'nrVia'TTfci V7 ....cWf- : U $1.00 Per Tear INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents. f VOL. XVI. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. MARCH h 1894. NO. 53 , tare y - ?;;..'. oreatn of crtar baking powder ' - ' - Ulhnet of !1 in leaveniug strength. -V . - XaTkst UxriED States GovEauxauT is.--.v IFooro Report. " Royal BAirxa PownitB Co,, lOfl WU Received X LARGE LOT OF TIIOSK r. IIA.MS That 1 am selling at 13 1-3 cts. per lb. ALSO TRY A BBL. OF MY ,fBest on Earth" IT ONLY COSTS YOU $4.50 PER BBL And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in the rear of my store, where von will find STABLES FREE. My prices are low, my dealings are jast give me a trial and I will gnarentee satisfaction or refund ail money. Respectfully, J. R.. Parker. Jr. NO. 77 BROAD ST. (, R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN General MERCHANDISE. New Berne. IV. C '.SEE u IRISH POTATOES IN ST00K A-d for Sale Cheap. NOTICE 'Contractors & Builders. We will oontinue running our saw mill ftt Dorer od will manufacture all kiad of rough pine lumber. We will Make aspeeialty of framing bills. And heart lumber co t to order and res pectfully aolieit a liberal share of pub lic patronage. Can cut 40 feet length?. Price quoted on application. Respectfully, HINES BROS.. Dover, N. C. ich 9 d2m wit. FOB TITII TX BTX. Tl. itm4f . 'v i"J"c'-fcl djrv. f '. .m MM of Ih lllllMIW l fill. Illlll' '.'1UI7( t, Mtsn. B. chmr-i , ot diM or cCV im tmmm i..n ! ! in p- -ou. mmi tmmmm tm lattxatoj. lira jsTI AS A PREVENTIVE 1MM, I i tm ta. m mm br ai. 11. PCMU F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. PROFE"SIOSAL. DR. G. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offiofl , iliddl ywl, oppomte rlaptiKt kareb, -teoSdwtf VEWRERN. N O DR. J. D CLARK, :KNTI3T, UKKHK. K. c. biiw(wn Pollock Oftoe oa OraTeo ;rMt nd Broad. A 1 " n c I n ,.' u.j.o, i .init io Tr-:ll R.(! Me et, m leitl Piilllitry nt. liental surpf ry i win eiincieu lihoiit p'n h-v is, Nurn ,xia. ; Every lb tug la h One of Deutiitry don i la M twil .ir Ie. Htt-tlon ua em -.ced. OlM,)rDrirf vlldclle Mr el ud -,:er I P. H. PELLETIER, A T T ( R v k Y A T LAW.' Middle atrett, First room bove Farm -; er's & Merchant's Bank. ! Will prmcitoe to Ui-(uatle of iroit rMrat Joan uniiow ind Paiw United -ilulM urt .1 Nev Hems. -u6 . Saorame uon irta sr.te W Vi ti CLAilKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Keal Estate Ageut. JNew b -'ne, N". C. connections. New Y -rk BOatn& and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands, Truck lands. Town lots. Do yon want to bay f WlilTE. Do you want to sell T WRITE. i SPECIAL. 1800 icres, Trent koid.6 milesf.'city, -'- Timber and Track Und. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Proposed hjdrogrM! will enable sh: ps to cs::. lao.i.o - te wi'h one atiotuer at 1ods 'i-t.ce.- The genMemen. w:a ;i:- iin-li-r-taken to restore pn il c cun ti-!en -e in the bonesty ul horse racing are not, to be eovieil. It hard to makii Mime tb.nigs loverail. For inst;ince, 'he man who has the grip i? quite as hkrly to become insane as the man who has -'lost his grip." Etnperor William drinks a grea' deal of beer. His crnade agnnsr gam biag doesn't prevent him from drawing for a king fnll or a royal flash now and then. Give a o8D work and yon add t his manliness and independence, t'ive him 4ims ..rui i-a 1'e.".' "v i - f-r,'.i, ct .in, I aiid .iu,.' .'i : ; i per to th ' world. -r . a a. i a. i . d -a atrOQized by a'jout l'.iumi on he n.n'ni d ' A mail may "stnkt- cil" ritbour t.'.ii;nn anything. For instance the poor felloe who was drowned in a tank of o I, In Wes' Virginia, the other day. The thrifr of the Germans has been the principal factor for inak- ing one of the greatest, nations in Europe. It is not coufined to the poor, but is practiced by all. Dr. Felix Adler sizes the thing up olosely when he places the re sponsibility tor much ot the exis ting political corruption apr the re-; spectable citizens who do not vote or take any part in politic). j There are few scientists who do j noc believe that petrified human i being are pure humbug. Oae ' scholarly Smithsonian Institution j man said hejcould not find a single.1 instance on record ol huoiau petn-j faetioo. The drveot season in hall a ceu-' tury in the southwestern seaboard counties of Texas closed a week or u aKu. iae o.ue-.nnuaouau.s aear ample witness to its nnpu- -ed cb ri,cter. It seems queer to read abon tlir booming of a man named Coffin for Senator from Iowa. However, sev eral coffins will be needed in the TJ. S. Senate about March 4th, 1895. Education is a compauion which no misfortaoe can depress, no crima can destroy, no enemy can alienate or eL?,lave. At home a friend, abroad an introduction, in soli nde a solace, and in society an ornament. There has been in the city of New York during the las: ten mouths more evic;ious 01 tenants thau have taken place iu Ireland danog the last ten years. What's tbe uaattet with that as a study for Americau philan thropist.-f There is something suspicions about the wonderful speed acquir ed by vessels built for the govern ment, on their trial trips. Why is it that we bear so little about their speed after they are comuii.