r THE iOUUNaL, H4IPK1 T. B1ICOOK, - leal slprtr. iK C.,"" eeondelaM natter. - oldboga tad potato bags - botti peeta, bat if we mast; have ither, we prefer the potato i bag. i It amid that Tom Reed is get ting" jealous of Boat-lie's leader ship. Thia showa that Reed is not 'tova eoticing email things. sr-rhe' Pennsylvania Democratic - atate convention came on strong for the Wilson bill. Congress will da well to make a note ot this. - " Jrrj Simpson is for the Wilson - bill; sot because it has no protec tion i a it, bat, becaaee it has " twenty per cent lets protection than the McKinley act. "'Tbey tell oa that the section . taxi g iodiyidaal incomes is to be X taaeo from the Wilson bill and in- trodoofd as a seuerate measare. It t Mid that ite presence in the ' Wtlaoa bill endangered that meas ure. - An English widower retnrnh- '.' thak to a oboir for their Hwee tinging at his wife's laneral, there- bj eoliveniog and bringhtening op . th dalloe 'od monotony which ot unlrqaently characterizes a faaeral errioe." v. Well, times are gettiDg better -: anyhow. The ptoepecc of the pas- age of the Wil-on bill, with 20 per seat less of protection then the . MeXlnley act, give some relief i aad spaas the fa tare with the .bow ; of, promise. AIb- they tell os that Congress will not repeal the ten ' , per eent tax on the issues of State banks. So state banks; no tariff for Teresas only; no income tax; no free coinage. What the thunder I la to beooma of as! . and If he m anise again he becomes an aonorary member merely. One ' of tho ehief porpoeea of the aseo-.- elation in to help newly-made wid owers by looking after their wives' fanerala and earing for their chil ' dren. Members will also meet for 'mutual sympathy and entertain ment. There are at present 40 mem '.' berav; ... . The Wilson Tariff bid is not ; what it ought to be. In its forma tive period tne Ways and Means Committee took counsel ot the ene ' mj; opened their doors to the vo taries ot Protection and admitted them to fellowship and communion, joat as II the people had not spo ken la trumpet tones in its con demnation. Contrary as this was to Democratic osage, and the pop- alar will,' the measure introduced and now beiore Congress is step - in the right direction, and should ' be passed without delay. V EeresentatiTe Springer, of nii 7"noI, says he knows from personal experience tbat an individual in-.-eome tax is not " unconstitutional. When this form of tax was ii vog ue in this eoantry more than twenty yeara ago Mr. Springer had quite an Income. He made a test of its constitutionality in the Illinois eoorta by refusing to pay it, on the ground that it was a direct tax and aa1I abI Ka IhvqiI hw ftiA atata wtuu m.j wo - Tb fl mi vu appealed and the n pre ma eoart suataiDed the con stitutionally of the act and Mr. Springer bad not only to pay the tax bat teveral hundred dollar eoat fee. ,l the orrosmox. " , Tb opposition in North Carolina to udlj diBgrnntled. : LeATiag oat the immense field of Bfttfonal polities, they weep orer tio State because it has for gov- ' roor soeh a man as Eh as Oarr; in th Senate inch man as Matt W.Basesm and at the head of the Democratio oommittee snrn a man ' M F. M. Simmons, i Tbe assaults apon the se gentle- aaaa are simply because ander their leadership the Democracy of the ' Old Borth State gained a splendid Tietory, and there is no balm to heal the wounds of tbe defeated. Taey bowl over injustice to Yaaoe. bat tbe noble Old Roman chuckles and laughs at their folly, knowing that they would gladly see him fallen if his crushed and man gled body lay in the ruins of tho Democratio party. Vance is a Democrat sod