r.XTnroToar. rj , Jim ii. W. C OorbU, a jwag m, wfe fcep a total im Georgetown, ao4 vac la personal friend ol W. COfftu. vu kirt to-daj to waip Ooloael rxscliiridx aoa DMftft. Ha loci ad for ywiif Braekiandga, bui, tailing tm flad bia, eoselodad to writ a card for pablieatiosi la v&ica to aaaarted that Dfcl had Ciasiactortd a Baaber o( Ifet, Um priatad about Ovana. la a reeeat lawman Dmu aaid: "Oweaa ta by a at are a eoward, by isitiaet a traitor, by praetloa a Lar. aad by ptoTaaaioa a. camber." Corbla - tklaka that he ooxhs to taka op Oweaa' . flffct aad whip eaaa.-Tu latter, oa hi Bother's tide, eomea of afifhtliff raoe, bat ; AIWWHW IWWlil. Miw Yok, Jane 14. Benja min . C Peters, assistant treasurer of the new Central Coal Company, of Maryland, whose principal offices are at No, 1 Broadway, New York, has aoBoooaea wtui j.u,uuu ox uie company's money. Besides robbing his employers, lie deserted his wife, and two cnudren- and eloped witn a pretty yoxmg school teacher. . Deaartcd This life. . - - ; Oa the 24th of May but, oAer a prolonged Illness of eonsomptioa, lira. Coca HerrlaftOB, wife of Le roy Harriagtoa. Agid 33 years, Ealearss oaeia 19 aiaaths oW. VI was the daagfetw of Jobs aad Xli&i U urinrtoa joined the. M. K. c-arci Booth when 18 yean old. and lived a eonaUtent member. 8hs waaadeToted daashter and a ter, and affeetioaate wife. They xaoura their loss. Bat feel eomXort tad to know that. It was her CarBalav CJtreLta. ud BCrer. . BL Louis. If o. Jane 13. A rpecial to the Q lobe-Democrat from Fort - Worth. Tex., says. that Senator IL Carter, - of thaitity, yesterday reeeired a letter, from Secretary Carlisle, in which the following occurs: 4I am . satisfied from all my i n tercourse with President Cleve land, oficially-and, otherwise, that he is in favor of the largest possible use of silver as money, consistent with the preservation of the parity of the two metals and tne maintenance oc good faith on the part of the govern ment, ue is neitner a goia or a turer monometauiss." au,aiiih C22rta Cry for Pitcher1! Ctstoria, OHifta Cry for Rtcaer$ CxtiM ClLta Cry fcr Richtr't Ctar& tlita Cry for Rtcaer't CeSsrk. n iff purer so ecrrrs k ottvk. aMi ar iuijuu ihnhtin rau. a - vaa tin v BuAaar. iMOrMMM nunFiinEYs Ix Ssss, C Shst-, ft r SJra rooxTxx: ftrtrr r iflalials WmsaJ J aVnh1WVa9MaVVsm4alSaV TwaBsaWi A.A.J mmJ ktMiUta7is . .j mwiwi aaaJ u tiU imrrUM. lim - li.M Crl.rr m.md Et4an Bi OnOtttM '.XT7II22Z.Z2X3? i !US,SflriTII3 i If 1X713 niuli 4 if ' 4 frm . rmUmm, trmmf im fr Itk m mm 4-1 xr mwl mi iwi J.r t tm is warranted the Best in the World 1 Is more. WATEgpwoow,f ' will WEWt CuS toy c&tf rood enjtatctur Ami far Um-F&n MtANDx tmm mm pCCOwa.ZMKXa 4 CO. M AfmU, tMmm& UE TELL YOU MttfMi lllMBM Cms. Ikanaaai i praat far avary art wick mw aSw taawwkb faM. tw la Baka iwiy raaldir. mh tWfcaanwr amnmlnai W Umn tat raruiM4 iutUaiirta i ta wakiag f S .as a laata. bTttlwUkMMwMaii4wtoil awriy aa tpi diy ia--n tmfr ruff I aa MnatiHlku Ui athan aaw at ara aoiac 1. u4 7 naav, aa Sa taa I Tkl kUW pariac nll kl k ------- Taa wS a -rava saMaai yoa fall fa S Halatj Jt vaa fraaa taa attaatiaa. aa4 aat aafakJy. ymt VUi ainaU Sa4 yaamlf ia MM aniiwiii Taaaira. it 'il i tti i i aaraivataka aaS am tvp mm af aowr. Taa rualrt af aaiyalra oajV nrk artU aAam aaaat a waak'a vafaa. W ataar yea araoMar yaaag.a ar S aaafratwt ill' -f"ii r", ' wul aat voa at taa van atarw k'ahaar axsarfaaaa at aapttal aaiMiary. , Taajaaa wmU ail aartieaian.B-aa ' aafixua :,'.J;'sU.vr:v.;-,,-i - J )H4 aaSI fttftMMMI WNWk "Mi5 Cii: Glotiiin- THE JOURNAL AoeordlBC to Mr. Harem ever, the President, the Sagar Treat is mopelitaa ia ita polities, oon- ri bating largely to whatever party may be ia power. THX ZXXCTJT1TE COMMITTEE. At the meeting of the exeootire ooauntttee of the Democratic Par ty la Raleigh oa the 12th, attended by a majority of its members, a proposition was laid before it to order primaries for the election of United States Seaators. This the committee declined npoajthe groand they were not ves ted with authority act in the matter prsteriag, we sappose to leave that question to the action of the state eoaventioa ealted to meet in Ral eigh Aagost 8th. Hot clelmhrc to be aat aority in the techalcalities of the party con stitattoavwe ore yet satisfied the nnrbosa and Intent of the Execu tive committee was that they should ma&sge the political campaigns, aad that they have heretofore tak es jurisdiction ia matters of like nature without having their author- Ityfdisputed. We consider it unfortunate for the party that the committee failed