THE JOURNAL. . ItlBPM. C. T. USCat. R.O.MI EtiU Democratic Ticket Tm 0-rr : 1X143 CARS. Rlooib. fm Li i m Umm . V.A. DOCUHIOH. AlJar ln7 Sa OCTAVTCS CO KB. Wa W. B-alS. Wait. Fa ton Aa4o B. M. rCEMlS. Ba dendence tinil I h t? h of t he l)niivr!:i' Krom thi in .ingor.V. . son t (i i lie i ii i' ; n pc r : i il o I m ' :r : h v. !. tin' i" an : ry w i- :r ii. ! i, :n ;.: r .it ; n , nclve j e rs i'o t rt i : n ; s t r : ; o us or . aud I'.4 lor. I t) is I e ni o- r a : i ' a golden a,;e oi the 1 ; r i C if h t the feet 'f an empire ol Liken from 1 1 :i. ;;:. I an il 1 a: nuxx l oaaoass. i Maawf . of tplsr CHIP! AUUic r oIiaiit lia to rapport tW SUwut Frt Tn TUf4 prtj aolaUd 0o. Wror. II 0J b Coal Ual lk vr wt wb fro wlue U ii lapoiaibU tot Iks party to rrtrimf UmU. ItUmU Ual tWt Tfeird party peopJa M latHi lot Dr. Saadwr Ua to bteMM t Wi ea4U4 tor Oartnaf-. TWj 't BMttUU If f0 CUVlMd TSX BMt U Tkirl prtx M do Ulaf fact ttmm uJ Tf UldoltIit fcU, bww frotl LMwvtlU CtoarW Tmn Uw mmtmw ol diMOUat Uai w4r Ward iaaadtxlj aitar Mr. aTlad' iMilttliM kara atiralj abeidad, aad taata ia mow aai. aa rahannooiooa acta. TUb jlefil pradietlooa of tb BapablJ caaUuitara voald ba kopIaa troaUala tl DaatoeratJo part j aarp already prored ie. Icmct tdaat taal ABiora aaitad aad dtr nlaad aaapaJfa aaa aarar ba vitaaaaad ta taa kktory o4 politiw ia Lhia eoontry laaa taat wbkea tka I Im did not toUs CLETELISD 1SD THE KORCE HII.U Tb Third party orgAii of Korth Crolioa ia a recent is-ue make vary ferocton aau!t on Mr. Ctareiand aad impugn hi po tioa on th fori-e bii!, wbuli ;n( moaji aaaar tbt papr i:eif iMDi iocliaed to treat very I gh'.ly. It cUimt that efforts re LwiDg Bi4l to create (treat deal of ui: e-Hary alarm on tb.t score, um! ujii: "New Kng!Dil emocrars tfe tbe intigator.i of ibe latettt o tbe h'orc bill. Cleveland be loof to that crowd The outh tad Wet will settle but tnd ilam non'fl Fore bill prooJi vites in No vojbr." IT tb N'orth Carolina Tbird T,r tjitaa cbooe to think tha: l'rre bU for th Soatb, wbioh will place taia aectioa oomplte)y at the mer cr of the maligaaot Soatb haters of tlM North, U a small matter not to b compared to tbe importance. o getting hold of tb oHic, n ia taeir own affair, it i only to be moat dflToatlr booed that the po PU of tlMjoJd North State will bar , Coding the States aeaae eaoagb not to be led by any Third party here 14 into tbe fatal arrorof abandoning the old-time Democracy which, time and araia iaoa tha war, haa shown that it ia tha only hopn and aalratioa of the Soath. If they do, ail that ran be aid to them Lstha well known ei preouoa which the Jadge aae to warda ooadacnned Btarderers aa be fleiabaa paaaing Mjteaoe: "May tha Lord bar e mercy npon yoar 00 ta, Richmond Time. We know of no better paper than the Time. It is elevated, ftoaod aad able. The interest manileeted by tha Tiaioa io North Carolina affaira Is appreciated and recip rooaled. It ia admitted that the Third par 1 exists ia North Carolina, and it oaaaot b deaied that it aUo haa a locai habitatioa aad a name in tbe Old Doenlaioa. All throogb tha putt, in peace aad ia war, Virginia and North Carolina haro stood shoulder to ahoalder ia defaae of liberty and right, aad carted be the hoar when eUbor permits a spot to reat on its stainless eacatcbeon. Tbe Democracy of North Caroli a a, proai of it past history, in preaaing torward to still ntg&er acbiarementa, and it is pleasing to belie re that however ad raaoed may be its colors tbe rlag of Tirfiala will Soat in serene msjes ty oa tha ume field. Tbe people 0 North Carolina are satiaOcd with the action of tbe Chicago Coatention. Her dele for Cleveland ier 1 he houses on . jilt-nteonsnoss 1 ii her Uorrtern, '.1 1 with an re AT : in :i r " ti ". : 1 thi .1.! 1 ;n U irr.Hon e.irs o! , w (VH t : . r l.e 1 :; , 1 1. . '1 U'e j- h '.in. tiled he A.::. : .11 II Igle. 'onii i o'-.- vr ei . ' h w aa ' Mei: ran dominion, It IM elld, l ) Ii N , , 1 I e: -pe.ik t P ir ore Kepablican : n i. with the re t recor'stru'ttioii! 1 1 rn ti ,i e e o I - GREAT EXCITEMENT HOMESTEAD. IHOOl's 0R1)HKH1 OCT 1I, Ml niATKM. Ml iUe sue btitr hc ingratitude abandon the She will not, "Sooner far. to own her V NHOItli ( OlilUM'OMIHM H. W t ootton bloom ;ni:th 'h on the water melon bat erery Democrat in her borders will do bis bent to secure bis rlec tioo. a are aot to be mislead a.s to DeiBoerata ara aboat ta undertake. .Baltlaior New a. Tsrn Baoablioaa Baaate haa rssnsl tkm Sdrer bill; a Democxt- lo Iloaaa la czpactatt topaaa it, and I the vital tasoe of the-cam paign, and taall a BapabUeaa lf aidaat vilJ I o soph la try can sdace as from the ta It. All thai will ba raiaed by I path c4 patriotic doty. The" tarifT UU labbab will be that it will bajia htdecxui, bat It is ia angel of , aaorw that aoana Hapab-1 light tkeaide he moastroas Force linana aa tot ailrsr aad sosaa aralbilL We rem member the speech axalaat it.whUe aoata Deaaoerata ara I of Mr. Cleveland in which he says "Vkavtie oar political ad rermariea beat opontheYaasage of a Federal law, with the scarcely deaied parpoee of perpetuating partiaa) supremacy, which invades tha State with election machinerj deaigaed to promote Federal inter (ereaee with the rights ot the peo pia of the locaJiUee coocertied, dis crediting their honesty and lair aad lastly arousing their Jealoosyof centralised power, we ill stubbornly resist such a dan gerooa ana revolutionary scheme in obedience to oar pledgee for the support or tbe state government in ah their rights Theae words buckle us to him ith hooks of steel. Because of hie poaitioo oa the Force bill, if for ao other raoo. North Carolina will give her vote to tbe greatest Hna-1 living American, aad hail bis elec The I tioa aa a pledge that the rights