v, -" h-rrldTfVmAfci,iaiHf.-;t 1JitiiSiia-a&ij:tzri.Zi .r-yrJ-;!fA.-&t--- iJi..a-v !,, -i TT i. ,, ... i ..... . -f. ' $1.00 Per Year INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGrS. Single Copies 5 0entg VOL. XVI. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C., MAY 17 1894. SO.G2 . -. : i " " ' ' i " i Stirring up Trade jm t 18 Not so Very Hard when we make INDUCEMENT THAT EVERYBODY Is Astonished AND PEOPLE WHO Buy Are Immensely Pleased. JL'Jb. A TE Is kept np constantly, although, things are or dinarily dull at this time. THE REASON Is that People na turally come where they are sure to get FULL VALUE FUK THEIR MONEY. No Forced, Cut or closing out sales nec essary at the Stores ot umm i WILLETT 47 4Q Pollock Street. "WE ARE IN IT" ON THE FOLLOWING: Cast Iron ;ctr Pipe. Terra Cotta Sewer and Drain Pipe. Galvanized and Black Pipe. Bath Room Oufits Complete. Hoee and Lawn Sprinklers. In fact everything needed Tor fitting your house with water. Get our prices before buying, and HAVE MOEY. J. J. DISOSWAY & CO. 43 Craven Street. ml01o WEm Good Hard Brick. We r prepared to fill all orders p to 100 thousand per week. W. P. BUEEU8. NO CONCEALED DAGGER. A sentence appeared in these columns a little while ago which has been construed as a covert at tack upon a Senator. That is not oar method. We wear no concealed weapons. We indulge in no unmanly inuendoea. When the time comes we shall use lan guage that cannot be misunderstood and that will go directly to the mark. We had much rather praise that censare, bat we shall do neither unless in oar judgement it is richly deserved. The Journal cannot be mde tbe vehicle of malice, much less can it be made the bow from which poisoned arrows cau be shot If personal issue- iise, or have arisen, they will be adjudicated by another triboaaJ, while the Journal pursues the even Unnor of its way with jastice to all and malice to none. It will be no fault of ours if the standard of Journalism is lowered in the heated cam pal un that is evi dently belore as. A NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY. It is often the case that one learns something that snprises him. Oa the tooth ot May the Memo- riol address at N?w Berne was de livered bv William B. Lane, the present sheriff of Craven county. Be was a gallant sol tier, aod has eer bees a good citizen and a true gentleman. CpUin L ine does not profess to be an orator, bat be po sesses the highest elements of ora tory, strong convictions and the courage of his convictions. Bat oar surprise was occasioned by the facts that he broagbt oat in regard to Norfh Carolina. We do ot profess to have read all the histories of North Carolina that have been publish, bat with an in tense love of the old North State, we have searched for gems that glitter all atang her way from the landing of It Aieigh to tha present dy, bat the brightest ot them elated oar e.'oh ami wre un known to a until brought, out on Memorial day. We want a reliable history of North Carolina. One that onr chil dren will read and be inspired by its troths. Oue that our old men can read and.be soliced as the sun of life is setting behind oar western hills. Here in this good state is to be found abandaut material for de lighrfal romance. If in this brood land there is a Washington Irving he could not se lect a better field for the display of his genius. Bat while romance charms, it is authentic history that wc need, and mast have it North Carolina is to her proper place and live in imperthable archives. SPECIAL STEAMERS. Norfolk, m-imi aal f ASHW&TON, H. C. DUGblLWlG, ALL WATER ROUTE. Str. New Berne WILL SAIL TUESDAY'S & FRI DAY'S 1 P. M. Steam or ELKO WEDNESDAY'S 1 P. M , and SATUR DAY'S 7 P. M. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO N. Y. CITY. SdSTDelivery via O. D. S. S.Co. Guaran teed. No Transfer Charces. phi la. clyde lime. Baltimore old bat line, bostox trovidexce m. a m. trans. co. washington, d. c. norfolk a wash TON' S. B. CO. RICHMOND, Va.S. B. CO. RALPH GRAY, Apt. New Berne, N. C. CD. DAILY - FREIGHT - LINE. On and after Monday April 16, a Steamer of this line will sail from New Berne DAILY (Sunday excepted) at 4 P. M., until farther notice. THE STR. NEUSE Carryiug the IT. S. Mail and Las senders will sail as usual on Mon day's, Wednesday's and Friday's GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. New Berne, N. C.April 9th 1894. rtiR HTHfR TI. r.f Inj-wt-J t.i f ar-t. rrW" ehatfe of dic or n- r, tnmmr-mi or pnMMn u b tiken intcraaUj. IImi AS A PREVENTIVE .3 y r-acrMi dill mi : hat id Um cam of u iiril, L'wimfiimt imrm te ear. Pnel by mjul, poatao pa, , t)l ft tax. or boas tor F. S. DUFFY, Sole Agent. Druggist and CURE Under Gaston House, South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. FULL. LIIVK OF Gl-3XLOx?a,l Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. Persona! attention to the prompt and correct filling of all orders. mS 3m w,dow TROUBLED WATERS. When a little while ago we wrote opon the tariff and predicted its passage, we had reference to the Wilson bill as modified by the Senate. We are now informed that ic is proposed tocha age the meas ure incorporating new provisions and substituting ad valorem for specific duties. We do not pretend t ompre hend the situation, u only know that it is claimed that the trrn liog of the waters is for t!i- h.iliug of the nation, Complaints are constantly heard ou account of the delay in passing a tariff bill. Certainly there are evils attending delay, but it is much oftener that injury results frouj hasty legislation than from ture deliberation