-J if V 31.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents.' VOL. XVI. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. APRIL 12 1894 NO. 57 SOUTH CAROLINA. Civil Status Rtoretl-Au Troops Oraered Home. Corner's Jar? fiaj - Twe Constable Gallty f XarierXeLeaaea Orlxiaate4 the Flfht. OoumiC b. April 5. Got- raorTillaaaa todar Usa4 a proo- I unMtM . th r! tha oiit (attain UriiBftoa Mi Iotdo. The troop at both p4aoaa will b withdrawn to- 0.aUNOToar. 3. O , April 5. The iubrooa the WaaUra Uatoa T'e- irrph offiae waa rs moved thiaavaaia. t Toa tuautnoay tba oorooar'a ia- OMt esafinaed what baa ba prari. easty reported tfct HoLiauoa fired ."th first shot aad started th tragedy. Tha military eoart formtj exactly tho -aaoxa v?dioloa tha coroaar'a jary, ai thtxub. it haa not beaa glvaa oat aa Tat - Oo&cra. S. a, April 5 Taa Gow- ' araor a praoiaasulom waa iaoad oo tha vaooasmaad atioa of tha offleara ia ; oom- a&aad at. DarUagtaa r and Floreao. Oovaraor Till at aa. Waatad tha Jaadia itixaa of Darliactaa to piadga tbaer aelraa that taa StaU polioa aaoaH ba paraiiUad to aaaroh craiaa and hoaaaa - aoapaoted of Tiolatiag tha dipaaaary . law aad that tha dMpaaaacy aboaJd ba TaopaaaH aad an id oa without mo- iaautioo. Taa tf ti ha!d a maaUa and, after oaref it ooasiJarajtioa.' ra faaad to aaaka anch a pled c a. bat wired taa Govaraor tb thay woaid da all Ip 4hsir powor to pr-wraa order,' had qaaatad hi a to d. rtsawiaa ' . Tba G raroor ha tola atated that thera will ba a ootaplata reorg aalsatioa of tha Stata OaardL at aa aarly data. Taara ara ISO aoaapaatoa la thia 8iata aad tba Goraraorj b a', aaid ba had rather hava twaatyflra that ha oaa da- pead oa thaa 130 tHaa'ara . doabtfaL Tba GoTaraov deolioea to aay whatbar ta will aiaka farther rffjrt to iaapraa tba police ia hia aarvioa. -- A daoitioa of aba Sapraoaa ' aoart toaobiait tba lacaiit of tha diapaaaary law ia Jopaad for toaaorrow. All la guiat aaaljba. ; f . ' AxuxoTov, & O-, April 8. Tbara -waaaa lac id ant today , to diatarb" tba paaoa af tba plaaa.. No oaa ihoaght of anr farther troabla aad basiaee ia fit ceuiac befe iato th rralar ebaaaal. J ba bao paraTad aiaoa laat Friday. 'Tha iroopa ara aaakinc themaalvca at " haata, aad, bat for tbair gaar4 doty, aroaldAava ao thing to do. v ; r Tha ooTooaea jary randarad lia.Tar--diet to hold UelMaoa for tha kiUiac of Kortaaat. Cala f or iba Llia of Bad aad aad that. Radaaoal k'Uad Pappar. Taa Military eoart wilt fire rabmit lu report to Oararaor TiUeaaa.t . ooTrasoaTiLiaiAJr'B caun enscu " bjsoocssc. -Cbakusto. 6. C. April 5. It aow -traatptree that Got araor Tillaiaa'a offi--ial family la noat w oaf ally diridad la regard .to hia oooraa ia eatliaa; oat" tha woldlere aad faaaiac hia raeaat praeia naUoa. Erary oaa af tha Cahiaat, ax eept parbapa. Mr. Hay field, depra eater hiaaoadact, aad aavrral af theoa are ooUpokeo ia tbair daaaaeiatioa -.of hia tyraaay. i'f la a4diUoo to tbl. Secretary of 8tata J. E. Tin cfall, la looanard baeaoaa Till aaaa ieaoed tba polioa proclamation aad had hia naaaa aiaad to It. while ba (tha Secretary af 8 La la) waa ta&aarlaeton. Aa ia wall kaowa, ail roolamarlooa ara aigaad thaa: B. R. TnXMjjr, Goreraor. ' By tba Ooe araor. - -. J. . Tnmiri., Secretary of State. r PEOFE33IOSAL. CLAUDS II. BE1TT01T, 1L D. ,: ' ; Physician tfi Surgeon, . Offlcet ISO-13-y .: . Xiddle Street, - Xa Baarert BoUcUs. Kew Berne H. C. . Cam ba seen at any hour at night tn office. ' J3H.-G. & BAGBY, CroOEON DENTIST. - OiiCWiUawa oppoaitaBaptia aharob, . - - : vo - aaaSdwaf C T- , 9EWBERK. W. " Ofiiaa oa Qraran rtat, batveaa Pollock . ad Broad. ' - - . . .J H, BENTON MJ)mD.D.8. PrbeUea United M OvaaaMT aed ebMteaJ . Deattatry aad Denial Bargery - tuU as areata wtthoal pain by the aae ar Jittra ' Oxide -JTrerrttitnf laifce of DaaUatryaoae m the Mil atyke. eatlateetioa rnarmataed. 04ra, eareer of Middle iroa.ad redera . AUer.eoaoelte ' P. H. PELLETIER, . ATTORSBT "A T. t. "W . lliddla treatf'Firat room abOTe Farm ; rT ce Marchaat'a Bank. Will wmMm t tba Omatiea oTibravva artaret. Joaaa. Onakaw and Pamtlaa. W Caited ataiaa Court at Haw Berae, an ' emnreme mm ttthit mr Office, 73 Soath Front street op- V'T..r-.v- ' posite Ohston House. . ATTOEUE Y AT LAW Keal Estate Agent, ; plewBaa, IT. C. . ' ' C On ton and Canada. V Ticibcf landii v - Truck lands. v:;;--"v. v Town lo ts. Xa yoa want to boy I WKITE. ! WRITE. V : Do 70a want to sell T SPKUIAL. 1500 lerea, Treot Hoad, t) snileslof city, TUabr aad Track fauxl. EDITORIAL X0TE8. There are 4,000 persons living in foreign coantiies wh un pen. sioon (rom this conntry They are aottered all over the globe, inclu ding tbe S tuth ea island, Africa and China. Nearly $350,000 goes yearly-;o Canada. Tbe production of papr fioai the hopi-wttate in breweries is beiTg oon-iderd in Germany. Tbe oil in tha bop is a biodrano", which, it it ia claimed, i now overcome, and i i expected th-u piper can he made, by asmg hope, at a evT, f 50 cents, lea than heretr. ior. A Oommmr-ioQ of experts have raalts of declared the tbe TJ. 8. Treasury to be uosat'e, ladtcnte thai bat that does .' not cracksmen would find it profitable to go" to Washington with the expo''ii of barglanziiig Uncle Sam. "A "com bi nation verdict," which iooladed a variety of ills, wis- ren dered by a jury in Memphis. They gravely decided that rbe deceased "came to his death by a blow or falTwhich produced iafUmation of tbe brain, oadsin erysipelas, which was aggravated byalooholism and morphine poison." Ialrx(4tne Maseacnosetts gen eral assembly made ballets a legal tender by the following enactdfeut: "It is likewise ordered ' that mus- kett balletts of a fall boare chall pass currently for a farthicg apiece provided that do man be compelled to take above XII -d att a tyme in them." Jrfee Turkestan Qazette says that tbe ameer of Bokhtxa has broken with Mohammedan traditions and will open his ooantry to European civilization. Several instances of innovations along this line are of fered aa evidence. The aotion is aaid to be the result of tbe ameer's recent riait to BoBaia. Or. Geo. F. Shrady baa a won. dvfaliy interetiag article tn the April Fram