; 1 .... .' - liiail $1.00 Pe- Tear INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BEHM. ! li.WKN COUNTY. N. C KKHllUARY ::. 1894. VOL. XVI. NO. '50 eceived A LAEGE LOT OF THOSE IV. C HAMS That I am selling at s r-. . ICI 11'. per VUS0 TRY ABB L. OF MY ''Uest on Karth" 11 X)I li, IT ONLY COSTS YOU $4.50 PER BBL .And there is none Ivetter made. To my COUNTRY friends I " would say drive right in tin Tear of my store, when- vim will find STAPLES fki;i;. My prices are low, my dealings j are just giTe ste a trial ana i win guarantee satisfaction or refund ml money. Respectfully, J", H. Iarker, Jr. NO- 77 BROAD ST. Wholesale and Ketail j -DE ALEE IN ' General MERCHANDISE. New 13 e i-no, IV. C. SEED IRISH POTATOES IN STOCK And for Sale Cheap. I HAVE OX HAND A LARGE LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS . OVERCOAT! ALSO A GOOb LINE OF BOYS' SUITS, WHICH I WILL SELL AT -N. Y. COST. Comeearly and gei your choice. o". 79 Middle 3t. Good Hard Brick. We are prepared to rill all orders up to 100 .'thousand '.per week. VV. P. BOBEUS. WATER! WATER!! I can giro yon BOEED WELL ia your yard or home, fjr cheaper than has erer been done in this part of tbe State. --. Hjire the latest improved machinery and experietced mea. Can give yon Any Sized Well From One to Ten Inches Aa4 will roarantee as Ineihana table Supply of Water. V ill go to any part of t'.e eoontry. OffloeatG. D. JBOWDEN'S, No. 75 Broad Street. BE8PECTFTJLLX, - W. E. SNELLING. . NEW BEUNE, N. C PEOFE -SIGNAL. DR 0. K 3AGBY, SURGE0N DENTIST. en, opposite BaptlM i OOm, ilid io krok. 4ee8dwtt DE. J. D. :lare, DENTIST, SltiW bkrhe. ?e. c. Oflto ea Crimen street d Broad. betwet-n Pollock JH. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. Prme'loa limited to C.pit1ve and M. eh&r. losl Deoilstry and Dental Surgery Teth extraoied without pain by fie nse or Sltro uxlde Uu. . JrSrw" he line of Dentistry don" t Uh beat ety la. gtlafctloD guaranteed. Offlfe, eorner of Middle str-el aod Kedera Allay, opaoalte Baptlx t fa j - P. H. PELLETIEE, AT T O R V K T AT JL W . Middle trefct,First room above Farm er's ft Merchant's Bank. "Will practice In tbe Counties of I neat artMtt, Jane. Ocilov Dd Pamlico ajra. United Htatee Clourt al New Kerce, nd aprazo Ooart of Uie State WM. CLAKKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Keal Estate Agent, 5New B-me, N. C. ona ectiona. New Y irk Boston and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands, Truck lands. Town lots Do yoa want to buy J WKITE Do yoa want to sell ? WHITE SPECIAL. -1500 cres, Trent Koad, ejmilesjoflcity. .rtwber and Track land. t(, R. JONES, EMIOIIIAL NOTES. Toe De - oor Cic p it"." i now n ; . . . . . - - j ,.i in art ii'L- !:nm "M""rUI u',u" ' tssMW-hnno v,,:,. P,o,per.ry is returning wit,,oU' ItiC .IIS. Tor .Merchant ot New York dis graced themselves v i n - u I ' i -i Oli iirm mi A iisoii A dinner a which tie was a gue t Hawaii h ts ttv ti'-'or I in- Hivi-e a-id the Election Li- ill. floor ot the Senate. S !! ;-nr Hoar should stick to the Hawaii-in question and allow Sen 'or Shi rm.in to define the lie pub. '-- ! ;nr''- p -!':on on financial in - ' t ; 1 he Augusta Cuiouicic says that, "Georgia is prond of Speaker Crisp." So she is of her wa'ermel lonn. Both are urlme favorites ; bit over the South. Sen n r Pase. is interesting him iselt in 'i.Mnj to prevent the Louis iana lottery company from opening its beadqu mer at Tampa Cry, as it is said it contemplates doing. The juroDrUtioD Cotnanttee in the uon report favonug a suffi cient appropriation for the lightirtg j of Cape Fear river with postlights j and for one SuperiDtendant of life- saving stations on the North Caro lina coast. All these are needed. On Monday, Fed 5., The ther moneter registered 18 degrees be low z-ro at Plattsbnrg N. Y. At Siraaie Lake 41 degrees helow zero were vecorded, bemg the eol des: weather iti tbe history of that region. The Mardi Gras festivities be gan iu New Orleans on last Mon day in a blaze of splendor. One t hundred thousand people witness-, ed the pageant pass tUonn the , streets. The Kentucky House has lostruc-; ted the Senators from that State to j Oppose any mau tor tbe Supreme Caurt who can not prove his gen ome Democi acy . The Washiagjon Post siys that Ool. John S. Cunningham, of Per-( son, who was iu Washington last 1 week, is a candidate for the Demo- ! cratic Domination for Congress in I tae fntu district tnis year. A tlpiti-h Iri-ni Lisbon siys if is i stated on high authority there that tbe Rothschilds are fnrnishmg money to admiral da Ginw, the commander of the Brazilian insm- gents at Eio Janeiro. We areola.) te lear.i that the' Serate Finance committee will give very few heanngs to persons wish ing to submit objeetions to the Wilson bill. The idea of monopv lists and manul'ac'urcrs taking a month or two to enter c mplaints against the bill before it is report ed btck to the Sinate is outrage j OU-". At the Twenty-second Scientific SesMOQ of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, to he held at Natatorium Ilall, Puila delphit, Thursday evening next, Rev. Dr. John F. Crowell, presi dent of Trinity College, will pres ent a paper on --The Co-operative S udy of P-. l tical Ethics." When he was in Wilkesbarre Ice tutiug the other evening, some gentleman asked Col. Watteison ! what he thought of President Cleve- Uud. tlis reply was as follows: '-I want to say that Grover, personally is a good fellow. He is good com- ! pany when you know h'ra will, P,a-V8 a falr K'me of poker, takes j his whiskey straight auu temper lately and all that but he seems to -lack foresight, lie wou'c b; advis. led- He is bull beaded, be rune away Irom bis party. In short, Mr. ! Cleveland is fatal to his friends." j The Washington correspondent 'of the It'ch ti .ni'l Y a ) Tnces. i sends thiM "At an iLiunu a ro.