and the carelal consideration of public meas ures. Pardon a digression. We have been told tbat inquiry is sometimes made as to where the Journal standi1, inasmacb as ''it sometimes praises and sometimes censures the Admiu'stration." The Journal has always been independent, Everybody in its office Is a Demo crat, but it wears no collar and calls uo man master. We wonld not publish a single line if it was not our privilege to advooate what we beleive to be right and condemn what we know to be wrong. Oa great principles we are wltb the Administration, but we have net approved ot all lhe measures it has recommended nor of all the acta it haa done. As Democrats we have a common law and a statutory law. The common I aw is immemorial cuBtom; the statute law is the national plat form, the Cbfoago platform now being in force. No Democratic official has a right to violate either the written or the unwritten law of bis party, and when he does it, be he Presi dent, Governor or Congressman, we will protest in the interests of the masses and in vendioation of our ou manhood. Witbont having; had the oppor tunity to examine the tann bill, a it now appears, we a Ml tor us early passage because the argument is exhausted, and business all over the land, demands that the condi tions of trade be made known to the commercial world. SOt DISCOURSED Elections that have taken place throng hoot the country during the last twelve months have generally resulted id favor of Republican candidates, the only notable excep tion being the recent congressional election in Ohio. Taere are those who consider the general reenlt a protest against Democracy. Suoh is not oar under standing of the situation. It is not hostility to Democracy, but the failure to enact laws and make re forms based upon Democratic prin ciples that has played havoc with the hopes of Democrats. The principles of the party are more firmly fixed in the hearts of the people than ever, as is abun dantly shown in the Ohio election. The Democratic candidate stood fiat-fioted on the Chicago platform and demanded the fulfillment of every pledge made to the people. He spoke for bimetalism and a tar iff for revenue only, and was trium phantly elected. What Is the contention in North Carolina? Do Republican and Pop ulist writers and speakers attack the principles of the Democratic part j t 3ot at all. Populists appland them and inscribe them on their banners; and then charge Demo crats with being faithless to their promises. The time is coming, and is now at hand, when the Democrats or North Carolina must speak out in condemnation of her servants who are content to sit in the shadow of greatness that thrift may follow fawnipg. We would not condemn any man without a hearing, but Be flesh az zer's feast is goingon and the hand writing is on the wall. Nothing is clearer to onr mind than the absolute necessity of hew ing to the line, let the chips fall where they may. The people are not deceived. They will fight for pure Democracy, but they don't propose to parade in honor of any man who smiles and bow-; breaks bis promises and smiles again. Lilt high the Democratic banner and it will not be tarnished with treason nor soiled by defeat. Stailoh ' Catar.ti Remedy. A mirrel-i out cure for Catarrh. Diphthsris, Cnb r mouth, and Haadache. With each bottle there is an iogeoioui natal Injector for the more iuooesafnl treat ment of these complaint without extr shame CULLED ITEMS OF NEWS. The docks of t!ie Clyde Line at New York were burned on Wednesday. Isaac II. Forest, late cashier of the Bank at Salisbury, was landed in the Penitentiary nt Haleigh on the 9th. Among the words recognized by die latest American dictionary are electro cute, abusee, academise graciosity accusa- bly and enhansive. Richard Crokcr, the Tammany chief says his burdens are too heavy, that he nees rest, and that while he will retain his position, others must do the work. The Civil Docket ot Lenoir court was reached yesterday, and the case cf the W. N. & N. R. R., vs Onslow county was continued lor want of some records. .... - - i tie population ot tue western portion of Kansas has decreased nearly fifty per cenc. since ias cyclones, droughts etc. end the basiness. The session of the General conference of the aaethodist Episcopal church is settinz at Memphis, Tenn. The mo important of Monday's proceedings was the report of the committee on the revis ion of the Discipline. A civu engineer in India, in writing to a brother m i-Jigland, who proposed joining him, said that unless bis total abstinence principles were well established he hail butter bring his coffin with him. The proposition to have the Congress elected in .November meet in the follow ing March, instead of 13 months after the election, is not new, but it is alto gether sensible and for that reason is not likely to be accepted by Congress. The announcement comes from San Francisco, where it appears that wealthy and marriagiable women have the majori ty over foreign batchelors of title, that society husband huDting sirens have driv en Baron Nechritz out of the city of the 'golden gate." The big-he&xtedness of the late Henry Ward Beecher., who had for many years a very large incoroa, was strikingly brought to mind when his widow was recently compelled by her inability to pay the reot to move from her late "resi dence into apartments in a flat. The conference of the Christian Church South is in session in Norfolk, Va. The North Carolina and Virginia conference is represented by Rev. J. W. Willons, Hon, J. H. Fleming. Rev. W. G. Cle ments and Dr. G. 8. Wilson