- - - . s , 1 ..- S , " .. ;f .. air hfi WfYtimv .t- .b,.w... .... tt lit ft IY i '.-- I INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. i: $1.00 Per Year Single Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BERN K. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FEBRUARY s. 1894 vol. XVI. NO. 4!) fit an, If 1 deceived JL lIbok lot of rnosK IV. C- f.IAIS That I am selling at 1S2 l--5 cts. per ALSO TRY ASBL OF MY ? ''Best on Enrth" H FLOUU, .IT ONLr COSTS YOU $4.50 PER BBL. And there is nop, t tlT made, ids I V- To my CO U NT U Y 1 i i . Tonlil say drive right in the . " rear of my store, w ii.'i . wUl find ST lil.ES l s . -My prie3 are low, my dealings tV--.rare juat give me a trial and I will gnareatee satisfaction or refnnd J money. " Respectfully, ' T. Parker. .Ti. 'l:k - NO. 77 BROAD ST. lp. JONES, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN voA.Ceneral MERCHANDISE. JVev Bei-ne. IV. O. SEE 9 IRISH POTATOES INST00K Ad for Sale Cheap. Si, Hary's School: For Girls. , N. C. -The Easter Term of tfae Fifty , SSecond School Year will begin "January 25th, 1894. ' Spcial attention pid ro Physi eml Oaltttre and Byieue. Address tb -Rector. "iRBy. iS. SM EDES. A. M. 1232ib. Tnre L Brilliant ! Perfect - UD EfBRTWHEKE, A5D Es DOS ill -.': " Whx.steu Uskd. fk Mot Pplr Ghutet in the U. S. 'Itoy are daily worn in r- -nrmlj WtM by the olid REPRESEN TA TTVE II EN of this couotry. many of . hM bIBK of National fme. The lmt Mtbr-s Banker. Mrohn(, Lawmen. OeMQOit, Senators. Forc-gn Minis tem, aXaohaaioa, Preachers. ESt -BtflNENT IN ALL PROFES SIONS AND TRADES HrSICIAa RETOMMEND THSM. 'BUT BUT THE GENTINE. . Than parfact Q laser are aocarateiy ad 1 - jaatod to all ya at tiit Dru Store of F. S. DUFFY, ITew EernelT.C. jy24ilw PEOFEJ8lOS AL. DR. G. & i3AGBY, SUBGEOiN7 DENTIST. Jfcfcmroav J -il. . a r DR. J. D. CLA?.K, DENTIST. IKW BKK1K. N. C. Ofhea oa Oaves street mtwii Pollock 1 J H. BENTON. M.D.. D.D.S. Prmotlea limited to Opesatlve SL.d Mr- flh.rl nm. I rAfl11at.rv r-&siaz-r and Dantml Snrsrer. ' lf&i Teeth extracted use oi j. i tru i ixu. Uu . he Ul of lentltry don" y la t&e beet style, gatlataetloo sunr.ntwd. , OtJle.orner of Kiddle s,r ei od Anders - Alter, opposite Haottu , H. PELLETIER, A T T O .C R T T L. K . 'Middle tret,Fir8t room above Farm-! ex' & Merckant'n Rink I -.Win vrsotleo la the Coantle of I raven I krteret. Jones, Onslow and Pan; ileo. a Ooart oftae Btate V7M.fi. CLAKKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Heal Estate Asent. JNew B-ie, N. C. Comecfloni, New Y "rb Boston and Canada. Timber lands I Farm lands, Truck lands. Town lots. Do yon waut to bay T WKITK. WHITE. Do yoa want to s il ? SPECIAL. Raleigh VS, -- 1500 icrea, Trent Hond. 6 miles - .Timber and Track: laud. f city. EDITORIAL NOTES. thisi in no year for Democrats to uarrel. There has been a pre it (ailing 1 iiffnr itiferml re -'.one receipts. .T'lvt at the present time Gov. Tdlru in seems mixed dnoks. to be dealing in j Daring t he month the Treasury hrs losr 14,300 0X. The go d resene jU-r Moii lay was down to fioo!)0. I 674. Col, J. M: Heck, a most t-xoellenf ! on izen of 11 iU-iah, is at the, point i of death in l'mUdelphia hospi ral. ' Mr Siley, the Pennsylvania ( 'on i?ressmaii. who resiened r fesri ilis 'o liis withdrawn his res. ItMIl, T' I- tllOUgtlt of ll-'lll' uot ib the cold iras too ranch tor him. A ith $160,000 000 a year in war pensions!. i paj. th- Democratic Administration cannot tu exprc'ed to keen expenditures or taxes on a pface ba-is. A wonld-be Tiin lobtier in South Dakota has hims If etit h exuress in a 8tnffel buffilo -kin. Theexprtss manager catches oa and captures him. Honduras troops are invad.ng ! The saw t he daDgers of t he situa-1 would have been admit'ed during Nicaragna territory, near the lo- tion, and offered the leaderstiip ol the Harrior. nlministrarioti but cahrj of thu Nicaragua canal, and -the party first to one and then to for the f.ie- fx i' they were I)e;no t be Kearsage has been ordered to ' another of the men -vbo had led : eratie. Ifthis'is true, ..hi the thr section to look after Amer - tc.i.i interest!-. but neither of the old captains l-; , present U-nt..-s- sho i!. u-r hast- j Dtm't call a man a liar. We have ike le idmg a to; lornhope. It was ! rate t; admit th-tn into tne M-tet-icoDe to tha conclusion tnat liars 'then that the Committee turned toj hood oi Srares. , are not so numeraus as they are i Mr. Sim moas. They saw in him ai The old dcae o.'h cute saying. generally rnoposed to be. Men t-ee things from diff-rent stand points rind come to different conclusions in regai d to thetn. Men are like posts. Some are straight, some ctooked. Some hold j np the tender vi oes that cling to them, others are so rotten that the vines have to bold the i- up. Some support the gates along the way to heaven, while others stand idly in the way for people to tumble over- Bible Reader. A New York pbrsician is experi menting with red glass as a cure for small pox. It is to be hoped that he will have more success than the peopJe who experiment wtth "red eye.v Pennsylvania is not goiog our of! tiu-iiii ss if 'he YViNon Mil dot's pass. During t be past month six-v,-! tive newcharteis were issued fori manufacturing companies. We would dot count that a style 'A Democrat who will vote for a 40 per cent-tariff tax on the mil lions of toilars and refuse to vote to tax the incomes, of 80 00' rich fieople Wil; Messenger. Sure euough the Knihrs of '.la bor are attempting ro prevent the : hindering the c ufirmation of Sim lssning of bonds, and Secretary ! mous. Hindering did wesayT Ob Carlisle has been cited 'o appear j structing is the werd, but it is oijly before the Supreme Oourt of the , such ortstrucf ion an bullrnshes give District of C'olumbia and make an-' ro the Nile. Mr. Simmons will soon swer to the bill asking for an in- he confirmed. junctioo. It is Baid that Croker has had a conference with the Presi- dent and Secretary Lamont. The i lesult is not reported, but if he ac complished anything it is the first i tiu.e a crcki-r ever met with uuu- ! Sllal S.UCCeSS. N--.ir Pittsburg, Pa.. Friday night Gtl sTikiDg miners oreigoersi vifiil many mines, drove otT aud , leat the workmen aud destroyed u.u.