3t -... ..... .t4.iAU.,..V..,'. .fi.V VkiJ -, - SI. 00 Pe.-Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Cents, vol; xvi. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MARCH 29, L894t NO. 55 r i. -; i J ' ij -V." .' I JBsolateJy Orikr t4rt;.r baktD fkiM.r -IlkfiUMt .ai ia leasing streiigUi UtS.HT UnRB Stith li,.,,. ... .......I Pogo Kkport. J?Ti" J1? Powdbr Co, 106 Wall JUST RECEIVED v- A Car Load of "r k j Westerm Flour Direct from 1 the Mills. ATCARLiOAD OF Sew Orleans Holasses. right' off the farm in j: Louisianna, from first hands. BW:--v. Also a fall stock of other Groc . .eriea and farmers supplies, for sale cheap. .'Call and sec me, it will pay yon. , " . . . 1MB. Received .'. A LARGE LOT OF THOSE : ;IV. :C?. HAMS That I am 'selling at ;V:: l!3;l-S3 cts. per lt. A LSO TRY A BBL. OP MY 'iBest on Earth" IT OSLIl COSTS TOTJ .50 PER BBL Ami there is none better inadeT To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right ia the : rear of my store, when youv will find STABLES FKEE. . My prices are low, my dealings are just jive me a trial and I will fruarentee satisfaction or refund ail moneyV 'ST Bespeotfalrr - " U.. Parker. Jr. .. NO. 7TB HO AD ST. t ' a - 1 1 . ' ;-- - - " - R f? ?f H WI TTPtcl rr' T niWL'r 15? li 1 l - I A dirwi f th mm W U - ' - ro B ebara oC 4j r AS A PREVEJmVE is F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent..: .- - . - m m m mm m V M $4 u:n 1 tiim e friMiinwiTniifiwuw: wU qi iWiw ; tot ia tfcv - CAB-: LOAD OF EOBSES. " : Just arrived from the West with a lot of , ' VV Fine Horses. j -. -. ."- f "Which will be offered for sale at '.V Bayboro at -jast sach prices as .the times demand. " ! T.Be 8nre and see them. " G. DANIELS, Bayboro, N. C. PROFESSIONAL. ; -; m.G. K..BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. . 08k, Middl ivift, oppotte BaptiM D. CLARK, , " DENTIST, i : . J Ofte oa Orsven street, between Pollock Broads J H.3ENT0H, M.D.. U.D.8. Pr"Wi ijmllec to unrituri in d Mr etiKiiks&l UintllUf 'f '-SjilSia OQt pain by ' i 11 Piii -v una ui mini mini 6m. KTry thing In tti line er DentUlry done ' Is ia bt miyia. Hftilsf Action iwnnued. unn.wroroi maate -41 r-ei maa Miatn Allr. P0it BMtWObn- P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTOKUUT AT l.A W . Middle itet,First room khove Frm--, er & aiereHaat'a Bank. Will prsettsa in the Ooantla el Craven tnent. Jonas. On low acd Pmj& lico . United HtaM Court at N.w hern, mnd tHBrm Court of tu Mt at ; VTM. CLAKKE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ? '' AND n Hear Estate Agent. ' -j Connections. New Y irk V " ! Boa ton and Canada. Timber lan'dR- 'iir;Pana."laiids. . Truck lands. -:, Town lots. i Do yon want to baj f WHITE. WK1TE. ; Do 70a want to sell T SPKCIAL. -'lSOQMai Tnt Hond S mitas of city. Timoer sad Track land. EBITORIAL NOTES. The dearo penalty i rarely en - forced in Germany, Austria, Den- mark or Sweden. In the United Sra't-H only ono murderer in fifty sufferers c ipital punishment, And yer people are surprised r, the grat number of lyncbings over the conn try. The leader of the April Foram will! be candid, nod impartial, though frank and sharp, review of the first year of Mr. Cleveland's Adminiseration, and of Democratic control of the Government. The writer is anonymous, but is so pUioripokea that the article will douhtleaa provoke widespread dis cussion and comment. Prof. Fall), of Bpt in, prophecies a very probable eollisio'j borwten tb- earn aud tiie comet of lSbti oa November 13, 1899, when the comet will cat the point where the earth arrive every year at that time. Hut he does not think barm could cim ot Mtich collision, ma terial of the comet being ao light, nuiess the carbonic add gas, of which it is probably composed, should poison our atmosphere. But anyway, he says, we may loot for a magnificent shower of meteor 00 that date. Two most extraordinary bills have been introduced tu the Ohio legislature. The first bill provides for the abolishment of hanging as a penalty in cases of capital pun iahmeut, and substititutes the nee ot aateithetica acd vivisection. The murderer is to be turned over to deprive him of consciousness by the Qsnof ana-ethetics and then, ex periment with him to their hearts' consent. The other bill is similar to the first, but less radical, and gives the murderer the choice bev weeu death by electricity and dear.h by auaedtnetiu-4. and vivisection. The telephone is a great conven ience, but it has been a costly one. Since 1830, when thtt first company was organized to iarxoduc in to public use, the dividends tMclirad hvi Hfiartgted ?33.10G.e.5 It wn n uc i . in vi tint ml he re ward : ; be iuveiirr lias beu pru. portlouately grea:. Njw rhar. the patent has expved the pablio should ba accorded - service that beans sf-rae reaaooabie relation in I the prce jxactad for ic to the cost of plriot a,nd Maiotenaace. Oats a few place iu North Carolina have telephones, bat other placet are consideimg them. We ought, to have M nystem itkJNew Berne and we believe the year 1S94 wiil e them here-. Direct trade in tw t years, lSOti to 1S92, increased the a juth's imparts fSD.000,000 against $82,000,000 in all the rest of the union, and swelled thfti sooth's imports 25 per eentagainst 5 per cent, in tbe rest of the United Stajbeii. One prime object of southern direct trad? has been to induce 'western grain ri..' flour and meat to go abroad through southern ports by southern railroads. In 1892, as a frnit of thia direct trade, the west hipped $104,000,000 r.f its erports through the south to foreign coun tries, of which $85,000,000 were breadstuff. J13,000,00& meat prod ucts a ad $0,000,000 cattle. And nearly all of this western, stall went, through Baltimore, New port Hews, New Orleans and -Galveston. That '-almost anything is. possi ble with