X III 0 1 jfjtV . fir v V? Wfl r INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. birdie U'"H;'c, b Cents. $1.00 Pc- Year. NEW BKRNK, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C 3 M 'LY 2- M2. NO. 17. VOL. XV. u V i E2LG. K. BAGBY. SURGEON DENTIST. 6flU, UUI4V rfO't- .-twHe aMftA. rTaf-. WEWttER. N fiO.D CLABK, - DENTIST. CI K. bat v Qlfl m M Crt'-n .ir4. sa4 IimJ P. H. PELLETTSR, ATTOKKUr AT LAW. WU im IM. ( k OMaaU" ' ' ' Mttdi, Jams. Omh " GEO. HENDERSON, Gsrral Isjaran Agent r fin jwmiMt U.4 CainiM muumi.it Mttrtam ioMar MRS, J. M. HINES' M. nuns w r-.i . KI . I. . .... M W U IK MOM fiM J. M. HIKES, Agent, FliEE TO ALL. trtiiaa, Aio a mtu rom i a Ttilictu. . Full Line ol Choice GrOC6TiC3 & PrOVi3iOHS uf(kuj,M4 nucwA low a I Mi . sm KAUread. J. J. TOLSOH. ninix. imai k vuust:! DIRECT LIITE. Tri-Wcekly Trips. Mlf iMMif Im pmimm mr CW imHhi, V mmm mn law fl- awTirtUAT, ItTLT IM. mt. IMUI Vjxio Dili, C&?t I472. A0 tm 1 ?r mi Will A. V . -- Mara. Utmm9. MUM MatiLua AUmM a4 srta IV.ln KAl.rpad. Wil .all ! .'riis iWAfUU. Vs.. ; k.a. i. u !M T .lf t" M.. c.rT amy am Kuuor i r M . Ill III W.HIWI M 9wAW W.'Jt TMUkl mr Umi Aw MawslavOT.. To. t I l I'll (11 1 T. ItJ ..o:nlon Sir W M :n p r. amawiiMii. (..mi .rtl-..fTi i ia . . a o I -M W. Ik . tMV CAM mmmt. ' mim mum m. u 4 W l lrmi V. a. a. uAir Ami iilni Cirdizi Eisritch. TW aaLT ViWMklf Um tim aJio itmim t i-j.;:i r Rums " 3J"euse " moat BaT. wioiua a t a.; rsivni I iW aa iawi I fci.saiaai ataaaa aa. lalma mmim mm.r . 1 ' m '. -a :m fA aaasaww DaDa.a Uaa a.i.i.a at ,M UaiaM a. o wa.i a SMatasra a a. m iwi. iaiia..aa ri. n. a., mmmm fiana A. a . iai . rmi .aala aaa a mnrnmr-jo fw..uitaa to: im. crwa;!. ir.Mp.insu... t ra. a a: i.. ti. im i awaaaA ail aiwal. ... aa tiiipp! via Aa.tar a. a. I. a ttaaa 4m I r mm biW Saaw Pa-w.lara. raaaa. M. s. r-ar r iaaa rta I I aA la. y rti.. w aa l S a .-j K. a,CaaIt.aaiai. hraaa Amrtf 1 1 mr rila. wi aa.l U. v m Sk. ri.i Isas as. aaaM !im (aSUa, mv !aua aau.r. a a. i. BOTSftaa la A Miaara rrana- I Uax Ww T arm an.1 Jl w bt'aj ' iwsa aeai. tj W, mt. (Itaa l rraa Infflj Xt r. m. ' ".sua ma. acaat. avSMSPiilM, P1aia Taia!i M (.at. r. w. m m. m. m.. ruiaMipaia BV A- "a, iws'l rrata l.oi . t r. m w. aw aaswi, a LO. Biri u iaai rri a ". .u a '. x -t auau. A", va. Man UlJIPtasns. Ai.iii Slaw bama. J l S. II. STRKKT. General FIRE fltlD LIFE Insniance Aent, BEBTTE. N. C. OMH CUi m4 fmm fwma WW. tarlsf 1mm ttm Mnn la Bm la m ruw. M.W4TW W tX Cm. rMtfMaaaial rtat Um mmtmrmmm unrw xmnNB. i AMhwa Pars CkMltai rwala. uJ ... o I aaataaa ml Uta ramTtviiu littaotp. Umrmw Tm, ltaAaiAt. f .. i , mt t Saaaww l ImU. KDITOKI VI- M)T..n. fas iv. tr;!T jivch employ il. Miuri!i of miliiu meat to 1 :i k ' i tier. '.mvi'D Uon of tbe K pi scop I ('-arch mec's :n i'tober - v. : .Itinio : r :i k s r . A : ai : a ! a h i v e a. ; n to rs e ntACtlOU that j.rdrer He didn't h : i -ed hen's." 'jy a majon'y of Houi? refase fur hi Oh-.cao WorliJ' :tii, v e : n ' t'ur I'eniioa b. ..i by '.be ' more tiien : ; the of guty-foar Hoase means Southern tax n (itr A o it neither drink, caoii, iior it, ue niiy eip ;r ikv wuii- .I.tli -ulty Id etprM.HiiijC rv (j opio.oii o; Ihe . lection r"taro. hve acy tir:tT redaction bills re-pofte-t .o'jc llou-se tais esion frotn ' U t p ! M - vn i 'm :h ie. KDITuU (i.KMvV p;el.-rs the Nortii '.r:(-l to i in l m TV .Mr li.ejuui ..vf Deir (aocfb to loc it ro-w t" kQ'i "Jit what it is. Kti: 'rtarn from the British lections show the election of 3:1 ,opp0rfJ of t 1 ' 1 :e oTmant ana 147 eHLW:;;on. l'rhament will omI .Uia i:h. TntBK i mnch nettment at the politic.! rlatus in Ixndon over ths aituation politicn. ! is thoajrht wan' unexpected develop meets w.:: s.o tike pli-. Tnr u, .:d f SACgur n the f HAJ Ath VX.CO DM LH?Q ii itrojed by v v c anic eruption and a.1 tbe m tab; last, conaiting of 12, OX) peple hve tB killed. Ir ta aaiisiD to how the Ke- PQNicAa preM of t :. couatrr U j linir m il endeavors to pA ,fiu tlw oia. of the Hoonefced I rtot frona th bljth protrctive tariff of ita party. a pes. t. veiy pminr, IUCSI505 to pat hti pn to a forrv bill and writ , "Approved.'' Harruon to aatw the Soath he would like to emcl it OPOQ bATOneU with bul let ;ajt under. Harrison is a "ioeraI.' A fKnr dys go liepnbllc-ant botMtesI thit they wenld carry Wimt Vtrgiaia with Klkint as their candidate for (Torernor. Hat Mr. fcUkina decline to run. He would like 10 be Governor bo: doa't see how be cau Not majj bta are reported. A New York menage ol July 17, aayt Dart.'. Johnson wants to pat np 10, Oi on C'ievelaod, and Henry Lawry who won 110,000 on Harrison iaat time want to !". It ail on Cleveland thui time. S TntK.v alllAnc4smen admit that General Weaver, the people's party candidate '.j: President, will , . .iagitaaw,.ii:jo ou.n. as M(lhlla!aUj ,,. ,n wui cer-.Ain y no. run w,..i in tne , North, ir the Haat or the West, I thero 4tn.ir ? nnthm.