-. '. ing of eome of the mem ters of the House Committee on Elections this evening, the contested election case of Williaan vs. Settle was practically settled iu favor of the sitting member, Settle. Congress man W'oodard, of North Caroliua, will present his views dissec ting from some ot the con clusions ot the r-j..j rir it' the committee. but wbl agree to make the mj o-itv report nnaniinons. L'ne deei-iou of ' M.- COmmitfif will le.tCCrp'ed V Mr. Williams as rinai, and the cise i;l not bt- carried further,'' Tbe Puiladelphi i Hecord well s.'.ys: How well the t:outitr kuew the worth of?.lr. Geerge,'. Chibis has been shown by the manner of its mourning lor Ins ioss. Mever be fore bas tbe death of a private cit izen in Philadelphia evoked such widespread demonstraf ions of ear nest sympathy aud sincere grief: and never bas tbe voice of the press been mere surely an echo from the hearts of the people- Only a lova ble nature sn'-h as the veteran and venerated philanthropist possessed could have inspired such universal sorrow; which in paying the tribute of its tears has at the same time revealed one of the mist exal'ed attributes of tbe American charac-ter. lKiE FIRING Wi:o:i .! tr.ilu -ry c --mmandcr .-eestha- Ins troops are liiirg with it, ft of ;tig ;,. sit j nr.. upon the t-nem v 'f H In t t i I) i ;ive i lie t in ad d : - ; 1 1 ; a : i 1 : t ' 1 1 l r l l'.,r I, T . tl ths- n i ' is a US is ; ir:i- . i - I'T tl o I t !m" i c ; l.r v. t i i : 1 1' Ct 1 ' ! trail;! ene;n - lire, D.-rn.v VVi-l f in i- . M' ' ilMl . i i i t :.t- on; . d 1 ; i ii" m , I i ' ' . aid V i Simmons f I liavi- ! I MI'.I ti i ftnonzh s' fi to have nxi'ed tue e xnf-i! .-.I 1..: of t he opposition. lucre is nothing mort- saced 'than friendship, and the man who I disregards its claims has very little i of true nobility in his nature: but devofo'i t a friend does not re quire a in in to a i it he;nat"z.' ev ry, ' body wh ) iloes not take that limd to his ho-oni . It is the mark of a geutieman t.) give to a:i honorable opp-nent the mine freedom of opioi n that be cl mo-, for ti'.mstli. This witter i.i the anient fnend of Mr- Simmons and Senator Kan som, and accepts their statements as tree. Dr. Kingsbury is the de voted friend of Major Hale and Senator Vance, and will not join 'issue with them on questioua of fact of which they hae personal knowledge. Must we fallout on that account and hurl at each otb-r uncharitable and offensive innuendoes! No iudeec! We see things Irom diflVrent standpoints, and nt r her is compromised by his posi'ion. We use Dr. Kingsbury, for illus tration, because everybody kuows that he is a christian gentleman, and his fame is the common heri tage of his people. Now, this Simmons matter will soon be disposed of, and, Inwever it may result, the Democratic pir ty in Noith Caroliua must jrt to gether and direct i's euergies to the achievement of a grand victory in the approachirg campaign. So far is we kuow- there is not a member of the Democratic press of this good i, hi S'ate who is not en titled to the lespeet of his fellows. It" 'h- ; ue i!;o-e .0 ,t il;tT.-rent r.timo they should qait a profess ion that holds its honor above price and c. nuts no sacrifice too great iu the cause of justicj, vir-' tue and right m;o slow." It is no unusual tuing to hear our grave and reverend seniois say '-Go Siow.'' They mean that a youug man should not be precipitate, but should deli berately consider lefore be acts. All of which is rilit and proper. l!ut it will not do to st r.ke a slow gut and keep it. These are hus tling tunes, aud the fellow who oes slow will never get there. We take it that Mr. Cleveland was brought up under religious in fluences, aud very often heard those words oi caution, "Go slow, my boy." He was at one time con sidered ra'her last, but ihe fatherly injunction "go slow"' seems to te impressing him as a voice from the grave that he LMunot disre gard. At 'he gait the President in now going the administration will prob ably become democratic by the close of the uext ceutuiy. That is to say, by thaf time a majirity of federal offices would be hi Id by Democrats. Somehow or other somebody is making a mistake. The paople are of opitnoo that the time to go slow was prior fo and during the Chicago Convention. The con struction of the platform, and the mi:! n.t'ion of a president ial Candi da e were matters that demanded deliberation. 1: was then right to go slow bu: the moment the demo cratic ti ig went up bearing the name of Giover Cleveland, and covert d ali over with resolutions of deliverai.ee and reform, the time lor resolute action hid come, and the peop'e ": tilting the action to the vrotii," went w.i h a rush and elt-ctt-d C.'Vtlai.d w l r h a whoop. The i'ie iih tit, with his gr ear h i-. dco, c-'uih' to knot1" th.af the rime b.r pot ing -low has passed. The r voice demanded a change, ly and sweeping reform in p ir m-n's of the gover -Instead of retaining Repub a'' mei licans in cfli'-e, or removing one or two a week, the President ought to have "dumped" the whole lot iu the beginning of his administra tion. But the Executive is not -he only Department that is going slow. The Legislative D partment espec ially the Senate takes its gait from the snail, rather thau the race-horse. With the most pressing demands for immediate action. Congress for months postponed the consideration of tariff reform, and when at last the Ways and Means Committee commenced the consideration of tie Wilscu bill, alarmists were constantly sounding in their ears, -'go slow," and the ;i . - ; ! .i f ,1-icr. iiOt . ' .1 I 1 poM Inii prom i I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i a i i ; ;n nrniv int-n ' : i - . . i i- i ll he i , . ' . ; S ' i : ' 1 1 1 1 t ;.iil it ; i !: is o! i nii-i 1 , a . I 1 1 i imt oiaKing mo e 's. Im' r must ie ad Ms h i-; v.t In t lo en- i -i.ake lippoin t in i-ii t a S -n.it" won't L-ot;iirm I !! ; Mr ; I ,i ,1 '. ;. .. ! 