HE JOURNAL. : tint. - ? rr. w. a. a? UL tt. im r :j Jb fiXTner red U;U I , jvuto paapkisj, proTta- C :maro tobacco U de&rt3 by 5 Is tctUll .Ul btciUiu .;; of coaaQmptioa ftra, Tzs Li tea aad Mott flit of tie, cliI;iAi4i! oC tt EpbU- eta EuU CoaaalttM rea!U4U tin iltloa et Eat, - Tu Boa, b era Laabtr Maa f etarer'a XuoeiAtioa at . ad T iced ti pries X jtJIaw- pin -Lcr firty caU pr Uootaad.' lIl-uUi'l tar ta made) koac I 44 fcj Ul rtceal li ia4 tien !i a sa of tarsias ajaoaf JL xorja vaa roaad Lopaita ea a la la a beat aiarcaaaiV c":jczaiij Uit wk. Morah I'jTif rt4 lttra taat ad- w;:d to 12 other proa. Cc522i3JCLX Bras vttldaHr. er tie manorial adUxtaa ia Balaixa Tua :cUoa of a DoaoeraUa r.-t s. -aai U rry taportaat, bat, tJ c it U aaca mora Las porta I tii::.r'Ji CAToHaa eoaUaaaalabo a D3cn-4 Ecaia. . ' - X oxxitletaTrwa pt box ! eosabal wUa ta local papor aaaocaced a!a wKt aa -CarUti- uiiT aa ABericraa!xiar Tatco- lila fcrea vaa all (oat. ," . Tax '-Ttlrd. paxtj' t pUtform c: aaa 'aieaU' II oajat bj all Baas to eaUaw tala kiad of wT:i?r, aad sieral proaibit rj closes, freabeta aad , lacndiarj Wrx Ciertlaad dlaoorared iia, Paa Lanoat vaa nallsf av. 113 a k aa a Batpapr ft.:'Tt aad aov ba iaaakis :;: a jtar. Tbra U ao Uia t - poib-iU ol a aavtpopor ro- j-.:rttff. Oara for laaUaea. ' " T3 2rjrta .Caxoili EpQbliaa C.-T2::oa a2ecd U. P. Cbaai 1:45, S. A. 7bita, L aJ. Pritchatl aaiJaaC. Dacy dtkfatea to E."raUa Natioaal Coarco- ti j a. AH art aald to b for Harrl- aoa. -v Ta d;reaca "btta Italy aad the UaiUd Sutea r fardiaj qcxrsTicrosT. W are ao fever of aoma of tba tkodaof Saator Qoay, bat we eaaaot rtpreaa oar ad el rati on or aiaay of bla qaalltUa. Oa U ao bjpoerUe. lie la a bold Bbtcr aad earriae hU priaeiplaa oa bla flaf . fliht la foiaf oa la Penaijl- raaiafor tbeaaat la the Ualted 8tata Beaata now oocopied by Mr. Qaay. Hia opponeat la Mr. Dal leU, vko U backed by the Admin UtraUoa at Waablaftoa. The reeolt of the Bapablican daUsita alectloaa tbroafhoot PaaoajlTanla doriaf the laat two veeka learea bo doabi that Sena- tot Qaay la the choice of aia party for le-eleetioa by aa eTerwhelmlac ajorty of aaifracea. Uolaea peliUfial rerolaUoa ahoald throw Demoeratio ma J orlty la to the next PaaaaiTraala LecUlatare it win ehoee Senator Qaay to aacceed hla all foe aa other term ot atx jeara by a dceiaira msjorlty. la u aakad what comfort do we tad la thief Why. rery great comfort. Senator Qaay, oppoaed th Feroa bin aad ooatrlbated Urrtly to iU defeat. Taroajchoat the ooetoet Senator Qaay baa beea bitterly daaoaaeed for aia refnaal to aapport the Poree bill. At the ease time Mr. Dalieil hae been repraaeaUd aa a champion of a Fore bill ahoald he be eieeted to the Ualted BUiee Beaata. There eaa be ao doabi that Harriaoa fa trora a Forea bUL He did all la hie power to have tea bill peaaed by the IWlioa 4 Ooorrvaa end aaoojd I be oo a a try be ao a a for tea ate aa to aitaeaa hie re eUetioa, we may ex peci to aea the aaeaaara brooch t forward afaia. It that eoatiafea ey It will be a faaaiaa pleaaare to aea Qaar a thoia la s hie eide plerdaf to hie very Tt tale. Of eoerae wa bopa for the elee tioaof a' Dtmocrat, ; bat If that booa la dealtd aa, we ah ail rejoice lathe tnaaapaof Qaa orer Dal- an. " It la matter of fenalne pleaanre to know thai the EepabHcaa party of the great State- of Peaaallraaia takea tta etaid la ppoaitioa to the Force) bllL ' tbs " OrIna Ijaehlag hae been aet:!l. The OoTeraaeat of the Ua:tel Sutee la to pay aa ladetn- t.;j ct 125.0CO fntaea to the Italian GoTeranseat. ' . ' . ' It ta cow kaotra that , the He rt;:ca party ia thlaBUte farora Us ems objectionable featoree of re era! Itjiaiatioa aiaca the war, azi If poaaibie will gaard the ballot cf a frte Xorth Caro'.ialaa with a tayoacL State Chronicle. OS Tiaraday, AprU 14th, The fc'.ita txecatiTe committee af the G eorji a State Alliance demaaded iitail eaVailiaacea which hare eaijraed the Peoplee party redad the Is ioraeaeat Immediate ly or earrcaer their chartera. TJt laie Bepablioaa State Ooa Tiatica vaa a reminder of the old Use whea rarpet-bagxera, ecaa. ; aad coaoa formed a man a gtria that made Baraaa aa baaed cf kiaetlf. Mott weat la like a ro aria g Cos, bat Eare taraed oat to be the elephant of the eoaeera. Tzx Earaaaah If a we baa It a boat right whea. lleeye:If the faraern will take the tremble to tsra the top dreaaiag oa the pro teatatioaa of the third party or gaalaere they will flad the BabaoQ owaiata eolalj of eellahaeea aad the hope of penoaal gain. - Lxx ar be practical. The maa who proieeeea to belieTa that Vlr giala, Weat Virginia aad 5ortb Carolina, ar eithelr of them, eaa be carried for the CepabHeaaa ' thle year la ae deatitateef political eoav naoa aeaaa ae la a aatira of Criav Tartary of any motion of the peral lxx ef the fixed etaxa Sew Herea PaHadiaa. - . AX