of nil aiet aad I the Statea w ill be preserved, and Mr. Saasoaa I the Meaainga of liberty transmitted headaartera I to oar latest poterity North Carolina saJate Virginia aa a sister State in the advancing eolamn of the uu tern fled and in vtacible Democracy tor lilTar aad auaaa ara agaiast it Bt taa whole qoeatloa will be left axactlr where it waa before the Baaate revived it aitloj, aad Clarralaad wiQ be alecCetl all tbe aaaaa. Kiehmoad Time. Tn friead of Mr. Siaimoaa ara vhi mil led with the maaaer ia Vaiea blaaleetioai to the ehairss aalpaf taa State KiecaUva Ooea antlaa la raeeivad by Deaaoermta ia all parte of the State Taa RaJeigb aarraapoadeat of the Wdmiagtoa Vaaawanr 'tat: The eUetioa of Haas, F. M. Stssaaoaa a ehairmaa ciaa reoaral aatUfaetioe). tie ia a wee af the beet weaker ia U. Htata. IUaaaasDeJTa la the Sel die Utea kave peeved I hi. U r BMa wtil be here axt week CaalnJ aoaaaaiuee aieef a secret a ry. will aataallaa hie aara raaraiasir. TW IVssocraU ia laaBUteaiaai aid bias liberally aad aaartlly. with rouse, pea aad aoeaec book. BajliTca Vajicb, we ara glad to taara. la pleased with hi arjoara at Ua Islaad Beaca hotL at the If ssaaiirnks, aad haa eoasiderabiy laipcvrad alace hia arrival oa last Trail areolae a week ago. lit talaa a daily bat ia tha solphar water frwaa the ariealaa wiL The Sea a tor Lakae hia saeel la hie root aa aooooat of eoaraaieocr, aad J tontaar aa ia geitiag aloag vary aoaafortaaly aader the kind atten Uoaa Mr. Boder, the eoarteooa pcwpriator esf tie hooae. Qaite aaaa bar oar their reeoect to the Beast or froea tiate to time, aad he aordialJr receive theaa ia hi rooaa.-afeaaeager. SXaiTOB BOOBR U. U ILLS has gave) to Texaa to eater ao- livaly into the eaaapaiga. Great heat haa been involved ia the Loae Star State over the gnberaatorial eon teat, bat ia that the Senator wiU Cake no part, aa the strife ia solely over taa aosaiaatioa. He roea boom oal r tot the pa rpoee of com bat tag oa the stamp the here sfee of tbe third pi if novemeat, which taa air aad y aeeaaed coo id erabie proportioaa. The big Dam ocralie nxsjority ia eeriooaiy threat aed, aad il will Uka the Uu ef forta of taa "aaUrrtaed" to hold the oiara ta liaa. WHT STaND BT THE DE(XRITI( PlRTTr There are those in tbe country who are serioosly considering tbe qoeatioa, why stand by tbe Demo era tie part) Y uaoat aaaoming sapenor wis dom, we propose to answer tbe eoqairy. Staad by tbe Democrat 10 party becaaae of its history. It is vener able with sge. and every suc- eeaaive year has teemed with freb proofs of its utility and bleeaiag. Oar fathers were wise builders and laid well tbe foundations ol the Govern meat. Washington's election to be tbe first Preaident of tbe 1'aited States i aot the result of political srut ty or party tactic, u vu tue spontaneous outburst of patriotic derotioa to the father of his cmn try. Bat, it was not possible for a Kepablicloog to exist without the formation of parties. There tw ao land an ark to steer by; no lamp of experience to shine as a beacon ligh along the way. Tbe Federal and Kepablican parties sprang i a to existance on tbe oaest'on. hether tbe government or the twcii'v three -ta'es added to n. It : a remarkable fact that ever lO"")t of terrt'ory added to the Nrttionalloniain since the formation cf the go ernment w aciu;rei uintt r I ) adm i. tration, except.::;, .llone iceNui.d. sterile and profi '. Ie.s .vla.-k.i. With the end l 1 'emocratic ,ui minLStration came the beginning of our woes The Republican par ty violatel the 'och' 'it ion by ei he sou', h from ejnaJ rights in the territories, and foroed her patriotic i-eople to the alternative of choosing between Inequality in the I'nion or inde pendence out of it , and th is pre cipitated the bloodies? revolution in the annels of :.:ne. States were dissevered, and it w.vs no' until the election of Cleveland that tbt I'nion waa restored and the ble singn of litverty voachedsafe to every American o;t,.-n from the lakes to the gulf. Knongh of the pat. what of the present and the future' The Democratic party pledges the same fidelity to the I nion and tbe Constitution that ha.s charac terized its past history, and stands before'the country a the champion of tbe righta of the State arid tbe liBerties of the people. It denies tbe right of the Government to take from the people any more by taxation than is necessary to de fray tba expenses of the Govern I Calvin Buckmaeter, of tbe man t annmicill p ail m i n i f pred : it' 1 " 11 ii ai i , uum rieiiciii:-, claims for the people the right to conduct their elections uninfluenced by the presence of federal soldiers; it says to monopoly "take your heel from the necks of my people," and it offer to every man an equal chanc on life'u great battlefield. It plaoes no embargo on enter prise, but it honors labor and guarantees its reward. was from L'oth inst: from Ed. WHAT HAS IT DONE.' Following the line of our edito rial on, why stand by the Demo cratic Party, we come to consider, what has it doneT It reclaimed a continent from savage barbarity and tilled it with Christian civilization. It estab lished a Government on the purest principles of liberty and formed a Constitution that has stood tbe test of a ocntury, and is everywhere recognized as the perfection of human wisdom and the corner stone of an Indissoluble I'nion of indestructa ble States. It has oecnred honor abroad and security home. Through all the vicisitude of war and peace it haa held inviolate the sacred principle of local self gov ernment and made the rights of the citizen the object uf its sleeplesa watchfulness and unwavering so licitude. It hiW t adjusted the intricate machinery of Government to the complex system of a union of independent States into