on the com mi:tee to nominate Trustees for Elon college. In the United States Senate on Wed nesday Mr. Mdls denounced the amend ments to the Wilson tariff bill as a fraud upon the government for the benefit of favored classes, and announced his in tention to vote against them. The Indiana board of health has or dered the vaccination ofall tramps canght within the state. As the operation involves washing onlv about a square inch of each j man the tramps, it is said, don't mind it. The board should have included a plague ! bath. A delinquent tennnnt at Whatcom, Wash., laughed at all the lanlord's efforts to'legally remove him from the house. At last the lanlord forced l)im to get out by taking off a portion of the roof. In view of prospective trouble at Blue fields aud other central American points, the Secretary ot the navy has ordered several of Uncle Sam's warships to that vicinity to protect United Suites citi zens. Telegrams from the coal and coke re gions of the country tell of numerous ad (Jitional strikes and mob violeuce,JNo idication is given of when theie will be a cessation of these troubles, which seem to multiply. CoL F. i. Simmons, chairman of the State committee, has called a meeting of the central executive committee to meet in Raleigh on the 16th inst, at 12 o'clock The object is to have a conference and to fix the time for the meeting of the State Committee. A fellow named Springer, a man ot means, has left Harrodsburg. Ky., in a balloon, to join Coxey at Washington. He has along $1000 in cash for the com monweal army. He proposes to come down and re-inflate as often as Ids gas gives out. Owing to falling off in business, occa sioned by the strike, the Baltimore and Ohio road has cut down its force dis charged two hundred aod fifty of its men, who are now added to the long list ot unemployed. An English crank, named William Oldham, is goiDg to attempt crossing the .Atlantic on a water cycle. The crafc is 10 feet 6 inches long, feet beam and 2 feet 6 inches deep. 3e is trying to out do the Kentacktin on his way to Washington in a baloon and'join coxey first. Col. Breckinridge may be, as he says, truly repeutant, but that is no reason why we should ba rewarded with a seat jn Congress. There is nothing rare in re pentance after expDsura, and little that is commendable. The amendments to the tariff bill ap pear to be another case of the tail wag ging the dog and Sanator Hill has a sharp knife With which he will attempt to amputate the tail. Member of Congress BrattoD, of Mary land died gn Thursday- The Hjuse was draped in mourning Friday in bpnor Qf his memory. In the Senate Messrs. Hoar and Harris had some sharp passages on resolutions growing cut of the tariff debate. Secretary Hoke Smith has left his office in Agashington to go to Atlanta, Ga, as cfltjusel lor the Georgin Southern and Florida railroad. This is news to most people, it being generally understood that attorney General only was the Railroad attorney occupying a high Government position. The Commissioners of the District have given Coxey and his crowd, forty-eight hours notice to leave the District: The papers weie served by the health officer. Typhoid fever has developed in camp sdci it s otherwise in a miserable con dition. The business men of Maryland mot jn Biiltiinore last iiioui:iy nijjht to (lenmnit c f their Senators anil representatives Ou tion on the tariff bill, One of the resolu tions ailopte l Wiis; 'this ttifliug- with u question, its vital to the welfare ol the people, shall reaso, and that Selfish inter est shall no longer he sunerecl t the wav i't lMilihr irond."' tand in Iu tlu.' I. S. Senate nn Tuesday there was a sharp eolloijuv lxrtHeen lliar if Massachusee' s and iny 't Deleware. Hoar claimed tluit the Democratic Sena tors were violating their oath of office in voting for a protective tariff, while claim ing that such tariff was unconstitutional. Gray objected to this laiunuure. but did pot reply to the argument. The Caucasian announces that CapL W. II. Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, ha gone over to the 1'opulist Party. Capt. Kitchin has been a wheel horse in the Democratic ranks, but has never been an ardent admirer of Grover Cleveland and his methods, and it is probable his an tipathy to the President actuated him largely iu this action. Col. W. CP. Breckinridge made an - other oratorically dramatic speech at Paris, Kentucky on Monda'y. His attack on the press was a master piece of de- nunciatory eloquence. Hon.JEvan Settle, one of his opponents, said in reply: I come to you unheralded, hampered by youth and the lack of an illustrious name. But. sirs, I would rather be one of an obscure, but honest family than have the distinction of bearing unworthi ly the name of a distinguished ances try." Edison has revived lhe old idea of greasing things ships, for instance to make 'em go faster. In certain legislative bidies when it is desired to make things go fast they sugar them. Col. Julian S Carr of Durham, was the orator at Wilmington on Memorial day. The Messenger gives several col umns ot his ornate and distinctly apropos address. The speech was largely in mythical parables and the genius of the poet's wand made to lend the Peri's elo quence to enchant those pres nt. He paid a tribute to Henry L. Wyatt of the Edgecombe Guard. The name Hobo is applied to Coxey ites. "Hobo" means a tramp. It i.s said to be an abbreviation of Hoboken. the name of that city being thus shortened by tiamps. Again it is alleged to come f rom the name of Hobo, a man who kept a low saloon in Chicago which