HaglUhmaa who hae reaided La Eoaela aa the director of eome Iroa-worka telle, a woaderfal alary ef hla aailariaga " at 1 Eaeter. whea th peopie welcome the feaet with the old eaa torn ef kUalpg each ether. - Jor a week before bead" he eaya, they are boay ooiliag egga. which they are to preacot to one eaother with a klae. The moaeeat ' the clock etrlkee twalre, the prir Uege or peaeaee, aa ua eaae may be, aoameaeed. - Kobody then aldera aimeelf taeolted by the blaed olTar of m kfcm and aa egg. Tu adoptioa of the aait rale by the Ilarriabarg CowTcatloei iaearee the eolldeapportof the Peaaeylte aia deiefatioa for OereUad aatil a majority ehall hare detrralard fnuneort aatae other raadidate. Thle arraagemeat win prereat oe-tJoa of any. maa . bachalidiag or trading while Mr. Clarviaad'a ehaace for the aomlaa-l Dtrxoro Good Friday eerricee la tioa may remaia aopefal. Bat the eharch of a Spaaieh town, while koatile erttiee ef the Pattleoa ad-1 the prieet ie kneeling at the alur a Boiaiatretioo, who kardly dared to maaiaeleapa from behind the palpit arew their aecret prefereaea for &d decapUatce him with a a word Sexator Ilia. - laalate - that the end then wtta ewerd aad piatol adoptioa of the aalc role - waa a foreea hie way taroegh the crowd naraLaad defeat.- The faQara ol la the charoh. killing one woman. the Maaeachojette Coareatioa. to rota UatrootioxLe for CZeralaad j Onxof ihe atroogeat aaaoaace aaight with eaaal Injoatiea be re-1 menta of the da ia to the effect garded ae aa erUeaee ef aoatility.l that a eiarer, the Moaaerrat, - la Hr. Clertlaai wLl not hare at (fitting oat at Saa Fraadaoo for "a Chieaxo a mora earn eat aapport cargo of Ulanderv The Moaaerrat frcta aay quarter thaa he will getlwlll take the place af the reaeel f.-c-i rc-zM'.aal aad MaMacba-j whicbwat loet laat September with t:::x TliLIUcctiL I four hoadred alaree oa board. IU TBKJ rutTT. Aa Atlaata,Oa.epeeial of April ISto,aajK xpreaideatL. UPolk, of the National Alllaaee, who ar. ri red here to-day waa naked: "Did joa eome to depoee Llringtoa ae preeideat of the Georgia ailiaaotTn CoL Polk aaid: ' M2To air, I came oa ao each mleaioa. If each power waa to be exereteed aad proper er Ideaea made, I eooJd hare acted ae well at homo ia Kortb. Carolina aa here. -1 am here to look after boei neea that aJSacta the material later eate of the Alliance la Georgia. Farther tbaa that I eaaaot a ay.' What ie the oaUook of the third party la 2Torth Carolina waa aaked. MAa bright aa wa ooold deaire In fact, the eaaaa of the people growing eTerywnrre aad oar ad hereata n amber ae good Demoerata aa will rem aia ia the Democratic party." Here la a rtrelatioa. CoL Polk' Idea oxJJemocracy la all aia own a etaade alone la the aeeertion that tho Third party will aamber ea good Demoerata aa vwiII ' remaia la the Democrat lo party." Wa preeame that the gallant colonel would eaj that Lather after be left the Catholie Charcb wee ae good a Catholic aa ear one who remained la It, aad that Arnold waa ae " gaaalne aa Amerioaa patriot after be at tempted " to, dellrer Weat Poiat la to the kaada of the Brltiab aa ha waa before, bat who will agree witb Preeideat Pott! . The Democratlo party la a party of prinelplea, erery oae of which la aategoaUed by the 8L Loale plat- farm. That platlorm la the Terr aeaeaof Federaliem. It ia more; It ia eooeofidaUoa raa mad: the tart herea t poeeible remore from Democracy. TbaOolaaere remarkable dellr eraaoa, may be a aaaaiagly deTieed Cable to make mea eaey la their iaa, who hariag knelt at the Dam oeratio Baptiaaal font bare taraed from their deroUoaa to bow down to etoeke aad atoaee- gode that bar. lag eyea aea not, aad baring ears aot. Bat the trnemea of North Carolina will not lie-tea to the Toiea of the airea. We have weed the word "nine" adriaedJy for It woe Id Ve a moa etroae aia to torn over the State of North Carolina to the Repablicana boaad head aad foot. No body dealee the right of free men to enter into any tort of a political orgaalnatioa and gire their party what name they pleaee Onoenpoa a time, a maranding party called tbemaelvee. teTbe AegrI Band," bat ao body waa de- celred by It. Let there be no mietale. He whoeateratbe foida of the Third party croon co the Babiooa aad eeta ep hie ban n ere againat the Democracy. Black ie sot white, aad eonaot be made eo br the STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. ) SberilTa Offloe, Craven Coantj. t New Berne, April 1st, 1S92. NOTICE ta hereby given th kt 1 bv i levied on the laud aad pergonal property of the folio mg named persons, listed by them respectively. n the several townships of urvea (jjunty, lor tne year lor aetaait in payment of tbe State and County raxes, dae by each of aaid tax payers, respectively, tor said year 1801, and shall prooaed to sell ao cording to law, at tbe Court House in the city of .New Berne, on Mon day, May the 2d, 1892, at 12 o'clock M., said lands being more folly described ia said levy, to wn : No. 1 Towxanir. Nana E lee II Aaderaoo, 185 acres land, Pioey Neck Chaa J llrock, 3A aorea Uo1, Ynoceboro Bennett Barrow, J 70 acres land, Clark's 8 warn p Lncy Cleve, Dower itight in Vanceboro Sophia Creamer, 1 acre Und, Manl Swamp William Coward. 