icience" is proved by the fact that; while experimenters tbe world over Lave beeu trying 10 get rid of th smose-nmsance by ap pliance artacned to the, smoke stack o the boiler, furnace a Ger man tici en tiax eoat'ea forward with a c jemioal that aetnally prevents eiiokt at the time of fuel combos tiob. It only costs alxmt twelve and ahaIfceotn uer ton to use this chemioal uow wheu its production is limited. Ir. is believed that it can be profitably produced in quanti ties so t ha', it will only cost two cents per ion for-coal so treated. Tests 01 coal which has been given a bath 01 this wolntuon prove that its heating qualities are in do way curtailed aud tlia. the fire is cleaa, bright and well maintained. A ROYAL 3I ARR1AUE ON TAPIS. Roseberry Hit new Premier t-i Harry the Irlocrt of Wa'es Daughter. New York, March 22 A suecati ca;l r- fhc Suu from London hjs . it 1 learned irom, antboritativi - - quarter that the, Queen and the f pr,.,e ,f rji masses. or"Vii(e' baVe Kivht"r: The Fed-al Government has a consent to tbe marriage of Rose- s bery with Princess Maud, of Wales,. ; nfcbt to impose a tariff for reven and theofficial annuuDcement may 1 ue. butwhi 1 it goes beyond this be expected any day. This was the busines which caused xtoseoery s urgent summons to tne. Queen's presence on the Saturday before the announcement of Glad stone' retirt-ment, and tke myste rious hobnobbing ot tne ministers, on the Sunday following. How the Iiadicals will relif.h th e leadership of the Prince of Wale' son-in-law, who will be peculiarly susceptible to court influence, re mains to be seen. While the rumor has beien afloat; sometime, its authentic is doubted by a few. pumshea those If it bo true-that sucittv ho have been found ou i,i,.i f. 1 "... ,1 l" ' - iavu juiuki out, 4Uliirxi5 alliait Breckinridge cannot hope to tscape. THE' PRESIDENT. 1 Tbe qae,tion nf greatest popular interest just now ie: What will the j President do with the Bland ' BlllT The bill, for the coinage of the signiorage, is now in the hands of the President and he has until the 29th instant to cousider it. He may approve or veto it, or he may de cide to take no action in '-. u . ter, and in that event ic .-,ta.i: confirmed by operation of law. Ti e general opinion seemx to 1-j h t the President will either approve or veto the bill. Great pressure is beiog employed to indues him to sign the bill, and it is said that he is willing to do so provided he can be assured that, there is to be no fufoer s.Iver legislation during bis administration. Of the honesty of the President we have no doubt, but it is evident that his personal associations and business training have biased his mind in favor of a gold standard. Nevertheless he should approve the bill because it is a measure of the party to which he owes alle giance. "But, he is the President of all the people." Just so, and on that account he should be obedient to the will of the people. On no sub ject have the people spoken in so distinct aud emphatic terms as on the silver question. There is no conflict in the ntter eooes of the Chicago platform and the voice of the people. We do not see how the President can be assured that it he signs the bill it will be the end of silver leg islation daring his administration. Who is to gives the assurance? By what formula can future Cou- greeses be bound? - A new Congres is to be elected 7 next JNOvemDer, ana 11 we oorrecuy interpret tbe signs ot the times, there will be more silver advocates in the next than there are in the next Congress. There is no cowardice in Mr. Cleveland, and he should apprcve the Bland nil on its merits, aod uot attempt to tie the haads of thi o? tutnre Congress. Tbirt is it representative Govern ment, an J the moment tbe Execu tive assumes to dectate to Con gress violence is done to the Bpirit of our institntions. We trust that the President will sign the bill because it Is light to sign it, and that Congress will go steadily forward until svery pledge made to the people has been re deemed. We repeat, what we have eo of ten said, that the party does not owe allegience to leaders, but, on the contrary, leaders owe allegi ance 'jo the party. The Democratic party is the best, if it is not the only, represen tative of constitutional government on this continent, and absolute teajty to it is the highest patriot ism. PARTIES. Tbe outcry that is no often heard against parties is ueither the evi dence of palriotism nor the perfec tion of wisdom. Parties exist in all countries that are not absolute monarchies. They are necessary to secure con cert of action between those who are agreed in political senti ment. In this country there are now two great parties, the Democratic and Republican parties, with well defined principles. There 1s also the Peoples par'y a party that protests atrainsf existing evils r " without preseuting adequate reme dies. The leading distinctions between tfae two great parties relate to the no wars of the Perieral Govern- E " ment. 7The Republican party insists that the Federal Government may do anything not prohibited by the Constitution. The Democratic party contends that tbe Federal Government has no powers except those expressly delegated by the Constitu tion. Ar, th areseut time the chief contention between then relates to j the tariff. Republicans are in favor j ot a protective tariff, the tendency j of which is towards the establich " meat of class legislation and the jj creation of monopolies: while Dem ocrat declare 1 hat it is contrary to Jthf giiu of ur nstiiutions to C confer sojrial privileges at me ex aod legislates in the indivldQii mterests. iuterests of taking the " .. j IIU BULK (13 ill. llliWlxiLjauiflUKlui (it. j hard earnings of tbe poor talll . part-a to invito tbe nppe.no of bis pueats, tbe Coffers Ot the