''' jApii WV'W V a fea mm i 111 1 i i in . i in i m i ji $1.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XV. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. MARCH 2 189:;. NO. 48, DR. G. XL BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offio, lUddU trK, opposite Baptist eharofe, 4e4wtf NEWBEBN. N. O. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, IW BKRffK. 1. C. Offlca on Creo street, between Pollock and Broad- P. H. PELLETIER, A T V K V K Y AT 11 W , i tor St., two door Hontk of Journal oiBoe. Will prutlM la lb. CosdUh or it.v.d artetwt, Jnora Oulo and Purr llco. United tUM Oourt ml New Bern., and Mam-am Court of Ui Huu S. R. STREET, General FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, HEW BEUNE. N. C. Churchill & Parker Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. Tanner and country merchants 'will do well to see tu before buying, &a we aell good as low if not lower than any koaM is the city. tyWB GUARANTEE EVERY THING WE SELL TO BE AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED We deliver all goods we sell to any part of the eitv free. ALL WE ASK IS ONE TRIAL, and IT know yon will continue with uu. Lorillard Snuff sold at manufacturer's price. Our atables in the rear of oar store are m to all. CHURCHILL & PARKER, 10 18 wU Broad Street THE NEW BERNE KNITTING MILL, 14 bow prepared to furnish Haxf Hoes m Viiinm Ocaltttes and Colors in - arts to sait purchasers. Bead ten cents for Samples and Prices. - dl2wtf. Pure! Brilliant T Perfect! UsKD EvKRYWHKnE, AND EmMJBSF.D Vvukkjlvlh L'bkd. ilot Po nlar Gaes in the V. rti-v tn. in tir- l'Ri-HEN A TIVK MKN of hi' r... n,l. of U-B t-ru t .-f N i t f r Mu h.-i 1 t.nkii- M r.-h wm. (loniriufv, M-ivw-f P-trw-. u M impi-an. lfeefcaair- Prprhe, MEN EMINENT IN ALL- PROFES SION' AND TRADES. PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND THEM. BUT H05E BUT THE UEMUISE. Th parfeef Qlaaaee are accurately ad j luted to all eye at the Dros Store of F.SDUFFY, New Berne. N.C. fllOann' You Will Find A LARGE STOCK, well selected bought low, and for sale at prices to suit the hard times. Call aud be convinced. - To my stock of GROCERIES I call the housekeeper's attention. It is complete in every branch, and a .visit will satisfy yon that all your wants can here be filled. Special attention is called to my Fresh Boasted Coffees, the excellent quality ot which is drawing custom every day. '- I am also agent for Chase & San Dome's Celebrated Roasted Coffees and Fine Teas. ' BUTTER The very finest only 30 rts per lb. ARRIVING EACH WEEK A tresh supply of Van Derveer& Holmes ami Holmes & Coutt's excellent: Cakes. - Crackers, Wafers, Maccaroons, etc. BY EVERY STEAMER I am receiving Florida Oranges, Malaga ompea, n:,,, v ,,m s, n . 1 a Ir lira Kvuins Nllf-i I !- s , Citron. Currants anil Prunes. IS STOCK Shafer's Meats, Vermont Maple Syrup. Fn-neh Pens. Jockey Club Sjirdines Macart.iii, Fine Cream Cheese. Elan. Che), Kreiich VeKctabUss in Gla.. j Aspnr.igus, llecker's Preparel i iiackwbeat, Leinona, Cling j Peaclies, Plum Pud ding. Olives. I A call will ! appreciated nnd aatilax-- ; ttn in variety and rjimlily "I st.K k and j in price is iiarunterd. Mv CONKECTK N EKV department is i-timplete Prices am! ; u av 1 i t y of stock 1 an. urv will please urn IT IS A DCTV , om owe Tnn-ll aoJ Itm. Vr for onr monry. KemMftsa In r ftMttwfitr br prchajDg W.I- OmiIu FitKmwhirh rr-rr-l the kI Tl.. ( writ, rn.mM.r4. M tm..m trill teatMV. JZ.00 44.00 iZ50 3.50 42.50 42.25 2.0 B FMLMHCS 42.00 41.75 ros soys 41.75 2.00 V. L. DOUGLAS . G3 SHOE ccirfirEMCT. t tUTLiZtS rd and nv;mtm rT LTMBped ob bottom ocjkdum. 1 W3i a w mm r n J n ill a, I IT' mc- - -'. y M trM BABBINGTON& BAXTER EDITORIAL NOTES. Every man laughs when he wins and sweftrd when he loses. Wall street has not enough space to bury its suicides. These was no election of Senator by the Montana Legisla ture. Therb's as much happiness in one dollar as in one million tl yon know how to get at it. THE North Dakota Legislature elected W. N. Roach, Dnmocrat, to the United States Senate. Thk Government of Colombia has granted an extension of time to the Panama Canal company. Europe consumes about $30,000, 000 worth ot gold and silver yearly for plate, jewelry and ornaments. If European nations wish to hasten the annexation of Hawaii tney have only to raise objections to it. Take your hard luck as you would a pill. If you grind your teeth over it, yon will find it nastier than ever. Americans have learned more aooat Hawaii during the last month than they have ever known before not excepting school day s. Veit will imperil their lives, brave beat and cold to make a dollar, yet will stay at home on Sunday morning because it is a little cloudy. The overflow of the Nile begins in Jnne every year and lasts till August. Daring that time the river u a turbulent stream twelve miles wide. The European governments re gard the international menetary oonfrrfnoe as having been a fail ure, theieby coinciding with public opinion in America It is stated that President