.gs. it ia well to s-.j 1;. r ill . .V i xii j-. r was cot on the hhI,. ot t. 'ark in the contest for his seat prejti.-i.-e. con. i. ;u one tu '. :, nen . on tnat iuix.'- ocafjon. Too uuole of A. x irjut r, Gov . V. A. Orcn.tu uinif :uiiii fl- tnaiks 1,-Klv.- loaipwn cf J,-tn b;-;uiy in tiio . 1 u-1 i-f K-pr.-;. h tan pM . ofVor-.h i." ,r;. v. h e: bi eathlessly iet t- u t'. . ; oci t.-.e filler; of the 1 1 1 rU-J on it : Tk'.-jc u i ' i . Mr. I b-.d(-; r who was M :nl - o-uem. wouian ( tiiiiLi xi-iiiii; eircum-. JV? 8 "-'J'.J la niatter if wo had not de-::.(.d ixr preservati.--n due to tucse oi i.ui ttumto Kiowinn u-.. aroor:d u- a,i .- iu fo..o thtm m arn r y jrs ua.i : to if. n or ot tnt t n. Ti.- rf t;d-it ! it. e . ; v pi :ct d niijii 1'K"1"" r n - t r uiid the ''''ub c.t.tm.i ,u: . for moir than a century p si-d oue or more j or.itois that eou.J, 1:1 aLdent limit uav. won the lauiei wreath Wh-it we havt i.vtn cmls to rt.i.-id au effort to ipoliviz - to the K-v Dr. Kit hard ' Mason for ccnueeunsf him frtnuentlv : in tb? pipers with the by gene. Stop" faid he. "f top, we warn you to teil your rtiory while ejtue cf us are living then if i h re should be errora they could be ' .-i"rrctci "' Ceitainly a live i: ness is w, "ii; s ii. zo:; dead on'e. L;ke chiim irur hvury as ia said, viewea at a lii.-.'.:. -ice it? beauty nfci n vanirh-- as i: i appr ached ; but few ireat men of whiin we iead, hold up to our expects lien vrhe wo come nosr them and we find wi h iv? thoe us i U quoat in our oil o t Wi.eu PrtaidtLt Mjuroe v;.-iteJ Nbbetu Seventy years ago hu w.is tfcorted to ihe Academy Ureen nil introduced there by the courtly John Stanly to our ciiizin. Couiinu to an old lady in the u.oet graceful and . kiu.-ftst way he objervtd. "Mr. Pre:- : dm: I p.n -il tow t you one o oar I mcst exct in Bt ai.d esieetced friiinds, i i Mrs liurrisgtun of craven county. The ' o.d lady was won v.ewm Mr. j Msuroe. then Mr. Siaciv. the exclaimed I ra-.her lnd if-cantly. "Weil I do declare i ne, mi-aniLR the P.-eaicicnt. is but a i Oiaa stti n :t ntar t-u-h a good loosinfT one i.j L f.vj '. : J e: j u.t l I":,:!!.: K' lihr.u v 1; . ;:i . 1 -1 r; . r c .; -i . : distiUi with ti:--j f' nr.: i; ti 1. ! oi i; , a a a N i:h..:. a r a . - aa.. (: . 1 1 ..... c : n...vh,J: .-; . la a ; h. it.; I : o. . ... y.ij -. j. , ai.d c. ,-. I;:v. i.m r:o ;'ar ir-u'-i". i- -Mr. .'lc.'i: cj-ai.i ..: ur. .j tlii.ic tt '.iir ; p. . c.-.j. t-J vote fcr '.Li ... ir.fi ..." :. i 1-.'-. tcn Li. sr, : . ; : ia".; aj :c prosecute i ' U i H 't- j ii i r. ni L'.uip! f LL ... i.ii r.-.'.-ia kr fvc: '-avv h j i j- ir.uot v. atcli the t:tj. 'hat "?w;i ait Henry Citiy 'e w -y 1. iri - p. n'. the Hi..-.-- i: c rtair.. b.... - I ! . r; ... ; o.i.i.-i 1 f'ttue. W .r. ai-.iu! 1 ' . 13 -1. II. ury.' ot w, The i r- P -uii t. h n - WOU Supr Kin W .tij i '-C,L.. l,j llf if jh L. 8. Senate, yt h. hr li ia ?