r ":.r tJ INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. $1.00 Per Year Single Copies, 5 Cents. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, MAY 3 1894. VOL. XVI. ZEB TA.NCE IS DEAD. fiow Straaga the sound ! Undying is his ..t--- Mine, Imraoftal H hit memory; they came, A predaet of bis oti, bis native soil. Jieverened and loved by every son of toil. Zeb. Yanae 1 The very name h honor's THE PRESIDENTS LETTER. OUR PUBLIC BUILDING 'Jt loyalty Into all hearts-have growth -Ho other titled name, in hor.or ken, y Cbold e'er supplant this simple cogno " men. - " fSfaaaiMvas synonym for hope and - ng, - ifor cheer and laagbter, and for truth so - ' strong, . ' . T1e pet, the idol of rite OKI North -" j State ' " A. Iwortful ma . whom none could aver hate, Asterfig, pen 'rous-henried triend, i.. Sincere aad honest, faithful t. the end. Bat now 'tis tnw thit o'er his restful " ' bed" " Jll native pines will w'tiipi r -ii, dead!" CORRESPONDENCE khtwrex CONGRESSMAN CKADV AND ARCHITECT O'ROIRKE President Clevelaud is not only the head of tbe nation, bu: he is also the head and leader of tbe Democratic party. Everybody hav ing assumed tbe right to apeak for him his Democracy became i questioned andit is well that he ha ; come oat and spoken fov himself. 1 In bis ttet to Hon. Chaancey T. Black, President of the National j Association of Democratic Club-, be voices his nnabatod interest in tbe canse of true tariff reform and his earnest hope that in the pre- i sent emergecy in Congress personal LThe Charge ArkuowUdcd And Kocti wishai aad individaal political in- flcailon Promised -t'onstriiDtlou to vr in s- f Tin: MR. GHADY C II iRi IRIMI.VATIO.N' IX FAY OR XORTH AHAIXST TH V. SOI' Hi IS APPR0PR1AI1OX A.M EPEXUI TIRES CI LI EI) ITEMS OF NEVS. T'n ere i- no iu:t'rial i Iimilt-' in tbe ci miners itrike. 'I'll,- l''Vc i uIim :l --ii'.'. It-i : .'.' ru ;ir .1 .11 1 1 : .1 . I '. i , ( :. Ml :.. !i.v I. I 'I he I . v e I" 1 1 m i M i : t ;i -i. : y .lJi, '. i! ; t prcj:iriii to jtr..tivt tin- Ti-- t-ury iii j iey' a! my ( ,,1. A. I. ,W !!. ..!' i will dtlivi r 1 1 1 t'n-MeiK i- i a'lul'eis ll KitlM..!). ' S. ) in i- ineii w .iiit t i t j I i c dtliee nlelv I'm , the honor, but iri.t men iv;int them fur ! the iiiomn tlit.T.- is in tlicni. The izir.n ci':il -trlku is jn . -ailing in some quarter, and men are rvlurn iiLr to h oi k in uthei It i Mowly .-ttin thron..'h th- head of suijie people that 1 1 le I i n I i n t t lie oulv tliinu in need of u fni i.i. SOI III CAROLIVA'S LAW II3I'ESARY THE t q FEDERATE REL'MOX. CATTLE DISTEMPER. I THE PEAKE'S SISTI ': W i ! in in !f t m I- nm nuriai Discusiiscd From an Ininejudicod Stand point by Prom ineiit, Iulelli areiit CLizoiK in thf Very Hol-bfds r til' Excite nient. In, 11 tl-lielr, il mil H u;;i' An fiuinonse Concourse of Old Veterans Al the Southern ami .Mai.y of the Northern Stales Represented Old S ililie s Mee'iiiir After .Many Yea r, The (rond a' Picseir L'O.OOO. i: ! I i.l ten- ' i p pear w lilt W '-lii tu tie ,;! 'iith Ciru ti" rdile desp t laid true. will , (eatV Wfciyen 's gicat rotunda, - ' v stat ' Will lie thia honest, man so great. And o'er hiw nalnre's nbeseqati'S roll, Aad chant a reqnim for his nolde aosl In many a IrULa 'schod-houe, by tbe way. TVbea JessoDfl shall have ended for the The pedagogue, with awe, will bo.v his beal. And tell the children tlwt -Zel) Vance is tead." Aixl bee, with voices hushed and awed tbeya t:o. And till, wltW wonderinij, the news they know; The very cov-bells catch the strain so lje-ail, Aad eiowly !ole the news, "Zeb Vence is dea.i.-"' . Ami when is life's gixxl angle shall have brought 1 -- Jlim safely to the paradise be soaghf, . . Aad led him to tbe ihresbold of the L- .'-. gate " JSot lona Umj servant of his State will k ' wait. i "Nor Gowoor nor Senator will !e .- Tne'siffnal or the rank ol his degree; Bat load houaoas. Welcome, welcome y home," And loud the welkin ring, Zeb Vance is ComeP " E4ward A: Oldbam in Cnnrlotte Ob. errer. PEOFBSSIOSAL. CLAUDS II. BENT0R, H. B. . lysician AXI). Surgeon. Ofllce No. JL37- ; : IvXidaie Street, la Bangert Bulldinir, Haw Baroe H. C. Cu be aeea at any boar at nigbt la office. DE. G. K BAGBY, SURGEON DENTJ8T. Oooe, ilhidU street, opposite Baptist etearob, deeMwtf MEW6KBN. W. O. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, JKW IRBIIE, K. C. Othee oa Craven stmt, between Pollock d Bread Jff.BEtrrON.M I)., O.D.S. Jraeilea Ilatted to Opetettve and Me baAkml DsnUatry and iBial eargery 1 Teeth extracted i vtWurat peln y f bm of jmro una Oaa. Srerrthtnt la me Une of DenUmu-y dour tm tae eeat mtrlm. Satlateetlon gaaraoteed. O-eee. earner of telle tret and Federe; AUer. eppoalte autw ' tereat will be subordinated to the afalfillment c party pledges, and 13 ide maint.ttnancf ol party priaci- Iples. THE Jouenax. can do no belter i urviM in at. now t.n irx rrtAdpr than to farmish them with hicb id as loilow: Execotive Mi.nsion, Washington, D. C. April 21. U-n. Chaanc F. Dlack, Esq. Dear Sir: I have carefully read the communication yon lately placed in roy hinds, i-et-ting forth tbe fotare pnrpojes and present needs of the N a'iouhI Association of Democra ic Clubs. Tbe achievement of this organ ization should be famiMar to all who are interested in toe contin natioa of .Dm eracia supremacy aud should enlist the encourage ment of those who appreciate tbe importance of any ffes'ivo dis semination of political doctrine. yoar association has done much by way of educating our people touching the partioalar sabjeots which are recognized as belonging to (be Democratic faith; bat it seems co me that its best service has been ao enforcement and demons tratiron of tbe troth that oor party is best organized and most power ful when it strive for principles in stead of spoils, and that it qaickly responds to tbe stimnlas supplied by ao enlistment id tbe people's cause. Tfeis acknowledgment of the im portant gervices rendered to the advancement of true Democracy suggests that tbe National Associa tion of Democratic Clubs and every other Demecratic agency tboa!d labor unceasingly and e -roestly to hdvo oor party, in rhis tiui of its power and responsibility, iroai tbe degradation and disgrace of a fail are to redeem the pledges upon which oar fellow countrymen in trusted as with the control of their Government. All woo are charged, on behalf of tbe Demooratia party, with tbe re demption o these pledges should now be impressively