Cleve land will not occupy the White House after the inauguration, but will for a time at least take up his residence in another part of the city. Hoke Smith is the only fairly rich man thus far selected. He is worth a quarter of a mill.on and the others are worth well, the 8,000- a year salary they will receive. Governor MoKinley is in financial trouble. It is to be regretted that, while he was trying to protect the millionaire manufact urers he failed to put in a few licks in thlf of his own financial aff.m s. What humbug a we are. The police oi N-w York reinsert to nlh.w hii agreement for .i priz tight, to openly signed in that o , wbile it iduggiug match takes pi uu t tl.Hjr of the HouHe, 1 ii i n t; i ecioii ot (JongreuM, and fi arretinrn luadn. Kxlifih-tipeMking (5ouulrier have1 lour different, miles the ordinary mil oi 52S0 ftft and the geograph ical or nautical mile of 6085 feet, making a difference ot about one seventh between the two; then there is the Scotch mile of 5923 feet and the Irish mile of 6720 feet. In Illinois a Christian sciene apostle has been indicted for violat ing a state law by attempting to core the sick without having a diploma. The penalty is a heavy one, and as several deaths are laid to the apostle's charge the prosecution will be in earnest. A schooner is now being fitted oat at Halifax to go to the arctic regions to get ten or twelve Es qmmo families, fifty or sixty per sons in all, for exhibition at the World's Pair. Dog, fishing implements, atensils and every thing necessary to show Esqaimo life, will also be procured. Representative Livingston, of Georgia, is drafting a bill on the silver question on the terms of an understanding reached at a con ference tmtweenex Senator Carlisle and seventeen Democratic members t emigre-. The oit-and-out free "ilver meu say they will fight it to J J t , the death. Mr. Clkvkland suggests that I P.esident Hanison's proposition t U f h. i ride iii the place of the I inaugural l"u ceremonies in the I I i ti-i'- cirri i,;ii lm accepted, lie ; i)l rule f-niii ihere rothf review-iiiji-t.iid in a carriage provided for i he s v 'itl o-e, isi.m This r-ornoor bi b the handsomest I DOm bers for his c ibinet, bur several e-er sPl-i,,r. Prt.,sva.,'a avenue :of the 8tH cho.n may , . without malice He classed as exper l bnless Mr. toster a fool, i 1 irjeiif.nl issue-.. h'cn u.'bi.lv presumes lo say, he w-II aau author, iy from Con-; THE Count'y, generally, will be eresn before he undertakes to sell ;liKl to le,irn ol e steady , 1,1 prove- bondsfor aov ,.rpose whatever. N law n .w exists gtvuig him this ; anf liofity, and il he acts wi t hou t it, he will expose himself to impeach ment and punishment. New Yoi k Qan- j What has this Congress done j that is good and worthy of remem- j brancet It has been very extrava gant and unfaithful to its promises and to the people. The members have bat some ten or sleven days to ran when many of them will end their public life and many who will not should have been left at home withthe others. They will have to hurry np the appropriation bills. Messenger. BRIGHTER SKIES. From every source of inporma tion that comes to ns thero nr indicationsof better times. K' . m the bleak worthwest, Hie home of the blizzard, they tell us thtt the people are moving forwa.d wi'ii renewed confidence. Wbde it aiay be true that farming interests are not as for advanced as usual, the beliefis universal that the year will be one of uuusual agricultural prosperity. Those who look to politics to work out a perfect and complete redemption will be disappointrd. Neither silver nor tariff legislation can bring relief to the people. They must realize that there is more profit in strong arms, brave hearts, and resolute spirits, tbau there can possibly be in any politi cal measure. It is true that Gov ernment properly regulated is an inestimable blessing. Let as trust that whatever laws tend to burden tne snoniuers auu repress me ouim of the people will be repealed, and , . i i ij . .i. .. such measures enacted aa win span our horizon with the bow of prom- ' ise. But, after all it is in the per-; sonal energies of an indomitable j people that redemption is to be j found; and everywhere manhood is stripping ior ine ngnt. I public. Airiculture is shaking off a mon- j Ir u A, believed that Mr. His strous incubus. Wre believe that8ell , injebted to the personal nothing in all the past so paralyzed j frieiuisbip v f the President for his the armed of the farmer as the i eivation to the high and responsi fatal delasion that Government be position of Postmaster General, can make money by the thousands Mr Morton, of Nebraska, who is ' with every revolution of a Power : to BUCCee(i jerri0 Rusk in the Agri ; press, and scatter ii broad cast j cultrjriki jyepartmeut, i- little among the people. Men, all over know.u l0 the country, but leading this land, have awoke to the reali-, men ot ectton speak of him iu zation of the fact that money is the j the Lighest terms. The Louisville ' representative of value and cn , Couner ,jOIIriti ,u a late issue say : only be obtained by its eqaivaleut. , ,.Xll( Hri,,(., , ol-j. steri,s Mor in labor or some product of labor. ; U)n hy Mr Clevt. in,t t0 iH Secret Looking at the whole county, (irv ;,- An,M1!riire d.gnilies that and the prospect is encomagiDg be- ' po'rllo, wlt importance which uauirc ui ku.b uo.