one na tionality as to shake the fouLda tions of monarchy and caue the eatablishment of republics in every quarter of the glob. This much has Democracy done and more to extol the American j tern and extend its lctiaem e to i the world at large. . , We come to tbe supreme good: the inSaence of Democracy in the States. Here, it is the guar dian of propertv, and the protec torof life andlibrtv Look at North Carolina. Pas sing over her colonial history, the part she acted fu the lormation of the ( sovernment, her progress and development from the adoption of the Federal Constitution to the downfall of tbe Confederacy, we come to the dark period of reoon struction. Ii was no fault of North Carolina that tbe despot's heel waa on her soil. The ordeal of war waa not of her choosing, but she held her colors on the perilous edge of battle until the giant mind ol Da vis was impotent to plan and the matchless genius of Lee could no j longer execute. Leaving on the) field the proud record of her death j leea fame, her citizen soldiers re j tamed to tneir uomes ana re newed their allegiance to the Un ion. Hut the avenger waa on their track. Instead of leing regarded as fellow citizens of a common country thev were subjected to op pressions that Pussia never knew. No man with the common instincts of humanity can look upon North arolina in tne days of recon struction, and suppress his indig nant emotions. Bankruptcy uni versal, and all save honor lost. Her freborn citizens outlawed, her homes, dissolated and their sacred relations violated an ignoble ruce rioted in her ram, and all we can know or dream of wtretchedneas was hers. From this condition t its Holland on the i'-tli nit: ti rat green corr. or roasting ears. !rom Mr. H. U eVani on rii.-t da of duly; first ripe tomatoes, from Mrs. David ,1 uoes on the ' i : h u 1 ' The reieiit rams base injured crops very much over t he county and o:-.!h we' winds have dam accl corn ,tunr; the sound one half i. not more: cotton looks well, pea nuts, srtet pcjtoes, sugar cane u are all right so lar. (. W. Mrnith -hipped 'IK) bbls. Irish potatoes and lacked ! -4 lay ing the freight. Ve took a tiling trip on New Kiver last week during the rainy s'Ason, found ever body well w here we went. They were lively and had good crops as could be f I peered, some of these are third par ty men and sa they won't vote for Cleveland or Harrison either. We don't May that we expect to vote ior Cleveland and Stephenaoa unless we know- that we can get some better ones to vote tor, bnt we don't think we ha e heard of any letter ones yet. Married, on New- Kivtrlast Sun das, b H. ,Io' Pollard, Lmi, , Mr. Absalum l'.aibei to Miss Ljcretia diliet, youngest daughter of the late Seth Gillett, all of Onslow county. May health, wealth, pros perity and happiness atteDd you both forever. Also married in Swansboro on the "JJnd of June last. Capt. schr. Del., to Misa Lucy Ploodgood, only daughter of Capt. Joseph Blood good of Swansboro. The bride and groom left yeeterday for their home in Delaware, on the schr. Frank Hall. May the Lord bless yon Lucy and make you happy and contented in the love and respect of your husband in your far away home. Miss Lncy was one of our best yonug ladies. Mrs. K. 11. Ward and daughter returned home from New Berne. Schrs. J. Ii. TomlinsoD, Frank Hall and C. C. Davidson, cleared yesterday with lumber from Terry's mill lor New York, two of these l vessels were three mast erf; ar- rived, Capt. Martin Bloodgood in schr. G. L Laulame from Phila., j for roHiu from W. H . Wynne at I Lin wood . Deer hunting commences now, j Kev. lnao Henderson killed a flue buck lafit Saturday, weighed 112 ! lbs. d rested j Kev. Den j . Ward preached a fine I sermon here last Sunday night as j per The iaarterly meeting of the M. II. Church here, convenes on the ' Uu Saturday and Sunday in this! month, ,1 uly I 1 (..'apt. George Hell, has three! young otters,' uearlv half grown They are tame and docile, he has been ollered -rJii lor the three and ref Qsed. Mr. Dan Pussell and family with Mrs. Joe M. Ward and family of Wiltningtou are sojourning in S wansboro. HDl'l A HON IN JdNHS (01 NT V. V Ke.niet f"r a ITiitrd KITort on Part o! ( (i m ri i i I tr, Iracliers, Snperlii t nile 11 t -. I ' re I .i i-i n lt lor Hilt t le --(on cr- nnr I '. 1 1 i - on n S;n the MiM lir .tlaiiif aineil. 1'lTism iti;, J h I 11. In tense excitement prevails here over the ordering out ot the State militia by the governor. Opinion is pretty evenly divided as to the action of the strikers when confronted by the S 000 members of the guard. It is believed among the laboring element that the strikers will resist the States (luard to the last. The two Pittsburg legiments and oue battery are composed large of workingmen, and there may be some diflieulty expeiienced in getting the men in ' line. Their oflieers arc confident, how ever, that those who do turn out will obey mlers and fire if neces sary. II AREIsdlURG, Pa., Julv 10 The entire division of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, about 8. (K)o men; has been ordered to Homestead to support Sheriff McCleary in suppressing the riots at that place. In answer to a digpatch from Sheriff McCleary, Gov. Pattison telegraphed the following order: (tF.OEiiE K. Snowden, Major General commanding National Guard of Pensylvania: Put the division under arms and move at once with ammmition to the support of the sheriff of Alle gheny county, at Homestead. Maintain the peace protect all persons in their rights under the constitution and laws of the Sta'e. Communicate with me. KhBERT K. Patterson, Governor. Incase of battle arrangements have been made for temporary hospital service A possible outcome of the presence of the militia