he would not ex- ehaaga one oance of pure Democracy for m world such as they would oi. for him. Borne of these days the oppositi oa will awake and tee the North Carolina Democracy with the bon- mers of its chiefs blended in a flag tbat tbe people will carry to an ' precidented rictory. . What has Simmons done to rile them sol Why, be simply whipped tbent oat of their boots, and is ready to do the same thing at the '. asxt election. ' Sansora has methods of his own tbat they don't like. Oi course they don't. Napaleon did not life - Hie. methods of Wellington at Waterloo, bat the world applauded . the Iron Duke, and his name goes ; fjoonding through the corridors of Time linked to Immortality. Every family has Its domestic troables, bat when an ontaider , ttepeia. to settle the row, they all tars la aad thrash the filling out 'of his shirt. Oarr, Yanoe, Ransom and Sim- - moss are bat the agents of the people. They are earring out, to tbe best of their ability, the will of tb people) as expressed at the polls, aad tbe thunderbolts of im potent wrath fall harmless at their feet. i BETTt R TIMES. Tnere is an assurance of U-t'er times. The probable early passage of the Wilson tariff bill has some thing to do with the improved as pect of affairs, not so mnoh because of the iotrennic merits of the bill as on account of the promised bM8 for commercial dealings and business enterprise. Bat the assurance of better times rests chiefly upon the more solid foundation of self-reliance in the manifold engagements of life. The alluring hope of Govern ment aid, which has beguiled our people, is being abandoned, and men are looking more to their own brave hearts and strong arms to bring deliverance and achieve for tune and fame. Nothing is more enervating than the servile dependence upon the assistance of another. All men are more or less influenced bv their environments and the mutual relations existing between members of the same community, hnt, after all, every man is the artificer of his own fortune. Condi tions my be ever so favorable, bur the man will be a failure who hopes to float to afflaenoe on the incoming wave of general pros perity unassisted by his indi?jdual effort. There is a most hopelul promise of better times in the assiduity with hich the men and o oay are pressing their individual tunes. But, the women ot forward for prospect broadens. Cities, tewns and neigo bor hoods are alive and keepiug step with the march of progress If there are here and there dead towns an inert communities, there are live towns and hustling people Our own beautiful New Berne, crowned with the glories of a p era, is In the fore front of the ad vancinsf column oi Jrroeress. inr approaching Fair will bring to bei hospitable homes thousands who will pay appropriate' tribute to her excellence, and sprean ab.road the honor ef her name and the magn'flcance of her fu ture. Another sure and unerring e gn o' better times is seen in the ever increasing evidences that onr loved South is to be self-reliant and self-sustaining. She is no lon geer to be tributary to the West, but, utilizing her advantages, this land "beloved by Heaven ore all the world besides," is to stand forth panoplied in her own strength, with peace, plenteous ness and prosperity within her borders. DIFFICULTIES IX THE WAY. Whatever may be said of the honesty and ability of the Admin lstration, there are difficulties in the way that are almost inenr moontable. 