on "American Achievement iu Surgery," in which he shows that to American eargeoas, more than to those of any other nationality. Is doe the credit of the great and almost marvellous advancement ia thie modern seiecee. . Ihe insanity plea baviug been able to pi ay so success full a de fense for murder, it ia now trying ita hand doing duty for thieves. Jast aa soon as a man supposed to be boneat is caught stealing his friends discover that be is insane; bat bo master how many years ha steals without being caught these indications of insanity never ap pear. They appear to exist solely for purposes of defense. Oar farmers who may have been troubled with cholera among their hogs would do well to cons'.der the following remedy which has been highly endorsed: "Take equal parts of tincture of cayenne pepper, tincture of rhabarb, essence of peppermint and spirits of camphor lltx well. Dose, fifteen ro thirty drops In a wineglass of water, ac cording to age and violence of tbe attack. Bepeat every fifteen or twenty minatea until relief is ob tained. It is good policy to strike while tbe iron is hot; it ia still better to adopt Orob well's procedare, and make tbe iron hot by striking. The maater spirit who can rule, the storm is great, bnt he is much gteater who can both raise and rule It. To attain that grand pow er, one mast possess the brave and indomitable soul of activity which prompted EdmoBd Burke to ex claim to bis eooetitaenta inhis fa mous speech at Bristol, ".applaud aa when we run, onaole ut when ereeove; bat let as pass on for God's sake, let pass on." Tbe Indians in the western por tion of onr State compose of tbe moat importaot and- prosperous bands in tbe whole coantry. They are CnerokeeBf and tbe band is an Incorporated company. Tbe whole number is a little over fifteen ban dred, and they inhabit a beautiful mountain region. Although the? re tain their ah riinal features and the strong fiames of their savage anceators, they dress iu tbe gar. ments of civilization and follow tbe pursuits of white men. The jrinci- pal chief is a distioguinhed looking daughters, two of whom would be noticeably pttty girls in any com- mnbity. Old-Insb oned spinning Old-iaeb.oned wheels ere still used in the cabinr - of these Indiana. WALTER K. HESRT. The readers of the Journal are pleased to learn that the President has appointed Mr. Henry to the cooao.1 ehipat Coracoa. The place it not of the rank to which the gen tleman was entitled by b's splen did service lu the last campiigo, bat it is a recognition of his claiois and mav lead tn anmAthlnir ht ter North Carolinian has received qoite a number of good places, and, so far as we know, all of tbem have bee a given to deserving men, and none more so than Mr. tlen- 6EMT0R WALSH. Patrick Walsh, ef Aaasta, is now a United States Senator, appointed by Governor Northen to fill the va canov occi-Mone'l bv the death of liuu- Alf.ed H. Oolquitt. T'le a!jouirmrnr i a til pnwe. Mr. W il-th h-is lie- n k; '' public for nunv year-t in t'jlrt editor of rti Chronicle. Mi. v.' He hi alw.iv- ben ;i democrat aad a geDileni ki). The JOhrwiscle il es not come to this office aud e do not know what ban been its position recently oa public i-ue, but for many years it wa-i an advquate of protection. It 4s said that Mr. Walsh's views on the tariff have been mod ified and it is believed that he will. support the Wileun bill in the Sen ate. VVe would liav beou gratified if Governor Northen bad followed the advice of Mr. duBignon, and many other., and had given the appointment to Henry G. Turner, a man sound on all question and a debater of 'admitted ability. We trust, however that the future will vindicate the w'sdooi of tbe Governor in the selection he has made. It is understood that Mr, Turner will contest with Mr. Crisp for an election to tbe fuW term by the Leg islature. THE APFROACHING CAMPAIGS. However much Democrats may wish to postpone the campaign to a later period, the opponents of Democracy are determined to pre cipitate tbe ooateat in tbe hope that the waring elements in our ranks will give them an easy vic tory. Indeed "the war has actually be gun. Tne Oaucasi in, of the 5th id- tttant, ives aa accouat ot "nr.w Pitt county opens the campaign under tbe leadership of Harry skinner, and bpw Democrats of Halifax attempted to organize ior the fight, bnt failed to harmonize and adjourned their meeting to some time in June. It is reported from Washington that soon after the veto message was received iu the House a few days ago, Mr. Oates, of Alabama, said "the people are no longer bosses, and tbe Government of tbe people by and for the people has eided." Mr. Oites ia a good Democrat n 1 a brave man, but evidence of his bravery and D.moortoy is not furnished in the remark we have quoted. Very often, eiaca the orgauizi- ol tbe G vernment, it has eeemtd tbat tbe people had lost their con trol of public affair, but iu every emergency they havessserted their supremacy and saved the Repub lic. What is the occasion of the pres ent alarm in tbe rauks of tbe dem ocracy? Has h party deserted ted ita principles! Not at all. There has been no change in the spirit or the letter of its creed. The last authritative utterences of the ptrfy was at Chicago in 1892, and no power on earth can change them before, the meeting of tbe next Democratic National Convention. The whole embr nlneat relates to men and the perversion of the platform. That the situation Is se rious it weie idle to d-oy, but when we remember th it the Dem ocracy emblazons ou its banners "Principle,, not men,'' there is no thing iu the sitaatiou to cause the fears with which gentlemen of the Democratic faith harrasi themsel ves. "Vox populi vjz Doi" has net lost its potency in North Carolina. If leaders go wrong it is an easy matter to change them. If any body supposes th-tt ompetency for leadership is connneu to pres ent officials he has; only to look around ,to see the woods full ol men whose bjsorus are alow with potrioiism and wh e minds are colighreae 1 by a kjowleie of the real wants of the people. We do Dot cut) Co di-coss men jut now. Principles must be kept ! to tLe front. Let the Dd nocratic party of North Carolina throw out j the right b.muer and there will be ! a pie ity ol nen ready to take it i an(j 0Arryir t0 victory. I One of t!i dangers of the hour I is i hat another organisation will attempt, to appropriate Democratic principles and uU'.m to ba the especial guardiau of the peoole. .This mast not bo p-.