to' take some action even though it had been aimolv to recommend it - m w so the convention. These are troubloa.i times for the party. The spirit of unreal has per m sated everybody, aad maledic- tioas against what its enemies are pleased to call the "machine," are loaf, load, and frequent. Cadar these conditions, we repeat, U ia anfortanate any excuse should be girea for the chairs of "politi eel cowardice17 the cause or so y party dsfeats. The time Is when some definite lamlefreable policy should baeatlised. If left to aneertalaty tm aanst. we fesr the effect will behanataL The time He" whea the state or. gaaisatiea cannot afford to add a siagle error, either of omistioa or lesion, to the long list com. Itted by Congress sad the Sen- THXaUlOTKITINfi ON THE WALL The defeat for reaomination of the BosuQiftoa B. Breckinridge in Aikansas, aad the Hon. Jason B. Browaia Iadiaaa,two of the very ablsstj most sxperieaced aad effi cient Democrats la Congress, is pregasat with msaoing. There was ao charge that either of these, distinguished men had committed ay evert act of failing duty. The eooclusioa that Clifton Brsekinridgs, the son of Jobs O. Brscksnridgs, failed of a renomi aatioa because of the fall of W. P. a BrecMs ridge is utterly child- The defeat of Breckinridge and Browa was caused by their failure to meet: public expectation in a great pablie exigency. The people demanded silver and a tariff for revenue only. Breckin ridge aad Brown are ia favor of both, bat from motives of party expedfeocy they acqniessed lathe elimination of silver and gave a relnctant ssppott to a tariff bill in which protection stood forth ia bold reliei.The people have in effect said to these distinguished men: V?e admire your virtues, we ac knowledge your past services, but in the siyireme moment of expec tancy you disappointed our hopes. If this happened to two of the strongest men in the House what awaits the weakest It the storm has wrecked the palaces in the moWtIni what is to become of the hats upon the seashore! Oa'o&e or two occasions we have criticised Mr. Grady, but, it is but fair te him to say that on all great questions affecting the rights of his people he has been as firm as a stone waB. It is said in many quarters that the Democratic party will be swept from power ia the coming elec tions. There ta nothing indictative of any such catastrophe. The protest of the people is sgaiast the failure to .carry out the Pemocratic policies. It would seem that the principles of the party are eatrenehed ia the hearts of the people, and no man need hope .to eseape their anathemas, who has gone counter to the letter and spirit of the Chicago plat form." The speedy passage of a tariff bill has been urged that business may hsvs a firm basis to rest upon, bet the tariff question will not be settled until we have a tariff for raveane only. The people are not gilng to throw the Democratic party overboard but a good many congressmen will nave .to prove themselves good swimmers or be drowsed. - air. Cleveland is a man or many virtues. He is brave aad he is honest, bat he is act greater than his party. The disasterous termination of his Administration would be deplora ble, bat his party would survive aad remaia to the Istest genera, tioa the refuge of the oppressed aad the ehampioa of liberty. The Bute Crop Report. BALXiaH. H. O 'Jnne Id. The State crop report, based on returns from over 1,000 correspondents, was summarized to-day. It shows the eoaditioa of the principal crops Jons 1st to be ss follows as com pared with average years: Wheat, C5 pet oast; eats, 68; rve, 78; rice, lGaeottoaT. 7ds earn, 86; peanuts. 83; tobacco, 73; efficiency and quan tity ef labor, 92. 1 DEMOCRATS I! COCN IL. Meeting- of State Executive Com mittee iut Contention Called Resolution ,of Thank to Chairman iIbuboiw- the Fourth District Con rention. Ealbiqh, Jane 12. The Demo cratic State Exeoative committee met at the Yarboro house at 8 o'clock, Chairman Simmons presi ding, Bobert H. Cowan being sec retary. Thirty-one oat of the forty nine membrrd were present. The first basin eHs done was the celling of a State convention. August 8th was chosen s the date and Raleigh as the place. A letter from Senator Jar via was read, bearing principally on the matter of having primaries at which the people can express their preference for Senators. The com mittee decided that it was be yond iis jurisdiction to order snob primaries, It was ordered that the chair man and secretary open headquar ters at Raleigh at once ior the pur pose oi conducting the preliminary work