at the works may be an armistice Families are fast leaving Home stead. Many nrgent appeals are being made by outsiders for a peaceful settlement of arbitration heavy burden of responsibility to bear in this case, for timely action and prudent counsel on their pir. would, in my opinion, have gon far toward preventing this tiouble. "This outbreak settles one mat ter forever, and that is that the Homestead mill hereafter will be mn non union, and the Carnegie Company will never again recog nize the Amalgamated Association nor any other labor organization. The Homestead trouble will doubt iess also have the effect of mtlu encing any other mills heretofore union to become non anion, a:id thus free their owners trcn: tin arbitrary dictation of labor union v I also consider that this riot by the accredited members of the Am a! gamated Association will be its death blow. It will certainly go far to alienate the synpathy and good wishes of the bos? people in tho community." About 10 o'clock tonight the headquarters of the Homestend men were invaded by three inc.!. who mingled among a good p;l(J crowd in the rooms and distributed an incendiary circular, e idcatly prepared by the Anarchistic socie ties of Pittsburg, or perhaps Chi cago. The Anarchistic met with the greatest snrpriie of their livep. The strikers, so far from falling in to the arms of the emissaries of destruction and dynamite, at once took, them prisoners and prepared to hnstle them out of town. Homestead is strangely silent this morning- It is the quiet of reader online nffna - V n . V. m U 1 J I . - writer, Knows tne meaning are wondering what will be the .huxuni." " uen siep. jne men are naming. "Well liic ( orrect Use of Words. i , Some years ago I was engaged in turning over the pageeofan una- bridged dictionary, m search of a word of the meaning of which 1 tv as in o.oubr. when an editona i tneiul came in aad chaffed me con jceming my knowledge if word J definition. i "JLTie most utetul book for an au. i thor to possess is a big dictionary." , he said: "provided, of course, that i he will make diligent and constant I use of it. Nine tenths of the writers I of the day, including even the most I .distinguished, are very hazy in j i rheir ideas concerning the exact j I meaning of many of the words they use. For instance, take so common I a word at 'commodious': though I ! J presume, of course, that you know ! i its exact" I j "'On, certai!iiy.: said I, smiling! : confidently. 1 Jt means spacionn, j j roomy.' ' j j ' Ah. Hist look it up, please.'" 1 I t imed to the word in my die- ! tionary, and discovered that'"coro- medtous" was not there defined as : I spacious, roomy: and for the first i ' 'ime in my life my faith in Web ! ptf-r wavered. I 'as a f;rory-wr:ter, ol course, you have nesd the expression 'a j bnxum lass now entered the room.' " ' "Oh, yes." " What is your idea of the mean ing ot the word 'buxnm.'?" "Plump, stout, possessing embon point," I rejoined. "Why, every to suy nothing of every of t?fe- fe-r: rfi); 3rr VC . kiTS I 'l I for Infants and Chsldre i astori :i . -r .suH-rf-rw' :r;te;iitrTit f o,rk K I VI ON ( OKi;ilON!LN( l Vn i n en l i nr Lett' r i-i I ""ile i i, )!! i- '-1 i i ; l ) ,, i, . IIIM ! M'llMlUM It .illlt I. 1 1 IK a i i i t i -. their wounds, or making prepara tions to bury their dead. The leaders of the men propose at once to have the fence of the Carnegie property rebuilt, and also to repair all other damage caused by yesterday's riot. This willl be done ao as to prevent any suits for damages from the company. The old gnarda were secured by the men, and placed on duty to again look after the company's interest. There is much surprise here over the reported release by the Sheriff of the Pinkerton guards. When the men agreed not to kill the guards it was the understanding that the guards should be placed in jail till information for the mur derers could be sworn out against just look it up."' I did look it up; and my confi dence in Webster ran out like the ebb of a tlood-tide. Seriously, I was dumbfounded. If I did not know the definition of two such words as "commodious" and "buxum," ho w inexact must be my knowledge of many less com mon words, whose meaning until this moment I would doubtless nave connctentiy asserted my knowledge ol! The ability to write or speak tho Ingush language with precision is an invaluable accomplishment that all educated persons should strive to attain. And it can be attained only by the exercise of vigilance and by a willingness to search out the definitions of words regarding the meaning of which we have the them. The report of their release the grievances by ecacea mucn angry aiscnssion at least doubt. Always when reading uu. bum naaijuimcu nucu u nave a dictionary near at hand was rememDerea mac n me men and mark down for rejerence 8uch appeared as witnesses mey wouia WOrds as vou come across that themselves be liable to prosecution 8trike you as being used in a sense ior nut. oeverai oi me jeauers ex- that you do not fully nnderstand t-iooocu icnm uYor tue icicle auu m0 not be satisfied witu guessing believe no legal complications will at the meaning of words. Read to an8e improve the fulness and precision xney aeciare mat nao meguaras not come here there would have been no violence. As evidence of their sincerity a committee of three AFTER THE BATTLE. Each Side Charirlner the Other With Muriler Pinkertons Freed They Maimed to Have Been Fooled and Forced Into the Fight. No new deaths were reported to dav ana the whole number of those went through the works at an ear known to have been killed in yester- ly hour this morning, coiled up the days battle are 11. Nine of these ropes, and hose, took down all bar were residents of