4 f lii f- s-41-. r' jfc INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. $1.00 Per Year. Single Copies, 5 Gents. VOL. XVI. NEW BKUNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. AUGUST 24, 1893. NO. 21. ft ' : ITS I f T l DR JOS. F. BHEM, Phvsician" & Surgeon. ii- Offip at hla Reeklence, Corner Broadband George Streets. JH.3ENT0N, M D.. D.D.sT PraoMe limited to eiaatal lxaulry reUi (iwatttd .11 hoot twin by th. dm or Nuro Olid. Uu trwyt luctwUi Um f Oen'.Utry dea. te h bMt tlylo. Miufacllon ,;u--n torxl. "O , wrimat Mtddio t nrl AUr. opseatt ttaMiu i --" KBAGBY, SURGEON DEiYriST. -Offloo.Klddl.rtioet, opposite Baptist ; deoSdwtf NEWBEHN. N. C. m JIX CLARK, 1.1V'.-:,V I,."--" -------,-' Offloa en Craven ctreet, between Pollock ad Broad. P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOR ST AT ' mddIestreetTF1rst room above Fann er' & Merchant's Bank. Will few tie. 1 tb.Ooantlc or c r n artarat, Jobm. Onalow and Pmm Iloo. United MtM Court t New Brn, ond kwMwliNnoruMnau 5?. R. STREET? General7. mi AND LIFE ' . Insurance Aent, HE7 BEBtTE. H. C. Churchill V Parker Wholesale and Retail : Crocers, Fanners : and country merchants 'will do well to ' see ns before baying, as we aell gooda as low if not lower than any booae t thacity. l" WE QUAE AJSTfiE EVEKY- THISQ WK SELL TO BE AS BEPBESSSTTED OB : MOET BEFUNDED. Wie deliTer all goods we sell to any - part the city free. . ALIWI ASK IS ONE TRIAL, and ' we knor yoa will continue with us. ' Lorillard Sooff sold at mannfactorer's prices. " Oar stables ia the rear of oar store are ires to aD. CHUBCECILL & PA.RKER, 10 18 wtt Broad Street. ;THE JJBW BERNE ; KNITTING MILL, is bow prepared to furnish ILu.y Hoes - m Yarious Qcaijtibs ajtd Colors in " "ets to suit purchasers. 8ec3 ten cento for Samples and Prices. ' ' d22wtk- ;"Pure! BrilHant! Perfect! tTsau Etxxtwhkrk, ajtd Esdobset . , Whkketer Used. ' V-' Th Mot Popular Gla in the V. S. -Thay are daily worn an are w.rmly praiaad by tb .olid REPRESENT A ' TTVE MEN of this ooaatrr, many of - theoi bainc ot N.tjonal f.oa. The list C , ' aasbrm-raa Bakars. afrohanta. Lawyers, . CKxr.rn on, 8oa.tora. Fotwign Kiniatars, . . Maofcasdes. Praacbers, KEST EOTNEHT IN ALL PBOFE8-.- 8ION8 AND TRADES. BfSICIAHS RECOMMEND THEM. ........ ' BUT H03TE BUT THE GE5UI3TE. Thveaw parfeet Olsasas are aoevrately ad :-1 jaatad to all ay as as the Drug Store of ; F.S DUFFY, Hew Beme X. C. jyttdw THX ;: :Itoaers& Herchants Bank : Bego business May 1891. ; Capltsi Stock, paid In. ' Soralas, . . - J rndiTided PreflU. - i firrldeBds paid, V .-, -:- OFFICERS L. B. Ccrun.- .W. 8. Chad wick. v T W. Dbwxt, A- H. Powm, ' a 'E. 8MTH. 5'oo"ftO 4,tMV.tRI 2.600.00 8,250.00 ! President. ; Vice Pres. ! Cashier. I Teller. ' Collector. ! Wiutweu establisbed eoonections this Nation eoDtiatent with oonaerratire -aa-do. au ever production of ctgar, and I there 18 nodanger that the wun 'oSi!a none of theFh.ndt factories are , tr-' wi 8nfft!r irretnevabe disaster. - Wa will bepleaaed to ourreaptDd with ' running on more thio half time1 VYe hope tbat wise counsels will :Sota"new but should ev.l stars for : L ly. The same is true of the facto I tho tlme' be ln the ascendant, we TO COTTON GIN N EES ! Before placing your order, for Bugging and Ties tha Coming Season. fOT Be Sure to Call on LL R. Jones IWnoleaala and RetaQ Dealer in -,' a -ar i j JtjUULtXl ixAerLllrilllUlOC. New Berne Ut. C- a" , - It will pay joa. EDITORIAL NOTES. The pulse of trade b.-.vs to quick - er time. The Jont!i stands the Racket better than tie North. Senator Vest h i made a s'rong speech in favor of himctalism. lie v. Dr. Deems, the great preacher, is aeanng biseud. It would be wt-ii ior the President to accept Ohio's interpretation of the Cmcago pia! .01 m. Citunou. if I . v irJ, ins returned t the ilou-'. tit': he id uot the big gun he once -va-i. Thtre is no jellow fever at Brunswick. Everuhin is quiet an.i the paum bus inrne I to ind'g u .t o 1 . .lohu ( Limb, eft hi State, has! been appointed assistant clerk to Senator Rntomi c-.immittee. Hi. Cleveland is oat of Borts. Mn. Cle-.c'a:;d -r 1 I pet him all right if 1 is ; Ixy. Kepresentii'ive Bower ia trying to ue' a On.-nUr appointment in SoaMi Aroer'e. or 3lexieo for Mr. J. S. Hill, of Mi cVje'il county. 1: i.- u d that the Senate will not pet fil'!. iViwn to work until the Home Iih - disposed of the fi nancial qaestion. I' coht the govf.; nrnent just flO, 0OO to entertain t!?e duke of Vera gua duriLg h'- visit to this coun try. Senator 11:11 HKcoiuced a reso. lution limiting the action of the called PfSHion of Congress to the fioanci.il situation. Here are apprehensions in regard j to the hePh of the President. The' New York papers say that his ap pearance indicates serious ill ness, Toi Herald reporter Col Lamont said of the President: He is quite tired aDd requires some diversion. This is the oi ject of his return to Gay G-ib:es. Be i areful. D ni't, credit nil you see in Republican papers about the President. He is having a hard time and is entitled to the sympha thy of Democrats. The Government is feeling the hard times. So far this month its receipts are 83 000,000 less than last month. At the prerent rates the receipt: will cot be over $27,000 000 for the month. The Virginia Farmers' Alliance, now in cession ia Richmond, by resolution, opposes the repeal of the Sherman act unless accompa nied by a law for the free coinage of silver. The Providence Journal, Ind Bep., says this and tits the fellow exactly: uMr. Thomas B. Reed seems ro bo f jl'y as shary, and sar CAs'ie as ever and not a bit nearer the level ot an h ouorable and pa triotic statesman.'' Representative Shell, of South Caiolina, w ist told by Comptroller Eckels that tt.e Government was making a'd pos.