1 1. mil i i hi r - 'iii. r THE J OURN AXi. C. T. HilCOCK EI Kyrar. 0-IiHni t -4 mmSn t Km Bum Txabiffgwt spellbinder is the cold spell, which hu left many a j train snowbound. . Tub World says the Rill men in New York, State, are rnshing to anna to make war on the President- : lec6.';i.-"T-"' v:: Politics makes strange bed fellows; bat the strangest Bleep mates of thvyear are the riral Kansas legislators, a applag around on chairs, v CHAD Job been a man who ran bis shoes down at the heel, and never had any opinions of his own, . the. Devil wouldn't have bothered him. Bams Horn. 1Tju Clmyklaxb said in a letter published reeently-that MIt is - solemn thin? to hold the eonfldence . Of the people."1 Mr.. Harrison has also disooTered that It is a solemn thing to lose it. - THSOondact of the Bill men in New.Tors: in the.Electoral College InSndorsingjMarphy, will give a fresh impetus to be abolition of the , snsece&sarr and absurd Electoral College. : Let it-go. Tax whole harbor of New York has been icebound since Wednes day, and the chief part of this , continent has been as utterly shut . out as if . Chandler's immigration bill had passed the Senate. IdLBT July, at Chicago, Tammany led the procession in opposition to Cleveland's nomination. It is now said that Tammany will lead the procession la the big inauguration : parade at "Washington on March fourth . -- " ' . Fbjbxku A steady and Intel izeut Tonus Printer may secure a situation as - "Two Thirder" by applying at the 8tar Office. In the matter of bad manuscript muatj be able to distinguish a -hawk from handsawWiLStar.. : . "Wetlh .he preacher at -Forest Chapel, in Indiana, was reaching bn Peace on Earth," two factions opened fire and two were killed and sevennrere wounded. . This is one of the many 1 sfgns'V of . man's . depravitT and inhumanity to --. T&x Panama frauds trials have begun. ,M. Fon tain was the. first cersonl examined. He testified to the fact that hewaa the agent to bribe the press to prevent - Adverse " criticism. Thus the foundation, fact Is established. The Panama man agesare guilty of bribery. Skxitos Mills hsa faults and pray who . nas. notT but be is a much abler man them Hogg, Ireland or Chilton, and is sound to the core in politics. Nevertheless, it now seems that he will not be able to " secure a re-election, and it looks is k if Hogg or Chilton will be his me .. cessor. . 'r'-v 1 ' . ;-: x . jLn unknown English friend has seat Mr. Cleveland a pair of gloves for which the customs offlcer at New York -notifies him ;he must pays CO per cent. duty. To . have to pay a 60 cents duty on a tl.00 pair of gloves is calculated to ,(riler even a Preside a t-elect, and will onljjtnake him an the better tariff reformer. " '::' ' , , ' : - The bonanza' miners and their attorneys in Congress predict ruin if the Government should cease to purshase their product of depreciat ing silver and to make it a basis of the curwney.VVTjLf; a equal propriety the Government might be asked to purchase all the corn and whisky of the : coon try 'and' issue paper certificates in payment. Jtjdcub Wdcstoh has decided , that no part of the poll tax can be applied . to r the support . of the soldiers as against the schools; but that the appropriation of a part of the poll tax to disabled soldiers may be sustained as provision m ade under the Constitution for the poor. An appeal, however, has been taken to the Supreme Court. 