.' I- ,.X--jf ifcSCjSa', ECSfc-i-&ib, -Z1 $1.00 For Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. -VOL. XVI. NEW BKRXK. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C OCTOBER r, 189:). NO. 31. -1 1 ''-JT v 1 v-s-r. 7 r ' " y & ij. - ) '..r r I IK BENTON. M D , D.D.S. rTmo'lcs- limited to .p-iativ ad Me- ao uenii -nrgery cuhoui onin u th c.V0' NUr UXme! r;" IBvo n ilu- "t DnUtry don :--- la Ui bt iv le attfctlon torul.'td, inr oorn-ro.' middle -ir .land wler. "f-t Alter. oiwoit ciaotiu i '"- DE.G. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIS Offlo, Uiddle street, opposite Baptiat ebaroh. deoSiwtf SEWBEKN. N. O. DR. J. D. CLAHE, DKNTIST, BKK1K, . C. npiwpfn PolloeS Office aa CraTwa atrwet ad Broad. KHTPELLETIES, UliddTe atreet,First room above Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. pn I toe Id the Goa title of Cruft ' xuret Josn. Onslow mad Pn lloo. " ' Dnited -..te Jourt at New Berne, ioc taeram Oourtof the Htt Dr. H. C. Herring. CONCORD, N. C. ' "Will be ia Jacksonville Octolcr 1. and - - remain few weeks. Those who nwy .seed hia professional services will please call or address him at Jacksonville 5 . alOdUwlnt, S. R. STliEET, ---- General !RE ANDLIFI Insurance Ao-ent, c. c-'-;- ' THE NEW BERNE KNITTING MILL, m now prepared to furniah Half Hose ' Yxbiocs Quauties Colors in ota to. suit purchasers. , ; Send tea cents for Samples and Prices. d22wt .Pure! Brilliant! Perfect! nUbkd Etertwhere, asd Endorski -;, . .Whkeever Uskb. 'Jk4 Mott Pvyular Glae in the I . S. -Tby are daily worn ana .re warmly pratMtt by the nolid REPRESENTA TTVE MEN ot ihw coon try, rony of thma tteiuK of Nmtional fm. The lint " Mabrar Btnkm. M-rohonts. Lwj erg. OoTernor 8ea.urs. Foreign Mioitm. ' Jf aebaato.. Preachers, EMINENT IN ALL PROFES SIONS AND TRADES. TTYSIGTANS RECOMMEND THEM. BUT KOSE BUT THE ESCIXE. Tfeeae perfect 01asa are iwcarately ad irtd t all eye. at tbe Drag 8 tore of F.8. DUFFY, New Berne IT. C. "?,.' i24dw ; J'- THE farmers & .Merchants Bank Began bnsmesa May 1891. Capital Stack, paid ia, 75,000.00 fUnlac 4.0OO.00 CaiiTided PreflU, PiTldeada paid, OFFICER8 : Im H. Cunjxa. - W. 8. Ckadwick. T. W. Dxwrr. : A. H. Powau, - 2.6OO.O0 8,250.00 President. Vice Pres. Toiler, i '"loco.r. ! . O. E. Smith, With .ell Mthlishf ro.i..r.i..t.H il..! B&ok is prepre-l to offer .tl, acc mono- ' l tl examiner. tio omsistei.t with c-.-rv.,ivr; Rpre8enati v& Gra,y j8 again Prompt and caret al attenr oi, c.en t sti rnng up the Postmaster general. "yS6""-. , . ... I Stick to him uncle Ben until he WaviU b pleased t. c rrev nd with those wbo mij cmteinpUu making! turns the last '-rascal'' oat. Fay famgaa oc oponrug nem account etteville ought to give you a bar- JUST RECEIVED AT I R. PhlB JR. o o g : f ; A Fresh Lot of Jacob C. Shaffer & Co's SMALL SUGAR CURED HAMS. Abo a lot of those Tresh Oorced Portsmouth Mullets. And a fall line of Choice Jfamilv Groceries. Trj my 3 ct-. Flour. Give me a trial and your orders hall have mj personal attention. masking my many friends and th public geoeratly for their very many past favors and truariDg to hare a part of your fatnre busi ness. I am Very Respectfully, J. E. PAHEEE Jfl. No. 77, Broad St. " WE StiLL " Choice Timothy Hay $1.00 per hundred pound. Oats, Cora, Hominy, Bran, Feed AND ATX KINDS SEEDS. ' At Oradhsm's. Craven Street. 25000 Boshela Kice Wanted' EDITORIAL NOTES. This State has won medals for its sTinlfnrl and mineral exhibits at the World's F nr. Rations are issued three times day to 1,100 poor people by the committee in Brunswick. . .... , 'I h iiircrnur r in t ri rna.1 e.or, g.ess to meet in Ralegh October 18th. Tbe criticisms ot Senator Stew art on Mr. Cleveland are sharp but not weighty A husband who had been miws mg out west torus up jQ8t in time to preveut his wife's second mar riage. Tne Atlanta Constitution claims tii it tin si u ess is defter in Atlinta tuiu in .my i:)."-r city Miirti or west. Fancu th8 correspondent of a Si viQQii paper, ha been bauished from B, uiuswiok, G ., for slander ous statelm, t - Cholera is mcieasing at an alar-i,iiigra-e at Leghorn, Italy, and b n tmiktju out at S.etin, Gfima .St Joseph, Mo., ha l a million dollar fire on the 25 b, .nst. Three - I mhIi.1 tthu-bs of rhe finest, hnsiness . .,. Dr. J. J. Kuoti sas be has dis - covered the cause of yellow fever aud its remedy, tie vauts to go to Brunswick to test bis theory. The mtuonty ts still bossing the senate. There is a popular impress on that 'n this country tbe mxjori. t is entitled to rule. The Democratic State Commit tee, of Virginia, complains of the difficulty of getting Democrats into the Norfolk Navy Yard. Michael McKeon, the patient with the broken ueck, in Mauhatten Uosoital, is still alive and sufferr no pain. C.I. J. S Carr, of Durham, will represent North Carolina at the Anerioan B inkers' congress iu -O'Uoag.), Ojfol) r 18 'i. Au International Oyster Con. gress, to discuss the culture of the toothsome bivalve, will conveue in Chicago Oo'ober 16- The Goldsbtiro Headlight says that Sal. C. Well, oi Wilmington IB to be District Attorney Aycock's ass slant. John E. liussell has been 'iomi Udted for Governor of M lssaohu setts by the Democrats. Lie is not related to tbe present Governor Win. W. liussell. Tbe Canadian express companies have decided to arm .heir messen gers with Winchesters. Train rifling must give way to the trained ri fles. Charles N. Decker, of New York, was convicted of bigamy at Peters burg He had two wives in Virginia, one in Maryland and three iu New Yoik. A niece of Stephen Girard has petitioned the trustees of his vast estate for a pension to keep her Irom starving. The trustees con trol $12,000, 000, but they have no authority to grant such a request. We much regret to see it stated tha'. M. F. Moore, of Washing ton N. C, has been de barred from practice in the Inttrior Depart- . - ... . v...v. U,eu' ,ur a "I'"" peo- oecae wbeu that cwn comes j down. j The Charlotte Observer has now ; a home ot its own, aud it richly de . serve it. TheO (server demonstra- tes tne tjuth that the way to make a paper pay ts to make it Orst clas-. extend cordial coDgratu- 1 at ions. roe new ctui-er Columbia which ' ,rt ucat Jlowtt halfway, lor it will i . , . , , , l take at least a yer lor the tarill I made her trial trip a(e' daysL..,,, ,A. ,.t .... 