'p Ol ' Ml ' IlUteil t !l I ' rem .'i tile t Me : ' h- '. M : - e i i 'II till e .IT.- OVer . 1 's s ild i ha! I li l ee Hltltlred lo'lii ' : i' awaiting ronhrma- t 1. HI . I ' ' a : 1 I -e -ra t h i' a certain .Nor; ': (' .-..taia Sen i.r told the tro'ii ; iicsr.d, We can't be hurried." It ma', be- th it the peep e ' ( Will 1 i..k into the nutter, and see I f som abody Minr be found to rep- resent th- S'.i'e w ho has not been trained t (i.i Slow I.HMiAl.TAK. Gib--.bar is t he strongest forties-., a i-" irth. The ua -ies of the vvoild may a-.- ! it, but shot and suell e tuno: pte .' i'.l against the impregnable rampart Since the morning of creation the aves of ocean have J ished upon it only to res : i ; i -get ha't ised I1. ' 1'r.e !: on tt.c li IK-' - be broken into innumerable frag- n-n- in which said piojieity Mass. e ments that never aga n unite iu the raped taxation, and whereas the said Wm. same billow. lhiys desires to settle the back taxes due The Democratic Partv is the Gi- ' "I""1 "1 " date, it i now braltar of American Constitutional ; .'.l.-re.l. Th-,t s;li,l tract ..Hand be as- ... .. r , .. , s,--,.d at a valution of oiia 1 r veils Liberty. T-e artillery of political facMone have Pl ,yed upon it, and he !j!;irri ii)im the mad waters ot hostile partes j (h(, pph.mental dcl,n,p,en, tax !,s, f. have raged fuiicusly against ir. but j thl, ,.,,,.nt year at sii.i valu .t:o and :.. it lifts Its head Pi supreme majesty, j sesin--nt for said years, and at an as-,.--cd defying the shock of ocean and tbe j value of 500 for year lstu. Iff 3 :mtl roar of cannon. ; ls!i3, and that these be charged ;ig.iint Ia ?ii eatly his- try of flits cauu trv it succession v resisted Federal , i .u , . !oles lor s.id years, al-.i tin- simple ta.c power and p-eserved the rights' 1 . , , . , , j at sanl assessed valuation lor each year and liberties of the people. ! ,rom 1SS1 tn is0:!. ilKli,-iYe. in which For Sixty years it repulsed the j saii, tratt (if 1:in., . l;ixiii,ln assaults of the enemies of state-1 to wit: t,K. ?l)m os $tj0 oc ,n r!. :,ggie righrs, and in 1SMJ it went, down ! gate and further, thut upon payment of in a g-illaaf- struggle t defend j said amount to the sMe-itf of (haven them; but when the storm of pass- county m con'onnity with the ot. er to io.; had passed, ail the angel of ! be accounted for us ..ther : ..-c. th i- the God d! seen ding from Heaven j !iail sherilV execute and deliver to -aid Hworo thar. wai- .i. ill he no more. U m- P'u s !l ace'q.t in full f.r the ! its majestic form, towering above ! t he wreck, c iugli t the eye of a re - i unit,--! ,). aj 1 i ot! Dec una .1 . . . ... J . C - wie ,ij-p,ravio;i ot nope au.i me prop To-y ot a lu igur a i l gl irious liltiiif. T.-.i it st.iu.l-, i.ko Gi- bi-iltar, firm and e'erni'. Th-y f-.-l! ns th .t a ter r i ti j storm is now beating upon it." Weil, ler it dash high its waves. Tuey surge only to break into crystal spray as harmless as a dew drop. But, we are told that, a new and more ter rible danger confronts us. "url portion of the half-moon road in 2d town leaders are in revolt.'' Well, let ship from a point near (loose, pond to thom revolt. If they c in stan.i it, j Spike's point, it is we can. Van Bitten revolted, and ! Ordered, That a notice ol said p tition in the language of Senator Ier- ! he posted at the court house door until son, ot Georgia, "We threw him out j Ule ncxt meeting of this board, like a dead dog to rot Upon tbej A petition having been tiled for the dung-bill. i establishment of a public road from a Tl). ink God, .ve ay it reverently, j point on the Vanceboro and New Berne thank God, the people garri-' road on the north side ot Swift t reek, son our Gibralta r aud woe to the ; known .n the o'.d vankee road, to M.ol chief who att.mpts to betray j su.imj) opposite MarsM.a!! I..u!d,i,io- 11-1 : ' house, it is BILl.s ALLOW FO At February Meeting County Commis- sioncrs, J. D. L-iKo.pic w it:it.-- ! ill term co'irt. is-.!.!. i.5'V This. L. WctMerington keeper , fs-;-, : ;, tV- on Dec. 15. I'.i;;. to FeM'y 1-;, 1s;H -4 CIO- Stephen Obvt-r. i 'lie -ind a ha';' ive'tlth- as k a per of Nelson's ferry ifljiHUi.- W. II. Weth eriiigton lumber for Uo -My l!,m bridge, 10. ss.- M II. Carr ivp.irMig t'er.iv town ship N". ? lH.s ;. J ,;,n Diddle repair ing fe T X 11. S III..-,,).- M. II. Carr per ohm an 1 niMe ig.- as Commis sioner SO 20; W. C. BfcAe;- p--r diem and uiileag .- C cn nis-i.in r T i'l. ('. R. Tliou.a- 1 i gni o s iMl' V ;i- i .-mty att'll' ii. y 1 r .!.; y ,nd 1-Yb'y. 101. s;hj.:!;i, R. ;. M-.-ily. .!., Mouse rent. C. Smith wick. J.n'y l'.'l: -f -.o": Faanie Wiliiam keeper poor Moils.- Jau'v i'l, -l- .-iO.-Irene Coo'-e . co .is 1 ., p.,.,r holt-- -fM.oii; .1. .1. T i- a. A.-:., : ati.e - t,, p,, ,r f-.r I, r January s'.5.7 I ; ' i. -ar B-yd 25 cuds v.atoi 1 to .poor M oi -e .;.. on. K-:-,teC. C. Creen. nu-. licim .- to p...,;- December. ' lsilH. lilii.ao; 1-M,s , Ho-pd d travelling , expenses an 1 ci, sM a.ivancod to II. I'- Kit, sj '- '' BtailM.in .V Block", -huge Hilliit.v. inedi-, cm. s t .. po ,r ;.,- ,J ihuary si 1 7. 05; Jos. L IlaMa on hen Mi Frater account f.r btfy i ig tMi. j, sp, ;o.- s. H. Stn-e: J. IM. ( . ;:M: ; :; i-o.- i: .b W-,t-o!l .:'. Vi iIM-m, A-.' -W. Bi M: f Cm-ie-- son. (Ms i is:! :;o: i . : onci" f ' sheriff. - . .V ',- :. - 'f W s j , luiiat i r. , .. - : : i : J. --. W pi r 1 1 -. ') , : I ( V. M. Wat i i; il.. I 1- " . .:i A i-2 to .1 ,n' lletl-M l-so-, fa.i . o-K. d. '' ' triers, Kafill.- I- ,-, lee due o:l w ,tnes- tj, ket. W. f. lldl. -ta o .Me,, s.; -. Watson Oc .: :' ; .-. .