si r j -- f $1.00 Per Tear INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FEBRUARY 22. 1894 VOL. XVI. NO. 51 . giiriil Pure A. anna of tortu bum powaer Highest of all la Ua Toning atrojrtB. Utmt Uhttxd Statu Uotvukmkkt Tooo Bkpobt. Roth. Bajusq Powdkb Co . 106 Wall et.N.'sr. - ALLEGE. LOT 0 THOSB . Tha I am selling at-.; . i - 153 1-3 cts. per 11. ALSO TRY. A BBL. OF MY :'; 'Best on Earth" IT 05TLT COSTS TOXT BBL. And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in the r rear of my store, where you will find STABLES FBEEL My prices are low, my dealings are just giro me a trial and I will gnarentee . satisfaction or refund ad money.-' - . ; V Respeetfullr, ; . J;JEl. Parker. Jr. JTO. 77 BBOAD 8T. . fl!0pES, T7holesale and Betail DEALEB US J,lERCHMpiS ifcEE l) ihshpo tlt6$b ; : : IfJSTOOK -" v Adfor Sale Cheap. Cabbage Plants! . ; Cabbage Plants ! ! Wo offer the public the following Tftrbiiesof CABBAGE PLANTS, grows from ored procured from th well-known sod RELIABLE Seed Home of Peter Hes- - dersos & Co., of New York. ' Thu lot of Plant are grows in he opes air, are thrifty,' and : will withstand . MTtre tJcl weather without injury. Henderson' Large Type Charles.! m Wikefield Cabbage. ' Henderson's Succession Cabbage, - the finest Cabbage grown. Hesdenon's Extra Early Express CVbage.V - ,: - ; Sanderson's' Extra Early Win niarstait Cabbage. GendenoB'o Large Cabbage Let tuce. - .-' ... . i Henderson's Big Boston Lettuce. i Prios $3 per 1,000; -i. lota of 5,000 'and STer f 1.50 pen-. 1,000. Special - prices on lots of 50,000 and oer. -: Send all orders - 1 "."" GBBA.TY & TOWLES, roust. Island, 8. C. J23d&wlm) PROFESSIONAL. - v DR. G. K BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offlos, Hddf ehwrck ;t deeSdwtf : tree, opposite Baptixt J. D. CLARK, DENTIST. V i ? ' - - mKXi k. c Oftes oa Craves street, between Pollock ad Broad. - J H. BENTON. M.D.. D.D.S. Prole limited to OMttUn and Me- ehatxfcml Dentistry aa4 Denial' Borgerj Teeth ex t reeled without pain by t. M of Nltro Oxlda XverytbiBg la the Una of Dentistry done . la toe beat stylet getlaffeotton guarenteed. Oflra, eoraar of If lddle Svr-et and Fdere liar, eaaoaue Haarft in T P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOaWBX.AT 1.A W . lliddle tret,FIrt room abore Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. Will praettab la tha Oovotlae of crav.n irteret. Jonea, Onalow and PaaUieo. . United states uonrt at new Soma, aad I UOUi Oi kUO BIOW. H WM.E CLAKKE, ATTORHEY AT LAW. :;:-; Jl' . and i.: Keal Estate Asrent, ; ' JNew Be, N. a Conaection.--New Y rk ; Botn and Canada. Timbeflands 'Truck lands. Town lots. Do yea want to bay f WHITE. Do yon want to sell f 1WBITE. - 8PKOIAL. 1500 eres, Trent Koad,6;milear.oitj-. Timber and Track laod. $4.50 PER EDITORIAL NOTES. In the appointmeut nf brother Suerrall Poatmiwter ao C-oncord i he JOUUNAX ie more ttjan pleased. "It ie a pabliu neoesdity as wall s pa biro virtue "to hew to th line let tae chips fall where the., may." Stsualor Tolqaitt. .of Georgia, eervee notice to the ac(irot o Sis shoes who took It for granu ii that he was oat of tne race thai they were somewhat too pre. vioas. Toree Western States have bad frost enough to spoil thei r peacn crops, bat scarcely eooagh to spoil ripen their ice crops. C. L. Bicker, ot Chicago, bring nit to compel the Secretary ot the Treasury to sell him the entire U Hue of th new bonds. The worst blizzarJ in years is raging throughout Kansas and ad joining States. Many trains had to be abandoned and railroad tramio is almost stopped id some sections. Congressman Pence. Popolist, of Color d 8, on Monday introduced a bill in the Hoane giving women the rigbt to vote foj members of CoBgress. If thou canst not mak6 thyself such an one as tson wouldst. how canst tboa expect to have another In all things to thy liking? Thorn as a Kempis. J ales Simon, the great French statesman, said this, and it is eter nally true: "No people are worthy of liberty who do not respect the liberty of even their ouemies." When Joseph was about to seud his brethren back to taeir father with their sacks filled with corn, bis Jlast words were "see that ye fall not u; by the way, for behold ye be brethren." Mrs- Harriet Morrison, of Jack, son. Miss, Monday presented at the Philadelphia mint whtt she supposed was eighty-five pound ogoId,bnt which was a base met l worth cents a pound. She h-id loaned $ 6,000 on it. A Nevada man has made a prop ositi n to a comittee to let tbeoi bnrv him alive for a stated period for $500, an J t ho ci'iz-us are elad of tbe cbaoott thnt tht are Chipping in the quarters ripiif live. y. It is said that 16 000 persono have been on verted from tna error of their ways and joined t be church es in Illinois since tbe fljst of latr September. This holds oat a pro pees that the State will continue permanently in the Demomocranc colamt Star. Tbe Hubwoommittoe of be Sjn ' Finance com ujitfee win vt on( not be read v :o report tbe Tnfl bill until next wet-k. Tha indica- tioas are that sugar and iron ore will be pat on the dutiable list, and that slight ehacge, if any. will made in the income tax Hchedule. New York medical circles are interested in tbe case of a boy who is being kept alive by artificial res piration. This is very much the condition of the Bepublioan party at present. A Coonecticatt courw is trew tliog with tbe riddle whether oys ters are real estate or personal property. There may be a stage intthe oyster's existence when this is an open question, bot when a man gets outside of a dozen or two thrt case as far as the oyster goes is closed, and it jeocmes without a doubt personal property. Wil. Sca It is really astonishing to see the unanimity of ssntiment among Northern people and in the North ern prMa as to