-s-ionedT The number of people who would like to loan their money to the I S. government is steadily increas ing, and t he same may be said of the individuals who would lik. to borrow any body's money. Let some abl financier bring about an equt abie distribution ol these likes, if he can. An apple tree kuown to be 1 ;:5 years old on the property of Mrs. ' Delia Hotcbkiss in Cheshire, Con., ' was Oestsoyed tij- a recent s'orm It bore frnit every fall, but only on one side each ,ear. The side : that bore fruit one year wonld be barre i the next. , The man who in the fullness of ; his heart exclaims. ''Lot m maku ! the Ctiristtnas Gifts of a countr : . . , , , ,, aiai t eare no7 to m-iKe tne laws may never become a millionaire. btc you can bet jour bst girls i i -.. , K , u ,.. ., .. ,. , . ij . o i u l ue nicrin wrn aim ua; goo d dlge8live organs. Robert Stin will start on an ne tic voyage the beginning of Me, The expedition will lev from Sr. John's N. F , The essential retture of the plan on which if will he op- r. ateii is to nave a secu: 0(erat ns I r su; plie be tS' ;blished on Clare: the sou: h eas- c ip- a land. ; - e 1 1 1 This will Ce fle.,1, E a i na n A Dead-1 elter Office S nry. Among i ne ciriosipes ,i -ne m UseU m i - a a 1 by J u : , u one Of his Sides gorgeous!-, i-rn 'ei. dered l li t he S' ' ' s and t":!ies, ;4j,,i the ot her fl iii ii ' ai g th- L in. J-ck. he two nulled Oy a golden ciaiiu. It had drified thither, auri had oeen 1 lor several years ensconced in rs gla88 case. bin a i ostal exhibit was begged from the department fer a cbarch fair, and for the fir-t fime Jumbo went ou' tor an airing It so happened that a lady from New Hampshire was visiting Washington at the time and went- to the fair. To the surprise of her friend she greeted Jumbo as a long lost friend. Ten vears before she had made him and sent him to her daughter in England, who had mariied a man named Link hence ., ,-l . r . . . ., luc uctiru 01 me two nags anted together. But she did not claim hrr possession, and so he has never made his journey across the ocean. St. Nicholas. vermonc s orst eiec.cnc r" !po8tj 0f men nl nitelligfnce, integ S Barlington was opened lecently fv Hud l ;V , K,ri,m. I'll I S YEAR'S CAMPAIGN. I'ii i.' i ll ) A ' Vt'.l -e,- 1 it ton h is been r im ( ;i i t; ti ot raised as h pre-i-1 so as Til In- 00:1 r( iic r, sui s ' i l ne par I ' i- stigges ii, - li.-, ;i made -d '! -1 i f 1 in this. Wli CI ie Itl- 1,4- !l I.) -k- I- : esty and 1 1 i 1 i ' i ! go "r ' dm) i - hi oppo-r t-i iistane at its s t" he . ,.rop. N - I,., ; !l ? 1 U- : ,.',c:aMo n .4 in safely uii-m the rec-c-ial . ! i j; . the t a single 'II 1 II 1 I .ed i p i,lt in: ii it I U ' s . ,! -;i i a is r; (T,'.4tl I I u t: i I y h s i ,t the and it be com , a; 1. 1 c v,, i) . ;ni, 1 a 1C. iilv e.sseutial that it ' is eq Tiie finct'iin t his r ar i- not to lie c .fitiue.l to fne elec ion of mem-'er- oi t o- General Assembly. M-iny mipor an r pon ions are to be ri leil vvrii wuicn ;ti prosperity of the Stale and ' he in ceres' of the 'people are intimately associated. . Ht-ue. it toll a-.- : li it if is ot the tirst importance t hat ; h-people t-ike ' the iii:-:iat'v e aid conduct fie cam- paign . It is o,-e i sn.l ii ir ii , .mi n iting conveutnms aie not representative of the people: '.hat they are manip ulated by cabals and cliques that are controlled by personal lnfJ'. ences. rather thau by consider-! tions of the public good. This, uu fortunately, is too often the case, but, whose f.ailt is i;f Iu the Demo crat -c p r t ill its members are - qtiils E er rn -a who is recogtii zel as a Pemocrat has a right to at tend i he pi inanes and cast his vote for his reat esent-iti ves in the i;oun try convention. Indeed it is his . duty to do it, and if this sacred obligJ,tjon i8 disregarded he has no I right to complain if the candidates nminte(1 dn U(lt uome np to his leas ,i rhe h ues.- of things. Ir I-the impeiifive duty of t h t.ze.' to vo.o at every election. Kig-.t here is the danger. In order ro bring oat the full vote of h" Democratic party this year the is sues and the candidates must have i a safe lodgement in the hearts of the ptople. They must spring from ' and be ot the people. But. we are told that Congress- men i.re to beelected thtsyear, and consequently national issues can-i not be lgaor.-d- There is no ground : fer serious aoprehe ision oti this j account. The Chicago platform is j the law of the party and Congress i is acting in conformity with its spir- ir. The obnoxous F.-deial Kl-ction law has been repealed, and the Wilson tariff mil and the Biand silver canag- bill have passed rhe House ot li -ptesentati ves. Let i-iii Congress'.onal candidates lie nominated iu conventions fair ly r piesetit a'i ve of the p-op!e and we have no feirs for the rt suit. Indeed, looking over the whole fied We weP no reason why we mav not C U fi.it- victor v. i k f-r Democratic NORTH ( AKi LIN A. In th olden time North Carolina was called "Old lib Van Winkle," i bt cause she wis la-t asleep, and ivii iritied sleep as the years tolled for sh iy . Tn - was an injustice, h 1- i.evet been ash-op either to the in ne-- of her children or the li o. m t K ini' lie. N ever a bragg a r, -,i - ii v-, terioi oi her sn. sacrtci ihe honor of women a (i t he ion. Her past is k--or the even v,m h dd .ng as i in in. the purity , an cry of r ltg- urj. and her i-sarailje of a present givas the , . , , , ,,,, "UK'" i:.u pimnm' ni.aie. We Ii ie never neon thrilled with the elec ri" words "The l-.-w a.,,,, i, kjou o. This su -i-kissed land is the same th 't gave birth to Washing ton and J. Il'eisoi,; Mason and Cal houn: Di'.'i- od L-'e. an d, w 1 1 li t he hlessi. g ot (lot, their ex-onples will araiti i'e the bosoms aid nerve the arms i f r he i r conn ' r men to t be latest tfiT.i" !a'i . v"h t'-"er cot. ' n 1 ui i a, s tun. ... , oi id -a her from 'h.