INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents. .yoL. xvn. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 12 1894. NO. li v v- itl-r-DIGIF! i HIM Villi :-w. U a, t -1 7 f PS"MrH IF at elaMl Vmmmjiw VI IE, IF CAN piYETOU THE KIND! 3 r: : :7-l?lF 3 '.T.f, . v - "fOn. TV ant sa IF UTIEUL IT f 5 lIF 4 FDld t.Z psdweirfliriv IF n Strcr 7 v criris iielps C.. ...J Us8. ' IcdrC:ciri Freezers, VTiitcf Coolers, FsdoMr Screens And Doors, dET? 5 A. 1'-,- The High Point Enterprise tells that dog op in that section hunts turtle in the branches and catches aa many as eleven or twelve in a daj. SinM we heard of the horse that aet (pointed) fish, we are not diapoaed to dispute ir. The Durham Glob, edited by Jobs Wilber Jenkins reoognizes the graat distinction between nentral Itj and independence, he claims hi Editorial is "independent," and bis paper woald indicate that it Toa read engine and rook-crusher the city of Durham has alredy paid for itself in the improvement of the tret4 and roads. IT there tu any progr aa to the country, very county in the state would own one. Dr. Parkbarst has kept ap his ermaad against corruption in New York II much rottenness in high places has been broapwt to light TassmaaT has not escaped, and the ' Boss Tirer" has rone to Ea rope for bis health. The Baltimore Herald says The disclosures before the Gray iajrastigating committee make it plala that oertain, 8jnatr8 put DClTate In teres high a Dove the food of the public by dickering with th sugar monopoly and trading poa adrf ace information received from Sesate oommittt-e-rooms.'' AaEaglish financier ad vine the Dotted Btsee to withdraw :he cir- eeJatioa of greenback paper money as the best aolatioa of our mone tary troubles. Amenetn have boot come to the conclusion that Kaglaad has dominated ourflnaD. elal policy long enough. If they hare ia time they should. The Expreesioss of regret over the aafortanate Vance interment affair, axe universal, and the people of North Carolina deplore Uslaeerely. If the family cnm-t agreo aa to where the dost ol'be do4ltatMmao aaalt repose, let thai fffer it to a senatorial o m Utee for settlement. The schools having about all eloped for the ssa&on, and the col lege students being at home with sheir loes. the teachers will now aare aahow and give object les aoaa la "Polite Society" at the sea abort. Maay of them require and daserre a rest, wbile some of theat hav been resting all the time. Thecaeeof Ball and Hadley, who shot aad killed a man named Bradly, ia which the murderers vara ia one state when they shot the fin a, and killed their ia another, is bothering the lawyers aa to which stae, if either, they can be tried in . The settle- eat of this question will be of I n- tereais to those who contemplate Of hung a duel. They hd better ait till thia point is decided. Aa the IJJIitary encampment of tha 8tate guard goes to Morebead again lata year, it is suggested that tha aathoritiea will display a little more,. Ja4gmeat in economical Btaaagvment than to tear down the quarters as eoon as the encmp asaot is over, as they did last year. The S60O. spent there last year was old for $180, when ir the quarters aad beea. allowed to remain; much expeaeawXHild have been saved. Is ia time a- parnanent eaca mpmen t was fixed apon. (GEORGE - 73 MIDDLE STREET HARDWARE OF EVERY DESRIPTION. 8aah, Doors and Blinds. Stove, Lime, Plas ter and fiement DEVOE'8 READY MIXED PAINT. SATISFACTION ESTABLISHED 1869. tfJI.ll. lllVLIwUUnU ul uu.. Successor to C. S PALMER, esale Commission Merchants Who! rOB THE SALE OF SOUTHERN FjRXJJTS cfc TRUCK, Berries, Peaches, Grra.-pe.s- Melons and "Vegetables. lsT"Watermelon8 & HtawberricsH a. Specialty 166 READE STREET, KW T0KK. o o o o- REFERENCES : Chatham National Bank, N. Y., Commercial Agencies aiul all Principal Truck Shippers. EL 8MAT.T.WOOD Under Gaston House, South Front Street, New Berne, C. FULL LINE OF General ETax?lTraxe. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Gement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. Personal attention to the prompt and correct filling of all orders. mS 3m w,dow ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS. It Is Made Deslrab'e Even to Members August loth May Ste It. Washington, D. C, Jnne 13. With the advent of hot weather comes a universal desire lor ad journment of Congress. Some ol Che southern members particularly who voted for repeal of t' e Stiff -man silver-purchasing H- d I their position regarding i . . u. as ure is being u-uri to -heir dtsadv t tage at borne, and are hi'smk . get back ti t beir dis' i ic-.-. : v. x id in their ("" t-ufiporting the repeal. So : e of t hr beri -in farm ed merabernol the House :ini Hen ate btl'eve aijoornment will tie reached cot Ixt-r ih ui August l":b They think the rHrilT bill i" be seDt bati to tbe House o me im of Jane, anl tlit ailj Mirnmeiit can Im had bv the close ol the six weeks following. RICHMOND & DASTIULE. ThRoad to be So!d-Decree of .he U. S. Circuit Contt. RICHMOND, January 14. The Richmond & Danville Railroad will be sold here to-morrow under a decree af the U. S. Circuit Court. It is understood that it will be purchased by tha Drexel, Morgan & Co. Reorgan'z ition Committee, and reorganized under thH charter granted by the last Legislature, which confers the same privileges that were enjoyed by the Terminal and Danville Compariies separate ly. It is also understood that sncb of 'he leased connecting and tribat ary lines as may be desirable will be purohased. PANAMA'S DISASTER. Three Hand ed Buildings Darned and $3,000,000 Lost by the tJreat Fire, Panama, Juno 14. 