-h proierty. Tnoy were dispel led i,y twenty Americans. A dark mir.ery settles down on ! u -, and our refuges of Jies fall to ('e.-es ou after one, the hearts of l f men, now at last serious, will i turn to refuges of truth. The eter nal stars shine oat again as soon as if is dark enough. Caslyle. lebfc is in 'he midst of a grand W inter Carnival. On last Monday ' (Lord Abeideeu formerly inauga- Iratd tDL 'ort and un veiled the ice etataes. ihe authorities ot the New Berne Winter Fair might' have known hat some of the little 1 burgs won. d attempt some weak imitation, ' , The report of a most fa'al and distrnctive earthquake comes from j , . the city of Kuchun. Persia. Twelve ! thousand people wers killed; 10,000 bodies hare been taken from tbe ! rnins of the houses and a once be- ' au'ifnl city or 20,000 inhabitants - almost literally destroyed. Fifty thoasaod cattle were killed id the surrounding country. The Baltimore Herald oavs ! "4.ftermaDy vexatious delays arjj ' . . . numerous conlert nces there is now i fi i.r-nunt thr tha rits-ni-a k, ! ( a im t a uc jrv V u v 'i v. a - o av u t J kv - ! tween Maryland and Virginia oer I I the oystergrounds will he settled" Than h- thar w hll h.ri-t more'and better oveters There is ;n. dispute over Nyrth Carolina oyster gronads, and if there is any ; failure in legislation on the snbjec North Carolina alone is to blame. According to the report of a c m missioti of exper's "the United States Treasury would be the easiest job in the country for bank robbers, except lor the guard ifii duty day and nigh'.'' From all account some million have been 'improperly gotten out of that Treasury, despite the guards who P'ty is a-, nearly a free trade par are supposed to be on dnty all 'he C as it can be to recognize the time. . necessity ol a tariff tor revenue. MR. SIMMONS. The papers continue to allude to t he failure of the Senate to confirm Mi. SitnmiK-.H. There is Mime con- trov- rs as l o u-ts, cnf ne admit- fed t iC'-i i ugtit to ll iVt !n- c : liiii:a i"ii lot.g agr Wna1 nre some of i nest -ecur. en ad mitt ed facts! He ha" lieen ru in a' e ' th.. ;'fHOilrnl (' lee - ' : 1 filial : i:.v mi.- tor ; he E if tern Di-tricf f North C mdiita. Why - as h . t. . iu l- ii. i tr ? Diit i he P' --i.u ;o bluu- drrnijr ! Ion iiirn lie accidentally stuiu'd d 'Mi !'. S:iiitioii'f Not a bit. of u. Mr. Sriiinohs was at the - ! head of the Demoeiatu; ),irty in North Carolina. How came he there? Did the Ex.-i-utie Coinmir- ! tee play blind inan s-i nrj. and g alont ftelnii i" the. daik tor i-h in maiiT No veill! The Demo cratic party was about entering niion a Htnpendons campaign. Ne-er before in i r historj was the Democratic patty iu Nottb Caroli na in such petji. A secret order was striking at Its vrals. 8 "ditloti and trea.-ou was in tho air, and! the impend ng contest was more than dont-tiul. Tin- Executive Com - nnttee were excedingly C.'.uUotls in rne Kclfciion of a chairman. They did not in the first instance oil r t he 'hairniauship to Mr. Simmons, 1 the party to Victory in the pas", gentleman beloved in the com mu - nitv in which be lived, and an ex- Congressman who made more rep - utation in the liouse than had ever before been made by a jorth Carolinian in a single Congressional ter m With full confidence in his cour age aud ability, the Committee asked him to be their chairman, Simmons accepted the trust, not blind . , bur, knowing the peril of the situat on he looked the sto; m I iu the eye aud defied the thunder bolt. The Democracy triumphed; Carr was elee'ed Governor and the electoral vo'e of North Carolina was given to Cleveland. Why then is not Simmons ern firmedf They tell us that he issued a encular l nsr r nc; l n tr Demoerats a-, to the eleclioEi law.- hnt gave no in- , form'ion to Republicans- Now i wasn't that monstrouT O, what treason to the Democracy! What right had Simmons to tell Repub licans how to condticr a campaign and bjw to hold an election! The charge is worse than childish, it is absolutely senseless. Somebodv is gatheriug up for himself a ten ble responsibility in THE FREE I 1ST. The Tariff bill will soon pass the ordeal of the Honse and go to t lie Senate. What its fat-- will be there i simply a niifterof c.utij.-c' ui e. Il party lines weie stnedy observed in the Senate ttieie would be no diflicultv, but it iH knowu to tar .... r. t, r r detl O.w .1,1 inliMK'ri'mn I si I sharply a;. 'agon zed by Democrats r.i t ne oeiiit-e. I Wl- ailinlt Ih it the ll-Ou ul" I does riot meet our uuqu.il li-d an- i proval. It is too neatly a revision of the MeK'.uley b.ll, retaiumg manv ot the protective fea'nres ot 1 that obrjosous-iueasure. vx Den we COUSider tU.it the Dem- ; ocjatic party is the party of the people; that its favorite motto i- I 'the greatest good to the greatest ; number ' it is remarkable that j Democrats are opposing the Wil- SOo bill on account of its free iist. It is a part of the Democratic creed that the expenses of the Gv- I i ir id vi t.iiT-r ti r ,p iinmn.rii.rir'. ernm-eut should be paid from cus i torn duties lev.ed on the luxuries j ! rather than upon the necessaries of, life. The Democratic party while j . . . ,, . 