-r nitted, aad it can only be preveuted by the Deu- loeratio partv standing equarely by its principle -i and vendic ting its right to e recognized as the party of tne people rbe coiuage of stiver ; a"d the reform of the tariff are - ! democratic measures oecan?e . I ; o. 1 uurv o.c ,u tUC .ULC.e0 ' VVe have a speedy and positive cure tor catarrh, -lipbiherm uanker mouth and be.ichc. in StLOU'S CATARRB REMEDY. A n.jal injector free i"ith e"h bottle. Dsn it if jou desire health ana -veet breath. Prloe 50o. Sold ,by tTaw time If rag Co. AGAINST SEARCHING HOUSES. Uphold tuft Law, but Away with neb liitaliiu' Iinl'niHe.. Whatever in, ri I- t h ' - nn i - : i I i South Carolin i I..ino: !.-; - ,r 1 nv. wanton house stMrt-b'mi: v!i.-tii. r .i'i-:i:iel ; lv law ur done or t hii. aten-. I to l.-,!o:ie tllldllh :i inUe me. iition of it-pr-i.: i ions inert uilh no I'.tv. r. ! Wccannoi help Init ailmirin-; (he piuek of Governor Tilluian, luit that he h is as sumed the extreme is beyond all question ing, not iu adhering to execute his suopi duties as the chief executive of s uith Carolina, but in I'mpowcnnp; such oifi iis of the law as those at Darlington and numerous other points in the State hae proven themselves to be. It is a known fact thiit many of these constable- w n of the rough clement and uncouth in their approach to eitiens. It h is leaked out that one of tin; spies v iio partieipateil in the Darlingtou affair had on a former oc casions killed three men, and that thev were generally Lnsultini and bulldozin". Iu order to know how the question is vieweil in other places, we copy lro::i a few of our exchanges: WIMINOTON MES8KNGE1I. Tillman shdH a lanr.tieal and lawless spirit. This is the land of the free. Men construe liberty to mean license. WILMINGTON ST A K . There was a great deal of interet and much excitement matrlested here over the situation in south Carolina. The sympathy for Tillman and his janizanis was too smau :o ne seen even witn a microscopic eye. But there was indig nation instead at the tyranny which final ly drove the oppressed people of our sis ter State. RALEIGH KEW8-OBSERVKK-CHKONICI.E. Assuming that the aceouut of the affair at Darlington is correct it is a very atrocious outrage. Mr. Norruent who was killed is represented by gentlemen herein Raleigh, wno know him. as a very amiable gentlemen; one who never thought ot carrying a weapon; a lovable man and miK-h esteemed in his com munity. Sir. Redmond as far as we know was the same. They were mur dered, without warning ly 1 illman s I men, ana witnout provocation, it :s a bad system, an intolerable svstem that leads to such possible outrages. Gov. Tillman has much to answer lor at the bar of public opinion. The Governor's constables are very odious, and the mas sacre of the citizens ot Darlington by them has inflamed the people. A course tbat public opinion does not sustain will not be sustained by force of arms. We trust that such counsels may pre vail as will prevent further loss of life. NORFOLK VIRGINIAN. The disturbance at DarlingtiTn, S. C, was over the question of the right ol search. Free nien will always resist thia inroad upon their lilerties and their homes. In Monarchical Governments the people have frequently resorted to vio lence to prevent it. In this country, how ever, they will never permit 01 tolerate it ; It is in opposition to the bill ol rights. The fourth amendment providis that the rights ot the peopld to be si-cure in their persons, homes, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures -!;ab not ba violated. A similar provision i in the constitutions of most, d not all, of the States. BALTIMORE SUN. But the chief objection to the law is its novelty and its interlerance with Am erican ideas of liberty. To an inflamma ble people like the South Carolinians it is particularly unsuited. Excise laws have always beeu unpopular in the Palmetto State and elsewhere. The "moonshiners" of tbe Appalachian reg'on have never be come reconciled to it. It will be wi-c therefore, tor Governor Tillman to "go Blow." In this country only such law as meet the approval of the great ma jority of the people can be fullv enforc ed. SPARTANBURG, 8. C , IIKRAD. The Governor of South Carolina has frequently boasted that none but men of the highest character were appointed con stables. We-learn from a man who has just come from the hon.e of McLennor, the spy who killed Korment, some facts tSat deepen the shade already dense around the Governor's reputation for truthfuUDess. When that poor innocent and defense less Degro was lynched at Denmark it wa8this same McLiennon who caused it. After conservative men had quieted the declared lhat somebody had to die and might as well be this negro, and he was lyDched. When the dispensary law came iu: effect and made iobs for such men a these, this infamous scoundrel applied to ' I 1 1 m it rt f t- an om-i.itnrfinnl o- f nn I 1 .1 . Ja ..