C.-V.-'Y,: '.'- -' - - -e r . -. . -, - - y -.' -. -a -. v f , , "' - iJ - .-t - . .-- i.... - t ." .' . '- e c - - .-.I rl , n-. , - 7 -': eC .1 j." '.. ' S Mi $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents. VOL. XVI. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. (. MAY 10 1894. NO. fil ot iff 01 I I! EiinrjdTiiLi:: Stirring up Trade 0 la Not so Very Hard . when we make inDUCEOTT ' I EVERYBODY i Is Astonished ! AND PEOPLE WHO Buy Are i Pleased. iSTBRRIN C Is kept up constantly, although, things are or dinarily dull at this time. THE REASON Is that People na turally come where they are sure to get full VALi' 1 : FOR MONEY. m M do Immensely .-,' . mioisLrat'.ou and still tanlt legisia- NO Forced, Cut Orjtion U delaje.I. The Hons., acted . ! witti corameadatile pi otnii' ness tui' -ClOSUlg OUl SaieS UCC- 'essary at the Stores ot HACXBURN & mm 47 4Q Pollock Street. - ' i iei-M 19 be Ufc.n wtenuif. eui SJ AS A PHEVEMTIVE 9f s(Ar X I", m liiimiui. . 2ZZtZZJ.aZZZZ' toro. rr.-bi e-y t-. . . "'""' - P. S. DUFFY, Drugrist and Sole Agent. BRA1JIIAM Ac UROCK Ii"agr Co., FHX PRESCBIPTIOXS AT ANY HO0B OF NIGHT. CURB TVRTY OK(i.lMZlTIO. party orf,aniz Mon. The Demo- cra-l'o party is organized and there : ... .. . ... gan'zition. Individaalsmiyexhii.it i.ertur - bations. bat the party keens on the even tenor of its way. The Obicago platform is the stat - a rory law of th. party by which every member of it i bound. Every roan most exercise his own j'Qdgment aa to the meaning ot h arninlp nn.1 then . .a- In- conscience dictates. Tnere is no coitrt of at A national eonvenrnm 1, :ihso- late in it autharirv, tnd its ni v- form is aochan.l)!e tn-il nbro.i- ; ted l.y the .flop t,m .t the p! w . rrn of a s si b sr i u I-u ', Ni'i'.ii! J t n . cratic convention. There are ambiKUoa t-ianses in kll platforms. There are declaration- that ,.,.r. : 'Hb wi'ri the honr Tii-ie are sentences ;n-id-d implv to please ; Iheearand aaiooro me way. Bat,; there are also great principles; Par-' smoant issues and it is these that ! vixr Ahitr.-rir vinlitr hi ., d . inv.fnrc rh iil itfonn 1 What if the esseutiai essence of ! the Chicago iduform; wh-r the ! toach-stone of I) -mocracv ? Is it ac-! qaiessence in the individual views : and personal preferences of the."e",ul iri-" '"'.' a,,'!;unt ... r ... . ... . . . . ! f. .. 1 M ., r. i- i. icjiit wo rolled res f . I preaicenii n ii impticit ii ur in tne ; Wisdom of Congress? It. is neither C'sly 0:1 ..ur couch whne hoarse of these. I winds r ; ged around us, nut the It is unfaltering fidelity to the . compen-..ti,..i ..r this honr even Chioago platform! mabet Uie mri!"".v ol the past de- But they tell us tba- U t- va-' I'gbrful, sine it is reveal d to u rioaslv construed!" 80 it is so far that th-.lay s of darkness and the m non-e.seutials are concerned, niRht" "f t("rnr "r"rt th l,r',,u'1 to Oat in respect to urea' cardinal ! 1,1 '"' '" J 0 i" NVdsonre priuoiplea it is as clear as the Q:,J spec s u, .1 .d - tie songs of buds cloadedenn at midday j 1 ril!',,,r 1,1 1 jd-v- and Christians are b-lievers m 'htist : U1 ,IB dtl'gbri'nl perfume. We are and Ih effie.acv ot the onera en t : 1 b I'fJ a additional drop -J j Bat they disagree on a tbons-nd things, and still are Cbr'- iins So it is with Democrats. There can be no doubt that a large majorrv id tie p-eople of , Sorth Carolina are Dj-. -cats It 1- uiij ur ',) 'I. 11 'ia' they -.-il: e v..' t b r u 11 ". cm of the a-'sraev ot au n...n. I is r radicaloas m believe rh it any con-i w... x. -1 r 1 1 B.uerume ni oijrr u . iiunua .uu i Intelligent e.fzens will permit their 'ti ir -c of apos-acy to ' m.ktii.m oos-i-es ' ' ' fHlKe till m uOSia-eS. We do not sav that, a great lead er haaapostacised. but if he 1)a8i 1 It is all the more important that! the peopie-the ra'.k and tile ! ! the Democracv-stind bv the r , cilors. No man has a rishc to aueak for the American Democracy who I for if he .hoal-i happen to fall on does not take his text Irom the - tbt" he would r,Dj them to l'ow Chicago plUform. ! der Men deceive themselves when We hope that the spicy corres thAV soeat of rdicAl differences in P-'Tnt will continue to Cheer as the Democratic party. These diff-renses relate to raeas ures, not to principles. When the deci-ive h in.' c .mee the American Democracy wi found to be a unit. A reform turtff nil! will pass. It may no- coma np!0"1 " ,MlU ' j to the full measure Of oar hopes, j bat It will be a creat im .irovemeut ! oa the Mckinley law, and the whole country will feel the quickening in ( tiaence and regenerating power f the spirit of Democracy. III TARIFF. ... . .. .. ...i, .. ...i. iue senate is situ at worh. i. '-"".."' facri)n grows louder as the days roll by. It is uot s'.rango ttia' it is so The tariff has r-uch an inllaer.ee upon trade, so tntim I'ely -.-Mice'':;-. '' the interests of communities and iudividaals that even slight chaii- ges are felt from one end of the canlry to the other. Tho nrujont rt j serin t-ii f is lini- x .. f,. - - ww. , . I inj-k -h-. orominu'ii'f ci ail c'--.u- .... - given to the tariff in the las: cam-1 pigii f. diced the opinion that, the retortnet -on ot the t : r IT would receive the tirst altentiou of con- e gres, and ft reform bill be pissed aC the earliest moment. ' It is now more than a year since Mi tiiansnr.itioti of the present ad- .... . tbe Sena e has bee . I ir el c . - cerned ic other has: ue-c There Is a g od de n work done lithe sena'e the do-- :i .' come under ' le gessio is, in v h ; ,re -it ei ---d i ' ., ..!,.-! - -i ar. c .ns'im- -I !') preseti' c , on tile! ; i". ,v o ger d -1 e '. 1 1 ..