the an for tan ate effect the income tax would have upon the rich. They regard the whole tribe oi Plutocrats ts un mitigated liars who wiil swear falsely. So sad! Wil. Messen ger, . The Balrigh, correspondent of tne Bepublioan New York Tribune is jubilant ovor toe '-ilit among North Carolina Democrte-n They must get together, keep together and disappoint tbe euetais of good pure government and an honest, clean ballot-foge Harris is the cor respondent. Iutheeaily part of the war a company, in attempting to exe cute a military evolution, got all tangled up, bat tbe captain was equal to tbe occasion. Rising to bis fall height be shouted, at the top of his voice, ' Men, disentangle to the front " Will nome brave cayrao please give the same command to tbe Democrats of North Caroli na. The people and court of Leban don, lad,, believe in pr i np' pun ishment for crime. Frank Hall, a negro, who criminally assaulted a white Woman, a week ago, Satur day, felt a noose around bis neck three times Moi day, placed there by a frenzied woman leading a mob. He was rescued each time by offi cers was fin illy ushered in'o ; e courthouse pleaded guilty aod w s sentenced to tweuty-one years in ptison. CLEVELAND. We once heard a fatii r say to his son, '-Never talk about a ihing oa know nothing abou: ." That old man had a head on his shoulders. If we were advi-iog a yoantf mau just commencing joaruali-'i:, wc would probably sav I -ever write upon a subject of wf icb vna know comparatively nothi i It is easier lo give advice bu i is to follow It. Senator Pugb once said in a campaign speech, that he had been 'studying the tariff fifty years and knew nothiog about it:" and now we bave to confess that having writieu much aud often about Mr. Cleveland, we are constantly being anrnriHed at what he doS, and r what he does not do. We do not believe the half that is said to his detriment. We do not believe that he is the embodi ment of eelfi-ibnese: that his ap pointment in the State of New York are made for the sol i purpose of de stroying Senator Hill; n r, as as serted by the Chicago Tribune, that offices are auctioned off liku cattle in tbe market and knocked off to the highest bidder. On the con trary, we have unboahded confi dence in tbe patriotism, honor and honesty cf Mr. Cleveland, aod ba leive that all his appoincments are made with a uue regard to the de mands of the public service. He is governed by his own judgement and his opinions are no doubt very much inflaenced by t ast associa tions and present complications, but that tbev are bonestly eater t -lined is no to be questioned. We differ very widely with the President upon some matters of public policy, but mo. t cordially approve of his pasitton on the tar iff and the Federal EieoCioQ Law. Indeed on grea' questions, effac ing the public excepting the cur rency, Mr. Cleveland is soundly Democratic, In politics, as in religion, it is wise to be tolerant in uou-es'en- tialu, bat absolately ancamprom ising whea fundamental princi ples are involved. BONDS. The ifiear trouble of the coantry rr.lnc. ri nuance l--iie won wtaii'h to def'rav the xim- nfn f rrj- Government meet the dem widso' commerce, and give to the people a circulating aie dioro . It is no fault of the Democratic prfy 'ht hrt rr-isury is empty. b-inkrop' government and an im-poveii-hed people i a legacy be qaeihedio us by tbe Republican party. It is true that at the close ot the Qarrison administration 'hen was a show of prosperity. The oouutrv was in tbe condition of a oanb t hat, bad been rifled . and howe caxh'er was about to skip rtetore tbe public had notice of tbe impending collapse. The condi tion of a bank b-.-comes known when honest and capable men in ven'ia'e its sff-iirs; and so it is with a government. The policy of the Democratic party Is to lighten expenses and lift burdens from the necks of the people, but honesty is an essen tial requisite in all civilized govern ments, and is no part of the policy of tne Deoaooratic party to repud iate debts or violate contracts. The Secretary of the Treasury recognized the issuing of bonds as a dire necessity. Bow else could be secure funds with which to meet the obligations of the Government! The passage of tbe bill to repeal tbe Sherman law promised bat did not bring relief. Congress has strangely neglec ted to provide a safe, reliable and abundant currency. Our financial edifice has been andermined, and it mast be prop ed by aoy mate rial at band, or wide-spread ruin is inevitable. The Secretary of the Treasury did not want to issue bonds. He says: "I did it very reluctantly. I hesitated a long time, sometimes I feared I was awaiting too long, but the situation at last became so cirical that I felt it my dury,-and epeoili in view of wbat I regar ded as a very uncertain prospect of securing any immediate relief by congressional legisUtiou." Thus it is seen thac Mr, Carlisle throws the blame for tbe issuing of bonds upon Congress. It was MUggested to Mr. Carlisle that tbe Silver in the Treaaury be uned. But to this be replied that 'certificates sra outstanding against what we naveexoept about i 15,000,000 .r J6 000 000." I In answer to a question as to how fast the actual coinags of the seiginorage con Id be pushed, Mr. O-irlisle said; "If all other coinage were suspended at tbe mints we coald coin about 4,000,00 silver dollars a month, or $48,000,000 a year.'' Bat. this would not be enough and it would come too late. 