-. lft fY i r . . . the i-c-r ii bo,; rhe ! an ! -i- r-. Uk,s iii .1 nn . ' St. Louis Sar W Siiisr n i jr ( 'ou J.srovertcs hwo t rover, of oar psple that we ha ntri Late the claim re some of the rtorst mrb ai th.' world, and ' in taarvploa-i .ir.-.r.:e. Only a.a mile north of M inoi is one j of the fi::: Lls o' b'.u.sb fray nartoietn tho world In it is the ', oaly bi 4 marblt bvd : the I'oi i ted S".a, and of the a nest i"jaai 1 ty. There a x.-o inexhaustible depoaita of w h;". ant scd vane I i ited m ac h The IVeaacr a.4 projn e to ive ti eoaatry ai txnents as the NboiaI of the '.) per cm"., tax on S:a'.e tni rm eontrt. but the lipab:r acs pru-v,,- p co BAJi.'ii. reforms ". If the Third prt its aa.as'. 'a i m the r., . . a. 1 ; r ;.!,; ttx or i oi & . 3 ry , ther-f. re vote '.racy, they ran - g C I'T.lfO. of .'.im . h r- ov ila, f wh.eh they co trip la. a Win, a: i-: . . ...aa oae wb') 1 no' a bar to ;aki '.tie '.iaine man, wil chairmanship of ('omrnittee. His their Nations. Dane la Carter, ani he was for er!y the secretary ol the rommi! '- We wish them jot of him. He will b ui the distinction of ' baviod gaided h.a party to defeat , to deer ed and ignominious de 'feat. Alas for Carter" He is hoand 'o li'ive his cart in the ditch. Ins tia-wt light ever made in North Carolina was in LSTi., when the work w largely dooe by means of Democratic Claba. Tins year we moat also look to the club for the mewt etTictive campaign work. Tains leva! organizations are merrly the organized Democ racy. At th-:r head in North Car olina ar i ol. J S. Carr, the i Preaident, and Mr H. c'. Bechwith. tbe Secretary, and we run no risk in saying that thie gentleman will do what they can to aid the clutss all orer the -e.te. Mr. Ileckwith will continue In name and Col. Crr. we predict, will do a grand work ia North Carolina this year. News and Observer. hiht is nil m vi i ki; w i ru There is much distress :n ocantrv. because the time- hard and monev is scarce. the difficulty h !ihm!. We fee .t and feci it all over the So nth and Wi-st. bat North ,i- .1 Kt 'he eondif.cn is difTereii'.. No' is ho atruKlau. th.it .: Yvik money cm; at the loi.t rates o: inter et," vet there '.. more demand other it in "e -rk : h.tn plae. It 13 BlQCil I.-' North nd Km'. cial cnterf are then is the cause .... p...t8 he eommer ,d What. H.jrcity of A.. money in the U est .'.nd S. nth There are l.t ol:t:.-a. c-no- tl.i' 1 .4 Of '.in impi ra- ru j a inexorahlf ! h n at nr : ni"D th ' - ' !" tive I'.eBi.iii.1. '.!. t' ' tradt- shall in- prrpervid.' 9;at or comuiuti.t can te ee of No pro? trade it.ly u. d the buy proas when the Silanee "! :n ajtainst :' Tr - . a::! :tu: t ! i e co n d . t . : i ' ' ; i- " ' -' r n ri.iatnern State.-, md th . s m.t'er with ll,4ti:i.h. They more than : he f I: ivc to A ; n of pir the di tTeren e community is an area: dividuals. If a -." !ii- a , cotton or toba-ooo to sell hi j no difficulty in getting ca.h ro tinds I0r lt. n, mrk-th' nrn.tn,'t wl mmmBd umIi, bat if it takes all the crop brines to nv for thefer - rlbr.p hill and the rlothmr and proruions bill, no ea-!i omes back to the farm. A (fntleman of inte to the writer "The g. nce said t k lure of croit Ls the prim-- can- of the Third party. 1: had p.iod crop. people would tv, more C'ltitente'd. and woald not go w.'.d o . r pol.ti (Xi! experimenta ." Th;- : i-onflrtu. ation of oar position. 1 b.il ir.ee of trade it dMtro ' d dome men are thought. ea enough to charrr"' providential d;s wnaations to the condition 0f politic! parties The l'.ible tells ! oa that "He sendeth His rain on the iast and the amust." "He i, ! qc e.specter of persons ' The tar - iff hw nothing to do .h the in - andation of river vallien, and --free tr-A.!" nlr nn i.arf a ho n'nrm1 tne s orm .uid the whirlwind. IJat, the UritT, the pvLs,ocs, and other reaalta of l edorai legislation ha contrtbute-il largely t the j present condition of a Hairs m the South. Anything that make ai AmmnnU-c- r, r n m.r- tbm if I reclTes Is a grioas burden. The Baltimore San well say,. 