THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE, N.C. MAY 17th. 1894. CITY AND VICINITY. Larg sturgeons are caught every day dow. Messrs Geo. X. Ires got about half a dosen tcMlay which weigh frotnlOO to 175 pounds. 1t. N. H. Wood, from Berkley, Va. his Ukeo a situation at the mil's of the Stimsoa Lnmbcr company as superin tendent of the planing department. Sunday there was quite a good rain at Newport. It extended up towards New Berne some mik-s but ooue of it readied here. Palmer, Rivenbarg & Co., of New York, ired the following truck quota tions last night: Cabbage, $100 and $1.50; peas, half barre', Hoc, and 1.50, bushel, 5c, te $1.00. Strawberries 4 to 8. In this issue we publish an original story written for The Jocksal. It ia full of limiting and realistic incidot8,the plot of which is laid in Edgexirb coun ty Mr. George Waits of Durham, a mem ber of the linn of W. Duk-, Sons & Co., branch of the American Tobacco Com pany has donated to IXirham a $25.00Q hospital, and endowed it with i?'2a. ix)o more. J Bean picking Is likely to begin on small scale next week. T:iey hare been btoomiog about a week and young bean can, now be seen on the Tines. W. H Suepard, coL, shewed ua a sample about half grown from his garden Monday. Timothy Bow, one of the colored bar bers of the city, had a chicken to batch out, Datura! ia every way, except that was doubld headed. Each head was per fect The chicken died and was placed ia alcohol yesterday for preservation. Mr. R. P. Hewett, of Fowle, Jones county, was in our office yesterday. There was a good ruin in bis neighbourhood Friday, and he infinrros us that there are no Curs there ap to the present time as to the stand visr of loth cotton and corn. Messrs S, U. & E. H. Frost, of 100 Park place, New York City, write os that their entire aiien of South Carolina potatoes on May 1 1th was $7.50 per tur ret. 1 his is a n mtrkably high Bgure and will give good money to producers crea with a short crop. Congressman Branch has interviewed the War Depa t merit in reference to the ImDrovement of Ocracuke Inlet He was informed that as soon as the engineer's final report was received, the work con tracted for by tLe last Congress would begin. Ji colored man, nuned Daniel Daniel, who had coosumptioa wns taken with a violent hemorrhage from nose and nioa th car the market dock yesterday and died before a physician could reach him . He Tired only about two urinates from the time th attack commenced. Cap. Matt Manly has received h letter from Governor Carr appointing the New Berne Division of the Naval Reserves as chairman of the committee on arrange ments at the laying of the corner stone of the Confederate monument in Raleigh on the 23d inst Lsat week we stite I ihit a representa tive of a Philadelphia paper was here giTtag the town a free write op in his Journal. We were so informed, but it appears now that the business men nieu- tiooed ia said writing are expected to take and are taking, from 50 to 100 copies eactx at 10c a copy $10 a hundred for advertising New Berne bminejs in the city of Philadelphia. There will be bo service, in the Pres byterian church to day. Tbarreason is that the pastor Rev CO. Yanlell is at Kjsstoa to assist Rev. J. Winecoff in the. mstallatioa ot one ruling elder and three deaf oes in the Prrsbvtrnan church of that town. Mr. H. II. Wilson, is the elder, and Mess.s. W. n. Hickson, M. H. Wooten, and S. B. Clayton are the dea cons. Tke Atlantic fletel. Mr. B. L. Perry, whose managomet of the Atlantic hotel gave such strong sat isfaction to all pat tons last year, opened the hotel this year nearly a month earlier (Lan its usual season, and now stands ready to greet all comers with bis hearty welcome. The guests of course are few in number as yet, but the table is up to that high standard that is maintained. When the great hotel is filled with visitors from all over the State and beyond. A sufficient number of rooms for pres ent purposes are iedy for all new comers the remainder will be by the time they are seeded. . Feasiea IivestiyaUr ia Trouble E. D. GalBon from Yirginia an aucnt of the Government lor the discovery of those pensions who are not entitled to receiving them was tried lefore E. G. Hill, Esq Saturday on a -arraot worn out by Mary LeeoL, charging him with slander in alleging that she was I he mother of iy illegitimate child. It was proved that he made the a-wer tioo, but be gave no proof to uphold what he said, while she proved that the child ia question .was a foundling which she secured from officials of t he city a few years ago. Under the evidence Mr. Gallioo was bound over to superior coort in the sura of $100. He gave toe bond. Mwara ia aa Aaolrat Bible The new board ol Aldermen were sworn in by William U. Oliver, Eq. The Bible on which the oath wns ad ministered was an old English bible print ed in England some 800 years co. It i an old and a rare book ; in it is bourn I np the church service as is contained in the Episcopal prmver book. Toe oath administered was the one pre scribed in tb charier and is as follows : "I, , do swear that I will execute tho ofl5ce of a Commiaaioner. (aMermao) of the ton (city) of Xewfoern, faithfully, impartially, and truely." Fawler'f Ferry Impravemeaig. Ferryman Fowler, on tbe opposite sioe of the River Xeuse, has made a big im- proTement in the appearance of his prem ises including the wirehouses. ty a Uvish use ot paint and whitewash even the fences have not escaped. The old land ing now looks much l-etter. Tbe plank walks are also being extend ed aad repaired, so as to be mvitin to The other eveninir the Episcopal mis sion sihiol were ken over there on an oatiag, and all enjoyed themselves verv much. Xaehlaery IfTOawini to bur an engine, boiler. iw milL cotton Dress, cotton .n. eom I. rati! or aaj otner article in the machinery line write to JiddeO Company, Charlotte, N. C -Their machinery ia the beat. SUNDA AFTERNOON At the Y. M. C. A. -Large tJathrrin Interesting Exercise?. There was a large gathering of people at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon, it being the regular monthly meeting at which ladies are invited to attend. A varied and well arranged program had Veen prepared and it was carried out in a most scceptable manner. The address of the evening was by our townsman, Mr. John Stanly Thomas, re cently connected with the New York Trades school, and former secretary ot the Washington Heigths Y. M. C. A. The address was about twenty minutes in length and had a splendid flow of language and was delivered in his usual vigorous and forceable style. All the scats in the large hall were oc cupied, and ou the spacious plattorm were mdmb.