0 account of the funeral ssrrtces over the remains of the 1st Senator Senna, neither House ef Congress translated any business Trlday." The ceremonies, which ware ewndueted by Bishop .Keane and ether Bomaa Catholic ecclesi astics, were performed in the ban of the " 8enate in the . forenoon in the - presence of both Houses, the President and Cabinet the Diplomatic Corps, the Justices . of the Supreme court and a large assemblage of citizens. - Tmm Senate has exhibited some thing more of an economical spirit than the House. Later it may be that the boot will be on the other foot. "Thus the system of having 1 two bouses Is shown to be superior to that in which legislative power 'Is rested only in one body. We do not admire a iggardly disposi tion, but economy and frugality - are always to be practised by those who are trustees for the people and manage their concerns. News and Observer. TEX study of little things, if the - attempt te made to make it com prehensive, is as wearying and embarrassing as the study of larger things. It has been estimated, for 1 example, that there are from tvo.to ' ten millions of existing species of insects; yet after all the labor of the entomologists only about 270, 000 species have been classified. Whichsoever way. we turn, whether toward the stupemdows whole er the infinitesimal a tew ef the uniTerre. there is aa uafankestable beyond -i which, defies - amd baffles . onr researches. Phils- delphia Beeord, Dem. SDCCESSfflPODLTRY RARING. THE PROFITS, BREEDS AM) HOW TO PROCEED IX THE BUSIXESS. A few Remarks in Regard to Poultry Raising. ME. EditoB : It is remarkaUlf j that at the present day, in the gret i rusn tor what are termed ea-y positions many good farmers ami mechanics are spoiled iu endeavor ing to make lawyers, doctors or preachers of themselves when it they had stayed on the iarm thtn j might have filled honorable and independent positions and success have been theirs. Bat we nod oar farmers moving into the cities and towns, and for whatf They say to educate their children. Would it not pay best to board their chil dren and they remain on the farm T They might have a home where the whole family wonld be interested. Give a few acres to the indus trious house-wife and children for the raising of improved poultry; for there is nothing connected with poultry raising but what a lady can manage equally as well as the other sex. It gives work to the children who greatly enjoy their share of the daily duties of caring for the fowls. It is a business that makes country life interesting and attaches us to our rural homes- and makes them far more pleasant. Anyone disposed may find enjoyment, health and profit in this work, if they will undertake it rightly and pursue it diligently. Poultry raising for a profit is a light employment, requiring of course that regular and ceaseless attention which must be given to any business to insure success. The one secret of success is thor oughness. The chickens must be regularly fed with a variety of suit able food and fresh water; the house kept free of vermin. My houses are cleaned every morning and sprinkled with slaked lime, which keeps off vermin, I find lime the best disinfectant I ever nsed. Poultry confined to close quarters must be supplied with everything necessary for their health, or they will lose flesh, become diseased and vermin have full sway. Fowl are provided by nature with a supply of bodily oil to repel the vermin to which they are subject. If healthy they are not so much troubled with thesemites, unless a severe winter diminishes tne supply or variety oi food, when they become weak and lean the amount of natural oil de creases and vermin increases. There is one thing which nature does not supply which is quite necessary for fowls That is char coal. Charcoal made of wood does not answer the purpose, it has no taste of food, is not attractive to fowls and is seldom eaten by them The best charcoal for them is made by putting ears of corn in the fire and roasting nntil the grains are charred, then give to the fowls This will be found very beneficial for them, will tend to place them in a healthy condition, hence a decided improvement will be made in their looks. All pale combs will become bright red, that busy song of cack ring will be beard and the yield of eggs greatly increased. Where fowls are confined to close quarters exercise should be furnish ed by -throwing grain into loose straw or hay for the hens to scratch in. Fowls like a variety of food ; they need animal food in winter or when confined in small yards. For in summer, if allowed to