1 ago is said to be the fastest ship in j I the world. She developed a speed i of 21 J-10 knots an hoar and didn't ' ... do her besf. : lis gr.-at-grandfatlrer, grand la' icr and fattier hung tneuiselves. : an 1 f arm. r Joseph -lyaiu, 01 Greed villi . Iii has jnst followed t be ir example Tbe V.. sh ti gr.iu 1'o-t says: 'Bo h -ides I. ,ve ii i- settled hack i.ito a con 1 1 it tmi of patient waiting almost as proiouud as that ol the hibernating bear. N tiune has vet been set lor tne nour oi awaking, it , may come in two weeks: it may not come for as many moutns." of thf, pav-10 uaiuil, this law oannot It is clear that the situation does be built upon nor patched in such not improve. It would be surely a way is to relieve tbe situation, wise to call a caucus of all Demo- I am, therefore, opposed to the free crats and fix up a plan upon which and unlimited coinage of silver by all can stand and the law of the this country alone and independ partv lie carried out. At present 1 ently; and I am in favor of the im it looks as if legislation maybe mediate and unconditional repeal : bhtcked all roand. Wilmington Messenger. The Brazillian Minister at Wash ington confidently asserts that there is no danger of the re estab lishment ot a monarchy in Brazil. howevrtbe present civil war may terminate. Tne South American Kepublics, as a rule, have not so managed their affairs as to do credit to the cause of self govern- menf i A Dew material is proposed as aTHE IMil.li A I. ul-ioi. I I! ! anhaHta.tA for leather. It is called PRII I) EXT (LEV EI-AN 1 -,-.-,....-vs. j "tlexus fibra," and is derived from I rlax. unfah'.v nrenared and oiled It has the same appearance a leather, is particularly sapple and ! . . . - . ii II !,,. 1 ; taKes a polish equany wen w uu ..or j best kinds .if calf. The material is ! DAi 1 m t.iishps ereat tenacitv, while - ... - i- " i arT-Tdiug gre.it a , oom ion, to tho foot when made m o hoes. h'lTiis rihra. tieint' tf vejT' t mie or mm. is c tlculat. d .'-o to facilitate free ventilation and thereby to ob viate the discomfort arising from what is called "drawing"th" fee:. She coi respondents who are back from Allentowu, Pa., repon that Vice President St. veuson was rrceivp.l wtii nret entusmfin. Hi siuiplr deniorraey was appri elated, too. The sler'pin car was crowded. The correspondents were as free slider, aud the berths on a gold basis. Vice President Stevenson aud G jn. Blaek. ol Illinois, had ! the s aterooui with big double beds in it. They both chorused: ''There ; is plenty l room iu here. Two of j you loys turn in with us." The i hoj , howevt-r, had fixed it up, and j pntt mg a tat m an and a lean man 1 in the saujei berth, made oat very I well ashineton Post. I u.... Pn.u, j young Settle are interesting tbem- selves with the Populists and Re publican Senators to have the ap pointment ol Mr. Simmons defeat ed. Vie can readily understand why they aboald oppose the con firmation of one who managed the late uampaigu in this State so suc cessfully agaiust them, and did such flna service for the Demacratic par ty. But these ery reasons should secure for bim the unanimous sup port of every Democratic Senator, which we do not Jdoubt that Mr. j Simmons will cordially receive, and thus be confirmed despite all tbe efforts of the opposition to the Democratic) party. rnrN- Q- S. 0. Under the new order of things ia the Pension Bareau Commission er L ichien thinks there will be no, d-flciency to be made up at the cloe of the current fl-cal year; while for 1894 he estimates that a total appropriation of 16s,G3l,57Q will be sufficient. The advent ot an Administration devoted to pjblic.lul not m. It - il nis nonomT7 unH thft pnfirffmpnt. rif'Cboseart.oii.eLtlia the laws has resulted in a postpone ment of the time when the annual pension list should have swollen to,gbiweil bis j,,;,,, 8200.000.000. Fortuuatelv lor the'tul loeali i.-s. II Treasury, the leaks have been stop ped, and outgo is only through leg itimate channels. This is a distinct public advantage in that it demon strates tbe possibility of applying to the granting ot pensions the same regulations of investigation and tbe same principles of equity that gov ern all other matters of public ex - uenditnre. The organs ot gold are still tal king about the very pronounced improvement ia the business situa tion, Por the sake of the country is to be hoped that this all amounts to much more than talk that there is a genuine foundation to it, and that the business ski s are becom - ing moie cloudless. That the con- dition is something better than it was a month oc six weeks ago is doobiless true. But after all, the return to prosperity is slow, and it I will be some mouths before the I Usiaal br i h , nes, says: "Of all whole country feels it. The whole'fhe extraoultnaiy leaunes of tins qaestioj of improvement in the ag" I exria ir.iinary si , re it ail'tws, how ricultural South is dependent upon evr r, i be su o t-n g m um-I lies in the condition of the crops and tbe j the appaiem inab ir .. our Con- prices paid for them. With short ecru, whet, eotton, rioe and tobac. co crops aud with low prices there) the malady .ml il'.-e 'u pre will te no very marked improve- jseop'ion I.t its ionic ly ment in the Soush for a year to But, an insiip.