-ibla uasr,e in the is sue of currency, and that he ex pected relief eoou from the finan cial pres.-are. Speaker Crisp is untrammeled to mi ke his committees as he thinks best for the good of the party. He takes up his high office without pledges or factional complications. May he accomplish his difficult task with the best of res alts. Of course, there is a howl from the suspended pensioners.. But why should that be considered as in any way significant, as some of the Republican organs are trying ing to make it appear! Did any body expect that the suspended pensioners wouid not howl! Democrats must hold a high head and stiff upper lip. Confound the fellow that runs ao the first fire of majority, and when it is practic the evening Btr they say "there is able to ascertain what the will ot mutiuy in the camp." Arrest the mutiners and save the country, This is no time lor Liolishness. Oa mondav Aug 14, Senator 1 o00643 lntrdQc-d his bill antbor-j j - . , r . 1 w u iauK b oc iciquc ui li L lim tL l) till rv notes to the full value of bonds de posited. Secretary '-arlinle recom-i mend the bill and says it, will add I speedily do something, so that the ninetn million doliarn to the ctr-1 country can settle down to legi i colation. I mate business. There is much sutlerinz amonei Whatever may be the action of ; cigar makers. There Feems to be ries at Memphis, New Orleans, Cm- oinnatti, Chicago and other pla- i ces. h LtoJ bv ! Irish votes, but that is what is now threatened. The Parnellite mem- I bers do not think the bill concedes I enough to Ireland, but surely it 'gives Ireland much more than she i now has. There is no reason in them opposition: it is pure stub- borness. The Behring Sea Arbitration board handed down its decision Taesday The firnt five points of 1 Art.ie.la ft orn Ar.n;,ln,l r ,innl n,fl ...... v. j t i e uccmru mtZBklUBb LUC ; United States. A close season is j established from May 1st to July! j31st. A protected zone is estab-; lisnea arouna the islands and seal - I ing with fire arms prohibited. THE OHIO CONTENTION. The Democratic Convention ot : Ohio came up to the demands of the , hoar. I here was nothing ineon- gruons about it. The platform and the canidate barmonize pefectly. The Republican Convennou b 1 already met done its work and adjourned. The ieffn n."o ot th doctrine of p c i" "d fte rt nomiuatiou of William Mckinley by that body was a caaiU-nge to the Otiio D-uioc... j v, aicu s an Hwered lv the adoption of a plat form d-cotriug in favor of a taritf for revenue only . and the nornin i of Liwreiee T. Neal for G ivernoi. Ttie nouiinatioj of Neal by the gubernaf-'il il convention t bar ne setnhied nr Cmciiin iti (.n the 10th ot August was 1 he logic of the sit UitioD. 1 1 McKiiib'V meaiiri pro tection, .N.-til nieaus a taritr tor reveuav only. The Democraoy of Ohio did n t leave their principles to le typi fied in tbwr cauntate, but ttiey adopted a plat form distinct in its enuuciatiou of the cardinal princi ples of the Demociacy the Nation al Democratic platform adopted at CtllCMgO. I' im the in It-fortune of Mr Cleve land to have fallen uoder the cen sure of manv good Democrats, and it may be asked how can they ap plaud the action of the Obio Con veution when it paused resolutions commendatory of the Presideut. ti,., .i,., i. Oiia in nart II Democrats are with the President in the demand for the repeal of the Sherman law, but many of them are opposed to an uucooditioua' rtPea' Ohio Democrats have flat-footed on the Chicago ( lat form. Other Democrats, scattered . ail over tne country, are not sane- fied with mere belief. They want! rif;Q oQr,ror,.a thai fna ra r.anl r r of the Sherman law will be accompanied by M'ch an act as will preserve the monetary qual ify of silver and keep it on a pari ty with gold. Perhaps the Ohioans did right to repose implicit confidence in Mr. Cleveland, but the President has taken no pains to give assurance that these hopes founded on trust are to be realised. Men of the west and the South feel that the hazard is too great; to leave anything to peradventure. The bond was made and executed at Chicago, and is insisted upon to! the letter. Oongrees should, without delay, pass such constitutional and reme dial measures as accords with en- lightined judgement, sound discre tion and incorruptible patriotism. The responsibility is upon Congress and cannot be evaded. DO SOMETHING. "Do something" is always good advice. Every young man should adopt it as a life motto and live up to it. Tbe fellow who hangs around waitiug for something to turn up is of no use in the world. j But just now we are concerned j with public affairs, and the whole j coautry wants congress to do some- thing. YS e are very much in con dition of the man who said he would praise his wife more if there was not so much to make him j curse. It is well for the country i that Congress has fixed a limit to debate on the silver question. It' Unfortunately , all this conten would have been better to havejtion is between Democrats. No omitt'-d the discussion and settled j Republicau bha Lis bn z -n front1 the m;.tter by a direct vote. ! except to throw a iirenr.md fresh, Speeches in the present condition from hell into the il tine that leaps I 01 anatrs ao no gooa, inaeea uon - gressional debate has a tendency! to widen the breach that has been i made. It is a rule of the Democratic party to abide tbe decision of the the party is, all unnecessary delay complicates the situation and bin - ders successful action. Nothing is more disasterona to ousiness, or occasions more nnrest;try is site. Tru i amnntr The rvAnnlp. than tha nnaut-ii i j 1. .. . ri r . - ....v i t'ed condition of public affairs. w trQBt that Congress will Congress on tne silver question, W1U . aespair oi tne Kepnonc. j we were lniormeu that the ' l Iiia id rt r .i i rrn rrt n a trt V-k r L i e. Vi ned affair, but Larry Neal is this early in the game being accused of j having written a poem. ! 