'Senator yaay is reported as saying, when asked about the prob abilities of the passage of the Wilson bill, I know if we had the majority in congress that the Dem ocrats nave we would pass any measure that was endorsed by oqx party." The difference between the Democrats and Republiaons in tviwr la that fh T?.nnhlinan w J iL. I NliGJL bOiCCuUor sou mo 1nuiouriiui don't." Time was when the Democratic part was the best disciplined po litical organization in the world. It was as compact as a Grecian pnaianz ana as ineststaDle as a mountain avalanche. Now it halts and hesitates, and when it moves it is in separate columns and in different direc tions. Its chief, declining in the be ginning of his administration to take into his confidence Demo crats of national character, and preferring to confer the highest honors within his gift upon men wno never wore a Democratio uni form, now find that the once tali- manio word Democrat has lost its magio power, and is no longer a shibboleth to more the rank and file to do or die. It has been said that Mr. Cleve land is a second Jackson. He may be Jacksonian in personal charac teristics, but he is not Jacksonian; in his Democracy. A party that cannot assert itself cannot mass its forces and hurl tbem like a thunderbolt npon its enemy, can gain no decisive vic tory. The way to overcome obstacles is for Mr. Cleveland to grasp the nag of the Democracy, inscribed 1 with the Chicago platform, and rising in his stirrups in the true Jacksonian spirit, "swear by the eternal," "I Am a Democrat." L-t him do this and the rank a file will fall into line with shouts tbat will shake the solid earth! The people of the United States by an overwhelming majority, are attached to Democratio principles, but they want the pure article, without admixture or adultera tion. v That's what Sick Headmch doaa, f vtian Dr. PWu-naa PlMut T1 f lets ar taken. Thaw tiny, rug- jV ar-ooaiad, auU-Ulioaa granules W enra it eompletaly. Thsr'rs tba " . tba aaateat to take, and tha moat natural ramadj'. So distarbaooa, no wnpUwainfn, no reaction, afterward, Oa HtU 7s Pallet at a doe rerulata tha whole irstam. Omen ra firm. In digestion, Biliooa Attacks, Diad neas, and all deraossments of the W 11 Tar, stomach and bowels are i ( prevented, relieved, and perma T fpynentlj eared. 0 TQeyTe tne aAapJC puis 700 can bar at any prioe, for they're guaranteed to rlT satisfaction, or Ttmr mmwr m returned. Ton pay only for the good yon get. , Things that teem to hale Catarrh may be domg- harm. Poasaooos, irritating snnffs and trong, canatio snlnUons only drive it from the bead to tha Wn. Dr. Bage Oa tarrh Remedy enrat Catarrh. It's mild, toothing, cleansing, healing. Its proprietors promia $500 or a care. trKaM JbALLul'N ASoiiMlM BEST ASCENSION'S AND PAR ACHUTE LEAPS THAT CAN' HE MAI)-; WILL BE AT THIS LAIR. A Niht Ascension With a Lvr otfchnic Display in the Clouds. The East Carolina Fair makes a forward move thin year in the mat ter of amusements as well as along other Uuet-; the bal loon ascension feature figures in the iroprovi-ujeU! . The contract for the rtbeennioiis at the next fair has een awarded to the Grace Shannon Company, -i high-priced on j that i ;o.isidered the finest il the country. Five ascensions have been ar ranged for; there will be ascensions ou Tuesday, Wednesday, rhuraday and Friday. There will also be a sight ascension with a beautiful display of fire-worKs while the bal loon is sailing through iuid-au . Connected with the I nli aoii in each day's ascensiou will lj two parachutes in the uppermost one will be a Udy aeronaut iu tne low er one will be a dog When a great bei ht has been reached the parachute containing the dog wilt be cut Iooj-- and seut downward to the earth. Afterward the aeronaut frees her parachute from the bal loon and takes her flight from the region of the