-rs from the various choirs. and more spirited and delightful singing was never heard at one of these meetings. A number ol special pieces were sung that were highly complimented. Messrs. Suitings, Harper, Clark, and Hartsfield sang "Jerusalem, My Glorious Home," a very pretty quartet That popular song "Come," which is usually sung as a solo was this tiiue rend- eied us a duet by Misses Stella Roberts and C'larita Clark, with full choir in the horus. wmv one oilier special piece, a luss solo -'The Beacon Light," by Mr. H. L. Pay lor, accompanied by Misses Roberta, and Clark, and W. Koch in the chorus. It was a pretty air anrt well suug. Mr. Paylor has been a resident ol New Berne but a short while, and to the greafpr portion of the audience, wag the first time he had been beared in solo. He has a very deep, lull voice and ad mirably adapted to pieces medium high in register. The New City Officials. The five councilmen elected by the vote of the people from the several wards of the city, J. E. Latham from the first F. Ulrich from the stcond, II. J. Lr.vick from the third. Virgil Crawford, from the fourth, and Isaac W. Eubank from the fifth, met yesterday, organized and with the councilmer-at large which they elected were sworn In and took charge of the city government for the ensuing year. The couocilmen-at-large chosen were Cbaa. Reizeoitein, by the councilmen from the first second and third wards ; J as. F Clark, by those from the first, third and fifth, and Tho. F. McCarthy, by those ot the second, third and fourth. They then proceeded to the election of city officers and Mr. Ytm. til is, the mayor during last year was nnuiimously re elected. The election of other officers was as follows: W. D. Wallace, tax collector; H, J. Lorick, treasurer; W. W. Clark, attorney; Jas. T. Lewis, city marshal; Dr. B. 8. Primrose, port physician. Policemen, J. K. Land, J: B. Dixon and Eli Elliott. T. J. Toler. night watchman; H. T. Brin- 4"fi. market clerk. D. H Stalling, sexton Cedar Grove cemetery; Dun'l Best, sexton Greenwood cemetery; IL II. Tooker. pump in- pector. Three Fihis. Contrary to the usual order of things in New Berne, the peace of the commun ity was hroken by several fights, which resulted in no great corp ral damage to eitlier ot the beligerents. The first was between county clerk W. M. Watson, and Dr. J. W. Duguid, re sulting from the application by Mr. Wat son of language to himself addresse I by Dr. Daguid to a colored nan. Mr Watson made the attick. wl-ich ws pron-ptly met by the Doctor. It ppears that Mr J. W. Watson came to his fathers rescne after the affray, but friends pre vented a collision between these two. Growing out of Uiis there was auot hrr set to" ltween Mr. J. W. Watson and Ferd Ulrich, jr., at the corner of .Middle and Pollock streets, in which .gain there was no serious damage done Down on Middle, there was another small "bout" between Capt. Ben Wills and E. U. Brinson. No special daniu-'.-. The Meadow's Fprtllixers. In special Bulletin, Xn. 20 of the X.nh Carolina Agricultural Station. We are pleased to note that the analyses of the Fertilizers put up oy the E. H. & J. A. Meadows Co., ot this pi nee, are uiveti a high standard, averaging nearly ten pet cent higher in analytical commercial value than claimed in thiir published formula. This nianalacturing tirm has worked up a good trade tor tbeir g.-ods and have done so upon merit. They manuiacture brand for general purposes and also special brands for various crops. Thir business is a home enterprise, a go k1 one, with sound business men at bis head who have great enterprise tempered with conservatism. The firm deserves the suc cess it is attaining, and we bope to see it continuing to go forward and extending its business. North Carolina factories can equal and often surpass good made elsewhere and it is well to bear in mind that to patronize home industries is one ot the sun-st roads to prosperity in any com munity. The Dm Xazx. Tbe dog muzzles have arrived and 100 dogs were muzzled yesterday. Other muzzles are at tbe police station ready for the owners of dogs to buy them at 25 cents each. Tbey are suited to dogs o' alt sizes from the large mastiff to the smallest pet dogs. Most of tbe dogs do uot take kindly to thair new ornament and pull at it until they find their efforts; avail not. Judging from tlie reports through the country gvnerally the hydrophobia epi demic is increasing and ready ucqu:ecen ce in the riKjuiremrnts of the ordinance should tie -;iven hv all. Jones County Correspondence. The weather continues hot and dry Some of tbe taxmerx are not yet done planting their cotton; very few have got anv cotton up. Gardens arc late; very few liave tranvw planted their cabbages', waitni; lor rain. Fruit will be almont an entire failure. Trade is very dull at Trenton, our county sear, and the merchants are anxious for the few dimes tliat are afloat. Mad dosrs soem to be numerous all over thecountty: we need more produce and lens di8. Politics are beginning to rage. We liear of about four aspirants to the office. I a unie laier wnen it gets in lull bhxmi I we may expert a warm tune. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruise?, sores, ulcers, .salt rheum, fever ores, letter, chapped li&nds, chilblains, co-ns, and all skin rnpiions,and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to srive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For le by 9. 8. Duffy, New Berne, N. lC. ml8 12m. I Coming' aud Going i Slate iN-nalor I.. A . l'ot l ! pa-cd tliroiiiih Tne.l:i. j Raleigh to attend :i meetiiu t. i it' Beaut'' en route !ie Eeiu- tire Committee of the Insane Asylum. Misses Julia and Chrissie Stephens ai rived. via. V. N. & X. Riilmud. from Richlands. Onslow court v. to vi-it rela tives in the citv. Mrs. M. M. Davis, her daughter. Mi.-s .leunie and son Master .I'unmie left to visit Mrs. Davis' daughter Mrs W. II. Francks of Onslow county. Mrs. L. II. Cutler accompanied by her j son. Lycurgus. left to visit her daughter Mrs. C. Watkins of Greensboro. i Mrs. C. A. .1. Murrill. arrived Onslow cojntv via YV. X. N. Irum i:. u. yesterday. Mrs. A. Oaks Smith, who h is viskiDH in the citv. leturned to her Ix'en home at Hollywood Saturday. Ron. W. T. Culio, returned from a trip to Pamlico Saturday, and reports they have had a tine rain in that portion or tin county in which there are n Linn-. Mr. Seymour Hancock. .!' W -ton passed through en route to ins li.