-irr M u-e 13; -: .ti.e:- r - tor clerk'- !.': :' Mills, iiiaib-r -: lie:: iv I'Murber. wit m : ..i. ,i:!. .ti on.- IM ng pr- lings i ,!;ln'y -. IMtu.iose. o- two davs D inn-i- 2 :: M. L. W . Mi o!h - T- in -s ti, ;. IM II. .1 p.-r. p - :- ':!. 12 5o, R. le Id.ng it:-, !-'. I). M ickey, po-t mortem ,n,it;ati ei. ,V.-.. vM.M'ii.- L .s. Mr.-et. in". W. Ga-kbl, C. S. Be!!, NM C. Hughes, (M D. Bra. ill. uu and J. W. B ovden. 2' ,l.iy- s. nit . . as juror- at coroners iu ques' ..ver body i. Maek-y 2.00; Bob ' Dougherty. (Mel Per; v. II. T. Brins m . 7. . - . i.ndl..: I. .; '; I, w ,;;,--( orotiet - lmpe-sl .vet .My "I I. Maek-y. Me) cents each; E. E. u: n. i ini'.-.r court hou-e for Jan'y spi.iiii,- .. H!',l k.-ep. r CMrmont i,ri, ig- s-io.oo.-i-.. ii. iteatn. sujtpori J.l.;e t oi.-is; i-.). no; Stephen lvlte. sup port Benton Beuton Kite l..ji.. COT VI ( (M.MIS10 KIS I'KO ( KEI1( S Knad Hiscnnliiiiictl Nt v Itmul to lr Opcui tl I't-titiou For Another -(Hunt) Prisoners lo Work on KoaiN -Other lSniii".. .M.m.l 'V, !', '.' ",. In-.i. Tin- I'. ! I .'I ('nil nil . .iinty n i ti d e court IVriie :.' 1 1 ..'.-..fk l. in i --.!: I M . . Sin i i I v, 111 1 V ( '. Ill,' r. IM V. S.. d.w.... I i i T..-i- l'i i. i in N, ! 1 ' ' ' i M M. II. c , r.!t . M Th.it upon p i nn nt of tie I" 'T'1 ,::N' to the sheritf lie. ns.- I.,- -i eo I i ; t . -1 i vV t .... io :i.;:i;i ii.pi.e- I u -i v in. .nt M-. en. lin"- June :;n, 1 s;i J . .l( ,l. pl.t.-..- i.f l. i-inc in ll,.- eit ..f NM .. I! : ne. Me M ivin' eoinp'.k't ml M tie- L.-. 'H'. .il Mi tie- 1 . :;inej ,,' 'M u,,r li, ell-: . Wlii-n-tis it appears t.. tin- . n. ..; or.iiiii-sninei .f('r.i mi e.eint v that ViO ! acres of I ami more or M-s -ituaM . I ill X . ! township. Cr.v.-i i-..'i-i:y. -a-1 claimed by W in. I!il-. s ' . i . 1 1 ti n ! ol Mind is I'uMy aibed in tie- .! I of tie New lJ.re.e (' u loi'ation .in 1 and ll'iiel in-,' A-s a-iatioii to ' e. liiivs and .lames Sell..! - ilidy reeortli-tl in ( 'i-iv-ii rat v in book S-2. on p iu.,. t an d 4 Pt. M is t 1 inn 1 i-ted My the - ii ! I'.m s -old Mas ,io! btcll tlitCfe.l upon .In- 1 i I;-:- .,f ( ia.-n count V. bill M I- es aped taV.tlo'l e- lie veal's lst ;,i l-syH ii;e'.u-r,, and uhiKa- is. ssuullt appears to Maw bet 11 m i le ,, the value of -aid laud .itirin' th tid tast-s o: tin- sai I current year and said previous vi ar- due upon uid land, and that the deed lit Id by the county tor said land for 1x02 be cancelled bv the liegis- u.r of Deeds n ace .unt oi ;,l...v 1 nl ( rdered. That the lioiis.: on Nt.rivo.td street, charged to Elia.-. Hays, Xo. S .Township for 1 S'J3 at $100 be stricken ! from the tax tist.it appearing' to the satisfaction of the board that lie owns no I such house. j A petition having been ti'ed by S. "VY. i Latham at the meeting for the discon ! uance as a public road roa l of all that (Ir, it ia l. That a not ice d'-iil p-tition be p. te I at t Me court Mod- o or until the next meeting ol 'this Board when llie same w ill be heard. I'pon the hearing of a jietition -jgix-d I bv John A. Jackson and others, residents I of No. 1 and 3 townships. Craven coiinty w hich pi tilioii was lil-.-d before this board at i's January meeting, 1S04, to obtain the laying out of a public road from the New Berne and Washington road to the Nelson ferry landing ou the southsale of Nettsc river and thence con tinuing to the I'ainlieo or -'Core Point'' road from the sanl ferrv landing on the north side T said river over the lands of Henry S. Oracie, Charles Mellw-iii. 1 1 o iz.elh- Green.) Julia French. Ju-m Nelson, Jacob Wiggins, Brvan IL O.is. kin-, Bcttic Ricand, and Minerva Btiui bough and others, it appearing th it all parlies over whose lands said road will pass have had due notice ol the iiiing of this petition and notice thereof has been published for more than twenty days at court house door of C: ovc i c ui ;i:v .fording to law. It is now adjudgeil by the B i..r I. that lllt 5al,, ,,,1 ,,c :l,, i.e. ,.-My ordered to be C5ta,rlie(i ;l,ul lai 1 out as a public roid and that the prayer of the petition be granted Said proposed road being ,u.eIUCi ne,.vssarv for the int. rest, bene tit and convenience o: the citizens of Craven county, "And. the sheriff is .-.cnnianded to .sum mon a jury of five free hoi h-rs who being iiuly sworn, -M ,:! Hy out sod raid l.e- taeen the points afoiasatd to tie- gr.-ate-t advantage of tiie Mill ibi- m. s and with as little pri-in lice as tcay b- t i t;;e lands rid eucMisure of said pou.-s. and they ate com n .ii led b -h 11 IgeS, H any ) ,i .i;d parlies may e i.-ti -ii-tini by reason of th-.- laying out and e-:ab-bsaing-iid eel. It is lu.aher ordered that the co-ts I ... paid by the county. The Board on motion took a I . e-- ti'.'. iv-xt d-n at 10 uM M .,-k Th---,! iv morning, Feb'y tj. 'at. Tiie Boar 1 met a; K o'clock pur-n-m l i audi .urntneiit. IV sent. Commissioners E. W. Snial wo.. M. IL Carr and W. C. Brewer. Commissioner Smai 1 W' ""1 was eh-cte chairman pro tern, Meieas John F. llbanis yus on the 5th day of December appointed Con.-ta tow tishi p No. 1. to fill v icancv caused , , ,- , t, w .,-' , bv tin- r -ignation ot R. I. Wilhams and ., he having taocl to accept -,;d appoint- nieni bv tiling his bond and qualifying. it ia now Ordered, That K. B. Stewart be ami he is hereby appointe.l ti till said vaccu- ! ' ' ' rk i- ln-ri-l'v (inlcied I' -;i ; I ; t j i i i 1 1 1 1 1 i n t and to ( : i" li'Uhl ;it thi-ii ne.t ' Mi- l. Hi' 1 ..n. 1 .pi.t ! iiy 'I'!"' 'I'M .! li r 1 ! I I i Ii-t N'i t.i Town - . ;i ir in s.c.l li-t. he ( 'i aven r. unit . (M.lton l.r re I in .Ml 1 ?" t i li i in . u; t Me .;ii mil II- p I VilK-ll t i ; I I, i -1 r o i k ll ' : tlii Hoii'M is tliL- illlty Sll)iel'iltell- io-t iiiiLeni mj it--: - and i a. h ipler 1 i i in; fir -1 :ii mi '.- t (h It Me !.e lete II. I tit 1 ..t lie- P. I i ) M-re.i To than. . of !n. i - M e la , il tl set led to sh.