1 intending to be just to all, is the ; special guardian ot the common! people who constitute a large ma- . jority of the whole population of tbe country. It m averse to monop- olies ;.s contrary to th- genius 0f ; . onr n.sutu'ions. If h is long been the custom toj exemj t articles of universal use ! and aosoluty necessity from custom .,..,) -r.inU- - . ' -.tt.v..-. .A.cpcc constitn'e the free list. ln ,De N llson bill wool, iron. . coa'- l'-m ber, sng.tr and some other articles are on the free list. Everybody wears clothes and uses iron and lntLb.r. while coal and sugar are essential to the com fort of the humblest citizen. A protective tariff embracing eif'her of these articles might benefit in dividual members of a community, but rhe com mnnity at large would pay the profits of tbe iudivid ual. We don't see bow a Democrat can o' jeer to tbe free list of tbe Wilsou bill. Indeed tbe Democratic J -.EW T.VTI. The ipies-i t r r- ..(mission t diew S"a'.-s o:g,' n le se'tled withon' irgird ': i s n l i'ln'i so political p r T i.s Oars i Tne nau i; States of i g 'VIM Hi il II 1 til : A'l.f i . ca I- ij ( . I IS tilt' S . ' I" ! 1 n ci - govern til"-nt is the pieparatory sijiiooi ti) r-t if. Lood and to deprive thepeo; le oi a teiritory of State rights .fcr the.v hive passed the period of tiro, a'e is a grievance at vaiianc- i'ii 'h - genius of onr i n ' 1 1 u M o u s . No less repr".ed"llvl- is the op p sit: i,f:e uf (iroeeedate. The prac t i'i' of p'eci jo; ating ter.itones into S'ates bi-fore the requisite prepar- , tl mi, in i.-tder to -Menntheti t tie liepu in parts in the Senate and ei t ' i 1 :!?', v. s a usurpation -a' ,. ivt r i evolution r.v in its ch.-irai 'rr and r-uhversive ot the letter and xpirir ot the Consti tution. We t r ti lt irt ;il lOUS t-X III! I ne . w iio ..,!. D -mocra i the p-ruic- Ke.in ilica., . s- i nd bv p -r t y . i. ; ti ; the n..t i- e; u i! ol j U ootl national p u'. s e ett-ct I It has been . t iv ch irged i ha' ! Utah and New .Mexico are e-ti led j to admission mTo t lie Union and j truth seems be established, t lie j '-Change the -i u if ion and you i change y our mind,'' comes iu again. j The New York Pt)st, Jany, 31, J aay: " We are glad t o see that so ! prominent a W. -stern Republican paper as the S' Louis Globe-Demo crat comes out ;ainsc 'he scheme of admitting tour territories to the! LTniou as States. It says the en-dor-ement given this proj -,:t by the Republican national Committee ''should not have tieen furnished, rid i ' outir to b (ll legarded by oe Senate." 'he li -public ms in The Glebe Den ')i'rar lavors toe UOI- favors the pol- icy of annexing U ah to Kevada, " - ' and consolidating New Medico and Arizona. We ho.ie ro see other pro ie ts from t iie satn e (j a ari ei against the wild scheme lor miking new St c,s b v ti . -1 f. ' ' If, makes i -r dnl'oreuce whose ox is -Iug g )l'ed. No SUCh piotests wete made wuen Repub ii o'au Sra es were being m -ide " oy wholesale" A' .), a and Nevada weie Republican indtiietr ad niss lon added (our R -p i oilcan metn Oers ti.' the Sj'i.-ff and g-ve six electoral votes in Mie Repuhl'can presideori-t! c. mdidare It is admit ted "iaf they did un" have the re- qll-i'e population, and row if is proposed tocoiieci the idunUer Dy : annexing ', ,1, to V.. v i ,' a and i and1 consolid 'i.ig Ne M -xic and Ari. ZOtia." : We have n , d quit. lough of at. tenidt to correi' e 'ihinder-- d the rlari-'soo oi i ) I u i -' - 1 1 1 t . L -t NaX'ada and Aizonn s'and as thev aie. tul C ') a .d New M,-x. ICi be ad 'u ' : . ( . oi ; --, t .i w n mer its. ge Bat A (Juecr Law Miit a, i : i, l' ..at .he tie vs an I w.t- t he S III,!, is tat'- llOt J.-ht I Mr. i''n j is i -ined ran 4 1: was ' i Mr. R. M h. usr s ,i fence die I lon.r , o. ''!'!','r'i : M r V 'd, ,,1 the rai he could : . - .;, re : 11 ' " ''ow et ,1' strowug i '', "-' " -! !l " upon & j t he Kin i di'ternd", plan. ' lie g, t He g da 1 iie ! st i i ng fr, nn tiie 1. ice to ti.cr, r- V ill tin.- cti. ,:id saw,', ii dl' ..f ,cl - ieii Mr. M.i raii.ed coudi tre. Tneir through : ''" ' 'i A ' 1 tion. Mr. Mi h r indicted W denh.'Use and i.-t of guilty 1 through, tin a;.UDSt" tll0 uin f:l ', fenci Twin Citv Seut.ncl. uunu 101 me runners A good many farmers were in the citv to dav. Thev report that the wheat and oats are looking rinelv. Tiie mild winter "ill probably r.-u.: a short fruit crop next vear, but nide troni that the outlook for isy4 it very good. The tanners owe fr del,. "ow 'han r ,r -vl'arR Iat- fnd thev stiirt into 1(14 111 better shanc than ;uu; yfar yUu.t, i s7:i chtrlotte News. ' Mr Albert Idvori: . f Arkansas City. Kau . wi-hes to g c oUc rea .1- ers the ben- at of colds "lie say-: last spring th if aQ(i ai, r h non i ,.a,I!:i,. in all summ 1 i i e-uce wdh ted a eo'.Q i on I "d o , my J urjgs, r. e Ter. d from it th' r that hung cn ft me with a hack- I thought I never mg cougli ,vi,M would get nn or. h get rm or. 1 ti i i u -id (. hamber Iain's Cough llcuietiy some fourteen ears auo with much suceess, and con- cludel to try it again. W hen 1 had got through with one bottle my cough j had left me, and I have not suffered with a cough or cold siLce. i have recommended it to others, and all speak wellk of if " "id cent bottles for sale by J V. Jordan Siiiloh'- t oiisiiuiitiiui l ure. ' Te.is is vo:.c q i. hl.oci the moet ,.i,..F-itj -'o'i.t vt-dicme we h -ve .-v.-- a. .! f-- if-- ,DvriaOiy cure, in- -'a r-t e .ti-- ' ' on-;h.Ci..up and f Hroiicl.iti- -v'M'e it- onderfui success in the 'nr.- of i on-untptiori m without a parallel in 'he hi;ory if ui--cl:cine Hino ii" firs! .ii-. -..ver it haa I., sold oa it liu-.r ..'ten s ., -, h ch no Jtber medi'n- esi. -t -. ri I' you have i oonj'i r.-st -k vuu to irv it Price 10c. oOc .u ; f 1 If vour lunes rc sort . ct i "a.-h ,hri. . ust - loh's Por-n:- fl..., , S.