-m--from Charlotte where he has l.een nit. n ing a meeting of the Royal Aiv'. . ;i pter of Masons. Mr. D. S. Anian, of l'alo Alto, a flying visit to the city yesterday, savs as Coxey is lighting the "M he must fiub t the potato luis : mailt II. I illgs o Ik Iwuirht some Paris green. l'rof. Geo. W. Xeal and wife left on the steamer Neuse, for Washington City to spend the summer with their daughter Mrs. John II. BeTT Mr. J. I.. Moody, has Virginia and Marylaiu trip. Rev. G.,W, Starling -It for on a points m l.usiness in the citv at Capt Dan Roberts. Mr. Danl Weeks, of Stella come up last night on a business trip Miss Emma Simmons, of Oliver, who has been spending a few days at home, returned yesterday morning to Kitiscv Seminary, La Grange, in which she is a teacher. Mr. David Ware, of is associated with Mr. in his work of getting 1'iiiladi Iphia. w ho W. C McDowell articles tor the Philadelphia Journal of Commerce, has joined him in this city. Mrs. A. Oaksmith is spending a tiew days in the city at her former renidence corner of Pollock aud East front streets. Mrs. Eliza Bell of Harlowe who has been visiting in Onslow, came up to visit relatives in the city. Mrs. C. W. Hussey ol lijai Neck is visiting at Capt. Geo. W. Wallace's, as is also ber mother Mrs. Taylor of Adams creek. Monday they both expect to leave (or Adams creek. Sheriff lu F. Ilargett, of Onslow county who came up tbe previous day on business left lor his home at Jacksonville. Mr. Hill Humphrey went down with him. Mrs. S. OettiDgjr and son of Kinston came down to visit her sister Mrs. M. Marks. Miss Maggie Farrow, of Ocraeokc. who had b'ii spending the wiuter in the city, at Mr. II. I.. Gdilis . atftnding Miss I e ih Jones' school, left lor her home by sail vessel, yesterday. Miss Lillie Way. of Haslin, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Jas. 15. Clark, left on the steamer Xeuse returning home Mr. P. M. 1'ears-tll win has been at tending Lenior county Sjpeiior court returned home, aid ( ol. A. M. Waddell, of WslmiDgtou, arrived from the same court en-route to his home. Mr. Natuan H Wood, of Berkley, Va.. came in on the steamer Neuse. Mr. Wood recently sp nt a short time in the city and he is meaning to locate here. He has been to a good numlier of places, some of the prosperous ones in the west, lie says perfection does not exist any where but he thinks New Berne comes about as near it as anywhere. Rev. J. T Jenkins, who has beeu con ducting a r vival meeting in Beaufort passed through yesterday morning en mute to Vinsion. Mr. Jenkin's home until recently was Wilmington. Through this summer t will be at Winston. His family have I ready gone to the latter place. Mr. Hiram IS.-ll of Pollocksville lelt on the steamer Neuss on a business trip. Mrs. Jos l'. Clark anil daughter left on the Neii-e i i visit relatives at South creek, W. and Elizabeth City. Miss I,illie teuton of Smithfield, ar rived I., vis i M ss Clyde Benton. Mr. Hill Humphrey returned from Jacksonville. Dr. E L. Cox and wile of Jacksonville are registered at Hotel Albert. M.srs. Jot. and Benj. Hahn, of tbe city, Mr. I. IIo-ss of Texas and M. Stras burger, of New York went down to Morel. cad to take a fishing trolic. Dr Hyatt's Sanatarnim. It will le remembered that we recently gave an ite n about a very difficult opera tiou being performed at the Smatarhini of Dr. U. 0. Hyatt, Kinston. The doctor being assisted in the work by Dr. Chas Duffy of New Berne. Mr. La Fayette Dillahuot ( f Jones county, was the pa tient. The operation was the removal ol a tumor lrom the under bide of the sacrum. We commented at the time that it was well for people to remember that there is an institution at home which does away with the necessity of going to a distance for treatment in difficult cases. The Kinston Free Press copies what we had to sny aud adds the following in favor of the sanitar um, all of w hich we earnestly endorse : "The Free Press is pleased to state that Mr Dillabunt is u'.-tting along nicely The operation, though a very difficult one, was very neatly done and w as fully successful. In addition to the other doc tors mentioned. Dr. Tnll also assisted in the operation. The Free Press believe- that many people make a mistake in going north to have surgical operations perlormeil. lu most cases the work can U- d 'tie just as well at homer 'in tiict lietter. Ixvause the opemtion at most large institutions north are hurried and sometimes proper care is not taken of the patients, wln-reas h, re the utmost precautions are taken to avoid mistakes and the very best of care is given patients atb : operations are made. It is lietter. che;i-er and patriotic to have such work done here by home people. Morehead ( ity Correspondence. A Mr. Thome, of Norfolk, is here con ducting a class in penmanship. Crops and vegetation are uil'erlng on account of the prolonged drouth. A revival meeting will liegin at the Methodist church next Sunday. Mr. E. F. Marson, formerly of s-wans-boro, has moved with his family to this place. Mr M Rovall an old citizen of M.uv- head, moved his family to the straits last I week. I There were four accessions t the Bap tist church here as a result of the revival which closed Thursday last. Our Wise Kill team rt turned home Thursday last rejoicing heartily over their t victory, and at the same time speaking in ! the highest terms of hospitality and kind- j ness shown them by the New Berne 'team. CVKrEHF.T( OL" MV KKVIVAlS For,) Accessions to IS.aul'ort Ifap'ist Cliurclil in To Veeks-'ork In Other Churches. ( .)ne of (he ino-t -irvi -'ui ir '. ,'. ,.iv held in I'eaufol 1 t ;. if 1 Sim. I i- in the liajitist church of U o weeks , iurat i forty; t" 1 I . .ly. id th. .apti-t a few to the Meth ... !';-. Tw enty-l' uir of t he ,-.mvi rt .-:v t tize l Sunday- thirteen men and e'e , i ladies. Twelve tin.'.- love made appli cation for church me i.h-rship. l.een :ic cepted and will I i i p' I--. 1 m t Sil ndav In iltl 11 to th on, i- I cen men, ! i. r reclaimed and of religion an, people. Ther ui h id u an, I , d ,,V were i. n in th enjoy i in lit u ith ;od' number of 'inwil c ild tUO of tin- Methodist ir lias thu others who fell church mi U r ,'ho ll el brought h ,, k t, In addition oiiveits unite church Sunda t ! i ; r ti: -t low to the id) ove. 1 with the , and the pa.