40 acres land, Clay Koot Lake Conway, 5J aoree land, Maal Swamp Uichard Cleve. one l5t, Vanoeboro B F Dbikina, 414 acres land, Manl Swamp Ida Dinkina, 309 " " 41 Elbert Dail, 1,000 acres Uod, Palmetto Lafayette Dudley, 1.0 acre land, ease liiver Betsey Dixon, 12 acres land, Maple Cypress Abiaha Ernol, SO acres land, Piney Neck John Ellis, sr. 70 acrea land, Piney Neck Willie A Ewell, 95 acres land, Street's Perry Qreea Edwards, 64 acrca land. Nense River A Forrest, agt. T Y Pegram, 3o0 acres land, Palmetto Franklin Fornee, 50 acrea land, Bail's Pocoein Chaa. Fornee, 50 acrea land, Ball's Pocoein Sarah Fornee, 9 acrea land. Piney Neck Joha Fornee, 50 acres land. Ball's Pocoein Sarah WUlia, 50 acrea iand, Mt. Pleasant Penelope Grifflo, 119 acrea land, Mt. Pleasant W II Griffin, 147 acrea land. Mt. Pleasant Edward Hoell, 23 acrea land, near Vanceboro J F Heath, agt. Sarah Heath, 7i acres land ML Pleasant; 250 acrea Fieber'e Swamp; 200 acrea James Swamp; 262 acres Swift Creek Albert Heath, 19 acres land, Cowpen Landisg Sarah Heath, 50 acree land, Piney Neck J L Ipock, agt. John I pock, 1473 acres land, Willis Neck Lewie B Catoo, 81 acrea land, Willis ecfc A Klrkman. 20 acree land, Bay Bash Eaeter Kite, 100 acree land, Manl Swawp 8tephea Kite, 15 acres Iaod. Maal Swamp J II Klaotao, 150 acrea land, Watery branob; 4 John r Lilly. 9 acrea land, Batler' Ford D S Leoeaeter, sr, CO acree land, Clark' Swamp Rose Laoo-tster, 57 acree land, Palmetto Oliver D Lewie, 350 acree land. Bear Branch Robert S Mil la, 144 acrea Und, Creeping Satp Jamee B Miller, 90 acree land. Deep Neck Ghriatieaa Manning, 250 acres land, Mt Pleasant Levi Ji orris, 50 acree land, Vanoeboro Kate Moye, 596 acree land. Maple Cypres- J B Powell, 40 acree land, Butler's Ford David Pollard, 83 acree land, Pollard's swamp Harvey H Sam me rill, 50 acree land, Maple Cyprea Elisabeth SImpkina, 75 acrea land, Manl swamp Edward 8impkina, 61 acree land, Bear branch William Smith, 23 acree land, Pioey neck Alpheoe Fields, 95 acree land. Street's ferry D W Smith, SO acree, Vanceboro; 826 acres, Manl swami acree. Poplar a warn p Char lea Satton, 60 acrea, Cowpens J fl Stephens, 120 acree, Gorden's bridge David Trlpp.jr, 31$ acree Cat tail; 7 acres Janiper creek C O Tripp, 24 acree, Cat tail B JlWlllia, 65 acres, Bear branch J alia Willie, 153 acre, Willie neck Wm R Eborn, 1'j5 acres, Brice creek J L Gorrell, 32:i2 acres, Havelock J F Godwin, 125 acres, Havelock Edmond Hill, sr, 123 acres, R R E Lifert, -iOO acres, Hancock creek W H Ives, 135 acres, Croatan Noah Jackson, 1750 acres. Brice creek Lewis Moye, 136 acres, Tuckers creek Abilene McMillen, 48 acres, Slocum creek Larkin Manning, 14 acres, Havelock Ferner McRoy, 40 acres, Hancock creek 9.12 102.71 12. CO 8.00 17.25 7.G4 3G-50 7.G7 3.82 2.58 3.G5 Saml B Nelson, agt for Ann M Nelson, 50 acres, Slocum creek 3.9G C'irx-.i i!- 01 , ' Tax and Cost. f 14 20 6.50 5. ST 14.72 2 18 0.77 4 70 13 04 23 28 11-57 15.48 11.75 2.04 G 30 7.97 4.59 7.86 7.12 5.14 5.14 2.38 G 03 3 32 G.53 11. GO 5.44 29.G4 5 35 3 32 30.51 3.19 5 01 3 G4 5 50 4 02 5.32 G 20 3 00 12.54 Saml B Nelson, 15 acres, Slocum creek Robt Nelson, 25 acres, Slocum creek Jno D Pittman, 700 acres Neuse river, 450 acres Neuse river Jno I Killebrew, 1032 acres, Slocum creek Noah Smith, 70 acres, R R Francis Taylor, 3'0 acres, near Lake Ellis Mrs Easter Whitehead, 50 acres, Tucker's creek V S Ward, .100 acres, Slocum creek James West, 10 acres. Havelock No. 7 Township. Tax and Costs 7.10 3.37 32.88 46.41 5.02 7.12 3.32 9.05 2.02 Names. W W Clark. J S Fisher, A D Fisher, aoie V.iiice'.ioro 5 29 G 18 0 80 8 89 33.19 5 45 3 32 10.52 327 6.09 2.81 11.50 IG3 Mary E Williams, 150 acree, Palmetto W Q Whitford, 183 acree, HiU'a neck 48.16 7.38 8 35 9.08 5 85 7. 05 923 6 59 3 25 2 17 B A' Walla, 17 acree, Swift creek No. 2 Township. Meriea Arthur, 100 acres, Mill Creek Geotjie B Daw, 23 acrea. Croea branch Joa Lathem, 13 acree, King's neck F D Norman, 25 acres, Flat awamp W D Petti pher, 300 acree, Janiper T A Btepleford, agt. Stapleford heirs, 240 acrea, Ttapleford place A O Weat, 14S acree, Island B O Wayne, 108 acres, Shoo fly Jndge Becton, 25 acree, Morgan awamp 5.1 No. 3 Towrship. Namk. Tax and Cost Tax and Cost. 3 96 4 85 405 4.87 6.14 5 09 8.22 5.32 Cicero Averv. 100 acree. Core creek 6.02 David Beat, 36 acres, Poplar awamp 3,53 Q W Beet, agt. for Is lab Croom, 20 acre?, Gam swamp 3.32 Jamee Brown, 256 acree, Moecly creek 18.64 B O Cobb, 200 acree, Half Moon 12.09 J EDanzhertY for Danehertv heirs. 