clouds to the olid earth. The balloon to be used are al ready here. Each Dtllooi appears to oe about twice ihe size of any that were ever iu the city before, and Mr. Keizenstein, secretary ot onr Fair, who last year witnessed an ascension by one of tne mem bers of this company-, says the bal kxiu went up higher than auy lie ever aw . Auoti.er graud point gained is that tbi-re will be no wearisome de lays and vexatious dissappoint ineuts on account of wind. Means ill be used hy which the oailoon can be inflated in any ordi nary weather, ho there is a reason-blr- certanry of very arenioii taktrig place uide-s, perchance, i' nbould raiu bo that it would not Oe desirable. The vatt msjonty of our readers have, no douot, seen balloon ascen sions Defore, but the probabilities are, that those that, will be made : at this exhibition ot the East Caro I liua Fair, will be so far ahead of rboe generally seen that they will prove as interesting as the first they ever witoesed. DEATH WAS IN THE FOU. Eleien Persons InsUutlj Silled and Fifty Ingured. New Yohk, Jan. 16 Oae of the most disastrous railroad accidents ever experienced in the neighbor hood occured on the Delaware, Lack awanoa and western Kail- road abonj 8:30 o'clock this morn ing, during a thick fog on tbe meadows 'just east of Ilackensaek, N. J. The South Orange accommoda tion ran into the Dover express telescoping and smashing to splin ters the two rear cars of the latter train, instantly killing eleven per baos and injuring abont fifty old ere, ot whom two have si ace died. Inland Xarig-ation. Marshall Parks, of Norfolk, Va., has been an enthusiastic advocate of Southern inland navigatoin and coast defence for the past fifty years. His theories and plans have met with commendation wherever they have been nndersfood. There is no doaot bat i he inland water ways from the Cneaxpeak to Flori da should be made navigable, and such defences as are necessary to protect this long range of navigable water erected. Politics, however, has tbe cll at the present time in this country. When an improve ment is advoca:ed tbe politicians slaughter if, unless they can see here they come in. New York Marine Journal. One of onr exchanges says the adoption by tbe Government of the Hjstem of inland navigation and de fence embodiec in the ideas of Com modore Parks, and others, includ ing eminent engineers, and wh ch have been advocated for years, wenld solve many of the questions which are now before the country and would in tbe long run save many millions of dollars. The present Congress will be called npon to consider the subject of coasr defence iu a serious and practicle manner. THE MECANICS AND INVESTORS UNION. is a North Carolina Siviugs aud Loan Association, which was or ganized and chartered by a num ber of leading citizens of Raleigh. It is under Btaie superviMon, with a sound and conservative plan and has competent managers, offering Havings bank advantages, and solid life guarantee benefits for both in venting and borrowing members. The funds are loaned on the bailding and lonn plan to members of the Union, on real es'ate securi ties, giving universal advantages to borrowers, and large profits to investors. Twenty-two cents per day will mature ?1,000 in about .S years. Ilia profits are divided equally amontr all the members If either an investing or borrow ing member dief, h.s payments are made from tbe guarantee fund. All the paymuts, made on tbe stock of this Association will be re turned to the investor iu about 8 years, with ulty per cent, pront, hich is about twelve por cent, per ennum for the average rime invent ed. You are respectfully invited to