- ;i ! . ei ' n fir H I U tariff reformers ami a -r. provement on the M-Kitil th S-.ih -otn. next month: tin: it v,i; ,,- , I y concurred i n b v h " 1 1 ui - . u : i i . i , Milled ' iy ine i ic-oi'-ii . i .o i- sace of firs b- , long -'. p in the direction ol . irry mg oil' t !) Democr pledge- or I e,; :t: l i rt iT Th Wa verv large ecu . oke river r i cii i; . .-to " pe 1 as the oa" hands colli. 1 n-.l ', pack them. TIIK ( AML'.UKN. T, e K !. vrh Corrospoudent ol th Ch-irlo'tt Oerver becins h:s ,,tr, t;,rT..l , ,l,.ill.. .nmmnnl uiter.-htmg and alu.ible t ommuni. , 'atior. . t April th, L's h. ai tollow,:, I r.A WiUnn Hix wil known l'ot)- ' :nlMt, ss th.it .-il s ..tie nnem- ' er ot ;ha- p.iri.v ate -l.nioring I,ir .in i-.4rlv e,nve r l f l . r tie DOllCV ( will be for a I.iif on-, as the Popn- ! ' -" are gun-tig in Mtrength all the while. He-..is mainly we.-: d l.'a very!:tfer agi!:!--' who Mipporred ' ii IV I .Mil . ii tir, U.'ltlO- bur .- a s 11 ti, :r ,, . t n.-r linm;in'.-s. II.. .-,s t in I -.-:uo( -r, s in Nn-Th ( ".irolnia d-in- r (.'i-v-l ;nl ..v-.-f . .i.l." i.u throw k, , lt, '',lI,n,lr 1 11.V I a 1 id r 0 'e' iii-i. Ii-r nil; m ii ! hem ;1 ' ( aii'lti's h:rn i c v an l -11 Mi 'in- c 1 III pait,u. This paragraph in 1 eCtebings. Il is a. copious tihi"wer upon dry and tlirst .soil, and wv sh l! expect to vo Popuiii'-. . -ndid.ite.s spiinging up I'ke II vets und.-r a tropica! h'.iu. T- s u tn r we ate arat Hied but loorly soreH-es our etm.tiona. We -lrH I1,' lHl"1 Wlth general trend, btU i h 1 C w hieh h as m ade fh Win- ter of our d seiutetit i.u s Sam- i n'er u- btes-f.ti a--irat.ee that Ottrn W 11 on -:.-p ; a tho ... it,,in. crats who stood squ.uely l.y their uominees." We are rew irded. We t . . . ... I . , 1 1 1 i it re er would make the cop overflow. O.ho Wilson, High Priest ol (lideonites respects us? Well, ally not lived in VAU)'- 'Vll',r ' r omen rmnl .ie;.. ..r m , 1 . t ea v.' :s in a e 1 1 s- ; ; : . s . , it ( 1 .i 1 . ? V 1 . 1 u the 1 -t ,; un ,iga. O no i ls.,u . 1 ... . ,1 l,nn 10 Ui " UJt-". his aoiiearanee this yea; a 1U j he 1 1 - head ot an oa-ll-bound batldof C .u-j ;ttorH x 1 11 1111 lte 1 ue deinocracy, j h: day. ile- following letter ..t Daniel ! and t h e con ! en t : on be' ween K an . C''1"1- " ! ', t" J"1-'' Sl"''h i. - Cgcni;: lie N-Hii . i.liai lea.-her o , soin and JarviM w ; 1 1 br winch ol them will take O ho s se .1 p. P-'P""'!- are Jto tlx Uiels,nes. "lvi'ul: "',r luri'"1 t0 ,et them drop .'1-v el Hid.'' Ex ly so. Cleveland mu-t not be dropped. wititi notes from tlve cipital. But good news is not confi ie.l to Kaleigh., Prom Wa-hiiig"on c mes the i a r t I i gertce that senators i-P in- some. :i;-d Jar via are not running aiMii!-- I'.icn otner ror rte senate . . v- .1 , , : '"'" ";' "v' W wi unrrtn.i t i .it r Pu i T I An j ,.! nnr I o:1 'ren,n., 'ui tney are iraier- n!; 'r' 'a0' COMO: U(U wot king for the good of the whole r.o 1-. hold . Tins is j lst splen- di :! We kue .v t U C Kiil-oru would weh-jme . I arvis to a ; 1 ri aus par . . . . .ii i 1 1 . 1 1 a 1 1 Ml I a t ' I e i i . i u . i s t u a i u-iuut; ' . . r.. North ro ina n itorship, ana mat .ue si....: wouiu iei iue eo-1 . i-lC thi ill of the nnioa of the heart I Am v !l tnds of her senators. the campaign be long or ! sj,.,,r, when the day ot" the decis j 1Ve battle eom-ys our banners will w.iVe vu-hin uM in the beams of jrs ...et'ing .sun. file Ci' of (ireetl.'ille S. f. has' . . - . .ti.l.ltri'-s'tel.'iinort.ie'PnSr to - . ... j .... . u . i retail dealer Thev say this is pre- , ferable to the blind timers they have now and that they will "take! Uil'I'S I'll th. ali'y of their ac- S tio.i- ' y The Methodist protracted meet-; 1". inff at Weldoa e mtinues, and .... l .... ;r.....i l'.. . m:icn iut.'rc.-L ii "i .uneiieu. i t. m April "--h n.-re were four'een conversion-. Th- ile.'1! id Fra- c.-'s Ij. .Stock bridge. f'.H Sciror from M chi r.n i rt Mo-id .y has ;!;vady caused -pi-etlli oil . li e -i.; . e.Sc-or, and lie re 1 1 -" '!' '' 'i . t '.. -o aspi rin' 11" !: - .1 O C" v t i- : : ;y ii a Wa d i -1 it' ll th it 1; :i ,.i:i ' ii - Capital n'c n i nl for it Aide- -i,;t .grot, i would ps if he ile c til ii . . i d i, ; - yy whit .i i n i -.ii w -, . il d Ml' i, .f yv .'ke-. .'ouiity is .'!! ii r ot u i u e - gll ' ' .1 id the tll I' i : ! I t -.- . tll ' li- ui i m .-ig t .c round . . in be t lv.ghr it , ! r i in ile-- w a', ki trip id lo I hot s i F.:t -' n- wi.l b (.', It' A( II K Its' ASSEMBLY. Eilnca- iona' Oririiilation of 'he I 1111)11 A ( 111) 1 lllel 1 1 f TOIII Washl","u C ,,J' '" 1 v. ; iiui.--.ii " ' M ' ii lie i, ! ( 'i I j e'r-.7;. ;..iy' ('.rin ; -rie- ;!.,,,, !. 1 - -1 ll:' 'rracli- 11 ii-! i t, 1 1 Irl 1 1- i .i u i- .i tlii ill i,' .'in ir tin- ( , ,'ii:"i' -ii-ii- 1 i 1,1 '1 " .. ' mer. 1 lie ipieMi'in I- in ten ;i-Ki-il 1 te;ielnr-. I i: 1 1 w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 we 'in wiiiiiiut; Mnrt In : 1. 1 .iinl the . i . 1 1 1 v Anil no: sit'shietorv ,-iii-u er h i Vi 1 b.'Wi LTIVLri. I Tin- nleiiiiii 1 n ,11 k nt" thi- A -fin 1 ! v ami I i the iov i-t'tle- iit t ti.e seaside give I ! new i n-jii ri - e m, new uicriiy, and new 1 a tn 1 ! t :. hi i,i im- f.ri -i an. I d i-emiraed ; t.ii ie r. 1 1 1 I -In li'i 1- i th w pleasure in ! h, i M I,,,,,; '1 In.- Teueln I-' Aoem 1 h'- lias iT.'tij.it -ueei-ss m manv a teaeli- I ,r- " " I eriini:!i ot her sehool f k ; , ., ,.,., ,1, nf ,, . I in 1 1 . w hi h Ie- 10 nl, 1 1 i th I at the Ass..m- , ' .! v a 11 1 now le re elr-e. 1 ' The -t.ii-11, lid iiriii; r.itnini- for .111- 1 i- the lies' , . r I !.,- I - . ' ' " ' 1" 1' "' " t In- A eai ! 1 v. an, 1 11- notaioe pra. Ileal I vaiit- a ..) in;, rest u ill ilanv nearly every U-elin :. ai I,, r in 1 n- State to the s,.-sion I o M .. this snanm r.