1076 acres. Stanly & Owis land 8 86 J alia Danrherty. 180 acrea. Core creek 1147 Alien Hardv. 30 acrea. Wolf Dit 4.06 T J Hawkins. 0 acree. Winter green 6.61 JAB Heath. 300 acres. Core creek 11 55 Wller HilL 250 acres. Alligator branch 16 00 Engine Jonee, 25 acree, Miil branch 5.77 Elijah Jonee, 50 acres, Sn wanna 4.76 Nicy Jonee, 50 acree, 8a wanna 3 60 Elian Jones, agt tor Ambrose Jones, 50 acres 3.60 Allen Marrell, 32 acres, Barnwell 13.65 CM Pittman, 120 acree. Half Moon 12.10 Thomas Bhodea. 30 acres. Core creek 4.08 M F Rowe. 9 acrea. Moalev creek 5 59 Henry Konse, 14 acrea Moslev creek; 125 acres Ronse land; 230 acres McLean land 26 31 Wealthy Rateell, 41 acres, Barnwell; 50 acres Jones Iand 5.58 L H Spear, 00 acrea, BoseelPe branch 18 19 J E Waters. I acre. Dover station 5.00 S B Weet.14 acree. Flat awamp: 57 acres. Gam swamp 3.53 Jamee H White, 121 acres. Great branch 15.13 Willie White. 9 acres. Moeelv creek 5.14 Whitehead & Waters. 1 acre. Dover atation 6.49 George B Wilson, 1 acre, Dover station 2.18 William Wileon. 40 acrea. Tom Dick track 4.93 B B Wooten. 150 acres. Tnrkv traD 16.20 no. 5 towk8hif. Vaxes. Tax and Costs Jamee Brown, 16 acres. Clubfoot creek 4.14 D M Becton. 10 acres. Borcan road 5.00 William Blango, 60 acres, Mcrton mill pond 5.26 tsamnel Blanzo. 50 acres. Morton mill rxmd 5.26 Jamee Blango, 50 acres, Morton mill pond 6.16 B F Borden. 1000 acres. Haacock'a creek 15.03 O Crooo, 163 acree, Mitchell creek 8.84 Ueetv Chadwick. 50 acres. Hancock creek 6.32 L F Carter, 50 acres. Clubfoot creek 5.81 Elijah Carter, 25 acres, Morton's mills 5.30 Baos L Carter, 37 acres, Clnbloot creek 5.55 Jamee Croom. 7 acree, Adams creek 4.96 O W Carter, 25 acres, Oahooqae 4.88 W E Clarke, 250 acres, Adama creek 02 John Fenner,95 acres, Mitchell's creek 10 02 uarvey Tenner, 23 acrea, Mitchell's creek 4 m San Fenner, ar, 100 acres, Biver shore 6.68 8peseer G Fiaber. 50 acres, Cabooque 5.87 Boea Ferroeon. 93 acree. Adams creek 4.20 Jamee George, 26 acree, Clubfoot creek 5.39 Abner N Gooding, 25 acree, Morton's mill poDd o.'b Emanuel George, 75 acres, Clubfoot creek 4.40 ti B Godet, 45 acres, Mitchell's creek o.uu Theophilns George, 30 acres, Mitchell's creek 3.02 Nathaniel George, 25 acrea, Clubfoot creek 5.42 O W Gaakina. 25 acres, Hancock's creek 4.88 W H Godet, 17 acres. Clubfoot creek 4.8o Sylvester Gaakins, 50 acres, Mitchell's creek; 100 acres, River shore 4.90 Jno H George, 90 acres, Mitchell's creek; 40 aores. Snake branch 7.73 iiica Jackaon. 90 acrea. Adams creek 0.J0 Abner Jones, 125 acres, Clubfoot creek 5.72 Ktzxy Lane, 13 acree. Clubfoot creek 2.58 Seth Lncaa. 26 acrea. Clnbloot creek 2.68 Francis Moore, 90 acres, Mitchell's creek - o.az Beoi Martin. 50 acres. Clubfoot creek 3 68 Elijah Martin, 34 acres, Mitchell's creek 4.94 Elisabeth Martin, 34 acrea. Clubfoot creek 2.77 Samoel Martin, 24 acrea, Mitchell's creek 2.43 Jeese Mitchell, 6 acres, Mitchell's creek 4 GO Hurt Marion, 15 acres, Adams creek .u Rich Morris, 57 acres. Clubfoot creek 5.70 Jno Nolan, jr, 15 acres, Clubfoot creek 4.97 reeman Taylor, 100 acres. Clubfoot creek o.vo N H Taylor, 190 acres, Hancock 'a creek 3.34 Stephen Simmons. 63 acres, Adams creek 5.72 Edward Wilson. 18 acres. Coot's creek M B Weaver. 125 acres, Neuse river 4-5o fcJosan J Willooffhbv, 54 acres. Mitchell's creek 2.b2 William Williams, 95 acres, Adams creek -61 No. G Township Names. buo acres acre, Kiverdale acre, Riverdale Wm Foy (Heirs), 30uo acres, east side Reedy branch W F Foy, 203 acres, Foscue land Primus Foy, Go acres, Young land S II Gray Mfg Co, 5 acres, Graywood Summerfield Haskett, 200 acres, Beaufort road Charles W Hardison, 90 acres, west side Otter creek Bryan W Ives, acre, Riverdale O H Perry, 1010 acres, west side Brice creek Washington Spivey, 64 acres, part Young tract Hannah Small, 7i acres, Elizabeth Tippet, 240 acres, Mill branch No. 8 Township City. Names. Tax and Wm Avery, Forbes land, West street H C v hitehurst, Hancock st Martin Arthur, 1 lot, Scott's alley H W Anderson, 1 lot, Pavie Town Loucinda Auston. house, Guion land Edward Bull, 1 shop. South Front street Alfred Baker, 1 lot, Cedar street Alexander Bass, 1 lot, Baagg's alley, cor. Jones and German st R C Baker, 1 lot. Gardener's alley W H Bryant. 