-r t i ? ; a d tl rri'c, 'hev. a: e in rein 1 1 i -e ot h e r o ;v ii ii : " 1 1 ' l.e nee in. iii: i : - no e x " . t 1 on N Vhi i. r gates are -ver o;i-n to ai ger. her c'i ef reli -r w-11 lie. iljio'i 'h-' s i ii d 'he v : i ' ue ita-e is, valor ot of her .1 N i g" 1 r S l,!l- i a i - i ' a n h is ii" tiee'i ,iS i;mi"iir ai ers, b it. i;1 v tits -he ' i a i . no per b -en a to the i - I g i r I i ir r I,- e iii 1 rn m-.ii ng i position to whicn na- tore and i i' ore's, (..i l have des- t ned hoi iQ the exhibition f her re-our- , ,,. , , ('es r tb, Utt U or' ' 1 ur yht nor n!l a-res w-tb tho jew-ds of her tmoes, or fie pr.nl jets o! her tor- ests and her fields, b.r. neverthe- te, she :i r i ;ir: e-i r he e. e- of intt-l-;eut obseivers and gained the plandits of those whose commend- vidence of exalted w.irt h. Is there niy iii'ir -i t ean t liro w a shallow on li.-t jliMiV Nothing, absolnr i-l i,o lung, r-o lone as she closes ! a -- , ' . s-:i ,.)' 'he -Ten tij r ,-ti i' :. ' .tntv to siduc. She ha-. S" i t 1 1 1 in aid scholars; oratms m j -; !,jt ner strength '.s :n i hi sie;! g v 1 1 r ne.s -,4-:d lncor rujif able i i, t eg ; v of her i-ommon ; eople. S,i ak n-i' serpt-n m Iv more seilnet; gae ;i'i d 'il 1 1 t 1 he subtiliU of the en . .'here io nothing e than the oily ton 1 :n innerd of artfnl politii-ians !t;t were possible they -,-.I ,ecele the Very elect. Tins yit the good old S'ate will be fnll ( f s ' atesm ei . w ho, a ban don -ins i-v.vy ;e-rson ii consideration, ile-o-ed 'o the interests of the ar : , i V . For- f,,1 v .. Principle.- -. ." ihe matto of C'ar oLtiii s. .ii t the pomp and circacu-stand- ot i o'diy pretenders cannot obliter -te the sentiment that is supreme in the r bosoms. ( f 'ntor'un I'i lv there are dissen.1 sions in the r.uiks of the North Car ima IVni'i -, but ;t is only a j question ot . ht'isthe right way,' and wio-n it js determine I the yeo maniy of Mi'-- ! 1 commonwealth ill walk the pih of duty through tl 10 1 and tlame. There are grerit names in North Carolina: names associated with high resolves and heroic achieve ments, bat there is no name magic euough to seduce from the love of right and j usfce that is ingrained i" the structure of North Caralina character. THE PRESIDENT'S RETURN. After nine days recrea'ion in the sounds of Noith Carolina the Pres ident has re' timed to Washing ton. l'atrio'ic c;t zi-u- of all par- ties are gratified to learn that he seems to be in perleet health. That he etijo ed his r. cess is abundantly shown in wha' has been published concei mng it. Now, that the President is home again and at the halm ot the Gov ernment, we trust that the gallant shia ot s"a'c will move majesti jiil.i iorward wfi every sail un furled aud the tl 1 1 of the Union Hy ing at l 's mast he. id. It is matter of regret that on his J retui n Mr Cievelnd does not find j legislation more advanced. The! tariff hill, on which the return of I1-onp.-r i ty i s so much iI-.ih.hI, nt. is still in t ne hands ot th? Senate Committee. If is not probable that the L esiden: c in d aav'thing to hasten the actiou otthe Senate, Seua'or seems to be determined to vcriiy the trite expression "Senators can not be burned." ft is " ' ' s iaposed that the President surveys the action taken by the House in his aluceuce with a degsee of pleasure ajiproaching exlnleration He certainly did not advise Hie passage of the Bland bill oefote leaving the capital, but as the ti,ei-ure is pleasing to his childien we trus- ihiL his great paternal ia-at wui tino!) iu sym pathy witu their j iv. The bill may ! not pass tne Sen.t'e, but if It dtes, i: will rejoice North Cirolinians to know that it by i g i se n a has been signed 1 r ik ai from our wateis. There is an.)' her purpose for whicn the same pea can tie used to the oenetit of r h - ouMtry, and th it s m signaig the co-nmissions tuoor t's. To ) ioiig, much too 'he high pi tees of the laud oeen filled bv Republicans, of D lo ; fla v aini ii no wav can Mr. Clevelaud j l etter show rhat he has lieeu re-! juviu ire-l au i invigorated thau ' by i in a-.edi i!e! turmiig the res-i cals out. ! Mr. Cleveland, during his re-, cent trip, sai-d alouj . t reacher- Ous coast, lie even visaed Iiattras". i He m u-t u ive u ad his thoughts! - turned :o ship reck-, and to how they my b- avoided. He Saw t ie reat light-hou-e, aud it maj have -uggested rcll-j.t'ioiis of om', of different kind, th ir throws its agar tar on' oar the p iliticai sea. At all eveta.- .v,- j nee a- his safe retm n. a tin- .-m rirs ne has re ceived and "i.e ii-isous he has learn ed Memorial Address. Ku.khhi.N C.Mirch s Mr. v- ! - r A. Mon'g'oii; i . of iLileigh iici'i'li's the Iii ua. l at , He Ladles' .'i-'ini'Ml A soei : oi to deliver i ': address i ii Meia..: : .; d i . Ma-. H h. n r c - i P.-i.d t sa !-.(' e i ; : 'I g iin-l I). Wli I in pr, in ii I - a l t h - Sou I h Bal i . . , - -1 i - - Sllr- l 1 1 i - ' ,11 'll I'' I- , I "- UeCOl'd iii: b - f- L i H i :U prove - , - i w : Atnotig the male important pie. jaCs developed diiriiig the week are iiiesix'y m i le ex ' eneion of the Sav mo ih. An ei .cu- mil M mfgom ery I -u . , : o be !. it .it the cost of solan nun; Si ana. ana c mpauy to b i 1 1 :i i-o c i i road bet ween Hal! '.more and Washington; a com pany to bu Id a telephone line D7 miles long in Aikausas; a HM).0U(l coalmining caupany; a 1 0(1,0(10 factory and a large combination budding in West Virginia; a phos phate Mant. cigar factor . and a silOO ana railroad depot iu Florad i 1IYPK Co.. i:i"-I" PROOF o.YTS FoK Ki:i). A SPECIALTY, at c has a. inri's i"--r sun.- inia-rT dock , NEW BEKNF.-N . c ation is the n lis;) r ( HI RCH DEDICATION. i Sf. Thomas ( Kpiscopnl; Cliiirch to li DtMlicatcd A'jr.l l.-A t-liort sk.'icl St. Th, mil-' i-per i- t" i of its Career. i lllltvli. i Epi-cnpul . :it In- . i ei i ioat i 1 while t!n- . -i Hi - fer.