'Then, you are in favnrof bonds " No indeed. We don't like gar, bat if theie is nothing eke to eat, please pasnas 'be gar. When you bid your sin good by, don't shake hands with it. PROMIStNT SOUTHERN VISITORS Investigating to Give Publicity to Our ! Climate and Sanitary Inflnences Raieigh Will Entertain Them Today a prominent party of Northern editors and physicians are to be in Ral eigh. Unless they have fo-nied plana which do not admit of change we hope they will Se in New Bern at the Fair next week. The following clipping from the News-Observer-Chronicle tells of their coming, its olyect and the wy Raleigh means to receive them: The Chamber arranged to receive and welcoma a number ef prominent editors of Medical Journals who will be here oo the 16th. They are making a tour of the South for the purpose of ascertaining the climate and saDitary influences of the sec tion and giving publicity to the same. Among the gentlemen composing the party are: Or. W. C. Wile, editor New JCuglund Medical Monthly and Past Sur geon, General G. A. R. wite and daughter, Danbury. Conn; Dr. A. N. Bell, editor of the Sanitarian. Brooklyn, N. Y; Dr. H. II Hvnett editor Medical and Surgi. cal Reporter, Philadelphia, Pa; Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, Surgeon General U. S. A., retired list, and v Ue, W ashington, D. C; Dr. Ferdinand King, editor Polyclinic, New York city Hon. Clark Bell, Esq, editor Medno-Legal Journal, ISew Ycrk city Dr. T. D. Ciotliers, editor the Jour nal of Inebriety, Hartford, Conn- Dr. T, Bailey, editor Brooklyn Medical and Surgical Jiurnal, Brooklyn, X. Y Dr Howard Van Renseelaer, editor of Med ical Annals, Albany, N. Y; Dr. W. Blair Steward, editor Medical Annuals, Albany, N. .1 ; Dr. W. B. Stewart, editor Medical Bulletin, Philadelphia, P: Mr. Maitin Griffing and wife, representing the Con necticut press. The matter of receiving and entertain ing the visitors will be in tbe baLds ot a special committee, including tne Frei dent and Secretary of the Chamber. Dr. L. T. Smith, of Pennsylrania, ad dressed a few remnrki to the Chamber, during which he assured the litteuera tbat they had a vicinity of remarkable advantages for manufacturing and attrac tions for immigration, and that tha mak ing known oi these facts was the only thing necessary to secure a desirable in flux of both. He made the ttatement without reservation, alter having travel led over thirteen States. He will make his home at Sou' hern Pines. CONFIRMATIONS. The question is asked, Why is the Senate so slow in acting on presidential nomination? Tne opinion ts held by many thao it is the duty of tbe Senate to confirm appointments a soon as they are sent to that body, but this is very far from being trne. When this Government wan formed, the people of t ie tJuited SrateM hid ja-r ewtablisht-d their mflepeudenae, and were lully resol ved that r tie one tn -o power shi-uid never agai" be recoguized, or any kingly pierog-itive be tolerated, in t his coantry. They adopted a Consntatton in which it ts provide,! tha tbe President "shall nominate, aod by and with tbe ad vie-- and cousent. of the Senate, shall appoint am bassadors, of her, public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other offl iers of the TJoited States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise, provided for." The Senate is a caeck apo i the exercise of arbitrary power on the part of the Executive Th3 provision is a wise one. Without ii an ambi tious Pre dent might soon become a Prince who would ripen into a King. It was a wise provision to prevent the President from rewar. ding bis friends and punishing his enemies ad libitum. The lerter of the Constitution has often been violated and Presi dents have made many appoint ments without "tbe advice and con sent of the Senate." Howevt r oth ers may have been dispose ' to wards that sacred instrument, the Democratic party has always re garded it as the corner-stone of their political edifice, aud demand for it "strict construction" and im plicit obedience. Before a Senator can enter upon his duties ho must take an oath to sappor; the Constitution. Nothing can excuse him for acting contra ry to its letter or Jspirit. No true Senator can vote for the confirmation of an apportment that has been made without the advice and consent of the Senate. Every Senator is a part of the ap pointing power, and is bound Jby his conscience and bis oath. is We need not be told the doty of Democrauc Senators to onfll m appointments of a Demo- cratiu president I is .is much then duty to f'.j'-Ce improper appoint men s as it i contiim aiml one.". Every Se- .iormust act tor buu - self, gu :-d t. Ms own c uipcieoce 1 under bin it h ol ofliee. If Seuator Hill, for lustauce, b eves that Mr. Pcekbaui ought not to be confirmed; it he would not have given "his advice and consent" to i.tieappoi iiiueu ; ii he beleives that the uomiuatiou was made upon personal grounds and not for the good of the public ser vice, it in his duty to vote again' confirmation. Senators are as much bound by their oaths as other men, and, the Senator who votes for or agamst confirmation simply to gratify a malignant spirit, -oils his Nen-if.o-rial robes iud violates his oath of fBcrf. HYDE CO., RUST PROOF OATS FOR SEED, A SPECIALTY, AT CHAS B. HILLS, EAST SIDE MARKET DOCK, NEW BERNE, N. C. JOHN L. WEBER," Professor of English Literature in Trinity t o lege, a Defaulter. Columbia, S. C. Feb. U. John I.. Weber, ex-School Commission! r nf Charleston and now Professor of English Literature in Trinity College, N. C, is a defaulter in the sum of over $1,200. WeV er left Charleston about a year ago t mo to Trinity College. When his annual re ' port reached Superintendent of E Indi cation Mayfleld las:, fall that officer imiii I a discrepancy in the financial part nf it ' and began a quiet investigation, which resulted in the discovery of the shortage. Weber raised a number of school certifi cates, a speciss ot forgery common in , cases of that kind. The dedication ex tends over a period of mora than a year. Efforts were made to suppress the