was frequented by tramps who, when arrested, were called "Hobos" by the police, and thus the name became applied to all worthless characters. That Awful Borrower. I tie tJreenville Kenector truly sys: "There are people who will not sub-cribe for their county papr because they hip pen not to agree with its politics, yet they always read it, even if they have to sponre on their neighbor and worry him almost to death bv continually borrow ing his paper." Yes, there are plenty of just such peo pie, and the Journal has liad experience with a few of them. In fact not very long since one of our good paying subscribers advised us to discontinue his paper on account of one of these "Didn't like it" kind always borrowing it. The reason for stopping the paper, said the good paying subscriber, was that he thought the borrower would subscribe himself, and then he would take it again. We thought it would work like a charm but it didn't. The said lorrower just went across the street and immediately warmed in with another subscriber and though continuing to abuse it, actually wanted to borrow the paper before the real subscriber had finished with it. These kind of "its" are dandies indeed. At Morehead. The News-Observer-Chronicle gives the following Morehead City news: Mr. B. L. Perry, proprietor of the Atlantic Hotel, has opened that famous resort to the public and many rooms have already been engaged this month by fish ing parties from this State and Tennessee. Spanish mackereal and blue fish are now being caught in large numliers by trolling parties. The month of May is said to be decid edly the b st season lor this sport. THE SILENT HOSTS. FRANK I. STANTON". No more the storm of battle glooms Above the waving fields; No more the cannon's thunder booms; But earth with blossoms shields. The soldier breasts that braved the fight; Beneath the laureled sod Tbey s!um'r in the living light Ol glory and of God. The faded flags no longer stream Above those breasts so still; The red swords of the lightning gleam Are sheathed by vale and hill. And Peace unfurls her banners white, In tranquil winds to wave; While Memory's tears in drops of light Are rained above the brave. After the fight the beio sleep In God's unbroken rest, And still the South in honor keeps Her loved ones on her breast. For sacred is the blood they shed. And through the flight of years The South shall bless her glorious dead With her memorial tears. To Remove the Shops. Norfolk, Va., May 9. -Special -The Seaboard Air-Line machin shops on the suburbs of Ports mouth, recently built, and the finest plant on the line, are to be closed on the 19th instant and all hands dischagred except a half dozen or so, including Master-machinist C. W. Walker and the several foremen. It is stated that ali the work done at this end of the line will be transferred to Raleigh, and only such work done here as is abso lutely necessary. As the city of Portmouth has granted the Air Line valuable franchises the City Council appointed committee last night to look into the matter of re moving the shops and report to the Council- Invitation Extended. Washington. May .6 Sena tors Godon, Walsh and Jarvis, representative Black of Georgia, and Dr. Walter C. Murphy, of Washington, D. C, called upon Secretary of Agriculture Dr. Dabney, to-day and invited them to attend the Congress of South ern Governors, which will as semble in Augusta, Georgia, on May 30th. Smallpox Among Coxeyites. Philadelphia, May 8. Two deserters from Christopher Columbus Jones' division of the Coxey army, John Washington and Terrence Donnelly, who were admitted to the alms house in this citv shortly after aban donine: the armv, have devel oped smallpox and sere to-day sent to the municipal hospital. It is said: "A man that wears out the sole of his shoe just in the middle 1S ! ones ot carnations. The stars were rer bound to be rich." resented by single flowers of the latter. NOW friend when youexamine ! The remaining portions of the shield were the sole of vour shoe to see if oi red roses. you are going to be rich, it may remind you that you need a new pair. Don't fail to try Howard for them. Our Stacy Adams & Co's., shoes are the Best made and cleanest stock sold in New Berne; and all who have worn 1 them will tesfify to their wear- ing qualitiis. Prices: $3.00 to $5.00 in men's; Boots, $2. to $3.00 . only- J. M. HOWARD. CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL. Interesting Occasion Good Music Fine Address- -Tiie Floral Decorations. Thursday morning's train, with several extra cars attached, brought up a pretty good number from Beaufort and More- head end points below N,iw Berne to take part in the Confederate Memorial exercises. When the exercises commenced the court house was well filled with the vis itors and our own citizens. The speiker's stand was decorated with magnolias, lilies and other flowers, of white varieties exclusively all perlect specimens of their kind. Ou the stand with the orator were Rev. J. T. Lyon, the chaplain. Mr. J. F. Clark, the chief marshall. The choir was to the right of lhe stand, the Naval Reserves to the left. The music for the occasion was hocompanied by an organ and two cornets, which, with a good number of selected voices, was very beau tiful and inippressive. The opening prayer, by Mr. Lyon, fol lowed the first song. It was in accord with the eternal fitness of things that Capt. W. B. Lane was chosen as tUe memorial orator, yesterday. The gallant commandant of ..Company II., First North Carolina Calvary, thrice wounded in a hand to baud fight on Gettysburg's gory