reminded that as we woo oor way to victory under the banner of Tariff Reform, so oar insistence upon that principle is the condition of our retention of tbe people's trusts' and that health to party organization demands the subordination of Individnal advant ages and wishes, and the putting aside of petty and ignoble jealous ies and bickerings, when party principles and party integrity and party existence are at stake. I cbeerfoHy inclose a contribu tion to tbe funds nocessary to carry on the good woik of your organiza tion, with a hearty wish (or its coo tinned success and usefulness. Yoors very truly. Gsotee Cleveland. be Posh d as Rapid y as PossI b The M lowing correspondence is on a matter thai deeply concerns Jj'ew JJerne. We have bad a buiiT, lon, delni in tret- the letter jtig tie Pub'ie lUiildii. for tis city J since the nppropi iatimi inn It-, By repeated efforts i: oeeuis the matter of' erection ii jo a fair way of early aecom plishnienl. It i lHaii to ce Mr. Gradv presenting tbeeiso as btronaly as be has ilone. There is no nei'd of com- inent on the coi lvpondeiice. It explain itsety' as read : ! WASHfNi.TON.'.U. ('. April 1S'.i4. I Hon. Jere nin'i O'lioKike &UJ)- An hi tcct, etc. Dear sir: A study of your report ol I Septemlver, 30. 1803 reveals what appears j I';v I (r. William Hr.,in, a n .ied Presbyterian divino, died at c;. irwatiT. Fla., Mid iv in Ins ih yi..,r. Pi re at I m !i oil Tueda night bullied So ils' l.v.ny stublei, and mno horie. Senator Mills closed the jjoncnil dolmto op the tariff on the Democratic Mile Tues day. Tie- it at Hii luinirhaiii a,uiet Tilt" ru w iniiiei - are wurkini; under pro tection of iitlj er- The coal simply i- I irC'tting liur. I i il mi Dirt on i- k iek i iii' ar.iint increased I insurance rate- reei-nlly imputed l. tie j so L, 1 1 ; eastern ta ri Ii" a oeiat ion. j Sneer ful fnvolii! iutis, iiiaK.; lal.rel I ' real hs !"!' t be I , : : i Is of heroes un-iu ee-s- ! i fill revolution often make headle-s rebel-; I I The Puiladelpliia I're-s refuses tob'-i ' lieve that Pullman, the p-il-ice ir ninii. ; was Jjappier v lien be hadn't a dollar, a- j I he $.-ivs In, Has,' t,-in he is no-., with $50.- I. .Toi us m.: - ur of i ew -p iper ; from day to day, lender- tl; it lb linn are sutleriii,' un 1 l-m. I I, -it 1 Here is i' v:ii . ,p ,;-; ! i , ,11 to the Inv. i- tllld. alej a! Uj; x'-veral lllm. but I 11 : watehml the- eli-lelll (it eVelll- with :i iro .id d d ul inl re t bum the tl:-t and have endeavored to l,.,,k at I nth sides, and 1 am atiiici uiai ttie law nas been exeoi'dinidy be"etieent in its results. ; tiro it mi-', lined 1-v the lo-t moral ' -eiil iini.nt "i the Sia'u, ami am hopwiui and in a dei:rec confident, that ;f a eliaii.'e ;s ni. i le, it will be to straight out Pi u Iii I !! ion I I have bai n re i bni: the New York i Voick for u y ear or more, and among the j re-t it frequently ha a thing or two to , -ay about South Carolina. Some time a;o the oiof. -i nijletlei- to a lar-ri: niilii j bel." of i epn.-aM air, i. eleii; viuep of tin, f leading '1' iioiniuation.- in all parts of j , tlie State, a.-kii:-4 an opinion up n tie s... : ijle-l ii.n- 1 1. 1- tile d;-pen-.iry law -ii-:aiii(d li the lf;t moial -ei,t :ir,e:it r 2 Is it ail iiiipi'ovenient over the old --ten o' license '! 3 Has itdecie i-ed drunkenness, and its atten dan: r-. i!- ' 'lie- la-l 1--II-' eotiiaii.e.l eigi,, three' replies fifty rvin ol width were to the! etl'eet th it Hi" disjen-nry law was an j improvement over the oi 1 -v-teni of Ii -en-ed bar-room- in dei. reasin drunknti- i A. that' Irc.ni llii 1 1 1 : 1 . ia I c A I a v lie e..p:,. 1 ll'olll t and mam Bii ininglia n. : tTuiit(j.-t Jellllit large and eveniv,. have I. tee areomodatiuiis of ail vs goml, Tlie -: are tillc. o mueb that ill.- town i- I hive, a -ii i u i 1 1 r mr,ss ,,(' tin 1' 'in a'l over tin; mth e Nulth are rim king I, iv :;i aitendaneo ujion tin on enlli. Pl-eiiaiatii.il- leen n.a.i le, a no 'no are het' aft ' I With p. u .le ike lllit a bee e ereatire- ol id: g Monday Hi the earth- TI.ey begin ,, in train loads and -till the f lit stlay njly g-i j.Otp I i-,:..i.: ,; in lite corporate limit- , ; ).VII and ii- yet tin- halt' an lr.t tie r, , ( in lioco'ant of i ii ,f ; ;,.id.-i ml i el iniaes of U,e crow ,1 rom N,,w i made at ieeli '.iioii-a'nl ( .n'c iUr eslimatos are made ii't.ni otiier ; i tit - gliam. 1 lie (ioyerniueiit Dise.l-e It vo'i I, ;-. ,,, ,. mentioned how 1 ' "le 1! I , 1 1 i , I t : I Iii u Ii ; ie 1 1 1 I , exempt , ,. ,: ; ; nif-:: t i;, i.e.! - I 11. n:e v.,:,,., ; Ibs-i Mi-- r : the New I!, i. North i ' i co w ia tie.! -ei t o! if . Tb- p-: t o O-l.l d i,, .-. tie ' 1 i -1 - -: n i lnve-tiga ion of the Commended. O'.ac 1 tint We H o. e'h i l.'-- Nottai l:i i:,' o ick.. ! b, T- x ,- ie.,..,- a s; ,,, I, , ,, a ; a.-o. t i . c N'..ta nil ( I ; i ; - . -t i, i --,:bji, . c p Hrilliani The 1. A. lair Entertainment Held in the V M C. A. Hall. i e- A u ilit o" i ,e A - ". M. 1 1 inter, n hold I .ii-' The Tl, I -SI fED STATES ' OI'RT Dot 'ket f Meant, 1 1 III, I iiaia e ,-p.., n 1 in,! I, i . pen ( ' d f' i i v ' . a iin tot !,e ma ! lo ln-i. I'lle 'ill ii, le that e taken a little I .e i , ni vn g. m-t, ad ,.!' the -, been a i il-1 . mi, . 1 t I" ; i : III I i ill '-, Cl an d - ill Morn 1 in.-. v.t llie -. d , :-p. f th, --e, M, y -nijiii-appearaia old, I , i rt Tie. tee imploemellt- Were Hot i .'(II I- th I. it r, daliun ( It lean- puild- ilaCes ! 'l'e ,s has a ' i oft bli estoll ll.i 0 Mi-. a 1- d 1 1 1 a , Teiiues-tie, Virginia. 'e;t .ut a. tin -I, .Mod t, a,, ,.-:,. ii know ,i tu oin ,,..,,p'.e i a. ... i bad -one exp, t ieace v. il h lb eon-ider i; ni. ,,( ti, .,,.,. jn.igiie- -lllll'l,!'!' - e?,unng. i Peiin,en', Ark-an-i''0"""1 in the year. S'Hllp of i,Ur Velnt I!. hat the first I'm-: v. ill germs t.i the ili-ia.-e, b is tin- di-case is not so i .b. Uln .l II 1 I o a- : i tt,.- , , w ',:! tie- .!;. Septemi) 1' t1 w here red uctions are mai I fully 1,50(1 there: nearly a '- at nnnti, ami me ;,i lissis-)ppi, l.fni-,an.i, -tl.-. Narth and South ( Kentuckv, .(ar bind V'lrgtiila aiid tl,e 1 eri-itoi ie have -nt llieir ('junta and tbi- oids lair p, outrival toi v tiling of it- kind In tic history of the South. - " j , frost as before, but notl The reception uf l. en. Gordon wa- an'"""' bace will i S.-ck it ovali ,n. 1 ..initon- t, lii.-l'e.s, li.i:l vell.