'The Southern planter and ult. Weatern fanner are subjected to the drainage of federal taxation, and the enormoui Tolume of this areain is not appreciates it is sotiictent to withdraw the entire circulating medium from a Soutorn State in an incredibly short time, Take the matter of pensions alone, Anyone of the Southern States had to pav several million of dol lars into "the treasury for this Pt.r- . rm tv,. .i.i,.i.,n LrvjTT. . AU. 1.1 .wl.Wiawu 11 UUI to circulation ;n the Northern States. If we add '. this the amount wntch th- .an.i with. '.raws I (Mm V, s. C I, and West and protected man bands over to the ufacturer of the hast, it wail be redily perceived why money can not remain in the States which are now clamoring for ;: :is..s the farming industry is so prosperous as to overcome a... The truth is that the remedy for the troubles of wkich the West and South com plain lies more : ti rwi economical administratici. of government and an a-dj astmect ol taxation noon that basis than m any wild mone tary schemes or tinkering w.:h the carrency. The scarcity of currency isthe symptom. Let the people, like a wim physician, strike at the root of the disease an d the -ymp torn will disappear.'' And that is what : m t ter with Hannah Wiikx Mr ( ie veland w i I 'rea: dent he segge-te i '.!.. ip: of a t'edersi I'limmx; n to m id e up ' ; '''a. who should bf ell: -rr- a ernrr.ent, specially ' i'g. Other du'ies with the ointment 1 Labor, neni hers 1 I iv an. ong 1 r a : i o n and setl.'emer. t when pis-, tile of ai 1 controvers.es between 1 itor and capital. He thocght mi h an m ltepahilcans itrnmentality woald command the nndmg some rtspst of disputants, and would often be able to bring a Si tit an un derstanding without re.-i rt to the dangerous and wasteful cx;x'd:ents of stoppages, lockoutj and strikes. This recommendation wa. acted upon by Congress l'n iadelphia llecord. IN a word, the Senate, composed chiefly of millionaires, railroad at torneys, boesei and others who are in politics to protect a special in terest, has long m since forfeited the stckhI OD.nion and restvect of the masses of the people, ho see in it an enemy to the general welfare, m November. ()ne thing is cer oting for Senators on a tain, Democrats never felt more general ticket, the people lieved, would elect men it is be- not less capable and much more to their taste than those iuv.i n.ad- Sena tors bp the average .ei-la'ure. Baltimore Sun . Mh. Cleveland's tionu.ar.tv i- so great in New ,.rk that a tempest n'nhm hIhth f.ilh.ws anv refer, enca u, hlB1 sn the theatreaud the . ditplay of his portrait at (he con- cert gardens and other public re torts. mKT1I l AUDI I v . North Cuola i caii e f tj 1 y 1 the her past to -he guardian-hip oi ive i 'ii are partial history, and Hat commit her future to th, :i tidently keeping of her hr. son - a :i 1 virtuoup danhtern. 1" b Old N ort i. i'- i: ooti-ervative. She ;m old to have the w.-.dom an.i -x a. . -faoiih )ero-;u'e o: mature tar-i, onn' eoijii u lor act her part w ;th n so.i.te .iml v :g- orotis manhood on sill public wca s:on when rent i :i : t-rr.-t are at -take 1 --r.i;i .TH I'M" 'I'eat cam ; hrouhont ri -iiderab'e will forfeit a nit to ted. The t i : pa'.il are h-. r Ivrder po: ; ; ;i of : tll.lft.- Ol I )U!ld 1 11 , i u' no i Lt-r people their In if and fro 1 re n o w t: bv e reed- h.vKiiii v t ne 1 l.ke y the V-ht- w:m:. b ;f t ;u . - mociii.iin oak.' nnt r kin storm and unscath.e 1 bv r.ir.p. He w ;,. xpeots ' i ' aroi . : a:. - -ed ice 1 by a drc's or -t.itn ;iede.i !;. North ':;: .1,1-is- and -1 a h e n . ', they ' . the ! d'l'y . the I ir . -.,.: nil t.:-rt: .v.tted i :i ! He ;!! reciein her t he 1 p and pursue t he t in' the lihtnin'-. i ; in: ! : i . . t : i M'orc ground on which they tread. In a fair and open fight w: th the Uemocracy . Kepa jiicaii :sm .-tamis ( no chance in North (. a.-oiina. ' Republican leaders undeistand tai. ani1 t!l,'.v :r,' nia.-ing the: 1 batteries behind allied whose banners are inscrtb i or. w th , niKh Bounding phrases the word of prom. re to ia keep and break it to our h i ' I'eoples' Fart in tlontst do not l.ke they are only dec i publicans, but :'. : lea-. I'etnocra'.s deceived bv an v o be :. ,1 : hat iln -ks for lie tr'H :. evt-r: he ar e not to lie such strategy. They may be mi.-led bat the sober sr.. so i or a time, NT 'ir.ii ' aro- , llDMn ala.v elf when . . the decisive moment conu-s. j The Third party leaders tell ns i that it is not their intention to op 1 nae the Imocratic State tick ipt - DQt thc.v Wl!! oppose Cleveland ar.d Stevenson. i K-M'U.'itcan i art. :cs com plete. If the eit-cior. North Carolin.. can be Weaver and I ..1 -h 1 ote of g : v e u t o ut will go p from cvt-ry ! ' -p'lM the ' 'nion. .1 -i mi p In 1,u 11 t'-iI' : '"' Carolina is sure to o North ( ievc j land and Stevenson. ! I'ar- t0 make assurance doubly nre, Demor-r : must be .-n the alort. aud ee to it that there is no wavering ;n the line, who belongs to the 'i"nr- In in i'emocratic . ,, , . , ,. brotherhood holds a commission in the Kreat armJ of retrenchment and reform, and 1: is his duty to swell the ranks as it goes marching j on t0 clor;,,a, victory, ,. ... , , or mi .eveland and (. arr e.abs ana ie: i'Vitv ii irrio' - n.i'ric ,.- i-n ana ie: every patriot s name t " . I ------ - ..... , . - rnn.,i i h . . . , , , ,irr. I wiii tluenco a friend and ra :ch- bor, :.nt;l North ( iroliman . wail stand shoulder to shot.! it-r under the broad il g of ;h National lc mocracv. I : is a line cond.t'oti this country is ; n . An army ; a the field in Penney 1 vai:a. the President :ssu ing a l'roclamati ai against the in.