1 , . i Qe of our exchanges recently : reported a farmer as selling over 00 pounds of tobacco for a little j more than he sold!nine hams for. i It is clear that he ought to quit making tobacco and give his time to hog raising. It was either very : nnnr tnhlifl.1 I' uarr lu'in iirifln for i' " . . . , . v. . ' . e . l. 1 -. 'v ' - ' good tobacco. Raising something to eat first is much better than making all tobacco or all cotton. 1 1 bat farmers hams "saved bis I bacon." The Lord Until I .tki-u Away Miss M: I" In-: Li .'ti .it tic I.-.i. iu- .!. Pit! Augii-t t' 1 '.': In- v.... i!ly. me ii.lv y-t ii ,,,,. t. 1 - 1 I 1' ('! -.nil, ;i lov.iii. 1 Ik : y l;u It n in we) I i loin" i r v I :i : 1 ; i' 1 :i Ciiri-t t. '.',.- 1.1 ill,' w'A .11 "I" Cliri-t i 1. ...1 1 i;t 1 .i Ii.'.' s.i 1 1-lor.'.tr-: i m.i' . f t . Dp Vi t;..n i i li. '11' (:oi rti'r liit u li: lln 1'- ic'iuiir 1 ( lr -A- ti, 1 111 II! i't nian'.ir .if ruii"ii tin1 1 1 1 iliX Aw r.ic: ul to liic 1m .!:: jiatii .it, ki '. !!. sientle, n n-.-i.ltit.il AiTHjia the iii lii i.Uinl I ii'e in ihe ' i !i 11 1 : : ; I lbhis of lnvinr-s. jhe pasr-ed tlinnih lif.- cturvin tren erous deed.- of lnvc mi.l .-olf-s;irnncp into ner sphere- m Inippier 1 t'nr the l.r-t w lliuv li tt to til u-i : kini; others 1 -onie.vl.at iinniii'l us heights of tllDUilt. .1, and our !';;- t iia' will 1- exetllpll- 1 t I'll 1 i V o'.lt Ti fllV i't tlio-' ne--. -Thii' pe,'-. !ee!ih d !i hil eti; -pin li I - I .Ti i n 'l: hti n 'fil 1- The -pi, . t';...'- : tied wl.i n the fan - j of physical -iillerinr. "T i not mine, be dune."' li v;!l. n'Oml, ' litter truth )f bodily in lier lib- was n and love. uil.s of her iiv I i : l -Ik-the (hurch h C'.)ii;!"euii iif r .1 s( rviees . Dr. (b o. It. Her lip- v i re e t i e:i fill word-. tlirniii:li ye. tirniitv. that eve rv c ci't ii-- li t in I 1 i v i " n 1 TUc s'ouI iir.,UCI.t.,i ;,,r j B'ble. nn-t by secret pr.iyer i consecrated her services t. she loved so will. I'iyniou! tional fiotn which the t i were conducted by the Rev Ijoavitt, paster. I'p to the very t loi pain cnci'::ii'd a -temha until' it seemed as if unseen w orb I. It seems to nc? ! of 1 i fe increasin -i lai i and hop -iic icd'v ivv the! it -:uh a -oul so' t 1:1 it- C hrist- i aspirini' and tbiim-i i liko l,:llio!-' 1 -''"fc'- compels im- inoi't;dtlv. jf the rirlir to live gift to im. i and to s an i iieoncei vable Iiv e forever is our 1 su ' ' "K'St hope then the IV. st impressive nil. nioileiiton-. ;i -sn r:i nee over i i-hvi'rni lo the human race i. "i!c tiiat belicveth in me though he were ih-ad. vet shall he live, and whosoever livoih and belicveth in me shall never die." A Friend. lMNbhll We are nor of hose who believe in the abaudojiieut of a r.ghteous cause because there is danger. It, is hi danger tbat the mettle of men is tried. C)ut of its womb heroes, are lorn. I Jut, ii mint bo t hat bravery is v ,;, from rastii.e.i. Wti retnetnbered for removed : it is the highest virtue to meet danger with courage, it is fody to da'lv with it . , ' , , and madness to defv it aud dare it 1 tO the worst. I It is said that the feeling aroused j by tbe t-ilvcr Hgit.uiou e iuai- that which precipitated the bloody rev olution of 1SG0. Ii this be true let. every man stand for the right. We do not anticipate an appeal ! to arms, but a bloodless revolution may be as disasterotis a-i one that occasions seas of blood. If the money of a people is destroy ed want and wretchedness wid come i aa 8artJy us ,t f-.djws ia the wake 0f devastating armies, 2s0 matl Ciin ltiu wuat is to be tbe fate of measures now before Congress. Every one has his opinion, except the unfortunate hoi ti rr w wi ) r i . f rw ii t rv t w.iofe ..iiv, vi i """I think for himself, and these opiu-. 10Ds are expressed in words that blister the lipsiii.it utter them. Every motnetit intensities the sit-i nation. o the heaveus. It is time that this condition was eaanged. Is there not some master spirit th.f. can eay to the warrinc: ei-in..!ii s, 'IVv.cc tie rind : , f -i- t It so now n bis opportunity-. Clove land is culled tiio man ot destiny. From his retreat at Buzzard's Biv he can send a message that will 1 span the brow of t h" teinpoht with ! the bo- of pr-i.-u; -. II- lias on ly to be true to bnog-rlf, an i t ie coan- o, iiiiso:i, man ma nd of the . u(jeJH illl'i I'm! 1 1 President rid. 1 r v to ho- . on which he was elected. pi 1 i lorm Itediictioii. k of Toilette Art icles is larger natural demand lbr -uch g'oods In it ar- cn.biaced tooth a : '.ru.iii -. i oaib-. denttfrin-s, ia ii bug I. mtii r Fi!, Lubiu's Mv s- than require-. bril-ile-. I. extr a t- i Atkinson v. :n. li. i.iown's and NS"in.''s. sachet COIlljih for tile Cutii ii Ylll.e . other i pow lie l'Uff-. -Oiijl Hurd' Craue' satin -tin. k. tooth Other niimei' pow ' 1. "o l ei vi t for tne 1 1 ( hil l ing ( 'ream D n i d -oap aud r.' ilo'iuet. o.eq, e. and Rubin's face . 's Row dor I 'rushes and m be f und I ill- in. !' '. .ii.-ic -. ' ou. Ira -liavimg 'el I V C itch ; .id hand Impi ri hid ', Japan IJ ;ld, 1 i: 1 Kate G runaway 1 artistic liuro linen i plate tillish. C range w ood ks in ek nit straw cases. dainty and handy articles too ou- io mention. For t he next ten I will -oil all Toih-ito Articles at a ii n ot' go per cent. I am specially up tor prep.uii.g prescriptions and in - arc pirfeotiv reasonable. Geoih.i-: W. Gaskill. days re- tic titlial my !: Flux Cured in Two' Days. .Marengo, Anson Co., N. C. Ve have used Chamberlain's Colic, I'tinler:! illi.l Iliarrl.o.Q l?..,-irt- - ..... . . ........ v .e .u v. i in two ease, ofliux, and find it speedy in cTtcct'.ng a cure. J hev were en tirely well two days after taking the first dose. N all iS; Spencer. Merchants For sale by J. V. Jordan. NOTICE TO MAIM NEKS. Cliurt Corri'itioiw in Norlh 1:1 Water- for Mniiili ul .1 11 y. it' 1 1 j - iniiou l! ;4 '..:!'.; - ill. U 10 nnvi-:il on in 1 ie :i:it- ( ; .,,.t ic xli-lic -11 rv- : i r .-. 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' I . 1"-'I IH'Ikc- . IK ,M ). lir:ir.r.,. um. 1 . ;!.. 1' 11 I T" n' !' '.ill I di-l mil- I riin.'Vf.l: ii,!'i-i I'.iiir, )'' mile-. Me!. lie Ci'i'ini.l, 1 : s mil. -. S m.lv IN nit. I. 0 1-5 mi:. -. M ' C'iliilllH 1. P. I mi'. -. -v. 1 WSW. 1-0 w vv. s.. w X.. t Tim- Ul'r, t- Clmr: Albem o'!.) Sotiad. :T W H'rcek Utioy Hemoved. 'Vi' 1 1. . -i.ir. I.irme! y show n in ; fiiim which N.'ilh River Lilit 1 1 'J K , di-!:i'i- alio'. it 4 l-i mi'' s leiiioved. the wreck nv.irXed bv - I'..il!t. 11 is no Ion lie r an obstruction to n:i.i;..,:a:i. This effects Charts 140. 4ns. ar.d ID. Albeniarle Sou id. Nort li Uivel En trance. N iu liitiiv. I'.u iy Nu id ei ( iiaiiLTed. Marking bu v, red -t'ar N.. 0, ha- been plac. d eh'-, lo .mil wi the bell bil"V, in a lm-i bum fro :tn a r.l ' om win. bv W. 1- North River Liuht I -:,: W.. di-tant about :!--l i f a tilde. The number ot wreck buoy, red -par ha- been changed lVom 2 to 4. N r 1 : i River Liuht W. :!-4 N.. di-lant aimu: 'b" va:-i- This cll'erts Charts HO an I 4us. ll-enmile Sound. Off Lewi- Point. Iluoy Removed. Ob-:ruction buoy. H. S. spur, formerly shown in a po-ition i I ia on which Wale Point Linlit boo- N. N. K. 1 4 K., distant about 7 T-s miks. j has I iecn removed. i This effects Charts 140 and 40. Pamlico Sound: llatteias Inlet. I'.uov Removed. Channel buoy, red nun No. 2 3-4. formerly shown in a podtimi t;om which Hat terns Inlet I. edit hole N. :i 4 V distant a out 3 T-H miles, ha j been removed. This effects Charts 142 and 14-V Pamlico Sound. Lonu' Shoal River. , Ncvv linny. l'niiis Uav Shoal buoy, red -par No. 2, h -is been phiced in 10 led of titer to mark the end of I'a'n- Ray Shoal in H position lr. nn which Lo: Shoal Li-ht I ears K. 3-4 S , di-tant ; Hi 7 3-4 miles. This etl'vcts Chart 142. Pamlico Sound. Royal Shoal. Ruoy Number Changed. The number of the black can buoy, Standard Point. North west Point Royal Shoal Liidit SW. by W. 7-8 W., distant about 2 1--' miles, has been changed from tt to 11. This effects Chart 143. HILLS ALLOWED : ,J ' County Cnmmission-rs at August Meeting. Jas. II. drant sherdl Wayne county, expense arresting Henry Ke Idick and delivering him to the rltl'.if Craven I county $12.40; M. II. Carr sen ,.- :. commissioner, mileage, if 10. 80; W. C. brewer ier diem and mileage as commis sioner. f1!..n: 1! It. M....-'y. le-u- r- for pauper, .2.-0; Fannie i.hh: m-. keeper of poor hou-e for July, f 12. oO; Irnn f.t ,- ......L- .1 II, ,- llllO i't (l,'l- ' '. . .. . ' ; Caesar Bovd 21 cords ol wood, -(13.00; .1. ; , ,r , ' , r) omni ' A. Meadows, hay lor poor hou-c. -I0.04; i E. IL & J. A. Meadows Co., ouano for 1 IH)or ll0USe, $u.30; J. J. Tolson, agent, ! rations for poor house, $?(;.": Jn. i Dunn amount furnished Sam Locker to September 1st, 11.00; Dr. L. Duffy, professional services for month of June land July, $33.33; Jas. A. 15' van per diem, ; ix-c. 'J.(iO; E. W. Smallwood services county commissioners per diem, ir., July, $21.00 E. 'W. Smallwood, per diem as county commissioner August. i 4,J 00. u- c n"r(.wer )er aiem. ,te.', commissioner. -1.00.' J. .V. Miidows repairs and labor on Core creek budge. $3'.i.40.-J. A. Meadows repai i - ,,::d labor on CI. -nil. ml br dge, $21..V.h .1 Fisher a-s. .--ing property No. 7 tow; -h p. -h. S": Geo. D. Conner assessing town-hip -si.j.GO; R. A. prop N' Russell l:-lii taxes No. 3 township, 189'! $20 00; J. Morton listing taxes for N .. 5 townshij. n... . , , Pi.,.r,. , .,i.,; e-in No. 7 township .30.0(i; T Wh ' 5:, idle fees as ,-icrk of the board of mi uii-sioneis ",.rr. Y. B. Lane sheriff, turnkey fees .:!. til); do., expense removing garbage from jail S.SS: do., boanling Di isoners for Jul v 5'8:t.25; Smallwood A' Shiver, goo Is for c.iunly, i'2'J. S3; W. M. , Watson. C. S. C, stationery for clerks, ollice ?4.S."i. J. Havens listing taxes No. S township i?100: New IJerne .lores' ai. ad- j vcrtising proceedings for June and July 12). 00; J. W.Wood work on curt j house $27.5"; C. J. Scheelky mnku.u' ' i book case for clerks offke .$".-); Alex ! unmn nurymg pauper s;j..,o; k. . i-i-.m-. I rose holding inquest over body I 3i0' J I tbi-kir- 1 Mart h i , w. c. ; j White, Jesse Broadway. R. A. Rns-cll.' j A. W. Taylor and C. S. Bell, services as jurors over body of Martha Jones, $1.00; each,' E. E. Quidlv janitor fir court house for July $10.00; G. A. HM1 keeper of Clermont bridge for Julv $10.00.- E.1L : Heath support Lizie Woo.', s:!. 00; ' j Stephen K to siuip u-t of Burion Kite , $1."0; Wilev Daw an a'low i :ee made by ' the Bo , r.l !;i. On; Martha D.iw an allow ! ance made bv the Board $2.n0 Combined March and Canning Factory. Editor JornshU.: As a stranger in your midst who has taken much ph-isurc in examination of the wonderful resources of this favored section and lornnng the acquaintance of its big hearted citizens, vou wil I please pardon my presumption for making a suggesiion wiocu it appears to me would much bee. lit your ia: :. if acted on. The s.i-gge-tion is this: That you Cstabb-a a -hir. h .and can ning factory combined, that otir un marketable potatoes and surplus fruit and vegetables may be utilized at a proiit on the cost of production. The machinery for the starch factory ' and ;i ten thousand daby coming capacity. I am adviM-d can be pinch;-, d for about $," '0. In t'iiis way a-! t ruck - iia be made to pay when the northern mark ets are so low they will not pav for trans portation. Apart from the fact that canning lac tories all pay a handsome dividend,, they are also of great worth to any community like this in that they eive respectable employment to many hoee-t poor white girls who at present arc with out aspiration or hope for the future. That such an enterprise would save thousands and thousands to this section, wiil not be doubted by any business man who will investigate the matter. Respectfully, A, II ATI. hi t r. Died. At his residence in this city Friday morning, August Rfh. at 7:3'Jo'cloik, Charles C. Green, aged 4 years. 