l';ict and prevent criminal proceedings being instituted, but the State authorities de clined to do this Weber will he prose cuted. He was quietly arrested over a week ago and gave bond ia $1,00 fm his appearance when wanted. Weber wus at one time on the st ill' nf the News & Courur and WHa a writer of. considerable ability . He is the author: of a school oook on the hi-tory of South : Carolina. An official report of the de- i falcaticn was toilay made by the State' uthorities. A Three Round Contest at Jacksouvil e, If C. The following is in a nnto signed V. O. P. sent us from Jacksonville, N. C. j "We had a prize fight here the 8th inst. There was lots of people here to see the fight. James Davis the champion from Ohio to fight J. M. O. Quinn. the liti li t weight North Carolinian. Quinn hiseled Davis on the third round. They are under a 300 bond." Home liaised Sweet Potatoes Our truckers are busy planting pota toes. Several thousand dollars are kept in the community this season, that used to go out for seed potatoes. Our leading truckers now raise their own seed pota toes, and some of them have made a lair profit selling their surplus product ol the arae. Kinston Free Press. The same state of affairs spoken ot by the Fre Press exists in New Berne and in goneral through th' whole section. The fill crop ot Irish potatoes is litem . . lner a valuable e&tura. and ii incrcnanur . , ... . I affected this vear-- ei..p ol" candidates every year. Thousands ot barrels are ! 1 , i , ... . . J for Congressional no:i i tin t ion. raised and the large expenditure for seed, I " once the regular sale thus largely stopped u'hcl1 tllis tountrv reiclies the stage at aud today many a farmer has Irish pota- ! wl'ich honest elections can only be ve toes on the New Berne market. No j ture'l ''J' Federal interf. renre the days of farmen need dread hard timei'and finan 1,12 republic: will be numbered, cial depression whose barns and store A Jacksonville correspondent write us houses are thus filled to overflowing with j that Mr. J. F. Giles has just finished his crops suited to both borne consumption ! large store fr Marine & Bros, who in and market. ten 1 to put a large st ick of goods in it. Alex Miller as an Inventor. i Th" f-'e of the British House of Lords We clip from the Beaufort Herald the ! interwoven with that of the crown. If ollowing mention of news it received one falls the other cannot stand, and through another, publication. Wejudge neither rests upon very secure founda the inyentor is our recently removed tion. townsman Mr. Alex Miller, now of Rocky Mount, and that it is simply a mistake of; has been made by revenue officers m Per location in giving bis home as Goldsboro. j son County. The property was seized We hipe it is so and that Mr. .Miller for ir.-egu'.ariii -s and will b(. so'd. ill ...K -- - -. t .. " '"'C ' "' " "I the invention. Here is the item as it ap peared in the Herald. "The scientific American gives a dis ciiption of a recently patented car ventilat or by Alexander Miller ot broidsooro. This improvement not only supplies fresh air to the cain, but also carries off the smoke and cinders from the stack and discharges them at the rear of the train. Near the smoke stack n arranged a tan cnamoer, rmm wnicn a pipe icaos to cooling chambers in ea-.'i car, fr.m which valved discharge pipes lead to hooded discharge ends near the car seats. A damper in the smoke stack is arranged to overcome the exhaust blast and cause all the escaping products of coinbus-ion to pass into a pipe extending learward over the cars to the rear end ol the car ' The Burning of Harnett Court House. Judge W. A. Hpke arrived in the city from LillingP'O where lie has been hold ing Harnett Cou-t, but the term ot court was bmught suddenly to a close by the destructiou of the court house by tire about 3 o'clock in the morning. Tbe origin of the fire is supposed to have been entirely uccitlental and it was so lar under way when discovered that it was impossible to save the building. i All iue recorus auu oiuer com ems oi any value were saved, except some Cup reuie Court records. Tbe Harnett Court house was burned ; about two years ago. and since then court I has been held in a large frame building. which was rented for the purpose, and which belongs to Coi. John D. Williams, ot Fayetteville. This was the building destroyed. News Observer Chronicle. Sold for a Kong. 'During the boom of 1890 the Cataba Hotel & Belt Railway Company, of Mar ion, bjgan the erection of a magnifi cent hotel to cost more thn $ 30,000, but :he collapse came "n when it about fourth-fiiths completed. This magnifi cent building and a square of land in the 3 C's annex, was sold to satisfy judge mcnts to a large amount and only brought $1,52. Charloote Observer. Killed by His Sweetheart's Father. ASHEVILLE, N. 0., Feb, 10 A speoial to the Citizen from Mar shall saye; Willis Morgan, brother of Deputy Sheriff Jesse Morgan, ot Boncome county, was shot and instantly killed at Marshall, Mad: son county, by G. R. Sams, who is a brother-in-lav of M. E. ('arter. collector of internal revenue for this district. Willis Morgaa was courting Sams' daughter aod he had been beeD ordered off the place He the persisted in f'nrjiog himself on i premises, with tbe result s'aten. ' B ockade Stills Seized. ASHEBOKO, N. C. Feb. 1G ! Deputy Oollictor Troy seized and hauled oat a large blockade still I from J, M. York, Soapstone mount am, KanJolph county, Wednesday night. Raleigh. N. ()., Fb. 15. -Col-I lector Simmoos is informed of the 'of the seizure of tn- illicit wbiske distillery of J F C iin. ar Soil" I. Lowell. Durham county. The sn'l is of 125 gallon capcity. Te barrels of contraband whi-kev were seized at Durham. Another Ice Bridge at Niagara. Niagara Falls, N, Y., Feb. i4r me rare oae of an ice bridge for minff nri t ven ancneHSi ve Winters i n the Ning.ra gorge beliw the falls: - was wiiueied tit-day. The bib winds of the pa-r tev lavs 'mke np tbe Ce in 1 be l--e nd s-'i' it d wn tDe river It b gin iQiurihiKi o-i tne fai s rifriliv a' au eix'i mou- 1 t ai d a' 8 o'clock l-sr night the gore was jammed so that a bridge torai ee at the foot of Prospect; Park. WAS IT THE 01. Y MP I A.' The riiknown Steamship Which Sank on Hie Dreaded Diamond Shoals. The imkmoui -im-liip which found ered mi the einer ianmn, Shorl, Cape Hat ter.i-, i- believe.', tn liavcbeen the British Me i:ti -V i ilympi:i, which :ii!cd from Maniaii!