-ir: b Me 1 Berne IdruK Co. 1 jni'ltv Vl,-l8l--ls!t 'fill. Ii O" UN At. It i Is lem in- 1 ;i "iv'll I 111' li I si p! I.V tin- pr ihi' C -irniv ! "i I i-' evv .i ir. T:i h- lulillLT w ! !h ' iin-'i'ip' 1 ,;i ' -... ! v , - j -; ,.t! 1 typii ai: it pi. ! Mii '!,' niHiiiu1' rii. u;i, i.;i-it.-.l lie- . .! !. . . ti. : : pri.ti- lil;.-- Wc lake a . ! . i i r ! . : in V"i:i pies. ni"lit. pi. Von tire l'ri"ii'l Id prcttv lliini; At this hc.intii'n! ' the Jul KNi! . I.ii-ht. I ki, I w. ( ' i n i 1 1 i i .e . While tlii- ''-( i 1 1 : t tine, t II f li Me A- .ClVcrtisilie; alel lie'A j is t IP.it i his tliinir -1 1 1 I i tin .in: the shine. Tis si 1 1 i an i-h-ealit ee'r.nj Our ol 'jL-el lie laine. A t. I to render "Mr We hope on i ! if: guile. A ml learn how to people in. i iin to th dvcr: w?: rncoiilh Hirds of rassasje. There is a ela-s oi migratoiy i i , , 1 i ua:. eoninionly known as imrnn, "HliIiI to he suppress, -.1. Tin-y i.;.- f. ly cailed agents, !,-, m-e they repr.-- i no peivm or eirp' I 1 1 1 1 n 1 !'T their a They a'e ed from class known as ( j drummer. Th in to l,e sold '.uii. ia: ut e',s or re; .fe.. e tiiy i 1 1 tilt Lolloee' le nn n id eial tiavders or atler rl:i- -ell ir is an 1 . iea! e m i iisi i v . with retail if wliolu.-rtie , immcice ii a iciuinata oninieree. hoii-es, in, pi(ifesion it i reeogni -.j, i ; and a lirntti; in Hut the lianeliil , la-s we have relereuce to, i h lienetit to no l.ody.hiit mi the con tt ir.. is a growing evil, n.,tn ieg l,y their frauds and trickery, the character ol rc)iital,!e clas. and interposing, unt -iecte I d mger ! the (ire'e in which I hey ''online theii nefiriou- o,,.ia:i. i:. The uoo.ls they 'led m ii a- u gein-,n thing, some litlh, alleged patented , , article; some new latighd lii,orsav;ng arrangement or liuu-id, ,1 1 con vu :ence . w nich is delivered on the p "t l.y lie so culled ag.nit, upon receipt ol the price ,,f the same. Tiiii traveling fakir conlines his oper ations to tlia domestic circle; he directs i the forte of his rascality against the j women ol the land. If referred to the store or office of th hmliaml of the itn- suspecting women he is trying to victim- , 17. ie never p-nes there. In tact, he has s no ue for men in his Imsiness. lie never approaches a house near the meal hour; . In' ifill intrude upon a busy house keep er's time, and like .Incoo wrestling with the angel, re I use to go until she Inn made a purchase and -hmhl Ins attempt, d victim prove so linn a.- to refuse to Iu:. after he ha? persisted in -ta ing, find t; Ik mg himself l.'oai.-e, the thanks he gd- for uer loroearance ami paii-nt am i isnv "'-'lerance ol the Hconmirei, is the in- Bh fitiiT in.ini; irii.n llnir liowiiii il imr ! have wasted so much of his valuable time had he known she was nt going to buy- ; This is ths last pass ho makes the crowning tii.-k of all oi hi. trickery, and oft times it has the devred effect, and tne contused and modest woman en y 1 1 ie oft li U ss t h ) ng because. he his not the lUL'tl'eminate tinier, ty to resent the insult, and kick the rascal out of the house. Another common and favorite business method of these commercial mounte bank?, is to insist upon leaving one or two of the articles he sells with his vie- ' tim to try, laying he will return the next dav. and if she then concludes she does I not want to purchase he will take them j back and no harm done. Cpon being told on returning, that s! e has no use for the article, the design ing rogue declares that the article hn been damaged by the test having been improperly made and that he cannot now possibly sell it and insists up,, n pay tor it which lie liivanablv gets wnicn ne lnvanaoiy gets. i he which tbe ,amc. trick w;ls ti'ed.' The fakir left with a lady, three asbestos stove mats which he claimed wnuld pre vent food from burnlDg. just a any n"ti conductor of heat would tlo. p ace 1 be tween the ve.-st l and stove. The ladyd'd not want the in.es an i consequent ;v did not even put then to I lie test, but when the villainous p.-d -.le." returned, and was told she did i.t v ,:t. them, lie saw they had not been tried and i iti used to take them, demanding p ly for the same, because, as he staled, ; ,. iM,i (lt Heated him with the rtenj to try them, ilad she tried thetn h , v .Vollld have been too n, llch . la ma- , . to take back. "The test would have been in, properlv made."' But the trick- of tIii delesta'ne and 'dangerous- class ,,i men, are too mu tilatious, to enumurate. too far reaching to attempt to fathom a ,-l mi ti '..silie i.lss , V,,,v,-.. Th- exponent!, ot tin ,r met tiod-. en, p. ,-e t he vei v w,,,: clIt tlnoais. i-. .,',ers. thieves ami pi, p .ckets t" lie fuind in fieri wd-.l cti ,,, (he w.-rld. and tiie lepu'-ent .i.v- i ti, s , I ,-, who le giin to in;,a-t onr s- , ju-t after the ta-t war, are now !, com" everyday nuisances. Let ev r . lcv thc land w in, reads this ,i r: lei "lis : do. ts torever against tin- pe-f. il -v. ou'.t shti n it: suit, if sue ai iioi -. i he : '. ', . pre' net- of ilesigning frau I and t:.cu: ti dined rt.