- 1 Tie ai .,ve paragraphs are taken from the X..,;h Cirolina Teacher and thev will epr, - ,- not onlv ,.1'the teach-' " . . i.-i-s !; :n. pn a- L;.neia.v toward- i thi, -ua! an iilai - i:l'rinu ..fthe leach-: r- 111 1 ; 1 1 ol' 111, is; j'niioii -1 o: her i ales. IU'- i ae j; a n-1 - ile lie -sen,Clv t ahro i.l. i"ilat ion of ? ' ' 1 ' 1 1'"- " ; hands. mi ..iplinieat to the orth Cr- I . ! "Ihtt Cm. t- an. I truly s.iys that North I lo'r." nanarkahlv well with! . .... ... I overeom'n.r ,i. hindia; m.l eiiil.anassinents that form 1 e r i v -! , i in the way of her best develnp- 1 the fid tku our Teachers' Assembly is tle largest educational organ ization in the I'nited States, and mentions that cngtiiremc-nts have already been made with a numli-T uf ihe best educators of other State . to be present at the next Teachers' Assetnb'v at Morehtad City. It i- pleisaiit to see that mir proercss lias at 1 rai te 1 the attention ol such a dis, ria.i'i it'mu j mrnal as The l,st. 1I0. (JEO. E. BAIMiE R Senator Vance's Opinion of This Great NfiT Bernian. Editor .loci: a i.: The eulogies lately delivered on i;..v. Vance reminds me of his ..pinion of senator Badger, expressed in an able -peoeh. made in the Senate some y Oar- 'i;n. All- I" 'il 'ling f:om a speech made bv -n tt.r L'a loer. in the I'lu ips case, he .oat on to - iv ii him "that he was the '. cater lawyer his Slate had ever pro- i .i. ed and th it he w as possess al of an i.t.ilect prof.. ii n I a- that of Bacon.! analvtir a.- that .. Y.arne. and acute a-i - , 'hat of Pascal. i w;;irh' h hriil Uy tu, .,. f t.lll U .I I N , 1 "De ir "sit . Hon. I o org, 1 ma iniir Vo Ill - !. 1,-ee I present vou mv liiend. I". H nig. r of North Caro- i 1 ' i a 1 , and th" superior of M, D Wkbster." Seii.,1 t Ha :g, !', w as boi'ii at New Berne, 1 7 '." . At the age of seventeen he left Yak- I'oiU-ge and studied law under his maternal unele Hon. .I..k;i Stanly. In 1SI4 license to practice law was granted him and in the following year, though only twenty years old he was admitted to practice in the Superior courts. When only twenty-five years old he was ap pointed Judge of the superior court and he was Secretary of the Navy under Har rison and Tyler, and afterwards served eight years -is United States Senator ........... a, ... -..n re a'..c .11111,11. .-ULI1 llllll .13 N IIIIOIIU C lai , 11 CIS 5tcr. M:l0,,um, forwin. Douglass and B-nton. He- was considered the peer of in.-tnb. r ..f th nate. Hi- last officiiil service for State was di-charged as a member ol the conven- ti.m w hiib inssd the ordinance of seces- ion. He was averse withdrawal from p'10 Cuioa but when it came to he a choice i.jtween lighting Ins own kindred and friends or lighting against their in vadin I'.h .-, he. in company with the : . W 1 t and best men took his stand with . pe.ij.k- :ld was true to the Southern Confecer.i.-v. 1 .In lge Badger madu Haleigh his home in ISO', and resided there until his death of paralysis, May 11. W. THE CROWN OF FAILURE When von h When you l.av tight an vc lived your life, loiudit your last good yy on And the da-.'- w tk i- finish. d. and the -li'l Set - on th.- darkening world and all its s 1 1 i ' e t' ... 1 1 . . . .... ro ..n.i- ..r.. t:i'.-..i ..-ith -di ' th.-v'v.- dne. i En- the mind's strength begin.- to droop . and wan 'C ihe tir-t touch of -'ecp has dulled the brail.. e the heart's springs ,re -h.yv and 1 tin ning dry When you have lived your life, wcr good :o die. It i: may not be so. If y ou but tight a tight you may not win ! s. . the f..r goal but may not enter in "l'.y , r :,, ;:,: h, n to die and not to know Defeat to. iii and. i-t : lie rush an I din. ::!: -triv it.gr. wlr'.i the he irt be:its high at.. I la-t Wi'h i .grioii- ii'c yo i aiu-t lull, at . ith all y our hoje ti I .-iv and all :r -1 i -' i yy h :, 1 tni-t T! i ' A 1 ; V, hi e tl ime h t- P It- I proud r ' ' ' ' LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUIN'S 8TEEL BHD PEHNYROYfll FILLS are the nriKinal and only FRENCH, sale and ra. metropolitan markets, and iillllifioUi'iili r There: liable enre t. tl.- market. Price $1.00; sent by -,n ,,, ,,. ,,.:,..; r ..,,.. :,, , ., ,;. mail, (ienume Bold only by sinail towns within le.K ll. dig a h.a r. o. uurr 1 , Aiuggiat uuu Sole Agent. HOME MI sal OX YV 'KK ; The Success that N Anondme R v. .1. . U se in His Work uuoni: Weak Baptist rontrr- sa ions Near the City. i.: tlie 1k-1 heme ini--i"h u . n k mi in this stetinn. i- i,,.u in pn ,L.'l es- it m'ef I lie ch:iri;e ( 1 Bapti iiiin-sler. Hev .1 W. Uo?e. at pii'lw l..-r- that ileiiiiininatiiin has so f,r verv little fofit-hohl. in tin- Covr, I),,v, r. Fort lianiwell and 'nneel " r, - liei-hlMir- loods. Mr. Rose la now i-.-en en LT-1 IT. 1 in tin- i w'"rk i.vteen n. U ms eitlVil ... .... ... i . ,1 i , ,,i ;.t ,.i. ,, ,.,.i, . . i I N,.w i;,.nn. i,..l.lv ;r,. '.' v.. ', ! v . . ' in mlditii ill In tin- v.!... v "I tie i r ; n iei iple. The Wolk sii, its orj.'a nia 1 ,11 ha - 111 1 rowni d will: sueeess. fullv meeting t lie anl iiipations w i t li which it Was -.art . . 1 I , 1 .... ,....,,',.. 1 ; , t ... 1.1, I l.i; e.r . .1' . ., . " '" o " : c,lllrch at Covt'- ntions ''"r thl' ,'n''1'1, ",' '','' :" Sl,ri"- 'htr.hit. I i . .. 1..,. 1. ..... .. : .. . .1 1. . 1 .m .... ...n. j . " f"r tll(' ('hmvl1 '"'l,,i, 11 Ml''1" " 1 j-' ladv and ..tin r -u'.s, ril e-1 lit:;, I. r. nmuli material, ete. When thi- staia .1 pi"i;re-- e''' lr- "osc h.nii'l 1 1'.'il li" in ed," I a i i; I'e dressed lnmlier and , . ,, ., f t"was tne aniounc .mi. it." -mi a- ,. . 1 """' Hon. C. ( t 'ark cill.-.l the attciili-m oft he New liernc Bt.pli-t ilituvli to it ;1,tor erMci ; aim nun 01 ine inetn i .ers ... 1 . .'IT!.'