- oil February 1, for Phila delphia. 'ii-ioned to the, E irn Line Stea?n-lii,. ('..mpoiy. The description furnisaed ' '.'e-life --avers Udly with the v c . 1 in the opinion of those who know her here, where -lie lias been re-' paired, havim, trale.l between Philailel pliia and Cuba for several years past. 1 ne ibe-iveis a long t lie .voni t aro hna coasts and ve-se!s arri vinr a Beau fort and X..iT!k report liuvhig seen the unknown ve .-I on Sunday, February 4, drifting in a broken down enndilion on the shoals, which run seaward I'm- at least I I inik-s from, ('ape llalteras. .-she soon -truck, an I b. u n m i nageable and 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . sanl. I I late! X. . one at the 1 inn. tain her name. Thru that she had a lihi-i w :is able to aseer who saw her state !nre. smokestack. which coi i espon. k vv ;l ;i 1 1 vv. hieh vva-. bull i oloie.l. Olympic's. Mie was tvvo n li.-i pointof masted, schooner rige rust inblance. I he iintor; unii.e craltvvas' deep la leu. and tlie Olyinpia's hold wa-i tilled with 2.0110 tons ot sugar, consigned ' to the Franklin Sugar I'etiuerv, The j tops o: tne masls on tne wreck (tie now vis;lk- above the water on the shoals. Captain Coleman commanded h'M, and h: d a crew of sailors. The Olvmpia was built in S n.-kloc, king . in 132. Philadelphia lle u .l. NKVYS IN BRIEF The imperial Pine Product Company has i n v -ted. '2?.").oo0 in a plant at Wil mington. S sine sharp at lacks on Senator Vance i are now being made l.v papers in the I -tJ'c. . t announced that the National Fannel. A,,;:1I;,,. u ill me hl H:lIeig)l ( y( ' , -""o'-""' n..,,., .e.v.. v. , i other dav, but it i . - :,ot s em to have I ! - A four thousand dollar distillery seizure . 'I'h,. Sl.r. ni.ill I."S . .'I.-- ..."" and tlieir troupe of pea forming dogs ar rived on the Wilmington train to show at t ho Fair. The schooner Melvin is in aud tropical fruit may be seen all over town. She brought in 500 bunches of bananas and 5,000 cocoacuts. The blizzard in the Indian Territory and bordering places is considered the m- st terrible in history that has ever visited there. 30 bves or more are be lieved to have been lost. The salary of Marion Bjtler, the new presi lent nf th'1 Natmual Farmer's Alli ance, i- 3. O.HI annuady. Under ihe pro visions ot a nevy rule lie is not required to live at Washington, hut can reside in tips State. The R ins is judge who naturalized a Chinaman must have overlooked the act of 1882. which prohibits their naturaliza tion, by cither Federal or State courts. Attorney General Oluev is investigating the case, specid to the Wilmington Messen ger says: "A prominent Republican here received a letter todav from Washington stating, on authority, that all the Repub iican and Populist Senators would cer- tainlv voteagaincc Simmons',confirmation and that if Senator Vance induced any Democrats to vote with him Simmons' defeat was certain." In the Washington news of the Char lotte Observer we see that the bill to re fer O. H. Perry's (New Berne) war claim of 8, GOO to the Court of Claims has been referred to sub-committee, "Representa tive McLaurin. The same bill was re ported favorably last Congress. The Goldsboro Headlight says there is a certain farmer living in New Hope township who has been married nearly twenty-five years and has a wife and eight chil. Ireti, four of whom are grown, yet has never had a death in his family ner needed a p': vician fir any member thus far. The curious, spectacle ot a cat fighting a plaster piris figure was witnessed in a New Berne store. It was the life size figure of a small dog. A peddler en tered the store to sell it, and set it down. The cat took it in reality for one ot her hereditary foes, brist'ed up wrathfully, made a mad spring tor its back, knocked it over and bloke it. The A-hev ille C 1 1 i ;-. n says State Geol ogist II bin - h is made a number of se lections of tho superb photographs illus trating North Carolina which were exhi bited at the World's Fair. The selec tion v il! be ued in a very fine publica tion. "Scenic America." The State has 1,800 worth of these "photographs. Two dktillers and 1,000 gallons of whiskey, belonging to ALhiz) Iiliyne, near G,.stoni : li.iv been s-izd. Also Revenue nnvrrs returned It. en near Biue Wing, Person coutitv, where thev seized the entire omit "f the Chester Springs Di-tilh-ry C imp uiv. There are two stills. Tlie value of the property is $4,000. It is seized for irregularities and will be sold. Gov. Carr has offered a reward of 100 i - i. i ....... c i i i . i .... I .tutu Mil IHII Lli;ili.tJ'KIIUI CO U II I V II1UIUC1- I ers William West and Jol s 1 tie size I !'e" tf'l is offer. County ina'i 'luthrie J. Jol e l Frank M.