2 o'clock this morninsr the flames were subdued, after having destroyed over 300 buildings in the most thickly-populated section of the city including the prefectture and Chinese quarters. The loss of property amounts to nearly 13,000,000. The insurance is esti mated at only about 200,000- One-third of the area of the city is devastated and 5.000 persons are rendered homeless. The firo burned nearly everv building on Lastablas, Juan once. L.a St. Lamas, Salsifued- es, and Esquandas streets. The city market was saved. Two persons were killed and thirty or forty were wounded severely during the fire. DR. MILBURS'S ADDRESS. The Life and Character of Richard B faherldan" A Delightful Discourse. Durham, May 13. For an honr and a half this af eruoon. Dr. W. H. Mil burn entertained a large audience in Trinity church with bis native wit and eleqaence. Dr. Yates, in introducing the speaker, tated that Dr. Mubarn had been chaplain of the House of Represen tatives and Senate off and on for fifty je:rs. Tue 8itj.tct of the address was The Life and Character England's Great Wit and Orator, Richard B. Sheridan." Before approaching hi subject. Dr. Milbnrn expressed great pleasure at being permitted once more to address a North Carol iu audience and told his bearers that for them to come out in each hot went her and at suoh a late hour showed that they were pioe knots and conld stand any thing. Dr. Milbnrn. in a most fascinat ing manner, told the story of the career of Richard Sheridan as a man of literature and as a member of the English House of Commons. The address sparkled with wit and humor, gradually reaching the climax of eloquence in the end. Dr. Milburn is a fine delineator of character, making every detail in tensely interest ng. His address was listened to with great interest. SLOVER, NEW BEKNE, N- C. GUARANTEED. miC3m DiifCMDiiDQ p. nn FIRE DE Reduced Expenses of tha Latter Will Nearly Pay the Rentals for tha Former. At a reccssmectiog held Wednesday and at the preceding regular meeting held a little previously, the city council U k iwtiun on matters relative to tlie Fire Department which will reduce the : pxpense of the Department nbout $8,000 ,,i t year. This they nre enabled to do on account of the service rendered by the water wor';?. The amount saved, it will l)e noticed, will lack only $700 of paying the water works rentals, and it is fully lielievcd by those familiar with the work ings of the department that if the little extra expenses which occasionally bad to lie met were counted, that the reduction in expenses would entirely offeet the rentals. Ilerealter, when a tire alarm is sound ed no engine will go out unless a general alarm is given and then only one will go, and the engineers instead of being on a salary, will be paid only lor the time they are actually at work. The New B-rne engine house will be dispensed with and the engine taken around to c ity headquarter?. It is ex pected to plac e the -hose carriage in some other part of the city to more widely dis tribute the protection. There will algo be three less hsrscs to keep, and other things work in to count up on the saving. POTATOES PATISitt WFLL. One Hundred Dolars Per Acre and Another Crop Now Growing Good Enough. Wh n it was realized that the com. bined influence of the cold snap and subsequent drouth had cut off the potato crop one-half, we reminded our readers of similar experiences which the truckers have passed through in former years without their being a resultant money If to the growers. The marketing of the potatoes is now well ndvanced and good reports of the total results are beginning to be heard We copy one we have just received from Stonewall : '"Digging Irish potatoes is all the go and the larmers are getting good prices. Mr. A. B. Swindell, a tenant on Mr. C. 11. Fowler's Dozier farm, planted 15 acres and has realized about $1,500. Aft ir payins for guano, barrels and dig- pin ' he will net a neat little sum of $1,000. What will beat this? And this was only about half a crop. The same land is now in corn and will produce 8 to 10 bushels per acre. The general corn crop is very nice; cotton is small but looking strong nd healthy." We expect to hear of other fine reports like the above as the potato shipping season gels toward its close. Fr.nn The Progressive Age we clip the following notes on crops at Aurora: Mr. C. S. Dixon has dug as much as seventy-live barrels of Irish potatoes per acre. Mr. C. S. Dixon has dug nine hundred barrels of Irish potatoes from sixteen acres of land. Mr. J. B. Bonner had shipped Friday evening from his lands in the suburbs of Aurora, nine hundred und ninety-niue barrels of Irish potatoes. The corn crop of our section hid fair now to be above an average. Just rain enough every week now. When the Circus Comes to Town. The spring is comin' round ag'in and soon on every tree You'll hear th' blue bird singin' just as hnppy as kin be; The frogs are pipm' in the lane aad on the big broad fence. They've pasted np some lithographs about the circm tents Of elephants a dancin' with a funny white faced clown. And vou'd