rich, It violates everything is up to tliat of the fist hotels the purpose of its creation, aud in-1 Mar .,0th J M" " stead of being tbe guardian of lib-' ' erfy becomes a most intolerable op-, Hundreds or Witnesses. i Stomach diseases, such as indiges t . j j .u . ! tion, dyspepsia, etc , are hard to cure It is not pretended that the Dem-( ordfn.y remedies, but Tver's oeratic party is always right in ( Dyspepsia Remedy never fails. Thous every detail of its action. The party 1 ands say so who have been oured. If i is composed of individuals, and it ; :Li. ... n ., kAu 1 M im iifiHMiiiiMHi Mil 1. turn 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 r - 1 individual interests subordinate ; . , .,f tue Keuerai weiinro. v i senators ana representatives are influenced more or less by the j interests of their constituents. i Hence we see in the present Con gress Democrats voMng for the protection of coal, iron, wool, lum ber and sagar in direct violation of their party platform und thns en dangering the btst features of the Wilson bill. But the chief opposi tion comes from the Republican p.irty. While, here and there a Demc ornt can be found who is in favor i Protection the weight of the party is against it. On the contrary the Republican party uilizes every inflaence at its command to foster and defend it. It will be remembered that im mediately after the inauguration of the present administration the liepnblicau press attempted to ridicule the President for not call ing an extra session of Congress, pretending to be willing to have their work revised, but now that Congress i in session and the work of revision has commenced, the entire party, ia and out of Con gress throw every possible ob struction in the way of reform. This was to be expected, tor from the hour of its inception to the present moment it has opposed reforms by every means in its pow er. Whatever may be tbe action ol individuals, the Democratic party will be true to its mission. Obstac les will be unoountered, but in the iullness of time the people will be regenerated and disenthralled by the invinceble Bpirit of Ameri can Democracy. CULLED ITEMS OF NEWS. The police eensus shows that there are 56,676 unemployed persons in Brooklyn. 1 are uarti.i to t. strioed suit this snriiw. . A 1 O The man who has something that oth ers want never lacks flatterers. The Savannah cotton mills h:ive posted a notice of reduction of 10 per cent in wages. At 11 o'clock Wednesday night it was stated that Senator Colquitt would no. probably live uutil morning. His disso lution at any moment was looked Lr. Th3 bankers who recently subscribed the $50 000,000 Oovarnmeut loan meet and adopt a resolution protesting the Seigniorage bill. The German emperor recently issued an order against officersol the army using Bingle eye-g'asses. The Lonrlon ansrchisls aro more noisy than their Parisian prototypcs,and proba bly for that very reason, are regarded as less dangerous. The Rev. J. T. Giittin, a prominent Methodist minister, is very ill of cancer of tbe stomach at Durham. Germany has 5,000,000 depositors in savings banks more than in any other European country. Evangelist V. P. File has concluied very successful meetings at Charleston, West V lrginia. Speaker Crisp seems bound to have a "quorum hunt'' occasionally, which proves the truth of the saying t'uat men are but overgrown children, whether in Congress or elsewhere. "William Smith, of Concord, N. H., claims to have fired the shot that sunk the Alabama. He was boatswain on the Kearsarge and has many relics of his old ship. There is no longer any power left in the mother-in-law joke. A Brazil (Ind.) man wuo died recently leit nis iortane to nis wife's mother, and with one blow, sbat- tera ill precedent. The News-Observer Chronicle has tbe following: "A letter from Senator Vance received by his son at Washington says that his improvement has bcn so sub stantial that by tha end of the month he will be in his seat again. lie will be there certainly in time to vote for tariff reform. The Salisbury Herald tells of a large and vicious looking tarantula being lonnd in that city behind the clock ot one ol tbe citizens. It had a spread, feet ex tended, o! six inches, and though dead when discovered it had such a dangerous appearance that it was examined with hesitation and care. Congressmnn Bland says the House Committee on Coinage hfls not called on Secretary Carlisle in regard to the sign ing of the Seigniorage bill, though in dividual members may have done so. He says he has not abandoned his fight for free silver. The President and Sec retary Carlisle have a long conference on the Seigniorage bill. The President ie quests the New York Chamber of Com merce committee not to visit him to urge the veto or the bill. BEAUFORT CORRESPONDENCE. Snperlor Court The Big Whale The Superior court of this county con vened here today at 10 o'clock. Judge Brown presiding. Solicitor Allen at his post. We note the familiar faces of the follow, ing Attorneys present. M. D. W. Stevenson, W. W. Clark, F M. Simmons Pearsall, Gibbs, L. J. Moore and C. R. Thomas of Craven county and Daughei ty and Felton of this town. Very little business on the dotket court adjourned this evening at 4 o'clock, and a party consisting of Judge Brown, Messrs. commons, Clark, Pearsail, Allen, and Hardy of tbe Chronicle ami your correspondent and one or 'wo others took a trip to sue the big animal tbe whale which wri captured today near this place. We I'ourjd the whale in 11 f" t water with its back aud snull part jf iis tail visible, it is about U0 led long and will be totally visi .1 tomorrow at 18 o'clock. Quito a p rty will visit tin scene tomorrow l! 1 i only to suu such an anim.il to reabz it (SO tuut long and eleven leet tlur!;, ii im .-ter.) The width I can say n rtliing about. 