of the campaign. Resolutions of thanks, offered by Qen. W. P. Roberts, were, on mo tion of Col. Ootavius Coke, adopt ed by a rising vote ami! much en thusiasm. These resolutions thank Chairman Simmons for his able, wise, practical conduct of the last campaign. He made a stirring speech in response end was then endorsed for chairman in eass be consents to aocept that position again. Two committee vacancies were filled as follows: H. C. Olive, of Wake, Vice R. J. Powell, dead, and C. D. Blanton, of Baneombe, Vice J. T. Grant, removed from the State. The Democratic eoaventioa of the Fourth Congressional district Is celled at Raleigh. August 15th. John P. Arrington is made a nee. ber of tbe committee, vice Jacob Battle. American Citisea Seat U Siberia. Buffalo, N. T., June 11. A. 8ielaki, of No. 114 Broadway, this eity, has received a letter dated May 28 from. J. Nakaoi, Russian Poland, atatior that his brother-ia law. a citizen of Buffalo, 8. P. KizemiazskL who lived twenty -five years in America, was the moment he set his toot on the soli under Russian government arrested aad sentenced to be transposed to Siberia. Tbe Polish people of Buffalo have reported the matter to Secretary Oresham. The President's Iailsposltioa. WA8HIKOTOW, June 12. Presi dent Cleveland has suffered more or lees from dysentery daring the past three weeks, and the exossmvs ly hot weather that has prevailed during the past two days has eg grsvated his trouble so that to-day, by the advice of Sargeoa is. M. O'Reilly, of the army, who has been to attendance, the President denied himef to all visitors except the members of his Cabinet, who held their regular bi-weekly meeting in his office. CoL BrecklnridrVs Exp allien Cea Armed. Chicago, June 11. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Union League Club, of this city held to-day, final action was taken in the ease of Congressman Breck inridge's honorary membership ia that organisation. A month age the directors voted to strike his name off the roll, aad as no detente had been entered by the colonel, the action of the directorate was pnt into effect. Kltcbell-CorbeU Fight Injasettoa. Tallahassee, Fla., June 13 In the Supreme court Attorney (ieneral Lamar nas bad a mo tion entered ou the docket for the advancement of the case of N. B. Broward vs the Dural Athletic club. After ten days' notice to tne appellees, (tne club) tne court will take tne matter under advisement. Tnis is a suit to test the validity of Judge call's aeci8ion, granting an in junction res trammer Sheriff Bro ward from interfering with the Corbett-Mitchel fight at Jack sonvuie last January, it is un derstood that the club will not be represented when the case is called, so the State is likely to nave a walk over. Nominations by the President, Washington, D. C, June 13. The President to-day sent to the Senate the following nomina tions. Pendleton King, of North Carolina, to be Chief of the Bureau of Indexes and Archives, Department of State. Consuls of the United States John B. Corman, of Georgia, at Matamoras, Mexico; John H. Miller, of Kentucky, at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. The Right Over Dead Bodies. Concerning tbe right to the pos session of dead bodies, we remem ber to have heard two incidents. There was a very reputable gentle man living in a neighboring town many years sgo who was arrested for debt, and while in prison Donnas, ne died. His mends wish ed to bury him, but the creditor hoping to sqaeeze payment from the widow or her friends, wonld not-assent' lie said the body must remain in prison boands and should be interred only in prison bounds. However, that night the widow and a friend or two went to tbe prison and got the remains and interred them in the church grave yard and they were not afterwards dis turbed. The case of Governor Ben Umith was somewhat different. He had given a large propei ty in -iU Unda to the university and perhaps had other property which he would not or could not apply to a certain debt. The old Governor was ill and the' sheriff was ulcer him, bnt we believe could not get entrance into the house to serve bis capiaa. Smith's illnesH was known to oe mortal ana tne ureal tor pro claimed his purpose to seize the body as soon ss he was dead. While the house was being watch ed with that view, Smith died, bnt his Iriends keep up all the appear, anoe of his being still alive, al though ill, nntil such time as they could steal out with the corpse at night and decently inter it. While the dead body was not such prop erty ss might be seised, tbe