-t, names of ah mt half a dozen intend to j )iu. The meetings were held twice a day for two weeks. Rev. J. T. Jenkins as sisted the pastor, conducting the meetings and preaching. Ho preaches simply, plainly, and in a direct, and unupiivoenl il.iuuicr, and sf, ,,- to - ;i tinn believer in thoroughm in whatever i -'one. Nearly id!, is not every single one. who has made a professiou during the meet ings has cither already united with some church or given his name I) sum,, pastor tor that puipos, . Mr. Jenkins told his! that lie would not give any thing tor a I an 1 linking; religion which would not carry the professor into the church anil int i heuven. A feature of the meeting was the whole souled manners ith which other christ ians ot the city woikcd in the meetings. Rev. Mr. Bumpiss ,,(' the Methodist church and his people worked regularly ill them, and numbers of the best Kpiseo palions also ( o oper ited In a: til v. There va 1 .rge attendance from the beginning ol the meetings but no special interest was manifested until the sabbath lollowiug their commencement. The plan on which they were conducted was for the christians to work among the un converted in after meetings. The interest held to the last Even on Saturday night the church wis crowded and it was parked also on the sabbath to its utmost capacity, although the other churches were then holding their services. Seven of those who are to be baptiz ed next sabbath were received last Sun day night, the very last meeting held. At the bitter part of that meeting the right baud of fellowship was extended by the other members t those who had l n baptized that afternoon. The music during the meetings is well spoken of. There Were about fifty voices in the choir. Mr. J. S. Leonard, ol Wil mington, was the leader in thes part ol the services. Mr. Jenkins, was. un'd the 1st of April pastor of a church in Wilmington. At that time he s.-vei'e 1 his p.-is;,,ra! rel.itioii snips to ent.-r u,)on ev.iiigKi.stic. woik. He held his lit st o! meetings m ity. immediately held t o ol her- I' r.e.Uif , i meet lie ll Is enga -e 1 1 i 1 near ; he c lose Richlands. Onslow., ultct'ward. nd ha- -all with large sue ings !ciug his f.u-; i mcnt s alien 1 reach i ng i u of the year. Meetings have leoeut'y In en held in the Baptist chnri h of Morehra 1 City by the pastor. Rev. J. If. Huvden, assisted by his father Rev. Jos. Huvden. of Rich mniiil. Va. They resulted in additions to the two churches of Morehcad. Sund iv. six united with the Baptist church lour upon profession of faith and two by Ut ter: and four with the Method! two up-iil profession of ta'th s: church and two by letter. We are informed that the twenlv-lour baptized at Beaufort Sunday was the largest number ever liaptized there at one time but we are told that about eight years ago at Morehead there were thirty eight baptized at once. They were con verted in a series of meetings conducted by Rev. W. T. Joues, a brother-in-law of Mrs. W. E. Clarke, of New Berne. Mr. Jones is now jslor of one of the Baptist churches of Goldsboro. Before the Mayor. Hearing was hid yesterday morning before Mayor Ellis in the case of th-.' af fray between Mr. Wm. Waton and Dr. Jos, W. Duguid, aud in the case of Jos, W. Watson for assault on M. F. Ulrich. All three submittal and judgment was suspended upon payment of cost. Still another disturbance grew out ot the affair Sunday night. Mr. Will Wat sou, jr . pissed Dr. Duguid w ho was standing on the street hack to him, and upon recognizing him. he struck hiui on the side of the head with his walking cane and then attacked him further. The two were quickly separated. The walking cane being considered a deadly weapon Mr. Watson upon a hear ing lietore the Mayor w as ii mud over to the Superior court in ih- suni of ?"( i. Mr. Watson apologized for the at lack and he and Dr. Duguid made fiiends. We arc very glad indeed to see this un fortunate affair so amicably s-uled and the parties concerned willing to ieume their customary fiiendlv relations. A LI, tie Effort Secured Them The shad-fry which were put in the river Neuse last week were sent out fiom Washington at the i-ijinst ot Mr. Geo. N Ives Mr. Ives wrote Col. McDonald, 1. S. Fish Commissioner last Fe'.uarv asking that the i i ver .eui- ! n shad this season, that it years since any sh i, I (ry this river and that we some i f them. Col McDonald imme rest, . cid be icel I, cd with y.-1-..l ui! in d lo I iy r.-pi n d I. Mr Iv - hit d ,1 ;h h piest ;i- should W- g' heard ol t he i when Mr. 1 Wasliingti.n : lhad ha I b, , him to meet i here and assi- :hing ,t W, Ks :,r, 1 1 Mr. -I ',. h ,- fi lm! th, 1 1 l.i.l. Messenger . Smith's ut lo ,- ,re and t -ok th, c rci k w here ; i lor tbetiise!e but 4s hours s -eined to i e lent in their '1 I'll, At: t he li.h were old they were 1 vely aud pcri'i ctly at home and Con new qiurteis. There were four hundred and til'ty thousand of th"tn and Mr. Iv.s t hmks in three vears from now we w ill have them in our mai ket full grow-- shad and will unrpii-st ionab'y make quite a difference in the catch of the rishermeL:. If thee young shad had not been asked for, we might not have received the sup ply for some yen's. The . success attend ing the request show s the need for effort. When anything is derived there is noth like trying for it. THU imuOkl.YN TABERNACLE Aain Burned I he Hotel Keirent ami llther Prnjierty Aiiioiiuting to Over Kl, (100. 000 Goe With It. The P,rook! n Tab nr., c, I )r. Tal maoe ehu.cli. w i- lniined to the eroiuid ,,ii S-:nd.iv so.. n 'io r the eon j'regation at ii.oiniiio- ,.v'.c.: was dimis-cd. Tiii- is tie- third time it has h en luini e I :onl eaeh lire w as mi im l 1 1 u;s n w and cost .. tOO.Iiiiil. The , . .1.-1 UeLT'-nt next to it. isim:ited at .sa'.nil.Ot'O was also entirely .lot roved. tocether with .ther luu Id i ir 's to t lit amount ol -?")(). ooo. I r. Tahnaire thanked (.o l w hile the church w as luiniine; tiiat ill" tire did not -occur earlier w ll !e tin- l,,IIIJ0 people were attendine; the SCI lees. The Hotel cut was m-ui'eij lor -s .'ii i.l ii ii I. N'a mention i insiirancc on the TalH.'i'iiacle. 1 1 1 .11 le i if an V Washington Letter, Washington D. ( . May 10, !G. The Senate amendments to the tariff bill create great (ha! of discontent among t he slncei'O tarilf reformers, both in the Senate and the House. The bill as amen ded mav pass by a bare majority. Senator Harris, who is pushing the bill through w ith all his tact and energy and skill, gets very impatient sometimes at inipe liments puqiosely put in his way. About 2500 North Carolinians are ap plying fiir places in the Governnujiit I 'nut l ng office. Marion Butler is here to present his views bet'ise the Post Office committee about the Government ownership of the telegraph wises Map Wilson and Col, Biddingfie'd are here attending the annual meeting of R. Ii. Commissioners. Mr. Huffman will b -appointed Post mas ter at Hickory. The light over this office haslx-en a long one because the demo crats would not get together. Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell, the editor of tne Charlotte Observer'" returned Home last night, lie came here with Messrs. Scales and Boshanier to attendd to cer tain matters of importance affecting the Sta'esville postofhYe. The President and Cabinet and a great many other visitors went to r rederick imrg to-ilav to witness the unveiling ot a monument to Marv Ball Washington, tl Mother of t h orge Washington. Lawrence Washington a direct descendant who un veiled it was introduced ry Mr. Cleve land. 1 lie orator ot the day was Senator Daniel ol Virginia. A colonial ball will lie held to-night at which many costumes worn by the colonial ancestors of the participants will lie worn. The Presiden tial party returns this afternoon. lion. Win. I,. Wilson got back to Washington to day. After a brief visit to West Virginia he will assume his duties as Chairman of the Ways and Means Com mittee. The House favorably reported to-day a bill to erect a public building at Winston Salem. Hoke Smith has gone to Georgia to at end to leg.d business. I . S. LIFE SAVING STATION'S. Their Number How the Work is Carried On. Editor Joi'KNal: I follow up my last, anent the Light House, with a few points regjrding the I". S. L. S. sjations. which liegan service on the N. C. coast, about IS74. tii iin'v through and by the i tfoits of Hon. S S. Cox. (Sun Set) of N Y.. in grateful commemoration of whose meritorious and chupieiit efforts the st. tions have c .n-cd :-. massive solid silver vase. 2i inches high, weighing 75 ounces, to U- pr. setite. i. with a graphic and anr - ii'scr-pl. Mrs. Ccx. Dec. I ", M 1 . a ' i 1 1 1 1 a- fr lUled , .l.sptcllolis d" which, neatly Langs in every st ition. There are -4 11 ween (Jape Fear and the Virginia line, situated about 15(1 yards from the ocean and about six miles apart, with a halfway house lietween where the patrol one from the station north, one from the south, meet and. exchanging their checks." of brass, similar to those used by the fiend of a baggage smasher. of course differently lettered to prove that each have been to the rendezvous, retrace their step-1, while all night others from every station are similarly engaged, at intervals of three hours each and the same precaution is strictly observed in foggv or thick weather during the day. Each patrolman carries a (so I'll clesig nate it) machine," of tin. covered with canvass a ooden etids. shaped ala a cartridge-box. containing three what are termed "coston" signals, 3x3, something in shape like a shell, which on sight or hearing of a vessel in distress or wreck, are placed in a brass holder annexed, and by means of a .similar ''plunger" are ex piode.l. emitting a light of a deep redish hue. which lieing part of the International Code, are understood, as warning vessels to keep off. th it the breakers synonymous w ith death, are Dear. From each s.-aton about E. 0" teet is a pole G1 Meet i ig'.i, cleeted to top, 41' feet to cross' n-es, 2o to topmast, on which flags and pennants of all nations are run up. when necessary, during the day. S. end of station is the boat room, contain ing a life car and surf boat, preservers and oilier appliances, including the brass 'Lyle" gun. shooting a long iron shot. 20xmJ inches round, over a vessel in dis tress, so that a line attached may by the sailors be so handled as to connect them to the shore and many lives saved by the methods of the -'hawser'' and the breeches buoy." which is successfully done on many occasion. .V full descrip tion mv abiliiy and your space a' ike for bids. A few essential points though may interest the oeneial reader. A telephone connects each one from Cape II to Cape Henry, while there i also a telephone line from Cape Henry to II .tu-ras I u let in the interest of the Signal service. i'here ai e otlie s at Cape Henry. Cur rituck Inhtbn charge of Mr. Dozier, a clever, geniil and a first rate checker plaver) Kitty Hawk, ending at Durant's Station and Hattenis Inlet. Eich station is strongly built on four mud si, Is, nec essary by r.-ason id' the winds and action of the sands, and. i-eing constructed by Uncle Sam, it gees without sayiDg that in ileign. execution, warmth and ventila tion, the convenience and benefit of the crew, is assured. The crew numbering eignt. is captain and six surf-men com mencing first September; one extra comes in first D ceml-er and all leave first of May except the captain who remaius on duty the whole time. Much more could I write hut the time for my Ilegira is close by and my heart Is too troubled at the ide of the fata that is befoie it to be inditing of ephemeral mat ter, though I will say that the capts of stations ? 0. and the crews a I mi are. to in) p, r.sonal knowledge, gentlemen of tx pei'ience. (tiitur-. ability, and knowledge, and act so us to n ake you feel at home. The beach drill is exct e lingly inlere-ting, an I to a looker-on peculiarly iutrieate. ve- of-le:- s,.,n evolves lrom chaos. ;,nd ;ls it would b- in.nnit'st the man in the whj-lee." -ately guarded by the : b-s-bu, ,y ' readies sand-li i ma and I- -,v-.l. while they have now a new h ue;'' might term it a search-light in ee.i. : .r it i-o arranged that the whole ai r .pg.-iiieiit can be perl'oinied nscorrect Iv aid 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 - v as by noonday, the light v i vi. ll v , 1 1 st 1 1 1 c l ten mi ies. 1 was in to venture the evolut i I llijllU o;t in His wi iculy inei i in the suit' ' iv graceful! 1 sullieieiitl v ril'. though v and thor- i nigh i v pel I ol'llled On the nigh: -t Apni .jotu 1 was hos pitably and km ily eno-named by Capt. Corbet and cr-w. ot I. S S. No. 6, and nop-d with interest the departure of the crew on the stroke of 12. as their term of eight months meritorious service then ex- j pired. and thev became relegated to I private avocations until the hands of time point to I'-i on me nignt oi uic .Jtst of Augast. next, and I was forcibly re minded of the olden custom of watching the old year out and the Xtw year in, and with sjulness I thought of the chances that all those gav. clever, chivalrous pro- tec tors ot property and savers of lives ! m lght ever return ana their laughter. song aud jest be forever. Usheabd. IV AN INCH OF HIS LIFE. Case of CireuniKtancial Evidence -An Original Story Written for the Journal. ; m akachki.. I 1 am a commercial traveller, commonly j known a a Drummer." I travel in the interests of Flotsam and .Jetsun. hardware merchant.- of Diltimore. In the year 1m .V, I was on the road" in the eastern suction of North Carolina. I luid linished up my business in the N-aiitiful little tow n of "Tarboro" and was ready to leave next morning on the stage for R.n-ky Mount, the nearest mil way sta tion. I had Liken several good orders and had a sitislied feeling. After sup.r I t. l-mdi,,,-, ,,f tl. hotel it there was any place of amusement eip.-n in town that night. He replied that ther.- w ould U' a slight-o' mnd perform ance in u tent one square from the hotel, at S o'clock. I was ;w;iy fond of things, and went around at the appoint.