1 Dr. Robinson, ntoniiutor of the Virginia Dare Hotel, spare no pains to make bis ! Suests at home, and supplies his tables ' III. i.mli . . n tlwi i.ifl.-ot li3 Mntil.l f.lT- t ftj I you have a stomach trouble it is your l dutv to investigate until you find a 1 - . - nnrp Rend for bonk of na.rtienla.rs to , uHow to Cure Dyspepsia" free 1 m r . . 1 hu. u. xvner. urueiist. Atlanta, " ' ' 1 kx a. WASHINGTON LETTER. Appointments The Tariff Bid What It Will Io-Other Work Vacant Oiletahlps. Wednesday four hunilred Congressmen newspapermen aud prominent citizens of the District went down,the river to Indian Head to sec the big ciinnou tesUd. The House was not in session. The story here that the President is "mad as fire'' beeause the cadets at tbe Bingham Military Academy near Asbe ville, N. C, fired off 21 guns in honor ot tne recent visit of Vice President Steven son is denied by those who know Mr. Cleveland best. Mr. Cleveland has his faults, but be would pot be guilty of so small a thing as this. The President has been deluged with visiting Congressmen since the passage of the Seigniorage bill. The suspense ia intense. Everybody want9 to know whether the Executive is going to sign the bill, veto it or let it become a law without his signature. There is no guessing what (Jleveland will do, but I am inclined to believe he will veto it. Thisj belief is based on information I lud today from ajfriend of the President. The nomination of Mr. Charles M. Bus bee to be postmaster at Riileigh settles a hotly contested case. Mr. Cheatham was nominated postmaster at Henderson, Vance county yesterday. The first nomi nation was made at tbe instance ol Sena tors Ransom and Vance. Tbe second was made on the endorsement i.f Mr. Bunn. Mr. Busbee was promptly con firmed. Mr. Cheatham will be confirmed promptly also. Tbe cigar manufacturers were success ful in inducing the Senate to eliminate tbe increase of tax on cigars and cigar ettes from the Senate tariff bill. It re mains now to see what the House will do with it. The estimates of the amount of revenue which the tariff bill, as reported to the Senate will produce, show that the total amount will be about $331,000,000. This is a reduction of between $13,000,000 and $14,000,000 from the estimates on the first bill reported to the committee. The principal reduction is made in the internaljrevenue part of the bill through the restoration of the present tax rates on domestic cigars and cigarettes, which amounts to a loss of over $10,000,000. There will also be an appreciable falling off in the duty on tin plates caused by changing the duty on that importation trom 1 1-5 cents to one cent per pound. As the bill stands if the estimate is correct, it will produce at leaste $30,000,000 more of revenue than will be needed. The change made in the sugar schedule will not cause a showing in the revenue estimates differ ent from that made on the subcommittee bill, as the first estimate was made upon sugar testing 90 degrees fine. The esti mate tor the present bill will probably be upon the same grade of sugar. There would however, be a slight difference in actual returns, as the maxium duty under the present b.ll is 1.38 1-3 cents per j pound as against 1.40 on the subcommit tee bill. The difference on this scora would le controlled entirely by tbe quantity of the high grade sugars im ported. Representative hnloe s bill to transfer the Coast and Geode'ic Survey and the Geological survey to the Nayy and War Departments respectively is a good and and an economical on5. The work done bv these surveys is often a repetition of similar work done by tbe Army and Navy officers in their routine duties and thus tbe Government has to pay twice for the same work. Those surveys are used too often to make soft places for the sons and favorites of Congressmen. Their trans fer as indicated in the Enloe bill would save a great deal of money to the Govern ment in fact hundreds of thousands an nually. Mr. Bryan, the "silver longued', mem ber from Nebraska will address the Greensboro Industrial school at iu com mencement. Prof. Mcjvcr was here this week to invite bim. Tbe Senate passed twenty five calendar bills yesterday and then went into execu tive session. Senator Ransom is trying to secure a toreign appointment for Mr. Pendletop King, of Guilfood county N. C. This Spring there will be two vacant cadetships in the 1st. N. C. District. one for West Point, the other for Annapolis. THE LAST SPECIAL PREMIUMS, Report of the Judges in the Curio De partment and That of the Com mittee. To tbe Committee on Curiosities: The judges in this department beg leave to report, that in the department of Archaeology there are three exhibits deserving of commendation in the follow ing order; The collection of Confeder ate relics; the Colonial exhibit and the exhibit of articles belonging to Gen. Hargett, and we beg respectfully to recommend that the priae for "tbe best collection of articles" be divided between tbe three exhibits mentioned in accord ance with tbe judgment ot the committee on curias. Dr. Jno. A. Guion, Chairman. Feb'v 23, 1894. The Committee on Curios acknowledge the receipt of the Fair prize in Class 2 Department of Archaelogy $5.00. Special premiums awarded thisdepart- nient: Redmond priza $5.00 Colin & Son 1.00 Mark Disoswny 2.00 J F. Tavlor 5.00 Total monev premiums $18.00 W. D. Barrington, 1 silk muffler. J. J. Tolson, 1 bowl and pitcher. G. D. Bowden, 1 lamp. The ladies of the lommittee in accord ance with the decision of the judges have awarded the prizes as follows: To the Confederate Relics exhibit col lected by Mrs. Daves 1st prize $5.00. COLONIAL EXUIBTT. To the silver communion service ol Christ Church given by George II in 1752 $1-50 The Tryon tea kettle, owned by Miss Custis, exhibited by Miss Roberts 1.00 The Jno. Wright Stanly silver cup and tankard by bis descendant Miss Susan Stanly Dillingham .50 The cream pitcher of Mrs. Gen'l Steele, owned bv her descendant, Mrs. T. J. Mitchell 50 Tbe Jfoseley-Hill Doch an l Dorrach cup by Mrs. DivesJ .50 Silver spoons made of kueebuckles. ow ned by Mrs. Duguid .50 Jno W. Stanly work table owned and txhibited by Mrs. R. P. Wil liams -50 Gov. Caswell ch na owned and ex hibited bv Miss Sally Hiywood, of Raleigh 1.00 Tbe Gen'l Hargett collection of relics oy Mrs. Eva Baxter Hargett 2.00 $13.00 Geo. Briii- Trvou desk owned by Mr son 1 bow 1 and pitcher. Trvou clock and table exhibited by Ilon.'C. C. Clark 1 lamp. Tryon tea kettle, Miss Custis. 