....!.. pa-scd throuiih the cong regation with subscription lists and raised a little over $125 right tlu-rj and then, and this . . -1. l.. .Ol l .1 . , . amouut win ue sun tunuer increased, as ; an ine iiieui oei s w ei e uiu seen. ine worK nen unciertaKen was one rr:.i. ii c ' .i., . .... Ul ...... a we.. a-o. luve.l. ine pail ot the liaptist brethcrcn of thecity. which , .I...1. l.li- . . I .1 tney nave so iar mui io uear m-any ine j entire expense ot it. there l'ea-oiia ),e "ii.li H I ground for belief that the congregation being formed will ere long lu good help- j nr in tl.o r-.owo Mr T?ocn s o... , L s , -, ,..e i- I ., , . ... I ii a; nl t hp nni tiiti,' nt Sieinrr leineii n-: J , ' , . . , 1 f. ' , ; a good one aud is ot the opinion that it , . . will scon become S3lf sustamiii". ...... , . .No sort ot thristmn work gnes us , , trnater n nasure to see than that, whir h reaches out to put the (Jospel w ithin eas; ier reach of others, and ue do not b -lieve there is any portion of Christian work more helpful to those '. ho aid in it. TRUCK FARM economics. rYha'. thf Industry Mas Done Em This ..... . . - Kcsrion and Hie rresent up'-mng- tor Jew lower. ; Mr ('has. IP, Hock, who ll ,s I. t 1 letter- 1 " "'tmy leading periodica'- r, litiug i.; tb" charactc ..nd the adv., wl,ol.. - -.-ti .i tb" ehi.rnctcti-ties ot ha-t-rii ( a I'o . :n a ' -.Ullages th it p. It on to thl- whole -act! in, lias .me ,, ie arc, , c.uiii'i in the la-t issue of the B .ue county : publican Ia,, on "Economies ot Modern Titick Farming." We take som- cMfact t'rom it : "A cur-orv view of modem truck farm- ', 1 V ii'.rini i n n , I n o , T 1 1 l a rol l il a as ell I - - - iltL i , .... - . . vate.l alter the intensive method, as it called, di.saivers that three crops per: ei r... ,...,. ,.,.!i ii ii 1 1 til ii nm ir a itgy. ic i Ai'iii T-i.i utii mm,Tltn,'t -'It is not manv vcars since the new I agriculture was introduced and applied ; and the -a-u It has been happily demon strated that the soil 13 worked not onlv for greatly enhanced profits, but that the corn crop m-eii uas oeeu 11 ei e.iseu 1, on, ( Si xt v 0 Id yy 01 k men have been dis three barrels per acre to eight barrels per , lt-. the maehine -hops at Ports- acre, after the truck crops have been I in.)Ut, ., taken oil', This remarkable vieid is not I , , ' ' ... alone due to fertilizing but "to rre.nient '' ' , l-'vi-mg mes-tor ..I stirring of the soil during the crop season. I V,"''U ,f'"' N"rt",k' L- h as well as to drainage and it is claimed lni t . iv-tirnation to .1,.,, ,i. ,,.;,,. .,ir.,.i,. i,.,i.i ., iairri-l'i!'f ( arils. e. cad it has l.icen ae- L ll.lt LL1C lllilll,l .1111(1' ' .ILiai'll'l ..,1 OS doubled easily '( 'abbase, peas and potatoes are the most important truck crops. "ProtiLs on fifteen acres of Irish pota toes are given at $1500; profits on -even icres ol cabbage. 80OO hea Is t . tie aeie. $500 : sliiiwlierries, $250 p r aci. . 'Ik sides the above tie re :i tcaiited peanuis, cuiiiii, siyeei poiatoe-, co.y pea-. artichokes, grass, clover, and soyva corn tor ensielage, with enougu Hogs and other live siock raiseu to consume 1 tie wa-ie , and make manure yvlncli makes a prune ; , , ... ., ' , compost wnen supplemental wttn yyoo.is- mould itnd swamp muck. : ORASS AND n.XY. -Lands require plowing and working ! once a fortnight to keep the Johnson aud t crab crass out. These and some other I indigenous grasses are so aggressive as to ' be a vexation to tanner- "The popular notion has Ion., prevailed . that the tide-water country is no good for 1 grazing or mowing, w heie.i.- the coarse , grasses'can hardly be kept down, while : Timothy seed dropped from imported' baled hav will grow hreast high wlirever ir elnnc- to droo . "The State Ae'ricultural l-lxiieriment Station specifies twentv-four speaics of j ..i-.jcoj w-hie i thrive mid dowel lioi h . fyr pasturage and ha v, under proper . ul- tivation. ACCESSORIK3 to THl-l farms. I t'Swine, sheep, poult-v, bees, fruit and 1 clerk of the Superior Court vice Mr. J. j li berties, are accessories to 'model farms. j D. Davis resigned. M r. Bolter is a geutle-1 N.i doubt Mr. Richard Cr. k Improvement conies bv progressive ; man of torensie :il..:lity and will till the I stand over his l.ier with that n, men who strive to keep up 'with the van i clcrk's'ofH.e .vith credit to himself and to ; Chri8tian , of the times, when larmers find their I 'be comity. lie was sworn m at special I " " ' ' neigldwrs going ahead while they stand , meeting ol the Board ol ('our.tr Commis- portrayed in the ,u ., ,. : wi n - s.ill tlipv- natiir-illv s.-ek thiNi- better s. i.net'. i wife. methods. north Carolina land. , "I -inds in North Carolina are . qua! to 1 any in the world for trucking ai d are ten j to fifteen davs ahead of Norfolk for early 1 markets. " The soil is of cre .t va.iiety and erally of good quality , .-andytlo;mi. ci .y loam, moist and dry, loose an I s c. in many places alluvium peat and n.i It is level without p bbles or -' otteti yyith beds of marl cr'.ppit'g "a t' e sutaace. WA i i-I ll-S t ' I ' 1 ' I. V . I tin In ing yy :. r c , ' (b.od le easily : down to . v.lr, 1, juocurr. ! 1",- digin : the -ub-stra' urn ..f t! underlie- this v, ii eaa 1 i an he ilthv. 'Ti C are f w laill IV.ev ,,r L l; Au'i'.i j, tui.peratuic hi d gt". s M' an winter tuiipera'ure. -fu l gr. .-. ol'ENl.NO rap. N K yv ( .nil- Its "Th rountrv yy.e ihe ,,;' u-.j,. estat s '(' uie the yy.ir. which ar,- n..yy I ei a g Mi 1 d ; vi 'nd 'nr.. s e a i i h. , i i i which can ' e 1 ought at Ii'o e t.. . per acre with bu'i.iillg- on den t Ii : latter price. It will not take long io i bring them into notice. "Any lira w'uh fair ju lgment, a link- capital, and weli.uireeteil enons. will liml here an enviable opening and a helping I hand, with abundant t r,iti-po ri a I i ,n 'llie neui is an mviiing one to an who ! mat desire a betterment or change lm.ii ' their present condition. j III E Y A N ( E M OM M EM . oth.