ground more used to fighting during the war than speaking since, knew where of he spoke, and ac quitted himself most creditably. Below m e give such extracts as space permits. He commeticed with: Ladies of the Memorial Association, Com- Tiules, Indies and Gentlemen : 'When I accepted your invitation to speak of the record of our brave soldier i made heroes by your patriotic encourage ment and loving smiles, I kuew tbat my untutored tongue could not do justice to the subject ; but relying upon the patience and sympathy of this cultured audience, 1 consented, believing however humble the effort to help forward these services so meritorious, instituted by our own loving women, it would have the proper con struction placed upon it. In 1861 the two sections of this country divided by Mason aud Dixon's lina were asundered. There wa no sympathy and nothing in common between the two sec ions. The pent up feeling of iealousv and hatred of extremists which had been kept smothered by the conservative patriotic men of both sections had broken loose in thunder tones ; war was inevitable. and our beloved state was to be one of the actors in the great drama. But before speaking of the part she took, would this audience pardon me as I briefly sketch a portion ot her hi.stoiy. the narration ot which will g ve us some light on 'What we might expect from her in this lamentable crisis. North Carolina. (God bless her. our hearts swell out with gladness whenever we name her), was settled by the courtly cavaliers and christian Huegenotg. Thev weje the most modest, conservative libertv loving people the world ever knew. This immediate section had to tight from her very door-steps with the ned handed Coree and Tuscaroru Indians and the ruins of an old fort, twenty miles above here on the Neuse, remains vet to tell the storv. Too modest to write a history, but making more than any of the old thirteen, Massachusetts and Virginia not excepted. W hen a boy the hrst history 1 read was Peter Parley's. I see upon its cover-lids the plumed Indian warror with a fillet of feathers around his brow, with his bow. spear and tomahawk, From reading history, I should never have known that the tirst declaration of independence emanated from North Caro hna, and the East victory ol tne revolu tionary war was won on her soil, nor that almost the last battle, Guilford Court House Xor that the first white child ever born on the continent was born here, and a girl baby at th'U. While without written history, tradition kept the old story of glory brightly burn ing on every home altar." The orator here gave a graphic descrip tion of the indignity and cruelty inflicted on James Davis, the ancester of those here today by the B itish naval officers in the revolutionary war. North Carolina had declared the cause of Massachusetts was the cause of all. what might not be expect ed from men with such ancestery?" Then followed a mention of the Craven county troops from CI to Go whom he compared to the Spartan, encouraged by like mothers. He then graphically por trayed th3 gallanfry of the North Caro lina troops on Gettysburg's fatal field. "Such heroic suffering as the Confederate soldiers suffered, has but one parallel in history Napolean's retreat from Moscow. But they were not all who sufl'ered. Where were our heroic women y Denying themselves every luxury and comfort for the soldiers' sake ministering angels in hospitals wiping the death dew from the brow of the dying soldiers. 'I am glad of this opportunity to thank you for this Memoriad Day, for the com memorative monument that marble sol dier standing an eternal sentinel over our sleeping dead in Cedar Grove ceme tery. "Now. ladies, teach your children, and let them teach theirs, to gather together once a year, sing requiems and scatter the sweetest flowers of May over the graves of their martyred heroes, and let the lips of thoe who can speak well, hallow the spot where your brave repose."' The above extracts will show to al who were not fortunate enough to hear thespeech, its magnificent character. It was replete with historic interest and patriotic sentiment. The exercises at the court house being over, the procession was formed and the march to the cemetery made, Arriving there "The Guard Around the Tomb" was sung, the floral decorations placed around the Confederate monument and a salute of three volleys tired hy the naval reserves. The two ni"st beautiful designs were two crossed swords, one ot brigiit red and the other of pure white flowers across the face of the monument, ami the Confed erate shield lvini.' at its foot immediately below tbe sworls. The red bars of the , j w were form&l o(- verbell:l. tne white ninny , The Naval R,-serv recesvei compliments iu- their plendid drilling and soldierly bearing. Tne volleys oi yesterday alternoon were the very first they ever fired, but they were almost exactly in unison the second, especially, went off exactly as one gun. Confederates present informed us that they have known old soldiers whose salutes did not equal these. Tne last tributes of the occasion being over the large number present dispersed to their homes. "XEWS ADRIFT." "Picked-Up" by The Journal Which Is Always in "The Swim " Tne Post master at Oberlin N. C. hat beea arrested and sent to jail for purchas ing goods with St. mips and making false returns of Stamps cancelled. Mr. M. London, one of the most prom inent members of the Wilmington Bar, died in that city on Friday, after a pro tracted illness, aged 81 years. There was a good rain at Jacksonville yesterday afternoon. It extended as