-rabb- .i Hie ilty pre coma whatever the Congress may jsents itseli at On- mi'fe . Tnere is do as to legislation . With iodiffer a bo-s docor n.i m d ignosed en t crops and very 1 w prices the the case ..mi gi.fi Irs prescrip farmers will hardly be prosperous tion. No coo-ni mg iy-iciari is if tbe financial legislation shall be I allowed.. Tue pi s i i o i is j 4. all that wisdom and equity can de-! lap and ipecac or not lung mand, and if the McKinley monster 1 Genius, le truing ab.; xpenenee preciatde extent the toiling mass- j e8. T , . , In replying to the Governor of . . Georgia, 1 resident Cleveland savs: Wlthjll lhe ,iniit of what j have ... T . ,. ...a -... i i ... written, i auj iiieiiu oisiier, oui relieve its proper place in our proper currency can only be fixed by a readjustment of our currency legi. l'ion and the inauguration of a co isistaut aud comprehensive fiuan ctil scheme. 1 think such a thing en i only be entered npon profitably -jr., I lirtrfnl x(t fir tho rannal nf tin u ,v which is charged with ah our financial woes. In the present state of the purchasing clause of the so- called Sherman law. I confess I que(t...ns n id to tnm rtm g,e tr am astonished by the opposition in e8t re-pec and r ir c -,e r personal the Senate to such prompt action relatll)U, ,.a 4Mt ,in ,, cordl,,. as would relieve the present unfor- Senrtror Vemhees ..,k oasmt, to tuuate situation. My daily prayer is that the delay occasioned by such .V"t P-mocraMc Senators made opposition may not be the cause of no defense ol t he IV esident because plunging the country into deeper none was ne.il d depression than it has vet known. and that the Democratic party may not be iustlv held resnonsible for 1 such a catastrophe." ON i lVrMd. '1.- I it- I h g H I1 ge n i i' 1 1 i as of th. CI : 1 1 1 1 cans ; mr i 'I- ' i a i. l.e lo al Ileum;': t f hurttul to ' lie prui. . to tbe G . w-i ii in c ii r . P ly us mucu c i i i -1 1 1 Oeinocr i' who un, .,.- ...i ) r im si - . Cl.lIIrN - j uhI I I'o ui JlolU'V r in of the Pre- I licit 1 1 U ' e con vi taire - ( ridence in hi n ' eijr i: ii, d his courage. W hat cr i- stol by politicians may be co.i-ul.i c,i t jo- c ullai.iiol part spiiit, lint i he ii tii.in.'.-s oil the li- ligloiis pi e-s a, 11 produce a ru ni'c lasting l rn ; i -- i o. I'1 c 15 lei .1 l C , ;i I is i he g i n of 1 1;- 15 i,i : - ol N r l ti L ii . . 1 1 j i , -t lid Ira - .i! a dilt'l, and -eli.re eien i .mis d : - ell : i gt ll Is -c r i y lie ecu i -d 1 s ii'.H .mil saci ed ilu'a--. Tue govern (i.r;1 , Hi ,u per is a d .i -;e r mi C! ! 1C1 tl - 11 ' . i V 1. ! in ol a ) a pa ct! Cal.- not be disieg i Th.- B tpu-: the stro; ge Nort h Cai ' . iloutced l-.i' tbe sentiii,e!!;- ded u lth s ilety . I . i) le: w, t he , 1 e i i , In i ; : . i 1 o : i 1 li 1 .In:! I 'II .1 . : i - t (it . ti-,- ir!,-l tetlccit. (d a la u'' I'i ' i-H lt Of its fflrlU ifi s We do Hot entile a the Recorder, bu . ,-u -: i acterofthe piper au.i i a-., wrtr t tie c Ii ar - consl i tuency, we have conclu led to 1 ve the article tinnii ie.nl, '.s, The Recorder, of Se;it , J7. sav: "Qrover C-leVt i iml will nrootiily be tbe last pie-men' f..r in my years to come to be n riec eo. l iie evils of a secoml alia, nil- raMon haye been sink r i ts I d-nious rated since bis l.n .- i. aimu- iii oi. His numerous ar tr r.i . aors in the p,t-t few months on o ne a.-cmo'eo I for by asser r i n , !j , be n s a 1 way s I li.lt pi lideuce been a man I g'e.if Of Spirit , of liidivi in i p -1 w, -1 . ot on daunted cjiivictioi.s. ew will give bun en dit lor tbe-e j 1 . 1 1 ; i, ; but there is a differed e atlle dlll'-reuce n tne ., Cleveland the I i.ex . ..-i oi.c i e in ark- .,c. loos ol C- .1 PiC.s - .lay. ! . null! !e iioiftal; i ' o i n f e on Cievr a si'i'imil dent, and the Piesldei.i is na; Q1. ,),, , ,, ,, expected ol a-i a ii 'ii mi aud most .-I u , are . f' In his tirsi id m t i i r a' wasdeslior- ol seeming election, anil lie ac ed ie Never was :i pi.- -.'ilen ii ice t 1 1 ii g ly . none c a ' I . e i e u ' h lie as r e p I e sell f -tl belied r 1 1 ill -a 1 1 ve. and w inch 1 in various S i e i his pat ion o,. in I I! I' I ha ' Ml lit I d party 'he el i possible; ai. d. ODce lor t he Pi e two re in - in h i i restored to p i 'No v lii ai k has sun on H ile.i sonal ca hirir i , r. paid ueit Her ' n n i f, -it, (1 ;! i 1 lied tiaalD en ce II. w i ,- li a p. i , .1 V I ,, g be. II 1 1 . r , 1 1 1 ' I - oo-'-s III si . g oil 1 , g 1,1- pnpulant v , I ) 1 houor r uie ud 's very i adherents THE MI IIPI.E j An old It,.t ' bania, in lolio i m fir r in Ala. n g ion- of b i s 1 1 1 , t n- j ren who hail pr.-acrird mi flection and Free (irnv . d; Ii mv i !J'ou feel l lli-.ini .o, bis nbj-cr, 'just call up if h-w, Mur. Lik.- and John, mi il ' iie c , n r. t. i y o r straight you are m tin- muddle m a bad fix '' The Washing; i l',.sr, wiib its i (ressioi!al t a s il I'll i 1, ll It ,, ,111 c i to reach soum iien.n e d ignosi of are of uo avar aKcint ,.,,1 n absolute uid II It i- lice v ' l i s n: . l IU I IM' m ; tm ' III -IV .:id li . of he a!i- the opin ioi! ,-f s citrs. No hmg place of the Wilson- 'o Tiiere a. i i :;i fill deflererice 'o ot tiers was r eg irn wi'lr the iiigb. -t and t he mi i cs: p . lytellce ()f :l , the ; ii i on s ot coo son an a ' -s ll, a I o ,., '. 'il IS inn -il The ex- ev (li "c. iifL I'llde ol i hat, 'ther eon t: T I: t I '1' Is .1 ImIhiii I ' cQr- Let a i nn i . oi members ol Congo i , in- :c. let e I in i n. Si-natot Sew an a'tneked the President i. ery tiiife. siu the Sen ate Iu the cm! so of lis reiruiks he if ii'in-1 ro relau ins existing be t ween t he Pr. Morgan. The rose and state side it and S-niatoi A la ' 1 1 in t Sen tror I tint " lim- i c biller- -j wirli fire I'l.