coffin, clothing, shroud, etc were, and the creditor had to be eluded. Baltigh Chronicle. AN ALABAJtl TRA.DEDY That treated Great Excitement at Btmtlarham. Biptf ingham, Ala., June 12. chuuy after 8 o'clock to night P. Q. Bowman, a lawyer, and the leading advocate for Reuben Colb for Governor, shot and almost instantly killed Eugene J offers, the 21-year-old son of Thomas Jeffers, ex-Mayor of this city, in a bar room. Early in the evening Bowman ami Thomas Jeffers had a dispute, and Bowman, who is about six feet and weights about 300 pounds, hit Jeffers, who is about five feet and an old man, and weights about 105 pounds, twice, in the face. Young Jeffers, hearing of the occurrence, went to see Bow man and asked for an explana tion. Those who witnessed the tragedy refuse to talk, and if any words passed it is impossible to get particulars. Excitement is very high. Bowman was first taken to tbe city prison, but is now in the county jai). RARELY DOUBTFUL. A aoataera Bishop Talks ea Ljueh- lag- A New York telegram says to- da5t The Bt. Bev. Hugh Miller Thompson, Boahop of Mississippi, is in the city. He came from Miasi ssippi to deliver the4eommeneemaut sermon at Iigh University on Sun day week. To-da he preached at Grace Choreh, ia this city. Discuss ing lynching in tbe Sooth he said this morning: Oa this subject there ia but one opinion in Missis sippi. Tbe people lynch Tor one thing, and one thiag only. Whea it comes to such a pass that a girl six years old cannot go from one neigh bor's house to another without danger of being carried away aad torn to pieces oy some negro brute, what else can we dot There have been so many terrible eases. I most say, too, that in all the years I have lived in the Sooth I have never known of a doubtful lynching. Tbe negroes, when caught, always confessor are ab solntely identified. The laws are slow, the, jails are fall and the lawyers are banded together to defeat justice, as they always are. The offeace is a capital one all over the South. So -be people save delay by simply resuming their na tural sovereignty delegated by them to the courts and hang tbe criminal' Partisanship Gene Daft- Tbe refusal of Judge O. H. Hot ton, of Illinois, to take part ia the eommeaoemeat exercises of the Northwesters UaiTe-ity, ia ease Got. Altgeld is permitted to occupy a sent on the ptatform, involves a qnestioa of taste which Judge Hor ton is fatly privileged to determine tor himself la his own way. Bat when the Philadelphia Press, ia commenting upon the matter, aad justifying tha judge ia his ac tion, goes ea to say that for a simi lar reason he could refuse to re oogoize Grover Cleveland, we fail to see the logical connection be tween toe two oases. We are told, Indeed, that tbe same bargain by which the votes of the anarchists aad socialists of Chicago were par chased for Altgeld for Governor enured to the benefit of Mr. Cleve land for President; aad with the result sf plunging the country Into a whirlpool ol labor riots ana Mooa shed. It strikes as that this eon elusion is toofar-tetohsd to accord with common sense, or even common decency. Granting all that is alleg ed against got. Att gem as oeing an unfit asaooiaie ior jaqge uor tso. what is there, pray, in the coarse or characteristics of Mr, Cleveland that should debar the President also from, the judge's select companionship! Tbe charge that the nomination of Altgeld for Governor Is the orimarv cause of the lawlessassi so generally prevalent would of It self be difficult of snDSiaotiauoo, though it tony have beea a con tributory influence; bnt toasaociate Mr, Cleveland in the same oonspir sex. aad attach to him any share whatever ia ita consensuses, is proposition too absurd to be slater talBsd. aad onlv serves to show to what reckless aad ridiculous ex tremes tha partisanship ef the day is rusning.- Washington Post. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEttE. Its Csatmeaeement aad Christian teach en Assembly aad snmaur aehoels. Commencement days of Little ton Femsle oe liege are occasions hailed with joy by hundreds of young people around for the last twelve years; The oae now coded surpassed in exeelteoe all others heretofore held. The programmes wm arranged so happily and with ao much ears sod skill that net one single blander sMenrred to mar the perfect symmetry of the whole. Mr. Bhodes the Priacipal of this school deserrce a word of credit. It is an exeeUeat institutiou and located ia the progressive town of Littleton, in one of the healthiest sections of North Carolina. It also ia a short distance of the far