examine the plan, and become a member of the Union, branches can be organized and loins 3-in be made in any city or town in Norlh Carolina. For farther particulars, or for Stock, or for lu.ine, or i 1 agencim, apply to Geo. Allen. dlwtf lialeigh, N. C. SEE FOURTH PAGE FAIR FOR AD- ILLUSTRATED VERTISEMENT. HYDE CO. RUST PROOF OATS the carrier harmless fiom any lia FOR SEED A SPECIALTY, AT bility whatever caused by accident CHAS. B. HILL'S, EAST SIDE MARKET DOCK, NEW BERNE, N. 0. n30 3m. , l iv i ii lui'. r K I .ACS OF FAIR TO (INK WKHK BK FF.BKUARY THE inter HK H F.I.I : (1 1 XXI NG li'Tll. Yields of Butter-Fat and Milk. M; flat en Cd C. Foy, a Jones (.'ii; : y pupil of the A.. vS: M. Uol-legi- ends the following account of the lints oi cows for milk and but- j ! A I CO vv of pas 1 lti; ! Mil ' J Oli oi r . ' Th :i ! bv : i i - Kxpei intent Farm the i bteii ''ti rnl" one day -ry mou; h fov the year jut d. A- ii" exauip'e in work-i )' i lie ieidf. the loilowing re- ' tv. . made out by the iii ii in p;i ai ily in charge :-...i;ug and stable work, teni oi milk in pounds for . ii ; tv,nir,y ..s multiplied e ir rein, of la', found in it. Ttierte pioduc's :r ii'lded togeih er fi.i lUc Kti Jin. oi oue day. If the day ou which lie lost was milile ; is tidotiy au a.er : day theyield-t figured out would n.- tiuo for each cow. The cow, Si'of, was just ar the . beginning of lac atation with her1 second calf and the day ou which the test was made she gave 20 '5 pounds ot milk. She had not theu ; reached her full flow for her aver- ; average for the month of Decemb- ! er 1SU.5 was 7S pounds per day ; for the '28 days milked. Co No 5, was accidently hurt , October and brought a premature call but renewed her flow of milk afterwards audby the continuation, has Kiven the highest yield of the year tj.COT pounds. Dora McKee is a full Jersey that has not been dry since coning iu milk in February, 1S02. She brougnt a calf last April. This cow gives very rich milk bat in spite of her having been constantly milking for the year in pounds of milk, TEST FOR DECEMBER lS'J.'S. Yields of milk and percentage of fat and butter. Spot's y ield, Dec, 7 a. m. 10.40 lbs. at (,0O per cent, fat .024: lbs ot far, a m. Spot's yiel 1, Dec, 7 p. in. 10.90 lb, at 5-(Jit percent fat .0104 lbs. oi fat p. m. I -'or the day 1234G lbs fat But ter 1 4"2',!x lbs. F r December .'58 .'004 bi fat Hutr-r 45 0l92x lbs. No. 5 December. 7 a. m, Milk 12 ' ibi. ac 3 8(1 per cent fal .473 So lbs. No. 5, December, 7. p. id . Milk 10 00 lbs. at 3 80 per cent, fat .38 lbs. for the day .83385 Fat for Decern ber 2G 4G935 lbs 31 H04x lbs Butter. Dor . McKee 2.30 lbn. Milk at 7.00 p-rcent fat .161 lbs, fat for Dec. 7 a. m. Dora McKee 2 80 lbs. Milk at 9.50 per ceut fat .266 lbo. fat for Dec., 7 p. m. F-tt for Dec, 13 237 lbs, or butter 15,o728x lbs. River and Harbor Appropriations. If tbe rivers and harbors are im proved so much the better for the State, yet all the same the money ge's here and, in a measure gets ao.ong the people. The Secretary of the Treasury on the 4rh instant sent the House tbe usual estimate of appropiations requ red for tbe fiscal year ending Jau- 30th, 1895. Including there in are tbe amounts that ean be profitably expended during the year ou river and harbor improve ments id North Carolina as report ed ! the chief engineers: Buck river, aunual maintenance. 3,0('U; Cape Fear river, continuing improvement above Wilmington, 84.000; continuing improvements at and btlow Wilmington, 8400,000: Couceutnea creek, continuing im provements, $7,000; inland water way between Beaufort h-irbor and New river, completing improve menf, 810. 