-u.cu u iu : real condition of the situation. It is especeally so in the south. Ta.k to a countryman five minutes and yon see the spirit of independence and self reliance asserting itself. HuLdreds, all over this land, have fully determined to throw off their dependence upon the Northwest, and raise all necessary supplies upon their own farms. Every Pair demonstrates the fact that every thing needful for food, raiment or comfort can be abundantly pro duced in this our own beloved south. Tammany hall will turn out in force to the inauguration of Presi dent Cleveland. Four us.iud .f the brave will b m liar headed b.v Chief Oioker. All ' hr exprusrs of the men will be paid by the organization, anti thv will unike perhaps the Kt'-ateni di-pl.iy in the parade. The oi ;a(iiz it ton has appropriated 150, Odd out of its fuuds for this expense, and wifh that sum tliry should be abb- to nake a graud nbiug. A asii.ngtoniau s-ays u.ai no m kl , , 4 mi)i;r desirable man; exceptions cn be justly taken to;forthfl hv ld , tUH llep:irtnienr " the Umber selected ny Mr. Cleve- ! Mr Herbert is in ail respects a. land to make bis cabinet: each board is good Then examined by itself, but it rsmains to be seen how they will harmonize when worked into that useful piece of state faroitnre known as a cabinet. President Harbison if of opinion that the heavy drain on our treasury is a scheme to force the Government to issue bonds, whioh will cease as soon as it is learned that the Government can not be squeezed. Politics in Montana is certainly in aa addled condition when it is seriously proposed to make the chairman of the Republican Na tional Committee a United States Senator with the aid of Democratic votes. Thk meeting of Southern Gov ernors at Richmond ou April 12, to disease ways and means to advance the interests of fie South has been definitely decided upon. With tbree exceptions, aM ol the Sam It em States will be lepreseujed. Secretary Foster nays he his received assurances fiom represen tatives of the leading powers ot t lie ; wot Id warrannu;; the conviction I that th annexation oi llia!t w;!l 1 he regarded by t hose po . w i b i Hutisf-tC ion or r.d aeo u usee i, c-. Mr. Ch-ved'nl lm k-p: his word abou'- no: caoosiiit; any back m,,Dt 1D tllH ,,e',, Colquitt, of Georgia of Senator lie will be seat in I h able to resume his Senate in a few days. John C. Euo, t be John C. bun, the absconding Dantt president, tired ol enjoying tne fraita ol sin for season in Canada, has returned to New York and surrendered himself, III the municipal election at Pittsburg. Pa., Tuesday Demo crat was elected Mayor. This may be one of the results of the effusion of New blood. Thebb is no doubt ol the com plexion, ot the United States Senate ofter 4th of March be Democratic. It will THE UIIMT The Cabinet is now complete. As alnndiinti evident, the nomination ot Mr. Gresham to the Secretaryship oi State was a sur prise and a di-..ipp!intment to many ohl live Democrat, but wise men are graceful yielding to the inevitable, and the purpose ol opposing his comtirmation by the Senate i abandoned. The -election of Mr. Carlisle, for Secretary of Treasury is uni ei sally applauded. While the Secretary ol Scate holds the first pi, ice in the Cabinet, in the present condition of affar-i theTie isury is the more import-Hit position. Mr. Cleveland I in placing the Treasury poitpolio in the hail is of Mr. C.u lisle gives assurance that Tantl reloim will be the leading measure of his admin istratiou. The assignment of the War port folio to Mr. Liniouf, has been criticised as apeional lavor rather tU(in ;l cuiitri :-nt ion to service, but tins is not the public necessarily tht c.lMe As i'nVate secretary Mr Lnuont became thmoughly klU)WU .n yjr Cleveland, and ir mAi tl!. that he descovered elements of greatness in him that escaped tut; observation of the general it doeS I.Ot possess ill ltselt, OI :ot possess in which has never been put to it by any of those who hive heretofore held U." Mr. ( )lney. ot Mass ..chit -etis, who is to be Attorney (Jenet.il in the New Cabinet, is I : r !e kuown to the polpicil world, tin' he stands very high a' th-- l'.-ivloii bar, and will no dotib make a com . cien I 1 i vv ( fii -e. II. .k. Sunt h. id ! ary . t hr I nf enoi , md fli a, .".cent 11 diary A. li ' st class p i'.i.-e and Hid Herbci t of. Al ab i; II I, ,1! I men, model man. I I Veil will havt ubil: that Mr. -X II ,11 1 .1 II.. . ti. pi i c, s tor w inch t hey selected wit Is u nUsllill s I ' sV uu l i 1 1 s p.i : e ii , po; n ' ui en t of II d A ies. I,, . ii i : r id t he i .in I.