run at large, they get it in the shape of insects, but in winter where no insects are to be found the deficiency must be supplied. Keep fresh water in clean vessels before them. No one need expect to succeed in raising poultry if the fowls that are compelled to drink from stagnant pools. Disease among poultry wonld rarely occur if the keepers would give their fowls proper care in every particular. The difference between an egg laid by a plump, healthy hen fed with good fresh food daily, and an egg laid by one thin, poorly fed is as great as the difference between good beef and poor. A fowl fed on- garbage and weak slops, with very little grain of any kind, may lay eggs, to be sure, but when these eggs are broken to be used for cake they will epread in a weak, watery way over your dish, look a milky white, instead of hav ing a "rich slightlyyellow tinge. A "rich vgg'' retains its shape and yields to the .beating of the knife with more resistance and gives you the conviction that yon are really beating, something thicker than water. Thoroughbred poultry have been bred for years with the view of in creasing their laying qualities, also to increase their size. I have been raising fine bred fowls for several years, have raised most all varieties but have discard ed all from my yards now but pure Buss, Partridges, White Cochins, Black Langshan, Barred Plymouth Bocks, Silver Laced. Wyandotts, White Crested White Polish, Tou louse Geese and Bronze Turkeys. I like these named the best of all the different birds for eggs and size. 1 ship fowls and eggs to many States with success and have made many friends. The question has been asked ; will the keeping oi pure bred poultry pay. It will pay if conducted with the proper care that all business should be in order to secure suc cess. Almost every one who says "I will" .has gone on successfully with any business they understood. Contemplate the Atlantic Ocean. Can you comprehend its area and fathom its depths. Yet that vast area was spanned by, and those unfathomable depths were made to yield to the electric wire, and now, these far off and UDseen regions serve but to aid the telegraphic agency in transmitting its messages at lightning speed. A wondrous illustration this of what man can do when he says "I will." "Now we respectfully request the farmers, their wife's and daugh ters to come to the East Carolina Fair, where they will see the larg est and best exhibit of poultry ever shown in this State, and don't re turn home without buying poultry or eggs. You will have almost every variety to select from. The additional pleasure you will take in oaring for a fine flock of fowls, which you know to be high class will go far-to-wards lightening the labor which they require of you, and with good ears, nothing will pay a larger profit on the money in vested than a nice flock of full hloeded fowls, even thengh yon sellyeur eggs at market price." ' : W. H. Beat. New Berne, N. C TlM AKoi: v Lo at ''&);" ' V. ; ! i , F ; u i. . .! i ,i " in ir F v r 'Jt ' . ' 1 ' Ml- w -;: u II li u - , ) locksvn duriDg t he (.'in it m.v i i 1 . i Vv S WhiIi with her friend. Mrs O. H ington of t hie place. Mr W. Adams, li.iM his r.ew dart-lli);; house ueaily complete. Look out gills. Mr. R u. Maxwell of Out-laws bridge. N C lectured to quite a number of hi friends at fucarorn school house last Monday and Teus day uightt--. 'n the subject of pbren nolopv . l is Iccrures were just giaud. iiM A is DeBruhl's school will close ; .. We are anticipat ing a nice e . ertainmeiit. Mies Can-. Dmgherty, of tbi place, will Kviv.' Koon for Trenton High school. Miss Carrie .8 a nne young lady, aijd e wish her much success. Mr. Edward Ipock, is putting up a new dwelliug near this place. Tuscarora is ou a boom. A Sl'ELLLR FKOM BASE A .North Carolinian v ho Will Enter the Spelling Match at the World's Fair. Mr. Allen, of Frauklin county, the champion speller who astonish ed the audience ami vauquished the entire line of contestants at the receut "spelling