-r Places are Siil.M-ril.ins for a Moiiiiiiii'iit tn Him - I.ol .Vi-ii Hcrne Do Likewise. 'I 1 1 ' 1 I I I-' t I II :ll in',,- !!, ,k ill: j ; v, j in i 1 1 1 , - r,-. t- r II, V.-.nc. ii Ii A i i ;i 1 1 n. ol- i- tt- :.'-,::--!i Ii.!- the ri-lit to n 1 ' ' 1 I' :. 'a 1 i : will ! ,i- .1 Ii a- ' ik;:--T lie- e ad. M-m.ti.l day i- : v a: ' ns t li-it th i. , -,- ,n ! ti r -p,-.-ial , tVot-t i.i 1", a ill - I - 1 it- e..iH4 Mull d ai',1 l- t..k.-ii 1 iU.-n itoin tin- i-l ' 1 1 o-i Mi-ui -rial I ) 1 : ' - (': !. r : . a. a- tn,,, ii j '" (..n1.-! : heiv, :n i w,,n! j : '' I'" ' I" ' 1 1 1 1 -1 i 1 1 v 1,1. 'I he p.-,. j 1 ime l.y ; h 'turn '., ' lie ll 'a1. eh u..- i 'oilier! : ; ' .;.,. A I' : I 1. el lea I to lid 1 1 ! ""' U i Hhi-r pla ti... 1 ...1,.. v . . " I' lail inl" ; ! rem.- -. . I ', ; ... u i - .1-; f" . a- 1 1 . . o- a- a- -' r i.'t ..fa -c ie it he ,. . .. , , N.i.e.eaii .... i. in. ;i.o. ien. u ,- one. ..Til !... !..... il.., '.re.,- ... ,,,.,.',..,. , ' ....v.. ... ....... ... ........... : a moving upon our lair city m Mar. I. ' 1'i'J. ofaxe'v in. t the f ic and Kupaiii l . n.- :. .e in . in . ie cue-. Throughout hi career in minor and in great positions In- wa- always A patriot, statesma:'. an-1 friend of the whole .... j't-opie. i-', u- uonoi n , - uieinoi . inn -in- M.oum uc uone p.ompuv. .... (II I El) ITEMS OF KplVS ' T. ,1--. 1 , I tie u 1 1 n mgi on .ies-i noer i- am lioruy ine-.aie o uiai an. .man i. us - anient W i : mi ngt on will Ce aian.lidate t'or i 'on o i r i , , 1 1 1 , t I i:-t rief ; ' . ". , , ,, . A -M'" " .I'.lde.i tll.lt; . lea ling m : u I u ia - - on i . i nr. p o t .- ami . . . i simple, mi. i tie n - -i can n recover , Front street which w...- l.a.llv damaged led. Thi- has cn-a-ci quite a -ttr in the1, . . T . r i.i bv winter ster ns - m pro'.ress. It is I sr. Louis m. rchatd-i . Iiaim-e. i 1 I ,, 'Hang made ;is -tioiig a- is ociini tti'H bv I L-mreiiee speikr. the negro murderer i , , , , ! r i .. u . . i- i 'he wav it is hunt. Cut it will n ver be of Miss Lottie K-w.i at stauncoti, v a.. - . ha- 0. 'en louud guilty ol murder in the lirst .h'-jneanl : r. I tube h ung .In: 'ii."". :.- r of the W. -. t i :-; X ; '.In- h" ' " 'v'i iiing.on. ' t i d'vi-l.ii .1 - ... the lo:h t ... -o-oi l ,11 . . In , ,,,'( ; ,, ,eM '; ,,- Wil ning'on. '' I'.sot; a! in . , .. :,. . .-. 1 1 I ' v . i i I 1 i ' I 'I I I . i", :; v date An ric u,s ai e -aid t . b Ihe h - B'tti- :n,-n i u t he w .t !d. o I : he k a. The gr.- i. i:-h w , v i a tie- w ,, ' th:' ( out -a- of eon d riict i. u . .:: t li I mac at lie- t eat I 'a II-. I ea it i p let ed it w . ! I -ai rr ll - h o er a ! fall of !eel. in .. . . eom-I y rue The Third ( I' ( agr. -sional District ill t lie siie.'i il ea ei e a L-ui.-r:iti: bv a'-oiit Tin. M;iv I),v T...I he, ;,, "-!. my. weni liuil inai inty . r. , r ; . ---- ....... n ... .v.. York city on M,,u,lav tight passed oil' wi'liotit th'' exjiected excitement and irouh e. 'I'lie S, abo ir 1 Air Line is cti'ting do.y ii expeii-os hy oitrtailutg its lot, ;!" die wav iron; I ort-uiouth. "a., to . , I . cepted. The (niuid Chapter of Itoval Anh M-i-ops of North ('arolina yy ill meet in ( h ii'io'te next u,- !. I'h" railroads ale giving reduced raP- net, id trip tickets for the oia.a-lon. The strike , n :', (,r,at Northern Bail- road is inde 1. r- ,.700 miles of track H.,.n M1.jr -p , stlihe, ei a th - past two yveeks. e .,:,'.( "e-1 nearly all the concessions a-k'-.t .-.n.i yyi; I'r-U re yyoi'K jn ,t 1,.,,,. d liiiai..:. IV! 1 ,-,. il.li,'.- a' this -i.;,.i. ..- .... o. ........ ,, take fr.,m an exchange: It i- reported 'tied there is a string niovetn- m among ,1... ll..,l.li..inc l,,,.',t l',.t..r(' llrit.li. "fS adison eountv, ,o the Cited i S(!lU.- ltor -md it ' is now s ,id that1 Ur,v ,','' ;, , ,., u ; in olilv 'in tll,. (.xt legislature. " " ' , Judgments again-t the stockholders at j th- People's Nddimal Bank of Fayette- : ville upon th- nssi -smet of oO per cent I levied on tock for benelit of depositors, ' were on .anted in tie t "lie. t -tates eout t at Wilmington on I ue- lay aggiegaimg i5..0. .. 1 1 w i i i be rcnem here. I 1 hat t he tiMiMng oi tut- liiiiiK occa.-ione-i mueii . intcrcj-f. and the people at mrg.- are gr:it.in.'d tti it . "Do-itor- are to get i ivir m-n -y. The Beau ford Hera'.d savs: "Sen L. A Potter has received the appointment i. judge Sieombe of tie United States Circuit Court at New York on Tuesday denied the motion of the American To- bacco Company (Cigarette trust) to n - strain the other company I American Ciga- rette and mai h:ie- ace. 1 1 trom u-ing certain 1 tie iiio'do i been grained there yy i aye prae; icil.y hcen no ci arettes ma le xe p - t e- , He 0',11 The Trn-t han-.. net We in . e tiii-i. !'.-:' 'l'r ( Dm I. F I. Pre- . 1-t : n ii. i lllollf gui-h m A' A C.'ke Ni yv York or. D -ii- He tain. (ON '. C. .Dl 'I b I- co,in in W cii.a g. d gl'oim :. e 111 We P. -ll ':g' .'I I , :h tr. -p.-l e v p ...d , e e untitled ill!. till ;iii!tv, and t.10 "'-ilX' 'vi'h ' .OO. a alee 1.-.1-. - ya a , t ,s- . 1 i yy o D -f J o I :' . l'""i':'u- m I pep yy i'iiie.i; ni' n ;- .a i veil ... 1 j. i ij e.XeCllie this ag aill-t him it Co.xcy pi'! "VE YS A I) It I E I'."' 1 V y I he .loui-nal Uliich A wji in " Mje s im ,:il'l"-,'f la- ,1; inn- in ,,ie ail I - - Iinelle.-.- 11 w . Cipl. Will M i-oll had livelier l'o i . -i ..f lie 111 i 1 yi s!,-r-iav. II. T. II Wij-it,- k W. die - lal I 1 Mr. ! n Cm Dr. II. I). Ilaiper. -.1" ele.-t.