-cahty." ll. B. Ni.xo.n. EWI'OIM' COKKESPONDEXCE Manifest Progress in the tillage and Vicinity. Inrlaeuza has been around us. The new Methodist parsonage is en- ; closed and begins to look like a reality, while several other new building are pleading for a coat ol paint. The merchants complain that trade is dull and money scarce, but if the hens' will lay plenty of eggs the old women are safe in the way ol small change. The farmers wh take time bv the f.ue lock are breaking ground anel making compost heaps. J. L. Bed seems to be oiemost injtbis work. The truckers seem to be the in - t wide awake men we have. We have had plenty of cabbages all this winter, raised on the tarm ot A. K. Oghsby at Wild wood, ami now Wm. I. Colburn, A. E. iglesby and I. O. Beli have twenty or thirty acres in celery, one acre of which i nearly ready lor the spring tri ie. Tiie farmers have more corn and p..rk than they ever had before and yst there is a general cry of "hard times. ' This cry o' Hard times reminds Us ni a hov whose fdhcr threw thewhi erously for singing .pet pi in p on him vi g- II:. fool ish song of t wc'cdledee and tweedledum. The boy in his agony exclaimed, "v. hy d.ad. if I don't sing that I can sing n--thing, for that ia the only song 1 kn..iv ." It TSINESS A 01 NCEMET. Having purchased the entire -tuck Choice Family Groceries of Mr C. Slover I announce to the trading pu E. , le that I will ccntinue the Liisines. at the same old stand and will try to serve them as well and as faithfully as thev have been served heretofore which means perfect sjti-facti.ui in ewcry particular. I will endeavor to keep the Sim.-" qgsijiy of goods that have always given -;uch general satisfaction to aii w iio have heretofore traded with Mr. Sluvci. Very Respectiully. W. D. ISakblnoton. STATE REFORMATORY. renileiiliary flHp-riiit -ndent Eeaar ! peaks ol the eeil of Such an I iisl it lit ion. r i; s -p.. I lit' en mere than one i:i l-ivuf i if ret'. iinistnries ..'!ri-..i- iiiiht l.e kept iai'. 1 (liminalH Uini iliein '" in,. I e I i 1 1 ! i 1 1 s p. I i : I I 1 I . ' I ".-'.I It' i; ciiiun-.. Mr. ni of the peiii tpi alitietl III m to ie c -sit v exist on the i u i . j a t ( iiai'otte lll,- A. lei .1 as 1 u le-I !e s flllhO ' I e III A : Mint 'ol ask, . is - i ; I I i -1 . , 1 1 v,s ' :,: c 'JnH ci m vicl -,'' was 'Under the au'e . ,1' iu." .11 !,i Ih.ve in a n toimaloiy in inaU. then .'" ,i. tie r, is vry gifat reason li wer. IJ- I th ' 1 ', jrii'a-.oi m h r, ,.; , 1 : , ii r , (- I to do - nn, i!:;:,.j in an humble way myself for ihe '.outlier cotivnts, s.ieh ni kepiiig th, -cpatated ti.eu the older and h-ird lied itiiuinals. and VM rkinir them in -jlla.is l, ilieiii-elves. Tlia great trouble is ,, iwevt-r, that they all must go into U ,;!, i- together at night. Then, is no i r. '-em f. n separata ipniriei s. The-e is 'ii- '""iiegt" on ihe t:,rin nf taller rh ,n i h ;t counter theie," i oiitinned Mr. I. ',. i,, it, liig lo the eoi;titer ( nrirclinrr tie , :, "liice in the Central Hotel" 'II'- i- in "i- I'im- years. All I can mil !' him I'.. i' j. to c.tlTV walel to the men the Ik Mr, I., ,,r thinks there are vcrv ninny nag ci.nvicts who wuld not he t in a reform institution, a thev of r, hem have i iniinahty iu their very horeditv, init le- is , unvoiced that a State reforma tory , ,,;d,l do a great work and hearti ly in liv..i ul'i,ii,. He said that he was ven.itn that the voutliliil evil-doers in the I) , ' u i na1- ji . n.o.v will l.e hardened crimi- 1 1 get Hit. SL S I.N liHIEK In thi ol' enrollmen Statesville in W4s th, The his. !!, i,,,:t , ,ver raised in McDowell cmoy w is gr.twn this year by ama-i l-y th-. nun,-.. I Walker, says the Shelby R. vhw. Mr dun. ives has work in piogres. on hi- property in the vicinity of the Baptist parsonage looking to future niiidi g at an early date. It is ;id thai there is talk of the can did my .if John Nichols, for State Treas urer on the Republican-Populist coali tion Richard Mansfield says he intends to pur. 'u I-" 2 000 acres of Ian J on the line of the Carolina Central railway and es tablish a deer park. The Norf ilk Landmark in -peaking of old pe .p'e says that Mrs. Sillie Caswell ot Burke county is pi. years old, and th -t "Peg Witch" a Cherokee Indian of :1,;- : ,:e ; 1 1 1 v-.-ar- oid. Lews hi Howard, t1io brutally mur dered Jones in Cleveland county, is now being pursued. He has been tracked as far as Morganton and is now thought to l.e heading towards Tennes.ee. The report of the committer on the Settle-Willi ams election c e admits ir regularities but says they were not suffi cient to change the sesult. A majority for Settle would still remain. The Roanoke Beacon says the farmers of that section have killed and the best part ,,f it is have packed away more meat thL year thai: they have for many yai rs pa-.t . There lias been an accession of several pupils to the Collegiate Institute this week, and increa-e well deserved if c'a.9 study 'i l good taaching are to be con sidered. Mr. T. K. Brunei' infirms the News- i.i.i-rv, t-!':i , or, , 1-- t h it tiie tir.t ship nitiit of Xortii Carolina Kaolin will be made ' ' ) ip.in l.i a day or two. The f .bowing is the Roll of Honor for Silver I a!e Academy. For the mouth en iitig J m. tic 30th, P304. M -scs Eva Mattocks. Essie llargct and Barbara nu'e ! alto, I l;e Misters tlon.er Mattocks. George ; an 1 Percy Mstr.rt.k. ws-Observer Chronicle say s tha : (.' irr has issued a requrstion iiti-ri it ot iissouri lor Charles i ,!' 1- wanted for murder in ' HI He .1: . I Biptist Slate t have a busi ti'id industrial C d, ci.led Te g ills re! it Stalling his futile j try ff 'u'librrland oiinty a tttte bii! against J. L. the murder of M. I). Deumng -1-nv. True bills for murder are also returned iinst W Camp-j bell and W ilii.im Smith for the murder of John Burkett. l'ri-ide nt Cleveland his appointed President Wit. -ton, of the Univeraity a member oitue commission to examine and test the weights and fineness of the coinage of the various mints. The com nik-stun me: :- ;, i the Philadelphia mint February 14t'i. Hon. A. S. Seymour, C. S. Judge for the Eastern I strict of North Carolina has been appointed t o hold the regular term of L'nite 1 Suites Court in the Western Distri, t of South Carolina at Greenville S. C. on account of the accu mulation of business and need of dispos ing of it. It bpgii.s next week. The Atlmtic Citv. X. J . Gazette has undoubtedly cut its juvs that oonductin: eye teeth when a newspaper in lt a is is uiiiunr.er which will phase everybody ..oe.