-m-o "f Wiliniiigtnii i- m se-ii,,n ni New lif-Mic. The coitV' Bti.ui iH-ins Tlnirs.hiy M.O( li 2!llh at M o'clnck I'. .. and lie , Imn-h will be dedic.-ited tho t,,l!.iinU' -ni .1 .:. tb. Iy tlieliishi.p. l!, v. T. M. N. (iforge iiiul Kev Ml'. Wonteii. Although this i lmrch i- a mi. inn. ;iuu the present imilding jn-t m-i-tei', ii i- an old organizitiiin, :md t ln- hid a i-inin-li ol their uu n uj to the linn- "f tic w ;ir. The iil-t St. Tii.Hllu-' l.'lll.t ill lsj"i l.y the late Dm -Mr Kielcod I. M.i-.hi. u hlle 1 1 rt r i 'I l 'hii-l - ' hn 1 1 h. N.-w He rue. lluri ii" the hi I e way the eh u icli u , hu ' n- td I'T tin- N' jithen) annv. Wirv. Ir:iel Harding with smI ,-al Wli eel laith, at last started the r.-l a i 1 , ' i ri - a! thi ef the ihiiivh. Tho curlier stone, ua- e,,uit laid A-tgll-t lTlli by l!i-il'p Wat- - ii I ' : son. Mr. Harding planned the e.lilice i himself und w ith hi- ow u han, U did innt'i 1 iif the work. lint at h is deal h .Un'y :'. 1 . j Ibl'l all work 1 1 j 1 1 lie- ! nihil, il; u-i-I stoppei I. Hilt at la-t. ehi.-lh hrolljli the illoil ol' Mr. Ik-u. II. Hubert., ot New liernc, ; the work on tho chiin ii was ( arried fur . ward until it was in -hape that would ! iiJmil of it beiii.: n- and tinally an a)- peal was sent out b ',. George, Keetor ui 'Jhri-t Herne which appeal was h. ed of by Bi-hop Watson inonev raised, the chinch i now its dedication tollows. -. T. M. N. clllll'lll N'ei artily approv the needed out leled ami KAME;iI INSANE ASVEIM. Annual Meeting of Directors, Dr. Wood Resigns, Dr. Kirliy Elected Other Business. The annual meeting 0j the directors of the insane asylum was liel.l .Monday. Dr. Wood the suporintendant resigned. Dr. Wood's administration has been able and successlul. II is resignation was accepted to take eff-ct June 1st. Resolu tions very complimentary to him were adopted. The director- uiianimoii-lv elected Dr. decree j, Kirby, of ( ioldsboro, now sup erintendant of the Eastern Insane a-yluin as Dr. Wood's successor. W. R. C'rawtord. Jr., was re elected steward and Irs Whitaker Matron. A new executive committee composed of John li. Burwell. H. F. Boy kin and L. A. Potter was elected. The new intirmiiry will be completed and turned over June 1st. but will hardly be furnished and occupied this year. The number of insane in the asvlu n i 3st). ami "even are at home on prolm tioti. Durinir the oast three months eighteen U:ive WII received, live discharged and two died. " intls ALLOWED At March Meeting County Commis sioners. M. II Carr repairing fence in No. 3 Township, by John Biddle and others, 521. S5; R. A. Russell 2,400 rails and re pairing stock law fence from Russell gin house to Spring branch 102 rails used on fence on the road leading to Egypt plantation $24.00,- T. L. Wetheringtcn one months service as keeper Streets ferry, Feby. 1S94 $10.00.- R. O. Mosely house rent C Smithwick for February $2-50,- Fannie Williams keeper poor house 512.50; Irene Cooley cook for poor house $3.00: J. J. Tolson, agt., ration.-, to poor in February J7S.85; Caesar Boyd 7 1-2 cords wood to poor house $22.50; la -luster Duffy services to poor and Sup- erintendent iiealth Jan'y and Feb'y $33.33; IE 15. Duffy goods for prisoners $17.50: Bradh i ni .V Brock medicines to poor for February $lli 5D; W. H. L ine sheriff, board ol pris .ner? for Fel iru 1 1 $1 DJ 75; do.. Cash paid out fir boar! i rv. i;c.. I February court $23.55; W. B. Iaue I sheriff, expenses ot taking Win. Slade to lunatic asylum $3. GO; do., turnkey lees $7.20; do., summoning and qualifying : jury to lay ofTpublic road $5.00; J. B. j Dixon witness fall court $1.50; A. L. j Heath witne-s fall court $2.90; W. M. i Watson. N. C. law and form $2 00; Jas i V. Hiddie register leeds to copy Wo-1 iationary for office macks dige and $20.35; .las. W. Riddle fees a- clerk boir.l , of commi-sioners. Arc , .20 45; K. K. liar- j per publi-hing proceedings of commis- j -toner-, printing court calendars $1 . aO ; It. S. Primrose expert fee allowed by the court $10.00; S. R. Street, J. P., exami nation Win. II. Moselv lunatic $3.00; 1 nomas uanieis i.a inry ticke's .lo: Sle,li,,i, I lli,-ur ,,,,e .,',.,,," 1 ... r- r ,-i ... , L , , i . -i-" - ti .xeisons icrrv i.'u.uu; r . Croiiw in. pairing East creek and Slocu n- creek bridge $2.75; Clifford Simpson repairing Slew Hill badge $20.00; T. L. White re- ! pairing fence in No. 1 town-hip $;!0 00; , J. L. Ivirkuian rail timber lor fence in No. 1 Township S2.4S; F. F. Ouidlv I janitor cour: hoi-se lor l- b"y $10.00, (.. A. Hill Keeper Clermont bridge . 10.00: I E. H. laath support Lizzie Woods $3.00; court expenses February term 143.48. A LYRIC. When winds b high and ro-t is white And roads are steel, and trees are ice, And window panes wear tracing light, And all the world bears cold devii ,-: Night falls and careful mothers p rav in sweet content, though storm winds whirl, --Beneath one roof, till break o! d:,v S ,-ep -a e the careless boys and girl-!' 1 .de end unde one roof tree. All safe because fhe mother heart near them, soft and tenderly It broods until the clouds depart, -e time will vme when birds imi-t From out tin- parents ne-t away. winds hen lor.cb. though no wild blow.' ,e moi her i, cart w i ' 1 adl v -ta v Ah. neither heart, ah. mother heart. How lonely ale tie- la llis that pa-s. When -'eet and hail li--m heaven dart. Or when there'.- -uu-hiiie on the grass How often inn wish back the night When t'.:e storm's Iurv seemed to ful' How often strive to stay Time's flight. And that 1 rear w inter backward call a matter storm .' All. welcome rain And the weid -lirieking ot the wind Rather than sun-bine and the pain Of loss that saddens heart and mind The dumb cry for the wandering! Come war without il peace within. If ho e beneath the roof tree sing What evil thing can cuter in; Maurice Francis Egan coi ntv commissioxeks pko-ieeih(;s. T.ie l: i , H 1 1 1 1 v I 1-i'l. il Wllell !l,, I'l.