V- 6 -, - r n ..V '5V JkA U?Jt INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. $1.00 Per Year. Single Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JANUARY 4, 1894. VOL. XVI. NO. 44 .- f. jp f : . II-. It if 15 PBOFE aiOS AL. DR. j. Z. BAGBY, 8URGE0N DENTIST. Offloa, a osbarofc. Jle i-re.'t. opposite Baptist NE A T.iERN. N. O. DR. J. D. CLARE, :ENTlsJT. 8KHMK, Pi. C. Dei -ween Pollock ad Brww J a idNTON. 2D D.D.S. 1 rar leu llimltJ U and M. e itl Scrgry 'then. 1 vau b tb. Q.e of uro DXl3 J'Sh. ftV3-r nf 41d i 3. r etind - .l.r P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTOttrf KY A.T , itliiie ttret, First room bove Farm er's & MerHnt's Bank. Will prwim In lb OoioUh of Lrinn . Cmitd OfaM Ooart at .New Barn, vad I of Vj Stat V7M U CLAKKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Keal Estate Agent. New B -tk, X. C. Xionaeciion. Mew York Boitnn and Canada. Timber lands.; Farm lands, Truck lands. ' Town3lotf . i Do yoa wmc to bmy T Do yoa want to sell T WRITE. ; WRITE. 8PRCIAL. 1500 Uonm, Ttnt Rod 6 miles of oity Tim bar and Track Uod. THE NEW BERNE KNITTING MILL, JBo. prepared to furnish HxirHci i Vaaiocrs QuALrriEs sd Colors in 1 .ots to sait purchasers. .Send ten cents for Samples and Price. AMwtf. Pure! Brilliant! Perfect! TJSKD EtriKTTHIBl, AND ESDOKSKI Wexitek Uskd. Tk Matt Popular Glat in the U. 8. TbT are daily worn and are warmly iprai d by tba aolid REPEESENTA 'II V E MEN of thU eoontry. many of faam rulac nf ffarirtnal fdosa. The lUt sasfiw Baokert. M'rohanto. Otwyari. Otwcsan, Senators. ForciRii Miniaters. Maebaaica, Preacher. I PKOFfc.8- EN EMINENT IN ALL 8ION3 AND TRADES HTStCIAWS RECOMHEND THEM. UT 503TB BUT THE GE5CI3TE. perfect Olaaees are aoourtely ad jmad to ail ayea as tha Drag Store of F. 8. DUFFY, New BerneN.C.! J I Just Received A Large OBA.NGE3 low Lot .f FLORIDA rh'Ch I am offering very By The Box OR DOZEN. Abo a fll lin of other fruits TJTS and CANDIES for the Holi-! Jaj Trade. (Tom and Examine m STOCK ! before baying elsewhere. Satisfaction Guaranteed or bmj refunded. I offer special in dxoemenf 1 to my Country Friendj. "Small Profits and Quiet Sales" 18 MY MOTTO. Giva b a trial and I will save yoa monoy. fy"S tables Free to all. .Respectfully, J. R. PARKER JR Ho, 77, Broad St. TO COTTON GINCJERS ! Before placing your orders qr Qaggingr and Ties for the GQoaiag Season. Be Sure to Call on ii. R.Jones WTiolrailff and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, Hew Berne N. C rill pay'you. It mnnni worm i ? Good Dry Pine Wood For Sale in hundred cord lots. M. PORTER, Blvetdale, N. O. 1 EDITORIAL NOTES. Every newspaper reader m the Stare should stare the new year wiih a cas-h svbecnptiou. Over 4,000,000 id thia live npou wages paid by country railro.id companies. Tbere is a race war iu Florida. We nop Mitchell bas not got Cor tvelt on the rau. There is a race war in JJ"ew Mexico Id a battle, few daysi I ago five whites and nineteen Mrx I icans w jre killed, j A wo nan's-rights old lady regis ( tred a the Bellevae a few days i ago: Mi s Sasan Sparks and hur- bnd, Chicago " There are three more births than deaths a minute, and ibis slight I percentage increases the world's ! population l,2O(0O0 annually. Comptroller Eckels has issued a call for a report by national banks ot their condinon af the close of business on Dec. LU. Governor Mitchell, of Florida, has ordered ont troops to prevent tee wl meet in Montgomery ou the ''glove contest" at Jackson-1 January 22 and arrange for a ville between Cortwtt aod Mitch- : State Convention three motiths ell. 'i?iriier than is oastomary. They A man in tbe msaDe ward at ! see abundant signs of the dmote Blockley imagines tbat he is a gration of the opposition; bu; tbi.'y grain of corn, and refuses to go ont j propose to flbt hard and long for fear the ctoickeos will eat , and make their plurality all the him. It bas occurred to a Stlisbary scientist that tbe recent fiery- dis play in the sky, was an attempt by tbe inhabitants of tbe planet Mars to signal the earth. The British steamship Bucking- bam, from Savannah te Genoa, Italy has been flned fUOO at Norfolk Vs., for landing three stowa- . . . . " nr.raura fhaf. nn Rd n hi i can I U . .wj cj - rooster can rooet in bis hep house any lnnger than be can get a pole to knock him off. Correct brother Ben. A New Yorker Bworn off from Smoking just before Christmas I bee-use be learnl that bis wife ; mended to uresent him a box of cigars- He knaw they w onld be very Inferier, high priced and charged to him rTanaad i j ncarrnn H m trumna tkn1 . beautiful sermon I am ahont to thei- depredation are many. A . r , .preach is by the Rev. Charles To. .eka SuDday night seven tramps . ,. ., , , , - - , . . . , 1 bradley, who Im glad to see in bioke mto a Methodist church and' ,L , , ,, , , , , i good health amon us assembled took a Dig supply ot eatables and j jere candies, which the ladies of the church had prepared for the cbil- f al1 llvl tD'g8 rats fteem t0 (jfn 1 be among the most repulsive, and m , ! when dead what can be their use! The Boffman House, so long Dem- , . T . but een they are subjects of pro- ocratio Headquarters in New lork, . . J . . , , . duction in tbe industrial arts, has failed. Like many good Demo- ,, . The fur is valuable and 'finds a rea- crats it got along well enough " . ? dy sail. Tne ekios make superior during tbe campaign, but when tbe , , , . prrMjnt Administration come in Svea- tbe gant de rat- (and are it failed for tbe want of patron-; specially used for the thnmbs of kid age. i gloves, because the skin of the rat The Philadelphia Telegraph r charac'ertEes the nroDOsition to re, peat ( ne tax on State banks as a populist measure. Not a bit of it. It is found dow here in tbe demands or declarations of the Populist par- ty. Thft R cket has ! Rockingham made a new departure for North Carolina newspapers. It publishes tbe name of a subscriber who owes $7 3'J tor subscription and refuses to pay tbe bill, and says o'.ber names will be added from time to time unless tbe bills are paid. The Raleigh News and Observer and Charlotte Observer increase thtir subscription rates, beginning with the iew year. Correct. It is better to pay well for a geod pa- jper than to have a poor oue K'atis. DoDjan, the lool crank who has been seodine threats to the Presi- dent and citizens is other prominent under arrest in m . . . . , , l ,. f ; Washington and wdl be brought to j a apeedy trial. He plumes himself on bat be bas done and is as jolly a- a lark. Bishop Haygood refused to con tinue Rev. 8am P. Jones as a reg ular preacher. Tbe ground was tbere was no place in Methodist economy lor a roving evangelist preacher. Bishop Keener went for Sam heavily with both hands be cause of bis low pulpit style. How would it do for those who are looking for some good Western man for tbe Democratic Presiden tial nomination of 1896 to fit their eyes on May r Hopkins of Chica go. He is bet thirty five years old and ten years ago was a common laborer. Huirah, for Hopkins! Congressman Heed's minority report an the tariff bill ?.-timates tbe reduction in the revenues to be ; made by tbe Wilson bill at 174,000- wo. iu.o cu.-uiuu, u- uBO uere- tofore been paid by the masses, and largely upon tbe necessaries of life. Tbe Wilson bill will remove uui ucu puumucio mo'coantry. Toe party classes tbat can anord luiunes. savannah News, Dem. Senator Sher man is quoted as saying that he will deal with the tariff queetian from a non-partisan Stacdpotnt. We dislike to question Mr. Sherman's veracity, bnt we don't believe it. The only thing he ever deals with from a njn- partisan Stand point is dollars and nrj.. anrl h alsraca orvaa V.r thJm ' ' i ;;"! i rrr-i a regaruiess of politics. Wil. Star. The kickers in the Democratic ranks who want the tariff reform gQP8 aimed a little away no in their own protectfd interest imbt tafce lecHous iu tiatriotifni from tbe Con tmenrdl officer r Vorkr..n, wbo with In- ou b ind-' train.-d the gan on Lis hwm Ii ii-'' 1 1 which the British lud rkt-n ifiie. Tbe tar iff reformers mu-r nor nparp en emy mat link 111 Hi -ir tw,i ti.iust--bold. Louisville (''turier .1 mi uil. The I're-idi-n' 'in n,i;:oiUted iYai lie M w V U'K. ot ljeiiusva nla, to oe cin'i i-s idor to Italy. He was a Ir'al tii It n , 1 1 n , G ir ' field's At'ornev wetiera', but spoke for Cleveland iu the la-t oampaigu Ue tloppei ab)iit ttie time G esh am did. and like liuu m honored for the nerfor u ance Tiire is no qaestioo ot his at lay, and diplo matically considered the appoiut ment is a good one. Birmingha n, Al Dec. 'J.'l. The Democrats ofAla')ima nave determined to abindon the deten- sive and commeuoe an aggressive cumpaign. The Executive Cum mi t- greater. Ad interesting cnee for the stu dents 0 the ways of a woman's heart to ponder is that of an Oak- land Cal., woman, who, months ago, bronght suit voroe, shot ber husband few for di in her jealous rage while tbe oase was penumg, nurseu mm mrougu iucj ; illneaa that ensued, fell in love with ; 1 : I i: .1 u . I. j""" . " ' o wlt" u,m uaPlJV tt , aove An English paper tells a good story of clerical presence ot miDd. A curate who hart entered the paL-j pit proviaea wun one 01 me iate Rev Charles Bradlej 's most noted uou""e"' w ,ur " uluujruL uu,,ur- ,"vck oy tne s.gni 01 me ix . Charles tsraaiey n imse 11 in a pew benath him. Imrpediately, bow- ever he recovered e&ough sslf-po- session to be able to saj: "The ,A" lul" bones were formally valued as tooth r ik u.'. . r : uiukkK nil ciuus, uui aie uuw uui ui lasbion, while tbd tendons and bones are boiled op to mate the gelatin wrappers for bonbons. North American Keview. If a fellow comes around and wantH U) UHt JOU 5 tnat ,f y0Q will tell htm the last four nguree of the number of a bank note he will ted you the letter of the note, don't you take htm up. You offer to bet him the sane way, and if you succeeed iu getting him to bet, divide the figures of the octe by I. If tbev don't divide even and 1 one remain the letter is "A;" if two remain the letter is "B;" if , . , 1 . .