-; ill a v kliev ui r ; and 1 1 i i - 1 Ii I e i , I,., pie. Cllt eOtldlt I'll. . s-r!s ll.ider Coll si l III-r loll vv ,i i oil have b en plan nrd first class man. Carlisle, of ientuckey, Smith of Georgia, aud Herbert, ol Alabama all in the Cabinet. We are satisfied William (ireenwood a well to do resident ot Germautown, declares that he will paddle through the whirlpool rapids ot Ntagaia in aD open skill" some time next summer. His wife is doing her utmost to dissuade him, but ti reen wood says he will snrely make the trip. THE Orange men of North Ire land are pieparing to resist an Irish Homo pule parlameut. It seems tin;. ,.s-t!i,r to satisfy the Irish. It they wi.uld only agree among t hems. 1 v. s (.V olet one's great wr.i k vv ul d be com parati v,-ly easy. IT is probable that the Church Wel make no rb World's l'.i.r, ii. ing i with lbs' allo'me -i oi R .ma i Catholics h-ivi b et. ' hbe t lies have but M tbodist, nt at the s-atisti -d pace, the g go,too b'ti. A l'h .iadeb li i.i Company la be ing rl;- d ;i . who tiave control of ,1 (Mill nr. - . sionit and timber land-In- ii d C irth age. ii and 1 1 t i- ui a ii ii t .. Tut" i:s ubset . 1 Oi lea s Ml (jel,.: .steps .I' ll 1 1 1 d : . . i In . x rt .V Se . . and bi ill an nex .. splendid WOIlld 111 Thk It Smith is li V v .-i , p. . i, I ly ,d i in M ni f the funeral :. ,c. .. .i.t .-. i I!.-., ui cgnrd . s 1 r.-.i d e.ng taken to raise a monument to him. e It 1 V c i.essliui Wed u i s oi Morgan Uiade a s rung cat s pe -,-rh m !', voi ot ; h e . ,i o I II iw,i;i ti ar a S. . . . ; i ry "I S .i' c M.. i g.ni : i 1 1 l'n, ne say : "Hoke i lucky man fortunate in being boi ii ia North Carolina and happy in moving away -two tilings equal to a rabbit toot for drawing lightning." General I it apt. e y T. .John, son, commander ot the Maryland division on in mgtiration day, proposes to have L'tiO girls on horseback in line. Imagine the goddess of liberty- wearing a hoop-skirt at the World's Fair. It would be a steel-ribbed. EAST CAROLINA EXPOSITION. -i. i ! Mi 11 - - iM! -, in. i : i i ng. 1',,':: ol' a: ti. An,, th.- K : in ii! - l)i-o-U I.. II : 1 1 -tu t lira I r . ('.... II I e , 1 ic n itl'v vV (' A. C, pi-mo- al c (be, n 1- rg'in-. .Vile!. -;,,r, . I:, 'I'll a pr. Mr hibil. in tty . 1 ': -1 1 i : i . V. II. i liivn and by it a n l,a- al: i 11 -11 rat u . -..me III!.- North :h. Fikin mil:-. ina blanket- from D. ( oiigdoii S, glv hate l-.'Uic in ar ,re 1111 r A TI cli ke p -. - I I , U I i-'I'i: p nr. , 1 1 1 : i. ibl! igri. p ot tl a I SV i !' I a liun.li. d v .,1-:. ..I ( ra v ( u i ."inl hibil audi- mo lor examination phoe i- phi an I IV ellie' in a and ,pro,, lao Mi xlnoit eevv a x. piari. -a j.i u y br, .-ei. : 11. -1 run I honey i.lf! - . f , Mr. i '.; 1 : '. vai n : i -. ail V Illegal'. sX. .. t II pr... The n, ar. -t tabi exhibit i.- li : 1- . 1 ni cak. - an. i ta, . V . b la- IV. i An, : h. r i me : rioii- Inn i-e w i v and vnrie. i col ! and prc-i rv i - o -pecial i if t'ru i ; be u. d for tin on the i ar I...., when !'.r-t g-ith, nil-: vv .. ai Th. re i- a '-.! I " . til. ! . v .:- No pr. t:r : I'ou IT i 1 i- le Tin, t ri in : ; i, , I i u -1 i 1 , f N, W Pei ne - i rein i rk ably of canned b if not .p'.it :, table- -ui every It.-. 1 to n a n hit,- a- purp i r-i - a n, him ( ' Bv A - P. K Death id Tin, Ministers. I b B. A. W i a ! . 1 Re tor fro II. c I. ot list. li.:,! pia P as dic. 1 He I,H k nail ii his t, n r.i;;r.r ! 1 1 1 I Ail. !U 1 1 I IVm,!,; -t Altrihl. i-Ti r" nt 1 Ii-.'!! ..' Wl!i lie ,i , ,1 i r-i , - Fai 111 I ii, I, I i: i i, .1-1., i h U ill. r, i I In- el. 'it U.I:ji - aIi.i h nil, , I u itli i I' I. in r bright Igh to be ,, Wel-e iilglll in- entile We, action. IJ..! n. I siii.ny i-aiit . ell j, i ei 1 k they pr , driv.-r-iiii.lin.cn: , 1 1 o 1 1 1 Ma it alt I'a. leu-- ! , John T. a Ll'i' llol -l - Mr. I 1 I.! i;e r.igi i . - r I t : bill.- r.a. lr,r- 1 I. ,i.i ! himself and t ni- 1 1 . . i -j r. lligg- i- the ti the Fadiioli Pi, , .iii .ii na-. nia-li.' a n v i rian b. r and . b i v . r -Mil l. liig Ea N . ( ' Mr. .ti i, in- II. II, tell th the city o vv 1 1 r !)!:;- F lie own- ,-t Hi r, d -table of trotte :t:e Sial.-s. MKNTH X of I.XIII I'.ri in- K n 1 1 ing Factory nth Atl itinii i: i: Th, N. u- b. g i -h-i in,, i making. . M:nk- , admired. lb- of the CIV 11 ( I loll.- ol c, xhibit ti -atlv ca-c- ol 1 in. in takin of the ri Mini f, ir ; he t disp llll II In the 1. VM vea- a I!, ti 1 1-1 for. Chii-t. ' llel-e I ail i .in- : r- en ic:' .. tl..- , l.ii' i. !,:. ..in- It 1:1 lb - b i ! , .' 1 1 1 , I I - II V , V i-il . , 1 , , I e ' ' lo b: 'h the t t- The do ,, 1 ol oV -ler-. the I, i : t - lille-l I kilhl-e!bti-il of III, ,11 lit. I' t -c I th- uiidin. d IV in 1 1 g i v ray and alivi nd b'- iiiiil':,! ki Ilient- U-.'d ill -. tie- l:r ar ehillg t le 111 .- it ilHO t In; ry -. !e. t a ortiu.-iil , I. I'n-Mi kille, 1 and t.i x li- of t he bir, 1- an, 1 an n .i v : I : -ta te on r ! th h-l-. i - g Mi, in. !i. i n v i-ii..r--plav in thi- No: at our l'i lepa r; men I v ev.