-d hour. At the entrance, in a transparency, burned a lamp which brought out in brilliant relief tho words painted on the cloth: -A Stotiinlei. Magician." I paid mv quarter and went in. I found a large crowd of spectators and was forced to take an ele vated lsick seat. It proved, as I soon discovered, to !e one of the liost in the house for observing the performance. Mr. Stounder showed himself to U- a proficient in his work and gave us an ex ceedingly pleasant entertainment for more than an hour. But when he came to per form the trick of catching bullets in his teeth that were tired at him lrom a pistol, an unlooked-for incident occurred. Every one in the tent had given their undivided attention to the tri.-ks shown on the stage, except one man. He had evidently lieeu drinking too much. His applause wa always more vociferous than any one else's. He liegan to talk out loud and was di.-s-turbiug those near him when the bullet trick came on. lhe report ot the pisto and the display of the bullet in Mr. Stouii- uer s mouui exciiea mm. uiuck as thought be drew a pistol from his pocket ami. aiming at tne pertormer. .shouted: I atch this, mister": and fired. The spectators arose as one man and cried out. Arrest him ! But I was looking to se if the showman was hull. He wa.s standing still, on the stage, with a fare white with rage, gaziri" eagerly' into the crowd, to find the man who had lired the last shot. I saw his eve flash as he caught sight of the drunken man. With one leap he cleared the space lietween them and. as his feet struck the ground, he threw out his right list and struck the ruffian full in the forehead and felled him to the earth. For a moment Stounder stood over the prostrate man and perceiving that he was more stunned tlian hurt, be worked his way through the crowd and mounted bis platform. Ladies and gentlemen. said he. "there is no damage done. This man frightened me and I have shocked him we are even, if some of you will lie kind enough to call a policeman and liave the man removed to the guard house, we will go on with the performance. There are several curious and entertaining trick.s which I wish to show you." These words were spoken with calm ness, ease and fluency. There was now no trace of anger or emotion in his quiet countenance. "Go on go on"! resounded from all parts of the house. Tbe drunken man. now in a stuper was carried out by a policeman and quiet reigned again. Then came a most wonderful display of ventriloquism. He assumed tbe garb and appearance of every character wluch he personated. And the materials at hand seemed utterly inadequate for his purposes. One moment he was a nigged Ijeggar be seecliing alms the next, he was the well lressed gentleman giving nionev and ad vice. 1 lie tone ot voice and words were precisely in itccord with each character. Anil, right lietore our eyes, he would be come a school txiy full ot tun and frolic. pretending to recite a lesson. The next moment he was the stem pedagogue ad ministering punishment. And so on. for an hour, he kept us m roars of laughter mingled with expressions of astonishment and wonder. The epi sode of the drunken man was entirely for- otten. .last before the conclusion of the performance, the magician announced tliat it anv one wished to learn how he per formed his tricks, he would teach him at the rate of $2.50 per trick. He stated tliat he would be in his room at the hotel, to accommodate fuch, immediately after the performance liad closed and would remain up till 12 o'clock. He said that be would leave town very early next morning and this was why he had no other time to give. Two men sitting near me agreed to go to the hotel and take lessons in magic. Thev asked Stounder if he would agree to go to their rooms in another hotel to give the lessons. To this be readilv assented. This ended the evening's entertainment. It was then half past ten o'clock. My room was m the same hotel as that of the magician and adjoining. I retired as soon as I reached the hotel and, being wearied in body from my arduous labors of the day, I soon feel asleep. I was awakened about half past eleven o'clock by loutl talking in the room of my neighbor. Angry words were heard and then rapid .steps were beard going out of the room and along the passage. Then everyting was quiet. I wondered a little at this but soon fell asleep. About daylight I was aroused again by voices in the next room. This time they were evidently made by porters moving baggage. These sounds soon ceased and I slept. At the breakfast table, that morning, the talk was entirely about the last even hag's performance and the coolness he dis played in the encounter with the drunken man. II Ten months afterwards I was again in Tarboro. Superior court was in session, and the ceowd in town was very large. I asked my landlord the cause. lie replied: "There is an interesting murder trial go ing on." Then, looking at me earnestly . he added, "I believe you were one of my guests at the time of tle murder." "I guess not." I answersd, "I never heard of it before." "But you were here tliat night." he said, "for 1 remember tliat you had a room adjoining the murderer's -tliat ma gician lellow Stounder.'' Tliis was liexioniing interesting and mys terious to me. So I begged the landlord to give me the whole story. He gave me the following history: T believe you left town immediately after breakfast that morning. Well, about two hours afterwards, news came to town tliat a man liad been found murdered and robbed, about fifty feet from the main road in an obscure cart-path, on the Conetoe road, about three miles south of town. The sheriff summoned a posse and the coroner summoned a jury and at once set out for the scene. I was one of the coro ner'sjury." "We found plain evidences that the man liad been dragged from the main road into the cart-way and there murdered. His throat was cut and his pockets rifled. He was identified as James W. Broome, a well-to do cotton planter who lived mar Sparta, on the road to Greenville. He wys in town the night of the slighi-of-han 1 performance, and was there, chunk and disorderly, and I think he had some words with Stounder during tha acting of one ot the, tricks. "It was proved, cm the inquest, that Stounder was eeii on the main street go ing towards the river about 12 o'clock thut night. It was proved also that the policeman who had Broome in charge i elcased him by order ot the mayor, on condition that lie would go straight home. This he ditl ab ait halt-past eleven o'clock, riding horseback. He was nearly sober at that time and fully capable of managing his horse, which was notably a gemle one. My night porter swears that he let Stounder in that night, at one o'clock. It is so well known as to need no pro -f that Uro mie had no enemies and. when sober. wn notoriously goixl natural. "Now the only person who had shown any ill will to Broome was Stounder. He is a passionate man. as proved by two gentlemen who took lessons in magic from him that eight. He had high words with them at their room in the other hotel and also here in his room about half past eleven that same night, "Stounder says he knows nothing ot ' the murder that his walking out at i Continued on Pasre 2nd. 1 CULLED ITEMS OF NEWS. Wild tobacco. Mill to ll-' I qll d to 1 he leal Havana, lia- be.