-stdeir mi some Our grai.o business. i. not io -i what lies riin.U ar d:sr:,nee hut 1 to do what lies clearly at hand. !: AND 1 Al l. )1 fib' I VI' (.'aiming I th I arnlina. i' I i in la .am I'aii First Its Ris I-a. .loi i:n al: L'onimentinLT on sumo correspondence from Ualeich to the Nnr fiilk arciniaii concerninL' the oysters and o-tci intei'i'-ts ol'Xorth Carolina. The .picslion i, aked l)V the JouiiN.M. why si..u!. not native eajiital Ix invested in Tn;- iti-t ry --ineanii) oyster cunning. I ui-h to a-k the .Iot:rtNAi. if native capi tal li i- not I fen employed in this indus- il ... it the native cnpital has t with the same late loreion capital - 1 1: it is il all I lie lactones both iho-i i ; ui ,1 ished by foreign mid native . .ipiial invested dome; in, t r i - in i h ilev. r ami why is this so. Win is it that all of the tanneries in the Iale uelu closed last year I, lit two. and they, not makimr expenses, will be cl. s, this year r Win is it that nearly el. if inn .pete aM, of the slnickini:jhonses in.,; im n- in opei ition a tew years airo are now closed ' land most of t'jo-e -li nek inu inHNs ere owned and oper ated b native capital. There e.xisls -..ui.. i.ai.-e. what i-j tin; u.iu-e. W hat scenic to me to iie the first thing to settle is the cause of the death of this iietUsiry in this Mate. With'vour per- im-i, i 1 will ive the ( hi. f and prinei- pal , i whole cause of the destruction of s. the lti-i atest ministry in this citate. d'lin so 1 will show why neither iveeipital noranv other capital can inyiote-d m Una indu.strv In thia State. l I Wl.-it is tie." cause ! Is it legislation. Now let us see if we are correct. I'o prove that the prvcnt law. of the M ia- are destructive lo the oyster nidus- . them, and went to look at them, If he i ry , we will not ,'() tar back, as it in ' w ill order them down, we are ure he unnecessary; we. will take that period j w ill recti v; (he In-arty thanks of every wlen the industry was growing and j Christian person in the community and lloiirshiiiM; in the Slate tand compare the warmest from the heart of ev.:ry "Cnris i est ui ion of that period lo the leeislut ion ; ' inn woman, for our mot heir and wives ot todav. In ins;, orti- leyislaturs tiutied a law nt ii a-, I. --An act to promote the cultiva- i of this i lis'Ust ini; abomination of iieath i ion nf Shell tisli in the State." When I crnism. No uio.lest woni m has caught ihi-w-.s enacted there was but one j the first glimpse of them but lias turned eaniii i v ihen in operation in the State aw ay her hea, I in very shame. Chvis i liit ..in- was Moore & Brady 's in t his city, tianity has some riolits which even I'll, -canning businejs was then in it. m- ; travelino show men are bound In respect, Ian, v In i e and under ihe healthy Mitlu-' one of w hicli is, not to have ! his kind o i n ci a- oi the Legislation of Imm.7 and 'bH , immoral tfarhage Ihriist into its fair face, the ii;-!i-i industry oa. liner' to grow aud I We are fold that anv agitation, or anv ,i . i. I- :..! : .. ..,..i :.. ,1... I i.:.... : :.:..' ...... ' "t"'".' ",u"1" 11 ':?TI :n.lu-lry was paying a good dividend ; 1 ' e np.oyiiR-iii, ana an " , . ,i . , . ,, i , w is leeliiiM the salutary effect of this, :ln ir young but growing industry. In ls.-CJ our law makers seeing the good effect act i i illlere Was -i 1N7. il the Legislature ot ISSi passed an it le. I ''An act to protect the oyster t ol the Stale.' This legislation pp'cmcntal to the legislation of The effect of this legislation caused capital to turn into tics Slate and un.l. r the supposition thai if invested in t !nn glow nig, mdiisiry it would be pro lei ted, several oilier canneries were built, shucking houses were opened, until in the w inter of ly'.H) and 'til not less than eight canning lactones were in operation i ' 1 I i . e S , . , I e li:d o V 1" I ll i I 1 cell s! Illek i Itg hoii-is. Over a half mi llion dollars was employed ill the piiyment of labor and lor l he pin chase of oysters during the oysti r season of 1 MjO and 'ill oyer three thousand laborers were employed at the canneries and shucking houses, beside the oysierineii engaged ill catching oysters on tin rocks or beds, iind those engaged on boats transporting oysters to the canner ies and shucking houses which were many h undrei I more. The ovsternien were thrifty; labor was c, mi mam ling good wages; all eastern North (.'arnlina looking upward and on ward and all .Lie to tho benign infjuenecii ol the 1, gislation of 187 and stl, which Lgislauoii wasiniffcc.t for the prote in m am I promotion of t he oyster interest ol i lie Stale. I'art Second. Its Kali. In my last article I traced the oyster industry to the growth of its prosperity. 'I'1 e prosperity was short lived. The I' gis atute ol s'.H came ami went, but nf..!, they uciil (hey stabed this iiidus in a ia'.al stab. The w hole ny-ier legls-i-iti.m was i hanged and ra.iic.'i ly changed. Those who had been induced by the former legislation to invesi their money in i hi-industry saw their property d.es- : i , ... i , I and protested against it, but to no iv. iii. The legislation of lsill was as . oi-nl as the oyster itself to 11 appeals and t. asonings of those who had invested n 1 1 1 i s industry and who had labored to l.nild it uii. While the legislation of is'.n w i- . I.-s: nirtive to the oyster indiis irv tii..-e t wlimn were entrusted the nee agi nem and enlorccnieiit nf the law wa re i h i i mi ned to drive all who had my, -lei capital here in it out of it and - -ii it, ded in doing so. iii U- the legislation of 1 S f 1 1 drove all i he lactones from the State and broke up ill,- shucking houses and caused them to I. ..v.-. il was lelt for the legislature of lsnn to finish it but two factories did hii-iness in the State last season and lii i a son they will not open up. I'rom a half million dollars a year ex plained in the business in the season of s;io uii,! lS'.H la-t season not so much as i bat many cents wen; expended; from :;.oon laborers getting profitable employ ment in this industry not over one tenth ... that number are employed now. I he ovsternien. boatmen and boats all lieeiving remunerative employment. 