-i--, t ,-k 'What may ph-n-e one -nte ,. i i-ple i-e another. Ve t here are li.; HI ie who :i re a tie re are vays di-sVisti'-d. u. anv also who Ci,;! nr.,-- t ,t they could run that the present pu per and pet s a fe unlntee to conduct sue It is said th tt the attendance at the trial of Edw o l J. Fuller, for n unL-r at Fa ve-ltevitle. is as Urge as w as a' a court house there. Full- st tie 1 te? in his own defence that he shot Ben Pat Let' to -avc his own life, but that he iuU".i,lt"l to disable and not kill him. He ruv- Paiktr knocked him down anel was healing bis face and head and that ln su'iseouent sickness while in ail Was ttlC I result of these injuries. HC SI NESS MEN'S CARMYAL. (iran.l Success of Home Talent at the Theatre East Nisid. Tickets tn tic .Mcicl.uni ' Ciniival were iut en -.ihi cstci,la ninniinc- A, I'V to o'el'tck evei'v M':it ta taken. We . I. ni ,; km s ll ol anv crnt l.i Ton in winch time. lis u ii. f; i r rl I- statement it eld al.vlhili the Hinlicnee. ,itly and he super,' al.oiit the at hi. red I he , i,t( a I. The foil, dere.l: 1. Old . ,n s'e I" inure Thfv n,ment InHv. ov uil; i- t he p ren -1 la. Tableau I ;, L'iriii', ,1 mat, ft . n. :-ong. I'arnival i hui'n- elconie to (.iii-en . l:een's H,.ply. Uev iew ol Trade-. Carnival chorus. 0. The important feature u a the Rkvii;w ok Th.vdk New Berne JoriiN.u.. ivpre-er.te, I hy Miss Susie Dillingham. Druggists of the city All the repit-s-entatives of these appeared on tiie sta 'e at one time as fnlloivs; Rrailhaui A. Brock, represented by .Mis Bessie j Tinker,' R. Bttrry- hy Miss Norah Hud-; dlesttiii,- (laskill's Pharmacy, Miss Mav C.aho, F. si. Duffy. Miss Mamie Duffy. J. A . Meadows grist mill, Mi : Mamie i , Woden en. I,. Schuli & '-'o., Miss Rachel Sdmll. Lucas A Lewis. Miss Melissa .Mav. W. D. I! in ington. Miss Maria t'ox. j Clark Baking Co , Miss Lent Hines.'i J. Eater's hakeiv. Miss Daisy Guthrie. These came on t ie stage together. William Su'tun. Mis Sn-ie Danenliurg .1. AY. Sniallw.ii.d. Miss ('a! vine II ,w,-r. toll. I). F. Jarvis, represented hv Mr. I. T. I Ilollister and Miss Willie Ferrehee. ! O. Mirks, Miss Eulilie Willis. Bryan A Smith, Miss rjetlie Wahub j Insurance: S. R. Street, by Mis. j Laura Suter; W. II. Oliver by Miss Ger- tie Willis. These appeared together, j K. R. .Innrs, Mis? Lena Schultz. H. B. Dufl'y, Miss Alberta Snelling. i Hackburu A Willett, groceries und hardware, M iss Susie Gaskil! Mis; Mav Hendren: dairv. dry goods, Miss Etta Nunn. j Holland A Rouutree, Miss Julia Staub. Mrs. B. YVhaley, by Miss Bonita Whaley. A. E. flibhard, Miss Fannie Cutler. A, A N. C. R. R , Miss Faith Brock. J. J. Disosway, Miss Agnes Foy. J. AY. Stewart, Miss Janie Stewart. J. J. Tolson, Miss Louise Suter. Red Star Clothier, Miss Mamie Daniels, Courier, by Miss Katie Matthews. Big Ike, Miss Pearl Wallace. E. H. A- .1. A. Meadows, Miss Neal. Mis-, Ilarriette Liue, Miss Bessie Lizzie Wil- lianis. J. A. Jones, yiiss Bertha Tucker. Roberts Bros., Miss Mamie Hay Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Company, by Miss May Heudren; Xew Berne Fire Company, by Mrs. J. T. Ilollister. J. J. Baxter, Miss Maud Land. Dr. J. H. Ronton, Miss :iry Wright. Hotel Albeit, Miss Mabel Hughes J. A. Simpson, architecture, Miss Marv Gooding. E. S. Street, Miss Rjbecca Street. J. M. Howtrd, Miss Ridie Kehoe. N. N. & W. Steamship Lin, Miss Mil dred Gray and Miss Amy Guion, dresserl as sailor boys, m J. R. Parker, Jr., Miss Ridie May. Mrs. E. B. Ellis' coal vard. Lycurgus Tolson blacked fir the o a-asion. Thos. Danicli. Mis- Sallle Justice. Nunrj tt M, "s d 'v. Mi-s Annie S Hin ders. National Bank, by Mi3 Emma Hender son; Farmers & Merchants Bank, by Miss Vic Le May Dewey; Citizjns Bink, by Mrs. J. A. Jones Hahn tt Co., Miss Mamie Dawson. Mrs. E. j F. Dillingham, Miss Mary Lucas. A. Cohen Miss Sadie Whitford. "W. N. & X. R. R., Miss Faith Brock. Dr. J. D. Clarke, Mis Brownie Hanks. Ice Factory, Miss Mollic Davis. Butchers: SauiT Cohn, by Miss Mamie Gaskill, C. E. Nelson by Miss Mary Gooding. John Dunn, 'diss Clara Burrtis. S. K. Eaton, Mi.-- Sadie Eaton, adorned w ith 0?2, 000 worth t.t jew elry from her father's pstablishnieut. Racket Store, Miss Brow nie Hanks. Cotton Exchange, Mi-s Aagusta Cra pon. E. C. D. Stea ii.'iiii I - , Mis J. T. I Ilollister. F. Utrich, M-- E.fa'.if Wil. is. Mrs. S. II. Line, Miss Maggie Line. John Suier, Miss Nannie Hill L. H. Cutler A" Co., M:ss Carrie Aren dell. The selections of Miss Stella Roberts as Queen of the Carnival was a most happy one. The sta;e was filleel with her sub jects. The entc rtainnient was not lengthy but it was go i l,- its praises were on the lips of all. Mr. Vill McCarthy, us jester made a continuous ma ot gooil hits, sUowing the quick Irish wit in hiui in a remarkable degree. The business representations were apt and the recitations pleasingly delivered The costumes were all beautiful many Gl them elegant, and the young ladis themselvis simply bewitching. In fact the entci tainnieut throughout in everv particular was generally pronounced "as good as it couhl be." "llaman" -Xot Bahama. the idtal . We have rather been under the im Mishers of pression that t'je name "Hainan'' as ap plied to a variety of the sweet potato was a corruption of Bahama, but we are informed that Mr, Evans, proprietor of the hotel at Manteo, savs that thev took tlle"' na!lle from Capt. Hainan ot the ves sel which brought the tir-t seed ones to North Carolina. They crrne from Bermuda and Capt. Hannti gave them to an East Carolina farmer our informant thinks he lived , o. f..... ... 