-, j three remain the letter ,s "0,' and if they divide even the letter is f,D."Ifyoo know bow to divide you will win York Times. his monev. New The usual wave of crime wbicb attends the observance of Christ mas has swept over the country since Friday last. It is a little J "DK eu "DOU,u ce.eurate tHa Kirfh nf thai wnrM'o Uiriftno Kv the birth of the world's Savions by filling themselves up with whiskey and butchering their fellowmen, but it is a way they have, and a carnival of crime at Christmas bas come to be expected. It from the returns thus far Nortn Carolina has had rather less than the usul number of trage dies. It is to be hoped tnat fuller reports wi'i confirm this impress ion. Charlotte Observer President and Mrs. Cleveland have given up their plans of visi ting Lakewood at tbH time, be cause ne vs of it got into the news papers. Instead the President, with Secretaries Gresham and Carlisle and Captain Bobley D. Evan., who u rumor has it, is to be appoin ted chief of the navigation bureau went down the river in a steam TacDt Wednesday for three or f0Ur davs' duck shooting and inci- dentally for a conference on public matter8 relating tD foreign affairs and the financial condition of the Tne party started off very quietly and secretly and the information of their departure was not given out nnt 1 about three hnort after tbey bad left. Dyspepsia and LiTer Complaint. Is it doc worib tba small price of 75c, to frea younelf of every symptom of theae dietreMiog complaint, if yoa think to call at our store ana get a bottle of Sbiloh'a Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed auarantee on it, sen accordingly and if lt does you no good ; u wU, co.t you nothing. Sold by New Berne Drug Co MYYKitKN AND 0RWAY. For mny .m-hn .i i'U8i political union ban existed between Sweden and Norway, imt ir no nee an ii iiiw m to te - : probable tbar ;U- : dissolved The sitn i'i u 11 mnunwljit clouded, but it appears I u if ttie aggressivv sp rit of Nr'tv his aroused the resistance of Swe- den. Against the manifest determi- nation of the Norwegian people, Sweden, it appears, is prepared to u-e force. Despite the superiority of her military resources Sweder would find it hard to reduce Nor way to enbjection. It is stated that opiuion in Norway is raised on only two issues- union and monarchy, or si;.r ition aud a repu ulio- We mention this complication ; papers and to administer oaths to for to re ison, first, to draw attenJ witness." tiontoihe unrest of Europe and, Only one witness lin, so far, the evident tendency towards re-1 been examined, the Rev O. '. Km pubiica:! ;d-as and institutions, erson, Secretary of the Hawaiian and, 1 u t lie secoud place, to exprt ss board of missions. He is a uatne the hope iliar. however potential and iesident ot Hawaii, but was may be 'hi Government of this ed netted in the United States. His country, the .-vdiiiinis'ation will testjrqony relates to occtirrencies not feel cons' r lined to take part ' at and about the time the qaeen in present European conten tions. I'ntil recently the suggestion that tne L'uited States would, un der any circtms'ancf s become invol. ven in a European em brogho would have been dismissed as unworthy of a moments thought; bnt wince it has been considered necessary lor the Lnitea States ij insist : tfae re8tgratjon of a monarcby ! in IJawali, it may be deemed the j proper thing to assist in the estab lishment of a Republic in Nor- ! Kir. I(. oannot, he tot atrongij that Oovernment ive i.ttention to its own affairs, aDd jleave Earope, South Ametloa and the Islands of the Sea to achieve their own destiny. Americans rejoice in the ascen- deuQy of repablican principles, and staud ever ready to salute a the Govern- rlsjng repub,1C) but ment must take no part In politi- ca, complications abroad Massacred in south Africa, London, Dec. 28. Dispatches ' received by city houses through the South Alric in meiobants, Mosenr thai Sons & Co., report that tbe bniish South Africa companiy's force, under Capr. Wilson, forty strougj has been massacred by Matabeles. All communication be tween Capt. Wilson aid Major Forbes has been destroyed by tbe rising of rivers, it now being the rainy teason. It is also stated that thfe party under Cp am Barrow, sent out to roinforce Wilson, hae been put to pieces. No press teleg.ams have been received which either confirm or contradict these alarming re ports. The number of men com posing the Wilson detachment is said to be from 40 to 100, aud the Barrow detachment is reported to have ' een composed of about the same number. Contirmatiou has been received from severil soorces ol the report of the total annihilation of Capt. Wilson's force. Depredations by Tramps. Topeka, Kan. Dec. 23 Reports of depredations by tramps couti n ne to come iu Iro n all parts of tbe State. Along the eastern and southern borders tramps are thick, and gen erally travel in gaugs ot a half doz en. The are crowding into the large towns of the Stale where tbey say they will have the protection of the police under t he Governors or- der- , , Every day a number of tramps ; C1 &r &ovrnor Leellyn'8 office: and beg for money with which to boy something to eat. Tbe Govern. ! or bas found this a burden and is compelled to refuse further aid to tbem. Sunday night seven tramps broke into a Methodist churoh and took a big supply of eatables and caud.es. which the ladies of the church had prepared for the child ren. Sister May Ellen Went amd the Demo crat Stayed. TOPEKA, Kan., Dec. 28 Mrs. Mary E. Lease was to day removed from tbe State Board ol Charities by Gov. Lewelling. Mrs. Lease ob appears i jected to the appointment Ol a Dem is by far the largest yet issued, containing Brihtls. in the leavens blnzino is that iocrat in one of tbe State institu- 600 pages . i Over rockv Bethlehem, tions, ane said he wonid Dave to oe ; removed or she wonld have to go. j , .. The g.ivenor promptly wrote an order removing her. It has creat-1 orl a hie aonsarinn in tha Pnnnl iaf .i - , " ft mv.Uv.