1'he funeral will take place from Chri-t church, Sunday August 20th, ut 5:30 o'clock. i s ':; ;ov A!:KE S CARR'S i (Kt il at Kicliiioonl Coiivrnt on r.ir lli- iiit :( -r E.'.poxil bin 11 -in:i;ii. T 1 n nre Ulir. r 1 ihe '1 MlitlU1 '. u i..- I' I . t!i-i alone 1 ...'M ,,:k'e.e- ,,,' "! -rV. i.ty Vat ietii -. i- di;ir jihmts in the I heiriilc; ti-herie- notable miion ' ton soul Avoea. r i'i.'io I -had, the "'4' a'l done bv di-.io-ed cf liaikc. :o w J i if -li ' f r Una mav 'I'le- Stats, i't : '.'i' ition ot si- T 1 'i ..f ;U-. ha-.-t hi r b, -i- a!. : u i -e 'aw -s to 1 i " p -o note t he widen, it wisc-ly '!. v;. hi an lin- ii'vi imlivid : ,.y i' le ( lilt i ' i '. -: r cannot II. .'.: i . a-t.-i n - i.b'Hi. i- the : i"!.ai. The many i" t-'.vor; the entire ' ''' ' - tin' in: rodiii'tio'i p i l;i.: ...t roads, ha ia'. : -: t . a point Lev on I ; i: c 'itinue- to expand, the . li is ! V. 0 'j: t ' be inexil ill-tible. '- .- .b-i.n h-d of timber forty , : ib) ii.hihljr it second ail- m ml n't' interest i by no .1 to ; iiis eastern -eetinn, but v.-ry pa:'t of the Stale. The 1 f ihe State was ori-inallv 1, . p: a few tracts ot I. eV I e i t In- cast and a por- '.i. ' eoimiv, and from i -1- of i: is still in this i ;.. . o! soils, together with el. mate, give rise to a 1 varcd Horn, while il a sec; ion of the west s - of -pru( e. Mrs and : ;he lake States I'hdo and seaboard is In' other t and ('a: -eelioei of a n.o Then hro:ii Hy the Sta i lh" pine and cypress j latitude. " I ! th ' e we'd ma rked and incib-hed tore-t rontons in i 1M -: i' it'di : i almost identi- cahyvvtli t ::' t h : ee geographical division-. Ihi'e and cypnss on the sea board: h .ii;:-.-' raw pire in the middic, and almost c.cdi-:vcly hard wood in the moii Uai i section. Tne lotal number of tree- bei:.g lotind is about llo. mid tivice a- ii, any of -:,:ib-. which together give our f in au aspect ot wonderful rich t)i -.- atitl varti. tv. Turtle's lenatitj of Life. Shi-rili'W. li. I.me by way of variety in ( onneclion with the snake stories so often t.i'.d r.tvc- u- the following two tur- Mr. anr Ait k Ki'o- who lives near Fert ooi'.-idercd authority on lou- :: i ., : 1 : : , : h--. 1 ho'.,l- that the pi","t .i.av to ,.!.; oe-e is to cut off its head ju-l back of the eye- y pene- trati iiic brain and Ciitiscs quick death. 7dr. liiggs- bro.her, Mr. Wm. Ilerny Riggs was pieparlng to cook one one day a:i'1 -i.irh d according to this approved jib :i dlspa'.i h hi- turtleship but instead o'.'oo :ig sti-aight tiirongh the knife took ;i di igoiiid cour-e iiiid one of the turtles eyes was I. t c;i 1.:- body. Nothing was liiougiit ot' i l.-is end preparations lor the eo-ikiiiu wi :it iorward. Rut when Mr. Rijg- -tunic i in oul'. ihe 1 1 1 1 " a - :' u tai'ed t iite I to pick the sujiposc.l dead i horn win n- in? had been placed to cut i ia up and throw hiiu in "I b..;.-ii) i .iter lunde ready he :i t have vanished and search I.i. n to ii.-ht. vn wliat became of t afterwards. Then 1 i in fence were in in a lock of the lie had subsisted mouth and with pr- a j-u. . lb. In ai !' a;i-: her turtle that , - ago neai tlm South hed between t o gum :ct'. there s.i long that "- body touching the ic t bin hit than I a-yoni I had I ' kcw i-e a-.-u nn-i 1 I the dead st uiiips. he f The Encampment af Charlotte I'V until Regiments of ail encamp- . re holding uu- :E :u cahi d h the. A pi. .(,'..'.: : at L amp t ;unri'"Ii. so 'our e-lcemcd townsman, (Tal. This eiKa npment State but is a volunteer a speaks highiy for the .1" tl.i -i' regimen's, they lei 1 he vear go Oy w ith- -t'Uit ; .-. IT! i. X. ch a reunion. Id, of ihe Fourth aumanii. ana v apt. lb; i lie . i- . rp, Tl, I . n ij il . u 1 1. i ue there being-be- from South Caro -ides se ii We an -.,.! to can' )':' : : t .ia.- JHV w iy. io: 1 we w i -h p: - nt i.oi only ;e men;, 'ell ul-o !:; CXercisc bseive that the en- i a success in every r the State Guard eh p'easure and eniov- eii benefit iro.n the T ie li l tire in camp: Re le;' I'i-V ilhi r.W.-ht Tnfan- 1 1 nan, Yance Gutods, ( hevv (.lliee' lllei'.t ( ) -e: ar-1-. (hiii.ii i iis Rhick Hoys, liar. am I I lie loui III ivegi-Co'.'p- of Concord. New- L hie :e. Oiiarteri v Conferences. Tin- fo" A lag -.1 m i le by R e lh I elder .f N. .v I; round: Cm i ') e i i , 1 1 i ' . 10 : ' ; 20. I . ' I ..in:'. :t aients liave been loideb. presiding District. Third u-enrora. Augu t o di ( 'reek. Aug. -ir-.et, at night. II, Ce N' TIT I'V. Sepr. it. li: ui i , ut Rai n bo w , Sept . and 10. Mr. Olive, at Cobb, Sept. 10 and 17. Jon. - cit'i uit. at Shadv Grove, Sept. : and 24. Yii-gniirt Convention. At the State Democratic convention l a v itg.ii. i i) ; er.ali was nominated ior (ioveiiii't on the tiist baliott receiving 1,1 10 Vo 1"s. R i.i.-ut. G To. c-. Tyler ieee-ived 300; Bufot'd C. Kent wiis nominated tor .V'Tiioi'. li.'.Hva'id tariff lilank- of the It: form were endorsed. A Mori head - that t here i: 'ai'teret, Ou.