-d I'll-'. 1, -til .,! l',e ia! i- -a at tin- an n ua'. 11 il I).t,'., ,1 !.;: ll a 111 lie- u i-k . A 1 ' ted 1 ' ' y 1 ' 1 , an in- e.e ( oh ire 1 11 an ir-.m in -ir V:ii'.,-,-i ,,ro. veW hrou-ht to the H ' ' 1 i I ia j nl . -terdav. r N w Ii V. 1.. 1 1 I The ( 1 A I n meaiory o! II. ei. Y.. I ifort ollLlhl ! .. and u e I " V e.r v 11 meet :,e i,,o ia ! v.ih a P-a,h r. -p aei-'otld- ( C enioi f 'ai'r roe. i. , I ; rue to I- i ie II. Smith, r .. . .r, : . a- an i - ").uo a- lii- i 'Oil 1 ri 1 1 . ; i 0 1 im ai il aii nl . t hi- 1 1 : ll t::i received hy the men t a-- ici , I ion. S, : Mr. Ch ,-. S. ,'.'!a;e. v. h . r,, ntiv'" "" '--;"' a o - ni a- larc , tr . . , . . is tin. l.i'iin of., f, .,.,,..., f., 1 TI... :.. . ,., , .,., i lopKtn s no-piia.. t.. i..,ve . ., ,,erati.m nfrforiiK-d. teleirrai.hs I hat , U;ls sUerei si'n 1 1 v neil.,rn'ed Tin-, lav ... an 1 lie is now t : in-.' a'. -a. verv well Mr. Wallace'.- n.ai.v Iriend- here and at j Morehtad will !; .!, pu".:. A to h arn , this. i letter from n ( ' V.: 11 ol l' i in I ieo i eountv to a n 111 New lia'tie states , t,,.lt t))e wh .,Uf.m.,XpX ;l r i - i i , Upon a little "irl near Van. lecere his sent tor his w.fe a-nl cliildr. n t .. ...ne t" t 1-,m jt j.. thoti dil th il ;, is io. a t a , -nr. , l. '.en 111 KP..11 tori f , , ' i . 1 1 i' I.' I . e . ii 1 - " Keedsvi lie and a posse is alter h i n. It is earnest 1 v l,o.ed that le- wid b cap! ured j 1 1 I . 1 he repairs to tic ro,k w nl on East "' "' - " ' "-- 1,1 '... - : dat ion is made deei . r an. 1 pos-i : When work h '- it will b ; u ei i h-r don. i ,,js ti'orough :i,a -r. ' , " ' . . . m ; . -N. 1 1 . i . ,, a. ;. i .... . .. . .ie in toil tha W. N. .V N". t.iia y -ta. . n ! routp to his home. Mi. Wood aiiein !,-. I ! the World'- Fair l.isl June and sin. a the: ; he has been ill tin- extreme Wi -'-Wa.-i, ingion i crrit irv, ic., on a ti e:is. re rip. lie is now directly Ir, mi "-out h-rn ( ' .' i-. foinia :ind he inform- it- that crop- ..a! then- an- -lift', ling greatly Ir..,,, a s, y , ; e . ll a 1 1 1 . wa i e a t end oa la. - y . el ill,:, li in ! ill. 'Use ll.'ios ;lIe p. 1(11 I. o.lllg 111.1.11 atVeCed. Kay. T.J. (i.ttti- left s.uaird.v moraiiu lor hi- home in Durham. Doling th I pi.-t t '.W daVshelliis -old Sg!in worth of, . ,- ... ... m ... i . . o . . icouio.is no i.-ou:-- to .lie .....-iiio.il... " i the city. Mr. (.at us is t he a g.-al ol ,,!- i P""i.g"t aim Mtnoay set, tle two N".t!i Caroiinn C . .fercne.-. j . i;.....,,! ,,r i; .: . ps .- ,i. increased Ivor whh I i, r-..,. ii.,.. : : . .i.e. i ..;., ; 1 ..ill. ii .im I i . .ii'. ilea i. . i i -1 i i e 'i ont. i looked upon ia the E rop.ai: Uialke's It savs marked evidence of tip- is given iu the weekly shipments of various lines I of steamers leaving Baltimore. j "TatHr Difrging." Dr. W. E. Hall's h it are at the Church "I inri-i I'l Kiay nignt yvas in r : ien ieo. Rev. Mr. Petree opened y 'l , a -h ! l,r'l-vi'r- wll"'h 'v:ls '" ' ''Hock of Ages." ill ' "',"'-,iL'-'1 I 1 v grail' I j iinfiressiya- m,i,i,r. Asolol,. M-- ,,.r. and o' 1 ; trn f0p tiier ly ith : li a ol E Ion, yv : r cita h eoii- I lion of a eluded the prcfic- lo the "ialiif- ligging " : p-fform;ince ! I U in. on ITie lecture yvas liv.d'd priacipallv , uno spec-ru uis. ini'-ia.turs, die taiurs 1 , .... ,!.,. 1,1!.. ,. l.!,.l. , "' - l a-t ,, lt J "',ufl,t local editor back after he had -la rted P. leave the hoo-e, :.Ud a.t.Mi'-. - . . , some piei.ty hard hone thrusts wen given the thn-e hrst divisions and unpm- taut truths emphasiz - I. A sentence (1. Uvo on ,ocal ".nnen-t orner'' hvpo- e.ns.ie ! . ' ' .. "' peo ie i n -iiasK i . . llie picture tile iJ.ict.ir drew " the Tammany's dic-tatnr was ivi-l re-iii-tk-, and iiortraye.1 with both uuetion ate! dramatic effect, w hen it i- considered he 'J yvas talking about people in fir otf ''Alas, : The audi ... . ... well pl-a-d j entertainment, an 1 tie D .dor ( with that. 1 . , M. piL-a . he following from the Wil- inington ile-sen ger: Some one sent us the speech of C ;i Cullen A Battle, editor of the N.-yy Bun, .lal'HXAL upon Senator Vance. Ilia' no i .. a re ii.de C, ui 'ier We : , ! it V. ! ;,'. It ;- a g.,,d -p. "'e-f ,-yid sv:i! itml '1' - 'Ti- " ' ma:., '-nt ih Hats, ( ' ' otli. - which 111 ik - ike !' '"'V l.'S die' e'lios ,'j vj 1 1..- i n V. 'v.- n. ciititiDt (in yvi ti.nit. - t". inc. i' '.ui. N w wo yv . ii t y 'iir t rade . m 1 1 . r 1 1 !, ;. .01 in '"d ;itiyt!iing in our iiu..' sn: u--. We ilmi't ('..-'i'i fi .-.'id .-vel' - heiv, .in! 1 v . . ; -ii ' i g. 1 ' 1 1 1 ; 1 i v 1 .1 1 1 1 lit ..o tell y ' i n. :i Ic .. ,' c m ;' .ti a -near suiting' tl.',- in:ij. inl . o. ; dis one in New berue. .ev.- g .0d? constantly arriving. N.-.v eoi 1 i.irs . Cuffs, Handkercbi.-fs, Sus pel! lors. Xi.-cic wcur. I'dt.'ut iN.yo.ti. I dii'ill LaltllfT Shoes. L'mbrell.is, I'rutiks and Vtilices. J. AI. HOWARD. 1 - i . itMlZINii ALLKiA 1 OK. .1 1 Hie tnriosities of ther Vnato- ' ni as Reveilcil in Hie ' (,. ! ' Dioppin-i.i al Mr. (i. ! Ia: li-niiv 1 -'alili-lnnelH v.i- ;,, . . 1 h. a, at I work tie .1111 1 ;tw t !,,- t u o M 1 i i"1-- A Mi 1 1111 re. pre-nleiit i, the W. N. A: I;. II . and LTli-atin d a !'ev eurinn I e t from i :'n alioitt tin -,- aeint iis. Mr. M..t, it .11 ha.l the Cr 1 .ot a'li- i' an ainte 1 i 11 a dkins J.--ili., , 1 1 1 in-; nattira; .,- i; .,d " - ;.: no . n lie- I ir',-r one. whii li 1111 a-11 - CnM (. Ie -t and is estimated hy M r. m , a to have weiL'lied. at least. 40(. p,,un.l- ji,,s-1 blv more. It 'A ill he I'.-inelliliele 1 that at the tin no- ailiL'ilor nas kiliial we toel that i.i of tin- : I a'!- -"lank 1 1 i ' i. -ijiiariy I-. ' " ; !'' l. 'he cm -. an I il wa- thi- Call w hi. "' .i.'j i 'ia- I end.. 1 I.l- !)