bee'' in Raleigh, was in the city yesterday. There will be at Chicago dunug the World's Columbian Exposition an international spcllmg match, and Mr. Allen will be there to champion the prowess of North Carolina, and in all human probability will bring back to the Old North State the laurels of the great contest. If he enters the lists ot this great battle of orthographers it is safe to Wbger that he will come off con queror. He is nothing less than a prodigy as a speller, and has been ever since he sawed a class of over forty the first day he went to school when a mere lad, on the word "fus tain." He has been in many a heated spelling contest since and has coped witli many distinguished scions of lexico graphy but has nev er been whipped yet. ' Mr. Allen says be has a mental photograph oi every word he has ever seen or heard spelled, and these mental itnpressious iever be come blurred or uncertain, and if the committee in charge of the Chi cago contest dop.s not get out tne limits of Webster's Unabridged he has no fear of being tripped. He does not talk of what he can do, but all you have to do is to call out the word yon wanr spelled and Mr. Allen will grind out the letters that spell it and tell yon the number of the page in ihe bargain, if it is to be found within the covers of "Webster's Blue Brick." Tne fac ulty amounts to a tibet-omeu;;!, if not an occult, power with him. It is nowise tho re.-iiU 1 hard appli cation, u' he to Chicago be will biicg back the iiophies of the victor. Mr. Alien i- dec.'-ndant of Revolutionary parents and had twelve first cousins killed in the Revolu'ionary war. News and Observer. An Unjust Tax. Alewdas ago a poor young man and his sweetheart walked here from their homes, about ten miles distant, for the purpose of obtaining a marriage license and being married. When they went to buy the license thev had only two dollars, and the price was 2,50. Not being able to raise the other fifty cents, they walked back home, obtained the lacking fifty cents and next day walked here again, bought the license and were duly married. Some persons may think this quite an amusing little incident, and make light of it: but it is sug gestive of the fact that the fee for a marriage license is a very ur just and improper tax. It certainly does seem strange that there should be a fine or penal ty imposed by law npon marriages, and that any State should levy a tax on morality, for that is exactly what this marriage license fee amounts to. Chatham Kecord. Training the Memory. A splendid way to improve the memory is to begin by treating it as if it were an other person, and then charging it, up penalty of a severe upbraiding, to keep until wanted the information, tact date name or whatever is to be remem bered. By this course you uncon sciously do two things you sort out things worth while to know, and you impress them upon the memory in such a way as to cause it to grasp and keep them. The latter is a most important thing to do. Half of one's forget- fulness comes from failure to properly grasp wht it is that you are to remember. Harper's Young People. What the Points Were. The interrogation mark or "point" (?) was originally made of a "q" and "o," the latter placed under the former. They were sim ply the first and last Ictterof the Latin word "qaessio." Sj, too, with the sigu of exclamation or interjec tion (!). In its orisinal purity it was a combination of "i" and ''o,'' the latter underneath, as in the ques tion mark. The two stood for "Io," the Latin- exclamatioa of joy. The paragraph murk is a Greek "p," the initial of the word para graph. The early printers employed a daggar() tobhow that a word or sentence was nbjecttionable and should be cue ouf. N. ('. Teacher. I.iirht Mi p. Anbods cm i .-.'. i; I-f;h- step who will take tin- ; in- t-.