-. .: t. a : h-: ro 1 o nr.: itahe .ii- v - t n, i.i. i ife u r, c t i doublfui h.'.irri S .o uprn II) . The Cio.oi-.-i i f Lirert, oo the Copitol ovs. r look lux .he niv.inis under her care was enscioudf.l iiKain in an immacu-la-.e robe before lioo'i ami Chief Jus-.ice Marsh-ill t-it.mg in front of the Capitol, r.s if unvt-iling p. me krottv lar cuse. w .s we'iiirk. a icnrnient as white as -n iw it-. If and an pure ns was his ii i run i -in i.'i the .lae tt: t fiva hirth t thin r.c-.v grt-it country W. P. vii'i Like H:.- 1.i .WihyT i . o-ie- f.-.r the b n Th- - P. doll!- ! Tt.i- :,r, Without ,ft--r dfirl. eiith of life. it r a l i y . ii o :; r of r.-e an 1 taut !.- I r. - of ' vi ry ' e , :le -at i t.i . i r. ; r 1 1 1 1 'i . i tile (-... t- r . . n n till ' i - - - ' 'I ' i 1 r -I The p - rl- i.- i. i.M I i .ei -u f. . Tn- rv l- t 1 e t. 111. t c -- 1 i I c ! r-hs'.l hnv e i.n ' . j pire 1 I t .- C ' i:r e i ( - nil ,ce i I ,: th--.- -i 1. . 1: i i 4 I a -i.b-nts f ,. :. i a v.-.il not but wouid o i :-:vd 1 oi -i;- n ll-v I w 1 i ' o m u ii ; o iii" ih -: av-our.d v it. .1 -: e- i r bi e r, ) ar, y en" Child.-ei. Cr:- fci Pitcher's Castor's, OVMEU IKJliJLES. the Uatf! e in Cinapcako Bay Captain a S. iiDonor Killed. Acordir,;? to a i p:-ci! dipn(ch to the Rlehn.ond Difp-.t.:h f;i;i TiPliy.Va., thy are h-iic ho: i:iium in Cheea- p-'-ke. Bbv over the inn ? tcster. T-Pier I-'a- d Oy .- r tun claimed tht an oyster imfctiH c:iipirjy, doing business uB'Jv- the narije of Morso & 1 Co , h-) recently en;errd tOO acres of u rucsa conirar 10 i and drej irf -rarcJed "ll 'r r.-s r-. k: n ( planted kiou :iiiir ou the t h - r, bt tui asainst the ui 'MP 'I In th; U v, M t'V U,' p - . '.id took an iunn lim- 6.?iic' under a new re, & Co err p-o, cd a fl.ot of srh-.-.ti- fa t i rlre-'e" up their i-" .i , -i lriturrl " lodged i. a6a:us thcia .t. f eucceeded v.;. an order en:er rt-rshiriuc T b -: r r f. ' stal-ed di-fic Eariv r-sr to the . e'-td and fT ty !ti in-p- c frrm -inosher . , n-.rr.in before I-U:d seventy rmicJ of Capt. t-- lo . j r 1 cofcii rr i. v Patrie-- ( c and proct'j'. i dreds-icR fl.'.i - r..i f Y' : :e,- c -. ! . ri;sr.ned two sloops : wh-.-re ihe eoa-pacy's i.17 ni r.Lch'.;r, o'rryicg with them a warmcc t " srreet the dredgers for violatih.? h(j Jaw, Z2. v" Hen they cii- up v. i:h the flet, all tut- boa s v. ei . Ij !n tgetuer (it bejng to 0s.im .,r thtm to drsdge), ... .. . , . , . WIth tho po!,ne Tangier, Capt. Alfred R-ad. lyinpt alongcide to protf c' tho H re-ii- r . n.; . f ,h .h.on. r.,,rl ,n ,k .. i POlitft) fvi.t. . -t't .iu li J d ordered ; vaem on incr iin- s. . i-eruied. ae i 1 cut them and set the bo-1 drift Hot! j worda 9ngucd bef..e I w'jrus euoueu ue;'- c8 ia-.