-M- i " H-fec.tiou-, dis, ,, and ladie-- haii'lkerohieis trreLted hnn i to k -n 1 , il l of in its ini i Other prominent figures in the unpleasant ness aie on hand, among them den-. C'ritten Ion and S. D. Lee. ittl- 'I In fin g an I Jd iv p.retty, 'I'll. d until allall- sui-ely I, it my e e-tnieti ve n g -' i ' 1 Vi i 1 000,000. Ditto her to nave been a systematic ui-criminauoii i Senator Jarvis wa sivnij) into Hie against Southern towns and cities in the office and took his seat Thursday. Sena, construction of puhlic buildings prnvidtxl I tor Hansom escorted the new Senator to for by act i c( t-ongres.; and 1 call your j the Secretary' desk to take the oath of P. H. P ELLETIEB, AT TO RHET AT ' liA "W . Pollock itreetjFirst toom above Farm. ' er'f & Merchant's Bank. Will areetlee la tbeOoenttea of ithoj arteret. Jonea. Oaak and Pamtteo. - erav United (Matea Ooort as Hew Berne, mna aoreaae Ooart of te eteta VVM. GLAKKE, Office, 72 South Front street Of. . posite Qaston House. ATTOEffEY AT LAW Ileal Estate Ageut. Hev H -ne, N. C. Connections. New V irk Boston and Canada. Timber land. 1 Farm lands, Truck lands Town lots. Do joa want ta bay f WHITE. WRITE. Any system onder which tbe labor of convicts is allowed to com pete with that of honorable persons is wrong and vicious. It seems to be immaterial to Tammeny which party controls tbe New York legislature. It gets what it wants anyway. attention to some at tfe evidce, with the request tbat you give the matter con-, sideration and clear up, if you can, the suspicion that political exigencies influ enced your predecessors in giving pre ference to buildings in certain localities. In plain (igljsh your office soems to have bacu riji) iii l fc Interest of ihe Re publican party. or the f 980. 000 appropriated in 1890 and 1S91 for thirteen public buildings In the Southern Suites only 38 per cent had been ejpended, while of the $6,038,000 for fittTrona public buildings in the Aortnem states, D per j.eui nan ueen ex ptnded; and at the eame date 48 jjer cent in tbe Northern States and 83 peF cent id the Southern States bad teen spared of the appropriations made for public buildinigs in 1889 the rear when pro vision was made for such a budding in Ne' Berne N. C, hi.ch has n t been touched. And at Ule date of your ipui"t twenty live buildiugs in Northrj Slate for which appropriations were made iu 1890 and 1891 after the New Berne appro priation had been nearly or wholly com plfited. Most of thi. 1 know, was done under tbe administration of Mr. Harrison, but the people of New Berne are cWirous of knowinat why thoy have been so long neglected under the present administra tion. Not doubting that your answer will be satisfactory , I am verv respectful' yours etc. B. F. Grady. Treasury Department, ) Office of Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C, Apr. 24, '94. ) Uo.v, H . y. Gr4t, House of Representatives, Sir: I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of tbe 24th instant, calling my attention to the discrimination which has been exercised hereto ore by this office against public buildings appropriated tor in tbe Southern States, and especially to the fact that twenty-five buildings in the northern section of the country were nearly or wholly completed for which appropriations had been made subsequent to the appropriation for the bniltjing at New Berne. The case seems to le nbaut as you state it, anl comment u pin my p irl is entirely unnecessary, but I have the pleasure of informing you that the workjng drawings for the build ing at New Berne, N. C, were taken up on last Saturday, and the work on it in this office will le pushed as rapidly as possible; and you can therefore assure yoqr constituent that a contract for the erection of their building will be made just as soon as the technical portion of the work in this office can be completed," Respectfully Y'ours, J. O. Rourke, Supervising Architect. Tbe two sides of tbe question: At mies of unemployed men tramp id er throuEh the country: tbe bnild- ing of a 12,000 dog kr nnel bya rich i Tbft Kor,h Carolina Monumental Asso- ' ! Station Bostonian. i T ,, ,.. lf 4..;..:., X ill: xaiui- muuuiucumi .issuiiduuii of North Carolina haviDg at heart the erection of a monument in l lie Capitol squire to the Confederate dead, appeal to her citizens, one and nil. to contribute their mite to this noble undertaking. There is npt a son or daughter of our good old State who did not feel the bit ter pangs of th-; Civil war. We feel proud of the stand North Carolina took, revere and honor the names ol her sons who so hetoicaily laid down their lives in her delenee, anil feel sure there is not one t' 1 . ,.1, ; 1 , I rnr, ,..m,1.1 .r.-u , , r, j real difference. Tbe debate now go- j grat(Jlul to tue mcmorv f these men as to iuk nil) wuciuci geuciai ul uutj leiue iu luuiiiuuif iiu-ii nine lo yta- Josiah Strong calculates tbat tbe agricultural resoarues of the lil ted States are equal to supporting a population ol 1,000,000,000 peo ple. We are told that "general de bate'' on the tariff bill is now over io t be Senate, bat fail to note any D roa want ta sell f SPECIAL. 1500 Lerea, Treat Itoad, mile of city Timber and Truck land. I C RHUS! X 'VtJ Air-T Ot UwwdMMM oitUM lick-Ureu-T Or- taMGuaranil or pnniiinn Ml kiTMto M tafcoa imralij. Wbca AS A PREVENTIVE fey c 99 tt 1 lmpaa;hl to eoatmt vjmiiwI l iwiil; Bt Is tfc cm mi 1.s4t UnMTfiifKt imxTu VIA an otMC w- is qoite as tiresomeand monotonous as: that which preceded ic. Somebody Frank Hattou. we believe has been tryiog to prove that the life of a Congressman is one of misery and suffering. Tbi may be true, bat if so why do not Congr, osmen resign more treqaent tly or decline re-election! their mite to peiuete their deeds in monumental stone cut from her own native soil. Accord ing to an act cf the Legislature, every man. woman and child can become a mem ber of said Asstx-iation by contributing the sum ol one dollar, but larger or smaller amounts will be thankfully re ceived. All who contribute one dollar will be entitle I to a yery handsome cer tificate ot membeisbip, which will be for warded you upon receipt of said sum. State papers please copy. News Obsen erCbronicle, office. The remains of Wn.. Hooper, ne of the s:gners of the Declaration of Independ euce, will be moved from their burial place at Ilillslxoro to the buttle grounds of Guilford court house. Belva I.ockwuocl a-ks the Federal Su preme court for a iiiandamu- compelling the Supreme t.onrl oj .i pponls . I iivm to