-..Ir li.'n nnr.llnnl!m. . . . lln. I IIU IUOIV 1J19 Q p p I HQllUll 11 IJ.ie O. ill, ' mAcI lirnminnnl Ti 1 1 m ,1 n 1 1 in tlx, conn- ! rv lor his endorsement. The latter re- fused his endorsement and wrote to Till-! man by all means not to appoint him as he was only tit for a murderer and was not the kind of a man to execute any law. By virtue ot nis position tins 1 lt'.manitc was a man whose adviue certainly should t hive been respected by the Governor. Tillmau nevertheles appointei'. him and he is the man who brought on the trouble at Darlington, by shooting a man w ho was not armed and was not molesting or threatening to molest him. This only adds to the Governor's responsibility lor this terrible assassination. Atlanta Journal. "Not only is a brigade of spies scatter ed throughout tbe State but they have in many instances acted in the most ot fensiye way toward persons who proved their innocence of any violation of la The homes ol peaceful and respectable citizOns have beeu broken oiten on u-- picions that frequently had ation in la:t. Indignities heaped upon law-abiding p; erai notable instances. "It is not to be wondered which is represented by sit,-:i enforcement should be ,!,- aid even openly res ste, !." no f .1.11 I A Fayettevi le Inv nt,ti:i Brings $30, 0!K. The cigarette inac'due p i.ntel b. J. B Underwood. "I Mi- i-cy. :.n 1 ' by him anj Dr. J W. McN, .!. ha- 1 sold co parties in S:. Louis t'u-, i: i? -$36,000. Mr. Underwood has invented patented many useful things, an 1 M :ld. Hid hi- good luck is deserved, and hi- many friends congratulate him. Mr. Uinlci wood is a native "t Sampson, but lia been living here lorprobibly 3-3 year-. j Fayetteville Cor. Samp in Democrat. Lorii R;weberry tha new Eugli -;i it8 premier may not be giva" Qladatone, but be is no eloach a . a ; word 1 uggler, as may be seen I i 1 this extract from one ol bis recent jspeechea "VVe do cot pcrpo-e to sit on the banks of the wueaui of time and walch tbe Stream p i.-f by until 'it runs dry '. Th.it was clever enough to have beeu s i d by an American. 1 IIK Sill : H ( VKULI.NA TKOL'HLK. Ant! tli- I f t and Indirect. i hat i'.tns t! It. U;li 111. "'I! II, .r -! . -I' .1 n. -I !"' u ii ! t IK' iiit. the lir-t 1 1 1 1 r r 1 1 In: union t j 1 t I.!n. r.... ill,-. Tni 1 1 ('... A-l Vi i n i n :: 1 1 t' i. I, !,. ! .,..c: t' ill 1 I -i I: r ' ' 1,1 M.v.inl it. 111 i V ;n- i n 1 4'nt at Florence. Tl. - i niee littlo town of 3,.-oi people our li.Oiks uml tin.- convuircnee- o n in- l-rn fiiy lite. Noinerous s,,lo..ns. I f. .1-; to! 1 t lv- or tout U--n. wi.-re in :ie- 1 t w, lvc or ration, mil tiVf oper.o i, -i;, lIU 1 s: yijflt is the.l, nioralizat ion, t'lat on one occasion of the ci reus coming tin re lere was hardly I room in tnejai! to hofi the persons ar i rented for di -or, f rlv conduct. I I passed through there again in the ,t:, !'.' a:t of .,'auuaiy this year, aie.l ! ag nn .-pent a day and night in Floreuc--. Th - -alo ,n- wcic gone, the Disp'-nary I had come --had been there seven month-, j Some iiii. it li,ji, r was ?.suld by persons ; from bottle-, couceaied in their .oihing. or 1:1 piaces ,,: reaily to be should an oui. but all legitii.; t he D.-pen- 11 y. liquor, no la Iu-iness fro:;, coffee pots itched into the sewers. : er , it iti an appearance, ; ate I .u-mcss was through; 'l'ii :e was no sput of ! k oi v.irietv. Various wines, rum. gin an 1 bmnily. and whi-!;y, ' corn or rr, au 1 through all the Xs I were j in abundance A jmrchaser presents a , request to the Dispenser printed or writ- 1 ten, dated of true date, stating that he or; she is of age, giving resilience aud lor 1 whose use t lie liquor is required, the quantity anil kind requested and his or lie r true name 111 u :t be signed by the ap plicant ami attested by the Dispenser, and the ri-q,:e.st tiled. Tne liquor is handed to the purchaser in a bottle sealed and labeled, (and the label defaced on delivering ) and must not be oticned on the premises, and no customer can purchase alter 0 o'clock n. ln.. nr ,ut ix6 m the same dav. ' ! ag 1 he eneet ot the law was a condition , froln sVOO to $7o 011 acco-nt of error t quiet and go 1 order, verv remrrkable. I n,, . , The circus "had been th. re again, and! 1 presented f. the Board there was no ;,r-est, nor any disorder. A j tlu'ce Craven couuty bonds oi the denomi chain gang, always in large force under natiou ol $300, numbered 142, 170, and the old regime, ' had no representation 177 purchased by him for ere lit sinking under the new, and an evident hearty ap- fun)- preciation aud approve of the law. It was said and I believe truly, that there n motion Commissioners Brewer and were thousands ol men in South Carolina ! l-'arr were appointed a committee to des uli.i approve the law but do not like to trov said bonds, which thev did by burn- admi- it because it would align them with the riiman parly. I tiid not go to Darlington, though I hi I communication with the town. It is only fifteen rr twenty miles to the north of Flor, ,ice on the 'Jheraw and Darlington rui, whh-h connects with the Carolini ( c.iri.,1 :,: Wadeiboro. The trouble theic seems to hive originated from an appaTTnt intention to search private rest Icafes, which however was ,Vt u up, ami wa- precipitated oy an al'ereation about politics ut the depot, after the C 1 -t a I Ue- had prepared to h.-ave town. Sued is the statcincut of I the matter iu the Darlington eorrcs , p. in. h ::cc :.- contained in this paper this n,oi 1 , I So it appears that this unfortunate affair is to In: laid only remotely, if at all, , to the dispensary law. The right to iscaich priva.c residences is nol in the j law , ' neither in, Iced can be." The idea I was, 1 transcending of authority on the j pa,t of the offi. dais. The Book says 1 "great men are not aluars wise," which j mav h.ivea breadth ol meaning wide 1 ceoiigh to embrac t-v, n constables. But. as t hey wei and take tl conic in to wise enough to give it u ."'liselves ,;!',, other elmm-nt hare the respoiis.tbility. l.iUVAliU Ct 1.1.. Apri 1,0 CULLED ITEHSOF SEWS. The Wilfred Clarke Company disband- j d at Greensboro. Mr. Clarke ..-ft for Philadelphia where he has an engage meiit in a prominent c o.npanv. ; The liases on w :.n h the r, -olu 1 tion rests is t Ii.,; l.-ouiu'- aclaui itilcr ferred with the I itet-State Con. .crc law. T he A t ant ic and D mville railroad has been sold for $1,105,000 to B. Nemgass and associates. . C-'xey is indebted to the newspapers for lots of free advertising, which he will probably be -brewd enough to utilize in some way. In' his tight agai: -t silver President Cleveland mm to have borrowed the .Jv;-uitif.il in.-ttn "the end justifies the The Alieghanv S i ves the following: lUC recent fry. e has done considerable oats and young grass, . a'1 ' tea r 1 1, at t ue 1. t crop is nost I I!