'In lee loiirt lis nf them are now idle all irom lhe effects of the legislation of ls'Jl M. Hughes, and 1 s;i:. and still the Chief Shell Fish j Commissioner in a series of resolutions' Vocal and Kprmnn Class. w'nii h he j dn w himself, recommending i Notice is hereby given that a thorough, in- n- appointment (and which he had ' sistemal leal course of Vocal instruction ..--. I at a meeting at Oeracoke in j w i II be opened by 1 he Key. Mr. I. Kaiser Aug ;st la-t when not over fifty (50) ms-nn next Monday cvoiing. October tin- Ud, ': i j,, u were present! has the audacity to ' :,t t he Col legiate I list i t ilte at 8 o'clock, -iv ilnt tlm ost,r interest was never so ' All those desirous of joining the class will prosperous as now in ta'-e of all the facts plea'c, eit her not i ly h : nr by mail, or bv inal I hae heiciiij state 1 which ev ry ' calling at Mr. Moon's Hoarding lious--. ! Ty k -,"W - to be iri.e. : South front .Mreil. where le- tiviy b. Now what ought lobe said and done; found. These Vocal studies wi' b'ciiii-1- this. ..iie press of the Eastern portion of - thmad uninterruptedly during tiie i he m ite should make diligent enquiry . corning winter, every Monday ami Thurs in i , , this in, lust ry and then puLl ish the day evening at s o'clock sharp, i.-iili ol their investigation, and not; Mr. Kaiser will ii!m open a German scheming and d igning .n 1 1 1 i lhe p II, I 1 IWs to mislead ami misintorm Get the facts before the lure that good wholesome enacted and then we will lies open and the industry i-h tact. ii il prosper. olutioii was introduced at the last A i, ii ot the legislature to investigate industry and the conduct ot the f l ', ,i u ni i ssioiie r, without expense to t h .s ( hi lhe State but for some cause it was pigeon holed, by the friends of the Chief Commissioner and this legislation they did nm want the lights turned on they preferred to keep the business in dark ness, to the detriment of tot only those who had invested their capital in this in, !u-t rv fait to the oystermen and lhe entire people of the State. The prc-s lias seen the business in a flourishing condition and it is noyy seen in its languid dead condition, and yet the pi.-ss with hut few exceptions has said but little about it; the causes have not been invi stigated by it, if so (hose who hue made the investigation have have kept it to themselves. i am not w riting this in a spirit of iii IheVroMtoVn up of thw one in. lu-trv 1 1 1 :i t will make Kastern Oiruliiia, t i"i uealthi,. an J most prospfrous .-cciloii i,f tlir Slate. The Ecoi it Fa!.-, u t,f E. C'itv is the oniy iaper ill tile -,, t m'i IIis tn take any inlele-t in tin- impoitant in- I "-try. Jim n a .uir s,v maker- can Li' -Iiiiuii the neers-ity ot returning t" the !i-i-lai i, ii ,,(' 1 sm; ":,mi ss'j. Un.i the ahiindoiiiii nf the h L'islat i-m of ISUI and ls'J.i, just then w id the industry ojien up ami prosper-, out until then it is dead, forever dead. 1! I'. WlU.lAMS. Verdict in the Roanoke Sliootiiitr. Tlie con. in i-s jut y tragedy ha ye rem h i i eiih t men who were t In- re i en ol mob nigl-t ' auie to tiieir i the ham U i .f im n ,, . oke I.icht Inl m! i v, Capt. .lolin Rir.l and 1 ha; lie- i i id, in - h act i ui; 11 1 1. i. i i 1 1 -1 i m 1 din- jii loi s lii i e k ii !. that I In mi im 1 ju ry , con rt or aul hoi ii .-, VestiM,,. lie 1 1 - m . t ! i i y said otheials. The verdict i - r. favor tiler.-, it beiinr all that ihe jury c.ul- i the i v iilem.e in I in- i ; le liieinok. ; 'a. verdict til it the t down .lurintr on L-dnesday "by weapons in i is ,, :-,,- Homi r e- - i. n, : in, I of I - i 1 1 , . i - ' ami ' at he was '. :.i or Trout, t" recommend aW eat ol H, d r t her competent i nl and in - e i Ii of II of (I 'en. lal m lact, ml from ; v . . I uilli -..n-idere.l. ! n-l i ti.ii ! y ti Obsone Pictures Kditou: We were Mu. ,'reatlv sur- prised in pa n u' own town yesterday iiierniiiir. to notice the pictures exhibited on the streets. Timy ware ol such an outrageous eh.u-ieter thai it isditheult to see how by whai oversight they cmih! have oe n a. lowed to be lnmjr. We called tiie attention of th Mayer to tlium, and he said ho had not seen j and daughters ami sisters are most scan-! ' dahzed aud ilishonoreil by the exhibition I , ', '" ,nsure ai'L Ever see anything nicer t Look at I nil house. 1 hat is perhaps true, but : this immense, bundle" of su-ar cane. i.m. ceriamiy so. Ami ceriainty, U it U'.-es ,, . .,,,,,,,,,-,! ii,. iii,ii,o' i, il ill iiiurve a t groat ditterence in the ciiaracier of the j audience. I he ''bas, i-s,irl" may rally in force, but many a mother w ill entreat her son, and many a sister her brother to avoid it as a place which leads down to the chambers of death. And the inllueiices set in operation by t he agitation, through the faithful efforts of (.Sod's people, in the in tervening days and especially Sunday there b; reason t i hope, will be bir reach- ing and deep and ahidim. Ii. KesoUitioirs of Kesnect. Whereas i( has pleased our Ib-a y i rather ,n his -ilwi-- wi-I-xn to remove Irom our circle and tiie woiid our much loved Iriiaid and i hoolinute little Sadie A. Wood, therefore lie it Kesolved 1st, That we the membprs. of Briees Creek M. E. Sunday School bow in humble submission to the will- of Almighty (bid realizing that in Sadie's death our school hs lost one of its brightest and most precious jewels, also one of its most exemplary members. 2nd, That every member of this school does hereby most feelingly sympathize with the sorrow stricken parents and family ot our deceased little scholar and classmate, :td. That death may the oaml'sof life unloose P.llt can't dissolve oi- ,,ye, Mil lions of s, mis compose The family above. his words the mourning parents hear And shout with joy divine: O Saviour, all we hae and are Shall be forever thine. 