grant her license tu practice, courts of tliat Stato. Senator Mills argues for the income tax die wealthy should bear their pro portion of the hardens of the Government wijich protects them. The speaker wn applauded and ciir.gratulatj.1. Tl)2 weilth and resources of this coun try ore entirely too 'riut to be compre hen le 1 by t!ose individuals w ho predict universal disaster because tiieir ideis are not followed in National legislation. Philadelphia has mouiitt d part of her ji irk police lrce iipoi) regulation army bicycles, njjd they pit i ul their btiats in that manner. Philadelphia is the first c-itv to do this so she is u t so -1 nv after all". The Yashington Progress says that a colored woman gave birth to a strange child a lew da2's ago that h id a mus tache about an inch lung wliei; it ; a- born. It died in a few hours. Senator Petl'er wants Congress to give the '-unemployed" work ati?l.")0 per day of eight hours each; the act to remain in force qntil April ls'.G. Building and im proving highway work i- proposed !ijna tor Allen, Populist, is eager to give the army an entrance, even into the halls of Congress. Since the Supreme court in South Carolina decided again.-t the dispensary law, they seen) to have no liquor law and the "apelent': is being sold without license or tax, and Governor Tillman is tempo rarily non-plusssed Prohil'itioni-t are beginningj to ; take a hand ijn the fight, however, and may succeed in put ting an end to the free whi-key. At the convention of Confederate vet erans in Birmingham on the 120th North Carolin i was ably represented by Col. W. L. Rossett, ot Wilmington, Col. II. S. Hurgw vn, of IJendei -on and Capt. F. H. Busbee, of Kalcigh. Cummander.tn chief Gen. John M Gordon, of Georgia, was elected. The Greensboro Record 1: is this to say: "North Carolina produces the finest wheat in the world. Wheat raised by Col. Henry G Thomas, near Thomasville. was awarded the first premium at the World's Fair, at Chicago. Score another for the Old North State. Gov. Curr has been ma le a defeii lant in the Superior court of Wake county in the suit of R. O. Burton against the State auditor and Treasurer for t$5,0o0 counsel fee in the notable tax ease of the State against the Wilmington A Weldon railway. tie and the attendant evils uf t lie I iuuor i ,,. j. " '.""" truth, S,-lee,( -,, ere Iron, Prol.ibition-! "asli.nglon Letter i-i- who w,,iild not be sati-tie I v ill any- j !r- M,'"s of 'l't'il,s. WM? t,IL' tbile' le- Iliall Plobiliidnn a n, I I en u or,. ' 5 ,e'-(' 11 I UCStlaV. April g-l, ill tllf from jRtrsons who oppose tho dispensary on other ground thm Prohibition. They are good r, ading fur temperance people, and I would like to subjoin a few of them for the enioyment and en- i cuuragemtnt of m.Tny vho ftoin the gt,n- era! tune ut the published nave been led to unnK that tliti law is all iniquit bul- ulle, ndoniv tvii con tinually. Reasons why the law is unpopular. From Dr. Samuel M. Smith, pastor 1st. chin''. h Columbia. South can't be cured without injury to con-titiition. When cattle pcover a -.-vere ittack it i- on v temi.ora'-v. lb -i r cai ve- icive t lie , I -. ... in 1 1, -:r sy-, -n, and i i b:r a -'e . t ,: He 1 1 no r Iran and latod ' "-'k'-.lp "lot v.'.:!. . ,. fa, and b idiecs. riie programme a- -tii,:l ..1 ). ' urlesijue order, but it was -o a bni r.i 1 f n Ii red as to receive the highest uicoii . iuu,- froii the entire huge audience The opehinu piece was a full ciioru iliat o 1 -weet Southern melody, Suwanec lb.' -i. This was loll.) od by the song, It. 'liu.g Through an I'lilriemlly World. Fu-tisy- Mi.-s May I,. Ilendrei:, gave ' llll! )cijury co in ir Tbi- ci, . w i re di-.aii ni'M t.-nn i W l fe bl 111 . I; i. i' court t f i rs i d i. d. d f,,r tie k. t ' term nd End tins , i ' lie-day i. Mi-. . . I,, now ni'd hour folluwing lor ' -'u.';----.i,:,a.- u a I y nil I 'ci j ii i t . a!.. Li. : : N'"t ii ;. ',.!, All (Tie-e ' oMriin- II inror- I n ( tfiis 'ovt (' I'.-.i. I ml) .illiiratois A adiihrr o I o -1 n g general j l iiis i- a -t rigid dirt ct w hat the ri Wol i.ll to S, as those wli debattt in the Senate;. In the House Mr. Henderson secured the consideration of the Post Office Ap propriation bill, including the fast mail item. This mea-ur.- was delayed on ac- coijtit of Mr. Ikuder-n's ei.furce'd ar.-. Nts from the rn-hbUer, p 'V tbe go; em., 11. I'le. a,. '.lit i, I tin- i e tiied ntliern ctftT r.c- is, a ) pat l uniz 1 b -ct' ma 1 k -t F. P. W M.l.l 1 call It was spCri 1 tin elo- ie fiddle solo and Eulahc (eel iuu was It will House ivy in the I t'resi'ytcnan 1 Carolina 1. Prohi bit 'onists arti opposed Ut cause it transfii'3 the traffic to the State, and by the temptation of revenue puts a premium upo.i the sale of liquor. 2 The moral suasion element oppose it b cause there are certain restrictive features connected with it, a. - Tlte whole liquor interest opposes it bjcause it breaks up articles npiv I "t-"'-'j "- euaiur vanee-s iunerai. !at tin. law Pr'"liably b.' disposed of before tl adjourns this evp -i:,..-. Coxev's army i- ivpoii : to h; steadily approaching this .- t .- with re-'iilorc " menls coining to n ,., t Iiini Irom other direi tiun- Frunk Iiatiou Hie c.ldur ot th.. Po-t was stricken with p na'vsia at i Rev. C, ( i . Var ied, i'.e r.-l: crator of the Alljjmarle Pie-b in virtue of the po-ition, pr, optnmg sermon tit t!ie in Fli-iniicth i -it v uivc point.- which will I , o ollice 1 '-"v. ('." f a : t a-. Mud- wh 1 lb their trade. 4,-Some oppose it bceau-e I of' lhc 5ril,iro" C!ulj . I T, 1- II... l,. today. The ottuck i quite seiioii-, but1 his many friends here hope for th : best, I He was Postmaster General during part of Arthur's administration and was one ( of the most approachab! men. ever knew. lie wni tin, lift, t the Pi.st. He i is universally popular. He the call to the p , church, was tccei from Wilmington mit tee .is r.j.poi n 1 1 1 i 1 1 t-e -t .ran Th None of the sc -called army movements of th? unemployed are so formdable as those along tl)e line of the Northern Pacific U.K. .Not less than have rt.c(,nt di-tuibance. there has been stations 50 to 800 each who declare their, ,-; ,t l,,.,., i,t -tmn, eS iiement- no it is fostered by an administration to which they are ho-tiie. The most in fluential papers in the Side, h'veliom its very inception, be ii ince--ant in their Cc,:ide-ana t ion r.: it, ha',e :.a-t:!li; I all prejudice to ii- ji.