far as Maysville. It rained sufficiently for water to stand in the ditches Ironi the effects of it. Tile old board ot city council meets at 4 P. M. to hear annua! reports of com mittees, &c., and at 8 to turn over to the new board whicli will then elect city offi cers for the ensuing municipal jear. Some idea ni the handsome appiarance that will be made by the building on Broad street which is !ting remodelled by Mr. O. II. Guiou f.r his future resi dence can be formed from its present state of progress. Mr. T. .1. Crowder, who has been in Raleigh nearly a year, again makes New Btrne his home. He has taken a situat ion as salesman in the dry goods store of Mr. D. F. Jarvis ami entered upon the duties of the place. In the hose reel company contest last nighc, the New Berne Company made the following fine record: They ran 100 yards, laid 150 feet of hose and threw water in 33 seconds. Mr. Will Rue was the timer. The Atlautics were also out, but never worked for quick time. Sheriff Tbos. Cam pen. of l'amlico. was in town yesterday on his way to Kinston to pay $2,200 on the judgment Craven county has against Pamlico for her share of the old railroad debt. The Sheriff says in two more years Pamlico will pay the last of this debt. The Rough and Ready Hook and Lad der Fire Company, col., of New Bering intend to run an excursion to Wilmington oq Thursday, May 24, at tfie exceedingly low price of 1.25 for the round trip, children 70 cents. That is cheap riding. A recent ordinance ot the authorities of Winston, makes it a penalty of $25 fine for each time a minor is allowed in a suloon. In addition, no back doors or side entrances are allowed, and the bars must le closed between 10 p. m. and 5 a. m.. under a penalty of 50 fir each offense. Mr. Rudolph Duffy, of Onslow county, who has been several days iu the city, is prominently spoken of as the Democratic candidate for the Legislature in the com ing election. They say he knows the tune of Democracy as well as that of "Annie Laurie," his singing of which has driven the mocking birds out of Onslow in mad jealousy. Mr. J. J. Street. Vice-President aud Gen'l Manager of the niilb of the Golds boro Lumber Company at Dover, left for his home yesterday morjing after a brief stay in the city on business. Mr. Street is desirous to move to New Berne and ouly awaits the sale of some property he has in Goldsboro to do so. We will be glad to have him come. Two Vtssal loads of oyster sholis, about twelve hundred bushels have arrived from Beaufort for the New Bame Water Works compiny. They are now lying at the foot of Craven street, They will be used on the streets wherever needed so that they will be left everywhere in as good order as before any digging on them was done tor Water Works construction pur poses. The commencement exercises of James High School, Grindool, Piit county, will take place May 17th and 18th. The'e will be an entertaiument on vVeduesday May 17th at 7:30 o'clock. On Friday morning at 1 1 o'clock the annual com mencement address will be delivered, the examination aud childreus exercises will take place in the afternoon aud the an nual commencement exercises at night. Mr. Thos. Robinson, ot Portsmouth, N C, died Thursday night. May 10th in this city at the residence of his sister Mrs. J. E. Parker where he had been for about five weeks. He was 55 years of age, and leaves no family. He has a brother at Portsmouth, lie was buried yesterday afternoon from the residence, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. G. G Harley of Hancock street Methodist church. WASHINGTON LETTER. Simmons to be Confirmed Oar Pnblic Baildinjr Want Breckenridge Expelled Coxey's 1)1 rorced Wife. Washington, D. C. May x. 1x94. Mr. Simmons will !e confirmed next week Messrs, Caldwell of the Charlotte Ob server, Scales and Boshamer of Statesville are here on business touching matters of importance to Cliarlotte and Statesville. The Senators liave agreed on a tariff compromise but they keep on talking. The Dill, amended out ofall shape, will lie voted on perhaps by June 15th, The River and Harbor bill which jiassed die House last week will be considered in the Commerce Committee of which Sen ator Ransom is chairman, next week. The House appropriation for the Cape Fear, w ill be doubled. The others will be largely increased. The supervising Architect of the Treas ury is making the drawing of tlie New Berne public building. He tells me the work on it will lie commenced soon. Senator Harris says if any outside man sets the District Recordership. for which the Kansas nerro ('has. Taylor is making a hard fight, he wants it to le Col. Tom Tobin of Memphis. He says the Presi dent is. however, lieginning to think Dis trict men ought to have District offices. While Hon. W. C, P, Breckinridge is receiving ovations m Kentucky a great ! many petitions come here asking tbat he ; be expelled from the House of It'pivsen - tative tor the credit ol American man- hood, Coxey's divorced wife says she intends to have him arrested the moment he puts his foot on Ohio's soil for "abducting" their daughter, the girl who rode the white noise at tne neao u tne auegeo "army. The divorce was granted Mrs. Coxey for extreme cruelty" and the two children put in her custody. Coxey and Brown got her to run away. The cornerstone of the new Corcoran Art Gallery will be laid next Thursday afternoon by William Corcoran Eustis, grandson of the great philanthropist. MB. McDO WELL'S WORK. Philadelphia Journal of Commerce and New Berne. A Fine Advertise ment for this City. Mr. W. C. McDowell who is in the city tor