4;h. That these resolutions be spread upon tic minutes of this school and that a copy be sent to the lamlly of the deceased with the assurance of our sin cere sympathy, also that copies be sent to the Raleigh Christian Advocate and New Heme Jocknai, with request to pub lish the- same. Kkn.v M. Conn ku, i JkNMK M. I..V1I1 am. ' , , (iKonoK II. I.vniA,V"""11,m'' GAlSK A. CoNNKIt. Address on (ien. Pender. It "gas been already annour.ced in the Messenger, that Mr. Donnell Gilliam, a vnuflg lawyer ofTarboro ot much talent "o,,i .,r.. ,idl,, 1,, .1. a, .... , r ...;..i ,,ii.ii.i.'Lii,-..iso.,.,o.iiii.e .'niiioii.ii, ii ,. ;. urn ii .i i Day l l Is. 14 an address imnii he ife and character ol ., lai. (b-n. V. I). Pen- der. who is buried in Tarboro. He is anxious to secure all the material that will aid him in the preparation of his address, and to that end solicits all persons puss, ssed of valuable informa tion, incideiils or anecdotes, nr who have collected written matter concerning Gem Pender to communicate with him re garding Ihe same. Wil. Messenger. DIED September 2ith at Astoria. Long Island, in the Hist year of her age. Mrs. Anna E. SmaMwood, formerly a citizen of this place. She w a the mother of the lae J)r. E. V. Sui.i 1 1 am 1 i ,f Mrs. Annie class, to those who desire to acquire the knowledge of the German language and literal ll re. For either of these branches Mr. Kaiser will charge the very moderate price of per month payable in advance. He will also give private lessons in both branches, at the house of pupils, it so desired. Chil.lnn wishing to j ,in the Oratorio class, must present themselves Collegiate Institute on Tuesday ( letober 0,1, at -1 p. m., for the hearsal, as those who nunc later be admitted into the class. at th if: rnooi tir-t le will not When H.,1, When si. l '' he" fast, .ri.-v :: i- ,1 t ,- I -ast,,riu.. elaag t" . ';isi. .ria. p-avi1 them C:istoria- I i 1 , 1. 1. . When sh,. . ,-,,. "Itlss. i. Wk.-ii she hah I liiMr.-n. : Children Crv Pitcher's Castori; , . , Children Cry for Piiciier's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ynildren ry lor "toner's Castori, u. XOKTU (AliOLINA AT(1II(A(.0. A Tribune Rrporlrr (iiies Throiitfli t lie Exhibits of the Tarheel State. "What North Ca ie pnne '." Tin n- p-ni an el- pal pn was a askeil ill years a'( . ill -. "la an y mi I t ii rpem im Ihlt if j vi.-it the N'oi ih X 1 li 1 I ! :n .M--ii-iiltiiral I ' i i 1 . 1 i n ;n v ah U. i ; - iihn he v ii tin- nickname . f '" n he, lla C been : i j 1 1 1 ' i , ! to I h'- i di Cm Imiaiis. "' "' '' -I'el till pel. tine ," he -aid " repom -i- i',,r i he Tribune. '. yes. we raie tar. pilch ami 1 u rpent i ne, ami it il in-iu-lry. i,,o. The v.orlil wouM pretty nearly sf,n, still but for our tar. iiteh and Hi i p.-n i i n,-. I , talking with an ;iL., nt of the i:u--ian Ctovernment the oth, r d,,y t;,i., .-u',,.(-. Old he e-ot o lL., th.lt ie j,,,, lii.-- Lfi ipsac-k oml sta.iteil ,,r Nortii Cur- olm-i. lb- is ilown t lo t,- miw iiiM ,,ur ,ro,lui la and tlii ik- h L'reai t Inn for lbs p,-, ,),!,. .'' im . si Mat is .ll.lIlM ; ' 1 ar. ouch am t II I'DOtlt 1 lie i ,,, ieipa. .ro,biels. (hen ;" I "Who said that? I know u r I l:e ,1.1 Lre,.,MiiphM, ,s,., ,,, ' . -lit u e liave '. Why. X.,r:h -p o! Xortl, ry Ti.tnir that is Mate is. ".(in mii, -i-u kn-.w, a:, i in repu'iiateii lli.-m ,m1m ., 'arnlina is the gar. len I America. We raise , y i good down tin-re. Our ! uide, from east m w.-.-i trial sjrace we have every yarn-ty i f ,:-, , nets. The s,-ab, iml cm-iei will lines. ncre you eer m a pin M , If you were not, oii in via knew n ln-altli and ieaee. The Noi l hern people iu-t re. I pine ciuntrv, i ,p,i i.biy (hose win and our a Ve j pidmrinary complaints. Tire ver aiiiios j pheie is not only fragrant, but "hea.ing-. As you sit in the door of your cabin dr. uking in the balsatv.y perfume and iislen to the slghi ng-of 1 ,e win, I through the boughs ,, unlike in v other mii-ic in tin. worl, I, yonr nerves reia.x, vrni begin to feel forgiveness for your eiieai., you lie- ,eve that Ooc lis love ...id that earth is I heaven, and th. n suddenly your eyes' close and you dream that you are sittini'1 on a golden sunset clould lutoning- to the singing of angels and eating ambrosia. Tar, pilch and turpentine yes. we have pine , rees, nut oesnies thy pun, trees we h iae more : man am than her abode, nf n. an in North Ainerie-iV "What, for instance '. ' jiav'nooii "Why, Just look around tile won me a moment. Do ymi -i'i: bale of cotton 1 Well, that is the cotton exhibit in this building from United States. Judge of cation this. onlv th'e Feel ( Iii I1L k(lw that we produce" sii-ar. nt know that we produce siieai. I suppose, out we do. He il.i nut glow sugar to sell, bu just to show that we can grow the best sugar in lhe country and to supply enough syrup for home consumption. All this, mind you, in the poor end of our State, w hich produces the tar, pitch and turpentine that you talk about." 'T'.ut can you raise vegetables 'Vegetables! What" would you northern people, eat if we did'nt raise vegetables ? We have the greatest mar ket gardens in in (he pine country on thei globe. Look at these potatoes, tomato. peas, celery, cauliflower egg plant. MAI AT KX1IIBIT III AOKICULTl'liE. and small fruits that we grow. vVe sell $7,000,000 worth of them every year. Kalamazoo thinks she has a comer on celery, but she is doomed. We mean to knock tiie spots out of her celery beds in just two years. Wdiat do you think of this line of fruits in glass jars: Talk about California. Can California show j anything like these? Just 1 . ok at these , peaches, pe.irs. plums, appK es, and ; grapes. We raise en ry a ripe ilnii, Cali fornia does, an. I a u., a iniiii grape thai 1 originated down our wav, that California ' hasn't got. We are making wine too. ', Most of our wine exhibit ; ,,i the vei j cultural section of the 1 In. i .cultural ! Building, but here you see a lew s iniples. Here is a bottle of our champagne. And j just sample this hand-made w hisky, please. People that drink it grow purer, j wiser, and happier all the time. 