-v.w.. .u v U A vwnvv : party, and Mrs. Leas says she will j see to it that the leakers are shown up before tbe people. Insurgent in a Critical ' ondition London. Entr . D-t S. The Exchange Telegr-ipn Company says that dispa;cheN rn-eived from Uio de Janeiro leoott the insurgents to be in a C ' ' a- ' 1 C I ad 1 1 ion . Sevei .il pr. coucet ted nsing are said to h oe been checkmated, and Admiral 1). G ima is u-por ed to be disturbed by the nou arrival of re inforcements. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment 1-a n'!!:.:1! e'i:- i".-r ( l,n nie Sore Eve. ! rannlal.-. 1 1 yr lao-. Sore Nipples, Piles, K. . ma. I , !i, -. !:!,. i:n: and --.a!,l Head, -"' " i : l-'i. 1 r ---'e ly druggists. TO HORSE OWNERS. I- r t 1 1 ? t s : lt r. h"r--e ir. n line healtliv eon- (litca try l'r. (a.h's Condition Powders. 1 h. y t . ,no up the sy-n-m, nid digestion, cure lo-s of apin-tite, relieve con.-tipalion, correct ki lnev diM.riler anil ile-trov worms, giving new life to an old Drover worked horse, lio cents per package. 1'or sale by druggial Sold nr J. V. Jodan, New Berne i. C speedy aod positive cure i We have a for catarrh, diphtheria canker mouth and headache, in SEILOH '8 CATARRH ke.bic.lfi. a nii injector tree r-itn earh bottle. Us it if you desire health - a teet breath. Price 50o. Sold by , ' New t.arne LniK Co. THE HAWAIIAN I N Y f1 I Ii VTIO N Tbe Seuate Committee on For. eigh Relitinns, of winch Senn'or Morgan is chairman and Senators Butler, Giay, Fre and Sherman are members, arfe emplijiug ihe congressional recec-8 iu an investi gation of Hawaiian HtTaiis. They are piooceding under a resVution adopted ty tbe gjna-e and which is as follown 'Resolved, That tb Committee on Foreign Relations sbVl inquire and report whether any, and if so what ii regularities hive oocurted in the diplomarii) or other inter course between the I'nited States and Hawaii in reUtion to the re- cent political revolution in Hawaii, and to this end Slid Committee is authorr'jd :o sen! for persons and was deposed anil the provisional government established. His testi mony sustains Ex-M inister Stevens and the provisional Government. Lie testifies tbat the people were Tearful of outrage and incendiar ism. For tbis reason and for the purpose of protecting Americans I and their property, Mr. Emerson said, tbe Lnited States marines and Bailors were brought ashore. Qe was positive they took no part in the overthrowing pf the ijaeen and lent no aid to the men wbo es tablished tbe provisional govern ment. Other witnesses will be introduc ed including Ex-Ministers Stevens and Blount. The personnel of the committee is an assurance of thorough and rigid investigation. Morgan is ac customed to going to tha bottom of all questions of public policy with out fearjor favor. Gray is the accred ited representative of the A Imin- i i8tration. On the other hand, Sher man is ths leader of the Republi can party iu the Senate, and Frye is the personal and political friend of Kx-njnjister Stevens. Jn the very nature of things there can be no concealment nor evasion. But the more pleasing thought is associated with tbe fact that the Committee is composed of States men who are large enough to take in a great national question and consider its bearings as they relate to national development, honor and rights. There is an evident disposition on the part or the oommittee to uiscuss iue Hawaiian naes ,10a .1 : .1 i-t : . trom the Stand pint of its value to ' of the Christian soldier and Martyr, Na ihp rtntwl Statu. n atratii. i tlla" Hall, and throughout her borders. as a strategic j position, but due consideration will be given to the rights ot H -twain j and tbe interests of her people. The United States cannot and will no trample upon a weaker nation in the hope of present gain or pros-, pective advantage, and we have no besifafou in the confident ,,re. ; diet ou that the rj .minit'ee will ; recommend a settlement h-.caoroble alike to U twaii and the I'oittd St a'es. DIED. On the night of Thu.r-.lay, Dec, SStli at her residence on Hancock street, Mrs. Geo. I). Gordner nee Miss Ida Holland ot Onslow county, aged 83 years. The remains accompanied by the family were taken to the former home near Swansboro the next day for inter- ment from Mount Lebanon church. Monday, Dec 25th at her residence on Broad street, Mrs. Elizabeth Agostine in the 71st year of her age. The funeral services were held Wed nesday, Dec. 27th at lla. m. from St. Paul's Catholic Church with High Mass. The pall bearers were Messrs. Chas. Slover, lex Meadows, Matt Manly, Chas. E. Nelson, John McSorley and H. C. Kehoe. '. C. Railways. The third annual report of the North Carolina Railway Commission was issued today. It is very carefullv prepared and i c'"l lessen va ' ""'Jl' elc; .. . , , 1 1 here are 3,5 1 1 mi es, divided as folows- Atluntic Coa't Lioe n5 R. ' I mond an(, D;iuvill U29: Sealed Air i t aa.i . i ' i.. , i JjC yy6f 111 I SCC 1 IllllC' IU3 I ,U The total valuation is $23,654,3:!; divided among the above systems as fo lows; Atlantic Coast Line $6,580,377;' Richmond and Danville, $7, 163. 