-i ! WCIIil. .1. a '' 1 "I ( ' en -ni--ii iner- ol ( 'ryvon net -il the ( oil!' Holl-e ill Mareli, I i.-iiiLT tin- ."ii I, . I:, y ,,' .aid lnont h ol,ow i v. is ha 1 and done it. ( ' eiun 'ic -r- I-!. V. Sin.-ili- A Meadow - aid M. II. Cut. ition ( 'oii!iiii--i.,i,er I-;. W. Smali- On mot WoO.l wi. li-r-t ei I ('h c riii. in pro tcui. That tie t.i mi 1 3 inlrre-t ill 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 r on N i' 1 1 -i an, I Trent 1 "ii 1 a. Si-t is;i:l, l,y II. S. u, ; : : i. I :e- en! ii e 1 1 net ha V-l'--i 'i io A- i .lone-, ai't.. .r :il-dele.l. ' 2S ;,,-lV. !,, loll,- be 1, I i Hi; ,r, l" i , Ml-. M-o ('. ' . ll'.!. -led. Til ,t th li-l, d . et Am No. S I,. ,. 1, h a v 1 1 1 o .,,;, 1 1 io .A lax i illation of iol W a! iai e. to u n-h i p uh :f."iilO to S llio. -he Ulh o -a id lot t T. W; t-"ll. i- .1 Wl I ; : : i I e -'.'!. "I ih ,.' Y iv- ii li leled ilperiol I upon judged by Hi- 11 ,:,,-, .1. p. (Wave-. Judge pa-idinu'. tl .t - iid .Inn- Whit-' tieh 1 be i inpi i-o'ie I in ! Iii- i .ei ii t v jail for ! t he t el 111 of t WO lie ilC h - W i ' h p OA e- to the ( 'mil ini--ioMei - ol (', i , aintv to hire "in s:1j, .Ian,- Vhitti"e! , Inline; i (i i 1 inn of -aid i in p ris, in 1 1 ieii t . i i- i Irdeied. 'I let - 0 I Jane Whitlield be hbed on; to J. K. ii'ilaia lor unexpired term ol'-aid i mpris ni inent lor the sum of ifo HO Io be paid to (ne Tiea-ureil of Cl'.ili'ii i unit . WheiAis a petition -igned bv S. W. Latham and oilier- was tiled with th" Commissioners ,,f Craven county on the nth day of Febiuary, 1S01, a-kinu' lor th.-di-( oiitinuance of that pjrtion of Half-, moon road, 2 .1 Township, running from Spikes point to old ferry or Lane's ferry j from a paint near lioose pond to Spike's ' point runtime; thrmli Hern Lnkii.s lands and wliereas due notice of -aid petition has been posted at the court house door since Feb'y 5th. ls'.il, and it appearing to this board licit no objection ha- been ! I made to the grant nig of -aid peti ion, it is Ordered. That 1 load be and ; hereby i- di-cont I and that the supervisor- ol .No. 'J l.nvn-hip be m- st ructed to close tin -amo. Upon the hearing ol a petition signed by J. B. Willis and other residents ol No. 1 township. Craven county waich peti tion was tiled before this Board at its February meeting, 1 5r 94, to obtain the laying out of a public road from a point on the Vanceboro and New Berne road on the north tide of Swift creek known as the old yankec road to Maul Swamp, opposite Marshall Lathinghouse, said road to pass through the lands of Steph en Whitford, Thomas Bowden, Dr. D. W. Smith, Nash Jackson and Geo. Powell and it appearing that all parties over whose lands said road will pass have had I due notice of the filing of this petition and notice thereof ha- been published for more than 2o days at tin- court house door of Craven county according to law. It is now ordered by the Board that the said road be ami is hereby ordered to be established aud laid out a- a public road and that the prayer of the petition be granted, said proposed road being deem ed necessary tor the interest, benefit and convenience of the citizens of Craven county. And, the sheriff is caminanded to sum mon a jury of five free-holders who being duly sworn shall lay out said road be tween the points afiresaid. to the great est advantage to the inhabitants and with as Hide prejadice as may lie to the lands and enclosures of said part ies. Provided, Tii a t the county shall be saved harmles irom the payment of any costs and that the cost of laying out said road shall be paid by the petitioners. Whereas a petition signed by John A. Ja:kson and others resident of Nos, 1 and 8th townships was tiled before this Board at its January meeting. 1894, praying for the laying out ot a public road from the New Berne and Washington road to the Nelson ferry landing on the south side of Ncuse river and thence continuing to the Pamlico or 'Core Point" road from the said ferry lauding on the north bide of -aid river over the Ian. Is of Henry S. Gracie and others, and whereas at the February meeting of this Board it was adjudged and ordered by the said Board that the said road be established and laid out and that the prayer of the petition be granted, and the sherni'oi Craven county wss commanded to summon a iurv of .1 11 r.v road five free-holders to lay out s ii, the law directs, and il Whereas in obedience to said command ie said sherd!, on the 2Sth day ol l-cb. ruary. ls'.i-l. summoned five frec-hcldei s, viz: F. S. Krniil, Daniel Lane. George j Wilcox. Wm. Arth u r an 1 (f T. Rich ;i.,ls,)n as iuror s. and whe reus said iurv lave re lortcd their vlutv discharged in accordance with the order, with no damage- :i-sessed in favor of those oar- I ties over w ho-e lands said road runs, It is ' therefore i 1 Ordere 1. That the said road be aud is hereby established and declared a public road and the clerk of this Board is here- by ordered to notify the supervisors of 1st and sth townships to appoint hand t i work sa'd r ind. Bill- allowed. ( n motion Board :u'j un iicd. 1 he Cabbage Crop. The n ur!. I u in- m oil id th an increase ol acreage in cabbag have planted twice as much, ily show s some and the young plants are growing finally. The lecent l'ght -now did not seem to hurt j them at all, in fact it seemed to toughen .them, and the warm weather prevailing since is pushing them ahead perceptibly Mr. A. W. Lindsay one of tile large Norfolk trucker- who wa- here to the Fair upon viewing , ai r ca' : lages declared that we o.,u!d beat tin in on ihi- crop. Mi. Lino-ay, i- a goo I judge in the mat ter as he lias an immense plantation under ' cultivation. l,5oa acres of it in truck. Considerable shipments of the cabbages will soon be going oft'. The truckers are now preparing for the season by makiDg up their boxes so they will be all in readme-. ' The acreage around the city is some what larger than u-u.il some have plant ed nearly twice as much as they did last year. A LAMENTABLE FRATRICIDE. JOHN Kl SSi:i.I. Siinuls ins P.KOTlll'K i A M MS. WHO H.XTIRKS : 1K)I K A I l'likWAKDS ca'c- lev (JlKUTl'lk'. ;ir Whb'li Al.