'Any cen als in your country V '.I list back of yo-.j. There you see sample:, oi our corn, w heat, oats, bariev, and buckwheat. You Western people I think you raise lhe best riuii. flu: i; you collide:,! one hoeeiike made ,,u.t ol North Carolina corn you y.,u' I bum! your corn crops, am I come and get seed I from us. You are simply not m it wilh j us when it conies to cereals, or grass ; crops, or forestry. This bundle ol or-i chard gra-s. six bet tall, ar.d the bundle or clover, three feet tall, arc the exhibit' of'G. AV. Vari.lcrbilt ol liuncombe counlv. : near Asheville, away oil" in the west end of the State." "What about Van,'., rbilt's place, am-I way:'' ! --Biltmore? Great place. 6(1.000 acres.: finest climate am I preu'nst scenery on' earth. Vanderbiit goes in heavy tor; farming and Imeslry. not for what he can make out of them, out, as lie sa -. , i . . simply to lea. h lue ar-he. .. Imw to ' levelop their State. lie is making a great palace down there, mi the side of the mountain, aa ymi know, and has ju-i constructed a s27.ooO marble tennis j court in . mine, lion with il. Ihi: there is a fly in everybody's oniiinent and Van-; derbilt has run against a snag d..w , I i,-,-ic j that all his money can't remove. I You see he naturally wants all his .m ! i continuous and wholly private ! I..-: own uses. lint he had to aeipiin- it piece meal and when he got it he I ip. i I tint he had completely encircle. ! a ,:t -. farm often "acn s In longing t,, ,n . , nero named S.:.;i. V ., ,s had an ease:::,- ' ,y , i ' h ' . :; i, . ' :; ; . . tad- for ingr -s : ::, ': eg r, ... I T: i- , : ,. I WOI'l V V:i I', lei ' ! : I allV at tiist. lie ili-t sent his ag, nt over to buy S im mil, bui to his snijuise Sam) refused to sell. "The." have never got him out yet. When Sam refused to s,ai his firm tor what it was worth Vanderbiit o;'i',-ie.i 1 t iii a trifle more than it was worth. 11, i: Sam still declined to sr;l. Since (ha: (line numerous advances have been u. id. iu the offer, without iffeci. When a- , ,1 why h w 's s, . , ,1 is; i n-ite S mi simply sal 1 tl , i 'or. Vanderbiit wa- lhe Im st mi,'i I .-.r in- .-, er had am! l:e waiiled b , k. him. So there they ar.'. and V:ni,, i,i ' haJ no peace because Sam can di.ve 1,1 ox curt straight through h:- m ;g, ,.:';. . ,.t grounds." The Charlotte News .-as tlml time is a wonderful rivival iiieeting in ,rog-res- at the Methodist church m Davidson now. The pastor of the church, Ifev Mr. Shelley, is assisted in the meeting I .y Kev. J. B. Carpenter, of (hat city. Up to ' the present there havi ecu .) converts. and night before last there ere 8a pvi tents. It is the greatest meeting cver lield in Davidson, and many of the stores are closed in order that the proprietors and clerks may attend the services. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This ia beyond question the most ucoeBsful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few dosen invariably cure tho worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption ia without a parallel in the history of medicine, Sinoa ita first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly nek you to try it. Price 10o.. 50c, and $1. If your lungs are sore, chest, or hack lame, use Co lon's Poroua Piaster Sold by New Berue Drug Co. ; ', it on;HT to in: stoi i'eo. If Now (osfs North Carolinian More to Ship Their I'roiliK Is to Each Other Than to Send Them I!c yond flic State, i a -1 1 1 .t 1 ( 'it , i .!;( 'lit ol , 1" ir I he - II 11- M. on i-.til belliM si on r i i-i d eiVe, , I and c.vj) n ays blame. r, ith th xpn otli eial o! tl ! t , r say : We agai n than k " Kai r 1-' into th, railroad ul t rat fish from here to Ni-wIh rn our w ord that il we wi iv ,- pin ,1 fi roa. I we won id t ry 1 o "light to be stoppe, I. ' iii the world w liy the- pi P 11 lie re ,p!i . a s i .North Mate -..n! I n a 1, , , a- W.- ! a- tie- ' . i.-. -ball.' of i lai II- It. CI. I : I ' ' o f ; To cent- alio 1 I ,! .,iv : .at rels sh i led there a nn iia I . A Volk a, .u-. in. Is of while the :h that not 1 1 e re ill II rates in tin- Male 1 (Ml bai Ie!s a:.- -! at-.- I'I" y early. The com-.poi., t, ni h , chord, l-'rcight ra'i - in lo be such that i-v. ry I' irade with any other pi u . The East has ti,h and a tin- , ' w ml- -it: 1 II' I e. n tie. ai; 1 w of :h. -t r I ... i.; lie llli be i- line HU.'i lo s, li frililS - ihe Wo. hint share rates lavs a W, 1 In il.t .rtic between the t wo loeali' Again, o',;r stale has 1 1 1. . nl'l . ed 1! l'vc coal niincs, hut in I voild localities inline be ll VI iv tU, I1(.tll u , .,, : . stat';- I Each ami evirv citZell nf th Mate should take pride in Using Notth Carolina products when he can do . as advan tageously to himself ami each coipnra- ; tion in the State should feel it a duly lo bring about such a condiiion as wiil give I the State jiroducts. other things being ! equal, an advantage in the market-, ol the Slate over those from vomi it- idei-. iimarv Conference of the Woman Mi' Society. The Woman's Missionary ,.!. !, ol tin North Carolina (.'.jnleiem e mci m ss,,n at Centenary M. E. Church in this iiv Friday night. A good many visitors besides the delegates were pre-ein. After the singing ol a --Its it.-,' a , a male quartette, licvoiioual . n i..-- w ia omlucted i.y prayer irom lb v. I.. !,. Nash, of Wlliniiigioii, and singula! reading by Ilev. J. A. ( 'unuinggim. Miss Minnie Willis, daiighler ..f Key. If. A. Willis, made ..!,, addn s- ,,f w,- come ' u y, 1 - that w. i . .-' r 1 1, iie-1 :o ' I propriate for the oreimoi,. Ill the absence of Mi-- ! , i- . Hi: , h- in-, wl e. ' w , .. , let i .Le. i ! :' '11 a! I, le I I l.g the conference by -iekm . the n was pleiisingly read by Mis; Sue with of Rik-igli. That beautiful sionary hymn "Tin- iCingdoni i.e.: was then sung by the i hoir. The annual address yva- ileiiyei "IiOhs, Beek the President, Mrs. .1. . 