Homestead and two Pinkerton men. It ia believed that several other Pinkerton men were shot and lell into the river, and that the current carried their bodies away, but there is no way to verify this. The locked out men, many of whom had not closed their eyes in ncades and removed so lar as pos sible all evidences of a conflict Homestead again is waiting, waiting confidently and sternly A PINKERTON MAN'S STORY Pittsburg, Pa., Julv T. With has head bandaged, one arm in a sling, Joseph Glosier, a man weighing overe 200 pounds, was people waa supreme Hamilton waa tbe leader of the Democracy rescued her OOL.TOXXrxsox, editor of FedrJit, and Jefferson led the j command the people rose in th tbm buu DmoerU, at Tojxka, I Rpobiicaa Guided by the ge- 1 majesty of freemen and shook radi Of fl It wm rvporUd uoi lof laia of ilamdton, it ta no wonder I cal bondage from them like dew Ifttatt, tMiif dkfvwad wilklthat fdralim became popular ' drops from a lion's mane. The C!wTiaa4'ii omlnlioa, aad (o add culminate! in tbe election of IS tbs lSpaWJaa, km John Adam a tbe sucoewor of com! eoalroJ t&a Tpk Daily Waahin jrton. liat federalism was Tvpid &4 propOvM to rta it m jot aaited to the growth, develop ttiaJxtl DwOTitto Tipapor oaat aad pntaity of free inti- federal soldiery that had hovered like birds of evil omen over the brooding disolation folded their tents and marched northward, anJ then came in their stead white In order the better to promote the cause of education in Jones county, the Superintendent desires the earnest co operation ot all school eommittemen. He desires, in the first place, that they employ the very best teachers possible. Cheap teacherB, as i general thing, give worthless in struction: therefore do not choose a teacher Ivecause he asks a low salary. If your children are be gioners, tnen it is more necessary that they have a com potent teacher to lav a correct foandation. i lie chiuireu snouia nave also a comfortable school building, and one large enough not to be crowded A good sie black. board say three by ten feet is indispensable to every school, and no teacher can teach effectually without one. The committee in conjunction with the teacher should see that these mat ters are attended to, because they add much to the efficiency and com for of the school. Those who wish to apply for a certificate to teach In Jones county if unknown to the Superintendent, should bring a certificate of good moral character from some well known reputable person. If from anotl er county h certificate ol character ironi tne Superintendent of that C ). is preferable. It is requested that they pass themselves upon some elementray work upon physiology and upon the theory and practice of teaching. tvery teacher should be acquaint ed with these branches, in addition to the others, and they will be ex amined on them as the law re I quires. I leaciiers should insist upon ever child being furnished nith the books needed, and should discour age the usual plan of studying to gether, which is fatal to the prog ress of the child. See each patron in person and tell him the great necessity ol his child having books. I trust too the teachers will give monthly entertainments and invite the patrons and committee out and prepare a short talk upon the neces sity of education. At the close of the school, it would add much to the interests of education to have a picnic f r t he children and insist on the parents coming out, if possi ble get some one to address them on some educational topic. All progressive teachers will at tend the educational meetings offered them, and a.s the law re quires them to attend the institu tes of the county, they will be ex pected to do so. Srr r. ( Junes Co. Lthey were powerless to control the . i r c . . . ii t un rrr ' m r r r i inrui irn u ru i m iiuii i a v i . . i i "-K'j v par v in thP mornincr rh wo cue lemaie portion out. naa " kn0w there was trouble of anv not oeen ior me wuu uemouBwn- ki d Wh Iwag handeda tions inauigeoin oyme women, Ithrew ifc down and tod who called upon their husbands Qr tr bo ano sons to avenge me kui ng oi fc f caDtain that L would 1U)t me workmen wno were snoc Dy tne fir. ohn: no.a;Rf wnrtinrmM1 sleep tor labours, retired eariy the picture of misery. He said last nignc and lew oi mem put in T nt nl mv in-;nripS on the an appearance this morning, oat a way from the boat to the rink, siroug aruieu quau was uowniru kv,t i arn not last night to guard every approach sh0uld have w LUC luimuoD i"""" -"o vuiii-1 Knocked off tor coming here piete routing ot Tne I'inKerions hnmo ia in .Tpmpv rihv 1 yesterday evening puta me men in have a family. Recently 1 lost high spirits and the mora radical mv noRition. A friend, told me boldly declare that should another u" rnu( o.Pf a riiarP ;is attempt be made by the company private detective in a little town lu "ouoiu owmuui t"ui","J near Pittsbure- at a salary ot S15 the enemy will receive even worse treatment than that accorded to the detectives brought here on the barges- Hugh O'Donnell and other con servative labor leaders denounce the action of the mob after the sur render of the deputies as having been brutal and cowardly. To the credit of the great majority of the men who are locked out, it can be said that they had no hand in the assault npon the defenseless men. They did all in their power to pro tect the men who had thrown themselves npon their mercy. But a week and board. I went home and told my wife. With tears in her eves she becered me not to accept the place. "She said something told the employment offered was not honorable as people were not paying private watchmen such large salaries, cut 1 did not lis ten to her, After being hauled all over New York and Ohn, I reached