-n found growing ,n Texas. The St. oe Medh al ,, j, u ,,u -, sessii.n at (' recn-boi'o. Iir. V , II. II. Cobb, of (ioldsbor i is presluiiig tl i , -. The convention ol Southern I'.ap'.i-t in session at Dallas. Texas, was opemd mi the 11th by Rev. T. II. I'nl.-h.n I. I . I), ol" North Carolina. (.'onsul-'jeiieral. T. I!. h. arrived at Shanghai with his Se. : :i rv L. E. Avery. Tin V i.l'e wed ai d high!, pleased. I he Diocese of ( .iio'.n a nn-e-s nt Kdcnton, Thins av , gdtu of M n. Tin best way of reaching it i- v ia N- w I'.ei iie and Elizabeth cit v . 1 f lireekinridge -neiks l.aek int . ('.ing ress by the repentance route it will n it be calculated to improve the morals ol Congress, which sue now none of tl a- best, anyway. La Grange is on tin- iinprova - ( tin man there. Geo. Urnndou ed ts of the same date The Saturday Times and the New s. Owing t. the c. al tainiii". I r..iight aboiu by strike-, the railroads an con fiscating co;il in transit to their own Use. The Wistern North Carolina Kuilnnl is to le sold August 2Nt. During Gov. Jarvis' ad mini stni' ion the "state sold this road for ssiki non. Gen'l. V. P,. ( o In a i?2.) contribution to monument fund. John M. Henson, tin urer of liludeu county, was enp' his home on the nig lit of the 1 1 1 I). May and O. A. W addell. Mr. Walter G Sugg, a young married man living near Gnhls' was accident ally drowned on Saturday whi'e seining in Stony creek. Goldsboro has a female do. t ... Mrs.W. J. .Jones, who has recently gradual..! in medicine with distinction ami who is now attending the State Conve .iion ol M. D's at Greensboro. J lie 1-tepti olican senators anil (...m men have had a caucus anil agreed iq aggressive tactics to kill the I anil hi A telegram says that Cleveland 'ins h it Washington on another fishing excursion in Company with Secretaries Gresbani and Herbert. It is thought the North Carolina coast is their destination According to the opinion i the Su preme court of the Siale. re eiiiiy indi cated, lour Justices of that Court will have to be voted lor at the November eieition this year. Friends of Congressman Howrr in the Eight district are pushing his claims for reelection, He is a Democrat of the "tariff for revenue only" type, and will have a strong following in the convention. Indications point to the nomination of Oates over Johnston for Governor in 'he Democratic primary in alabama on itut. day. The Senate is making very slow, if any. progress with the tariff bill. The Demo crats are differiug with each otner and the Republicans are all obstructing as much as possible. Col. M. C, P. Bn ckeiitidge has the chuj.ih. the ladies and the Press of Ken tucky opposing his re-election three influ ences that are pretty hard to overcome. The bard times liave struck Tex. s. For tbe first time in her history, she has p..i a dollar in the Treasury, ami it is though' she will be several hundred thou an l dollars in debt by the i n I .c tin year. A Kentucky dispatch savs that a half a dozen Coxeyites have started f-.r Wash ington in ;i balloon. The report origiua ted at Ilarrodsburg, which, it is hardly nece-sarv to say. is not a prohibition town. The Convention of Southern that has lieen in session in D.dii I', iptists r. is, the "past two weeks, adjourns, p About two hundred of the delegates go on an excursion through .Mexico b d .V. wil; f..:e returning to their homes. Marion Butler, editor of the Caucasian, and head of the Third Party in Ninth Carolina, is in Washington City to appear befo-e the Post-office committee to ad vocate government control of teh graph lines. Venezuela has had a series of P itiable earthquakes that were destructive to life and property. 10.000 people are report ed killed and four cities completely laid waste. The greatest of salli ring prevails Tile Southern Methodists in Coid'ercuee at Memphis. Tenn., are discussing with much warmth whether it shali I e a viola tion of church discipline lor a member to sign a petition to grant a liquor license. The indications are thev will decide that it is. The latest telegrams from Alabama point to the conclusion that ( 'apt. J. F. Johnston will be nominated for Governor over Oates. It requires 2o3 to a choice, and Johnston has telegraphed .Sena' or Morgan that he has 300. The Oites men, however, have not given it up. At a large mass nice: ing in Lexin :t.,n. Ky., Monday, tin- home of Breckinridge, that congressman was seithinglv d, -nounced both by the speakers and the resolutions passed by the meeting. It is evident that his career as congressman from that district will end with his pns ent term. There are ugly rumors in Washington as to how the Senate aud the Finance Committee capitulated to the Sugar Trust in arranging the sugar schedule in the Tariff bill. A New York paper mentions the names of accused parties, prominent among whom are Senators Comi-ui. Smith of New Jersey. Price, and Jones. The people expect these men to sweeten tbemseiv.s considerably, but waDt some sugar left "to take in theirn." A telegram lrom Washington announ ces the pleasing intelligence that Mr. Cleveland has assured Congressman Bonn tn t Mr. Walter R. Henry shall be taken cure of. Mr. Henry did lots of work effective work, and at great personal sacrifice It is meant he should lie re warded with a place commensurate with his services. News has bten received that th. Virginia aDd North Carolina rnluav. between Petersburg. Va . ami Ri-ieav. N. C, will be pushed to a lim-h Twelve years ago nearly half the r, a;-'e,l w., grsded. The right of way and tranchi-e-aife now owned by Petersburg, that citv having years ago v.ue.l 100,000 in aid of Lhe road. Sampson county has had an unfortunate shooting affair. Mr. Walter Drntighon and his son John were both shot Friday bv John Bass, a white tenant on Mr. Drauglion's farm, two miles from Clinton. The shooting w as the result of a difficulty concerning a field of cotton. The Dmnghona were eating dinner when Bass walked up with a double-barrelled gun, and shot tin -in. bieak ng the elder Dratlglioiis w rist mid hitiingjohu in the side. The hitter's wounds may prove 1 add Bass has taken to the woods ;md is vet at large. A cranky negro blacksmith m Washing ton -appeared m the gallery of ongre.s.s on Monday and a-b m .situ 1 the lb.ii-e by Veiling out- -Mr. Speaker, if ihe i.ouse of Represent itive-." and attemp' ing to make an address on the Coev good roads. I lis name is ( 'berry. I m ih" members bi I ii"t seem to cine for th it kind of fruit. It is claimed hat 1 1 c Cap ilol is lull of cranks other than the .,., followers, and ollici.d- are nit with-ii' appr-lieiisum. Four liig iSut'Cfsscs. IlavinLr tli c needed merit in nuike Lrood all the iulverliin Ill' -IV 1 hall I l .