-l C.tv man going through . Jones and Craven counties selling receipts to preserve fruits who is a big humbug. l. ! :; ills A I'ASttlOT.NK STOCK FARM What One Tinnier Is Doiio; in TI, -Line-' onieinplateil Exhibits at bur Next Fair. ill. . (. I'ei rebec of Tlizabeth C'i who has bee.! spending a few days in Ne v Ueiii' 1- o: ' 1. 1 th- larmers of our Sta : v ho :- o"- ,ol in devclopinir the stoci -iai-1. r ia'. n-t. lie is turning his atn : -tiim -.'e i' a a, riore to dairying and ha- i line i,. id ot pure Jersey's besides gra b -. !i. ;- thinking also of adding ''- - a : i ct'o-s'ing the two breeds t te :'. ' ei-.g great butter ) rod i leers hi 1 th ',;: i- noted lor greats yields of milk. h. 1 ' I'. i ee has ;i Jersey heifer from v i i . . . . ,t i- li!n-!i iiiniitli-i olii withaoaif a 1'" . ' :d he made a pound of buitei a day. 1 1.- h . - made a pound and six ounces "I hiitti r froui one and a half gallons of tnilh. This speaks well for its rich ness. Ill- butter being of high quality comman I- l ie per pouu 1 in the Norfolk . market, lb i, so well satislied with the j results t.iut next yea' he intends to run hi- output up to 200 pounds cr month. Referring to grades Mr. Ferrebee says he would as lief have one just for that single generation as a thoroughbred, ju-t as good results being obtainable they do not do not do to breed bom. Mr. Ferrebee follows the practice of takino the calves away from their mothers at .nee. lie has ready sale for them at if lo eai ii when two days old. The calves learn to drink with but little trounle and are easily raised and the cow- kc p in better order and give larger yields and conscijiieni ly greater profits by having tin- calves taken away. A stallion owned by Mr. Ferrebee has one ot the fnic.-t pedigrees of any in the Stale. Mr. Ferrebee has not heretofore made an exhibition at the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game Si Industr.al Association but he declares his i mention of doing so at the next exhibition. Resides the natural increase of interest in our Fair it will also be helped forward as never before next year by the opening ot the Y. N. &. N. U. It. just completed. The easier facilities thus afforded of reaching the city from the rich and fertile counties, it traverses and from the populous city of Wilmington and its enveion meiils will aid largely augmeiiting both the exhibits and the attendance. How the Matters are Progressing' ou j ihe New Road. j If will be but a very short time now j before a regular schedule between this city and 'Wilmington on the AV. N. & : i I!. R. will be put on. The regular trail i v ill begin running about the first of Sep tember: the exact day has not yet be.-, fixed. The company is now building a depot at Maysville. They will very soon com- - ' menec the erection ot those at New Ben e 1 i ti o,i. ...:o .1... 1- 1. i . iiuu i oiiuksv iue, ine wum ou iuc in is exjiccted to go on on simultaneously. A new engine ordered expressly ('. -passcnirer work of the road has just bei u received at Wilmington and a new train of three new passenger coaches passe i through Gohlsboro en route to Wilming ton for the road Wednesday. Some wLj saw them speck in high ti r ns of their beauty. Exporting Hay. Quantities of North Carolina hay have j been sold for shipment to Germany France find England, where the long i drought has so greatly reduced the sup- I ply ot forage as nearly to cause a famine. R.ileigh Advocate. Tno rlin f tliic cKto Troll fila 11,' for raising much more hay than can K used within our borders, but we leave heretofore d en neglecting to raise even enough for home supplies and year atn r year ha- w.iiM be imported tVoui state not as we I '' 1 ipted to raising it as our own. Wc ate glad to see indications from time to time that the trade is turn ing ami an item like the above from the Raleigh Advocate iu reference to imports is very pleasing. Kekoe-O'Neal i Mr. C. M. Kwhoe. the handsome and well-like. I purser of the steamer Nensc 1 was married last in-lit at tt o'clock to ! Miss Etta O'Neal, one of the prettiest 1 young ladies of the city, ut the residence of the bride's y randmotbe-, Mrs. Rebecca t Will's, Fal'uerP. F. Quiun officiating. An enjoyable reception was held im mediately after at the home of Mr. Ke hoe. Many choice presents graced the occasion anil attested the good wish, s of The i;(.0r Stand (iets in its Work .111 u 11 1 a UILIU I 1' I ii oniesi i oi I in I.. ..il'....,. ........ W...I..... .1 ..- il. j beer teut in trout of the I-airgiounds j between Prof. Steele, aeroi.aut. and Mr. J. b. (biri'l! w iio sebs in t lie tent, and the former w a.- severely injured about the face and he-id. Not so nad however as to iuterlere with the ascension still to come. Once In fore this the sale of intoxica ting drinks was allowed on city property nea- the Fair. Public opinion is again t permitting them to be sold either near I these orounds or toi tie ci t v anv whet on property belonging e. aud righttully so. Mover- Whitford. Dr. Geo. S. Slover and Miss Be.-s Whitford were quietly married at th residence of the bride s father, Col. J-i.e 1). Whitford, in this city, Wednesd ;. August KJth at o a. in. Rev. Ruf -Ford officiating. No cards. After the ceremony they left to spi . six or eight weeks at High Point an-' tour among the mountains of our State Dr. Stover is one of New Berne's la and succes-iul hardware merchants. , bride is one of our most amiable a - lovable young ladies. The esteem '. which they are held was plainly man; fested bv the unusually large number r. very handsome and elegant presents cf which they were the recipients. Will Attend the World's 8. S. Conven tion. Prof, G. T. Adams lias fully decide.'; to attend the International and Worhi Sunday School Convention which will be held iu St. Louis, August 31 to Sept. m. Iter 0, to which he was appointed a (ich--pondeut writes S;1te ,jy tUL' State Executive Commit t ' "nd the action ratified by the recent Sundav School Convention. ThionMtinir idll I,,. il. cauontli Tmnr. ; national and "second World's Sunday ' School Convention. THE COLORED FAIR. Increased Attendance The Haciufr Further Mention of Exhibits. The attendauce at the colored Fair 'Wed jesday was considerably in excess of any revious day by both white and colored. The president estimated the number for 'he entire day at 3,000. The game and field product.