- k t the foot down right. In ;h-;' l.v ail the diffei erice be'vieen a thtniwung. lumping gai" ami the 1: ghr tread that makes peopb' ill yon '-velvet footed."' It in something easy to learn, and adds to the comfort ol those about one. According to a writer on this subject, the whole art and mystery lies in a single seitence put the ball of the foot down first, throwing the weight upon it, and letting the heel come to the ground the hundrdth part of ajseoond after. Treading tiatfooted over all tne sole at once the weight comes with a jar that is about equally destructive to quiet, to grace and shoe leather. By stepicg first on the ball, just behind the toes, its cushiony mus cles act as a spring and makes oi walking a doable pleasure. Ex. at m; ike'n. lsi- Ik wills open 1 n 1 1 Hi ; i i . Wh.iv ! :i 1 1 ! -' and down ,1 In I'DtiT. iduihI, both up stairs i.lust crammed from circumference to ! centre. i lie will trout you so fuir, with dealings 80 square, Y u will tell all your frienda with amaw T:n y can do as they like. I will trade with Big Ike, From now to the end of my days. Should a large dealej fail, Big Ike' at the sale, And buys in the whole of the stock. He does nothing rash, just pays pays out the cash And li: he's as firm as a rock. Come buy what yon wear, yoo'll have cash to spare The hard times no longer lament If with Big Ike you spend, you'll And in the end K was money judiciously spent. When lie gets his steam ferry, we'll all j he so merry, I We'll give him the grandest ovation We'll give him our trade, and have a parade And hurrah for Big Ike's legislation. At Dunn's You Will Find A LARGE STOCK, well selected bought low. and for sale at prices to suit the hard times. Call and be convinced. To mv stock of 1 GROCERIES I call the housekeeper's attention. It is complete in every branch, and a visit will satisfy you that all your wants can here be filled. Special attention is called to my Fresh Roasted Coffees, the excellent quality of which is drawing custom every day. I am also agent for Chase & Sanborne's Celebrated Roasted Coffees and Fine Teas. BUTTER The Tfry finest only 10 cts" per lb. ARRIVING EACH WEEK A fresh supply of Van Derreer & Holmes and Holmes x (Joutt's excellent Cakes, Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroons, etc. BY EVERY BTEAMERJ I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Cranberries, j Celery, Apples, Figs, Raisins, NutajDates, Citron, Currants and Jtrunea.j 1 j JIN 8TOCK.1 Shafer's Meats, Vermont Maple Syrup.vJ French Peas, Jockey Club Sardines, Macaroni, Fine Cream Cheese, Elam Cheese, French Vegetables m Glass, Asparagus, Hecker's Prepared Buckwheat, Lemons, Cling Peaches, Plum Pad ding, Olives. A call will be appreciated and satisfac tion in variety and quality ot stock and in prices is guaranteed. My CONFECTIONERY department is complete. Prices and quality of stock I am sure will please you. Wanted At Once. Bids for THREE HUNDRED POLES thirty feet long, not less than eight inches at the top, heart cypress. Alao, THREE THOUSAND CROSS TIES, hea:t pine or cypress, either sawed or ln-wed. Iniiui. i ,-.e delivery. N'kw IIeknk Wateii, Electric Light and Railroad Co., R. P. WILLIAMS, nlS dwtf Manager. emoval ! L K. BISHOP'S Office and Warehouse has been moved into the brick building at the rear of the Cotton Yard. an3 lm for Catarrh li the Uh, and Cbeapeat. Druggists or lent by mall. itlne, warren, pa. Just Received A NEW LOT LADIES' JACKETS Which Wilt Be Sold, Very Low Call early and 8AVE MOEY in the nur chase ot a handsome Jacket. H. B. DUFFY. Flo' Remedy I j Bet. EMlemt to L I 1 Sold by 'fjRFOLX, Tri-Veek:v TriBs. i or ! r i . D Uli V i i : 'i 1,1 . -1 s r icprs, m- the I- : ' ' :. . I' -ii . Iblp Ci:i: l: , thnr re:-!'- - C. nr.J ' ' ' : V : : . . ni- pa r - 1 ; : aih c.'fl: a , , v. . ' Wh: i NO VDVAV( K IN !! , i .' s. On au ! ! . ontl! fur'r,- Summer N U:V Steamsr JilL: SteaiM RQ. Will flail fr.i'i. direct, every (iaturday, : Ibe Atlantic u., i . t and ttie whU i rivers, i Return In , w: : , ;i NORFtM K. Vh i . I .v y for u ! .! v.