-mr lib- a ll'ir-i SldM.T l'.lutlll.-l i !';'. i 1 Th ii r-, - .-'. I i 1 n in: i h:- i, llllle' III' A t. Foil lealh l i i ' 1 1 lie, ol'.l. ,pp I, - Hll-eli ye li s old at ;hc haii' I John, ae.d 111. Tin--on- of R. A. Uu--, ,1 a iner of t h i- omniv, w h er.it ic candidate for t he I lie a-t eO;'; ( ', , , , , , ,,(,;,!;, nil,, U-,--,i.iv II . :. I ' i 1 1 h l.e 111. tor of (ii.ii 1 1 - . 1 1 1 , r tile 1 Pi-, -i, leal i ,1 election. The troubl" ua- i aii-, .l .1 cue- per--i-tille; in U-'ingi liol-ee.C , w Io, h John forbade him to u- . AH i di- ,. ereeable word- John wen; in ih, i,,,n-e lired a load of bird -hot out ot hi- im, loaded it with tui.-k - eit and -o.ieht James, thre iteiiiii'4 to kill him. The latter presented his brea-t and told him to shoot. John a'tempt' d to lire, the cap popped but no discharge followed. Ja-nes then slightly advanced toward John who then with an oath i em.-irked he'd -hoot him anyway and lired the other b it r. 1, tie- lo id ,, ,k , It- , ! at t ie kllee and w ..ll'el not hue p,,v,d fill: but fir the iu, l tlut an aiteiy was .severed. It might pos-ibly iiol have proved fatal anyway had the proper remedies been at hand to use at once and some one to use them aright. I)r M. II. I Carr of the neighborhood w as -iiuriioiie'l as quickly as possible but the voiing man lived only about two hour- alb r mim ing the wound. I I The shooting oc, noon. John re:n,i a while alter his ured in i-d at h brother's aiier c quite llh but tinally ran away. A colored man named Atkinson drove lor him when he went oil'. lie has not oeen taken and his whereabouts are unknown. Another colored loan named Lewis Watson was the witness of the shooting. The coroner's jury declare 1 i i the ver dict that the dei-ei'-ed c; me to his death from a gun in the hands of hi- brother John. John, who by his rash act, has brought crushing grief to his relatives and great sorrow to their friends, and made hiin-j self a fugitive from the outraged j laws of bis country, is a Young man from ! whom no such action would have been j expected. He was considered a quiet, easv going young man, and tin-, -aoot- . ing his brother, is not only a shock to . their friends, but a matter of great sur- i prise to them. John attended the New Berne Cjlleg iate Institute in 1892 3, paying his way with money of his own earnings. His conduct here bore out the reputation which he bore at home a- -poken ot a bove. While the young man has borne this reasonably good name, and while the stricken family are cntitlid to sympathy ail while the whole affair is a very deplorable one, it docs not bide the fact that the killing was wilfH. H s going to the house, de liberately shooting the load of small shot from the gun, and reloading with large, after having made his t h reats, gave him arrple time to reflect, and makes the! I killing most brutal and horrible. i Remarkable to say this i- not the lirst ; time Mr. Russell, the father ha- -utl'ercd j in a somewhat similar manner. A lew , years ago an ' '. r sup.. Luk., was shot and killed 1". 'hief whom 1,,- and ! others were ui, . .-u.iie. CULLED ITEMS OF NEWS. The Don M. Dickinson Presidential boom is making a mighty effort to have its taken seriously. e cup tne lonow ing ironi tne lialeigh Christian Advocate: "Rev. J F. Butt j of your ! says: We ask for the prayer readers for a great revival at Bladen Street church, Wilmington. The house i is crowded night and day, many conver sions, an old man converted powerfully last night, who has been a disciple of Ingersoll.' The Greenville Reflector is informed that the contract has oeen let for a new church building at Long's school house, near Farmville, and another church build- ing is in course of erection at Ayden. The Carolina Beach property, mar Wilmington, has been sold by the Wil mington bank which had a mortgage upon it. The steamer Wilmington v. . -also sold and brought $14.0110. The West Virgin-i -a . king im:.. i are being arrested w ..... . - .;,- o-,c.-ii-ii jail is lull to be take nd .he snip::;- an- c- p-eie, 1 ',, ( na; 1, -ion, W Va. Near ly all the ring e.i r- have been taken. At the annual meeting of the director of the State Insane Asylum at Raleigh Dr. Wood resigned as superiuterdant and Dr. Geo. L. Kirby of Goldsboro, now superintendent ot the Eastern Insane Asy lum, was elected in his stead. Virginia has passed a bill providing for the establishment of State banks -C circulai ion. State bou Is to be the secur ity. 