betterb'Ieve I'm goin' " When the circus comes to town. Tuar's lot cf golden chariots with queens and princes on 'em Who've got tired of rulin' kingdoms and had rather be with Barnum. A cage of tawny lion?, where a keeper sits in tights And hits a lion with a whip, but the crit ter never bites, Fur if he even whimpers he can still him with a frown And you bet I'll see them lions When the circus conies to town. I ain't no hand for music, but when that circus band Strikes up with "Annie Rooncy," i tell you what, it's grand! With the elephants a-waltzin' and the horses keepin' time While clean up on the highest pole a spangled boy will climb And send a chill right up your back to see him dive way down And vou kin bet that 1 wont miss it When the circus conies to town. Thai's half a dozt-n camels ami Jbig ele phants enutl' To clean this here hull town out if they got to playin' rouirh, 1 I . . .1 1 l - I KULiliai CM3 miiu ;unis :mu H 1)1''. lon;r necko 1 giraffe' And a cut;e 01 tunny uioukevs, uuu to make the ixirsnn laurb. I'm a-saving up some money, and as sure as my naine'i Brow n I'll spend a-lui!fu .l'.:ia:- When ihe circu comes to town Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve, in the world fur cuts, bruises, s in s ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter. happed hands, chilblains, j co'iis, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is ', guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or j monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box ! For sale bv F. S. Duffy, New Berne. N. !c. m!8 12m. I Assistant Secretary Renolds of the In ! terior Departmeut has rendered a decis ion tiiat will cut off and stop thousands i of fraudulent pensions. It affects mostly those who deserted and afterwards re-enlisted and were properly discharged. This class is cut out of farther pension drawing. WATER WORKS AND PARTMENT. HAPPENINGS Of THE DAY, The sugar production of Louisiana has increased 86 per cent during the last five years. France is said to be at the height of her power so far as her war strength is concerned. Justice White recently appointed to the supreme bench, was a judge in Louisiana at the age of 28. No man will ever amount to much who lrbors under the impression that some body else is always in his way. It is difficult to make a heu-pecked husband or an unsuccessful lover believe that women are ciushed down and kept out of their rights. The Republicans of Texas met at Fort Worth on the 12th, and decided to put a lull State t icket in tlie nekl. The U. 8. war ship Mohican, of the Bering Sea patrol squadron, has captured two sealing vessels, both from Seattle. Another opponent has entered tlie field for Congress in Breckinridge's district, Maj Henry Clay McDowell, who lives on the Henry Clas estate at Ashland, Ky. There is trouble in Morocco. The old Sultan is dead, and his youngest son be ing: elevated to the throne, will have to fight with his uncle to keep it. The Trustees of Trinity college, Dur ham, have adjourned without electing a successor to Rev. Dr. J. F. Crowell, President, whose resignation goes into effect July 15th. The latest from the seat of government is that the Democratic members of Con gress will-fight among themselves over the sugar tariff in the Wilson Bill, and that its fate in that body is probably sealed. Massachusetts Republicans deny em phatically Mr. Havemeyer's statement to the Senate committee that the sugar com pany bad contributed to their campaign lund in that State. The papers of the State just now, as a general thing, are saying very little about Slate politics. It is almost impossible to talk intelligently on this subject, and then too it may not be policy. More than one of our Sauthern colleges have gotten on the road to progress by admitting women to an equal show in these institutions. It is tune this wag done in all colleges, and it would be were not the men afraid to come into intellec tual contest with the women. J. B. Crawley, who -killed Richard Harris at Ruth 1889, has jnst been tried in Washington. A verdict of manslaugh ter was me result ana the sentence is six years in the penitentiary. The Baltimore Sun Is authority for the statement that the Cape Fear and radkin Valley Kailraod is to be extended to South port. President Hobsrood of the Oxford Baptist Female college, favors the co-edu- ca.ion ot the Sexes, and 13 endeavoring to introduce it at Vake Forest college. Why not In the seventh district it is said Hon John S. Henderson will have as his com petitor for Congress, Hon. Zeb Vance Walser, republican. Negro tramps are now numerous, and it is to the credit of colored men that he didn't join the Coxey army, either as a general or high private. A red-skinned fraud is beimr exhibited at the Antwerp exhibition as "Sitting Bull. Ihe genuine old chief, it will be remembered, went to the happy hunting grounds many moons since. The Kansas Republicans are in State convention at Topeka. They rejected the Woman Suffrage plank in their platform. though strongly advocated in speeches by Susan B. Anthony, Rev. Anna Shaw and the women orators. Durliam is having a blue time this week. It is bedecked in the Trinity's ririrrht KI110 pfilnra om-l K, rr t-1 c? wIia mill be left behind next week when the boys are gone, will still wear their blue dresses in perfect accord with the "fitness" of things. A band of Coxeyites seized a train at Fairfield Illinois on the 13th and the United States Judge has ordered the TJ. S. Marshals to re-capture it The Coxey ite resembles Banquo's ghost in that he will not down. The Senate is doing nothing on the tariff bill they say it is too hot to work The impression is their themometer will register a few degrees higher this fall, and they will be working like Turks for re election. The North Carolina, and other South ern States white boys at Trinity college. JJurham, let a western Indian walk away with them for the declaimer's honor in the Sophomore Clas3. He took their oritori- cal scalps, and left their heads sore, and worst of all his name is Maytubby. Congress, they sav, promises to partial ly relieve the party and the country by an adjournment in August. They have so far hung, like a mill stone, around tlie neck of both, and a grateful people will celebrate the day when they can get rid of this useless expense. Later news than we had yesterday says the Women Suffragist carried their point before the Kansas Populist convention at Topeka. The male Populist will have a hard time of it now, because "Calico is monstrous uncertain." The Richmond, Va. Howitzers, one of the oldest military companies in the oountry, have done themselves credit by the adoption of resolutions looking to the erection of a monuTient to the women of the South those to whom the credit of almost every monument in the land be longs. Hon. Chauncy M. Depew delivered the oration before the joint Literary Socielies of the University ot Virginia on the 12th inst. Vice President Adlai Stevenson also spoke. The Faculty decided adverse ly the proposal toa admit women to the Academic Uepartments. Mrs. Z. B. Vance is out in a card in which she declares the statement of Mr. C. X. Vance in reference to the removal of his father's remains as "simply mali cious falsehoods or the outgivings of a ilisordered brain.'' This is most deplora ble, and brings sorrow to every North Carolinian. 'Tis enough to make the general turn in his grave. Mr. Henry O. Havemeyer, of Xew York, President of the American Sugar R fining Co., when being examined before the Senate Committee, on the 13th inst. denied that he had ever seen President Cleveland. In consequence of such testi mony s this, J. S. Shiver, correspondent of ths Mail and Express; and J. E. Ed wards, correspondent of the Philadelphia Express, are lo be indicted by a U. S. grand jury tor the news they sent out aboutjthe sugar frauds. The Masons will celebrate St. John's day at Oxford, N. C, on the 22nd of this month. The Grand Lodge meets there at that time. The Oxford Orphan Asylum is situated at that place, and is the property of the Masons of North Carolina. This ought to be the rallying ground for Masonry in the Stale. They ought to be fully acquainted with their property see how it is being conducted and what it is doing. The Orphan Asy lum is one of the greatest factors in the State to do good in the best way, to those who without its beneficent influence, would bring dishonor instead of credit. A MERITED TRIBUTE. Ker. H. W Battle Classed by the Atlan ta Journal as a Peer in Culture and Eloqnence of Ueorgias Most Gifted Song. The Atlanta Journal in referring to the Commencement Exercises at Shorter College, Rome, Ga., of which Rev. A. J. Battle, D. D- LL. D , is President says: Th baccalaureate aldress bv Dr. Henry W. Battle, of Petersburg. Va., was a masterly discourse. Replete with elo quence, thought and learning 'twas no wonder that the audience punctuated it with frequent and lapturotis applause. lie had in it fire, the fire ot enthusiasm magnetism of the man who can sway his hearers, the dramatic force which im pels attention and brings spontaneous admiration, and added to all these was the calm, cool, conclusions brought to gether by the philosopher, the thinker, the student and the knowledge reaped by one who loves Homer, Horace, and who wanders with untrammelled will through all the realms from Chaucer anJ Browning to the wonderful histories of Babylonish and Biblical lore. A patriot and a southerner, he paid a glowing tribute to iieory txradv. He said that Grady with his matchless love had embraced all sections, that the love which he had taught us we had followed and it had led ns on to God." Speaking of Rome, he called it a beau tiful gem set in an emerald ring," declar ing that nature and the Creator had been so kind to us that we perforce should be better than other cities less favored. Dr. Battle was a college mate of Hon John Temple Graves, of Atlanta, and to mm also he paid a worthy compliment, said Georgia should be proud of Grady and Graves, and should delight to honor also "the immortal Sydney Lanier, the ermine of whose robe was pe'er touched with an impure stain." Dr. Henry Battle should belong to Georgia, as he holds an equal rank in culture and eloquence with Georgia's most gifted sons. No more can be said. All New Bernians who have sat enrap tured under the thrilling eloquence of Dr, Battle, while pastor of the Baptist church of this city, will realize how worthily the above high complement frome one of the Soutb's leading journals is l.estowed. Rev. H. A. Battle, the president of the college, is an uncle of the Revernd gen tleman who delivered the address, a brother of our equally