-t and fail Con-i I-. iition, have stigmatised it ehaiac'.er, its purpose, an. I it-methods wit h bitterest contempt and disgust. From Rev .1. D. Hrimm, Profess.':- n the Theological Seminary. Columbia, S. C. Tin secular paj.Ji-s arc r, ri.!i;, eiu mies of the dispensary la;- , Ijecause it is an a(),roach to Prohibition, and is cal culated to destroy the whiskey element that is so powerful, unscrupulous and moneyed, and s-j is frequently a source of revenue to those pap.TS. People are glad, I think, as a JiAe to see our streets free of saloons. It is doubtless true ar.d I suppose no one would deny it, that in a general way the liquor evil has been considerab'y reduced. Of course straight Prohibition would meet with as much opposition, and ba nearly us difficult to enforce. From Rev. C Chichester, pastor Mariners Church, Charleston, S. C: "My impression is that the liw is look ed upon as a decided improvement over the old lav, lor it has closed up every bar room in the State. The effect has b?eu to cause a great decrease in drunkenn;ss. Sailors cm now reach the Bethel without being enticed into barrooms by the way.'' From W. H. Dowbng, jiastor Bapti-t church, Hampton, S. ('.; "The b. .-t moral sentiment of this en tire section of the State sustains the dis pensary law as ,i great improvement over the o'd I'eeaS' sy-te n It Ii is decr.'.isul d'tink' :i: es- m'u nty per cent. '" From K, v. C C Ilro.va. i ,;..(!. S 0.: "Toe tl -,eii- irv 1 iw in il -e , . i -i , lered is a good and wise one. It ha- leduced drunkenness fully one half. It litis sma-hcd the social glass and torn duw:i the gambling hells whica wire run i n connection with every bar. If we only had a proper in an for Governor the 1 iw would be a biestdng to our State." From Rev. J. E. Carlisle, pastor M. E. Church, Darlington. SC.: Morally I .-ee no difference between the dispensary and the license system. The special constable feature has been the great practical error in the law. I wish to say for this town, the seat of the no re- lntention ot coming to a.-litngton peace- ; M.j-on or insurrection occurred, and no ably if they can forcibly if they must. j law broken or officer of the law resisted Tho twelfth ( ;,.,p.-i! fc.Tiierence uf ih i in discharge of tluty. Blood has been Methodist Episcopal chinch South, w meet at Memphi Thursday in .Voiy, l ctnicsse, , and be in ses the first lion from bed but it was caused by the constables. one of whom shot a citizen in a private nu n i-i.l over t;vo fighting boys, while the constables were off duty and while a few citizens present were outnumbered and most of them unarmed." From Rev. ,T. S. Bctliea. Lake City, S. C: -Every Christian and opponent ol the liuuur traffic is ulease.l with the disnpn- bama on the subject of the Nicaragua j s.irv as a sui,sli,ufe fr the saloon. Law canal. He urged the people ol his State, I let.jnt.ss .m drunkenness have decreased in conjunction with all the other people st.Vcntv-!ive percent, Prohibitionists do ot the nation, to unite in demanding . not ac-.t.pt the ,ijs,)t.n-.,,rv as a final set tlie pissage ol the bill by Congress. : tlement. but will push the battle till the Judge Hagner oi the District Supreme traffic is eliminated." Court has signed the decree for the sale of Flom Kev. Thomas J. Tate, D. D.. pas iliii Ii A- I) " Railroad in twentv da vs. ' tor M. E. Church, Greenville. S. ('.: day to day through the better part of the j month. The conference convenes in the ; First 'Methodist church. At Birmingham Senator Morgan ad dressed a large assemblage uf rej)resenta-. tives of the commercial bodies of Ala- TfT ajl iA t ctJ r.. r rv by mail. po4C pfc W lk box, ore tOMUCfr. F. S. DUFFY, Sole Agent. SEASONABLE HELPS FOR Congressmen are already kick to because of the entorcumeDt of the law docking i heir pay for ab seoce wi'hont leave. Well, let Druggist and them s; .v m Wa htngfon and at ' tend to their bnst'oess anl there willbeno oocisiin toeafoice the law. O herwise it shoold be put The M mnnient to Vance. The Raleigh coi respondent of the Wil mington Messenger gives the loilow ing: A meeting i f ci'ifens was held hire, at ..i-i ii ..-r-i. : widen iiuviinoi van piesiufti. liieijijup u.e: are a jiemtruii assoi-iuuou wasiormeti. tike a 111 The electee was issued to secure the am ount of the prim ipal and intere-t upon thi vonsolidated mortgage bind- niade by tlie railroad company t" th Tiust cum panv, October 22, l... auioutiting to S')M-2, 18.5.81. ' It is said that there is a general under standing iti administration elides to punish in some way every Democratic S-niator who vot-.'S against the tariff bill. This is as it -houl l be. Tj.e bill ouuht to be pisned or gu' ten out uf the way in some manner. Senator Jarvis takes tic oath of office tomorrow. Senator R insom has the privilege of escoiting him down the aisle of the Senate Cliamb -t to lb.- Vice ed 11 Pre- ieri be insists President I Morton, D. I)., ofllun l C. G. Vardell. of New I ', stallalion will take- pi: in May, the 27tli. T';r. Eugene Daniel, -e-sion mi -, io : II- (lie lojiiiuing in'.ei e-t le i- . having accepted of the Gold-h no to tbi- Piesbv terv an oration at speei l, living, tli'b lenid-rc I. an 1 ( in, qm nee. I' took only two to phiy 1 - -Nli s Snsie Dilltnghani W:!b-. The name of tl.- no; lufiii.-'.ed Hdly R 'und the Band-Bux was tifullv sung to tl e tune ul the old son-; --Killy Round the Flag." A j wsharp trio was jilayed by Angus' a Cr.q.oii a'l ley Lerselt. Aioratc,rio, --The Muffin Man L' ;t -in Al iske" and which was sung tlie Worl ,' out a up '" the ( dy Thins '' ' w In ie he was i : i .ni. .l. This I r, ie d t rain tit noon -eng. i' t t un ul i bK V. b: nig'il up hiiuiIk r bug.: i 1 lo iv he and was at lir. took the cuke. The mirth prodaced the heartiest njl:iu-t- even in the mid-t of its ten Viti fn. It . was deserving of two cakes.. i Misses Maujl Lane! and Nannie Street! day 1 1 uin I i, - , , a , killed !u b iM- him one al l i ve. I u a I In Toe r.-giita r p.i-se X. A: N . rail ru id alhgatur at nigiit- iiieasured 1 0 feet and six i a very i.glv looking cusloinei. Tic- last alligator u .c -hoi l - a young -..ii of Mr. M Inly re. One ball entered w 'lete the h. id and neck j ,in, the other w is pi u ,11) I ,et w a en 'he (Ve -. Mr. G. W. M..11H0 a les bub thflnHi- gators M hi- home ,i,, m begin the yiislvvoik uf niou'itiug i'neai lodiy. j About a yea- a.;o a I :ige aliigalor was that I "''" 'oi awhile ubnos' daily linijoinii I g m loin-m's er. e lour miles from hdir- t ar I I ,ck-o:ivdlc Till- C. itltiniie I (III a', end b ha- in va rim train would pas-. I i ice day he w as fired ' u s':eti since. of lb W I). Rev. elected delegate to the ( Thi- meets in Nashville, j A Fondness 1 or Light iliahuias . ,,,1 , , , , I I'-p.n-oi me .