-r w i fi arl ble tl Weclne Tin-. , ilav 's Race: -1 (Ml in, :or a pnre ice. ' .',11 , !;,--. v i for a pu l -c . , be contested ! Tin; cut ric- in 1 1oO. mi it- la .at- il s-Jiin tin or being . bin. the first race w . ( ri, -. elie-n ut -orrcl, ovv nei I 1 .y Bel N Ilerile; y)'sy ( Jlleell. I ovv n. d by .1. W. Slevv art. New 1 1, C.i-tiie. black gelding, own. ., I. Whit.-. Hertford. Castile vv a- :h I'ini, 1 : . 1 7 on tin- 1. The tir-t trolling race was jiai Tl II. 'I' te. I iu by Abdallah ( hi, f. jr.. bay -tail on ovv I by lr. I.t in-tcr Huffy. New Bern. ( h-veiand. black stallion, ovvni .l by Wat -on sV Co. Clinton.- I gi hliiig. owned by M. Bern. an. I May, sorrel .1. V. Stewart, New hi t heat s decided tin rince Leon, bay II. Sultan, New mare, owned by Berne. The two race as Prince I.. . ,n cam Prim e I.. out lirt. a:., I May in each, n's time w as 1-2 in the .' H ill till second. Th. ti In i i i- a 1 rot t ing puise ol race lor the .fjoo. Tlur.- ;ri. s; lb-,!,, black g. lding. I . B! a k : lding by I-'ayettevillc.- lio Benj. Halm, New .eh ling, owned 1 y l loll . i.iv gi Willed ; d by J. A nnanias. II .V ' ' V V I ' ML I st. Elmo. bay Stewart. NcW sorrel gelding. New Kt-rne. B.-rn . .vv la I I, V l.einstcl ion was I I I. I!:i Hutl'v ie winner. caille lie XI Ti 1 line him i: ,1 ll ill An n i is. liiirs.laj "s Knees. The 1 1 11 l ses aeco l , I Miles vv e'V I" be , li V i, ., lii-t l,,,r-,-. -'.1 I,, iia: l'i . i , , el top The hi -l l a. w as Wcgive tic , ll li. - ii i 1 la-MI- Ml nd b, .iili -1- lding. ini.iiou. i i y e bum sX W iii.-lt. blacis g. lding. . . Ilebl'o:,!. N. C t a 1 i i ' ' 1 1 . i vv 1 1 1 d I -lm I'o. N.C. le -i In S. lb Iii:. el lla P. U 'louy v 1. II. M. lla Wat-.,.. -, g. Peiham. ,n- lime in t l-l be 1 i i bi I 1. ,1. 2:b Tie- second i. i a trotting on.-, v. a- .,la pUI-, of 2n(l. We give 1 lie cull i. . - 1- lo!', il, tile old, I ill Which Iht-V VV ri', -lie I till. Marv Spi llman. b.iy n.are ow n, d 1 ,y M. II. White. Hertford, N. ('..' Charlie. ' bay gilding, owned, bv .1. Schwartz. Durham.' Mav, -orrcl inare. St. Elmo, bay geidiiie ami Adrian, bay -tl 1 i,,n. ., vv ned by .1. W. Stewart, New B. inc. N. C. In the running race Castile, Link gelding ou ncl by M. H. While, Hertford was the winner. The heats were 2 :; ol a mile, best 2 in 3. Castilcs lime was lb, 1-2 and 1.13 1-4. Carrie, ehesiiiil s,,nv. owned by Belli. llahll was second and Gipsy Queen, bay mare, owned by J. . Stew art third. I oi kill Cool) A n i:.d I'l i:lill) WHATHHK. ' li 1 I lU'i McIltlMll UK- Stuck t Hxhiliit I'diadc. ' I..M- the exhibition of the Fair. 1 i i 1 1 -j t tin- A -social imi has undergone e, i, r.-i I i . rjii-iwi.- since its organiza ti"ii. It li.i- I,, i n one of unbounded pros I' ll'.', . Tin- ehilit this year in every ' '1 1 1 mm in li.c.e been of a high order. ,1,- m.ih.-i 1 1 :i - bien ;'oil, and the at- t ' i, ' in, i-l ll-ilteriiig. l.MUBITS ruXTIM F.n. Tl-, taxidermy exhibits of Miss Alice I'lilt'-, an,! Mmilton are remarkable !! tin -ir l.e.tiii v and striking resemblance ' ' Hi' The forest scenery, provided for ! 'i'ii"ii of the e xhibit, adds consider able to it- attractions, and many speri-iii- ii- "i various kinds otter to the slu- ;, i.--,,f nil lie a good opjortunity for nr., i--al i,,n . I xcellenco of the poultry le . ,-, , l ;n iiii.it lit i-a matter of Hstonishment 11 vi-to;-. The '-birds" shown the il 1 r ,l' wiiieh is near a thousand arc arkaUv line in size, color and plu i hiekeii., .lucks, geese and tur- Tl from a distance say that in th.-ir at :, lance on pnult-y shows I hey Ai pair hav. n, v.-;- -. .-ii this one excelled in : th t ni l poultry is a sixty pound v- a hen and nobbier Kiv. r-i.le farm. Haw river, Ala oi.i.iy. This is their regular uei.dit. When fattened the i!oi c w i ighs forty-five pounds. Bray, oi New Berne, makes the ispiay and has the greatest nuni vari. ties. lie alone shows ISO .resenting many breeds, amHhey ,...!. mane, bi', ', li 111 gobbler W. II. !argc-t ,1 1, r ot fowls. I, ale ali g ihcr r large exhibitors in this depart re Mitchell ,y Ellis, of New Berne . b bity re. of Onslow county, K'-rr. of Alamance, and Wood t N.-vv Berne. These latter gen show I nit one kind buff cochins, refer to devote their attention to "iii, bie.-'l alone, and to breed to gin -i p .int attainable. Their " iiitbiii in plumage and heavy as v ii;:i.. v-. have attracted much incut Tics. 1 And oh i he varieties iii ireneral. Don't ll- t, enumerate them. They are in In chickens, from bantams, i 1, aburgs ( pretty little pets) tel. ' and active games, the mas ! s 'Motioned Asiatics, the pro- pi,, be ing Mediterraneans, and -I, !"!' ii. nl I American breeds. This ,, i--,-lf. to any one who has ' - for poultry, was , listance to see. -s m all lilies thorough i lar 1 horses, the jacks, cattle v, re of a high grade. Among a grandson of the famous Furotas, which made 77S i ;, r in eleven months, lain v dogs had a good op 1 light themselves by cx thc foremost lireeds reprc , . : -p. miens, a go.. 1 number of hogs, and !r, a, ly stated they were fine. Br iy showed a Berkshire, tii it lips the scale at 740 T,e : , l - '.v . hav M-. I i 'Id I Yii pound-. A!- two pigs just a year old . thai would dress 300 pounds a pen ot si. fat Hogs that would w , .