1 lot, Brown's alley J B Brown, 1 lot. Middle street Tony Bishop, 1 lot, George street Hannah Banks, 1 lot, Berne st Benj Barrows, house on leisad ground Geo Brinn for Annie Cannady, 1 lot, Pavie Town Lettice Coval, 1 lot, Griffith street John Cannon, 1 lot, New South Front street Samuel Cook, 1 lot, Pollock 6treet J fl Crabtrae for wife, 1 lot, Middle and Graves streets J H Crabtree & Co, 2 lots. Craven street W E Clark, agent and part owner, 1 lot, Dryboro Major Chapman, 1 lot, cor. Pine and Berne streets Reubin Chapman, 1 lot, Tin Cup alley James Charles, 1 lot, Queen street Joseph Clark, 1 lot, Pavie Town Dowdy hers children, 1 lot, Metcalf street Isaac Davenport, Jerkins land Henderson Dudley, 1 lot, Farmville S A Edwards, 1 lot, Rountree street Robt Fenner, house, George street Eli Franks, lot, Pavie Town Rosa Fisher, lot, Queen street Wm Feruderson, agt Moses Cobb, lot, Pavie Town Mrs E Gaskill, lot, cor. New and Hancock streets Caesar Gorham, lot, George street Anthony Green, house, lin Cup alley Richard Garner, house, Reizenstein land Lucretia Good, lot, Berne street Laura Gardner, lot, George street Saml I B Hooks, house, JerkinR land W H Harget, house. Queen street Mrs V A Harrison, lot, New street L vv Hancock estate, 1-3 lot, corner King and Graves streets R D Hancock, 1-3 lot. corner Graves and King streets Saml Hill, lot, Pavie Town, Wm K Henderson, lot, Jerkins land W R Hollis, lot, Pavie Town Emanuel Hall, lot, Crooked street William Harris, lot, Ash street M. P. Holly, lot George street George Ireland, lot Pavie Town Allen Jackson 2 houses, Five Points Mary E Justice, lot, Spring street Simon H Johnson, lot, Berne street Adam Johnson, lot, Pavie Town Henry James, lot, West and Brown streets Jabe Jasper, lot, Scott's alley Decater Jones, lot, Pavie Town Jane Keys, lot, Spring street Henry S Lewis, lot, Good street Francis Lane, lot, Queen street John Lewis, lot, Jerkins aliey Patsey Moore, lot, Richardson alley Mary McGee, Bryan and Crooked streets Ella Merrick, lot, Jack Smith road Barbara Moore, lot Queen street, lot Pavie Town Michael Mumford, lot, Scott's alley Dianna Mouring, lot, Pavie Town Henrv McChesney, lot, South Front street Robt'Mosley for Easter Simmons, lot, New South Front st Alex McLackliner. aert for wife, lot, Pollock street Robt G Mosley, agt for Violet Holloway, lot, Crooked street 12.17 8.24 5.14 78.11 28.57 19.21 192.05 2C.52 9.95 8.25 38.51 21.44 4.52 10.88 Sylvester Scott, 28 acres, Batchelor creek Hagar Blade, 3 acres, Drymonm road Bryan Slade, 150 acres, Drymonia road Miles Simmons, 50 acres. Hatcbelor creek Jno N Stewart, lOOacres, Green's thoroughfare iNancy I hompson, lfiO acres, Horse branch J 8 White, heirs of, 50 acres. Tuscarora L T Weatherinston, 49 acres. Tuscarora Cooper Williams, STi acres Drymonia road, 5 nc:cs Jasp r Alex Wood, lUi) acres, Lrreen 1 horoughfare W II Weatherinton, 13 acres, Batchelor creek S J Williams, 10C acres, Green Thorough faro K Z AVilliarns, 100 acres, Green Thoroughfare W. B LANE. Sheriff Craven County, N 2 40 2 12 5.80 6 53 8.G6 4.08 3 00 5 77 0 07 8.74 2 50 7.04 8 80 C. Costs. 5.14 8.38 9.57 3.00 2.55 5.22 4.58 8.38 7.03 4.71 15.4G 3 95 7.12 5.14 2.6S 5.22 2.70 9.02 14.72 59.05 4. 6. 5. 6. 2. 7. 5. 3. 6. 58 63 13 40 55 12 13 95 40 2.69 5.14 5.22 6.40 8.38 7.67 5.14 6,08 4.58 5.22 5.14 5.46 15.04 7.12 7.12 4.58 6.94 3.64 3.96 6.41 9. 6.97 2.55 5.85 8.62 7.67 6.48 3.95 7.67 5.85 9 57 4.58 5.22 3.96 3.98 7.76 6.17 7.03 3.32 5.32 5.22 14.63 8.38 Tax and Costs. F M Barnes, agt for Henry Deppie, 663 acres, Slocum Creek Amos Batts, 10 acres, Havelock H T Bennett; 2200 acres, Brice creek w Clark, aetfor Bnce & Duston. 3000 acres. Long lake W E Clark, acrent for Dufore & Co. 30OO acres, Store land C C Cannon, 92 acres, Havelock larrv Coleman. 52 acres. Croatan A J Chestnutt, agt for Mrs M A Sparks, SO acres, Hancock c'k 5 A J Chestnutt. act for Garret Vine. 40 acres. Havelock 3 A J Chestnutt, 200 acres, Havelock Dock Cooper, 18 acres, HavelOck John Chance, 50 acres, Tuckers creek WJ IlCavanaugh, 65 acres, Havelock Abraham Dennis, 35 acres, Havelock Joseph Nelson, 500 acres, Slocum creek Wm J Dove. 25 acres. Havelock Jacob Dove, 60 acres, Havelock 21.05 5.20 29.91 33. G6 73.G3 15.5S 3.04 .03 .06 9.05 C.G2 C.69 10.20 G.59 14.72 5.77 4.59 New Berne Electric Light and Power Co, lot, South Front st 78.05 Jas E O'Hara, agt for Joe Alston, lot, Pavie Town M F Orum, lot, Eden street C E Palmer, lot, Berne street Harriet Palmer, lot, Forbes alley Shado Russell, 1 lot, Forbes land Martha A House, lot, New South Front street H V Richardson heirs, lot, corner Cedar and Weat atreeta Isaac R Richardson, lot, Georare street W F Rountree, agt for Mills & Walker, lot, Craven street Geo Red for Elizabeth Brown, lot, Metcalf and Cedar straeta Anderson Slade, house, Forbes land Handy Simmons, lot, Pollock street J B Stanly and wife, lot Pollock street, lot Parie Town Window Stnaw, lot, Jerkins' land Mathew Simmons, lot Queen street, 2 lots Pavie Town Daniel W Smith, house, Reizenstein land Sabre Slade, lot, Rountree street James M Smith, lot. Elm street Jordan Simmons, house, Forbes land C J Sheelky, lot Atmore street, office Atmore street, mill property W E Snelling, house, Pollock street Mumford B Smith, steamboat barge Lucy A Tucker, lot, Berne