- i o . -.plain?. Ons of the Tu-. ier men tried to shoot ' Captain R-ai. but Capt. Connerton knock t d ue gnn ot of hi h-u:1. R- ad roi lurm d t is carno vpon the T.nn.r Inlanders -rdh.- -.n to P.ar : cr..r, r,vA Hain iRto ,hvi, hf,Ur-. ; ,clf .... hr, ... t ri-.r. rh - f,,-a. n h.rh nnr.- W-.m. ; e.nrai. The dr dners mi v oame on . jrcj ai.J "n-iifd fire on the islanders -'nptain Conn'irtnn H?ed Bt the wheel .-. t : . i . j l. . . l . , j o. ' i. ni;:i u-i B.ft'reu r.r riiit aiunf. ei e ifco Virjrinii ot -, r police boat. : whi'f th. litter was p- ur: 'xfttr vr.-rey upon h.-r. The iS , " 1 py islanders f . . i ', fina'.iv ' itbdr-w as-J a-id for Tan 1 eier R".th tn- i-Un i oils hd been t"dly da-'tseed by tho 6r fnm the , poMc- boit. tiD'Hia iliocuasl) Dies. ' commanding the schooner Calhoun, one of the dredtira: boats wns shot in thp br P8t an.- ar)1 haa :ica j;Q of - wound. St vf rl il nd: rs were a'iuck. I We believe tbe Younj? Mn't; Chris ivatcti".'G the B vttle. ; tiin Association is the instrument in wr.iie it v. hi. cnr, on tee i ntire ; popultim ni t:-.r i,!in1. amoactinii to abont 1 0C0 p-'p e stooJ c, tbd bpach. ana wnti etreauitnt; eyes at a Daft a breath witrhtd the battle from nfr uarinz tn er.ttro M.tit naraiy any one plrp: (ireat exci!eniT.t still orevciiltt and it fe.irei that hos'ili ie will t re.ik out frei.h. A meiaeng r nrrived .ifr, r the fiht. carry in e the order for bi' i j.' the dredg ers to take up th- planted oyetcrs, About Errors in Xnvsp-tjKTs. An exchaugD co.-i:- s t . our relief by stating that p.-e-pi - Hie to find mistakes ia thenow-p p-r- umi tb-n t ail the at tention errorn. t i-1 . ; i i u n :ai frieui s to the i i ; ;. ! .1 j's easi'y h'.. : .mfa: An t. 1., -:o bao OC t.e. i:. ; e . i v tne vt m may I av ourr-.a .' 3 o' tea. w .6 3 C-3 A caie.-p- :iv is tq:iail mrn'.i.c: in . i.iij, inititl ' -ic uar be ura ignorant c. n lu-ie it is i ia our. .'i. v. i-.-.v;. taper itdtC.tS of tho prob.ibiy ii . the Bi Of their il q- -.: t ; iji o ' ii ci '.c::x .' . . . or tLst :d - by tht : j of work Put some P o. ri.i : wee I: The Art o! , tho l'o-;. i .lilil iL 1- llO.idiil.lkil,. .. :-. .! 1. 1 .1 ttir rid i I- - a; i fo-h-rv.. mt'! 'a the iatcl;i-'!;t p Hurt: it.aiv , evtr i. vi i ,. i ur j i uv. lr is to... t i scr ipti n ..nd i l-. r.-.-U "'ii. 1 a ed t . T.e. her ii., a I hni - n o p.; . lias 1 1 d c u r. no. d of al: t r I c t ro-.l :; is Ciil fact that it ptiK f.s.s r. up we n;e at-it u o- humor. ih .!. .tic !.,.: ted uii n of pp-ctaele the air- ur: i;. fa-, under . r. . . it; i. --l f i. c thti sup i". - j . an i ep id I t ivu :ui ier of , i.-c, r.p bo dis e-ich ye .r ia n..kic :ho roads almost ina- pa-ail. :e f.i fie re-t of tne year, and thus iaii.r-i 'ma I ihemfcives in the country auiir tne -e..