eloquent towns man, his father, Gen. C. A. Battle. A New Bern Wedding in the Last Century. The following account of a wedding in New Bern a hundred years ago, with its description of quaint costumes and observances, and the spirit which seemed to characterize the prolonged festivities, will doubtless interest our readers the younger membeis especially. We ven ture the statement that, if a wedding ceremony of to-day were had to the ac companiment ol the fire of artillery, the bride and bridesmaids would be sadly demoralized, and might even beat a rapid retreat. The participants in the merry making have long since passed away. Mrs. Att more was the grandmother of Dr. Geo. Attmore of Pamlico; the bride and groom, Air. and Mrs. earthy, were the parents ot the late Mrs. Peter (Just's; Miss' Batchelor was afterwards Mrs. Ed ward Giaham, wife ot "Counsellor'' Graham, who was the "Geutleman from New York,'' then recently settled in New Bern; Mr. Nash was the Hon. Frederick Nasb, afterwards Chief Justice of the State; "Parson" Cutting was the Rev. Leonard Cutting, D. D., Rector of Christ Church. The house in which the wed ding was celebrated, stood near the foot of Pollock street, and was destroyed in the great fire of 1842. It was a hand some residence, with spacious grounds, and the then rarity of a private fish pond. "Copy ot a letter written by Miss Amaryllis Sitgreaves of New Bern, to her sister, Mrs. Attmore, thea in Philadel phia, giving a description ol the wedding of Miss Sarah Haslen, which occurred on Tuesday, December 8th, 1790 or 1791." ''A large company the bride was dressed in white lustring, the habit bound down the sides with ribbon, the coat flounced with gauze, a small white chip bat. lined with white, a larye bow before. Miss Haslen and Miss Batchelor brides maids, both in white lustring and elegant head-dresses, Ned Kean and Dr. Cutting groomsmen. Old Parson Cutting mar ried them. Ihe handsomest wedding has been in New Bern since I can remember. Mamma, Sister, Brother and I were all there. The vessel stood at the end of the house, illuminated with a great many candles, and looked very handsome. When the two tea-tables were drawn Irom the side of the room the guns fired; when the bride was led down stairs to be married the guns began to fire again and continued until they were married. Then we had tea, then danced until supper, then marched up stairs two and two, the drummer and fifer playing at the door; very elegant set suDper: two large square cakes, one at the head, the other at the toot, li.ur pounds each. Mrs. Haslen at the head of the table, Parson Cutting at the toot, Mrs. Bride at the right hand ot her Mamma, Mr. Carthy (the groom) at the left Our Mamma at the right hand ot the Bride the old lady and Bride insisted on it Mrs Cutting at the left of Mr. Cartny. "As the Bride did not choose to walk minuet, Sister and Mrs. Haslen did. Mrs. Carthy and Dr. Cutting danced to gether, Mr. Carthy, the groom, and Miss Batchelor danced together, Mr. Kean and Miss Phoebe together. Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday they danced at the Old Lady's, Friday at Mr. Tom Haslen 's I did not go Wednesday nor Thursday, but Friday they sent Mr. Nash and a carriage for me, so I went and passed the evening quite agreeably. Miss Haslen and Miss Batchelor sang, Mr Hasten played on the flute until tea, then we danced. I danced with Mr. Graham that night, Tuesday night with Mr. Nash. This Mr. Graham is a gentleman Irom New York; he danced so much like our dear brother Josey, and the Bride so like you that it made Mamma leel quite low spirited. "The gentlemen had a relish on board the vessel Saturday; guns were fired all that day, our brother Josey danced better at the wedding than any one there except Mr. Grahacu and Mr. Haslen. He danced with the bride at Mr. liaslen's and they cut a most noble figure. I had the honor of dancing with Mr. Howe at the wedding, Miss Sally Vail's nephtw. I dined at my brother's wiih Mr. and Mrs. Carthy, Mrs. Haslen, MUs Haslen. Miss Batchelor, Mr. Graham and M. Nash. The two young ladies sang. The Bride was dressed in her second day's suit, the color abeaiiful pink, her wedding hat. The Old Lady a black satm habit and coat; Miss Haslen a white habit aud blue coat: Miss Batchelor a green Peisian habit ana coat; Sister a brown satin; I in my flowered muslin ard pink coat. "The Bride dined at her brother's first, then at Mr. Witherspoon's, then at Col. Williams. O my dear, how we all wished you to be at this wedding." As will be noticed elsewhere in this issue, Mr. C. N. Vance has gotten an in junction against his father' widow and the Cemetary committee to prevent an other removal of the Senator's remains. Jf. C. PRESS ASSOCIATION Opening of Their 8esdin at Mnrganton Hospitably Entertained by the Citizens. Special to Journal. Morgan ton, N. C. June 13. State Press Association met here to- Tile " 'ay, ideiil and was called to order by vice Piv Burba ik of the Winston Twin Oily tinel. About fifly ol tlie member- CIV ent at the roll call. This is a beautiful city, situated at foot of the Blue Ridge nioiintn ins view of a number of imposing picture- mountain Peaks. The members of the Association wi given a drive over the- -itv this aft, in-,., n by the citizens. To-night they will be given a reception by Mayor Pearson, and there u ill be a ball afterwards. To-morrow the public In.