-yers in Wiike? in West. The I for a Wilkes ii8 n who k i 11 countv. The News observer Chronicle says the ease of tin- Wests is a Ve'y aggrava m one. They s'lot down Frank Newell, who was scarcely more than a lad, for beating off a dog belonging to them. EDWARD MURPHY. IStea's Another Watch -Is Cracked on the Head and Dangerously Wniinded Edward Murphy, the vagrant, tough, and thief who for nearly three months j was an expense in jail to the lax-pavers of Craven county and who was finally run out nf New Berne as a dangerous character by the city authorities has been cracked on the head and is now in a Richmond almshouse likely to die. He says that the blow was given bv a piece of iron but he iloe-n't tell how he came to receive it. It will be remembered that he was recently arrested on two charges, highway robbery and prize fighting but evidence was not obtain ed sufheent to convict on either. The Richmond Dispatch tells of his last af fair as follows Ed Murphv, of pugili-tic lame, who came here from New York some weeks since, ami has figured in Police-Court re cords since the fight at tin-Turf Exchange on the night ot February 1-t, now lies at the almshouse in a precarious condition. Murphy was arrested Tuesday bv Ser geant Aleck Tomlinson and lodged in the Second Police Station on a warant charging him with stealing a watch chain, and clirm, valued at f 13.T)0, from Allen Mcintosh, a fjllow-prisoner in the city jail. hen committed t jail February 2.1 l.v .luspce Crutchtiekl to await examina tion on the charge of robbing F. C. Milch-v-ll of Sl'jo in cash and a gold watch, Murphy made the acquaintance of Mc intosh. It is alleged that on the day that he was discharged from the prison he borrowed Mcintosh's timepiece, prom ising to return it in a little while. In steail he pawned it. When the officer arrived at the stati n with his prisoner yesterday he com plained that he was badly hurt. An ex amination shewed that he had a deep cut on his head, and Dr. A. Monteiro was called in. He pronounced the wounds serious and the ivoundetl man was re moved to the almshouse. Before being moved Murphy stated that he got into a tight Friday night, and was strack on the haad with a piece of iron. He decli ned to give the name of his assailant, and would not discuss the matter further with the police. Inquiry at the almshojse late lat night elicited the information that his wounds were considered dangerous. A Strong Sentiment for Simmons. Statesville, N. C, Feb. 14 If Sim mom should be defeated for confirmation by the Senate I predict the people of North Carolina will have two claims upon them which they will rush forward to pay. Vance's warmest friends, who of course will net desert him, will crowd each other in their efforts to reward Sim mons, both for his noble, courageous fight for Democracy and for this last mark ot disapproval which the entire Democracy of the State will resent, for if he is defeated they will resent it, not with a feeling or desire to censure Vance, but with lhat higher and greater desire to defend themselves, as it is looked uoan j i. . v.11.. e.. UVUJULlilL a to cicieliU oTlil mons. The answer of Simmons to Vance is the whole talk of the town and the cry is if he is defeated now, we will reward hiin yet. Special to the Charlotte Ob A Credit to North Carolina We are glad indeed to note the success that has attended the State Normal School at Greensboro for young ladies. Although of recent organization and a new departure for the State, it has proven a valuable step. Teaching the practical duties of lite, and especially to girls and young ladies, has been too much neglected. The school has enrolled 83 students this year, besides its practice and obser vation school. About 250 students board in the dormitories and the others board in private families. Had .here been suffi cient dormitory accommodations the in stitution could have enrolled over 500 students. This is the second year of the school. Its e;!r illmcnt last year was 223. Most of the counties in the State are represented. After Guilford, Mecklen burg leads in the number of students. It sends fifteen. Wake has the next largest representation, and then come Robeson, Orange, Buncombe, Wayne, Gates, Ire dell, Richmond, Anson, Durham, Edge combe, Lenoir, tiockingham, Warren Wilson, Cumberland and New Hanover each of which sends from seven to ten. The average age of the students is be tween 10 and 20 3 ears, and about twenty five are graduates of other institutions. Applications for admission have been re ceived from six states besides Nor'h Caro Una, Simmons Considered Safe. The latest news from Washington is very gratifying. We take it from the special to the Charlotte Observer; "All reasonable doubt as to Collector Simmons' confirmation has been removed. It is believed that only Senator Vance, of the Democrat members of the finance committee, will vote against hi.n in com mitte when the report is finally made on that Senator's return from Florida. Mr. Simmons,Jwho leaves for North Carolina tonight, says he feels absolutely sure of his confirmation. New L'fe Saving Station. Capt. C. A. Abbey, U. S. R. M. Supt. of Construction of Life Saving Stations, and Mr. J. II. Davis, Inspector, passed through lieie last week to Portsmouth in company with Mr. W. J. B. Shull, con tractor, to select a site for the life saving station at that place The work will be commenced right away. Capt. Abbey ha.", many friends along the coast. Beau fort Herald. Fine N. C. (iranite. Tlie Charlotte News siys thit Moores-, ville, a progressive little town near Char lotte, is the location nf the Charlotte Granite company, and that sum-; of the finest gray granite in the world is now being i-.ikni out. This granite is used in some of the finest buildings and monu ments m the country, is subject to a very fine polish and ha? an enorm Us sale in the North. The slopmc nls have become so great that a private railroad track is being built from the main line of the A. T. & O., railroad to the works wdieie cars will be loaded, thus saving the expense of wagons and teams. The granite there seems to be inexhaustible. Deputy U. S. Marshall. United