- autumn and eariy spring, i- one t .t would hav delih c.l art of Cervantes and Composition day will n-.t inspl rn t h "I :i compsnion volume terror that very f rnjuentl v is s-.t-n i:: of t:;e Kci,:ht it Li every face. A little ui 't on the ptr. d a teacher will forbid any fueh an ter:,. to tho M .no : w - i sff r ; vt girn ro-.id i both e ;fir . ci-.y ueO i . t of it. l ;:. t ot :: i- :..: r.to . . -.-.-.--r-1 ; -. The .a .'.l.-r . -'s i r.vo :-.-:. far : I'.i'y t !' find ! cr up- :,e vl-ice dvriop- ben: c C.I L-o m. :;: State cl- ar f )':o al 1. i i or i e; w , . i i y th-it t . . I i - inn .is m i-".t fact eo .-i-o 1 .1 soon lie - nicrtgo ller- tt t : CI I i y 1 . Mil-, luftl Wi u ; BAUROOMS AND V. M. V. A'S. of What Rev. Thos. Dixon lia-: lo of the Power of the Foinui Xeed to Offset H. ' i Editor Journal: Oa p-ig.: oi -.Lo March number of Franh L;.-lu-'e Vc;-k!j is an able a:ti:!o (,u "The S'jon Sjcial" by Rev. Thos. DiX jii, Jr. V. would rfcommer.d a;i uur fiion.Je tj ecuro a copy onJ road tho articl- c&rt- are we doing to etoD the evil V We even opy a little from it: "All 6ing eetm to poiat no v to the tenjporr.ry triunaph cf the saloon over the foices rf Ccriiuian cicil z ition in America, it u a Manna fact; i Hhnniil cause every rain who loves his i ffillow Bcrinna ihni.l.i. I Tho tiM ia iho mi ,h','o,i iu poiilca. 'force 11 our country' to "a"! i tB conibiued wealth wliiih is v. i hied lis a unit in H pubnc rur.v.-niHCts ih . gre.tor than at,y other coa.t iaatlon of . i . t , ,5pita, on ln ft7""a",ntf(fllw "nnn' ; mei-u.e ia now SI 200 000 0(0; a Burn of . ,u" '"-jo"'1 "-e i..n oi uy ui.iie rijina X'Jo rtiurcri j;ivn the peosli? fjr this iiive-tment arc: Tha wages paid about six hundred thcui-and men em pljyed ia the manufaorure snd sale of drink and the Bmall prico of tbe coreals and other raw materials used in m .k;t)g ; -jbout one hut-dnd th nod met ! kil ed and five 1 undrsd thousand . unaea in body and -jh ir(cter,(i i-ie.isc. p vi-ily, tqualor. stntvalion, crimes. thj debauchery of the State in its U ki ! ,.-t;vc and its municipal life and tlie , deyredation of the Voting mauliood of tne nation; broken bearia broken hemes, broken lives; thousands piled oc thou inds. unknown and unmournid. It cost tho State to reap this harvest a sum nearly equal to th enormous ogrjgate tquaudered by tho victims in the proces9 of ruin. "These harvesting r-xpenren must be added to the first cost hefote we reach the total for this world. The grand tcta" can only be known when bf-11 at last id filled to tha brim aod the records of eterniiy are complete the dGipeet sorrowrt oro those : stovn only to bod. I "Only suppose it even as eosy for a ! f0U"B. S -? ROC,d 119 H U toT hlm to go to the de il "While frlooca by the thou-ands Btind open with beauty and good chepr every day and every night in the year, he churches stand ifiiet,t save for a few ' hours on Sunday and a few hours in the week." The thought of the writer