the Philadelphia Journal of Commerce to furnish tliat paper a proper write-up of the things tliat pertain to this city alo ig industrial lines and possibilities c ! pro gress and development, lias submitted an article to Mayor Ellis which he has al ready prepared on the subject. It is sur prising to see how well posted Mr. McDowell lias become in regard to what New Bjrne is doing, its outlets, etc. He will remain iu the city a (lew days longer at Mr. W. T. Lane's and it lie hooves those of our citizens who are in formed ou anything calculated to induce capitalists to invest and develop any of our many resources to see Mr. McDowell and place the facts before him. He is making a short tour of Kastern North Carolina and is not only hearing but seeing for himself and we are glad it is so. Mr. McDowell represents a syndicate tliat wants to go into manufacturing and it may result in direct good through them Imt whether it does or not the article (which by the way is as fine an advertise ment as New Berne wants and yet costs us nothing) will be seen and read by thousands and it cannot fail in doing its proportion towards increasing the wide attention New Berne is receiving and thereby adding to the progress tliat can lie seen with every month tliat passes. Married A Disappointed Congregation On Wednesday evening the 9th inst., Mr. Geo. R. Simmons, of Dover, was united in marriage to Miss Agnes W. De Bruhl, at the reeidence of Mrs. Simn De Bruhl, the bride's mother, at DeBruhl's, Jones county, Rev. A. L. Ormand of Craven circuit officiated. The marriage was intended to have taken place in the church at Tuscarora, alxiut four miles distant, and preparation had been made accordingly. The church had been well decorated for the occasion by friends of the contracting parties, and as the hour for the ceremony drew near it was filling up with people from the surrounding country to witness it. But the assemblage was doomed to dis appointment. The minister, when the time was almost at hand discovered that the marriage license had been purchased in Jones county, while the church was located in Craven county, and according to law the marriage must be performed iu the same county in which the license is issued. So informing the congregation of how matters stood. Mr. Orniand started in the direction of the bride's home and met the party on the way to the church. They immediately went baek and were married at the residence in the presence ot the family and a few friends of the immediate neighborhood and the crowd at the church departed for their homes. Three More Fountains in Position. Three more drinking fountains were put in yesterday one on Broad street wbere'the old scales formerly stood just below Middle street; one on Graves street at the junction of Middle, aud one by J. II. Hackburn's store at the junction of Broad and (jueen streets. One more remains to be put in, the one on the macadamized road, the one at first proposed to be placed by the Fair ground but which is more likely to be put a little lower down, probably by the western gate of the cemetery. The fountain near the junction of Broad and Middle streets is the one first intended for '.he junction of Queen and Pollock. (McCarthy's store). The pres ent arrangement was deemed better than the first as it puts one fountain in 'each of the five wards of the city. The one ou Broad street and the one at the junction of Middle and Graves, are in the center of the street. We think the placing of them thus was a mistake. Though useful, and handy for the horses to drink from, the hydrants in such a po sition arc obstructions, and drive-ways should lie free from obstructions. We ixdieve if n accident should occur from their leing placed where they are the city would be liable for damages. The Insurance They Carried. The sufferers by the receat fire at More head were insured through New Berue agencies as follows: The ice house building owned by the Morehead City Ice Company, was insured in the Virginia Fire and Marine Isurance Company, represented by Mr. M.K. How ard for $1,003. Mr. Dauiel Bell's store had $1,500 in surance, 1,000 of it was in the yEtna, 1250 in the Teutonic, both represented by Mr. W. H. Oliver. The remaining $250 wis with the London , Liverpool and Globe Company, by W. G. Brinson. Mr, Bell's stock was insured as followr: $1,000 in the Va., F. & M, by M. R Howard; $750 in the L. L. & G. by W. G. Brinson; $750 in the Teutonic, $1,000 in the JEtna and $1,000 in the Manches ter the three last being represented by W. H. Oliver. The stoek in Mr. Bell's warehouse was insured in the Va. State by M.R. Howard for $500. This makes the total insurance $8,000 $1,000 on the ice house, $1,500 on the store building, $5,500 on Mr.Bell's stock. About $800 or $00 worth of the stock was saved. Companies represented by Mr. Oliver will also meet with small losses by reason of damage to goods of other parties who moved out while the fire was in progress. More Shad in It. The supply of shad in Neuse river has just baen increased.to the extent of 450, 000. That is the number of young ones put in near the city, by the United States Fish Commission. The little fellows are only about the length of a finger nail, : The shad return annually to the waters where thev were hatched or w ere placed when small and in three years are in prime . order for the nets of the fishermen and the table of the epicure. ! Another Monument. Mr. J. K. Willis, of the East Carolina Marble Works, placed another monument in Cedar Grove cemetery yesterday. It is to the memory of our late townsman, Mr. James C. Harrison. The monument hs a panel die. and the shaft, also panelled, rises 10 i high. feet MOREHEAD WINS. Sew Borne Gets Defeatet! in the Base Ball Game-Itnt Will Try It Again. The match game o! base bill between the first nines of New Berne and of Morehe-ad City came off yesterday morn ing and resulted in t li.i div oinfn ure of the New Berne toam. The score was Morehead City, 21, New Berne, 15; being a difference of G in More head's favor. The manager of the New Berne team was C. J. McS.irly; of the Morehead City team W. M. Webb. I). 