449; Sea board Air Line. $4 62,964; miscellaneous $5,281,643. The valuation per mile varies from ? 1.000 to $12,493. The total value of tracks is $20,634,085. The valuation per mile is higher in the case of the Raleigh and Gaston. Of roads and branches the Atlantic Coast Line has 14: Richmond and Danville. 2U; Seaboard Air Line. 1 1 ; and then 33 miscellaneous; grand total, 7X. What a Cannery Will Do. "A cannery is agitated in town, Good! It will pay. Better! It will be another market lor our truckeis and gatherers ol small fruits. Best! It will give employ ment to labor. Good again! lt will grow into a large and important manu- tacture. Better again! It will help Betsy. Better than a The above is taken from the Elizabeth City Economist. Every word that is said of a vegetable cannery will apply w ith force to New Berne. Being in the centre of a great trucking section with excel! ent transportation by rail and water, no nereis Letter ndnnted to ir ,1. . Oh Saturday Dec, 4th Atlanta Uhru.'.H M.o fifriath nni,u, lebrated j? I oi its uirtq SIR WALTER RAI.KKill. Work For Ameiica and Prof. Daves' Lcctiiro Upon It. I'll la-t Wl-,1m, K'hviird 1 ir.ih iMi I) f.f N. u I',, in. . -mv.,! .1 , y ni'lit PrcjIVssor . :i firniiT resident ' ! 1 hi-lilv intelli- Zri-.i and aj'juoi i.iiiM- iu licne e with a jkt( h ..I tin- In'- :ui. 1 ..mil ter (il'c.ia- ol the mixt ri.-ni-irka'ile men nf any age or i,l any Hat i. .m. Sir Walt.-r lNlfigh. 1'roti - ..ir I) v s ;t Ir .111 riter, the a, 1 lu !' v ritton and at n ( il'cli, care five., and lis- i and Bvickme t' thought, li tiiii-t, hi- 1. i nu id-it ioti i c lear and r nf lt-i i v - y , grace ful l!iire3-i e. The Ulan ll "fhi- petio-ls Was statelv and grun.l, w In n In- -pi.ke .if the age in w hich Kaleigti lived, the Huh cent 11 rv; an age in- 1 pi !itl ot great men. and at eeiit-. -ima- th..- I.. -I day- of the Woman l.mpiif. An aue. u hen the hum in mind iud l.r..keei it- -ha kles, and thought U eauie tree,-all age in wuich wen; Imrn events, that have shaped' the h stinieo of the l-:iiglioh speakiiij; raco for three Centuries,- an age in wdiich this r:ii c comnien- i-d it- rapid ri-iM :,, groat-ne-i and Willi-.;. 1.1. 1 mi, c -e--fn 1 1 v ,ingie hau. led and ah. ic, ll,.- pi,.u empire ; Spain, wh..-- p..,i ii,,.,, ,a,.-ua.l-owe I the world and -, ,ti, I to the inds tier i"invim il.'e aiinada'' de-limd to ii,,- di-tlll. ti.n .,f the new l,rn il ni, . o! the- English people His ieiilatk-, 11 liah igi( Me 10 gl;0(diy tiea.dilid: in him, Haleigh, w ere t lemeuta of gleatness strangely and wouderfu'dv com1 lined, he was one of the most rersa' tile geniuses that lived in anv age, poet, navigator, naval aichitect, "philosopher, author. Statesmen und soldier. North Carolina has commemorated his groat , iclme in our beautijiil Cup.iiul City. I lie rapidly sketched the several voj a. I ges m-d'e under hia auspice for tha piir- j pose of plamiiii a colony of the English: race upon this continent, The object of Professor; Daves address is to rune sufficient funds to enable a company of patriotic North Carolinians, living iu the city of Baltimore topurchasa the site of the fort erected by the Colon ists of RaLijih on IVxinoke island, known then as thj City of 'Haleigh; to rescue the spot i 'om oblivion and to erect thereon some memento in commemoration of thit great pvent, the lli-t icttlement ol the -C.U311SI1 race in .ortu America, it ti be a sacred spot, the Mto a of genera- j tions yet unborn; and it will be to us of; the present day, a reminder, that from this small beginning, has risen the might iest nation on the globe. It is the spot, where, Virginia Dare, the tirst white child born in the limits of the United States, saw the light; the first spot from which Christian prrfyera as-. cende'd to heaven, the tirst spot whereon the Christian rite of Baptism wag admin istered and ought we not to give of our means for the carrying out of this great project, as God has blessed us. North Carolina is a grand old State, but she has been slow in commemorating great events that have taken place in her borders, anil it is a reproach to lis,. Had the settlement of Italeiah been j made on New England soil, every incident would have been told in song and story, and the name of Italei-li would have been i hroughout the land, a household word. It is our duty to make that spot upon Roanoke Island, sacred gruund, and to hold it in the same reverencn that the people of New England, hold Ply mouth Hock,- it will ngt be to us a "blar ney stone af long as we keep in remem brance, Alamance, Moore's Creek and Guilford Court House battle fields New England has her Bunker Hill up on which she has