- t,R'.N 'n-'-'-'V' a au!,,c t'l.ae ball at Chnrlotte , a.Uvt.,.n ,1,7. (. niver-ities of Vermont and j n,,,.. , c,,(,i;na ,,,. former won by a C,M-,. nf 7 t0 q Cattlemen and Indians are lighting in Oklahoma. Theluavcs are gadiering i:i in large, numbers, and there is said to be prospect of a brief bat bloody war. C. E. Crabtree. a prominent business man ol' Dir han . wh . f -r a tortnight has been missing and -carolled for by hun dreds of people, w i- found Tuesday near Chatham, Va. He i- msme an I had wandered a Way. ashui-rt'.n police arrest wio-e who pr.ilof-- tin- Sa' bal!. but B ib Iue lecture- the: e a:'-- n. I! v. W. S. ( 1. b.i; Ii I ' playing ba.-e-r-ol ' - Sunday night ver r.itcrb'rcd with. , I). I)., of Charlotte 1 I o pi'-:.ch t lie b:;e a ore the Agricultural ge. The dale i? June n 111 v: : .0 : 1:l u;, at-,-1 M. 1 til. ll A- y ol the P." lite.l Statc 'l'eim.. in - ' 'V - u 1 : I he ( Ulllcl. o d-i v 1 of ,.iv ihe I l-'.'f, a i '. , i :' i I I erado Hint v. :hel'i;l ii ; , (gro des Monroe e 1 s ' 1 as t h s." to a it. - ; !i .' llillL I II ot 1 a .J. his hoi murdered a , i large 1 li - I, ,' .' be id Wasuingb pretended to i u the ) a s t , jury w b! r tie t ileal y 1 -r.-llce lb'.; There i- . the V, ...: o - lac- q leer lirn kuH idge-recor-l it' it I'reckinl i i. -t, Pol ne ar. I a 11 Monty I n.-t w c.n ia all I the b.vei nor obey Tillman's or I treat it as uttetly 'i'lie city iiiuimrit n -iioi L is i,o right to e polio- except 111 :i I'li'v w:th the con 1 1; in not d th 1 :io::t :Ls. : pi e! s ;, .. -. 1 i ngb 111 r;p t hr ).l .-Itin:: spi :id about am I then p ro ll the South, W'ashington- 1 1 to t.c- a era S'al ib with an i'e a ,1' converting a- many Miui'ii, 111 farm-rs as possible to the view adT.iuceil by the leader. '0.IMISIO.ERS PRO- n:i:i)i(,s !. l'Jl. of ( ; , : 1 1 N'i Aol ''. I II, M lh. M.-:i.i, ,1 . II. lined Ad-.n.s I'ro'ii ss 1 : ();.!,,-,. t.,i- ol " r, mitti r.-ivn-'op ! I,, sr .; , ,n T'lat the ( 'iti. -u- i; the le.d IM, in th v d" ii Oi-.l, red -hip Xo. ;i poll fl fo I' l i llie , Ordered , Tl. . be r x at K. . lelii .-d ;:, in- I Wllii; I'l'oin i t i r i r f, p-i nie:.t r.c in in That the 'lle eo.ltltV. ou. her 111) .V ; i we, i t Fannie Daw and daughter be increased le dollar. Stephen Oliver ten ! ' I his rd -on's ferrv. resignation as fi-rrvuian It is Ordered, T.iat the - and that Levis Smith lid the vacancy caused be accepted ppointod to ueh resigna- 'y tion at $20 per mouth until further orders of this Board. Ordered, That the following named persons be and are hereby appointed list takers for the several townships of Craven county for the year 194, at the same compensation as last year viz: 1st Township, Geo. J. Dudley, $30. 2.1 Township, Sotn'l Latham, $-20. S 1 Township, R. A. Russell, 30. uth Township, J. S. Morton, $20. 6th Township, J. II. Hunter, $20. 7th Township, O. II. Perry, $20. 3th Township. Jonathan Havens. $100. !ith Township, A. E. Wadsworth, $17.50. Ordered, That G 1-2 acres land in Township Xo. 1, listed t D. E. Willis, ent Annie C. Lee. be reduced in value ing the same in the presence of the Board, the county attorney, the couuty treasurer, r-gi-.ter of dee is and Lew is Smith, Esq Whereas by the death ol Dr. J. A. Guion, late trusi.ee and eommissioue- ot the sinking lund of Craven county, the said offi;e has become vacan., on motion it is Ordered, That Geo. II. Roberts be and hereby is aypointed to fid said vacancy. It is turther Ordered, That the cleik ol this Board notify said Roberts of said appointment. and to appear before the Bo ar 1 im mediately and tile his Otfioi d bond fir said office. It is further Ordered, That the clerk ef this Board notily the executor or administrator of said late trustee and commissioner, D r i Jno. A. Guion of the appointment of Geo. j U. Roberts, Esq.. and request him to . make settlement at thi i meeting of th e I ! accounts ot die said lite tru-tee with this ! Board. I Ordered, That W. H. Ilooten be , granted permission to move hi- place of i business from No. 32 Mi Idle sfreet to the I corner of Berne and New streets, i The iurv haviiv retur.n-d their report of the laying out of the road from a point on the Vanceboro and New Berne road on the North side of Gwift Creek, known as the old yankce road to Maul swamp, opposite .Marshall LuUiinghouse s I -.o l road to pass through the lands of ' Stephen Whitford and others, it is now I Ordered, That the said report be and the same is hereby m all respects con firmed and the said road be and the same is hereby established as, and de clared to be, a public road, and the clerk of the board is instructed to notify the Supervisors of Township No. 1, that t;ie said road has been established as a pub lic road and it is '.heir duty to appoint hands to work the same-. A petition having been tiled before this Iioaid by Jno. A. Jackson and others, citizens of Township No. 1, asking for the establishment of a public road about a half mile above the corpo rate limits of Vanceboro, then running up Maui Swamp four miles, then a northerly direction until the C'hocowmity publi:; road is reached, at or near Mrs. Sarah Williams. Ordered, That notice ol said petition be published at the court house door un til the next meeting o f t he B ,ard when said petition will be heard. A lelease having been duly executed j by Emma S. Green of all claims and de- mauds, further ar'singout of the contract 'of the county with C. C. Green, for 1 furni-hing medicine to poor, etc., with I instructions to make all further payments 1 to Bradbam f- Brock, It is j Oidered, Th it -iid r.-l be filed, a i-l m i vouchers ; d Bradham & 1 -(I. V. m the lite-. if, t Oa motion Tt il- I t- a reces. to il ::!, Is;), i rs of Craven 'u-e puru;u;l next -I 'V at b o'clock. Tut- lay morning, A,o The Hoard of C'oa ini-sior eoun.y met at the curt h. to a, 'journiiient Pr, .",, nt, Commissioners .las. A. diai'n; W C. Prow. ;. M II. drr. Mi:ido and F W. s,,v,Pwoo . Pry J. ( n motion the B mr 1 pro,". -yd , ,. leill, draw a jury tr S; the following a er rt 1: 1 -; Tow n-hip i.i 1. Sb p.i.i ii t' J.jshua Koy, A. P Siu'.iis. id Tow u-hip ml . tr.i t : T Wf Ll it'. A. I I i ; I. A. I to: M. .1 Whitford w l.dham. G R. West, Fred Blango. IW'llslnp Nathan Smith, ('. I it-l Kins, lor. col. 'o w 11-lli p - 'own-hip- (' t.cr, J. if.'