'niming Hrtleigh. It was a -plendid addn veil ru.'id. It briefly took up (in of missions, showing yyhat was accomplished and the ere.it lie further pushing forward the mis call sc. At the close of tin- -eryh , K,o Willis Hlinouneeil t !'. g.t a reception s an 1 wank being "1 ionary Nn. would he tend. r. d all delegates and visitors : present at the residence of Mrs. K. It. , Jones. j The conf, renc wiil meet llii- morning I atnine o'clock. Visitors yyil! be welcome to all the meetings. A Hliyining Kespoiise. The following very m-ai i received Wednesday in u p! sent Tuesday m, :lu- or,,, ops.:: in g "f direct telegraph a t'oii between "W : I n , : ug i Bel ne. o i he !l "I l N. i)n I lehalf of on r ciiroeate th'"" kindly II v and hope for then In ,l'.e-t le lb i Wilmington, N. C To Jim S. Manix. Al .'ni . Your rliy niiig . i - . Both apt and b r- . D, s, rv, s res,,,;,-, i- This (own P. -.. addre-s It- heart t, -t gr. . i : . Its hop, , that t'r :,i i I )nr t w i - I ., .1 - i in powei That l lists.' nm,:; . Their mutal sm And widespr.- e i w-e New Shell Fish ( oint,. I ( ur i oi'gr i ' u 'a! i. : - ' : - J ( ! : N : . s -. . 1 ., : -', ( 1 I. i B Last w ee 1' ,- on t lie I ll ni"!'.- h i -. ( ha-. e M oniltte, 1 A. A N. ye-telda 'file e, tioiial ( I . a i ; ,, I! 1 pap, W eat mor I It to 1 our :e Iv, f i- I ill to good del- opening, Ymi migh; chu ken- o-;i i goo, I I m-i Hesters,- w ay il: W the la-el I , -f te in- t- I . The tola' , hies i- s:;,-j:ii;.-:.ls.li,7',io a. .e- . 4"i7. Tin- t ix -him I hrn-s. s. ! I a : l ' l V : . li-i al-' - l,!'7o mul a. , '.'. - :!:-,! it h-e i -. l.irs goals and -J.ln; sheep rmn the Green 'J.112 entile, Oil -,s hog- ; These figures are taken I yiile Iletlector. STOt'K HOLDERS M E i-TI X"i. List ol New Ollkers-Almost an En lire Re-Election. annual iiio-'.i,. ,,f ,e stotk- At l.ol.le 'f Ihe A. A. N". r liailronil held it Mi u-ehead City Thursday t following officers were clectrd- Directors electe.l le, ) kholderg Ino. M. are Dcmpsy W 1 Moreheud, I.. II. C The Directors ( iovernor are W. S ( 'arraw ay, S. W. L. V. E. i-'oy, W. T. D ill ler. appointed by the Chad wick, W. W. it ham, E. Wadswortli, L. Kennedy, Charlec Dewey ami W. T. Calm. Stale I'ro.w; W. T. D,.,t li. Jr. Daniels, mm E. II. A vco, k, .1. :.d .1. II. I'd W. t. Roberts, s. L. Dill, ,11, Attorney finance Conn I. W,,tc. K. Tl,, Hack II- '11 11. F. Me. i I. A I'l'.-x;. C W. I.lal Davis. I : ( ha.lw n k. Secretary oinn.it t, i , i. Arm,;, i, Due' I.. i I'resi li i.i , and Treasi r. 'I,- 'ear- Siijii iinleiid. nt; I'. .M. for I he roa-1. I he ni t annual mi at .b i he. ,. I. N. C. ting will be held i'el -sales to the Missionary Convention l;' : u' "'' lit. h-i ,, anivrils to -'' 'i to- W, .;:. - M - .,! c mven I ion ami I heir -I, ,o,n, . ,, ... , . K Mis, I. A CiiimmglMH,, and ife and Sue lieckw ith, of ., n at K. IL Jones. Mr-. Hhodes and Mr-. Dav ,,p. Mr-, s.j.j,., M:-. Willi Trenton at lohnson und Weldon and Hidgcway t ( Ml- Mi-- Annie Stanl.ack V, -- L,be Ch.-ath.iui l -- Jam Thou,:,--. Mis- l.iiinia I 'age and Mrs Ai.i nio ., :,r f a. Green's. Mrs. Svm,,.c:. of Wib, i,,g Nick Jo,s-. Creele, ot" a ibgtoll at Cajit. f Keidsvill,., Mm. blsbom. nl Geo. and Miss Sunili in Mrs. A. B. Mrs. .1. : 1;,,,. Ui F D. Swindell, ,, ; I Icin lei son's. Mi.-s Kessie Harding 1 looker, of ( Ireeiiv He F. rob, , Mi-s Sdlie Jon, -Dill s ,1 B, Mrs. I Key. K. A. I'. How, Willis'. n ( Iwen II. of CoMshoi'.i at Mrs. , , .-scntl s. Mi-s Cap Mrs. A l. l rdeeii at S. II. la Grangi r. nt Kinston 8t rebec's Mis Siieedcn and Mrs Girrntler, ivf Wilmington at W. Lurch's. Mrs. i I,,; jy, j.-k. ,,f Durham t K. K bmes'. Mi-s Blanihe Fentress and MibS I la we.-, of Wiluiiiigtoii ai Miss Carrie. May hew ' - Mr-. Annie Hainilion. ,,f Durham CI,..-. F.d wards'. Bt i The Meadows Fertilizer Factory. ! Messrs. E. 11. -V .1. A. Meadows' Fer-' i- 1 lizer factory is getting in shape for an - i oilier busy season. They ran u jiortion ot j the time even through ihe dullest of the summer and have been running with reg ularity for a month past ami will now -run at full capacity. The la rge schoonera Houston and Mclvin have just unloaded al the factory then cargoes of crude ma- ! terial for the fertize'- und the schr. Cher- ubim, Capt. John Nelson has arrived w ith anot her cargo. This factory docs a large business and in addition to the usual class of fertilizer adapted to general use il makes careful ly prepared specialtiis for each ol a ar ii t y ol ( l ops. Tiiis is a ennim. iidabl, lmme industry thai should be well patronized. Our farmer when they g,. farther to pur ehi -c -tarn! a . har.ee of faring worse than (hey wnu'd by buying yyhat is right at (heir hand, from a factory that has by year ot siiccesful work and square deal ing established a -olid npiitation for w ha' ever 1 In y p rod me. Kei. II open M Forbes' V.i.l w ill ,,l lb y . K. M Fori.: - was jirus- m, d and r.-ad i - . i da y i - of i y , : ; 1 1 v, : l m .Mi . F.c be- lot in- , m : n estate to th Carolina for i etio'is us to. -a missions. i -nn pu. P - w i ' ik -. b, applied, ii one. -,ii in , ocoine good , ' . -me, nut a art! Ing V i ..u.-gr-i 1, id per L' v. ! I'llf. o! the i their . .a the 'mg of . they .1 ol 1 VCS. , 1-i-dl. I'l lll isioils ft I'llplis . II ... tn r i . . li ! ee y es- H.at cut--.. I lie on a oniplish- i s. (:urr -nt North ., : '.- Con ' b,b, i- 18 : a s that I Was SO i i lot n lhe young y well. I'i. State ,, igh Oct. -p, eially of 1 ,ll I, a Cambria .,:, I l'.l I'm- K Mi. i. J skill fill I y 1 list, U Ii I le am pub, 1 in I in. 1 1 has r, fin (., id ( i, I s. dm , ag i yy Illl. toiiisb tin- oiiiiiiii-si.' - of i iie various loiimies, at then regular meeting next Monday, to appoint two delegates and t tyvo'alteruati.s to repiesen! the county at i the Congress. "t"