amed Panacea springs. There will begin here oa the 2d day of July, 94 the first session ef the Christian Teacaers Assemoiy and snmmer school under tbe sus- piees of Bev. Mr. B bodes. It will nenon-secterian and officer many advantages. F. Electing Sesaters. So radical ia some sections of the country has the feeling of hostility to the Senate become that the sentiment is freely expressed that the Senate has outlived its earesr of usefulness is the Government nnder it present mode of organize- of the House of Representatives have not inireqnently been solicit ed to follow the exnmpie of our English cousins and pass a resolu tion through tha House to abolish the Senate as a oo-ordinate branch of the Legislative department of the Government, as has recently been done by Parliament in refer- eooe to the House of Lords ia Eng. land .Croogressman Tucker. The Fepalatlen ef New Berne la about ulna thousand, and wa would say at least one-half ai troubled witn some affection on the Throat aad Lines. ss those oomplainta ara, aoeording to sta tistics, more numerous tnaa otnars. we would adrisa all our readsia not to ne glect tha opportunity to call oa their Amrvimt udMt a hottat of Ksmo's BaW sam for the Throat and Langs. Trial one frt. Large bottle 50c and fl. Sold by all draggists. PREACHERS MAT NOT EDIT A Ueorgia Minister Suspended for Edit ing a Secular Newspaper. Chattanooga, Tenn., June 12. A sensational case of Charon dis cipline has developed at Rome, Ga. Bev. W, Murdook, who was at the last session of the North Georgia Conference of tha Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, ap pointed to East Rome, a small chnrch in the suburbs cf Rome, recently assumed editorial manage ment of the Evening News of that plsoe. y The paper is a secular daily and takes a hand in the politics ot of tbe day. Presiding Elder Pierce, brother of the deceased bishop of thst nsme, has removed Mardoctc from his chnrch aad suspended him from tbe ministry nntil the meeting of his Conference in Dec ember. The ground of that action was thst a preacbe should not eng age ia other than Church work, and especially should be steer clear of politics. It brings up again the same issues involved in the dis pute between Bishop Hargrove and Dr. D. O. Kelley, of t he Tennessee Confernce, which recti ved o much attention at tbe rfcmt General Conference at Memphis. Presiding Elder Pierce appointed an Editor Murdoch's successor a preaa her who is a larmer. Murdook con tends that theehuicb is not dealing 1' in ly with its ministry. He says that General Evans, who Is member of the North Georgia Conference, is running for Governor and that any number are teaohlng school in addition to, preaching. He holds that editing a paper is as respect able as running (or Governor, teaching sohool or farming, and and that it is no', incompatible with the highest duties of a minister. His church did not pay him a liv ing and be was advised by hm stewards to supplement hi salary by editorial work. He will carry his ease to the Conference which meets ia December, when he will make a strong plea for the Chris tion editor. Mere Bridfre Barninfr. Birmingham, Ala, June 12 Another bridge has been burned, aad excitement in railroad circles is running high. At 3 o'clock this morning twenty-five armed and masked men went to a bridge on tbe Georgia Pacific railroad near Cardiff, covered tbe watchman with pistols and drove him off. Then poured oil on the structure and set fire to it. After it bad gained great headway they left. Tbe watchman, in the meantime, bad secured sec tion hands, and seeing tbe coast clear, came back and extinguished the flames, but not nntil three boats had burned away. The rail read companies have secured rifles sod are placing heavy detachments of men at tbe many bridges to drive off the vandals. The men who burn ed this bridge are supposed to the ssme who attempted to burn the Chinn trestle on tbe Mineral branch eary yesterday. Breckiaride'g Campaign. Lxxington, Kt., June 13. The sensation in political circles here to-day is the published statement that Gen. Basil Duke, ot Louisville, editor of the Southern Magazine and brother-in-law and chief of staff of Gen. Jno. Morgan, the famous Confederate raider, has assured Major Henry Clay McDo well that be will Btump the Ash land district for him and against CoL Breckinridge, if the latter is re-nominated. Major McDowell resides at Ashland, Hehry Clay's estate, his wife being a grand daughter of Clay, and he has prac tically consented to be tbe Repub lican candidate if Breckinridge is