-urrect.ouists ; u Idaho, and i niif.i s.ate.-i s..;,i.ers pursuing and arrest i n g ': v t i belonuin n to : :: r loads men ,fj ,jj tlie o.,. MV , , . ,, ... -s!ia' of Y .wsh.ugton. Aud a,, this. lu w" ; l" " ", '""",J"" tar. :1 tax levied y on see ust for the iK-neii; oi the uneratelul labiirers. That, at least as the wav Money Bags puts the rise. : all the dead failures for he!; and deadfalls for taxpayers ever ou.lde.l by the cunning brain of oppressive man this Me Kmlev thing - takes the e'ake." I'ac'. I ! tlie la'oar.ug men of all sec; ion - a i d conditions and coiors do not learn a practical le son frorn ;iH ri., , ; ,. :u . 1 tir. t r a t .ons in the North of the : nsu iTerable burden aii' i lal.ty and of a ii gh ; an tl then they wall burdened stii senger. d. -r v e '. lie j; ire 'A iliiiKigtori Mff KVF.BV workingman should do all he can for the eh etion of Mr. Cleveland. because h:- elect;on means popular government, the eauality of men and an end to the false cond.tions liii negies possible and maiie ( ar- P.nkertonism to run ri-o. I means .jti I law s for eijual men and an end of favors to the few. N. V. World. Mil Adlai 1!. te vensm presses the opinion that the Dem ocratic Presidential ticket wii carry both Illinois and Wisconsin m Novemlier. One thine is cer- uopexui oi carrying tnose states than they do now, nor the Kepub licans less confident. - -a -a - PUK.-iiiKNi Harrison ought to go to homestead and tell the mill , ,, . . , workers that a cheap coat covers a ' cheap man. w :tn an almost cer tainty that they will all have to wear cheap coats next winter they onCht to be in pretty good Lamor . , . i..f .uuouu'uiriit . me present time. Indianapo. is senti- nel, Dem. ( i rvn vnd's .urn'TAxc1- ut. OKIlSs. ?ilr. rhairmurj iind Ooiiticucn: 1 l.e menage joii dtl.ered worn the Udl.OIli.1 ilwCJuOii. j .ilwf. .v:th;Q Hit caiotioub hivh would oe woll Ligh overwhfcluiiii-, if act rucogrr.-'.e h.ic a.oiii.hh did the jepreseiitiitives h j iiiu.-t ijhai o! a K-ai ...tii me ; t 1' t ne i; ty 1 1 .Usibilit V SCUT imseluli a; ue relief in lie reflection that I have- been iselrcted merely to -tctud fur the principles aud pnrpo ov-8 to w hich my party id pledged, and for the enforcement anil premacy of which, all who has c any ri'.it to e'.aitn democratic le-How. .-...p, msi constantly ar..! pcr.-.s t.-ut.'y to.l. Our party xet-j onMbil ,!y ts indeed great. 'e t.ssucje a moin.'ntniis obligation to our coun- trvn,.-n i.htn. in return for their trn.;f an.l e.onfidence. we i.romise them a re'citificatioa of their wrongs to11 the people plaiuiy and horn s'Jy .aid a better realization of the ad- what we believe :.nd li-.t- we pj o vantages v. hicu are due to them un-, PO&e to serve t.ie int :e.-' . the ,k-r our tiee- ana beneiieicnt ; entire country, and then i. : u . t-f-ineitructioDe. Bat if our le.sponsi-ter tbe manner of trne do mot-racy bilitv i.- gieat our party is rel.v "P'1" tho thonghtfuluens and strong. It is strong iu its eympa-, patriotism of our fellow country- . thv with the needs of the people. : raen' 1 r.only remains for me to hay to . ii n.si.ince ii ion rne exureise governmental powers strictly with in the constitutional permission people have granted, and wil imgness to risk its lite and hope uhmi the peoples intelligence and patriotism. Never has a great par ty, intent upon the promotion of right and justice, hail btittei incen tive for etl'ort than ia now presented to us. Turning oar eyes to the plain people of the laud, we see them burdened as consumers with a taritl system that unjustly and releu'.iuusly draws from them in their purchase ol the necessaries ed i.fe an amount scarcely met by the wages of hard and steady toil, while the exactions thus wrung from them, build up and increase' the fortunes of those fer whose hen f :;t th.s in ui.-tice is perpetrated. We see the farmer listen to a delu- i sivestoiv that fills his mind with r viaion.- of advantage u bile ills pocket is robbe! by the stealthy ; hand of high piotection. Oar workingman are still told the tale, of the repealed, in spite of this demonstrated falsity, that the ex - isting protectiie taritl is a boon to them, and that under its beneh - cient operations their wages must mcrease whiie. as they listen, scenes are euicieu .u me eiy 1-. abiding place of high protection.! that mocks thehopes of toil and at test the tender mercy the working man receives from those made V' selfish and sordid by unjust gov- V' erumental favoritism. We oppose earnestly and stubbornly the theo- ,,' ry upon which our oppouents tcek , to mstify and uphold existing tariff j p.a laws. We need not base our at- . n tack upon questions of constitution-1 1 al permission or legislative power. , " W a . 