... hilt mil -o. Ti '' ; .' ij it..:'- -kllll 1 one a.-tu-dA -p.;i ; k ' ' 1 ;,i: ! t .at., two i ijiiai jiarts and tie pa ' '' i. ai ; in iMf-rent il'.reetions ,,.,: '"' I'-"-- '' '- -I" lit- Mr. Mo lit. ai ti.e.-. I, I'iiC l In- t i o h ir'. ei-i ... he ',,,,1. il. ., ..... ! All alilL'.llol'- -kuil liolla fr l toll i in - j .nforn.s u-. I- a- hard a- iron n,., ;. i.-! ;'i d:v C.on ' ! aetrahle hy orlinny una ,-. e,e.t. ; o w P., rue 1 Ce'-eliaiiee. direct! v throii'h th , ,. - j i "ti : 1 'li V.'.r.ce A notlier astonishing feat lire ..I n a'.;'. the lii-t i .n'ril.'!-; -; il"i' i- ihe si.r; of his Crain. Mi. Moul t it.- V i ., M.e i,. top. h id ;tl. continued eHoit, lunki n in Stati s a eoiai -e nl : to fie -l.ii:l ot this monster, with hammer ind cold chisel, and removed t he bruin fh" I -I- till wa-showTi to ha not as lar.'e -r. .1 .. ..... , ... , ; . , w 11 w taken was not as i-ir-rc a man .- thumb. i the tirst joint of a man'.- thun.i.. The above fact- will show the I . . 1 1 v of I anv '.tilers ever shootini nl an aluga- head. If he was stiau k the lull 1 might give him a headache but that 1 I Would be about all. 1 i The most vulnerable point of an idiiga- i is just back ol his foreleg-. A Lectu re Indeed ! A great ileal was expected from Dr. IT. 11 -.1 . , l .... . . , . . . iiims-'i hist irglit on the sn! iject. ant- 1 A Man." It was a masterlv etfort in cverv scdpc of the word, and commanded a perfect (nv. silence throughout save where broken In happy hits of humor. Dr. Hull has a strong, rich and chair voice, and speaks with icrce and power. ; r..-. jeMi.ie ,mu worn carrier racc iino r. eloquence. With a wonderful imagina n lion and deep iiis:giit into liii'iian nature a he I'li iiedi iteiy taki s hold of his audii eti e m i h !.! an undivided utl'-ntii.ii. Tin' -a , t to-nigh! will !.' "T iters." I'h. r a ,-ingular - ieetion. it is ha e -.an. thing in i. Mi ' "-''i bound Ka'ie -,d who acc.iiipanie- Dr.le,,,,.! c,. valid getting even bel Hail to a-sist in the singing have a verv tine voire, yy i aud -aid to -ing a lew - ."ea, .nio-oi-.i .. -"' '"' ' "n to-night, and there will pro- ! b-l,l be other music to vary the pro-j gee. one. ' Anatlier Newspaper Man tione. N'.yis lias reached hereof the unex pected death of (.,,.. W. Abel!, ,,yy tier ol v., , . .,l I .. , ,' , 1 . the Baltimore Sua, in that lityon ,. evelimg t hi' 1 "it l ,. , .U sn.-.-e.-.l.-.l Ids lionor.-.l l',.'...r ,!,'..''; ." : . :. . . ' 1 1 1 - I o n il d c i' o 1 t h '' .u( Jl n d p i - - i . I y the ' i,e1 ;;M. . -n a,,,i most popular ii.y. -p i,.-r- 1 1 1 a u in the run nt ry. Hi a d in the Soul h. for v. h ich In i umeh. A bell the younger, just dec-asi-l. ran the Sun utiuii the methods established bv . ins father, and a lui-iness man wa ; successful. It I- no detriment to his ashes to say in irond views and well timed large chari- ' I th s lt3 was not comparable with his i fathi r. j., , ., .. . . I (Jrand ( ouncil Royal Arcanum. ( 'aj. I. K. B Jones and Me-1-. W. I Bed and W. 1". K.uintree r. turiie.l Id day lioiii Kilcigh win re Ihey have ali.iiding the (diatid Council ol Royal Arcanum as delegates from the New Ih me Council. The two former wire made grand lodge ollicers. The entire ii-t -lands as follows: T.J. (.ill, ot Laurinburg. t.r.ind I5-- igent,- li. C. Dockcry (Irani! Vice R-gent: I H. I), (iilman. -rand Orator: W. B. n. ,-.i .0' x.,., a. ...... .:..,,.i . '-' '...""' " T I '....'. , .t o, ei.r . rin, I I',......,'...'" ! ,'''' Honnir. lin.l CMiaphtin: Ed. e.-bei-. (.rand Cuide. Charles Dewey, ( ran : ' . ardeii: J V . Lauiprecht, (.rand ,!;,.,'-;,J' T- w- lira'ich and I', ( . ailion. tru-tee-; .1. Howell, lav rep re- M-ntaiivc and II. B. Adam-, alternate, (ire.nsl.oro was chosen as the next 1 meeting place, . Will Ie-tt..il,l , T .... . . , , , .""i unies ie.....ie.. n ei u..-, ,n moiuoeg to treenviiie, umi .nr. --. . . ! flamilton left in the altetno m .n the '1 the steamer Neuse for the North to se rough lumber left on hand at their mill ; alter the tire w hich destroyed their plan- , tug mill, and to purchase a new outfit of il : machinery to replace the destroyed prop-! ,,. erty. :v Thev w ill re-build as quickly as possi- .'...ile. ' F. I. L. Infantry. Tie old Favetteville Independent Eight nl'auti v, w ith its lionors of a century 's years thick upon if. after being forced out of the Suite Guard by a technical regula tion (lista-teful to them, have uniformed. aimed and equipped themselves splendidly at th :r own cost. Th. y have set the State an example of nc. . m i nimit y bv tendering their -ervice-to til. (o.yernor whenever needed. Dentist Meet. The State I '.lit d A, .eiation in- ' in Durham on 'I'm-- !:,.. Dr. C. A. II,, nia- g.-r. ot I f . i-y , d". 1 -i e-r i, n: : i, t ,, . hi.ir. 'I'yycn'y f y.- d, .eja!e- e. , r-- pies. nt. Mr .1. II. -s-ai'ag , D.i'h im. in , I lie - I.l "e -- o i yy eon ,. yy ' i , ! i -.y , - i -. ' , I to by D:. .1. II. Dud, on. Col. John '. ( 'mmo: di , c r. county is 1 .1 ;ug pu-hed 1 r : h I ). i c C.e gres-i. Mia I in tic ea a 1 , c ' D1-1 1 ! ' ii--v. : 1 p' "-. - t. . i 1 0 T R-I.iil. ie .a ( oi iHioiii.::.!.. quite a ai ii g a 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . - b. lli ag' e'li'lt! .! na : ' e. -. Ii I he i .'i-t:a i p . 1 1 - I : -.a. : d ye fdc -. ii di ( ir 1 : - a :..ji..r quest ion 1 yv a 1 1 a- a-.i..i c- ai rt ot" tin- e h 1 1 1 1. .1 e nc u ju un next M oud-i v t h : ioll.- ditl'.-r :e ., whether 1 d.ci. Il tie recii t decision of ilia b meant "Ire,-. !nni,r. ":,!. ir!,.. ti.m" or tint the ..Id iir. n-- eiw ..li :i'!,-. I i... c iirl yy.o th u uigh y -ip lie in ,t- Ier, and let t he p. ople . f ,,ui h C.iruinia kuow "where they are at," legally. OMMITTEI) Sl ICIDE. C. II. Fletcher, Ba--kcppor. Ends Bin Life With Morphine. ' Jl. I'lelilt". who moved to New ,: ' Me - la :.,',. II I, ii.unty, a a " I a ', ' . it I he l.ar- ' ' 1 U .