-.iu uv.ain which jvir. tetv utiil . ( on, managed to sing the classical solo 1 Win- ! , r , . , . ;, 0 j v 111. Dunn oifered f r Cue ai.p ehennon bib 11,-lall dlon. , n T w nkle Li 1 1 le St-.r It , ..... , . - I 01 ine tne-i vmio c. tine Brahma ! prettily rendered, and was immediately I .. ,., ri. P wed bv 11 -l-,iii,l,,mv full nrftif-Or., i.i . . , , . . . . .... .1 - - . rue cnicKeii- ie, tlnng hi- U-en heard of , , V '"" -A,l',no 0,,,er tmmrut than cmbs. ., wll...,.V( r. Thi- i-to be n-gretted as e .,-1 ..indav. Uon.c Sweut Home wa-sung in pan- ,. all , hoi.-e fowlsa rooster Htol- i i,,n, ;,,. i,,- iin,,,.0i, i!,,i;.i,. m;.... 1.'.... I u k'- """""" "t.uu, -a.,-- '.""I,.,, iva- uiKM.tilii.iitur 1 hat took tho sec- Ninin-and accompanied by fu'l !,..,-. J ,,,, ,, miu, i(, ,,. ,,r;(rsl:lir. Mo.Dunn ri.o-h quite a , bffic.lt pari, it w ! . ,. T(. ,,,, ,.st ,,im f,i0 ,,.o..i r....i .1 r.- 1... m . 1 ... n 1. . 0,1 1, u 01, oil, 11, K, ic-iim . .t! j I U.iu would rather h I 1 1 1 if. 1 s captured than r II, kig 1 aieral A.-.-i 'Term. Mav President's desk I sliaU try pre-erjt. The Civil ierviex' C'ommi--l issueel un injuuetion against Carlis'e. IX MEMOKIAM Tnteretl iot. life eternal on Sunday morning, April 22nd, 1894, in the confi dence of a certain faith, and in the com fort of a reasonable, religious and Holy nop., o.i.iu iinnee-, unuveu woe oi Ii t ve o V, ne 1 Ihte r lot l Daniel T. Carraway in the obth year of I but were n ali!u ti ner age. imcigii not a ito:..: n-..r utiex- ouiidiiig. aow th-v pecceii. yet, tieain ac an y nine 1- a -iiocK. euiv date see: tli; 1011-11 and husbmdaiil childre i mourn the loss hope- reali'-d of one who can never be replace I. wot -hip uf the She was the mother ot' eight children. I! v. Robert of whom two preceded her. Of those j was licensed. surviving there are Mrs. W. D. Sprague, Black Mountain; Mrs. W. '. Randolph, Asheville; I). S Carraway. Clifton Forge. Va.; and John R. 1!., Thomas D. and' James E. residing in this city. 1 To New York by Small Yacht. Tbe deceased was a devout member u: Mr. Andrew Van Seckle of X 1 Christ Church, and for many years a i who his been spending a cum!.- at Capt. II. II. Dowdv '- ha- nil a coniLinat 'um uf w as iibly . 17;b. -v memorial win ne -ent up to 1 tie (.co- Xii'in. end Assembly from this (Albemarle. , : Mi-s Oai.rin A re,, l-.lt TW.,11, r Udell';, i clcveriv rendered the old-time school reci tation, Mary Hid a Litt'e not Lamb, b"t Willi un Guat. a 1 The prugram clu-e 1 wiili one of the ; most ( 1; inning pieces of the evening an -j ope-atlc 'election, The Mocking Bird, by '! Betsy Miss Stella RoIkmIs. into 1 -t-m B Lie ,f I Presbytery a-k ng that an 1 ......,-..;.... u,. : .. .. . . 1 )e,u ,UM !:,.,; 1,0, j mailer of p'o iding a gra b- I a has j Samiay ,-hool le-.-oa- v, itli t cret-iry as a tex; book. ! The Presbytery owns property in I! , ! eigh. wuich was pre, iuu-ly ordered lo I -011. j 1115 session ci t:.c I it -to tery or dered that T0C of the Proceeds be appli ed towards the erection of the Presbyter- j C(,i,,'v ian church in Kin-ton. .We- are glad to. The leading roll near 111 is. 1 ue illusion r. . J ij-lei lans 'The ore best re gav e a Peake Sisters and came ;i-t dV nice to the with flving poultry is Mr. Cue thief ur get it buck, repeatedly in '..it 11 d visitors iw or three I.cn'i Jones ami Id;, was was so 011I. HI pe ir own IL11 -He i- a 'm.e ' th-it ton hirh oraise ci i.cid with the. . . ,1 upon her. 1 doubt 1, -s ut a i 1 1 ,, .. IT I Miss Lamia IleUder 1: ition of then -nle. I at the piano. :.; a holl-e of; 1 taken by Miss well ex i-iited not b bc-tuw - gurel'ulh p re ave to Hi- ynrd.- b tve biv:i raide 1 tie- la-t two ear - :!,e i,,, have !. 11 . in:r. 1 i.-ia liiontb- add during the time have stolen half u bundled chickens from him, and strange to say they take Ihe white Brahmas every t in, e. Il mav ba imagined that be wants tu put an end to it. Mr. Ilege, of Nil, ni. who I Links of 11. oying tu New 1! etly ngain-t such breeds in conmvti vard- instill- a w reo h 1- a tbe "H Wl'll ll'ilo-ome putial reii-:- which lie his poultry I er which keep- thieves tit a dishm:-'-. NEWS IN BRIEF. ,f Vance c.ng 11 -on uf a Pies', terian minister be engaged ia evunoeii-lie wank m l Martin counties. Pitt A Beautiful Home Weddinsr W edne.silav, Ai.ril L'Olh at lo A. M.. at ( f Mr. I . S. Mace in this city, Mr. Charles Arclibcll. of Idalia and Miss Sudie F. Nehon of New Berne, 11 lit v "-. I ( residence lie will j brought in be caught 199 near lol'lllel ma riii Winston, were v. T. M. N. (b o unit d m 1 it.- olliciat- I irl T t member ot the Parish Relief Society, the tluties pertaining to which memberships she pcrformcel I o'J.i diligently and faitti lully as long a- her hedth permitled. Mrs. Carraw ay v. a- note I for her .-kill in needle work, a id in many churches are specimens of it onaliur cloths, book marks and hangings. It is not generally known that it was this talent of hers that is com memorated by the magnificent chancel : window iu Christ Church, but the follow-1 extracts Irom a little book entitled "An o:ie otucl m;in t. -vnsvyer 10 an Appeal copyrignted m 1 icu, uv 1 uc .iiivciiuu .n ne oucieiv ui 1 while here terdav at ' has a lengi h : 2 i I keel and bis a w ii. is provided with a 111 and gas,, r.d'i was lau Co"; .; ! -: 1 .-I un ,l vv Y' of mntttl. lilt a yacht ei- inoto n.hed va- aie 1" un it-cK of C, I -2 fe, nit ib'e cab n will be known as thi H 1 inning Bird. Mr. Van Seckle pro pose, with only o -'art next week till the 1 Humming Bird for Ii the sounds un pleas-ire. there she wdl be till-, chinery. Mr. Van Seckle exprt e- 1 Cant. Libert Roberts diain s va -terdav which Lung Shore Light-hous . abb igi s cuiUiniie to go off plentifully and peas in light ipian 1 i l ii s. Peas are a fancy pra e tu I. .",11 f ,r bu-hel baskets. The .-luker- v.liich put up from the pea v ines injured by the oid snap arc now blooming: but bide i- expected from them however. A small tin a! Dover Tliur-dav nidit, cc-ntt r of, destroyed the h one of a colored 1,1 in. H arch on ; caused eonsideitiMc consiernation among w hich were the names of the young I the residences of that o uiet villa. while. it was in pi' gres. Doc tor ( '1 W The .!