1 . nnnr.io f i . I - t h or. r V ll.ulli f 1 v. I ' 11 i c lluuuui.l i.lii. uj-uu . , j highest possibiii grounds when wejlVi contend that .u present conditions, ( V its operation is unjust and that V iaws enacted in accordance with it , are mi .put. .hie and unfair. Ours , is not a destructive party. We ; ;: are uo: a; enmity wi.n tne riguie .f or,.- rt M.r. -7..u All Oil Tl T countrymen. We are not reckless- i nce'iiicsa in nuj nuici iLau iuici - esus. nor will we abandon our recurd for them; but invoking the love ol fairness and justice which belongs to true AmericaniBm, and ipon which our com titution rests. we .nsiat that no plan of tariff' leg- ' '' " islation sbail be tolerated which , ,"'v, has for its object aud purpose aj,ir, forced contribution from the earn-1 T: ings and income of the mass of oui citizens, to swell directly the aeon- mnlations of a favored lew: nor will we permit a pretended solici-. tnde lor Ameiican labor, or any other pretext of beutvolenr care for others, to blind the eyes of the peo pie to tile selfish laws, to gain un-1 earned ami unreasonable advan tages at the expense ol their fellows. We have also assumed in our covenant with those whose support we invite, the duty of op- dosid? to the death another avowed scheme of our adversaries. ofliirO. n n 1 u r t Ii i (Tnia . f lr'f ""il.11, "uiio luu uioo j.vi.vvw ing tne sunrage, covers out uoes . , ', , , not conceal a design tbrcby to - perjHrtaate the power of a party afraid to trust its continuance to me uuirammeieu auu luicniKem votes of the American people. We are pledged to resist the legislation ; intended to complete this scheme. : because w e n3ve not forgotten tne satti rnalia of theft and hrntal con- trol which followed another Federal regulation of State suffrage; be - cause we know that tbe managers of a party which did not scruple to rob the people of a i'resiuent, wenld not hesitate to use the ma chiuery created by such legislation to revive corrupt instrumentalities for partisan purpose: because an ottelr. ; would t to foice siica legislation rekindle animosities where pe.ti-e uuu uopc i uiur.-c uu pic- vails, because such an attempt wonld replace prosperous activity with discouragement and dread ' throughout a large section of oar country, and would menace, every-! where in the land the rights re- served to the States and to the people, which underlie the safe 1 cuards of American liberty. 1 shall not attempt to specify at this time other objects and aims of democratic endeavor which add in spiration to oar mission. True to its history and its creed our party , will respond to the wants of the people within safe lines and guided by enlightened statesmanship. To the troubled and impatient within our memuersuip we tuuiuieuu cou- u "utu- ueKuee iu tne party wnofe principles, in an times past, have been found sufli- cient for them, and whose aggre gate wisdom and patriotism, their experience teaches, can always be trusted. In a tone of partisanship which betits the occasion, ict me 8a-v to J"on asujual partners in the campaign uivou which we todav , ' a, , , . enter that the oersonal fortunes of these to whom you have entrusted your banners are only important as thev are related to the fate of the principles they represent and to the party which they iead. 1 caunot tberefore. lorbear remind- mg you and all those attached to the democratic party or supporting the iiiwc;p.w. that defeat 1,1 paigii, foilowt-.! t on of 'h, lr.". ; . UiUvi , f5 cam nuixia el- nur i: '.m th m pali'.c J by :- ,,:( r their HUuceSfl ,.s iul ' ' 1 ts their jjo'A'tr, wo a id Hi Oat dioOotli'isKHSg 0;it, tUTe UemOclltUC t'liJTt r fhe ae(tO!Upl!trhiili lit (if we have at h";trt. every .-Jtv.Cer-- deme-, lieve tliat li e icr.-M :-t 1 i !'(,-r ;(:, he' : '. !1 - ;','le .vyt'.O ; ry t.re aecp.y j ': tory of otir :irt II: th that aw,;; n u i i Solicitude e.va. - lIh: .'. pat ttp.irinip ;i;,o .. ;. our (iciefUiiiiatum to The HHti'rK-l achieved ! t 01". i . mtelltfteii 1 1: all enlisted in our cai.se. 1. oi . ':l nue,e "i u-oi i van.hi fit in r.r f. formal - response to yonr inegsage. that I niei"" k"r mi"'u ui my jjany auu conGdently anticipate that m m- ielligent and earnest presentation "1 our case will insure a popular endorsement ot the action o! t he body yon represent." A Normal I n -1 it n t r- fi Keacolis. i'.ii.-tt. v.". !'r- -bvt. n iii'i! Iii-ti ; .; i ;,,r i. 'i. le i Sprii.u-. Ti,i- i.iuii'j mill N :t A. '. tl . 1 IlLt'e '. 1 1!.-. . L-i AVi r-.-sid-nt i ,e i in: ii-.-; iv,- n - e.t; r.f . Shf ar. : j . 1 Ih I'.rc- '1 - - 1 1 1 .. ..eld IV; Trinity toilc II- - V.":,r: Tti iiat::: (..: pr-.rrr net p .erjprr uht -1' rtni, ;. , a. h ... i lie , la.