-- ! I'e II. die 1 We.l- "- ' - ' '.. !; fi til the ' Hi'. I- o niorp'l,' e The prcvi..u- d.. ih d. , . , aic nded Ihe pa Die at ' uie, hot .. e in,. ) lL. , the afternoon. C e one intoMeated and aC.iut midnight took the morphine which auled hi- Iir. He had Ijeen disipatetl a i .le. No call - is so far known for II - i lei In. Mr. .1. II' Hull', who slept in : 'e M ' h Ion ei:i le 1, . lolhl willfj -at' Hi." I "Ah nit i,', ;,,. k ai th, night I was iked by ta'hin ; ia tie- lur and asked I'letcher why In- did no- . ; - tin- doors, I h it t fade w - . ii '. , : I i , . .11 i.l .'et no in- ae Hi. 1 1 1 1 A i. - I..' .. - I. he came b '' k !1. ih. ! .... .. .1 I n a seat on the la. I told him to (.cue 111 and go to b ,1.- lb a. ! "If I e.i to bed can't sleep. '. ll. o anv th.n v i- to happen to me. wda- U'likl . hi do with mysrnfT?"' I '"'d him I would tend it to his sister, and a- Ni' 1 il he ha I n,.; i"ii of dying. He ' l":'' 1 h" a.adr h ipp.-n to lroi off." "I laid .low n in : uother room and went m. I n ai'ain i k , , ... . , , . ' ' ' ' ' ' ,,OKC' ( .()( ., p and got my lu-tol ont of tlic drawer, looked over the counter mid saw I'll teller. Went to him, got liim by the arm and tried t i wake him, hut could not. I then put on my clothes, went out and woke up John Wright and told him I Ir lieved I'letcher w as dying. John eai j he reckoned he had the 'drunken horrors. s .on after Mr. .Inn M.uiwell came in who -ai l he thought ho was drunk. '.Behind the cuutcr, I picked up a lulu 1 oil' a morphine boltle. Alter twice looking for the b .ttle it was lound in the U It ce-l pocket. There were some four teen grains missing in ihe vial. "I sent for Dr. Primrose whi arrived about live o'clock and worked on hiai 'till eight w hen he died.'' The la-mains ware taken down to his old home lor intcruicn'. The start was mi le at noon. Mr. I- letch r was a single man, but tins relative- in 1 1 i c mat v. Til,- death tialhes it- own llnual. Morehead City Notes. We are informed of a gentleman at j Morehead c ik hirg ?.-, good lish in abont ' , .,,.. ': -1, mg wit h hook and line, aj .,, u ;,i, l)rl reoorled as quite . r. a nrotraete nieeim" is n i.ro.rreM in ,u. ,.... , i,,, ,-. i, 1! Dr. Iluylcr, a , ,.r ,(i.i, , . y , n . tie (..;'..-r . f the pastor, ;, TI..- in-etnig !,.,.,, Sun- I Ue olels of Mori head are cleiiniiitr up repainting, an I rep i r:ng w herever nec- ess.ry. siting re ..U for the iimmer seii o.l one. I -on yy nicii pi uiii-e- lo i .c a liusine-- m-'-iii -tol ly enmg up some- y hat. This i- part 1 y all i diula'ile to the licrca-e in h-ii shipaenl -. A Il iiil.lo Rape. We ha , e r. ' ay da !-t;. r fo. in a prom inent eitiz. 11 of Aurora yvhi u tell- of a mo-t d i-' .11 1 Iv out 1 age committed Tups day evening upon the person ol a girl 16 years of age. the daughter ol a respecta ble colored man, named Charles Hunter, living near Edward'- Mill-. Two negro men went to Hunter's house and finding hi- daughter alone they both committed a rape upon lur. The 1111 11 were bilh strangers lo the girl; one of Huan had a valise ;im if lie yy a- t r.a vi i ng. j At last information 1 yesterday) a largo j number of t le 1 at ."lis ot Edwards Mills j yy'i ie in -e:reh of the black demons, and ' it i- Js-lieved that, it caught, court i yy ill never have a chance at. tliCtn. I Success of a Difficult Operation. I The Kin-t-ui Free Press gives the fol- lowing: I r. H. (. II vat t, as-isle 1 bv Dr. Chan. ii,,tiv .,( X, I'.,.,,,,, lo- I-'.,.,! l'l.;t..ir.r 1 . .... . .., ..N ..... .....s. 1' Trenton, and Dr. C. B. Woodlev, of this place, erforineil tin exceedingly dif tieuli operation Tuesiltiy on Mr EaFayetto Diilahunt, of June- rounty. removing tumoi Irom the under side of the sachrum. The path nt yu- doing verv well yester day.. We are jilea-ed lo uiske mention of such cvciils at In me a- the nhove. Dr. ID itt - mitaiaini i- ,.. rle 1 1 v eoui ,.ped for .-, , ;, ; o ...r leiiieuio-.i ...- .... ... .... ............... home yyh.ch doe- away yyith (he necessity ofgoingloa ili-tance for t r -at lien t. in difficult ea-es. Locates In New Berne, Dr. (. II. Coldberg, formerly of Bal timore, was one of tie candidates who passed examination before the Board of examiners of the Dental Association. He yyill locate in New Berne, and will be iii the Hciirv building on Middle i !lr,'ot' '""' u,:,t "v '"lenas to ! eq'.ii p his dental parlor.- liuely. Mr. Coldberg spent siyeral months in New Berne about a year ago, aud has friends who yy ill be glad to bear of his determination to make thi- 1 ity his home. Jarvis to Eulogize Yanc Before Con lederate Y.teri'ns, Wsisi.i e I .v Ii Sucitor Jarvis v. 1! I del : y . ; , , 1 i'o i .nth.- hit .- Si mi tor Yam e I 1 ! a ; ie ' I n.'e I 1 oiifcderatu Vet. r-.ti- W ' 'i tw.. weeks. I ''"iii t , , nig' i -, - ' 1 . . - -a 1 - 'a 1 uie ling to fe h , in I" e . ; 1 I,.- goal ( :i rol III iii tl. 1 1 .., . j. ;. : .1 .-. m 1 iar in vi. ! 1 ..'.:. 1 1 ! 1 . . ' 1 a b, 1 1 a -1 he had '.-, , 1 1 1, . ! 11 '"il.- p. Ih,- Senate to , ie w - 1 ,1 1 .a 11 ng to pay a e, ' ' ' . '1 mo as. on of : . '-a. 1 . 1 1 : 1 ., 1 1 " I . i'e i e- I here. He a- No i'lil-oneil. iii the one to '. " 1 . :ii th In in -t e ,.p' M th" I'll Dull ter ih. I of a 1 1 p A P I 11 ." the I lie te t all lu ll i Ho X c , ,, .- -. i li. kn . -.''".-'ii - .'; - . a . I n -. 1.1 ua,' : : .m . .. . .1 ' to be adopted lo expedite lniuc-.-. Cr y t ... iHHHMiBMMaMMaMMMiM..i' ------ mm mam mmm s.' - . j

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