-g. nit and spacious parlors were b.aiitil'uily d't-urafed with puttel plants and cut tljvvTS in Ihe luxuriant abund ance and taste that marks till such deco- rai tin 1-iu New Berne. In the ti.on was suspended an I cuiipl SI lion oft'-ie New Bei no climate clares his intcnlioa of c, next winter. e 1:1 sevving. knitting. ;,. .... ,,,i.i;.. n, Vic lli I L"U il 1 1 lt I L I HIIJ We YYant Him to Come. There is -a str. ,no pr.-b .lii'ity thai the recent visit of Mr. F.J. Ilege, of Sale , . to New Berne will rc-u't in his m,..dig here. He was verv favorable inior i hi was w itu ttie 1 te-ig vv to loctiliiie He j entered into -,, "on to" (hem to tbe full fuent Household Use. : .Refrigreators, - Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, ; Wire Cloth, :V Window Screens And Doors, Car lo ids ol bquor are at Columbia, S ('., aa I - . opened. No eff u t - a ' 1 luiiibitiuii:- I : n I ll 1 ve a ri'e , comniii lee w as ci eaieti 01 which t .o v. j whet her i,r Ii bt C ai r is made the chairman and Alt. A. Tho pson secretary. The meeting aelo tcl reolutions tor the election of a brunc Jstatue of the Senator in the Capi ul Square. Remarks were matle by (iovi-rnor Carr, Messrs. R. U. Battle, S A. Ashe, R. S. Tucker, Cul. Kenan. Mr. .1. X. Holding and others. "It is faid by the Vance Monument com mittee, of which Governor Carr is chair- t, pr h b I ev er, no ; a 1 1 u is undei -i d : h mix ion- io ' ve the ca.-c 1 ie c on exi-t-. b-ive 1 e 11 in 1, :;ig received e;s al e I a ing :ig made to t h 1 eaten 111 ide to t So fu. Ii, 1 "Drunkenness hasjelecreaseel fully filtv per cent. We had seventeen barrooms, now have but one dispensary. I want Prohibition, but it I cannot get that I much prefer the dispensary to tiie old barroom system." ! From Rv, J. Edward.-, Leesville. S. C. j "The dispeli-orv law was passed cm- traiy to th" expressed wi-h of the major-. ity. whode-iivd Prohibition." From Rev. J. W. McClure. Ridgeway, ! S. ( '. I Vole the -i t i- Miss Mm' Giiniai-eu, ;, ( ',t,c;n,i , i eleik. was biutally murdered We ine-dav by being shot five times !y a Cathode priest named Father Do niniek (CGraelv. She had b.-en the object uf 11:1 welcome attention I um bin along tune and sought to avoid linn. After tin- arivst ol uieide. AT- man. that it vv ill cost about $10,000 to; I nlarp t -p iirunn-rl lir,,n7i' statue in the 1 f'....i.i".. . ..,,n.,,ti,,r,c .r eo,,dr,.r tlienriest he tried to cum, nit in. The appointment of sub-committees The iuiinb annual re-union of Coe , in feach county ami townsliipis urged, federate veterans was formally ojjened on I each of these to seud up to the SUte com- j the morning of the goth inst by Gen i mittee May 21st a name us a member of i Fred S. Fergiisoa of the tirst Alabama the Suite association. j brigade, in W mine Davis w igwam tit 9 . ' o'clock. There were . lully 10. Out) in the i : . l , . i . . '.. l T.. . 1 ..r l... 1 1. 1; ..... I m- 1. .., I. ' ..... vo.e is les.- ooiisiiiu. iiistt-u.i cu -. uuuwiut nun ni.iii. . no ton,', not gain tering Washington with 1 .1(1,000 men be access to the immense ball. There were now expects to enter w ith 4(1". He is over ouo camps represented at the roil coming a trick, however, in arming what I call. A subscription toward the Chica- A cream of tartar baking powder he has with him. He is arming them with go Confederate monument was then taken Highest of all in leavening strength. hiekerv club?, a blow from which would j up and 1,500 was handed in in a verv LAtZST UhjTKP States Govsrnment brain a man. He is doing this bv making : few minutes. Routine business then fol- r l'ruhibti'.n . and g d spensaiv. as did every intelliget, Z Mi ot South Carolina. I cou'd till a page of your paper with -imilar extracts, but this article I (ear is now too iong. Mav all show a wonderful unanimity of' sentiment upon two points. (1) the iiumense benefit of the dispei, .rr in di ei ea-ing d run ken ness, and dimn. -li-ing iis attendant evil-of crime and -u -let ing and (2 1 the deteimmation oi the be-t people- to close Ollt tie "traffic" 1)V the enactaient of straight ' Pioh .bitiun Mr. S- D. Chil.ls, a promiii. nt citizen l'f'l,, l,., f '-Tli l,,i- r,,i,i - i. v;.i,.i ,,'d..r il". nl.i svste,,. will ,.v ! gilding the earth with radiancy ... v....- .v. ... . . . ,-.i, .,,),,.- r . i. . ..ii.... .. l ... ,1.-1.,... ie...if , oeiuiiii nit; su.iui;s ui in U " .ll,,". UU I ' .IMSl.lO. ll-IOl ... ' , Llirist unurcn, alter tne Liiurcii wa, burned in that year w ill inform the young er members of the congregation and re tumd the older ones of the tact: "Of course, fir; all-absorbing thought was how to re-build thoChuich. Among the congregation, no one seemed to feel the loss greater than the children. Tneir desire to do something toward this innch desired object, became almost a mania. At this time a Christi in-'.ie:ir:eii lady, vvhu had not the means to do whit she wishe I towards this holy work, con ceived the idea of forming thest; zeal,, us little ones into a Sewing Society, thereby accomplishing at the same time two laud- 1 when here at the Fair and able objects viz: Imparting to them ; W!l witl.'the lesi"u of hive vaiuaoie Knowietl iNc, ami aiding Church. The proposition was made to them j to such a c-h-mg and readily accepted, aud forthwith. The OCat on t ', f .: Juvenile bewmg .society ot Christ Church, was formed under the direction ot' the lady making the suggestion. The oldest child was 13, and the youngest 5 years. Space will not admit of a recital of all the good works of these lillle Soldiers ot' the Cross, but general n stilts must suffice. They have subscribed une liuudre I do -lars to the building of the Church, and have paid it. They have contracted to put ill tlie Ci.ancel window, ut an ex peuse t'f -to-IO. and h ,ve over hdf th it amount in Bank Bul alas, the work on the Church ha- -topped, tie Tiei-iuy being t -xhaiist c I. and they n vy approp riate all their means to the Bui Iding Com mittee, tru-t'iig that through the bless ings of that God vv ho --doth ab tilings wed," taey may ;,o umulale enough l i meet the expense of the window, when the building is in a con 1:1 oa to r,.cc:ve it." This contract was fully met by tu -m and every dollar pud. an ! -ueh ad li mit ie, s lili lg arriving with ma le.- ad h iima- a:i,i de re agadi e i most ex : he,,- -will bath live a ! there. Mr. ITege i- brecd m-s uf the : meat ul -u i, a poultry farm he vvjllld l.av I ' I u ,e - Mr. Wm. 