1 siik muffler. The Fair company prize of $5.00 we beg to return to the company, fully ap appreciatiug their generous allowance for expenses and vumeing tueir satisiac- .11 .,nr fTnrn ahove nionpv to Very respectfully, . nu . cr . n . 1 .u. , o, Chairman. WHALISG OFF MOREHEAD Four Sighted and Two Killed Within a Week Description of Catching. The great whale captured at Cap: Lookout Tuesday, by tne brave and hardy Morehead fishermen afctneted crowds of visitors from Beaufort, More head aod vicinity. Many would have gone down from New Berne had a train been run so that a viait to the interesting scene could have been m ide and tbe visitor hare gotten back home the same day. These great monsteis of the Jeep never fail to attract attention. Tbe first whale, of the se-ison, as we announced, measuring over forty feet in length, was caught last week. Tuesday three more were discovered sporting off the shore; chase was given and there not being men and boats enough to manage all, the largest one was selected, attacked, killed and brought to the oceau side of Shackleford's banks where be is now be ing cut up and tried into oil. Tbe whale gave his captors, 'a three miles run before victory crowned their efforts. When first struck he was about five miles out, and when about eight miles out, he succumbed to the three harpoon wounds and eight bomb shots of his assailants. ' A whale's most vulnerable points are under his two immense fins, this, on one side brings the weapon near his heart, and on the other also touches a vital spot. When a whale is to be taken, the first object to be attained is to make fast to him, so that he cannot escape. This is done by having lines which can be let out at gr$at length attached to the har poons. After he is thus secured he is shot with bombs which explode after they are buried in his body. The boats used in th chase are long, swift-moving ones built specially for the business. Five boats made the attack the victim having been selected, a boat ranged close alongside and the first harpoon was im bedded deeply in his flesh. Then down the whale went winding off tbe line as he went. A whale, sound or wounded, cannot long remain under the water. Not being a true fish they have to come to the sur face at short intervals to breathe, so the watch was kept and when the whale made his appearance it did not take long to plant another harpoon in him. Again he sank and th 'n with a third har poon bsing made fast to him the- firing began. The three harpoons and eight shots did the work. Boats then towed him as close to the shore as the hugeness ot his body would permit, the incoming of the tido largely aiding in this work. In cilor he is velvety black on tb upper portions and white below. Measurements showed his dimensions to be as follows: Length, between 55 i.nd 00 feet; breadth, (from side to side; 20 feety width, (Irom back downwa-dj 12 feet; each fin is ten feet long and 6 feet wide; the flukes of hit tail, 16 fuet from one tip to tbe other. Tbe bone in his mouth measures seven feet. He will be cut up where he li3 and then tried out in huge kettles on the shore. It is estimate I that the while will make 40 casks of oil and that his total worth will be between $1,500 and $2,000 dollars. Twenty-five men are interested in the returns. AN UNWISE POLICY. Sending Raw Material Abroad and Bay ing the Manufactured Articles. The Powhatan Clay manufacturing Co. Richmond, Va., with works at Dorset, Va is doing a big thing now in working up North Carolina clay into ornamental brick window caps and sills, tsrra cotta, lum ber, virrified paying brick, paving brick, darin tile, etc. The company some times since discov ered that there is an abundant deposit of the finest f sort of clay, at Grover station on the Air Line road, south of Charlotte, and at once began negotiations with the owners. The tile 'men bought twenty, nine acres of clay srom Mr. Steven White for $500, and they have built a ware house 180x40 feet on the grounds. They have already carried 300 car loads of clay from Grover to their works at Dorset. They also get clay from Mr. Matthew Turner, who owns a farm ad joining that ot Mr. White. The clay is shipped through Charlotte at the rate of twenty car loads per week, itie com pany says that it is the finest clay in the South. The above item is copied from the Charlotte News. It is only one instance of many where North Carolinia's natural resources are furnished to factories be yond her borders when the work could be done on the ground, home labor em ployed and home business benefitted. We suppose there is hardly a city in the State but what could show something similar. New Berne can at least in cottjn, wool, woods and other materialt quantities of w hich are exported in the rouh instead ot being manufactured first and tbe articles made shipped abroad. There is no question of the advisability of having more home factores. Home capital could be turned in this direction with advantage to all. Cutting Up the Whale. The cutting up of the whale at Shack ford's Banks off Morehead was begun at low