street Sirah Wayne, lot, Brown's alley Dennis Wadsworth, Jot, Pollock and Queen streets Moses Williams, lot, Pavie Town John Williams for wife, lot, Pavie Town Phillip II Wiggins, lot, Queen street R P Williams, lot, South Front street R P Williams, agt for Thomas Williams, lot, South Frooi ana Craven streets Hollister West, house, Forbes land Thomas Williams, lot, Pavie Town Abram West, house. Queen street Wm C Whitford, lot, Qneen street . John Warren, lot End and Union sts. lot Pollock and Queen su Flornf.fl Randoloh. G H White net. lot. Queen street York and Jones, heirs of Bacahus York, lot, Cedar street Mathew York, lot, Berne street J T York, lot, Cedar street No. 8 Township Outside City. Names. Tax and Samuel T Bowen, 40 acres, Trent road Edward Dickerson, 138 acrea, Neuse road Kichard Oickson, 220 acres, Neuse road, aia acrea, ireus roaa. Hazard Powder Co , i acre, near cemetery Isaac Ilenderson, 13 acres, Trent road T no.. W.rnnm fnr ftafUPlI Mr-Tlwin IS aCrOS. NeUM rOftd . Lewis Harman, agt for Matilda Harman, 25 acres, Trent road Mary E Justice, by J ti Collins agt, tau acres, neuse ruau A B Koonee, 450 acres, Trent road Abram Lee, by W F Rountree, agt, 2 acres saw mill, JaolunUth creek Nelson McCoy, i acre, Duffy land A A Moore, at for Nannie Moore, 61 acres, Batchelor ere Joaeph Nelson, 20i acres, Trent road C E Palmer, 92 acres, Trent road E R liisrgs for Nancy Rigs;s, 125 acres, Xeuse road Jesse P Stewart, 100 aeres, Batchelor creek Jno B Willis, 100 acres. Trent road .1 E Wilcox, 70 acres, New road W A Wilcox, 135 acres, New road No. 9 Township. vAATT?o Tax and Costs. 2.69 13.47 16.48 2.69 5.10 3.04 X.12 6.49 14 72 3 96 5.14 4.58 8 98 3.95 8.38 5.14 3.96 7.03 5.13 88 28 7.03 13.77 4.58 895 17.87 3.32 3.96 6.40 28 06 15 34 5 14 5.77 2 55 4 58 17.44 7.12 3.96 3 96 4 58 Costs. 4.13 20.05 23 97 3.32 9 31 2.81 3.32 9.65 82 19 15.72 5.14 4.86 3.06 12.15 8 82 10 12 5 85 7 54 8 13 for Infants and Children. "CaitorUkBo wen adapted to emfidna Out I raonmrnfiJ ltupcrior toaayyrauljiMwi ksgwa to me." E. A. X. D., Ill So. Oxford St., BrooUra, M. T. Vk tv f' Caatoria'tosansircnal aad ta merHso well known that It wmm a werk f luiww ligation to endorse It. Few aretlM Mtollnt teralliee who do not keep Caatoria wftkta easy-reach." GkxLoa Mitrnt, u. D., New York CT. Lata Factor KooiatojdaJ Eetonned Chan. Boar Stomach, DtarrbCBS, jactation, KmaWaraa, gives aieap, and promote mtint kajtstova Far en-end yean I have reeemnended year 'riartoria,' and riuOlal way oonttMete do eo ae it ha lavariabl produced peoefleiel reaeita." bwnt F. TiMSMW, K. D., Xb matbrep," IU Street and Tth Are., VewTorkOttr. J. E. LATHAM. GEKEE1L COMMISSION MEBCH1IT, Huyer of Cotton, Country Produoa. ao4 all speculative com mod Uit a Reasonable cteh advancr mad. a good Male for eale or exchange for a drive horre. Office foot Craven atrret. In Clyde belln- fobA dwtf . , . -h WILL BE SOLD AT A A Sacrifice 75c C 1 o k at Also Filled Genta' Ta Omrnxm Oaavaar, TT XoaaaT btubt, Haw Ten. FROM M JUST AhRIVFD THE $EST WITH TWO OM! LOADS HA 150 Nickel Clocks 175 Nickel Alarm 93o. 50 8ilve.. N ickel and ' Gold Ladles' and Watches, with Elgin Movement, every one of them guarantee'. Latest styles in HOW-KKOT LADIES' AM) ;KTS' KCAKF PINS, with ko- line !);a:non(Js 11 Karat Gold I.AIMI'S' KISUM. Also our Leader in Gents' initial Rings, 14 Karat, price $4.50, real value $7.75. A few Cue Diamond Kings below coat. Silver Table nnd Tea Hpoona, a erx large assortment of tingle plated Gents . '" and Ladies' Watcb Chains and' Colt 'M' 3uttonn and Lockets. All god will bo c. i.l t HALF THE ORIGINAL COST. - . ,' ,; . Come at once (o the Green From, N vel;y Store. Mi. Idle Klieet. iu'xi to upt tit Chimb.,. r A a?0 Iro U u I MORSES and MUL Gome Early and Get a GOOD SELECTION. WNCHN Relieves all soreness of the mucous membrane and cures GONORRHCBA and GLEET mi 105 days. No other treatment necessary. Never causes stricture or leaves any injurious after effect. Price, 1. Sold by druggists. , BLOOD BALM CO., Pro's, Atlanta. Ss. MJJDLLEBEJ OUNDED 1864 by the present executive Occupies four buildings Unrivalled in iacil- i AJUD WOMEN lor success in life. The outlook for ities for educating IOC: - s. ismont favnrahlA rnr hnnftiMiR smnnrtnTiltiAft. The oemana ior our graduates is unprecedented, no vacation ; pupils can enter at any time with , equal advantage. Never attend a school because me tuition is cneap, tor CHEArU very aear; it means cheap surroundings, inferior facilities. and offers NO opportunities for securing PO S I TIO MS for rts mini la nnd CT&dnatea. This school, owing to Its HIGH standard of excellence, has placed In business more young mi women from Md., Va., N. C, S. C. and Qa. than all similar institutions combined. Catalogue and imrucuiara mailed. w.M. SAULER.KRES.,-P. A. SADLlH. SECY, BALTIMORE, m