- ami cattle : re scarce. The poultry department is lnllv supplied and contains some meritorious I specimens. j There are some tine horses show n. The music exhibit is good. Thirteen well filled stands in the floral department contain many flowers and plants. The walls of the rooms in this ' ip p arttiieiit are decorated with the por traits of prominent colored citizens. The fancy wood work is in fair quani ty anil i worthy Ot praise. The culinary department -hows very well, both in the canned and po-served goods and in the baked supp.ic.-. Many artistic articles in the line of ladies fancy work are shown. This de partment is the fullest a id i ' st o, all. One silk quilt on exbd Ion in this department is offered f.,r a!e at $7.'i. Another one shown we are Lhl was sol '. I previous to the opening of the Fair lor a j still higher price. j An Atlas set in five peice- is very artis tic ivml- hhiI ii.iinv other pvhioit.s are' admirable. The children's department contains work that reflects credit upon them. There are some lutei'i st i'. hi i 'quities. Dennis WadsWoith show - . I lo ui and other work from his mi h. Charles Dis'oru and Mile- Shepard ,d-o make a worthy exhibit of 01 namentai work and models. Merritt Wh tly, uude. taker, makes a large display of imported metallic case and tine ruse-wood coffins, also home made ones and buritilgrobcs. .1. G. Sutton ife Son shuw neatly finished coffins of their own make in several kind of native wood. Richard Sawyer, tall r, makes ,i sub a ble display of cloth mid garment- I'm : his establishments. His is an exhibit that, commendsjitsi-d" to visitors. The exhibitor is an unobtru sive young colored man and good citi zen. He would make a living anywhere be cause he is at all times willing to work and has so qualified himself along a special line that he understands it well. In the music department is exhibited an organ made by the pupils of Hampden Sidney Iustitute, (col) Ya. This is a lass of work from the young colored peo ple which few had any idea of their en gaging in. A revolving wheel with swinging chairs i somewhat like the Ferris wheel on a miniature scale) takes the place of a oier-iy-go-round. It was manufactured years ago by a good old colored New Bernian, Geo. S. Fishi r, now deceased. Some ol ur older citizens who knew bira long .jd well, speak of him as the most in genious man ot his race they ever met. 1 hursday the attendance was very good; it was the biggest day the Fair has yet had. Besides viewing the exhibits a number of special attractions, sports ami past dmes served to interest all who came. The w heel swing was kept going all day, and Trot'. Roger's admirable show- came in for a good port ion ot the big 10 cents and never fads patronage. He gives a worth of fun and laughter lo please. The phonograph also attention ami the r.iei s a;i.a ring contests, etc., ad .oi-.L' ure of those attending. rece: v. gamcf p. - he d due . cpur-plc-s- In the trotting Duffy's Abdullah, M. . H. snban's and Mr. Joel K:nsij third. lucc Dr. won li.-! Pliuce Lt 's St. Idi i.-.ilistel money. Mi . -i.i-hd o'j cam'- ,n What the Facts Arc A re. i iin- of trie id ro. of Prcsldcet Whu- of will show some -evetc ii inai ks ftiir On the inquiry we follow Ing lac eel ilOiil Kb r." CCili-t ' I y oo. a!!) 1 1 u.-i d and usl. -ne. i p cemetery i- they i.. been 1 ei:t e i here' i .: u -.:. i . t a ! : , rt - i prietor ot I lie ' Us, . -s oi ,.t : :ii'"i the spaces iu which ci..:. - ..- --' 1 ' a license to sr il ordy b, o,.-., i ..'.' , Iu reference to b; e i' . - ' : untax has ini'i j cob.e . :u t :ose i"sidc tl,e g.o. ,. . :. ., ;, white or colore i I t:r-. . t i"'1'" no ruling along 'e - . ... oi the la c -e '- 1 ' - eh. I ly t ': 1 1 - y i 1 . ' ' .' coidili ah lh )'' .:. I . v ; "I .' the last r x ,: ;,.;! ! . . ..' - ::i t . -c in I tiai'gc Were i'.a '.. ' ' of the city tax's ti'.iii lh: -it would not be pr.-s. ,t i ; a L' il . Fairs are treatid aoke aid nod. c . -served on the white Fair lost. A fact which shows tne d.sin .u tm municiual "overnmeut to promote ihe interest of the Fair now being hel I is that the entire lighting up ol the Fair is done lor it at the city's expi nsc. Raleigh Races August '2:1 and 'H. A large number of entries have been made for these races and from the class of horses entered it 's expected there will be witnessed such fas time ot the com ing meeting as has never been seen before in North Carolina. The race track at the fair grounds is completed and is now without exception the finest one in the soutu. In addition to the races there will be an exhibition of the beaatiml ten months' old rilly with her boy trainer, which will interest and amuse both voiin-' and old. I They will be gala day: folks and surrounding i large number of people from a distance. tor the me : a re rv -old a exoe. ud Powell-Kelly. Married on August II rectory ol St. Paul'- ' P. F. Qiiiiii). John Henry Lata !:, by Rev. i Pov-.