re-nominated. Gen. Duke is a stal wart Democrat. Texas Republicans Draw the Color Line. FoBT Worth, Tex., Jnne 13. In the State League - Republican Coavention this morning Presi eat Robertson said that no member of a clnb composed of blaok and white members was entitled to re cognition in this eoaventioa, where upon members or mixed olaos pun ed off their9 badges aud left the hall. This emphasizes the defeat of Coney yesterday, and there is bowl among his followers who denounce the white league in un measured terms. The league agrees for negroes to orgn-ze strictly aegreolubs, which will b - eu titled to representation, but these do not salt the blanks, as i iiev ragard as drawing the color Uu and tbej therefore boat the whole thing. The President Better, WASHINGTON, June 13. The President's health is very muob better to-day. He returned to his desk this morning and saw a num ber ef visitors who had important business with him, including Score taries Greshsra aad Carlisle, Attor ney. General Olney and several Senators. After today tbe President will resume bis present oocopa tion. A TRAIN 8EIZEB. At Barfleld, 111, by s Band of Coxey ltes. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jane 13. Official information was received here at 4:30 p. m. to-day that freight on the L uifvilif, Evans vilte and St. L ni- (Jous jiidatsd Railway bad bem forcibly seized at Fairfield by b d of fifty men calling themselves Coxeyites. The train was en route from St. Louis to Louisville and the men demand ed passage to the latter place Bnford Wilson, solicitor for tbe road, went before Judge Allen, in the Federal Court, reciting the above facts and swearing that the Msyor of Fairfield had been ap plied to for aid to rescue tbe train bnt had refused, and that tbe sher iff of the county was absent from Fairfield. As the road is nnder the receivership of James Wilson and E. O. Hopkins. Judge Allen at once issued unorder directing Uni ted States Marshal Brinton to pro ceed to Fairfield and take such measures as are necessary to res cue tbe train from tbe Wealers. Deputy United! States Marshal Westfall has gone to Fairfield, and sbonldhe require assistance win swear in deputies there. Some Foolish People Allow a rough to run nntil it gets beyond the roach of medicine. They often say, Oh, it will wear away." bat In most cases it wears them away. Could they be indnoed to trr the successful medicine celled Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at a&ositiT jruaraatee to cure, they would immediately see the excellent effect after taklnr the first dose. Price 50c. and 11 Trail size free. At all druggists. marSSdeodweow MY CLEOPATRA. Robed in her matchl. s k-.-uii j,i Proud Cleopatra's cuiue Im t:u :i, . Then am I Anthony, who h..M I.: O'er lier dear love moiv th m t!, beside. My Cleopatr.i. -nliat nmi, . From the Voirc-le-s tli it shadowy plain Beyond, has tossed tlu-f . n K domain And gave another Anti.m h; lnM Yes. thou in CVop:itr:i. fn:- il.in- i So brilliantly lxn itcliinj- r:m -dm The alluring or'. of th.- d-.rk Kj v Thy lace! oh udi a i- ' v. L. - ' vies With Aphrodite'- ou n nil! Proud Cleopatra o um- i'.i r.. v. x. ! The Men Who Wore The (Jrcy. j The following from the B .-dorj; Transcript, wri;ten by an ex-Federal soldier, will bi' appreciated wherever read: j "Words are weak to convey my own appreciation of the magnificent, gallantry that carried all tit-fore I: : daring the first two years ol the war, and that, when the tide It 1 turned, aDd numb, rs ami n mjiiivi-.- ! began to tell, with rato de i 'oia a. tion and persistency, dashed i' -if to pieces against our lines a.. G.-t- tYBbarZ. Atlanta. Ktar.Ulin nod Nashville and only gave over wh ; j the little remmant of the Army ol Northern Virginia, after holding! back Grant and iepuliog evi-ry attack upon it for t wo year-, weary, : worn, half-starved and, to u-e the words of one of its own La ins. 'fonght to a f'razz'e.' mm ndi-re 1 at Appomattox and piovcd ii a the 'last ditch,' which we had j ridiculed as a bi" of Sou'hern gasconade, was very nearly i literal fact." ' ! The Third Congressional Distric:. Jui e !, 18'.) 