-iirt" a. If for I Mat tM sain i 1. r.-.l. That '.he pi i-oiiei-s now under nice and . oniia' d ia tie' jail of Craven ;!v be an 1 I h v a:.- M -. . Mv ordered tij I np n the i t In- pie .a.- r. i ids . .! t Me ; M To -. iisM: p to repair and iiirv 'in 1 1 ei i 't - o. 1 ro n Is an I red to turn over siMl i y to . 1 i v i hi ri n ' r tlioi r fo t-'i-in- ol imprisonment to tin- cli.ii rman of lli.- I ioa i d if Sit per v isors of Public n ads of.-ai'i tiiwiiship upon n-'plest uf -ai.l ( hiii niin lor said purpose provided s:ii I siipei y is a- -h ill pay al' ex lieiisi s , if saf(.; y eiurdiiij- ,id pris - ifi.'v to the eoU'l! uiei's ami ret ii rii t hem ,' jail afl-.-r sai l tlay - -Minnies re a 1 an 1 on niotiou the rk to the Board ed. il rin.-i I. 1 ail'l NEWS 1 IMUEF t liar- e late I; I- ann .llia e. thai F.X-PlesMle l i-oll i- to llial'lM tMe w nloW of 1 a land Stanford. I Me iMM iiiillionuir. inr niaiket is now supplied with good larue. w.-ll headed ( -abb.io.-s Irom th surrouii'lino truck faints. America has had greater men than (.!forre W. Chihls, but it never Lad u better man. ami is not likely to have Prof. Hutchinson is comfortably keep in o house in a convenient sized tent at tMe Fair ground.; within the race track. I; is lioored, has upright sides and is equipped with everything needful. Mr. W. L. Kennedy of Falling Creek has s'-eured space in the stock depart incut ol the Fair for an exhibit of some uf the choice pedegreed hor-es which he is breeding. Tie- Kt.lbit and i'-pu!its have ,. tt. ::; 1 -i t:.-i;.-t hi A! t'-'iii-i in (op position to the regular Democratic ticket. Ixolli is the nominee for Governor. Mr. (.'. B. Foy is circulating a jet ition for the mail services to be put on at once on the W. & N. R. R. I- ought to Lc done. We can see no reasonable excuse for the delay that has already been made. The Charlotte News states that Block ade whiskey can now be bought within 25 miles of Charlotte for 27 1 2 ;ents per ga'.M.n. so say those who use it. Supply an 1 demand have nothing to do with this t rathe, only the matter of supply ing. Mississippi nuthod of ending feuds is effective, although some. loodtMirsty, as was proven by the dement, which took the form of a luel and resulted in the death of lainily what I last se -treet both men. Associate Justice Walter Clark, in tbe Agricultural Department's bulletin, make- a strong attack upon the peanut trust, Gov. Cure also makes a hit at the so-called peanut "factories," which the trust operates. ttl The popu'ar every daring act officer, while ct'ei is also verv, very approval which creets f an Ain-rican naval itable to our patriotism dangerous. It will er:- dciitly result in a big row over so ne lit tle thing. Democracy is getting in its work. TMe cMetion law wis repealed on the 7th inst. The Senate vote on it was veas. 39; nays 2s. The- repeal bid now awaits the President's -ionature. : A recent plea to be appointed Post M.-i-ter ..f a certain tow n was indeed a i untque one. The applicant wanted the ... 1 offi.'c on account ol i nam , 1 1 y to ma kc a ; living v, riti ng poet ry. plea there Won't: be offices to go ' eing so tin))- The Vt'ils u i If b Oligll We'l 1 1 leaio'.ielied th ,i it Is Said H IISOU -,, , : TMerj vr;ll be no ! lot know it. tree lis: in the UP when reported to the Finance committee from the sub-commit-! tee. The restriction of tiie sale ot second hand clothing to the north western sect-1 ion of the city that part lying between the twe railroads as diifcled bv the citv or inaticc to lo into fleet next month is regarded as a hard-M v t Me dealers, as away from th : r named John g Mt - il lc mil - -,- , irow ning her 1 1 j tract ua i y - !r; Vy-s t ueui city. A mat: - -f t .e 1 eh iract. Broc k. a i e-: lent of W i i delX-d his wife Saturday le in t'ue sound and altei v ar- is Imrving h -r T-, bo Iv iu the s.uin i on the shore, man ran aw ay a e I is still! at large. i ue Hi wile's held. above iodv was foutiil Th.- v. rdiet w and an inquest according to lr--p-T 1 1 n the engagement has taken gin: i and West Vi t gi nia ten levehii" officers and 111 the tei ;-.!'!- I'll e of bu.'et- :wo distiller- w.-i s. rioll-ly V. o We at- g! county pri- , gi veil a 1 rial. depir.v sMelifiS lie! 1WO e sM . t dea 1 an 1 one other nided. d to s,..e tl,.lf t lets on the r A few shove w orking ol Is is to be sp ides and pic kaxes aie 1 p ,ssi equip them for the y an 'i Y or iw work'. Quite , will 1 i k e I y them a -C wi 1 1 be nci' ,t i k i n lle.Xt Week. Those jail rather like the idea. 1 liev d rather work an l get the lre-h air than be kept within the close jail walls. So the new arrangement seem to suit evervbo J v. ;leok stock farm T. A Mclnlj re's Fine AVinter Home in Ons'ow County II s Exhibit at the Fair. Tbi f '; t till i River in ( ii,-Mi Mr. '!". ii, A : 1 1 1 I in ri ij- I I 'i I lie . ..iiuly, M. I nt : .Mi. L. . 1 1 1 1 1 -1 I Ne N. ('.. OU lie. e ..' New V . 'ill. I 'il rk. i a i It I HI ai f Lire il ial lupi. .1. an P 11'. il - ii inaKemeiit IVrllli II t t'a iia I v. I - I'. A - ! IV 1 1 1 til 'P how the oi! is Mei n e- j lu , , V1l n,, . , t -tempt to -ay will b ill ne ill I lli- a I t :eM . A isit to liiis lanu an I an niteivieu w I'll tile InallauT'-r i-. lie- WIV lo tilli ollt thi-. TMrreisiiiir t l,e u Mart am. mo the pines a inaLtni li, en l I ai i 1 . 1 i nj sp.ien u-, eleoantlv lini-Me.l. an. I eos- of :i.uni) ,,r more. nOn. liirnisheil at .bd.lv S40 This in ni-ii occupied Ironi n n lined ( Irish .u I la 1 i , 1 IteceniMer to the Sonne; by Al im .Meintyie ami tauiiiv. anil Ins visitor- Irom New York ami other places win) com.- down to hunt ami rish and en joy a vacation away irom duly and care. When I sav tliis Mouse is li i-M.