States Marshall Carroll has is sued commissions to the follow ing deputy marshals. George Field of Henderson, W. B. Boyd of N'-w Berne, Jesse II. Grantham of Goldsboro, C. V. Robinson of Beau'ort Alex McMillin of Lumber Bridge, E. A. Catter of Plymouth, W. W. Neal ot Odell and Thos. O". Bunting of Wilmington. News Observer Chronicle, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. Interesting: Historical Exercises at the Collegiate Institute in Com- I memor atlon of HIg j Life. Washington's birthday is'the 22 1 ' ; xt j Thursday) but as Prof. Hodges remarked I it comes this year in Fair wjelc and the r air smasnes dates in Mew Beine, to it was decided to hold the school celebra tion of the day Friday that it might not be interfered with by the interest in the Fair. The first piece on the programme was the building of the name WASHINGTON by a number of the smaller pupils, each putting on a letter of the name in posi tion alter tbe recital of a short approp riate selection. A representation of a cl nb discussion of the life and character of Washington was next in order. One pup'l treated of his boyhood, another spoke of him as a surveyor another as a warrior and so on through the different periods of his life down to his death. And then the muse of history (represented by Miss Katie Matthews) appeared followed by a number of the older boys of the school each represent ing a year which marked an important era in Washington's eventful and success ful life. These ranged themselves on one, side of the room. Miss Katie, and those who preceded remaining at the front. Each boy related the special event in Well ingtons life which took place in the year he represented and then a procession of the young lady students filed in uni formed as soldiers and carrying arms. Each one represented one of General Washington's great battles and the ac companying recitation told of the date and the result ot the battle. The room had been prepared for the occasion by placing a bust portrait of Washington at the front, and a full length picture of him as a free-mason at the rear, while flags and bunting aurrounded the room which was still further graced by a few floral decorations. The exercises were both instructive and pleasing and all participating ac quitted themselves with credit to them selves and to the lady teachers who in structed them for the occassion. The exercises were gotten up outside of and in addition to tbe regular school services. After the pupils were through brief addresses on lessons that might be drawn from Washington's life were made by Revs. C. G. Vardell, J. T. Lyen, Rufus Ford and Dr. Jno- S. Long, L. L. D., President of the Board of Trustees of tbe New Berne Academy. Mr. T. R. Jernigan, Consul General to Shanghai, will probably leave within thirty day3 lor his post. His family will remain a year before joining him there, .var. j . a. ui.ii, 01 iLauvi.u, jiu....uhuj a card of apology to W. S. Barnes, secre tary of the State Farmers Alliance, and retracts statements be made questioning Barne's varacity. The authorities in Robeson county are looking for Rose Melvin, a woman who has mysteriously disappeared. There is reason for belief that she has been murd ered. It is now said that Baltimore people propose to purchase th6 Raleigh street railway at the sale by order of court some time In April, aud that they will properly equip and operate it. Who says women are not forgiving? Que of them sued a man for breach of promise and obtained a verdict for $5,000 and then allowed him to beat the verdict by marrying her. Sixty-five convicts have been sent to the Calendonia farm on the Roanoke river from the penitentiary. This will bring the number at the farms to some thing over 1,000. An exchange says that Mr. J. C. Cad dell, travelling agent of the Biblical Recorder is suffering from a wound over the eye, caused by a stone which strack him while he ws entering Charlotte on a train. The Raleigh Visitor gives this item: 'The iron furnace at Greensboro will startup before long. There will be a charcoal iron furnace near Egypt and it may be that the latter will furnish ma terial for the car wheels made there. An exchange says that the man who does not take his home paper shonld be ashamed to borrow it from his neighbor to read. Lots of them do this, and it is usually the borrower who does the most kicking about what the naper has or does not have in it. The lines have been drawn for a great battle on the Peckham nomination. Both sides maintain an air of confidence and hope. The fight, it is said will be a close one but the opponents of Mr. Peck ham are making the most claims of sue cess. Tlie rescuing party are working hard to reach the entombed miners at the Gay lord mine in Plymouth, Pa , but it is now believed that even if the men are still alive they will starve before they can be reached. In this event eleven widows will be left to care for forty-five child ren. All over tbe country our farmers are active in improving their farms. New houses and new fencing greet tbe eye and indicate the enterprise and energy of tbe people who will bring prosperity to our homes and wealth to our country. Hard work and living within our means will be sure to bring reward, not only for the farmers ot Craven county, but to every business occupation. The Charlotte Observer says: "Rev. J W. Moore, who is anxious to return to Japan as a missionary, applied to the mission board for himself and sister, but received answer that there was no money in the treasury. A strong appeal has been made to the synod of North Caro lina to send them, the synod to supply their means of support for one year. The synod has only two m.ile missionaries and Mr. lloore is one." War Relics. Mrs Gaston Meares was gathering up war