1. Notice is hereby gicen ih it a special meetiDg of the Democratic Eieootive committpe of the Third Congressional district is t in day called to meet in the -iy of Wil mington on Taesday, June l!ch, at 12:30 o'clock, for the purp-e of selecting a time and pl-.ce f r 'jold ing the next Congressional conven tion for the said riismct, and the transaction of other equally im portant bofiness. By order of the committee, Z. W. Whitehead, Cham. J. S. Bizzell, Secy. SEW RIVER CORRESPONDENCE. A Curiosity Items Industrial and Otherwise Plenty drummars last week Messrs. Bear, Siunberger, and Mills all of Wilmington, Also Mr. Archbell; of Kinston. Miss, Georgia Keaton of Goldn boro is visiting her sister Mrs. L. O. Lonville. We have two good Sunday schools now. One at Salem Church, and one at Marines Academy. Both are largely attended. Tee Missionary Baptist Church at Salem has increased in member -ship from fifty-six last year, the ninety four this year. Some of oar farmers .ry laying by'' corn. Mr. L. F. S: -njHon has jnst about finished his, no h is Jno. McGabe. Mr. W. H. Quinn whlie out oyetering a few days ogc, saw two oysters crawling along on the bot tom and thinkiDg it something nnnsnal he cangbs them, and it provd to be a couch shell with two oysters on il and a large big black sea spider in the shell. We saw the curiosity, and it did seem strange that tbe spider could carry such a load. As this is the season for snakes will say that six iarge roach whip i were killed on J.'A. McCabes place one evening last weeek. C. W. Lan nie killed the largesc one. about seven feet. E. H. Brice also killed a larg chicken snake near Y. N. Maiinea Btore a lew days ago. Very few potatoes are being shipped from this section this year. W. H. Hurst shipped a few bir rels, the nicest we hae seen this season. Mrs. W. N. M tiue. has had a nice poultry yard and duck pond made. This indicates that more in terest is being taken in the poultry business, Mr. B. E- Jenkins was the contractor. Mr. John Sewell of Jacksonville has bought out, the liquor busi ness of both L. Marine, and A. F. Koonce of Marines. Rev. Bern, Ward has just return ed from a trip in Carteret, Where be has been to fill bis appointment at Bethlehem church. Mr. Joe. Howard a highly respec ted citizen near Wards Mill died last Tuesday evening lJ:h iust. of heart failure. We are glad to lear;; . it Mr E M. Koonce has be-u ro :ecre.; COUDtV Supt, Of Pubi c . - l Ui'.'i for Osslow. He has mul u-t a iz Knperintendent. ...id. Fox, wife of i . i ''. i-' 1 who has recently loca.w r iues, arrived last FiUay In n, M vii teo. Mr. E. S. Smith who h jh beeu suffering from Typhoid pneumonia ia still improving under the skillful treatment of Dr. Fox. Climatic Influence on Health. It cannot bo denied that the influence of climate upon he'ilth is ijreat, ami it i in recognition of tliis fact that phvsician- send patients suffering with puimonarv diseases to givat distances fur -vhaimr ; air." But when the suffcr-jr happen in too poor to act upon the advice his lot U hard indeed. But it is n-'t uere-siry hopeless. Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery can be had at any medicine store, and to it thousand- wiiosu' cases were considered desperate owe their l.vce. Up to a certain point in the pivirresa ol Consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discoverv is a positive remedv. Bui delay is dangerous with Coauaniiion. In all the conditions that lead to it, the "Di?- covery is the remedy. Huh severe ling ering Coughs or Weak Lung,- nothing acts so promptlv. Everv diseaxj that can be reached through the blood vields to this medicine. The Sc rofulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption i one of them. For this, and for even- other form of Scrofula, for all blood-iainl-and disorders, and all chronic Bronchial. Throat, and Lung affections, the ' Dis covery is the only remedy so cerium that it can be guaranteed. It it ever fails to oenent or cure, you have your mem back. Can anything else be "iu as good' for you to buy? Don t you believe it. Tbe Senate committee on the siiiar frauds have gotten through with the ex amination of President Havemever of the Trust. He very candid! v admitted tic combination was made to protect their interest and that it made sugar higher than if it were ou the free list." It i-'nut thought the investigation will amount to more than enlightenment of the people. Ca'orki j.s Dr. .Sai.-n:- 1 Pitchrr'd proscription ior Infants and Cliildreii. 1 1 cor.luins neitiicr Opium, Morpliine nor other Nar-otic s:t't;iiiio, It is .-. harmless Mibstitute Tor Paregoric, Drops Sootiiin- Syrups, ami Castor Oil. It is Pleasant, lis tfuaranteo is thirty years' use by Millions of ."Met h--rs. (t oria c! est roy s AVorms and allays fovOishness. C:j..storia prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures DiariiK'M and Wind Colic. Custoria rel'vvea teething troiiMes, cu.