-n J.lJOO and 'J.,100 pounds, y made very lull and creditable ,': tin- agricultural, poultry and . departments. Iu the poultry . I more varieties and the largest .1 fowl, ot any exhibitor. His r nibin.-.l exhibit in all the departments - id to b,- the largest ever made by -leg!,- exhibitor in the State, ii. II. A' liters A Son, carriage factory Ni vv Berne, and the Ellis carriage m k s . f K in-ton. made a good display ieiggie- on the grounds. Mr. !a I vv ard ;rrock made a handsome -play from his art studio of crayon and : -t.-ile portraits, and line paintings .1,1 lei! lire. l'l iday 's Races. I'ive hundred dollars was the amount ol money to be contested tor in the va ra. u- races Eriil ay $300 in the first ra, .-. s.Mmi in the next the last race of the Pair the consolation race for horses that had noi won lii-st or second money in any r ice. Tin- tlr-t lac,- w a.s the 2.31 class, mile heal -. best t li r.-e ill the. Tlie lior-e- won in the following order: Dominion, owned by 1 lack burn A Willett, nr-i: Tony P., by M. If. White, Hertford, -eeond, Charlie, by J. Schwartz. Dur ham, third: and Brave Boy; by Geo. D. Bennett. C'dsboro. fourth. Dominion came in ahead in the tirst third and lilth h.als; Charlie inthesec- I. and Tony P. in the fourth. Iiomiuifii lime was '2:10, 2:41 and 2 Charlie's time in the heat he won ' was 2:o7 1-4. and Tony P. 2:39. The ens, .lation race resulted as follows: Adrian won lir-t money, Robert D. sec ond. Ananias third, and Abdallah Chief 1 1 1 vv as 2:47. 2:42 1-2 the races for this Pair. I II I at the request of" the oyster congress, with ia has had an earthquake shock : the co-operatio-i of the commission, re :i anv serious result. ' i dueing salary of commissioners from loo : to $73; reducing other sahirics. and inet portfolio has been com-; ,iol,bling taxes from 1 cent to 2 cent-: ll Hot': will,. tl selection ot Richard Olney I lor Attorney General, and ; , .1, e o i rbert, ol Alabama, for Sec- ' ' ,-ase of criminal assault! ;irl only six years old iccured near Fayette- i p i- ipturei ! . ' -bed. Il is - ei i id with live m South Caro- lardlv probable i . are arranging lor . I -. Jones A: (' : ou i a lar number of their patent I in Is bands tor shipping truck, riei manufactured by them is of very highly ami is being usd viiy by Messrs. Hack burn & Wil I ,,i her large planters in this see This is a home-manufactured and -hoiihl be given first choice : , t i an tion. article CVolV I a, ,, j p n rs. . . , Unildren Ory for ritChersJaStOria. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. FOHTY KIIiST lV- i SENATE. Senator Cooper, a bill to prevent killing of stock by railroal. lie Hills on their second and third n ling- were acted on as follows: A bill to amend chapter 2 1(1 of tin laws of 18!ll, authorizing the connm sioners of Pamlico county to levy a special tax, passed its third rending A bill to provide for the repair ano improvement of the 1'njversity ua- inadi special order for Wednesday at 11 o'i ,,i k a. m. A bill to empower tlie (Jovemor to as sign or appoint a judge to huldanv the courts of the State in case of'tln- ill ness or other disability of the propel judge. This bill met with s riou op position. Senator Battle said rhnt he had doubts about the constitutionality of the bill lie had seen ten good lawyer-, live of whom thought it constitutional and the other live thought it 11 nnm-i it 11 tional. The hill was rc-refern-d to th, Judiciary committee. A bill to create a stock law in a eitaii: , portion of I'amlieo county, pas-,-,1 -,-.-!i, nun inirci readings. A bill to amend section 1771 ., the Code in relation to landlords and i.naiit-. passed second and third reading-. Senator Ayeock introduced, by unani mous consent, a bill to amend the chat ter of the Wilmington A Weld.ni railroad company and to provide for taxing tin property of said company in like manner as otlier property is taxed, and to adjusi all differences between the State of North I Carolina, or any county, city or town in 'in,!,, said State and said company. ; pag, - The bill passed its second reading and j y si was made a special order for next dav at K, j,, 71 a. m. ' ,,,! , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Vance, of Buncombe, presented a memorial from the Buncombe county al liance the subject of the protection of sheep. Agriculture. INTRODUCTION OF HILLS. The following bills were introduced and referred: Mr. Wicker, to prohibit the publica tion of bogus election tickets. Judiciary. Mr. Merritt, by request, to regu late the sale of intaxicating liquors in or near Bayboro. Propositions and Grievances. Air. Harris, in regard to taxes on fer tilizers. Agriculture. The same l'oj the abolition ol crop liens. Agriculture. House. bill 841, to repeal chapter 1 S2 laws of 1885, in relation to the destruc tion of diamond back terrapins. House bill 3840, to prohibit the use of certain kinds of nets in the waters of I )are county, Dutch or pod nets - within two miles ol Oregon inlet. House bill 417, to incorporate tin Jones Bay Oyster company. House bill 808, to amend chapter 37;!. acts 1891, incorporating the W. C. T. I".; changing name to l". C. T. P. Southern Assembly and School of Method; and strike out "scientific" a,.d insert "educa tional." House bill 980. to amend section 2s,1(l of the Code relating to notices in i on tested election cases. Mr. Holt moved to reconsider the mo tion to table the motion to re refer, voted down. The motion to reconsider failed The question was put on the amend ment, which was adopted, and the bill as amended was put on its second reading. The aves and navswere called on the mo tion of Mr. Blair, with the follow ing re suit: ayes 18, noes 40. The bill was ih.