'I In- bill is to l ei ome operative upon the n peal by Congress ol the 10 pel cent State lax. Virginia bonds were in demand in N, w York as son i a- the a l. vices were received. More Home Meat Less 'Western. "The number ol boxes of western meat that conies to this place now i- eoinpai atively small, and if our farmc"- continue to r i-c their meat as tle-v di I ' i-- veir. the number will be much -me ei say thai they are going to do :;. burg Tine -. The above il,-m -how- thai I li of Loui-V:rg iu common wi; th rough ! he State genet i ' Iv an il p to tie importance ol ra i - i i supplies. The farmer whoo.,, -lize the necessity for this w ill fa his more prudent neighbors. Tin til riliei s n,o-c w ah ing in line ,ot rea behind Advanced Politics. Solicitor George H. White, col., is to make Tarboro his home he goes for the purpose of becoming a resident of what is known as the black district, as he pro- poses to enter the jtield lor Congress against Congressman Woodard. ! :tl SERIES MATI UEP. s. w Heme iJuiidingr and l.onii to Pay Its Members April lOth-A .h1 showiiifr. ' in ll.e niehi ,,f Tiie-.l iv April loih the lir-i -eric-of -t uk iii tic ., u- Ii. rue I'.iiihliiiL' toi l Loan A in ".ation will be pin -in. 'ceil im- 1 .ecu I .. he p'll. - " -t.M-k t 111" lied f tin khohler- ha tor tl I'iid't main!;, fm ' in- mat ured -hai . "-' relative to pi,.j , hang, ;n I - law s w ill also be ple-ellle,l. The linani ial re-idt- o the s,-n, - make a ery satisfactory bu-ine show ing l..r both investors and borrow, r-. I In A ssi H iat ion v. , ,i e iiii.-d : 1. 1 ssT, , onseiiirnt 1 v tin- -i , k h ,- in it nr. . i iu I'. 1 - J , ar-. Mem I HT- who took Mnek a- an 1 li -' -mil.: h ive. diiiine th. ton. .pud ni s ; -p'-r -a.oe, for thi they now get -fiou protit on the amount i nd in an I tin pa m. -'it - have .-1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a e I -imp', ' " ' ii"',, '"i' w l.l' i,, -in, i. ; .,- He drew interi-a for the members fro I inie I hev w , i, r, , i i iei 1 until tin 11 I i -to. k ma! ured. A borrowing member ui, n,. 1 i loan of .5-1, 000 the lir-t inontii n,. A-- , ciation was organized would h,e ,, i from that time to the present, in pan, i pil and interest $1,300 (of cour'e othei borrowing later would have paid a smaller nuiount but in the same proportion- He would I thus have paid only olio for the uc of th? thou-nnd dollar-. I; will bL- found bv dividing tin- is.'i'lfl bv fl 1-2 ahe numbi'i' o! M'ar-i that the in-Mi'-.; i ost h'Ul oniv .4''i 15 a year, i w icn as had he borrowed il leguhuW he would have paid $30 intere-t p i eir and in all probability have been -till owing the original debt, but by being in the Building A: Loan A-so iat.ion evin thing is paid, and h" h i- a home fie, from in cumbrance. Such results fiom :i home organization an- very gratifying to its friend-. j Since the Association started numbers j 'ofom-ide building and loan aseoeiations j : have tried to compete with and. have j i made more alluring promises than the I o i , home one lias ever thought of doing but if there is one man in the city who Ire i ever received as good returns from aia j of them as this wc have never met or j heard of him, anil there are some w ho tried outside ones of which they knew i nothing, instead of the home, one to j their sorrow. The results to all belonging to the New Berne Association are good enough, and we look for the member-hip to con j tinue to increase. A new series has been opened, the j stock in which dates from April 1st. There will no doubt be many new ones i to join, in addition to the old ones who will stand by the organization which lias served them so faithfully in the past. INCREASED HISINES- The Miinson Lumber Company Sell 10,000,000 Feet For the Year Day and Night to Fill Day and Night to Fill the Orders. ! On Sundity Dr. T.dmage w ahdrew his The St-mson Lumber Company have j re-igmitiou as pa-tor of Brooklyn Taber taken -o many orders for lumber that j mu le. Satisfactory fanangcmenls have they are now compelled to double their been made wiih Russell Sage who has a dry kiln capacity makiDg it 00,000 feet j claim of $125,000 principal and $25,000 per day and run their immense saw mill j interest against the property, and the day and night to keep up with them, i other creditor- will not pre for pay Last year they sold six million feet. This j ment for some t inie. year their sales will reach ten million. The price at which it is sold i- a little higher on some grades than last year, on some a little lower. The average is sub stantial;; the same. Thi- puts a more satisfactory aspect upon th operations of the year now beinginng. The dry kilfj being put up is an old style cue with improvements which make it surpass any other on the market. Neither smoke nor sparks can enter where lumber is and adjunct property, it is said, w ill no doubt be endangered by it than thev would from being alongside i of a residence. It will be constructed j entirely of brick and steel, except the . .,, lir. .,. m... ,in. p.-oof a- ,-m be i m-nle. ,. . . . ... ... i , .i trucking a fairly good ti.ide mav be Presbyterians I ote to Remodel the ,. . Church ; r'1'e,1 "',,,n The Presbyterians have voted to The Wilmington Star puMidn- over make the proposed changes in their fight hundred city (.. b, sold for church building provided the money aia ' ''.v ';ies by the collector on April ad be raised. There were only f,,ur a.-ga .such a -t.ile of thing a ii...-t due. i evi tive voters. The tru-tecs and board of. dene- of money -aicin and i , mseipieiit elders and duaeons are to appoint a . om ! depn ion. It i- t" bo h"p' d that the j mi'tee to have char te. The re-modelling and re--eating will cost, at Ihe outside, $2,000. It mav be that it will not t.ake quite so much. .m is the amount now in sight. The last half of a nn-ded sum is jl ivavfc the one that has to be worked for the hardest but as a very f.'