Pittsburg: with a number of men, whon I also learned had been eneraged as watchmen . None of us knew exactly where we were going of your vocabulary. There are a number of words that can scarcely be used wrongly yet the exact meaning of which is often unknown to those that speak er write them. "Condign," "cogent," -'invidious" are three words of this class. Many use the expression "condign punishment, "cogent reason," "invidious com parison," without knowing the precise meaning of the qualifying words. Again, there are certain words that, have a similarity of structure, and one is apt to infer there from a similarity in meaning Many.thns suppose that "vocation" and "avocation are synonymous although really thev are quite dif complaining I Ierenc in meaning. Appended is a had mv head wuius, me ucumiauun ot wnicu the reader win dtp wen to look up and impress on his mind: Avocation, ambient, asperse apposite, abrogate, archives, au tonomy. Bucolic, bellicose, bedight, biba cions. Corollary, cosrent. condign, cur sory, canon, contravine. Derogate, desultory, dereliction, dissimulation, didactic, dynamics, ;ier depositary, depository. -esoteric, ernoue, engiuie, em pirical, exordium, euphony, empy real. Pinkertons, it is probable the latter would not have been so roughly handled. Bnrress McGluckie addressed the crowd at the rink, and said: Fellow citizens, 1 call upon yon and each ot you to act in an order ly manner. We will not permit any further unlawlul demonstra tions. All the men will be looked ud. and not one of them will be al lowed to escaDe. Each one of these I the rink last night: bums' and 'beats' who came here! here trom .Brooklyn to shoot down honest working men will be charged with murder. We will see if the poor people have not equal rights with monopolists who employ and send to their place a gang of murderers and cut-throats.' This address was greeted with cheers. It had the desired effect, and the mob became more orderly Kind Words of Cheer. w nen a proprietor known se na a grand and good remedy for the macy ills that tlesb and blood are ueir to, it pleases him exceedingly to receive such evidences of appreciation as follows W, F. Miles, Mtlesville, N. O., writes: "I have used Botanic Blood Balm and find it to b8 all that it is reoommended and not until we heard the hring to be. " D. C. Blanton, Thomasville, Ga., writes: T have used Botanio Blood Balm in my family as a tonic and blood purifier with highest satisfactory re sults." F. O . Hoffman, editor Times, Rocky Mount. Va., writes: "I am pleased to g-y that Botanic Blood Balm is the beat appetizer and tonic for delioate people I ever saw. It acted like a charm in my case. F. H. Hickory, 1208 Main street, Lynchburg, Va., writes: "I was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was falling oat. After using a few I am triad to escape alive. Iam sure at least half a dozen men were drowned by jumping over board when they saw the men on the shore were determined to burn the barges.'' ' STORY OF THE TRUCE AND II "W IT WAS BROUGHT ABOUT. One of a group ot tour men who were on the barges said at We came to accept places as private watchmen When we arrived here in the boats and heard the shooting we realized the kind of a box we had placed ourselves in. Fully seventy-five per cent, of the men haa Deen aeceiveu, ami thev demanded of the leaders that all firine: from the boat We are glud to note the hio! there is a very considerable ii -crease in the number of hogs raised in our county, as comnared with the number for many yearn past, i It is a well known fact that our j own home mnde hncon is far mi perior in tlavor to that 'vhich our, merchants bring us. When we get once more to raising our own "hog and hominy," we can dispense with' our North-western smoke houses and granaries. Barbecue will then become more plentiful and cbenper. Think of it! cheap barbecue.' Is there any think more toothsome than barbecue especially when you have had no dinner and its ten miles to your home and the "old woman' never sits up for you. The campaign opens soon. The figs are ripe the speakers are full of elo quence and the country needs saving badly. What an 'exciting and glorious summer we liae be. fore us! BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS. The Disciples of Christ have a most beautiful brick building on Caswell street nearly finished. It is decidedly an ornament to the town. Its graceful proportion strike the eye of the passer-by. The interior is beautifully iiniehed, or will be soon, in two color.-5., one of the natural color of the pine varn ished, the other of a bright cherry color. The pulpit platform is in n recess. The Moor of thih platform will be arranged so that it can be easily moved and disclose ;i neat baptistery with steps leading to rooms on either side. The audi torium will seat more people than any church in town. The spire is topped with metal work orna ments made by a young mechanic of Kinston, Mr. Kobert L. Rhodes; and it reflects great credit upon his skill, as other and oldef me chanics had refused to undertake it on account of the great nicety re quired to tin isli it properly. The windows are ot the Gothic order and will be filled with stained glass. ME. PICON'S LECTURE. The lecture ci this favorite son of N. U. on Friday night at the opera house? on "The Almighty Uoilar," was well attended by a crowded house. When we say that he fully sustained his reputation, we say all that we can in bis praise. In private conversation, afterwarde, speaking ot his arrest, he express ed some 'disappointment at not being able to make some disclos ures for tne bcrefit of the public, on account of the District Attor torney'8 dismissal of the case. Mr. Dixon was moat