D S 1 1 The Time to Make Good Roads. Mark T.vain tells a etory of a minister who once had a call in the conn try. He had to ride nine miles over a rough road. The horse was skittish and the cart had no springs, so the poor preacher was jolted up and down nntil he almobc wished he was dead. The borso finally ran away and -threw him oat into tbe road. When found he was asked if he was hart. He said he did not know but be felt as if he was broken in many places. "If I ever go to hell," he said, "I want to ride there over this road, because I shall be very glad when 1 get there.'7 This story is told to illustrate the infamous character of many oi the public roads iu this country, and it does not exaggerate the matter, for if there is one feature of the works of men which dis credits them, and hampers them, and loads them with expense, re tarding them in their bnsiness and social communication more than another, it is the neglect and in nifrflrnnp.fi whip.h ia annirsnt nn every hand of the roads over MRS. B. B. LANE, wuiuu Luej Liavei. t its uiuiuab I inconceivable that men of brains Middle St , opposite Baptist Church. clY A nnfnrnricn an? thtff" onH aa gacity should go on, year after DpnDg anQ Oummer UpeniDg A Bit of Fun With a Point. A minister frequently called on Saturday to borrow five dollars from one of his members, which he would promptly retnrn on Mon day. It occurred so often that the member commenced marking the hills, and found that the mark ed bill was the one that came back One day the preacher borrowed ten dollars, which was marked, and as usual, returned. Curiosity could resist no longer. "Why bo yon do chat, pastorT" "I always preach better with a little money in my pocket." "Bat why did yon bor row ten dollars?'7 "I wanted to preach a better sermon than usual.7' The necessity of borrowing was generonslv removed by his flock thereafter. Cbronio constipation, with attendant evils, is cared by Aver 's Cathartic Pills. Bold dealers in medioine. til it taking by all SU3.ll.nery! LAJPHIH, 13th, 1892. year, groaning under the burden of bad roads, when it is demonstrable that for less money than it costs them in wear and tear and delay, they could have excellent high ways, permanent in character and glorious in results of money and satisfaction. The old roads that tbe Komans built in the time of the Caesars are still standing. and are better than tbe roads bnilt in Virginia last year, or ten years ago, and they have stood the wear and tear of two thousand j ears The roads of Italy, of France, of Rno-lanrl und YValua nf norm an v and other European countries are JTo PatrODS alld Friends. dae ueugat ana pnae ana won tier A lull line of Millinery in all the latest styles, as handsome and as cheap as can De bought in the city. Also, a nice line of Laces, .Embroider ies, Ladies Vests, Ladies and Children s Hose, Mitts, Belts, eto. The public generally are most respect lully invited to call and examine her stock and compare her prices with those ot any In the city or elsewhere. Broad St Fruit Store. E F Arnold, 213 acres, Spring OUrden E F Arnold, executor of E Arnold, 276 acres, Spring Garden A A Avory. agent for F P Avery, 84 acres, Neuse road W J Arnold, 124 acres, Perfection Alfred Bailey, 102 acres, Batchelor Creek V E Clark, 300 acres, Wild Cat John Clemens, heirs, 140 acres, Tuscarora Calvin Churchill, 62 acres, Jumping Run W F Civils, 29 acres. Dover road II Davis, 353 acres Jumping Run, 192 acres Cypress savanna, Jumping run D Davis, heirs of, 100 acres, Pocosin W C Davis, 200 aores Horse branch, 50 acres Horse branch L 0 French, 20 acres, Turkey Quarter 1 H French, 28 acres, Turkey Quarter S R French, 250 acres. Turkey Quarter Cicero Green, heirs of, by J C Green, 6 acres. Clear Spring W m Godet, 6 acres, Tuscarora Noah Handv. 28 acres, Tuscarora James Harris, 100 acres, Turkey Quarter Stephen Isler, 1300 acres, Tuscarora 8erah O Ivey, 89 acres, Perfection J J Jackson, 150 acres, Etr-rToad Charles Lassiter, 88 acres, Batchelor creek Martin Lawson. 102 acres Jumping run, ou acres jumping u Ben Loftin. 