-w niember-haveN-oluntai ily contributed nearly half, it is strongly hoped that the canvas- ol the congregation will secure the rem.aindi r and permit of the work being done at once. Noing to Alaskan Waters. Lieut. J. L. Davis of the revenue cut ti r Winona left ve-terdav for San Fran- ! ei-eo to join the Revenue Cutter Bear. j Tie- Bear will leave this spring In i iiii-e during the summer in Behring sea and the Artie ocean. j Lieut. Davis will be mi s.-e l in New Be rue by many friend- who hold him in w arm esteem and w ho w ould be glad to -ee him re-tran-lerred to the marine reve nue -ervice of thi- section. Lower Rates for Truck. Dispatches announce that the officials ol ihe different South Carolina railroad and the Seaboard Air Line have held a conference at Norfolk and i fleeted an ar. raugetnent between these line- and tin Old Dominion Steam-hip company which places them in a po-iti-ei to offer the growers of produce in and , roun, 1 Char leston the best fa, ilitie- iu marketing their produce at cheaper rates and best time to New York, Philadelphia, Bo-Ion and other northern and eastern point.-. They also announce that '.he Olil Do minion line has agreed to handle all business offered b lis route during the entire season, at. ratc.i lower 1 competing Hue can offer. than any ' THE OAKES IMU'LTKV EARM En n (4 roultn on ;i l.vrjro Scale 1 Killeon Acres to be Devoted to it Wood nnd Ellis Proprietors. The the po -ind M the II. il.ol'e. tic- W I The; bll-ine a in pic 1. 1-,-, -,1-lle-. lUllllier toil,,! n't rv farm w hi. h l. -lohn F.lli- ao i kburn A Wi:;. i out .,,.! li,, I k. -- c f f una ion ! 1 1 ng for Wood M: ,b!i-l iing on f ,n being nln, nee lit" the having 1 w elve virie- a lal-,ll.g. ,'' ten or ie li-adiniT em I a ii l ii h' liia e n.lg, be g and (In Th I of ll Ii illeh fo I Hill taiiL pi .pi w ' 1 1 I - ' I he Haul I !- ti horn ;i 1 I hi ggs de- I all the lin en! n T I' T ioiiltr Iiiiii pre i. iiisi y is - ot th.- pro- I hi- l'U. I' let PolllllV 'ill 1 !el '' , P 'U Hi I c- M- ' ' h ie i I Ml W Lilt 1 - - Y.I! 1. tie 11-1 I p-.,p lie. I , Yard- ,,, View P. 1 ll River h be , I Ollillll led a- v, ,,!,., I d I -t i 111 I bll-i III I It will be known a- n.ik- I'oiil- 'iken Irolll u v h j, li it is t rv I' ill III the I I le the h c. n.-niic 'd. I p'ant.'il i NEWS IN Itlil LT The Wa-inngt..ii I ; i, -t iii !"Wii- n an Mr. W. II W di ck at tin hot,: in I h ,1 run i- il hie w ii i not pi o .- 1 1, ,i, . that piile We I lope 'the i: .1. w I. .I a. , n-i Ir'.-h ago this cviingi-b-l. who about two years lid eon-l'lel- ible -lire. --I 1 1 work ill rcinitv i- n.ov ai-tin" Rev. D L ' Mo-nly in hi- W i-hinglon meetings. From the M, in, r we huni i,llt con siderable quantities ,, i.idi-h mid lettuce i are now going lorw i'd from there ami that some of their truck firmer- will ship a-paragii- lo the northern market this week. The .Messenger say- that Ihe proposi tion of a Fair for Wilmington is well re ( ri ed and I hat two citizens will make a i iitiva-s for -lib- ripti'.n to the capital sto- k m a lew days. The object is to raise $10,000 or more for the purpose ol" fixing up Ihe ground- ard .l.e ks, erect ing buildings, A, . In the special Fair premium list, the silk umbrella given by .la.-. M. Howard, reported a- having been awarded to Miss M'uy F. Manly, was awardud instead to Mrs. K. B. Fibs for handsomest centre square in white; Mi-S Manly 's special premium was the handsome rug by J. B. Il ilh nd. The premium on he line altar cloth of Mr-. (Ja-ioii Me n, - Wilmington was $1. I We see inthi-idobe thai Durham is excited over the mad dog ipiestion. A white d"g belonging to a black woman : ran mad. went on a rampage and bit four people belol e Ih- w a- k 1 1 lei I . The llllld ; dog also bit lour other dog-, these were promptly killed. Still another do"; rnau j ifc-tid hydrophone symptoms and was i promptly killed. .Mad stones were ap plied. Mr. II. B. Dully i- oj ening an iuimeiifiC -I'K'k "I goods lo'- his wholesale and retail trade. He h i- ma le an especially heavy deal in -hoc- thi- season. Other merchants aie North -electing lhe;r slocks iiclVvill soon be ready for the spring j busine-s. The ( Heels of a revival ill busi i ness is noticable and .iththc advent of pa age of 1 1 Wc-in bill. . leg i-l it ion and her whole the spring -million in ollllt rv. -nine national agi trade will great l y r Wilmington and al ieve I hi ll oVcl" I III- I iage the 111 go oil o n - h i piu- nt - i ti ne caie elg y every steimi-i- yet j 1 1 t -i it li w h ii h our r out light. home iiiaikel i- .veil sii,pbed show lln.t patty heavy -hipuients could have been made now Inn I iter one- arc consid ered more ! -i i J d.-. At this time the north, i n rai-ci I I Iplitl I hnll-tei arc not ne I t I 're crop little Would al-o be later w lie!! tin in: . A the way prices ru e high r. Come, And (et Your Ca-h. All lo whom lie- E ; i h is awarded premium- c call atthe olliee of Mr. (hi-. : :ia I- air -, I to I h l en -1 el ll i ' whom an- a-ked I ! settle- am 1 get them at i r the Association ov to present them ment . It i- dc-ired b. :ii i I, i l oilipl I if In books in i- tin- meet be held on long in the ttcc li e days the slaute-t lime p -,lbe ing ol the -; ,,( k in ,1,, i - wii' tin- 221 ": a -1 and the book- I, hand- ol the audi before that time. Xew Heme District (Jinirtrrly .Meetings. !'. I '. -WIMlKI.I., 1-. Morchcad City. Beaufort, Slraits at Springt'n ' riflon ct Gum ' -i;-i:o, .. . Mai. 20 21 22 'J3 21 25 a 1 1 li o 1 and Aj'iil 1 1 w alu Kiiislcn at i.ig 'it, ( .ol,l-bor, i i t . . I 'i.e. i ', 1 1 St . .lohn, at night, I. i Grange i I., l'e tin '. St . I 'aid'-, at high! . ( 'iirterct cii en it. 1 ' Hancock M ., Mb olive ct., at Indian iSpi iu: 11 15 15 21 22 22 2S 2!J . . t .- a -i... - - , '!";. i .. -t. I ,.

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