-s S. - Lille, . J. w. s. John McCoy (long I ? 11 111, W. I", -"it u thh Win'.. !.. W e. W. W -W. z. 1; 11 er. , i'th Town-hip I'll' a 1-wo Hill, tb. C. Jamc s B. 1F11, W. P. Jones, W. T ' COUNTY Ah l;., it.ki .i. i Kii -lolpb 1KIH-. vv. I '. -I. W'ic .iohu i: Mil- I ,a rinii fo, V. I lit lh 'i Tavlor. -I i-. 1-. To...,-;, I,, ir i-' i. b 15. S. : 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 - A. Oni ot the living : ..llitled Dr. I r;i- in' I c nn in : f. nd i f Craven (-.. ppe: I (li 'el ore tin: Bond .1 mints o tl. v 1 ,1 mi 1,'iier. lt . J Jn motion it 1 i mis-ioiK r .1. A. or, lered Tint Commis- w. c. Meadows in, I Brewer be ami they are hereby appointed to examine aud audit said at cou .1-. The above appointed com mission -rs re port, That they have examined said ac counts and find the same correct and a balance of $5,777.05 due the sinking fund which amount said administrator duty paid over to Chairman Board of Commis sioners of Craven county. Ordered, That the valuation of the property listed by Dr. L. Duffy for the ! year 1893 on Broad street, sou! h side J near corner r tett street be reduced :rom $1,200 to SOOO on account of error, and that said property be placed on the list for the present year at the same reduced valuation. Bills Allowed. On motion the Board took a recess to Thursday morning at 11, o'clock. BILLS ALLOWED. Stephen Oliver keeper of Nelson's ferry for March, $20.00; Thos. L. Wthering ton keeper Street's ferry $16.00 U. G. Mosely house rent to C. Sniithwick $2 50; Fannie Williams keeper poor house $12.50; Irene Cooley cook poor house 3.00; Caesar Boyd 12 cords wood to poor house $?fl.OO; J. .T. Tolson, ag't, rations to poor tor March $87.09; Brad ham it Brock medicines -o poor $17.30; Leinster Duffy services to poor and sup erintendent health $10.00; Dr. Leinster Duffy post mortem examination .Tas Rus sell, coroners inquest $12 00; Ben). McFrater burying body Susan Janes, pauper $3 50; J. 1. Meadows hay fur nished poor house from August 1893 to March 1894, $20. 84; James A. Bryan per diem, &e., as commissioner $6.00,- E. W. Sniallwood per diem as commissioner and supervising court house and poor house Feb'y and March $28 00; M. II. Carr per diem and mileage as co ninis- sioner March and Aprii $10 40: W. C Brewer per diem and mileage as commis -ioncr-5. 10: J. A. Meadows services as Lomiuissioin-r and superintendent I nidges from Jan'y K.l to April 3d inclusive 20.00; J. A. Meadows repairs to Cler mont bridge $12.30: E. II. & J. A. Mead ows Company, gu mo and seed to o()i' house $4.50,- James W. Bid-lie one days services as clerk board commissioners and f-ts $25.05: W. B. Lane sheriff, board of pris . ners tr M irch if 80. 50; W. B. Lane, sheriff, turnkey fei-s for M-irch $18.40; W. .M. V,":i;-o!i, ('. S. C, Hank books for office -Si. 40; E. 3. Harper pubiishiug proceedings commissioners for March $12 SO,- Sam'l Parsons repairing bunks in jail and furnishing material $3 50; G T. Richardson ami Daniel Lane one days ser vice as jurors laying ofl Nelson's ferry road $1 each; S. VV. Latham taking tax list No. 2 township for 1893, $20,00; M. H. Carr, repairing fence in township No. 1, $11.35; R. S. Pi im rose, coroner, inquest over body Jmcs Russell, and summoning jury, u tae-ses etc., $9.70. A. E. Wadsworth, R. P. Williams, T. R Moore, J. T. Ellis, E. J. White, Sr., and V. C. White, jurors at inquest over body James Russell, $1.00 each; Dr. R. S. Primrose, coroner, coroner's inquest two days over body Win. Roy all, summoning jury, etc., $13 90; Geo. W. Gaskill, J. T. Ilollister, R. P. Williams, Benj. Hahn, C. II. Richardson and Frank Tisdale, two days services at inquest over body Win. Royal!, $2.00 each; E. Quidley, court house janitor, $10.00; Geo. A, Hill, keeper Clermont bridge, $10.00; E. II. Heath, support Lizzie Woods, $3.00; S. W. Willis support of.I. M. Salter for March, April and May. $18.00. Observations of Mr. Bicon. Mr. SamT Bacon came in on the steamer Neuse en route from the North to the saw mill which he and his sons run at Winthrop 011 Adams creek. I'e has been visiting at his.nl 1 ln;nc in northern Dele w' are and t Phi .e !d phi.i on business. 5" Mr. Bacon s,a;e- tar, the lumber busi ness, which suflVred w.ui o: her industries from the depression is a little improved. Speaking of the results of the recent cold ! weaMi'T w here he has been lie tells us that in Delaw a : noted for its peaches, lestroyetl, ami though tier i blooming t ban that crop apples ar. ;,S b It! the peach:--, it 1 c -e w it h 111 al ou i' i ! -c c beved the s Sai'l firth-, til l u p w a r : nie is the i- north, the f 1 11 i t a ve-l a 11-1 proqici t not la ing s far advance' I the .-i-.iie aie r-. joiciag ., , ahead , f t hem on ill s a--c, la Mary lan-1 a pan 1 . -mid 11 ui:- .; r 1 vb -!T:c.3 1 the Hat.' roj a ... I n t In ;g itc t tlL er- . s '.V 1 1 , ;ly 'ir unt r , saved, an e V app a. :et" tl in t i l t i, -c I. D- r. 1 u ;or us lis 1 Hal lli- iti ullel. 1)- . , sen, .- 0,11 11, -ue ol iit'.-e b, : lies in. - a :n .rii, r -ta i loll in t he , .rid. Hen.- - en as man 1 ", nty ,r loads ol si raw oe rr e go - ft' at one hipment. The VV slern X ('. Ljueb rs iu Cunrl Alex Uo-e was brought tiom Winsion last week tu Suiry Court and surrendereo I the names of the pe:son3 that com posed j the Slaughter lynching parly to the grand jurv -!' Title bbl Six :.re A-ii" ( t h si- uiut a , I! - v- : "lb --. sirry c-'in ' y i. ire fo.i .d again-t liine. initil v iiie:i, tun are from i one from Wi'kes. Alex. I to turn Stale's evidel i e e ,s, d -. g:iug a . 1,500 an. 1 be I'e ,1 for s appeal' nice Irom leghanv Star. Court to A l.iell. calling liiia at Kit hoi. org estimates the cost of out tc the troops in South Caro-?t23,OO0. 