gracefully introduced by Mr. Plato Collins, a recent University grauduate, ti Kinston. s-rnooi. INTERESTS. Kinston College will open Aug. 2'Jth with an increased number of teachers. Among these will be Dr. R. H. Lewis, for many years a teacher in Kinston. Kvery de partment of school work of real benefit will have its exponent in the person of a teacher experienced in that branch. The Misses Patrick's school, will open also, near tne same time. They have a strong corps of able teachers and will secure a deserved patronage. They have won for themselves reputation as managers and instructors which will give them a goodly number of the many children hereabouts as pupils. BICYCLES. The city fathers, a few davs ago. bottles of Uotanio Blood Balm my hair I nasseri Rn ordinance forbidding the quit falling out and all the sores get 1 ridinJ of thepe vehicleH , ,lro they veniciesrj iiir. ii. S. mti.-i has got some very line Fve;-t potatoes, lie nu-cd eome i emarkabi yfi ne onions; some would rin-sMire i 1 li inches in diameter. Who can beat this? We an; catching all tho fish we xv.iiit none en i ed it more than i'.( i-:i your crrri-Knoiiden t. '' : ;-e ti:-! i-,.ii;j, l..ii- started r.p their trade for the balance of the year. ?r. beat has not com menced yet but we expect him every nigh. Our yoiiDg cur n id ihiuncdout and plowed, it is very line to this time. I he hearts of the Democrats of Kershaw were oversowed with joy when they learned of the nomina tion of Cleveland. They undoub tedly think be will be elected. JON ! ()! TY r0KKKSP0 DKM'E. Damage to Crop n lliiiltliiiir I'o- lili' iil Mutter till coun Julia E. Johnson, Stafford's P. O., 8 (J., writes: I had sutferr d is years with eczema and was at times confined to my bed. The itching was terrible My got me one-half dozen bottles of Botanio Blood Balm, which entirely cured me and I ask you to pub lien thia for the benefit of others suffer in like manner. ' August A. Klages, 810 St. Charles street, Baltimore, Md., writes: "From my youth I suffered trom a poisonous taint in my biood. My face and body was continuoliv affected with eruptions and sores. I ana now 42 years of age and had been treated both in dermany To ARREST TRICK FOR MURDER. There is talk of a movement on the part of friends of the strikers who were killed at Homestead yes terday to have H. C. Frick, presi- cease and a flag: of truce be run nd America, but no rer-cdy overcame up. 1 T J. . i. I man. put wnen i went lu iue mir Btin ia !., Rm,,M, captain and told him what tne j an(j healthy, and I consider the poison men wanted he turned upon me I permanently driven from my Diooa bot- with a terrible curse and dent of the Carnegie Steel Com- You'll fiedit or die. You pany, limited arrested on a charge of murder. It is claimed that Mr. Frick is directly responsible for the employment of the Pinkertons and that he is culpable in the eyes ol the law aa was Milton Weston, a Chicago capitalist, who was con victed of murder in the second degree and sentenced to said can't get out of here alive unless you fight your way out." When I repeated this to the men they were very inaignani ana sug gested that the ropes be cut, and we let the barges noat aown tne m, j - 1 ..1 - c river. The captain learneu oi this and said he would kill the indorae it as the best blood remedy.' I.EM9X ELIXIR. serve flrst man w10 attempted to cut seven years in the penitentiary for the ropes. All day long we causing a riot in the Murraysville pieaded with those in command gas held in 1885. Weston sent an Lt v: Finally when we armed force to take possession of snw nrpnarations were beintr mat puij iu uiojjulc. vuc mace Q iyUi:n mQ oarges we was killed, and although Y eston Ljecided to act promptly. About was in Cuicago when the trouDie f D rmt tno-Pthpr and wp , o - , , , . of utifatlM TV mlj eXkMMf la ths Ootdooi to Ual k U1 1 luMani ttm rtrj 4mj Im !J of earn wX. tatioaa, aad at tbe end of four ( winged legions, the advance guard jn John Adams gave place to of a higher civilization ami a more Toe ma Jeffenoo, tbe Ulaatrous enduring prosperity. aatUor of Ut DedaraUoaa of Lode-1 Behold the old North State now' What is more deserving of sym pathy than a young man with fif teen cents in his pocket, a girl on each arm, and an ice cream sign in sightl occurred he was found guilty murder in the second degree. The only apparent difference in the cases is that Weston acted as an individual, while 1 rick is tne head of a corporation. MAY INDICT THE STRIKERS. Mr. Frick was not visible to the majority ot callers at nisornoe to day, but Secretary Lovejoy, of the company said: "The Amalgamated people who committed these recent overt acts will probably find them selves in a very bad hole, fo when the proper time arrives a number of them will be arrested on a charge of murder, and I need scarcely say there will be no lack of evidence. It will be overwhelming. I think that the national? officers of the Amalgamated Association have a resolved to make a final plea for deliverance from our awtul position and if it were refused to throw the leaders, aoout ten in number, overboard and take things in our own hands. When we made this demand the com mander saw that we were very much in earnest and they agreed to surrender." BUCKLE.1'8 ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newborn by F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and rstail druggist. QiildrenCryoritcherslCastona A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliouness and oonatipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion cd fouU omach, take Lemon Elixir For sick and o-Tvouj headaches, take Lemon Elixir- For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomaoh, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Morley, Atlanta, Oa. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. O. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Ohuroh South, No. 28 Tatnall St.. Atlanta, Oa on Main bt. and com pelling tbe use of a less rate of speed an the other streets. Some of the boys, to make a case aad test the constitutionally of the law, took a turn up Que?n St. and con tinue so to do. BASE BALL. On Thursday, eleven joucg gen tleman of Kinston, composing the K. B. B. C. accepted an invitation from Tarboro to play a match game there. They took the early train at 7 a. m. on the A. C. L. At eight o'clock that night news came by- wire that the Thursday afteruoOD game resulted in a sccie ol 1 1 to ¬ rn favor ot Tarboro Un T nil ay morning another game was played result, 8 to 7 in favor of Tarboro. At Rocky Mount the scores were 8 to 7 and 15 to 13, in favor of Kins ton. A negro's house near the shingle mill of Mr. John liarvey caught fire on the roof Friday morning, but was soon extinguished by the exer tions of Messrs. Warren, K rick, Hicksonand others. Mrs. Polly Parker, an aged citi zen ot Woodington township, 'Jl years old, died at her residence Thursday July Gth. EMPTY JAIL There are no prisoners in our county jail. There is one inmate. temporarily confined for safe keep ing, until he can be transferred to the lunatic asylum in Goidsboro- He is a negro. A 1: AcfiEi.. The general health of try is good The wets and the dry's had a scuflle before the county commis sioners which caused the saloons at Trenton to be closed for u few days much to the disappointment of many who v.;mted their drams are dispensed m-. usual. 'J he croph in Jones count are badly injured by the lung 0011 ti no ai rams. ( vui.. e consult 1 m Hired at leuat I ," pel eent, cotton L!0 or L.,r per cent., while uiauy cot ton fields are in need of work ami can't bo worked for the wntei. Wo are under the impression that Uu acreage of the cotton crop in Joum county in 115 per n-i.t nnd (hut, crop will be a lea.: r this e.ii .".-:) per cent iesj t' ! ist j'ear. Kurtr-ers are certainly having a tough time. The sweet potatoes wiU bo somewhat short t's i-ur far mers say that from some cause tbeir ebp Irds failed to furnish them their usaul amount of sprouts. We leain Mr. it. L. May ia massing lumber to build un addi dition to his dwelMug. When'Mr.J. P. Ilrogdon com pletes his additions to the hotel it will give him plenty of room for all that may call upon him and at the same time add much to the looks of the hotel We learn that the High School building will be completed in time for the fail session of the school. The political pot has been sim mering here lor the last lew weekB but the call for a maen meeting of the People's party e;i (Saturday next has caused it to noil more briskly and we suppose that Its or ganization will cause tho great po litical cauldron of Jones county to boil over. Aspirants for oflise in this county are standing idle, look i n ir and peeping for n crack to slip 111. We must acknowbdge that wc- never seen such a political Btate of allairs Lu'tbis county before. Saturday next, will show the world that there is much of opinion in our county. We have here tho Kepub!icani. Democrats and People's parties and we also have many who say that they have become disgusted. with all parties and will stand aloof from all par ties and vote for such men as will take c;ire of their interest, and at the same time help them to tak ! ir. of th. 1 11 ti cys' and their bfl b:e V 1 ii t ei en t . The Jones co;i;i y Farmers Al liance will meet in regular session at Thursday the 1 lib of July. Mr. John West, of Trenton town ship has been stricken with Pa ralysis an 1 is now in a critical con dition. Deer are plentiful with im. Moses Hardy, col., eiptured three during the past week. Jan. P. nfoP, N. ( '., July T: Stanley. I th tVU-i. . ,..r,,, "- jii sL. 1 -.. : . ml !.. IV.'.iv. I.. ull. lit... r... f'' ,u...llR l :J.c had C1JI ;r:-n she ;c lu.i, 'i.'.lorla ; Si-' OtAt. s; N ,)-. j g 111: a ri v !,uii. on l , l.-r'. I'iwhiii. A 11 f . .; 11 Oh U I lulti 1. U in i !-1 , i,.l,.i ! No. 4CC. 3 ft. H 1..7,. !.4i;. .Vo. 4(X; bo. 401 lino i' run.- 1 v urn. El "II 'tii I ' r nlftri. t 3ie.(M) S21.00 natnlogus lor in HZ. l.ront cut of ii ho in ;o pa, COnt from former UOOKR FRtS. potnKo lOo. BLijip. d from f Lorn,'. 7!o r InJ.ani.poln. Ind. ; H l ! I VI! Ml. M'KIAI.TI SK CCV, S Th.rxy Btntns. Louis, IY1 o. QI, 111 For Over Firtjr Years Mrs. Winslow's 8oothinq Sybup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, Allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty Ive cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. jan9d&wly The need of a perfectly safo ami a! ways reliable remedy for the peculiar diseases of summer is universal. As a remedy for the household, oftioe, on the farm, on shipboard and for travel era by land aud soa, Winktlmann 'a Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved its inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure cf all disorders originating in the stomaoh and diges tive system, such as Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps etc. Ser viceable under all conditions, always ready for use, and perfectly safe. Price 25o. at all druggists. june4d&wly. The llt.: lYimle Academy, ' LEM, n. c. I'lEiIe Cuiicge m the Sonth. The '.Ust Annual Senaioo hr-g Ith Sep tember lBt. U';2 Register for IrkI yenr 827. bwcisl feature:-dik dkykloi Mii.NT of Health, Cuaractkii and Intellect, Huilding. tborouahly re modelled. Kully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Depart ments, besides first-class school in Music, Art, Lanoacdes, Elocution, COMMKKCIAI. AND INDUSTRIAL STUDIES. JOHN H. CLEW ELL, jlOlwlm Principal.