relics Tuesday, and in the afternoon Mr. P. Heinsberger shipped the collect ion to Mrs Graham Daves at New Berne to be placed in the Exhibition at the New Berne Fair. There was quite a lot, consisting of swords, pictures, aud Confederate and Colonial flags. Wilmington Star. THREE WRECKS. A Bark Stranded and Two Schooners Snnk on Onr Coast. Special to The Joi rnal.1 Bkacfort, N. C, Feb. 15 -During last nights gale the bark New Light, Capt. Avis, laden with lumber and bound to Philadelphia from Savannah, was stranded on Bogu beach, twelve miles west of here. The crew were saved but the vessel was a total loss. Pilots report seeing the masts of two schooners sunk on Outer Diamond, Look out shoals. . C S0X9 OP THE REVOLUTION. Object or the Society - (u all floatation for Membership Officers. We have liesore us a lour page circular the object of which is to desseminate In formation in refference to the organization known as the North Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution. Its head quarters are at Raleigh. It was tempor arily instituted. October 24, 1898; per maiiently organi;d, November 21, 1898 and legall incorporated, Jan miry 8,1894. The objeets of the Society are social, literary, and patriotic. It is formed for the purpose of perpetuating the memory of those men, who, in the military, naval, and civil service of the American Coloni es during the War of the Revolution, by their sets or counsel, achieved the inde pendence of our country; to stimulate a love for historical study; to collect anil secure for preservation the manuscripts, records and other documents relat ing to that period particularly tnc4e pertain ing to North Carolina; to inspire the members of the Society with the patrio tic spirit of their forefathers, ami t promote a feeling of fellowship among them. Any male person aluwe the age ot twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant ot one wh., as a military, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor or marine, in actual service, under the authority ot any of the thirteen Colonies or States, or of the Continent!' 1 Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority; or a descendant of one who signed the Declaration of Independence, or of one who, as a member of the Con tinental Congress, or of tbe Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as aa official appointed by or under the au thority of any such legislative bodies, aotually assisted in the establishment of American Independence by services ren dered during the War of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the Government of Great miiaiu, met leuiauuijg nrwnys royal ixrule authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society, provided always, that the Society reserves to itself the privilege of rejecting any application that may not be acceptable to it. The Society requires of applicants, for membership that the service ot ancestors-' must be proves by documentary or bis torical evidence. No tradition however direct or accurate is taken as proof. The officers of the Society are: Gov. . Elias Carr President; Hon. Kemp P. Bat tie, L. L, D.. Vice President; Marshall DeLancey Haywood, Secretary; Prof. P. H. Hill, Registrar; Dr. II. B. Buttle, Treasurer; Rev. Robert Brent Drane, D. D., Chaplain. The Search for the Wrecks. Engineer W. S. Chadbourne who has been searching for wreckr. near Lookout Shoals had to oease the work for other business when only a portion of his buai ness had been accomplished. He found the two with projecting spars, but had not located the two iron steamers which are entirely submerged. The weather has been bad since tb work begun, a portion of the time nnth ing could be done and in much of the remaining time the work was prosecuted under disadvantages. Owing to the roughness it was hard to tell what was below point sailed over and this was the only way to locate the wrecks. Mr. Chadbourne recomuenden the dis continuance of the present aud the re newal of it a little later in the Spring probably about April when the con ditions are expected to be more favora ble. In the meantime the Vesitvius ia likely to come down and blow up those located. The other wrecks should be located and blown vp also at as early a day as practicable. Commerce should not be unnecessarily endangered a day by them. Extortionate Insurance. The Southeastern Tariff association has raised quite a storm among property owners in Raleigh by its action in raising fire insurance rates. Raleigh has one of the best fire depart ments in the country, and has been an excepted town, the local board making the rates. Now the representative of the Southeastern Tariff Association has raised the rate 50 per cent, on business risks. The local board no longer lias control The insurance men themselves regard the new rates as excessive. The matter has been laid before the Chamber of Com merce. The rates are from 50 to 100 per cent higher than previouly and are considered not only excessive but out of reason. The effect will no doubt force the es tablishment of home companies. E. B. Englehard, chief of tho firo Department, furnished the committee with figures showing that during the past six years, while .he companies have re ceived $180,000 in premiums there, they have had to pay for losses only f 38,719. It seems that Raleigh is one of the most profitable places for the companies. Removal. m Mr. C. B. Hillhas moved his granary from his former stand to the building near it directly fronting the opening leading along the market wharf to Middle street. Mr. Hill had been at his old stand four years, but thinks he will be a gainer by the change as he considers he is now at a better stand. s & v.. . : , , ; 1

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