of the ! above article haa forced itEelf upon membero of tbe v?.iious churches of your city, the result n we wi.l ' (iod being cur he'p?r," npen a place, (a . , . :. J... - . uuuitj in our city bix uaja m toe wepn. 88 aro tha etljon, thit in appearaiice and reality wi!i b tm r pleasant and j attractive than any tuloon. so that the youog men net d not go to the d'. vil be- Ciuaa he has do where to ro. tho uacda of (Jod to tupply (he long fe!t need in counteracting the ssloon forces. Will you help us Hstnember 'tis ask it. for your boy we W. An Admirable Exercise for Schools. Miss Dora B. Rogers, the teacher of the Literary Department cf Kinsey Semi nary, has a very sensible and practical article in the last number of The School Girl on ''Language Drills." Al though designed primarily for the school room, tome of thu ideas ad vanced are worthy of com i deration by any one interested in youth It would seem that any scholar wh.i has the advantage of such drills as are recommended would be reasonable sure of obtaining a better flow of worde and of gtiiuing u ability lo think q jick ly and to express his or htr ideas more easily, explicity and connectedly, which accomplishment would give the power to present a iiae cf thought at any time in the beet manner so ibat u would bo readily gra.-pjd by tbu heire or l tsilir and iaipres-d upon tocm To tuquirj such an art is of t;ret.. va'.ao and training a org thu iim ous'at to receive consid'-rabie alien i .. in every school. Misn Rost-rs sij t: Developing lanjtuago. is sni-iK a-jti.-t'oaal power. 'Language is ilaot tfccaUy of tho m.nd oy wh.-n..- a a.v.i) i jtaa and thoughts ate nssociated wni. 1, ir trtabliihea eiiina." ! Words without ukas do not contitu Tbe idea sliouia receive IVKIllllUyU. Ut, .1.06. CU1L.U .tVl..'. ,j;i.iiiry importance, aud tne lidvy uora j il 1;., Dock r-t. . oi uraso should he tiiuht as a s con ; - Fr..m lia : i ii:i..i.-, 1 ni) matter. But it shoui-a oe r.on,. th-. K. li. , i'.-. - e. ; t Ucd ih. rouihiv tiiiiPt. end tho t)Uii. ' From !t. thoaid te rtq-nred to usi' it. ; To cultivate langu JKe tae :oi vv iu ' plii iniy be carried out .uo o a i ii-J'- , 1. Introducd an object wnich wii object which wil.i micrcot tho olaee, and let them tals iu. iy about it- We learn good E3fc ii. h, a we learn bal, by imitation Liier. :et them talk with their pencils ; ;i I the object and read whit they nave said. 2 Give the children oppoi tunitie.j j iticiile things or places they have j ten, to relate stories, and to repeat iic:iit) of intelligence in their own lau auise. 3. Encourage each pupil to use to fipresshis own ideas, the new words i. arned from boo&s or from the conver eatiot. of others. 4 Aid each pupil to suggest, or to i learn more than one way to say the terne thing. 