- li r, I ri 'nv, .:-k i-.i'l. every Tuon mftRlng conii-'i '. o , Vhe Old Hav I ,' ;i' i r Line, for I'IiKm..! i.',.; i - 1 1 ' .:i.t .;,n T..e M-r -- i -1-ii c- a (1 leacDBhlp ('- , f,.r Ouanis'nud M v. r" !.: r IT Boston, and ' he i-- f, .r ..H 1 r. k -ik !? v iny 1 iirlliem ton , I. O. , h. n .1 an h 1 1 w . t ( rid Kaatern i i'k Also romic v: K. K. and N. .' A K rRrieengers v ' '. M - t i f - A O 1; . r ::: fort- anil - eu- a'jle rooms, ftn.i ,- - yon will te p;ud ' - i. Ordr al ! kou ' r uc L.lnt. .Vorf )ik V-.. KALf C-i Eastern Carclina Vast HikaHriKer -n 1 : j lam Nartb 'a: in- i ii : PH181 LV J .tch. -'.ill f riii- IM r ! - w Vark, piillirl -tlmort n ii (1 ...i 9ITLV Trl-V. , I. i Hew t r. . r O tUW AND K,.:. . . wl Ii'PED Sails from v,- ; , . i . OID1VS, WEONKSF) V- Y i' s ?.v vs. plug at HOflK.iK' Jti . rormtng close i-o-i Norfol K - oa i, , r . Fha Eastern lisp u- iua Wilmington H. i N A. B.. New York, Thin u 4nd Pennpylvania il. K . i lagtilar line, otf-:rii. . jiriok paaseugar an if-- .i N iransfrr except rhleh point rrt-lijat v. i ! ... go through to ri6t nsi.u'., aMreot all guorls t ) '-ii mi-j- . JftroltB Olipam da ly i.... FVom New York, by IV:i'i . Uorth Klver. from Philadelphia, hv Ptiila.. ' tV R.. Dock St.Sttttl.in. mm Baltimore, by Pnu i, w , B. R., Prealdent t --n'.i v. From Norfolk, ny NorfoiK -i.iir 1 rrom Boston, by M Ti-'ian!. 1 portatlon Co.; New Yor. a-.d aV R, 4-Rates as low r. X : i :no qu . or other line ror farther lnfnrnut! n npp -W. H. Jovcc ;u'i 'rfisiu '1 P. R. R.) ti lie: a. T'-h - c 6KO. 8TEPII K.NS I'i . -.M--I1 : p w. h. k ?m :.t : . B. 15. Cooke, (i-n'i V-.-it-ni P. N. R. K , N.rf..!k, i H.O. rlCD'il.V-. i" - - ' . : B. !.. V'lr'i. v i u I. . 11:-. ! - ' i hy .,Y. o . Bsn. Mam t W -i . . Successors to J II i ' ' ,v t ' Engineer; '!CI D MArUjMSTS. Mannfactnr-rs ami IVali rs in Macliln epy, Machini.-ts ami Mi l .-upp'-ii-s, Ei: gimus, Boilers, Saw and tirist Mills, Double Edor?, etc Agents for Bari'aniin'.s Inilcs'ructible ' Mica Seated Va'.vt-s. Tho Ain--ricau Saw O: and Precotf' lin.Vi-Ac:ing Steam i Feed, etc. We have just " J 'iwx- Ware house adjoin. i-.u' "in ntu'if wr will keep a full m K --i" M tt-hhip and MiH Supplies Orders f(r work or ir.a--i al if any, kind will be prompt '. --m ct.kI j niayrf"- .;wtf Co We have a full line of HEfiTlFJ L. H. Cutler & Co. COLD WAVE Will havo on or before 1st February Two OX" Ioads Worls-it Horses sl2l Mules. Do not buy iiL.til then, and they assure that they will sell CHEAPER than their competitors. r AND B&IiH. 3,, paints, ons. VARNISH Glass and Pu !y, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement, IN Iu GLO" Hv mistake, four times as many (Vim forts a we ordered were shipped ur. T avoid re'urnii them we are making slaughter ol pricen. G)tne quick and pet voar pirk. IJott l men and housek. ept-re., look to jour interests. We cannot be equalled on BLAN KETS. We have a very large srok at remarkably low prices. Among them are superior 11 and '2 quarter 6 poand lambV-wool blankets. All other Winter Goods on hand and will be sold at a Gieat Reduc- r !OD arrington & Baxter. 7 SB. S"t3reo"t ilap j .st returned w,h a v. BGE LOT OF t ft- "if 7 AND 1ULES. LIE SELLS THE BST ROaB CAiTS i;vi:u sold in this m mlkkt JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Tin inn UOlUilM NEW BERNE, N. C. ; Italian and Ameriean MarbU amd i QuaHttei nf Material ' Orders solicited and given proper at : tontion, with satisfaction guaranteed, j Terra Cotta Vases for plants and flow ers furnished at the very lowest rates. GEO. HENDERSON, (Successor to Roberts & Hmderson), General Insurance Agent. Representing Insurance Company of North America, or'niladelphia. riome Insurance Company, of New York. tuefn Insurance Company of Knu.lR.nd. fiartlord Kire Insurance Company, of tiartfurd. North Carolina Home Insurance Company f Rlel?h. Ureenwltch Insurance Company, of Nevt fork. Ptienlx Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, tjalted Underwriters Insurance Company, of Atlanta. Eostou Marine Insurance Company, ol i.ston. lulTidwtf 5 i - ' - W a V J A 0' R LOA ) OF n:oM st. louis, li i ?. ;-t iu die World - i v - - rai Use, ii -t i:i:i'i:ivi-:i) at 3 p", : m?im" il I,, lb it.'