1 f. !, .1 -i-i-au Leo, aiita uuiu tuut tniey -pi uug iu- to general use. Drowned Near Hatteras. A terriblr exjierience was undeiono n few days ago Pet ween Hattcras and Oera eoke. r. Phil (Raskins and Levin Ciinl ly had -tarled in a sail hunt to Hatteras. loaded too hr.ivy with set net stakes. I he hoat capsized and fla-kins wai. tli'own,..,. tjniilly remained on t he hot -ton: ol tin I. , at four day s and nights without lond i,r water, tie I u.i- pal-e up I'V Mr. Win. (J iski.is. llns all happened in -ight ot the 1,1'e sivine; statinn. we have heard. uliiTr the in. n conlil lie teen walking on sii,,,,, vet no assistance was cnt the -nifferiii man. Washington (ia.ette. Th eieiienee which ll e Ca.ette ti lis ot is indeed a terrihle one. It i to I c - Ie 'I' however, that inve-tiation nia prove that no I d utfic either for careless ness ,,r wanton neglect may attach to the li ,- s t ing station people. I he class of men in charge o these -lath ns have a good name for bravery and tor willingness to nek their lives .(hen necessary iu 1 ichall of others i n dan g, r ai . 1, we d.tn'.t not it wid I I, ,und mat theiu-i'of their not -ally in lort.li to the resc n s w as simply a (allure to understand that their service" were need ed. Wall un the W. N. A '. Mr. W. C. Heckman, C. S. post-nth, a inspector of routes went down to VYil iningtoii Thursday on business connected with the putting ot tile mail on the W. N' A N. U. It. Post-Master Clarke believes that the indications justify the belief that the route will be established in a very short time. Mr. Clarke has w orked to this . end by notifying head authorities about j its advantages and it might expedite ;nat j tets Tor our citizens themselves to give ! expression to their desires in the matter. j I'sing dirt roads for mail facilities I with their slow service instead of u ra 1 1 - road is not in accord with the spirit of j American progress and should be done I away with at the earliest moment. The quicker service is needed and we looked lor it to go int.o operation as soon as the trains begun running. YVe hope there will be no further delav. It Is Xow Collector Lane Mr. Robt. Hancock, who, timing President Harrison's administration held the office of Collector of Customs for this district turned over the office Thursday to his successor, Mr. S. H. Lane. Mr. Lanes prompt atteniion to every duty as has been proven by past position he has held is sufficient guarantee that those having dealings with the office wil' he satislac-torily served, the business ably attended to and the work kept light 1 square up from day to flay. We have never heard a complaint j against Mr. Hancock since his term, so ; far as the diachargc; ol his official duties I ire eoncerncl, but the voters of the coun j try j crats have said, they want Demo ti these places, and as it should lc, j a Democrat now tills the position. I We make our bow to Collector Lane I l)r Black Re-elected. Mr. T. A. Green who has been attend ing the meeting of Directors of the Oxfortl Orphan Asylum, returned last night. Mr. Green informs us that the board re-elected Dr. Black, Superintendent, and oy his recommendation re-elected the prefect teachers. The board found the school in fine order and everything connected with it. Onslow's Subscr'ption to the W. N. & N. R R. The suit of the W. N. & N. R. R. company vs the commissioners of Onslow county for the first paymeut ($30,000) of the county's 60.000 subscription to the road will be heard at the next term of Superior court in Lenoir county. This $110,000 was to have been paid upon the completion, of the road from -Wilmington to Jacksonville, the other $30,000 upon its completion to New Berne. It would have been better for th bonds j to have been promptly issued when the railroad complied with its part of the , contract. Signs of the good that the railroad is j tloing the whole country, it traverses can J be seen all along the line, anel it should I moreover, be borne in mind that the bonds are cot a gift to the road, but simply a purchase of that amount of stock in the road. Whatever earnings may acvru to its stockholelers vill in due proportion' be shared thereafter by the c lunty. It is suggested that boys who want to send their girls valentines tiend them in the shape of a season ticket to the East Carolina Fair, f which legius just five days after Valentines )Day with the re quest ''May I attend you.'' Slight y Twisted. Capt. W. W. Caraway, of the Rich mond Dispatch, who is now iu the citv teils of the billowing joke that came j whether it is the sought for w rc k. under his observation w hile inWadiing-' Mr. Chidbourne intends to either ton. ! accomplish the purpose for which lie ha? A high flying member of congress got oil' 1 gone or conlinu - th, ,:w'i until olher a bit of latin in a speech. He said 'Amicus " is ordered. est Plato, amicus' est Socrates, ced tnaior Veritas " The Wilson Hill Passed. The next morning a newspaper in quoting this part of of his remarks gave it a? follows: "I may cuss Plato; cuss Socrates, said Major Veritas! 1 mav Carteret's Fish and Oyster Interest. The fishing and oyster industry of this place aud Morehead Citv is an immense thing. The waters around here are equal to the gold mines of California1. How many mn in the county who depend en tirly for their living by what they catch from the water. And here of late since the drop-seine lias come into use boat loaels are caught at one haul. Last week fishermen went insielc ol the bar and dropped their seine- some of which are 200 yards long, aud they would begin to haul in ut'.d take out the fish that would be entangled in the meshes, and before they would pull in half ef the net the boat would be full and they would have to cut the seine in half and leave it for soiue- . body else's boat. 200 tons oftish left MoichOad City one morning last wet k. We (lo not doubt but that the fisher man would get better prices for their fish if we hail a better financial policy, but I our people cannot complain of hard ; u.iies as long as nsu win run. Carteret ! county is indeed the richest county in the j State. Beautort Herald. OXFORO ORPHAN ASYLCM. borne Facts in Reference lo This Excel lent Uenevo'.eiit Inslilulion. j Mr. T. A. Creen i picsM high pleas ure at all he observed while on Ins re cent visit p. iht. Oxford i hphan A-yluni Slid gives us some p,,n Is uhi, h it is well enough for the pi,.. , ... kt... about this. M r. ( i re n del ighi - ,., n. ,, j,, . , , r, method-, by which the A-y!u n i- heme, operated and also in the practical man ual training along certain lines uhich Ihe scholars receive in addition to the regular schooling. ( onnecte, I w ith I he -steam lau-drv, the .. ;.