-tii niions will be visited, and at night a B uiqa t will be given the Editors. They are being most hospiUbly enter tained by the good people of Morjanton. and are having a most pleas int time. New Boats. Messrs. W. B. Blades & Rim. !-av just had a three mast schooner, Ihe . I ;i'l at Bethel, .Del., for their lumber ;r .1 . The Ivy is a theee master with a .i .ci ty tor 200,000 feet of lumber. The Ivy is espected to a i rive h ie ihe latter part of next week. Instead of sailing she will be towed he-e to serve time as she is needed to get ri-hi to work. Those who are to bring her out here left yesterday on the steamer Nci-v for the purpose. At Norfolk tiiev wiii take Mr Blade's tug Hygeie, now iheie and proceed on their way. The party, who left, con-i-is ol Mr. W. II. Davis, heretofore mate of ihe steamer Neuse, but sho now severs his connection with boat that to become captain of the Ivey, Messrs. Robert Davis an 1 Wm. Willis who will also take p'aees on the schooner; Mr. Will Parsons who go- simply for this round trip; an I Caot. J. A. Marshall ot the schooner Strau i who goes to visit his family and have c harge of the tug on thj homeward trio. Meeting of County Superintendents at Morahead City. The State Superintendent of Public In- structson, Hon. John C. Scarborough, has selected Tuesday, June 26th, as the date for a general meeting of all Cotntv Super intendents in the State at Murclicad ( it v. during the session of the Teach c i's A--,n -bly. This will be a most important meeting and conference in the interest of the public schools of the State, and it is hoped that every county Superintendent will be present if possible. All proposed changes in the school law- will be fully discussed and amendments thereupon will be prepared for tie con sideration of the General Assembly, in Raleigh, this winter. A large number of County Superintendents have signiiied their intention to be present at th- meet ing, and it is likely to be one of ihe ino-t. useful and valuable conferences ot'scho ! officers ever held in the State. Womans Missionary Society Annual Meeting. The request is again repe ated in the Raleigh News-Observer-Chronicle for all delegates expecting to attend tje nice! :ng of the Woman's Missionary Society f t'u North Carolina Conlerence to promptly send their names to Miss Fannie I5 u i head, Hillsboro stieet, that city, that homes may be provided for the n. Bishop O. P. Fitz end w ho pie u-h- e the annual J sermon the society on Sunday the 24th inst, is spoken of by the News-Observer-Chronicle as a native North Carolinian, though now a resident of California, lit mi-i elected Bishop four years ago, afier si i vini: ac ceptable in nearly every office which the church has to bjatow. He is a line preacher, both in the pulpit and out. He will probably be present dui iur :h- great er part of the session, and it is hoped t'.i :t a full attendance of delegates from the various auxiliaries and Bright Jewel Bands will be at the meeting. Ye Editors in Convention The editors are at Morganton mis week, and presumably having a time. They generally dj when n home. Next to the preachers they mana get more good "vittals" and other dimants, at their Associations ilia other set out. They all need it. und ot them deserve it And its a real pleasure to see how e onel l at ;c to th- enjoy it. They are a way Horn home and office cares, and notjwitbout honor -ae in their own country. The good people who feast them till the ' flow of soul" reminds one of the sparkling intellectual nectar of Sheridan and Pitt, of Clay, Webster, Cahoun, Prinriss, et cetera, know that n any of them are cussed year in and year out mostly bv dilinquents, for serving their I community and the country. But with all their draw backs, they get one week of square meals, and as much happiness as can be put in that length of time. A Bevo'utionary Hero on Peusi ns. i Wl'ite- to Prof. Edward Graham Dave the Baltimore Sun as lollows: "Soine years after the close of the Revolution Capt. Edward DeCoitivv. of Queen Anne's county, one of tlie Mary land heroes of the baitle of Long Isiaii'i, destroyed his commission in a tit of nahg nation at the claims for pen-ioi s by ,, , -u who were nol entitled to Mem or w bo. be thought, could afford to dispense wait such compensation for their services. '"I served my country from patriotic motives,' said this noble soldier, who h id lost his health in British prison ships, 'and I hope that none of my deseendaitts will ever claim pecuniary reward.' "A little more of this spirit in our own geue'ation would solve one of our finan cial problems. It is very unlike that of a recent patriot who in a moment of des poudence at non-appreciation ok his sacrifices exclaimed: 'If I ever love anoth er country, then darn me !' " I HE PRESS CONTENTION. Profitable Session Brand Recep tion, Ball and Banquet Fine Drive-Visit to Public Institutions. Special to Journal. ' Mokcjanton. N. C, June 15 -Tlie ' -il tendance upon the Press Association lias been inc reased by the arrival of a few -e , tiering editors. The session now closing has been an in leresMng and profitable one. j I he reception and ball given were grand ii s. The hall was gorgeously decor I and graced with Morganton's charm- . at -i ti : ladies und gallant gentlemen. A (-banning drive was exteuded