1 I'. ('! .' I'lriell KI0T AM) HLOODSHHi) I'.rutal Miink-i the 1: of the Manager ck Works. Six cen Persons hi led in the I'en.vl taaiaCofce Iteg-i ,ns Prepaiiofr ir Serious Tremble. I'liTi'm iK., J'a., Apr 4. A Times Sji - ial liom I'niontown, I i., says: Idock. of T Iv'inccr Jose(h If. Pa ihe II C. Frick Coke Company, brutally urn : ic : -,i by 200 riotous Hungarians at e !i i Ison coke works at Connellsville about :' o'clock this afternoon. I i ' rocrers were pursued by a shcr !i - po 1 . One of the fleeing Hungarians .vi-shot and instantly killed. Two oth- rs w. re fatally wounded. The other v. oikiu, 11 in the region who refused to J '"i m the mob were assaulted and fa tat un t. I hey were carried awav by Ih 1 r a-si mates - j j Ninety-four of the riot- els have already been arrested and are now in jail here, charged with murder. Paddock, the murdered man, lived at Connellsville. By honest etlort he had won a prominent and profitable place with the Frick coke Company, and when his life was sacrificed he was endeavor ing to escape the fury of the mob by run ning through the infuriated crowd. Stones antl clubs were hurled at him. Tw ice he was knocked down, but with superhuman effort be regained his feet. Finally he was knocked down by a heavy sioue thrown by one of the mob. He fell senseless. Then, while he lay there dead, one of the mob fired a bullet into his head. His body was then carried to a window in the tipple building, and was thrown about forty feet to the burning ovens below. Then the mob disappear ed over the hill. Paddock was thirty five years old. His murder occurred within sight of his home. TEN MORE STRIKERS KILLED. The raiders left Bradford aud pro ceeded to Leith. The houses of the for eign elements were besieged to get the men to aeco npany tbe strikers on their raid, but all the doors were locked and some nailed tightly. When the Leith men failed to come out the d"ors were broken in aud the men dragged out by the heels. They were forced to fall Into line and march on south with the strikers. At all the plants the workmen were told t.hat they would be beaten within an inch of their lives if they again returned to work. Late n ports from Bradford say that ten Hungarians were killed tonight, or fatally injured, by the deputies and citi zens who were pursuing them for the murder ol Chief Engineer Paddock. A sensational rumor was received here at 11 o'clock tonight to the effect that tbe clerks, company officials, and deputies in the offices of Frick and McClure com panies are besieged by a mob ot 1,500 strikers, and that the rioters are making mci-aelng demonstrations. A telephone message Irom the company - store partly confirms the rumoi. Tonight alozen different bands of tbe outlaws are camping on their arms throughout the region, and tomorrow's work promises to be more deadly than was today's. Every plant in the region south ot tbe Leith works Jwas visited by a band of about 300 early this morning and the men at work were compelled to quit. A large consignment of anus has been sent by the Great Western Gun Com pany ol Pittsburg to the deputy sheriffs guarding the coke plants in the vicinity of today's ri"ts, near Connellsville. Members of the National Guard living in this vicinity have been notified by their superior officers to keep themselves iu readiness in case a call to arms is issued by the Governor for the regiments here to go to the coke region to quell the dis turbai.ces there. A bloody riot is expected at Moyer tonight or in the morning. Threats have been made to burn the company store and kill all those found about the work. 1,000 men have already assembled there Still Defiant but Discouraged TLe Strike Considered a Failnre There is a lull in tho tempest among the Pennsylvania Coke rioters. Tney are still defiant but discouraged. The ar rest of theic-leader. President Davis on the eh ir: ol complicity in murder is a serious blow to the movement and the strike is cons;dered a failure. Ue was not awayjwhen Frick, Mgr. was murdered, and it is said, he denounced the act. but his connec'.ion with the strike in the position he held is against him. Many Frick employees remained at work antl boldly declared they would not come out as they were receiving better pav there than those at other works. The tragic eVents at the starting of tbe strike had a sobering effect on the miners aud it is thought there will hardly be a repetition of such bloody work. It is said a meeting of miners will of ficially declare the strike off. WASHINGTON LETTER. v 's 111 Health Appointments Vance to Olliee opposition to Cleveland's Negro Appointee. Washisiiton, D. C. April 5, 1894. I Senator Vance's friends are again very j uneasy about him. He is lar from being law cli man. He has sent word to the t i inane Committee to go ahead with Mr. r r T Minnioiii- connrmaiion. lie niw m". been able to go to the Capitol since his reium nere. The 'il;iams vs Settle contested elect ion case is the next cue on the doeket. Mi lam-,. KiiWer, Mrs. Adam Enqiic and M.ss K:i7t Potter of Wilmington, are here at:eridieg the meeting of the Colon ial Dames. Senator Hill of New York gave notice in the M'tiafc tin ' A M., that nc would -peak 011 the tariff bill next month. A definition of his position on this bill, is looked for with interest. Robert F. Anderson of U ileigh w as today appointed assistant messenger in in ih" nautical almanac office. Opposition to Charles Tavlor, the Kan- -a- negr t w bom .Mr. Clevelaild gave a sij.OOH place as Recorder of Deeds lor the D:s r:ct ot Columbia, grows here daily. Evervli 'dv wants a white man from tin District to have it and "everybody'' i- I'XactU light. Forty-nine postmasters wcic appointtd today. . 1 lie democrats admit a sweeping ic- ...0-1:., ; In HI, lsloi.l tod, iv pil lll.l. .t .... o. . ...... .... .. T . li.,-.oi 11 in re Lr 1 1 ed via-terday when a "futile attempt w as in nlc to pass the B and bill over the Llie 110 -e I're-ideiil s veto. It was ail .