erected a tall graceful monument in porpmemoration of the great battle fought by her sons; A monument upon the plains of Lexington which tells I ot the nrst bloou shed upon her soil cM;nii Ur ,nmni f ii, mmr. there are other tiibutes ol gratitude to those who fell in the cause of liberty. lut-' 8,il of our State we have a monument on ttuuiur-i court Mouse oat tie ground; that ever memorable battle was the turn in the tide of conquest that threatened to overflow our land. We I I,.,,-,. ..I..., .win ........I..! ... .n.,l nnl gooU Casvvi.u The purchase of the spot upon which Raleigh s settlement was made and the erection thereo-i ot a monument within si ht ol Ule mi btv ()L.t..ln whjch hu loved so well, and upo-i whose bosom heachiev ed much of his greatness, will be a fitting tribute paid by a great people to the meiiiot of a great man. Professor Daves has been selected for a praiseworthy task , he well d. serves Ihe thanks of every true North Carolinian far the efforts ae is making to carry out the project; and we are proud that he is a native ol New Berne. J. Havens. CHRISTMAS POEM. I.. T. ItlGIlTsLI.I.. On her mountains proud and lordly Sat the City of the King, Splendid, but to Gentile masters Still her homage rendering; Still the storied mount of Zion Held the oracles of God, Though no more by sons of Levi Were the sacred pavements trod. Boding portents of the heavens Filled the souls of men with dread, And the burning hope was cherished That the power ol days lonw fled Through Jehovatfs kindly favor Might return to Israel, Anil her .'rim and iron masters From her sacred bounds expel. Bearon liKht of aU the ageS) Shone a bright celestial gem, 1 .n. -. n Beckemng the Godly pilgnms ?rom,the ,dcsert far ?lva-v, Io a hovel mean and lowlv :V1 . 1 TJ " ' Where the Prince of Heaven lav. Precious offerings they brought him, Priceless treasures, gems and gold; More than joyous in his presence, They the s nless babe extolled; While an angel choir above them In a dolus full and free Flung upon the air the accents Of exultant melody. In tbe ages that have followed Never has that chorus died. And the shame dimmed not the glory When the Christ was crucified; Peace and blessedness to mankind Was the benediction sung Sweetest song of all the ages Voiced by man's or angel's tongue. One there was who heard ami treasured In her heart the things she heard. Joyous m the grand fulfillment Of th ellolv Spirit's word ; Named bv future generations. And of womankind most blest, From uer low estate exa:tec Thank fal words her joy expressed. Blessed those who thus shall treasure All that has been sdd ami done By that selfsame Holy Spirit And the blessed Mary's Son. Hallowed be the time appointed As the Savior's natal day, That it may be full of gladness Let us all devoutly pray. HYDE CO., RUST PROOF OATS FOR SEED A SPECIALTY, AT CHAS. HILL'S, EAST SIDE MARKET His DOCK, NEW BERNE, N. C. NEWS IN IIRIEF The city elect 1 ic rui I wav l e starter tor the year 1 94. The days are gradually uettiiiL,' U njjcr. Ijut scarcely vet . I i t i i lt n i :i ! I t-. rrcparaticjn- fir the Kast Carolina Fair are going on n oiit,' all lines. Are ' i'011 making ready lor in Agents are in New York and l'eiinsl- vnia enlisting nu n ror the Brazilian war. They have not reached North Carolina yet. During the past year sixty-one persons were killed on railways in thU State und Ht5i injured. There wa re 1 1 ,40 railway einy loya - in t he State. A case of luve at tirt sight and a hur ried marriage Is-twecti a man 7:! and a girl i i is ri-)orted in the pre-s. Bv an over sigh: the- c ict amount of oi-li ,,wni-.l by the yruoiu n a umitteU. A row occurred at Pactolus ill I'itt county on Christinas day between some leg roc. una llarty wa- shot 111 the head bv 11 enry-j Miller. The niur- 1 derer was captured and ph-n e.1 inj.nl. ! lioth Corbett an.'t Mitchell have beet. I arrested in Florida The ar;t-t wa mad to teat the alidity uf the state law lela tiye to ylove contests. The DllVal Club i stiil coutident that the tight will take place. The new ear will be hert Mondav which we hope may bring a business change for the better. A pood season 4'nong thu ti i(cker is one of the In-st means of bvinjjintj abnut the change in this section, The appearance of the brilliant young violmist, Miss Ol lie Torhett. aeeamiianied by the Sweedish sextette, will be one of the finest musical treats sineethe M(Cib eny family. VViin,iryglon, we see in the Messenger has had one shad. It w as caught one mile out at sea. This is very earlv foi i thetn Oeuerallv they do not begin to run until several weeks later The Beaufort Herald of the 21st tells of the killing of a 300 ponnd bear several miles from town 300 pounds was the dressed weight. Mr. J. H. Davis, Jr., was the fortunate hunter. He killed the bear on his fathers farm,. Thfe Beaufort Herald states that Rev. Hight C. Moore, farmer pastor of the Baptist church at Morehead City, has been called from the Theological Semin ary where he has been taking an advan ced course to the pastorate of the church at Winston. In a r0c?nt graduating class at Amherst College, it was found that the non-users of tobacco had gained