'or his bti.-i; irrv on his e-t .tip i.teu it Ii tt a-e I and locking ii - will h.ina. a ie-- and bu-i ue-s uf the be-t known mi 1 the c-tabli-li- aild pet ani nal would mean a 1 de New B tan The Encampment T Ill i oe, a- m e 1 1 1 o f 1 1 1 e s a ' ( summer w Mr P.. I lall'i'- b.c.e for- the t ,, P 'o w le le th e a d d will be Ic " made know n. propri 1 1 ; i p. t ,d- ir of the At- M i un ;'n : in clov r blossoms. From t'li- arch 1 ung the niariLage bell of Juno white flu wei, and outlining the whale in gr.iei fill festoons from ceiling to floor, was a wredh of green and white flowers, mak ing a frame uf rare bemt v in wl.i. b the brid d party stoo 1. Mr. Willie Stallings presided tit the organ and at the first strains of the wed ding march two lovely little flower-girls May 1! II and Ella Zener Mace, daughters ol the host and hostess, dressed in white and wearing Lilies of the vally. entered and took their stand on either side be neath the arch. Then (.nine the bride and groom who stood directly under the tloi.al bel, The Rev. Mr. Gorge of Chri-t el.iuob. ill white -urplii and -tole. nu t tin m. and the solemn and impressive -..rviee of the Episcopal church was ino-t leverently rendered. Mr. Gibb-. I rutin r of Mr.-. M ice. gave the bride away. The bride's flowers were 1'dlies of the valley. Her dress was uf white Moire sdk. trimmed with lace. II-r vail was exquisitely caught with liili - of the valley and I er o r-age of the same -wet flower-. I i he: hand -he carrie 1 a bouquet of lithe-. She left for her new home in a flood , .f sunshine. Transportation Rivalry. Tue truck season is now fairly upon us and our two admirably conducted steamer i uuii. mies, the N. N. it W. and the E. C. D. have gutten tl) a spirited rivalry. Tiieir lines have well i-:abb-hed tliein--elve- at New Ben lie. The former i- lep l'esenied b our young energetic tuwn-man Mr Ralph (Lay. Thi- line lias a tub equiptmcnt of boats carrying loth pa- Washington, col., of James City who attended the man (here whom some think was pui-oned was ar rested yesterday for practicing without a license. He will be tried this morning. There is li tt le c neourageineiit to ship civbbage north while the quotations are 75c to a 1. 00 pe r el ite. Pea-, asjuira gus ami betries are bringing renin nera' I ve prices. The Oaks Poultry F inn now ha- lit III young chicken- !' different breeds and sixty-more lien- setting. Mr. Ellis lias been going around town buying up till the setting hen- h" can find at an ad vanced price to r 1 1 -1 1 the business ahead. 'The A. Culm Piano iv Organ Co. made shipm-nt yesterday of a fine Mehlin piano Iv Mr. Geo. T. Watson of Hyde county. By c lose attention to business and handling a line line of instruments, Mr. Culm is building up a g ,o 1 trade in this and adjoining counti, -. A Jacksonville correspondent suggests the following gen! I emeu us desiru ble candi dates for office in Onslow county: F. W. ILirgett, f.,r sheriff; Elijah YV. Koonce, Superior court lerk; Edw ard B. Hargelt, for Regi-ter of Deed-,- and one out of lhc following -iv lor the hgi-'a! u re ; S. W. Vcntcts, David S. Ami ii. M,vei Y'nrl, I). J. r doiph ainler-Dull;'. .1, lb il.pl, M:. II. ( a rv uf li Fret; M Clonal donation-as ntce'ied an well on towards oil,, tnuu-a i.i d Sever. ,1 of these z iluus Toil" twenty three years ago now s;l i this window by th . s de of lit t le their own As the first lavs of Sunday's ei ;:UI1 was ;ht, the borne Absolutely Pure .l,: tl. 1 d.,,-c of Souil, (".,roi:,,., tins goon woman Were that issue made again, liquor in- j bands to the Paradise of Go.l. iVllll LU 111,11 Sweet and bles-ed cmntrv The home of God's elect '. sun w i ic and dis . soul of bv angel teres. s won east in th L. H CTJTLEE L CO S. i Food Rrpobt. RoTal Bakxmo Powdkb Co., 106 Wall 8t..H. Y. the clubs .serve as handles for "peace ban ners" which each is to carry into Washington- lowed. The local military gave an exhi bition battalion drill in the afternoon, witnesseel bv thousands. I not poll one nail the vote 1st coutest. The Prohibition ists of thestate do not intend to rest upon their oars, but w ill continue to steer their ve-.-! steadily, and persistently onward Id they reach the safe harbor of Prohibi tion." "So mote it be," Edward Bull. New Beaue; N. C Apri, 23 1S94. O sweet and bles-jd country, Tbat eager hearts expect. X. th in Their New (Juariers The trade in bicycles ha- bean growing so that Mr. YV. T. Htil has i,,m.d t)l;,, his quarters un South Front strc.-t tre nut siilli-icnt fur Iii- printing ..fli.-e and liicv ( le bu-tne-- a'-,,, -,, he hit- moved the latter to one of tile -tore- in the Duffy building, earner ul Pollock and Middle streets. Mir. -Hill is making quite a show of the -ellgei's w on the liablity. 'The" E. s.m. Age: b-hmeiit. impi om i, Ileiiders, did Ireiglit, and confi b nee ,,; -1 'TT . C. D. line. Mr. loo it. t,,i ugh ul' more re, ha- built up lapid';, I all.l ! at -el Vice o! I .11 is k Do vv II as one , t most bii-mi -.-tie: de. pest th - denial:. I- ne u interest if his and I in .at ruin ,ng -un Ibr d- iv li' -1 . 1 1 1 w .1 h .11 at-. Mr. ,,ur fon-i- takes meet i ug New ('ur d lie- p hi- vv. and . w ha- lio n , .nv a .nil- il- Cai! In I, a made ry si c- lie ii-na!lv dc ' lay lo p laeo- t i.f -. of t he li as ii tread v I .ecu lo ru in- great ly pie ,-ed vv d h ar-'i.-d w ub lb, i. -ult- of Un our fourth page are articles copied irom the New York Journal of cutniiu l ce show ing the merits of these two 1 n.-s. Blue and Gray united in the Confed erate re-union at Birmingham. There were a number uf affecting scene.- and cheers were given fur northern soldiers. Patriotic and fraternal sentiments were u fu No; F I. d u: t h l e I I ,1 ri v i r . ..I' tl, Raleigh and Durham are to ba connect- ! ed by telephone by the the loth of June, i Columbia bicycles in their new quarters. ' expressed by the soldiers. As huge lis ll,.- lllj ...! ;..t Mr. G. W. nl: .,. i- lai.d, ; . Mr. 'l b -. A. M, To ; i . Ti ! W. N. .V a largei , veal' ur -sleami i J ; - . e V 11 t II - a- f- Ml I 1 ' 11 ! man w le , h an eel I , I....K 1 1 , - in- , - it 1 ci 1 1, n I uf Tna! a, ugal al - i una nlii informs I us that it was two loot Irom the upper lo the lower jaw. Alligators we are told I are frequently seen in New river. Moul: ,. Mi I ; t; i: w a- k ...... bv OS. I f "i . . Ll v

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