-n put on its third reading and passed. House bill 250, to incorporate the trus tees of the annual conference of the .M. P.. Church of North Carolina, passed. House bill 802, to make unlawful to catch fish in New river, near bar ot sfid river, and prohibit the use of certain kinds of nets and seins. passed. HOKTY-SECONO HAV. SENATE. Senator Potter, presented petit ion from citizens of Carteret county ask lug fer convict labor to dig a canal. Senator Davis, a bill to provide for the support of the North Carolina institution for the deaf, dumb and blind, referred to the committee on Deaf. Dumb and blind. Senator Fields, a bill to amend section 1285 of the Code relative to divorce. Judiciary. Bill to continue in foree the act of 191 to amend the charter of the A. A N. C. R. R. passed its second reading. A bill to amend the charter id' the Wil mington Ar Weldon railroad company and to provide for taxing the property of j said company in like manner as other property is taxed, and to adjust all diller-, ences between the State of North Can.- I lina, or any county, city or town in said , state anil said company, passed third reading. A bill to amend chapter 217 of (In laws of 1891 in regard to the stock law in Pamlico county passed second and tliird readings. j A bill to prevent the killing of deer in 1 Buson Marsh township in Pamlico county, passed sceon l and third readings. A bill to prevent the obstruction of the passage of fish up the waters of Content- nea creek, passed over informally. The senate proceeded to the considera tion nf the bill to establish the county of; Elkin out of portions of Wilkes. Surry ; and Yadkin counties. The bill provides , for the formation of a new county to in clude one township of Yadkin county, three townships of Wilkes, and three of, Suny; with the court house at Elkin. and "also for the removal of the court house of" Surry county from Dobsoii to Mount Airy. T.ie bilfpassed its second reading I y a vote 24 to 11. A bill in aid of the North Carolina school for the deaf, dumb and blind at Morganton. The bill appropriate b'. 000 a year for the completion and the maintenance of the building ol the institution. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The bill to continue in force the act of 1891 to amend the charter of the A..V. N. C. R. It. passed second reading. House bill 848 and 338, laws of ls91. i to provide to protect the oyster interest I of the State. Mr Carter said he introduced t he bill equalizing the taxes between large and small oysters, ices 10 oe pan w -mi, treasurer instead ot a coniinissionei . . ... r .,, ,i , , , i, House bill GiO, to repeal acts n lai.ie: to fish traps in Ncuse river. Passed. House bill 1102. the Wilmington and eldon railroad taxation. I lie -nij,, bill was substituted for the house bill. Mr. Allen moved, that the Senai, I ii! nasscd by tlie Senate, b. llbs;lule o (, the House bill, adopted. Section 4 was amended as That the W. and W. R. R. C, . .,, ,u.s :ir:lll) Illllol III, Atlantic and North Carolina R- This was lost; also a minion Ray to postpone till Thuissday. The bill was then put on its ll ing with the following result: nays 22. Ve- KOliTV-Tlllllll nv. SENATE. Air. Pettigrew moved to reconsider the! vine uy nieu me oiaiie .luiuiai aim in I dustrial School bill had passed the Sen vote by which the State Normal and ln- t i , n jirevftiled by a vote as pnsM-d is in its original : i a . i i I t that the annual appropria tion i- .-i; . no. in-tead of $15,000. Ti i a . ! I";i;, ol i n ami ol t, i, ii order was announced, the , . le for the repairs on the - 'it he University of North Car ol applying the same with water itai v i onvenieiiceK.for thetraining a is and druggists, and for other up. '1 li, I ppropriates $10,000 annually in eiiliti, n lo tin- appropriations made 'y "th. i ael. making the total annual ipi ,i , j .ri.it ion :io.O(lil. Tie I - n ioii i j uest ion w as called and if. i Ion Mr. Jones amendment that tin bill be in foree two years only, etc. TWe aim 1 . 