- tie o; . "t. 1 : : .. ci.j.m '. atl'l Tl" inalh-l 1 " -r: i." ' ia tm i-i-t ;,1 :1.- :id.tin,' tin j ' VhVrVV V'tV-.V j ii.it... , . let; r- "::.- i In- bVn n;-..ic for tb i that m- re-nhv i.n- iv pr. in. T stria ticii ' 'it .aut ..: aid; Keti- c.rrviug . pr-trum than 111.-:-i North f'.ir ,-!!!: 1 'tea 1 1' '11 i . I ' 'r 1 - 1 . 1 1 ; r 'a:k - - -. ! The Preshjtcrian Urphuiiagte Ibiibiina: ; i he W ark lioiinr on Ni.-eh . t' 1 r pi. ret : a in liar'- o '. a.o ti.-. ; -t' I'"' I'. 1 ;.-t 11.111 .-I'Mao- eiaiio alter a i; IK- found . r-1 l sills; 'hi ,1 : ham - uaj. -I hi; ;. .I'.eht the ".;il Ol - rea-b, luiid; is t, Il a. IV ha oi oiioaniV b- Si ieonibor 1 -' 'Mm I tir-t tlnne- that -trikes one a the , hi,. struction -i tin house- are the large arches at the entrance Each ha.- a -pan Mr. K!;;o-t. r tr ikf ai'-, to hi- know '. any building iu the "-t ll'u -t'. Th. ka y-tone-' hri-e tons ra. I "start-Th,- huge rite all to buildings e J.h.lia - ; :ir, u-Mem to wde j inter. Alithathio, me ami i itti on , eh A Durham Invention. j a i.a? t.i....u , man to iiwa.t t ol a I ):llh.it!l i -lllip.-'r-t. Vi t at in. 'st convenient u.-iiii 'ff i. .in and i mark, or niark- way of a brush i fhe -ame time one ; "V'V ..'V .'V , ' , , wL V.Ti p.aV- i. 'it i uuntai i orn- I- V.". ! iULr jru-h. 1 : Whitaker. wi ceniu- i- the tuwiismun. Mr Sv great invent Ve it a. and h. alrai-.ly : vi inii-O'-I :,... I.t flo.'U at-....; in '. -Ai:.! have ! ";' 1 j .-llllie I; tin. uiata r an i - .a. n ol.ii.o like .cell paUillcd. Ml Wl'..ta t . i tor a pate lit. ;,', ;-,', . ',' ,' h ,s d P h-at oni -ci.- It It I- a not j thing :' kiud ha 1 t...-t '--n i of f-efore. It -works l.Ke u il.a: ...nan: oi, tiie il n ho thai La c tl I hal III principle of a fotircain pen. and have -.-en it pronounces it a good It is a splendid ur.-uiigeuiint. i .a; n be car for usi- at and .s as u , a,; riid in tiie p-e ket and is r-. a all timi-. It ;- a Durham h -harp, a- anv Yankee :nvr.t! saie. Durham S:u Tun I;aa -TtavTF.i. '' aa.;.. - F m Juiv a. .m- li a.'.'.a a. ..fire ei tin sculpture on tie i.ieetr.i. Fotaaaili. winch is to t.- the iurgest in tin- world. Thire are six great pictures ol this work, the crownim; triumph of Sculptor Msic Monthes anl Ex-President U;.yt - write the '.ea.'ling aric'.e. and James II. McVieker. the cr-1-. orated theatrical manager, contributes an essay th- drains. w-jh his photo graph. Dr '' . T. M-i. y, a ch -.rniinu' ski 'iJi-v-r.:- r. five his uia-te rpi..--e in ".V I'oi.viit- s-elf-Denial. t har'u - (.a'art Dai : v',.1, i aria re- W ; .is'n, - lb r, :n,a Maj.a . ai -at. ' Mr 1 to intin ung i ...'t.iiu. a treat n'vut Sinr Me(4alty put-ai.i't:-. ' which many ', . -. tt artirte rai ha. a-,- A i paac ti iti ii ti, C Frank Di w. y tea : BisuiaiT k. wi: h a -tr - !'K A til Iron t '.an-- ..a at ten tin euadmg-. j.oehi- .pill Durboiiov j.;i! and Expos; p'u re a beautiful iiti l va Nixt niotith. Frankliti hi poem. J N II . l : ia H'lil-iilio. til... .oo Si.'.'. Pic rhyi i na u s gn a' Vakei's a .op, , Shildrcn Cry for Pitcher's' Castorfe' .) lie' MmilliT- i ...i ' . nil : "i.J li.::i.e he Of 08 111'.." in!". 'hr.n ire tin; come- t re "list purtieul.-ir i y . vH ri' 1 1 ' i 1 1 -' : -. vi lu - iit'-rpri-'-s ..; ti",t .inn lints thine :t . in th'it nt! Illlllj tut" :;rei i .eile -t ! nep'.o- 1 b teii-iieiilal' nip1' "yiiii r.;:tii."r."'".r - i-rv r ::' Tl.. - ci !u" I-.!- '! - tl ii r v t lib- - . hilt IT n if i fas-cinnt i i ":.' : ii iie mail to i" "'' iianl work. . i 1-etn devisu ."' Ail an.l .irts 1 -fioi: " JlfO' C'Uts in ;e but t tai Hi".-, ii.. r.T,:, 1 aid tried e 7 hav The lo lil been bhort I nird iy that ! in tie nt' ever lea.'- to fWiunj). .-troRfr- . t il r. l)'v ol a te.-.r about ok- hard. ! the bov )-- hor.ect stanil the te live U'.y. I I:.-.-, ; tile - lieci ot tin- 1 .e. ai ii. Lit. :- bib .- hard w..;k. ti iio ;- -.viiiinc to work. Hid t' He if tile 1 .i e who tK-s-. thttllC' "! hi el'lllil! loiluentia!. i Itl.'IlS I-1 N', 111 I I! m. t 'if! r.es to i rr. pi . v a ut of work - .i'-piioii, and i e Ie. l-f( - d these hat are I ho Fil e at ::;; : ning the -tl-..: V ! F. il. I'oit.ts. . t t e on the aiiev. ..m k 'i'iiur-iiay i onier of Queen 1 ehine-iua to Ii. oe u:ni i ! l y Itieh L'roeeis. ws.s tliji'OV 1:. a'ooUt a ijU.li ti 1" of iliic don, 'he str'.et T.c th. atati,. i.. tlie ; -o;. ((-, ; r: ngiiiu . t!.ai':. t.oii.i.riiiy ia. .;; : .ili.l .... ir, , t-:iek irly i '.'.i. an-1. Tl- - y--rv.,- eon,;. any fo tie and buiS-l t: hour from the i v-.-reil until the i . - 1 tTi. '5 ho-c carriage ie conllagratioii all in readine-s. by th." New o miniitif from in t .. -r-i r i-.ii tuo ai wei'v ' ' me'?, ilil-. i t inn tie Ut w. turned on the bitni- tianief checked in a,g pro th. i; i ii ;.. ii tl T';;: l.e-St I'.lll'I'r 1" v, it- r 1 ii-antiiii-. ti. t ! y ni;iit 1 w. re 1 ....1. ! mate ! w a '.;;1: ; 1 r y.