-li. M. D..! ol Lenoir. . ( .,:id .Miss tiih;ien !v( Ke'l.: of Savauuau. Ga. The ceremony was attended Iiv a nuui- 1 ber of fnen and after ihe ceremony the happy couple took the evening train for Morehead City. Lenoir, N. C, papers please copy. SENSIBLE WORDS. Extracts from Speech of Rer. A( M. i ,'",,s' 'rei. on upemni? me Oriental Fair. "You have been called from your homes, to witness the workings of an institution which shall give tone, character and higher aspirations to our intellect and genius, that which will lead us to the lnut ranks of civilization and progress. This Industrial Association is not an " I i n .1 i vi.l ii u 1 i-ftiifprn Imf an i noti 11 1 irtn f( ' the people for the people and by tbe JM.OJllC 111 lIVl. all UI C l.... m 1UWIGBKU IB it. Neither is it a call to citizens of this county only, but to every county and to every dusky son aud dailghier of North Carolina. These Fairs are to bring from" all parts of the county and state to be placed upon exhibition, the fruits of the tiller of the soil, the handiwork of the artisan, the skill of the cookery and the genius of the inventor. 'Therefore every man, woman and child should pride themselves upon mak ing these Fairs a success by their contri butions, both, of their skill and labor, however small or great. " The world wants to know "What can the negro do'? and we must tell them, not by words but by deeds and work. We as a race must win national recognition, national reputation and hence a national demand. As farmers we must study the nature iu the soil and climate, aud cause the earth to yield lountifully to us her fine fruits, giains, etc. We must, study the lialiiieand habits of our domestic cattle, in, ike siock-raising a specialty, and thus off. r to the wor d our tine sheep and cows, no-Th horses and oxen, and likewise tbe I hencry. Then we can offer io the markets our fine chickens, turkeys, geese ami liucks, and the products Ol our truck lariiis., 'There must be an ardent desire on the part of our females to teach their nimble and delicate fingers by an artistic touch to reproduce the beauties of nature in wax work, zephyr, thread and linen upon the canvas- and in marble. Also they HUM be taught to study the art of pre serving, cunning and jelly making, bow ' ;o bake bread and biscuit, giving to themi that beautilul delicute brown; how to make pies, cakGs, etc. To some this may seem nonsense, but let me tell you, throughout the north they are establishing schools, and thous ands of the wealthiest young ladies and poor girls go to these cooking schools to learn the secret of a true domestic life. ' Our boys must be taught to transform the rough material of nature into things of usefulness. They must become skilled: ' aud scientific mechanics, wheelwrights, . ' cabiuet-makers, draftsmen, artists, scalp lois, tailors, architects, silver-smiths, jewelers, machinists, tin-smiths, etc. We may send men to the national halls of congress and to the legsslature ol our states, and with the tongues of angels or the eloquence of Webster or Clay, it wiil avail us but little. We can only demand national compensation and recognition by our skill, genius and invention. The idea of education ia broadening and strong pleas and efforts are being made to place alongside of these schools, the industrial department. There must be a co education of brain and muscle. I'eacti the hands to work, lor work is honorable." The Bureau of Labor Statistics at Raleigh is compiling a directory of the industries and manufacturers of the entire Stale. This will make a valuable addi lion to our statistical literature. TheiFall trade is close at hand. Those ho are wise will advertiso well what ihey have to offer belorc the rush of the busy season com s. Get your full trade started right and hold it, The firs: neight passed over the new raiiroad Tuesday. Il was a car load ot .Tick made at M. Porter's brick yard, sold oy W. P. Run ns, I r ought to the city by uieA. iX N.O. Uanroad and transferred io a car f the olln-r road. The Cohneu Fair closed Friday, i n.hc i atids kept the Fair musically ivcy during us holding. The New Beme Comet Baud, and the Golden Rule !; m i of .i.iuies City were ou hand all the aim the Snn.v Hid band a portion o: ihe lime il. fin in New Berne Friday was ihe heaviest this year, and a- ii-iv little rain eight or ten N i.e. in- cither down . : Oleeil .11 of Pol . . -ci-. iter A fc N. C. . i- ' i. h. .. i.at it was - 3: ueie. i 1 Nhnh Carolina are ti i :i.ie at tueir Sunday iia. to be held at Mt. . Chatham tounty, August ho. day - bxols and their ohuri. h, methods of teach- coruiderud by leading (b. i-o.uo News. ' There is a man on Biu-.iy .Mountains who secured two Bibles lioin the Rev. Tha i. L. Troy, who is rep resenting the American Bible Society in ihib country, and weut to Wilkesboro and pawned them to a barkeeper for whiskey. Mr. Troy is doing a good work, but such as the above is rilher discouraging." Rev. Levi Brauson has commenced work'prcparatory to his fourth voluma of North Carolina Sermons. The last volume contains thirty first class sermons bv thirty ministers lrom various denomi nations in our Slate. One of them "The Rich Fool" is by our townsman. Rev. J. F. Butt. The work contains over 800 pages and sells in cloth binding lor $1.00 and paper binding for 50 cents Winston-Salem would go up the scale ot progress rapidly, says the Sentinel, if iooohiii" uusti vuuons irom an ex- ! hange were closely adhere 1 to by every iilizen. and it bears equally with New ' Berne: "A perfect town is that in which '. you see Urn farmers patronizing the home merchant s. the merchants patronizing home printers, the lalwrers spending the money they earn with their own trades- I men and they buvinir their things nt ' o home instead of going abroad. The tsnirit of rerinroeitv Imrvvpn-i huainna. j ,. Hlul mw,,,al,1M , j laborers,. the farmers and manufacturers, results every time in making the town a good one fr business.'' 4 o'Jt-'- V' y -