11. Foy captain ol the New Berne team an I N. It. Piner ol tile Morehead tcnin. The Morehead il v team a oinpos ed of John Wade, pitch. -r; ( 'apt. N. B. Pinir, catcher; S. I. Aitloir, 1st base .1. W. Wallac e. '.' M.a. . Kiv.l Kulford. 8d base; Will M .la ..I. -I, cut slop. Fred Royal, lelt li.l.l. ( ..'! -. filer, ceiitct field; W. II. Jackson, right field. The following were those in the New Berne nine: C. C. Jordan, pitcher; John Neal. catcher; S. L. Dill jr, 1 st base; W. T. McCarthy. 2 1 base; J. L. Hart-field. td base; D. B. Foy. short stop; Belt Roberts, h it field: Thomas Daniels centre field; K M. Green, right field. Piner and Arthur of the Morehead team played their po iii.mj well. Jordan ami Neil, the battery of the New Beine team. deerve ppeeial mention Jordan pitched the nine innings out well not more than four'nf his balls were knocked out of the diamond's reach . It was on the eighth innings that Morehead made their largest score. The New Berne boys baited heavy -but errors caused the defeat. The follow ing is the score of the game by innings 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 . Morehead 2 15 11 (I 2 6 -21 New Berne, 0 72 1 l 1 2 O 2 -15 It will be seen by tin- above that at the conclusion of the seventh inniflg New Be in e was one ahead; the score then stood New Berne 13; Morehead 12. The next two innings changed (he result so that the game closed with Morehead 6 ahead. The game was w itnessed by about 200 people and was watched by them with close interest, each club getting a good share ot cheering as the game proceed ed. After the game was over the New Berne boys took the visiting team to Hotel Alb.rt ami entertained them hand somely, a fruit b .liquet following the din ner. The New Berne team, though defeated are not cast down. They intend to go on the occasion of the Methodist picnic next Thursday and give the Beau fort team a trial. A little later, possibly in June they expect to gr, down to More head and give the Morehead "'snnd fid dlers" a chauce at them on thoir native heath. Simmons Confirmed. A telegram to Tin-: Joi'TiNAI, from Washington at ' o'clock last night is a follows : v "Simmons was Confirmed." Brief as it is it tells a very satisfactory piece of news. We are glad to know tht matter is decided. Never did a man work more faithfully or more energetically in a campaign than did Mr. Simmons in the last one. When the cainpai o oened clouds of threatened defeat bung heavy over the State by reason of defection to Tliird party ranks, but election dsy allowed the counsels of the enemy were brought to naught, and the result was in no small degree attributable to the watch ful skill and generalship with which ho as chairman of the State Democratic Ex ecutive committee managed the campaign. The office which has been Iwstowed upon him is small enough recognition of his faithful and successful serv ces. Our 3aval Reserves. The New Berne Naval Reserves is get ting to be a fine organisation and deserves special mention. . The Naval Mili'.ia movement now ex tends through every sea board State, from Massachusetts to Texas. There are also organizations on the lakes and all of them receive liberal snpjort from the States in whicli they are located. , ,Our boys are now ifM-ogniz.ed by the State authorities and sianrfon the same basis in that respect as the other compa nies of the State Guard; but so fur as the County of Craven and City of New Berne are concerned, no support whatever is given. Wilmington and New Hanover Co. we are informed, contribute some $1,500 per annum and an armory to their military organizations. All other Coun ties and cities where companies are lo cated assist, financially, in supporting their organizations, but our company, the only one within sixty miles, receives nothing. The good conduct and efficiency of the boys is all the more commendable under sue u circumstances. LIFE IS SWEET. cA i.i;n in n n. This world would be u dreary world If there were none to love us. And dull would lw the passing hours. And perlumelesa tlK; sweet flowers. Bnd dim the- stars above n. I often think, when'cr I sit Amid the twilight shadows, WaUdiing the dying sun's decent Adown the rosate firmament. Vli ii-li seems to clasp the meadows. How cheerless ami bow drear would be The day's that hover o'er u, If Love's .bright eye should shine no more If we should tread along life's shore With uo bright hopes before us. Ah, brntherj mortal life is sweet While friends arc true and near us While loving lips to ours are ressed, Bestowing kisses heaven hath bl sscd, To make us smile- to cheer us. I And there are hearts worth living for, ! True ns the heaven above us. i They till our souls with peace and mirth, Thev brighten darkest days oftai'lb And only live to love u. Then env not, stoic, that tins l.fe Is naught but pain and sadness While round our pat li I .loom lo e's sweet flowers, While friendship paints the passing hours With her bright smile of gladness. t .-...V - ----- :

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