through ! e heauiiful grounds in and around the eity. We visited those fine institutions Monmonth Hospital and the Deaf and Dumb Institute. The banquet was held last night it was elaborate and elegant. The election for officers resulted as fol lows: Piesideut W. C. Erven; editor of the Morg.mton Herald; Secretary and Treat- ure , J. B. Sherrill, editor of the Concord Times. We visit . the Waldensian settlement and go to Black Mountain to-day. Fred Donjrlass, col., Disbarred. Special Pension Examiner stationed here, C. M. Gilpin, received instructions Irom the Bureiu of Pensions in which ne h instructed by Commissioner Wm. Lochren to notify pension agent Frederic Douglass, of New Berne, that he has been disbirred from practice in the Depart ment ot tlie Interior. As we undersland it, this action was '.ho result of information furnished by ex aminer Gilpin, tliat said Douglass, col., had lieen charging his clients fees not al lowed by law. Mr. Gilpin, in a very quiet wuy, has done some good work since he has been here, both for the Department and the country, and it is expected this is but the beginning of wrong doings that he is get ting testimony about. P.iifocksvllle Academy Closing'. Ihe closing exercises of Pollocksville Academy were held last week. The exercises by the scholars were held luesday night and were creditable to them and their teachers. They consisted of recitations, declamation and music both vocal and instrumental. The address was delivered Wednesday morning by GenT Battle in his usual brilliant and happy vein which captivat ed and charmed the hearers. The General spoke about three-quarters of nil hour on faith, not as a religions dogma, but as a living principle. He spoke on the several divisions, faith in ourselves; in women in our fellowmen, our country and our God. The atleud-jnce each time was good, and New Berne was fairly represented in both audiences. Homicide in Onslow. We learn of a lamentable occurrence which took place at Cedarhurst, a point on the W. N. & N. Railroad, ten miles be'ow Jacksonville. It appears that Tom and Frank Sim mons, brothers, between whom unkind feeling had existed for some time, engag ed in a quarrel, " which resulted in the killing of the former by the latter, a pistol being tlie weapon used. The putties are white, the dead man bc;ng thirty years old, and his slayer thirty-four. The mur U-ivr was promptly arrested and is now in Jacksonville jaiL a. of II Officers Elect. At the regular meeting of Craven Lodge, No. 1 , Knights of Harmony, the following officers were elected lor the ensuing term, commencing July, 1894: President, S. R. Ball; Vice President, J. C. Scale.-; Counselor, H. C. White hurt Chaplain, R. J. Disosway; Secre Ury, J. II Smith; Financial Secretary, W. 15. B .yd; Treasurer, H. L. Hall; Marshall, II. H. Tooker; Assistant Mar shall, J. T. Lincoln; Inner Guard, W. S. Parsons; Sentry, A. B. Wallace; Trus tees, T. A. Green, J. R. Medford, S. R. Street; Auditing Committee, T. A. Green, II. C. Whitehurst, J. T. Lincoln. Another Fam-ly Moves In New Berne's population was favored ye -ter. iay with the gain of one more family. Mr. G. W. Richardson moved down Irom Goldsboro and will occupy the house corner of Broad and Metcalf -tie l. formerly occupied by Mr. T. W. IVwcy. Mr. Richardson is the book keeper of the Goldsboro Lumber Com pany and moves his family to New Berne that they will be nearer to the com pany's plant at Dover. We ate ever glad to see new citizens like these moving in. New Berne has room and a wlcome for them all. The Orchestra at the Atlantic. Wbiti ng's orchestra of Chicago, a fine one ofcivht members is the regular one t. furnish music at the Atlantic Hotel. Morebead. this summer. In addition to this regular orchestra the boy brass band of Fayetteville an excell ent one, will be there. The band is com posed of sixteen members whose ages range from ten to sixteen years. It is die same one which furnished tlie music at the laying ol the confederate monument corner stone at Raleigh. This tact held shows the esteem in which it is Marriage at Free Will Baptist Church. Mr. Kmmett Williams, of the city, and Mb- (ieorgiana Wetbcrington, of Tus car na.were united in uiarriageWednesday ; at the Free Will Baptist church, Elder Wilson Lupton, the pastor, officiating. This was the first marriage ever held in that church, it being a new one. A goodly congregation was present and the ceremony passe i off very pleasantly, the bridal couple receiving (he congratula tion ot many friends when it was over. SAVE MONEY by buying your drugs at Gooding's Drug Store, 08 Middle St, next to Baptist church. wtf. "NEWS ADRIFT." "Plcked-Cp" by The Journal Whlelila Always ia "The Swim." Mr. 8. R. Streethae moved his real estate and insurance business to the office opposite the Gaston House, recently cat d by Mr. W. T. Caho. Announcement is made that Bishop Wilson of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, has decided to lire in Durham, and that a residence will be built there for him. Every steamer now, as well aa truck trains, goes put heavily laden with' truck pcUtoes, beans, squashes, cacumbqif''. co . x jik loiuiei are largely ia excess of .' all other crops combined. . ' vf' , - y v By the new ached uh fW. N. & N. ij. . R. mail from Wilningtof is due lo ar. ' rive here at 11 a. ni. iifitead of at