00C; North E isi, Cape Fe-ir, river, continuing improve ment, 10,000; Pamlico and Tar rivers, continuing improvement, 817,000; Pasquotank river, annual maintenance, 81,000; Lumber river, North and South Corohna, com pleting improvement, $20,000; Waccamaw river, North and South Carolina, continuing improvement, 830,000. A. & . C. KAIL ROAD. Freight Department. Newbern, N. O , Jan. 12:h '94. EXHIBITS. To State and County Fairs in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Virginia and the District of Columbia. In ell'ect May 18th 1893. Rates on exhibits to fair.s and expositions. Shipments of live stock and other property for exhibition at the va rious County and State Fairs and Expositions, will be tiansported over the A. & N. C. It. K. on the followiug terms: 1st. Forwarding agents will re quire prepay ment of freight at full tariff rates on articles intended for exhibition, issuing bills of lading and way bills specifying each aud every article in detail and freight on each. 2ud. All exhibits transported as above vill be returned free to orri ginal shipping point, provided the ownershi-p remains unchanged and the shiument is made within thirty linn utter the fair or exposition. aud the ornginal bill of lading is surrendered, being endorsed or certified by the proper officer of the fair that the article specified ha- been duly exhibited. 3rd. Parties shipping ho. tec for exhibition at fairs mast preseut certificate rom the secretary to the fact that th horses were not en tered for races nor used for any oiher purpose than that of exhib ition at ihe fair or fall rates in each direction will be charged. One attendant will be allowed to u'cjmpduy valuable animals or a full car-load of stock free of charge goint: and returning. The above cond tions do not apply to race liorst-M, which will be charged full tariff rates provided lor iu classifi C.ltloil. 4:n. Exhibits lrom the lair or j exposition to another iu the same or other States, or over one or more roads, will be subject to the same conditions as govern upon original shipments to first point exhibited. 5ih. Articles for exhibition" will not be taken on above terms unless the shippers sign a release holding detention, or any other canse. S. L. Dill, General Freight Agent. iuh K. WiLLJS, PROPRIETOR OF Lastern Nortu Caroliia m ii a a narhm mnrko 5U SEW BERNE. N. IWa nd American Umrbk tmd Oalms Mi'i,:it.iil a:id given pi ilier at- fnrtnti. w ih at ii'.t-: i -n L'uai : ntefil. li'iu i .iit; 'i,s -.ni' ; 1 a: . r . nnd How n a i ! !:ri I t.t 'jw verv Invii'-t i;i:oo. Just Received A Lart:tJ L -t f FLORIDA I am offering very OKA.N(KS wl low OK DOZEN. Also a full line of other fruits NUTS and CANDIKS for the Holi day Trade. Come and Examine my STOCK before buying elsewhere. 'Satisfaction Guaranteed or money refunded. I offer special in ducements to my Country F'riend.i. "Small Profits ani Quick Sales" IS MY MOTTO. (jive me a trial and I will save you money. Stables Free to all. Respectfully, J. R. PARKER JR. No. 77, Broad St. NUNX & McSORLEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED A fine lot Bananas, Florida Oranges, Nuts, Baisins &c. TENITEY'S CANDIES. Hotel Brunswick, McKeel's and Frank Teller's Celebrated Cigars. Meerchaum, Briar and Rosewood rij.es. SPECIALTY. S?"Call and see us. nUIN S BsSORLEY. IT MIKES r,iE smE TO THINK THAT Has just received aJsnpply of those Tennessee Oart Wheels. Friend go and get you a pair of them, then you can smile. Fay WE ITT Y what you owe him and that will make him smile. Don't you see. LADIES DO YOD KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL flHJ PEKHYBOYHL PILLS are tho