water Thursday and was rushed 1 with all elispatch poss ble. The whale having been partially in the water all the time. , a f.'U view was not j obUiud of him until about that i time. His head was in the deepest watej I and least exposed. We are told by one of the late visitors that the tongue was I about tiie size of a large pony, the n.outh j is said to be about ten feet, and the i whale-bone obtained from his mouth I v. as about one thousand pounds. As I this coiumidity is now scarce and very j high, it will add a considerable sum to ! the amount that will be realized fjom the I sale ol the oil. We are informed that the market quotation on it is seven dol ! a pound. This is doubtless higher than ! it would bring if sold in bulk, but, un- I questionably it will be a very good item 1 ot profit to the lucky fishermen. CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS. A Desire to Better Their House of Wor . ship Seems to be Spreading Among Presbyterian Congregations. As our readers know, the Presbyterians of New Berne are now moving in the matter of improving their church build ing, the desire for the contemplated changes being created bv the belief that the making of them will remit in making the work of the church more effective bv leading to increased attendance, and thus to increased growth and prosperity of the cbuich, spiritual and otherwise. While this effort at hon.e is being made it niiy be interesting to note what is be ing done in the ime line by some -th r North Carolina Presbyterian congrega tions. Clmrlotto Presbyterian aiu moving with a vim as regards the financial aspect of their church work. The Observer telN that tha second Pres'v nan church h;is had a debt of $21,78(5 hanging over it. Six weeks ago the pastor Rev. J. II. Boyd preaehed a strong sermon rousing the people to action and a week later canvass ers started on their rounds and worked so thoroughly among every one cc mice ted in any way with the church that in live weeks time they had 011 their lists the names of 381 petsons a greater number than it was expected could be realized from, and instead of raising only some thing over twenty-one thousand dollars they had twenty-three thousand and the church was declared free from debt, and a jubilee service was held on the strength of it Sunday, three Presbyterian congrega tions of the city uniting iu it. This makes $63,000 that church has paid in twenty years. Rev. Dr. Preston, of the First. Presby terian church of the same city is now moving in the matter ol having their house of worship, an old one re-modelled at a cost of $10,00- Some General Facts About Whales Whales being the interesting topic now we take from Chambers Encyclopedia the followinff points: The Right whale, (the species to which the last one taken at, Morehead belongs)attains a length of sixty or seven ty feet. The head of whales occupies from a third to a fourth of the w hole length. The mouth is fifteen or sixteen feet long, but though tbe mouth is so large the gullet is very narrow it .is said to be only about an inch and half in diameter in very large whales. Suspended from the roof ol tbe mouth is the elastic substance known as whale bone. It is in plates very close togetbei, so that the mouth is filled with it, it varies from a fsw inches up to (in rare ! instances) ten and twelve feet. Tbe vast mouth being opined, water is taken in and the small animals which cuter with it are retained for fi-id, and the water allowed to escape by the sides of the mouth. The blubber is from a foot to two feet in thickness, the whole mass in a large whale sometimes weighing more than thirty tons. The usual rate of progress in swim ming is four or five miles an hour. They are capable however of swimming with much greater rapidity. Whales usually come up to breathe every eight or ten minutes but are capa ble of remainiug .: 1 'er water a half hour or more They generally remain on the surface about two minutes during which time time they blow eight or nine times and then descend. The noise which they make in blowing is very loud and tbe spout of water ejected ascends several yards into the air, appearing at a distance like a puff of smoke. The flapping of their tails in sport in the water can be heard a distance of two or three miles off. The tail is extremes- powerful; a single blow with it is sufficient to destroy a large boat, or toss it aud the crew high in the air, so that ths w hale fishing is at tended with no little danger. DR. BLACK'S SUCCESSOR. N M. Lawrence Elected Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Mr. T. A. Green returned last night from attending tbe meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oxford Orphan Asylum which was held at Durham , the 20th inst to elect a successor to Dr. W. S. Black, who has resigned, Conference having called upon him to take tbe posi tion of presiding elder. The Board was in session Irom 8 to 12 p.m. There were a number of candi dates, but after i carelul consideration of all Mr. Nathan Lawrence of Tarboro was elected. Mr. Lawrence's present home is Tar boro. He is a native ot that p1 . e and is 53 years of age. He served the South bravely during the war and at 'ns clo- catered upon a business career and has held acceptably responsible positions with transportation companies an 1 the Southern Express Company. He has been a member of the Metho dist church for thirty years and is oue ol that denominations leading laymenjin this State. It is considered that in Mr. Lawrence a worthy successor to Dr. Black has been found ami that the prosperity now at tending the work of the Asylum will cou tinue. SPRING BUDS. It won't be man-, Coal bills 110 1 And yet small Nor drooping For nature hath In her great p! That when w 0 weeks unlil iore we'll fenr, e.iiort t his wii I bring spoils cheer.