-h i all Ik ing ,l,,ne l, -team. A piltnp supplies t h rough pipes wit h V! 1 1 . Il is operated b t ;,, s I- a id ir goful in i ng : h il h ,e.. that runs the faundi A mi in her ol g. ., . I in i at e kept. A tailoring department i- run by the girls. In :t th-v cut and make aTt clothes for both boy. and gills except what are donated to the Asylum ready made. The bovs ni:, ;l sh. p'an. N'o ready ma are bought. Th'e sh hi the s,. me ieg ,,r shoes th.- apparel ,1.1 come cheaper and gi m - , sanif time. The ( )rjdi ins Fi a, n I . i h, institution is also run l.v il, The children wh- an- e h orphan's home stand wel ttale at t he n, .,f the ii. in ,1 a', d : th w I n liev leave. Mr. Duk e ol I lirhain. recog bils to a hi, h they ined, and being dis- ni.ing -the iro.Mi ii Would ;,V, been t r posed likewise to pla -, 1 hose who leave the school in a po-dion to look fill for themselves, has given directions to his malinger to always give employment to every one who applies , f li nn this school and it is t ,tcd to .!,- the htw abiding clfet t ol the :a! and religion training imparted nt tin- school that in its whole history not one who passed through il was ever conv.t led lor any offence in any . on: t. The hiol report ,,f the Sup.n intcnilent shows 215 childien on the roll 11 were admitted (luring the yi ir, 12 plated in homes, 3 died and 11 were discharged. The account kept with the farm run in connection with the school i-hows a net (trotit from it of 1705.82.- tin- one with shoe shop a net profit I'rom it of 551.27; . the printing office a net profit of if 1,410.32 Repairs and additions to the building and other improvements have been made during the year at a cost of $2,033. To Arkansas and Ohio. The Green Place Poultry Yards, W. IL Bray, proprietor, made a s'iiHiient of Silver Laced Wy.iudoties, yesterday to ' R. B. Thomas, Ark a lelphia, Arkansas. Mr. Bray a'so has an order for fancy poultry to be shipped to Cleveland, Ohio, which he will get off next week. New Berne poultry is getting celebrated holli far and near. The display ol it at the East Carolina Fair is always a prominent feature and a surprise to everyone who sees it for the first time, no matter what they have heard before of its excellence. And there is more fancy poultry, a great cr number of varieties, and more beauti ful specimens now in the yards of the breeders of this section than we have ever seen before. The industry is a growing and profitable one. Don't fail to give it due investigation when you visit the Fair. Better on" than Other SUles. There is plenty to indicate that on the whole North Carolina is as grind a place as can be found We come across one more proof of tins in the conclusion drawn hy Col. Burgw yn ol Henderson, a prominent ane) very obsi rvant and intell igent business man of Henderson from what he ha seen on recent trips. The Gold Leaf upon ids return home quotes hi n thus: He. tells that the business outlook is more encouraging, he thinks, and in all his travels and observations he is convin ced our people are as well otl or better than those of other States he has been in, and certainly North Carolina upon the whole is surpasseel by none. Looklufr Eor the Wrecks Mr. W. II. diadbourne left la-l night to search for the w recks neat Lookout shoals preparatory to their 'cing- blowu up. The wr.'t k with the pro jecting spar will no doubt be located with comparative cast , the search for the other two, w'll be like the proverbial hunt for a net die in a hay slack as the highest parts of tlcm are about eight feet below the surface of the water. There is nothing to do but to sail backward and forward over tiie expanse of waters imel whenever a dark appearance in the water below is observed to examine and see j On Thuisday the Ibi.se pa.--cd tilt) le w .1- announced at . '-'o'i.' nays, le, la : e, I , . --, , with e tlooi an.i the :';.- Wilson bill. The v, 5 o'clock as iollow 140, so the bill was a wild shout from th lcries. A later and nmir t o, in! , vim . ination of the vote showed t hat 2of hael voted lot the bill, including the -praker. The announcement was greeted with clicers and applaiisi in tiie gallerie s anil on the floor, which lonlinuc! until the House adiiurned. The debate was t lo-cd , Messrs Reed, Crisp and Wilson. Mr. WiNon, thn author ol the bill wis carrietl from the House on the shoulders of his colleagues. Filled With Pearls. A cot respondent w i ilcs n, elor of a most -inguhir ... w hich an oy ster w as f ,n:i. twenty pearls. At an oyster roast being .. home of Mr. B. It. Brooks, young ladies prt-ci.i was .,, from r.ai li eu 1 1 , nee in i ,,,t .. ining at the of th,. i, nab: as i.-wel- lll a l lied lot I to get t he one t h ,t pi .a cd lad ii . Bv actual count i pearN. over the shell and t twenty Brine :ii is fir cx- hibition at the Xew Berne Fair. J-, , , 1 . ' 'f ' r '.j -. .., r 'i '"- '., i' I

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