7, Impress the idea ' that I know, but I can't tell" doeen't know well , euouga. By tkillfully qiestionin younger pupils, and by t picil form ( f recitation from older onea. rr quire eaca member of the cbies to give in concive language, tbe t-ubi-tiince cf every Itn eon learned, With th-- above titi.l n cl.i'd wi I ..i. have a good vo-abuixry of wcrds itn-i will be able t) use lieui fr.tiy i naturally. nouncemr,t as the t lo lag: "A com position must be pro iue.-i by eui i) an 1 such day. " a "ommsnd ihnt is freupin with terror to to rnj. e r-ctiool girl or : hand i:ng of tin tei- m r ..-i.d th e boy. Hut a bit class da put cf careful lur '-ti'iee ilr: ! v-. il r :j ih school-room -pi-ctre . t : . .. t.-re r,r!.i ttial-.1 it i n" eftio :t; p o-bjb.I of :-choo'. room ixor.-i-fe s'i tl.r- 'o'.or a- d pulling wuh the i e i. of jonDtt. form in it :.nJs. T i : evorj thing Jean Paul K cht. r s-ic ',.;i .!. often say to the tie.ch. r of u h I h ft'l hearinct snd retidin do." r, it ail . much Htrer-gthtn bti-I dbi-ht llo- o i wr r ing n 1 epe,-, 1; l i tt .- BICULO'S AltH Si LI t The Best Salve in tlin r.' iri-i for Cuts, ru:se( Sort--. I" r.i, Ttlt, r, I' i i-.is. Hud all Si -. v .- ire,-- i 1 1 ! -. Salt Kb, . i lian.li, roe; i: s. t:o p,iv re mn 'lei F.- ii i r.-. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ck! or;:,. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. CL Wl.ni!. t-ir, . ... v-i.ii-ivtt.i-.LY LINE. The Old Dominion Slwmthip Compwny't 014 and Favorite Water Eau.te.iXm Alb mrle and Chaape&ke CcnaJL roa Hoifol;., ii.itlmor., Ntw Vrk, Pl.11. dtlpiiu, Boilon, rrarlnce, V. oilir.C!en City. . nci a.7 points Kfirth, East and W(. "n "'I't II ISt'AV, .prll 29, mm erac TO makluj close connection ia tiie A. A it - 't all Ftatious on tht road, aad wltk "s cieamers Kinaton arjd Jlowrd for eten. Trenton, ar.d a!l other landinn a k. i "'"'"J Trent Kiven. ' FROM KEW BEHlfE. n ' h ' ' ' '' 'r ' ' "' '''ueadara SV??"' V.' l'll't!'5i it OJW fci,"?- T, YJ'rl,'.B' J?;, tanseri for iialiiniorc: CA6e Line EhlBi fa ' rWladflph M. 4 M. T. l'a afipf toffiSlt ton and Providctice. cicaaiw ii.insion, fnrit. uiion. will lull tt ckjusivu vu annul w ptramer rewDarna Order all gocjiia caie of O. D. 8. S. Co- Pafsencert! r-ill find a eoaA thl aamforl. aMj) rooms, and every courteaj aad attantia'a will be paid them by lie efflcera. E. EOBKBTSt AMI' Messrs. CULTEPPER & TUP-NEB?" Agenti", NorfoHTva. W. H. 8TAKFOP.D, Vice-l rejiJent. New YoAOty. ClfdS'S li 0. iritiit m Steamers 0. H. Stout, Defiance & Vesper On and after February 1st, 1891, thia Una will make regular SEMI-WEEFCLY TRIPS BETWSBIK Baltimore and New Berno Lacwlag BaUlmora for Kaw fieraa, Wl JSSA3AY, BATUHDAY, MlfVC Leaviog Kew ftema for Balthaara. T0S BAY, SATCBD AY. u PaU Eercbasts and Shippers, Tab IUce, This 1 th bbIt DiTtECT Xh ant a Saw BerHafbr Baltimore wlthont chanfo,foppf ' ?nly at Korfolk, cenBeatisg