--o:tic!ion so wrought, m pi 1 ei -e. .is to pay fir ci ,:ti We r-lart to pay tor ice. Buffalo Courier. There's music in the balmy breeze, Sweet melodies for all; To some it sings of buds and bees, To others ol base ball. Washington Star. Now shine the warm sun higher, Aud shouls the candidate A poet strings his lyre A liar digs for bait. Atlanta Constitution. Post-Mas r Mauly Again. Aeco- ii to what we announced yes terday tiie change in the post office tool, place lust night. Post-Master Clmke finished the day's work and tarned the office over to his successor Mr. Mutt Manly; though he is the new post-master is an old hand at tbe business, haviDg held the position daring President Cleve land's first term. Ht has been tried and found both faithful and efficient and when the Democrats after being out four veur wcru avain restored to uower. nil eve turned to Mr. Manly as tbe right man fn I P'cments they sell, at the Teacher Aaaem agaiu fill the position. ' ,,lv tb,s session, for use of those attending Mr. Manly has as his asiistants Gen'l C. A. Buttle, Gen. R.D. Hancock and Romu lus Nunn. Tbe latter, as patrons of the 1 offiue know, has juitJ had about a year's j experience in the office under Mr. Clarke j 1 n utt i.. . leiiy gooei tinuerstund- ing of the present workings, j Since Mr. Manly's first term the oitlee has udvanced ono class it thn ranked as a third grade it is now second. Mr. Clarke, whr retires has been a UO.IMU1UUUBUU) posLiuaster, ana 1 lie lias looked well to the office, and he has not rested satisfied with simply dis charging the duties of the office, but has sought, as opportunity presented itself, to secure better mail facilities for this region. And, Vfiss Howerton who had charge of the money order department has at tended to it admirable and to the satis faction of all. The same can be said of her sister Miss Calvine, who attended to tbe stamp window. We give credit were credit is dvieMr. Clark is simply on the wrong side of the political fence, and so we welcome the new administration. Long may the pres ent incumbents fill their positions. A Fine Monument. TI12 erection of the largest and most eonspicuous monument in Cedar Grove Cemetery was "finished yesterday. We allude ta tbe James A. Bryan family monument furnished by Messrs. Braddy Bros., of New York. The monument is seven fet at the lae aud stands thirty-two feet hijjh. Tbe bottom base is of granite. Tbe re mainder is ot pure Italian marble. The faces for inscriptions are large and extend upward to an unusual height. Above the piece containing them rise the shaft it commences eight fjet from the base and has two angels at its foot, one looking toward the West and the other towards the East, and a third angel stands at the very top. The angel at the west, orer the entrance that leads below the monnment stands with clasped hands and has a wreath of immortelles on the right arm. The face has a sad expression. It is the An gel of Memory. The one towords tha East looks up ward ami grasps an anchor. This is the Angel of Hope. At the very apex and facing the North, is the third angel with open book and uplilted pen- This is the Recording Angel. A lestoon of flowers encircles the lower portion of the shaft and draperies parti ally envelop the upper part. The entire monument has suitable, but not elaborate ornamentations. It is a very beautiful piece of work. The cost is $5,000. Tha weight is thirty five tons. Good Shipments Continue. We told of the large shad shipments made from Boanoke Island by steamers Neuse and Albemarle on the closing trip of last week. The catch continues: The Neuse returned yesterday and reports having taken 50 barrels and boxes offish from the island on her outward trip, Monday, and no doubt the steamer New llerne which touched there the next day got as many more. All that the Neuse received were shad except about 15 boxes which were blue fish. On the trip previous to this one the Neuse carried forty tons of ice to Roanoke Island to be used in fish pack in". The Advertised Tax-List. The list of all who have not yet paid their city taxes will appear again in Sat urday's Jouknax. Both the city tax collector and tbe sheriff are now adver tising the delinquents. The duty is not a pleasant one to either the taxpayers or tax collectors, but the government has to be supported and all who share its benefits must contribute their due proportion to its expenses. All citizens should meet their obligations on thia line as promptly and cheerfully as on any other. But whether tax-payers settle willingly or Tiot the officers have no discretion about collecting. Tney are bound both by their oath of office and by the laws themselves to do their duty and unpleasant though it may bh they must take whatever measures are necessary to collect from each One who owes. Ocean B.'ue Fish. These fish were never so thick as on Sunday aloug tie beach from Chicami comieo down to Hatteras. We are told by Capt. G. W. Wallace, "ocean blues" were so thick at Hatteraas, Saturday anil Sunday, the 17th and 18th, that one man jumped in the wash of the surf alorjg the beach and threw out three hundred by the tail, some as large as tby ever have,ll and 15 pouuds each. Congressional Timber. Capt. W. W. Carraway did not get away from tbe city Friday as he in tended. It is thought he was kept here for a conference with some friends from his District the third w ho were anxi ous he should become a candidate Congress in t'uat District. lor When seen the Captain was reticent and uon-o.ommittal, but his friends think he may yield to their request aud that he ' will le a hard man to beat. There is a decided change for the bet ter in the condition of Senator Colquitf At last iccounts he was resting comtort- ably, hie voice was stronger, he was aide j to retain liquid nourishment and pulse was regular. Tbe attending phy.