88 acres. Dover road Nancy Moore, 120 acres. Jumping Run Mary Hill, by Stephen Scott, 20 acres, Batchelor creek Wm Mitchell, acre. Spring branch Dennis Perkins, 50 acres, Batchelor creek BeDj Spencer, 23 acres, Molly branch 14 acres 17 72 10 92 5 85 11.47 4,40 3.96 3 82 6.76 6.03 19.99 8.00 9 19 5.01 3 54 16.34 2.62 2 87 2 41 5.99 SJ7.S9 6.98 8.43 3 32 12.31 5.77 8 58 2.37 4.82 4.40 5.38 oi all travellers ir?m this country. It is with a knowledge of our great shortcoming our deep humiliation m this respect that we oontinue to cry out to oar people to make it a matter oi importance next to their religion and th ir duty to their wives and children to look alter their roads and to insist upon the enforcement of the amended law, which is tbe best we have for the present. We are glad and thankful to many of our State con temporaries in the cities and in the country who are helping ns to bring this matter before the people The courts, the Grand Juries, and the people, acting together and cordially co-operating, can work a revolution in a few years. Believe us, there is no public daty more imperative. Every road surveyor in the State can learn, it ne does not already know, how to successfully repair his roads, and if be will write to The League Boads Improvement Burea, Potter Building, Hew York, and ask for the best method oi repairing public public roads, cov ering the work of draining and grading dirt roads, he will get all the ini'ermation he needs, and it will be gladly furnished him. Ex Have just received another Fresh Lot oi HICE FRUIT,- Fine Apples, Cocoanuts, Bananas, Golden Russet Apples, Fiorina J ranees. and a variety of other Northern Fruit which are kept in stock. Florida Oranges, 40c. per d; zon. Russet Apples, 40c per peck. Pine Apples, 15c. While passing Btoad street please call. I will satisfy or snit you if possible. 1 hanking you kindly for past favors, hoping to receive a continuance of your patronage. BROAD STREET FRUIT STORE, Second door above Middle, and next to Mr. Chas. Swert's. JAMES D. BARFIELD, mar25dwlm PROPRIETOR. THE STAGE AND THE PULPIT Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me- My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parisnioners tnougnt i could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King' New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining so ids. lnweiglit. Arthur Love, Manager Loves runny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats 'em all and cures when everything else iails. The greatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to nrge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. S. Daffy's drag store. Regular sizes 50c. and $1.00. J JOHN UeSORLEY, Boot and Shoe Maker POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE. 1ST. C. Having secured the ervlocg of a (killed Mechanic and flrst-clsss Workm.n from New York, I an now fully prepared to fill promptly all orders for line CrSfOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. Th many years that I have BaUsfaotorilv supplied the wants of my numerous patroni ib iu9 Dest gaureiuiett 01 tae cnar&cier oi my work. Hepalrlng a specialty. Noatly and prompt ly done. novociw ir istp juiiJN MCSOKLEY W. P. JONES Is now otrrying a Large Stock of AND Manufacturing and Cleaning MATTEESSES, Opposite tbe Oaston House, and res pectfully asks a share of patronage from the public Agent for the Exoelaior Clothes Horse. P. LA H0KfABHj, ? CRAVEN STREfeT." 3 Doors from Board, of Tide NEW BERNE. N.'fV, Solicits CONSIGNMENTS O1 TRUClt' for tbe following well-known Finn: '5 V' Msrs. A. Bennett & Co., NEW YORK-.' r ' . .r " Nock,Timmon Co.,.. K , PHILADELPHIA Lippman Brop., f ; .J DROUKLTN- i : ; Darand Bros. & Merrick''.',- WASHINGTON, XXrfC-k ' C. Woltera ft Co.;l';?.',T. . V; v NEWARK, N. ' Latest quotations rectived daiFjr 'J '' ' ' each of the above markets - - Stencils and Postal CarJa 04i b aadT J upon application at ray office mar24 dw3rn . i-.i-' TRUCK BABEEL8; - - r Bright Burlap Barrel Covers.' . LINDSAY & QQl'xrh alGJlmwlt Portsmouth, Va; ! mm - m acnooi or uusio.vi- ...... l ,M VIOLIN AND PXAKOv i nu ... i , : INSTRUMENTAL end THEOBITICAL '" HARMONY and COMPOSITION.',' j.'jj k X; -ni-imiH t A class will be formed, ''of dVaneed'1 pupils onlj, to take op Harmony. ; . t .", Paotical Piano Toofng and Rtpslr f! ing taught. t.-1 Advanced pupils in Harmeay ft '"f isught Gompotiiion free of , eberge, . :" talent allewiog.- '' : 1i?ij1'ti-v- Violin or Piano, two Irssona" tjr V )' woek, per month, , j ti QQ Violin and Piano, one ltSMn per , "' week, per month, ' t.t0 'y Harmony, one letron pr week, . per month, t-00 i ' For full parlicalara appjjr to thV mm'Itl dersigDed at the offide of R. C Kho,J "' ' corner Middle and New ia.-MoodsT. ' . -AprU 4th. CHaa M KKBOB. l.i . - CHaa. L WABinx,f V ad&wtf Barrington M Baxter HAVE JUoT RECEIVED A ' " ., . of ' ' ' T n O.'i.t.i.'. ". . ' , f Zcigler's Ffne Shoss; KOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND ' I' . Every pair warranted to glvVpBR FEOT SATISFACTION. We have just received a Full Line of Men's, Youths' and Children's CLOTHHTGr Of Late Style, Shade and Cuts. Also Some Nice Dress Goods COME AND SEE. Children'sTJersey Suits, Bov's Corduroy Fants,( Children's Shirt "Walstd SAMPLE HOSE, SAMPLE SUMMER VE8TS, FULL LINE 8USPEHDEHS, (Every pair warranted for yrs. wear.) SILK UMBRELLAS, Trunks and Valises. A FULL LINE OF Lato Stylo Hats. feb!7dwtf 'v fihildren Cry forPitchelCastorla- - - 4

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