twenty-four per cent in weight, tbirty-st-Ten per cent in heighth. forty-two per cent in chest girth and had eight cubic inches greater lung capacity than the users Df the woed. Mr. Ellis Williams hat nover rode with Buffolo Bil, ''M1 the great western rider may yet find a subject in Mr. Williams. In making the circuit of the city renew ing the carbons to the electric lights he never dismounts at all, either to lower, raiseortrlm the light, so well trained is his horse. Miss Corinne Harrison, Principal of the FTeminfrwii.v nchnnl "V,rf'olL- i- vicitinrr xr.. oL, r., 'm- r ' E Mia (.has. ) nt M cs ( niinnps manv friends in New Berne, her native home are delighted to have her here again even if it is only for a brief time during the holiday season . The fair Edition of the Weekly Journal will not be issued till the 17th iuat, as previously announced. Instead of applying for copies, the address to which you w ish them sent should be furnished us and they will be properly mailed from this office. Itev. J. A. House and family are at Hancock's b, .a, ding House. They are enroute from Duplin county where they have been visiting relatives tj Mr. House's Lew appointment, Swan Quarter, Hyde county, N. C. Last" year Mr. Rjuse was stationed at Kinnekeet. At Grtensboro Thursday the revenue collector seized eighteen casks of contra band whiskey, containing in all 733 gal lons. This liquor was shipped by a dealer at Shore, N. C. Near Mandale, Chatham couuty, Deputy Collector Kil patrick seized John Morton's sixty-five gall n still and 1,00Q gallons of boer, all ot which was destroyed. Our townsman Mr. M. E. Whitthurst left on the steamer Neuse for Baltimore to see an eye specialist with the expecta tion of having an operation performed. Mr. Whitehurst is sorely afflicted in this respect. The sight of one eye departed entirely several years ago and he can see but little from rhe other. He has no hopes of improvement. The best he looks for is to save the tittle us-- he has of one eye. The Durham Globe announces the start ing in that city on Dec. 23d of a large soap factory. The plant cost $10,000. It gives employment to from thirty to forty hands. The capacity is 55,000 pounds for eight days, the period requiied for the soap to make. The Globe says the article turned out will be the equal of any laundry soap on the market. J. W. Walker, a former New Bernian is one of the stock-holders. There are four be sides him. ! President L. T. Rightsell, A. M.. of I Carolina Christian College delivered his address last night on education, showing i the necessity on all lines needful. He : i dwelt specially on the practical lines. ; The collega Mr. Rightsell represents, j though young, has made a good begin- ning and bids fair to do goo 1 work. It has well selected teachers and with the j carcatidjulgmenttli-.it has been exer- ' -ised so far the school is likely soon to rieoome favorably known and to rank with similar but longer established in-ti-tution of learning. Cigarettes Doomed in Charlotte. . The Aldermen of Charlotte have im posed a tax of $200 upon all sellers of cigarettes. The news says that those who ! sell the little poisoners are kiokiug like I mountain steers but it does no good. Thev say they make only $5,35 on the thousand cigarettes and they can't afford the tax It is said on the other hand that the aldermen nearly all have boys of their own therefore can sympathize with the mothers of the town and dare to put the ivil down. A Lively Runaway. There was a pretty day. A wagon wa baled hay in Mr. W A l.ale of the hay fell They took fright and I'ig runaw .; Thnis Keing Ion- led w i th F. Crockett'- ticM. over on the hr-e-taned wi hll v 11 wav. After making a circuit of the tirhl and jumping a large ditch they got into the roail and came on to the citv and ilnui Broad street. At Middh- -tr.-. t t' v turnedand in turning the , . . 1 1 !,.m a wheel hut the horses kept right on. At Pollock street they turned again. .War Mr. H. H. Duffy's store th e w agon shuck a tree breaking another wheel otV. The tongue was also hrokei) and lie- l.,u-e-were freed from the wagon though -til' fa-t together. At ''raven street the turned and ran 011 the -idewalk in limit of Dr. V. W. Hughe, residence. nere was a very nan .--cap, from a fatal accident. .Mr. Sam'l Par nurse was he,-Img hi- inlatit , hdd n same direction the lenses were em t h, HIT she her th.- ; Abandoning; both I iahv and carri rgi sprang for the low trout fence to -a ; self. The -idew.lk ir u'l'a- cairiage rolled on tin- edgi ar.d lurn. d over. The biiby wa-,thion in ih. oil, h. The nearest horse to the nur-r se.-m.