-ieian j stated that he thought Senator Colquitt had a good chance to recover from the ' secondary paralysis. NEWS IN BRIEF. The steamer Pearlie May i now mak ing the run between N. w Berne and Bay river while the Trent is undergoing re pairs. Retiring Postmaster, W. E. Clarke, goes bnc!: fo the practice of h jnol'cs.sion the law. His oHice is the one recently vacn-ed by Mr. M. I). V. Sievenson. ' ' ic A. Colin Piano and Orizau Co. i wil1, as usual, have a fine array of the im- Gen. Battle's position at the postoffice does not interfere with his newspaper woik be remains on the staff of Tnn Journal. Mr. L. G. Dani-lo .. n . - yesterday o;i tlie steamer Nuuse. with a car load of Western horses which he has been purchasing. They tvcio taken across the country to Mr. Diuie!.. l;very stables. Five New Berne sportsmen Chas Bell, jj cr Bryan, Stephen Hurtt, Charles Lane, and John Thomas, Jr., returned yesterday with fivo fine deer, killed in two days at Adams creek. We he ir of wo men, 01108 ) yearscld from Tar landing and tiie other 85 from Sparkman meeting at country saw mill in Onslow county and indulging in t fisti cuff. The bclligcrjnts did not d each other much barm, however. The work of getting the huge family monument of Mr. James A. Bryan, des cribed elsewhere into position was largely directed by Mr. J, K. Willis. It was an undertaking requiring no small degree of skill but be was fully equal to the occa sion. Mrs. Mr.iy A. Neely. representing the woman's Christian Board of Missions made a talk nt the Church of Christ ' Thursday. She gave a brief review of the history ol the work and itH advancement ' in Jamaica, India, China and Persia. Mrs. Neely has a very pleasant style of speech . of the conversational order. It wan also , instructive and heard with close atten-,' tion. , y ' ' ' The steamers now take out on every ; : trip good cargoes ot quite a mixed, kind. Both Irish aud sweet potatoes go regular ly also eggs and poultry, fish, oysters . and clams, and "garden s iss" is making a showing. Asparagiis,radisbes, cabbage and lettuce are the leading ones. And, -" lumber and eotton also do .their part in" making up the variety. ' ' Mr. W. H. Disosway, a native New , Bernian, now a druggist of Old' Fort, N. . C, in a letter sending an order to the Green Place Poultry yards, alludes to his pleasurable riicoliiicLiuuaof his visit to tbe Fair. Mr. Disosway. though oj)s connected with it, represented his locai paper at tbe Fair, nnd,gavc in it a very"'; . good account of the. exhibition. Wednesday the. steamer Neuse took '". out from Roanoke Island wharf 188 boxes Vi: ot shad and the steamer Elko 140, a total'' ot 328 boxes. The rush of blue fish about which Mr. Sam'l Whitehurst, the joint clerk of the steamer lines at that :; place told Capt. Wallace have departed. These ocean wanderers havcj a way of : coming when they please and leaving in S'; -the snuie manner. When they show . V: themselves good use has to be made oj the opportunity while it lasts. ' Death of an Honored Citizen. Mr. II. S. Grucie died at his home, , about five miles from New Berne, Thurs- ;''. day, aged 83 years. S" The deceased was so well known ia 1' . thes county that no words of eulogy can V' add to the esteem in which. he was held. ) . , He was a generous warm-hearted citizen, v "I" , and an excellent type of the old-time rf neighbor. A faithful Christian with haDd and heart in activity. and sympathy t with the needs of mankind as long as he - .' could. r;. : He leaves one daughter, four grand children and one great grand child. He 'f-. 't died at peace with all w ho knew him and ' ' at peace with his maker, so far as human - -:- judguient can reach. The luneral will take place, from hit residence, at half past ten o'clock this morning. The Present Warm Season and Pre- ceding Ones. Mr. Daniel Lane of Bellair, was in too see us yesterday and while iu the office the present remarkably warm and un usu dly quiet March was discussed. Mr. Lane tells us that the prevalent impression that fruit trees have bloomed earlier thi3 season than they generally do is a mistake, on the contrary they are a trifle, later this year than last. He noticed each season and is sure of it. However, the difference is slight. Trees never vary much, like the annuals, from their accustomed periods, whatever the influence o( the seasous may bo. Mr. Lane is among those, who despite the summer like character of the present weather, is apprehensive of future cold. He recalls that the April of 1849, made memorable by a snow of two or three inches on the 15th of that month followed by a very destructive freeze wss pro ceeded by a March very similar to the oue we are uow having. He infonnsus that by that freeze, not only were crops, (far. advanced for the season) out even trees affected. In some instances young oaks three or four iDches in diameter and growing thriftily, in their sappy stale, succumbed to the sudden change. A late edition of Branson's Almanao contained a record of the year's which had extraordinary weather of any kind aud the winter of 1827-28 seems to have been more ieinarkable f ir its mild ness th.iu any other. Il is stated it was 1 no' severe enough to kill niton in the f New Heme an I teds ua . '-lie knocked fields. Mrs. S. F. StnnU con ol Kirates the autirmciu that on Chi i.mnas .Ua Is apples off the 1 1 ce v, ,: ti and that lie who!' . : li- i.ng pole, oiil'Ii wa 10 great : u is not 1 id t li e tic home o ua 11! u les so mi' troll! il illlpor tll.lt ':.!'a: i ' 1. 1 I 111 ib - smoke made spoiled I llll IC i. I Ind t' ml nd Potter Palmer has purchased Bibles for bus big hotel iu Chicago. 800 ,1 ju i,ii , nuiinm. 1 i- 1 hi mi 1 111 iinij in Mini J iMl I I'll '. 1 I " ' v