-d and lurnished I do imt mean in a vav th it many houses are finished in this , .u-itrv. It lias i rrangenienU for furnishing hot and cold water iu each room and inoMern improvements mv n in every place. The weather boarding is done with -Mingles boiled in oil. Nut far off is the Maini-n r s resilience a spacious luiilding n'so well an a .mi-d and tinished. Not far from it are ihe numerous houses and yards f ,r fowl-, and ihe'i comes the stock yard full of laiLTe stock houses. Still further i- the loeit barn or feed Mouse in u MicM is a -ilo full of i ich ensil age. Fine mares ainl coits and Holstein, ; cattle are seen in their proper pl, ices and properly cared for. All this is live lnues from a station on the V N A X It It near I)r It Y r.,,-,is r..r i .i..,,i ,,., ication Willi the teiejraph otn c. A sa-amboat runs also Irom Jacksonville : down to the yvharf a', this place, j The l iver furnishes tisli and game in ' abundance. This- place is not only a winter resort tor .Mr. Mclntvre but it is the means of improvement to the w Mole j section. The owner Mas the means' whether any income arises irom the stock firm or not, and the manager the know ledge to make it a success. Enterprises frequently fail because pro tits do not accrue from the investments sufficient to make them succeed, but this was an assured success before it begdi. be cause it was not dependent on any such contingent. LaG range School Girl. TMe exhibit at the E ist Carolina Fair last year from this magnificent farin was greatly admired. There will be another fine exhibit from it tMis year, consisting of standard bred stallion and standard bred marcs, filly eolt not standard, mule colts, jack, thorough bred IIolstein-Frit-s-can bull and cows one with ealf by side and an elegant arrc.y of barred Plymouth Rock, brown and while, Leghorns br -.nze turkeys and Pekin ducks. This an.l other exhibits from Onslow county will give a good idea of the progress that j Ilm'- im" u,c "alemfl 01 u,s M'pomt is going ou there. The exhibit at the i "u'nt W'H bc acceptable to till who know Fair gives a good index to the resources and development of the locality repre sented. Vance Kpeaks for Himself Gov. Vance has at last spoken for him self iu a letter which tills about half a column of the average newspaper. He declares himself opposed to Simmons and gives his reasons He alleges that Mr. Simmons went to Washington and inter- fered in his appointments, and by this in- terference defeated Gudger whom Vance recommended for collector in his own district and secured the appoint ment of Kope Elias, over Gudger. He gives as a further reason that Simmons opposed his recommendation of Hale for a Foreign appointment widt h was virtually secured and which was higher. than any given in the State. Senator Vance says that Simmons in this oppo j sition used i.is influence as chairman of j the Democr.cM parly of North Carolina i The Senator savs lurthcr that for him ! sc" anc ' ms own authority he has filed no charges against Mr. Simmons but aside from charges that may have, been filed by others his position is hostility on account of the reasons given ubovc. Vance's concluding paragraphs are. "Now. if he thought proper to volun teer his interference where he had no right or authority to do so. he should not object to the exercise of an undoubted right, by a Senator in the selection ol i appointment , i , s. lies. owe. 1 noon mm ttv the constitution. '-To save trouble to the scribblers who are constantly anonytnous ; aii.lering ,1,e i,a.t,,is :eS:,nl a;1 u ll r,nn llim a speaking oi himself as "bimir.oiia and , h(, I)emoei,ltic X un,,.Uv, I: tins is a good once for all, that I resent not only Sim ol; enough post mons' interference with my rights as a i Senator, but the insulting and defiant tone assumed both by him and thea shall oppose Mr. Simmons' confirm. I petsou.ti ,i- ... as , grounds connect,- ! with r- , . ., hold trip OCsl I .o.l or V. a 1 b! ic g 1 1 el ids -'ii- iintitii's.s to li iie nas been 'appointed."' Craven's Example Spreading, Craven county's action in establishing free ferries across Neuse river is likely to be followed. The Grifton (Pitt county i correspondent of the Kin-ton Free Tress Ma.-- the lolMoving to say: Thi-re is a very strong feeling among our people i Mat thi ferrv across the Neuse near Bteoiti Old Field, should be opened free I..-.- the county. 'i here will be a petition to this end presented to our wottiiy board of county couiaiiss-onprs at their next im eting. in March, w hich we hope they will IMvorably consider, as it will be only doing justice to a large part of our citizens and tax pavers to provide ., , - .- . tliem a wav to cros the liver at the ex pence.of the c. untv. Is There a Hidden Motive. The report comes to us reliibly that the oy-ter packers shut down tneir facto ries t M ! uigMout this State this year to compel the next IcpisMitu'e to pass a law to allow- them to dredge. Our peo I'le remember how" it w as vy lion wc had (Hedging in tile county. I lie oyster packers brought their dredges and men with them and shutout our oy sternien, not allowing them anything for toiiged oysters. Dredging may do for other counties but there ate no oysters in Carteret county to amount to anything that can not be caught with tongs. To pass a law to allow dredging in Carteret county means ruination to our oyster interests and hardships and privation to many of our poor peeple Beaufort Herald. HIDE CO., RLS1 PROOF OATS FOR SEED, A SPECIALTY, AT CHAS B. HILL t- A CT s:T IIV f l lI.rET. -"-tiuili 1 : Trrlr -v-L-vt,- iirnvt- v a DOCK, NEW BERNE, N. C. . ' WORKINt; COWItTS (IX ROADS Is More Kreailed Ityjtliciii a Term in the Peiiitentary Snperinteinlent Len.er, of Hie Mute pi n itenlary, wits here this morning. Ilelef on llic DiirMuni ;ind Nm t liern t rain I'., the liinn (in tMe Roanoke. lb- .n iM. .. nr.