-es constipation ami flatulency. Oastoria ass :n. Mates the food, regulates tiie stomach rind IoY.!.4f giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas i'jr! i i, the Children's Pamicca t ho M .ther's friend. n -it or ia. . i M i. " 1,, M lit-ir ' - r V ;:. n- '";'.',- l!y t., id .f . 1 . : .-r-a i t. - 1 : r.--.ly f..r i.r 'r n . ! .: A. 1- I h-I- ta,- .,:,:. ..tat w 1 :i :.: t rr, wi '. -, .asi 1t I he rr. of thi'ir efii lr a, an 1 lio C.ist,,r, ; i .f iac v..: i aa-e'i.-wk n: nans waiih ;.f,; tli, '.: i, . 1 ,n"f cy f. !- 'i '! 'i ' - . " " ' " : a.:. 1 .- i - : cr-anauir" .t:.. 1 ... j 1- V ". r . ' -. ' r-.. Tho Centaur Citt.: - '-'1 - " -l . - n. -Tt 'irial or' : -nnoua med ' lJ3 Uea Liter: alij. WUrt 25 .S A PREVENTIVE 'Gr-fa3 1 i citi.ir S'.-K it 1 impcasibletocontract ia ;jr;' . r.ereal d:stas; hut in the emse of , tl. : ai remdy UstoruarELT Aitlictku mi 3 w-itli i.onorr'm a anJ t.lset, we giATn tfeicure. Pne by inail, postage pav , 9 1 i'C-r box, or G boxes for (. F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. JOE K. VvlLLIS, ROPHillTOR Or hasteru sans Caroliu NZEW BERNE, N. O. l83 end Ammiocm Harbk tcx4 QeHtSm t UoterimL Orders solicited and given proper at enrion, with satisfaction guaranteed. VITAL TO IIhId. Db. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AKD HP.AIN TKFAT MENT, a specific lor nysterln, Dizziness, lit?, Ncj ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused alcohol ortobacco, Wukefulnesfi, Mental loi'rp-iei'., Softening of Brain, musing inmnitv, misery, Icav' death, Prematura Oi l Aee, Ban unness, Ix ss oi Power in either sei, Impou ucy, LeucorrlictH and nil Female Weaknesses, lu voluntary Losses, Speruir. torrhoea caused by over-eiertion of brain, Helf abuse, over-IndulgeDco. A month's treatment, fl 6 for ts, by mail. With each order for 8 boxes, with $5 will aend written guarantee to refund if not cured. Guarantiee issued by at-ent. WEST'S LrvKK PII,IS cures Sick Headache, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia and Constipation. UlTAltAMEES issued only by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Sole Agent. Marble Works 1 0AlC"O 1LI 11 SALd STABLES a- -- - ,& A niev lotof D1UVING FA UM Horses lor Hire, Sale or Exchange. Farm and Waoii UuU Agency for the Celebrated Piedmont Also for Hamlolph and Long's lijrbt Buggies. Prices Low for Cash or Negotiable paper. J. A. JONES. South Front Street, Opposite Gaston llouse, New Berne, N. (J, Caztnv'.x v - ' ' t J eii!! pen t' t H A. AnrHm, M. D., Oif ri .1 Brooklyn, N. Y I in Uji ohiMren's depart :.i si j..tu liiT of tlieir eiperi c- ia V.irir '..aisiiie practice with CastorLt, an ! although wo only bare amoog o.i 1 n aalteai feiinplieti w hut is known as retnifj --:.,.-ts. . t -..ir' free t- coufnss tlutt tb - ' ( ' t r::k l.:is w.,u to lXk Wltll . M,a :TiL isu iMsrrNSART, lJubton, ftLas 1 ' .,... I' Si:nn. 'r-a. i 't. Iew York City. k.& fJ. C. Rsilroad. NKW BKRXE. N. ('., MAV. 3oTii, '04, TRUCK TRAIN N(J. '21-2 AI.I, HAIL, In effeet KATl'lIDA V. June 2nd, 1894. D.VII.V KXCEI'T SUNDAY. j Suppl- lin-Ht to Time T;ib'e No. 20 of I 1 )(xui nl .! 4th, 1 New lli-nw, . lurk's. '1'iih "iirorn, oi-e (Jre k, Hover. ( uswell, Kinston, Fallins ( reek, l,n Griuif,rt', Best's, GoMsboro, 111 M A 1 1 mi M 1 1 -s ' ll:.r)l u it r. m. l- -.'7 l i: us j id 3 00 No. 1 Tr.iin will wait indefinitely at Ooru ('nek when on time for 212, utilecs otherwise ordered by train dispatcher. JaT"Tlie above tMin returning, will ive (iolds')oro for New 5erDe at 4 p.m. as an extra, unless otherwise ordered. f. L. DILL, Sup t. JUST RECEIVED A Car Load of Western Flour Direct from the Mills A. CJvVIt I. )AI) OF" New Orleans Molasses, right off the farm in Louisianna, from first hands. Also a full stock of otber Groc eries and farmers supplies, for sale cheap. Call audsee me, it will pay you. 1 I(. R. JONES. AND The Red Star CLOTHIER. It Is not prices alone thet yea i want BUT VALUES AS WELfc? The Season for Swing -uits. Neckwep tea Negligee Slurts is herd and we are offering semft I exccntional Bargains. Tbe Latest Style Scarf, 26e A IVo .iby Sraw Hat, Q0e Men's i'asi Black J Hose, 30e A lic.iiitiiui Hue Negligee Shirts, fljbO SPRING SUITS In all the Latest Styles and Colors. (iivc ixw n. CJn.ll. 80L COHEN, THE RED 8TAB CLOTIIIB 77 Middle Street New Berne, V. O. E. S. STREET. 1 1 2xx .1 nut Reoelved . A CAE LOAD lS?i'K wEsTCfia noncsa-v AND And Defies Competitioa M to Prices. "PEEPARS TO BffiP CCi' J.J.WIritty.i lias JaHt lleueived Sopply of SllliPARD'S , Lightning Jce Cream Freezers. White Mouhtcih"1 Ice Cream Freezers. PricesLov;; THAN EVEJtt, IVo. 3, ff &, S7 Craven SrMit.w NEW BEEUC. U. C