1 ua nt w a- adopted by a vote ol JJ t, -1 The ; l j. i--e,l its tliird reading by a unanini. u vote. Mr. Jones lodging a nw- 1 1' Hi t - rei o;-i,l, r. ibn SK OF ItEl'KESENTATIVES. Mi. VV, Noiil, ( 'an 1, to ilia itect cattle raisers of taxing importers of .Ir- l Mr. I Cr-vth to licei.se to- Ih Carolina and is from f'radu e . price of to- lolises. the liability of , .ims of personal . ... . s in their ser pr, lent I -a. V b .1 : i r. b,;i di lining the oyster dis l lieli rn No ri h ( a ml ina. n s mot ion to ; i i ei e from the u 1 1 1 ii -ii t previ.iled. 0 i ' I. , . -1 a 1 .1 ish the Stale banking of . bi Carolina. This bill 18 . d i . . pamphlet oT thirty-nine Ti - w :is discussed ably by Mr. . I 1", r-yth. and others, amend- ei a 1 sect ion- and parsed its aec , i ng. Cur for the special order having .the bill torthe maintenance and 1 ot the ho-pitals and insane asy t lie st at. vv us ordered to be read. bill w a-ordered to be printed and M : t n lb I ! I arri v i supp, 1 u m- , Th. made morn al order for 1 0:30 o'clock to- s pK I A I. OHDF.ll. Eight ..'. lock having arrived Speaker Overman oidered to Ic read Senate bill :!4'.l. H..iise bill s.-ti. the question of cut ling oil" the county of Scotland from Richmond county. The vote I. Ayes .11, noe 48. General Beauregard. The death of (ireneral Beauregard re moves tin last ot the full generals of the Southern ( onlederacy, except one. He was a distinguished soldier and patriot, and it w as at his command that the first shot was fired at Sumpter, sonnding the tocsin of" war. It was Beaaragard that won the first victory in honor of Southern chivalry Also he participated In the closing scenes of the struggle of Jos. E. Johnson's surrender at Greensboro. With all due respect to the great and dapartc.l hero, it is sad to know of his connection with so detestable a scheme as the Louisiana Lottery. HOKE SMITH TALKS. lie Thinks There is a Reputation for a Man Who I'liilerstanils tlie Pension Business. Hols, Sti.ah. a few days ago, told a re porter that llu re were only two places in (.'leva land - i binet w here great reputa tions may be made the Treasury and I nl erior I )ep i i t incuts. No ref e : i can be made in the govern iih nt's I'ni.i..,. is,'' said Mr. Smith, "with out nidi, d'y ov erhauling the system of pension-." ! --Do you a an that it wi'l be your pol- i. y as far is possible to decrease the pres- i cut p. n-i. ui list t" It will be my policy to draw a sharp discrimination between worthy and un worthy ppl ioaants for pensions hereaf ter. "Can you give any details?" asked the rcpoiii i". "Not yet. " replied the next Secretary o! the Interior, "but 1 can assure yon there is a great reputation for a man who know- how to handle the pension busi ness iu an acceptable manner." AM 0U LANDMARK GOME. The Historic OM Mansien or William Hooper Destroyed by Fire. The historic old Hooper mansion at point, on Alasoniioro Bouna.was 1 bv tire on hist Saturday. The hr, i - s r, t fro The upp. , I to have originated in the in a s,aris. . i. si r i, I i,,n of this old house re in.ti.abi. landmark. It was built bam 1 1... per. one of the signers of niov e- a n, i v Willi. u: the I c ho of the l..n he sin nt .s :i..n "I Indapeiidcwcc, and one ii- m. n of his day. It is said i.oini or more in improving this , and it was ultimately the cause of his Imaiicial ruiii. t late years it has belonged to Mayor Fowler, or his Fath i r's estate, and has been occupied by col ored people. Th, llr.t Masonic lodge instituted in thi-s.ition was organized in this old house, but we could not learn the date of it- organization. Wil. Messenger. Tuscarora Correspondence. The people around Tuscarora are very bu-y .laming potatoes,- the acreage will be aboii! the same as last season. We are sorry to lose Mrs. L. "White by her removal to New Berne but we wish her success. A good many of our people will attend the Pair ' his vv ,-ek. Th,- lnei , hauls of Tuscarora have a tine lot ot 'cross i ic on t he road bed that are not i .ring t ak. n up. Tiisi al ora is blest in a religious sense. W e can attend Sabbath school twice on Sunday and . hur. h almost any time. Mrs. o H etherington and sister P.-nnic have returned from a visit to their br, .1 her. P.. 1 1. Moore. Miss Victoria Heath will be married al the M. E. Church in this place at 7 o'clock on Monday night, March 6th. Kiii-as populists defy the supreme cnutt. -aving that it has no jurisdiction in t In 1 Inns iu nddle. ' Th,- Legislature appropriated ten theu sand dollars Wednesday for a Confeder ate monument. The vote was almost unaiiTiiou- in favor of it. Benion 1 laiichctt, of Michigan has been nominated bv President Harrison to fill tin vacancy in tlie I tiited States Judjje--inp, cieabd bv the appointment of .ludg, Jack-on to the Supreme Court. I Vmu't ing cashier Redw ine of Atlanta, ot away with $00,000 of the bank's l ie bank is now iD the hands of s i.ank examiner. The bank 1, p. .'.tors ifNOn.oon. The President a v will be paid in full. ,y - t t Mi -.vay, nei daughter v burned , :c avvav. Winston, a small f W. A. Elliott, was to death while her A neighbor saw the i g around the garden on in, . i : -he vv a- -few h. ui lli.lla b t uccurred- he flames could be put out ,lly burned as to die in a The mother had left the mil time when the accident :,! ,1" i t , I 'Jl t.i 1 'flu- bill

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