tha lorpaiwa. Proldnoa, PbUadelphla, Bltfhmona. Bud poiata North, Eat and Wast Matin eiaae i oonfttotlon for all poiiiU by A. a K. C. Eall road and Elver out of New Berne. ""Aa-rtti ar arrsnovn Z-,- Bxobwi ForrEa, Gen-1 Managwj W IJjrhtHl, Bali 4?5 w- ilOCAEKICX, AgauL Korfal W.P. Ciyda t Oo, Philadelphia, i hrl Wk 18(1 EaIta Tnat tltlitU'- E. Elmpaon, Bastea, 53 Central wharf B. H. Eookwell, pMTldiwa B. I. Bhlpa leave Boetori, Tnedy aad SatardaTa. " r Ne York datly. 1 " Blts Wadneadaya A Sataraara. " " PkUadalpbla, Monday fim-: dayt, naturdaya. " " Providanoa, 6atarda7B Throngh bilii ladio-r riTen, and ratae rmar. antoed to all points at the dlrferaot altaaa al tha eompanict. Avoid Brtakagi of Bulk W4 3U via N. C. I.im. . ' lLiL'c CwPaa Jau3& Fast Passenger and Freight Line betweea NEW BERNE, Eastern North CarolinaoInU, and all Con nections of tho PE..SYLVAIV1A ItAILIlOAD, IXCLCDIITO New Yorb, PliUndelplita, NorfoUi( BkI ttmoie Dnd liolton. TUe OI4I.Y Trl-Wrefcly Lln Oat t r v i;?ri. "V New and Klj'.mHy T. quipped Steamer Sails from New Born I035DAY3, Y.Trr:r,DATS, THIDATS, AT F I V l P. M., Stopin at Itnam k- hhmi es-h vrny and turieii'c el. c'lniiri-unii witn uia oeil.cni llidiroad. Nvrlolk The I'a!f rn Pi.pni.-h Line, consliting of the Vih?;iDetim S. ( ".., Norfolk bouthftrn H. It., New York, i l.ila r-.ni Norfolk IU E and IVnntrivai.ia ii li-, I .rin a reliable and legnlnr line, elli.-i;;;: Miiierior facilitiea for : L;u!el. paRci.t-i-r ae.- ii. i -lit Iranf-portation. ! No iran-ier j.t i,t EdzAlx-ib CltyTJa ! whi.-li poit.t lVciL'i-.. "..I be joi.ued on carl to g-t throiili to Ue- ;im:tiou. Direct ail Ku-.ds ( he uliipped via Eaatatm r:'ro'"'" Dt.j.aich daily a u,lloi rr"iii .rw inrii, crifMi.. t- iier f, .,r,,. I-.,-. . .v, j -1. . i ,- i ,.i w n.t rOlU I'hiill'l.j I io ., V.'il. ond Balto. liirnllB. '! ;: r Trana New lJugland :!-rr than by 1'roiM i...-p.-rmt;.. 11- li. ,rcrl: i , , ; N i-. i c n low a:.-1 an V utl.ei i.i;'-. For fuuhcr inl'-.r-aitu-a "Ti 'y to til Trafiio AonL W. II. JOTCK, (Oen'l l"rci P. IL K.) General Traliie Acent. Gko. Jstkpijexp, Pi vision Vreijht lAeent, P. V. t li. IL 11., Philadelphia. B. B. COOKE, Gei.'l l r. i-l.i Agent, N, r. & N. it- It-, riorloiK, ti ll. C. IlfDOrsa, l-encml Freight Agent N. S. K. li., Norfolk, V. GhO. lih-NDEItSON, AoKlfT, Newberne. N. O. J. BRViS. 'm. T litis. lUMKLs.Vifr Pre. , n r ; :t"P T" I -'or Dteamer NE WBERNE. Cant. Mmf Trill .nil r - r i , v . r p., direct, very Monday and fhni "iThe National Hank, OF NEW I?o;?N N. C j, Capitti.1, O0Q 3urpiUii lilt ili'Y n- -. a AN' "' I 1.1. :. U'.Mi'l.l 1 1 . rknt KN, i v. A I 1 X .:r-j Eank N. V. lomhs sgo ::..'mi.(io : .."I.IM ..nr. ml. 1'urmi j Or gar.:. i ! I i i l. Flo k burn. em ps. . iw ions '-'. i '-25' - - A., . .. . :' f -w.'.Vi. : t .r-:- -(-.. : . , y IV ' " ' lm TTh FD,