.- .JU. ;j 1 tU-. - ,i.:i.S' lib i'''--. 1 I t; Tlmt i- :. ' .I.'-, wiiiiin n-aoii ol' the poorest, iiii'l i :imi!.ti'd to c-ur the worst e,t-e ot u-irn-oiit pocket-'. ook in c.isu-r.c. h.jiia. parls ot N-u-otion. Tlion hi l1 i Invi iL.it ion. llone-t Dcalins;, Fair I'm-- s a.-,. Knt. rprHf and you have the trrcut t;;:-ii ( lixir. Wr coiiiiiouinl it ml kicii our patron- u-ip!ied. In stances, m v.liich all tlie-c are )roiniuent are nianv. Very respectfully, Haskbm S Willalt. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles ol Boots aDd Shoes mail to order od short notice. R.pairing a Specialty N. AHPE.N, f'avan st- et t. opr'f in- Jonraal office. 5S ENTS, Should Bear in Mind T)it ir.c sea'nti ' r u tur-k g of Orfjuplsnow ou j. B" ..r-'-ar-ii fur tills 1 sldlons dla et e iv i hoi s hrtviny a oottle of R. N. L'ullv'rs ' ro ti -Tiu in hit house. Pre-pi-i 1 sftpr 'te iroli , ol tt:e late Ur. Walter Luit-,-, aiLd fo;- Ul liV Ii. :- . DUFFY, OV. r N'Hili c -.or'.ey s Store. R T:. V FFY'S COUGH MIXTURE, . ; ... - ! :: t - - d, : r '"i;lj; Co'.! . 0. , BrO!ic!!!ti, :i- i l i!ithi-lia, ( ' ' ; rrr. iS:u. Th - : -1 1 i . ivi .. u . r v d - and rmtl.ep t - :n . v- ; .- i -s u - fai i njos of - li ic- o :--!is ii- s k daily in iilph- l.- -t -v-ai . e-v. i as-,-, dc . and in t -i. -c;i l. . l 1 Lriiubl'S dt:elo ermn - ne niai wi-1 oouvlncd ycu of Its III ! 'S I K' ' ii'- -Ti- a--t onful an needed i-vi-ry J.:;,' h .-a-, liak befo-e nrog X iiiio..' -vr p,.er m. - on e carefully, and if t -.f nhiii' "I .. s Doll, Is not on it.lt Is .t t . e -.uuliiL- r ' clfcr. THt. Farmers L Hsrchants Eank " 7.'- v-- yut vn CAPITAL SlUtK , $75,000.00 Diviii ;m . . . .5, . 00 Surplus ini.l I'rolits . 8,000.00 I.. H. i.'UTl.Kit . - Prei5eG! . W. H HAowicK Vioo-PreBi.ieni. T. W Di-WEY. . Csshier A. U . . Tellar. DIRECTORS : Wm Clv. P. H. P!litier, J. W St wirt, 'V. 8. Chadwiok. Jo'.ivi hiutf-r. O Marks, L ti. ('-iit'or, E. B Hack burn. Henriciti irters for Nickel Saving 8timp Yu'.:r business is respectfully solicited HAY1 GMMI FEED! BRABHAM & SMITH, SEE j Potatoes, Peas, Beans, Radish. Oats. Wheat, Eye, Etc. A FULL LINE Corn, Mnal, Homiuy, G'its, BraD, Douce, Mixed ieed, B:-iff'. Burlaps. Barrels, Pea Cr stt'8, &c. We sell PETER HENDERSON & CO 's CELEBRATED SEED4, germinatinK powers of which are guaranteed. re ate EVER I am now in a better condition to help vou than ever before. I HAVE BOUGHT THE Wm. Sultan Stock AT A GREAT SACRIFICE! Will You Come Down And Try Me. will give TEN DIFFERENT PRIZES away Fair Week, amounting to The man who trades the largest amount takes his choice, the next largest amount ms choice, and so on up to ten. This is worth your consideration, and if you have a few dollars to spend you had better try for the prize. When you read this please turn the paper over to some of your friends, and tell those who can't read what BIG IKE is going to do for them this Fair. I will have the 10 different prizes at Fair Grounds, so all can see them. I mean business. OOS'T FAIL To come to the Fair. A visit to BIG IKE'S STORE will Dav vour expenses. Besides, our Fair will be the Second Largest Stoct In tho Cify, all Bought at THE COME 9 We have a large Assortment of Dress Goods, Domestics, Hamburg Edging. Shoes, Clothing, Eats, Trunks and Valises, etc.. etc., which we will sell VERY CHEAP for :Casn Oaly. Come to see us and be convinced of our Low Prices. THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, OPPOSITE STREET'S STA.BLK, MIDDlE STREET. KINCHNt DliH by druggists. For sale by J. V. JORDAN, ! ! acrifice HEARD AY, best we have ever had. ents LLAR! DOWN LOCK AT IT. ains ! .11 Mm,H.nf th Buroui membrane 3n(- rNHR R H("F A snd CLERT in I to d.v. No other tiemtment necessary. Nerercauses stricture 3; 3v. leave any Injurious after effects. Fiice, a. Sol' BLOOD BALW cu.,rro i. millWuBti Druggist, ..New Bertfe, N. C. s , 1 V?--.-:.'

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