-i. t xt ore ' llalii' It. 1 1 ..a i a ti - good h. -roei ry . . . 1 . ea 1 1 : it tireineil .ped in iii.i the third buiidl S- I'-'hciiait iy did 'ho tiiat thi iliui'- w i 1 '.v'm ti tiii- tinowin- e Hi. hardson A Sin at f 'jfKe togetle r ii'i totally destroy.:.!. .i.-.u Tiie ir-ur.-ir. A.MIO. It i'. a- a s-7'i;) 1 Hut iv. 111 tiiiar in! ti.-. v had reached f wat.-r commenced, 'ihn-'s stock, valued in their i'n.'K.-, was j Th'ii' in-tiraiice wi ! n th. buihiit:- wasi i m The :id joining 1 ; lllli illr-O unarm ti tin i' unt o to it. ;. Moscley. i xtenf of $.100. ii;-tiranee carried vi datliacroit ; .-).ui , . fi,,, ., oil It. Mr. Scott's sIock was savei excejitiuu of the damage be w nil the hastv re uioval. He curried $-V.m insurance on steck and funiiturc. The next biulding. bcion-in K. M. Forbes, of Beaufort. to Kcv. is onlv slightly injured. Mr. Richardson ;a-o io-t a valuable "old watch in nddiii.in to what he suf- : feied from Ins interest in the business. ' lie hung it agiiinst the wall the previous afternoon for safety whih' taking a nap. iand r.e.jlec.tinix to take it il.aoi il went i u h the stoic. ' The A. & N. V. R. R. The Nev. s and Ob-ervi r ha- th. I. lowing remark of our railroad: A recent trip ovr the Atlantic aid North l 'nrohna Railroad show ed n vast i iiiiproveiiient in the condition of that line -Inrc th" days -a hen .Toe Turner dub it 'th-' mullet road. ' The ouantiry Vt . tides it hauls i- enor- nioti- The imsbenger busiin n tine -P a- - i- also or. Ii r tend i ti ijir. na in bitter good The roadbed the itee! ran- a a nn nt. The to iling a . oiidltnai than The lllt.ssin-i! C is likewise have iVi-r i s are nic i Seen it. ii t In in a parlor -ilri- iiii.i ,.;,. n.cely kept, car has bivii mideil to the those javho indulge in tiaveh.'ie. of the officers cess ii v t.) s-ir that they i'.aita.if. Ni itii ( 'ar liua ,'hilc enjoyment ot aich luxurous ! it ir only in- I are kindly, i tentlr-meii. The Kiiiny Spell. Tin x,i--iv. ,1 aim ,,n lt en .1 Ha d of v hi r.'i t II i 1 Da' uiaii 1" " Ja '. 'ii . i Atiri'. Jure From Fcbrt Tie r ini it ir., i oveiiit.i r . it ry until May aitleth (.Virv 'lav i -' have thirty -ol'. iuie blessed gleam -iv .a cm had tw.. nn oi-t a- v i t ai'd f. ; i.ebniile:m H (i(i-i t ion il lid dnr Fili r v-' : - f H iH'ini. v. I,., ,..,., j,. ,.- .1 Til. -i 1.1 V e.. I. HI i : loirrtri t lie!.- today 1 II liijl.'l- i j.-.-iti..ii. ltti-nd it ten inf'uriii de-k !! (hild I ! t 1 :i t Yii- lie ii i.i-i 1 1 Ave i" llie I". He .1, !-! ,1, I,, I- tl; i 1 (I HIM I'm .he - i ' " " I" I iy ! inn tllilt NeW llellle I! C'.-. :i : i pr .pcrly 1 epresi nte. I ie" o'-i ii b i oinptil'isi ,n i l"i"f. -ir- the Stnt. am of tin Stat.- take i-iieh :r hit I'm i : . a fair pics..ntat i. .;. let a I! wl a-I .f I'll- ports h ill T 1 1 : i ! 1 oil,-.! inilustrics and inanifol.l midevi I resmirccs which the eon.l i.M N'nr;'! I Stttti- posM -M-s throughout it lrn;Oli and ' j l.t"a lt!i. in the meantime do not let the' j magniui'h of this great event cause nnv ' l n-' t i ' sight even partiully of the ' ehi!,-itii.iis that require attention and' at home jThe State Kail, (or winch up.iii-iial exertions are U'intr made. ! v, ;:1 he lieu! IVom (Hnl.rlKil, i o,., - j and the noted New Btrne Fait will In. Id i!S sixth annual exhibition next spring. Iiear them ill mind, jilan for tin h in ad vance, and help all forward a.- opportu nit oi : ...it-. Shocked by Electric Light Wires. Mr. R. P. Williams received a severe -li. ek from the electric liht wire at the ho . Av'i dnesday night. He started to cut looj,. a portion of the wire that had fallen with plycr- having handles encased with rubbers for the jmrpose, hut as soon as the blades touched the epper lie expe rienced the shock from .the electricity, which hi id him last. So fevere was it that though he tried to cry out lie was s ;.ecclih -s. and he was not. released until iho-e a! t he works, noticing the di-turb a:., r. i oiicluded something wti' u'oing ' nig and turned off the euni i.t When it -topjii',1 Mr. Willrnms wa- tlimwn -ev-iia. .'..it. But for the timely -t"ppagi at the works he would probably haieoecn kilhd. Mr. ''A'aham? supposes that in working,! .-m. ii'. unprotected portion of the lilver- t " ,.t the end must have touched his haiid.J a-th.'Meep burn left ( orri-aj.oiu.ls in rlmpe j to that part oft hi aistnin.i in . Siii!al I () I -a, lei 'art;.- w 1 ie kno.k'd -v i ' y s.ioi k lec' ived lroni -tipping mi tie wiK? whik-the fire was in pn-re., but no .n-ivas -triousiy huit. Look out t . 1 .... ,. .,1 a 1. 011: Or; :- -tat d d that b. . 11 1 , a th at in 1 11 ill. aiTe ln.it a r iir- o-oi.ttaii I'iII. ( 1 r, 1 vinei a 1 .1 b. t Pihe- ami Aberdc'ii 1- al !' a iiii'e wii h an. i mail ; South, r; 1 a o'larte I mils 1., The .