li-ri&flgfe An hour caved in timtf ati adVinfa-,; to be appreciated. On tbe return trip flMwr', schedule is the same as heretofore. " 'Vv The weather at Mreheal ' WeStdf night was cool enough" fbr blanketa.HL; ,vs. gentleman from there informs us he slept r under two quilts and a sheet and found V them only comfortable. This sounds gxl for the visitors wno go down td s- ' Cape hot weather. . The Pine Lumber Company is put ting up an addition connected with tbe. . planing mill to increase their storage capacity. We are pleased to learn that V the company is receiving just as manj " ' v orders as they can fill. "" ', The Progressive giyes as an t-stimata that a thousand barrels of onions will be shipped from there this season. It also ; tells that Mr. E. Tuthill realized seventjr flVe dollars on one- third acre of aspara "' y gus. lie gave away considerable and ate all he wanted. ' ' v Stonewall had the pleasure of hearing1 , ' the Presiding Elder, Dr. Swlrirte"IF 'n : Sunday night, 11th inst; he preached nrf .'. . of his able and stirring sermons. Tbe2od quarterly meeting On that circuit arWl ' at Barne's Chapel that day. A Urge con ' course of peoDle were present aud bearcj- i - - : - a nne sermon. There will be three germans at lh,jLfc( ' luLtic hotel, Morebead City, next weear .; ' ! one on Tuesday, one on Thursday and one on Saturday nights. The one on Saturday is for the benefit of iho'''bnmvC:r'. New Berne and other near places' who l find that the most conyenient time to eU ' . ,,: -. tend. ' - . -1 .:A-- - . ML Airy is the extreme western terml- , v nus of the Cspe Fear and Yadkin Valley I . ' . railroad, a beautiful and picturesque j ' country with tbe magnificent Blue Bidfte ' in view. The place is an object lesson of-- push and thrift and will be a revelation v -:;. to thoee who taking advantage of tho . -fonr dollar excursion on the 2Gth will Visit it. " V o Charles Dunston, one of the ten ne- .' -' groes who escaped from tbe Rileigh jail ''. ' May 16th, has been recaptured in Kash'.J.. county. He is the third recaptured. .,' '; There is no fresh news of Orange Page,"!,; - t. the murderer who was to have beeni;;? H hanged this month. ( tif-j,".'': We see at Mr. R. Berry's something , lor sale, which though common enough' ' . in some localities we have never seen ; r placed on tlie New Berne market before, . rhubarb or pieplant. We believe somejy ' of our farmers raise it but simply for their f -. own table. There is no reason why it ' S should not come into general use as its ' an esteemed article cf food where in coin- -" ' . ,' mon cultivation . -1 Among the chickens in a brood hatched out Thursday belonging to Mrs. Henry" ' B. Lane, of Foyland, six miles from tha "; city, is one that is a curiosity. It has one body regularly shaped, and then what might be called a part of another body - -with two feet attached to it, the connec-i . tion being on the back. As a rule such -freaks do not live, but so far this little - : , fellow is as lively as any other in the - flock. ', - . . -a. . - Mr. L. L. Churchill, who about a week . agp opened up his plumbing establish-'. -ment in the store formerly occupied by Mr. Nelson Whitford, has with bim Mr. . -J. W. Bead, of Lynchburg, Va., who has the reputation of being well up !n his trade. They are now engaged in fitting up Dr. Geo. Slover'g residence which ia in course of erection on Union street, and ;.' have several other engagements fot their 'r services. ( Wilmington had a severe storm of wind hail and lightning Wednesday. The weather signal pole was struck by light- ning and shattered; and at another point , a horns was killed. At Wriuhtsville the y lightning was terrific,and the beach along there was covered with hall for some time after the storm. At Scott's Hill lightning set an old field on fire but tbe rain put it out before damage resulted. ' There was considerable hail there also v but no damage from it. j . Fayettevil's's Youthful Band. The youthful brass band from Fayette ville which is to be at the Atlantic Hotel this season in addition to the or chestra, is composed of members of Maj. Yerex'e military school. The band hasfcrits lender Prof. Weims a skillful musician, who trains the stu dents well in that line. Two of tbe older members of the band are sons of Rev. J. T. Lyon, pastor of Centenary Methodist .; church of this city. They are his sons . John and James. The former has the leading cornet, the latter leads in alto. Masonic Officers Elected. At an election held Wednesday night for officers of St, John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. the following officers were chosen: Hugh Jones Lovick, Worshipful Mas ter; Thos. F. McCarthy, Senior Warden; R. S. Primrose, Junior AVarden; J. II. Hackburn, Secretary; Thos. A. Green, Treasurer. University School of Geology. Prof. Collier Cobb, of the University, spent last night in the cily, and left at noon today for King's Mountain, where he will begin his summer school of Ge ology next Thursday. He says ladies will be allowed to enter this school, but the main strength will come from the University. Prof. Cobb will do some valuable work in bringipg to light some of the miocral wealth lying around King's Mountain. He will interest himself in the platujuuv discovery there. Charlotte News. t.

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