original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable enre on the market. Price $1.00; sent by mail. Genuino sold only by F. S. DUFFY DruggLi and Sole Agent. I HAVE ON HANI) A LARGE LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS ALSO A (,(JOD LINE OF BOYS' SUITS, WHICII I WILL BELL AT N. Y. COST. Coiiif carl v";in t ret our choice. mm, St. No. 79 Mi. Id It DON'T DON'T DON'T Let your child cnt his teeth on a plated spoon. I am selling Gorham Company's Solid Sterling SILVER SPOONS For $1.00 per St. I have a few Stick XJ left at lUota. each. ins Hair higher. ills $1.50 and Those litLle Silver Souvenir Spoons at 75cts ain't high. Come and see me. EATON, The Jeweler. 97 Middle St. Opp. Baptist Church. By The Box lEADQURTEftS Buff, White. Black and Partridge Cochins. Lipht Bc.n.- maf. tsarrea fe White mmouth Kocfer. RUck L . Indian Games, Whits Wyandotes and Black Minorcas. lired lo the Hipest Depe of Excellence in En Proiaction S STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. Eggs $ 1 .00 Per Setting of 1 3. Birds a Matter of Correspondence. Tt' Satisfaction nnr.intoed or money refunded. Office No. 2!t StHith Fumi Si I It AI LRO A I S . WiliDiton, Newtarii & Hoi Railroad. TIME TABLE NO. 3, To take effeot Nov., 19;h, 1893 at 0:00 a. m. Superseding Time Table No. 2, Dated Sept. 19, 1893. Going South, schedule. Goino North No 1 PasseuKer Traina. No. 4 Lve. A. M. Stations Ar. P. M. 9 00 New Berne 5 80 9 35 ar. Poliocksville 4 56 Raren wood 90 50 Mayeville 4 41 10 00 White Oak 4 31 10 10 Northeast 4 21 10 22 Jacksonville 4 08 Jarmans 10 35 Verona 3 56 10 42 Cedarhurat 3 49 10 52 Folkatooe 3 39 11 01 Holly Ridge 3 32 110-t Edgecombe 3 24 11 16 Woodaide 3 16 It 20 Annandale 3 12 Cypreaa Lake 1125 Hampetead 306 11 33 .-'cotta Hill 2 58 11 37 p. m. Kirkland 2 53 11 43 Baymnad 2 47 11 54 W.Sea Coaai R R. cross 'g 2 36 12 00 Wilmington Lve. 2 30 No. 3 Passknoeb and Freight No. 2 Lve. P. M. Ar. A. M. 2 00 New Berne 12 10 2 50 ar. Pollockaville 11 20 2 55 Ravenswood 11 15 3 10 Mayivilla 11 02 3 22 White 0k 10 50 3 35 Northeast 10 38 3 50 ar. Jacksonville lv. 10 23 4 10 lv. " ar. 9 22 4 17 Jarman'a 9 16 4 26 Verona 9 06 4 36 Cedsrhurst 8 56 4 50 Folkstone 8 43 5 05 HoMyridKe 8 31 5 16 Edgecombe 8 20 5 26 Woodaide 8 08 5 33 Annandale 8 02 5 33 C press Lake 7 56 5 42 Hampatead 7 52 5 54 Scott 'a Hill 7 40 5 59 Kirkland 7 33 6 06 Bay mead 7 25 6 21 W.Sea Coast R.R. cross g 7 10 6 30 Wilmington Lve. 7 00 Daily Except Sunday . ii. A. WHITING, J. W. MAKTKNI8, General Manager Gen'l Freight and Iassg. Agt, A, & H. G. Railroad, CHEAP EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST CAROLINA M, Oyster, Game Industrial ASSOCIATION AT New Berne, N. C. Feliriiary19'20'21:22;23.&!4:1894 From all Stations West of New Berne tickets will be Bold over this road on the Mail Train from Feb. 17th to 23rd inclusive, good to return until Feb. 27th inclusive. All Stations East of New Bern will sell tioketa up to and in cluding February 24th by the Mail Train. THE SPECIAL FAIR TRAIN will run on Fab. 20th, 21st, 22ad and 23rd, from Goldaboro and intermediate sta tions to Ne-v Bern and return same day. Fare for Round Trip, inoluding One Admission to the Fair when tickets are purchased, by tha Mail an1 Sp cial Train: FARE BOUND TRIP BY THE HI AL THUJ: Ooldsboro, 82 90 Clark's .90 Best's 2 50 R v. rdalo 75 LaGrange, 2 80 r mid. H5 Falling Creek 2 10 Hnvol.ick, 1 CO Kinston, 19) ''nt, 1.25 Caswell, 1.70 Ari!aod, 130 Dover, 1 45 Attamio, 1.35 Core Creek, 1.20 tforeh'd City, 1.50 Tuscaora, 95 FARE BOUND TRIP BY THE SPECIAL TRAIN: fioldsboro, fl 70 .Caswell, $130 Bests, 1 50 pjver, 1 25 LiGranne, 1.45 jOore Creek, 100 