-hij'j.aig season is (ieo 1? (tordiicr writes 1 ..i,d .01 1 .Mr. d I-. !,.- I.i ii. vi r ai un in i tin r ia this citv that ther 1- dant yieid and highly satisfactory prie. -. S fine 1- the prospect that North, ru lueii ari buying up the crop al from !fi2j'.l t- Ait."io per acre a- it Man. I- 11: the til hh- Th;-' I- another indication ot tin- po- siliiiitn s ot .Nortli ( arolina --oil. .No o. j ter country exists in tin v. oihl I'm ' than mire and mativ other fruit 1 be cultivated witli cipial aaiatitaee A Delightful Time. Rev. John F. Hut: and win mil a; viled to Smith s (.'reck to i-it ihc tain ilii s of Aldriches and Mnlyettc.-. and wen several days there this week in lei re.it .on Thev spent the time with those aal kind-hearted people, very pleasantly agreeable. l'hev ret iinied well di ii dite with their trip ; On Thursday inornin- sta,iui:t "in at j six and returning at nine from a fishing j excursion, Mr. Jno. Timbcrlakc, who ac companied Mir. Butt and Mr. Aldrich. caught 133 line croakers and t routs, many of them very large. Some of the trout measured 2Z inches in length. They re port it u very enjoyable trip, and were strongly presseel to repeat it. A Start in Housekeeping. The Greenville Relleotor aiiiioiuiei s , Septemlier 1st as the date for the grand i opening of the new mammoth ware- i house belonging to Jovner it lleilbroner ; ! tho Eastern. They declare their j i intention of showing to the world that this section raises the finest tobacco on the continent, and they want tho 1st to be a gala day and want every farmer to bring a load of his lost tohaeco to the opening "break They assure the highest prices. One attraction that it is desired to se cure to help draw the crowd is to have a marriage take place in the warehouse on that day, and as an inducement they have secured $100 worth of presents to lie tl'iven to tlie bride and groom of the oc casion The first, couple who inl'mnis them that they will accept tho'propositinn M ill he chosen, and upon the fulfillment of th" agreement they w ill take the pr. s Home wun ;uein. Minutes of State S. S. Convention. We have leceived the minute- o th ch , i ut h annual convent ion of tin N ('. Slate Sc.Dday School Association, u hii h wa- if, h Id iii Centenary Al. F. Church, this i March 27th. 30th and :'l.-t. It a valuable referent-. book f.a - in the As.soi iatiou, a- it givis all ak ':.. :- of b .th th. ro.n, ....,1 , ..unt, : : I'dat ion-, plan.- n.d ; u: p.- ! tie '. --o : at ion co ti st it ut ion . Lain . i . ' -ti- t U ! . : !';'. ollltlU llilo! for . . 1 t , t ..1.1 ; o ii.-'n j . as-ociat ions, rep ; . -. stati-t:e- ii.uk. jo. ; : . i , 'C o i a- of mi l tin' ,M. '.'.lain:' a .-yimj , - ,,! !!....!, !'. 11, ana' !i-t Fit'' as . I Ulalti the I ' dr, II M llan.il.. !'a t Ih.o: and th Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ilwaukee I I.IK ( rlo- r -r 5 Cent 8. i 0RSf obacco. . ZVAUD, Scaoor :ai !5h'DL! N e : i; Street, t l Dock. - i It rses mn RULES. fi.NK LOT of i Nf-ftl: Oaro'ma VV ! HOEaEif AND MULES. A I bw A ! INK l.oi OF BUGGIEb, ROAD OARTS AND HARNESS. AJl of which I will sell VKKY OI1EAP for paflh or n j rovoj ; nfxir. Olvc ai- 1 irinl. 1S g S1:xsi3Ct eezers, Mason's Fruit Jars, i Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier. Refrigerators, Water Coolers and Fly Traps, i'OU SALH i:v Sm&iii?a-d S Slovor, MIPDLl! STKKKT. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR. 1855 1892. fjfJTIITQ WAMhl' ti' .linm unusually HULft I 0 libera; I. mm will tin given to bpII our now Pools, Lire anil W'orfct of SPUR6E0H. Trie world ftrtt preacher Is dosil.snit hundreds of Itiounmiils of rhrlBllBn fsmllle. as well as rtruymn, lt'.lil" rencliira, mo il ents, wait) fur an uri"'rtunlty to ur oliK ttilu tioiil'. Wo wimt bkciiUi to amll thin book rleht now. while Hie Interifct Is ereatei-t . dim I w..a i...hv seu.l AT rs;K IN cents In M..a, i r, i .i ,ieiis cx)niiletian vantliii; outt't nn.l Ik- llio tlrst to can van your nelc li ln.rlioit.1 . TKIiMS 1 1!1 ItAI,. ACT IJt-'lCK. FORSIIFK .V McMAKEX, ( liiclnnntl, U. STARDAKD Truck Barrels. AVe aie now pr pared to .-upply Barrel of our niaiiu hictui e, lu any quantity, delivered on cos oi steuuier at New Dcrno. For further infoi mat ion apply to our Sales A'iil. F. II. A. .1. A. MKADOWS CO. .10 N FS A CO. Wo. the uiidei ni;:i Eland 1 nek 1 1 irri is MeBsr". .' i;io- .V (. o , gave us .oi feet s;C u so 'lie ,-a me barrel - : a'.s.i . -in.' tl a : i la HA' m: Maj I... !s.h. e) nseil olio tliou li. anil la. tilled l y ia " v ar, and they taction. We shal'l o 1 1 n this oar, and i' nt in- 1 lai i el-. i: ,V Wm.i.f.tt. 1 1 dwtf 100 BAGS SHOT To Hand This Day. All Sizes. Send In Your Orders. If. Ulx-ieli, WJiOEKHALK GliOOEK, KIDDl.K STURET. NaW HF.BNK N. C. i WiMU ft ml: o frt v-f"h& . rTl i3 S i i i . v t '- : j -..' f .... J