-d t.. ; iiecome nightenod at lu-r antic- am w heeled lor the middle of the street can v 1 inghis companion with him running v -ry 1 lose to the child but it escaped injury. This episode happened in a third the time it takes to tell. The horses kept on : "d tliis is the la-.t taponent knoweth ot , then;. Advertising- Trty for the Fair. Rev. Edward Bull left Thu-sday by the evening train of the W NAN R R on his annual trip in the interest of the East Carolina Fair. He carried with him six thousand handsome posters some ol them measuring six feet which he will get well placeu at the points he visits. They will be put up at every station of importance throughout the whole State and in portions of Virginia and South Carolina. Mr. Bull will pay more attention to South Carolina this year than ever before on account of the direct communication that has been opened up by the W N & N R R. A very large number of visitors are ejpeoted from that direction, and the exhibit will no doubt be largely increased thereby also. We hope specially to have good exhibits from Wilmington and from points all along the road in addition to the visitors. Besides the circulars Mr. Bull will dis tribute a thousand very pretty calendars advertising the Fair. The trip is bound to bring good results. . ,The special Fair edition of the Jot'it N Al, will also soon be issued. A number of nanus have already been furnished for it. Others can been sent in as rapidly as desired. We are glad to get the name of any one who is likely to feel an inter est in the Fair, either as a visitor or ex hibitor. The Class of People that are Genera' !y i ont of Employment. 1 One of our exchanges gets preUy near the real causes why so many people I through ont thecountry generally are out j of employment. Of eourse it is not true in all cases, but ; it fits a jreat many , and yoa do not 1 have to go out of New B ane to tin o ome , of them either. We .ju ,te from the I writer. J "I seldom find any body out of work j except those who are looking tor some thing that they are incompetent to per form. A man who is able to adapt him himself to circumstances and takes any job w hich offers is never out of employ j ment. and it is only for a short time at I most that he is obliged to do anything that is really benefit hi.- ability. As soon hs he demonstrates lohisim plover his fitness for a higher position, he is sure to be promoted. Those ho. aspire to something above their ability how ever, are very numerous. Many ol these are actually ignorant ot of the fact that they are unqualified for the kind of work they are seeking. It would be a mercy to many such men if some one would tell them kindly that their search is in vain, because other nu n are better qualified to perform the duty they ispireto' lan themselves, and will therefore be preferred. There is nianv a man who would make an excellen1. port er that fritters away his life as a lame ex cuse for a book-keeper." Wants to lurestigate the Phenomenon. Mr, E. S. Martin, Attorney-at-law, Wilmington, N.C.,is desirious of account ing for the remarkable celestial phenome non of the 20th inst. To do this he wants as accurate statements as possible along the following lines : 1st. Exactly what was seen. 2d. Thj location in the skv when first i and last seen. 3d. Its apparent size. 4th. If any noise was heard as it pass ed along. If so, what kind. 5th. If it was seen to explode, and if so whether sound was heard, and how long it was alter the explosion before the sound was heard. Mr. Martin gives the above as special points that are essential te a definite in vestigation; but any and all information is acceptable as it may become valuable. He considers the third point the most important one.au.l especially requests the location by the points of the compass when it can be given, or as near it as pos i bio, both in its beginning and ending; how- many degrees apparently each cud v as above the northern or southern hori zon, and east or west of a line overhead. Goldshoro's Paper School. I The last issue of the Round Table consider the best one we have seen. This is the Educational Paper proceed ing from the Goldsboro Graded school conducted by the teachers actively cn- gaged in professionablo work ami giving productions of pupils. The statistical matter relating to the school, the history ot the building, the library, w here! out - and ore n pal n : former pupils and matter of local h show manifest indu-try in r. arch, the articles are well writtiu and interesting. The paper would tory and V e r v 1 .e a much decided credit even to a mil more to a public school. The Homeliest Man iu New Berne As well as the handsomest, and others nrA Invitari tn all nr, a n A,i .-,.:., 1 get free a trial bottle of Koran's Balsam lor tne throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs, As.'hma, Bronchitis, aud Consumption. Large bottles 50 crs. weow An Attraction! That is Hani to Wii'ns!; OUR Stock & Prices. i Full Cf Magnetism For All Economically Inclined. And Pray Tell us Who isn't these times ? SEE THE TEMPTING P KICKS We are Making This and next week, d 9 P 0 CO CD CO 0 i CD SO IN OUR Integrity -AND- Trustworthiness They All Have CONFIDENCE. Callland see for your self. fiackturn & Willett 47 & 49 POLLOCK ST. WATER! WATER!! I can give you u liOKIili lil.L in your yard or li.oiw , i n b aper than has ever 1 n . this part of the Slat. . nave tne lat.-M imp:. . and expcriet-ci d turn. - Any Sized Wei From One to Ten Ir And will guarantee ' i'U ,Mr Supply of W at. r. ill go to all y pa--: i . Ollb-e at ( i. 1 )'. I ;(';: .No. To Broad Street. Ul- - !'K' II II.:':. . E. SNELL1NU, tf. NEW j.LL.N i , .v C. , I

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