- about l.'-'icj e.inviets. ( If i 1 . . tmn are at work .. th- Sta'e I ii in-. I Me others me at l lie "jien in R ' eh. Some twelve counties n,,v lu.v (he lonvtet road law, these working so,ne 'MH i onvicts an llii; roie Is in t hei iii wn i oun I'l s. Mr. la.a.er luvt.M Hie extension of 1 1 1 e eo a vie t road law. h o, Vrs tint conn -tie- better roads and at tlie same time te i. i s t Moi penitentary. I'Me convicts must cat ;uid be t lothed ami this must be paid lor. The count it -i in work the n on the public roads to ad Mintage, und :in get good wank ollt ol tin an in that way. Iu the count ie? where the convict law operates the onr le-.ee, l a fellows, the paupers and the disabled arc i licfpiently shoved ort'onthe peni.'cntiarr while the able hodie-1 fellows are put on I tie loads. oi king in tin- (Main gang is a I mini I- j iating kir.il of punishment, and the pom I tcntary is much piat'erred by criminals. 1 Working mi tin: roads they are constant , ly humiliated in the sight ol their former, I neighbors and t rieuds. The penitentiary ; people do not work them in chains. The other day a negro convicted at Ashevilh court asked to be sent to the penitential v instead of being put on the reads with the ( Main gang. Durham Globe. TMe facts given in tl i e above article uf for, Is pretty conclusive argumenta for putting the convicts on the roads. The man who is at the head of the peniten tin ry and who should conscipientl y under stand from experience how to deal with the convicts btttfr than any one else in the State, believes in it; First, Icausc it gives the counties better roads: second. : beca use it relieves the penitenthirv, ol ! their trouble and expense, and third", be .t . . . , ("ul:- U w severer punishment the . crimina s than mitt hi" them in the twni tentiary and of course will consequently have that much more tendency to keep them from committing crime. We hope yet to see the convict road woikini: system come i.ito use by the state, j $. ;. Creele. Denulv Collector. Mr. S. II. Lane, Collector of customs tr this district, is getting to appear quite at home in his office. Yesterday he chose Mr. B. G. C'edle as his deputy collec'or at this port, and Mr. Credle at once entered upon the duties. Mr. Credle is a good and useful care ful man, and his selection for the place was urged both-from town and country. He baa acceptably served the public as assistant of the register of deeds for several years and will be missed in that office. Mr. John C. Collins will rill the phics as messenger at the Custom House. He served heroically fhroughout the war and lost his leg in the service of his coun try, lie is an industrious and worthy - i ... .. . . . . , - . Tiie office a; New Bsrne is well rilled, from the chief collector down. Mr. Lane will, in a few days, appoint lr's dep uty at Washington. It will, of course, be some one of that place. Moving Here from Canada The family of Mr. George Chgenon consisting ot his mother, wife, and child, and the brother of Mrs Cheg- j "on arrived last night from West Shefford Province of (Quebec, today they intend to go down to Mr. Gabriel Hardison's at TMurman. Mrs Cheg non s health being impaired physicans recommend a change of cli mate. If suited here they intend to pur chase and remain. Mr. Chegnon has not yet come down from Canada. This is , their first visit south and they find quite a difference in the climate. They left too I feet of snow behind them. Evangelist Pearson at Davidson. Rev. R. G. Pearson began his series ol meetings at Davidson college Sunday morning in the Presbyterian church of that place. The services are to oe held twice a day at noon from 12 to 1 o'clock and at night beginning at 7 o'clock with after meetings at the night services. A special to the Charlotte Observer of ' nearly three colrmns says the interest is j very great. Large c-owds are present, , . ... , . . . . - . i-i". .-iLwvLi.s m.. uuno l.ll HIIV4 1 111 1 1 1 CSS, U i 1 1 and the solemn holy stillness, that per- vades the meetings, and the earnest faces in which one can see"the lmnorerintr the O -s thirsting, t he longing, the quivering of souls to be satisfied, to be comforted," to find rest and the peace that passes all understandings, gives good promises of the harvest that will lc reaped. The Kearsage Sunk. Corvette Kearsage, which sank the Confederate Varship Alabama, foundered Feb. 2d. on Rocander Reef, about 200 miles off the coast of Nicarauga. This reef is one of the most dangerous menaces to navigation in the world. Efforts have been made by mariners to secure a light house on it, but thus far without success. All the officers and crew- were saved. The Kearsage had been detailed to pre serve American interests during threaten ed Honduras war, ami Admiral Stanton was in command. She sailed from Port An Priuce January 30, for Blue Fields, Nicarauga. j the name Counterfeit Quarters. An exchange savs a man by of Lew is Workman w as arrested in Lex , ington last week for passing counterfeit ! money. When arrested it was found lie had ten dollars in 25 cent pieces on his; person. His excuse was that he had a ten dollar bill changed and received the money in change, but the evidence was that some persons in the lower part of the county have a fu'l set of counterfeiters tools, plates, etc.' and sent him to town to try them, with the above result. Knocked Overboard and Drowned. A youth named Thos, Burgess was drowned at Stonewall Sunday afternoon in the squall near night. He and sonic ot his y oung triends had becti out ill a sail boat an.l as they were Hearing the yvharf the jibing of the main boom knocked him overboard. The young man was about 15 vears of ...... ij,. ...... -. .... , - , . . .s..., uS'j. uc tu- ttuiii Y-aiiHien county and had lIT'l attorn nrr