-speaker Crisp could do to bring older out chaos V Peded Buzzard. We hear occasion-illy of a lulled l-uz zird making In- a)pearance 111 neighbor ing localities. Such is the case now at Stonewall. The bed sounds like a small call bell. Something over a year ago, a buzzard which happened to get etiught near Vanceboro, had a bell fastened around his neck by those into whose hands he lell and was then turned loose. It may be the same bird. AXOTIIHK PROCLAMATION' issued by The Governor vof. -. South Carolina. Sn- . lie Will Knforee the Dispensary Law, ami If Necessary Assume Po lice Powerg Over the Cit ies and Towns of the State. , . While there is 11 general quiet in our -sister State, South Carolina, the militia : is still on duty and will most probably remain so for at least three or four dayi longer, until the inquest over those kill ed has been settled. The Governor Issues another proclama tion w herein be expresses his deterinina tion, if m cessary, to take all municipali ties under his sole control, thus ignoring ' local authorities, lie says that Mayora -a anc P'icemen art not only not rendering him assistance, but are actually in secret - working against his endeavor to uphold the laws of the State. " - Senatir Butler who was at Florence and Darlington Tuesday expressed the opinion that there had licen no-necessity for the calling out the troops. r THE FHOCI.AMATION. " - Columbia, April 3. Gov .Tillman baa issued the following proclamation: ' Whereas. Section S15 of the General Statutes ot this State declares tht "The,' Governor shall have authority whenever in his judgment it shall be necsssary to arm the constabulary , and in any etnex gency, to assume the sole centroPof the , -whole or any part of the municipal police in cities or incorporated towns,. nd to authoflze th chief constable ' of the State, or any deputy chief constable, . to command assistance in the execution of the process suppressing riots and In preserving the peace; and whereas it la'1!'' made the duty of, and the power Is given said police to enforce the statute ' known as the "Dispensary iiaws, one in . stead of olieying the requirements of said law, tbe police, except In a Tery lew ' . towns, have been an obstruction and aro active aiders ntd aliettors of those ; whps are defying the law; and whereas, under the State statute the Governor Is given power to appoint State constables for tha . purpose of its enforcement; and whereas, the rebellious and lawless elememts of society have hounded and insulted these ' -" officers, and sedulously educated the pub , lie mind to resistance, causing several-n counters resulting in bloodshed between -constables and illicit whiskey sellers, pro ', ducing intense excitement and danger to the peace and wclllare of ths State. " Now, Thertfore, I, Benjamid K. Till man, Governor of tbe State ol South Car- . . olina, do issue this, my proclamation, ; giving full and official notice to the tnu-(- , nici pal authorities of every city and' In- . corporate! town in the State of South Carolina, and to tbe police and marshalls thereof, that under the powers given me by said section 519, tbe emergency Con templated has aiisen and does now exist ' and that I do hereby assume sole eon-' trol of the whole force ot municipal j po- , lice and marshalls of the several 1 nitieg' and incorporated towns of this State. They are hereby ordered to enforce all . laws on the statute books, togetber - witn all municipal ordinances and orders from municipal authorities not inconsistent with the purpose ot this proclamation. As soon as the emergency which Is now upon us shall no longer exist, I will re linquish control and restort the former . status. -. - Signed. 1 B. R. Tillman, Governor, ' By the Governor: ; ! E. Tindall, Secretary 01 DUt.lt - NEWS 15 BRIEF. . .0 - i f , . . We are informed there was another white frost in Pamlico on tho 2d inst. '. The steamer New Berne brought In six , horses Friday for the Parmelee Eocle-, son Company at Jacksonville. The teams ' are fqr the logging work of the milL . A horse or carriage could be ordered from a livery stable without sending or , going to the place. Every busi&ess man . will appreciate the advantages when he thinks of them. - '.'." . -V ' .."' A gentleman whom we met on the ' train informs us that he has an order for . ten gallons of water from two different . springs of the Seven Springs to go "to, Washington City where the Springs 'are attaining notoriety. , 1 'V; We see that the people of Colbert county, Alabama have just yoted tp spend $200,000 on the improvement of the public roads. We expect a propoat- tion to spend a sum even one-tenth aa - large on the roads of Craven county , would frighten a very large proportion f of the tax-payers but it would . be found , a good investment. ' ' ( Mr. E. Poezolt & Bro., merchant tail ors, formerly of Greensboro, who were attracted to this locality by the East Carolina Fair have decided to make Wilmington their borne. The gentlemen ; are already there and their families leaTa " this morning. . .V Twelve Carteret county fishermen 'who have been spending the winter in fishing , at Punta Gorda, Florida came in on last night's Wilmington Train. The tnivjori- tv of thetii immeadiutfly took the A-. & N. C. train to continue their homeward journey. 1 ,. . The Beaufort Herald, nearly a year old . now comes to us enlarged to k SCTCU , column paper. It states its news facili -'; ties -mil likewise be increased anil in "t, , few weeks the paper be printed with -in ner and better type. W.- are glad Jjd'-. note tin se evi lem cs ol iis prospeTitt. Being the only paper puolishud in Cr- . len t county it should gel and I lie statement i- inadi constantly increasing. 1 good support, thai its list - I That I ay ing Boost r. I We recently gave an item t to a chicken phenomenon in reference in Pamlico correspondent sends US the .l)U(1Ns.l-,TI)arlic.1ari,. c- . "There is a curiosity near Stonewall In the shape of a rooster that is irgnlarly , .n eLi;s te has ai,l several gs He has aid several times. seldom missing a day, he lays twe eggs , connected by a small ligature, and Strang-.'' est of ad one cng is all yolk, the Other."-", all v.hib', tiie two are about the same siz ' ol a p 1: 1 'i t '- egg. i This -irmge I owl belongs to a colored man. a tenant ot Dr. O. S. Attiuore, and he bays be is will ing to give a sworn OCr-" . I tilicate corobefat ing the above. , t.!-".; ' If the roo.-teis and the hens keep up the laying there is not much danger bnt what Coxu's army can be fed on cheap eggs. When the roosters get to laying' -egga they must fall tariff or no tariff, j'

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