Falling Craek, 1.40 Tuscaora, 85 Kinston, 1.35 'Clark's 75 CSfNote that special train does not run east of New Bern tySohedule of Special Train for in formation of the publio, and not for train men. as this train will run by tele graphic orders and will have n rights over regular trains unless so ordered by the Train Dispatcher. SCHEDULE. Leave Goldsboro 7:40 A.M. Best's 8:10 " " La Grange 8:25 " " Falling Creek 8:40 " Kinston 9:00 " " Caswell 9:15 " " Dover 9:39 " " Core Creek 9:54 " " Tuscarora 10:10 " " Clark's 10:17 " Arrive New Berne 10:35 " Returning, leave New Bern, 5:15 P.M. 8. L. DILL, Sup't. kNEW. LIFE BEFORE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment ts sold under positive written puaranteo, by author ized fijt-nta only, to cure Weak Memory; Loes of Hrnin uud Nene Power; Lost Manhood; Qui:kuepp; Night Lopf; Evil Ifreaiiin; l.uek of Confidence; Nervou-iies; Lassitude; all Drr.ins; Lose of Power of the Generative Organs in either eex, caused by ovt: r-t xeriion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive V-e of Tfibjuco. Opium or Liquor, which eoou lend to Miser.', Consumption, Insanity and UeatJi. By mail, f 1 a b -x; 6 for $5; with written truarantce to cure or rVfuii.t money. WEST'S COUGH SYKUP. A certain cure f r Coughs, Cold", Asthma, Bronchitis', Croup, Whooninp Couph, Soro Throat. Pleasant to tak.-. Sumil c-ize discontinued; ld, &c. Fize, now 2rc; old, fl t-ize, now &Jc. aUAlCA2TEES issued only by F. 8. DUFFY, Sole Agent. Druggist and UNION POINT i " Poultry fat ds. OR niGE 'LASS AT DUNN S YOU WILL FIND Everything That is Kept in a Quality Of Ooods UNSURPASSED. And Constantly Sup plied With Fresh Arrivals. f.ly Line Is Complete and -"FULL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT JOHN DUNN No. 55 & 57 Pollock St i i AT NEV BERNE, N. C. 1894, ' 1 i i.' ni fa(;e. Liverymen. P. Buo oatl tib: ' i 0nr s tk frv. The BLUE FRONT "''.xw-zUA Abaut ihe 20th inst. ::t of Roadsters, Draft, Farm and Badcl? Horses Mules, adapted to all purposes. D- y;' buy until you see us and save 25 per chT o i ovn purchase. We Have Now on tion which 3e Sold t?ovm For Yours Truly, ST. JO Eril, MISSOURI, HORSES & MULES' Street II is just rfceivtl f'romjrhtf West as I'un ii lot ot S MULES As was ever brought to the market and guarantees nalislaction as to price. Sold wi s low for (1A3!I or se cured papers. First-Class Livery. T.J. Turner & Co. Have J.li-r Ivcecived Their Bior Stocls. ojrT "0. i:o. j lure MatfrL'S?s and Goose Feathers for the Fair. And will sill CHEAP for Cash Or on and Time. 1 at No. 7H fr voiir-' & 7L.' Middle St. L y.OyriEB SO., To CAROLINA FAIR Mm stocli Carts & thp Rnnn to Hickory Farm Wagon, fuliA and Gents Saddles, Bug- '! !::!!ld. of those Good and Truo Wtrk Horsos and Uules arrivod sell any and all of tho Low for Cash ecured Parers . Respectfully W. STEWART. GAR LOADS and Mules Hand a Good selec- the New Comers. FARMERS EXAMINE MT BTOCK OF WORK HORSES Before baying to onltivsto yoar SpriDg crops. I have them adptd to every parpoee. FINE Gentle Drivers ALWAYS ON BAND, FOR SALE OR HIRE. Horses boarded at MODERATE PRICES And well cared (or. Give me a call. J. -A. JONES. Opposite. Gaeton Hoase. SHEPPARQ'S "toOKSTOV&r MADE FROM PURE PIG IRON. Not one pound of Scrap Iron 1b ever used In these goods. DURABLE, CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL All Mo-lern Improvement to Lighten llou.i krcplnu i mrem. Twenty diflercDt sizes and kinds. Every Stove Warranted Against Defect. IVir. not mnrb higher at thin tlm than on rommuoux k.iuda of Stove. Call cm or culdrex New Bern?, N. G. mi

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