- . I a ii 1 1 . i i ' 1 1 them, the tollmvim; t'.Hir leinedi..- have reiulieil a plinnr.neiial sale. Ur. Kind's Xew I )ise.ive;-', 1'n- eonuiiii(inn. c. .iiltii---, and eold. eaeh hottle i:iiaianteel Klcc- tiic IJittc-is, the grent remedy for 31- J,iver, ; Stomach and Kidneys. ...... ISUCKleil S Vniieil Salve, the h.-st in the world, anil Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a per fect pill. All tlicw remedies are guaran teed to do just what is claimed for them aDd tbe dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Bold at F. S. Duffj sDra?. tore. sent (Joy. ( air I the ( oiih- lei;, ,- i S W A S UO KO C0RRESP0N 1MIM E. Picnic Hunting and Eishiiig Loilfre Siiggi'sleil Candidate for Conn y Oftieet 1 ' 'op- a lid g 1 1 le , - a tv su lloil i ig rnbi troiii d i v w ea 1 1 ier. Tin- grind M . , , m," .. . 1 1 "it li iii-l. Ther u i- -i .. 1 1' :e . row. I n.i ! go H 1 dinner . , , , j Ci.-Cllle VI. -I- w ,e- fro 1 hen. Fish r.- - cng1' : o . , . , -, loon . , . ,-.. I ' an 1 1 ll 1- chimed th ilteil thelll 1I..W. I th" t ei ra pi ii ... w I.. p..-,, d i apt .1 ifa bra sin . : .lint. . i v - I. in ew s, can out-s i , " He -harp i I 11 11 VI 1 1 1 11 1 to the Re mciy, Im 'st nieroli- id C;y t, goo . I - in tin (.'an, Mi. reside a . I' ll ve I Zi'lis a We days .- fl Mn Maun II. I'. Ills here ll IV 111 M n-i I I. h r the full!!', . i.d '.it ,-i re s .r wen- ,t Mr. go. He is iii I he s tie lb. ml, the t ii rpwnt in. ness again; hi farm-. ;iS., hut don t any cotton. Mr. W. II. Crf-en. leas, d a t met of land bunting an I fishing ii id bul.t for hinis, !' Wilmington, has from Mr. Gornto for purposes. He Ids ail Ira mis ti hue IN a k i tl. 1 of Hill 11' Ml'. Coflllo's. house (,n this land n w 1 1 i i 1 1 t o so j , . ii n i Jlbsoluiely Pure K ert-a n of tartar baking powder Highsi of all in leavening strength !jate8T Urn-run States Govbrnmkvt Fooo Report. Royal Baking Powdkb Co., 106 WhII St.. N. Y Wm. H. OLIVER, Life, Fire, Marine, Accident, Fidelity, Steam Boiler Insurance, NEWBERN, N. C. A Number of Time-Tried and Fire-Tested Companies Represent ed. Over 8 1 2.",000,000 assets; repre sented. NOIORARY PUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for Now York, Connecticut and Pe n syl van i a. CF'Afrent National Board Ma rine Underwriters. I TS9T FORdrET 35 oraxin e AND E"W'IS' SHOES For Sale ky J. F. TAYLOR. Here are some of the Gool Things of life you ran find there: lyt. Coal nil, Johnny Soap tin1 hrM round soap in the world. -2inl. Ho rax i nc, t In wiiiiihii'h f rirm 1 . 1 1 drn n s I'leuelien ami inakcM wasliin !iih . SAMPLES LKLL, TRY IT. .tl. apo in ulwiiys rcliahlc. 4th. A new stock o J.U. LewisV CosMioi, tlie ht'ni t-vt'r hronht to this market lor tin- IJlom1 y -re 1 1 m 1 1 1 . ."th Kor a ionic, try Hires Hoot llccr, Ha vnritm, Uh'iii, Hiliwr ntui I'nrtiicr's Import e I U ini.-i Ale, ISrjw n"s stmit am) Ha A I-. ftlw;iy on haii-1. ilth. For Meith-ul iHi s t rv 'fhom son. o. F. ( . Manhatte i Minnm im m an. I Marylaml A A A A Ity es, Ii i r- i uon n! a t :i in and iiramln - ot various ktmN. l uiii.i A n ion to I'lritv, J A - . Y I L 'li 18. -JU 4V 2: Middle tn-ei. eceived A LARGE LOT OF THOSE C. HAMS That 1 am selling at , 1 '- els. per 11. ,LS0 TRY A BBJj. OF MY 'k13est on JKai-tli" IT ONLY COSTS YOU $4.50 PER BBL And there is none better made. To my COUNTRY friends I would say drive right in the rear of mv store, where von will rind STAULUS'FllhE. My prices are low. my dealings are just give me a trial and I wili gnarentec satisfaction fund ail money. Respectful! y , .1 . It. I'arker. .1 i NO. i;:oAi sr. NEW, LIFE4 Dr. E. C. Wett'i Nerve and Brain Treatment j -...Id umier positive written (niaranteo, by nutlrnr-i7i-.l n-i'iitf .inly, to cure Weak lcni.,ry; Iws ,f ; Itriiin and Ners e Powpr; Ijost ManhfM.d; Uui-knfp; : Nitfht Iiww; Kvil PreamF; Lack of C. undent-. i N. rv- mme!; I.aspitude; all Drniu; Iavm of l'..w.-r ' ..f tin, Generative Orirans In either pex, canned by over-eiortion: Youthful Errors, or Fxce.ive I'eof Tobacco, Opium or Xlquor. which Fc.n leml to Jillri;, u.iununiJ,.rij. .unamiy UIl L,'ttlli. i J mou, fl a box; 6forl5: with written minrantee refund money. WEST'S COUGH HYKl'P. A certain cure for txxigh. Colas, A"thran, Bronchitis, Cnup, Whooping Oouku. Sore Throat. I'lcasant to take. Small size discontinued; old, GOc. niztt, now 35r.; old 11 air, now 60c. aUA&ATEtt Issuod only bj F. S. Duffy, Sole Agent, New Berne, N. U I nib- th, le. 1 lb-, ,lld I ll g- 1 '-- A 'I I i -1" IM left - i V - w ,v not le, V e I ' Hied im i ' 1 '.. 1 I I . l 1 f.,i I i,.-gist, i of "Deeds, ( 'has. h. le. W. iCerock I'm- Clerk. Hodob.h DofTe r, , Repri s, ntaiive. Ac. That would 'lie a good ti.-k.-t. but hou ;,h- in J. W. Spic. r. (' I'. Flazelle S. I.. C. lo, k. (.eorge lilake and your s,T;int. Y,,u must know we fire a -t aiding onndi, ,;ib for liegister of Deeds. 1 t I. M WWW T-JI VV ' ' M -A-" FINE LOT OF SHAFER'S Sugar Cured Small Pig Hams, CHOICE BREAtCFASl STRIPS AM) Small Shoulders. M. C. Hams Beautifully Cured, only I 2 I "2 org Another larire Invoice r'i of California Evap atcd Fruits Just in. . Oalifomia Prunes 10o , ' " Extra. 15o . Pears 10c j- Peaches 15c " peeled. 20o Apricots 20o ; Fancy Diied Apples lOo Fancv Evaporated Ap ples 15c Another lot of those Fine California Peach es 31b standard goods 17 ONLY cts a:can JOHN DUNN, No. 55 & 57 Pollock St i , , . t in.h. rtiin o chnf of dtat W nauvifui, mronil or patMOCWM A3 A FREVENTIVK hj tit-hrr n . U tonpNBitttaaalrMl nny f.r"il Iiwhi . hmttm Um mt mt ih O-.iMir ih.i nd W J'nrehy mwl. pOM $ 1 par box., or buftM Um $4. F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. "PREPARE TO KEEP COOL" T.C.WIxitty Ihis.Jiisi Kccci ved h Supply of SlIEPAUD'S LiiditniiiLr lev t'n'am Freezers. White Mountain lv ('uain 1 leezers. A CT! 'tr Cream m I IV I:iee7.ers. Prices Lower rr 1 1 yv rv evjeh. IVo. Ji3, 2d &. t7 . Craven fe3teet GIG 'st.- ' t i '.- ': ,.4' l

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