tlio V.,.l l 1 , -...... .. , t.u, ivuiei e scuooi ioi a few months past, i THE COTTOX CROP. Six Million Mark Passed During Jthe Week Hy Eighty. Mne Tlionaanil Rftlen. i Sei ra tal i lb 1 ! ( 'ol ton rlx ,-hnn tei - u.eklv New irlraris i -tat. men! , nint issued. shows that the cotton inovcnn nt had pas scd the six million inai k , cm ft ding that limine l-y H'.hOOO bales. bast year it was not until the last of March that over six million bales hiul been niarkcte.l. The amount biought into sigMt (lining the nick ending to-day is largely in excess ol the seven (lavs end ing .laiiiuarv 2-1 la-l year and ot the same period year 1 ic. i r Let . the former 1 1 ii 1 1 ii-,' t In bales, or oy er s 1 p, , , , , , latter Tli.lio, ,,r c, i , , ,t For t Me fust t n, r i -, ary up to today int lii-ie lias been 100,012 ahead TMe gain over i k w as M,000 . and over the lay of. lanu I he movement ol the corres- year, am '. 1 Io :il, 1 1 ( .I the s line- time year belore last. Tins brings tiu-cxecs- iu the movement for the l is days of the season, from Sep t ember i t,, January 2, inclusive, to 825, 2011 bales, an, ver t In- same 1 4H days of ls(l a to 1 ,(IOS,l 1 il. to sight .'urine tie Tiie total brought in p-ist seven days has been i:!2.01S, agnn-t and 11:1,000 the i ar '.'J.2M4 last year, b(loic. while the aggregate lor the ti : -t I a i li ty -i x (luyK aeanist 473,149 j of January is (l(i!i,l(!l. ! and 0.'O,s4i5. The total marketed lion. September 1 ' to date is G,0HK,K13. iigainst 5,303,004 and I 7,090,1132, for last year and the year before respectively. ! .. is.,in r 1 1, i,.irj r,.- n,- ri- "e Of the !(srs for the fair. ironing r,ngiisii totnrer en giged for the Fair arrived last night, not expected until His young driver is the last of next ct k The last arrival is a good deal -mailer than the trot ting mastiff which came last week. This dog weighs about 75 poinds, the other about 125. I'rof. Hutchinson tells u there is a marked difference in the way hi two aeronaut dogs regard the business. Nel lie, the little Fug, does not take to it all; when the start to inflate a balloon is made she tries to hide, and '.f sent up she often lies still for awhile where she falls. On the other hand the sky-terrier, Daisy delights n it. Prof. Hutchinson calls her his "sky-scraper;" while the balloon is being inflated she keeps close by and never seems satisfied until tbe fastening harness is adjusted to her, and when the ground is reached after tbe ascension she frolics around as lively as a kitCn. No one appears more bnppy over an ascension than Daisy W. N. & N. R. R. Meeting. We glean from the Wilmington Mes senger that at a stockholders meeting of the W. N. & N. K. It. Co. held at tbe company's office in Wilmington, N. C, Feb'y 7ih, the follow ing'Jboard of direc tors wore elected: Thos. A, Mclutyrc, Wm. A. Nash, A. A. Kirkman, Samuel Taylor, Jr., and Jos. S. Kn-'i of New York, H. A. Whiting' and Chas. M. Whitlock of Wilmington, Dr. It. W. Ward of Onslow county and -C. E. Foy of New liernc, at u meeting of the tlireetors subsequently held Ihe lol lowing officers wnre elected: President, Thos. A. -Mclntvre; Vic President anil Gen'l Manager; I. A. Whiting; Treasurer. Wm. A. Nasl,- Sec retary, Chas. M. Whitlock; Traffic Mana ger, J. W. Martcnis. Dedlran Swung Into Eternity Peter DeGrafl was hanged at Winston Thursday in the presence of 4,000 people for the murder of Ellen Smith. His neck was broken and death instantaneous. DeG raff has nil along denied his crime, but in his speech on the scaffold be con fessed, saying he was drunk at the time, and giving the advice usual on such OC casinns' to let whisky and bad company alone. DeGraffs father and mother, good, honest and Industrious people si ill live in Wt niton. Working np the Parade. Mr. L K. Willis, chief marshal and his assistants (nine of the city und a large number outsidci are working up a good parade for the Fair. The fire depart ment and naval reserves have been in vited and it is expei ted that some visi ting companies will also participate. There will be a larger number of bicy clists in the procession than ever before. The matter ot having merchants ot tbe 1 city represented by trade floats is being I considered. Il good ones are gotten up ! it will bc an excellent feature. Fair Excursions The W. N. A- N. Railroad will run special round trip traiDs from Wilming ton to the Fair on the 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d. The round trip costs $2.25 in eluding one admission to the Fair cheap enough. The s, hedule gives six and a half hours iu New Berne. The tickets are good lor the return from tbe day of purchase until the 23,1 inclusiue. They all Condemn Vance, The Charlotte observer special from Washington savs that all the North ( aro- linians in Washington apparently with- out exception, condemn ena!i.r X'ance's fi.rht on Collector Simmons, and the lew who think lie may have had tood reasons for lis course in '.he beginning say he ought now to waive them for public antl party advantage. Caught 215 Ducks. Capt. John L. Morris was up to the city Friday with the biggest lot of fishing ducks that v. c know of ever bav ing come here in one lot. There, were two hundred and fifteen ol them, and three loons besides - a total ol'21S. They were all caught in ('apt. Morris' shad nets at Hancock creek. He had bigger luck at catching ducks, than be hail at catching shads. Heavy-Weigh Is. Mr. Theophilu- Blind, ol Ibti toimtv, and one of his s, , n son- w r i , i n t Me ei l y Friday. It is a family llnil sio- well in sie. They weigh lioin about 200 pounds ui) to 225. There is not one of l.,., . ;..r.., I l..o ..... mv iiiniioei, i i moi iitvai , out itab weighs ovei 200 pounds. a.-Mii '"Wtt" mi pMM4 ;

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